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1.Astrophysics combines principles of physics and ______ to understand the universe.
2.What do we call a piece of land surrounded by water?
A. Island
B. Peninsula
C. Mountain
D. Valley答案: A
3.What is the main ingredient in pizza dough?
A. Rice
B. Flour
C. Sugar
D. Salt答案:B.Flour
4.My brother has a great sense of ____ (adventure).
5.The __________ is a famous archaeological site in Mexico. (特奥蒂瓦坎)
6.The man has a funny ________.
7.There are _____ (三) cats in the house.
8.Did you hear the _____ (小狗) barking excitedly?
9.Certain plants thrive in ______ (热带雨林).
10. A _______ can be used to measure the intensity of light in different conditions.
11.The Rockies are a well-known _______ range.
12. A mixture that appears uniform but contains particles is called a _______ mixture.
13.I want to _____ (read/write) a story.
14.What do we call a person who studies the effects of climate change on agriculture?
A. Agricultural Scientist
B. Environmental Scientist
C. Biologist
D. Ecologist 答案: A
15.I have a _____ of shoes at home. (pair)
16.The first map of the world was created by _____.
17.The Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede in ________.
18.In geography, a __________ is a large area with similar climate and vegetation.
19.The coach, ______ (教练), encourages us to do our best.
20.We will have _____ (tests/quizzes) next week.
21.My grandma feeds the ______ (鸟) in her garden.
22.The density of an object determines whether it will ______ or sink in water.
23.The __________ is a large area of land covered with grass.
24.The __________ (淘金热) brought many people to California in the 1840s.
26.I like to play ______ games.
27.The chemical formula for -octanoic acid is ______.
28. A ______ (温暖) environment is ideal for tropical plants.
29.My sister has a beautiful ______ (手镯). She wears it every ______ (天).
30.We can build a ________ out of sticks.
31.She is _______ (taking) a picture.
32.The Earth's crust is constantly being ______ by tectonic forces.
33.In a chemical reaction, the substances produced are called ________.
34.What do we call a story that explains a natural occurrence?
A. Myth
B. Legend
C. Fable
D. Folklore答案: A
35.The ________ (湖泊) are perfect for fishing.
36. A __________ (长期计划) can support sustainable gardening.
37.The main gas in the atmosphere is ______.
38.My grandma enjoys knitting ____ (sweaters).
39.The chemical formula for sodium chloride is ________.
40.What is 5 + 5?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 9
D. 12答案:A 10
41.My aunt is very __________ (有创造力的) in her designs.
42.My sister is a great __________. (歌手)
43.My grandmother is my favorite _______ because she tells stories.
44.I like to go ______ (滑冰) at the rink with my friends.
45.My favorite sport is _______ (basketball).
46. A _____ (植物科学会议) can facilitate knowledge exchange.
47. A planet's _____ is the time it takes to orbit the sun.
48. A _______ (小鸽子) coos softly on the ledge.
50.I have a pet _______ that loves to run (我有一只喜欢跑的宠物_______).
51. A _______ (鹰) flies high in the sky.
52. A _______ is a chemical process that produces gas.
53.I go to school by _______.
54.The __________ (历史的启发性) promotes innovation.
55.isthmus) connects two larger land areas. The ____
56. Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the _____. The Grea
57.The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is ______.
58.The ancient Egyptians constructed ________ to serve as tombs.
59. A ____ is a small creature that spins webs in corners.
60.The __________ is a large area of frozen ground found in the Arctic. (永久冻土)
61.The train is _______ and fast.
62.The chemical formula for potassium phosphate is _______.
63.The ________ (瀑布) is a popular tourist attraction.
64.The ____ is often seen leaping from branch to branch.
65.The hawk hunts with ______ (敏捷).
66.What is the capital of Greece?
A. Athens
B. Rome
C. Istanbul
D. Cairo答案: A
67.The process of fermentation produces __________ from sugars.
68.My dog loves to _______ (跟随) me everywhere.
69.The capital of Luxembourg is __________.
70.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me learn about animals.
71.I like to play ______ in the garden.
72.I enjoy playing with my ________ (飞行器) and imagining I am flying through the ________ (云).
73.The _______ (The Mexican-American War) resulted in significant territorial gains for the US.
74.I think that sharing experiences can strengthen our __________.
75.The starling makes beautiful _______ (音乐).
76.The boy has a red ________.
77.The ancient Egyptians were known for their ________ (建筑).
78.My favorite thing about summer is going to the ________ (海边).
79.What do you call a baby cow?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Lamb
D. Kid答案: A
80.The ________ Hemisphere contains all of Europe and Africa.
81.What is the capital of Solomon Islands?
A. Honiara
B. Gizo
C. Auki
D. Tulagi答案: A
82.The pirate has a ___ (treasure) map.
83.My favorite subject is ___ (science/math).
84.The process of removing impurities from metals is called _______.
85.The __________ (历史的构成) is made up of many elements.
86. A __________ (气体) can diffuse quickly through space.
87. A reaction that absorbs energy is called an ______ change.
88.The first female Prime Minister of the UK was ________ (玛格丽特·撒切尔).
89.Planting trees can reduce ______ (空气污染).
90.The Great Fire of London occurred in the year ________.
91.I found a _______ (小海马) hiding in the coral.
92.Chemical bonds are formed due to electrostatic forces between charged _____ (particles).
93.I enjoy going to the ______.
94.The chemical symbol for silicon carbide is _____.
95. A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by a device.
96.What is a young sheep called?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Lamb
D. Foal答案:c
97.The __________ was a time when the world faced a global pandemic. (流感大流行)
98.The invention of the steam engine helped fuel the _____ Revolution.
99.She is a good _____ (朋友) to me.
100.The stars are ___. (shining)。