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You're an on-looker on the bridge and you noticed a trolley car with no brakes.At the end of the track are five works and you're feeling helpless until you saw that beside you is another on-looker who is a very fat man whom you can push so that this man would die and spare the five workers.
BY23 谢文明
Before discuss,let's know about two kinds of famous principles of morality. 讨论之前,让我们先了解两种著名的关于对道德的定义和准则。
CATEGORICAL .locates morality in certain duties and rights .the intrinsic or quality of the act matters .regardless of the consequences .Example:Immanuel Kant
some people think,it's better to kill one so that five people can live.
But ,there are also some people think it's not right to kill one person instead five.
A trolley car drier is hurdling down the track at 60mph and you noticed that at the end od the track,you noticed there are five works.You tried to stop but you can't;your brakes don't work.And you know that if you're not gonna stop,those five workers will die.You noticed a sidetrack and at the end of that track,there's one worker working on the track.Your steering wheel works so you can turn the trolley car if you want to,on to the sidetrack killing the one but sparing the five.
And,there are also two cases leave for you to consider:
You're a doctor in an emergency room and six patients come to you.They've been in a terrible trolley car wreck.Five of them sustained moderate injuries;one is severely injured;you can spend one day caring for the one severely injured victim but in that time,the five will die;or you could look after the five restore them to health but during that time,the one severely injurely person would die. How many would save the five? How many would save the one?
How many would push the fat man over the bridge? Majority of the participants would not push the man over the bridge.
What became of the principle?Better to save five lives even it means to sacrifice one? What became of the that almost everyone endorse in the first case? How do you explain the difference between the two? .Premise is the "conscious choice" to act on who to kill;like killing the fat man by pushing him "with your own hands "as opposed to steering something. .Argument:the choice of being involved(onlooker) as opposed to the 3(trolley car driver,five men and one man) who is directly within the situation without making a choice. .Rebuttal:What if the fat man is standing to something like a trap door where you don't have to push him but just steer the door so he can sacrifice himself?
what's the right thing to do?what would you do? Majority of the people would opt to steer the trolley car on the side track so they can only kill one person,sparing the five.
Majority premise:one versus five.
You're a transplant surgeon and you have five patients each in desperae need of an organ transplant in order to survive.One needs a heart;one a lung;one a kidney;one a liver and the fifth a pancreas.And you've had no organ donors.You are about to see them die and then it occurs to you that in the next room.there's a healthy guy who came in for a checkup and he's taking a nap.You could go in very quietly,yank out the five organs;that person would die but you can save the five. How many would do it?
CONSEQUENTIALIST .locates morality in the consequences of an act .the right thing to do,the moral thing to do depends on the consequences that will result from your action.At the end of the day.better the five should live even if one must die .Example:Utilitarianism-Jeremy Bentham,18th century English political philosopher UTILITARIANISM the right thing to do;the just thing to do is to maximize utility utility-the balance of pleasure over pain;happiness over suffering all human beings are governed by two sovereign masters-pain and pleasure. humans dislike pain and loves pleasure the right thing to do individually or collectively is to maximize,act in a way that maximizes the over-all level of happiness "The greatest good for the greatest number."