9月10号 限时训练
每小题只有一个选项符合题目要求)1. 随着科技的发展,无人机在农业上有着广泛应用,如图为喷洒农药的无人机,无人机携带质量为40kg的农药从地面由静止开始沿竖直方向起飞,经过20s到达30m高处后悬停了10s,之后用了10s的时间沿水平方向运动了40m。
重力加速度210m/sg=,关于这一过程下列说法正确的是()A. 无人机在起飞后40s内的平均速度大小为1.25m/sB. 无人机沿竖直方向运动时一直处于超重状态C. 无人机沿水平方向运动时,无人机对农药做功一定为0D. 无人机沿水平方向运动时,无人机对农药的作用力等于400N2. 2024年巴黎奥运会,全红婵成功卫冕女子十米跳台冠军,某次跳水过程全红婵重心的运动可以看作直线运动,从离开跳台开始计时,其重心的v t−图像如图所示,重力加速度g取210m/s,关于全红婵的运动下列说法正确的是()A. 在入水前做自由落体运动B. 入水前机械能守恒C. 在0~2.80s时间内重力所做的功大于克服水的阻力做的功D. 入水时的速度大小为3. 某种型号的滚筒洗衣机的滚筒截面是直径为525mm的圆,如图所示,a、c位置分别为最低和最高点,b、d位置与圆心等高。
下列说法正确的是()A. 玩具在b、d两处的向心力相同B. 玩具在b、d两处的摩擦力相同C. 减小洗衣机转速脱水效果会更好D. 玩具在c处时洗衣机对地面的压力大于玩具在a处时洗衣机对地面的压力4. 如图所示,轻绳通过光滑的轻质定滑轮连接滑块A与小球B,滑块A套在水平杆上,小球B放在水平地面上,滑块A向左做匀速运动的速度大小为Av,经过图示位置时,连接滑块A的轻绳与水平杆的夹角为α,连接小球B的轻绳与水平面的夹角为β,此时小球B的速度为Bv,则下列说法正确的是()A.B A cosv vα= B.BA cosv vβ= C. 小球B做加速运动 D. 小球B做匀速运动5. 工地上有一种如图甲所示的搬运小车,前方挡板与小车平面垂直,每次总需要把小车平面放至竖直才能将货物卸下,某工友对其做了改进,将前方挡板与小车平面的夹角改为120°角,如图乙所示,这样不用再将小车平面放至竖直就可将货物卸下。
泰兴市第一高级中学2015年秋学期限时训练(一)高二政治(选修)2015.10 一、单项选择题:本大题共33小题,每小题2分,共计66分。
下列选项中能体现这种对立的是①乐极生悲削足适履②形谢神灭理生万物③高瞻远瞩拔苗助长④因势利导心外无物A.①③B.②④C.①②D.③④5、中国特色的社会理论体系推动时代的步伐,说明它是()A.社会变革的决定力量 B.社会变革的先导C.经济工作的中心 D.政治斗争的核心6、马克思主义哲学的产生实现了哲学史上的伟大变革。
”这表明( )①世界观决定方法论,方法论体现世界观②哲学给具体科学研究以世界观和方法论指导③具体科学的进步推动着哲学的发展④哲学是科学的世界观和方法论A.①② B.①④C.②③ D.②④9、对于天体的演变,张衡认为:“元者,无形之类,自然之根,作于太始,莫之与先。
专题一组成细胞的分子与细胞专题限时训练1. 细胞是最基本的生命系统,而病毒不是的理由是( )①细胞是一切生物体结构和功能的基本单位②病毒虽然是生物,但必须依赖活细胞才能生活③单细胞生物依靠单个细胞就能完成各种生命活动④多细胞生物也必须依赖各种分化的细胞共同合作才能完成复杂的生命活动A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④2. 如图是细胞中化合物含量的扇形图,图2是有活性的细胞中元素含量的柱形图,下列说法不正确的是( )A .若图1表示细胞鲜重,则A、B化合物依次是HO、蛋白质2B .若图2表示组成人体细胞的元素含量,则a、b、c依次是O、C、HC .地壳与活细胞中含量最多的元素都是a,由此说明生物界与非生物界具有统一性D .若图1表示细胞完全脱水后的化合物含量,则A化合物具有多样性,其必含的元素为C、H、O、N3. 小麦种子萌发时会产生淀粉酶,将淀粉水解为麦芽糖、葡萄糖等。
结果是( )A .甲呈蓝色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈无色B .甲呈无色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色C .甲、乙皆呈蓝色,丙呈砖红色D .甲呈浅砖红色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色4. 下面是某蛋白质的肽链结构示意图(图1,其中数字为氨基酸序号)及部分肽键放大图(图2),请据图判断下列叙述中不正确的是A .该蛋白质中含有2条肽链49个肽键B .图2中含有的R基是①②④⑥⑧C .从图2可推知该蛋白质至少含有3个游离的羧基D .控制该蛋白质合成的mRNA中至少含有51个密码子5. 如图所示,①是在胰岛B细胞中合成的,且与血糖调节有关;②是一种淋巴因子,可干扰破坏病毒DNA在宿主细胞中的复制;③由浆细胞合成分泌,且具有免疫作用;④由垂体分泌,可促进蛋白质的合成和骨的生长。
下列有关说法中正确的是( )A .①②③④结构的多样性只与a有关B .与①②③④四种物质合成、分泌有关的细胞器是核糖体、内质网、高尔基体和线粒体C .①②③④四种物质分别为胰岛素、干扰素、抗体、抗利尿激素D .①与肾上腺素具有协同作用,②③均在特异性免疫中发挥作用,④的分泌体现了生物膜的流动性6. 由1分子磷酸、1分子碱基和1分子化合物a构成了化合物b,如图所示,则叙述正确的是( )A .若m 为腺嘌呤,则b肯定为腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸B .若a为核糖,b则为DNA的基本组成单位C .若m为尿嘧啶,则DNA中肯定不含b这种化合物D .在人和SARS病毒体内,化合物b都含有8种7. 三类营养物质氧化时释放能量与耗氧量如下表:A .糖是生命活动的主要能源物质B .耗氧量的多少可能与它们含有元素比例不同有关C .体内外蛋白质分解释放能量的差异可能是因为分解产物不完全相同D .同质量时,脂肪贮存能量最多8. 关于下列四图的叙述中,正确的是( )A .甲图中共有5种核苷酸B .乙图所示的化合物中不含糖类物质C .组成丙物质的单糖是脱氧核糖或核糖D .在小鼠的体细胞内检测到的化合物丁很可能是蔗糖9.如图所示的图解表示构成细胞的元素、化合物及其作用, a、b、c、d代表不同的小分子物质,A、B、C代表不同的大分子物质,下列分析不正确的是( )A .在动物细胞内与A作用最相近的物质是糖原B .在生物体内物质b约有20种C .在人体细胞中物质c共有8种D .物质d的化学本质是固醇10. 下图为细胞间信息传递的几种模式示意图,下列有关叙述错误的是( )A .细胞1与靶细胞间的信息传递是依靠细胞1分泌的化学物质完成的B .细胞3与细胞2间信息交流的方式与细胞1与靶细胞间的信息交流方式完全不同C .细胞分泌的化学物质与靶细胞进行信息识别的结构基础是靶细胞表面的受体蛋白D .若细胞4是效应T细胞,则其与靶细胞是通过细胞膜直接接触传递信息的11. 为了研究细胞核的作用,一位生物学家研究了100个细胞,他把每个细胞都分成含有细胞核和不含细胞核两个部分,然后把这些细胞放在同样的条件下培养,结果如下表,有关叙述错误的是 ( )B .表中数据说明细胞核与细胞质相互依存、相互制约C .有核部分的细胞个别死亡最可能是由于人为伤害或凋亡D .本实验选用100个细胞使实验偶然性小,实验数据较可靠12. 实验中用35S标记一定量的氨基酸,来培养某哺乳动物的乳腺细胞,测得与合成和分泌乳蛋白相关的一些细胞器上放射性强度的变化曲线如图甲所示,在此过程中有关的生物膜面积的变化曲线如图乙所示。
语法填空1With theU.S. Open again breaking all-time attendance records this year, many people are again marveling at a sport that 1. (be)around since the 11th century.And though there's no denying that tennis is riveting to watch and a lot of fun to play, engaging in the sport is also good for your mental and physical health.Tennis has endured for so long because it can 2. (play) at multiple levels—from social doubles to 3. (high) competitive singles—and challenges the whole body in many ways including speed, endurance, strength, technical skills, and strategic planning.Playing tennis hasbeen shown to supply a host of physical health benefits including reduced obesity and diabetes risk, improved coordination, 4. (increase) energy levels, and a stronger heart.The activityalso contributes 5. "stronger, thicker, and healthier bones—especially for those 6. start at a young age," says Babette Pluim, a physician, sports and exercise medicine consultant, and the chief medical adviser of the Royal Netherlands Lawn Tennis Association. The sport reduces one's risk of heart disease as well, 7. part, because its high-intensity movements followed by short bouts of rest.It's also a contributing factor in why tennis players live 8. (long) than participants in many other sports. Illustrating this, Danish cardiologist Peter Schnohr led the famed 25-year Copenhagen City Heart Study, which examined the connection between various sports and life expectancy.He says longevity(寿命) improved more for tennis than for any other sport 9. (include)in the research: soccer players extended their lives 4.7 years, cyclists 3.7 years, swimmers 3.4 years, and joggers 3.2 years. Incredibly, tennis players extended their lives by 9.7 years, which he attributes to the sport's cardiovascular and musculoskeletal advantages and the social support the game is known 10. . Keys1.has been2.be played3.highly4.increased5.to6.who7.in8.longer9.included10.for语法填空2"Black Myth: Wukong" has gained extraordinary popularity. 1. ______ its official launch on the Steam platform on August 20th, it has rapidly turned into 2.______ global hit.It has sold incredible 10 million copies in just three days, as developer Game Science has announced. The concurrent online numbers of the game have also been increasing. On August 22nd, it reached a 3. ______(day) concurrent online level of 2.4 million on the Steam platform. This popularity is similar to that of the phenomenal game "Elden Ring" 4. ______(launch) in 2022.In a blog post, Daniel Ahmad, Director of Research and Insights at Niko Partners, said Black Myth: Wukong's sales 5. ______(succeed) "represents the growing capabilities and ambitions of Chinese game development studios and their ability 6.______(compete) on the global stage."Black Myth: Wukong is clearly a huge hit 7. ______(global), but it is particularly popular in China, where it has broken through into the mainstream. Based on Steam concurrent data, the majority of the game's players are in China, 8. ______ there is still a large audience for Black Myth: Wukong in the west. It not only showcases the charm of Chinese culture but also 9. ______(meet) the high expectations of gamers worldwide for high-quality games, thus 10. ______(win) widespread praise and love. 答案1.Following2. a3. daily4. launched5. success6. to compete7. globally8. though9. meets10. winning语法填空3Fueled by the release of Black Myth: Wukong, a surge of interest in tourism has swept across China, as travelers flock 1.______(experience) ancient Chinese heritage and architecture. The game, 2.______(base) on the classic novel Journey to the West, has drawn global attention with its stunning visuals and 3.______(faith) re-creation of historical landmarks.Shanxi province, which contributed 27 out of the game’s 36 locations, has become a hot destination. Many of the 4.______(scene) depicted in the game are linked to Buddhism and Taoism, prompting 5.______ 20% rise in searches for Shanxi on major travel platforms. Hotel bookings and visits to the province have soared, 6.______ famous attractions like the Yungang Grottoes and Mount Wutai seeing a marked increase in 7.______(popular).The phenomenon isn't limited to Shanxi. Other regions are also benefiting from the game's impact. For example, Lianyungang, the "hometown of Wukong," has offered free entry to game players, further 8.______(drive) tourism.“This trend 9.______ people visit places featured in the game will not just be a passing craze but a long-term cultural and economic force,” an expert has predicted. The game showcases China's rich cultural heritage, and its success boosts the Chinese game developers’ confidence in 10.______(domestic) produced cultural content.答案1.to experience2.based3.faithful4.scenes5.a6.with7.popularity8.driving9.that 10.domestically。
中图版版高中地理选择性必修第1册课后限时训练 第四章 第三节
知识点2:厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象及其影响]一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)[知识点1]1.在海—气相互作用中,大气向海洋输送巨大能量的形式是( )A.辐射B.风C.降温D.升温【答案】B [解析]在海—气相互作用中,大气主要以风的形式向海洋输送巨大的能量。
[知识点1]2.关于海洋热量收支的叙述,正确的是( )①热量净收入从低纬海区到高纬海区逐渐减少②各纬度海区的热量收支基本平衡③赤道地区热量收入最多,极地海区热量支出最多④海洋热量的主要收入是太阳辐射,主要支出是海水蒸发耗热A.①②B.③④C.②③D.①④【答案】D [解析]受太阳辐射影响,海水热量净收入随纬度的变化规律是从低纬向高纬递减,但赤道地区因降水多,热量收入少于副热带海区。
3.若船只出发时,A处是1月,经过6个月后到达C处,此时C处可能发生的现象是( )A.海水向大气补充热量B.大气向海洋补充热量C.大气和海洋未发生任何联系D.此时C处为春季,海洋无法向大气补充热量4.图中①②两处相比,海—气相互作用更活跃的是( )A.①处B.②处C.①②处相等D.无法判断【答案】3.A 4.B [解析]第3题,据题意可知,A处是1月,经6个月后为7月,是北半球夏季,图中C处海洋温度高,海水向大气补充热量,A项正确。
(共1小时20分钟)战术练习下旋拉起后全台不定点(各10分钟) 下旋打稳,减少失误。
则车速为和时动车的加速度大小之比为( )A.2∶1B.3∶1C.4∶1D.3∶2第(2)题小刘喜欢掷飞镖,一次练习中,飞镖从P点以某一与水平方向成角的速度斜向上飞出,最后水平扎在竖直放置的木板上的Q点。
Q点距离飞镖抛出点的竖直高度,飞镖的运动过程如图所示,忽略空气阻力,重力加速度,,则飞镖抛出点到木板的水平距离L为( )A.2.4m B.3.6m C.4.8m D.6.0m第(3)题某同学在文献上看到一个单位“”,该单位与以下哪个物理量随时间的变化率有关( )A.力B.位移C.速度D.加速度第(4)题如图所示,一定质量的理想气体从a状态开始,经历b、c状态再次回到a状态。
则下列说法正确的是( )A.c→a过程相同时间内撞到单位面积上的分子数减少B.a→b过程气体温度先减小后增大C.a→b过程气体吸热3.75JD.经过一个循环,气体对外界做的总功为第(5)题某同学将一定质量的理想气体封闭在导热性能良好的注射器内,并将注射器置于恒温水池中,注射器通过非常细的导气管与压强传感器相连。
则( )A.气泡在上升过程中要吸收热量B.在压缩过程中,气体分子的平均动能变大C.泄漏气体的质量为最初气体质量的一半D.泄漏气体的内能与注射器内存留气体的内能相等第(6)题科学训练可以提升运动成绩,某短跑运动员科学训练前后百米全程测试中,速度v与时间t的关系图像如图所示。
二、活动目标1. 提高跆拳道爱好者的实战技巧和体能水平;2. 增强跆拳道爱好者的团队协作能力;3. 培养跆拳道爱好者的意志品质,树立正确的人生观、价值观;4. 弘扬跆拳道精神,传播正能量。
三、活动时间2024年10月1日至10月7日四、活动地点XX跆拳道馆五、活动内容1. 体能训练:跑步、跳绳、俯卧撑、仰卧起坐等;2. 技术训练:品势、腿法、拳法、实战技巧等;3. 团队协作训练:团队游戏、战术演练等;4. 知识讲座:跆拳道历史、规则、礼仪等;5. 展示表演:学员成果展示、亲子互动等。
六、活动安排1. 10月1日:开幕式、团队建设活动;2. 10月2日至10月6日:每日进行体能训练、技术训练、团队协作训练,下午安排知识讲座;3. 10月7日:学员成果展示、亲子互动活动、闭幕式。
七、活动要求1. 参训学员需着装整齐,佩戴跆拳道道服;2. 参训学员需遵守纪律,听从教练安排;3. 参训学员需保持良好的精神状态,积极参与各项活动;4. 参训学员需注意安全,避免受伤。
八、活动保障1. 活动期间,跆拳道馆将提供饮用水、休息区等;2. 活动期间,跆拳道馆将安排专业教练进行指导;3. 活动期间,跆拳道馆将提供医疗救护服务。
九、报名方式1. 报名对象:8岁以上跆拳道爱好者;2. 报名时间:即日起至9月30日;3. 报名方式:电话报名、现场报名。
二、训练目标1. 提高队员的体能、技术、战术和心理素质;2. 培养队员的团队协作精神和拼搏精神;3. 在国庆期间举办校内羽毛球比赛,展示队员风采。
四、训练内容1. 体能训练(1)一般身体素质训练:立定跳远、400米、1500米、投掷实心球等;(2)专项身体素质训练:四方球训练、8米折反跑、两点多球、重复球训练、组合球练习等。
2. 技术训练(1)发球、接发球技术;(2)击球技术:高远球、平高球、吊球、网前搓球、网前挑高球等;(3)步法训练:上网步法、后退步法、两侧移动步法等;(4)挡网前球技术与杀球技术;(5)拉、吊上网练习(直线与斜线)、杀球上网练习(直线与斜线)。
3. 战术训练(1)单打战术:攻中路战术、后攻前封、接发球战术等;(2)双打战术:攻中路战术、后攻前封、接发球战术等。
4. 心理训练(1)集中注意力训练;(2)心理稳定性与意志品质的训练;(3)念动训练与想象训练;(4)模拟训练。
五、训练安排1. 早晨进行体能训练,提高队员的耐力和爆发力;2. 上午进行技术训练,重点训练击球技术和步法;3. 下午进行战术训练和心理训练,提高队员的战术意识和心理素质;4. 每天安排一场模拟比赛,检验训练成果。
六、训练要求1. 认真参加训练,遵守纪律,按时到场;2. 认真听教练讲解,掌握训练技巧;3. 互相学习,取长补短,共同进步;4. 保持良好的训练态度,发扬拼搏精神。
其运动的速度时间图像(v t 图像)如图所示。
则()A.0~25s的平均速度大小为2m/s B.20s末运动方向开始反向C.0~5s和20~25s的加速度相同D.0~25s的位移大小为60m3.如图所示,在竖直平面内用三根细线a、b、c将质量均为m的两个小球1和2连接,a的另一端跨过定滑轮与小球3相连并悬挂。
小球3的质量为()A .mB .2mC .3mD .4m4.贵阳地铁3号线的最高运行速度为100km/h 。
若地铁列车到站前做匀减速直线运动,加速度大小为2m/s 2。
为了能准确停靠,地铁列车刹车距离(开始减速到停止滑行的距离)约为( )A .193mB .2500mC .5000mD .97m5.把一滑块放在倾角为θ的斜面上,要使物体能沿斜面匀速下滑,滑块与斜面间的动摩擦因数µ与斜面倾角θ的关系应为( )A .tan μθ<B .tan μθ>C .tan μθ=D .1tan μθ= 6.如图所示为某高山滑雪运动员在倾斜赛道上高速下滑时的情景,以下说法正确的是( )A .赛道对运动员的弹力竖直向上B .运动员对赛道的摩擦力方向沿赛道斜向下C .运动员受到的摩擦力与赛道受到的摩擦力是一对平衡力D .赛道对运动员的弹力与运动员受到的重力是一对作用力和反作用力7.如图所示,在不计滑轮摩擦和绳子质量的条件下,当小车以速度v 匀速向右运动,当小车运动到与水平面夹角为θ时,下列关于物体A 说法正确的是( )A .物体A 此时的速度大小为cos v θ,物体A 做减速运动B .物体A 此时的速度大小为cos v θ,物体A 做加速运动C .物体A 此时的速度大小为cos v θ,物体A 做减速运动 D .物体A 此时的速度大小为cos v θ,物体A 做加速运动二、多选题8.如图所示,在物体A和B之间用一根轻弹簧水平相连,放在粗糙水平面上,物体A和B 静止时弹簧的长度大于原长。
2023年浙江省嘉兴市高三上学期9月基础测试全真演练物理试题(基础必刷)学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:75分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择题(本题包含8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
对接后可近似认为组合体在轨道上做匀速圆周运动,下列说法正确的是( )A.对接后组合体做匀速圆周运动的线速度大于B.对接前飞船运动到比空间站更低的轨道,加速后有可能与空间站对接C.对接后组合体由于太空中阻力的作用,若不加以调整轨道会慢慢升高D.在组合体的实验舱内由静止释放一个小球,可以根据小球的下落高度和时间计算所在轨道处的重力加速度第(3)题在现代装修家居中,有很多是大理石材料都有放射性,而在核物理研究中已有很多放射性元素,其中放射性元素的衰变方程为,下列表述正确的是( )A.是由原子核内释放的电子B.该衰变是衰变C.加压或加温都可以改变其衰变的快慢D.发生衰变时原子核要吸收能量第(4)题如图甲所示的光学元件,是望远镜中常用到的“半五角棱镜”。
一束光束从入射表面ABCD的中心点垂直平面射入棱镜,从出射表面BCGF射出棱镜,已知真空中光速为c、则下列所法不正确的是( )A.该光束一定垂直平面BCGF射出棱镜B.该光束第一次到达平面BCGF一定发生了全反射C.该光束在棱镜中走过的路程为1.5LD.该光束在棱镜中传播的时间为1.5第(5)题北京时间2022年5月5日10时38分,我国太原卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭将8颗“吉林一号”卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,与原有在轨卫星成功组网。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
一、选择题:本题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1~7题,只有一项是符合题目要求的.第8~10题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.1.如图所示为运动员进行100m 比赛时的情景,获得比赛第一名的运动员成绩为10.10s ,关于运动员进行100m 比赛的描述,下列说法正确的是( )A .研究运动员比赛时的动作时,可以将运动员看成质点B .以第一名的运动员为参考系,其他运动员都一直在向后退C .获得第一名的运动员,比赛过程中的平均速度一定最大D .获得第一名的运动员,终点冲刺时的瞬时速度大小为9.9m /s2.下列说法正确的是( )A .形状规则物体的重心在其几何中心B .当物体的速度等于零时,物体一定处于平衡状态C .任何一个力都只能分解成两个力D .乒乓球可以快速抽杀,是因为乒乓球的惯性小3.如图所示,一根光滑轻绳穿过质量为m 的小球A ,轻绳的两端分别固定在B 、C 两点,给小球施加一个水平向左的拉力,小球静止时,AB 段轻绳与水平方向的夹角为53°,AC 段轻绳与水平方向的夹角为37°.已知重力加速度为g ,,则施加的拉力F 等于( )A.B .C .D .4.某同学站在水平放置的压力传感器上,进行多次“下蹲”、“站起”运动,压力传感器显示0~8s 内该同sin 370.6,cos370.8︒=︒=15mg 16mg 17mg 18mg学对压力传感器的压力F 随时间t 的变化情况如图所示,图中有a 、b 两段曲线,重力加速度g 取,则下列判断正确的是( )A .曲线a 反映的是该同学先“下蹲”后“站起”的过程B .“下蹲”过程中,该同学先“超重”后“失重”C .“站起”过程中,该同学的加速度方向一直竖直向上D .0~8s 内,该同学运动的最大加速度为5.用如图甲所示的小推车搬运货物,小推车上的支架和底板垂直,将货物放到底板上后,用力缓慢下压把手至货物重心在车轮转轴的正上方,如图乙所示,整个过程小推车在地面的位置不变,不计地面摩擦,则下列关于此过程的说法正确的是( )A .手对把手的作用力斜向左下B .手对把手的作用力竖直向下C .小推车对货物的作用力不断减小D .小推车对货物的作用力先增大后减小6.如图所示,从高度差为25m 的a 、b 两点间隔2s 先后静止释放两物体,从a 点释放的物体落地1s 后从b 点释放的物体落地,不计空气阻力,重力加速度g 取,则释放点a 距地面的高度为( )A .45mB .50mC .55mD .60m7.如图所示,轻弹簧的一端固定在O 点,另一端连接着小球,小球套在粗细均匀的竖直固定杆上,将小球拉至A 点,弹簧伸长,由静止释放小球,小球向下运动到B 点时弹簧处于原长,运动到C点时弹簧处于水210m/s 26m/s 210m/s平,小球到C 点时速度不为零,不计一切摩擦,弹簧始终处于弹性限度内,则小球从A 运动到C 的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )A .小球的速度一定先增大后减小B .小球的速度可能一直增大C .小球速度最大的位置一定在B 、C 之间(不包含B 、C 两点)某个位置D .小球从B 到C 过程,加速度一定先减小后增大8.如图所示为某滑雪爱好者参与高山滑雪时的情景,滑雪者与装备的总质量为m ,滑雪者收起雪杖从静止开始沿着倾角的平直山坡直线自由滑下,从静止开始下滑一段路程的平均速度为v ,滑雪者在这段路程的运动看作匀加速直线运动,滑板与雪道间的动摩擦因数为.已知重力加速度为,,则这段路程内( )A .滑雪者运动的加速度大小为0.4g BC .滑雪者运动这段路程的时间为D .这段路程的长度为9.一质点沿x 轴正方向从原点出发做直线运动的图像如图所示,若质点运动的时间为t ,则该质点运动的图像和图像正确的是( )37θ=︒0.25μ=g sin 370.6,cos370.8︒=︒=4v g25v g 2v x -x t t -21x t t-A .B .C .D .10.如图所示,倾斜传送带沿顺时针方向匀速传动,传送带倾角为,传送带转动速度大小为v ,将质量为m 的物块(可视为质点)轻轻地放在传送带底端,物块从传送带底端送到顶端,平均速度大小为.已知传送带底端到顶端的距离为s ,不计物块大小,重力加速度为g ,,则下列判断正确的是( )A .物块在传送带上所受的摩擦力为恒力B.物块在传送带上加速运动的时间为C .物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数为D .物块相对传送带滑行的距离为二、非选择题:本题共5小题,共60分.11.(7分)某同学用如图甲所示装置验证力的平行四边形法则.(1)实验时,先用两个弹簧测力计把橡皮条AO 拉长,记下结点的位置O 和______及两细绳的方向,然后用一个弹簧测力计拉橡皮条,将橡皮条的结点拉到______,记下弹簧测力计拉力的大小、方向,实验中,一个弹簧测力计的示数如图乙所示,则该弹簧测力计的拉力大小为______N .(2)通过作图对实验结果处理:、表示两个测力计互成角度的拉力,F 表示平行四边形作出的与的合力;表示用一个弹簧测力计拉橡皮条时的力,则下图中符合实验事实的是______.37θ=︒34v sin 370.6,cos370.8︒=︒=23sv231548v gs +12s 1F 2F 1F 2F F '(3)某次实验时,用两个弹簧测力计拉橡皮条,结点到O 点时,两个弹簧测力计的示数相同,两个弹簧测力计的拉力夹角小于90°,现将其中一个弹簧测力计拉力方向不变,转动另一弹簧测力计的拉力方向,使两拉力的夹角减小,保持结点始终在O 点位置,则转动的弹簧测力计的拉力会______.A .变大B .变小C .可能先变大后变小D .可能先变小后变大12.(10分)某同学用如图甲所示装置,做“探究加速度与合外力关系”实验.当地的重力加速度为g .(1)关于本实验的部分要点,下列说法正确的是______.A .必须平衡摩擦力B .必须调节定滑轮高度,使牵引小车的细线与长木板平行C .必须控制钩码质量不变D .必须先接通电源,后释放小车(2)如图乙所示是某同学在正确操作下获得的一条纸带,打点计时器的频率为50Hz ,其中0、1、2、3、4为计数点,且相邻两计数点之间还有4个点没有标出.各计数点之间距离已在图中标出,由此可求得小车的加速度大小______(结果均保留两位有效数字).(3)多次实验,将每次实验小车运动的加速度a 和钩码的重mg 作图像,如图丙所示.当mg 较大时,图线明显弯曲,若不断增加钩码的质量,图像中各点连成的曲线将不断延伸,那么加速度a 的趋向值为______(用题中出现的物理量符号表示),为避免图线出现弯曲,可采取的措施是______.13.(10分)甲、乙两车停在笔直的公路上,两车相距100m ,甲车在前,乙车在后;某时刻甲车启动,以a =2m/s a mg -a mg -a mg -a mg -22m/s的加速度做匀加速直线运动,速度达到时开始做匀速直线运动;甲车启动后经乙车开始启动,以的加速度做匀加速直线运动,速度达到时开始做匀速直线运动.求:(1)乙车启动后,在追上甲车前,乙车与甲车间的最大距离为多少.(2)从乙车启动到追上甲车,乙车运动的时间为多少.14.(15分)如图所示,粗细均匀的直杆倾斜固定放置,杆与水平面夹角为37°,质量为m 的小球A 套在杆上,质量为m 的小球B 用细线与A 相连,给小球施加一个与杆平行的恒定拉力F ,小球A 、B 均处于静止,A 、B 连线水平,小球A 刚好不上滑,最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,重力加速度为g ,,,求:(1)拉力F 的大小及A 与杆之间的动摩擦因数多大;(2)保持拉力的方向不变,缓慢减小拉力F 的大小,小球A 始终保持静止,拉力F 最小能减小到多少.15.(18分)如图所示,质量为的长木板静止在水平面上,质量为的铁块B 放在长木板上表面的左端,用与水平面成斜向右上方、大小为10N 的拉力F 拉铁块.已知铁块与长木板上表面的动摩擦因数为,长木板与水平面的动摩擦因数为,重力加速度为g 取,不计铁块的大小,最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,,求:(下列结果均可用分式表示)(1)铁块和长木板运动的加速度分别多大;(2)铁块相对木板运动0.3m 时撤去拉力F ,此后,铁块运动到长木板右端时刚好与长木板相对静止,则木板的长度为多少;(3)整个过程长木板在水平面上运动的路程.高三物理参考答案、提示及评分细则1.C 研究运动员比赛时的动作时,不可以将运动员看成质点,以第一名的运动员为参考系,其他运动员比赛中并不一直向后退,选项A 、B 错误;获得第一名的运动员,比赛成绩最好,用时最少,平均速度最大,选项C 正确;获得第一名的运动员在冲刺时的速度不能确定,选项D 错误.2.D 形状规则、质量分布均匀物体的重心在其几何中心,选项A 错误;当物体的速度等于零时,加速度不一定为零,物体不一定处于平衡状态,选项B 错误;任何一个力可以分解成若干个力,选项C 错误;乒乓球可以快速抽杀,是因为乒乓球的质量小,惯性小,运动状态容易改变,选项D 正确.3.C 设轻绳上的拉力大小等于T ,则,解得20m/s 05s t =23m/s 30m/s sin 370.6︒=cos370.8︒=1kg M =1kg m =37θ=︒10.5μ=20.1μ=210m/s sin 370.6,cos370.8︒=︒=cos37cos53,sin 37sin53T T mg F T T ︒+︒=+︒=︒,选项C 正确.4.D 曲线a 反映的是该同学“下蹲”过程,选项A 错误;“下蹲”过程中,先向下加速后向下减速,因此该同学先“失重”后“超重”,选项B 错误;“站起”过程中,该同学向上减速运动过程失重,加速度方向竖直向下,选项C 错误;该同学的质量为50kg ,0~8s 内,该同学运动的最大加速度为,选项D 正确.5.B 由于小推车与货物整体平衡,因此小推车与货物受到的合力为零,整体受到地面支持力、重力及手对把手的作用力,根据平衡可知,手对把手的作用力竖直向下,选项A 错误,B 正确;货物受到的合力为零,则小推车对货物的作用力与货物的重力等大反向,即大小始终不变,选项C 、D 错误.6.A 设开始从b 点静止释放另一物体后,从a 点释放的物体又经过t 时间落地,则从a 点释放的物体下落的总时间为,从b 点释放的物体下落的总时间为,依题意有,代入数据解得,故释放点a 距地面的高度为,选项A 正确.7.B 小球运动过程中可能加速度一直向下,因此有可能速度一直增大,选项B 正确,A 错误;如果小球一直做加速运动,则从A 到C 过程速度最大的位置在C 点,选项C 错误;小球在B 、C 间的加速度方向有可能向上,故加速度的大小不一定是先减小后增大,选项D 错误.8.AD 根据牛顿第二定律,解得,选项A 正确;运动这段路程的末速度,选项B 错误;这段路程运动的时间,选项C 错误;这段路程的总长度为,选项D 正确.9.AC 由图像结合可知,该质点运动的初速度为,解得,由,得到,则图像的斜率为,与纵轴的截距为;图像的斜率为3m/s ,与纵轴的截距为,由此判断,选项A 、C 正确,B 、D 错误.10.BC 由于物块运动的平均速度大于,因此物块先做匀加速运动后做匀速运动,摩擦力先为滑动摩17F mg =22m 500200m /s 6m /s 50a -==(2)s t +(1)s t +2211(2)(1)22ab g t g t h +-+=1s t =21(2)45m 2a H g t =+=sin cos mg mg ma θμθ-=0.4a g =2v v '=25v v t a g==25v s vt g==2202v v ax -=22593m /s,2m /s 10a -=20.8m /s a =2122x t at =+002111,22x x v at v a t t t =+=+x t t-20.4m /s 3m /s 21x t t -20.4m /s 12v擦力后为静摩擦力,选项A 错误;物块运动的总时间为,设匀加速运动的时间为,则,解得,选项B 正确;设动摩擦因数为,则加速运动的加速度,又,解得,选项C 正确;物块相对传送带滑行的距离为,选项D 错误.11.(1)两弹簧测力计拉力的大小 O 点 3.70 (2)C (3)A解析:(1)记下结点的位置O 和两弹簧测力计拉力的大小和方向;用一个弹簧测力计拉橡皮条将橡皮条的结点拉到O 点;弹簧测力计的示数为3.70N .(2)根据二力平衡条件,一定与橡皮条在同一条直线上,选项A 、D 错误;F 是根据平行四边形得到的合力,F 一定是平行四边形的对角线,选项C 正确,B 错误.(3)两个分力大小相等,夹角小于90°,根据矢量三角形可知,当一个分力方向不变,两分力间的夹角减小,合力一定,则方向不变的分力减小,转动的分力变大,选项A 正确.12.(1)ABD (2)0.72 (3)g 使钩码的质量远小于小车的质量解析:(1)实验必须平衡摩擦力、必须调节定滑轮高度,使牵引小车的细线与长木板平行,目的使小车受到的合外力等于细线的拉力,必须先接通电源,后释放小车;由于是探究加速度与合外力关系,因此要保证小车的质量不变,改变钩码质量来改变合外力,选项A 、B 、D 正确,C 错误.(2)根据逐差法可得小车的加速度大小.(3)若不断增加小桶中砂的质量,图像中各点连成的曲线将不断延伸,当重物质量无限大时,重物将近似自由落体运动,所以加速度a 的趋向值为g ;为避免图线出现弯曲,可采取的措施是:使钩码的质量远小于小车的质量.13.解:(1)甲车启动后,速度达到20m/s 所用的时间乙车启动后在末的速度因此当乙车速度达到20m/s 时,甲、乙两车的距离最大,这时乙车加速的时间此时甲、乙相距的最大距离为43s s t vv ==1t ()1112vt v t t s +-=123s t v=μcos sin a g g μθθ=-1v a t =231548v gsμ=+111123x vt vt s =-=F '2220242228.167.44 6.72 6.0010m /s 0.72m /s 440.10x x a T --+--==⨯=⨯a F -a mg -11110s v t a ==2105s t t t =-=2215m /s 20m /sv a t ==<13220s 3v t a ==()21m 01113012122v s s v t v t t t a =+++--解得(2)设乙车在达到最大速度后运动时间追上甲车,根据题意有解得乙车运动的总时间为14.解:(1)对小球B 研究,根据力的平衡,解得A 、B 间细线的拉力对小球A 研究,根据力的平衡又解得(2)对A 、B 整体研究,当A 刚好不下滑时拉力F 最小.此时根据力的平衡解得15.解:(1)设A 、B 发生相对滑动,对铁块B 研究,,解得m 500m 3s =4t 222121240140212122v v v v v L s v t t a a a a ⎛⎫+=++++- ⎪⎝⎭415st =24225s v t t a =+=sin 37F mg ︒=53F mg =4cos373T F mg =︒=cos37sin 37T mg f︒=︒+37737N mgcos sin =+cos37sin 37N mg T =︒+︒f Nμ=724μ=2sin 37F f mg '='+︒2cos37N mg ='︒f N μ'='1115F mg ='11cos F f ma θ-=1sin F N mgθ+=111f N μ=216m /s a =对长木板研究,解得(2)设铁块相对木板运动0.3m 所用时间为,则,解得,撤去拉力时,铁块的速度长木板的速度撒去拉力后,铁块相对长木板运动时的加速度大小长木板运动的加速度大小设从撤去拉力至铁块与长木板共速,所用时间为,则,解得此过程铁块相对长木板运动的距离为因此长木板长为(3)铁块和长木板刚好共速时的速度大小为拉力作用下木板运动的距离撤去拉力后长木板加速运动的距离共速后,铁块和长木板一起运动的加速度大小为一起减速运动的距离因此长木板运动的路程()1212f N Mg Ma μ'-+='1111,f f N N ''==220.6m /s a =1t 22111211122s a t a t =-11s 3t =1112m /s v a t ==2210.2m /s v a t ==2115m /s a g μ='=2122()3m /s mg m M g a M μμ-⨯+=='2t 112222v a t v a t -='+'29s 40t =222121222221181m 22400s v t a t v t a t ⎛⎫=--+= ⎪⎝⎭''12201m 400L s s =+=1127m /s 8v v a t ='=-212111m 230x a t ==()2221387m 23200x v v t =+=2321m /s a g μ==23349m 2128v x a ==1231289m 2400x x x x =++=。
现用一直尺快速水平向右将中间棋子击出,稳定后,3颗棋子的位置情况可能是17~810~F OA. B.C. D.3.如图所示,用一把直尺可以测量神经系统的反应速度。
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9月10号限时训练I Multiple choice 1%X15 =15%1.___ of the two dogs is very cute. I wish I had ___like that.A. A taller; itB. The taller; oneC. A taller; thatD. The taller; the one2.—The sweater ___ belong to Jenny. She likes this style very much.—It ___be hers. It’s too big for her.A.can; can’tB. may ; mustn’tC. must; needn’tD. must; can’t3. —___ Your father____ back yet?—Yes. But it___ only two days before he sets out again.A. Has … been; isB. Will…come; h as beenC. Has…come; will beD. is…coming; will be4.The chairman found it difficult to sleep well, as many problem____.A. remained to solveB. remained to be solvedC. were remained to be solvedD. remaining to solve5. Many houses were sold___ only¥90,000 each and the police decided to do some research ___it.A. for; intoB. at; onC. on withD. by; for6._______,the footballer soon became well-known around the country.A. Having promoted him as a pop starB. Having promoted as a pop starC. The club had promoted him like a pop starD. Promoted like a pop star7. After a long day’s work, Jenny likes to sit in the study____ and listen to some soft music.A. herselfB. by herselfC. for herselfD. with herself8. Tom and Jerry had such a good relationship that they opposed_____ each other.A. separating intoB. to separate intoC. being separated fromD. separated from9. — Who left the window____?—Sorry. I forgot ____it when I left yesterday.A. Opened; to closeB. open; to closeC. open; closingD. opening; closing10. — Have you kept in___ with Will all these years?—Not really. It’s four years since I ___him by telephone.A. contacting; have contactedB. contact; contactedC. contacts; contactedD. contact; have contacted11. —Stop screaming. I’ m trying to focus on my book here.—____. The Chinese women’s volleyball team has won the gold medal.A.Cool itB. Don’t mention itC.I can’t help youD. I can’t help myself12. The professor together with her students ___in the lecture hall, but no one ___ able to help him.A. was; wasB. were; couldC. was; could beD. were; was13. —where ____you ____ this e-dictionary?—On Tmall. I ___ it for one year now.A. did… buy; have boughtB. have…bought; haveC. did buy ; have hadD. have…bought; have had14. She tried her best to save the___ , who___ in serious condition.A. injured; wereB. injuring wasC. injured wasD. injuring were15. —I can’t believe they have forme d a study group without me. I need to talk to them. —____. You can organize a new study group easily.A.That’s against the rulesB. That’s not onC. Don’t get worked upD. Never mindII Find out the incorrect part of the four underline parts.1%X10 =10%16. Not being an independent person, Tom is not possible to deal with this matterA B Cwithout any help.D17. Students should not only be taught large amount of knowledge, but also beA Bmade aware of their responsibilities in society.C D18. The south African government said that there have been many problemsAbetween different races that they wanted to stop in different races fighting againstB C Deach other.19.The world’s population is becoming larger and larger. That’s why we needA Brenewable energy resources for people’s every day use.C D20. How many classmates of you are here to help with the charity sale?A BOnly a few. Many a toy is still here and none has been sold.C D21. After years and years of suffering this crime against humanity, this country finallyA Bheld its first election in 1986 for which each everyone could vote.C D22. China used to be a country under Japanese control. Even today some people stillA Bstrongly suggest that Chinese to boycott Japanese goods.C D23. —Is it too early to go to the newsagent’s now?A B—I don’t think so. It has opened for half an hour now.C D24. — Your trousers need cleaning. They’re too dirty.A B— This pair of trousers is cleaned easily. I’m going to do it this afternoon.C D25. The Moscow Olympic Games in the 1980 were boycotted by the US because itA Bdidn’t like the former Soviet Union’s invading Afghanistan.C DIII .Complete the sentence with the proper forms of the given words.0.5%x11=5.5%1. As I sat _______ to her. I could have a ______look at her. Then she told me that her job was_______ connected with her religion. She chose to work at the church because she is a Christian(close)2. I have never been interested in _______.So don't ever discuss any______issues withme.(politics)3. We Chinese will never forget the time when the Japanese______China. Those cruel______killed a lot of people during their _______.(invade)4. There were feasts and banquets, theatrical________(entertain)and _____(sport) competitions between local groups.5. The athlete lost the game where he was sure to succeed only because of the minor foot______. He was _____in the training and his_______foot influenced his regular training.(injure)6. Governments at different levels should take action to stop_____(violence)_____(behave)from happening frequently.7.Students were required not to bring their cell phones to school during the_____days.(follow)8. Don't stand too______to the professor who has been looking______at the dinosaurfossils.(close)9. Stop singing! To be frank with you, I have never heard a______voice!(bad)10. Though having failed in so many singing ______,the girl still hasn't given up his dream of becoming a star.(complete)11. Kids suffering family _____ may possibly become _____when they grow up.(violence)12.Berlin Wall_____ many families, but the_____ came to an end as the wall was gone.(separate)13.You will never be a good boss if you only _____, because it could depress your employees and make them less confident.(critic)14.Nancy is a _____ friend of mine. We got to know and made friends with each other by working_____ together in a student activity, and soon we found we lived _____to each other too.(close).15.It is commonly believed that the law won’t be_____ unless it is used fairly.(effect)16.This children program aims to educate and_____ at the same time , but it seems that most children watch it just for_____.(entertain)IV. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the given verbs.1. How often ______you______(visit)your cousins when you_____(be)in China last year?2. Graham_____(write)to the newspaper about some rare birds which he____(see)while_____(walk) in the woods.3.---Right, Alex, let's______(find)out something about you. So when_____you_____ (graduate)from the school?--Five years ago--And where_____you______(be) since then?--Well, I______(have)several jobs.4. Oh, this carrier bag's so heavy. You______(must put) lots of books in it.5. I’m sorry_____(miss) you. If I_____(call) you last night,you______(know)about the arrangement.6. Yesterday evening, we______(cycle) into the town.We______(decide)______(go) for pizza. We______(look) at the menu when a waiter______(drop) a salad all over me. Of course,we______(not need)______(pay) for the meal.7. It_______(be) a couple of years since the system of apartheid_______(abandon).8.--______the bad weather_____(last)long?--No, it_______. It_______(get) better soon.9. The day______(get) colder. You need_______(wear) more clothes.10.---What's the noise?---It's the drill. Since the beginning of the term, the workers______(work) on our heating system.11. We're having a meeting in half an hour. The decision______(make) at the meeting will influence the future of our company.12. In 1807, the United States and Great Britain_____(ban) the slaves trade completely. By that time, at least 12 million Africans______(take)from Africa to the Western Hemisphere.13.______(surround) by mountains, this area hardly experiences strong winds.14. The problem, if_______(not solve), will get worse and worse.15. It is reported that two people _____(kill) in the bank robbery yesterday and therobbers_____(not find)yet.16.After _____(spend) all the money she had on that house, she found the house still_____(need) renovation.17. Caroline_____(teach)in china for two years and then_____(return) to America. She_____(work)for a magazine now and_____(come) back to China on business next month.18. With too much homework_____(do), I’m afraid I have to get used to _____(stay)up late.19. The little boy who_____(chase)by a dog ran past the shop,_____(cry).20. The government finally_____(agree)to the new airport plan, although many people were strongly against______(build) a new one because it _____(be) too noisy for people living nearby.V. Choose a proper phrase to complete the sentence and change its form if necessary.1%x5=5%to people living here and helped me with furniture shopping.2 . Being a teacher not only asks for care and patience, but also requires the ability____ the stresses and strains of the job.3. To find out what_____ breakfast ____the brain, scientists have studied nearly 2008 10-year-old kids.4. In order to build a good study environment some suggest students should never_____ bring mobile phones into classrooms.5. Netizens(网民)should be critical(谨慎的)with all the information that_____ them on websites and never spread groundless news to others.VII. Sentence transformation o.5%x10=5%1 A lot of people saw Linda rush into the hospital last night.(改为被动语态)Linda_____ ______ _____ ______ into the hospital last night2.I have many hobbies. One of them is reading detective stories.(改为同义句)l have many hobbies,____ _____ _____ is reading detective stories3. If we take his suggestion. It is more probable that we will succeed on this project.(改为同义句)If we take his suggestion, we ______ ______ _____to be successful on this project语法综合:时态综合(二)一时态填空1.Helen ________(leave) her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband________(come) home.2.I ________(hope) to meet Mr. Thompson this morning,but I found nobody left in the room.3.By the time he ________(return) home,the work had been finished.4.We plan to reach the North Pole in mid-July,and by then we ____________(walk) for sixweeks.5.—Why are her eyes red?—She ____________(cry).6.You ________ always ________(watch) TV. Why not do something more active?7.—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?—No,but we ________(try) to get in touch with them ever since.dies and gentlemen,please fasten your safety belt. The plane________(take) off.9.Look at the timetable. Flight 4026 ________(take) off at 18:20.10.The bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ (rob)in broad daylight yesterday.11.Linda is thought ________(work) in Africa, but I really don't know what country she'sworking in.12.The population of China (be) larger than that of America, and 80% of the population inour country (be) farmers.13.The government (have) discussed the matter for a long time, but they have shown nosigns of reaching an agreement whether the old (be) still of value and should (remain) for the future, all of which still (remain) (see).14._____ (put) into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water andheating supply breakdowns.15. (separate) from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants andanimals not found in any other country in the world.16.Oil prices (rise) by 32 percent since the start of the year, ____(reach) a record US$ 57.65a barrel on April 4.17.Hearing the news, he rushed out, ______ (lie) the book ______ (open) on the table anddisappeared into the distance.二单选1.He was hoping to go abroad but his parents ______ that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.A. were decidingB. have decidedC. decidedD. will decide2. They __ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we it as no good results have come out so far.A. had been working; are still workingB. had worked; were still workingC. have been working; have workedD. have worked; are still working3. —Has Sam finished his homework today?—I have no idea. He ______ it this morning.A. didB. has doneC. was doingD. had done4. —The window is dirty.—I know. It for weeks.A. hasn’t cleanedB. didn’t cleanC. wasn’t cleanedD. hasn’t been cleaned5. —Thank goodness, you are here! What______ you? —Traffic jam.A. keepsB. is keepingC. had keptD. kept6. The crazy fans patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.A. were waitingB. had been waitingC. had waitedD. would wait7. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else ______ such a beautiful palace.A. can you findB. you could findC. you can findD. could you find8. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. persuadeB. will persuadedC. be persuadedD. are persuaded9. Now that she is out of job, Lucy going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to considered10. “I _____ his telephone number.” “I have his number, but I ____ to bring my phone book.”A. forget, forgetB. forgot, forgotC. forget, forgotD. forgot, forget11. I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I _____ too busy.A. wasB. had beenC. would beD. would have been12. Dear me! Just _____ at the time! I _____ no idea it was so late.A. look, haveB. looking, hadC. look, hadD. looking, have13. “Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it.” “It’s 4331577”A. didn’tB. couldn’tC. don’tD. can’t14. Mr Smith ______ a book ab out China last year but I don’t know whether he has finished it.A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing15. He has changed a lot. He _______ not what he _______.A. is, isB. was, wasC. is, wasD. was, is16. He is very busy. I don’t know if he _____ or not tomorrow.A. comeB. comesC. will comeD. is coming17. The bridge, which _____ 1688, needs repairing.A. is dated fromB. was dated fromC. dates fromD. dated from18. “You’ve left the light on.” “Oh, so I have. _____ and turn it off.”A. I’ll goB. I’ve goneC. I goD. I’m going19. Millions of pounds’ worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.A. has been causedB. had been causedC. will be causedD. will have been caused20. —Why did you leave that position?—I ______ a better position at IBM.A. offerB. offeredC. am offeredD. was offered21. Edward, you play so well. But I ______you played the piano.A. didn’t knowB. hadn’t knownC. don’t knowD. haven’t known22. My parents _____ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.A. liveB. livedC. were livingD. will live23. Teenagers their health because they play computer games too much.A. have damagedB. are damagingC. damagedD. will damage24. I ___ there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.A. would beB. have beenC. had beenD. will be25. --- I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.--- I think so. He _______ for it for months.A. is preparingB. was preparingC. had been preparingD. has been preparing26. Daniel's family their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.A. are enjoyingB. are to enjoyC. will enjoyD. will be enjoying27. Why does the Lake smell terrible?---Because large quantities of water__________.A. have pollutedB. is being pollutedC. has been pollutedD. have been pollutedIII. Find out the mistake in each sentence.( ) 1. Since more and more women in India were sexually assaulted, many humanA Brights supporters joined in a parade in the street to protest the government'sC Dinaction (不作为).( )2. Because British government was afraid that other countries might invade into A Bit, it put off the construction of the Channel Tunnel until one hundred years later.C D( ) 3. Providing endless entertainment to people all over the world, TV enjoys great A Bpopularity among people of different ages.C D()4. Sports personalities are constantly paid attention by the journalists who keep Aspying on their personal secrets, which raised the stars strong protests.B C D( )5. To aim to save those endangered species, the government set up someA Bconservation areas, where those wild animals could be protected from being hunted.C D( )6. This young footballer had a fight with the coach and then he was transferred A Bfrom Liverpool to another team with 5 million dollars, wasn't he?C D( )7. The books are sold in this bookshop sell so well that t has become widelyA B C known to people all over the town.D( )8 Do you really believe the reason that he offered for his always behaving so bad A B C Din his English class?( )9. With the clubs promoted footballers like pop or film stars, the sports industryA Bhas always been treated as big business.C D( ) 10. Being badly injured in the yearly sporting event, he was sent to the hospitalA Bimmediately. He is now waiting to be operated on, with his face turning pale.C DIV. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.1.The program (create) for the purpose of helping the deaf is worth_ _ (praise).2.My uncle said that he (telephone) me but I (not hear) from him so far.3. We (can walk) to the station. It was so near. Yes, a taxi________ (not be) at all necessary.4. They believed that by (use) computers, the production of their factory (increase) by the end of the next year.5. By the time he was nine, Wesley (take) part in six marathons.6. John and I (be) friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we (see) each other a couple of times before that.7. Do you know if it (rain) tomorrow? If it (rain), we wont go to the Great Wall.8. In the past few years, many big buildings (put) up in my hometown.9. Look at the clouds! It (rain).10. He said great changes (take place) in our hometown since I left it in the past two decades.V. Word formation.1. Tazief was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting . (violence)2. It worries the public that some who committed serious have escaped from the prison.(crime)3. He was badly in the accident. As he didn’t do anything about thethey became infected and caused great pain. (injure)4 The young writers new book was strongly by some famous literatureIn the country. But their did not stop him writing another book. (critic)5. During the most difficult periods of my life, the of my friends and family gave me the confidence to start all over again. (companion)6. Our family trip to Florida, USA has been a truly experience for our eight-year-old kid, which will last forever in his . (memory)7. One of ways to cope with the extremely humid weather is to install a dehumidifier(抽湿机) in the house. (affect)8. Due to an effective promotion by the whole team, the show turned out to have gone up inthe_______ .(rate)9. I have never gone to a _____ concert in my life! Though l’m not quite a big fan of this band, l’ ve enjoyed my time here a lot. (enjoy)VI. Finish the sentences with the given phrases in their proper forms.1.The expedition have decided to do everything they can the difficulties they might meet during their research into the rainforest.2.I want to do something to protect nature. That's why I’ll take a job the environment.3.The computer teachers introduced some newly published textbooks from abroad to their everyday teaching strengthen st udents’ computer knowledge at all levels..4 Eating and drinking too much give one stomach trouble. the ongoing construction ofa new irport on5.Hundreds of local farmers are often seen the ongoing construction of a new airporton their rich farmland.6.Rural residents buy cars since the government decided to offer them subsidies last year.7. China, Russia has promised to offer us constant supply of natural gas at a lower cost.8. The girl seems the seriousness of the problem now for she looks a bit anxious.9. by running a successful business in he past five years, , he planned to spend part of the money on charity work.VII. Sentence transformation.1. He suffered from a serious injury because of the car accident. (同义句)the car accident, he was .2. In order to improve his spoken English, he practiced speaking English every day. (同义句)_ improve his spoken English, he practiced speaking English every day.3. This NGO provides the people who live in poor regions with free medical service. (同义句)This NGO provides free medical service people________ in poor regions.4. There is a close link between local climate and some diseases and other threats to human health. (同义句)Local climate has become some diseases and other threats to human health.5. Most football clubs are run as businesses and they advertise the football players like the pop or film stars. (同义句),many football clubs_ the football players like the pop or film stars.6. To get attention, sportspeople sometimes behave in bad ways on and off the field. (同义句)To get attention, sportspeople sometimes behave on and off the fields.7. Where will Tom hold his birthday party? Do you think? (连成一句)do you think his birthday party?南外2016-2017学年初三英语第一次月考试卷一、单项选择1-5 BDCBA 6-10 DBCBB 11-15 DACAC二、改错16-20 BBADA 21-25 DCDCA三词性变化1.close;close;closely2.Politics;political3.Invaded;invaders;invasion4.Entertainment(s);sports/sporting5.Injury;injured;injured6.Violent;behavior7.Following8.Close;closely9.Worsepetitions11. violence;violent 12. separated;separation 13.criticize14. close;closely;close 15.effective 16.entertain;entertainment四时态填空1.did; visit; were2.Was/is writing; saw; walking3.Find; did; graduate;have; been; had4.Must have put5.To have missed; had called; would have known6.Cycled; decided; to go; were looking; dropped; didn’t need; to pay7.Has been; was abandoned8.Will last; won’t; will get9.Is getting; to wear10.Have been working/have worked11.To be made12.Banned; had been taken13.Surrounded14.Not solved15. were killed;haven’t been found16.spending;needed17. taught;returned;works;will come 18.to do;staying19. was being chased;crying 20.agreed;building;would be五选词填空1.has been a great help2.to cope with3.effects...has on4.be allowed to5.is presented to六句型变化1.was seen to rush2.one of which3.are more likely语法训练二:时态综合一动词时态填空1.had left;came2.had hoped3.returned4.will have walked5.has been crying6.are;watching7.have been trying8.is taking9.takes10.to have been robbed11.to be working12.is; are13.have; is; be remained; remains; to be seen14.Put15.Having been separated16.have risen; reaching17.lying; open二单选1-5 BACDD6-10 BADBC11-15 ACADC16-20 CCAAD21-25 AABCD26-27 DD改错1-5 DBBAA 6-10 CADAA用所给词的适当形式填空1.created;parsing2.Would/had telephoned;haven’t heard3.Could have walked; wasn’ting; would have increased5.Had taken6.Have been; had seen7.Will rain; rains8.Have been put9.Is going to rain10.Had taken place用所给词的适当形式填空1.Violently2.Criminals; crimes3.Injured4.Criticized;criticismpanionship6.Memorable; memory7.The most effective8.Ratings9.More enjoyable选词填空1.To cope with2.Closely connected with3.Aiming to4.Is likely to5.To protest against6.Are encouraged to7.To improve cooperation with8.To have been aware of9.Having made a profit句型变化1.as a result of; seriously injured2.Aiming to3.For;living4.Closely connected with5.Run as business; promote6. Badly7.Where Tom will hold。