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1.My brother plays ________ (guitar).
2.The magpie is known for its _________ (聪明).
3.My ________ (玩具名称) is an exciting adventure waiting to happen.
4.ssance was a time of artistic and scientific _____. The Rena
5.The ________ can be found in many gardens.
6.The Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its _______.
7. A ______ (植物分类学) helps identify species.
8.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated in July?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Independence Day
C. Labor Day
D. Memorial Day
9.I see a _____ (car/bike) on the road.
10.I have a ______ (玩具枪) that makes sounds. I pretend to be a ______ (超级英雄).
11.The flamingo stands gracefully on one _______ (腿).
12.Chemical reactions often involve _______ changes.
13.The children are _____ in the classroom. (quiet)
14.We will _______ (一起去) the zoo.
15.She likes to ________ pictures.
16.Where do fish live?
A. Trees
B. Water
C. Sky
D. Land
17.At school, I enjoy __________. It allows me to express my creativity and learn new skills. My favorite project was __________ because I had so much fun working on it.
18.The chemical symbol for tantalum is ______.
19.There are many ______ (花) in the garden. They are very ______ (美丽).
20.The ____ is known for its agility and speed.
21.My dog loves to chase _______ (球).
22.The rabbit is eating a ______.
23. A sound wave can be classified as ______ (longitudinal) or transverse.
24.She is a friendly ________.
25.The study of matter and its changes is called ______.
26.I like ________ (阅读) mystery books.
27.War saw the rise of ________ (间谍活动). The Cold
28.I can ________ my teeth every day.
29.The birthday cake is _____ (round/square).
30.Did you see the _____ (小猫) stretching out?
31.What do we call a person who studies the laws of motion?
A. Physicist
B. Mathematician
C. Engineer
D. Chemist
32.The weather is _______ (非常宜人).
33.Which shape is round?
A. Triangle
B. Square
C. Circle
D. Rectangle
34.What do you call a large animal that lives in the sea?
A. Fish
B. Whale
C. Shark
D. Dolphin
35.My favorite _____ is a bright orange kite.
36.What color is a fire truck?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Green
37. A polymer is a large molecule made of repeating ______.
38.I eat _____ (breakfast) in the morning.
39.What is the capital of Cyprus?
A. Nicosia
B. Limassol
C. Larnaca
D. Famagusta
40.The ancient Greeks are known for their contributions to ________ (科学).
41.The _______ (猴子) can swing from branch to branch.
42.Evaporation occurs at any temperature but boiling occurs at a ______.
43.What is the capital of South Africa?
A. Pretoria
B. Cape Town
C. Johannesburg
D. Bloemfontein
44.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?
A. Rapunzel
B. Snow White
C. Cinderella
D. Belle
45.What is the main language spoken in Spain?
A. French
B. Italian
C. Spanish
D. Portuguese
46.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy that was buried by a volcanic eruption?
A. Pompeii
B. Rome
C. Athens
D. Cairo
47.The ______ (蟋蟀) sings at night.
48.The process of photosynthesis takes place in the _______ of plant cells.
49.The chemical formula for water is _____.
50.The rabbit hops around the ______.
51.The chemical formula for mendelevium chloride is ______.
52.How many legs does a spider have?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 10
53.The _______ of an object can be tested by applying force.
54.How many fingers do we have on one hand?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
55.What do we call a group of stars that form a pattern?
A. Galaxy
B. Constellation
C. Nebula
D. Asteroid
56.The __________ (历史的深度) reveals complex truths.
57.The Nile Delta is a region in _______.
58.What do you call the study of plants?
A. Biology
B. Botany
C. Zoology
D. Chemistry
59.The best time for a picnic is on a ______ (温暖的) day.
60._____ (herbicides) can harm the environment.
61.The pyramids were built as tombs for _______.
62.The ____ has a thick skin and is often found in water.
63.My grandma enjoys gardening and growing ____ (flowers).
64.What is the primary color that, when mixed with blue, creates green?
A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Orange
D. Purple
65.My sister has a collection of ____.
66.I enjoy baking ______ with my mom.
67.In physics, work is done when a force causes an object to ______.
68.Acids can turn blue litmus paper ______.
69.The ______ (小鸟) makes a beautiful nest.
70.What is the opposite of big?
A. Small
B. Large
C. Huge
D. Tall
71.What is the name of the fairy tale about a girl who lost her glass slipper?
A. Sleeping Beauty
B. Cinderella
C. Rapunzel
D. Snow White
72.The dog is _____ (barking).
73.The ____ is a tiny creature that can be found in almost every garden.
74.What do we call the frozen form of water?
A. Steam
B. Ice
C. Snow
D. Hail
75.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?
A. Big Ben
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Leaning Tower
D. Tower of Pisa
76.I enjoy planting _______ in my garden (我喜欢在我的花园中种_______).
77.I think it’s important to ________ (保持积极).
78.The capital of the United Arab Emirates is ________ (阿布扎比).
79.I want to learn how to __________.
80. A __________ is a large area filled with flora and fauna.
81.__________ (摩尔) is a unit used to measure the amount of substance.
82.The _____ (根) anchors the plant in the soil.
83.What do we call the feeling of being afraid?
A. Joy
B. Fear
C. Anger
D. Surprise
84.What do we call a person who studies the history of humanity?
A. Anthropologist
B. Historian
C. Archaeologist
D. Sociologist
85.What is the color of a healthy leaf?
A. Brown
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Red
86.I have a special ________ that makes me happy.
87.I like to _______ my family and friends.
88.How do you say "谢谢" in English?
A. Please
B. Hello
C. Thank you
D. Goodbye
89.What shape has three sides?
A. Square
B. Triangle
C. Circle
D. Rectangle
90.My brother is ______ than I am. (taller)
91.______ is my best friend.
92.The seal has a streamlined ______ (身体).
93.The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)
94.What do we call a baby goat?
A. Kit
B. Kid
C. Calf
D. Foal
95.In a chemical equation, the plus sign (+) indicates that substances are _____ together.
96. A saturated solution can reach its limit when no more solute can be ______.
97.The sky is ______ today. (clear)
98.The symbol for zinc is _____.
99.The anaconda is one of the largest ______ (蛇) in the world.
100.The best time of the year is ______ (假期). I can travel and visit my ______ (亲戚). We have so much fun!。
