National Identity Turns, in the Age of Globalization




2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国科学院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Parents often fall into the trap of offering other food in order to() the child to eat. 问题1选项A.temptB.manipulateC.incenseD.escort【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。

tempt “吸引,诱使”;manipulate “操作,操控”;incense “使激怒”;escort“护送,陪同”。



2.翻译题Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet.In the U.S., citizens tend to rely on electronic media such as TV rather than print media. TV news tends to provide numerous visuals and abbreviated textual information. (1) Although TV news stories pitch “on-the-scene reporting”, and other eye-catching images to viewers, the actual stories are generally so brief that were the reports transcribed into newspaper copy, no single story would have enough text to cover a third of a page. It is remarkable to consider how little information is conveyed between all the exciting visuals. (2) It is also remarkable to stop and think about how inadequately informed citizens may be if their primary source of political knowledge is the picture-rich and data-poor TV evening news. Moreover, because U.S. media companies are primarily privately owned, (3) media professionals are under pressure to present news in an entertaining way in order to expand their audiences and corresponding advertising revenues. Large audiences create higher profits from advertising sales. With a few exceptions, U.S. TV and radio stations are like other businesses: They need to generate money to cover operating costs and make profits. If media professionals are convinced that viewers want entertaining news rather than in-depth details, this assumption affects the kind of news they produce. Not surprisingly, political scientists have found that news coverage of election campaigns tends to focus on the personal lives of candidates rather than on issues, and (4) when issues are reported the emphasis is often on the immediate and most dramatic implications of the issues, not on the historical, long-term, or global dimensions of those issues.At the same time, insofar as television and Internet-based news must be generated quickly, time pressures impede extensive independent investigations. Because U.S. citizens conceptualize news as something occurring by the hour or minute, U.S. media professionals are often putting together news stories under severe time restraints. (5) Some analysts believe that this increases the tendency of reporters to get information from official sources rather than from the reporters’ own independent investigations of newsworthy events. Think about this issue from the standpoint of reporters and editors. If you are a reporter assigned the task of doing a story on a state’s new prison system, for example, you will find it is quicker and easier to get a governor’s press release on the new prison than it is to go to libraries, data banks, and university research centers to investigate the topic on your own. This does not suggest that investigative journalism never occurs; rather, many scholars believe that time pressures tend to encourage the use of information provided by official sources (for example, political leaders and their press secretaries) rather than the collection of facts through ongoing independent research.【答案】【参考译文】(1)虽然电视新闻故事多推崇“现场报道”或者其他吸人眼球的形象,但是实际上这些故事通常都很简短,要是把这些报道转写成报纸版面的话,它们任何一个都占不了三分之一的版面。



1.Be based on 【纪律应该建立在亲子爱关系上而不是暴力和惩罚】Discipline should be based on a positive, loving parent child relationship instead of on force and punishment2.Be less time-consuming and more economical 【广告不会让购物少时又实惠】Contrary to the popular belief, advertising makes our shopping experience neither less time-consuming nor more economical3.Fulfill one’s potential 【员工感觉无法实现专业潜力,当工作不被老板重视】Employees may feel they cannot fulfill their professional potential when their work is not valued by their employers4.Live in misery/poverty/frustration/anxiety【贫困国家的人民声称工业国家有义务提供经济支持,帮助他们脱贫】Living in misery, the citizens in these impoverished countries claim that industrial nations have the obligation to supply financial aid, which can lift them out of poverty5.Drive up the crime rate【广泛流传的枪场景和色情电影让年轻人更暴力,结果,这些倾向于导致青年犯罪率上升】The widespread gun scenes and pornography in films may make young viewers more violent. As a consequence, these scenes tend to drive up youngsters’ crime rate6.To avoid …, people should …【避免种族灭绝,我们应该停止扰乱我们行星上生态平衡】To avoid the extinction of these species, we should stop disturbing the ecological balance on our planet7.Widen the gap between A and B 【现今,技术拉宽了穷人和富人差距,而不是变窄】At present, the technology available to individuals is actually widening the gap between the wealthy and the needy rather than narrowing it.8.Stem from 【总的来说,孩子的坏行为源自对父母的模仿】Generally speaking, children’s bad behaviour stems from imitating their parents’9.Pose a threat to 【武器不仅对别国造成威胁,也对其拥有者造成真正威胁】The weapons that a country possesses do not just pose a threat to other countries. They pose a very real threat to their owner as well10.Stifle creativity/imagination 【传统教育方式严重扼杀了学生的创造力和想象力】The traditional approach to education in some Asian countries seriously stifles students’creativity and imagination11.Find… monotonous and unmotivating 【年轻学生倾向于发现传统教学单调没有动力】Young students tend to find traditional schooling monotonous and unmotivating12.Diminish individuals’ leisure time【加速的生活节奏严重减少了个人休息时间并导致精神疾病】The accelerating pace of life seriously diminishes individuals’leisure time and may even cause mental illness13.There is a definite link between A and B【上升的肥胖率和增加的快餐消费有必然的联系】There is a definite link between the rising rate of obesity and the increasing consumption of fast food14.Spin out of control 【希腊财政危机失去控制并扩大到其他欧洲国家】The Greek financial crisis is spinning out of control and spilling over to other European countries 15.Cause tension and conflicts between … and …【游客和本地居民之间文化差异导致紧张冲突】Cultural differences between the tourists and the local residents may cause tension and conflicts between them16.Be overly dependent on【科技让人们过度依赖它,这导致更多坐生活和更少面对面沟通】Technology has made individuals overly dependent on it, which has led to more sedentary lifestyle and less face-to-face communication17.Have a detrimental influence upon【显然,长距离飞行对环境有害影响,尽管它是最有效的】Apparently, long-distance flights have a detrimental influence upon the environment, even though they are by far the most efficient way of traveling18.The population is booming【尽管亚洲国家人口暴涨,欧洲出生率仍然一如既往很低】Whereas the population has been booming in many Asian countries, the birth rate in some European countries remains consistently low19.Is markedly incompatible with【现代建筑设计结果明显不搭配周围的历史建筑,在材料.方面】The design of modern buildings often turns out to be markedly incompatible with historical surroundings in terms of the materials, form and colors20.Get accustomed to sth【由于不同文化背景,国际商人有艰难过程熟悉本地行销的方式】Due to the different cultural backgrounds, some international businesspeople have a hard time getting accustomed to the local way of marketing21.Sb. Can utilise sth 【当前政府的问题是如何最好利用已有资源,而不是如何增加资源】The current problem for the government is how best to utilise the resources it has now rather than how to increase its resources22.Strike a balance between A and B【由于增加的压力和上升的时间需求,已婚成年需要平衡】Due to the increasing stress and the rising demand for their time at work, most married adults need learn to strike a balance between their work and their family23.Assume/shoulder the responsibility for sth【教育家应该承担责任为保证他们的学生不会在学术上,心理上和社交上误入歧途】Educators should assume the responsibility for ensuring that their students do not go astray academically, psychologically or socially24.Sth. Has been consolidating its status as the【英语正巩固它统治语言的状态,其他语言危险】English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world, which has left many languages endangered25.Strengthen family ties【现代科技看起来阻止人们与家人保持联系,通过让他们保持忙碌】Instead of strengthening family ties, modern technology seems to have prevented people from keeping in touch with their family far away from them by keeping them constantly busy 26.… is accompanied by …【科技吃惊的进步伴随着严重生态系统污染】The staggering advancement of technology is accompanied by severe pollution of the ecosystem 27.Sth. Is unwarranted/unjustified【超级明星在短时间内赚的钱不可能合理的证明所做的工作】The amount of money super stars can earn in a short time cannot possible be justified by the amount of work they do28.being afflicted with 【大群非洲国家正遭受长久的贫困和持续战争】A host of African countries are being afflicted with chronic poverty and lasting war29.Deprive someone of sth 【现代城市剥夺了城市居民新鲜空气和舒适生活节奏】Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life30.Sth. Impels sb. to …【增长的同龄压力迫使很多年轻人开始吸烟和喝酒很早的年龄】It is the increasing peer pressure that impels many youngsters to start smoking and drinking at an early age31. A has rendered B 【IT产业的升级致使百万电脑过时】The upgrade of IT industry has rendered millions of computer obsolete32.Sth. Is the root cause of 【人口爆发是水资源匮乏的首要原因】The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity33.Be confronted with sth 【我们要面对这个问题在某个点,不管有多么的不愉快】We will be confronted with this question at some point, no matter how unpleasant it can be 34.Be inundated with sth【国际贸易导致很多发展中国家的市场充斥着他们不需要的外国商品】International trade has rendered many markets in developing countries inundated with foreign products that they do not really need35.If…, sth. Will ensue 【如果父母忽视他们后代,缺乏纪律和尊重将会接踵而来】If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue36.Distract sb. from 【这些教育电游,而不是打扰学生听课,而是真正让学生更学术主动】There are educational video games that, instead of distracting students from their classes, actually make students more academically-motivated37.Be addicted to sth 【极端情况下,孩子甚至会沉迷于电脑同依赖毒品一样】At the extreme, children may even become addicted to computers as much as some of them become dependent on drugs38.Copy sth. Mechanically/ apply sth indiscriminately【非常令人不安的是很多建筑师机械抄袭传统建筑风格在他们的建筑设计里】It is highly disturbing that many architects today are copying traditional architectural styles mechanically in their building designs39.Increase the government expenditure【大规模解雇将增加政府在训练缺乏技能市民的开销】The massive layoffs will markedly increase the government expenditure in training the citizens who have lost their jobs and yet do not have the skills required by the new jobs40.Run contrary to (principles/faith/theories/evidence)【他们的建议与巨多的科技提升人类效率的证据相违背】Their suggestion runs contrary to the overwhelming evidence that technology boosts human efficiency41.Erode the national identity / national pride【不加区分的崇拜传统文化,严重侵蚀文化特性】The indiscriminate worship of the traditional culture is seriously eroding the national identity of the young country42.At the expense of 【基础设施升级不能以纳税人的福利为代价】The infrastructure should not be upgraded at the expense of taxpayers’ wellbeing43.It is wrong to equate… with …【把幸福等同于赚更多的钱和住更宽的房是错误的】It is wrong to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house44.Support / oppose ... on the grounds that …【继续以不人道为理由反对动物实验】Some people continue to oppose animal experiment on the grounds that they are inhumane 45.In all likelihood【很可能的是,这些决定可能由政府官员做出的,他们倾向于错误的理解问题】In all likelihood, these decisions would be made by government officials who tend to have wrong understanding of the problems46.The proportion of … is very high 【这类工作的生活开销的比例非常高】The proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high47.Be vulnerable to 【没有合适的父母监督,孩子容易成为电视暴力色情内容的受害者】Without proper parental guidance, children would be vulnerable to the violent or pornographic content of those TV shows48.Sth. Should be condemned rather than condoned【不加区分的抄袭传统建筑风格,应该被批评而不是被宽恕】Indiscriminate copying of traditional architectural style today should be condemned rather than condoned49.Distinguish between A and B 【年轻人缺乏区分对错的能力】Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong50.Take … into account 【犯罪环境和动机应该考虑在内】The circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment51.Legislate for/against 【政府承诺立法反对歧视】The government has promised to legislate against discrimination。

Daniel Defoe&Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe&Robinson Crusoe

His twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island

There was nothing but some jungles, wild animals.
When he comes to the island
make a great Cross on the Shore

The background The introduction of Robinson Crusoe Summary

Robinson Crusoe was written in the middle of 17th century. At that time, the bourgeois revolution was just over. Robinson was epitome of the society.
The story of Robinson Crusoe(1)

Crusoe leaves England on a sea voyage in 1652 against the wishes of his parents. The ship is taken over by pirates and Crusoe becomes slave of a moor. He manages to escape with a boat and is taken in by a Portuguese ship off the western coast of Africa. The ship is on route to Brazil. There, Crusoe becomes owner of a plantation. He joins an expedition to bring over slaves from Africa, but he is shipwrecked on an island (which later turns out to be near the mouth of the Orinoco river). His companions all die; he manages to fetch arms, tools and other supplies from the ship. He proceeds to build himself a fenced-in habitation, keeps a calendar by making marks in a piece of wood, hunts, grows corn, learns how to make pottery, raises goats etc. He reads the Bible and slowly becomes religious, thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing but society.



1999年1月Passage 31.Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation2.Underpinnings:支柱3.For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them:因为,正如我们将要看到的那样,动力意味着人们获得享受的能力4.We also use categorizations colored by emotion s in our families, communities,and overall society:我们也带着感情色彩对我们的家庭、社区和整个社会进行分类5.In fact, society exploit s our emotional reactions and attitudes:事实上,社会利用了我们情感上的反应和态度6.It give high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such assurgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal and penal system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts:社会给予外科医生等从事重要工作的人很高的奖励,将战争中的战斗机驾驶员等做出不寻常或具有危险性成就的人树为英雄,并利用刑法体系使人们不敢从事反社会的行为。

1999年6月Passage 11.We sometimes think humans are uniquely vulnerable to anxiety:我们有时认为人类是唯一对忧虑脆弱的动物。



Unit 3Sentence translation1.食物供应还不足以应付饥民的需求。

(inadequate)1. The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.2. 只要我们竭尽全力做到最好,我们就能掌握未来。

(endeavor, in our hands)2. As long as we endeavor to do our best, we can have the future in our hands.3我要事先告诉你,录用者需要经常出差去寻找我们的潜在客户。

(beforehand,prospective) 3. I should tell you beforehand that successful applicants will be expected to travel extensively to find our prospective customers.4. 父亲反复追问小男孩为什么把钉子钉进那么昂贵的画中。

(grill, hammer)4. The little boy was grilled by his father why he hammered the nail into that expensive painting.5. 俗话说,选择比努力更重要。


(as I see it, do one’s homework)5. As the saying goes, the choice is more important than efforts. As I see it, always to do my homework, then success is predictable.参考译文Passage translation常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。



小学上册英语第2单元测验试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the tool we use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PenC. RulerD. Scissors答案:B2.My sister is learning to _______ (动词). 她想要 _______ (动词).3.My toys teach me lessons about ________ (名词) and friendship.4.The country known for its lush greenery is ________ (以郁郁葱葱闻名的国家是________).5. A solute is the substance that is ________ in a solution.6.The __________ is a large desert located in the Middle East. (阿拉伯沙漠)7.What do we call a group of fish?A. FlockB. SchoolC. PackD. Swarm答案:B8.I like _____ (ice cream).9. A _____ (狮子) is known as the king of the jungle.10.What do you call a place where you can see stars and planets?A. MuseumB. ObservatoryC. AquariumD. Library答案: B11.I see a _____ (小鸟) in the tree.12.The __________ (历史的交汇) creates understanding.13.My dad enjoys going to the ____ (movies).14.What shape has three sides?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. Rectangle答案: B15.The __________ is beautiful when the leaves turn color. (秋天)16. A saturated solution can exist in equilibrium with its ______.17.The ______ can live a long time.18.The chemical symbol for neon is ______.19.My sister has a ________ (毛绒玩具), and she takes it everywhere, even to ________ (学校).20.The _______ (The American Revolutionary War) established a new nation.21.What do you call a person who travels to space?A. AstronautB. PilotC. CosmonautD. Engineer答案: A22.The _______ (小鹦鹉) can mimic human speech.anic chemistry is the study of ______ compounds.24.The _______ changes its colors in the fall.25.为下列图片选择相符的句子。



2024年教资综合素质作文解析英文回答:Education and National Identity.Education plays a crucial role in shaping national identity by transmitting cultural values, fostering a sense of community, and promoting civic engagement. It provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary to understand their nation's history, traditions, and aspirations.Through education, students learn about their nation's founding principles, heroes, and landmarks. They develop an understanding of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped their country's identity. This knowledge fosters a sense of belonging and pride, connecting individuals to a larger collective.Furthermore, education promotes a sense of community bybringing together students from diverse backgrounds. In schools, students interact with peers from different ethnicities, religions, and socioeconomic groups. This exposure to different perspectives broadens their understanding of society and fosters empathy and tolerance.Education also prepares individuals for active civic participation. Through civics classes and extracurricular activities, students learn about their rights and responsibilities as citizens. They develop criticalthinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to working for the common good.In summary, education plays a multifaceted role in shaping national identity. It transmits cultural values, fosters a sense of community, and promotes civic engagement. By equipping individuals with the knowledge, perspectives, and skills necessary to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities of their nation, education helps toensure a strong and vibrant national identity.中文回答:教育与国家认同。



国籍的发展历程英文The Development of NationalityThe concept of nationality has evolved significantly over the years, reflecting changes in politics, economics, and social structures. From its early beginnings to the present day, the development of nationality marks a fascinating journey of human history.In ancient times, the idea of nationality did not exist as we know it today. People were primarily identified by their clan or tribe, and loyalty was often based on kinship rather than a sense of belonging to a specific nation. However, as societies became more complex, the need to define one's allegiance to a political entity became increasingly important.The rise of city-states in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire marked a crucial turning point in the development of nationality. For the first time, people identified themselves as citizens of a particular state, with rights and responsibilities associated with that membership. Citizenship was often tied to property ownership or military service, reflecting the idea that members of a society have certain obligations to their community.The medieval period witnessed the emergence of feudalism, which heavily influenced the concept of nationality. Feudal lords exercised control over their territories and protected their subjects in exchange for loyalty and service. Loyalty to one's lord became a fundamental aspect of identity, with allegiance to the ruling class taking precedence over any wider sense of nationality.The Renaissance and Enlightenment periods brought about significant changes in the way people perceived nationality. The rise of humanism and the spread of ideas such as individualism and the concept of the nation-state led to the reimagining of political and social structures. Nationality began to be defined by shared language, culture, and historical traditions, and an emphasis on national identity started to form.The advent of colonialism and imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries posed new challenges to the development of nationality. As European powers colonized vast territories around the world, questions of identity and belonging became increasingly complex. Indigenous populations were forced to navigate a new reality where their nationality was often defined by the colonial power ruling over them, rather than their own sense of identity.The 20th century witnessed the rise of nationalism and the strong association of nationality with the nation-state. The aftermath of World War I and the dissolution of empires led to the creation of new nations and the redrawing of borders. Nationality was seen as a unifying force, with citizens sharing common values and aspirations.In recent years, globalization has posed new challenges to the idea of nationality. As people migrate and cross national borders more frequently, the importance of nationality becomes intertwined with issues of multiculturalism, global citizenship, and cosmopolitanism. The idea of nationality is no longer solely tied to a specific geographic location but encompasses a sense of shared values and aspirations on a global scale.In conclusion, the history of nationality reflects the ever-changing nature of human society. From ancient tribal affiliations to modern-day global citizenship, the concept of nationality has constantly evolved to suit the needs and circumstances of different eras. Understanding the development of nationality allows us to appreciate the intricate relationship between identity, politics, and social structures throughout history.。



永不停息的英文单词The English language is a living tapestry, woven with words that never cease to evolve. It's a testament to the dynamism of human communication.Each day, new words are born from the fusion of cultures and the birth of technologies, forever expanding thelexicon's horizons. From "selfie" to "blockchain," the English language embraces the modern and the mundane.The youth, with their vibrant slang, and the scholars, with their erudite jargon, both contribute to this unending linguistic evolution. It's a dance of words, where the old makes way for the new, yet the essence remains.In classrooms, the young minds are taught to appreciate the power of a well-chosen word, while in literature, the mastery of language is celebrated through the ages. The English language is not just a tool but an art form that never stops growing.Even in the digital age, where information flows at the speed of light, the English language continues to adapt, reflecting the rapid changes of our world. It's a language that is as resilient as it is diverse.The beauty of the English language lies in its ability to capture the essence of humanity in a single word. It's alanguage that speaks to the heart and the mind, a language that never sleeps.As we journey through life, the words we speak and write become a part of our identity. The English language, with its ceaseless flow, is a companion that guides us through the twists and turns of existence.In conclusion, the English language is a living testament to the human spirit's unending quest for expression. It's a language that grows with us, changes with us, and, in its own way, never stops.。



小学上册英语第4单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______________ is the layer of soil and minerals at the surface.2.I like to __________ (动词) my __________ (玩具名) when it rains.3. A saturated solution is one in which all solute has been ______.4.My ________ (玩具名称) is a great tool for learning.5. A flamingo is pink because of its _______ (饮食).6.Gardening can provide fresh ______ for your meals. (园艺可以为你的餐点提供新鲜的食材。

)7.What do you call the process of learning new things?A. TeachingB. StudyingC. PlayingD. Sleeping8.The chemical symbol for sodium is __________.9.What do you call a written work that tells a story?A. PoemB. BookC. ArticleD. EssayB10.What is the term for animals that are active at night?A. DiurnalB. NocturnalC. CrepuscularD. SeasonalB11.Water is made up of ______ and oxygen.12.The goldfish swims gracefully through the ______ (水).13.I believe in the importance of staying healthy by __________.14.What is the name of the famous American actress known for "Pride and Prejudice"?A. Keira KnightleyB. Natalie PortmanC. Emma WatsonD. Anne HathawayA15.I have a _______ (plan) for the weekend.16.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), is very good at math.17.My brother collects ____ (coins) from around the world.18.The tortoise has a hard _________. (壳)19.My uncle is a fantastic __________ (厨师).20.What do you call a group of lions?A. PackB. PrideC. FlockD. Pod21.The __________ is a large body of saltwater that is smaller than an ocean.22.What do you call a person who fixes electrical issues?A. PlumberB. ElectricianC. MechanicD. Builder23.At the park, children play with _________ (飞盘) and _________ (球).24.The _____ (root) of the plant absorbs water.25.What is the main function of the kidneys?A. Pump bloodB. Filter wasteC. Produce hormonesD. Store energyB26.My _____ (邻居) is very nice.27. A hawk is a skilled ________________ (猎手).28.The ________ was a pivotal moment in the narrative of national identity.29.The coldest place in the universe has been found in a ______.30. A chemical reaction may produce a gas, a liquid, or a ______.31.Which holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ?A. ThanksgivingB. EasterC. ChristmasD. HalloweenC32.My uncle is a wonderful __________ (教师) who inspires others.33. A chameleon can change to match its ________________ (环境).34. A ______ is a measurement of the amount of matter in an object.35.What is the name of the famous American landmark that is a national park in South Dakota?A. YellowstoneB. Mount RushmoreC. YosemiteD. Grand CanyonB36.My dog loves to play with its ______ (玩具).37.The __________ (历史的解释) evolves over time.38. A horse goes ____.39.I see a __________ on the street.40.I love my _____ (毛绒玩具) for cuddles.41.The main use of ammonium sulfate is as a _____.42. A __________ is a significant source of minerals.43. A mineral's cleavage refers to how it breaks along ______.44.The study of how landscapes evolve is crucial for ______ planning.45.What is the first letter of the alphabet?A. BB. AC. CD. DB46.The garden has many _______ that blossom beautifully all year.47.What do we call the solid part of the Earth?A. AtmosphereB. HydrosphereC. LithosphereD. BiosphereC48.The cockatoo has a fluffy _____ crest.49.We visit the ______ (艺术博物馆) for inspiration.50.Acid and base can neutralize each ______.51.The _____ (大自然) provides many resources.52.My sister is very _____ (聪明).53. A _______ (小海星) lives in the ocean.54.What do we call the part of the tree that grows underground?A. BranchB. TrunkC. RootD. LeafC55.Iceland is known for its _____ (39).56.Playing outside helps me stay ______ (活跃) and enjoy nature. Fresh air is very ______ (重要的).57.My teacher is ______ (善良). She always helps us with our ______ (功课).58. A parakeet has a cheerful ______ (鸣叫).59.The capital city of Kuwait is __________.60.My sister has a ______ in her room.61.I can ______ (利用) my strengths to help others.62.What is 5 x 2?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 1163.I feel excited when I go to the ________.64.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. Big BenD. Tower of LondonA65.Which of these is a non-renewable resource?A. Solar energyB. Wind energyC. CoalD. HydropowerC66.The _____ (teacher/student) is happy.67.The _____ (creek) is peaceful.68.My _____ (堂姐) enjoys shopping for toys and games. 我堂姐喜欢购物买玩具和游戏。



庆祝国庆的方式作文英语National Day is a significant occasion for many countries,and it is celebrated in various ways across the globe. Here's an essay about how people might celebrate National Day:As the sun rises on National Day, the city comes alive with a sense of pride and unity. Streets are adorned with flags, and the air is filled with the sound of music and laughter. The celebration of National Day is a time to honor the nation's history, achievements, and the spirit of its people.Parades and ProcessionsThe day often begins with a grand parade. Uniformed soldiers march in perfect synchrony, their steps echoing through the streets. Floats representing different regions and industries of the country pass by, showcasing the nation's diversity and progress. The parade is a spectacle of color, sound, and movement, a testament to the strength and unity of the people.Cultural PerformancesThroughout the day, cultural performances take place inpublic squares and parks. Traditional dances, music, and theatrical performances are staged, allowing the public to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the country. These performances are not only entertaining butalso educational, as they often depict historical events andlegends that have shaped the nation.Fireworks DisplaysAs the day turns to night, the sky is lit up with a dazzling fireworks display. The fireworks are a symbol of joy and celebration, their brilliant colors reflecting the spirit of the occasion. Families and friends gather in parks or along the riverbanks to witness the spectacle, sharing the moment of national pride.Community GatheringsMany communities organize gatherings where people come together to share food and stories. These gatherings foster a sense of community and belonging, as people of all ages and backgrounds come together to celebrate their shared identity.Educational ActivitiesSchools and educational institutions often hold special programs to teach children about the history and significance of National Day. Through storytelling, art projects, and interactive exhibits, young minds are engaged and inspired to learn more about their country's past and present.Volunteering and CharitySome citizens choose to celebrate National Day by giving back to their communities. Volunteering at local shelters, participating in charity runs, or donating to causes that benefit the nation are ways individuals can express their gratitude and commitment to the well-being of their fellow citizens.Reflection and RemembranceFinally, National Day is also a time for reflection and remembrance. People take a moment to honor those who have contributed to the nation's growth and development, including veterans and pioneers. It is a day to remember the sacrifices made for the freedom and prosperity that the country enjoys today.In conclusion, the celebration of National Day is a multifaceted event that brings people together in a shared experience of pride and joy. Whether through parades,cultural performances, or acts of service, the day serves as a reminder of the nation's collective spirit and the values that bind its citizens together.This essay provides a glimpse into the various ways in which National Day can be celebrated, emphasizing the importance of unity, culture, and community spirit.。



小学上册英语第5单元寒假试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. RabbitC. SquirrelD. Fox答案:A.Beaver2.What do we call the plant that produces coffee beans?A. Tea plantB. Cocoa treeC. Coffee treeD. Sugarcane答案:C3.My _____ (妈妈) is very caring.4. A __________ is a large-scale geological event.5.The ability of a solution to conduct electricity depends on the presence of _____.6.The ancient Greeks created beautiful _____.7.The process of condensation turns gas back into a ______.8.The _______ (The Age of Enlightenment) emphasized reason and scientific thought in society.9.My brother is a __________ (设计师).10. A penguin waddles on the _______ and swims.11.What type of animal is a parrot?A. FishB. MammalC. BirdD. Reptile答案:C12.ts have medicinal __________ (属性). Some pla13.The _____ is a planet known for its red color.14.The teacher is _______ (explaining) the lesson.15.古代的________ (empires) 常常扩展领土以获取资源。



关于成年礼的英语作文In many cultures around the world, the transition from childhood to adulthood is marked by a significant rite of passage known as a coming of age ceremony. These ceremonies serve as a bridge, connecting the innocence of youth with the responsibilities of maturity. They are a testament to the values and traditions of a society, and they play a crucial role in shaping an individual's identity.One of the most well-known coming of age ceremonies is the Bar Mitzvah in Judaism. When a Jewish boy turns 13, he is considered to have reached the age of religious maturity. He is then expected to take on the moral and religious responsibilities of an adult within the Jewish community. This is a time of great celebration, with family and friends gathering to witness the boy's first public reading from the Torah.In contrast, the Bat Mitzvah is a similar ceremony for girls, but it is not as universally observed. Some Jewish communities celebrate the Bat Mitzvah at the age of 12 or 13, while others do not have this tradition at all. Regardless, the Bat Mitzvah is a meaningful event that symbolizes agirl's entry into the adult world of religious participation.In African cultures, coming of age ceremonies are often associated with a period of seclusion and instruction. For example, among the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania, youngwarriors undergo a rigorous initiation process that includes circumcision, a rite seen as a gateway to manhood. This process is not only physically challenging but alsospiritually significant, as it is believed to connect the individual with the ancestors and the natural world.In some Asian cultures, coming of age ceremonies are marked by the wearing of traditional attire and the participation in community rituals. In Japan, the Seijin no Hi celebration is held on the second Monday of January each year to honor those who have turned 20 in the past year. Young men and women dress in formal kimono and attend ceremonies that are a blend of ancient Shinto traditions and modern societal acknowledgment.Coming of age ceremonies are not only about celebrating the individual's growth but also about reinforcing thecommunity's values and expectations. They serve as a reminder of the individual's place within the social structure and the responsibilities they must now uphold.In conclusion, coming of age ceremonies are an integral part of many cultures, each with its unique traditions and significance. They are a time of reflection, celebration, and preparation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As we witness these ceremonies, we are reminded of the universal human experience of growing up and the importance of community and tradition in shaping our lives.。



和国籍有关的话题英语作文Nationality is an important part of a person's identity. It refers to the country or nation that a person belongs to. Nationality is determined by various factors such as birthplace, ancestry, and citizenship. It has a significant impact on a person's life, including their rights, privileges, and opportunities.One of the most important aspects of nationality is citizenship. Citizenship is the legal status of a person in a country, which gives them the right to live, work, and vote in that country. It is usually acquired by birth or through a legal process known as naturalization.Citizenship also comes with certain responsibilities suchas paying taxes and obeying the laws of the country.Nationality also plays a crucial role in international relations. It determines a person's eligibility for visas, travel documents, and other legal documents required for international travel. It also affects a country's foreignpolicy and diplomatic relations with other countries.Moreover, nationality has cultural significance. It is often associated with language, traditions, and customs. People from different countries have unique cultural identities that are shaped by their nationality.Nationality also influences people's food habits, clothing styles, and social norms.However, nationality can also be a source of conflict and discrimination. People from different nationalities may face discrimination based on their race, ethnicity, or religion. Nationalistic sentiments can also lead to conflicts between countries and communities.In conclusion, nationality is an important aspect of a person's identity. It determines their legal status, cultural identity, and international relations. However, it can also lead to conflicts and discrimination. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of nationalities and promote peace and harmony among different communities.。



枫叶英语作文As autumn arrives, the world around us transforms into a canvas of warm hues, with the maple tree taking center stage. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the maple leaves paint a picture of nature's splendor, inspiring many to take pen to paper and express their admiration for this seasonal spectacle.The maple leaf, with its distinct five-point star shape, is not only a symbol of Canada but also a muse for poets and writers alike. In this essay, I will delve into the beauty of the maple leaf, its cultural significance, and the emotions it evokes during the fall season.Firstly, the visual appeal of the maple leaf is undeniable. As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, the leaves undergo a metamorphosis. They start as a brilliant green, slowly transitioning to shades of gold, and finally, a fiery red that seems to defy the cool autumn breeze. This change is not just a natural phenomenon; it is a testament to thetree's ability to adapt and prepare for the winter months ahead.Culturally, the maple leaf holds a deep significance. In Canada, it is proudly displayed on the national flag, representing unity, tolerance, and peace. For many Canadians, the sight of the maple leaf is a source of national pride and identity. Beyond its national emblem, the maple leaf is alsoassociated with the rich heritage of indigenous peoples, who have long used the tree's sugar-rich sap for sustenance.The maple leaf also stirs a sense of nostalgia and contemplation. As the leaves fall gently to the ground, they remind us of the passage of time and the cycle of life. The crunch of leaves underfoot and the sight of children jumping into piles of the colorful foliage evoke memories of simpler times and the joy of childhood.Moreover, the maple leaf is a symbol of resilience. Despite the harshness of the winter that lies ahead, the maple tree stands strong, its leaves a defiant display against the fading light. This resilience is a powerful reminder for us all to endure through our own hardships and to prepare for the challenges that may come our way.In conclusion, the maple leaf is more than just a beautiful feature of the autumn landscape; it is a symbol of change, cultural identity, and strength. As the leaves dance in the wind, they inspire us to embrace the beauty of nature's cycles and to find inspiration in the world around us. Whether through the eyes of a child or the heart of a poet, the maple leaf will continue to captivate and inspire for generations to come.。

英语介绍国庆节的内容 四年级作文

英语介绍国庆节的内容 四年级作文

英语介绍国庆节的内容四年级作文Title: National Day CelebrationNational Day, also known as Independence Day, is a significant holiday celebrated by many countries around the world. It marks the anniversary of a nation's independence or the establishment of its government. In this essay, we will explore the essence of National Day celebrations and how they are observed in various parts of the globe.First and foremost, National Day serves as a symbol of unity and pride for the citizens of a country. It is a time when people come together to commemorate their shared history, culture, and achievements. Flags are proudly displayed, and patriotic songs are sung to honor the nation.National Day celebrations often feature a variety of events and activities that showcase the country's traditions and values. Parades are a common sight, with marching bands,colorful floats, and performances depicting key moments in the nation's history. These parades are attended by people of all ages, dressed in their finest attire, to demonstratetheir love for their country.Another highlight of National Day festivities is the fireworks display. As day turns to night, the sky is illuminated by dazzling fireworks, creating a spectacle that captivates onlookers and instills a sense of awe and wonder. The fireworks symbolize the triumph of the nation and serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by past generations for freedom and independence.In addition to public events, National Day is also a time for families and friends to gather and celebrate together. Many people host barbecues, picnics, or parties where traditional dishes are served, and stories of national pride are shared. These gatherings foster a sense of community andbelonging, strengthening the bonds between individuals and their nation.Moreover, National Day provides an opportunity for reflection and gratitude. It is a time to honor the heroes and pioneers who fought for the nation's freedom and sovereignty. Memorials and monuments are visited, and tributes are paid to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.Furthermore, National Day celebrations often extend beyond the borders of the country, with embassies and consulates hosting events to promote cultural exchange and diplomacy. These events allow people from different nations to come together and celebrate their shared values while fostering goodwill and understanding among diverse communities.In conclusion, National Day is a momentous occasion that brings people together to celebrate their nation's heritage,identity, and accomplishments. Through parades, fireworks, gatherings, and reflection, citizens express their patriotism and pride, reaffirming their commitment to their country and its future. As we commemorate National Day each year, let us remember the importance of unity, freedom, and the enduring spirit of patriotism.。



小学上册英语第三单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (历史的演绎) unveils complexity.2.The frog's skin helps it stay ______ (湿润).3.Which insect is known for making silk?A. AntB. ButterflyC. SilkwormD. Beetle答案:C4.Plants need _____ (阳光) for photosynthesis.5.ers have a nice ______ (香味). Some flo6.What is the term for a young animal?A. OffspringB. CubC. HatchlingD. Neonate答案:A7.What do we celebrate on the Fourth of July in the United States?A. ThanksgivingB. Independence DayC. New YearD. Memorial Day答案:B Independence Day8. A _______ reaction occurs when two or more substances combine to form one substance.9.The __________ (历史的传达方式) affects understanding.10.What do we call the sound made by a sheep?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Baa11. A metal's ability to conduct electricity is known as ______.12.What is the currency used in the USA?A. EuroB. YenC. DollarD. Pound答案:C13.Saturn's rings are made up of countless _______.14.I like to explore ______ in my free time.15. A chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of light is called a ______ reaction.16. A ______ is a large area of low-lying land.17.An element's atomic number is determined by the number of ________ in its nucleus.18.The ______ is a plant that can survive in drought.19.The __________ is important for life on Earth.20.I believe in the power of forgiveness. Letting go of grudges helps us move forward and find peace. I practice forgiveness by __________ when conflicts arise.21.The capital city of Australia is ________ (澳大利亚的首都城市是________).22.What is the name of the famous space telescope?A. HubbleB. VoyagerC. GalileoD. Kepler答案:A23.What do we call an animal that eats both plants and meat?A. HerbivoreB. CarnivoreC. OmnivoreD. Predator24.The stars are ___ (twinkling) at night.25.My cousin loves to __________ (参加) family gatherings.26.What is the term for the point in a planet's orbit that is closest to the sun?A. AphelionB. PerihelionC. ApsisD. Focus27.The __________ is the habitat for polar bears. (北极)28.What do we call the process of changing from a solid to a liquid?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. BoilingD. Evaporating29.The _____ (鱼缸) is clean.30.We learn from our __________. (老师)31.My dad loves __________. (音乐)32.What do we call the part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering?A. RetinaB. LensC. IrisD. Pupil答案:C33.What do you call a story about someone's life?A. FictionB. BiographyC. NovelD. Fairy tale34.The chemical symbol for strontium is ______.35.The pH scale ranges from to _____.36.My sister is ______ to a party this weekend. (going)37.Playing with my ____ makes me happy. (玩具名称)38.I can create different characters with my ________ (玩具名称).39.The man has a funny ________.40.I enjoy _____ (旅行) with my family.41.I like to play with my ________ (玩具名称) at the beach.42.My favorite movie is a ________ (冒险片).43.My friend likes to play ____ (soccer) after school.44._____ (cacti) are found in desert environments.45.The sunflower always faces the ______ (太阳).46.I have a _____ (拼装模型) of a car.47. A _____ (植物传统) can be passed down through generations.48.She has a ___ (colorful) umbrella.49. A ________ (自然保护区) protects native species.50.My favorite activity is to ________ (参加俱乐部).51.What is the name of the famous American actress known for her role in "The Wizard of Oz"?A. Judy GarlandB. Marilyn MonroeC. Audrey HepburnD. Meryl Streep答案:A52.I saw a _______ (小海鸥) flying near the beach.53.I enjoy _______ (listening) to music.54.What do we use to measure time?A. ScaleB. ClockC. RulerD. Thermometer55.I want to _______ (学习) about different languages.56.The capybara is known as the world's largest ______ (啮齿动物).57.The __________ (历史的影响) is felt in modern society.58.In _____ (瑞士), there are many beautiful lakes.59.She is a _____ (设计师) who works for a company.60.Water freezes at ______ degrees Celsius.61.I take care of my ________ every day.62.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Joyful63.The sun is ______ (setting) in the evening.64.What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Venus答案:C65.I like to ___ (explore/discover) new places.66.The chemical formula for -pentanoic acid is ______.67.What is the capital of Suriname?A. ParamariboB. AlbinaC. Nieuw NickerieD. Moengo答案:A68.The color of litmus paper turns red in an ______ solution.69.The _______ (Battle of Gettysburg) was a turning point in the American Civil War.70.The ________ (历史文化) shapes our identity.71.The chemical symbol for manganese is ______.72.I enjoy participating in school ________ (活动) and meeting new friends.73.My uncle works at a ____.74.What is the main ingredient in a cake?A. SugarB. FlourC. ButterD. Egg75.My sister is a ______. She loves to play tennis.76. A ______ is an animal that is known for its sharp teeth.77.What do you call a shape with five sides?A. PentagonB. HexagonC. OctagonD. Quadrilateral答案:A78.What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into orbit?A. Explorer 1B. Vanguard 1C. Luna 1D. Sputnik 179.I saw a rabbit hopping in the ______.80.I enjoy participating in community service projects, such as __________.81.I can ______ a bike. (ride)82.The flowers are _______ (五颜六色).83.The chemical formula for methanol is ______.84.What do you call a sweet, baked dish made with fruit?A. PieB. TartC. GaletteD. All of the above85.I want to _____ (discover) new plants in the forest.86.In math, we learn how to ________ (加法) and ________ (减法). It’s really________ (有趣).87.We will _______ (go) to the fair next week.88.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. Mona LisaC. The Last SupperD. Girl with a Pearl Earring答案:B89.What do we call the act of telling someone what to do?A. AdvisingB. DirectingC. InstructingD. Commanding90.What is 10 - 3?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 891.Which instrument has keys?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. Flute答案:C92.The owl hoots at ______ (夜晚).93.She is wearing a bright ___. (scarf)94.The _______ (The Age of Exploration) expanded global trade networks.95.What is the opposite of happy?A. SadB. AngryC. ExcitedD. Tired答案:A96.The _____ (马) runs swiftly.97.What do we call a large area of flat land?A. HillB. PlainC. ValleyD. Mountain98.What do we call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BrunchD. Breakfast答案:D Breakfast99.The _____ (植物经历) of different species can be fascinating. 100.Certain plants can ______ (提供) food security.。



小学上册英语第2单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the person who helps us when we are sick?A. TeacherB. DoctorC. NurseD. Chef2.The Earth's layers contain various ______ materials.3.The __________ (文化传承) is vital for community identity.4.What is the capital city of Georgia?A. TbilisiB. BatumiC. KutaisiD. Rustavi5.The coach, ______ (教练), encourages us to do our best.6.The country that has a maple syrup tradition is ________ (加拿大).7.Which animal can change its color?A. DogB. ChameleonC. ElephantD. Tiger8. A __________ (花卉展览) showcases a variety of plant species.9.The dog wags its ______.10.What is the name of the famous waterfall located on the border of the USA and Canada?A. Victoria FallsB. Niagara FallsC. Angel FallsD. Iguazu FallsB11. A _____ can vary in brightness and color.12.I like to _______ (看电影) with my family.13.I have a special name for my ____.14.What do you call a person who teaches students?A. StudentB. TeacherC. PrincipalD. CounselorB15.We are going to the ___. (circus)16.The bear hibernates during the ______ (冬天).17.I want to _____ (go/stay) home.18.Photosynthesis takes place in the ______ of the plant.19.The ________ has a smooth surface.20.Acids taste _____ and can be sour.21.What do we call the study of the universe?A. BiologyB. AstronomyC. GeographyD. ChemistryB Astronomy22. A _______ reaction occurs when two gases react.23.My favorite place to relax is ________.24.I have _______ (很多) friends at school.25.What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. BrownD. Gray26.The snow is ___ (melting) in spring.27.The process of freezing turns a liquid into a _____.28.I think exploring new places can teach us about __________.29. A __________ can form from rocks that have been heated and pressured.30.I want to ________ a new toy.31.What do we call a group of lions?A. PackB. PrideC. FlockD. GaggleB32.What is the main purpose of a compass?A. Measure distanceB. Show directionC. Calculate speedD. Indicate temperatureB33.How many legs does a spider have?34.I like to ______ (参加) science fairs.35.I enjoy building ________ (沙堡) at the beach with my famil y. It’s a fun ________ (活动).36.I can _____ (see/hear) the music playing.37.Gardening can be a lifelong hobby that promotes ______ and well-being. (园艺可以是一项终身爱好,促进身心健康。

Immigrants Contributing to National Identity

Immigrants Contributing to National Identity

Immigrants Contributing to NationalIdentityImmigrants have always played a significant role in shaping the national identity of the countries they migrate to. Whether it's through cultural diversity, economic contributions, or social integration, immigrants have made lastingimpacts on the fabric of their adopted nations. From the United States to Australia, and from Canada to the United Kingdom, immigrants have brought their unique perspectives, traditions, and skills, enriching the national identity and fostering a sense of inclusivity. However, this contribution is not without its challenges and controversies, as some may argue that immigrants pose a threat to national identity and cultural homogeneity. In this essay, we will explore the ways in which immigrants contribute to national identity, examining both the positive and negative perspectives on this issue. One of the most significant ways in which immigrants contribute to national identity is through cultural diversity. Immigrants bring with them a rich tapestry of traditions, languages,and customs that add depth and vibrancy to the cultural landscape of their new home. In the United States, for example, the influx of immigrants from all corners of the world has transformed the country into a melting pot of diverse cultures. From Chinese New Year celebrations in Chinatown to Diwali festivals in Little India, the presence of immigrants has made multiculturalism a defining feature of American identity. This cultural exchange not only enriches the lives of the host population but also helps to break down stereotypes and foster understanding and tolerance among different communities. Moreover, immigrants often contribute to the national identity through their economic impact. Many immigrants arrive with valuable skills and expertise that fill gaps in the labor market and drive economic growth. In countries like Canada, where an aging population and declining birth rates have led to labor shortages, immigrants have played a crucial role in sustaining the economy. They start businesses, create jobs, and pay taxes, all of which contribute to the prosperity and dynamism of their adopted country. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants often leads to innovationand the creation of new industries, further shaping the economic identity of theirhost nation. In addition to cultural and economic contributions, immigrants also play a vital role in shaping the social fabric of their adopted countries. By integrating into their new communities, immigrants bring new perspectives and experiences that challenge existing social norms and contribute to the evolutionof national identity. In the United Kingdom, for instance, the presence of immigrants has led to a redefinition of Britishness, as the traditional notions of what it means to be British are expanded to include the diverse experiences of immigrants. This process of social integration not only enriches the national identity but also fosters a sense of inclusivity and belonging for all members of society. However, despite the many ways in which immigrants contribute tonational identity, there are also those who argue that immigration poses a threat to cultural homogeneity and national unity. Some fear that the influx of immigrants will dilute the dominant culture and erode the traditional values that define the national identity. In countries with a long history of homogeneity,such as Japan, the idea of embracing multiculturalism and diversity is often met with resistance, as many believe that it will undermine the cohesive national identity that has been carefully preserved for centuries. This fear of losing cultural heritage and national unity can lead to xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment, creating social divisions and hindering the full integration of immigrants into society. Furthermore, the economic impact of immigration is a subject of debate, as some argue that immigrants take away jobs from the native population and strain social services. In times of economic uncertainty, immigrants are often scapegoated for unemployment and social problems, leading to policies that restrict immigration and perpetuate the narrative of immigrants as a burden on the host nation. This negative perception of immigrants not only hinders their ability to contribute to national identity but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices that undermine social cohesion and inclusivity. In conclusion, immigrants play a crucial role in shaping the national identity oftheir adopted countries through their cultural, economic, and social contributions. Their presence enriches the cultural landscape, drives economic growth, andfosters social integration, creating a more diverse and inclusive national identity. However, the challenges and controversies surrounding immigrationhighlight the need for open and honest conversations about the impact of immigration on national identity. By addressing the concerns and fears of the host population and working towards policies that promote integration and inclusivity, we can ensure that immigrants continue to be valued contributors to the national identity of their adopted countries.。



Intercultural Communication 跨文化传播_暨南大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Which of the following is NOT a benefit of intercultural communication forpersonal growth?答案:Recognise that people from different cultures do not have much in common.2.What is culture, according to studies of intercultural communication?答案:The particular way of life that defines the people who follow it.3.Which of the following examples is NOT a cultural symbol?答案:A) A lightning bolt that signals the incoming storm.4.Which of the following is NOT an element of culture?答案:Human intelligence.5.What intercultural skills we are talking about when we say that one needs to“dance to the tune that is played”?答案:Communication flexibility.munication in collectivist cultures tends to be high-context, because:答案:People in collectivist cultures place more emphasis on interpersonalharmony.7.The terms “masculinity” and “femininity” used by Hofstede is referred to byother scholars as答案:Career success and quality of life.8.In the following answers, which one is not correct about national identity?答案:Most people associate their national identity with the nation where theywere getting education.9.Which is the following statements is NOT a function of language?答案:Language constitutes the entire system of communication.10.When you are participating in a situation which requires an interpreter, youneed to:答案:If your audience appears confused, stop and ask for questions.11.What is nonverbal communication?答案:Messages people send to one another that do not contain words.12.What should you NOT do to promote positive feedbacks in nonverbalcommunication?答案:Avoid asking questions.13.Which of the following cases is an example of social politeness touch?答案:A respectful pat on the back.14.The two dimension, the expectations and structure of power distance,combine to yield four distinct approaches, which approach is not belong tothem?答案:Individualism combined with a medium power distance.15.What stories of China we should tell?答案:Stories about common Chinese people’s lives and stories that seek commonground while preserving differences between cultures.16.In the following answers, which one is not correct about intercultural conflict?答案:Various value patterns could not be the primary cause of interculturalfrustration.17.You are communicating with a person whose culture emphasises theimportance of keeping face. She appears confusing by what you say. In this situation, you should NOT:答案:ask: “Do you understand what I mean?”18.What is “concept or idea that an individual or a group holds as true” inintercultural communication?答案:Belief.19.What is NOT a reason mentioned in this course for studying interculturalcommunication?答案:To assert personal and group identities.20.Ting-Toomey and Oetzel ’ s model consists of conflict competence criteriaand outcomes. Which dimensions are included in this model?答案:effectiveness/appropriateness, productivity/satisfaction, and principled ethics.21.Since most skills and knowledge about intercultural communication comefrom lived experience, they cannot be learned.答案:错误22.Self-reflection only occurs in special moments of our lives, such as when wemeditate, pray or write a diary.答案:错误23.Variations in pronunciation, spelling, and terminology in English dialectssupport the arbitrariness of language.答案:正确24.You should speak to your interpreter, rather than the audience, whendelivering a speech in an interpretation event.答案:错误25.Members of cultures that stress individualism and privacy generally demandmore personal space, compared to members of collectivist cultures.答案:正确26.In nonverbal communication, you need to be sensitive to both the immediatecontext surrounding you and the broader cultural context you are operating within.答案:正确27.There is no universal pattern of rules governing relationships. Instead ofapplying the same rule to everyone, factors such as status, intimacy, andcontext create different communication rules for diverse people.答案:正确28.Identity is an abstract, complex, dynamic, and socially-constructed concept.答案:正确29.Someone from a collectivistic culture would most likely approach a certainsituation with self-serving goals in mind.答案:错误30.In intercultural settings, you should assume that second language users canunderstand the technical terms and jargons you say.答案:错误。

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