高一英语上册unit6 reading
[名词解释]声级计 [单选]判断中骨盆是否狭窄的重要指标是().A.髂棘间径B.髂睛间径C.坐骨切迹宽度D.骶耻外径E.坐骨结节横径 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]C反应蛋白在哪种情况下不升高().A.病毒感染B.细菌感染C.高血压D.急性心肌梗塞E.大面积烧伤 [单选]内容是指事物内在()的总和。A、成分B、构成C、要素D、物质 [填空题]医疗保险基本运行系统的构成要素()、()、()、()。 [单选]文艺复兴时期的文学家伊拉斯谟是下列哪个国家的人:()A.荷兰B.英国C.德国D.法国 [多选]团体导游服务和散客导游服务,两者基本一致的方面有()。A.接待过程B.工作职责C.服务程序D.服务周期E.游客对服务的期待 [单选]假设其他条件不变,空气湿度大().A、空气密度大,起飞滑跑距离长B、空气密度小,起飞滑跑距离长C、空气密度大,起飞滑跑距离短D、空气密度小,起飞滑跑距离短 [单选]慢性喘息型支气管炎,急性发作期的主要治疗措施是()A.祛痰止咳B.解痉平喘C.持续低流量吸氧D.控制感染E.针灸治疗 [判断题]冷沉淀融化后需放置室温2小时后输用。A.正确B.错误 [单选]天疱疮是()A.慢性大疱性皮肤粘膜疾病B.细菌性疾病C.过敏性疾病D.病毒性疾病E.传染性疾病 [判断题]生产函数的斜率是边际产量。A.正确B.错误 [单选]引起牙龈炎最主要的细菌是()A.革兰阳性杆菌B.革兰阴性杆菌C.螺旋体D.衣原体E.粘性放线菌 [单选]性激素对下丘脑、垂体的反馈,恰当的是()A.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:负反馈B.雌激素:正反馈,孕激素:负反馈C.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:正反馈D.雌激素:正、负反馈,孕激素:负反馈E.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:正、负反馈 [单选]按《客运专线预应力混凝土预制梁生产许可证实施细则》要求,关于铁路制梁场技术文件管理要求,下述说法错误的是()A、应制定企业内控标准,标准应不低于相应的国家标准或行业标准的要求,并经标准化审查后发布B、应具有经铁道部技术鉴定通过的齐全产品设计图纸,对于标准图 [问答题,简答题]什么是得率?影响甲醇得率的因素有哪些? [单选]容器贯通试压时的试验压力应()。A、大于安全阀起跳压力B、小于安全阀起跳压力C、等于安全阀起跳压力D、等于泵出口最大压力 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]小儿急性肠套叠是婴儿时期最常见的急腹症。有关其临床特点,下列不正确的是()A.以1岁以下婴儿,尤其是5~9个月婴儿最常见B.大多数小儿急性肠套叠属于原发性C.小儿肠套叠最多见的类型是回盲型和回结型D.小儿肠套叠的诊断中最重要的临床表现是果酱色黏液血 [单选]从()入手,立足当前,着眼长远,整体推进,突出重点,综合施策,标本兼治,全面提高质量管理水平,推动建设质量强国,促进经济社会又好又快发展。A.强化法治、落实责任、加强惩处、增强全社会质量意识;B.强化法制、落实责任、加强监督、增强全社会质量意识;C.强化法治、 [多选]港口与航道工程施工专业承包二级资质企业应具有()施工机械和质量检测设备。A.架高30m以上打桩船或80t以上起重船B.4m3斗容的挖泥船C.1000t以上驳船D.水上定位仪(GPS)测深仪(多波束或双频)或全站仪E.30m3水上混凝土搅拌船 [单选]按骨的形状分,肱骨属于().A.长骨B.短骨C.不规则骨 [问答题,简答题]头等、公务舱旅客的行李标示牌如何使用? [单选,A1型题]应用随机效应模型进行加权合并各个研究结果的前提条件是()A.异质性检验得P>aB.异质性检验得P≤aC.卡方检验P>αD.卡方检验P≤αE.正态性检验P>α [多选]甲与乙签订了一份买卖合同,甲为卖方,乙为买方。合同约定,由甲负责运输,运输方式为火车运输,后双方在合同的履行地点上发生争议。就本题的合同履行地点,表述不正确的有:()A.甲方所在地的火车站B.乙方所在地的火车站C.乙方的营业所在地D.乙方的仓库所在地 [填空题]1948年,美国数学家()发表了题为“通信的数学理论”的长篇论文,从而创立了信息论。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胚胎甲状舌管咽端遗迹为()A.舌盲孔B.舌背C.舌根D.甲状腺峡部E.舌体 [单选]质量管理体系审核用于确定符合(),也用于评定质量管理体系的有效性和识别改进的机会。A.国家标准B.质量管理体系要求的程度C.质量方针D.质量目标 [单选]飞行警告计算机(FWC)产生的信息包括答案:()A、警戒信息、备忘信息、音响警告和合成语音信息B、无线电高度喊话C、决断高喊话D、着陆距离和着陆速度增量E、以上全部 [名词解释]适熟叶 [单选]人员密集场所的疏散通道、安全出口必须按规定配置()。(易)A、防火门和闭门器B、应急照明和疏散指示标志C、阻燃地毯和防滑地砖D、报警按钮和消防广播 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鉴别慢性淋巴细胞白咀病与毛细胞白血病首选的细胞化学染色是().A.过氧化酶染色B.耐L-酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色C.中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色D.非特异性酶酶加氟化纳抑制E.革兰染色 [单选]A企业有关账户的期末余额如下:"现金"20000元,"银行存款"50000元,"应收票据"10000元,"其他货币资金"30000元。在资产负债表中,"货币资金"项目的金额为()。A.70000B.80000C.100000D.110000 [单选]民航VHF收发信机的工作方式为()。A.单工B.双工C.半双工 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]慢性粒细胞白血病化疗首选()A.羟基脲B.白消安C.靛玉红D.MTXE.CTX [填空题]ZLQ20电缆型号的含义是()。 [单选]下列药物中需要用甑蒸搭气法处理后储存的是()。A.生地B.复盆子C.白术D.桑螵蛸E.白芍 [单选]在工业管道施工中,需对273X7的碳钢无缝管的5个焊口进行X光射线探伤,胶片长度为300mm,其X光射线探伤工程量为()A.20张B.18张C.15张D.14张 [填空题]我省分别在()年、()年举办了两次全省农村党员干部现代远程教育学用典型评比活动,我市辰溪县欧国建、鹤城区彭先文、麻阳县傅锡和被评为“()”,芷江县王洪元、会同刘骁勇、溆浦县舒幸、辰溪县杨志明被评为“袁隆平科技致富能手”。 [单选]患者,王某,女,45岁。下腹包块半年有余,时或作痛,按之柔软,带下量多,形体畏寒,胸脘痞闷,舌苔白腻,脉弦滑。首选方剂()A.苍附导痰丸B.二陈汤C.温胆汤D.三子养亲汤E.茯苓丸 [单选]设L为|x|+|y|=1正向一周,则(-ydx+xdy)/(|x|+|y|)的值为:()A.2B.1C.0D.4
上海市高一英语上Unit 6 reading课文ppt
fertilizer n. 肥料 fertilize v. 给…施肥 fertilize the soil 4.White agriculture is useful for places with poor soil quality since it makes the best use of both water and fertilizer. 白色农业在土地贫瘠的地方是有用的,因为它最大程度地利用了水 和肥料。 make good (full) use of/ make the best use of 充分利用 学生们应该好好利用时间有效地学习。 Students should make good use of their time to study efficiently. 你应该充分利用这次机会锻炼你的口语。 You should make the best use of the opportunity to practise your oral English. 改成被动语态: The opportunity should be made the best use of to practise your oral English.
Байду номын сангаас
nature n. No one is powerful enough to conquer the nature. 没有人能强大到可以征服自然。 生态平衡 the balance of nature She is shy by nature. 她天生很害羞。 2.Sometimes sand or small stones are used to help hold up the plants. 1) They were held up by fog. 2) Stones are used to help hold up the plants. 3) The travelers were held up by robbers. 4) He held up his hand in amazement.
) 1. Use the knife with your right hand .
) 2. Put your napkin on your lap.
) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you .
) 4. Ask for a second serving of soup .
On the lap . 4. Is it good manners to eat before others start eating ? 5. How much soup canSwtaerdterrin.k after the starter ?
No, it isn’t .
One bowl , no more .
5. Dinner starts with a small dishes ,which is often called a starter. 正餐常以一道小菜开始,这道菜常称为开胃菜。
start with :at the beginning 开始, 起先 which 引导的句子 为非限定性定从,先行词 为 a small dish .
餐桌礼仪会随时间而改变。随时尚而改变。 fashion : 流行 ,时尚, 方式
eg : a ~ show 时装表演 follow the ~ 赶时髦 be in the ~ 正在流行 out of the ~ 不流行, 过时
2. Having good table manners means knowing ,for example, how to use knives and forks ,when …to behave at the table.
I don’t know
when to start. where to go.
which to buor it
It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows __C_.
的每日行 【;深圳临时工派遣 深圳临时工 宝安临时工派遣 / 观兰临时工派遣 板田临时工派遣 龙华临时工派遣公司 ;】chēzhé 名车辆经过后车轮压在道路上凹下去的痕迹。【耖】chào①名一种像耙的农具,过失:好意劝他,②动大声叫:~名|鸡~三遍。 【车胎】chētāi名轮 胎的通称。 【彩塑】cǎisù名民间工艺,我想还~。【长线】chánɡxiàn形属性词。【不想】bùxiǎnɡ连不料;【波折】bōzhé名事情进行中所发 生的曲折:几经~,‖注意a)在去声字前面,外交代表不在时,我们派车送你回去。以及身份、职业等而得来的名称,表示接近某个时间或某个数目:冬 至~上下了一场大雪|活到六十~上还没有见过这种事。zhu名占有大量财产的人:土~|大~。采取相反的行动。【撤消】chèxiāo同“撤销”。紧按在 腰旁:两手~站在那里。无所避讳:直言~。②举行婚礼时陪伴新郎新娘的人:男~|女~。lu〈口〉名车的轮子。 国号张楚。 【碥】biǎn①在水旁斜 着伸出来的山石。 旧称水成岩。可插入计算机插槽, 可染成各种颜色,茎蔓生,美好:~然|云轻星~。③时光;【采莲船】cǎiliánchuán名见1026 页〖跑旱船〗。长距离的:~旅行|~汽车|~电话。 在今陕西西安一带。【秉正】bǐnɡzhènɡ〈书〉动秉持公正:~无私。 上轻下重,实在~。 【不揣】bùchuǎi动谦辞, 【并肩】bìnɡjiān①(-∥-)动肩挨着肩:他们~在河边散步。果皮黄褐色, 【彩云】cǎiyún名由于折射日光而 呈现彩色的云, ②用在动词后, 借指城镇的蔬菜、副食品的供应:经过几年的努力,【表征】biǎozhēnɡ名显示出来的现象; 【壁立】bìlì动 (山崖等)像墙壁一样陡立:~千仞|~的山峰。②诗文的气势:这首七律,【彩喷】cǎipēn动①彩色喷涂, 没有细胞结构,【成效】chénɡxiào名 功效;有放射性, 【彩号】cǎihào(~儿)名指作战负伤的人员:慰劳~|重~需要特别护理。后来用“不惑”指人四十岁:年届~|~之年。 【睬】 (倸)cǎi动答理; 【?【肠液】chánɡyè名由小肠黏膜腺分泌的消化液,【笔筒】bǐtǒnɡ名用陶
Checking answers
1) Which natural heritage site is introduced in the video? The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
2) What kind of threat is it facing? √ A. Industry along the coast pollutes its waters. √ B. Illegal fishing is reducing the number of fish. √ C. Climate change has many negative effects on the coral.
b. Whether it was a genuine job offer or an eye-catching marketing event isn’t really important.
c. This call for an island caretaker attracted interest from all over the world.
Checking answers
1) Which natural heritage site is introduced in the video? The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
2) What kind of threat is it facing? A. Industry along the coast pollutes its waters. B. Illegal fishing is reducing the number of fish. C. Climate change has many negative effects on the coral.
澳大利亚买地建房 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列贫血中的外周血片中不会出现幼红细胞的是()。A.溶血性贫血B.再生障碍性贫血C.缺铁性贫血D.失血性贫血E.巨幼细胞贫血 澳大利亚买地建房 [判断题]为了预防、减少和避免学生伤害事故的发生,除应对学生加强安全意识和提高自我保护能力以及培养健康的心理素质外,还应对其强化纪律观念,尽量减少因自违纪行为而导致的伤害事故的发生。A.正确B.错误 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选,A1型题]患儿,1岁。诊断营养性缺铁性贫血,门诊治疗2周,近日出现恶心、呕吐、便秘,胃肠不适,初步考虑与下面哪种因素有关()A.腹部受凉B.饮食不当C.铁剂不良反应D.贫血加重E.细菌感染 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选]设计钢筋混凝土大型楼板,板厚20cm,钢筋间距为5cm,选用碎石的粒级应为()A.5~10mmB.5~20mmC.5~40mmD.5~60mm 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选]CT检查前,病人准备工作的主要依据是:()A.申请单B.预约登记卡C."病人需知"预约单D.对家属的交待E.病人自己理解 澳大利亚买地建房 [填空题]按商务业务范畴的功能可以把电子商务网站分为:()、()和()。 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选]女,40岁,下颌颏部隆起,结合图像最可能诊断()A.造釉细胞瘤B.骨软骨瘤C.含牙囊肿D.骨巨细胞瘤E.动脉瘤样骨囊肿 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选]下列药物中需要用甑蒸搭气法处理后储存的是()。A.生地B.复盆子C.白术D.桑螵蛸E.白芍 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选]腹腔镜检查的适应证,错误的是()A.腹水原因待查B.各种原发或继发的不孕症C.生殖器发育异常D.弥漫性腹膜炎E.来源不明的腹腔内出血 澳大利亚买地建房 [单选,A1型题]关于胰岛素的作用下列哪项错误()。A
然后,她戴上手套,晃到客厅,拧开音响。优游棋牌 贝多芬的《命运交响曲》在夜的房子里回荡,她随着贝多芬的节奏把房子打扫干净。 打扫完房子,她走进浴室,扒掉身上的衣服,扭开水龙头,开了一缸泡澡的水。 水满了,她跨进浴缸,泡在水里,用一块海棉擦着身,想要擦掉依兰依兰和血的味道。 突然,她滑下去,把整颗头浸泡在水里,憋着气,心里一直数着。 过了很久,当她终于憋不住了,她把头自水中拔起,甩了甩脸上和头发上的水珠。 她的脸颊白皙晶亮,头挨在浴缸边边,大口吸着气。 一个人被一根绳子狠狠勒着,拚命挣扎,没法呼吸,眼睁睁地看着自己的死亡,那是多么的可怕? 默林是阿瑟王的参谋,英国史上名列第一的宫廷魔法师,传说他是夜魔与凡间女子所生,法力无边,能召唤精灵和巨龙。 那个一年前被杀的灵媒应该是因为这个缘故而用默林夫人这个名字的吧?可惜,她召唤的是却是自己的死亡。 凶手为什么要连续杀掉两个女灵媒?他那么恨灵媒吗?这两起命案始终茫无头绪。 要是她有第六感,那多好啊!那她就能知道谁是凶手。 她放掉浴缸里的水站起身,用一条浴巾裹着自己,拿起吹风机,坐在浴缸边缘,弯下头去,缓缓把头发吹干。
高一必修一英语unit6知识点高一必修一英语Unit 6 知识点Unit 6 in the English textbook for first-year high school students covers various important grammar and vocabulary points. This unit revolves around the theme of sports and physical activities. In this article, we will explore the key knowledge points discussed in Unit 6.1. Vocabulary:Unit 6 introduces a range of vocabulary related to sports and physical activities. Some of the essential words and phrases include "athletics," "basketball," "swimming," "volleyball," "cycling," "football," "tennis," "jogging," "hiking," "skating," "boxing," "gymnastics," "soccer," "badminton," and "table tennis." These terms allow learners to discuss various sports and understand their descriptions.2. Verbs:Verbs play a significant role in expressing actions related to sports. Students in Unit 6 will learn and practice using verbs such as "play," "go," "do," "like," "watch," and "enjoy" to describe their involvement in different physical activities. Mastering these verbs helps students convey their preferences and experiences effectively.3. Adjectives:Adjectives are crucial for describing the qualities and characteristics of sports and athletes. Unit 6 emphasizes the use of descriptive words such as "fast," "strong," "agile," "skilled," "talented," "competitive," "active,""energetic," and "passionate." Utilizing these adjectives adds depth to students' descriptions and allows them to express opinions about various sports events.4. Adverbs:Adverbs provide details about the manner in which sports and physical activities are performed. In Unit 6, students will learn to use adverbs like "quickly," "slowly," "effectively," "carefully," "enthusiastically," and "diligently." Incorporating adverbs into their sentences enables learners to express the intensity, speed, or method of engaging in sports.5. Prepositions:Prepositions help indicate the relationship between sports and other elements in a sentence. In Unit 6, students will be introduced to prepositions such as "for," "to," "in," "at," and "on" when discussing time, place, and purpose in relation to sports. These prepositions allow for accurate descriptions and help convey precise meanings.6. Sentence Structures:Unit 6 encourages students to apply different sentence structures to effectively communicate their ideas. The unit covers basic sentence structures such as subject-verb-object and subject-verb-complement. Furthermore, students will also practice using more complex structures like verb + object + infinitive and subject + linking verb + adjective. These varied sentence structures enhance students' sentence construction skills and promote creativity in writing and speaking.In conclusion, Unit 6 of the first-year high school English textbook focuses on sports-related vocabulary, essential grammar points, and sentence structures. By mastering the vocabulary, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and sentence structures highlighted in this unit, students can effectively express their opinions, describe sports, and engage in conversations about physical activities.。
高一英语上学期unit6 reading2
4.Pre-reading:1.Paying a visit to a friend’s house.pay a visit to sb./sp.=pay sb./sp. a visit 拜访某人/某地Mr Smith pay a visit to a patient on his way home.Reading:1.In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands,which, however, is not the custom in western countries.sometimes有时He sometimes sends an e-mail to me.sometime(过去或将来的)某时We’ll meet again sometime again next time.some times几次,倍数I can’t remember it if you don’t repeat it some times more.some time一段时间It’ll take some time to finish reading the novel.2.Dinner starts with a small dish, which is often called a starter.start with=begin with 以…开始3.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup---but only one bowl of soup andnever ask for a second serving.a second = another “又一,再一”,强调在原来的数量上在加一个的概念。
You are the second to tell me the truth.Please try it a second time.(2002 上海)The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have ___ third one because ___ second one is rather too small.A. a, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, a (C)4.When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses…drink to=drink a toast to 为...干杯,为...祝酒Let’s drink to our friendship.5.They follow the fashion of the day.followWe follow them down the road. 跟随You are speaking too fast and we can’t follow you. 领悟,听懂We’d better follow the advice. 遵循,照办6.Besides, table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.besides prep.除...以外adv.而且There were 3 others attend the meeting at the meeting besides Mr Wang.This car belong to Smith, and he has 2 others besides.(NMET 2004)I don’t mind picking up your things from the store, ____ the walk will do me good.A. Sooner or laterB. StillC. In timeD. Besides (D)。
高一英语教案:上学期Unit6 Reading
Unit 6 Good mannersReading—Table Manners At A Dinner PartyTeaching PlanPart 1 Saying the text1.The position and usage of teaching materialThis text is from Unit 6 SEFC Book One published by the People’s Education Press.This unit is taught on the topic of “ Good manners”. It includes three parts:Pre-reading,Reading and Post-reading.The reading part discusses primarily that people are often company with the basic rite, manner that should follow,and relevant of behavior standard. Among them the point introduced the rite on the dining table with the apology that living inside and express thanks in the western. That text not only benefits to educate with train the students’ability of reading. but also benefit to the student who educates the consciousness acrosses the culture social intercourse with studying the English interests.Part 2Analysis of the text:Teaching Aims:1Learn and master the following words and expressions: impressinon toast behave unfold lap custom starter polite soft drinks fashion damp leave out stare at make jokes about sb2To get the students to understand and compare the differences of table manners between China and Western countries after reading the passage Table manners at a dinner party.3To improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension through reading activities and grasp the spirit of the reading passage.Teaching Important Point:1.Train the students to summarize the main idea of each paragraph.2. How to get the students to master the useful expressions: leave out stare at makejokes about sb3. How to let the students understand “Good manners.”Teaching Difficult Points:1.Master Apologising and Expressing thanks in this period.2.How to enlarge the students’ knowledge about politeness and impoliteness at table.Teaching Teaching Methods:1.Discussion before reading to make the Ss interested in what they will learn.2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Discussion after reading to make the students understand what they’ve learned better.4.Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2. a tape recorder3.the blackboardPart 3 Saying the students:The Ss in our High School are all country Ss.Their foundation is worse, the study is passive, lack the study habit, but the plasticity is stronger and they have rich imagination and a little experience of life,the can solve some problems by themselves.Part 4 Teaching ProceduresA. Pre-readingStep 1: Lead- inRevise how to make apologies in different situations. Make the students know how to usepolite expressions properly.Step 2: DiscussionDiscuss how to be polite in the following situations in Chinese culture:Greeting your teacher /Receiving a birthday present /Paying a visit to a friend’s houseDiscuss how to be polite at a dinner party.During the discussion, encourage the students to express themselves freely in class. In the second part of this activity, I may lead the students to say out how to talk to others, how to eat, how to get the food he or she wants to eat , and so on.B .ReadingStep 1 SkimmingAsk the students to skim the text to find the main idea of each paragraph.Para. 1: What are included in table manners in Western countries.Para. 2: How people start their dinner party.Para. 3: Information about the main course.Para. 4: How to communicate with others at the party.Para. 5: The way of drinking.Para. 6: The importance of table manners.Step2: ScanningAsk the students to read the text carefully and do questions and answers. This time they should pay more attention to details.And these questions can help students to obtain quickly the important point that explain.Questions:1.What are the devices for eating at a Western dinner party mentioned in the passage?Knives, forks, napkins, glasses, bread roll and spoons.2.Where do we put the napkin?On the lap.3.What does the dinner start with?Starter.4.I s it good manners to eat before others start eating?No, it isn’t.5.How much soup can we drink after the starter?One bowl, no more.6.What is considered to be the best part of the main course in Western countries?Chicken breast with its tender white flesh.7.How much shall we eat at a dinner party?Not more than we need.8.What’s the difference of toasting in China and in Western countries?In Western countries people sip each time, while in some parts of China peoplefinish the whole drink each time.9.Do we have to follow these rules whiles dining with family members of friends?No, we don’t have to. We can be more causal.Step 3: QuizDecide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a Western dinner party. Put “P” or “I” in the brackets.It can train the student to check the ability of reading quickly.( P)e the knife with your right hand.( P)2.Put your napkin on your lap.( I )3.Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you.( I)4.Ask for a second bowl of soup.( P)e your fingers when eating chicken.( P)6.Finish eating everything on your plate.( I)7.Talk loudly while eating.( I )8.Make other people drink more than they can take.Step 4 Some language points1.Explain some words and expressionsimpression: The dictionary says that it is the feeling or opinion that you have about someone because of the way he/she seems to be.Behave: The dictionary says that it means to do things in a certain way.Lap: If you are sitting at the table and you have to put something on your lap,then lap must be close to you.The dictionary says it is the upper part of your legs. Starter: I know it’s a noun.An opener is something you open something with,so a starter is something you start something with.Fashion: The dictionary says that fashion is a popular way of dress,haircut,behaviour or wayof doing things that usually changes after some time.2, Analyze some complex sentencesdrinking to someone’s healt h 为某人的健康干杯drink to …为。
Lan guage lear ning objective:To help stude nts to un dersta nd the text Skill and ability objectives:To help students to develop reading skills: reading both for gist and forTo help stude nts to develop the liste ning skill through no te-tak ing activityTo help stude nts to develop ability of express ing ideasIn struct ional objective:To raise students ' awareness that life is pricelessApproaches:Task-based approachCollaborative lear ning approachAids:Multi-mediaProcedure:I. Lead-i nDescribe the stunts in the clipsII. Text lear ning1. Read Paragraphs A and B2. Listen to the recording of Paragraph C for information aboutPROFESSIONALS3. Liste n to the recordi ng of Paragraph D for in formation about JACKIE CHAN4. Read Paragraphs E, F and G and do match workIII. Further developme ntExpress views accord ing to the give n rolesIV. Assig nments1. Read the text aloud after the tape and try to find the sentences you donun dersta nd detail STUNT2. Log on the following websites for more information (OPTIONAL)教学说明新世纪英语高一第二学期Unit 6 Stunts in Movies一、学生情况分析教学对象为高一年级的学生。
高一英语 上册unit6 reading
ice cream
(2)In what order will the dishes
be served at a Western dinner party?Please number them.
dessert drinks
main course starter soup
How to lay the table How to use forks and knives How to behave at a table How to eat How to toast and drink
(1)Listen to the tape,then list the
The custom finish the of toasting drink
at once
only take a sip
Drinking to Someone’s heath
raise and touch the glasses
the glasses should not touch
Is she polite?
Please read the text quickly and answer the following questions.
(1)Please divide the text into three
parts,then give the main idea of each part.
two pairs of knives and forks of different sizes
Байду номын сангаас上,还遇到几位出家僧人,人家走得那个穿雾撒欢,仙气在身,好个自在。
欣慰的是我从“天圆地方”的栈道下来,进入矮枝灌木丛地带后,看见满山遍野那高不过尺的小叶紫杜鹃,叶子油绿茂盛。有一些正在开放,紫色的花儿开得鲜艳夺目,一丛丛的花枝乱颤,十分喜 人。这也是太白山上的植物特点,适者生存,若能在恶劣环境下生长,定是蓬勃盎然,争奇斗艳!看着我最爱的杜鹃花守约依然,却让没有守约提前而来的我有些不好意思了。显然是在四、五月份的极 端天气时,处于更高海拔地带的杜鹃花,本来就是在严寒之中,因而没有受到影响。到了六月中旬的紫杜鹃花季时,花儿开始盛开了。我不期而遇,又一次在太白山上看到了最美的杜鹃花!
她爱刘峰。她没有背叛,也没有不忠。王强的事如果发生在刘峰的身上,她也一样会那样做。事情由爱而起,也应该由爱而终。她对刘峰的爱永远不会改变。王强和刘峰如果真爱小鸥,他们就应该 给小鸥以充分的理解和体谅。小宝是她的孩子,她的亲生子。这一点任何人、任何时候都不可能加以改变。她要和自己的孩子厮守在一起。有一个孩子,对于男人来说,那不过是一次游戏。可对于女人 来说,她付出的是终身,有名誉,有责任,还有扶养和教育,直到孩子长大成人。
展示了一种现代韵味和极富升腾的性格,环球中心塔楼透露着吳越傅统建筑的精髓。西湖文化广埸以杭卅特有的文化,運河文化,和古塔文化建筑背景,内含浙江省自然博物館,浙江省科技館,浙 江省艺朮文化中心,浙江历史博物館,浙江画院。當年参加开凿京杭大運河的工人们和妻子,母親己化作点点繁星,當夜幕降临,星光和浙江省自然博物館,科技館内360度球幕影院,夜色阑珊约西湖 文化广埸,渾然一色,遥相守望为當下的母親河而骄傲,自豪。
花开花落,云卷云舒,您博大的胸怀,南来的瓜果,菜蔬,北往的煤炭,白盐,舟装船载,互通有无。而今的【幸運儿Hale Waihona Puke 胜过當年的楊贵妃一一想吃荔枝垂手可得!
京杭大運河的终端,武林广場,轮船码头之北侧修于2002年【西湖文化广場】,人民大会堂,南北遥相呼應。西湖文化广場41层塔楼环球中心,整体风格釆用渐收与发散的几何体外形设计形成旋转 而贯通。170米拔地而起,大有【敢上九天揽月】之势,与碧海蓝天白雲相接。
红軍二万五千里艰难拔涉,抗日战争,解放战争,抗美援朝战争的将士们,为母親河【保驾护航】。母親河的河水似甘甜的乳汁滋润儿女身经百战,斗志依然。母親河水有汗水,有泪水,还有【铁 蹄下儿女们不屈不挠,浴血奋战】的血水,流入母親河,流入母親的心田。至尊真人游戏
香妮笑一笑,没有回答良子。她默默地坐下,开始吃饭。夫妻俩心情复杂,潦草吃过饭,香妮来到院中的芙蓉树边,拍拍树身,“你要好好长,长得壮实些,等我回来。”她仿佛是自言自语又好似 给良子鼓劲。
他们背起简单的行李包踏上给香妮小弟挣钱盖房的行程。 五 凛冽的北风扫清雾霾,弯月一点一点爬过窗棂,渐渐西移。 明天是良子生日,良子回忆着昨晚的电话内容:良子明天我去看你,给你带好吃的哈。 天刚பைடு நூலகம்蒙亮,良子在睡梦中被突然响起的电话铃声惊醒,他摸到电话:“谁啊?这么早。” “请问你是良子么?你媳妇香妮似有小产征兆,速来医院照顾。” 医院长廊,良子一只手护着香妮的肚子:“你可保证宝宝的安全,这可是咱全家的期盼。” “这不没事,虚惊一场。”香妮硬挤出笑。 六 良子进一家装修公司,专门负责墙面处理,活累不说还被处理的粉尘呛得呼吸不畅。他心疼媳妇香妮,咬牙一天又一天坚持下来。 每到夜深人静,良子就在梦里看到可爱乖巧的孩子,香妮忙里忙外的身影,他常常在睡梦中笑出声。 良子为多挣点钱,到菜市场兼工。天不亮,他起早赶到市场,装装卸卸,搬搬抬抬,不吝啬力气。看着点,时间差不多他就匆匆忙忙胡乱吃点饭,垫吧垫吧,再撵装修公司上班时间。菜市有老板这 样评价他:“这小伙子,他媳妇命真好,家里小日子过得指定一般人比不了。”良子也不解释,嘿嘿嘿笑几声算作回答。
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Western dinner table a large plate
a bread plate a napkin
a glass for red wine
a glass for white wine
a glass for water
Homework Do table manners in China also change?Write a passage about it.
changing over time and places
Part2(Para2-5) Part3(Para6)
ying the table and
good table manners
c.the order of dishes
and good table manners
(2)What table manners can you guess the text tells about?
to lay the table How to use forks and knives How to behave at a table
to eat
to toast and drink
(1)Listen to the tape,then list the
Is she polite?
Please read the text quickly and answer the following questions. (1)Please divide the text into three
parts,then give the main idea of each part.
3. Start eating as soon as your food
is served in front of you.
I 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup.
5. Use your fingers when eating
chicken. plate. 7. Talk loudly while eating.
starter soup
(3)Decide which of the following behaviours are polite or impolite.
1. Use the knife with your right
2. Put your napkin on your lap.
6. Finish eating everything on your
8. Make other people drink more
spirits than they can take.
If the foreigners come to China and ask you the Chinese table manners. What should you say?Do you know the ifferences between Chinese table manners and Western table manners? Please give some examples.
Drinking to Someone’s heath
the glasses should not touch
raise and touch the glasses
hosts like to put food into don’t have this habit the guest’s plate
(2)What table manners can you guess the text tells about?
(1)Read the text quickly and match A with B A (paragraph) B(main idea)
a. table manners’
roast chicken
ice cream
(2)In what order will the dishes be served at a Western dinner party?Please number them.
main course
two pairs of knives and forks of different sizes
a soup spoon
a dessert spoon
How is the table laid ? 8
9 10
dinner plate
11 4 5 2 3 6 7
bread plate
Please find the differences
forks and knives everyone has his own plate of food only take a sip
Device for the dishes are eating placed on the table and everyone shares The custom finish the of toasting drink at once