人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 4 Body Language 教案

高中英语教学设计教学重难点Teaching FocusMake the students understand that body language has cultural diversity and there is no division of good or bad for the diversity.ChallengeMake sure that the students will have the awareness to use and try to understand others’ body language when they communicate with others in the future.教学准备A. A projectorB. computer for multimedia teaching教学方法Teaching methodsA. Asking-and-answering between the teacher and the studentsB.. Interaction among individuals, pair-work and group-workC. Task-based teachingD. Teacher’s demonstration and interpretationE. Role-playingF. Students’ discovery教学过程设计活动内容Step 2介绍身势语的重要性A.Telling Students the Story of Tai Lihua and Making Them Know theImportance of Body Language in Her Life ( 3 min )1.Present the pictures of Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin , and ask the students whether they know thegirl who dances in the front.2. Tell the students tell life story of Tai Lihua and ask them the question “What are the key factors forher success in her life?”The life story of Tai LihuaHer name is Tai Lihua(邰丽华). She is called a Fairy of Peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. You knowshe is a deaf girl, but she is a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. She studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. She was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. She is deafand dumb. But how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? She loves life very much. We should learn from her spirit. Besides her hard working, body language plays a very importantpart in her life. We are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. Sowe should pay more attention to learning body languages.B.Showing the Students the Science Report of the Importance Body Language,Making Them Know That Body Language Is As Important For Us As ForDisabled Person Like Tai Lihua. ( 1 min )Some psychologist believe that we communicate 65% of our ideas and feelings without words! The shape of our bodies and faces, the movements and gestures we make, the clothes we wear, how near we stand to each other and whether we touch each other…all these communicate. we must study all these types of information if we want to truly understand what other people are saying.Step 3介绍不同类型的身势语() ( step 3 will use around 5 min )A. Showing the Students The Four Types of Body LanguageGestureFacial expressionEye contactPostureB. Guessing The Meaning of GesturesThe teacher show the students a series of pictures of a man using different gestures, and the students are supposed to say their meaning.C.Acting Out By GesturesThe teacher show the students some English words and ask them to act them out together by using gestures.Victory!Ok !Be quiet!You!D. Chasing the Right WordThe teacher will show the students a series of pictures describing different facial expressions and askthe students to choose the right word for each.E. Matching the Right Interpretation Of the EyesThe teacher will present students several pictures of eyes and ask the students to match the right interpretation.Threatening No. sixThank you ! Congratulations!Facial expressionanger fear joy sorrow contempt轻视surprise disgust 厌恶What do you see in the eyes below?That’s a problem. I need to thinkfor while.a whileIt’s you! Let’s have a duel!That’s horrible! I’m terrified!The next minute,you’re a dead body!I’m in great sorrownes s…I won’t give up! We’ll soon winback!F. Guessing The Meaning of Postures in Real ContextI’m listening carefully!What do we know from their posture?Nice to meet you!This woman is listening to your ideas…You meet this man for the first time…Give me a little time!I’m still thinking!You are asking this womanTo finish her work as soon as possible…You are asking this woman ”Have you got any good idea?” …I give up!OK!You are asking help from this woman…You are saying “Will you give up!”…G. Matching the Right Meaning of the Given Posturesnervous Bite your nails and fondle hair agreement Nod the head up and downBe not interested Look away or yawn.Do not believe Roll your eyes and turn your head away. angry Frown and turn your back to sb disagreement Shake the headStep 4给身势语下定义A.Finishing the First Question of Warming-up Part ( 3 min )The teacher will ask the students to discuss the question with your partner and try to find what the people in the pictures are communicating.B.Giving Definition To Body Language ( 2 min )The teacher will guide the students to give a general definition to body language.Body languageis a form of non-verbal communication.uses movements or positions of our body to show other people what we are thinking or feeling.mainly includes gesture, facial expression, eye contact, posture four forms.Step 5练习运用身势语A.Acting Out the Following words ( 4 min )This exercise is based on the second question of warming-up part. Two students will be chose to the frontof the class, and each of them will choose five words to act. After their action, other students will try to guess which word they have acted.•Hello!•Goodbye!•Go away!•Expensive!•I’m surprised!•I’m tired•I’m confused!•Good luck•I’m delighted!•I’m upset!•I’m sad!•I forgot!•You are great!•I’m curious!•I ate too much!•Come here!B.Acting Out the Dialogue on Page 67 ( 10 min )The student will work in groups of two to finish the speaking task of this unit on page 67. They are required to use appropriate body language as they are making dialogues. After their pairwork, volunteers will make their dialogue before the whole class.Step 6介绍身势语的文化多样性A.Showing the Cultural Difference in Body Language With Examples ( 2 min )America OKJapan moneyFrance zeroBrazilGermanyrudeB . Presenting the Students the Major Greeting Customs in the World ( 2 min )Person and country Suitable greeting A man from ColumbiaTo a man: same as for a womanTo a woman: touches her shoulder and kissesher on the cheekA woman from BritainTo a man: not to close, shake hands To a woman: shake hands, will get closeA man from JapanTo a man: bowsTo a woman: bowsA man from CanadaTo a man: shake handsTo a woman: shake hands or kisses on both cheeks if knownA woman from FranceTo a man: shake hands, kisses twice on the cheekTo a woman: same to someone she knowsA man from the Middle East or some Muslim countriesTo a man:comes close, shakes handsTo a woman:nodsC. Discussion On the Question That If There is a Division of Good or Bad of the Different Meaning of The Same Body Language Under Different Culture.The students will have 3 minutes for discussion and after that some of them will represent their group to share their idea with the whole class.Step Role Play ( 8 min )USA Nigeria rude Germany Japanone“great”or “good job”。

新人教版高中英语必修4词汇表本模块共收录约160个名词60个形容词、副词80个动词Unit 1achievement n. 成就;功绩△Joan of Arc 圣女贞德(法国民族女英雄)△Elizabeth Fry 伊丽莎白.弗赖伊(英国慈善家)△Quaker n. 教友派信徒;贵格会会员welfare n. 福利;福利事业project n. 项目;工程;规划institute n. 学会;学院;协会△China Welfare Institute中国福利基金会specialist n. 专家;专业工作者△specialize vi. 专攻;专门从事;专注于△Jane Goodall 简.古道尔(英国动物学家)△chimp n. (非洲)黑猩猩connection n. 连接;关系human being 人类△Jody Williams 乔迪.威廉斯(美国诺贝尔和平奖得者)campaign n. 运动;战役vi. 作战;参加运动△landmine n. 地雷organization n. 组织;机构;团体△Gombe National Park 贡贝国家公园(位于坦桑尼亚) behave adj & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现behaviour (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性shade n. 荫;阴凉处adj 遮住光线move off 离开;起程;出发worthwhile adj. 值得的;值得做的nest n. 巢;窝bond n. 联系;关系;结合;纽带observe adj 观察;观测;遵守observation n. 观察;观测childhood n. 童年;幼年时代outspoken adj. 直言的;坦诚respect adj & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意argue adj & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论argument n. 争论;争辩;争吵entertainment n. 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演lead a … life 过着……的生活crowd n. 人群;观众adj 挤满;使拥挤crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海inspire adj 鼓舞;激发;启示△inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞support n. & adj 支持;拥护look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起refer vi. 谈到;查阅;参考refer to 查阅;参考;谈到audience n. 观众;听众;读者by chance 碰巧;凑巧come across (偶然)遇见;碰见△career n. 事业;生涯rate n. 比率;速度sickness n. 疾病;恶心intend adj 计划;打算emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况generation n. 一代;一辈△determination n. 决心;果断kindness n. 仁慈;好意considerate adj. 考虑周到的consideration n. 考虑;体谅deliver adj 递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)carry on 继续;坚持modest adj. 谦虚的;谦让的;适度的Unit 2statistic n. (常用pl statisitcs)数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料sunburnt adj. 晒黑的struggle adj & vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力decade n. 十年;十年期super adj. 特级的;超级的△hybrid adj. 混合的;杂种的n. 杂交种;混血儿output n. 产量;输出△strain n.(植物的)品种;种类crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量hunger n. 饥饿;欲望adj & vi. (使)饥饿disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的expand adj & vi. 使变大;伸展circulate adj & vi. 循环;流传Vietnam n. 越南(东南亚国家)thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为battle n. 战役;战斗;较量;斗争adj & vi. 搏斗;奋斗rid adj 摆脱;除去rid… of 摆脱;除去be satisfied with 对……感到满意freedom n. 自由;自主would rather 宁愿;宁可therefore adj.因为;所以;因而equip adj & vi. 配备;装备△sorghum n. 高粱grain n. 谷物;粮食;颗粒△peanut n. 花生export adj & vi. 输出;出口nationality n. 国籍occupation n. 工作;职业;占领△personality n. 性格;个性;人格confuse adj 使迷惑;使为难regret adj 遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔chemical adj. 化学的;关于化学的△organic adj. 有机的;器官的;组织的△fertile adj. 肥沃的;富饶的△fertilizer n. 肥料;化肥production n. 生产;制造bacteria n. (bacterium的复数形式)细菌pest n. 害虫;害兽;害鸟build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发lead to 导致;造成(后果)nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物mineral n. 矿物;矿石discovery n. 发现;发觉focus n. 焦点;中心点adj 集中;聚集focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于soil n. 土壤reduce adj 减少;减缩keep … free from/of 使……免受(影响;害等);使……不含(有害物)△soybean n. (=soyabean) 大豆root n. 根;根源skim adj 浏览;略读underline adj 画底线标出;强调summary n. 总结;摘要;概要comment n. 评论;议论vi. & adj 表达意见;作出评论△producer n. 生产者;制片人△industrial adj. 工业的;产业的Unit 3humour n. 幽默;滑稽△punchline n. 故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语△verbal adj. 口头的△nonverbal adj. 不用语言的△mime n. 哑剧△Charlie Chaplin 查理.卓别林(英国喜剧大师)△Edward Lear 爱德华.李尔(英国作家、画家)comedy n. 喜剧△Victor Hugo 维克多.雨果(法国文学家)up to now 直到现在△brighten adj 使更愉快;使更有希望△depressed adj. 忧愁的;沮丧的content adj. 满足的;满意的n. 满足adj 使满足feel/be content with 对……满足performer n. 表演者;演出者astonish adj 使惊诧astonishing adj. 令人感到惊讶的fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉利的unfortunately adj 不幸地badly off 穷的;缺少的△teens n. 十几岁(13至19岁的年龄)ordinary adj. 平常的;普通的bored adj. 厌烦的△subtle adj. 微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertain adj & vi. 使欢乐;款待△entertaining adj. 愉快的;有趣的△charming adj. 迷人的;有魅力的△tramp n. 流浪汉;行乞者throughout prep. 遍及;贯穿adj 到处;始终;全部homeless adj. 无家的;无家可归的moustache n. 小胡子worn adj. 用旧的;用坏的;破烂的△worn-out adj. 磨破的;穿旧的△stiffly adj 僵硬地failure n. 失败(者)△optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义overcome adj & vi. (overcame,overcome)战胜;克服△underdog n. 失败者;处于劣势的一方△snowstorm n. 暴风雪leather n. 皮革pick out 挑出;辨别出△lace n. 饰带;花边;鞋带cut off 切断;断绝chew adj & vi. 嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)△mouthful n. 一口;满口△enjoyment n. 享受;欢乐;乐趣convince adj 使信服convincing adj. 令人信服的direct adj & vi. 导演;指示;指挥adj. 直的;直接的;直率的star in 担任主角;主演△Oscar n. 奥斯卡outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的Switzerland n. 瑞士(欧洲中部国家)△confidence n. 信心;信念△costume n. 服装;戏装gesture n. 姿态;手势vi. 做手势particular adj. 特殊的;特别的n. 细节;细目particularly adj 特殊地;特别地occasion n. 时刻;场合budget n. 预算;开支actress n. 女演员slide adj & vi. (使)滑动;(使)滑行n. 滑;滑动;幻灯片amuse adj 使发笑;使愉快△amusing adj. 好笑的;有趣的pancake n. 烙饼;薄饼explanation n. 解释;讲解;说明detective n. 侦探△Sherlock Holmes n. 夏洛克.福尔摩斯mountainous adj. 多山的;山一般的whisper n. 耳语;低语adj & vi. 低语;小声说vast adj. 巨大的;辽阔的△rhythm n. 节奏mess n. 脏或乱的状态react vi. 作出反应;回应porridge n. 粥;麦片粥drunk adj. 醉的Unit 4statement n. 陈述;说明greet vi. & adj 迎接;问候represent adj 代表;象征association n. 社团;联系;联想dormitory n. 宿舍canteen n. 食堂flight n. 飞行;航班curious adj. 好奇的curiously adj 好奇地△Garcia 加西亚(姓)Colombia n. 哥伦比亚(南美洲国家)approach adj & vi. 接近;靠近;走近n. 接近;方法;途径cheek n. 面颊defend adj 保护;保卫defend against 保卫……以免受defence n. 防御;保卫major adj. 主要的misunderstand adj (misunderstood,misunderstood)误解,误会misunderstanding n. 误解;误会△Akira Nagata 永田明△Ahmed Aziz 艾哈迈德.阿齐兹Jordan n. 约旦(西亚国家)△Darlene Coulon 达琳.库隆dash vi. 猛冲;突进adult n. 成人;成年人adj. 成人的;成熟的△simply adj 简单地;只△Muslim n. & adj. 穆斯林(的);伊斯兰教信徒(的)spoken adj. 口语的unspoken adj. 未说出口的;非口语的△posture n. 姿态;体态Spain n. 西班牙(欧洲国家)Italy n. 意大利(欧洲国家)likely adj. 可能的be likely to 很可能……;有希望……in general 总的来说;通常crossroads n. 十字路口△employee n. 雇员△frown vi. 皱眉;蹙额△misread adj (misread /misread)读错;误解facial adj. 面部的function n. 作用;功能;职能vi. 起作用;运转ease n. 安逸;舒适adj 减轻(痛苦;忧虑)at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在truly adj 真实地;真诚地;真正地false adj. 错误的;假的anger n. 怒气;怒火lose face 丢脸turn one’s back to 背对;背弃fist n. 拳头yawn vi. 打呵欠△respectful adj. 恭敬的subjective adj. 主观的hug vi. & adj 拥抱rank n. 等级;军衔cassette n. 磁带Unit 5theme n. 题目;主题(曲)△Camelot Park 卡默洛特公园(位于英国)central adj. 中心的;中央的△Central Park 中央公园(位于美国纽约)△Dollywood n. 多莱坞(公园名,位于美国)various adj. 不同的;各种各样的cartoon n. 漫画;动画片be famous for 以……而闻名△roller coaster n. 过山车whichever pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个△pirate n. 海盗;盗版△fairy tale 神话故事;童话fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)swing n. 秋千;摇摆adj & vi. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动attraction n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引no wonder 难怪;不足为奇tourism n. 旅游业wherever pron. 无论在什么地方;各处unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的carpenter n. 木匠△craftsman n. 匠人;能工巧匠engine n. 引擎;发动机△bald adj. 秃头的preserve adj 保存;保留n. 保护区length n. 长度;长deed n. 行动;事迹△knight n. 骑士;爵士be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造△Merlin the Wizard 魔术师梅林sword n. 剑△joust vi. (指中世纪骑士)骑着马用长予打斗tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛settler n. 移民;殖民者athletic adj. 运动的translator n. 译员;翻译minority n. 少数;少数民族cloth n. 布△Futuroscope n. 观测未来(公园名,位于法国)jungle n. 丛林△diver n. 潜水员creature n. 生物;动物sunlight n. 阳光△T-Rex n. (=Tyrannosaurus Rex)霸王龙advance adj & vi. 前进;促进;提前in advance 提前advanced adj.高级的;先进的brand n. 商标;牌子get close to 接近come to life 活跃起来outing n. 外出;短途旅行;远足admission n. 允许进入;入场费;承认shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机freeway n. 高速公路souvenir n. 纪念品sneaker n. 运动鞋brochure n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南。

高中英语选择性必修四单词表【Unit 1】fiction /ˈfɪkʃn/ n.小说;虚构的事science fiction [informal sci-fi] [abbr.SF] 科幻小说(或影片等)test out检验;测试bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/ n.意外收获;奖金;红利more like更像是;更接近ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ adj.愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/ n.诚实正直;完整;完好dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/ n.庄重;庄严;尊严salary /ˈsæləri/ n.薪水;薪金absurd /əbˈsɜːd/ adj.荒谬的;荒唐的appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ n.预约;约会;委任nail /neɪl/ n.指甲;趾甲;钉子 vt.(用钉子)钉牢;固定saleswoman /ˈseɪlzwʊmən/ n.女售货员;女推销员guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的suspend /səˈspend/ vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓ladder /ˈlædə(r)/ n.梯子;阶梯dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除declare /dɪˈkleə(r)/ vt.表明;宣称;公布whereas /ˌweərˈæz/ conj.然而;但是;尽管rumour /ˈruːmə(r)/ n.谣言;传闻presume / prɪˈzjuːm;NAmE -'zu:m/ vt.& vi.假设;假定fare /feə(r)/ n.车费;船费;飞机票价weekly /ˈwiːkli/ adj.每周的 n.周刊on a ...basis根据;以……的方式(基准)calculate /ˈkælkjuleɪt/ vt.计算;核算;预测chairwoman /ˈtʃeəwʊmən/ n.女主席;女董事长;女委员长gramme [ NAmE ɡram] /ɡræm/ n.克(重量单位)flour /ˈflaʊə(r)/ n.面粉;(谷物磨成的)粉venue /ˈvenjuː/ n.活动场地(如音乐厅、会场等)salesman /ˈseɪlzmən/ n.售货员;推销员alien /ˈeɪliən/ n.外星人(生物);外国人adj.陌生的;外星的;外国的pros and cons事物的利与弊;支持与反对blurred /blɜːd/ adj.模糊不清的;难以区分的superior /suːˈpɪəriə(r); sjuː-/ adj.更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的superior to 比……更好;更胜一筹take over 占上风;取而代之;接管;接手inaction /ɪnˈækʃn/ n.无行动;不采取措施conflict with与……冲突或抵触labour /ˈleɪbə(r)/ n.劳动(者);体力劳动vi.奋斗;努力工作leather /ˈleðə(r)/ n.皮革;[pl.]皮衣;皮外套lever / ˈliːvə(r);NAmE ˈlevər / n.操纵杆;杠杆panel /ˈpænl/ n.控制板;仪表盘;专家咨询组inch /ɪntʃ/ n.英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米)backwards /ˈbækwədz/ [NAmE backward] adv.向后;倒着;往回grip /ɡrɪp/ vt.&vi.紧握;抓紧hazy /ˈheɪzi/ adj.模糊的;朦胧的;困惑的niece /niːs/ n.侄女;外甥女fetch /fetʃ/ vt.(去)拿来;(去)请来handkerchief /ˈhæŋkətʃɪf / n.手帕;纸巾lamp /læmp/ n.灯;台灯turn out关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是pace /ˈpeɪs/ n.速度;步伐;节奏vt.&vi.确定速度;调整节奏fall away (逐渐)减少;消失division /dɪˈvɪʒn/ n.分开;分隔;差异;除(法)puff /pʌf/ n.(烟、气等的)一缕;少量;喘息urge /ɜːdʒ/ n.强烈的欲望;冲动vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐have an urge to有强烈的欲望做某事random /ˈrændəm/ adj.随机的;不可思议的maximum /ˈmæksɪməm/ adj.最大极限的n.最大量;最大限度explode /ɪkˈspləʊd/ vi.& vt.爆炸;爆破jolt /dʒəʊlt/ n .震动;摇晃;颠簸vt.& vi.(使)震动;摇晃flip /flɪp/ vt.& vi.(使)快速翻转;(用手指)轻抛stun /stʌn/ vt.使震惊,使昏迷mud /mʌd/ n.泥;泥浆overstatement /ˈəʊvəsteɪtmənt/ n.夸大;夸张【Unit 2】iconic /aɪˈkɒnɪk/ adj.符号的;图标的foundation /faʊnˈdeɪʃn/ n.创建;基础;地基political /pəˈlɪtɪkl/ adj.政治的didgeridoo /ˌdɪdʒəriˈduː/ n.迪吉里杜管located /ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ adj.位于equator /ɪˈkweɪtə(r)/ n.赤道koala /kəʊˈɑːlə/ n.考拉;树袋熊barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ n.(abbr.BBQ) 户外烧烤;烤架bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ n.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂joint /dʒɔɪnt/ n.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节adj.联合的;共同的butcher /ˈbʊtʃə(r)/ n.肉贩;屠夫;刽子手premier /ˈpremiə(r); NAmE prɪ'mɪr/ adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的n.总理;首相herb /hɜːb/ n.药草;香草;草本dim sim /ˌdɪm 'sɪm/ (特指澳大利亚的)点心hollow /ˈhɒləʊ/ adj.中空的;空心的vibrate /vaɪ'breɪt/ vt.& vi.(使)振动horn /hɔːn/ n.(乐器)号 pitch /pɪtʃ/ n.音高straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/ adj.坦率的;简单的slogan /ˈsləʊɡən/ n.标语;口号minister /ˈmɪnɪstə(r)/ n.部长;大臣;外交使节prime minister 首相;总理frog /frɒɡ/ n.蛙;青蛙arrow /ˈærəʊ/ n.箭;箭头entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtl/ vt.给……命名(或题名);使享有权利getaway /ˈɡetəweɪ/ n.适合度假的地方dive /daɪv/ vi.& n.( dived/dove, dived ) 潜水;跳水;俯冲kayaking /ˈkaɪækɪŋ/ n.划皮艇peak season高峰季节freedom /ˈfriːdəm/ n.自由;不受……影响的状态domain /dəˈmeɪn; dəʊˈmeɪn/ n.领域;领土;范围sponsor /ˈspɒnsə(r); NAmE 'spɑːnsər/ vt.倡议;赞助;主办n.(法案等的)倡议者;赞助者liberty /ˈlɪbəti/ n.自由golf /ɡɒlf/ n.高尔夫球运动strait /streɪt/ n.海峡sample /ˈsɑːmpl/ n.样本;样品monument /ˈmɒnjumənt/ n.纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹kiwi /ˈkiːwiː/ n.几维(新西兰鸟)geyser /ˈɡiːzə(r);ˈɡaɪzər/ n.间歇泉sulphuric /sʌl'fjʊərɪk/ pool 硫黄池manuka /mə'nu:kə/ honey 麦卢卡蜂蜜bungee /ˈbʌndʒi/ jumping 蹦极跳a flock /flɒk/ of —群(羊或鸟)geothermal /ˌdʒiːəʊˈθɜːml/ park 地热公园distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ n.分布;分配;分发pouch /paʊtʃ/ n.育儿袋;小袋子;荷包temporary /ˈtemprəri/ adj.暂时的;短暂的phase /feɪz/ n.阶段;时期trunk /trʌŋk/ n.树干licensed /laɪsnst/ adj.得到正式许可的license /ˈlaɪsns/ vt.批准;许可n.( = licence )许可证;执照session /ˈseʃn/ n.—场;一段时间;会议frequency /ˈfriːkwənsi/ n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ adj.暴力的;猛烈的violence /ˈvaɪələns/ n.暴力;暴行nest /nest/ n.巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点mammal /ˈmæml/ n.哺乳动物biology /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ n.生理;生物学hatch /hætʃ/ vi.孵出;破壳vt.使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ n.能力;容量a handful of少数人(或物);一把(的量)fence /fens/ n.栅栏;围栏prison /'prɪzn/ n.监狱;监禁grand /ɡrænd/ adj.大;宏大的【Unit 3】tale / teɪl / n.故事;叙述merchant /ˈmɜːtʃənt/n.商人;批发商adj.海上货运的set sail起航;开航extend/ɪk'stend/ vt.扩展;使伸长;延长negotiate/nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/vt.商定;达成(协议)vi.谈判;磋商;协商fleet /fliːt/ n.舰队;机群;车队behold/ bɪˈhəʊld/ vt.( beheld, beheld )看;看见league/li:ɡ/ n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛in a league of one’s own 独领风骚royal /ˈrɔɪəl/ adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的spice /spaɪs/ n.(调味)香料withdraw/ wɪðˈdrɔ/ vi.&vt.( withdrew, withdrawn ) (使)撤回;撤离withdraw from 退出;撤回channel/ˈtʃænl /n.航道;海峡;频道maritime/ ˈmærɪtaɪm/ adj.海的;海运的;海事的bond/ bɒnd / n.纽带;关系vt.&vi.增强信任关系;使牢固结合in hand在手头;可供使用politics/ˈpɒlətɪks / n.政治;政治观点profession/ prəˈfeʃn / n.职业;行业tournament/ ˈtʊənəmənt/ n.锦标赛;联赛mixture/ ˈmɪkstʃə(r) / n.混合;结合体;混合物laptop/ˈlæptɒp/ n.笔记本电脑;便携式电脑coverage/ˈkʌvərɪdʒ / n.新闻报道;覆盖范围press conference记者招待会;新闻发布会applaud/ əˈplɔːd / vt.&vi.鼓掌vt.称赞;赞赏tax/ tæks/ vt.对……征税;使纳税n.税;税款manned/ mænd / adj.有人控制的;需人操纵的submersible/ səbˈmɜːsəbl / n.潜水器;可潜船underwater /ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)/ adv.在水下adj.水下的capsule /'kæpsju:l/ n.胶囊;太空舱coral/ ˈkɒrəl / n.珊瑚migration / maɪˈɡreɪʃn / n.迁移;迁徙;移居directory/ dəˈrektəri /n.名录;电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录meanwhile/ ˈmiːnwaɪl / adv.与此同时;(比较两方面)对比之下exploit/ ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ vt.开发;利用;剥削gallon/ ˈɡælən / n.加仑(容积单位,1英制加仑约等于4.5升)murder/ ˈmɜːdə(r)/ vt.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏n.谋杀;凶杀mercy/ ˈmɜːsi /n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠possession / pəˈzeʃn / n.[usually pl.]个人财产;拥有;控制opponent/ əˈpəʊnənt / n.反对者;对手;竞争者log/ lɒɡ;NAmE lɔːɡ/ vt.把……载入正式记录;记录n.正式记录;日志;原木marine/ məˈriːn / adj.海的;海产的;海生的arrest/ əˈrest /n.逮捕;拘留;中止vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止【Unit 4】parcel /'pɑːsl/ n.包裹vt.裹好;打包jam /dʒæm/ n.果酱;堵塞mail /meɪl/ n.邮件;信件;邮政vt.邮寄;发电邮给secondary /'sekəndri/ adj.中学的;次要的clay /kleɪ/ n.黏土;陶土dust /dʌst/ n.沙土;灰尘vi.& vt.擦灰dusty /'dʌsti/ adj.布满灰尘的weed /wiːd/ n.杂草;野草vt.& vi.除杂草chorus /'kɔːrəs/ n.合唱曲;合唱团vt.合唱;齐声说a chorus of齐声;异口同声cotton /'kɒtn/ n.棉布;棉花uniform /'juːnɪfɔːm/ n.校服;制服adj.—致的;统一的not to mention更不用说;且不说tablet /'tæblət/ n.平板电脑;便笺本;药片rubber /'rʌbə(r)/ n.橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶washroom /'wɒʃruːm/ n.洗手间;厕所rigid /'rɪdʒɪd/ adj.死板的;固执的bubble /'bʌbl/ vi.起泡;沸腾tube /tjuːb/ n.管子;管状物circus /'sɜːkəs/ n.马戏团chemist /'kemɪst/ n.化学家;药剂师;药房shade /ʃeɪd/ vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分jaw /dʒɔː/ n.额;下巴wrinkle /'rɪŋkl/ vt.& vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起 n.皱纹forehead /'fɔːhed; 'fɒrɪd/ n.额;前额hut /hʌt/ n.简陋的小房子(或棚、舍)housing /haʊzɪŋ/ n.住房;住宅platform /'plætfɔːm/ n.平台;站台;舞台fireplace /'faɪəpleɪs/ n.壁炉saucer /'sɔːsə(r)/ n.茶碟;杯托kettle /'ketl/ n.(烧水用的)壶;水壶pan /pæn/ n.平底锅;烤盘jar /dʒɑː(r)/ n.罐子;坛子ripe /raɪp/ adj.成熟的;时机成熟的grill /ɡrɪl/ n.烤架;烤肉餐馆doorway /'dɔːweɪ/ n.门口;出入口;门道leftover /'leftəʊvə(r)/ adj.吃剩的;残留的n.吃剩的食物;遗留物handshake /'hændʃeɪk/ n.握手drag /dræɡ/ vt.拖;拽vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动privilege /'prɪvəlɪdʒ/ n.优惠待遇;特权plug /plʌɡ/ vt.封堵;补足n.堵塞物;插头;插座disabled /dɪs'eɪbld/ adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的resign /rɪ'zaɪn/ vi.&vt.辞职;辞去deserve /dɪ'zɜːv/ vt.值得;应得;应受lately /'leɪtli/ adv.最近;不久前;近来input /'ɪnpʊt/ n.情况;信息;投入;输入vt.输入tune /tjuːn; NAmE tuːn/ n.曲调;曲子vt.调音;调节;调频道contract /'kɒntrækt/ vt.感染(疾病);与……订立合同(或契约)n.合同;契约grant /ɡrɑːnt; NAmE ɡrænt / vt.同意;准许n.拨款take for granted认为……是理所当然;对……不予重视cardiac /'kɑːdɪæk/ adj.心脏病的;心脏的circuit /'sɜːkɪt/ n.巡回;环形线路disability /ˌdɪsə'bɪləti / n.缺陷;障碍consultation /ˌkɒnsəl'teɪʃn/ n.咨询;咨询会relay /'riːleɪ; NAmE rɪ'leɪ/ vt.转发;转播n.接力赛;接班的人relay to转达给……;转发给……criterion /kraɪ'tɪəriən/ n.(pl.criteria /-riə /) 标准;准则;原则stability /stə'bɪləti / n.稳定(性);稳固(性)pray /preɪ/ vi.&vt.企盼;祈祷pray that但愿hypothetical /ˌhaɪpə'θetɪkl/ adj.假设的;假定的【Unit 5】bounce /baʊns/ vi.&vt.(使)弾起;上下晃动n.弹性;弹跳;活力bounce around蹦来蹦去;弹来弾去aptitude/ˈæptɪtjuːd/n.天资;天赋head start起步前的优势scenario/səˈnɑːriəʊ/n.设想;方案;预测lawyer /ˈlɔːjə(r)/n.律师assemble/əˈsembl/vt.组装;装配vi.& vt.收集;聚集;集合drawer/drɔː(r)/n.抽屉a chest of drawers 抽屉柜breast/brest/n.乳房;胸部hydrogen /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/n.氢;氢气radium /ˈreɪdiəm/ n.镭wrist/rɪst/n.手腕;腕关节bridegroom /ˈbraɪdɡruːm/ n.新郎geometry/dʒiˈɒmətri/n.几何学;几何图形debt/det/n.债务;欠款categorise /ˈkætəɡəraɪz/ vt.把……分类(加以归类)profile/ˈprəʊfaɪl/ n.简介;概述;侧面轮廓vt.扼要介绍;概述;写简介participant /pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt/n.参与者;参加者code/kəʊd/n.代码;密码vt.编码;把……译成密码orient/ˈɔːrient/vt.使适应;使面对;确定方向detective/dɪˈtektɪv/n.侦探;警探graphic/ˈɡræfɪk/n.图表;图形;图画adj.绘画的;图案的estate /ɪˈsteɪt/n.庄园;住宅区;工业区(real) estate agent房地产经纪人accountant /əˈkaʊntənt/ n.会计;会计师spy /spaɪ/ n.密探;间谍vi.从事间谍活动vt.突然看见;发现justice/ˈdʒʌstɪs/n.公平;公正;合理accuse /əˈkjuːz/ vt.控告;控诉;谴责come to a conclusion 得出结论greedy/ˈɡriːdi/adj.贪婪的;贪心的entrepreneur/ˌɒntrəprəˈnəː(r)/n.创业者;企业家receptionist /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ n.接待员resume/ˈrezjumeɪ; NamE 'rezəmeɪ/ n.( BrE CV ) (求职用的)履历;简历socialist /ˈsəʊʃəlɪst/ adj.社会主义的n.社会主乂者communist /ˈkɒmjənɪst/ adj.共产主义的n.共产主义者dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ vt.把……奉献给fox /fɒks/n.狐狸;狡猾的人council /ˈkaʊnsl/ n.委员会;市政服务机构canal/kəˈnæl/n.运河;灌溉渠attend to关怀;照料;处理supervise/ˈsuːpəvaɪz/vt.&vi.主管;指导;监督handwriting/ˈhændraɪtɪŋ/n.书法;书写;笔迹disk/dɪsk/n.磁盘;盘parking /ˈpɑːkɪŋ/ n.停车位;停车camel/ˈkæml/n.骆驼fry/fraɪ/n.油煎的食物vt.&vi.油炸;油炒;油煎purse /pɜːs/ n.钱包;皮夹子(尤指女用)sew /səʊ/ vi.&vt.( sewed, sewn/sewed )缝制;缝;做针线活knit /nɪt/vt.&vi.编织;针织;(使)紧密结合n编织的衣服;针织衫wool/wʊl/n.毛;毛线;毛料intermediate /ˌɪntəˈmiːdiət/adj.中级的;中等的;中间的priority/praɪˈɒrəti/n.优先事项;首要的事;优先proficiency/prəˈfɪʃnsi/n.熟练;娴熟;精通cage /keɪdʒ/ n.笼子vt.关在笼子里collar/ˈkɒlə(r)/n.(动物)颈圈;衣领flea collar灭蚤颈圈finance/ˈfaɪnæns; faɪˈnæns/n.资金;财政;金融vt.提供资金receipt/rɪˈsiːt/n.收据;接收certificate/səˈtɪfɪkət/n.合格证书;证明employer/ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/n.雇主;老板desert /ˈdezət/n.沙漠;荒漠acquire /əˈkwaɪə(r)/ vt.获得;购得Marie Curie /mə'ri: ˈkjʊəri/ 玛丽•居里(居里夫人)。

人教版选择性必修第四册重点单词短语句型汇总Unit 1 science fiction................................................................................................................- 1 -unit 2 Iconic attractions..........................................................................................................- 10 -Unit 3 Sea Exploration............................................................................................................- 19 -Unit 4 Sharing.........................................................................................................................- 28 -Unit 5 Launching Your Career.................................................................................................- 38 -Unit 1 science fictionWords and Phrases1 superior adj.更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的[教材原句P6] In scifi stories,robots often become superior and take over.在科幻小说中,机器人通常会变得更高级,并接管一切。

人教版高中英语单词表必修四unit1achievement /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ n.成就;功绩△joanofarc /'dʒəʊnəv'ɑ:k/ 圣女贞德(法国民族女英雄)△Elizabeth Fry /ɪ'lɪzəbəθ'fraɪ/伊丽莎白·弗赖伊(英国慈善家)△Quaker /'kweɪkə/ n.教友派信徒;贵格会会员welfare /'welfeə/n.福利;福利事业project /'prɒdʒekt/ n.工程;项目;规划institute /'ɪnstɪtju:t/ n.学会;学院;协会△China Welfare Institute 中国福利基金会specialist /'speʃəlɪst/ n.专家;专业工作者△specialize /'speʃəlaɪz/ vi.专攻;专门从事;专注于△Janecoodall /'dʒeɪn'ɡʊdɔ:l/简·古道尔(英国动物学家)△chimp /tʃɪmp/ n.(非洲)黑猩猩connection /kə'nekʃn/ n.连接;关系*human being 人,人类△Jody Williams /ˈdʒəʊdɪˈwɪljəmz/乔迪·威廉斯(美国诺贝尔和平奖获得者) campaign /kæm'peɪn/ n.运动;战役vi.作战;参加运动△landmine /ˈlændmaɪn/ n.地雷organization /ˌɔ:ɡənaɪ'zeɪʃn/ n.组织;机构;团体△Gombe /ˈɡɒmbɪ/ National Park贡贝国家公园(位于坦桑尼亚)behave /bɪ'heɪv/ vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现behavior /bɪ'heɪvjə/ n.(=behavior)行为;举止;习性shade /ʃeɪd/ n.荫;阴凉处vi.遮住光线moveoff 离去;起程;出发worthwhile /wɜ:θ'waɪl/ adj.值得的;值得做的nest /nest/ n.巢;窝bond /bɒnd/n.联系;关系;结合;纽带observe /əb'zɜ:v/ vt.观察;观测;遵守observation /'ɒbzə'veɪʃn/ n.观察;观测childhood /'tʃaɪldhʊd/ n.童年;幼年时代outspoken /aʊt'spəʊkən/ adj.直言的;坦诚respect /rɪ'spekt/ vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意argue /'ɑ:ɡju:/ vi.&vt.讨论;辩论;争论argument /'ɑ:ɡjʊmənt/ n.争论;争辩;争吵entertainment /ˌentə'teɪnmənt/ n.款待;娱乐;娱乐表演Lead a...life 过着...的生活crowd /kraʊd/ n.人群;观众vt.挤满;使拥挤crowd in (想法,问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海inspire /ɪn'spaɪə/ vt.鼓舞;激发;启示△inspiration /ɪnspə'reɪʃn/ n.灵感;鼓舞support /sə'pɔ:t/ n.&vt.支持;拥护look down upon/on蔑视;瞧不起refer /rɪ'fɜ:/ vi.谈到;参考;查阅refer to 查阅;参考;谈到audience /'ɔ:dɪəns/ n.观众;听众;读者by chance 碰巧;凑巧come across (偶然)遇见;碰见△career /kə'rɪə/ n.事业;生涯rate /reɪt/ n.比率;速度sickness /'sɪknɪs/ n.疾病;恶心intend /ɪn'tend/ vt.计划;打算emergency /ɪ'mɜ:dʒənsɪ/ n.突发事件;紧急情况generation /dʒenə'reɪʃn /n.一代;一辈△determination /dɪˌtɜ:mɪ'neɪʃn/ n.决心;果断kindness /'kaɪndnəs/ n.仁慈;好意considerate /kən'sɪdərət/ adj.考虑周到的consideration /kənˌsɪdə'reɪʃn/ n.考虑;体谅deliver /dɪ'lɪvə/ vt.递送;生(小孩);接生;发表(演说等)carry on 继续;坚持modest /'mɒdɪst/ adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的unit2statistic /stə'tɪstɪk/ n.(常用pl.statistics)数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料sunburnt /'sʌnbɜ:nt/ adj.晒黑的struggle /'strʌɡl/ vt.&vi.斗争;拼搏;努力decade /'dekeɪd/ n.十年;十年期super /'sju:pə/ adj.特级的;超级的△hybrid /'haɪbrɪd/ adj.混合的;杂种的n.杂交种;混血儿output /'aʊtpʊt/ n.产量;输出△strain /'streɪn/ n.(植物的)品种;种类crop /krɒp/ n.农作物;庄稼;产量hunger /'hʌŋɡə/ n.饥饿;欲望vt.&vi.(使)饥饿disturbing /dɪs'tɜ:bɪŋ/ adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的expand /ɪk'spænd/vt.&vi.使变大;伸展circulate /'sɜ:kjʊleɪt/ vt.&vi.循环;流传Vietnam /vjet'næm/n.越南(东南亚国家) thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为battle /'bætl/n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt.&vi.搏斗;奋斗rid /rɪd/ vt.摆脱;除去rid...of 摆脱;除去be satisfied with 对…感到满意freedom /'fri:dəm/ n.自由;自主would rather 宁愿;宁可therefore /'ðeəfɔ:/ adv.因此;所以;因而equip /ɪ'kwɪp/ vt.&vi.装备;配备△sorghum /'sɔ:ɡəm/ n.高梁grain /'ɡreɪn/ n.谷物;粮食;颗粒△peanut /'pi:nʌt/ n.花生export /ɪks'pɔ:t/ vt.&vi.输出;出口nationality /ˌnæʃə'nælətɪ/ n.国籍occupation /ˌɒkju'peɪʃn/ n.职业;工作;占领△personality /ˌpɜ:sə'nælətɪ/ n.性格;个性;人格confuse /kən'fju:z/ vt.使迷惑;使为难regret /rɪ'ɡret/ vt.遗憾;惋惜n.遗憾;懊悔chemical /'kemɪkl/ adj.化学的;关于化学的△organic /ɔ:'ɡænɪk/ adj.有机的;器官的;组织的△fertile /'fɜ:taɪl/ adj.肥沃的;富饶的△fertilizer /'fɜ:tɪlaɪzə/ n.肥料;化肥production /prə'dʌkʃn/ n.生产;制造bacteria /bæk'tɪərɪə/ n.细菌(bacterium /bæk'tɪərɪəm/ 的复数形式)pest /pest/ n.害虫;害兽;害鸟build up 逐步增强;建立;开发lead to 导致;造成(后果)nutrition /nju:'trɪʃn/ n.营养;滋养;食物mineral /'mɪnərəl/ n.矿物;矿石discovery /dɪs'kʌvərɪ/ n.发现;发觉focus /'fəʊkəs/ n.焦点;中心点vi.集中;聚焦focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于soil /sɔɪl/ n.土壤reduce /rɪ'dju:s/ vt.减少;减缩keep...free from/of 使...免受(影响、伤害等); 使...不含(有害物)△soybean /'sɔɪbi:n/ n.(=soyabean)大豆root /ru:t/ n.根;根源skim /skɪm/ vt.浏览;略读underline /ˌʌndə'laɪn/ vt.画底线标出;强调summary /'sʌmərɪ/ n.总结;摘要;概要comment /'kɒment/ n.评论;议论vi.&vt.表达意见;作出评论△producer /prə'dju:sə/ n.生产者;制片人△industrial /ɪn'dʌstrɪəl/ adj.工业的;产业的unit3humour /'hju:mə/ n.幽默;滑稽△punchline /'pʌntʃlaɪn/ n.故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语△verbal /'vɜ:bl/ adj.口头的△nonverbal /ˌnɒn'vɜ:bl/ adj.不用语言的△mime /maɪm/ n.哑剧△Charlie Chaplin /'tʃɑ:lɪˈtʃæplɪn/查理·卓别林(英国喜剧大师)△Edward Lear /ˈedwəd'lɪə/爱德华·李尔(英国作家、画家)comedy /'kɒmɪdɪ/ n.喜剧△victorhugo /ˈvɪktəˈhju:ɡəʊ/维克多·雨果(法国文学家)up to now 直到现在△brighten /'braɪtn/ vt.使更愉快;使更有希望△depressed /dɪ'prest/ adj.忧愁的;沮丧的content /kən'tent/ adj.满意的;满足的n.满足 vt.使满足feel/be content with 对...满足performer /pə'fɔ:mə/ n.表演者;演出者astonish /ə'stɒnɪʃ/ vt.使惊诧astonishing /ə'stɒnɪʃɪŋ/ adj.令人感到惊异的fortunate /'fɔ:tʃənɪt/ adj.幸运的;吉利的unfortunately /ʌn'fɔ:tʃənɪtlɪ/ adv.不幸地badly off 穷的;缺少的△teens /ti:nz/ n.十几岁(13至19岁的年龄) ordinary /'ɔ:dənərɪ/ adj.平常的;普通的bored /bɔ:d/ adj.厌烦的△subtle /'sʌtl/ adj.微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertain /ˌentə'teɪn/ vt.&vi.使欢乐;款待△entertaining /ˌentə'teɪnɪŋ/ adj.愉快的; 有趣的△charming /'tʃɑ:mɪŋ/ adj.迷人的;有魅力的△tramp /træmp/n.流浪汉;行乞者throughout /θru:'aʊt/ prep.遍及;贯穿adv.到处;始终;全部homeless /həʊmləs/ adj.无家的;无家可归的moustache /məs'tɑ:ʃ/ n.小胡子worn /wɔ:n/ adj.用旧的;用坏的;破烂的△worn-out /wɔ:n'aʊt/ adj.磨破的;穿旧的△stiffly /'stɪflɪ/ adv. 僵硬地failure /'feɪljə/ n. 失败(者)optimism /'ɒptɪmɪzəm/ n.乐观;乐观主义overcome /ˌəʊvə'kʌm/ vt.(overcome;overcome) 战胜;克服△underdog /'ʌndədɒɡ/ n.失败者;处于劣势的一方△snowstorm /'snəʊstɔ:m/ n.暴风雪leather /'leðə/ n.皮革pickout挑出;辨别出△lace /leɪs/ n.饰带;花边;鞋带cut off 切断;断绝chew /tʃu:/ vt.&vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)△mouthful /'maʊθfʊl/ n.一口;满口△enjoyment /ɪn'dʒɔɪmənt/ n.享受;快乐;乐趣convince /kən'vɪns/ vt.使信服convincing /kən'vɪnsɪŋ/ adj.令人信服的direct /dɪ'rekt;daɪ'-/ vt.&vi.导演;指示;指挥adj.直的;直接的;直率的star in 担任主角;主演△oscar /'ɒskə/ n.奥斯卡outstanding /aʊt'stændɪŋ/ adj.突出的;杰出的; 显著的Switzerland /'swɪtsələnd/ n.瑞士(欧洲中部国家)△confidence /'kɒnfɪdəns/ n.信心;信念△costume /'kɒstju:m/ n.服装;戏装gesture /'dʒestʃə/ n.姿势;手势vi.做手势particular /pə'tɪkjʊlə/ adj.特殊的;特别的n.细节;细目particularly adv. 特殊地;特别地occasion /ə'keɪʒən/ n. 时刻;场合budget /'bʌdʒɪt/ n.预算;开支actress /'æktrɪs/ n.女演员slide /slaɪd/ vi.&vt.(slid;slid)(使)滑动;(使)滑行n.滑;滑动;幻灯片amuse /ə'mju:z/ vt.使发笑;使愉快△amusingadj. 好笑的;有趣的pancake /'pænkeɪk/ n.烙饼;薄饼explanation /ˌeksplə'neɪʃn/ n.解释;讲解;说明detective /dɪ'tektɪv/ n.侦探△sherlockholmes /'ʃɜ:lɒk'həʊlmz/夏洛克·福尔摩斯mountainous /'maʊntɪnəs/ adj.多山的;山一般的whisper /'wɪspə/ n.耳语;低语vt.&vi.低语;小声说vast /vɑ:st/ adj.巨大的;辽阔的△rhythm /'rɪðəm/ n.节奏mess /mes/ n.脏或乱的状态react /rɪ'ækt/vi.作出反应;回应porridge /'pɒrɪdʒ/ n.粥;麦片粥drunk /drʌŋk/ adj.醉的unit4statement /'steɪtmənt/ n.陈述;声明greet /ɡri:t/ vt.&vi.迎接;问候represent /ˌreprɪ'zent/ vt.代表;象征association /əˌsəʊsɪ'eɪʃn/ n.社团;联系;联想dormitory /'dɔ:mɪtrɪ/ n.宿舍canteen /kæn'ti:n/n.食堂flight /flaɪt/ n.航班;飞行curious /'kjʊərɪəs/ adj.好奇的curiously /'kjuərɪəslɪ/ adv.好奇地△garcia /'ɡɑ:sɪə/ 加西亚(姓)Colombia /kə'lʌmbɪə/ n.哥伦比亚approach /ə'prəʊtʃ/ vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走进n.接近;方法;途径cheek /tʃi:k/ n.面颊defend /dɪ'fend/ vt.保护;保卫defend against 保卫...以免受defence /dɪ'fens/ n.防御;保卫major/'meɪdʒə/ adj.主要的misunderstand /ˌmɪsʌndə'stænd/vt.误解;误会(misunderstood;misunderstood) misunderstandingn. 误解;误会△akiranagata /ə'kɪrənə'ɡɑ:tɑ:/ 永田明△ahmedaziz /'ɑ:məd'ɑ:zɪz/ 艾哈迈德·阿齐兹Jordan /'dʒɔ:dn/ n. 约旦(西亚国家)Darlene Coulon /ˈdɑ:li:nˈkʊlɒŋ/ 达琳·库隆dash /dæʃ/ vt. 猛冲;突进adult /'ædʌlt;usə'dʌlt/ n. 成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的△simply /'sɪmplɪ/ adv.简单地;只△Muslim /ˌmʊzlɪm/ n.&adj.穆斯林(的),伊期兰教徒(的)spoken /'spəʊkən/ adj.口语的unspoken /ʌn'spəʊkən/ adj.未说出口的;非口语的△posture /'pɒstʃə/ n.姿势;体态spain /speɪn/ n.西班牙italy /'ɪtəlɪ/ n.意大利likely /'laɪklɪ/ adj.可能的be likely to 很可能...;有希望...in general 总的说来;通常crossroads /'krɒsrəʊdz/ n.十字路口△employee /ɪmˈplɔɪi:/ n.雇员△frown /'fraʊn/ vi.皱眉;蹙额△misread /ˌmɪs'ri:d/vt.(misread/mɪs'red/,misread)读错;误解facial /'feɪʃl/ adj.面部的function /'fʌŋkʃn/ n.作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转ease /i:z/ n.安逸;舒适vt.减轻at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在truly /'tru:lɪ/ adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地false /fɔ:ls/ adj.错误的;假的anger /'æŋɡə/ n.怒气;怒火lose face 丢脸turn one's back to 背对fist /fɪst/ n.拳头yawn /jɔ:n/ vi.打呵欠△respectful /rɪ'spektfl/ adj.恭敬的subjective /səb'dʒektɪv/ adj.主观的hug /hʌɡ/ vt.&vi.拥抱rank /ræŋk/ n.等级;军衔cassette /kə'set/ n.磁带unit5theme /θi:m/ n. 题目;主题(曲)△Camelot /'kæməlɒt/ Park卡默洛特公园(位于英国)central /'sentrəl/ adj.中心的;中央的△centralpark中央公园(位于美国纽约) △dollywood /'dɒlɪwʊd/ n.多莱坞(公园名,位于美国)various /'veərɪəs/ adj.不同的;各种各样的cartoon /kɑ:'tu:n/ n.漫画;动画片be famous for以...而闻名roller coaster /ˈrəʊləˈkəʊstə/ n.过山车whichever /wɪtʃ'evə/ adv.无论哪一个;任何一个△pirate /'paɪərət/ n.海盗;盗版△fairy /'feərɪ/ tale神话故事;童话fantasy /'fæntəsɪ/ n.幻想;怪念头amusement /ə'mju:zmənt/ n.消遣;娱乐swing /swɪŋ/ n.秋千;摇摆vi.&vt.(swung,swung) 摇摆;摆动attraction /ə'trækʃn/ n.有吸引力的事物;吸引no wonder 难怪;不足为奇的tourism /'tʊərɪzəm/ n.旅游业wherever /ˌweər'evə/ adv.&conj.无论在什么地方;各处unique /ju:'ni:k/ adj.独一无二的;仅有的carpenter /'kɑ:pəntə/ n.木匠△craftsman /'krɑ:ftsmən/ n.匠人;能工巧匠engine /'endʒɪn/ n.引擎;发动机△bald /bɔ:ld/ adj. 秃头的preserve /prɪ'zɜ:v/ vt.保存;保留n.保护区length /leŋθ/ n.长度;长deed /di:d/ n.行为;事迹△knight /naɪt/ n.骑士;爵士be modelled after 根据...模仿;仿造△Merlin the Wizard /'mɜ:lɪnðə'wɪzəd/ 魔术师梅林sword /sɔ:d/ n.剑△joust /dʒaʊst/ vi.骑着马用长矛打斗tournament /'tɔ:nəmənt/ n.锦标赛;联赛settler /'setlə/ n.移民;殖民者athletic /æθ'letɪk/ adj.运动的translator /trænz'leɪtə/ n.译员;翻译minority /maɪ'nɒrətɪ/ n.少数;少数民族cloth /klɒθ/ n.布△futuroscope /ˌfju:ˈtʃʊərəskəʊp/ 观测未来jungle /'dʒʌŋɡl/ n.丛林△diver /'daɪvə/ n.潜水者creature /'kri:tʃə/ n.生物;动物sunlight /'sʌnlaɪt/ n.阳光△T-Rex /'ti:reks/ n.霸王龙(=Tyrannosaurus Rex/taɪˌrænə'sɔ:rəs'reks/) advance /əd'vɑ:ns/ vi.&vt.前进;促进;提前in advance 提前advanced /əd'vɑ:nst/ adj.高级的;先进的brand /brænd/n.商标;牌子get close to 接近come to life 跃起来outing /'aʊtɪŋ/ n.外出;短途旅行;远足admission /əd'mɪʃn/ n.允许进入;入场费;承认shuttle /'ʃʌtl/ n.往返汽车;航天飞机freeway /'fri:weɪ/ n.高速公路souvenir /ˌsu:və'nɪən.纪念品sneaker /'sni:kə/ n.运动鞋brochure /'brəʊʃə/ n.(作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南。

Unit 4 Body LanguagePart One: Teaching DesignTeaching goals1. Target Languagea. 重点词汇和短语重点词汇和短语misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punishb. 重点句型或交际用语重点句型或交际用语Act out the following meanings, please.Please guess what I mean.Please show the actions, using body language.Now it is your turn to show the action / gesture.Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.Please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.2. Ability goalsa. Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.b. Enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.c. Enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.3. Learning ability goalsa. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.Teaching important pointsa. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions. Teaching difficult pointsa. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.b. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.Teaching methodsa. Individual work, pair work and group work.b. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.Teaching aidsA computer, a projector and some pictures.Teaching procedures & waysThe first period reading(COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM?)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability.To help students learn about body language.ProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by actingLook at the list of interpretation on the right side of the chart. Perform the action or the nonverbal behaviour on the left side.Examples Of Body LanguageWarming up by defining—What is body language?II. Pre-reading1. Looking and sayingLook at the man in the picture below. What does he say to you by his body language?Basically, how the ...... do I know? Or, I don’t know nothin! The shoulders are hunched and the hands are open signifying a big question mark.2. Talking and sharingBody language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!According to experts, our non-verbal language communicates about 50% of what we really mean (voice tonality contributes 38%) while words themselves contribute a mere 7%.Our bodies send out messages constantly and often we don't recognize that we're communicating a lot more than we realize.Our understanding and use of non-verbal cues in facial expression are familiar to us nearly from birthIII. Reading1. Reading aloud to the recordingNow please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM?. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.2. Reading and underliningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.3. Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraphNext you are to skim the text to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph.4. Reading and transferring informationRead the text again to complete the table. Where is he/ she from? What does he/ she do when he/ she meet someone at the airport for the first time?Name Country Action MeaningMr GarciaJulia SmithAhmed AzizMadame Coulon5. Reading and understanding difficult sentencesAs you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to me the teacher.6. Reading and translatingNow it’s time to translate the text into Chinese, sentence by sentence. Who will be the first to d o it?IV. Closing downClosing down by doing exercisesTo end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1 and 2 on page 26 and 27.Closing down by checkingC heck some of the following basic non-verbal cues and you'll recognize that you already speak and translate much of the language.“I’m surprised!” I’m shocked!” “I’m sad!”The second period Learning about Language(The ~ing form as the Attribute & Adverbial)I. Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsTurn to page 27 and do exercises No. 1, 2 ,3 and 4 first. Check your answers against your classmates’.II. Learning about grammar1. Reading and thinkingTurn to page 25 and read with me the text of COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM? As you read along, pay attention to the uses of The ~ing form as the Attribute & Adverbial. (They are visitors coming from several countries. 作定语;Four people enter looking around in a curious way. 作状语;作状语; This is an exciting experience for you. 作定语; You stand watching and listening. 作状语;……)2. Doing exercises No. 1 and 2 on page 29Turn to page 29. Do exercises No. 1 and 2。
新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 4 Body Language Using language(含答案)

高一英语同步练习:必修4 Unit 4 Body Language第4课时Using language基础练习本单元重点知识归纳总结:一、重点词汇:(写出汉意及词性)1. represent______________2 .curious _______________3 .defend______________4 . approach ______________5. be likely to______________6 .in general______________7. at ease ______________8.lose face ______________9 .turn one’s back to______________二、重点句式:1. prohibition and warning(禁令和警告):Do not...; Stop! ;Keep away from...;Always stay...;Watch out! Look out! Go away. Don’t enter hereBe careful when..., Come here.You may not...You will be fined...,Don’t smoke here. Don’t slip;2.obligation(义务和责任)You must...,You should never...,You will be...,You will have to...,You will need to...,We ought to...,He’s supposed to...(书中supposed 第一个s是大写)三、课文重点句型:1 .Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor arethey comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.1. 各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。

必修四表Unit1achievementn.成就;功△JoanofArc圣女德〔法国名族女英雄〕△ElizabethFry伊莎白.弗伊〔英国慈善家〕△Quakern.教友派信徒;格会会welfaren.福利;福利事projectn.目;工程;划instituten.学会;学院;会8. △ChinaWelfareInstitute中国福利基金会specialistn.家;工作者△specializevi.攻;从事;注于△JaneGoodall·古道(英国物学家△chimpn.〔非洲〕黑猩猩connectionn.接;关系14. humanbeing 人△JodyWilliams迪.威廉斯〔美国假设和平得者〕16. campaignn. 运;役vi.作;参加运△landminen.地雷organizationn.;机构;体△GombeNationalPark国家公园〔位于坦桑尼〕behavevt.&vi.;〔止或行〕表2 1.behaviour(=behavior)行;止;性22.shaden.vt.遮住光n.阴凉37.moveoff离开;起程;出worthwhileadj.得的;得做的nestn.巢;bondn.系;关系;合;observevt.察;;遵守observationn.察;childhoodn.童年;幼年代outspokenadj.直言的;坦respectvt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意arguevt.&vi.;;争argumentn.争;争;争吵entertainmentn.款待;;表演leada⋯life着......的生活36. crowdn. 人群;众 vt.;使crowdin〔想法、等〕涌上心;涌入海inspirevt.鼓舞;激;启示△inspirationn.灵感;鼓舞supportn.&vt.支持;41. lookdownupon/on 蔑;瞧不起refervi.到;;参考referto;参考;到audiencen.众;听众;者45. bychance 碰巧;凑巧comeacross〔偶然〕遇;碰△careern.事;生涯raten.比率;速度sicknessn.疾病;心intendvt.划;打算emergencyn.突事件;急情况generationn.一代;一△determinationn.决心;果断kindnessn.仁慈;好意considerateadj.考周到的considerationn.考;体delivervt.送;生〔小孩儿〕;接生;表〔演〕等58. carryon ;持modestadj.虚的;的;适度的Unit2statisticn.〔常用plstatisitcs〕数据;;数字;料sunburntadj.晒黑的strugglevt.&vi.斗争;拼搏;努力decaden.十年;十年期superadj.特的;超的65. △hybridadj.混合的;种的n.交种;混血儿outputn.量;出△strain n.〔植物的〕品种;种cropn.庄家;作物;量69. hungern. ;欲望vt.&vi. 〔使〕disturbingadj.引起的;令人不安的expandvt.&vi.使大;伸展circulatevt.&vi.循;流Vietnamn.越南〔南国家〕thanksto幸;由于;因75. battlen. 役;斗;量;斗争vt.&vi.搏斗;斗ridvt.脱;除去rid⋯of脱;除去78.besatisfiedwith......感到意7 9.freedomn.自由;自主8 0.wouldrather宁愿;宁可8 1.thereforeadj.因;所以;因而117.equipvt.&vi.配;装△sorghumn.高粱grainn.谷物;粮食;粒△peanutn.花生exportvt.&vi.出;出口nationalityn.国籍occupationn.工作;;占△personalityn.性格;个性;人格confusevt.使迷惑;使regretvt.憾;惋惜n.憾;懊悔chemicaladj.化学的;关于化学的△organicadj.有机的;器官的;的△fertileadj.肥沃的;富的△fertilizern.肥料;化肥productionn.生;制造bacterian.〔bacterium的复数形式〕菌pestn.害虫;害;害buildup逐增;建立;开leadto致;〔造成〕后果nutritionn.养;滋养;食物mineraln.物;石discoveryn.;104.focusn. 焦点;中心点vt.集中;聚集focuson集中〔注意力、精力等〕于soiln.土壤reducevt.减少;减keep⋯freefrom/of使......免受〔影响、害〕109.△soybeann.(=soyabean)大豆rootn.根;根源skimvt.;略underlinevt.画底出;summaryn.;摘要;概要114 ment n.;vi.&vt. 表达意;做出△producern.生者;制片人△industrialadj.工的;的Unit3humourn.幽默;滑稽△punchlinen.故事、笑等中的妙;关△verbaladj.口的△nonverbaladj.不用言的△mimen.△CharlieChaplin理.卓林〔美国喜大〕△EdwardLear德.里〔英国作家、画家〕comedyn.喜剧△VictorHugo维克多.雨果〔法国文学家〕126.uptonow 直到现在△brightenvt.使更愉快;使更有希望△depressedadj.忧愁的;沮丧的129.contentadj. 满足的;满意的n.满足vt.使满足130.feel/becontentwith 对......满足performern.表演者;演出者astonishvt.使惊诧astonishingadj.令人感到惊诧的fortunateadj.幸运的;吉利的unfortunatelyadv.不幸地badlyoff穷的;缺少的△teensn.十几岁〔13至19岁的年龄〕ordinaryadj.平常的;普通的boredadj.厌烦的△subtleadj.微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertainvt.&vi.使欢乐;款待△entertainingadj.愉快的;有趣的△charmingadj.迷人的;有魅力的△trampn.流浪汉;行乞者throughoutprep.普及;贯穿adv.到处;始终;全部homelessadj.无家的;无家可归的moustachen.小胡子wornadj.用旧的;用破的;破烂的△worn-outadj.磨破的;穿旧的△stifflyadv.僵硬的failuren.失败〔者〕△optimismn.乐观;乐观主义153.overcomevt.&vi.(overcame,overcome) 战胜;克服△underdogn.失败者;处于劣势的一方△snowstormn.暴风雪leathern.皮革pickout挑出;区分出△lacen.饰带;花边;鞋带cutoff切断;断绝chewvt.&vi.嚼碎;咀嚼〔食物〕△mouthfuln.一口;满口△enjoymentn.享受;欢乐;乐趣convincevt.使信服convincingadj.令人信服的165.directvt.&vi.导演;指示;指挥adj. 直的;直接的;直率的starin担任主角;主演△Oscarn.奥斯卡outstandingadj.突出的;显著地;杰出的Switzerlandn.瑞士〔欧洲中部国家〕△confidencen.信心;信念△costumen.服装;戏装gesturen.姿态;手势vi.做手势particularadj.特殊的;特别的n.细节;细目particularlyadv.特殊地;特别地occasionn.时刻;场合budgetn.预算;开支actressn.女演员178.slidevt.&vi. 〔使〕滑动;〔使〕滑行n.滑动;滑;幻灯片amusevt.使发笑;使愉快△amusingadj.好笑的;愉快的pancaken.烙饼;薄饼explanationn.解释;讲解;说明detectiven.侦探△SherlockHolmesn.夏洛克.福尔摩斯mountainousadj.多山的;山一般的186.whispern. 耳语;低语vt.&vi. 低语;小声说vastadj.巨大的;辽阔的△rhythmn.节奏messn.脏或乱的状态reactvi.做出反响;回应porridgen.粥;麦片粥drunkadj.醉的Unit4statementn.陈述;说明greetvi.&vt.迎接;问候representvt.代表;象征associationn.社团;联系;联想dormitoryn.宿舍canteenn.食堂flightn.飞行;航班curiousadj.好奇的curiouslyadv.好奇地△Garcia加西亚〔姓〕Colombian.哥伦比亚〔南美洲国家〕204.approachvt.&vi. 接近;靠近;走进n.接近;方法;途径cheekn.面颊defendvt.防御;保卫defendagainst防御defencen.防御majoradj.主要的210.misunderstandvt.(misunderstood,misunderstood) 误解;误会misunderstandingn.误解;误会△AkiraNagata△AhmedAziz艾哈迈德.阿齐兹Jordann.约旦〔西亚国家〕215.△DarleneCoulon达林.库隆216.dashvi.猛冲;突进217.adultn.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的△simplyadv.简单地;只△Muslimn.&adj.穆斯林〔的〕;伊斯兰教信徒〔的〕spokenadj.口语的unspokenadj.未说出口的;非口语的△posturen.姿态;体态Spainn.西班牙〔欧洲国家〕Italyn.意大利〔欧洲国家〕likelyadj.可能的belikelyto很可能;有希望ingeneral总的来说;通常crossroadsn.十字路口△employeen.雇员△frownvi.皱眉;蹙额△misreadvt.〔misread/misread〕读错;误解facialadj.面部的functionn.作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转easen.安逸;舒适vt.减轻〔痛苦、忧虑〕atease舒适;快活;自由自在trulyadv.真实的;真诚的;真正的falseadj.错误的;假的angern.怒气;怒火loseface丢脸240.turnone’sbackto背对;背弃fistn.拳头yawnvi.打哈欠△respectfuladj.恭敬的subjectiveadj.主观的hugvi.&vt.拥抱rankn.等级;军衔cassetten.磁带Unit5themen.题目;主题曲△CamelotPark卡默洛特公园〔位于英国〕centraladj.中心的;中央的△CentralPark中央公园〔位于美国纽约〕△Dollywoodn.多莱坞〔公园名,位于美国〕variousadj.不同的;各种各样的cartoonn.漫画;动画片255.befamousfor 以......而闻名△roller coastern.过山车whicheverpron.无论哪一个;任何一个△piraten.海盗;盗版△fairytale神话故事;童话fantasyn.梦想;怪念头amusementn.消遣;娱乐〔活动〕262.swingn.秋千;摇摆vt.&vi.(swung,swung) 摇摆;摆动attractionn.有吸引力的事物;吸引nowonder难怪;缺乏为奇tourismn.旅游业266.wherever adv.&conj. 无论在什么地方;各处uniqueadj.独一无二的;仅有的carpentern.木匠△craftsmann.匠人;能工巧匠enginen.引擎;发动机△baldadj.秃头的272.preserve vt.保存;保存n.保护区lengthn.长度deedn.行动;事迹△knightn.骑士;爵士276.bemodelledafter 根据......模仿;仿造277.△MerlintheWizard魔术师梅林278.sword n.剑△joustvi.〔指中世纪骑士〕骑着马用长矛打斗tournamentn.锦标赛;联赛settlern.移民;殖民者athleticadj.运动的translatorn.译员;翻译minorityn.少数;少数民族clothn.布△Fluoroscopen.观测未来〔公园名,位于法国〕junglen.丛林△diver n.潜水员creaturen.生物;动物sunlightn.阳光△T-Rexn.霸王龙292.advance vt.&vi 前进;促进;提前n.前进;进步293. inadvance 提前advancedadj.高级的;先进的brandn.商标;牌子296.getcloseto 接近297 etolife 活泼起来outingn.外出admissionn.允许进入;入场费;成认shuttlen.往返汽车;航天飞机freewayn.高速公路souvenirn.纪念品sneakern.运动鞋brochuren.〔作宣传介绍用的〕小册子;指南。
人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 2 Working the land》教案

人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 2 Working the land》教案人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 2 Working the land》教案【一】教学准备教学目标(1)知识目标:让学生通过阅读课文更多地了解我国著名的农业科学家袁隆平的科研成果及其影响。
(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming),快速阅读(fast reading),细读(close reading)等(3)情感目标:让学生不但学习袁隆平的科研精神,更要学习他不计较名利,踏踏实实的生活态度。
教学过程1. 话题的引导。
2. 跟读与限时阅读完成导学案练习贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉文章主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点。
(Reading I)1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。
2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。
4. 阅读过程--深层次阅读。
(Reading II)在处理了一些简单信息之后,阅读人物最重要的是要读出人物不同于其他人的成就以及值得学生学习的一些可贵品质。
高中英语人教版必修4《unit3 PeriodⅣ》

①whisper sth.to sb.小声对某人说某事 ②It is whispered that...有人私下说……(有人暗中传 说……) ③in a whisper=in whispers=in a low voice 耳语地;低 声地
句型转换 ①the two students were tal in a low voice while the teacher was giving lessons. The two students were ________________ while the teacher was giving lessons. ②He told me a secret in whispers. He __________ a secret ________ me.
It is whispered that our headmaster has been arrested.
I told them what I had seen in a whisper. 我低声告诉他们我所看到的情况。
they are tal in whispers. 他们在悄悄地谈话。
The government soon reacted against all the illegal strikes.政府很快作出回应反对所有这些不合法的罢工。
介词填空 ①They reacted strongly __________ the unreasonable
【答案】 1.I'm pleased we both like the same kind of funny stories.

重点短语 devote...to,move off,lead a...life,crowd in, look down upon/on,refer to,by chance, carry on come across,carry on (with) sth.,be intended for 重点句型
The lecture is well worth listening to,though it is
rather long.
这条项链值1 500美元。
The new necklace is worth $1,500. Many people consider it ________,from which a lot
as possible agree not to use them. 她努力使尽可能多的国家不同意使用它们。 8.Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman
to get medical training at that time. 突然我想起在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么困难啊。
6.Only after her mother came to help her for the first
few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始 自己的计划。 7.She also worked hard to make as many countries
11.She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. 她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不应用于娱乐 或广告。

4. They had a large__m__a_jo_r_i_ty_ (major) over the other party at the last election.
4. 名词作宾语。
5. All our officers are trained
_t_o__d_e_fe_n_d_ (defensive) ourselves against knife attack. 5. 不定式表示目的。
3. __sp_e_a_k____ v.谈话,讲话 _s_p_e_e_c_h___ n. 发言 __sp__o_k_e_n__ adj.口语的
4. _d__ef_e_n_c_e___ n.防御,保卫 _d_e_f_e_n_d____ v. 防御,保卫 _d__ef_e_n_s_iv_e____ adj. 防御的,保卫的
6) A
3.The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. (Page 26) 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼·加西亚,紧随其 后的是英国的朱莉娅·史密斯。
They will be meeting at a major hotel 2
_w__it_h_ local business people and people 3_w__h_o_ represent the Chinese government. Four people enter looking around 4 _in_ a curious way. You do not want to disappoint your boss,and this is an 5_e_x_c_i_ti_n_g_ (excite) experience for you,So you stand watching and 6_l_is_t_e_n_in_g__ (listen).

2.关系,联系 n.
A和B之间的关系 connection between A and B
和---有关系 have some connection with have something to do with 和---没关系 have no connection with have nothing to do with 食物和健康之间有密切的关系。 There is a close connection between food and health. 他说的话和我没关系。 What he said has nothing to do with me. 连接,联系 vt. connect
13.look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起
She looks down on those who haven’t been to college
抬头看;查找 look up
把---当作 look on ---as
look about/around 盼望;期待 look forward to 四处环顾,
worthy: 值得的 值得做某事 be worthy to be done
be worthy of being done
be worthy of + n.
The book is worth reading. The book is worthy to be read.
高中英语人教版必修4课件:Unit 5 Theme parks 5.1

SectionⅠ Warming Up,Prereading,Reading & Comprehending
2.What’s Dollywood’s main attraction?
在20世纪20年代,他制作了几部电影,在电影中好像变魔术一样, 让漫画动起来。1928年,迪斯尼创作出他最著名的人物莫蒂默老鼠, 这就是我们今天所熟知的米老鼠。这只老鼠在一部不同寻常的动 画片中任主演,因为其涉及了声轨的运用。在接下来的几年里,迪 斯尼创作出许多其他的动漫人物。
SectionⅠ Warming Up,Prereading,Reading & Comprehending
SectionⅠ Warming Up,Prereading,Reading & Comprehending
词海拾贝 难句剖析 理解诱思
In the 1920’s,he produced several films where he made cartoon
characters move as if by magic. 在20世纪20年代,他制作了几部电影,在电影中好像变魔术一样,
让漫画动起来。 剖析 本句是一个复合句,其中where引导的是一个定语从
句,where也可用in which来替换;as if引导的是一个方式状语从句。
SectionⅠ Warming Up,Prereading,Reading & Comprehending

2.It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true,whether you are travelling through space,visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character.无论你是在太空 遨游,参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者 迪斯尼卡通里的人物,迪斯尼都会把你带到魔幻的世界, 使你的梦想变为现实。 句型公式:whether….or…. 1)whether...or...无论…… 还是……,可以引导让步状语从句。(2)whether...or... 是……还是……,也可以引导主语从句和宾语从句。 完成句子 ① Whether you believe it or not , he is a spy. 无论你信还是不信,他是一名间谍。 ②Whether you like this idea or not , I’m going ahead with it.无论你是否喜欢这个意见, 我将继续做下去。
Period 2
Important sentences
1.Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢 什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园! 2.One day, news came that Britain’s old king had died without a son.有一天,消息传来英国老国王死 了,可他没有儿子(继承王位)。 3.With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园, 哪里的旅游业导让步状语从句,此时相当于 no matter which。, (2)whichever也可以引导主语从句和宾语从句。 意思是:无论哪一个。 (3)whoever,whatever 也是既可以引导让步状语从句, 又可以引导名词性从句。 Whenever, wherever, however 一般多引导 让步状语从句。 句型转换 Whichever job you choose,you should be careful with it. No matter which job you choose → , you should be careful with it.

人教版高中英语必修四词汇表(带音标及原文例句)Book4 Unit11.achievement /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ n.[C] 成就;功绩[U] 完成;达到;实现She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.她激励着那些为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩的人。
(p2)2. welfare /'welfeə/ n.[U] 福利;福利事业She concerned herself with welfare projects, especially the China Welfare Istitute for women and children. 她非常关心福利项目,尤其是中国的妇女儿童福利基金会。
(p1)3.project n.[C] /ˈprɒdʒekt/工程;项目;规划; 专题研究4. institute / 'ɪnstɪtju:t / n.[C] 学会;学院;协会5. △China Welfare Institute 中国福利基金会6. specialist/ˈspeʃəlɪst/ n.[C]专家;专业工作者Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who became a specialist in women’s illnesses.林巧芝是一位妇女疾病方面的专家。
(p1)7. △ specialize /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ vi.专攻;专门从事;专注于8. △chimp /tʃimp/ n.[C] (非洲)黑猩猩(口语)= chimpanzee |ˌtʃɪmpænˈzi:|9. connection /kə'nekʃən/ n.[C,U]连接;关联;关系Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. 她的研究表明了黑猩猩和人类之间是有联系的。

1.必修四Unit1A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE非洲野生动物研究者It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. 清晨5点45分,太阳刚从东非的贡贝国家公园的上空升起,Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. 我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访它们。
Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. 简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。
Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 我们当天的首项任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。
This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. 这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。
Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. 大家坐在树荫下等待着,这时候猩猩们睡醒了,准备离开。
Then we follow as they wander into the forest. 然后这群黑猩猩向森林深处漫步而去,我们尾随其后。
人教版高中英语必修四(Book 4 Unit 2)

人教版高中英语必修四(Book 4 Unit 2)Unit 2 Working the land核心单词1. struggle v.挣扎;努力;拼搏;斗争n. (为争取自由、政治权利等而进行的)斗争,奋斗常用结构:struggle with与……斗争struggle for 为争取……而斗争struggle against与……斗争;为反对……而斗争struggle to do sth. (=make great efforts to do sth.) 努力做某事struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来She struggled to keep back the tears. 她努力忍住泪水。
It was a hard struggle to get my work done on time.为使工作按时完成, 我做了一番努力。
(1)单项填空The working people have never stopped their struggle_______________unfair treatment.A. againstB. forC. fromD. to解析:选A。
struggle against意为"同……作斗争";struggle for意为"为了……而斗争"。
We should help those who are still struggling for independence .②他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。
They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties(3)根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子。

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人教版高中英语必修四Unit 2 Working the landUsing language教学案例会昌中学胡赛君一、教材分析“语言运用”部分主要是让学生运用本课文所学的语言知识与课文内容进行听说读写的综合能力训练。
读、说和写部分要求学生模仿reading部分写一篇与之相似的说明文,以“PLASTIC OR CLOTH BAGS?”为题模仿这篇文章的篇章结构和句子结构去写一篇说明文,通过这个练习可以帮助学生学会如何写该类的说明文。
最后要求学生模仿reading部分写一篇与之相似的说明文,以“PLASTIC OR CLOTH BAGS?”为题模仿这篇文章的篇章结构和句子结构去写一篇说明文,通过这个练习可以帮助学生学会如何写该类的说明文。
四.自主学习Task I: Read the story and answer the following questions.1. What is “organic farming”?__________________________________________________________________ 2.What do organic farmers prefer to use as fertilizer?__________________________________________________________________ 3.What do farmers usually put on the soil to make crops grow well?__________________________________________________________________五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures)Step 1 Warming-upTo know the difference between chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers,know something about organic farming, and then lead in the text.[设计说明] 课堂开始时,以问题的形式导入课堂,问学生一个问题“Have you ever been to farm land?”由于大部分都是来自农村的孩子,有利于激起学生的兴趣,进而更快的进入课堂。
接着就问学生“What can we harvest on the farm land?”让学生们更多的参与到课堂中,紧接着就给学生展示一些农场里收获的食物,让学生说出它们的英文名称,接着引入因为有机化肥和自然肥料的使用,食物才长的那么好,并告诉他们这些化肥的区别,进而引入一个概念“有机农业”,并观看一个介绍有机农业的视频来导入reading部分。
Step 2 Readinga.Pre-readingAnswer two questions.1.Do you know what is organic farming?2.Which kind of fertilizer do farmers use when they are doing organic farming, chemical fertilizers or natural fertilizers ?b.ReadingChemical Or Organic Farming?1. Scan the passage and get the main idea of it.The ____________ between _________ farming and __________ farming.2. Find out and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para1.Para2.Para 3.Para 4.c.Answer the following questions (Exercise1, P14)1.Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?2. What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers?3.What is organic farming?4.What is the main reason for using organic farming methods?d.The structure of this passageOver the past half century, …have become very common …. Recently, however, we have been finding that they can cause damage to ….What are some of the pro blems caused by …? First,…With these discoveries, …are beginning to turn to ….[设计说明]首先让学生掌握本文的主旨大意,接着掌握每段的大意,在文章中找到每段的主旨句,让学生初步了解文章内容。
最后一个环节是要求学生模仿reading部分写一篇与之相似的说明文,以“PLASTIC OR CLOTH BAGS?”为题模仿这篇文章的篇章结构和句子结构去写一篇说明文,通过这个练习可以帮助学生学会如何写该类的说明文。
这个部分设计了discussion 部分,先让学生讨论其结构,以及使用塑料袋导致的问题以及使用布袋的优点。
Step 3 Discussion and writing请以“PLASTIC OR CLOTH BAGS?”为题模仿这篇文章的篇章结构和句子结构去写一篇说明文。
Plastic Or Cloth Bags?Para1. Have a brief illustration of the present situation.Para2. The problems caused by using plastic bags.Para3. The advantages of using cloth bags.Para4. Conclusion.Problems:1. cause white pollution2. easy to be broken3. difficult to break down4. do harm to the environment and people's healthAdvantages:1. can be recycled and reused2. save resources3.cheap4. protect the environment[设计说明]该部分要求学生模仿reading部分写一篇与之相似的说明文,以“PLASTIC OR CLOTH BAGS?”为题模仿这篇文章的篇章结构和句子结构去写一篇说明文,通过这个练习可以帮助学生学会如何写该类的说明文。
Step 4 SummaryStep 5 HomeworkFinish the writing.六、知识结构或板书设计Unit 2 Working the landUsing languageChemical Or Organic Farming?1. Scan the passage and get the main idea of it.The ____________ between _________ farming and __________ farming.2. Find out and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para1.Para2.Para 3.Para 4.(说明:由于本节课采用了多媒体课件,所以板书比较简单。
以问题的形式导入课堂,问学生一个问题“Have you ever been to farm land?”由于大部分都是来自农村的孩子,有利于激起学生的兴趣,进而更快的进入课堂。
接着就问学生“What can we harvest on the farm land?” 让学生们更多的参与到课堂中,紧接着就给学生展示一些农场里收获的食物,让学生说出它们的英文名称,接着引入因为有机化肥和自然肥料的使用,食物才长的那么好,并告诉他们这些化肥的区别,进而引入一个概念“有机农业”,并观看一个介绍有机农业的视频来导入reading 部分。