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7.The Importance of Global Marketing
For US-based companies, 75% of sales potential is outside the US.
A global marketplace has emerged.p1
1.What is marketing? 2.What is Global marketing? 3.Management orientations
What’s marketing
——《principles of marketing》 Philip Kotler
6.Standardization versus Adaptation
Globalization (Standardization) – Developing standardized products marketed worldwide with a standardized marketing mix – Essence of mass marketing Global localization (Adaptation) – Mixing standardization and customization in a way that minimizes costs while maximizing satisfaction – Essence of segmentation – Think globally, act locally(思维全球化,行动当地化)
2. What is global marketing? p2
An organization that engages in global
marketing focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats.
3.What are differences between “regular” marketing and “global” marketing? p3
activities designed to plan, price, promote, and
direct the flow of a company’s goods and services
to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
A global product may be the same product everywhere and yet different. Global marketing requires marketers to behave in a way that is global and local at the same time by responding to
What does global localization really mean?
Means that a successful global marketer must have the
ability to “think globally and act locally.”
“Global” marketing may include a combination of standard (e.g., the actual product itself) and nonstandard (e.g., distribution or packaging) approaches.
profit profit
selling 4Ps
Customer Stakeholder in a context benefits including a lot of forces
Boundaryless marketing
4. boundaryless marketing? P3-4 无边界营销
5.The value equation 价值等式 p4-5
Value=Benefits/Price (money, time, effort, etc) Marketer can offer customers an improved bundle of benefits or lower prices (or both)
similarities and differences in world markets.
Kenichi Ohmae (大前研一) p6 (/doc/5068983-5296463.html) Cases from page 10 (lean them by yourself)
a profit.
• Marketing activities center on an organization’s
efforts to satisfy customer wants and needs with products and services that offer competitive value. • The marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) comprises a contemporary marketer’s
Customer needs and wants
Customer value
Give the employees at all levels and in all departments the opportunity to be involved in marketing.
4.Marketing: a universal discipline
Focus on
The marketing concept The new concept of marketing The strategic concept of marketing product customer
7.The Importance of Global Marketing p8
1. Go to global market to find the maximum growth
potential. 2. Many companies have recognized the importance of conducting business activities outside the home countries.
What’s marketing
——《principles of marketing》 Philip Kotler
• The process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.
What is Marketing?
AMA(American Marketing Association) 2004
•Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
What is Marketing?
《global marketing》 Warren J Keegan p2
Marketing can be defined as a series of
activities leading to an exchange
transaction between a seller and a buyer at
( broadly defined ) Marketing is a social
and managerial process by which individuals
and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.
quality world products and market them around the globe
by using standardized advertising, pricing, and distribution.
Case analysis
Case: Coca-Cola p6
Global marketing made Coke a worldwide success. However, that success was not based on a total standardization of marketing mix elements. In Japan— global localization In India
1. 2. The scope of activities—Environment difference— outside the home-country market Global marketing involves an understanding of specific concepts, considerations, and strategies that must be skillfully applied in conjunction with universal marketing
西奥多·莱维特 (Theodore Levitt)
/wiki/%E8%8E% B1%E7%BB%B4%E7%89%B9
Levitt argued that marketers were confronted with a
“homogeneous global village”. He advised organizations to develop standardized ,high-
primary tools.
• Marketing is a universal discipline, as applicable
in Argentina as it is in Zimbabwe.
2. What is global marketing?
Global marketing is the performance of business
Chapter 1 Introduction to Global Marketing
© 2005 Prentice Halltplace. p1
Globalization (Standardization) p6
西奥多·莱维特(Theodore Levitt),
领域里程碑式的偶像人物,其营销思想构 筑起了现代营销理念的基础。正如当代营 销大家菲利普·科特勒所说,“莱维特就 是营销的代名词”。 《Harvard Business Review》 “The Globalization of Markets”