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中国农学通报 2019,35(27):58-64 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
陈楚英 1,刘善军 1,简火仔 2,邹志强 2,曾 涛 2,陈金印 1,3
(1 江西省果蔬保鲜与无损检测重点实验室/江西省果蔬采后处理关键技术与质量安全协同创新中心/江西农业大学 ,南昌 330045;2江西省新余市果业局,江西新余 338000;3萍乡学院,江西萍乡 337055)
摘 要:为了明确‘新余蜜桔’采后生理特性、适宜采收期,为实际生产上‘新余蜜桔’的大面积推广提供技
术支撑。以‘新余蜜桔’为材料,分 3 个采收期进行采收后,测定冷藏(6±0.5)℃条件下果实可溶性固形物
(TSS)、可滴定酸(TA)、维生素 C、相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)、抗氧化酶活性等生理指标,并调查不同贮藏
Chen Chuying1, Liu Shanjun1, Jian Huozai2, Zou Zhiqiang2, Zeng Tao2, Chen Jinyin1,3
(1Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Postharvest Technology and Nondestructive Testing of Fruits & Vegetables/ Collaborative Innovation Center of Postharvest Key Technology and Quality Safety of Fruits and Vegetables in Jiangxi/
期果实的腐烂率和失重率。结果表明,冷藏条件下,随着贮藏时间的延长S、TA 和维生素 C 含量逐渐下降;采收期Ⅱ组的腐烂率显著低于采收期Ⅲ
组,失重率显著低于采收期Ⅰ、采收期Ⅲ组,腐烂率和失重率与相对电导率、MDA 呈极显著正相关(P<
0.01),果实维生素 C 含量以采收期Ⅱ组最高。对于‘新余蜜桔’的建议:采收后立即鲜销或短期冷藏的果
Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045; 2Xinyu Fruit Industry Bureau, Xinyu Jiangxi 338000; 3Pingxiang University, Pingxiang Jiangxi 337055)
基 金 项 目 :江 西 省 柑 橘 产 业 技 术 体 系 (jxars- 07);科 技 部 农 业 科 技 成 果 转 化 资 金 项 目“江 西 名 、特 、优 柑 桔 无 公 害 保 鲜 技 术 的 集 成 与 示 范” (2011GB2C50017);江西省“赣鄱英才 555 工程”(2012)。 第一作者简介:陈楚英,女,1987 年出生,湖北云梦人,助理研究员,博士,研究方向:柑橘采后生理、病害防治。通信地址:330045 江西省南昌市经开 区志敏大道 1101 号 江西农业大学农学院,E-mail:ccy0728@。 通讯作者:陈金印,男,1962 年出生,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事果品采后生理与保鲜技术研究。通信地址:337055 江西省萍乡市萍安北大道 211 号 萍乡学院,E-mail:jinyinchen@。 收稿日期:2018-05-07,修回日期:2019-02-22。
实(贮藏期不超过 30 天)可在 11 月上旬采收;用于长期冷藏的果实(贮藏期达 90 天左右),建议建议 10 月
Different Harvest Time: Effects on Postharvest Physiological Property and Storability of Xinyu Sweet Orange
Abstract: The aims are to determine the postharvest physiological property and the optimal harvest time of Xinyu Sweet Orange, and to supply technological support for the production in large areas. Xinyu Sweet Oranges were harvested at 3 harvest time, and we determined the soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C, relative conductivity, MDA, and antioxidant enzyme activities under refrigeration condition (6 ± 0.5)℃ , and investigated the rot rate and the weight loss rate in different storage periods. The results showed that: the rot rate, the weight loss rate, the relative conductivity and MDA of fruits continuously increased, the content of TSS, TA and vitamin C gradually declined with the prolongation of storage time; the rot rate at harvest time Ⅱ was significantly lower than that at harvest time Ⅲ, and the weight loss rate was significantly lower than that at harvest time I and Ⅲ; and the rot rate and the weight loss rate had a significantly positive correlation with the relative conductivity and MDA (P<0.01); the content of vitamin C in fruits was the highest at harvest time II. Thus, fruits that are freshly sold or short- term stored immediately after harvesting (the
陈楚英 1,刘善军 1,简火仔 2,邹志强 2,曾 涛 2,陈金印 1,3
(1 江西省果蔬保鲜与无损检测重点实验室/江西省果蔬采后处理关键技术与质量安全协同创新中心/江西农业大学 ,南昌 330045;2江西省新余市果业局,江西新余 338000;3萍乡学院,江西萍乡 337055)
摘 要:为了明确‘新余蜜桔’采后生理特性、适宜采收期,为实际生产上‘新余蜜桔’的大面积推广提供技
术支撑。以‘新余蜜桔’为材料,分 3 个采收期进行采收后,测定冷藏(6±0.5)℃条件下果实可溶性固形物
(TSS)、可滴定酸(TA)、维生素 C、相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)、抗氧化酶活性等生理指标,并调查不同贮藏
Chen Chuying1, Liu Shanjun1, Jian Huozai2, Zou Zhiqiang2, Zeng Tao2, Chen Jinyin1,3
(1Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Postharvest Technology and Nondestructive Testing of Fruits & Vegetables/ Collaborative Innovation Center of Postharvest Key Technology and Quality Safety of Fruits and Vegetables in Jiangxi/
期果实的腐烂率和失重率。结果表明,冷藏条件下,随着贮藏时间的延长S、TA 和维生素 C 含量逐渐下降;采收期Ⅱ组的腐烂率显著低于采收期Ⅲ
组,失重率显著低于采收期Ⅰ、采收期Ⅲ组,腐烂率和失重率与相对电导率、MDA 呈极显著正相关(P<
0.01),果实维生素 C 含量以采收期Ⅱ组最高。对于‘新余蜜桔’的建议:采收后立即鲜销或短期冷藏的果
Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045; 2Xinyu Fruit Industry Bureau, Xinyu Jiangxi 338000; 3Pingxiang University, Pingxiang Jiangxi 337055)
基 金 项 目 :江 西 省 柑 橘 产 业 技 术 体 系 (jxars- 07);科 技 部 农 业 科 技 成 果 转 化 资 金 项 目“江 西 名 、特 、优 柑 桔 无 公 害 保 鲜 技 术 的 集 成 与 示 范” (2011GB2C50017);江西省“赣鄱英才 555 工程”(2012)。 第一作者简介:陈楚英,女,1987 年出生,湖北云梦人,助理研究员,博士,研究方向:柑橘采后生理、病害防治。通信地址:330045 江西省南昌市经开 区志敏大道 1101 号 江西农业大学农学院,E-mail:ccy0728@。 通讯作者:陈金印,男,1962 年出生,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事果品采后生理与保鲜技术研究。通信地址:337055 江西省萍乡市萍安北大道 211 号 萍乡学院,E-mail:jinyinchen@。 收稿日期:2018-05-07,修回日期:2019-02-22。
实(贮藏期不超过 30 天)可在 11 月上旬采收;用于长期冷藏的果实(贮藏期达 90 天左右),建议建议 10 月
Different Harvest Time: Effects on Postharvest Physiological Property and Storability of Xinyu Sweet Orange
Abstract: The aims are to determine the postharvest physiological property and the optimal harvest time of Xinyu Sweet Orange, and to supply technological support for the production in large areas. Xinyu Sweet Oranges were harvested at 3 harvest time, and we determined the soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C, relative conductivity, MDA, and antioxidant enzyme activities under refrigeration condition (6 ± 0.5)℃ , and investigated the rot rate and the weight loss rate in different storage periods. The results showed that: the rot rate, the weight loss rate, the relative conductivity and MDA of fruits continuously increased, the content of TSS, TA and vitamin C gradually declined with the prolongation of storage time; the rot rate at harvest time Ⅱ was significantly lower than that at harvest time Ⅲ, and the weight loss rate was significantly lower than that at harvest time I and Ⅲ; and the rot rate and the weight loss rate had a significantly positive correlation with the relative conductivity and MDA (P<0.01); the content of vitamin C in fruits was the highest at harvest time II. Thus, fruits that are freshly sold or short- term stored immediately after harvesting (the