一、单项选择题1.由组织正式文件明文规定的.群体成员有固定的编制,有规定的权力和义务,有明确的职责和分工的群体属于:(B )A.非正式群体B.正式群体C.小群体D.参照群体2.工作比较单纯,不需要复杂的知识和技能,完成一项工作需要大家的配合,或从事连锁性的工作,(A )可能达到最高的工作绩效.A.同质群体B.异质群体C.混合群体D.简单群体3.完成复杂工作,需要有创造力的工作,或在作出决策太快可能产生不利后果时,(B )将会达到最高的工作绩效.A.同质群体B.异质群体C.混合群体D.简单群体4.两个或两个以上的社会单元在目标上互不相容或互相排斥.从而产生心理上的或行为上的矛盾,是:(A. )A.冲突B.竞争C.合作D.对抗5.当与双方利益都有重大关系时.当你的目标是向他人学习时.需要集思广益时.需要依赖他人时.出于感情关系的考虑时,处理冲突的方式是(B )A.强制B.开诚合作C.妥协D.回避6.每一成员在群体中都表现出自己特定的行为模式,我们称之为(B )。
A.模式B.角色C.地位D.规范二、多项选择题1.人们在群体中可以获得的需要和满足有(ABCD )A.安全需要B.情感需要C.尊重和认同需要D.完成任务的需要E.实现组织目标的需要2.同质结构的群体达到最高工作效率的条件是(ACD)A.工作比较单纯不需要复杂的知识和技能B.完成复杂的工作C.完成一项工作需要大家密切配合D.需要有创造力的工作E.一个工作群体的成员从事连锁性的工作3.异质结构群体达到最高工作效率的条件是(BDE )A.工作比较单纯不需要复杂的知识和技能B.完成复杂的工作C.完成一项工作需要大家密切配合D.需要有创造力的工作E.当作出决策太快可能产生不利后果时4.群体决策的方式有(ABCDE )A.缺少反应B.独裁原则C.少数原则D.多数原则E.完全一致原则5.按人际关系的结构分,人际关系的类型有(ABCD )A.经济关系B.亲缘关系C.政治关系D.法律关系E.伦理关系6.按人际关系形成的纽带分,人际关系的类型有(ACE )A.亲缘关系B.夫妻关系C.地缘关系D.老乡关系E.业缘关系7、人际关系的发展趋势是(ABCDE)A、社会性增强,自然性减弱B.自主性增强,依附性减弱C.平等性增强,等级性减弱D.开放性增强,封闭性减弱E.合作性增强,分散性减弱8、人际交往的原则是(ABCD)A.互利原则B.平等原则C.信用原则D.相容原则E.自主原则9、信息沟通中的障碍有( ABCDE)A.语言障碍,产生理解差异B.环节过多,引起信息损耗C.信息沟通中的偏见.猜疑.威胁和恐惧,妨碍沟通D.地位差异,妨碍交流E.信息表达不清,沟通要求不明,渠道不畅,影响沟通10.按沟通的组织系统分,沟通可分为(AB)A.正式沟通B.非正式沟通C.上行沟通D.下行沟通E.横向交叉的沟通11.按沟通的方法分,沟通可分为( ABCA.口头沟通B.书面沟通C.非语言的信息沟通D.下行沟通横向交叉的沟通三、问答题1、内聚力有何作用?群体内聚力在群体存在和发展过程中,有着重要的作用,主要有:(1)满意感。
第7章 Internet应用(单选题)完成下列题目,这些题目与期末考试题或将来的统考题类似,请同学们认真做一遍。
A.HTMLB.HTTP ---- 是Hyper Text Transfer Protocol的缩写,称为“超文本传输协议”C.XMLD.FTP[解析]参考p.251。
HTML的全称是Hyper Text Markup Language,是用来写网页的语言,称为“超文本标识语言”或者称为“超文本标记语言”。
A.超文本标识语言B.超文本文件C.超媒体文件D.超文本传输协议[解析] 略3、所谓文本就是可见字符的有序组合(例如:abc123就是文本),那么什么是超文本呢?请看问题:由普通文本和图像、声音、视频等文件的链接文本组成___D___。
A.特殊文本B.文本C.链接D.超文本 ---- 对![解析]略4、在浏览器IE(IE是微软公司的产品)输入访问新浪网,其中http表示___C___。
实验报告(二)院(系)理学院课程名称:数学实验日期班级B1111 学号12 实验室文理楼209 专业数学教育姓名樊美林计算机号实验名称数学实验成绩评定所用软件Matlab 教师签名实验目的或要求1.实验步骤、心得体会1. 求下列函数的极小点:1) ()2123222118294xxxxxXf+-++=;、function f = fun1(x)f=x(1)^2+4*x(2)^2+9*x(3)^2-2*x(1)+18*x(2);x0=[1,1,2]x=fminunc('fun1',x0);y=fun1(x)y=-21.25002)()212122212223xxxxxxXf-+-+=;function f = fun1(x)f=x(1)^2+(3/2)*x(2)^2+2*x(1)*x(2)+x(1)-2*x(2);x0=[1,1]x=fminunc('fun1',x0)y=fun1(x)y =-4.75003)()()42121f X x x=-+.function f = fun2(x)f=(x(1)-1)^4+x(2)^2;x0=[0,1]x=fminunc('fun2',x0);y=fun2(x)y =4.0848e-010第1),2)题的初始点可任意选取,第3)题的初始点取为()TX1,00=.2. 梯子长度问题一楼房的后面是一个很大的花园. 在花园中紧靠着楼房有一个温室,温室伸入花园2m,高3m,温室正上方是楼房的窗台. 清洁工打扫窗台周围,他得用梯子越过温室,一头放在花园中,一头靠在楼房的墙上. 因为温室是不能承受梯子压力的,所以梯子太短是不行的.现清洁工只有一架7m 长的梯子,你认为它能达到要求吗? 能满足要求的梯子的最小长度为多少?问题分析:(对问题作出分析,如果问题过于简单,可以不作分析) 模型建立:(建立数学模型) 结果:(求解的结果)分析:(对求解结果进行分析)其他:(模型的缺点和优点以及改进方向,如果没有,可以不写)模型的求解:(求解所用的软件,求解该问题的源代码)3. 陈酒出售的最佳时机问题某酒厂有批新酿的好酒,如果现在就出售,可得总收入R 0=50万元(人民币),如果窖藏起来待来日(第n 年)按陈酒价格出售,第n 年末可得总收入60n eR R (万元),而银行利率为r=0.05,试分析这批好酒窖藏多少年后出售可使总收入的现值最大. (假设现有资金X 万元,将其存入银行,到第n 年时增值为R(n)万元,则称X 为R(n)的现值.)并填下表:第一种方案:将酒现在出售,所获50万元本金存入银行; 第二种方案:将酒窖藏起来,待第n 年出售。
2g λ2 = a
⎛ 2g − λ1 3a −λ1a ⎞ ⎛ a1 ⎞ ⎛ −4g −2g⎞ ⎛ a1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 0 − λ1a g − λ1a⎠ ⎝ a2 ⎠ ⎝ −2g −g ⎠ ⎝ a2 ⎠ ⎝
⎛ a1 ⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ 2a1 + a2 = 0 ⇒ ⎜ ⎟ = a1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ a2 ⎠ ⎝ −2⎠
⎛ 3ma 2 T= ⎜ ⎝ ma 2 0 ⎞ ma 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2mga ⎟ ⎟, V = ⎜ 0 mga⎠ ⎝ ma 2 ⎠ ma 2 ⎞ ⎛ a11⎞ ⎛ 2g 0⎞ ⎛ a1 ⎞ ⎛ 3a a⎞ ⎛ a1 ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⇒ ⎜ 0 g⎟ ⎜ a ⎟ = λ ⎜ a a⎟ ⎜ a ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 2⎠ ma 2 ⎠ ⎝ a12 ⎠
x1 =
1 1 ML2 (4α 2 + β 2 + 3αβ ) − MgL(3α 2 + β 2 ) + 2MgL 6 4
4 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 ⎞ ⎟ ⎛ ⎞ 1 ⎟ ,V = MgL ⎜ 3 0 ⎟ 2 ⎝ 0 1 ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠
3g 4 2 − ω 2L 3 ω2 − 2
L α cos α 2 L y1 = α sin α 2
For small α and β around (0,0)
L=⎛ ⎜ 2 T = ML ⎜ ⎜ ⎝y x(V − ω T ) = ML
ω2 − 2 g 1 2 − ω 2L 3
ω2 =
3g ⎛ 2 ⎞ 1± ⎜ ⎟ L ⎝ 7⎠
(5 ± 3)g g 2g ⇒ λ1 = , λ 2 = 4a 2a a
g λ1 = 2a
东师《课程与教学概论(高起专)》2015春第七次在线作业一、单选题(共6 道试题,共15 分。
)V 1. ()的课程设计注重儿童自身的兴趣需要。
A. 社会改造主义B. 人本主义C. 进步主义D. 结构主义满分:2.5 分2. ()提出课程内容的选择要遵循9个原则A. 泰勒B. 巴恩斯C. 窦尔D. 塔巴满分:2.5 分3. ()于学科课程相对。
A. 显性课程B. 隐性课程C. 选修课程D. 活动课程满分:2.5 分4. 90年代以前,我国中小学教材是由A. 各学校自己开、发编写B. 北京教育出版社统一编写C. 人民教育出版社统一编写D. 教育科学出版社统一编写满分:2.5 分5. ()认为,任何学科都可以用某种形式教给任何年龄阶段的任何人。
A. 布鲁姆B. 布鲁纳C. 杜威D. 赫尔巴特满分:2.5 分6. ()是现代学习方式的核心特征A. 独立性B. 主动性C. 合作性D. 探究性满分:2.5 分二、多选题(共4 道试题,共10 分。
)V 1. 表现性评价的任务主要有()类型A. 结构性表现任务B. 口头表达C. 创作作品D. 书面表达满分:2.5 分2. 《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中提出的具体的目标有:A. 强调学生主动学习。
B. 开设学科课程的同时强调课程的整合,设置综合课程。
C. 加强课程内容与学生生活以及现代社会和科技发展的联系。
D. 注重学习的动手能力和创新意识。
E. 发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践的功能。
F. 实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理。
满分:2.5 分3. 博比特认为课程开发的具体过程包括A. 课程目标的选择B. 具体活动或具体工作的分析C. 人类经验的分析D. 课程目标获得E. 教育计划的制定满分:2.5 分4. 传统教学论中较有影响的人物有A. 夸美纽斯B. 赞科夫C. 赫尔巴特D. 凯洛夫满分:2.5 分三、判断题(共30 道试题,共75 分。
)V 1. “给予每个人做领导人的机会” 不是开启教师间的正向互动的方式。
第七次作业思考题和习题:1. 什么是数学概念?数学概念是怎样产生的?试举例说明。
2. 什么是概念的内涵和外延?试举例说明。
5. 给概念下定义有何作用?数学中常用的定义方式有哪些?正确的定义要符合哪些要求?答案:在数学科学体系中,对每一个数学概念都要给予确定的内容和含义。
小学上册英语第二单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the main ingredient in mayonnaise?A. VinegarB. OilC. EggD. MustardC2.What is a baby sheep called?A. CalfB. KittenC. LambD. PuppyC3.小水獺) plays near the riverbank. The ___4.How many letters are in the English alphabet?A. 24B. 25C. 26D. 27C 265. A ________ (刺猬) rolls into a ball when it feels scared.6.My dog barks when it sees a ______ (陌生人).7.Which of these is a winter sport?A. SoccerB. SwimmingC. SkiingD. BasketballC8.I like to play ________ (角色扮演) games with my friends.9. A bee makes ____.10.I keep a journal to write about my ________ (梦想) and aspirations for the future.11. A _______ is a solid that forms during a chemical reaction in solution.12.What is the capital of Palau?A. NgerulmudB. KororC. AiraiD. MelekeokA13. A star's brightness is measured in _____.14.What is the name of the famous composer of classical music?A. BeethovenB. MozartC. BachD. All of the aboveD15. A _______ is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution.16.I like _____ (to run/to walk).17.We visit our __________ on weekends. (祖父母)18.What is the primary ingredient in a traditional lasagna?A. PastaB. CheeseC. MeatD. Tomato sauce19. A _____ (草丛) can provide shelter for wildlife.20.The _______ can flourish even in challenging conditions.21.The chemical formula for sodium phosphate is _____.22.The __________ is a large lake located in Switzerland. (日内瓦湖)23.The invention of the light bulb revolutionized everyday _____.24.The country famous for its soccer is ________ (巴西).25. A frog can leap from one place to another very ______ (远).26.They are playing in the ______ (park).27.The speed of light is very ______.28.I enjoy learning about different ______ (科学) topics. Each lesson is an opportunity to discover something new.29.I enjoy playing _____ (桌面游戏) with my friends.30.I often invite my friends over for a toy ________ (名词) party. We share our favorites and play together.31.The __________ (历史的现场) offer insights into past events.32.What do you call a collection of stories in one book?A. AnthologyB. NovelC. MagazineD. JournalA33.What is the name of the author who wrote "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?A. J.K. RowlingB. Roald DahlC. Mark TwainD. Dr. SeussB34.Planting in groups can create a more dynamic and visually appealing ______. (成群种植可以创造出更具活力和视觉吸引力的景观。
湖北工程学院《生物统计学》课后实训第07次学号: 014301454103 姓名:陈粮分数:实训目的:学会选择合适正交设计表并进行正确设计及分析的方法。
表1-1正交试验设计的因素的水平表水平因素A B C10.310120.615 1.23120 1.5表1-2正交试验结果处理号A B C空列品评总分111117321222873133377421238852231836231280731327283213789332184解:用Excel+公式。
表1绿茶品质试验结果处理号因素品质评分A B C DⅠⅡ配合比例鲜叶处理工艺流程肥料用量1111178.978.1 212227777 3133377.578.9 4212380.180.9 5223177.678.4 623127879 7313276.776.3 8321381.382.7 9332179.578.5解:spss——分析——一般线性分析——单变量——设定、主效应——duncun以上为方差分析,由上表易得A较显著,C、D极其显著,B不显著。
2、What do we call the last day of the year?A, New Year's EveB, ChristmasC, ThanksgivingD, Halloween3、What is the English translation of "山"?A, HillB, ValleyC, MountainD, Forest4、What is the main language spoken in the United States?A, SpanishB, EnglishC, French5、What is the English meaning of "空调"?A, FanB, HeaterC, Air conditionerD, Refrigerator6、What do you call a book that tells a story?A, NovelB, DictionaryC, EncyclopediaD, Atlas7、The cat is sleeping on the sofa. What is the cat doing?A, EatingB, SleepingC, PlayingD, Running8、What is the opposite of "soft"?A, HardB, SmoothC, RoughD, Tender9、What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?中文解释:奶昔的主要成分是什么?A, FruitB, IceC, Milk10、What is the smallest unit of life?A, AtomB, CellC, MoleculeD, Organ11、What do you call the time when you eat in the evening?A, BreakfastB, LunchC, DinnerD, Snack12、This person is a successful businessman. 这个人是一位成功的商人。
小学上册英语第1单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My dad likes to go cycling in the ____ (park).2.The chemical formula for cadmium sulfide is _______.3. Empire was known as the Golden Age of ________ (印度). The Hait4.My favorite dessert is ______ (冰淇淋) topped with fresh ______ (水果).5.I want to _______ (学习) about history.6.My aunt loves __________ (摄影).7.The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither created nor ______.8. A solar eclipse happens when the ______ passes between the Earth and the sun.9.My ________ (玩具名称) can spin around quickly.10.The owl is a _______ (夜间) hunter.11.The _____ (music/dance) is fun.12.Many plants are ______ (药用) and can help cure illnesses.13.I can ________ my homework alone.14.My favorite color is _____ (green/yellow).15. A group of fish swimming together is called a ______.16.My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.17.The dog is ______ (playing) with its owner.18.__________ (高分子) are made up of many repeating units.19.What is the capital of Malta?A. VallettaB. MdinaC. GozoD. Rabat答案:A20.We have ______ (很多) plants at home.21.The ancient Mesopotamians created one of the first written _______.22. A butterfly goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and __________.23.The _______ (Lousiana Purchase) doubled the size of the United States in 1803.24.My action _______ can fly high in the sky.25.Some _______ can be very hardy and resilient.26.My brother is a _____ (学生) exploring different subjects.27.What part of the plant absorbs water?A. LeafB. StemC. RootD. Flower答案: C28.The picture is on the ___. (wall)29.The chemical formula for potassium chloride is ______.30.What is the name of the process that causes rocks to break down?A. ErosionB. WeatheringC. SedimentationD. Compaction答案:B31.The puppy is ______ (非常可爱) and fluffy.32. A _______ can be a source of joy and relaxation.33.My favorite subject is _____ (math/science).34.Many celestial events can be predicted using _______ mathematics.35.The city of Bangkok is known for its ________ (寺庙).36.The __________ is a large area known for its volcanoes.37.The _______ (The Space Race) was a competition for supremacy in space exploration.38.The __________ (历史的思维模式) inspires innovation.39.urban agriculture) utilizes city spaces for farming. The ____40.The _____ (土壤类型) can affect plant growth.41.Many animals hibernate during the ______.42.The __________ (生态治理) ensures resource management.43.The process of filtration separates solids from liquids using a ______.44.The ______ helps with the development of bones.45.The sweater is _______ (too) big for me.46. A ____ is often kept as a pet and enjoys being around people.47.The first modern Olympic Games were held in ______ (雅典).48.training session) builds capacity. The ____49.What do we call a series of events that happen in a story?A. PlotB. ThemeC. SettingD. Character答案:A50. A ________ (植物分布) varies by region.51.__________ eat both plants and meat.52. A tarantula can live for several ________________ (年).53.The flamingo is often seen in _________ (湿地).54.The _______ (Mughal Empire) was known for its cultural achievements in India.55.I enjoy learning about history. Discovering how people lived in the past is fascinating. One historical event I found interesting was __________ because__________.56.The __________ (气候) affects how we live.57. A catapult uses tension to launch a ______.58. A process that involves a change in state is called a ______.59.The pizza is _______ (hot) and cheesy.60.The process of fermentation can produce __________ and carbon dioxide.61.The teacher is ______ us a story. (reading)62.The weather is very ________ in summer.63.The boy likes to play ________.64.The __________ is the habitat for polar bears. (北极)65.The _______ (青蛙) is often found near water.66.He is learning to ___. (write)67.What do we call a scientist who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. ChemistD. Physicist答案: B68. A __________ is a substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution.69.She is _______ (listening) to music.70.An electric circuit can be open or ______.71.The chemical symbol for radon is _______.72.The park has a _____ (playground/garden).73. A ____(cartogram) represents data through geographic maps.74. A ____ is a playful animal that enjoys chasing after its friends.75.During summer, I like to play with my _________ (水枪) in the pool.76.What do we use to measure time?A. RulerB. ClockC. ScaleD. Tape答案: B77.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)78.My aunt is very __________ (友好的) and welcoming to everyone.79. A ____ is known for hopping and quick movements.80.My dad is a great __________ (支持者) of my goals.81.The __________ was a significant event in American history for women's rights. (妇女选举权运动)82.Mom calls me her little _______ when I help her cook.83.The dog is ___ (barking/growling).84.The chemical formula for table salt is ______.85.The chemical formula for lithium fluoride is _______.86.The chemical formula for mendelevium chloride is ______.87.My favorite fruit is a ______ (香蕉). It is healthy and very ______ (好吃).88. A __________ is a substance made up of only one type of atom.89.She is _____ (learning/teaching) new words.90.I enjoy taking ______ (旅行) to different countries to learn about their ______ (文化).91. A mineral’s ______ refers to its shiny or dull appearance.92.We visit the _____ (博物馆).93.What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. ChemistD. Physicist答案: B94.They are ________ soccer now.95.My brother is a great __________ (运动员).96.I enjoy watching the __________ fall during winter. (雪)97.The chemical formula for silver acetate is _____.98.I like to _____ in the swimming pool. (swim)99.The __________ are a group of islands in the Caribbean. (加勒比群岛)100.The _____ (采摘) of fruits is a fun summer activity.。
3.为什么认为细胞进化出一个特殊的G0期以退出细胞周期,而不是仅停止在G1期关卡处的G1期状态? (难)答:因为G0期的细胞保持了细胞代谢活性,需要一定的信号刺激便会进入细胞周期,若停留在G1期关卡处的G1期状态,细胞便不能有细胞活性。
《中医妇科学B》第七次B型题1. 女患者,经前、经期小腹冷痛拒按,得热痛减,经血量少,色黯有块,畏寒肢冷,面色青白,舌黯,苔白,脉沉紧。
治疗应首选:B.少腹逐瘀汤 [1分]2. 女患者,经后小腹隐隐作痛,喜按,月经量少,色淡质稀,头晕耳鸣,腰膝痠软,小便清长,面色晦暗,舌淡苔白,脉沉细。
治疗应首选:D.调肝汤 [1分]3. 妊娠12周内,胚胎自然殒堕者,称为:A.堕胎 [1分]4. 妊娠期间,出现以小腹疼痛为主证者,称为:E.胞阻 [1分]5. 终生不来月经而能受孕者称:C.暗经 [1分]6. 身体无病月经一年一行者称: E.避年[1分]7. 肾阳虚型带下过多的治法是:B.温肾培元,固涩止带 [1分]8. 脾肾阳虚经行浮肿的治法是:D.温肾化气,健脾利水 [1分]9. 问诊应注意问带下的:A.量、色、质、味 [1分]10. 问诊应注意问月经的: C.期、量、色、质[1分]11. 与热邪有关的病证是:A.崩漏 [1分]12. 与湿热有关的病证是:C.带下病 [1分]13. 治疗脾虚子满的首选方是:D.鲤鱼汤 [1分]14. 治疗脾虚子肿的首选方是:A.白术散 [1分]15. 经行小腹绞痛,得热痛减者,多属于:D.实寒证 [1分]16. 经行小腹隐痛,喜暖喜按者,多属于:C.虚寒证 [1分]17. 治疗肾气虚型闭经首选方是:C.加减苁蓉菟丝子丸 [1分]18. 治疗肾气虚型痛经首选方是:B.调肝汤 [1分]19. 妊娠早期,呕吐清涎,头晕体倦,不思饮食。
治宜:A.健脾和胃,降逆止呕 [1分]20. 妊娠早期,呕吐酸苦水,胸胁满闷,口苦咽干。
治宜: B.清肝和胃,降逆止呕 [1分]21. 带下量多,色淡黄,质稀薄,无臭气。
多属:A.脾阳虚证 [1分]22. 带下量多,色白清冷,质稀如水,无臭气。
多属: B.肾阳虚证 [1分]23. 二仙汤适用于经断前后诸证哪个证型?C.肾阴阳两虚证 [1分]24. 左归丸适用于经断前后诸证哪个证型? B.肾阴虚证 [1分]25. 恶阻气阴两虚证的辨证要点是: E.呕吐带血样物 [1分]26. 恶阻脾胃虚弱证的辨证要点是:C.呕吐酸苦水 [1分]27. 女患者,每于经前、经期肢体肿胀,按之随手而起,胸闷胁胀,月经量少,色黯红,有血块,舌黯,苔薄白,脉弦,其治疗应首选: D.八物汤[1分]28. 女患者,每于经前出现乳房胀痛,拒按,伴烦躁易怒,经行不畅,色暗红有血块,舌红,苔薄白,脉弦。
珍视明奈敏维滴 眼液包装设计, 电视广告创意, 设计。
珍视明滴眼液新 包装设计,电视 广告创意,设计。
华与华公司为珍视 明设计的广告创意
“视力表”符号让包装 成为消费者自测视力 的工具,增加了产品 “防止视力下降”的使 用价值和品牌体验。
创意开发产品,为齐 心创意开发设计“招财”, “找的快”,“双面王”等 系列办公用品。
以“全面媒体化”的理念, 全面升级终端渠道建 设。
胃痛宁 可坦 大药房 健康屋
美罗胃痛宁“胃痛光荣篇”电视广告创意拍摄 可坦包装设计及电视广告创意拍摄 美罗大药房电视广告创意拍摄
以前 问题1:讨论中缺少互动性 问题2:项目过于理想化 现在 用日常小事验证课题 用自己的经历表达观点 能快速提炼素材主旨,节省时间 团队默契在提升,进步
品牌战略 广告公司
研讨会第二次总结 & 华与华营销案例
1 研讨会第二次总结
根据以往的经验我们已经有了很大 的进步
2 齐心办公
3 大连美罗
美罗牌胃痛宁片已成为中国胃药经 典符号
4 珍视明
第一、二章作业(1)1、原子间的金属键的特点如何?2、 晶体具有什么特征,其与非晶体的的区别?3、空间点阵、晶胞、晶体结构有何区别?4、分别作图表示立方晶系中的晶面和晶向:(123)(012)、(421)、[121]、[120]、[231];第二章作业(2)1、为什么密排六方结构不能称为一种空间点阵?2、请标出六方晶系的晶面、晶向的密勒指数 、(3)。
3、常温下的铝、铁的晶体结构分别是什么?分别说出:一个晶胞包含多少个原子?致密度是多少?原子半径与点阵常数的关系是什么?配位数是多少?最密排面与最密排方向?铝的最密排面的原子的堆垛方式为什么?4、立方晶体中(110)和(211)面同属于什么晶带?5、已知纯钛有两种同素异构体:低温稳定的密排六方结构α-Ti 和高温稳定的体心立方结构β-Ti ,其同素异构转变温度为882.5℃。
计算纯钛在室温(20℃)和900℃时晶体中(112)和(001)的晶面间距(已知nm a 2951.020=℃α,nm 4679.0c 20=℃α,nm a 3307.0900=℃β。
第二章作业(3)1、什么是间隙固溶体?形成间隙固溶体有何条件?2、 为什么碳在γ-Fe 中的溶解度大于在α-Fe 中的溶解度?3、分析比较间隙相和间隙化合物在形成条件、晶体结构方面的差别?4、固溶体有何性质?5、常见的金属化合物有哪几类?它们各有何特点?Mg2Si 、Fe3C 、VC 、等是哪种类型的化合物?第三、四章作业(4)1、位错反应的条件是什么?(4分)判断下列位错反应能否进行?(6分) ( 1 )( 2 )2.位错运动有几种机制,分别简述其过程。
九年级英语上学期第七次课堂作业 试题
英语第七次课堂作业一、选择题( )1. The box is __________ of the three boxes, I think.A. the heavyB. the heavierC. the heaviestD. heaviest( )2. _______ of the two girls is Lucy.A. The prettyB. The prettierC. More prettyD. The most pretty( )3. Han Han is one of _________ teenager writers today, though some old writers don’t like him very much.A. more famousB. most famousC. the most famousD.famous( )4. Linda writes ____________ than ____________ girl in her class.A. more careful; any otherB. more carefully; any otherC. more carefully; the otherD. more careful; the other ( )5. His composition is ________ better than mine, I think.A. moreB. veryC. a lot ofD. much ( )6. Our English teacher always _______ a smile on her face.A. wearB. haveC. hasD. show ( )7. The books on this shelf are more interesting than _____ on that shelf.A thatB thisC thoseD the one( )8. I believe __________, because he is _________ honest man.A. the words he says; aB. what he says; anC. he says what; theD. what does he say; an( )9. Kate’s father _________ her very m uch because she __________ him.A. is like, likeB. likes, is likeC. likes, is alikeD. is alike, likes( )10.Here comes the bus. Let’s _________.A. get on itB. get it onC. to get on itD. to get it on( )11. ______ to ride a bike from your school to the park?A. How long did you spendB. How far did it takeC. How long did it take youD. How far did you spend( )12. Please do the exercises as __________ as you can in the English exam.A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best( )13. Could you say _______ about it, please ? I’d like to kno w_________.A. nothing else; moreB. anything else; mostC. anything other; moreD. something else; more( )14.Did you enjoy_______ at the party, my children?A. myselfB. yourselfC. ourselvesD. yourselves( )15. Jack is ready __________ you ____________ English.A. help, learnB. to help, learningC. help, learningD. to help, learn( )16. On my way to school I go _______ his house every day.A. pastB. passC. passesD. to past( )17. Jill wants to try __________ others in her class.A. to be kind forB. being kind forC. to be kind toD. being kind to( )18.---Why are you late, Jim? ---Because there ______a lot of traffic when I came here.A. isB. areC. wasD. were ( )19. _____ children there are in a family, ______their life will be.A. The less; the betterB. The fewer; the betterC. Fewer; richerD. More; poorer( )20. Many people want to read articles _______Mo Yan from China now.A. withB. toC. onD. by 二.完形填空Students learn their lessons in class. In class, __1__ teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of__2__. Is this the __3__ way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is __4___ way to learn, that is, students can __5__ themselves. For example, if you cannot remember something __6_ you are doing your homework, you can read your books to find the __7__. Thisis the way to teach yourself. And it is not a(an)__8___ thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is __9__. Read something you are ___10__ in, or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions, the questions are something you don’t ___11___, or you want to know more about. You can write down these questions. A __12___ student is usually good at asking questions. The __13___ is to answer the questions yourself ___14__ thinking hard, by reading books, and ___15___ by asking other people. These are the ways of teaching yourself. And you must do this all by yourself. If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.( )1. A.students B.teachers C.workers ( )2. A.learning B.reading C.writing( )3. A.first B.second st( )4. A.other B.the other C.another( )11. A.learn B.read C. meet D. understand三.阅读理解AA young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long.He went downstairs to the kitchen. His mother and two sisters were washing up the tea-things there. “The new trousers are too long,〞he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Could one of you do it for me, please?〞 His mother and sister were busy and none of them said anything.But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters.Later on, after supper, the elder sister r emembered her brother’s trousers. She was a kind-hearted girl, so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches.The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came home she, too, remembered her brother’s trousers. So she ran upstairs and did as her mother and sister had done. You can imagine the look on the young man’s face when he put the trousers on the next morning.( )1. The young man’s trousers were ______ for him at first. ADABCA a bit too longB very goodC not too longD too short( )2. The young man’s mother and sisters didn’t answer because they were busy ______ in the kitchen.A cookingB making teaC washing clothesD washing cups, glasses andso on( )3. His elder sister shortened the trousers ______.A in the eveningB after lunchC as soon as she had finished the washingD after she came back from the cinema ( )4. The next morning the young man found that the trousers were ______ inches too short for him.A twoB fourC sixD eight( )5. We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the next morning, he would feel________.A happyB surprisingC surprisedD thankfulBOne day, a young man was in a street with his horse. It was raining heavily.The young man did not have an umbrella or a raincoat. He felt very cold. He wantedto stay in a warm restaurant.It was 3:45 in the afternoon. The young man got into a small restaurant. Therewas a fireplace (壁炉) in it . But there were a lot of people in front of the fireplace.The young man couldn’t get near to it.The young man was smart, and he thought of a good idea. He said to a waiter, “Take some fish to my horse.〞 The waiter and other people in the restaurant werevery surprised. The waiter said, “The horse doesn’t eat fish, sir.〞 The youngman told the waiter, “My horse is very amazing. It can sing, and do many other things. It can eat fish too.〞 So the waiter took some fish to the horse. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the young man.When all the other people were out, the young man sat beside the fire and he felt very warm. After a while, the waiter came back and said, “Your horse didn’t eat fish at all.〞 The young man said, “All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. I’ll eat it.〞〔〕1.The young man felt very cold because ________.A. it was a cloudy dayB. it snowedC. he had to walk in the rainD. he was hungry〔〕2.All the people in the restaurant ran out except the young man because ________ .A. they wanted to see the waiterB. they wanted to see the horse eat fishC. the young man asked them to go outD. they liked walking in the heavy rain〔〕3.The young man’s horse _______ .A. was crazy about fishB. liked fish very muchC. didn’t eat any fish at allD. wasn’t hungry at all 〔〕4.Why did the young man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse?A. Because his horse wanted some fish.B. Because his horse was very hungry.C. Because his horse felt very cold.D. Because he wanted other people to go out.〔〕5.Which is true according to the passage?A. The young man had an umbrella.B. The young man was not clever.C. The young man was happy when he was in the rain.D. The young man ate the fish himself at last.(C)任务型阅读Height is just one of the thousands of things your genes(基因〕decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you with a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too, but if you have questions about how tall you're going be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find it out.But genes don't decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力).Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.No doubt you're wondering how fast you should grow. It depends(看情况而定〕.There's no perfect or right answer. Generally speaking, kids grow about 2 inches(6 centimeters〕a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty(when your body starts changing and becoming more grown-up).Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years. Two centimeters here and 2 inches there are not nearly as important as the height you're at now, how you've been growing up to this point, and what other changes your body may be going through.Don't be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyonehas a growth spurt(顶峰〕during puberty(青春期).The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11for boys. But it can be earlier or later--between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.You'll usually begin to notice that during puberty you're growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.Do you want to know your height?1 ________________2 ________________ 3________________ 4________________ 5________________6 ________________7 ________________ 8________________ 9________________ 10 ________________四.词汇1. Betty is _____________.(大方的)2. My friend often shares his ________ (欢乐) with me.3. Don’t tell anything to her because she can’t keep __________〔机密〕for you .4. We often borrow books and ____________(杂志) from our school library.5. Of all the_____________(科目), I like Chinese best.6. Both swimming and stamp collecting are his _____________(interesting).7. Peter drew _______________(bad) in the drawing competition.8.Do you know those________________(win)?9.Do you know the _____________ (high) of a giraffe?10. They hurt ________________(they) in a traffic accident.11. You look tired; you'd better ________ (have) a rest.’s better__________(ride)your bike slowly when the traffic is busy.13.Jack had a wonderful time_____ 〔visit〕one place after another in Beijing14. If it ________ (not rain ) tomorrow, I'll go home.15. If something ___________(worry) me, I’ll go to my best friends. 五.首字母填空Three rich ladies met every day by the river. They sat there and talked the (1) w______ day. Once, they quarreled. One of them said, “Look, how white and beautiful my hands are!〞 (2) A_____one said, “My hands are more beautiful.〞 The third one said. “Mine are the (3) m ______beautiful.〞 Just then, an old woman beggar came up to them. “Beautiful ladies,〞 she said, “I’m old and can’t work. I’m hungry. Please give me something to eat.〞But the (4) t______ ladies gave her nothing. They only asked her to tell them who had the most beautiful hands.A peasant woman(农妇) was also sitting by the river. She was (5) p_____ and her hands were rough(粗糙的) because of (6) h_____ work. The old woman beggar came up to her and said, “I’m hungry. Please give me something to eat.〞 The peasant woman took out her only cake she had and gave the beggar a (7) h______.The old woman beggar ate it and drank some water. Then she took the peasant woman by the hand, brought her (8) b______ the rich ladies and said, “Now, I shall tell you whose hands are the most beautiful. The hands of the poor peasant woman are rough because of work, but they give us food; they are (9) f______ more beautiful than your hands which have n (10) done anything.〞1_____________2_____________3_____________4____________5____________6_____________7_____________8_____________9____________10____________六.翻译句子1.看到如此多的世界各地的名胜古迹真有趣。
“计算机应用基础”第七次作业A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1. 在工作表的单元格输入=sum(10,min(15,max(2,1),3))后回车,该单元格显示的结果为:[1分] CA.15B.14C.12D.102. 在Internet上收发E-Mail的协议不包括:[1分]AA.ARPB.POP3C.SMTPD.IMAP3. 按照计算机网络覆盖范图的大小,计算机网络分为:[1分]DA.校园网.企业网B.通讯网.资源网C.有线网.无线网D.局域网.城域网.广域网.互联网4. 下列关于Word 的叙述中,错误的一条是:[1分]CA.在页面视图下可以看到文档的分栏效果B.最小化的文档窗口被放置在工作区的底部C.在普通视图下可以显示用绘图工具绘制的图形D.按工具栏中的“撤消”按钮可以撤消上一次的操作参考答案为:C,您选择的答案为:B5. 数据保密性的基本类型包括:[1分]DA.静态数据保密性B.动态数据保密性C.传输数据保密性D.A、B都是6. 在访问地址为202.204.39.3的FTP服务器时,在地址栏输入:[1分]BA. 在Excel 2010中,输入数字作为文本使用时,需要输入的先导字符是:[1分]AA.单引号B.双引号C.逗号D.分号8. 对信息安全的威胁主要包括:[1分]CA.信息传递延时和信息被复制B.信息错误和信息使用不当C.信息泄漏和信息破坏D.信息保存和信息传递9. FTP的中文意义是:[1分]DA.域名B.高级程序设计语言C.网址D.文件传输协议10. 启动Excel 2010后,在自动建立的工作薄文件中,带有电子工作表的初始个数为:[1分]CA.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个11. 密码技术主要是用来______。
小学上册英语第3单元暑期作业(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 My mom loves __________ (参与当地事务).2 The _____ is the force that attracts objects toward one another.3 I want to _____ (play/learn) soccer.4 The _____ (蘑菇) is a type of fungus, not a plant.5 She is ___ her homework. (doing)6 The chemical formula for ammonium thiocyanate is _______.7 A solution that can conduct electricity is called a _______ electrolyte.8 The chemical symbol for titanium is ______.9 The ant works together in a _______ (群体).10 What is the term for a baby deer?A. CalfB. FawnC. KidD. Cub答案:B11 How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Four答案:B12 The chameleon can change its _______ (颜色).13 What is the color of a ripe banana?A. GreenB. YellowC. BrownD. Red14 I like to play with my toy ________ (玩具名称) at the library.15 The movie was very ________.16 Maria is a ______. She enjoys helping others.17 A chemical reaction can result in a temperature ______.18 The __________ is a famous city known for its music. (维也纳)19 I have a ________ (拼图玩具) that features my favorite cartoon character.20 What do you call a place where you can see many animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. ParkD. Garden答案:A21 We are making ________ (沙拉) for lunch.22 The _______ (猫) pounces on its toy.23 My friend’s name is ____ and he/she is ____.24 My favorite musician is _______ (名字). 她的音乐风格很 _______ (形容词).25 A solute is the substance that is _____ in a solution.26 I like to _______ (拍摄视频) of my adventures.27 What is a common pet that barks?A. CatB. DogC. HamsterD. Fish答案: B28 In a battery, chemical energy is converted into ________ energy.29 My cat likes to sit in the _______ (阳光).30 Which of these is a type of bird?A. SalmonB. SparrowC. FrogD. Lizard答案: B31 What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?A. Brooklyn BridgeB. Golden Gate BridgeC. Tower BridgeD. Sydney Harbour Bridge答案:B32 When I help others, I feel ______ (满足). It’s important to be kind and ______ (乐于助人).33 My dad encourages me to follow my __________ (兴趣).34 Which of these is a primary color?A. PurpleB. GreenC. RedD. Orange35 The first telephone was invented by ________ Bell.36 The ______ teaches us about philosophy.37 What is 2 + 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6答案: B38 My aunt has a wonderful __________ (个性).39 The _____ (狮子) is a powerful predator.40 Carta was signed in __________ (1215). The Magn41 A reaction that produces a solid is called a ______ reaction.42 I bring a towel to dry off after swimming in the ______ (河).43 I enjoy drawing ______ during art class.44 How many planets are in the Milky Way galaxy?A. 8B. Over 100 billionC. 10D. 1245 What is the term for a plant that lives for more than two years?A. AnnualB. BiennialC. PerennialD. Seasonal答案:C46 How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 12C. 11D. 9答案:B47 The famous singer I like is _______ (名字). 她的歌很 _______ (形容词).48 The colorful part of a flower that attracts bees is called a ______.49 What is the capital city of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. Montreal答案:B50 The ______ (石头) pathway leads to the garden.51 I have a ________ that changes colors.52 What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to make one complete revolution around the sun?A. YearC. DayD. Hour答案: A53 The _______ (The Cold War) was a prolonged geopolitical conflict.54 A ______ (植物的适应性) is crucial for ecosystem balance.55 We had ______ (fun) at the museum.56 Which of these is a type of cloud?A. CumulusB. MountainC. ValleyD. Desert答案:A57 A chemical reaction can result in the formation of new ______.58 What do we call a series of events that occur in a story?A. PlotB. ThemeC. CharacterD. Setting答案: A59 I have a _______ (subscription) to the magazine.60 When I go to the movies, I like to bring my favorite ________ (玩偶) along.61 What is the term for a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalD. Cub答案:B62 A __________ (电离) occurs when a substance breaks into ions in solution.63 What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. HeroD. Villain答案:A64 The __________ (历史的教育角色) cultivate understanding.65 I enjoy playing with my _________ (飞行器玩具) during the summer.66 The tree is very ___. (tall)67 The ancient Egyptians had a rich tradition of ________ (文化).68 What do you call the act of putting something away in a safe place?A. StoringB. HidingC. KeepingD. Securing答案: A69 The puppy is _______ (调皮) and loves to chew on shoes.70 The __________ is a region known for its community services.71 The _____ (气候适应) is crucial for plant survival.72 The __________ (历史的深远影响) shapes our lives.73 What do we call the area of land surrounded by water?A. IslandB. PeninsulaC. LakeD. River74 What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. AvocadoB. TomatoC. PepperD. Onion75 The __________ is a small island nation in the Indian Ocean. (马尔代夫)76 The _____ (piano) is out of tune.77 The ______ is a type of reptile.78 My brother is always ready to __________ (帮助他人).79 My dog loves to dig in the ______ (沙子).80 A mixture of two or more metals is called _______.81 A parakeet can learn to _______ (说话).82 (93) is known for its cultural diversity. The ____83 The ______ teaches us about history.84 What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red答案:C85 The _______ of a balloon can be affected by altitude.86 What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Los AngelesC. Washington,D.C.D. Chicago答案: C. Washington, D.C.87 The owl is a nocturnal ______ (动物).88 Lizards can change their ______ (颜色).89 The concept of clean energy emphasizes the importance of sustainable energy ______.90 The puppy is _______ (sleeping) on my lap.91 What is 15 + 5?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 3592 An octopus has ______ tentacles.93 Geothermal energy is produced from the heat of the ______.94 What do you call a collection of plants grown for display?A. GardenB. NurseryC. GreenhouseD. Arboretum答案: D95 The road is _______ (bumpy).96 The __________ (南美洲) is home to the Amazon Rainforest.97 I want to learn how to ________ (表演) on stage.98 _____ (草本植物) are used in many recipes.99 The park is ______ (close) to my house.100 The ________ is a special plant that blooms brightly.。
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3z x y xy =+-在点(1,2)处沿方向43l i j =- 的方向导数为39
3,9,5z z
l x y
43cos ,cos 55αβ==- 由公式得:
u x y yz =+在点
856i j k ++ 。
解 (1,2,1)
gradu 2
xy x y z yz =+
}= 3.对二元函数(,)z f x y =而言()A 。
A.,x y f f 存在且连续,则(,)f x y 沿任一方向的方向导数存在;
(,)f x y 的偏导数都存在,则(,)f x y 沿任一方向的方向导
C.沿任一方向的方向导数存在,则函数(,)f x y 必连续;
D .以上结论都不对。
x y f f ,存在且连续f ⇒可微⇒沿任一方向的方向导数存在。
4.若函数(,,)u u x y z =在点(,,)x y z 处的三个偏导数都存在
且不全为0,则向量,,u u u x y z ⎧⎫
的方向是函数u 在点
(,,)x y z 处的()B 。
A .变化率最小的方向;
B .变化率最大的方向;
C .可能是变化率最小的方向,也可能是变化率最大的方向;
D .既不是变化率最小的方向,也不是变化率最大的方向。
解 方向{,,}u u u x y z
(,,)3f x y z x yz xy z
解 (1,1,0)1f x -∂=-∂, (1,1,0)2f y
z -∂=-∂ 从110-(,,)
即{13l = ,,4l =
,1cos 4α=,3cos 4β=
,cos 4
故f l ∂=∂ (1,1,0)cos f x α-∂⋅∂(1,1,0)
cos f
(1,1,0)5cos 4f z γ-∂-+⋅=∂ 6.设()cos ,sin l e θθ= ,求函数()22,f x y x xy y =-+在
()1,1沿方向l 的方向导数,并分别确定角θ,使方向导数有:(1)
x y x ∂=-=∂
x y y
1,11cos 1sin sin 4f l
⎫=⋅+⋅=+ ⎪∂⎝⎭
,max f
l ∂=∂ ,当34πθ=
时,0f l
∂=∂ 当54πθ=时
f l ∂=∂
221()x y
z a b =-+在
,)a b 处沿曲线2
221x y
a b
z x
a ∂=-∂
,z y b ∂=-∂ 曲线2
221x y
a b
+=的切线的斜率是tan b a α=-,
从而内法线的斜率为tan a
cos b θ-=
sin a
z l
a -⋅-()
ab =。