计算机专业英语10 Programming Languages




附件《计算机网络专业英语》课程标准二级学院(部):信息与传媒学院制定人:审核人:制订日期: 2022.10修订日期:学院教务处制二零二二年七月一、课程基本信息二、课程性质(一)课程性质本课程是计算机网络技术专业必修的一门专业基础课程,是在学习了《计算机网络技术应用基础》课程后,具备了网络技术基础知识上开设的一门理论课程,为后续网络专业其他课程的学习奠定基础。











计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 10

计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesComputer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions—machine language. These instructions were represented by long strings of ones and zeroes. Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.In time, higher-level languages evolved, such as PASCAL, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, and JA V A. These languages let people work with something approximating words and sentences, such as Let I = 100. These instructions were translated back into machine language by interpreters and compilers. An interpreter translates a program as it reads it, turning the program instructions, or code, directly into actions. A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form. This step is called compiling, and produces an object file. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.Because interpreters read the code as it is written and execute the code on the spot, interpreters are easy for the programmer to work with. Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code, which is inconvenient. Because the time-consuming task of translating the source code into machine language has already been accomplished, compilers produce a program that is very fast each time it is run.The problems programmers are asked to solve have been changing. Today's programs use sophisticated "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, and dialog boxes. The programs written to support this new approach are far more complex than those written just ten years ago. Generally, as programming requirements have changed, both languages and the techniques used for writing programs have evolved.参考译文计算机语言自从第一批电子计算机诞生以来,计算机语言已经发生了戏剧性的变化。






一、控制系统(Control Systems)1.1 控制器(Controller):负责监测和调整系统的行为,以实现预期的目标。

1.2 传感器(Sensor):用于检测和测量物理量,将其转化为电信号,以便于控制器的处理。

1.3 执行器(Actuator):根据控制器的指令,执行相应的动作,从而实现对系统的控制。

二、自动化设备(Automation Equipment)2.1 机器人(Robot):能够自主执行任务的自动化设备,通常具备感知、决策和执行能力。

2.2 传送带(Conveyor):用于将物体从一个位置运输到另一个位置的自动化设备。

2.3 自动化装置(Automation Device):用于自动完成特定任务的设备,如自动装配线、自动化仪器等。

三、控制策略(Control Strategies)3.1 开环控制(Open-loop Control):根据预先设定的输入信号,直接控制执行器的动作,而不考虑系统的反馈信息。

3.2 闭环控制(Closed-loop Control):根据系统的反馈信息,调整控制器的输出信号,以实现对系统的精确控制。

3.3 模糊控制(Fuzzy Control):基于模糊逻辑理论,将模糊的输入转化为模糊的输出,用于处理复杂的非线性系统。

四、通信协议(Communication Protocols)4.1 以太网(Ethernet):一种常用的局域网通信协议,用于实现设备之间的数据传输和通信。

4.2 控制网(ControlNet):一种用于工业自动化领域的网络通信协议,支持实时数据传输和设备控制。

4.3 无线通信(Wireless Communication):通过无线信号进行数据传输和通信的技术,如Wi-Fi、蓝牙等。

计算机专业英语chapter 2 programming language

计算机专业英语chapter 2 programming language

A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.
With the text editor, the programmer creates a text file, which is an ordered list of instructions, also called the program source file. The individual instructions that make up the program source file are called source code.
Ⅰ. Program Development
Software designers create new programs by using special applications programs, often called utility programs or development programs. A programmer uses another type of program called a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called a programming language.
purpose of translating from a programming language into machine language.



1. The origins of the programming languages 2. The concepts of computer compilers 3. Main properties of object-orientation 4. 掌握复杂定语从句的翻译技巧
OOPL (object-oriented programming language) 面向对 象的程序设计语言
7.1 Introduction to Programming Language
A programming language represents a special vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks. Broadly speaking, it consists of a set of statements or expressions understandable to both people and computers.
近来出现的新的程序设计语言,像C++,微软的Visual C++, Visual Foxpro,和Visual Java,他们都支持面向对象的程 序设计(OOP)技术。OOP这种程序设计要求编程人员不 仅要给出数据结构中的数据类型的定义,还需要给出作用 在这些数据结构之上的操作(函数,或方法)的类型。
程序设计语言是指令计算机实现某些具体任务的一套特殊词汇和一组语法 规则。从广义的角度说,它包括一组既能被人所理解又能被计算机所识别 的声明和表达式。



TEXT Embedded System
An embedded system is a computer system designed for specific control functions within a larger system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a wide range of end-user needs. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today.
3. The program instructions written for embedded systems are referred to as firmware, and are stored in readonly memory or Flash memory chips. They run with limited computer hardware resources: little memory, small or nonexistent keyboard or screen.
The integration of microcontrollers has further increased the applications for which embedded systems are used into areas where traditionally a computer would not have been considered. A general purpose and comparatively low-cost microcontroller may often be programmed to fulfill the same role as a large number of separate components. Although in this context an embedded system is usually more complex than a traditional solution, most of the complexity is contained within the microcontroller itself.



计算机专业英语试题Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。

)(共10分,每题1分)1. operating system2.requirements analysis3. network security4. data structure5.decision support system6.relational database7.software crisis8. computer virus9.email attachment10.central processing unit ( CPU )(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。

) (共10分,每题1分)1.数据库管理系统 2.传输控制协议3.多文档界面 4.面向对象编程5.只读存储器 6.数字视频光盘7.计算机辅助设计 8.结构化查询语言9.通用串行总线 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。

)(10分,每空1分)1. multimedia a. 字处理器2. software life cycle b. 交换机3. structured programming c. 多媒体4. functional testing d. 局域网5. word processor e. 结构化程序设计6. code windows f. 软件生命周期7. firewall g. 功能测试8. LAN h. 代码窗口9. hackeri. 黑客 10. switchj. 防火墙1. 6.2. 7.3. 8.4. 9.5. 10.Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, andchange the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。



(完整版)计算机科学专业英语词汇1. Introduction本文档为计算机科学专业英语词汇的完整版,旨在帮助学生研究和掌握计算机科学领域的英语词汇。


2. Basic Terminology以下是计算机科学中的基础词汇:- Algorithm: 算法- Data Structure: 数据结构- Programming: 编程- Software: 软件- Hardware: 硬件- Database: 数据库- Network: 网络- Operating System: 操作系统- Debugging: 调试3. Programming Languages计算机科学领域有多种编程语言,以下是其中的一些:- Java: Java语言- Python: Python语言- C/C++: C/C++语言- JavaScript: JavaScript语言- Ruby: Ruby语言- Swift: Swift语言- PHP: PHP语言- Perl: Perl语言- SQL: SQL语言4. Development Tools以下是计算机科学领域常用的开发工具:- IDE (Integrated Development Environment): 集成开发环境- Text Editor: 文本编辑器- Version Control System: 版本控制系统- Debugger: 调试器- Virtual Machine: 虚拟机- Documentation: 文档5. Specialized Terminology计算机科学领域还有一些专业术语,以下是其中的一些:- Artificial Intelligence (AI): 人工智能- Machine Learning: 机器研究- Big Data: 大数据- Cybersecurity: 网络安全- Cryptography: 密码学- User Interface (UI): 用户界面- User Experience (UX): 用户体验- Agile Development: 敏捷开发- DevOps: 开发运维6. Conclusion本文档涵盖了计算机科学专业中常用的英语词汇,包括基础术语、编程语言、开发工具以及专业术语。



目录Chapter1 Computer Fundamentals (1)1.1 Four Kinds of Computers (1)1.1.1 Reading Material (4)1.1.2 正文参考译文 (6)1.2 Computer Hardware (7)1.2.1 Reading Material 1 (12)1.2.2 Reading Material 2 (13)1.2.3 正文参考译文 (14)1.3 System Software (16)1.3.1 Reading Material 1 (20)1.3.2 Reading Material 2 (21)1.3.3 正文参考译文 (22)1.4 Application Software (24)1.4.1 Reading Material (28)1.4.2 正文参考译文 (29)Chapter 2 Computer Network (31)2.1 Introduction to Computer Network (31)2.1.1 Reading Material 1 (35)2.1.2 Reading Material 2 (37)2.1.3 正文参考译文 (38)2.2 Data Communications Channels (39)2.2.1 Reading Material (43)2.2.2 正文参考译文 (45)2.3 Main FactorsAffecting Data Transmission (46)2.3.1 Reading Material (50)2.3.2 正文参考译文 (53)2.4 Network Architecture (54)2.4.1 Reading Material (59)2.4.2 正文参考译文 (60)Chapter 3 Internet andE-commerce (62)3.1 Browsers and Communications (62)3.1.1 Reading Material 1 (67)3.1.2 Reading Material 2 (69)3.1.3 正文参考译文 (70)3.2 Search Tools (72)3.2.1 Reading Material 1 (76)3.2.2 Reading Material 2 (81)3.2.3 正文参考译文 (83)3.3 Definitions and Contentof the Electronic Commerce (84)3.3.1 Reading Material 1 (88)3.3.2 Reading Material 2 (93)3.3.3 正文参考译文 (93)3.4 Value Chains in E-commerce (95)3.4.1 Reading Material 1 (99)3.4.2 Reading Material 2 (101)3.4.3 正文参考译文 (102)Chapter 4 Database Fundamentals (104)4.1 Introduction to DBMS (104)4.1.1 Reading Material (109)4.1.2 正文参考译文 (111)4.2 Structure of the Relational Database (113)4.2.1 Reading Material (120)4.2.2 正文参考译文 (122)4.3 Brief Introduction of SQl (126)4.3.1 Reading Material (132)4.3.2 正文参考译文 (133)4.4 Applications of Database (137)4.4.1 Reading Material (140)4.4.2 正文参考译文 (142)Chapter 5 Programming Language (144)5.1 Algorithms and Flowcharts (144)5.1.1 Reading Material 1 (147)5.1.2 Reading Material 2 (148)5.1.3 正文参考译文 (151)计算机专业英语教程VIII5.2 Introduction ofProgramming Languages (152)5.2.1 Reading Material 1 (157)5.2.2 Reading Material 2 (158)5.2.3 正文参考译文 (159)5.3 Object-Oriented Programming (161)5.3.1 Reading Material 1 (164)5.3.2 Reading Material 2 (167)5.3.3 正文参考译文 (169)5.4 Program Debuggingand Program Maintenance (170)5.4.1 Reading Material (174)5.4.2 正文参考译文 (177)Chapter 6 Information Security (179)6.1 Concept of Information Security (179)6.1.1 Reading Material 1 (182)6.1.2 Reading Material 2 (184)6.1.3 正文参考译文 (186)6.2 Computer Viruses (187)6.2.1 Reading Material 1 (192)6.2.2 Reading Material 2 (193)6.2.3 正文参考译文 (194)6.3 Internet Security (195)6.3.1 Reading Material 1 (199)6.3.2 Reading Material 2 (200)6.3.3 正文参考译文 (201)6.4 Secure Networks and Policies (202)6.4.1 Reading Material 1 (205)6.4.2 Reading Material 2 (206)6.4.3 正文参考译文 (208)Chapter 7 Image Processing (209)7.1 Concept of Graphics and Images (209)7.1.1 Reading Material 1 (212)7.1.2 Reading Material 2 (214)7.1.3 正文参考译文 (215)7.2 Introduction to DigitalImage Processing (215)7.2.1 Reading Material 1 (220)7.2.2 Reading Material 2 (222)7.2.3 正文参考译文 (223)7.3 Image Compression (224)7.3.1 Reading Material (227)7.3.2 正文参考译文 (230)7.4 Application of DigitalImage Processing (231)7.4.1 Reading Material 1 (236)7.4.2 Reading Material 2 (237)7.4.3 正文参考译文 (238)参考文献 (239)。




一、计算机基础技术1. Computer Science:计算机科学2. Programming Languages:编程语言3. Operating Systems:操作系统4. Database Systems:数据库系统5. Computer Networks:计算机网络6. Algorithms:算法7. Data Structures:数据结构8. Artificial Intelligence:人工智能9. Machine Learning:机器学习二、编程语言1. Java2. C/C++3. Python4. JavaScript5. Ruby6. Perl三、前端开发技术1. HTML2. CSS3. JavaScript4. jQuery5. Bootstrap四、后端开发技术1. PHP2. 3. Node.js4. Ruby on Rails五、数据库管理1. MySQL2. Oracle3. SQL Server4. PostgreSQL六、计算机网络1. TCP/IP2. DNS3. HTTP4. FTP5. SMTP七、信息安全1. Encryption:加密2. Decryption:解密3. Firewall:防火墙4. Malware:恶意软件5. Antivirus:杀毒软件6. Vulnerability:漏洞以上是一些计算机相关专业英语,希望能对读者有所帮助。



计算机专业术语大全1. 操作系统(Operating System)操作系统是计算机系统中最基本的软件之一,负责管理和控制计算机硬件资源,提供对计算机系统的各种资源的访问和分配。


2. 程序(Program)程序是一组按特定顺序组织的指令,用于完成特定的任务。



3. 算法(Algorithm)算法是解决问题的一系列清晰而有限的步骤。


4. 数据结构(Data Structure)数据结构是组织和存储数据的方式,使得数据可以高效地使用和管理。


5. 编程语言(Programming Language)编程语言是用来编写计算机程序的形式化语言。


6. 网络(Network)网络是将多台计算机或设备连接起来,实现信息共享和通信的结构。


7. 数据库(Database)数据库是组织和存储数据的集合,提供对数据的高效访问和管理。

常见的数据库管理系统有MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等。

8. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,研究和开发智能化的计算机系统。


9. 云计算(Cloud Computing)云计算是通过互联网提供计算资源和服务的模式。


10. 数据挖掘(Data Mining)数据挖掘是从大量数据中发现有用模式和信息的过程。




计算机专业英语全部答案(第三版)Unit1EX11 F2 T3 T4 F5 T6 F7 T 8 T 9 T 10FEX2Input hardware, storage hardware, processing hardware, output hardware power, speed, memorycentral processing unitinternal, primary, memorykeyboard, central processing unit, main memory, monitorEX3 PARTA1 F2 D3 G4 C5 B6 A7 E 8 HEX3 PART B1 F2 E3 G4 B5 A6 C7D 8 HEX41 input device2 screen3 manipulates4 instructions5 retrieve6 codes7 hardcopy8 functionEX51 T2 T3 F4 F5 T6 F7 T 8 TUNIT2EX11 T2 F3 T4 F5 T6 F7 T 8 FEX21 sizes, shapes, processing capabilities2 supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers3 mainframe computer4 microcomputer, storage locations5 portables, laptop computers, desktop workstations6 semiconductor7 CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users8 microprocessor chipEX3 PARTA1 C2 A3 H4 I5 E6 F7 G 8 JEX3 PARTB1 capacity2 device3 laptop computer4 Portable computers5 Silicon6 semiconductor7 workstation8 Voltage, voltage9 RAM10ROMEX41 portable2 access3 main memory4 sophisticated programs5 processing capabilities6 instructions7 computation8 computer professionalEX51 T2 T3 F4 F5 F6 T7 F 8 T 9 T 10T11F 12T 13 T 14 TUNIT3EX11 T2 F3 T4 T5 T6 T7 F 8 F 9 T 10 F11T 12F 13F 14TEX21 microprocessor2 bus3 register 4control unit5 processor6 binary7 arithmetic, logic 8 milliseconds, microseconds9 instruction 10execution 11megahertz 12wordsize EX3 PARTA1 F2 A3 J4 C5 D6 E7 H 8 I 9 B 10GEX3 PARTB1 Storage 2chip3 buses4 ALU5 register 6control unit7 machine language 8 binary system 9 bits 10computer programEX41 configuration2 decodes3 data bus4 characters5 converts6 synchronize7 circuitry8 internal clockEX51 T2 F3 F4 T5 F6 F7 T 8 T 9 F 10 FUNIT4EX11 F2 T3 T4 F5 F6 T7 F 8 T 9 T 10 F11T 12T 13F 14F 15T 16F17T 18F 19T 20F21T 22FEX2memoryRAMdiskettes, diskschipsparityexpanded, extendedmonochromecacheROMupdatedEX3 PART A1 B2 E3 C4 J5 I6 H 7A 8 F 9 G 10DEX3 PART Bsecondary storagebufferaccesscodedisketteslotterminalsmotherboardbytescreenEX4desktopsoftwareanimationtransferredsophisticatedcompatiblecacheupgradeEX51 T2 F3 F4 T5 T6 T7 T8 F9 T 10 F11T 12F 13F 14T 15T 16F17F 18F 19F 20T21T 22TUnit 5Ex1:1 T2 T3 F4 T5 F6 F7 F 8 T 9 T 10 T11F 12T 13F 14F 15T 16T17F 18T 19F 20F21T 22T 23TEX2mail, courierhub, starlocal area networkpacketsEthernetkilobits per second, megabits per second, gigabits per second circuit switchingreassembledinternet protocol, transmission control protocol datagramsframesbinary, decimalEX3 part A1 C2 E3 B4 F5 A6 D7 H 8 GEX3 part Bhubzippeddecimalframebinary numberinternetpacketbandwidthEX4forwardedreassembledare encapsulatedcableburstysubmitare retransmittedprotocolEX5IP addressnotationdotted-decimalcomputer networkbackgroundsharedgeographicprivacyExercise to the Passage for ReadingEX6有意为维修技师使用所留被弃的、丢失的或损坏了的数据都进了数据桶。


2.4 Common DOS Commands(DOS常用命令) 52
2.4.1 dir(文件列表命令) 53
2.4.2 type(显示文件内容) 54
2.4.3 copy(拷贝命令) 54
2.4.4 ren(文件改名命令) 54
2.4.5 del(文件删除命令) 55
7.5.4 Fax(传真) 177
7.6 Professional Terms(专业术语) 179
Exercises(练习) 179
5.2.1 Some Common Events(常用事件) 123
5.2.2 Some Common Controls,Attributes of Controls(常用控件及其属性) 126
5.3 Java 2 128
5.3.1 Java Language Keywords(Java语言关键字) 129
4.4.2 Latest Features(最新特征) 104
4.4.3 Partion Backup and Image It(磁盘分区备份为映像文件) 105
4.4.4 Partition from image(映像文件还原为磁盘分区) 107
4.5 Situation Dialogue(情境对话) 108
3.2 Architecture of Computer Networks(计算机网络结构) 69
3.3 LAN(局域网) 72
3.4 WAN(广域网) 74
3.5 Hardware Concepts of Computer Network(计算机网络硬件设备基础) 76
3.5.1 Net Interface Card(网卡) 76




以下是一些常见的计算机专业英语词汇,它们覆盖了硬件、软件、网络、编程语言等多个方面:1. Hardware(硬件):- CPU(中央处理器)- GPU(图形处理器)- RAM(随机存取存储器)- ROM(只读存储器)- HDD(硬盘驱动器)- SSD(固态硬盘)- Motherboard(主板)- Peripherals(外围设备)2. Software(软件):- Operating System(操作系统)- Application Software(应用软件)- Database Management System(数据库管理系统)- Compiler(编译器)- Interpreter(解释器)3. Networking(网络):- LAN(局域网)- WAN(广域网)- Internet(互联网)- Protocol(协议)- Router(路由器)- Firewall(防火墙)- IP Address(IP地址)4. Programming Languages(编程语言):- Python- Java- C++- JavaScript- Ruby- PHP- Swift5. Data Structures(数据结构):- Array(数组)- Linked List(链表)- Stack(栈)- Queue(队列)- Tree(树)- Graph(图)- Hash Table(哈希表)6. Algorithms(算法):- Sorting Algorithms(排序算法)- Searching Algorithms(搜索算法)- Graph Algorithms(图算法)- Dynamic Programming(动态规划)- Machine Learning Algorithms(机器学习算法)7. Cybersecurity(网络安全):- Encryption(加密)- Authentication(认证)- Vulnerability(漏洞)- Malware(恶意软件)- Antivirus(杀毒软件)- Intrusion Detection System(入侵检测系统)8. Cloud Computing(云计算):- Cloud Services(云服务)- Virtualization(虚拟化)- SaaS(软件即服务)- PaaS(平台即服务)- IaaS(基础设施即服务)9. Artificial Intelligence(人工智能):- Machine Learning(机器学习)- Deep Learning(深度学习)- Neural Networks(神经网络)- Natural Language Processing(自然语言处理)- Robotics(机器人学)10. Databases(数据库):- SQL(结构化查询语言)- NoSQL- Relational Database(关系数据库)- Non-Relational Database(非关系数据库)- ACID(原子性、一致性、隔离性、持久性)这些词汇是计算机专业学生和从业者必须熟悉的基础,它们构成了计算机科学和技术领域的基石。

计算机专业英语Unit 10

计算机专业英语Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesExercises1. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.(1)The ( A ) is a language that was represented by long strings of ones and zeroes.A. machine languageB. high-level languageC. low-level languageD. assembly language(2)The ( D ) maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics.A. machine languageB. high-level languageC. low-level languageD. assembly language(3)The ( A ) turns the object file into an executable program.A. linkerB. compilerC. interpreterD. computer(4)The ( C ) is a software that translates instructions directly into actions.A. inkerB. compilerC. interpreterD. assembly language2. Fill in the blanks.(1)Computer language include machine language, assembly language and higher-levellanguages(2)Higher-level languages let people work with something approximating words andsentences.(3)Programs use "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, dialogboxes.3. Translate and analyze the following sentences.(1)Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code,which is inconvenient.句子组成:which引导的是定语从句,修饰steps翻译:但是编译程序却增加了一些额外的步骤来编译和链接代码,相比之下则不方便。

计算机编程语言介绍programming language

计算机编程语言介绍programming language

Machine Languages
Hale Waihona Puke TWOAssembly Languages
• A computer's machine languages consists of strings of binary numbers and is the only one the CPU directly "understands". • An instruction prepared in any machine language will have at least two parts:
The first part is the command or operation,and it tells the computer what function to perform.
The second part of the instruction is the operand,and it tells the computer where to find or store the data or other instructions that are to be manipulated. • The number of operands in an instruction varies among computers.
• A computer's machine languages consists of mnemonic operation codes and symbolic addresses. • This assembly program ,or assembler,also enables the computer to convert the programmer's assembly









以下是一些常用的计算机硬件英语词汇:1. central processing unit (CPU):中央处理器2. random access memory (RAM):随机存储器3. solid state drive (SSD):固态硬盘4. hard disk drive (HDD):磁盘驱动器5. graphics processing unit (GPU):图形处理器6. power supply unit (PSU):电源供应器7. motherboard:主板8. video card:显卡9. sound card:声卡10. optical drive:光驱11. keyboard:键盘12. mouse:鼠标13. monitor:显示器14. printer:打印机计算机软件计算机软件是计算机系统中的程序和数据,包括系统软件和应用软件。

以下是一些常用的计算机软件英语词汇:1. operating system (OS):操作系统2. system software:系统软件3. application software:应用软件4. programming language:编程语言5. source code:源代码6. algorithm:算法7. data structure:数据结构8. integrated development environment (IDE):集成开发环境9. compiler:编译器10. interpreter:解释器11. debugger:调试器12. version control system (VCS):版本控制系统13. database management system (DBMS):数据库管理系统计算机网络计算机网络是计算机之间互相连接的网络。

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[ə'prəuprieit] adj. 适当
的 object file 目标文件 executable program n. 可执行程序 ironically [ai'rnikli] adv. 说反话 地 audience [':diəns] n. 用户 sophisticate [sə'fistikeit] v. 弄复杂 cryptic ['kriptik] adj. 抽象的
Figure 10-1 Communication with computer
In time, higher-level languages evolved, such as BASIC and COBOL[3]. These languages let people work with something appropriating words and sentences. Such as Let I=100. These instructions were translated back into machine language by interpreters and compilers. An interpreter translates a program as it reads it, turning the program instructions, or code, directly into actions[4]. A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form. This step is called compiling, and produces an object file. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.
Unit 10 Programming Languages
Text 1 Computer Languages Text 2 Object-Oriented Programming
Text 3 Assembly Language
Text 4 High-level Language
Text 1 Computer Languages
Ironically, in order to become easier to use for this new audience, programs have become far more sophisticated [5]. Gone are the days when users typed in cryptic commands at esoteric prompts, only to see a stream of raw data [6]. Today‟s programs use sophisticated “user-friendly interfaces, ” involving multiple windows, menus, dialog boxes with which we‟ve all become familiar. The programs written to support this new approach are far more complex than those written just ten years ago.
Vocabulary and Keywords(生词 和关键词)
[ndə'əu] v. 经历 dramatic [drə'mætik] adj. 巨大的 evolution [i:və'lu:ən] n. 演变 telemetry [ti'lemitri] n. 遥测技术 calculation [kælkju:leiən] n. 计 算 primitive ['primitiv] adj. 原始的 string [striŋ] n. 一串 evolve [i'vlv] v. 发展
[esəu'terik] adj. 难懂的 prompt [prmpt] n. 提示 stream [stri:m] v. 流动 raw data 原始数据 user-friendly interface n. 友好用户界 面 dialog box 对话框 familiar [fə'miljə] adj. 熟悉的
Vocabulary and Keywords(生词和 关键词) Notes(注释) Terms and Tips(术语和提示信息)
Computer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built to assist in telemetry calculations during World War II [1]. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions: machine language. These instructions were represented by long strings of ones and zeros [2] (Figure 101). Soon, assemblers were invented to map machine instructions to human-readable and manageable mnemonics, such as ADD ]Computer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built to assist in telemetry calculations during World War II. undergone dramatic evolution,经历 了巨变。World War II,第二次世界大战。 译文:自从第一代电子计算机在第二次 世界大战中用于自动计算以来,计算机语言 已发生了巨大的变化。