

人教版高一英语必修4unit3 A taste of English humour阅读 ppt课件

人教版高一英语必修4unit3 A taste of English humour阅读 ppt课件
Voice: Oh, this is my father.
(funny stories)
Mark Twain was the popular and humorous American author, He was the most famous humorous novelist in America.
Thief: Well, I stole a dress from that shop but my wife didn’t like it. So I had to go back and change it twice?
2 Teacher: You say that John Jones has a cold and cannot come to school today.
A taste of English humour
Warming up I – brainstorming
How many kinds of humor do you know about?
Types of humour
1.Nonverbal mime and farce 2.Verbal jokes
Task1: True or false.
1.Chaplin became famous for using a particular
form of acting including playing on words.( F )
2.In The Little Tramp Chaplin always wore large trousers worn-out shoes and carried a walking

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》(Section 2)ppt课件1

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》(Section 2)ppt课件1

• 常常可见到这样的同学,他们在下课前几分钟就开始看表、收拾课本文具,下课铃一响,就迫不及待地“逃离”教室。实际上,每节课刚下课时的几分 钟是我们对上课内容查漏补缺的好时机。善于学习的同学往往懂得抓好课后的“黄金两分钟”。那么,课后的“黄金时间”可以用来做什么呢?
• 一、释疑难 • 对课堂上老师讲到的内容自己想不通卡壳的问题,应该在课堂上标出来,下课时,在老师还未离开教室的时候,要主动请老师讲解清楚。如果老师已
2.动词-ing形式做定语 (1)动词-ing形式做定语,表示其动作是所修饰的名词发出的,表示 动作正在进行。单个的动词-ing形式做定语时应放在所修饰名词 的前面;若是动词-ing短语做定语时,应放在所修饰词之后。 a smiling face一张笑脸 a leading figure一个领导人 动词-ing形式还能构成合成词做定语。例如: an easy-going man一个好相处的人 动词-ing短语做定语,常放在被修饰词的后keep,leave,have,set,catch等动词后表示宾语持续或进行 的动作,如:
Finally they got the new machine working again. 最后他们又使新机器运转起来了。 His remark left me wondering what he was driving at. 他的话使我摸不清到底是什么意思。 注意:省略to的不定式做宾语补足语,表示动作全过程,即已经发 生。 We saw the thief enter the store. 我们看见那小偷进了那家商店。
Section Ⅱ Grammar
动词-ing形式做表语、定语和宾语补足语 1.动词-ing形式做表语 (1)动词-ing形式做表语是用来说明主语的具体内容。在这种情 况下,主语和表语通常是对等的关系,可互换位置。 The police’s job is keeping public order. 警察的工作就是维护公共秩序。 Keeping the money you pick up is stealing. 留下你捡到的钱就是偷。 注意:不定式和动词-ing形式做表语一般没有多大区别,只是不定 式做表语有时表示将来,动词-ing形式做表语表示一般抽象的情况。


Unit 3 A taste of English humour
Look at the following pictures. Which picture can make you laugh?
I want to driving at a high speed.
2. Girl : If we marry, will you give me a ring ?
Boy: Of course, What’s your telephone
3. Daughter: Auntie kissed me this morning,
Mum: How nice! Did you kiss her back, dear?
Daughter: Of course not. I kissed her face.
What’s that fly(苍蝇)
doing in my soup?
Swimming, I think!
What is a punchline? Find the jokes’ punchlines.
What kind of humour do these pictures show us?
Charlie Chaplin
Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour. mime
Mark Twain was the popular and humorous American author.

人教版高中英语必修四 A Taste of English Humor PPT课件

人教版高中英语必修四  A Taste of English Humor PPT课件

冯巩,赵本山,牛群, 马季
A Master of Nonverbal Humour
StepⅠ Fast reading
1.What’s the passage mainly about? A. The history of English humour? B. The films Chaplin made. C. A brief introduction of Charlie Chaplin and his achievements in film . D. The Gold Rush in California.
Joke1: Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory. Doctor: When did this happen?
Patient: When did what happen?
Joke2: ---You can’t park here. --- Why not? ---Read that sign. ---I did. It says, “Fine for parking. So I park.
budget detective whisper vast mess 11. Did she whisper ________ in your ear at the meeting? 12. This room's in a _______. mess 13. The price is beyond my budget _________. 14. She likes to read detective _________ stories. 15. Look at the ________ grassland around you. vast

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt公开课教学课件

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt公开课教学课件
segemed as if he had experienced everythsitnognisnhtehe film himself, w• hTihche awd_o__m__a_n__t_remataendytpheeople.
boy as if he were her own son.
• He speaks as if he had been to America.
翻译下面的句子 1)袁隆平满足于过简朴的生活。 2)父母对我的考试成绩感到满意。 3)他爸爸以每天喝瓶啤酒感到满足。 4)使他心满意足的是,他儿子考上了重点大学。
1)Yuan Longping is content to live a simple l2if)e.My parents are content with my test s3c)oHrei.s Dad contents himself with a bottle of beer every day.
Tom Hanks is a very fameorufsorpm__e______ in America, who produced sratnadrr_e_d__________ many famous films, suchinas Forrest Gump and Philadelphia, both of which are awarded Oscar. rdinary Tom Hanks was born in an o_______ family but when he was 5, his parents divorced, leaving him brought up by his father alone. Not until he was at college did he become interested in accotnintegn. tAfter graduation, he acted in swoimthe films and became a success. But he was not ___________ his success. He worked even harder and therefore was awarded Oscar several times, so he is

高中英语新人教必修四 Unit 3 A taste of English humour[阅读课件]

高中英语新人教必修四 Unit 3 A taste of English humour[阅读课件]

Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom 6 of the shoe. 1 Chaplin and his friend washed sand and expected to pick up gold, but they failed. 3 They were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes. 2 They were caught in a small wooden house. 5 Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe. 4 Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
A bicycle can’t stand on its own B: I’m sorry, too. because it is two-tired. A: I’m sorry three. A small boy went to the counter to B: What are you sorry for? pay for his lunch but he was a little A: I’m sorry five. short.
Useful expressions up 1.直到今天 1.直到今天 to now feel 2.感到沮丧 2.感到沮丧 depressed feel content with 3.对 3.对…感到满意 4.一 4.一…就 as soon as worse off 5.境况更遭 5.境况更遭 do ordinary everyday tasks 6.做日常的任务 6.做日常的任务 as time 7.随着时间的推移 7.随着时间的推移 went by 8.拍电影 8.拍电影 make films become 9.闻名于世 9.闻名于世 worldknown throughout the 10.遍及全世界 10.遍及全世界 throughout the world

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt课件5

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt课件5

1.Review the p of the passage. (Try to use the new words and expressions.)
(Story 故事,楼层)
Various kinds of humor:
verbal jokes; funny stories; funny poems; comedy
nonverbal mime cross talk; shuanghuang
Chinese humorists
What is the type of writing?
I was an egg
After the treatment
Psychiatrist: Since you believe you are a human being now, you can leave here. Patient: But I don’t want to leave here. Psychiatrist: Why?
2. Will liars be honest after they die?
No, they won’t. They lie still after they die. (lie still )
3. Why is the library the highest building?
It has the most stories.
Why is laughter so important?
Laughter is the sun that drives
winter from the human face. — Victor Hugo

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt课件4

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3《A taste of English humour》ppt课件4
2. Why do you think he was so successful?
《新新学案》unit 3 Period I
谢 谢 观 赏
• 同学们在听课的过程中,还要善于抓住各种课程的特点,运用相应的方法去听,这样才能达到最佳的学习效果。 • 一、听理科课重在理解基本概念和规律 • 数、理、化是逻辑性很强的学科,前面的知识没学懂,后面的学习就很难继续进行。因此,掌握基本概念是学习的关键。上课时要抓好概念的理解,
同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的,要边听边想。为讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,老师讲解顺序是怎样的, 为什么这么安排?两个例题之间又有什么相同点和不同之处?特别要从中学习理科思维的方法,如观察、比较、分析、综合、归纳、演绎等。 • 作为实验科学的物理、化学和生物,就要特别重视实验和观察,并在获得感性知识的基础上,进一步通过思考来掌握科学的概念和规律,等等。 • 二、听文科课要注重在理解中记忆 • 文科多以记忆为主,比如政治,要注意哪些是观点,哪些是事例,哪些是用观点解释社会现象。听历史课时,首先要弄清楚本节教材的主要观点,然 后,弄清教材为了说明这一观点引用了哪些史实,这些史料涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件。最后,也是关键的一环,看你是否真正弄懂观点与史料间 的关系。最好还能进一步思索:这些史料能不能充分说明观点?是否还可以补充新的史料?有无相反的史料证明原观点不正确。 • 三、听英语课要注重实践 • 英语课老师往往讲得不太多,在大部分的时间里,进行的师生之间、学生之间的大量语言实践练习。因此,要上好英语课,就应积极参加语言实践活 动,珍惜课堂上的每一个练习机会。
• British Film Institute described him as “a towering figure in world culture”.


D.The Gold Rush in California.
Ⅱ. Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Para1 Para2
A. Charlie Chaplin’s childhood. B. His most famous character.
of the shoe. 2.Chaplin and his friend washed sand and 1 expected to pick up gold, but they failed. 33.They were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes. 24.They were hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm. 45.Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe. 6.Chaplin picked out the laces and ate.
Ⅰ.What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The history of English humour.
B.The films Chaplin made. C.Chaplin’s life and the humour Chaplin
made in his films.
1. What does the sentence mean-“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face” ? A. B. C. D. Laughter can make us happy. Laughter can make us sad. Laughter is the sun. Laughter looks like the winter.

人教版高中英语必修4:A taste of English humour_课件28

人教版高中英语必修4:A taste of English humour_课件28
B.His achievements.
Paragraph.3( D)
C.What Charlie’s childhood was like.
Paragraph.4( A)
D.What his most famous character was like.
Paragraph.5(B )
E.Why people needed cheering up.
brought up very successfully when
he was veryUynofuonrgt.u_n_a__te_l_y______,his
father died,leaving the family
ewvoenrs_e_o_f_f________.Chaplin could act
Born Job
Famous character
_1__8_8__9_ _m__o__v_i_e__a_c_ tor
_l_a__r_g_e__t_r__o_u__s_e_r__s_,___w_ orn-out _s_h_o__e_s_,___a___s_m__a__ll__r_o__u_nd black _h__a_t__a__n_d___a__w__a_l_k__i_n_g__stick
3.In the middle of 19th century people went to California to look
for __B______.
A.films B.gold C.entertainment D.water
4.Chaplin was given a special

人教版高中英语必修4:A taste of English humour_课件25

人教版高中英语必修4:A taste of English humour_课件25
6.Who transported us to the future?
Wang Ping’s parents’ company transported us to the future.
7.What was the air like there? In what way did people there travel?
Location of settlement
streets with markets, small shops and private houses
on the earth; on land
large modern modern buildings;
buildings;old many parks,
Task 4:
Discussion Do you think Li Qiang feels comfortable in the future? What words does he use that he gives you that impression?
Task 5
Have a discussion and fill in the chart -----
3.Li Qiang arrived in a busy town where he got lost.
4.This text is an introduction both to the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3005 but also to the advantages and problems of life in the future.
AD2005:mod- AD3005:Your

最新人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3A taste of English humourSection 4课件PPT.ppt

最新人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3A taste of English humourSection 4课件PPT.ppt

in conclusion 总之,最后 word 总之
all in all 总之 been noted 如前所述
as I have said 如我所述 therefore 因此
thus 因此 speak frankly 坦白地说
surely 无疑 doubt 毫无疑问
truly 的确
in a as has
• 第三,要注意时态的正确运用。此类文体一般用过去式来描
• 第四,要注意叙述与对话的交叉使用。在记叙的过程中,恰 当的引用人物对话是记叙文提高表现力的一种好方法,可以 生动地反映人物的性格,品质和心理状态。
• 第五,要注意衔接词的使用。衔接词的使用在上下文中起着 承上启下,融会贯通的作用。
• 【常用衔接词】
• The next day the policeman saw the man and the woman again.They were still with the penguin and he was rather surprised.“Why did not you take the penguin to the zoo as I had suggested yesterday?”he asked them.“We did,”they said,“and today we are going to the cinema.Tomorrow we will go to the swimming pool.”
• 第二,要把握好记叙文的5个W和1个H,即时间(when),地点 (where),人物(who),事件(what),原因(why)和过程(how)。 文章中的故事应有头有尾,要写出事情的发生、发展、变化 及结束的过程。确切地说,在记叙时要把与一件事物有关的 时间、地点、人物、原因等因素交代清楚,才能给人一种完 整的认识和印象。
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高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
Unit 3
第一部分 A taste of English humour
Unit 3
A taste of English humour
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
Part Ⅱ
Learning about Language
4.I didn't see anyone ________ (take) away your paper. It might have been blown by the wind.
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语可做表语或主语,一般来说,表示比较抽象的一 般行为的多用动词ing 形式;表示具体的某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不 定式。 Our work is serving the people. 我们的工作是为人民服务。 The next step is to search the titles for more information. 下一步是查标题,以获得更多的信息。 (3)现在分词做表语,通常表示主语的性质和特征,意为“令人……”,有主 动意味。常见的词有 moving, amusing, astonishing, frightening, relaxing, shocking, worrying 等。 The news she brought us was very exciting. 她给我们带来的消息非常激动人心。
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
考点聚焦 要点诠释
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
动词ing 形式做表语和宾语补足语 1.动词ing 形式做表语 His hobby is painting. 他的嗜好是绘画。 (1)动词ing 形式做主语和表语应遵循对称原则,即主语用动词ing 形式时, 表语也用动词ing 形式。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
及时体验 巩固提升
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The film is more ________ (excite) than any that I've ever seen.
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
(4)see, hear, feel, watch 等“感官动词”之后用ing 形式和动词不定式作宾语 补足语的区别:前者表示动作正在进行,而后者表示(或强调)动作从开始到结束的 全过程。 We heard the telephone ring. 我们听到电话响了。 We heard the telephone ringing. 我们听到电话在响。
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
Can you smell anything burning? 我能闻到什么东西着火了吗? ②表示“叫、让、使”等指使意义的动词,即“使役动词”,常见的有 have, set, keep, get, catch, leave 等。 I won't have you doing that. 我不能容忍你那么做。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让你久等了。
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
(2)当句子转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的动词 ing 形式便转换为主 语补足语。 They found the result very satisfying.=The result was found very satisfying. They heard him singing in the next room.=He was heard singing in the next room. (3)能用ing 形式作宾语补足语的动词: ①表示感觉和心理状态的动词, 即“感官动词”, 常见的有 see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to 等。 I see him stealing money from the woman. 我看到他在偷一位妇女的钱。 I felt somebody standing behind me. 我感觉到有人站有我背后。
Unit 3
Part Ⅱ
高中同步学习方略 ·新课标版 ·英语 ·必修4
2.ing 形式作宾语补足语 (1)动词ing 形式作宾语补足语,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作或一种状 态,作宾语补足语的ing 形式与其前的宾语存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 When we returned to the dormitory, we found a stranger standing in it. 当我们回到宿舍时,发现里面站着一个陌生人。 I found a bag lying on the ground. 我发现一个包在地上放着。 The boss kept the workers working the whole night. 这位老板让工人们干了整整一夜。
答案 exciting
2.I heard her ________ (sing) an English song when I passed her room yesterday.
答案 singing 3.It's wrong of you to leave the machine ________ (operate). 答案 operating