
目录Unit One---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 PartA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1Text 1儿童教育和沟通结合-----------------------------------------------------------------1Text 2克隆人和动物--------------------------------------------------------------------------6Text 3太阳系内速度限制--------------------------------------------------------------------11Text 4互联网和电脑等新型通讯技术的应用--------------------------------------------15 Part B盗窃--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20Part C撒谎--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25翻译技巧补充:英译汉概述(一)------------------------------------------------------29Unit Two----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 Part A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32Text 1加拿大社会的劣质服务---------------------------------------------------------------32 Text 2未来汽车---------------------------------------------------------------------------------36Text 3广告业是美国经济的晴雨表---------------------------------------------------------41 Text 4英国学业间断期------------------------------------------------------------------------46Part B生命进化历史---------------------------------------------------------------------------51Part C情感商机---------------------------------------------------------------------------------56翻译技巧补充:英译汉概述(二)------------------------------------------------------60Unit Three--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 Part A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63Text 1美、加之间贸易摩擦------------------------------------------------------------------63 Text 2现代人对维多利亚时代英国人的看法---------------------------------------------68 Text 3探讨时尚---------------------------------------------------------------------------------72Text 4基因检测法用于侦破案件------------------------------------------------------------76 Part B立法机构在制定法律过程中的作用------------------------------------------------81 Part C美国黑人文学---------------------------------------------------------------------------86翻译技巧补充:词义的选择----------------------------------------------------------------89Unit Four------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------91 Part A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------91Text 1五大湖环境状况--------------------------------------------------------------------------91 Text 2欧洲铁路-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------95 Text 3教师资格认证体系-----------------------------------------------------------------------99 Text 4美国食品药品管理局面临的困难-----------------------------------------------------105 Part B网上商务-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------110 Part C物种灭绝-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------116翻译技巧补充:词义的抽象与具体---------------------------------------------------------119 Unit Five--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------121 Part A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------121 Text 1鸡蛋中培养流感疫苗-----------------------------------------------------------------------121 Text 2国际数学评估反映美国教育问题--------------------------------------------------------126 Text 3美国经济不景气----------------------------------------------------------------------------131 Text 4全国防止虐待儿童协会-------------------------------------------------------------------137 Part B经济学角度解决垃圾收集问题----------------------------------------------------------142 Part C个人发明和大企业组织的研究----------------------------------------------------------147 翻译技巧补充:词性的转换---------------------------------------------------------------------151Part A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------153Text 1童工、教育和贫困--------------------------------------------------------------------------153 Text 2加州能源管制--------------------------------------------------------------------------------158 Text 3美国社会保障的私有化--------------------------------------------------------------------163 Text 4现代美容手术的普及-----------------------------------------------------------------------167 Part B演讲--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------172 Part C幻听--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------177翻译技巧补充:词汇的增译和减译------------------------------------------------------------180 Unit Seven-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------183 Part A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------183 Text 1全球经济滞胀----------------------------------------------------------------------------------183 Text 2印度妇女受到性别歧视----------------------------------------------------------------------189 Text 3梦成现实----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------193 Text 4新的教育体制观念----------------------------------------------------------------------------198 Part B优秀的领导者----------------------------------------------------------------------------------202 Part C英国人是政治动物----------------------------------------------------------------------------208 翻译技巧补充:重复译----------------------------------------------------------------------------211 Unit Eight----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------213 Part A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------213 Text 1外表的美与内在的美--------------------------------------------------------------------------213 Text 2生态环境与恐怖主义--------------------------------------------------------------------------218 Text 3网络信息安全性--------------------------------------------------------------------------------223 Text 4北美印第安音乐--------------------------------------------------------------------------------228 Part BB为青春期的变化做准备---------------------------------------------------------------------232 Part C地球日--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------237翻译技巧补充:正义反译和反义正译-----------------------------------------------------------240 Unit Nine------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------242 Part A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------242 Text 1美国解除飞机上使用手机的禁令-----------------------------------------------------------242 Text 2环境预防原则-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------247 Text 3索尼公司的管理--------------------------------------------------------------------------------253 Text 4音乐与政治--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------258 Part B人类艺术与动物类似行为的区别----------------------------------------------------------263 Part C社会保障----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------270翻译技巧补充:分译与合译-----------------------------------------------------------------------273 Unit Ten-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------276 Part A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------276 Text 1戏剧包含的要素-------------------------------------------------------------------------------276 Text 2节省更多时间来工作的观念----------------------------------------------------------------280 Text 3巴西足球运动事业现状----------------------------------------------------------------------286 Text 4游戏领域女性工作人员很少----------------------------------------------------------------292 Part B面试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------297 Part C甘地的和平主义-------------------------------------------------------------------------------303翻译技巧补充:倒置法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------306 Unit Eleven--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------308Text 1企业绿色外衣现象---------------------------------------------------------------------------308 Text 2音乐物质文化---------------------------------------------------------------------------------313 Text 3肥胖问题---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------317 Text 4美国在联合国欠费问题---------------------------------------------------------------------323 Part B个人着装--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------327 Part C年轻的作家模仿莎士比亚----------------------------------------------------------------333翻译技巧补充:插入法---------------------------------------------------------------------------336 Unit Twelve-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------338 Part A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------338 Text 1新闻如何吸引读者--------------------------------------------------------------------------338 Text 2星际网络--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------343 Text 3荷兰艺术家及其作品-----------------------------------------------------------------------347 Text 4艾滋病最新治疗思路-----------------------------------------------------------------------352 Part B成为成功的老板-----------------------------------------------------------------------------357 Part C经济学史--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------363翻译技巧补充:重组法----------------------------------------------------------------------------365全书答案汇总------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------368 张剑曾鸣编著《英语阅读理解150篇》Part ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1No t long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a parent saying, “your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!” The bully's parent replied, “you must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel.”A trillion phone calls later, the conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the U.S. show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.When you call parents, you want them to “extract the cruelty”from their bullying children, says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. “But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They won t believe it.”In a recent police department survey in Oak Harbor, Washington, 89% of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18% of parents thought their children would act as bullies.In a new U.S.PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted, causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child's bullying, listen without getting defensive. That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food.Her son had confessed, but the victim's mom “wanted to make sure my son hadn't given her son a nasty disease,” says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behaviour was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it in your pocket. [419 words]1.The word “bullying” probably means______.[A]frightening and hurting [B]teasing[C]behaving like a tyrant [D]laughing at2. Calling to a bully's parent.______.[A]has long existed but changed its content [B]is often done with careful thinking[C]often leads to blaming and misunderstanding [D]is used to warn the child not to do it again3. According to the surveys in the U.S., _______.[A]bullying among adults is also rising[B]parents are not supervising their children well[C]parents seldom believe bullies[D]most parents resort to calling to deal with bullying4. When bullying occurs, parents should_______.[A]help the bulling child get rid of cruelty [B]resort to the mediator[C]avoid getting too protective [D]resist the temptation of callingura McHugh promised to get the bullied boy tested for diseases because________.[A]her son confessed to being wrong [B]she was afraid to annoy the boy's parent[C]he was likely to be affected by these diseases[D]she wanted to teach her own son a lessonblow away *①to completely surprise sb., to affect intensely; overwhelm使大为惊讶;强烈影响,征服例:That concert blew me away.音乐会震撼了我。

专升本英语辅导:阅读理解高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系Reading Comprehension (Part One)Passage 1Most people can measure their status at work by four P’s --- paychecks,promotions, performance reviews and perk (特殊待遇). For women, itis paychecksthat often speak the loudest about how employers value them --- or undervalue them. Despite gains, many women still earn, on average, just 74 cents every dollar men earn, reports the US. Census Bureau.Do the math: that’s 26 cents per dollar lost. Over a working lifetime, the potential income adds up to staggering losses, as one example, the Institutes for women’spolicy research in Washington calculates that the average 29-year-old working woman with a college degree will lose 990,000 dollars to the pay gap over her career.To emphasize just how much that income gap between men and women costs women, the working women’s department of the AFL-CIO last week launched anunusual website --- /equalpay.htm --- for equal pay. A visitor to the site simply enters her current salary, age group, andeducation level, then the screen shows how much the pay gap could cost her.For a hypothetical 40-year-old college educated woman earning 40,000 dollars, the figure is 844,107 dollars. In real life, of course, some women’s losses will belower --- or even nonexistent.Wage discrimination has been against the law for 35 years. Yet systematic underpayment on the basis of sex and race still pervades the workplace. Since the Equal Pay Act was signed in 1963, the wage gap has closed at the rate of less than half a penny a year, giving new meaning to the term ―snail’s pace.‖Women secretaries, for example, earn about 100 dollars a week less than male clerks, according to the National Committee on Pay Equity. For women lawyers, median weekly earnings are nearly 300 dollars less than those of male lawyers. Median pay for women professors is 170 dollars less than their male counterparts. The list of disparities goes on.Two myths persist. The first is that women work for extras —vocation, clothes,second cars. In truth, women work for the same economic reasons mendo — to paythe rent, buy food, finance college education, save for retirement, and yes, buy extras too.The second myth holds that the pay gap is a woman’s issue. Not true.1高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系1. According to the passage, which one best shows employers’ evaluation of womenemployees?A. PaychecksB. Promotions.C. Performance reviews.D. Perks. 2. Women’s average income is______ of men’s according to one of the U.S. CensusBureau’s reports.A. 26%B. more than 70%C. 80%D. 85%3. The equal pay Website is opened______.A. to appeal for higher pay for womenB. to expand the visitor’s visionC. to make known how serious the pay gap for women isD. to arouse women to struggle for their own benefits4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. American women couldn’t get equal pay with men for lack of a law against wage discrimination.B. The Equal Pay Act, signed in 1963, is not effective in gettingrid of wage discrimination.C. Although there is a law for equal pay, its enforcement is not satisfactory.D. In real life, all the women’s losses are lower than 40,000 dollars a year.5. The most appropriate title of the passage is ______.A. the Pay Gap for WomenB. Wage DiscriminationC. The Equal Pay actD. Four P’sPassage 2What is bothersome though, is the implication that if women aregoing to be taken seriously, they need to prove that they could hold their own against men. It’stiresome, it’s sexist, it’ old —the notion that women’sactivities hold value only ifthey are accepted in the eyes of men. And in competitive sports,that value seemingly has to arise from the ability to play against, and emerge victorious over, men. Then they will respect us. And not until.And what is the likelihood of this occurring? Not great. There are differences in physiology that makes men, on the whole, stronger and larger. This is an irrefutable fact. Does it make men superior? Well, if you measure that superiority by the potential to score more points in a game of women against men, then the answer would2高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系probably have to be yes. Are there women who can see the floor, handle the ball, understand the game and make the right moves as well as men can? Undoubtedly. Is it possible that there are as yet unmeasured areas in which men excel in basketball skills? It’s quite possible. But does it matter? Probably not.Still, there are actually some good reasons to compare the games of men and women. Among them is the fact that in competition, comparison is the name of the game. Women’s basketball is a relatively young sport. There is not enough history to have produced a yardstick against which to measure performance. As in swimming in the last twenty years, women’s skills in the sport have improved, and continue to improve, at a tremendous rate. In swimming today, women’s race times have re achedthe levels of men’s times in the 60’s and 70’s. The question may be not ―How goodare the women?‖ But ―How good will they become?‖ What are the limits? We havebegun to find that there are limits, as the rate of change in the world records in swim ming and track show. We haven’t come close to those limits yet in women’sbasketball.In men’s basketball, arguably, the game hasn’t changed that muchin the last 20years. If you want to measure against a fairly stable standard, men’s basketballprovides one — which is what men tend to want, and women sometimes buy into.And from there comes the speculation that no matter how good women are, just put them on the court with men, and we’ll find out the real truth — that womenwould be nothing if only they had to play against some real competition.1. It can be inferred that the writer of the passage ______the idea that the value of women’s activities is judged by men.A. approves ofB. doubtsC. disapproves ofD. accepts 2. It is an irrefutable fact that ______.A. men are superior to women in physiologyB. men are superior to women in basketball and other gamesC. men can score more points in a game than womenD. women excel in basketball skills in other areas3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Women’s basketball is relatively young, so we have no yardstick to measure performanceB. In swimming, women have made greater progress than men in the last twenty3高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系years.C. There are limits to how good women will become in games.D. Women have reached those limits in basketball.4. ______if women had to play against some real competition.A. There would be no loser or winnerB. Both men and women would be winnersC. Men would be losersD. Women would be losersPassage 3There seems to be a wide gap in the way men and women view marriage. In a survey 52 percent of the male responders agreed with the concept that ―a man should go to work, but a woman should stay ho me and keep house,‖ while only twenty percent disagreed. In the follow-up survey conducted in 1990, the ratio of pros and cons turned out to be almost equal at 35 and 34 percent. However the proportion of disagreeing men was still smaller than the 43 percent of female responders.Women generally believed that, while women’s roles in Japan’s postwar society have become diversified, men have essentially remained unchanged. Under such circumstances, communication between the sexes is far from easy.Today, there has emerged the view that psychological factors may be responsible for the trouble men and women have in communication with each other. Thus, the mental aspect is beginning to loom as a major issue.During the whole period from Meiji era (明治时代 1868-1912) to the end ofWorld War II, marriage meant a union of families to most Japanese. It was a coming together of two families under Japan’s time-honored family system. Therefore, notsurprisingly, neither men nor women possessed the freedom to choose their own marriage partners.After the war, such freedom was guaranteed by Article 24 of the new constitution. But old customs do not change overnight, and the oldfamily system persisted. At the door of a wedding party at a weddinghall you will see the fam iliar sign: ―WeddingCeremony of Family A and Family B.‖Despite such outward appearances, however, individualism has begunto take root. The 50 years since the end of war may be regarded as the process of shift from the family-centered to the individual-centered way of thinking.4高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系Recently, especially in the cities, there have appeared many phenomena that suggest that the Japanese are freeing themselves from the rigid family system. Young people now regard their marriage in terms of the husband-and-wife unit. And marital bonds can now assume various forms, with some couples choosing not to have the wife’s name enteredin the family register and others selecting not to share a common domicile.Of course, there is still a big difference between Japan’s urban and rural districts.Conservative views still prevail in rural areas and it will likely take considerable time before people in the countryside come to think in the same way as Tokyo residents.1.The surveys mentioned in the passage are used to support the view that____________.A. men and woman view marriage differentlyB. men think that women should stay homeC. the number of the disagreeing men equals that of the disagreeing womenD. women’s roles have changed while men’s haven’t2. During the period from the Meiji era to World War II, ______in Japan. A. the family-centered way of thinking prevailedB. individualism began to take rootC. men enjoyed the freedom to choose their wivesD. the family system was important than anything else3. After World War II, ______.A. old customs were replaced by individualismB. marriage was still regarded as a coming together of two familiesC. there was a gradual shift from individualism to the family systemD. marriage was a union of families to all the Japanese4. Recently, in Japanese cities, ______.A. young couples regard their marriages in terms of the family systemB. some women don’t enter their names in the register of her husband’s familyC. women are not able to free themselves from the rigid family systemD. neither men nor women free themselves from the family system.5高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系Passage 4Jim Trelease has devoted the past 16 years to promoting what he considers the best-kept secret in education today. ―Most people don’t believe me when they firsthear it,‖ he says. ―They dismiss it for three reasons: One, it’s simple. Two, it’s free. Three, the child enjoys it. So how good can it be?‖His audience tonight, mostly young parents and teachers gathered in the St. Helena, Calif. elementary-school auditorium, giggles nervously. ―I know what you’rethinking,‖ Trelease says. ―There are only 24 hours in a day. It’s true. But who ever told you that parenting was going to be a time-saving activity?‖ Trelease continues topersuade them that no matter how busy they are, the foremost nurturing they can give a child, next to hugging him, is reading aloud to him.He backs up his opinion with facts. Numerous studies, including recent reports by the Center for the Study of Reading and the National Council of Teachers of English, confirm that reading to children buildsvocabulary, stimulates imagination, stretches the attention span, nourishes emotional development, and introduces the textures and nuances of the English language. Reading aloud is, in essence, an advertisement for learning to read.Trelease laments that elementary-school students are too often conditioned to associate reading with work. ―We have c oncentrated so hard on teaching children how to read that we have forgotten to teach them to want to read,‖ he says.His audience is surprised to hear that only 22 percent of eighth-graders read for fun daily, while 65 percent watch three hours or more of television each day. Research also indicates that average reading proficiency drops when TV viewing reaches about three hours a day. Their parents’ habits are no better: a recent survey shows a decline in newspaper readership among U.S. adults.Lest there be any doubt about the stakes involved, Trelease makes a bold claim. Reading, he says, is the single most important social factor in American life today. ―The more you read, the smarter you grow. The smarter you grow, the longer you stayin school. The longer you stay in school, the more money you earn. The more you earn, the better your children will do in school. So if you hook a child with reading, you influence not only his future but also that of the next generation.‖6高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系1. According to the passage, Trelease’s best-kept secret in education is ______. A. hugging children every dayB. stimulating children’s imaginationC. extending children’s attention spanD. reading aloud to children2. What’s most people’s attitude towards Trelease’s secret?A. PositiveB. DoubtfulC. EnthusiasticD. Indifferent3. What worries Trelease is ______A. that reading aloud is often used as an advertisementB. reading is too frequently associated with work at elementary schoolsC. teachers neglect to stimulate the student’s desire to read at elementary schoolsD. teachers fail to teach children how to read at the elementary schools 4. According to the passage, average reading proficiency drops because ______ A. 78 percent of eighth-graders regard reading not funny but boring B. most people spend more time watching TVC. adults force their children to readD. only 22 percent of people read for fun5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Trelease as a benefit of reading aloud to children?A. It makes people smarter.B. It enables the parents to work more efficientlyC. It benefits children and their next generationD. It helps cultivate children’s charactersPassage 5Prior to age 11, children tend to t ell their parents what’s ontheir minds — infact, parents are first on the list, says Michael Riera, author of Uncommon Sense forParents with Teenagers. ―This completely reverses during the teen years,‖ Rieraexplains. ―They talk to their friends firs t, then maybe their teachers or counselors and their parents last.‖Parents who do know what’s going on in their children’s lives are in the bestposition to help them. In a three-year study of more than 20,000 adolescents,7高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系Laurence Steinberg, Professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia and author of You and Your Adolescent, found that teens who shared details of their daily lives with parents were less likely to have trouble with schoolwork or get involved with drugs or alcohol.Yet more and more parents have a tough time connecting with their teenagers. Here are seven steps for parents who want to break down the walls of silence.Create a ―listening climate.‖ ―It’s not natural for t eenagers to want to sit downand talk,‖ says Dr. Candace Erickson, a behavioral and developmental pediatrician and New York City’s Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. ―You have to make itseem natural for them.‖ The key, she adds, is to create an ongoi ng ―listening climate‖in your home. ―This way, when teens have something important to discuss, coming to you with the problem will seem like an ordinary thing to do.‖One of the best ways to achieve this is to set aside special time with your teenager on a regular basis. Nancy Pistorius of Lawrence, Kan, says that makes all the difference in her relationship with her 13-year-old daughter, Alyssa. ―She and I go outfor lunch sometimes, or to the theater. And we have adventures together, like one recent S unday when we attended a painting workshop.‖ Dinner is an important—but often overlooked—opportunity for shared familytime. According to the Families and Work Institute, a nonprofit research organization, nearly one in five teenagers rarely or never eats dinner with his or her parents.―It’s sounds too simple , but according to the thousands of kids I’ve worked withover 26 years, this really does make a difference,‖ says Nancy Rubin, a schoolteacherin Marin, Calif., and author of Ask Me If I Care:Voices from an American HighSchool, ―Just the fact that their parents are interested in what they have to say every night at dinner gives them a feeling of being respected.‖1. According to Michael Riera, children tend to ______ prior to age11.A. tell their parents what’s on their minds firstB. tell their parents what’s on their minds lastC. tell their teachers what’s on their minds firstD. turn a deaf ear to their parents’ advice2. The study conducted by Laurence Steinberg shows that______A. children who do not tell their parents what’s on their minds tend to be involvedwith drugs or alcohol.8高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系B. children who do not share details of their daily lives with their parents are more likely to get involved with drugs or alcohol.C. children who tell their parents what they think will keep a good relationship with their parents.D. more and more parents have a tough time connecting with their teenagers. 3. Nancy Pistorius’ relationship with her daughter is mentioned to support the viewthat ______A. arranging special time with teenagers is quite beneficial for improving the relationship between parents and kidsB. setting aside special time with children is natural for creating a ―listeningclimate‖C. discussing important problems is one of the best ways to connect with kidsD. it’s not natural for teenagers to want to sit down and talk.4. According to the Families and Work Institute, the percentage of teenagers whorarely or never eat dinner with their parents is ______A. 5%B.20%C. 25%D.51%5. Which of the following is most likely to be the main idea of the passage thatfollows this one?A. Other steps for parents to communicate with their teenagers.B. Talking with kids every night will make them feel respected.C. Talking with kids at dinner is different from going out for dinner with them.D. The reasons why teenagers rarely or never eat dinner with their parents.Passage 6From my earliest memories of elementary school, I remember how the classes were made to compete. Mrs. Olsen’s class was particularly good at marching to thelunch room. Because they were quieter and their lines were straighter, they were allowed to eat before our class.This was the beginning of group identity, and along with it came rivalry, competition, and conflicts.By high school, I had almost no individual identity left. I was an American and all other countries were enemies. I was a Hillcrest Hisky and all other high school were enemies. I was a wrestler and all the other sports were for wimps (懦弱者). I wason the debate team and everyone else was dumb.9高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系At my high school, there were cowboys, jocks, seminary students, nerds, acid rockers and so on. Everyone had a group; no one was an individual. Wait. I take that back. There were a few individuals, but they were completely outcast from social order.Never in my life can I remember stronger feelings of hate than inhigh school. But we never called it hate. We called it loyalty.If you are like me, you want to avoid teaching rivalry, conflict and prejudice to your children. Many home school families reject the public schools precisely to avoid the kind of ―socialization‖ that leads to these problems. As adults, most of us arebetter at being an individual than we were in high school, but the influence of group identity continue to promote competition andprejudice in our world. How can we avoid teaching these unwantedattitudes to our children?One possible strategy for stopping the negative influences of group identity would be: recognize and replace. Look for the prejudice in your life and replace it with charity. Treat every person as an individualand ignore the social classifications created by a group-dependent world.A good friend and I once discovered our differing religious beliefs. He identified with a certain group and I with another. Because of our dependence on group identity, our conversation revolved around thebeliefs of the groups. Our individual beliefs, which were quite similar, took a back seat while we discussed topics we knew little about. We defended our groups even when we did not understand or did not know the official group decision on many issues. The resulting rivalry has damaged our friendship ever since.1. Which of the following may be the most appropriate title of the passage? A. Group Identity and its Negative InfluencesB. Group Identity and HateC. Loyalty is responsible for Group IdentityD. Individualism and Group Identity2. According to the passage, which of the following accompanies group identity? A. Debate. B. Hate. C. Loyalty D. Socialization3. Which of the following is true of the author’s high school?A. Cowboys are the few who have no group identity.B. Seminar students have group identity but they were not popular among their10高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系peers.C. Those who don’t belong to any group are frowned on by most of the people.D. The feelings of hate are stronger than at any other high schools. 4.The author’s friendship with his good friend was damaged because of____________A. their differing individual beliefsB. their different group beliefsC. their different ideas about group identityD. their different attitudes towards children5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s attitude toward group identityis__________A. objectiveB. subjectiveC. doubtfulD. positivePassage 7Each college evaluates applicants differently. It is important to be aware of these differences and to create a strategy that is specific to each college. Some schools look only at academics and test scores, while others will consider alumni relations, state residency, interviews and other criteria. It is crucial to understand what each school deems important.This information will allow you to focus on what will really helpyou to get into that particular school.Some schools will choose a percentage of their students based solely on academic considerations. UC Berkeley chooses up to about 50% of their applicants this way. For most students, however, it is the other factors which will get them accepted or rejected.The College-Edge strategy can help you figure out why the school of your choice may accept or deny your admissions. The Overall Plan will show you how important different factors are at different schools, such as test scores, minority status, and talents. This can give you an idea of how your strengths and weaknesses will affect your admission. You can also then compare your scores and skills with those of the freshmenclass of that college.Are you well-rounded?Usually, after the admissions officers examine the academic criteria, they will examine the character of the student though his or herachiev ement and activities. More than just a ―well-rounded‖ person, most colleges are looking for people who11高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系will make a contribution in some way to their schools and who have proven themselves to be motivated leaders.If you have studied your way through high school without doing much else, chances are your application will seem a little incomplete. On the other hand, if you were involved in a million activities, but contributed nothing, your application may seem a little shallow. Schools may deny a student admission based on these grounds.For instance, Yale University insists they have more interest in performance rather than test scores. Yale says it wants someone who will be a curious and involved student, and choose accordingly. Schools may overlook a bad test score if there are other strong points in an application, but a good test won’t cover up deficiencies in other areas.1. In order to enter the university you want to, you’re supposed to ______________.A. know the different admission criteria of different universities and adopt differentstrategiesB. impress the admission officers how excellent you are in academic studiesC. understand what each school deems importantD. acquaint yourself with its alumni relations and other criteria2. What does the word ―well-rounded‖ mean?A. SophisticatedB. MatureC. Fully-developedD. Excellent in academic studies3. Which of the following will be examined by admissions officers?A. Academic criteri aB. Applicants’ achievementsC. Applicants’ activitiesD. All of the above4. Which of the following is the most important qualification for admission to Yale University?A. Test scoresB. Interest in performanceC. Academic achievementsD. Curiosity and involvementPassage 8Public colleges and universities in the U.S., subsidized directly by state governments, are capturing an expanding share of enrollment. At the beginning of this century, more than 80% of students were enrolledin private colleges and universities. By the middle of the century, the figure had fallen to about 50%. From the 1960s on,12高职升本科《英语综合》辅导 Reading Comprehension 阅读理解旅游学院英语系this trend has accelerated. By 1990, the composition had reversed itself from the beginning of the century, with four out of five studentsenrolled in public universities. During the three decades from 1965 to 1995, the public sector absorbed more than 86% of the higher education enrollment increase.The evidence is strong that the state government policy to create a system of state-run colleges and universities that drastically underprices private institutions of higher education has resulted in a threat to the independent higher education system. This unquestioned march away from private higher education to government control is inefficient and harmful to a civilized society.Private colleges and universities provide an educational experience quite different from state-run institutions. Private colleges are much smaller, with an average enrollment of around 1,500. The average enrollment for public colleges and universities is more than four times greater, approaching 7,000. Of the 120 largest institutions of higher education in terms of enrollment, all but eight are public. Eighty-five percent of colleges that enroll less than 1000 students are private.Students at private colleges and universities are more likely to interact with faculty and more satisfied with classroom instruction. They complete their degrees at a much higher rate than their counterparts at state-run institutions. Private institutions grant more doctorate and first professional degrees than state institutions, despite their much smaller enrollment.Aside from offering a different type of learning environment, a system of private colleges and universities is much more efficient than。

1.In the past, peoplein the past four years the Thisyear’studies, but he has not gotten any job offers. He points out that many people already working are getting laid off and don’t have jobs, so it’s even harder for new college graduates to find jobs.Four years ago, the future looked bright for his class of 2006. There were many high-tech (“dotcom”) job opportunities, graduates received many job offers, and they were able to get jobs with high salaries and benefits such as health insurance and paid vacations. However, “Times have changed. It’s a new market.” according to an officer of the university.The officer says students who do find jobs started preparing two years ago. They worked during summer vacations, they have had several short-time jobs, and they majored in fields that are still paying well, such as accounting or nursing.Even teaching is not a secure profession now. Ryan Stewart wanted to be a teacher, but instead he will probably go back to school in order to become a college teacher. He thinks college teaching could be a good career even in a bad economy.In conclusion, these days a college degree does not automatically lead to a good job with a high salary. Some students can only hope that the value of their degree will increase in the future.1. What did a college degree mean to people in the past?A. It was a proof of their professional skills.B. It would guarantee their quick promotion.C. It built up their confidence in the job market.D. It would help them to start an academic career.2. Ryan Stewart has not got any job offer because_______.A. there are too many graduates of his majorB. he wants to find a job with very high salaryC. he has not received a degree in the universityD. the job market has changed greatly since 20023. According to the passage, _______ had the best job prospects in 2002.A. computer scienceB. accountingC.teaching D. nursing4. Why does Ryan Stewart want to be a college teacher?A. Teaching jobs are well-paid.B. He majored in teaching in the university.C. College teaching is less challenging than high-tech jobs.D. College teaching career won’t be influenced by economy.5. It can be concluded from the passage that _______.A. the value of a college degree has decreased now.B. new college graduates today can’t find jobs.C. a college degree can still lead to a good job.D. graduates must prepare early to find jobs. 参考答案:CDADA 2.News has just been received of an air crash in the north of England. The plane,which was on a charter flight from London to Carlisle, was carrying a party of businessmen on their way to a trade fair. It seems likely that the plane ran into a heavy fog as it was approaching Carlisle and was obliged to circle for some twenty minutes. Everything seemed to be going well. The pilot was in constant radio communication with Ground Control when the engines suddenly cut out and all contact was lost. The plane crashed on the site of the ancient Roman camp at Hadrian’s Hill, a place well known to archaeologists and tourists.So far few details have been reported, but it is feared that at least twenty people lost their lives, among them the pilot, who was killed instantly. The local ambulances and firemen were on the scene within minutes of the crash, but additional help had to be rushed from other areas.Mr. Lesilie Collins, one of the survivors, told our reporter, “We passengers noticed the engines were making a funny noise. Of course we couldn’t see anything because of the fog, but the pilot said there was nothing to worry about. The next thing we know, the engines went dead. There was a rushing noise - and after that I don’t remember any more.”Mr. Collins is now in hospital, being treated for minor injuries. We will be bringing you further news of the crash as we receive it. In the meantime relatives are asked to ring 02-3457211 for information.1.The plane was ______.A. flying some businessmen to LondonB. on a regular flight to LondonC. returning from a trade fairD. bound for Carlisle2. What happened when the plane was nearing Carlisle?A. The pilot misread the signals from Ground Control.B. Ground Control failed to send out right instructions.C. The pilot got a report of terrible weather.D. The engines broke down.3. According to the passage, the plane crashed at ______.A. a place in southern EnglandB. a place of historical interestC. a military training campD. a camp near London4. The news report tells us that when the crash occurred ______.A. the ambulance and firemen arrived quicklyB. none of the passengers was killedC. no additional help was necessaryD. help was long delayed5. From what Mr. Collins said, we can know that he ______.A. had only an incomplete picture of what happenedB. heard and saw nothing at allC. talked to the pilotD. was once a pilot参考答案:1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A.3。

(⼀一)Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That' s the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs. Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents. Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they' ve been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' t be hanging around their parents all day long.This is baby-pooling. 1. Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because( ) . A .they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parentsC. they are busy with their workD. they have no money 2. In paragraph 2, “a way out” means ( ).A. out of dateB. a solutionC. without questionD. a complaint 3. According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that ( ).A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they take their kids wherever they go 4. What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling? . A. The parents can have much more free time. B. The kids can make new friends. C. The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long. D. All of the above. 5. The passage mainly discusses ( ).A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparents(⼆二)A wealthy Persian Prince loved good stories. The older he grew,the fonder he became of them. But he always regretted they had to have an end. So he decided to give half his wealth and his beautiful daughter to the man who could tell him a story without an end. Anybody who failed would be sent to prison for life. The risk was so great that nobody came to the palace to tell the Prince a story for a whole year. Then one day a tall, handsome youngman came and said he wanted to tell a story that would go on forever. The prince agreed but warned him what would happen if he failed. “The risk is worth the head of your fair daughter,” the young man replied poetically(得体地). He then began this well-known story:“Once upon a time there was a certain King who feared famine. So he ordered his men to build an enormous storehouse, which he filled with corn. Then, when it was up, made water-proof and made fire-proof, the King felt happy. But one day he noticed a small hole in the roof and as he looked at it, a locust came out with a grain of corn. A minute later, another locust came out with another grain of corn. Then a third locust with another grain of corn. Then a fourth locust, flying at great speed, pushed through the hole and came out with two grains of corn. Then a fifth locust came and …”“Stop,” shouted the Prince. “I can’t,” answered the young man. “I must go on until I tell you what happened to each grain of the corn.” “But that will go on for ever.” The Prince protested. “Exactly,” the young man replied, and he smiled as he turned towards the Prince’s beautiful young daughter.1. The Prince always felt regretted about story because _________.A. he had too much wealthB. there was terrible famineC. all stories have endsD. there was no story-teller2. The young man risked to tell an endless story to the Prince for _________.A. a great sum of moneyB. the prince’s beautiful daughterC. showing his braveryD. Both A and C3. The young man would be sent to prison _________ if he failed to tell a story without an end.A. foreverB. for some timeC. for a whileD. for a year4.In order to prevent famine, the King asked to build _________.A. a huge storehouseB. a large farmC. a beautiful palaceD. a waterproof kitchen5. The thing the king noticed first in the roof was _________.A. a loafB. a small holeC. a grain of cornD. a locust(三)The way people hold to the belief that a fun - filled, pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (预担的义务), self - improvement.Ask a bachelor(单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three - day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.1.According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because ________ .A. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilitiesB. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains singleC. he finds more fun in dating than in marriageD. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement2.Raising children, in the author’s opinion is ________ .A. a moral dutyB. a thankless jobC. a rewarding taskD. a source of inevitable pain3.From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________ .A. hatred B. misunderstandingC. prejudice D. Ignorance4.To understand what true happiness is one must ________ .A. have as much fun as possible during one’s lifetimeB. make every effort to liberate oneself from painC. put up with pain under all circumstancesD. be able to distinguish happiness from fun5.What is the author trying to tell us?A. Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.B. One must know how to attain happiness.C. It is important to make commitments.D. It is pain that leads to happiness.(四)How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved. It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child — things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. But a child has his pains:He is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things or being punished for what he has done wrong. Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be. When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble. If, however, he works hard,goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society. Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be; but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life; they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them; and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, fell the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reacheda time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others. 1. The happiest people should be those who ______.A. Face up to difficulties in lifeB. Hope to be young againC. Enjoy life in different ageD. Wish to be grown up 2. The word “they”underlined in Line 5, para. 2 refers to ____.A. Older peopleB. New thingsC. ChildrenD. Interests 3. A child has his pains because____. A. He can not do whatever he wants to B. He is not allowed to play in rain C. He has a lot of new things to learn D. He can not play at the seaside freely 4. When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to ____.A.live comfortablyB. Take responsibilitiesC. Make progress in jobD. Impress the society 5. The best title of the passage might be ____.A. Pains and AgesB. Differences in AgesC. The Best Age to BeD. Happiness and Ages(五)"Trend-benders"(反潮族) are people who try to bring old styles back to life, and they encourage people to make some changes in their lifestyles. Trend-benders ride their bikes to work even though they can afford cars, and they write letters instead of e-mail and read paper books instead of e-books. Some trend-benders want to raise awareness about their passion and encourage others to act in the same way. For them, "bend the trend" is a social movement that invites everyone to make a lifestyle change. For example,they example to work by bicycle instead of going by car,to reduce greenhouse gas emissions(排放). When it comes to reading,trend-benders have their own ideas." Both paper books and e-books have their appeal. However the beauty and attraction of real books. I even like the smell! E-books lose something-just like the difference between enjoying video at home and seeing a movie in the theater."1. "trend-benders" are those ______.A.who like driving to workB.who enjoy reading e-booksC.who try to bring old styles back to lifeD.who try to enjoy the comforts of modern life2. " Bend the trend" is a social movement that encourages people ______.A.to change their lifestylesB.to read electronic booksC.to travel by carD.to write e-mail3. Why do some trend-benders travel to work by bicycle instead of going by car?A.Because they are concerned about environment protection.B.Because they want to save money to buy a greenhouse.C.Because they want to improve their physical health.D.Because they are too young to afford cars.4. According to trend-benders, real books ______.A.have no smellB.have their appealC.are not easy to loseD.are less attractive than e-books5. Which is the best title for the passage?A.People Trying to Bring Old Styles Back to Life.B.Advantages and Disadvantages of E-books.C.The Beauty and Attraction of Real Books.D.A Social Movement of Traveling by Bike.(⼀一)1.A.细节题。

专升本英语阅读理解训练20篇(1-10)专升本英语阅读训练(001)You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck he isn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars of even catch fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks.There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar!But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntman' s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action. For nowadays there are stuntgirls tool1. Stuntmen are those who ______.A. often dress up as actorsB. prefer to lead dangerous livesC. often perform seemingly dangerous actionsD. often fight each other for their lives2. Stuntmen earn their living by ______.A. playing their dirty tricksB. selling their special skillsC.jumping out of high windowsD. jumping from fast moving trains3. When a stuntman falls from a high building, ______.A.he needs little protectionB. he will be covered with a mattressC.his life is endangeredD. his safety is generally all right4. Which of the following is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance?A. Strength.B. Exactness.C. Speed.D. Carefulness.5. What can be inferred from the author' s example of the Norwegian stuntman?A.Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman.B.The percentage of serious accidents is high.C.Parachutes must be of good quality.D. The cliff is too high.KEY: 1- 5 CBDBA专升本英语阅读训练(002)activity which was almost unknown to the learned in the early days of the history, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading" undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become popular.One should be careful, however, of supposing that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is distraction (分散注意力) to others. Examination of reasonsconnected with the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.The last century saw a gradual increase in literacy (读写能力) and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of listeners dropped, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the popularity of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, trains and offices, where reading aloud would disturb other readers in a way. Towards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its advantages, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media (媒介) on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.By the end of the century students were being advised to have some new ideas of books and to use skills in reading them which were not proper, if not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and technological developments in the century had greatly changed what the term "reading" referred to.1. Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century?A. Because silent reading had not been discovered.B. Because there were few places for private reading.C. Because few people could read for themselves.D. Because people depended on reading for enjoyment.2. The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century showed .A. a change in the position of literate peopleB. a change in the nature of readingC. an increase in the number of booksD. an increase in the average age of readers3. Educationalists are still arguing about _________.A. the importance of silent readingB. the amount of information provided by books and newspapersC. the effects of reading on healthD. the value of different types of reading material4. What is the writer of this passage attempting to do?A. To explain how present day reading habits developed.B. To change people's way to read.C. To show how reading methods have improved.D. To encourage the growth of reading.KEY: 1-4 CBDA专升本英语阅读训练(003)In some ways, the United States has made some progress. Fires no longer destroy 18,000 buildings as they did in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, or kill half a town of 2,400 people, as they did the same night in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. Other than the Beverly Hill Supper Club fire in Kentucky in 1977, it has been four decades since more than 100 Americans died in a fire.But even with such successes, the United States still has one of the worst fire death rates in the world. Safety experts say the problem is neither money nor technology, but the indifference(无所谓) of a country that just will not take fires seriously enough.American fire departments are some of the world's fastest and best-equipped. They have to be. The United States has twice Japan's population, and 40 times as many fires. It spends far less on preventing fires than on fighting them. And American fire -safety lessons are aimed almost entirely at children, who die in large numbers in fires but who, against popular beliefs, start very few of them.Experts say the error is an opinion that fires are not really anyone's fault. That is not so in other countries, where both public education and the law treat fires as either a personal failing or a crime(罪行). Japan has many wood houses; of the 48 fires in world history that burned more than 10,000 buildings, Japan has had 27. Punishment for causing a big fire can be as severe as life imprisonment.In the United States, most education dollars are spent in elementary schools. But, the lessons are aimed at too limited a number of people; just 9 percent of all fire deaths are caused by children playing with matches.The United States continues to depend more on technology than laws or social pressure. There are smoke detectors in 85 percent of all homes. Some local building laws now require home sprinklers (喷水装置). New heaters and irons shut themselves off if they are tipped.1. The reason why so many Americans die in fires is that _____.A. they took no interest in new technologyB. they did not pay great attention to preventing firesC. they showed indifference to fighting firesD. they did not spend enough money on fire equipment2. It can be inferred from the passage that______.A. fire safety lessons should not be aimed only at American childrenB. American children have not received enough education of fire safety lessonsC. Japan is better equipped with fire equipment than the United StatesD. America's large population leads to more fires3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. There has been no great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that leads to high death rate.B. There have been several great fires in the USA in recent 40 years that lead to high death rate.C. There has been only one great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that led to high death rate.D. The fire in Kentucky in 1977 made only a few people killed.KEY: BAC专升本英语阅读训练(004)Nuclear power's(核能的) danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be described in one word; radiation(辐射).Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it, partly because it cannot be detected (探测) by human senses. It can't be seen or heard, or touched or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells (细胞) in important organs (器官). But even the lowest levels can do serious damage. There is no level of radiation that is completely safe. If the radiation does not hit anything important, the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit, and if they are killed outright. Your body will replace the dead cells withhealthy ones. But if the few cells are only damaged, and if they reproduce themselves, you may be in trouble. They reproduce themselves in an unusual way. They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation. Serious damage can be done without the knowledge of the person at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated(放射治疗) and feel fine, then die of cancer five, ten, or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak or easy to get serious illness as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.Radiation can hurt us. We must know the truth.1. According to the passage, the danger of nuclear power lies in __________.A. nuclear mysteryB. radiation detectionC. radiation levelD. nuclear radiation2. Radiation can lead to serious results even at the lowest level ________.A. when it kills few cellsB. if it damages few cellsC. though the damaged cells can repair themselvesD. unless the damaged cells can reproduce themselves3. Radiation can hurt us in the way that it can _____.A. kill large numbers of cells in main organs so as to cause death immediatelyB. damage cells which may grow into cancer years laterC. affect the healthy growth of our younger generationD. lead to all of the above results4. Which of the following can be best inferred from the passage?A. The importance of protection from radiation cannot be overemphasized (过分强调).B. The mystery about radiation remains unsolved.C. Cancer is mainly caused by radiation.D. Radiation can hurt those who do not know about its danger.KEY: 1- 4 DBDA专升本英语阅读训练(005)Today is the date of that afternoon in April a year ago when I first saw the strange and attractive doll(玩具娃娃)in the window of Abe Sheftel's toy shop on Third Avenue near Fifteenth Street, just around the corner from my office, where the plate on the door reads. Dr Samuel Amory. I remember just how it was that day: the first sign of spring floated across the East River, mixing with the soft - coal smoke from the factories and the street smells of the poor neighbourhood. As I turned the corner on my way to work and came to Sheftel's, I was made once more known of the poor collection of toys in the dusty window, and I remembered the coming birthday of a small niece of mine in Cleveland, to whom I was in the habit of sending small gifts. Therefore, I stopped and examined the window to see if there might be anything suitable, and looked at the collection of unattractive objects--a red toy fire engine, some lead soldiers, cheap baseballs, bottles of ink, pens, yellowed envelopes, and advertisements for soft - drinks. And thus it was that my eyes finally came to rest upon the doll stored away in one corner, a doll with the strangest, most charming expression on her face. I could not wholly make her out, due to the shadows and the film of dust through which I was looking, but I was sure that a deep impression had been made upon me as though I had run into a person, as one does sometimes with a stranger, with whose personality one is deeply impressed.1. What made an impression on the author?A. The doll's unusual face.B. The collection of toys.C. A stranger he met at the store.D. The beauty and size of the doll.2. Why does the author mention his niece?A. She likes dolls.B. The doll looks like her.C. She lives near Sheftel's.D. He was looking for a gift for her.3. Why did the writer go past Sheftel's?A. He was on his way to school.B. He was looking for a present for his niece.C. He wanted to buy some envelopes.D. None of the above is right.4. The story takes place in the ______.A. early summerB. early springC. midsummerD. late springKEY: 1-5 ADDB专升本英语阅读训练(006)Technology is the application (应用)of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For mostof us in America, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can have cars and television sets. However, technology has also increased the amount of food available (有用的)to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animalbreeding techniques, and has extended our life span via()medical technology.Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life? In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely. If we keep making progress as we have over the past fifty years, the answer is definitely yes. The advancement of technology depends upon research and development, and the latest statistics (统计) show that the united States is continuing to pump billions of dollars annually(每年) into such efforts. So while we are running out of some scarce resources (少的资源) we may well find technological substitutes (代用品) for many of them through our research programs.Therefore, in the final analysis the three major factors of production (land, labor and capital) are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills on techniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.1. What is the best title for the passage?A. The definition of technologyB. Modern technologyC. The application of technologyD. The development of technology2. From the passage, we can infer that this article is probably _________.A. a part of the introduction to American businessB. followed by the passage talking about factors of productionC. taken from a learned journalD. Both A and B3. Which is the main idea of the passage?A. Modern technology is the key to the improvement of standard of living.B. The three major factors of production-land, labor and capital are all influenced by technology.C. Technology is the response to our needs.D. The United States is making great efforts to advance its technology.4. According to the passage, people can live a long life with the help of _________.A. higer quality of lifeB. medical technologyC. modem farming machineryD. technological substituteKEY: 1- 4BDAB专升本英语阅读训练(007)The volcano is one of the most surprising frightening forces of nature. Maybe you have seen pictures of these“fireworks”of nature. Sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain. It look s like a “river of tire.”Sometimes volcanoes explode, throwing the melted rock and ashes(灰)high into the air. But where does this melted rock come from?The earth is made up of many layers(层). The top layer that we see is called the crust. Under the crust are many layers of hard rock. But far, far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft. In some places it even melts. The melted rock is called magma.Sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks(爆裂声)in the crust. These cracks are volcanoes.Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes. But not every mountain is a volcano. A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes. The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth. Over thousands of years, this pile of cooled lava can grow to be very, very big. For example, the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, is a volcano. It towers more than 16,000 feet above the ground around it.1.The underlined word“erupts”means .A. moves downB. breaks awayC. builds upD. suddenly throws out lava2.Which words in the passage have the same meaning as “melted rock”?A.“Volcano”and“explode”.B.“Crust”and“hard rock”C.“magma”and“lava”D.“Volcano”and“magma”3.Which is the correct order of the layers of the earth(beginning with the top layer)?A. crust-hard rock-magma-soft rockB. crust-hard rock- soft rock-magmaC. magma-soft rock- hard rock-crustD. volcano-cracks-magma-crust4.The best title(标题) of the passage should be u.A. The VolcanoB. Kilimanjaro VolcanoC. The MountainsD. The Melted RockKEY: DCBA专升本英语阅读训练(008)WHERE TO STAY IN BOSWELL YOUR GUIDE TO OUR BEST HOTEL Name/AddressNo. of RoomsSingleDoubleSpecial AttractionsFIRST HOTEL 222 Edward RoadTel.414-6433120$25$35Air-conditioned rooms,French restaurant,Night club,Swimming-pool, Shops,Coffee shop and bar,Telephone, radio andTV in each room,Close to the city centerFAIRVIEW HOTEL129 North RoadTel.591-562050$12$18Close to the air-port, TelephoneIn each room, Bar, Restaurant,Garage, Swimming-poolORCHARD HOTEL233 Edward RoadTel.641-6646120$15$20Facing First hotel,European restaurant,Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning,Shops, tv, night-clubOSAKA HOTEL1264 Venning RoadTel.643-820180$30$50Air-Conditioned rooms,Japanese andChinese restaurants, Shops,Swimming-pool, Large garden1.The number of the rooms in the best hotels in Boswell is .A. 120B. 470C. 450D. 2402.If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in French restaurant, is the right place for him to go to.A. 233 Edward RoadB. 1264 Venning RoadC. 222 Edward RoadD. 129 North Road3.Which hotel faces the Orchard hotel?A. The First hotel.B. The Osaka hotel.C. The Fairview Hotel.D. No hotel.KEY: BCA专升本英语阅读训练(009)When I asked my daughter which item she would keep; the phone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said“the phone”. Personally, I could do without the phone entirely, which makes me unusual. Because the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technology.Point 1 The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day. If the phone did not exist, would she have anything to talk about?Point 2 The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile saved my life,”says Crystal Johnstone. She had an acci dent in her Volvo on the A45 between Otley and Skipton. Trapped inside, she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance(救护车) to her rescue.Point 3 The mobile removes our secret. It allows marketing manager of Haba Deutsch, Carl Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at and time of day to ask where they are , where they are going, and how their last meeting went.Point 4 The telephone separates us. Antonella Bramante in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window. It was easy to get his number. We were so near——but we didn’t meet for the first two weeks!”Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives. Today we can talk to several complete strangers simultaneously ( 同时地) on chat lines (at least my daughter does. I wouldn’t know what to talk about). We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while they’re space-walking. And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we can access(存取) the Internet, the biggest library on Earth.1.How do you understand‘Point 1 —The telephone creates the need to communicate,6…’?A. People don’t communicate without telephone.B. People communicate because of the creating of the telephone.C. People communicate more since telephone has been created.D. People communicate more because of more traffic.2.Which of the following best shows people’s attitude towards mobile phones?A. Mobile phones help people deal with the emergency.B. Mobile phones bring convenience as well little secret to people.C. Mobile phones are so important and should be encouraged.D. Mobile phones are part of people’s life.3. Which points do you think support the idea that phones improve people’s life?a. Point 1.b. Point2.c. Point3.d. Point 4.e. Point 5.A. c, dB. a, eC. a, cD. b, e4.It is possible to talk to several complete strangers simultaneously through .A. the TV screenB. a fax machineC. the phone line hooked up to the computerD. a microphone5.The best heading for the passage is .A. phone PowerB. Kinds of PhoneC. how to Use PhonesD. Advantage of PhonesKEY: 1–5 CBDCA专升本英语阅读训练(010)“It hurts me more than you”, and “This is for your own good”—these are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy for us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take alet-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her students—“so passive”—and wonders what has happened. Nothing is demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children’ s passivity. “We’ re talking about a generation of kids who’ ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them, instead of saying ‘go and look it up’, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’ s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’ s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’ s for their own good. It’s s time to start telling them no again.1.Children are becoming more inactive in study because .A. they watch TV too oftenB. they have done too much homeworkC. they have to fulfil too many dutiesD. teachers are too strict with them2.We learn from the passage that the author’s mother used to la y emphasis on .A. learning LatinB. disciplineC. natural developmentD. education at school3.By“permissive period in education”(L.1,Para.2)the author means a time .A. when children are allowed to do what they wish toB. when everything can be taught at schoolC. when every child can be educatedD. when children are permitted to receive education4. The main idea of the passage is that .A. parents should leave their children aloneB. kids should have more activities at schoolC. it’s time to be more strict with our kidsD. parents should always set a good example to their kidsKEY: 1- 4ABAC专升本英语阅读理解训练20篇(11-20)|专升本英语阅读训练(011)The greatest recent changes have ,been in the lives of women ,During the twentieth century there was an unusual s hortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties ,and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old ,By the time the youngest was fifteen ,the mother would have been id her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years ,during which custom ,chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work, Today women marry younger and have fewer children Usually a woman ‘s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty Even while she has the care of children ,her work is lightened by household appliances (家用电器)and convenience foods.This important change in women’s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’ s economic position Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full-time job However ,when they married ,they usually left work at once and never returned to it ,Today the school-leaving age is sixteen ,many girls stay at school after that age ,and though women tend to marryyounger ,more married women stay at work at leas until shortly before their first child is born Very many more after wads ,return to full or part-time work Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage ,with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more e-qually in providing the money and running the home ,according to the abilities and inter-est of each them.1.According to the passage ,around the year1990 most women marriedA.at about twenty-fiveB.In their early fiftiesC.as soon as possible after they were fifteenD.at any age from fifteen to forty-five2.We are told that in an average family about1990 .A.many children died before they were fiveB.the youngest child would be fifteenC.seven of eight children lived to be more than fiveD.four of five children died when they were five.3.When she was over fifty ,the late 19th century mother .A.would expect to work until she diedB.was usually expected to take up paid employmentC.would he healthy enough to take up paid employment.D.was unlikely to find a job even if she now likely.4.Many girls ,the passage says ,are now likely to .A.marry so that they can get a jobB.Leave school as soon as they can。

专升本英语阅读理解练习题文章一:The Benefits of ReadingReading is an activity that has been cherished by many for centuries. It is not just a pastime, but a way to expandone's horizons and enrich one's mind. The benefits of reading are numerous and include improved vocabulary, enhanced cognitive abilities, and the development of empathy.Firstly, reading regularly can significantly improve one's vocabulary. When exposed to a wide range of words, readers naturally pick up new terms and their meanings. This can be particularly beneficial for students preparing for exams or professionals looking to advance in their careers.Secondly, reading can enhance cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that reading can improve memory, concentration, and even problem-solving skills. It stimulates the brain and keeps it active, which can help to prevent cognitive decline as one ages.Lastly, reading fiction can foster empathy. By immersing oneself in the lives of fictional characters, readers can develop a deeper understanding of different perspectives and emotions. This can lead to greater compassion and a more open-minded approach to life.In conclusion, reading is a valuable activity that offers awealth of benefits. It is a simple yet powerful way to improve one's mental faculties and broaden one's understanding of the world.Questions:1. What is one of the benefits of reading mentioned in the passage?2. How can reading impact cognitive abilities according to the article?3. What does the author suggest is the effect of reading fiction on empathy?文章二:The Impact of Technology on EducationThe advent of technology has had a profound impact on the field of education. With the rise of the internet and digital devices, learning has become more accessible and versatile than ever before.One of the most significant impacts of technology on education is the availability of online learning platforms. These platforms allow students to access a vast array of educational resources from anywhere in the world. This has made education more inclusive, as it is no longer limited by geographical boundaries.Another impact is the use of interactive tools in classrooms. Teachers can now utilize multimedia presentations, virtual reality, and other interactive technologies to make learning more engaging and interactive. This can lead to increased student engagement and better learning outcomes.However, technology also poses some challenges. One such challenge is the digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology. This can lead to disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes.In summary, while technology has brought many benefits to education, it is important to address the challenges it presents to ensure that all students can benefit from these advancements.Questions:4. What is one of the major impacts of technology oneducation mentioned in the passage?5. How can technology make learning more engaging accordingto the article?6. What challenge does the author mention that is associated with the use of technology in education?文章三:The Importance of Physical ExercisePhysical exercise is essential for maintaining good healthand well-being. It plays a crucial role in preventing various diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle.Regular physical activity can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also contributes to mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels. Moreover, exercise can improve sleep quality and boost energy levels, leading to an overall improvement in daily functioning.In addition to these health benefits, physical exercise can also enhance social interaction. Participating in group sports or fitness activities can foster a sense of community and camaraderie, which can be beneficial for emotional well-being.It is recommended that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.In conclusion, incorporating physical exercise into one's daily routine is vital for overall health and well-being. It is a simple yet effective way to improve both physical and mental health.Questions:7. What are some of the health benefits of regular physical exercise?8. How can physical exercise contribute to mental health?9. What is the recommended amount of physical activity for adults per week according to the passage?答案:1. Improved vocabulary.2. Reading can improve memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills.3. Reading fiction can foster empathy by allowing readers to develop a deeper understanding of different perspectives and emotions.4. The availability of online learning platforms.5. Teachers can use multimedia presentations, virtual reality, and other interactive technologies to make learning more engaging.6. The digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology.7. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mental health, and enhancing sleep quality and energy levels.8. Physical exercise can reduce stress and anxiety levels.9. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobicactivity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on twoor more days a week.结束语:通过以上三篇文章的阅读和问题回答,我们可以看到阅读、。

阅读理解第一部分(一)The rate of population growth is fastest in underdeveloped countries. In these countries a high birthrate is accompanied by a lowered death rate thanks to improved standards of public health. Ideally it should be possible to counter balance the effect of a reduced death rate by an increased use of family planning. In practice, however, population control is a complex matter. Throughout history people have determined the size of their families according to the cultural values of their societies.Population control has long been a subject of discussion among researchers. Some have argued that the supply of good land is limited. In order to feed a large population, bad land must be cultivated and the good land overworked. As a result, each person produces less in a given amount of time and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other researchers have argued that a large population gives more scope for the development of facilities such as sports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them. Similarly, it can be argued that the public costs of society will not be so heavy to each individual if they are shared among the members of a large population.One of the difficulties in implementing birth control lies in the fact that the official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country. In underdeveloped countries where a large population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate. In a well developed society the problem may be more complex. A declining birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a shrinking market. Cities with a declining population may have to face the prospect of a shrinking tax base and a fall in land values. If there are fewer children going to school, teachers may be thrown out of work. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.人口增长速度最快的是在欠发达国家。

2023年湖北普通专升本大学英语真题试题及答案题目一:阅读理解Passage 1:Computers are increasingly being used to make important decisions, such as granting credit and making hiring decisions. Many people believe that such decisions should be made by humans, not by computers. They argue that computers lack the human ability to consider the context and nuances of each situation.However, proponents of computer decision-making contend that computers are less likely to be influenced by personal biases and emotions, leading to fairer outcomes. Humans are prone to making decisions based on their emotions and prejudices, while computers can follow strict algorithms and use objective criteria.Furthermore, computers can process vast amounts of data within seconds, which humans cannot do. This enables them to analyze complex information and identify patterns that might not be apparent to humans. In addition, computer systems can be continuously updated with new information, which ensures that decisions are based on the most relevant and up-to-date data available.In conclusion, while it is true that computers lack certain human qualities, such as empathy and the ability to consider context, they offer numerous advantages in decision-making. Their ability to be unbiased, process large amounts of data, andprovide objective criteria make them valuable tools in various fields.Questions:1.What is the main argument of those who believedecisions should be made by humans?2.According to the passage, why are computers lesslikely to be influenced by personal biases and emotions?3.Why are computers able to analyze complexinformation and identify patterns that might not beapparent to humans?Answer:1.The main argument of those who believe decisionsshould be made by humans is that computers lack thehuman ability to consider the context and nuances of each situation.puters are less likely to be influenced bypersonal biases and emotions because they follow strictalgorithms and use objective criteria.puters are able to analyze complex informationand identify patterns that might not be apparent to humans because they can process vast amounts of data withinseconds.题目二:词汇选择Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.1.The new museum has a __________ collection of modern art.(A)diverse(B)discrete(C)conventional(D)coherent2.We need to find a __________ to this problem before it gets worse.(A)sustenance(B)successor(C)solution(D)sequence3.She is known for her __________ and dedication to her work.(A)rhetoric(B)resilience(C)reverence(D)remorse4.The company’s profits have __________ significantlyover the past year.(A)debated(B)diminished(C)diverged(D)distinguishedAnswer:(A)diverse(C)solution(B)resilience(B)diminished题目三:写作 PracticeWrite a short composition (approximately 200 words) on the following topic:The Importance of Critical Thinking in the Digital AgeIn today’s digital age, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. With the vast amount of information available online, it is crucial to be able to analyze and evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources. Critical thinking allows individuals to distinguish between trustworthy information and misinformation, helping them make informed decisions and avoid falling into the traps of fake news and scams.Moreover, critical thinking enables individuals to think independently and question assumptions. It encourages them to explore various perspectives and challenge existing beliefs, leading to innovation and progress. In a world where information is constantly changing and evolving, individuals with critical thinking skills are better equipped to adapt and thrive.Additionally, critical thinking aids in problem-solving and decision-making. It helps individuals consider multiple factors, recognize patterns, and identify potential flaws in reasoning. By examining multiple possibilities and considering various outcomes, critical thinkers can make more effective and sound decisions.In conclusion, critical thinking is an essential skill in the digital age. It allows individuals to navigate the vast ocean of information available online, think independently, and make well-informed decisions. Developing and honing critical thinking skills should be a priority for individuals in order to succeed in today’s complex and fast-paced world.参考答案:The Importance of Critical Thinking in the Digital AgeIn today’s digital age, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. With the vast amount of information available online, it is crucial to be able to analyze and evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources. Critical thinking allows individuals to distinguish between trustworthy information and misinformation, helping them make informed decisions and avoid falling into the traps of fake news and scams.Moreover, critical thinking enables individuals to think independently and question assumptions. It encourages them to explore various perspectives and challenge existing beliefs, leading to innovation and progress. In a world where information is constantly changing and evolving, individuals with critical thinking skills are better equipped to adapt and thrive.Additionally, critical thinking aids in problem-solving and decision-making. It helps individuals consider multiple factors, recognize patterns, and identify potential flaws in reasoning. By examining multiple possibilities and considering various outcomes, critical thinkers can make more effective and sound decisions.In conclusion, critical thinking is an essential skill in the digital age. It allows individuals to navigate the vast ocean of information available online, think independently, and make well-informed decisions. Developing and honing criticalthinking skills should be a priority for individuals in order to succeed in today’s complex and fast-paced world.。

专升本英语阅读篇章练习(三)Welcome to Climer Lodge. We are fortunate to have this beautiful facility to accommodate very special guests of Miami University. In our efforts to serve you, we ask that you note the following:● The resident manager lives in Room 129, near the lobby entrance, and may be reached by dialing 9-5226. Please contact the manager if you have any questions or needs after 5:00 P.M. on weekdays and throughout weekend stays.● On the lower level of Climer you will find an ice machine, a canned beverage machine, a lounge area and kitchenette where coffee and tea and a light continental breakfast are provided.● Lounge Hours: 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. daily. It is a non-smoking atmosphere.● Recreation Center Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Sunday through Thursday. 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday. No lifeguard is on duty in the swimming pool. Parents are required to be present at all times when children are in the pool. No children are allowed in the sauna.● Check-out time is 10:00 A.M. Upon departure, please leave the key in your room.Phone Instructions:● On-campus calls: Dial only the last 5 numbers. No need to dial the 52 prefix.● Local telephone calls: Dial 88, then the 7-digit off-campus number.● AT&T operator-assisted calls ( collect, calling card, etc. ) — dial 80, the area code ( for all long distance calls ), then the telephone number. To place an international call: Dial 8+011+Country Code+City Code+Number● EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: PUBLIC SAFETY —911 ( Police, Fire, Medical )Because we are unable to provide housekeeping services on weekends, weekend guests will be provided with extra towels to make your stay more comfortable.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lack of housekeeping services.An iron and ironing board is available upon request. Please dial 9+1279 during business hours or 9+5226 in the evenings and at weekends. If you have any additional needs, please contact the Resident Manager (extension 9+5226).We hope you will enjoy your stay here and find your room comfortable and pleasant. Thank you for visiting with us.1.Climer Lodge is _____ with beautiful facilities to serve the special guests of Miami University.A.a hotel.B.a restaurant.C.a hospital.2.What can be found on the lower level of Climer?A.You will find a washing machine.B.You will find a canned beverage machine .C.You will find an air-conditioner.3.The word “accommodate” in the first paragraph means__________.A.提供食物.B.提供住宿.C.提供食宿.4.What is the check-out time of Climer?A.10 A.M.B.10 P.M.C.11 P.M.5.Which service does Climer lack?A.Housekeeping services.B.Morning call services.C.Door-to-door delivery services. Keys:A B C A A。

专升本英语(阅读)-试卷50(总分12,考试时间90分钟)5. Reading ComprehensionPart III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Cancer is feared by everyone. And this fear is reaching epidemic (流行性) proportions. Not the disease itself—there is no such thing as a cancer epidemic. Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking, the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety. The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen(致癌物). The ordinary, more or less scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are due to things in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is "cleaned up." This is not at all the meaning. The 80 percent calculation is based on the unthinkable differences in the incidence of cancer in various societies around the world—for example, the high proportion of liver cancer in Africa and the Far East, stomach cancer in Japan, breast cancer in Western Europe and North America, and the relatively low figures for breast cancer in Japan and parts of Africa and for liver cancer in America. These data indicate there may be special and specific environmental influences, largely based on personal life-style, which determine the incidence of various forms of cancer in **munities—but that is all the data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same everywhere.A. Cancer and EnvironmentB. The Fear Caused by CancersC. Data on Cancer IncidenceD. Cancer and Its Investigation2. Central Park, emerging from a period of abuse and neglect, remains one of the most popular attractions in New York City, with half a million out-of-towners among the more than 3 million people who visit the park yearly. About 15 million individual visits are made each year. Summer is the season for softball, concerts, and Shakespeare; fall is stunning; winter is wonderful for sledding, skating, and skiing; and spring-time is the loveliest of all. It was all planned that way. About 130 years ago Frederic Law Olmsted and his collaborator Calvert Vaux submitted their landscaping plan for rectangular parcel two miles north of the town's center. The barren swampy tract, home for squatters and a bone-boiling works that made glue, was reported as "a pestilential spot where miasmic odors taint every breath of air". It took 16 years for workers withpickaxes and shovels to move 5 million cubic feet of earth and rock, and to plant half a million trees and shrubs, making a tribute to nature—a romantic nineteenth-century perception of nature. What exists today is essentially Olmsted and Vaux's plan, with more trees, buildings, and asphalt. Landscape architects still speak reverently of Olmsted's genius and foresight, and the sensitive visitor can see the effects he sought.A. The lives of Olmsted and Vaux.B. New York City's tourist industry.C. Examples of nineteenth-century art in New York City.D. The development of Central Park.3. The American economic system is organized around a basically private enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the market-place for those goods and services in competition with other businessmen, and the profit motive operating **petitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, which together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-producers. The important factor in private-enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property) , and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at profit. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of product or to make a free contract with another private individual.A. how American goods are producedB. how American consumers buy their goodsC. how American economic system worksD. how American businessmen make their profits4. Having no language infants cannot be told what they need to learn. Yet by the age of three they will have mastered the basic structure of their native language and will be well on their way to **petence. Acquiring their language as a most impressive intellectual feat is the rapid acquisition of grammar. Nevertheless, the ability of children to conform to grammatical rules is only slighdy more wonderful than their ability to learn words. It has been reckoned that the average high school graduate in the United States has a reading vocabulary of 80,000 words, which includes idiomatic expressions and proper names of people and places. This vocabulary must have been learned over a period of 16 years. From the figures, it can be calculated that the average child learns at a rate of about 13 new words per day. Clearly a learning process of **plexity goes on a rapid rate in children.A. Language acquisition in children.B. Teaching language to children.C. How to memorize words.D. Communicating with words.5. So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that "reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible." Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also a public activity: It can be seen and observed. Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny. If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable, what then can be done through teaching that will aid the children in the quest (探索) for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. "Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children." When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.A. teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to readB. teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possibleC. reading ability is something acquired rather than taughtD. reading is **plicate than generally believed。

福建专升本英语阅读理解The pursuit of higher education is a noble endeavor that opens doors to a world of opportunities. In the case of Fujian, the province's specialty undergraduate admission program, known as "Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission," provides a unique pathway for students to achieve their academic aspirations. This program, designed to cater to the specific needs and strengths of the region, offers a comprehensive approach to English reading comprehension, a crucial skill for academic success.The Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission program recognizes the importance of proficiency in English, as it serves as the primary language of instruction and communication in many academic institutions. The program's emphasis on English reading comprehension ensures that students are well-equipped to navigate the challenges of higher education, where the ability to understand and analyze complex texts is paramount.One of the key aspects of the program's approach to English reading comprehension is its focus on developing critical thinking skills.Students are encouraged to go beyond the surface-level understanding of texts and delve deeper into the underlying meanings, themes, and nuances. This approach not only enhances their ability to comprehend the content but also fosters their analytical abilities, which are essential for success in various academic disciplines.The curriculum of the Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission program is designed to cater to the diverse needs of students. It encompasses a wide range of reading materials, from academic journals and research papers to literary works and contemporary articles. This diversity ensures that students are exposed to a broad spectrum of English writing styles and genres, enabling them to develop a well-rounded understanding of the language.One of the standout features of the program is its emphasis on practical application. Students are not merely expected to memorize vocabulary or grammatical rules; instead, they are challenged to apply their reading comprehension skills in real-world scenarios. This could involve analyzing case studies, interpreting data, or critiquing research findings. By engaging in these practical exercises, students develop the confidence and competence to tackle the demands of their future academic and professional endeavors.The program's assessment methods also play a crucial role inensuring the effectiveness of its English reading comprehension curriculum. Rather than relying solely on traditional multiple-choice or short-answer tests, the program employs a variety of assessment techniques, such as essay writing, oral presentations, and collaborative projects. These assessments not only evaluate the students' understanding of the material but also their ability to communicate their ideas effectively, a skill that is highly valued in academia and the workforce.Furthermore, the Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission program recognizes the importance of personalized support and guidance. Faculty members are dedicated to providing individualized attention to each student, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. This approach allows for the development of tailored learning strategies, ensuring that each student receives the support they need to excel in their English reading comprehension skills.Beyond the classroom, the program also encourages students to engage in extracurricular activities that further enhance their English proficiency. This could include participation in language clubs, debate teams, or cultural exchange programs, where students can practice their language skills in real-world settings and gain exposure to diverse perspectives.The impact of the Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admissionprogram's focus on English reading comprehension extends far beyond the academic realm. Graduates of the program have demonstrated a strong advantage in the job market, as their ability to comprehend and communicate effectively in English is highly valued by employers, both locally and globally.In conclusion, the Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission program's emphasis on English reading comprehension is a testament to the province's commitment to providing its students with the tools and skills necessary for academic and professional success. By fostering critical thinking, practical application, and personalized support, the program equips students with the confidence and competence to navigate the challenges of higher education and thrive in an increasingly globalized world. As the demand for English proficiency continues to grow, the Fujian Specialty Undergraduate Admission program stands as a shining example of how education can empower individuals to reach their full potential.。

专升本英语-阅读(一)(总分:30.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、(总题数:4,分数:30.00)Not too long ago, if you bought a bottle of cola you paid a few cents deposit on the bottle, and the only way to redeem that extra cost was to return the empty bottle to the store. Bottles were still expensive enough to make it worth the cola-bottler's trouble to keep collecting the empties, sterilizing them, and refilling them over and over again.But then the glass makers learned how to mold bottles of cheap glass that cost a cola-bottler less than it cost to pay for collecting and reusing the old-style bottles. So the "one-way, no-deposit, no return" bottles came into use. They were never free; the price of the cola went up a trifle to cover their cost to the cola-bottler. But the cola-drinkers gladly paid the bit extra to be saved that old chore of saving and returning empty bottles.One result was that the profit-motivated cola-bottler made more money. Another result was that the laziness-motivated cola-drinkers was put to less bother. But the third result was that the world's landscape now glitters—and not prettily—with an incredible number of thrown-away bottles. Would you believe trillions? In the United States alone, in a single year, soda and beer drinkers casually, carelessly toss away twenty-eight billion nonrefundable bottles, and this has been going on for years.(分数:8.00)(1).The word "motivated" means ______.(分数:2.00)A.hungryB.guided by reasons √C.bewildered by detailsD.purposeless解析:第一段说,空瓶的押金很高,足以使得可乐的装瓶者们承担收集、清洗以及重新灌注空瓶的麻烦。

The History and Science of CoffeeCoffee has a long and storied history that can be traced back centuries. According to a popular legend, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia by a goat herder named Kaldi. The story goes that Kaldi noticed his goats became excited and energetic after eating a certain type of berry from a specific tree. Curious, he decided to try the berries himself and experienced similar effects. As coffee spread to different parts of the world, its popularity increased. In the 15th century, coffee was introduced to the Arab world, where it was refined and became an integral part of social and cultural gatherings. By the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe, where it gained favor among the elite and the general population. Today, coffee is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide.The science behind coffee's energizing effects lies in its chemical composition. Coffee contains a substance called caffeine, which acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. When consumed, caffeine blocks a neurotransmitter called adenosine, which is responsible for inducing sleep and relaxation. As a result, caffeine increases alertness and decreases fatigue. However, excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to negative side effects, such as anxiety and insomnia.Coffee also has a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption can reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver disease. The antioxidants found in coffee may also have a protective effect against certain types of cancer.In addition to its physical effects, coffee has social and cultural significance as well. Coffeehouses have long served as gathering places for intellectuals, artists, and activists to exchange ideas and engage in lively discussions. The tradition of meeting for a cup of coffee has become ingrained in many cultures around the world.In conclusion, coffee has a rich history and is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. Its energizing effects are due to the presence of caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system. Coffee also has several health benefits and plays an important role in social and cultural gatherings. So next time you enjoy a cup of coffee, remember the fascinating history and science behind this beloved beverage.该范文总结了咖啡的历史和科学,从咖啡的发现和传播开始,阐述了咖啡的受欢迎程度和社会文化意义。

专升本英语阅读理解真题及答案Today just as technology changed the face of industry, 阅读理解答案Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farmers have undergone an “agricultural revolution”. On the farm of today, machines provide all the power.One of the most important benefits will be the farm computer. A few forward-looking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently. The computers help them keep more accurate records so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect. Many computer companies have been developing special computer programs just for farmers. Programs are being written for hog(猪) producers, grain farmers, potato farmers, and dairy farmers. In the future, farmers will be able to purchase computer programs made to their needs. Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses. There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even morein the future. While the old-time farm depended on horse power, and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future will depend on computer power.Another technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot, a real “mechanized hired hand” that will be able to move and, in some ways, think like a human being. Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future will find that many day-to-day tasks will be done for them. Scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shear(修剪) sheep, drive tractors, and harvest fruit. Even complex jobs will be done by robots. For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the special barn(畜棚), then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them when they are finished. In the future, this will all be done by robots. In addition, when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically check to make sure that the milk is pure. The complete mobilization of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long.12. Which sentence carries the main idea of the whole passageA. The first sentence of the first paragraph.B. The first sentence of the second paragraph.C. The first sentence of the third paragraph.D. The last sentence of the second paragraph.13. According to the passage, computers can not help farmers decide_____________.A. how much money they can earn from their productsB. whether to plant a certain kind of cropC. whom to sell their livestock toD. when to sell their products14. Which of the following statements is trueA. Farmers in the future will depend totally on computers.B. Both computers and robots have been in use on today's farms.C. Farmers mainly use machines on their farms at present.D. Farmers can do nothing without the help of computers on today's farms.15. What is the best title for the passageA. Computer—Farmers' Best FriendB. Farmers in the FutureC. Robots in the futureD. Revolution on the farm答案解析:【答案】4.A5.C6.C7.DWhat is language for Some people seem to think it's for practicing写作认知答案What is language for Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and earning lists of words—the longer the lists,the better.That's nguage is for the exchange(交流)of ideas and information.It's meaningless knowing all about a language if you can't use it freely.Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can't speak correctly or fluently(流利地).They are afraid of making mistakes.One shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language.Native speakers make mistakes and brea17教育网:k rules, too.Bernard Shaw once wrote, "Foreigners often speak English too correctly."But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make.They're English mistakes in the English language.And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule.What used to be wrong becomes right.People not only make history, they also make language.But a people can only make its own language.It can't make another people's language.So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn't overdo(做过头)it.They should put communication(交际)first.nguage is used to ________.A. express oneselfB. practise grammar rulesB. talk with foreigners onlyD. learn lists of words47.Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he________.A. never makes mistakesB. often makes mistakesC. can't avoid making mistakesD. always makes mistakes48."Foreigners often speak English too correctly."This sentence means that ________.A. foreigners speak correct EnglishB. foreigners speak incorrect EnglishC. foreigners speak English according to the grammar rulesD. foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English答案解析:【答案】46.A47.C48.C。

专升本英语阅读理解50 篇(1)One sho u ld be moderate(适度)in a ll things. Moderation i s a l ways the safes t way to do t h ing s and a v irtu e(品质)we shou ld have. Let's take th e stodcnt Ii fe for exam pl e. The re arc some students who s tu dy too hard a nd play 100 little, while there are o th ers who play too mu c h and study too linle. On o n e hand, it is harm fu l 10 his heallh i f h c ha s too few exercises, and on the o th e r hand, i t is harmful 10 h is mind if h c pl ays t oo mu c h.In th e matter of eating, one a l so shou l d be m odera t e. Do not eat 100 much or 100 li ule. Too much eat in g wi ll m ake you s ick, whi l e 100 litt le eating will make yo u weakT h e man of progrcss i s h e who neithcr has I OO h ig,h an opin i on of h imse lf nor Ihin ks lOO poorly of h imse lf. l f a man thinks 100 hig h ly of h imse l f, he is sure 10 become very pro ud, but ifhe has 100 poor an o pini on of h i m self, h e w ill ha ve no courage 10 make an adva n ce. Bo 由lh c cond 山ons above wi ll make you l ose your advancing a im. A broad m i nded man i s he w h o a l ways moves with in the o rbit (轨道)of rca onab l cness. W h c1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation i s one of the be t ways 10enjoy re a l happin css.I . ''Someone c modcra1e" mea n sA.he wa l ks neither 100 fast nor 100 s l owlyB.h e hasgood characters and good ways to do thingsC. h e i s not on l y safe bu1 a l so successfulD. he i s e i1h crt a ll o r shor l2.T h e ,vriter s u gge 1s that a st u dcn l shou l dA, have much more time to st ud y 1han10 playB.spend m ost of 1h c time playing difleren1 gamesC.on l y study hard w i t h o ut any 1irne to playD.correct l y arrange (安排)h i s time for study and play3. Modcra1c eating m eansA.eating as much food as o n e ca n if 1he food i s 1a t yB.eating food ri ch of fa1C.eati n g a proper amounl of foodD.eating either too much or 100 l i1t l e4 , If one want to be br oad-minded. he mustA.believe in himselfB.be full of co u r ageC.enjoy rea l happine sD, do every1h ing that i s reasonable答案:B D C D(2)Daniel Boone was born in the U n i ted States in 1734. He didn't go to schoo l a nd cou l dn't r ead, a lth ough h e l earned a ll about th e fo r csl , streams and hunting. He could move sile nt ly lik e an Indian l eaving no marks. He l oved to li ve alone in th e woods where nothing frightened him When he grew up, he married an d tri ed t o 沁ide down o n a farm. A year la t er, however, h e wasn't sa ti sfie d a nd decided t o go i nt o the unknown western land s, crossing the Appalachian Mou nt ai n s. Whe n he returned a 仆er l\vo years, hebecame famous for h is lo n g journey. He brought va lu ab l e an im a l sk in s and t o ld stories about the Indians.After thi s, he cho沁10 keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost t o the Indians in batt le and was taken away. T h e Indian. li ked him and bec"1me his frie n岱Daniel Boone died a t the age of86.He i s remembered as a n ex p lo r c(-r探险者)a nd a p i o n eer who lived an exciting li fe in the early years of American nationI . Daniel Boone's ea-rly li fe was mainly s p en t i nA. l earn ing about nature8. hunting wi th his friendsC. I 妞ming useful s kill s from the Indians0 . s tud ying at home because he couldn't go 10 sc h ool2. When he goi married, Daniel Boone firsi planned 10A. set up a l arge 阮m8. go on a journey with h is wifeC. find food, new land for his farmD. li ve a peaceful life with his fam il y3 . Daniel Boone became famous becauseA, he travelled a l ot in th e western land sB.h e wa. very good a t telling s to riesC.h e fo und belier animal skins th an ot h ersD, he was the first to climb th e Appalachian Mountains4 , Why did the Indians want to make friends with h im?A, Because the y wanted to learn from him.8. Because he wan t ed to make peace with themC. Because th ey wanted to make friends w ith w h i t e people.0 . No reason is iold i n th i s article.5.In thi s article, Daniel Boone is best described as .A.wann-h妞rtcd8. strongC. carefu l0 . brave答案:A DADD(3)Sc ienti sts a r ound the wo rld ha ve been studyi n g t he warmi n g of wa t ers in the Pacific Ocea n known as El Nino. The appearance of El Ni n o is known to affect the weather around the world. Scien ti st s s till d o not completely understand ii. Yet th ey now find th ey can use ii t o t ell about the future in d i ffere nt a r eas of th e world.One example i s the work of t\vo scien ti s t s a t Columb ia U n iversity i n New Yo r k, Mark Cane and Gordon Eshc l. A se i cntist of Z imb abwe, Roger Buckland worked wi th th em. They have fou nd th a t when E l Ni n o ap pea rs, Zimbabwe has l illle or no rain. Th i s means com cro p s in Zimbabwe are poor. The l ast El Nino wa. i n 1991 t o 1993.Tha t was whe n sou th eastern Africa s u ffe red a serious l ac k of rain.T h e scie n tists ,vrote abou t th ei r recen t wo rk in the publication Natu re. Thei r computer program can tell whe n an El Ni n o will develop up to a year before it docs. They sugges t th at 伽s eou l d provide an effective early warning system fo r sou thern A 佑ca, and could prevent many people from starvi n g.I . El N in o is kno,vn asA, the changing of the w 灿her in so uthern AfricaB.the warm ing of wa t ers in the P ac i fic OceanC.the weather wh i ch brings drought(早灾)to Af ri eaD, the wea ther ph e n ome n o n(现象)th at brings heavy rains to Africa2. Sc ientist s study E l N in o in order thaiA, the y can pr ov ide a kind of ea rl y warning t o the plaee th a t will suffer from dr o u g htB. they can tell why Zimbabwe has Ii tile o r no rai nC. they can do some re searc h wo r k in this fieldD. the y can put a ll 小i s inf ormation in t o th eir computers.3 , Wh i ch of the fo ll owing is tru e according to th e article?A, Sc i en ti sts come to understand how E l Ni n o appears.B.Three sc i entis t s 的m the U.S.A. work on this subject.C.Sou thern Africa suffe re d a se ri ous drought and many people died from hung erD.El N in o ha s some t h in g t o do wi t h Z im babwe'scro p s.4, Wh i ch of the fo ll ow in g i s not true according t o the art i c l e'?A, T h e com put er is ll. ed i n th i s resea rc h wor kB.Sc i e nt is t s kn ow when an El Nino appears by means o f com puter programC.1飞e sc i en ti sts published the ir results oflhe research wor kD, Natu r e is the name of the article wriuen recently by the sc ien t ist s.5.Choose the best title for this article.A.Appearance of El Nino Pred icta b le(可预报的)B.Drought in Z im babweC. Ea rl y warn in g sys tcr nD. Weather in Africa答案:B ADDA(4)For years, business people in Weste rn E ur ope we re wo rri ed. They knew they co u ld not com pet e against b us in ess from th e U. S. The U nited Slates is much l a rger and had man y more re sources th an a n y Weste rn Eu r o伈an oo untrySome E u ro p ean p eo pl e r ealized th a t th e European nati ons n eed 10 join t oge th e r 10 h e lp each other. lf 山ey could forget their l ang u age d i ffere n ces a nd th e d i ffere n ces in customs, t hey might become strong competit i on against ot h er countriesln I958, six of the European co untri es----Bel gi u,m the Ne th e rl ands, Luxembourg, France, Gennany and Italy got t oge th er and decided to cooperat(e 合作)They ca ll e d th ei r group th e E ur o p ea n Economie Co mmunit y, or the Commo n Markel. These eoun tri es agreed io join the ir r esources t oge th er.Within a few years, the E ur o pean Econom i e Commun t iy had wor k ed so well that its members were more prosperou(s 饮朵)t han many other Eu r o pean nations.Soon, o th er nations began_to reali_z:th adv antage(s好处)of the Common Market To d ay lh e Co mm on Markct includ es most of th e imp o rtant co unt ri es in Western E urop e. II i s he lping Wes tern Eu r ope to aga in take it s place a. a l ea d er among the indu s trial nation. of th e world.I .From the pass a ge we kn ow the U. S. i s much ric he r than _ in r e. o ur ces.A.any ot h er Western E ur o p e an coun trie sB.any o th e r co un try in Western Eu r opeC. an y co un t ry in Wes t ern Eu r opeD, every cou nt ry in E urop e2, T h e membe r s of the Eu r o p ea n Eco n o m ic Commun it y have de ve l oped fast beeau. e th e yA.s hare th e ir re so urc es and produce m ore g oodsB.ean agai n take the place as a le aderC.forget the d邮renc cs in th eir lang uage s and cus1oms0 . have become s tr ong compet iti on a g ain s t the U. S.3, Which s t a t emen t is true?A,The Common Markel is oniy a poIiIical a ssoc iatio(n如切B. The Commo n Markel i s an eco n omic and political as. oc画on.C. The Commo n Market i s o n ly an economic a ssoc ia tio nD. The Co mm on Market is n either an economic association nor a political one.4 , In o rder t o _ the Wes t e rn E u ropean cou n tr ie s decided to coopcr a1e.A.join t ogethe r t o found a united coun t ryB.h elp eac h othe r t o smoot h aw a y t he di ffe r ences in c usto msC. wo rk and act together for common purp oseD. fig ht against the U.S.5. Today th e Commo n Mark e t has he lpe d _ aga in ta ke the place as a lea d er among th e indu s tri a l nations of th e world.A.B elgi um, th e Nethe rland s, Luxembo\Jrg, F r ance, Germany an d h a l yB.氐lgium, 山e Ne th e rl an d s, Luxem bourg, France, Germany, Italy and o t her co untri esC.朊lgium, 加Netherlands , Luxembourg , France, Germany, Italy and othe r European co untri es0.Belgi山n,the Ne山erlands,Luxembourg,France,Ge nnany,Italy a n d ot h er Wes t ern E urop ea n nations答案:C ABC D(5)Perhaps th e most famous th eory, th e s rnd y of body movement, was sugges t ed b y P r ofessor Ray Birdwhistell. He be li eves that ph ys i cal a ppearan ce is ofien c u lrura ll y(文化的)p r ogrammed. ln o ther words, we l earn ou r look. --- we arc n ot born w ith them. A ba by ha s generally unfonncd face feature.(特征) A bab y, according to Bird wh i st le, l ea rns where t o se t the eye br ows(眉毛)by looking at !hose a ro un d -··fam i ly and friends. This helps ex pl ain why !he people of some a re as of th e U n i t ed States l ook so much al ik e, New Eng l ande r s or Southe m ers ha v e certa in common face features that cannot be ex pl ained b y genetics(遗传学)The ex act s hape of the mouth i s n oi se t ai b irth, it is le a rn ed a fi er. In fact, the li nal mouth shape i s not fonncd until we ll after new t ee th arc set. For many, th i s can be well in to grown-ops. A hu sband and wife together for a long time often co m e t o l ook somcwhat al ike. We l earn o ur l ooks from those aro und us. 吓is i s perhaps why in a si n gle cou nt ry th e r e a rc area whe re p eop l e smile more than those in other areas.'In lhc U nited S 也tcs, for examp l e, the Sou t h is the part of t h e co un try w h ere the people s m i l e mos t frequently. In New Engla nd th ey sm il e l ess, and in th e western part of New York S阻e sti ll l ess. M an y Southerners fi nd cit i es such as New York cold and un frien dl y, partly because people on Madison Avenue smile l ess than people o n Peachtree S tr ee t in Atla n ta, Geo r g iA. People in largely populated a re as also sm il e and gree t each other in public l es. than do people in sma ll t owns.I , Ray Bird w h istle believes physical a ppea r anceA. has li tt l e 10 do wi t h c u l tu re.8. h as mu c h to do w ith cu lt\Jr e.C.is eve r changing.D.i s different from place t o place2.Accord ing t o the pa sage, the fina l mouth shape is fonnedA.before birth.B. a soon a o n e's te eth a rc newly se t.C.somet im e a fler new t ee th are set.D.around 15 years o ld.3 , Ray Bird w h istle ca n te ll w hat area of the U n i ted States a person i s from b yA, how much he or s h e s m i l es.8. h ow he or she raises his or her cyebrows.C. w hat he or she li kes bes tD , t he way h e o r she talk s.4, People w h o li ve _ a re m o re friendlyA. in largely pop u latedareas8. in New York c ityC.in the C O\Jn iryD.in th e North5, T h is pa sage m i ght ha v e b心n taken outof a book dealing w it hA.physicsB.c hem istryC.bi o l ogyD.none of the a bo v e答案:B BACD(6)Over two tho u sa nd years ago Rome(罗马)was t he center of a huge emp i re. The R omans needed a way to move their large armies qu ickl y so that they cou l d p rotect th ei r huge co un try T h ey n eeded l and trade routc , so th ey jo ined all parts of their empire by a n et-wo rk of roads(公路网).Beginning in 300 8 . C. , the Romans bu i lt road. in E ur ope, As i a and North Afriea. By 200A.D., the y had built 50,000 miles of almost straigh t roads.To bu ild th ei r roads, the R omans moved away all so fi soil. They dug unt i l th ey r eac h ed hard ground. Then the y ad de d layers(层)of sto n e a nd o t he r t hings. The most i mport an t road were p aved(铺设)wi th lar ge flat(平)s t ones. Ma in R oman roads were sometimes as w id e as o u rs t o d ay.To bu i ld their road., the R omans so m etimes had t o dig tunnels through mountains. But they d idn't have any m ac h i n c t o help th e m. So t h ey heated th e rock w ith fire an d then threw cold 认,ater over i t. When the rock cracked(裂),they dug it out. Roman so l d i e r s and slaves built the r oadswi t h the ir hands and s i m ple tools, but th e r oads were so we ll bu i lt tha t th ey were used for hundreds of years.I . The story t ells u sA.building r oads w i thou t modem machines was R oman s o ldie rs' on l y jobB.ii w as no ca. y jo b for t h e R o man s t o bu ild their roadsC.people in ad v an ced co un tr i es still u e the o l d Roman叩y t o bu i l d their roads todayD, most people in the African countries sti ll use the o ld R o m a n way to dig their tunnels thr o u g hthe mountains2.To build mountain roads. th e o l d Romans had t o .A.ex pl ode the rock before they started to dig8. craek the rock w i th fire and cold w aterC.dig through th e hard rock w ith th e i r handsD.in ven t some ma chi n es to help th em w it h the w ork3, On th e who l e, th e s t ory i s abou tA. how to build up o ur modem roads toda y8. Roman t oo l s in building a w ide s traight roadC.the Rom ans'roads bu ilt two th ousa nd years agoD, the reason why th e R omanshad to build th e ir r oads4, Why did the Romans bu i ld so many roads a t tha t t im e? It was becauseA, their slaves and so ldi ers had t o do someth ing, o r, t h ey wo u ld have n ot h ing to do8, they dared n o t sai l i n the ocean and th e road were th e ir on l y cho i ceC.. they ne eded l an d trade road. and th e roads to move rhcir织and armies as q u i ck l y as pos.i b l eD.the old R oman. w anted t o show h ow clever th ey were in building th e ro a ds5, According to the passage, wh ich of th e following fo ur choices i s correct?A.T h e o l d R omans fo und sofi soi l d i d n o t make a solid base for t he road.B.lne Romans built road. o n ly on fl a t(平)l andC . F l a t s t ones we r e m ostly used in th e r oads of AsiaD. T h e o l d R omans used to m ake use of th e sofiso i l「or the base of the i r roads i n Nort h Africa答案:BB CC A(7)r n o n e way of t h in k in g, failure is a part of l i fe. rn another way, f扣:lo re may be a way t owardss uoce s. . The"sp ider s tory" is oflen told. Robert Bruce, leader of1heScot i n 1he 13th cenrury, was hiding in a cave from rhc Eng lish. He wa1c hcd a spider spinning a web(蜘蛛织网)The sp ider 1ricd to reach across a rough place in 1h e rock. He t ried six time s withou1s u ccess. On the seventh time h e !l!fil!M and went on 10 s p in his web. Bruce i s said to ha ve taken heart and to havegone o n 10 defeat the Eng l ish·.. Ed is o n, the in vento r of the lig h1bu l b, made hundred. of models 1h a1 failedbefore he fo und the right way 10 mak e one.So what? F i rst, a l ways think about you r f; 创urc. Whal eauscd 心We re co nd irions right? Wereyou i n top from yourse lf? What ca n you c hange so 1hing s w ill go righ1 n ext rime?Second, i s th e goal(目标)you're trying 10 re ae h the right one? Try to do some thin k ing a bou1wha t your real goals ma y be.Think a bo ut his question, "lf r do succeed i n 1h s i,whe re w i ll it get me?" 1bis m ay help you prevent fa ilure in th i ng s you shou ldn'1be doing印" vay The 1hird thing 10 bear in mind abou l fai lure is 1h a1 it's a part of l if e. Learn to " l i ve wit h you rs e l f'' even though yo u may ha ve fa il ed. Remember, "You c,1n t' w in them a ll."I . This pa sage deals wi th two s id es of failure. ln paragraph I, the a uthor t alks mainly aboutA. the va lue of failure8. h ow people wo u ld f ailC. famous failu 心D . the cause of fai lur e2.T h e underlined phrase " made i1''meansA.s u cceeded8. fa ile dC.gaveD.go13 .T he l esson th e spider taught Robert Bruce see m sA, pr oduct i veB. s 四ig hl fonvardC. sorrowfu lD . dee p4 , T h e a uthor 1ells you 10 d o all things exceptA.T h e think about 1he cause of you r fa ilu reB.to check out whether yo ur goals are righ1 for y ouC. io consider fai l·ure as a part or life0 . to bear in mind tha1 you wi ll n ever fa il in you r l ife5.Wh i ch of the following i s NOT true?A.Bruce and Ed is o n were successfu l exam p lesB.Fa ilure may be reg ard ed as a way 10,vard successC.E di son learned a lot from the lc. son the sp id er taught Robert BruceD, One may oflen raise a quc. tio n whether h is goals are worth attempting.答案:AADD C(8)ln sport the sexes(性别)are separa t e. Women and men do n o t run or swi m i n the same r aces. Women are J es. s tr ong than men. That at leas t is wha t people say. Women are called 邮wea k er se,x or,i f men wa nt 10please them,th e fair sex.But boys and girls are t a ught together at 沁hools and universities. There a r e women who are famous Prime Ministers, scie nt isL and w rite rs And women live l onge r than m e n . A European woma n can expect 10 li ve un til the age of 74, a man o n ly until he i s 68 . Are women's bodies really w eake r'?T h c fas 比s t men can run a mile i n unde r 4 minutes. The best women n 心d 4. 5 minutes Women's time are al 叩ys s l ower than men's, but some fac t s are a s urpris e. Some of the fastest women swimme r s to d ay are t 心nag e gi rl s. One of th em swam 400 metres in 4 minutes 21. 2 沁con ds w h en s h e was on l y 16. The fir s t ' Tartan ' i n lilm was an Olympic swimmer, Jo hnn yWeiss muller. Hi s fas t est 400 m e tr es was 4 m inu tes 49. I seco n ds, w h ic h i s 37 . 9 s e co n ds s l owe r t ha n a gi rl 50 yea r s l a t e r! T hi s d oe. n o t mean th a t women are catch in g me n u p. Co nd itio n s a re very d i ffere nt n ow and s p o rt i s mu ch mo r e serio u s.It is so s eri o u s that so m e wo m e n a t h le t e.ar e g i ve n hormo n e (荷尔蒙)inj ect i o ns(注射).A i t he O l ym p ics a d oc t or has to c h eck wheth er t he wo m e n a lhl e t e. ar e rea ll y wo m e n or n o t. lt see m s sad tha t spo rt ha s s u c h p r o b le m s. L,I fe ca n bevery c o mp l i ca t ed(复杂的)w h e n th er e a re t wo se p ara t e sexes!I , Women are called th e w e a k e r sex bec aw心A, women d o as m u ch as m enB. peo p le t h in k wome n are weaker t ha n menC. s po rt i s easie r fo r m e n tha n fo r wome nD. in spor t th e t wo sexes a re a l ways t oge th e r2, W hi c h of the fo ll ow in g i s tru e?A.B oys a nd g i rls st ud y 沁parat e l y every,v h e r eB.Wo men do n o t run or swi m in r ace. with me n.C. Famo u s P ri m e M ini s t ers ar e wo men0 . M e n ca n ex p ec t to li ve l o n g e r t ha n wo men in Eu r ope.3,“"T T h h a t a t leas t i s w ha t p eo p le s a y"m ea n s pe op l eA . say o th e r thin gs , t ooB.d o n't say th is m u c hC.say thi s but ma y n ot thin k soD.o nl y th i nk th is4 , W h a l pro b le m s does spor t ha v e?A.Some wo men a thlete s are ac t ua ll y m e nB.So m e wom en a thl e t es are g i ve h o rm o n e in jectio n s .C.Wo m en and m e n do n ot run o r sw i m in th e s am e r a c es.D.lt i s di ffic ult 10 chec k whe t he r wome n ath l et e s a r e really wome n.5. l n thi s pa s sage t h e a uth o r im pli es thatA, women are weaker t han we n , but fa. t e rB.wo m e n a r e s l owe r th an men, b u t s t ro n ge rC.m e n a r e n o t a l ways stro n ge r a nd fa s t e r th a n wome nD.me n ar e fas比r and st r o ng e r than wo men答案:BB C B C(9)P eop l e b u r y tre asure 10 s t o p o th e r peo p le fr om taki n g i t. Th e y c h oose a q u i et p l ace, d i g a dee p h o l e a nd bu ry th e tr eas u re in i t. 11te n t h ey m ake a ma p o f whe re th e tr eas u re i s or ,vrite d o,vn o th er cl u es(线索)that wi ll h el p th em o r so m eo n e el se to fi nd it a ga inIn Britain a few years a go; a w ri t e r w r o t e abo ut some t reas u re that h e h a d b uri ed. H e p u t cl u es i n th e s t ory t o hel p r eaders fi nd i t. Tho u s and s o f p eo pl e hu n t ed f o r the 阮a su re. They du g h o l es a ll over Britain, h o p i n g to fi nd i t.O n e of the mos t p o pul a r ad ven tur e s t o ri es ever `吐te n i s R o bert L o ui s Ste ph enso n's、T r eas u red Is land', an exei t i ng story abo ut a yo un g boy, Ji m H a wk in s, who i s c aptur ed b y p ira t es and la ter fi nd some buri ed tre a. u re.T h e n th ere is t h e tru e story a bout a ma n w h o h a d t o tr ave l ove r seas fo r a yea r. He did n ot皿s t ba nk s, so h e b u ried h is l ife sav in gs in a park 吓e n h e we n t away. O n hi s re turn, h e 叽n t s t ra i g ht t o th e par k. But the par k was n o longe r th ere. In i t s pl a 心小e re was a hu ge buildin g An d t h e n th ere was th e man w h o b u如d hi s sav in gs, all in ban k n o t es, in a wate rp roo f(防水的)ba g. W h en h e d og i t u p years l a t e r, th e r e was n o th i ng l efi. Wo rm s a n d i nsc e ts h ad eat en th e b ag a nd every伽ng i n i tAnd of co u rse, these arc stor i es abo ut p eo pl e w h o b u ry thing s and e it he r fo r ge t where th ey h ave b ur i 凶t hem or los e th e ma p.Although it is true 如II p eo p le somet im es l ose the i r money because a bank fai l s, banks arc sti ll th e safe. t p lace 10 k ee p o ur savi n驴a n d t心suresI , People w h o bury tr eas\J re usuallyA. do n ol tru. t banksC. want 10 l i ve in a quiet place.2. The,vriter in Brit 、a inA.really had buried so meth i n g.B.star ted a nationwide tre as u re hunt.B. have a l ittle m o ne y D. expec t to l ose itC. had l os t his tre asure and wan te d people 10 help him find i t.D,cau.ed trou ble because p eo p le dug h ol e.eve l)'\•'hc re.3 , `'Treasure I sl and"A.i s a s tor y abou t p ira t es.B.is abou t th e advent u resof Jim H awkins.C.is t he most popular story ever "'" uen.D, i s a we ll-kn ow n fairy tal e.4, The man who buried h is money in a parkA.t houghthis money w as safe r 山ere than in a bankB.travelled o n th e sea for a ye r aC.go t his life sav in驴back aga in.D, s ta ye d aw a y long e r 小a n he expec t ed.5. F r om t hese storie we understand tha tA, we cannot tru s t ban k s.B.wes h ould not t rust anyone.C. a waterproof bag is not pr oof ag a i n st worms an d i n sec t s.D. in s 心ts cat a n yt h ing.答案:A BBA C(10)ln 1977, a de ad a uth or of dete c ti ve s to ries saved the li fe of a nineteen-month-old ba by in a most unusu a l way. The a uth o r was Agatha Christ i e, a gentle m a rri e d la dy and o ne of t he m ost s u cces ful writers of de t ectivesto ri es in the wo rld.ln J une I977,a baby girl became se ri ous l y ill i n Qa ta(r卡塔尔),n ear Sand i Arabi(a沙特阿拉伯).Doc tors we re unab le to fi nd o ut th e cause of her ill nes s,so s h e was tlown to Londo n and se n t t o H a mm e r s mith H os p i t a l. A team of d oc t ors hurried t o examine the baby o nl y t o d i scover that th ey, 100 , were pu 立led by th e very unusual signs of illn 岱s. While they were having a discu. sion about th e baby's ii In es , a nurse ask ed to speak t o them" Excuse me," sa i d N u rse Marsha Maitland,'' b u t l th i nk the ba by i s s u ffe rin g fro m thallium poisonin(g蛇中帝)”" What makes you th ink that?" Dr. Brown as ked. 而all ium poisoning i s very r a re."' 'A few days ago, l wa. reading a n ovel called•A P a l e H orse' b y Agatha Ch ri st i e," Nurse Maitlandex pl a in ed. " ln t he book, somebo d y w沈s tha ll ium poison, and a ll th e signs ar e ex actl y the same a s the ba by' s . ".,You are very carefu l and you may be right," ano th e r doctor s a id. " we'll carry out some tests and find out whe th er it's th a lli um(蛇)o r n ot."Tests showe d that th e bab y had indeed been poisoned by tha llium. Once they kn ew th e cause of th e illn ess, the d octors were a b le to give th e baby the correct t reatment. She soon recovere d and was se nt ba ck to Qatar. La t e r o n it was pro ved th a t th e poison mighi ha ve come fro m a n ins ecticid(e 杀虫剂)usedi n QatarI . Who first suggested t he correct eau. e o f the baby's illness?A. A Doc tor in Qatar.8. N u 函Mai tl andC.Dr. Brown.D.Agatha Ch ri s tie.2, Why was the bab y sent 10 London?A. She was a British girl whose p aren t s we re work ing i n Qatar.8. The h osp ital s in Qatar were fu ll a t that tim e.C. She was the daughter of a doctor in one of the places.D, T h e Qa tar d octors were not sure th ey could c u re her.3. As far as we c an tell from passage, Agatha Ch ri st ieA.had never even met this baby.B.had spen t a l o n g time a a p o lic e officerC.visi ted the ba by in th e hospital at HammersmithD, gave N urse Mai tl and some adv ice o n the phone4. Nurse Maitland spoke t o th e d octorsA, whe n she heard th e m di scussing th e po 函bility oflhallium poison.B.because s h e cou l d see tha t th e doc t o r s had made a mistakeC.10 suggest a possible reason for the patient's illn ess.D, afte r s h e had read about a h orse w h ic h had been poisoned.5, Wha t did th e doctor think of t he suggestio n which N u rse Maitlan d made?A, They were very qu i ck to agree w ith her8. They were unhappy over her in t e rrup tionC.They sa i d that s h e was wrong because th a lliu m po i so n ing i s very rare.D.They thought i i was a possibility wo rt h co n s i dering.答案:B D ACD(I I)T h ere ha been, i n h is t ory, a man w h o was sw all owe d b y a w hal e an d J ive d t o t ell the ta l e. T h e man's name is James Bartley.The re co rd s to pr ove h is unusual e灯如ence are i n t he British AdmiraltyBartley was making his firs t trip o n the w hal i n g s h ip Star o f the Eas t. S\Jd denl y th e l ookout found a hu ge wha le . The whalers knew i t was a huge w ha le by th e s i ze of the spray i t b lew int o t he air. They l owe re d th ei r sma ll boats. James B a rtle y was i n the first l ongboa t . The men rowed until they were close t o the w hal e. A ha rpoo(n鱼叉)was thro`'rt and it found it mark. It sank in to t he wha l e' s tlesh. The maddened beast jum ped out of the wa t er and broke the boat i nt o pieces Whe n the survivo r s we re p icke d up, James Bartley was missing.Short l y before sunset, the w ha le was fi na lly ea u g ht. The 汹ilors ti ed t he wha le' s 仑色竺to t he s ide of t he sh ipBecause of th e hot weat he r it wa i mport an t that they cut u p the w ha le rig ht away. Ot he而se, t he meat wou ld beg in to rot and the o il wou l d begin t o spo il W hen they got t o the stomach, they felt somet h ing m oving about wildly. lney th o ught i t wou ld be a b ig fish st i ll a li ve in side. But when th ey ope n ed the stomach th ey found Jam es Bartley. After thi s trip, Bartley settled in Glouce. tcr, Eng lan d, and n eve r returned t o seaI . This passage i s mainly abo\J IA, how to hunt w ha les fo r th eir oil and meatB. the ha rd a nd d ange r ous l ives that whalers had to li ve.C. the d uties of eac h man o n a wha ling s h i p.D, a man w h o wasswallowe d by a w ha le a nd li ved.2. The sa il ors knew that someth in g was in the whale's sto ma ch becauseA.t hey cou ld fee l i t moving abo u t wild y l8. the wha l e seemed very hea vyC.the wha l e was bu lgin g(鼓起来)at one spotD.the ca pt a in h eard Bartley crying for h e lp。

专升本英语阅读练习题一、阅读理解Passage 1In the United States, greeting people who you know well usually takes the form of a hug (a brief embrace) or a kiss on the cheek. In business and casual social situations, a handshake is the most common form of greeting. When you meet someone new, it is important to make eye contact and smile. If you are attending a business event, it is customary to exchange business cards with other attendees. When saying goodbye, a simple "Goodbye" or "Take care" is appropriate.1. What is the most common form of greeting in the United States?2. What should you do when meeting someone new?3. What can you do at a business event to exchange contact information?Passage 2Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve mental and physical well-being. Regular practice of yoga can help reduce stress, increase flexibility, and improve overall fitness. There are many different styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Bikram. It is important to choose a style that suits your individual needs and abilities.1. Where did yoga originate?2. What are some benefits of practicing yoga?3. How can you choose the right style of yoga for yourself?二、完形填空A __1__ person is someone who is happy and has a positive attitude towards life. They are grateful for what they have and __2__ the challenges that come their way. Having a positive mindset can lead to happiness and success in all areas of life.There are several habits that happy people __3___. Firstly, they surround themselves with positive people. Negative people can __4__ your energy and bring you down. It is important to spend time with people who lift you up and inspire you.Secondly, happy people take care of themselves. They prioritize self-care by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. They understand that taking care of their physical and mental well-being is essential for their happiness.Furthermore, happy people focus on the present moment. They practice mindfulness and are fully engaged in what they are doing. They do not__5__ on the past or worry about the future. By living in the present, they are able to fully enjoy life's experiences.In addition, happy people are grateful. They appreciate the small things in life and express gratitude for what they have. They also __6__ kindness and compassion towards others, which brings them joy and fulfillment.Lastly, happy people have a sense of purpose. They have goals and dreams that give their lives meaning. They are passionate about what they do and find fulfillment in their work or hobbies.In conclusion, cultivating a positive mindset and adopting these habits can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. Surrounding yourself with positive people, taking care of your well-being, practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude, and pursuing your passions are all important factors in achieving happiness.1. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. shy2. A. greet B. ignore C. appreciate D. avoid3. A. create B. follow C. recognize D. miss4. A. motivate B. drain C. accompany D. support5. A. focus B. insist C. rely D. rely6. A. reject B. spread C. hide D. underestimate三、阅读填空In recent years, the popularity of online learning has significantly increased. More and more students are opting to take courses online instead of attending traditional brick-and-mortar schools. There are several reasons why online learning has become so popular.Firstly, online learning offers flexibility. Students can access course materials and complete assignments at their own pace and on their own time. This allows them to balance their studies with family and work commitments. Additionally, online courses often offer the option to watch lectures and participate in discussions from anywhere with an internet connection.Secondly, online learning provides a wide range of course options. Students can choose from a variety of subjects and levels of difficulty. This allows them to pursue their interests and learn at their own level. Additionally, online courses often provide access to resources and materials that may not be available in traditional classroom settings.Furthermore, online learning can be more cost-effective. Students can save money on commuting and accommodation expenses. Online courses are often less expensive than traditional in-person courses, making education more accessible to a wider range of students.Another benefit of online learning is the opportunity for personalized attention. In traditional classrooms, it can be difficult for teachers to give individualized attention to each student. However, online courses often provide opportunities for one-on-one interaction with instructors through email or online forums. This allows students to ask questions and receive feedback directly from the instructor.In conclusion, online learning offers flexibility, a wide range of course options, cost-effectiveness, and personalized attention. These factors have contributed to its increasing popularity among students.将以下信息填入空格中:1. provides flexibility, access to course materials and discussions from anywhere2. offers many subjects and levels of ___________3. saves money on commuting and ___________ expenses4. provides opportunities for one-on-one interaction with instructors through ___________ or online forums。

Passage 1Sometimes there are questions in our minds which we would like to ask people,but we are too shy or embarrassed(为难的) At other times we feel it is wrong to trouble others with our problems,or are prevented from asking by our fear of being criticised.Often there need be no such fear because other people have undergone(经历)the same questionings,do us or worries as ourselves,and many adults or teenage friends are only too pleased to share their knowledge or experience with ,in many cases they also learn something,and much unnecessary worry is prevented.You may use this Question Time to ask anything about life that you don't understand,or any question of a personal or general nature that has either troubled you for some time or arisen order to protect your feelings,which you may not want exposed,write the question down (in capitals if you wish) on a slip of paper without your name on fold the paper and hand it to your teacher who will sort the questions out at home before the lesson takes will respect the fact that the questions are asked in confidence(秘密地);they should,however,be sensible and honest ones.During the lesson the teacher will read out a question,and then call upon one ort wo volunteers from the class to offer their opinions before giving his class should regard both questions and answers and the discussion that arises from them as confidential to avoid breaking the trust the questioner has placed in the lesson,and to make possible further discussion of similar problems on another is also helpful to remember that the answers given represent only one or two points of view—someone else might answer them quite differently.we have questions,but we would not like to ask people because____are not sure about our questionsare afraid of being criticisedare afraid of being in difficultyonly believe in ourselvesauthor suggests that in order not to be known,you should _______to avoid asking questionsthe question paper without the name on it to your teacherthe questions with your groupthe questions out at home and then tell them to your teacherauthor tells us that _______class we should value the speakers' questions or answers to show our trustpublic we may learn something to avoid unnecessary worry's better to write your questions down than to ask them orallythose who ask questions in confidence are sensible and honestPassage 2Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong,Taiwan Join Hands in SARS Research The World Health Germanization says the number of SARS(非典型性肺炎)cases worlide has reached 2, half of the affected patients have recovered,new cases arestill being reported and the cause of the disease has still not been Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan are all among the 23 countries and regions trying to cope with the epidemic(传染病).South China's Guangdong Province is one of the areas hardest hit by 's also where the first case of the disease was say the situation in Guangdong has steadily improved with a sharp downturn in the number of affected far,over 83 percent of the patients have recovered and been released from hospital.“First of all,we need to understand that SARS is an epidemic and the human immunity(免疫性) to the disease is therefore ,from what we have experienced and observed,there is no reason to disease's infectiousness(传染性)is being weakened as it passes from one group to another.”said hong Nanshan,director of Guangdong Team for SARS Prevention and Treatment.The director says the key to fighting the disease now lies in finding the cause and developing a vaccine(疫苗).This calls for concerted cooperation within the international medical far,the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have been working well together.The SARS situation in Taiwan offers a more reassuring far a little over 20 people have been affected,with no deaths medical experts say this is in part due to effective quarantine(隔离) of suspected mainland cooperation with the island has so far been confined to the individual level.“We have cooperated with the US Center for Disease Control and the Hong Kong Health Taiwan officials have been to Hong Kong to learn from the region's all,Hong Kong is now the epicenter(中心) of SARS and has developed some effective ways to diagnose(诊断) the disease.”said hang Cangneng from Taiwan Xinguang Hospital.Experts from the mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater cooperation(合作) in the joint seminar by all three sides will be held later this relating to the virus's profile and the cause will be discussed at length to shed light on the remaining questions about the disease.1The passage mainly tells us ___________is a disease which can not be controlledmainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan will cooperate so as to deal with SARSmainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan are the areas hardest hit by SARSto prevent and treat SARS2. SARS is a disease _______________can be dealt with very easilyinfectiousness is weakened when it passes from one area to anotherdoes not endanger patients' livespassed from other countries to China3. According to the passage,we know that half of the patients with SARS died________ the passage was written there were about 2,960 people with SARS in Guangdongare not more than 20 patients with SARS in Taiwan and no deaths were reported would like to cooperate with Chinese mainland and Hong Kong to deal with SARS 4. The underlined word“ panic”in Paragraph 3 is closest to ________ in meaning. angry surprisedPassage 3Clive Walker is chairman of the Wilderness Trust of Southern Africa,founder of the Lapalala Wilderness School,an exhibiting wilder life artist and author of several natural history such,Walker is recognised as one of South Africa's foremost conservationists(环保人士)—and allround(多才的)good guy.He has fought to protect the black and white rhinoceros—targets for ruthless(无情的) hunters because their horn(角) gets high prices in Asian countries—and through the wilderness school,has taught thousands of children from South Africa and overseas about nature and conservation.His latest project is an application to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Germanization(UNESCO) to have the Waterberg area in South Africa's Northern Province become a biosphere reserve(生物圈保护区).Walker believes the future of conservation in South Africa lies in education and in private game reserves.In 1981 Walker was point taking(定点导游) adults on wilderness that point,he decided he wanted to “do something for children”through the establishment of an environmental school.“Conita and I were prepared to look at children whose parents could afford it,and those children who came from backgrounds whose parents could never do that Conita and I set out to find a place that would be safe,sufficiently close to the main areas of Johannesburg and Pretoria,be malaria(疟病)free,have water and be benefit to education on the found this in the first year,30 children—10 of them blacks from Soweto—were present to visit the ,3,000 children a year spend time lucky enough to visit his wilderness school will see—among many species—white rhino,warthogs and red hartebeests.“What m ade it really bad was when I started mixing black children with white children.”When a neighbour reported Walker to the security police and at last he was asked at their notorious headquarters,Walker said“I told them that all I was trying to achieve was to give children of South Africa,regardless of their background,an understanding of conservation and awareness that our survival depends so much on it.”Walker survived the questioning after his point successfully,the school remained open—and at least 45,000 children and teachers have had the pleasure of experiencing the Lapalala Wilderness and its abundant wildlife over the past 19 years1. Which of the following statements is true according to the textA45,000 children and teachers a year spend time there to enjoy the pleasure of experiencing the Lapalala Wilderness.the past 19 years,it was wholly only white people who could afford such a trip.C. A special conservationist who tried to open up the Nature's attractions to the black people of South Africa ran into trouble.D. Those lucky enough students in Walker's Wilderness School will see some common species like as milu deer, African elephant and red hartebeests.2. What would be the best title for the textWalker and His Wilderness TrustGood GuyAfrica's Wildlife KingdomWilderness3. How many persons are exactly mentioned in the text. .Passage 4Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high this 19yearold Swede is anything but ordinary,from the computer in his parents' home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) find out the world's most wanted cyber criminals(网络犯罪分子).Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede,Fredrik Bjoerck,found out the maker of the“Melissa” virus(病毒)in March came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7,finding out the suspected(嫌疑的) sender of the dangerous I LOVE YOU” suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.Jonathan's special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the“virtual”crime between studying for final exams,hanging out with friends and refereeing his younger brother's football matches,the quiet,gentle teenager also gives lessons on security (电子安全)to large reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker (黑客)trade.Many companies have already tried to employ him,but he is not interested at the ,he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden's Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.Although he works with the FBI now,his family insists he's just“a regular kid.“Jonathan is a great kid,he has his friends and he does a lot more than just play with the computer,”his little sister Tessa said,adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”,not because he's looking for fame and recognition.When the world was hit by the “Love Bug”virus,Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem“Finally on May 7,I had some free time,so I began looking.”Within a few hours,he had found the suspect and emailed his method and results to the said his work on the “Melissa”virus,which took three weeks to solve,was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly“This time I knew exactly where to start,I knew what to disregard and what to look at.”1. The passage mainly wants to tell us that ————kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminalsis really a quiet,gentle and ordinary boycompanies want the young computer expert to join incyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are2. The public started to know something about Jonathan just from ————helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous“I LOVE YOU”viruswork together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa”virus little sister's talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer speech on e security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers 3 From Jonathan's success in finding out the sender of the dangerous“I LOVE YOU”virus we caninfer that——————--there's a will,there's a wayis knowledgework leads to successis the mother of success4. What do we know about Jonathanis a good fame hunter with various abilities.is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.is an expert on security,not interested in running a company.is a regular kid but does something unusual.Passage 5Former US Vice President Al Gore,who came close to winning the presidency two years ago,said he will not run in 2004,and probably will not have another opportunity to seek the White House.Though Gore would have been a frightening Democratic(民主党的) main runner,his decision to give up the 2004 race probably helped his party's chances in the general election against President George ,Democrats said.Many did not want to see BushGore Ⅱ.“The last campaign was an extremely difficult one,” Gore told CBS TV show “60 Minutes”on Sunday.While saying he still had the energy and drive to run again,Gore recognied,“There are a lot of people within the Democra tic Party who felt exhausted(by the 2000 race)…who felt like,OK,‘I don't want to go through that again.’And I'm frankly sensitive to that feeling.”In nearly two doen interviews after Gore announced his plans,Democrats dutifully claimed their party had lost a top candidate,but one after another,they praised Gore for taking an early exit from a primary race he could have won,sparing them a repeat.Gore,54,said he was making his decision“in the full understanding that it probably means that I will never have another opportunity to run for president.”Party activists(激进主义分子)blamed Gore for losing despite a booming economy and eight years of a Democratic even lost his home state of Tennessee,a victory there would have given him the White House.of the following can be the best title for this passageWas Criticized Decides Not to Fight Bush in 2004US Vice President Al Gore Gore and Gorge Bush2. Why do you think Gore has decides not to run in 2004 according to this passage he is quite old.many people are against him.he quite understands the feelings of a lot of Democratic members.he doesn't want to be President of US.was Gore's feeling when he made his decision. . . .Passage 6Priscilla—Ouchida's “energy e fficient”house turned out to be a horrible she and her engineer husband married a few years ago,they built a $ 100,000,three-bedroom home in sealed to prevent air leaks,the house was equipped with small doublepaned(双层玻璃) windows and several other energy saving began as soon as the couple moved in,'s eyes throat was constantly suffered from headaches and could hardly was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.Experts finally traced the cause of her level of formaldehyde(甲醛) gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical source of the gas Her new kitchen cabinets and wall to wall carpeting.The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution,which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nation's drive to save problem itself isn't new.“The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along,”says Moschandreas,a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland.“Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the sit uation in some cases.”The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old in the days when energy was cheap,home builders didn't worry much about unsealed of such leaks,the air in an average home was repaced by fresh outdoor air about once an a result,the pollutants generated in most households seldom built up to dangerous levels.1. It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas' house——well worth the money spent on its constructionalmost faultless form the point of energy conservationto meet energy conservation standardsdesigned and constructed in a scientific way2. What make the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dreamof fresh quality of building materials.leakage in the kitchen. newly painted walls.3. The word“accentuate” most probably means“.————“were cracks in old houses not a big concernindoor cleanliness was not emphasized.energy used to be inexpensive.environmental protection was given top priority.they were technically unavoidable.passage is most probably taken from an article entitled ————conservation Building CrisisPollution Indoors in Building ConstructionPassage 7More and more private schools are being set up in China these days,ending the state monopoly of the country's educational private schools are still on the experimental stage and are much more expensive as compared with the public schools,there is no lack of application for enrollment.People welcome private schools for good of all,those schools are relieving our government of part of the burdens of financing so many ,parents are willing to send their only child to better schools even if it costs having more money than the government funded public schools,those private schools can attract better can also offer better environments including superior living facilities and more advanced teaching ,adequate money doesn't guarantee good not well guided and properly disciplined,the privileged young children might turn out to be new aristocrats,and therefore unfit for our highly competitive modern society.1. The private schools indeed have something better than the public schools but not——conditionteaching equipments2. Which are the reasons for people welcome the private school ————a the government.break the traditional educational system.money is connected with higher quality of teaching.don't need to take charge of children so much like beforehope their children act more wonderful.,b,c ,c,d ,b,e ,c,e3. The writer is likely to talk about———— in the next paragraphschools have more advantages than we imaginethe private schools guide student to the right wayare some disadvantages in the private schoolsthe public schools compete with the private schoolsPassage 8A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of he goto home,he went upstairs to his living room and put them found that they were about two inches too long.He went downstairs,where his mother and his two sisters were washing up the tea things in the kitchen.“These new trousers are too long,” he said.“They need to be cut short by about two one of you mind doing this for me,please”His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything.But as soon as his mother finished washing up,she went upstairs to her son's room and cut the trousers short by two came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters.Later,after supper,the elder sister remembered her brother's was a kindhearted girl,so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone,and shorted the trousers by two inches.the younger sister went to the cinema,but when she came back,she,too,remembered what her brother had she ran upstairs with her scissors,needle,and thread,and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers.You can imagine the look on the young man's face when he put the trousers on the next morning1. The main idea of this passage is that ————young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousersyoung man's new trousers were cut too shortyoung man's mother and sisters hated to speak to each otheryoung man was loved by his mother and sisters very much2. What can we infer from the passageyoung man was very sillyyoung man's mother and sisters never spoke to each other.in his family was ready to help him.young man lived in a quiet house.3. Why didn't the young man's mother and sisters give him a reply after he asked one of them to cut his trousers shortthey did not know how to answer him.they were too busy to answer him.they were used to keeping silence when they were busy.one of them wanted to do it.4What would the young man feel when he put the trousers on the next morning. . . .Passage 9Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the (通勤者) rush to and from their jobs in cars,buses,subways,trains,and even on cities in the United States have two rush hours—one in the morning and one in the in cities in other parts of the world,there are four rush Athens and Rome,for example,many workers go home for lunch and a this midday break,they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.In Tokyo,there's a big rush hour of the people in Tokyo take the trains are very employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors make sure that all purses,briefcases,clothes,and hands are inside the trains.In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two means they'll pay the cab driver double the usualpeople even raise three fingers! They'll pay THREE times the normal rate。
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专升本英语阅读理解50 篇(1)One sho u ld be moderate(适度)in a ll things. Moderation i s a l ways the safes t way to do t h ing s and a v irtu e(品质)we shou ld have. Let's take th e stodcnt Ii fe for exam pl e. The re arc some students who s tu dy too hard a nd play 100 little, while there are o th ers who play too mu c h and study too linle. On o n e hand, it is harm fu l 10 his heallh i f h c ha s too few exercises, and on the o th e r hand, i t is harmful 10 h is mind if h c pl ays t oo mu c h.In th e matter of eating, one a l so shou l d be m odera t e. Do not eat 100 much or 100 li ule. Too much eat in g wi ll m ake you s ick, whi l e 100 litt le eating will make yo u weakT h e man of progrcss i s h e who neithcr has I OO h ig,h an opin i on of h imse lf nor Ihin ks lOO poorly of h imse lf. l f a man thinks 100 hig h ly of h imse l f, he is sure 10 become very pro ud, but ifhe has 100 poor an o pini on of h i m self, h e w ill ha ve no courage 10 make an adva n ce. Bo 由lh c cond 山ons above wi ll make you l ose your advancing a im. A broad m i nded man i s he w h o a l ways moves with in the o rbit (轨道)of rca onab l cness. W h c1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation i s one of the be t ways 10enjoy re a l happin css.I . ''Someone c modcra1e" mea n sA.he wa l ks neither 100 fast nor 100 s l owlyB.h e hasgood characters and good ways to do thingsC. h e i s not on l y safe bu1 a l so successfulD. he i s e i1h crt a ll o r shor l2.T h e ,vriter s u gge 1s that a st u dcn l shou l dA, have much more time to st ud y 1han10 playB.spend m ost of 1h c time playing difleren1 gamesC.on l y study hard w i t h o ut any 1irne to playD.correct l y arrange (安排)h i s time for study and play3. Modcra1c eating m eansA.eating as much food as o n e ca n if 1he food i s 1a t yB.eating food ri ch of fa1C.eati n g a proper amounl of foodD.eating either too much or 100 l i1t l e4 , If one want to be br oad-minded. he mustA.believe in himselfB.be full of co u r ageC.enjoy rea l happine sD, do every1h ing that i s reasonable答案:B D C D(2)Daniel Boone was born in the U n i ted States in 1734. He didn't go to schoo l a nd cou l dn't r ead, a lth ough h e l earned a ll about th e fo r csl , streams and hunting. He could move sile nt ly lik e an Indian l eaving no marks. He l oved to li ve alone in th e woods where nothing frightened him When he grew up, he married an d tri ed t o 沁ide down o n a farm. A year la t er, however, h e wasn't sa ti sfie d a nd decided t o go i nt o the unknown western land s, crossing the Appalachian Mou nt ai n s. Whe n he returned a 仆er l\vo years, hebecame famous for h is lo n g journey. He brought va lu ab l e an im a l sk in s and t o ld stories about the Indians.After thi s, he cho沁10 keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost t o the Indians in batt le and was taken away. T h e Indian. li ked him and bec"1me his frie n岱Daniel Boone died a t the age of86.He i s remembered as a n ex p lo r c(-r探险者)a nd a p i o n eer who lived an exciting li fe in the early years of American nationI . Daniel Boone's ea-rly li fe was mainly s p en t i nA. l earn ing about nature8. hunting wi th his friendsC. I 妞ming useful s kill s from the Indians0 . s tud ying at home because he couldn't go 10 sc h ool2. When he goi married, Daniel Boone firsi planned 10A. set up a l arge 阮m8. go on a journey with h is wifeC. find food, new land for his farmD. li ve a peaceful life with his fam il y3 . Daniel Boone became famous becauseA, he travelled a l ot in th e western land sB.h e wa. very good a t telling s to riesC.h e fo und belier animal skins th an ot h ersD, he was the first to climb th e Appalachian Mountains4 , Why did the Indians want to make friends with h im?A, Because the y wanted to learn from him.8. Because he wan t ed to make peace with themC. Because th ey wanted to make friends w ith w h i t e people.0 . No reason is iold i n th i s article.5.In thi s article, Daniel Boone is best described as .A.wann-h妞rtcd8. strongC. carefu l0 . brave答案:A DADD(3)Sc ienti sts a r ound the wo rld ha ve been studyi n g t he warmi n g of wa t ers in the Pacific Ocea n known as El Nino. The appearance of El Ni n o is known to affect the weather around the world. Scien ti st s s till d o not completely understand ii. Yet th ey now find th ey can use ii t o t ell about the future in d i ffere nt a r eas of th e world.One example i s the work of t\vo scien ti s t s a t Columb ia U n iversity i n New Yo r k, Mark Cane and Gordon Eshc l. A se i cntist of Z imb abwe, Roger Buckland worked wi th th em. They have fou nd th a t when E l Ni n o ap pea rs, Zimbabwe has l illle or no rain. Th i s means com cro p s in Zimbabwe are poor. The l ast El Nino wa. i n 1991 t o 1993.Tha t was whe n sou th eastern Africa s u ffe red a serious l ac k of rain.T h e scie n tists ,vrote abou t th ei r recen t wo rk in the publication Natu re. Thei r computer program can tell whe n an El Ni n o will develop up to a year before it docs. They sugges t th at 伽s eou l d provide an effective early warning system fo r sou thern A 佑ca, and could prevent many people from starvi n g.I . El N in o is kno,vn asA, the changing of the w 灿her in so uthern AfricaB.the warm ing of wa t ers in the P ac i fic OceanC.the weather wh i ch brings drought(早灾)to Af ri eaD, the wea ther ph e n ome n o n(现象)th at brings heavy rains to Africa2. Sc ientist s study E l N in o in order thaiA, the y can pr ov ide a kind of ea rl y warning t o the plaee th a t will suffer from dr o u g htB. they can tell why Zimbabwe has Ii tile o r no rai nC. they can do some re searc h wo r k in this fieldD. the y can put a ll 小i s inf ormation in t o th eir computers.3 , Wh i ch of the fo ll owing is tru e according to th e article?A, Sc i en ti sts come to understand how E l Ni n o appears.B.Three sc i entis t s 的m the U.S.A. work on this subject.C.Sou thern Africa suffe re d a se ri ous drought and many people died from hung erD.El N in o ha s some t h in g t o do wi t h Z im babwe'scro p s.4, Wh i ch of the fo ll ow in g i s not true according t o the art i c l e'?A, T h e com put er is ll. ed i n th i s resea rc h wor kB.Sc i e nt is t s kn ow when an El Nino appears by means o f com puter programC.1飞e sc i en ti sts published the ir results oflhe research wor kD, Natu r e is the name of the article wriuen recently by the sc ien t ist s.5.Choose the best title for this article.A.Appearance of El Nino Pred icta b le(可预报的)B.Drought in Z im babweC. Ea rl y warn in g sys tcr nD. Weather in Africa答案:B ADDA(4)For years, business people in Weste rn E ur ope we re wo rri ed. They knew they co u ld not com pet e against b us in ess from th e U. S. The U nited Slates is much l a rger and had man y more re sources th an a n y Weste rn Eu r o伈an oo untrySome E u ro p ean p eo pl e r ealized th a t th e European nati ons n eed 10 join t oge th e r 10 h e lp each other. lf 山ey could forget their l ang u age d i ffere n ces a nd th e d i ffere n ces in customs, t hey might become strong competit i on against ot h er countriesln I958, six of the European co untri es----Bel gi u,m the Ne th e rl ands, Luxembourg, France, Gennany and Italy got t oge th er and decided to cooperat(e 合作)They ca ll e d th ei r group th e E ur o p ea n Economie Co mmunit y, or the Commo n Markel. These eoun tri es agreed io join the ir r esources t oge th er.Within a few years, the E ur o pean Econom i e Commun t iy had wor k ed so well that its members were more prosperou(s 饮朵)t han many other Eu r o pean nations.Soon, o th er nations began_to reali_z:th adv antage(s好处)of the Common Market To d ay lh e Co mm on Markct includ es most of th e imp o rtant co unt ri es in Western E urop e. II i s he lping Wes tern Eu r ope to aga in take it s place a. a l ea d er among the indu s trial nation. of th e world.I .From the pass a ge we kn ow the U. S. i s much ric he r than _ in r e. o ur ces.A.any ot h er Western E ur o p e an coun trie sB.any o th e r co un try in Western Eu r opeC. an y co un t ry in Wes t ern Eu r opeD, every cou nt ry in E urop e2, T h e membe r s of the Eu r o p ea n Eco n o m ic Commun it y have de ve l oped fast beeau. e th e yA.s hare th e ir re so urc es and produce m ore g oodsB.ean agai n take the place as a le aderC.forget the d邮renc cs in th eir lang uage s and cus1oms0 . have become s tr ong compet iti on a g ain s t the U. S.3, Which s t a t emen t is true?A,The Common Markel is oniy a poIiIical a ssoc iatio(n如切B. The Commo n Markel i s an eco n omic and political as. oc画on.C. The Commo n Market i s o n ly an economic a ssoc ia tio nD. The Co mm on Market is n either an economic association nor a political one.4 , In o rder t o _ the Wes t e rn E u ropean cou n tr ie s decided to coopcr a1e.A.join t ogethe r t o found a united coun t ryB.h elp eac h othe r t o smoot h aw a y t he di ffe r ences in c usto msC. wo rk and act together for common purp oseD. fig ht against the U.S.5. Today th e Commo n Mark e t has he lpe d _ aga in ta ke the place as a lea d er among th e indu s tri a l nations of th e world.A.B elgi um, th e Nethe rland s, Luxembo\Jrg, F r ance, Germany an d h a l yB.氐lgium, 山e Ne th e rl an d s, Luxem bourg, France, Germany, Italy and o t her co untri esC.朊lgium, 加Netherlands , Luxembourg , France, Germany, Italy and othe r European co untri es0.Belgi山n,the Ne山erlands,Luxembourg,France,Ge nnany,Italy a n d ot h er Wes t ern E urop ea n nations答案:C ABC D(5)Perhaps th e most famous th eory, th e s rnd y of body movement, was sugges t ed b y P r ofessor Ray Birdwhistell. He be li eves that ph ys i cal a ppearan ce is ofien c u lrura ll y(文化的)p r ogrammed. ln o ther words, we l earn ou r look. --- we arc n ot born w ith them. A ba by ha s generally unfonncd face feature.(特征) A bab y, according to Bird wh i st le, l ea rns where t o se t the eye br ows(眉毛)by looking at !hose a ro un d -··fam i ly and friends. This helps ex pl ain why !he people of some a re as of th e U n i t ed States l ook so much al ik e, New Eng l ande r s or Southe m ers ha v e certa in common face features that cannot be ex pl ained b y genetics(遗传学)The ex act s hape of the mouth i s n oi se t ai b irth, it is le a rn ed a fi er. In fact, the li nal mouth shape i s not fonncd until we ll after new t ee th arc set. For many, th i s can be well in to grown-ops. A hu sband and wife together for a long time often co m e t o l ook somcwhat al ike. We l earn o ur l ooks from those aro und us. 吓is i s perhaps why in a si n gle cou nt ry th e r e a rc area whe re p eop l e smile more than those in other areas.'In lhc U nited S 也tcs, for examp l e, the Sou t h is the part of t h e co un try w h ere the people s m i l e mos t frequently. In New Engla nd th ey sm il e l ess, and in th e western part of New York S阻e sti ll l ess. M an y Southerners fi nd cit i es such as New York cold and un frien dl y, partly because people on Madison Avenue smile l ess than people o n Peachtree S tr ee t in Atla n ta, Geo r g iA. People in largely populated a re as also sm il e and gree t each other in public l es. than do people in sma ll t owns.I , Ray Bird w h istle believes physical a ppea r anceA. has li tt l e 10 do wi t h c u l tu re.8. h as mu c h to do w ith cu lt\Jr e.C.is eve r changing.D.i s different from place t o place2.Accord ing t o the pa sage, the fina l mouth shape is fonnedA.before birth.B. a soon a o n e's te eth a rc newly se t.C.somet im e a fler new t ee th are set.D.around 15 years o ld.3 , Ray Bird w h istle ca n te ll w hat area of the U n i ted States a person i s from b yA, how much he or s h e s m i l es.8. h ow he or she raises his or her cyebrows.C. w hat he or she li kes bes tD , t he way h e o r she talk s.4, People w h o li ve _ a re m o re friendlyA. in largely pop u latedareas8. in New York c ityC.in the C O\Jn iryD.in th e North5, T h is pa sage m i ght ha v e b心n taken outof a book dealing w it hA.physicsB.c hem istryC.bi o l ogyD.none of the a bo v e答案:B BACD(6)Over two tho u sa nd years ago Rome(罗马)was t he center of a huge emp i re. The R omans needed a way to move their large armies qu ickl y so that they cou l d p rotect th ei r huge co un try T h ey n eeded l and trade routc , so th ey jo ined all parts of their empire by a n et-wo rk of roads(公路网).Beginning in 300 8 . C. , the Romans bu i lt road. in E ur ope, As i a and North Afriea. By 200A.D., the y had built 50,000 miles of almost straigh t roads.To bu ild th ei r roads, the R omans moved away all so fi soil. They dug unt i l th ey r eac h ed hard ground. Then the y ad de d layers(层)of sto n e a nd o t he r t hings. The most i mport an t road were p aved(铺设)wi th lar ge flat(平)s t ones. Ma in R oman roads were sometimes as w id e as o u rs t o d ay.To bu i ld their road., the R omans so m etimes had t o dig tunnels through mountains. But they d idn't have any m ac h i n c t o help th e m. So t h ey heated th e rock w ith fire an d then threw cold 认,ater over i t. When the rock cracked(裂),they dug it out. Roman so l d i e r s and slaves built the r oadswi t h the ir hands and s i m ple tools, but th e r oads were so we ll bu i lt tha t th ey were used for hundreds of years.I . The story t ells u sA.building r oads w i thou t modem machines was R oman s o ldie rs' on l y jobB.ii w as no ca. y jo b for t h e R o man s t o bu ild their roadsC.people in ad v an ced co un tr i es still u e the o l d Roman叩y t o bu i l d their roads todayD, most people in the African countries sti ll use the o ld R o m a n way to dig their tunnels thr o u g hthe mountains2.To build mountain roads. th e o l d Romans had t o .A.ex pl ode the rock before they started to dig8. craek the rock w i th fire and cold w aterC.dig through th e hard rock w ith th e i r handsD.in ven t some ma chi n es to help th em w it h the w ork3, On th e who l e, th e s t ory i s abou tA. how to build up o ur modem roads toda y8. Roman t oo l s in building a w ide s traight roadC.the Rom ans'roads bu ilt two th ousa nd years agoD, the reason why th e R omanshad to build th e ir r oads4, Why did the Romans bu i ld so many roads a t tha t t im e? It was becauseA, their slaves and so ldi ers had t o do someth ing, o r, t h ey wo u ld have n ot h ing to do8, they dared n o t sai l i n the ocean and th e road were th e ir on l y cho i ceC.. they ne eded l an d trade road. and th e roads to move rhcir织and armies as q u i ck l y as pos.i b l eD.the old R oman. w anted t o show h ow clever th ey were in building th e ro a ds5, According to the passage, wh ich of th e following fo ur choices i s correct?A.T h e o l d R omans fo und sofi soi l d i d n o t make a solid base for t he road.B.lne Romans built road. o n ly on fl a t(平)l andC . F l a t s t ones we r e m ostly used in th e r oads of AsiaD. T h e o l d R omans used to m ake use of th e sofiso i l「or the base of the i r roads i n Nort h Africa答案:BB CC A(7)r n o n e way of t h in k in g, failure is a part of l i fe. rn another way, f扣:lo re may be a way t owardss uoce s. . The"sp ider s tory" is oflen told. Robert Bruce, leader of1heScot i n 1he 13th cenrury, was hiding in a cave from rhc Eng lish. He wa1c hcd a spider spinning a web(蜘蛛织网)The sp ider 1ricd to reach across a rough place in 1h e rock. He t ried six time s withou1s u ccess. On the seventh time h e !l!fil!M and went on 10 s p in his web. Bruce i s said to ha ve taken heart and to havegone o n 10 defeat the Eng l ish·.. Ed is o n, the in vento r of the lig h1bu l b, made hundred. of models 1h a1 failedbefore he fo und the right way 10 mak e one.So what? F i rst, a l ways think about you r f; 创urc. Whal eauscd 心We re co nd irions right? Wereyou i n top from yourse lf? What ca n you c hange so 1hing s w ill go righ1 n ext rime?Second, i s th e goal(目标)you're trying 10 re ae h the right one? Try to do some thin k ing a bou1wha t your real goals ma y be.Think a bo ut his question, "lf r do succeed i n 1h s i,whe re w i ll it get me?" 1bis m ay help you prevent fa ilure in th i ng s you shou ldn'1be doing印" vay The 1hird thing 10 bear in mind abou l fai lure is 1h a1 it's a part of l if e. Learn to " l i ve wit h you rs e l f'' even though yo u may ha ve fa il ed. Remember, "You c,1n t' w in them a ll."I . This pa sage deals wi th two s id es of failure. ln paragraph I, the a uthor t alks mainly aboutA. the va lue of failure8. h ow people wo u ld f ailC. famous failu 心D . the cause of fai lur e2.T h e underlined phrase " made i1''meansA.s u cceeded8. fa ile dC.gaveD.go13 .T he l esson th e spider taught Robert Bruce see m sA, pr oduct i veB. s 四ig hl fonvardC. sorrowfu lD . dee p4 , T h e a uthor 1ells you 10 d o all things exceptA.T h e think about 1he cause of you r fa ilu reB.to check out whether yo ur goals are righ1 for y ouC. io consider fai l·ure as a part or life0 . to bear in mind tha1 you wi ll n ever fa il in you r l ife5.Wh i ch of the following i s NOT true?A.Bruce and Ed is o n were successfu l exam p lesB.Fa ilure may be reg ard ed as a way 10,vard successC.E di son learned a lot from the lc. son the sp id er taught Robert BruceD, One may oflen raise a quc. tio n whether h is goals are worth attempting.答案:AADD C(8)ln sport the sexes(性别)are separa t e. Women and men do n o t run or swi m i n the same r aces. Women are J es. s tr ong than men. That at leas t is wha t people say. Women are called 邮wea k er se,x or,i f men wa nt 10please them,th e fair sex.But boys and girls are t a ught together at 沁hools and universities. There a r e women who are famous Prime Ministers, scie nt isL and w rite rs And women live l onge r than m e n . A European woma n can expect 10 li ve un til the age of 74, a man o n ly until he i s 68 . Are women's bodies really w eake r'?T h c fas 比s t men can run a mile i n unde r 4 minutes. The best women n 心d 4. 5 minutes Women's time are al 叩ys s l ower than men's, but some fac t s are a s urpris e. Some of the fastest women swimme r s to d ay are t 心nag e gi rl s. One of th em swam 400 metres in 4 minutes 21. 2 沁con ds w h en s h e was on l y 16. The fir s t ' Tartan ' i n lilm was an Olympic swimmer, Jo hnn yWeiss muller. Hi s fas t est 400 m e tr es was 4 m inu tes 49. I seco n ds, w h ic h i s 37 . 9 s e co n ds s l owe r t ha n a gi rl 50 yea r s l a t e r! T hi s d oe. n o t mean th a t women are catch in g me n u p. Co nd itio n s a re very d i ffere nt n ow and s p o rt i s mu ch mo r e serio u s.It is so s eri o u s that so m e wo m e n a t h le t e.ar e g i ve n hormo n e (荷尔蒙)inj ect i o ns(注射).A i t he O l ym p ics a d oc t or has to c h eck wheth er t he wo m e n a lhl e t e. ar e rea ll y wo m e n or n o t. lt see m s sad tha t spo rt ha s s u c h p r o b le m s. L,I fe ca n bevery c o mp l i ca t ed(复杂的)w h e n th er e a re t wo se p ara t e sexes!I , Women are called th e w e a k e r sex bec aw心A, women d o as m u ch as m enB. peo p le t h in k wome n are weaker t ha n menC. s po rt i s easie r fo r m e n tha n fo r wome nD. in spor t th e t wo sexes a re a l ways t oge th e r2, W hi c h of the fo ll ow in g i s tru e?A.B oys a nd g i rls st ud y 沁parat e l y every,v h e r eB.Wo men do n o t run or swi m in r ace. with me n.C. Famo u s P ri m e M ini s t ers ar e wo men0 . M e n ca n ex p ec t to li ve l o n g e r t ha n wo men in Eu r ope.3,“"T T h h a t a t leas t i s w ha t p eo p le s a y"m ea n s pe op l eA . say o th e r thin gs , t ooB.d o n't say th is m u c hC.say thi s but ma y n ot thin k soD.o nl y th i nk th is4 , W h a l pro b le m s does spor t ha v e?A.Some wo men a thlete s are ac t ua ll y m e nB.So m e wom en a thl e t es are g i ve h o rm o n e in jectio n s .C.Wo m en and m e n do n ot run o r sw i m in th e s am e r a c es.D.lt i s di ffic ult 10 chec k whe t he r wome n ath l et e s a r e really wome n.5. l n thi s pa s sage t h e a uth o r im pli es thatA, women are weaker t han we n , but fa. t e rB.wo m e n a r e s l owe r th an men, b u t s t ro n ge rC.m e n a r e n o t a l ways stro n ge r a nd fa s t e r th a n wome nD.me n ar e fas比r and st r o ng e r than wo men答案:BB C B C(9)P eop l e b u r y tre asure 10 s t o p o th e r peo p le fr om taki n g i t. Th e y c h oose a q u i et p l ace, d i g a dee p h o l e a nd bu ry th e tr eas u re in i t. 11te n t h ey m ake a ma p o f whe re th e tr eas u re i s or ,vrite d o,vn o th er cl u es(线索)that wi ll h el p th em o r so m eo n e el se to fi nd it a ga inIn Britain a few years a go; a w ri t e r w r o t e abo ut some t reas u re that h e h a d b uri ed. H e p u t cl u es i n th e s t ory t o hel p r eaders fi nd i t. Tho u s and s o f p eo pl e hu n t ed f o r the 阮a su re. They du g h o l es a ll over Britain, h o p i n g to fi nd i t.O n e of the mos t p o pul a r ad ven tur e s t o ri es ever `吐te n i s R o bert L o ui s Ste ph enso n's、T r eas u red Is land', an exei t i ng story abo ut a yo un g boy, Ji m H a wk in s, who i s c aptur ed b y p ira t es and la ter fi nd some buri ed tre a. u re.T h e n th ere is t h e tru e story a bout a ma n w h o h a d t o tr ave l ove r seas fo r a yea r. He did n ot皿s t ba nk s, so h e b u ried h is l ife sav in gs in a park 吓e n h e we n t away. O n hi s re turn, h e 叽n t s t ra i g ht t o th e par k. But the par k was n o longe r th ere. In i t s pl a 心小e re was a hu ge buildin g An d t h e n th ere was th e man w h o b u如d hi s sav in gs, all in ban k n o t es, in a wate rp roo f(防水的)ba g. W h en h e d og i t u p years l a t e r, th e r e was n o th i ng l efi. Wo rm s a n d i nsc e ts h ad eat en th e b ag a nd every伽ng i n i tAnd of co u rse, these arc stor i es abo ut p eo pl e w h o b u ry thing s and e it he r fo r ge t where th ey h ave b ur i 凶t hem or los e th e ma p.Although it is true 如II p eo p le somet im es l ose the i r money because a bank fai l s, banks arc sti ll th e safe. t p lace 10 k ee p o ur savi n驴a n d t心suresI , People w h o bury tr eas\J re usuallyA. do n ol tru. t banksC. want 10 l i ve in a quiet place.2. The,vriter in Brit 、a inA.really had buried so meth i n g.B.star ted a nationwide tre as u re hunt.B. have a l ittle m o ne y D. expec t to l ose itC. had l os t his tre asure and wan te d people 10 help him find i t.D,cau.ed trou ble because p eo p le dug h ol e.eve l)'\•'hc re.3 , `'Treasure I sl and"A.i s a s tor y abou t p ira t es.B.is abou t th e advent u resof Jim H awkins.C.is t he most popular story ever "'" uen.D, i s a we ll-kn ow n fairy tal e.4, The man who buried h is money in a parkA.t houghthis money w as safe r 山ere than in a bankB.travelled o n th e sea for a ye r aC.go t his life sav in驴back aga in.D, s ta ye d aw a y long e r 小a n he expec t ed.5. F r om t hese storie we understand tha tA, we cannot tru s t ban k s.B.wes h ould not t rust anyone.C. a waterproof bag is not pr oof ag a i n st worms an d i n sec t s.D. in s 心ts cat a n yt h ing.答案:A BBA C(10)ln 1977, a de ad a uth or of dete c ti ve s to ries saved the li fe of a nineteen-month-old ba by in a most unusu a l way. The a uth o r was Agatha Christ i e, a gentle m a rri e d la dy and o ne of t he m ost s u cces ful writers of de t ectivesto ri es in the wo rld.ln J une I977,a baby girl became se ri ous l y ill i n Qa ta(r卡塔尔),n ear Sand i Arabi(a沙特阿拉伯).Doc tors we re unab le to fi nd o ut th e cause of her ill nes s,so s h e was tlown to Londo n and se n t t o H a mm e r s mith H os p i t a l. A team of d oc t ors hurried t o examine the baby o nl y t o d i scover that th ey, 100 , were pu 立led by th e very unusual signs of illn 岱s. While they were having a discu. sion about th e baby's ii In es , a nurse ask ed to speak t o them" Excuse me," sa i d N u rse Marsha Maitland,'' b u t l th i nk the ba by i s s u ffe rin g fro m thallium poisonin(g蛇中帝)”" What makes you th ink that?" Dr. Brown as ked. 而all ium poisoning i s very r a re."' 'A few days ago, l wa. reading a n ovel called•A P a l e H orse' b y Agatha Ch ri st i e," Nurse Maitlandex pl a in ed. " ln t he book, somebo d y w沈s tha ll ium poison, and a ll th e signs ar e ex actl y the same a s the ba by' s . ".,You are very carefu l and you may be right," ano th e r doctor s a id. " we'll carry out some tests and find out whe th er it's th a lli um(蛇)o r n ot."Tests showe d that th e bab y had indeed been poisoned by tha llium. Once they kn ew th e cause of th e illn ess, the d octors were a b le to give th e baby the correct t reatment. She soon recovere d and was se nt ba ck to Qatar. La t e r o n it was pro ved th a t th e poison mighi ha ve come fro m a n ins ecticid(e 杀虫剂)usedi n QatarI . Who first suggested t he correct eau. e o f the baby's illness?A. A Doc tor in Qatar.8. N u 函Mai tl andC.Dr. Brown.D.Agatha Ch ri s tie.2, Why was the bab y sent 10 London?A. She was a British girl whose p aren t s we re work ing i n Qatar.8. The h osp ital s in Qatar were fu ll a t that tim e.C. She was the daughter of a doctor in one of the places.D, T h e Qa tar d octors were not sure th ey could c u re her.3. As far as we c an tell from passage, Agatha Ch ri st ieA.had never even met this baby.B.had spen t a l o n g time a a p o lic e officerC.visi ted the ba by in th e hospital at HammersmithD, gave N urse Mai tl and some adv ice o n the phone4. Nurse Maitland spoke t o th e d octorsA, whe n she heard th e m di scussing th e po 函bility oflhallium poison.B.because s h e cou l d see tha t th e doc t o r s had made a mistakeC.10 suggest a possible reason for the patient's illn ess.D, afte r s h e had read about a h orse w h ic h had been poisoned.5, Wha t did th e doctor think of t he suggestio n which N u rse Maitlan d made?A, They were very qu i ck to agree w ith her8. They were unhappy over her in t e rrup tionC.They sa i d that s h e was wrong because th a lliu m po i so n ing i s very rare.D.They thought i i was a possibility wo rt h co n s i dering.答案:B D ACD(I I)T h ere ha been, i n h is t ory, a man w h o was sw all owe d b y a w hal e an d J ive d t o t ell the ta l e. T h e man's name is James Bartley.The re co rd s to pr ove h is unusual e灯如ence are i n t he British AdmiraltyBartley was making his firs t trip o n the w hal i n g s h ip Star o f the Eas t. S\Jd denl y th e l ookout found a hu ge wha le . The whalers knew i t was a huge w ha le by th e s i ze of the spray i t b lew int o t he air. They l owe re d th ei r sma ll boats. James B a rtle y was i n the first l ongboa t . The men rowed until they were close t o the w hal e. A ha rpoo(n鱼叉)was thro`'rt and it found it mark. It sank in to t he wha l e' s tlesh. The maddened beast jum ped out of the wa t er and broke the boat i nt o pieces Whe n the survivo r s we re p icke d up, James Bartley was missing.Short l y before sunset, the w ha le was fi na lly ea u g ht. The 汹ilors ti ed t he wha le' s 仑色竺to t he s ide of t he sh ipBecause of th e hot weat he r it wa i mport an t that they cut u p the w ha le rig ht away. Ot he而se, t he meat wou ld beg in to rot and the o il wou l d begin t o spo il W hen they got t o the stomach, they felt somet h ing m oving about wildly. lney th o ught i t wou ld be a b ig fish st i ll a li ve in side. But when th ey ope n ed the stomach th ey found Jam es Bartley. After thi s trip, Bartley settled in Glouce. tcr, Eng lan d, and n eve r returned t o seaI . This passage i s mainly abo\J IA, how to hunt w ha les fo r th eir oil and meatB. the ha rd a nd d ange r ous l ives that whalers had to li ve.C. the d uties of eac h man o n a wha ling s h i p.D, a man w h o wasswallowe d by a w ha le a nd li ved.2. The sa il ors knew that someth in g was in the whale's sto ma ch becauseA.t hey cou ld fee l i t moving abo u t wild y l8. the wha l e seemed very hea vyC.the wha l e was bu lgin g(鼓起来)at one spotD.the ca pt a in h eard Bartley crying for h e lp。