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1. Pour enough warm water over the mushrooms in a small bowl to cover them completely. Soak until softened, about 20 minutes. Drain. Discardhe stem and chop the caps coarsely. 2. Marinate the pork: Stir the ground pork, soy sauce and cornstarch together until evenly distributed. 3. Prepare the sauce: Stir the water, soy sauce and sesame oil together in a small bowl. 4. Heat a wok over high heat until hot. Add the oil and swirl to coat the sides. Add the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant about 20 seconds. Add the pork, hot bean paste and peppercorns and stir-fry until the pork is crumbly, 2 to 3 minutes. 5. Pour the sauce into the wok, then stir in the water chestnuts and green onions. Slide the tofu into the wok, and stir gently to coat the tofu with the sauce and heat through, 2-4 minutes. 6. Pour in the dissolved cornstarch and cook gently, stirring, until the sauce thickens, about 1 minute. Spoon the tofu and sauce onto a serving platter and serve hot.
关于麻婆豆腐的起源有很多说法,比较流行的一种说法是清同治初年成都市 北郊万福桥一家小饭店店主陈森富之妻刘氏所创制。刘氏面部有麻点,人称 陈麻婆。她创制的烧豆腐,则被称为“陈麻婆豆腐”,其饮食小店后来也以 “陈麻婆豆腐店”为名。 there are many explanations for the invention of ma po tofu, the most common one was in qing dynasy in the northern part of china, it was invented by a store keeper's wife, it was orgininally called grilled tofu,
but the inventor has many pocks on her face so as the grilled tofu
become more and more popular,people start to name this dish as pock tofu( like her signitured dish )-ma po tofu and till nowadays.
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原料:豆腐1块,肉末50克,素油100克,豆瓣辣酱35 克,味精3.5克,骨头汤10克,红油15克,花椒粉0.5克, 湿淀粉30克,葱2根,姜10克,蒜头2瓣。
The Recipe Rating: Rate this recipe Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes Servings: 4
每个地方的麻婆豆腐做法都不一样,但是陈氏麻婆豆腐 的做法──油的用量很大,蒜苗的长度,浓郁的麻辣味道, 还有黄牛肉的使用(一些厨师用猪肉替代)──是地道的 做法。 'Each place makes it a different way,but the style served at Chen Mapo Dofu' -- with a generous pool of oil, lengths of suanmiao, heavy-duty spice and browned beef (some cooks substitute pork) -- 'is authentic.'
制法:豆腐切成1厘米见方的丁,装入容器内,倒入1000克开水,浸泡10分 钟左右,倒入漏勺沥水。葱、姜、蒜头洗净,切成细末。锅置旺火上烧热, 加素油50克烧热,下肉末炒散至转色,加入葱姜、蒜末,炒出香气,放入豆 瓣辣酱,炒出红油。豆腐丁下锅,加入骨头汤、味精,烧开后用湿淀粉勾芡, 淋入50克素油,转动锅子,用汤勺轻轻推几下,淋入红油,撒上花椒粉,出 锅装深汤盆上席。 Instructions