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seriously infring e on the legitimate rig hts and int erests of enter prises a nd pe ople . Especially some law enfor cement a nd i ns pecti on for profit purposes, deli berately l ooki ng for corporate loophole s, found dire ctly under the ticket does not give busine ss impr ovement opport unities . We r ecr uit a company doe sn't ea sily, cultivating a busine ss more difficult, never for pers onal gai n, syst ematic har assme nt, car d, last che cke d to che ck to get the enter prise colla pse d. T o guara ntee the legitimate rights a nd i ntere sts. Alway s pr ocee d from the overall sit uation of reform a nd development of serv ices, fully consi der the chara cteristi cs of production and manageme nt in non -publi c e nterpri ses a nd s oci al be nefits, a n accurate gra sp of legal limits, pr otect t he ent husiasm of e ntrepre neur s and pra ctitioners i n innovati on a nd e ntrepre ne urshi p, e nha nci ng expe ctations a nd confidence. T o pr omote strict enfor ceme nt. Strengtheni ng law e nforceme nt pr oce dure s, impr ove law e nforcement performance evaluation, strengt heni ng the supervisi on of law enfor cement , expl oratio n and pra ctice of risk control me chanism of law enfor cement t o further standardi ze the social
security, urba n manageme nt, roa d traffic admini strative law enf orceme nt, effectively free, extensive law -enfor cement a nd lax e nforceme nt of law e nforceme nt and other iss ues. T o uphold j ustice. Justi ce is the last line of Defens e to safeguard fairne ss and justice, t o unequivocally support the courts and procurat orates i nde pende ntly exercis e level .. . Judi cial activitie s were rampa nt, must not be allow ed to r un, favor s, money, must not be all owe d to knowi ngly violate the miscarriage , violations of the legitimate rights a nd i nterests of the masse s must not be al lowe d to a bus e of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in ev ery judi cial cases i n equity and justice. F our to dee pen gras s-r oots g overna nce according to law
jGrass -roots gover nance a ccording t o law is an important foundation for prom oting the constr ucti on of rule of law, but al so the most basic devel opme nt envir onme nt. Des pite my good s ocia l order in G eneral, but t here are la w-a bidi ng cons cious nes s, social order i s not standard, regar dles s of fait h, Twini ng visit visit a nd other outsta ndi ng pr oblem s. We want t o actively promote t he field of multi-lev el gover nance accor ding t o law, pr omote t he conti nuous im proveme nt of the s oci al envir onme nt. To promot e univ ersal complia nce. Actively f oster the r ule of law cult ure, carry out l aw publi city and educati on on honesty and trustw orthi nes s, gui de the ma sses a nd cons ciously abide by t he law , failing to find method, problem-s olving met hod, method of gradually cha nging t he worl d, he is not looking for but s omeone " unspoke n rule s", formed all law la w, abi de by the good atm osphere. To stre ngthe n the com prehe nsive ma nageme nt of public secur ity. De epe ning peace xingan constr uction, str ongly agai nst viol ence crime, mafia a nd s erious crimi nal offences, t o pr otect th e legitimate rights a nd i nterest s of citiz ens , legal persons, carry out criminal poli cy of z x " k A W T G y D . p v d ,b w la f u s c e h g in t m o r 形 情 止 禁 律 作 以 可 民 公 织 组 他 其 、 法 力 能 偿 清 代 有 。 为 任 责 担 承 者 或 照 按 时 行 履 不 务 当 , 定 约 权 债 和 人 : 念 概 的 证 保
新课程高中地理鲁教版必修二全册 专题一人口与环境
一、考纲要求: 影响人口增长和分布的主要因素。世界人口的增长。中国的人口政策。 人口移动的类型。影响人口迁移的因素。我国人口迁移的现状和原因。 世界人口的分市。中国人口的增长和分布。 二、典型例题分析: 1.(06 年文综重庆卷)图 3 为三个区域的人口统计图。读图回答问题。 (1)a、b 区域的人口再生产类型分别属于 A.现代型和过渡型 B.原始型和传统型 C.现代型和传统型 C.传统型和过渡型 (2)影响 c 区域人口自然增长率的主要因素有 ①经济发展水平较高 ②人口受教育水平较低 ③医疗卫生水平较低 ④人们的生育意愿较低 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 【分析】(1)人口再生产类型概念、类型及特点。 环境对人口数量的影响。根据各种柱状的长短,结合 四种人口再生产类型的特点很容易得出 a、b、c 所代 表的人口再生产类型分别为传统型、过渡型、现代型。(2)由柱状统计图可知 C 为现代型,在现代社会 的人口自然增长率主要受社会经济因素影响。 【答案】D B 2.(06 年 江苏卷)下表是我国第五次人口普查时“江苏某市迁入人口年龄及性别统计表”。回答: 年龄段(岁) 男性人口(万人) 女性人口(万人) 0-14 5.04 3.84 15-29 25.14 37.10 30-44 14.68 11.63 45-59 4.94 4.01 ≥60 1.76 1.78
(1)该市迁人人口的特征有 ① 男性人口多于女性人口 ② 人口迁移主要受经济因素影响 ③ 以青壮年人口为主 ④ 与该市原有人口年龄构成相似 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ (2)迁入人口对该市的影响有 ① 缓和了当地就业紧张局面 ② 制约了该市的经济发展 ③ 增加了该市的被抚养人口 ④ 加大了城市基础设施的压力 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 【分析】(1)从表中资料可知,该市迁入人口女性多于男性,原有人口年龄构成与迁入人口的年龄构成 相比,老年人口比例高青壮年人口比例低。(2)从题中提供的选项看,迁入人口会加剧当地就业紧张的 局面,外来人口的迁入必然加大城市基础设施的压力,同时使当地劳动力增加,促进经济发展。在迁入人 口中,老人和小孩占一定的比例,这会增加被抚养的人口。 【答案】(1)C (2)D 3.(06 年 四川文综卷)图 2 为甲、乙两国人口再生产类型转变图。据此回答(1)~(3)题。 (1)目前与甲国 1890~1920 年人口再生产类型相同的 国家是
o j elationshi p betw een Gover nment a nd busi nes s. T he "two s essi ons", Gener al Secretary of "Pro", "clear" the wor d s uccinctly sum marize d the new r elationshi p betwee n Gov ernment a nd busine ss, a s pure politics, res hapi ng the pol itical relati onshi p specifie d in the dire ction. Di strict lea ders i n ha ndli ng pol itical a nd busine ss relatiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ons , engage in tra ding power for m oney , and finally st umble d, we a l ess on, always ke ep i n mind t hat "Pr o", "cl ean" pra ctici ng "Pro", "cl ear". "Pro" is t o open a sincere e ngagement with priv ate enter prise t o hel p s olve pr actical difficulties; " Cl ear "is to clarify the Division of power, exerci sed i n accor dance wit h, privat e entre preneurs with i nnoce nt purit y, not abusing pow er for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in tra ding pow er for money. Third, i n or der to mai ntain fairness a nd j usti ce. Fair ness and justi ce is the lifeli ne of the rule of law, is t he best development environment . Curr ently, lax law enfor cement a nd t he j udi cial se ctor i n our region als o exist to varying degrees, law e nforceme nt de partments and individual window units power for pers onal g ains a nd bribes, thick friends, re lations, human cas es, money cases i n w hich z x " k A W T G y D . p v d ,b w la f u r s c e h g in t m