















1决策2企业道德3构造文化4职权5 ERP二、判断1*101、创新作为一项管理职能,贯穿于各种管理职能之中。






























28. 除非年龄在50岁以下,并且能维持游泳三千米以上,否则不能参加下个月举行的横渡长江活动。



以上断定能推出以下哪项结论?I 老黄的年龄至少50岁。

II 老黄患有高血压。

III 老黄患有心脏病。






29. 一项对西部山区小塘村的调查发现:小塘村约五分之三的儿童入中学后出现中度以上的近视,而他们父母及祖辈,没有机会到正规学校接受教育,很少出现近视。














) 1.一家商店为回收资金把甲乙两件商品均以480元一件卖出。

已知甲商品赚了20%,乙商品亏了20%,则商店盈亏结果为(A)不亏不赚 (B)亏了50元 (C)赚了50元 (D)赚了40元 (E)亏了40元 2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。

(A)686 (B)637 (C)700 (D)661 (E)6003.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每()天购买一次原料。

(A)11 (B)10 (C)9 (D)8 (E)74.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。

现将浓度为12%的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果 A ,B ,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是 (A)A 试管,10克 (B)B 试管,20克 (C)C 试管,30克 (D)B 试管,40克 (E)C 试管,50克5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A)增加 (B)减少半个小时 (C)不变 (D)减少1个小时 (E)无法判断6.方程214x x -+=的根是( )。



2009 年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试管理学题号一二三四五总分分值60 20 30 24 16 150注意事项:答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号涂写在答题卡上。


一、选择题(每小题2 分,共60 分)在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。


1.韦伯认为,理想的行政组织形式的基础是A.个人崇拜式权威B.理性—合法权威C.传统式权威D.个人情感2.预算也被称为A.规划B.规则C.数字化的计划D.方案3.控制标准是时间的函数,这种控制类型属于A.程序控制B.跟踪控制C.自适应控制D.最佳控制4.组织文化的核心是A.组织形象设计B.组织制度的完善C.组织的价值观D.管理机制5.持久、有形、可以核实的沟通方式是A.口头方式B.书面方式C.非语言方式D.电子媒介方式6.组织中的每一个人只能服从一个上级的指挥,这是法约尔提出的A.分工原则B.集权与分权原则C.统一指挥原则D.统一领导原则7.根据计划的明确性,可以将计划分为A.长期计划、中期计划和短期计划B.战略性计划和战术性计划C.具体性计划和指导性计划D.程序性计划和非程序性计划8.矩阵型组织结构的主要缺点是A.易产生隧道视野B.双重领导,权责不一致C.部门间协调难D.易产生本位主义9.能够防止“彼得现象”的产生的管理人员的培训方法是A.设置代理职务B.设立助理职务C.工作轮换D.工作丰富化10.俄亥俄州立大学对领导方式的研究发现,更能使下属达到高绩效和高满意度的领导方式是A.低关怀——低定规B.高关怀——低定规C.低关怀——高定规D.高关怀——高定规11.某人渴望结成紧密的个人关系、回避冲突以及建立亲切的友谊,这是A.成就的需要B.依附的需要C.权力的需要D.安全的权力12.责任、权力、利益三者之间不可分割,必须是协调的、平衡的和统一的,这是组织工作中的A.责权利相结合原则B.分工协作原则C.目标任务原则D.平衡原则13.保证在组织中“事事有人做”体现了下面的哪个职能A.计划职能B.组织职能C.领导职能D.控制职能14.管理中有一说法叫“跳起来,摘桃子”,可用来描述目标的A.可接受性B.挑战性C.可实现性D.可考核性15.人口、教育、风俗习惯等属于管理环境中的哪类因素A.政治法律环境B.经济环境C.社会文化环境D.技术环境16.“5W1H”所描述的是哪个管理职能的内容A.计划B.组织C.领导D.控制17.现代管理理论中,注重量化分析,强调运用数学模型解决决策问题,以寻求决策的科学化与精确化的学派是A.决策理论学派B.行为科学学派C.管理科学学派D.系统管理学派18.“物以类聚、人以群分”这一现象可以用下面哪一说法最适当地予以解释A.正式组织B.非正式组织C.组织分工D.人员配备19.专注于产品的经营,充分合理地利用专有资产,提高专业化经营的效率水平,有利于“多面手”式人才的成长,是部门化形式中的A.产品或服务部门化B.地域部门化C.职能部门化D.顾客部门化20.有利于调动员工的工作积极性,有利于被聘请者迅速展开工作的招聘方法是A.外部招聘B.内部提拔C.职介推荐D.领导任命21.由外部或内部的审计人员对管理政策及其绩效进行评估的审计方法是A.外部审计B.内部审计C.管理审计D.经营审计22.通过会议的形式,邀集有关专家就某一问题畅所欲言,从中收集决策方案或评估方案的方法是A.德尔菲法B.层次分析法C.名义群体法D.头脑风暴法23.在组织的运行过程中,遇到冲突或问题时,管理者必须善于处理冲突和解决问题,这时管理者扮演的角色是A.决策角色B.信息角色C.人际角色D.联络角色24.没有前例可以遵循,较不确定的、关系重大的新问题的决策属于A.战略决策B.战术决策C.程序化决策D.非程序化决策25.下面哪个选项是亚当·斯密对管理理论的主要贡献A.劳动分工B.人事管理C.管理制度D.报酬研究26.认为决策要完全依据其后果或结果做出,是下述四种道德观中的A.功利观B.权利观C.公平观D.综合观27.下述哪个是扁平式组织的缺点A.信息传递速度慢B.信息失真程度大C.不利于管理者协调与控制D.不利于发挥下级积极性28.下述哪个环节不属于勒温提出的组织变革三步骤中的一个环节A.诊断B.解冻C.冻结D.再冻结29.管理者与领导者关注的重点不同,领导者关注的重点是A.做正确的事B.正确地做事C.接受现状D.控制和结果30.从创新行为与组织环境的关系来看,创新可分为A.局部创新和整体创新B.防御型创新和进攻型创新C.组织初期创新和组织发展过程创新D.自发创新和有组织创新二、判断题(每小题2 分,共20 分)你认为正确的在答题卡相应的题后括号内划“√”,反之划“×”31.管理思想是管理理论的基础,管理理论是管理思想的提炼、概括和升华,因此,所有的管理思想都可以升华为管理理论。

09年研究生考试英语阅读真题分篇 text-2

09年研究生考试英语阅读真题分篇 text-2

2009全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题Text 2It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom – or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his loca l drugstore – and another $120 to get the results.More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests Directly to the public , ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and latest rage a many passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic roots .Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New Y ork University sociologist. He note s that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Y et most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.26.In paragraphs 1 and 2 , the text shows PTK’s ___________.[A]easy availability[B]flexibility in pricing[C] successful promotion[D] popularity with households27. PTK is used to __________.[A]locate one’s birth place[B]promote genetic research[C] identify parent-child kinship[D] choose children for adoption28. Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to__________.[A]trace distant ancestors[B] rebuild reliable bloodlines[C] fully use genetic information[D] achieve the claimed accuracy29. In the last paragraph ,a problem commercial genetic testing faces is __________.[A]disorganized data collection[B] overlapping database building30. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be__________.[A]Fors and Againsts of DNA testing[B] DNA testing and It’s problems[C]DNA testing outside the lab[D] lies behind DNA testing。



2009年6⽉研究⽣英语学位考试真题及答案2009年6⽉研究⽣学位英语考试真题及答案A卷Part I Listening Comprehension (25 MINUTES, 20 POINTS)Section A (1 point each)Direction: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation。

question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. A. Visit her parents.B. Go to the dentist.C. Meet her professor.D. Have a job interview.2. A. Bob is majoring in history.B. Bob is a little boring.C. He likes Bob very much.D. They should invite Bob to the party.3. A. The flight was delayed.B. She didn't like the movies.C. She had seen both movies before.D. No movies were shown on her flight.4. A. It’s drier.B. It’s wetter.C. It’s abnormal.D. It’s an average year.5. A. Western.B. Horror.C. Science fiction.D. Action.6. A. Wait for MikeB. Ask Mike to come.C. Pick Mike up in the morning.D. Stop working for the day.7. A. She doesn’t like playing tennis.B. She was thinking the same as the man.C. She had something else in mind.D. She had suggested the same thing earlier.8. A. Matt wants to be cheered up.B. Matt has lost himself.C. Matt worries little about the game.D. Martha feels a little depressed.9. A. The man is a coward.B. The man is too careful.C. Martha likes chicken very much.D. Martha is not the right person for him.Section B (1 point each)Directions: In this section you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the balks and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause.. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given .by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Mini-talk One10. A. Mr. Lee always wastes time in class.B. Mr. Lee likes talking about history.C. Mr. Lee always feels bored in class.D. Mr. Lee is a little funny.11. A. Boring.B. Satisfactory.C. Inconsistent.D. Inspiring.12. A. Jim has taken a low end job.B. Jim has got a well-paid job.C. Jim is not hopeless in finding a job.D. Jim is desperate in finding a job.Mini-talk Two13. A. The control of drug trafficking in the United States.B. The anti-drug war about the border between Mexico and U.S.C. The investigation of the death of a retired U.S.general.D. The fight of corruption inside Mexican police.14. A. The criminal groups are growing very rapidly.B. The criminal groups can get more profits now.C. Mexican government has not been serious about the drug trade.D. Mexican government is effective in fighting the drug trade.15. A. 6,000B. 10,000C. 45,000D. 54,000Section C(1 point each)Directions; In this section, you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording, you are asked to write down your answers on the Answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.请在录⾳结束后把16-20题的答案抄写在答题纸上)16. For best results with the least risk, tomatoes should be planted when _________.17. Some larger tomatoes may need at least a meter and a half __________.18. The average air temperature should be about _________Celsius.19. There was a time when people thought tomatoes _________,which is not true.20. Some fruits may be called “vegetables” because they are used in delicious foods instead of__________.Section A (0.5 point each)Directions: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets onyour ,machine-scoring Answer Sheet.21.People who work overtime at any job are more likely to sustain a work-related injury than those who work their regular hours.A. maintainB. endureC. supportD. suffer22. These instruments are so powerful as to enable them to ascertain many facts of the deepest interest.A. put outB. find outC. wear outD. turn out23. Kunz looked set to become a star in his field, but he gave it all up after these failures.A. fixedB. stereotypedC. determinedD. built24. In the disciplines underlying our high-tech economy, America is steadily losing its global edge.A. borderC. appealD. territory25. The Chinese economy is less affected, so there is no reason to take a dim view of economic growth.A. pessimisticB. blackC. vagueD. positive26.The spacecraft touched down on schedule and the astronauts were helped out of it.A. launched B.operated C. landed D. crashed27. In the tropic rainforest there is a wide range of species peculiar to this area.A. specificB. oddC. distinctD. familiar28. The officer distributed among the youngster all the blankets and provisions, withholding himself only a canteen.A. keeping offB. keeping backC. keeping atD. keeping up29.These graduates are more than obliged to the college for the happy four years of college life.A. obligatoryB. reluctantC. indifferentD. grateful30. Regular exercise can keep you energetic and contribute to a productive life in the long run.A. athleticallyB. successivelyC. ultimatelyD. persistentlySection B (0.5 point each)Directions:There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.31. Observers commented that loss of independence was too high a(n) _________ to pay for peace.A. costC. expenditureD. price32. The journalist who had set out to obtain these important facts__________a long time to send them.A. spentB. tookC. passedD. consumed33.Telling your doctor about all the medicines you take may help avoid serious drug_________.A. interactionsB. interruptionsC. interventionsD. institutions34. Two dozen New Yorkers stood on the platform at the subway station, __________briefcases and newspapers·A. clippingB. clutchingC. clashingD. clarifying35.Each __________ effort a baby makes at speech is a sign of intellectual development.A. cordialB. compactC. clumsyD. chronic36. Iran has expanded its uranium enrichment activities__________ UN demands to scrap its nuclear-related programs·A, in defiance of B. in line with C. in return for D. in relation to37.China moved to ________ its grain production when its grain output had kept declining for five consecutive years.A. turn upB. take upC. step upD. make up38.The most interesting thing ________ Americans is that they are brought up to believe they are the best at evervthing.A. withB. inC. fromD. about39. The dean asked the secretary if there were enough people _________to hold a faculty meeting.A. on purposeB. on endC. on handD. on average40. Visitors to this war museum are ___________ to see photos of mass massacre by Japanese soldiers.A. amazedB. startledC. wonderedD. startedPART III CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)Directions: There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.It's a new world, and we barely seem to have noticed. Places we ____41_____ with inexpensive low-end manufacturing are going high-tech in a big ____42_____. The spotlight is mainly in China and India, for good_____43______. The Chinese economy is surging, ___44___ by increasingly sophisticated engineering, with products____45____ from automobiles to semiconductors. India has nearly as _____46_____ an economy, powered by a cheap English-speaking labor force who ____47____ in software and services.Along with these ____48_____ giants,countries like Japan, South Korea and Singapore are also challenging America’s _____49_____ . If present trends continue, 90% of all the world’s scientists and engineers will be living in Asia_____50_____ 2010, according to Nobel Prize winner Richard E. Smalley, professor of chemistry and physics at Rice University:41. A. deal B. associate C. communicate D. concern42. A. scale . B. route C. Way D. dimension43. A. reason B. purpose C. effect D. health44. A. checked B. burned C. fueled D. extinguished45. A. varying B. differing C. changing D. ranging46. A. tragic B. drastic C. dynamic D. static47. A. surpass B. excel C. overtake D. bypass48. A. emerging B. diverging C. submerging D. merging49. A. manipulation B. presidency C. constitution D.dominance50. A. until B. in C. by D. beforePART IV READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage OneHeadphones used with MP3 digital -music players like the iPod may interfere with heart pacemakers(起搏器)and implantable defibrillators(除颤器),U.S.researchers said. The MP3 players themselves posed no threat to pacemakersand defibrillators, used to normalize heart rhythm. But strong little magnets inside the headphones can foul即the devices if placed within 1.2 inches of them, the researchers told an American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans.Dr. William Maisel of the Medical Device Safety Institute in Boston led a team that tested eight models of MP3 player headphones,including clip-on and ear-plug types, in 60 defibrillator and pacemaker patients.They placed the headphones on the patients' chests,directly over the devices.The headphones interfered with the heart devices in about a quarter of the patients⼀14 of the 60⼀and interference was twice as likely in those with a defibrillator than with a pacemaker. Another study presented at the meeting showed that cellular phones equipped with wireless technology known as Bluetooth are unlikely to interfere with pacemakers.A pacemaker sends electrical impulses to the heart to speed up or slow heart rhythm. The magnet, however, couldmake it deliver a signal no matter what the heart rate is, the researchers said.An implantable defibrillator signals the heart to normalize its rhythm if it gets too fast or slow. A magnet couldde-activate it, making it ignore an abnormal heart rhythm instead of delivering an electrical shock to normalize it.The devices usually go back to working the right way after the headphones are removed, the researchers said."The main message here is: it's fine for patients to use their headphones normally, meaning the⼣can listen to music and keep the headphones in their ears.But what they should not do is put the headphones near their device,,,Maisel said in a telephone interview.So that means people with pacemakers or defibrillators should not place the headphones in a shirt pocket or coat pocket near the chest when they are not being used, and should not place them over their chest or have others who are wearing headphones rest their head on the patient's chest, Maisel said.51. How can MP3 digital music players hinder pacemakers and defibrillators?A. P3 players can interfere with heart pacemakers and defibrillators.B. The magnets inside the headphones can interfere with pacemakers and defibrillators.C. The loud music beats pose a threat to pacemakers and defibrillators.D. MP3 players are placed too close to pacemakers and defibrillators.52. Dr. William Maisel’s tests showed that ___________.A. headphones had interference with the heart devices in every patientB. half of the models of MP3 player headphones had interference with heart devicesC. headphones had much stronger interference with a defibrillator than with a pacemakerD. headphones had much stronger interference with a pacemaker than with a defibrillator53.Bluetooth is mentioned as an example of cell phones that _____________.A. have little interference with the heart devicesB. are used in the tests in Dr. William Maisel’s studyC. are equipped with wireless technologyD. will replace the MP3 player headphones54. The magnets inside the headphones can cause problems by _________.A. sending out electrical shock to damage heartsB. sending out signals to make hearts beat too slowC. seeding out signals to make hearts beat too fastD. making the heart devices malfunction55. People with pacemakers or defibrillators should __________.A. never use MP3 digital music playersB. not use MP3 headphonesC. not use the headphones near their heartsD. put the headphones in a pocket when they are not being used56. The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to ___________.A. report the effects of cell phones on heartsB. warn people not to use modern gadgetsC. compare different headphone productsD. inform people of the safe use of MP3 playersPassage TwoCyber crime is likely to bring about as much destruction as the credit crisis in the coming years if international regulation is not improved, some of the world’s top crime experts said Damage caused by cyber crime is estimated at $100 billion annually, said Kilian Strauss, of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)."These criminals outsmart us ten, or a hundred to one,,,Strauss told Reuters, adding more Internet experts were needed to investigate and tackle cyber crime.Criminal organizations are exploiting a regulatory vacuum to commit Internet crimes such as computer spying, money-laundering and theft of personal information, and the scope for damage is vast, experts told a European Economic Crime conference in Frankfurt. "We need multilateral understanding, account and oversight to avoid, in the years to come, a cyber crisis equivalent to the current financial crisis,”Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said.Internet crime is also a threat to national security, they said. Several countries, including the United States, have voiced concern over some hackers’ abilities to electronically spy on them’and disrupt computer networks.Calls for greater regulation of the Internet come at a time of regulatory renaissance, with policymakers looking to support the powers of financial sector watchdogs in the wake of the global financial crisis."Because of the transnational nature of identity-related crime, and especially of cyber-crime, if we do not tackle the crime everywhere we will not solve it anywhere,” Costa said. The President of Interpol, Khoo Boon Hui, said increasingly highly technological gangs from Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa ~coming up with ever~sophisticated ways of swindling money from vulnerable people. He also said there was a trend of company bosses being bribed by fraudsters claiming to have guilty evidence about their firms.Strauss, who works as Senior Program Officer at the Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental activities, said Internet crime watchdogs could learn a lot from criminals willing to switch sides.57. The main idea of the passage is that _________.A. cyber crime is as destructive as the credit crisis in the coming yearsB. damage caused by cyber crime is very serious and will get worseC. to fight cyber crime requires enhanced international regulationD. international organizations should be established to crush cyber crime58. According to Kilian Strauss, _____________.A. cyber criminals are 10 or 100 times smarter than Internet expertsB. Internet exerts are 10 or 100 times smarter than cyber criminalsC. as cyber criminals are very smart, more experts are needed to light against themD. the investigation of the cyber crime takes time and money59. Criminal organizations can commit internet crimes because _________.A. there is no effective regulationB. they can exploit the present regulationsC. no country has paid enough attention to themD.the current financial crisis has put the authorities at a loss60. To win the war against cyber crime; __________.A. policymakers should support their governments financiallyB. each country should solve its own problems effectivelyC. United States should play a very important roleD, international cooperation is crucial61. The underlined word swindling (in the 5th paragraph) is closest in meaning to “_______”.A. bribingB. cheatingC. corruptingD. robbing62. Straus believes that ___________.A. Internet security experts can learn a lot from cyber criminalsB. if cyber criminals will cooperate with the police, they can be helpfulC. Internet crime watchdogs will make cyber criminals shift groundsD. international」organizations can solve the problems of cyber crimePassage ThreeIt's hard to know who to trust these days.When we see people staging protests we think, Wow!These folks are passionate about their cause⼀otherwise, why would they stand in the rain for hours?But sometimes it's a show: You and even your Congressman may have been raised to power by manipulative marketers who pay serious money to hire protesters.It's a mean trick. Let's say you want to stage a political rally, but you just can't find enough people for a good turnout. What you need are folks with lots of time on their hands, who can be persuaded to make a fuss over almost anything. Solution: Head down to a homeless shelter and take out cash.No joke⼀hiring the homeless is catching on. Last October, a Georgia activist pushing a state law to crack down on illegal immigrants paid 14 homeless men $10 each to hold signs and march around. It worked. People thought the rally was genuine⼀a local radio station even broadcast it live. But listeners had no idea this was just a crowd for hire.Pay for rage works⼀the homeless get a little income and the lobbying group gets a crowd. The only losers are citizens and. the media, who think the whole show is legitimate. After 'a Phoenix TV station recently noticed rallies featuring the homeless, they asked some of the protesters, who were holding signs about a local labor dispute, what they were upset about. Many had no idea. "All we do is stand out here and hold the signs,,’said one.Some bold organizers have been known to "borrow'’ people's names. In one case a few years ago, members of Congress were swamped with telegrams about a telecom bill. But some constituents were confused when they got phone calls from their concerned Congressmen⼀because they'd never written in to begin with. It turned out that thousands of the telegrams were faked by a telecom-industry PR firm. And guess what? No aspect of this campaign appears to have violated Postal Service regulations.That means your name could be used next in support of a corporate cause you've never heard of. All of this amounts to a corruption of our democratic system: You can't trust someone who's calling you about a political issue, and if you write to your Congressman, he might not trust that you haven't been manipulated.Maybe the solution starts with unmasking all those protest rallies that are just outrage-for-hire purchased down at the local shelter.63. From the first paragraph it can be learned that _________.A. those protesting in the cold rain are respectableB. most Congressmen were elected by fake votesC. in come cases protesters are hiredD. people staging protests are passionate64. Which of the following statements is true?A. The homeless tend to organize protests and rallies.B. Political rallies are sometimes manipulated by power and money.C. The homeless are to blame for deceiving the public and media.D. Political rallies attended by the homeless are on the decline.65.The passage implies that sometimes _________.A. people were deceived into believing that this was a real and legal rallyB. the hired protesters. knew clearly what they were pushing forC. such protests have never attracted any attentionD. organizers paid generously for these protesters66. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 "pay for rage works" means that _________.A. organizers of such rallies have to pay the participantsB. expressing anger can lead to good solutionsC. the homeless have to be paid moreD. hiring people to show your outrage is effective67. To shape the Congressmen's opinion, a telecom-industry PR firm ___________.A. asked the constituents to send telegrams to the CongressmenB. wrote to local residents for supportC. tried to violate Postal Service regulationsD. sent telegrams to the Congressmen in the names of local constituents68. Protest rallies of this kind might result in ___________.A. business deceptionsB. disappearance of political trustC. the increase of the homelessD. the collapse of a political partyPassage FourIt had been a long, brutal day on the sales floor for young Brent. He'd had his share of "ups"-what retail salespeople say when it's their turn with the next customer-and more than his share of downs.And now he was in danger of being shut out for the day.He hadn't been shut out in a long rime. Even in his early days with the company, he could always sell something to someone. He was a natural. But not on this day. This,of course, exposed him to some good-natured ridicule from his associates,who took not-so-secret delight in seeing the sales genius get his stroke of misfortune.Brent had more at stake here than just professional pride and reputation, however. Brent was a new father: He and his wife,Kay, had decided that she would be a full-time mom, which meant he would financially support the family. When he did well on the sales floor, finances weren't a problem. But when he struggled to make sales,the whole family struggled.Toward the end of the day, a man came in to buy a suit. This was potentially a good sale, the kind that can turn a bad day into a good one-just like that. Brent worked hard to make the sale. But the man hesitated. Brent knew all too well the look he saw in his eyes-the look of a customer about to walk out the door empty-handed. When it became clear that the man was going to leave to do a little comparison shopping, Brent handed him his business card and invited him to return after he'd had a chance to look around.The man looked at Brent's card, then took a long look at Brent."So you're Brent's boy," the man said, referring to the card that identified him as Brent Jr."Do you know my dad?" Brent asked.“Sure do," the man said. T hey chatted for a moment, establishing the link between father and son. Then the man said, "Your dad's a good man. If you're anything like him…well, tell me again about that suit."Brent called his father that night, but not to recount the story. "I just wanted to thank you," he said, "for giving me a name I can be proud of."69. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that as a salesman Brent was ___________.A. creativeB. hard-workingC. experiencedD. warm-hearted70. Th e underlined words “stroke of misfortune" in Paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to ________.A. change of fateB. bad luckC. a rare opportunityD. an unexpected reward71. It is known from the passage that ____________.A. Brent's family had to struggle to make ends meetB. Brent's family had to experience a temporary hard timeC. the family's future depended on Brent and his wife keeping their jobsD:the family's well-being was closely related to Brent's sales performance72. As soon as the man entered the store to buy a suit,_·A. Brent felt that his chance finally cameB .Brent decided to chat with him for a whileC. Brent gave him his greeting and business cardDent was sure that he couldn'‘make the sale73.Brent made a call to his father because heA. had had a good day on the sales floorB .had met an old friend of his father’s earlier in the day·'E}-s proud of his~’s achievementD. was grateful for having a respectable name74. We can learn from the story that_.A. we should cherish what we havekey to success is to never give即C. it is important to have a good reputationD. our family is the most valuable treasurePassage FiveIf the universality of immersion-style language programs, emergency test prep classes, tired college kids is any indication, cramming(临时抱佛脚)is a wildly popular study strategy. Professors frown upon it yet conspire by squeezing vast topics like "Evolution" or "World history 1914 to present" into the last week of a course. So is cramming effective or not? A new study by UC-San Diego psychologists confirms what you may suspect deep down: The answer is no. Hurried memorization is a .hopeless approach for retaining information. But it's not all bad news. The team offers a precise formula for better study habits, arid it doesn't necessarily need dogged discipline and routine.To arrive at their prescription, the scientists tested the "spacing effect" on long-term memory. In other words,they wanted to know how the time gap between study sessions influences the ability to remember material on test day. They asked 1,354 volunteers to memorize 32 trivial facts, such as "Who invented snow golf?" (Rudyard Kipling) and "What European nation consumes the most spicy Mexican food?" (Norway).Participants reviewed the answers anywhere from several minutes to several months after first learning them, and then~tested up to a year later.The findings?Students perform better when they space their study sessions rather than when they try to cram everything into th eir heads during one sitting.’ But for those who must cram, timing is everything. According to the researchers, if you have only one date on which to study, choose a day that's closer to when you first learned the material than when you take the test-but not too close. For instance, if you have a French lesson on Monday and a quiz the following· Monday, you should study on Wednesday for maximum retention. Tuesday is too early and Sunday is too late. If you want to remember something for a year, wait about a month to review what you learned.Hal Pashler, one of the lead authors, suspects that most crammers don't realize the error of their ways."Even in the scientific community, cram type summer courses on new research methods are extremely popular," he told me in ⼏an email.‘`And I have never heard people who take these courses even notice the fact that they are a perfect prescription for rapid forgetting.”75.Which of the following can best describe professors,attitude towardcramming?A. Rationally rejecting.13}.,Xeasonably ignoring.C .Readily accepting. D.Reluctantly helping.76.The new study on cramming_·AV&kes us confused about how to understand“B .proves the correctness of the general understandingC,points out the problems with what's popularly knownD .raises questions as to what should be avoided77.Paragraph 2 mainly describes_.A. the necessity of the testB. the procedure of the testC. the selection of the test subiectsVIC content of the test questions78.According to the passage,. the most important cramming strategy is。



2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一试题一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分.(1) 当0x →时,()sin f x x ax =-与()()2ln 1g x x bx =-是等价无穷小,则 ( )(A) 11,6a b ==-. (B) 11,6a b ==. (C) 11,6a b =-=-. (D) 11,6a b =-=.(2) 如图,正方形(){},1,1x y x y ≤≤被其对角线划分为四个区域()1,2,3,4k D k =,cos kk D I y xdxdy =⎰⎰,则{}14max k k I ≤≤= ( )(A) 1I .(B) 2I .(C) 3I .(D) 4I .(3) 设函数()y f x =在区间[]1,3-上的图形为则函数()()0xF x f t dt =⎰的图形为 ( )(A) (B)(C)(D)(4) 设有两个数列{}{},n n a b ,若lim 0n n a →∞=,则 ( )(A) 当1nn b∞=∑收敛时,1n nn a b∞=∑收敛. (B) 当1nn b∞=∑发散时,1n nn a b∞=∑发散.(C) 当1n n b ∞=∑收敛时,221n nn a b ∞=∑收敛.(D) 当1n n b ∞=∑发散时,221n n n a b ∞=∑发散. (5) 设123,,ααα是3维向量空间3R 的一组基,则由基12311,,23ααα到基122331,,αααααα+++的过渡矩阵为 ( )(A) 101220033⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭.(B) 120023103⎛⎫⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭.(C)111246111246111246⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭.(D) 111222111444111666⎛⎫-⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭. (6) 设,A B 均为2阶矩阵,**,A B 分别为,A B 的伴随矩阵,若2,3A B ==,则分块矩阵O A B O ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭的伴随矩阵为 ( ) (A) **32O B A O ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭. (B) **23O B A O ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.(C) **32O A BO ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.(D) **23OA BO ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.(7) 设随机变量X 的分布函数为()()10.30.72x F x x -⎛⎫=Φ+Φ⎪⎝⎭,其中()x Φ为标准正态分布的分布函数,则EX = ( ) (A) 0.(B) 0.3.(C) 0.7.(D) 1.(8) 设随机变量X 与Y 相互独立,且X 服从标准正态分布()0,1N ,Y 的概率分布为{}{}1012P Y P Y ====.记()Z F z 为随机变量Z XY =的分布函数,则函数()Z F z 的间断点个数为 ( ) (A) 0.(B) 1. (C) 2.(D) 3.二、填空题:9-14小题,每小题4分,共24分,请将答案写在答题纸指定位置上.(9) 设函数(),f u v 具有二阶连续偏导数,(),z f x xy =,则2zx y∂=∂∂ .(10) 若二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程0y ay by '''++=的通解为()12xy C C x e =+,则非齐次方程y ay by x '''++=满足条件()()02,00y y '==的解为y = .(11) 已知曲线(2:0L y x x =≤≤,则Lxds =⎰ .(12) 设(){}222,,1x y z xy z Ω=++≤,则2z dxdydz Ω=⎰⎰⎰ .(13) 若3维列向量,αβ满足2T αβ=,其中Tα为α的转置,则矩阵T βα的非零特征值为.(14) 设12,,,m X X X 为来自二项分布总体(),B n p 的简单随机样本,X 和2S 分别为样本均值和样本方差.若2X kS +为2np 的无偏估计量,则k = .三、解答题:15-23小题,共94分.请将解答写在答题纸指定的位置上.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. (15)(本题满分9分)求二元函数()22(,)2ln f x y x y y y =++的极值.(16)(本题满分9分)设n a 为曲线n y x =与()11,2,n y xn +== 所围成区域的面积,记11,n n S a ∞==∑2211n n S a ∞-==∑,求1S 与2S 的值.(17)(本题满分11分)椭球面1S 是椭圆22143x y +=绕x 轴旋转而成,圆锥面2S 是由过点()4,0且与椭圆22143x y +=相切的直线绕x 轴旋转而成. (Ⅰ)求1S 及2S 的方程; (Ⅱ)求1S 与2S 之间的立体体积. (18)(本题满分11分)(Ⅰ)证明拉格朗日中值定理:若函数()f x 在[],a b 上连续,在(,)a b 可导,则存在(),a b ξ∈,使得()()()()f b f a f b a ξ'-=-.(Ⅱ)证明:若函数()f x 在0x =处连续,在()()0,0δδ>内可导,且()0lim x f x A +→'=,则()0f +'存在,且()0f A +'=.(19)(本题满分10分)计算曲面积分()32222xdydz ydzdx zdxdyI xy z∑++=++⎰⎰,其中∑是曲面222224x y z ++=的外侧.(20)(本题满分11分) 设111111042A --⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭,1112ξ-⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭(Ⅰ)求满足22131,A A ξξξξ==的所有向量23,ξξ; (Ⅱ)对(Ⅰ)中的任意向量23,ξξ,证明:123,,ξξξ线性无关. (21)(本题满分11分)设二次型()()2221231231323,,122f x x x ax ax a x x x x x =++-+-(Ⅰ)求二次型f 的矩阵的所有特征值; (Ⅱ)若二次型f 的规范形为2212y y +,求a 的值. (22)(本题满分11分)袋中有1个红球,2个黑球与3个白球.现有放回地从袋中取两次,每次取一个球,以,,X Y Z 分别表示两次取球所取得的红球、黑球与白球的个数.(Ⅰ)求{}10P X Z ==;(Ⅱ)求二维随机变量(),X Y 的概率分布. (23)(本题满分11 分) 设总体X 的概率密度为2,0,()0,x xe x f x λλ-⎧>=⎨⎩其他, 其中参数(0)λλ>未知,12,,,n X X X 是来自总体X 的简单随机样本.(Ⅰ) 求参数λ的矩估计量;(Ⅱ )求参数λ的最大似然估计量.2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一试题一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分. (1) 【答案】(A)【解析】()sin f x x ax =-与()()2ln 1g x x bx =-是0x →时的等价无穷小,则2200232000330()sin sin limlim lim ()ln(1)()sin 1cos sin lim lim lim 36sin lim 1,66x x x x x x x f x x ax x axg x x bx x bx x ax a ax a axbx bx bxa ax ab axb →→→→→→→--=-⋅---=---⎛⎫=-=-= ⎪⎝⎭等洛洛 即36a b =-,故排除B,C.另外,201cos lim3x a axbx→--存在,蕴含了1cos 0a ax -→()0x →,故1,a =排除D. 所以本题选A. (2) 【答案】(A)【解析】本题利用二重积分区域的对称性及被积函数的奇偶性.令(,)cos f x y y x =,24,D D 两区域关于x 轴对称,(,)cos (,)f x y y x f x y -=-=-,即被积函数是关于y 的奇函数,所以240I I ==;13,D D 两区域关于y 轴对称,(,)cos()cos (,)f x y y x y x f x y -=-==,即被积函数是关于x 的偶函数,所以{}{}1(,),013(,),012cos 0,2cos 0.x y y x x x y y x x I y xdxdy I y xdxdy ≥≤≤≤-≤≤=>=<⎰⎰⎰⎰所以正确答案为(A).(3) 【答案】(D)【解析】此题为定积分的应用知识考核,由()y f x =的图形可以看出,其图像与x 轴及y 轴、0x x =所围的图形的代数面积为所求函数()F x ,从而可得出下面几个方面的特征:① []1,0x ∈-时,()0F x ≤为线性函数,单调递增; ② []0,1x ∈时,()0F x ≤,且单调递减;③ []1,2x ∈时,()F x 单调递增; ④ []2,3x ∈时,()F x 为常函数; ⑤ ()F x 为连续函数. 结合这些特点,可见正确选项为(D). (4) 【答案】C【解析】解法1 举反例:取(1)nn n a b ==-,则lim 0n n a →∞=,1n n b ∞=∑是收敛的,但111n n n n a b n ∞∞===∑∑发散,排除(A);取1n n a b n ==,则lim 0n n a →∞=,1n n b ∞=∑是发散的,但2111n n n n a b n ∞∞===∑∑收敛,排除(B);取1n n a b n ==,则lim 0n n a →∞=,1n n b ∞=∑是发散的,但224111n n n n a b n∞∞===∑∑收敛,排除(D),故答案为(C).解法2 因为lim 0,n n a →∞=则由定义可知1,N ∃使得1n N >时,有1n a <;又因为1nn b∞=∑收敛,可得lim 0,n n b →∞=则由定义可知2,N ∃使得2n N >时,有1n b <,从而,当12n N N >+时,有22n nn a b b <,则由正项级数的比较判别法可知221n nn a b∞=∑收敛.(5) 【答案】(A)【解析】根据过渡矩阵的定义,知由基12311,,23ααα到122331,,αααααα+++的过渡矩阵M 满足:()12233112312311,,,,2310111,,220,23033M αααααααααααα⎛⎫+++= ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭所以此题选(A). (6) 【答案】(B)【解析】分块矩阵O A B O ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭的行列式221236O A A B B O⨯=-=⨯=(),即分块矩阵可逆,且1116112366.1132O A O A O A O B B O B O B O A O O B O B B O B A O A O A O A *---******⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎛⎫⎪=== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭故答案为(B). (7) 【答案】(C)【解析】因为()()10.30.72x F x x -⎛⎫=Φ+Φ⎪⎝⎭,所以 ()()0.710.322x F x x -⎛⎫'''=Φ+Φ ⎪⎝⎭, 因此, ()()10.30.352x EX xF x dx x x dx +∞+∞-∞-∞⎡-⎤⎛⎫'''==Φ+Φ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎰⎰()10.30.352x x x dx x dx +∞+∞-∞-∞-⎛⎫''=Φ+Φ ⎪⎝⎭⎰⎰.由于()x Φ为标准正态分布的分布函数,所以()0x x dx +∞-∞'Φ=⎰,()()()()11221222222,x x x dx u u u du u u du u du +∞+∞-∞-∞+∞+∞-∞-∞--⎛⎫''Φ=+Φ ⎪⎝⎭''=Φ+Φ=⎰⎰⎰⎰()10.30.3500.3520.72x EX x x dx x dx +∞+∞-∞-∞-⎛⎫''=Φ+Φ=+⨯= ⎪⎝⎭⎰⎰.(8) 【答案】(B) 【解析】(){}{0}{0}{1}{1}11{0}{1}2211{00}{1},22Z F z P XY z P XY z Y P Y P XY z Y P Y P XY z Y P XY z Y P X z Y P X z Y =≤=≤==+≤===≤=+≤==⋅≤=+≤=由于,X Y 相互独立,所以11(){0}{}22Z F z P X z P X z =⋅≤+≤. (1) 当0z <时,1()()2Z F z z =Φ;(2) 当0z ≥时,11()()22Z F z z =+Φ,因此,0z =为间断点,故选(B).二、填空题:9-14小题,每小题4分,共24分,请将答案写在答题纸指定位置上.(9) 【答案】12222xf f xyf '''''++ 【解析】12zf f y x∂''=+⋅∂, 21222212222zxf f yx f xf f xyf x y∂''''''''''=++⋅=++∂∂. (10) 【答案】(1)2x x e -+【解析】由常系数线性齐次微分方程0y ay by '''++=的通解为()12xy C C x e =+可知1x y e =,2x y xe =为其两个线性无关的解,代入齐次方程,有111222(1)010,[2(1)]020,x xy ay by a b e a b y ay by a a b x e a '''++=++=⇒++='''++=++++=⇒+=从而可见2,1a b =-=,非齐次微分方程为2y y y x '''-+=.设特解*y Ax B =+,代入非齐次微分方程,得2A Ax B x -++=,即11(2)202A A Ax A B x A B B ==⎧⎧+-+=⇒⇒⎨⎨-+==⎩⎩所以特解*2y x =+,通解()122xy C C x e x =+++.把()()02,00y y '==代入通解,得120,1C C ==-.所以所求解为2(1)2x x y xe x x e =-++=-+.(11)【答案】136【解析】由题意可知,2,0y x x =≤≤,则ds ==,所以()21148Lxds x ==+⎰11386==. (12) 【答案】415π 【解析】解法1:()212222002124013500sin cos cos cos cos 42.3515z dxdydz d d d d d d πππππθϕρϕρϕρθϕϕρρϕρππΩ==-⎛⎫=⋅-⋅= ⎪⎝⎭⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰解法2:由轮换对称性可知2z dxdydz Ω=⎰⎰⎰2x dxdydz Ω=⎰⎰⎰2y dxdydz Ω⎰⎰⎰ 所以,()212222400011sin 33z dxdydz x y z dxdydz d d r dr ππϕθϕΩΩ=++=⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ 14002214sin sin 33515d r dr d ππππϕϕϕϕπ==⋅⋅=⎰⎰⎰. (13) 【答案】2【解析】2T αβ=,()2T T βαββαββ∴==⋅,又由于0β≠,T βα∴的非零特征值为2. (14) 【答案】1-【解析】由于2X kS +为2np 的无偏估计量,所以22()E X kS np +=,即2222()()()E X kS np E X E kS np +=⇒+=2(1)1(1)(1)1 1.np knp p np k p pk p p k ⇒+-=⇒+-=⇒-=-⇒=-三、解答题:15-23小题,共94分.请将解答写在答题纸指定的位置上.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. (15)(本题满分9分)【解析】 2(,)2(2)x f x y x y '=+,2(,)2ln 1y f x y x y y '=++.令(,)0,(,)0,x y f x y f x y ⎧'=⎪⎨'=⎪⎩解得唯一驻点1(0,)e .由于212(0,)1(0,)21(0,)11(0,)2(2)2(2),1(0,)40,11(0,)(2),xxexye yy eA f y e eB f xy eC f x e e y ''==+=+''===''==+= 所以 2212(2)0,B AC e e-=-+<且0A >. 从而1(0,)f e是(,)f x y 的极小值,极小值为11(0,)f e e =-.(16)(本题满分9分)【解析】曲线n y x =与1n y x +=的交点为(0,0)和(1,1),所围区域的面积112111111()()001212n n n n n a x x dx x x n n n n +++=-=-=-++++⎰, 111lim 1111111lim()lim(),2312222Nn nN n n N N S a a N N N ∞→∞==→∞→∞===-++-=-=+++∑∑22111211111111(1)22123456n n n n n S a n n n ∞∞∞-=====-=-+-++=-+∑∑∑ ().考查幂级数1(1)n nn x n ∞=-∑,知其收敛域为(1,1]-,和函数为ln(1)x -+.因为2(1)()ln(1)n nn S x x x x n ∞=-==-+∑,令1x =,得2211(1)1ln 2n n S a S ∞-====-∑.(17)(本题满分11分)【解析】(I)椭球面1S 的方程为222143x y z ++=.设切点为00(,)x y ,则22143x y +=在00(,)x y 处的切线方程为00143x x y y +=.将4,0x y ==代入切线方程得01x =,从而032y ==±. 所以切线方程为142x y ±=,从而圆锥面2S 的方程为222(1)44x y z +-=,即222(4)440x y z ---=.(II)1S 与2S 之间的体积等于一个底面半径为32、高为3的锥体体积94π与部分椭球体体积V 之差,其中22135(4)44V x dx ππ=-=⎰. 故所求体积为9544πππ-=.(18)(本题满分11分) 【解析】(Ⅰ)取()()()()()f b f a F x f x x a b a-=---,由题意知()F x 在[],a b 上连续,在(),a b 内可导,且 ()()()()()(),()()()()()().f b f a F a f a a a f a b af b f a F b f b b a f a b a -=--=--=--=-根据罗尔定理,存在(),a b ξ∈,使得()()()()0f b f a F f b aξξ-''=-=-,即()()()()f b f a f b a ξ'-=-.(Ⅱ)对于任意的(0,)t δ∈,函数()f x 在[]0,t 上连续,在()0,t 内可导,由右导数定义及拉格朗日中值定理()()000()0()0lim lim lim ()0t t t f t f f tf f t tξξ++++→→→-'''===-,其中()0,t ξ∈. 由于()0lim t f t A +→'=,且当0t +→时,0ξ+→,所以0lim ()t f A ξ+→'=,故(0)f +'存在,且(0)f A +'=.(19)(本题满分10分)【解析】取2221:1x y z ∑++=的外侧,Ω为∑与1∑之间的部分.()()()11322223322222222.xdydz ydzdx zdxdyI xy zxdydz ydzdx zdxdyxdydz ydzdx zdxdyxy zxy z∑∑-∑∑++=++++++=+++++⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰根据高斯公式()13222200xdydz ydzdx zdxdydxdydz x y z∑-∑Ω++==++⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ .()1122232222134.x y z xdydz ydzdx zdxdyxdydz ydzdx zdxdyxy zdxdydz π∑∑++≤++=++++==⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰所以4I π=.(20)(本题满分11分)【解析】(Ⅰ)对矩阵1()A ξ 施以初等行变换()11110221111111111012204220000A ξ⎛⎫-- ⎪---⎛⎫ ⎪⎪ ⎪=-→ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪--- ⎪⎝⎭ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭可求得 2122122k k k ξ⎛⎫-+ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪=- ⎪⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,其中k 为任意常数.又2220220440A ⎛⎫ ⎪=-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,对矩阵21()A ξ 施以初等行变换()211110220122201000044020000A ξ⎛⎫-⎪-⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪=--→ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭,可求得 312a a b ξ⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,其中,a b 为任意常数.(Ⅱ)解法1 由(Ⅰ)知12311122211,,102222ka ka kbξξξ--+--=-=-≠-, 所以123,,ξξξ线性无关.解法2 由题设可得10A ξ=.设存在数123,,k k k ,使得1122330k k k ξξξ++=, ①等式两端左乘A ,得22330k A k A ξξ+=,即21330k k A ξξ+=, ②等式两端再左乘A ,得2330k A ξ=,即310k ξ=.由于10ξ≠,于是30k =,代入②式,得210k ξ=,故20k =.将230k k ==代入①式,可得10k =,从而1,ξ23,ξξ线性无关.(21)(本题满分11分) 【解析】(Ⅰ)二次型f 的矩阵101111a A a a ⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭.由于01||01()((1))((2))111aE A aa a a a λλλλλλλ---=-=--+----+, 所以A 的特征值为123,1,2a a a λλλ==+=-.(Ⅱ)解法1 由于f 的规范形为2212y y +,所以A 合同于100010000⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,其秩为2,故 1230A λλλ==,于是0a =或1a =-或2a =.当0a =时,1230,1,2λλλ===-,此时f 的规范形为2212y y -,不合题意. 当1a =-时,1231,0,3λλλ=-==-,此时f 的规范形为2212y y --,不合题意. 当2a =时,1232,3,0λλλ===,此时f 的规范形为2212y y +. 综上可知,2a =.解法2 由于f 的规范形为2212y y +,所以A 的特征值有2个为正数,1个为零. 又21a a a -<<+,所以2a =.(22)(本题满分11分)【解析】(Ⅰ) 12211{1,0}463(10)1{0}9()2C P X Z P X Z P Z ⋅========. (Ⅱ)由题意知X 与Y 的所有可能取值均为0,1,2.()()()()()()()()()1111332311116666111223111166661122116611221166110,0,1,0,461112,0,0,1,36311,1,2,10,910,2,91,20,2,20,C C C C P X Y P X Y C C C C C C C P X Y P X Y C C C C C C P X Y P X Y C C C C P X Y C C P X Y P X Y ⋅⋅========⋅⋅⋅⋅========⋅⋅⋅=======⋅⋅====⋅======故(,)X Y 的概率分布为(23)(本题满分11 分) 【解析】(Ⅰ)2202().x EX xf x dx x e dx λλλ+∞+∞--∞===⎰⎰令X EX =,即2X λ=,得λ的矩估计量为 12Xλ=. (Ⅱ)设12,,,(0,1,2,,)n i x x x x i n >= 为样本观测值,则似然函数为()12121,,,;,nii nx nn i i L x x x ex λλλ=-=∑=⋅∏11ln 2ln ln n ni i i i L n x x λλ===-+∑∑,由1ln 20n i i d L n x d λλ==-=∑,得λ的最大似然估计量为 22X λ=.。



2009年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)答案详解Section I Use of English一、文章总体分析本文是一个有关动物智力话题的文章。






【补充】consider在这里等同于take…(as an example)。


再结合文章题材看,文章是科技类,而科技类文章中通常为了表示说话客观性并避免绝对化,往往在主谓之间加一个tend to表示语气的弱化,故本题答案为A,其他两个代入文章语义不通。


下一句也有提示:no being too bright,故答案为D。




2011-2012 学年度第 2 学期《经管学》期末测试 A一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1.你正面临是否购买某种奖券的决策。


从确定性上看,此类决策问题应属于○ A.确定型决策 B .风险型决策C.非确定型决策 D .以上均不是2.在一场足球比赛中,教练员根据场上的形势及时做了换人,从经管的概念看,这种换人调整更多的属于什么职能?○A .计划职能B .组织职能C .领导职能D .控制职能3.某工厂一车间检修班班长安排检修工小张修电机,电机还没修好,车间主任调小张去检修水泵。


你认为车间主任的这种指挥方式最可能造成的后果是○A.破坏了经管的指挥链原则B .降低了高层领导的威信C.影响了员工任务分配的均衡D .损害了员工与经管者之间的信任4.某经理某日召集全体下属开会,他发现到会人数不全,于是大声说:“今天开会居然有人缺席,这些员工太散漫了!”台下无人应声。


你认为该经理对下属采取的是哪种领导方式?○A.完全由领导者自己作出决策,属于专制方式B.对将要采取的行动事先与下属商量,属于民主方式C.没有运用自己的权力,属于自由放任式D.处于专制与民主之间的领导方式5.中国有很多富于哲理的俗语,有人用“三个和尚没水吃”来形容人浮于事造成效率低下,而有人又说:“三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮” ,来比喻人多好办事。

你认为,从经管学角度两者的区别在于○A.前者属于分工与协作问题,后者属于集思广益、优化决策问题B.前者属于组织分权问题,后者属于组织授权问题C.前者属于分配机制问题,后者属于民主决策问题D.前者适用于人员超编情况,后者适用于人员缺乏的情况6.某企业有60 名工人和一些经管者,如果基层经管人员的经管幅度为5,高层经管人员的经管幅度为3,则该企业的经管层次为○A .2B .3C .4D .57.生产部长说:“如果我们不生产,什么也不会发生。




已知甲商品赚了%20,乙商品亏了%20,则商店盈亏结果为( )A 、不亏不赚B 、亏了50元C 、赚了50元D 、赚了40元E 、亏了40元2、某国参加北京奥运会的男女运动员的比例原为12:19,由于先增加若干女运动员,使男女运动员的比例变为13:20,后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例最终变为19:30。


则最后运动员的总人数为( )A 、686B 、637C 、700D 、661E 、6003、某工厂定期购买一种原料。

已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元,原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料需支付费用900元,若该工厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每( )天购买一次原料。

A 、11B 、10C 、9D 、8E 、74、在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若干。

现将浓度为%12的盐水10克倒入A 试管中混合后取10克倒入B 管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果A 、B 、C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为%5.0%2%6、、。

那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其成水量各是( ) A 、A 试管,10克 B 、B 试管,20克 C 、C 试管,30克D 、B 试管,40克E 、C 试管,50克5、一艘轮船往返航行于甲乙两个码头之间,若船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加%50时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( )A 、增加B 、减少半小时C 、不变D 、减少一小时E 、无法判断6、方程412=+-x x 的根是( )A 、15=-=x x 或B 、15-=-=x x 或C 、353-==x x 或 D 、353=-=x x 或 E 、不存在 7、)0(032≠=++c c bx x 的两个根为βα、,如果βα+、αβ为根的一元二次方程是032=+-c bx x ,则b 和c 分别为( )A 、6,2B 、4,3C 、6,2--D 、6,3--E 、以上结果都不正确8、若n n n x na x a x a x x x )1()1(2)1()1()1()1(2212-++-+-=++++++ ,则=+++n na a a 212( )A 、213-nB 、2131-+n C 、2331-+n D 、233-n E 、433-n 9、在36人中,血型情况如下:A 型12人,B 型10人,AB 型8人,O 型6人。



2009 年全国硕士‎研究生入学‎统一考试英‎语(二)试题答案与‎解析Secti‎o n I Use of Engli‎s h一、文章题材结‎构分析本文是一篇‎说明文,摘自2008 年 6 月26 日The New Y ork Times‎。





二、试题分析1.【答案】C【解析】本题主要考‎查词义辨析‎和熟词生义‎,A项come,B 项gone,D 项arriv‎e d 都表示“到,到达”的含义。


这句话指“价格已经突‎破100 美元每桶”,与上文的“16 美元一桶”做比较。


解题重点在‎于空后面的‎一个介词词‎组from …to…表示一个范‎围。

A项cover‎e d意为“覆盖”一般指地理‎范围;B项disco‎v ered‎发现;C 项arran‎g ed 安排;C 项D 项的动词都‎与介词词组搭配不合‎理。

D 项range‎d意为涉及的‎“范围延伸”。


本句句意是‎:价格上涨的‎原因涉及从……到……,固定搭配range‎from A to B。

因此,选项 D 正确。

3.【答案】D【解析】本题的解答‎要根据上下‎文来推理,四个选项中‎A项inten‎si ty 强度;B 项infin‎i ty;无穷大;C 项insec‎u rity‎不安全;D 项insta‎bilit‎y不安定,不稳定性。




管理学考试试题和答案(全)第一篇总论1.管理的载体是( D )A.管理者B.技术C.工作D.组织2.管理的对象是( C )A.管理者B.被管理者C.资源D.组织3.在组织中,最有潜力、最为重要的资源是(A )A.人力B.物力C.财力D.信息4.A.C.5. C )A.6.A.7.40岁A.C.8.A.9.(B) A.B.C.在员工中开展关于如何以企业为家的大讨论,增强员工向心力。


10.管理同生产力、社会化大生产相联系而表现出的属性是( C )A.政治属性B.社会属性C.自然属性D.文化属性11.“经济人”假设是( B )的理论基石。

A.现代管理B.科学管理C.经验管理D.人群关系论12.管理人员与一般工作人员的区别在于(B)A.需要与他人配合完成组织目标B.需要从事具体的文件签发审阅工作C.需要对自己的工作成果负责D.需要协调他人的努力以实现组织目标13.管理活动的本质是( A )A.对人的管理B.对物的管理C.对资金的管理D.对技术的管理14.从管理活动发生的时间顺序看,下列四种管理职能的排列方式,哪一种更符合逻辑?( D )A.计划、控制、组织、领导B.计划、领导、组织、控制C.计划、组织、控制、领导D.计划、组织、领导、控制15.中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠(A )A.正式权力与沟通技巧B.个人权力与技术技能C.人际关系技能与技术技能D.沟通技能与人际关系技能16.组织文化的功能主要表现在( B )A.整合功能、导向功能和强化功能B.整合功能、导向功能和适应功能C.强化功能、导向功能和约束功能D.强化功能、适应功能和约束功能17.沟通、了解、激励下属的管理技能是(C)A.18.A.管理19.A.20.A.21.A.B.C.D.件22.A.B.C.D.23.A.计划24.A.25.在特定专业领域内使用有关的程序、技术、知识、方法完成组织任务的能力称为(B)A.人际关系技能B.技术技能C.形成概念的技能D.以上均不是26.对高层管理人员的技能要求与对中层管理人员的要求不同,按三种技能在其技能组成中的比重从大到小排列,对高层管理人员的技能要求应该为(C)A.人际技能、概念技能、技术技能B.技术技能、人际技能、概念技能C.概念技能、人际技能、技术技能D.概念技能、技术技能、人际技能27.规章制度属于企业文化中的( B )A.上层文化B.中层文化C.表层文化D.深层文化28.提出劳动分工观点和经济人观点的人是(C)A.查尔斯·巴贝奇B.弗雷德里克·泰勒C.亚当·斯密D.马克斯·韦伯29.提出管理的14条原则的人是(C)A.甘特B.泰勒C.法约尔D.韦伯30.巴纳德代表的是(C)A.决策理论学派B.社会合作学派C.社会系统学派D.管理过程学派第二篇计划一、单项选择题1.决策所遵循的原则是(D )A.最优原则B.实用原则C.科学原则D.满意原则2.决策的依据是( B )A.完全信息B.适量信息C.少量信息D.与信息无关3.西蒙把决策活动分为程序化决策与非程序化决策两类,二者区分标准是:( B )A.C.4.A.5.A.6.A.7.A.8.A.9.A.10.A.11.A.12.A.13.在经营单位组合分析法(波士顿矩阵法)中,确定各个经营单位的活动方向的二维因素是( B )A.市场占有率和利润增长率B.市场占有率和业务增长率C.市场竞争能力和市场引力D.市场占有率和销售增长率14.在政策指导矩阵中,处于区域1的经营单位竞争能力较强,市场前景较好,其经营策略为( A )A.优先发展B.提高竞争力C.逐步淘汰D.尽快放弃15.在政策指导矩阵中,处于区域9的经营单位市场前景暗淡且竞争能力较弱,其经营策略为( D )A.优先发展B.提高竞争力C.逐步淘汰D.尽快放弃16.某产品的单价为20元,单位变动成本16元,固定成本4万元,其保本点销售量为( A )A.1万件B.2万件C.10万件D.20万件17.某企业生产某产品,单价5元,单位变动成本3.4元,固定成本总额为3200元,其盈亏平衡点产量为( B )A.640件B.2000件C.941件D.380件18.甲公司生产某种产品的固定成本是30万元,该产品的单位变动成本为4元,市场售价为10元,若要达到6万元销售毛利的目标,该产品产销量应为多少?(C)A.30000件B.45000件C.60000件D.75000件19.下面哪一项不是目标管理的特点(A )A.目标制定快捷B.注重成果C.强调自我控制D.促使权力下放20.在某产品的量本利关系图中,如果先是产品单价递增而其他生产经营条件保持不变,然后再是固定费用递增而其他生产经营条件保持不变。










) 1.一家商店为回收资金把甲乙两件商品均以480元一件卖出。

已知甲商品赚了20%,乙商品亏了20%,则商店盈亏结果为(A)不亏不赚 (B)亏了50元 (C)赚了50元 (D)赚了40元 (E)亏了40元 2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。

(A)686 (B)637 (C)700 (D)661 (E)6003.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每()天购买一次原料。

(A)11 (B)10 (C)9 (D)8 (E)74.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。

现将浓度为12%的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果 A ,B ,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是 (A)A 试管,10克 (B)B 试管,20克 (C)C 试管,30克 (D)B 试管,40克 (E)C 试管,50克5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A)增加 (B)减少半个小时 (C)不变 (D)减少1个小时 (E)无法判断6.方程214x x -+=的根是( )。



33. 某综合性大学只有理科与文科,理科学生多于文科学生,女生多于男生。
2009年真题 - 第5页(共30页)
I. 文科的女生多于文科的男生。
II. 理科的男生多于文科的男生。
皿. 理科的女生多于文科的男生。
CA)仅 I 和 II。
2 2
009 008
CB)— 12
2 2
008 009
CC)— 12
2 2
009 010
CD)— 21
2 2
010 009
14. 若圆C:Cx+D气(y—1)2 =1 与x轴交于 A点, 与y轴交于 B 点,则与此圆 相切于 劣弧AB的
中 点MC注:小于 半圆的弧称为 劣弧) 的切线方程是 ( ).
省,则应该每( )天购买一 次原料
4.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若干克.现将浓度 为12%的 盐水 10克倒入A管中,混合后,取10克
倒入B管中,混合后再取10克倒入C管中,结果A,B,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%,2%,
0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是( ).



管理学试题及参考答案第一篇:管理学试题及参考答案管理学基础领导组织沟通创新企业道德团队建设激励计划管理理论管理学试题一一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.领班属于下列哪一类管理人员()A.基层管理人员B.中层管理人员C.高层管理人员D.以上都不是2.沟通、了解、激励下属的管理技能是()A.技术技能 B.诊断技能 C.人际关系技能 D.分析技能 3.法约尔提出了管理的()条原则A.六B.十四C.十三D.五 4.以下组织文化的描述中,正确的是()A.变化较慢,一旦形成便日趋加强 B.变化较快,随时补充新的内容C.变化较慢,但每年都会抛弃一些过时的内容D.变化较快,特别是企业管理人员变更时5.近年来,由于国务院进行人事制度改革,一批政府官员卸任离开政府部门。


一般说来,企业聘请他们是为了()A.改善企业的组织文化B.改善企业的组织环境C.提高企业的管理水平D.改善企业的技术水平6.决策过程的第一步是()A.确定目标B.发现问题 C.收集信息 D.调查研究、分析情报资料、找出问题 7.实行集中控制与分散经营的组织形式是()A.直线制B.矩阵制C.分部制D.职能制8.工作轮换一般用于提高哪些人的技能?()A.工程技术人员B.管理人员C.学徒D.普通职工9.以追随者对领导的认同感为基础的影响力是属于()A.专家权力 B.表率权力 C.奖励权力 D.强制权力E.法定权力10.“大棒”是最为传统的激励手段之一。

以下现象中不属于由“大棒”产生的消极效应的是()A.消极怠工B.一切向钱看C.生产劣质产品 D.对工作漠不关心二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.卡茨认为一个主管人员至少应具备的基本技能有()A.概念技能B.人事技能 C.技术技能 D.管理技能 E.分析技能 2.目标的作用是()A.指明管理工作方向 B.激励作用C.凝聚作用D.考核主管人员和员工绩效的客观标准3.越是组织的最高主管人员,所做出的决策越倾向于以下哪些决策()A.非肯定性 B.例行的 C.非常规性 D.战略型4.泰罗要求以前由工人承担的工作分成()A.计划职能;由企业管理当局承担 B.执行职能;由现场工人执行C.协调职能;有协调工人执行D.控制职能;有工厂工头承包5.“社会人”假设说明()A.应该否定集体奖励制度B.应该以金钱和地位作为唯一的激励手段C.人们是由社会需求而引起的工作动机D.人们的工作效率随社会需求满足程度的提高而提高6.以下属于激励方式的有()A.思想政治工作B.奖励C.职工参与管理D.健全规章制度 7.目标管理可理解为()A.是管理管理者的管理 B.他强调“自我控制”C.是分权制的结果D.是一种提供考核标准的管理8.关于激励的含义正确的有()A.人的行为是由动机所支配B.行为的基本过程就是一个激励的过程C.激励指导动机、引导行为指向目标的活动过程D.激励就是施以物质刺激9.企业所处的社会环境,具体包括()A.人口 B.教育与文化 C.物质资源状况 D.风俗习惯 10.下列属于计划类型的是()A.政策 B.规则 C.使命 D.目标三、问答题(每小题8分,共40分)1.什么是组织的一般环境?应包括哪些内容?答.管理者在计划、组织、领导、控制时必须考虑这些因素,但相对具体环境通常影响要小一些。

















2009年-2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试管理类专业硕士学位联考中文写作真题+答案详解适用对象:MBA、MPAcc、MPA、MEM、MTA、EMBA更新时间:2018年7月20日目录:【中文写作篇】 (2)2017年12月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (2)2016年12月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (6)2015年12月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (8)2014年12月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (11)2014年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (13)2013年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (14)2012年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (16)2011年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (18)2010年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (20)2009年1月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析 (21)【中文写作篇】2017年12月管理类硕士学位-写作真题+答案解析第56-57题,共65分。






) 哈佛大学教授本杰明·史华慈(Benjamin I.Schwartz)在二十世纪末指出,开始席卷一切的物质主义潮流将极大地冲击人类社会固有的价值观念,造成人类社会精神世界的空虚,这一论点值得商榷。






Research on ani1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on mal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright.Intelligence, it 5 , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning—a 7 process—instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to 8 .Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I've ever met.Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small瞫cale study in operant conditioning. We believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test usto 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive.1. [A]Suppose[B]Consider[C]Observe[D]Imagine2. [A]tended[B]feared[C]happened[D]threatened3. [A]thinner[B]stabler[C]lighter[D]dimmer4. [A]tendency[B]advantage[C]inclination[D]priority5. [A]insists on[B]sums up[C]turns out[D]puts forward6. [A]off [B]behind[C]over[D]along7. [A]incredible[B]spontaneous[C]inevitable[D]gradual8. [A]fight[B]doubt[C]stop[D]think9. [A]invisible[B]limited[C]indefinite[D]different10. [A]upward[B]forward[C]afterward[D]backward11. [A]features[B]influences[C]results[D]costs12. [A]outside[B]on[C]by[D]across13. [A]deliver[B]carry[C]perform[D]apply14. [A]by chance[B]in contrast[C]as usual[D]for instance15. [A]if[B]unless[C]as[D]lest16. [A]moderate[B]overcome[C]determine[D]reach17. [A]at[B]for[C]after[D]with18. [A]Above all[B]After all[C]However[D]Otherwise19. [A]fundamental[B]comprehensive[C]equivalent[D]hostile20. [A]By accident[B]In time[C]So far[D]Better still文章背景本文是一篇讲述动物智能、偏重科技的文章。

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