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他年龄段,两两分析比较提示其差异均有统计学意义( P 值均 < 0. 01) ,60 ~ 80 岁年龄段性接触传播比例高于其他年龄段,两两分析
比较提示差异均有统计学意义( P 值均 < 0. 01) ;logistic 回归分析表明,HIV 感染者中,静脉吸毒者合并 HCV 感染的危险性是其他
途径感染者的 60. 385 倍(95% CI:7. 909 ~ 461. 017) ,静脉吸毒 + 性接触者合并 HCV 感染的危险性是其他途径感染者的 46. 667 倍
: Abstract Objective To investigate the epidemiological status and features of anti - HCV positive rate among the HIV - infected popula
, tion in Guangxi China. Methods The patients from Guangxi who attended 7 hospitals in Guangxi form 2010 to 2016 and were confirmed , , with positive HIV antibody were enrolled as subjects. Their demographic data anti - HCV test results and route of HIV - HCV coinfection ’ , were collected. The chi - square test or the Fisher s exact test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups and the Bonferro , ni method was used for multiple comparisons of sample rates. Since dependent variables were binary variables the binary univariate and , multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Results A total of 6154 patients with positive HIV antibody were enrolled among ( ; [ ]: ) whom 409 6. 65% 95% confidence interval CI 6. 03% - 7. 27% had positive HCV antibody. Male patients had a significantly high ( , , ) er anti - HCV positive rate than female patients 7. 97% vs 3. 57% χ2 = 29. 294 P < 0. 01 . The age group of 18 - 44 years had the high , ( ), est anti - HCV positive rate of 10. 47% followed by the age group of 45 - 59 years 5. 44% and these two groups had a significantly ( ) higher positive rate than the other age groups based on pairwise comparison all P < 0. 01 . Intravenous drug users had the highest anti - , ( ), HCV positive rate of 75. 12% followed by the intravenous drug users with sexual contact 70. 00% and the patients with these two routes ( ) of infection had a significantly higher anti - HCV positive rate than those with other routes all P < 0. 01 . In the patients with positive HIV , ; and HCV antibodies intravenous drug users accounted for a higher proportion than the patients with other routes of infection 72. 30% of the , , male patients were intravenous drug users while 57. 58% of the female patients were infected via sexual transmission and there was a sig ( ) nificant difference in the distributio��
龄段,两两分析比较差异均有统计学意义( P 值均 < 0. 01) ;静脉吸毒人群 HCV 抗体阳性率最高(75. 12% ) ,静脉吸毒 + 性接触次之
(70 00% ) ,均高于其他感染途径,差异均有统计学意义( P 值均 < 0. 01) ;HIV 抗体和 HCV 抗体均为阳性的患者中,静脉吸毒所占
, Epidemiological features of positive anti - HCV among the HIV - infected population in Guangxi China
, , , ( ’ , , , ) CHEN Xu SU Minghua JIANG Jianning et al. Guigang People s Hospital Guigang Guangxi 537200 China
而女性、老年人群则主要经性接触途径感染 HIV 和 HCV;静脉吸毒是 HIV 感染者合并 HCV 感染的独立危险因素。
关键词:HIV; 肝炎病毒属; 丙型肝炎抗体; 流行病学研究 中图分类号:R512. 63 文献标志码:A 文章编号: ( ) 1001 - 5256 2020 01 - 0088 - 06
比例高于其他感染途径,其中男性以静脉吸毒居多(72. 30% ) ,女性则以性传播为主(57. 58% ) ,2 种人群在感染途径分布差异具有
统计学意义( P < 0. 01) ;18 ~ 44 岁年龄段患者静脉吸毒比例最高(71. 58% ) ,其次为 45 ~ 59 岁年龄段(63. 27% ) ,其比例远高于其
临床肝胆病杂志第 卷第期 年月 , , 36 1 2020 1 J Clin Hepatol Vol.36 No.1 Jan.2020
广西地区 HIV 感染人群 HCV 抗体阳性的流行病学特征分析
陈 旭1,苏明华2,江建宁2,刘志红2,韦 麒2,伍菲菲2,周 奕2,滕春玲2
1 贵港市人民医院,广西贵港537200;2 广西医科大学第一附属医院,南宁530021
结论 (95% CI:4. 144 ~ 525. 501) ( PHCV 抗体阳性率维持在较高的流行病学水平,男性
HCV 抗体阳性率高于女性,青年人群 HCV 抗体阳性率高于其他年龄段;男性、中青年人群主要经静脉吸毒途径感染 HIV 和 HCV,
结果 用二分类 logistic 回归模型进行单因素及多因素分析。
共选取 HIV 抗体确证阳性患者 6154 例,其中 HCV 抗体阳性 409 例,
阳性率为 6. 65% [95% 可信区间( CI) : 6. 03% ~ 7. 27% ] ,其中男性 HCV 抗体阳性率(7. 97% ) 高于女性(3. 57% ) ,差异具有统计 学意义( χ2 = 29. 294,P < 0. 01) ;18 ~ 44 岁年龄段 HCV 抗体阳性率最高(10. 47% ) ,45 ~ 59 岁年龄段次之(5. 44% ) ,均高于其他年
摘要:目的 方法 了解广西地区 HIV 感染人群 HCV 抗体阳性率的流行病学现状与特点。 以 2010 年 - 2016 年在广西 7 家医
院就诊的 HIV 抗体阳性的广西籍患者为研究对象,收集患者基本人口学资料及 HCV 抗体检测结果、HIV / HCV 共感染途径等资料。
计数资料组间比较采用 χ2 检验方法或 Fisher’ s 精确检验,采用 Bonferroni 法进行多个样本率的多重比较。 因变量为二分类变量,采