A method of Vehicle License Plate De-noising and Location in Low Light Level wor
香港地区汽车牌照的英文部分规律In Hong Kong, understanding the English portion of vehicle license plates might seem like decoding a cryptic puzzle. Each combination appears random at first glance, butthere's a method to the madness. This linguistic labyrinth reflects the intricate tapestry of Hong Kong's history, culture, and administrative systems.Let's delve into the patterns governing these license plates. Firstly, the English portion typically comprises three letters followed by a series of numbers. The letters serve as a geographical identifier, indicating the region where the vehicle is registered. For instance, "HK" represents Hong Kong Island, "K" stands for Kowloon, and "NT" denotes the New Territories. Each letter has its designated area, streamlining the registration process and aiding law enforcement.Moreover, the numbers following the letters provide additional information. They often denote the vehicle's registration sequence within a particular region. However,the exact algorithm behind these numbers remains veiled in secrecy, akin to a well-guarded state secret. Speculation abounds among residents, with theories ranging from sequential numbering to intricate algorithms based on registration dates and vehicle types.Beyond their functional purpose, these license plates serve as cultural artifacts, reflecting Hong Kong's unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. The English characters symbolize the city's cosmopolitan nature, a testament toits colonial past and status as a global financial hub. They embody the fusion of linguistic traditions, where Cantonese colloquialisms coexist with Anglicized phrases, mirroring Hong Kong's linguistic landscape.Furthermore, these license plates offer a glimpse into the city's socio-economic fabric. Prestigious numbers, such as those featuring repeated digits or auspicious combinations, command exorbitant prices in the secondary market. Acquiring a coveted plate has become a status symbol among the affluent elite, akin to owning a piece of exclusivereal estate in the digital realm.However, amidst the intrigue and speculation, controversies simmer beneath the surface. The allocation of license plates has sparked debates regarding fairness and transparency. Allegations of favoritism and backdoor dealings have tarnished the process, prompting calls for reform and increased accountability.In conclusion, deciphering the English portion of Hong Kong's vehicle license plates unveils a rich tapestry of history, culture, and socio-economic dynamics. Beyond their utilitarian function, these plates embody the complexities of a city caught between tradition and modernity, East and West. As residents navigate the bustling streets of Hong Kong, these seemingly mundane symbols serve as a reminder of the city's multifaceted identity, where every letter and number tells a story.。
.ICS 43.040.60R 82 GA 中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准GA 36—2014代替GA 36-2007中华人民共和国机动车号牌License plates of motor vehicles of the People’s Republic of China2014- 01 - 24发布2014 - 01 -24实施中华人民共和国公安部发布目次前言 (II)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4分类、规格、颜色及适用范围 (2)5式样 (3)6技术要求 (13)7试验方法 (19)8检验规则 (21)9标志、包装、运输和贮存 (23)10安装 (23)11更换 (23)12放大号 (24)13监督管理 (24)14标准实施的过渡期要求 (24)附录A(规范性附录)发牌机关代号 (25)附录B(规范性附录)号牌效果图 (36)前言本标准的第2章、第3章、第9章是推荐性的,其余为强制性的。
本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。
与GA36-2007相比,除编辑性修改外主要技术变化如下:——修改了适用范围(见第1章,2007年版的第1章);——增加了规范性引用文件(见第2章);——修改了机动车登记编号的定义(见3.2,2007年版的3.2);——增加了机动车号牌半成品的定义(见3.3);——修改了摩托车号牌数量,取消前号牌(见4.1,2007年版的第4章);——删除了外廓尺寸为220mm×95mm的摩托车前号牌(见2007年版的第5章);——修改了临时行驶车号牌式样(见5.3.5,2007年版的5.4.5);——修改了发牌机关代号的启用方式(见5.7,2007年版的5.8);——增加了5种序号中字母和数字的组合方式(见5.8.2,2007年版的5.9.2);——修改了号牌的表面材料的技术要求(见6.1.2,2007年版的6.1.2);——修改了号牌的字符和效果图的技术要求(见6.2,2007年版的6.2);——增加了号牌的生产序列标识的技术要求(见6.3);——删除了逆反射性能中湿状态下逆反射系数的要求及对应的试验方法(见2007年版的6.7.2和8.5.2);——增加了蓝色日间颜色的色度性能要求(见6.;——修改了耐候性能、黏附性能和抗风沙性能的试验方法(见7.13、7.14和7.15,2007年版的8.12、8.13和8.14);——增加了半成品相关的检验规则(见8.2.2.2和8.2.2.3);——增加号牌的标志、包装、运输和贮存要求,修改单副号牌的包装要求(见第9章,2007年版的第10章);——修改了号牌的安装要求,包括摩托车类号牌的安装、固封装置、号牌架等(见第10章,2007 年版的7.1);——增加了监督管理要求(见第13章);——删除了发牌机关代号安徽省巢湖市的“Q”(见2007年版的附录A);——修改了湖北省襄樊市名称(见附录A);——删除了发牌机关代号西藏自治区驻四川双流的“H”和驻青海格尔木的“J”及对应注释“f”和“g”(见2007年版的附录A);——增加了附录“发牌机关代号”中“O”的注释(见附录A);——删除了附录“字样”中金属材料号牌的字符字样(见2007年版的附录B);——删除了附录“号牌效果图”中的摩托车前号牌效果图(见2007年版的附录C)。
1.2.1 车牌定位技术研究现状及发展趋势
车牌定位技术是 LPR 系统研究的重点和难点。采集车辆图像过程中一般都有
各种背景干扰,能够正确分割字符的前提是从图像中准确地分割出牌照区域,这 也是 LPR 系统能否在实际中应用的基础。 目前的车牌定位算法中,主要是分析车牌所共有的部分特征,根据这些特征 来确定车牌区域的位置。车牌几何形状特征及相应的分析方法主要有[2-8]: (1)灰度变化特征:水平/垂直扫描时,牌照区域的像素灰度值按照一定的规 律进行波动;(2)颜色特征:原始车牌区域内部颜色和外部颜色差异的特征;(3) 投影特征:对车辆图像的水平/垂直扫描后其投影直方图中,牌照所对应的区域具 有一定规律的峰谷分布;(4)边缘特征:牌照区域有许多的边缘信息,使用相应的 算子将边缘信息提取出后,再通过边缘投影直方图来确定边缘的信息;(5)几何特 征:主要有车牌的长度、宽度以及长宽比例在一定的范围之内,或者可以通过牌照 的面积在一定的范围之内。利用以上这些特征均可以确定车牌的位置。 目前,车辆牌照的定位方法有基于彩色图像牌照区域字符和背景的颜色差异 特征进行定位,也有基于灰度图像牌照区域字符几何纹理特征进行定位,还有其 它结合了牌照区的颜色差异和字符纹理两种特征的方法定位,另外还有的是基于 数学形态学、神经网络、遗传算法、灰度聚类等牌照定位方法[9]。
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1.1 问题的提出
车牌识别技术(License Plate Recognition, LPR )是智能交通管理系统的 重要组成部分,主要用于识别车牌号码。 LPR 技术在实际生活中主要应用于高速 公路实现无人收费功能、道路行车的流量监控、交通违规车辆的监控等。特别是 在各种场合实现无人收费功能的系统中,为了提高车辆的运行效率, LPR 技术将 代替人工的管理方式实现无人自动管理的功能, 因此,对 LPR 技术的研究和系统的 开发具有重要的现实意义和和实用价值。 车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别是 LPR 系统的三大关键技术。同时也是车牌 本身的几何形状特征与图像处理技术[1]的很好结合,车牌定位与字符分割在 LPR 系统中用到的数学知识主要有数学形态学、神经网络、小波分析等。对车牌定位 与字符分割的研究主要包括:图像预处理、车牌定位、车牌倾斜校正、车牌字符 分割及字符分割结果输出等。如图 1.1 所示为系统的流程框图:
中英文翻译A configurable method for multi-style license platerecognitionAutomatic license plate recognition (LPR) has been a practical technique in the past decades. Numerous applications, such as automatic toll collection, criminal pursuit and traffic law enforcement , have been benefited from it . Although some novel techniques, for example RFID (radio frequency identification), WSN (wireless sensor network), etc., have been proposed for car ID identification, LPR on image data is still an indispensable technique in current intelligent transportation systems for its convenience and low cost. LPR is generally divided into three steps: license plate detection, character segmentation and character recognition. The detection step roughly classifies LP and non-LP regions, the segmentation step separates the symbols/characters from each other in one LP so that only accurate outline of each image block of characters is left for the recognition, and the recognition step finally converts greylevel image block into characters/symbols by predefined recognition models. Although LPR technique has a long research history, it is still driven forward by various arising demands, the most frequent one of which is the variation of LP styles, for example:(1) Appearance variation caused by the change of image capturingconditions.(2)Style variation from one nation to another.(3)Style variation when the government releases new LP format. Wesummed them up into four factors, namely rotation angle,line number, character type and format, after comprehensive analyses of multi-style LP characteristics on real data. Generally speaking, any change of the above four factors can result in the change of LP style or appearance and then affect the detection, segmentation or recognition algorithms. If one LP has a large rotation angle, the segmentation and recognition algorithms for horizontal LP may not work. If there are more than one character lines in one LP, additional line separation algorithm is needed before a segmentation process. With the variation of character types when we apply the method from one nation to another, the ability to re-define the recognition models is needed. What is more, the change of LP styles requires the method to adjust by itself so that the segmented and recognized character candidates can match best with an LP format.Several methods have been proposed for multi-national LPs or multiformat LPs in the past years while few of them comprehensively address the style adaptation problem in terms of the abovementioned factors. Some of them only claim the ability of processing multinational LPs by redefining the detection and segmentation rules or recognition models.In this paper, we propose a configurable LPR method which is adaptable from one style to another, particularly from one nation to another, by defining the four factors as parameters.1Users can constrain the scope of a parameter and at the same time the method will adjust itself so that the recognition can be faster and more accurate. Similar to existing LPR techniques, we also provide details of detection, segmentation and recognition algorithms. The difference is that we emphasize on the configurable framework for LPR and the extensibility of the proposed method for multistyle LPs instead of the performance of each algorithm.In the past decades, many methods have been proposed for LPR that contains detection, segmentation and recognition algorithms. In the following paragraphs, these algorithms and LPR methods based on them are briefly reviewed.LP detection algorithms can be mainly classified into three classes according to the features used, namely edgebased algorithms, colorbased algorithms and texture-based algorithms. The most commonly used method for LP detection is certainly the combinations of edge detection and mathematical morphology .In these methods, gradient (edges) is first extracted from the image and then a spatial analysis by morphology is applied to connect the edges into LP regions. Another way is counting edges on the image rows to find out regions of dense edges or to describe the dense edges in LP regions by a Hough transformation .Edge analysis is the most straightforward method with low computation complexity and good extensibility. Compared with edgebased algorithms, colorbased algorithms depend more on the application conditions. Since LPs in a nation often have several2predefined colors, researchers have defined color models to segment region of interests as the LP regions .This kind of method can be affected a lot by lighting conditions. To win both high recall and low false positive rates, texture classification has been used for LP detection. In Ref.Kim et al. used an SVM to train texture classifiers to detect image block that contains LP pixels.In Ref. the authors used Gabor filters to extract texture features in multiscales and multiorientations to describe the texture properties of LP regions. In Ref. Zhang used X and Y derivative features,grey-value variance and Adaboost classifier to classify LP and non-LP regions in an image.In Refs. wavelet feature analysis is applied to identify LP regions. Despite the good performance of these methods the computation complexity will limit their usability. In addition, texture-based algorithms may be affected by multi-lingual factors.Multi-line LP segmentation algorithms can also be classified into three classes, namely algorithms based on projection,binarization and global optimization. In the projection algorithms, gradient or color projection on vertical orientation will be calculated at first. The “valleys”on the projection result are regarded as the space between characters and used to segment characters from each other.Segmented regions are further processed by vertical projection to obtain precise bounding boxes of the LP characters. Since simple segmentation methods are easily affected by the rotation of LP, segmenting the skewed LP becomes a key issue to be solved. In the binarization algorithms, global or local methods are often used3to obtain foreground from background and then region connection operation is used to obtain character regions. In the most recent work, local threshold determination and slide window technique are developed to improve the segmentation performance. In the global optimization algorithms, the goal is not to obtain good segmentation result for independent characters but to obtain a compromise of character spatial arrangement and single character recognition result. Hidden Markov chain has been used to formulate the dynamic segmentation of characters in LP. The advantage of the algorithm is that the global optimization will improve the robustness to noise. And the disadvantage is that precise format definition is necessary before a segmentation process.Character and symbol recognition algorithms in LPR can be categorized into learning-based ones and template matching ones. For the former one, artificial neural network (ANN) is the mostly used method since it is proved to be able to obtain very good recognition result given a large training set. An important factor in training an ANN recognition model for LP is to build reasonable network structure with good features. SVM-based method is also adopted in LPR to obtain good recognition performance with even few training samples. Recently, cascade classifier method is also used for LP recognition. Template matching is another widely used algorithm. Generally, researchers need to build template images by hand for the LP characters and symbols. They can assign larger weights for the important points, for example, the corner points, in the4template to emphasize the different characteristics of the characters. Invariance of feature points is also considered in the template matching method to improve the robustness. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to define new template by the users who have no professional knowledge on pattern recognition, which will restrict the application of the algorithm.Based on the abovementioned algorithms, lots of LPR methods have been developed. However, these methods aremainly developed for specific nation or special LP formats. In Ref. the authors focus on recognizing Greek LPs by proposing new segmentation and recognition algorithms. The characters on LPs are alphanumerics with several fixed formats. In Ref. Zhang et al. developed a learning-based method for LP detection and character recognition. Their method is mainly for LPs of Korean styles. In Ref. optical character recognition (OCR) technique are integrated into LPR to develop general LPR method, while the performance of OCR may drop when facing LPs of poor image quality since it is difficult to discriminate real character from candidates without format supervision. This method can only select candidates of best recognition results as LP characters without recovery process. Wang et al. developed a method to recognize LPR with various viewing angles. Skew factor is considered in their method. In Ref. the authors proposed an automatic LPR method which can treat the cases of changes of illumination, vehicle speed, routes and backgrounds, which was realized by developing new detection and segmentation algorithms with robustness to the5illumination and image blurring. The performance of the method is encouraging while the authors do not present the recognition result in multination or multistyle conditions. In Ref. the authors propose an LPR method in multinational environment with character segmentation and format independent recognition. Since no recognition information is used in character segmentation, false segmented characters from background noise may be produced. What is more, the recognition method is not a learning-based method, which will limit its extensibility. In Ref. Mecocci et al. propose a generative recognition method. Generative models (GM) are proposed to produce many synthetic characters whose statistical variability is equivalent (for each class) to that showed by real samples. Thus a suitable statistical description of a large set of characters can be obtained by using only a limited set of images. As a result, the extension ability of character recognition is improved. This method mainly concerns the character recognition extensibility instead of whole LPR method.From the review we can see that LPR method in multistyle LPR with multinational application is not fully considered. Lots of existing LPR methods can work very well in a special application condition while the performance will drop sharply when they are extended from one condition to another, or from several styles to others.多类型车牌识别配置的方法自动车牌识别(LPR)在过去的几十年中的实用技术。
License plate recognition
License plate recognitionAbstractLicense Plate Recognition (LPR) is a fairly well explored problem and is already acomponent of several commercially operational systems. Many of these systems, however, require sophisticated video capture hardware possibly combined with infrared strobe lights or exploit the large size oflicense plates in certain geographical regions and the (artificially) high discriminability of characters. In this paper,we describe an LPR system that achieves a high recognition rate without the need for a high quality video signalfrom expensive hardware. We also explore the problem of car make and model recognition for purposes of searchingsurveillance video archives for a partial license plate number combined with some visual description of a car. Our proposed methods will provide valuable situational information for law enforcement units in a variety of civil infrastructures.1 IntroductionLicense plate recognition (LPR) is widely regarded to be a solved problem with many systems already in operation.Some well-known settings are the London Congestion Charge program in Central London, border patrol duties by the U.S. Customs, and toll road enforcement in parts of Canada and the United States. Although few details are released to the public about the accuracy of commercially deployed LPR systems, it is known that they work well under controlled conditions. However, they have two main disadvantages which we address in this paper.Firstly, they require high-resolution and sometimes specialized imaging hardware. Most of the academic researchin this area also requires high-resolution images or relies on geographically-specific license plates and takes advantageof the large spacing between characters in those regions and even the special characterfeatures of commonly misread characters.Secondly, LPR systems by their nature treat license plates as cars’ fingerprints. In other words, they determine a vehicle’s identity based solely on the plate attached to it. One can imagine, however, a circumstance where two plates from completely different make and model cars are swapped with malicious intent, in which case these systems would not find a problem. We as humans are also not very good at reading cars’ license plates unless they are quite near us, nor are we very good at remembering all the characters. However, we are good at identifying and remembering the appearance of cars, and therefore their makes and models, even when they are speeding away from us.In fact, the first bit of information Amber Alert signs show is the car’s make and model and only then its license plate number, sometimes not even a complete number. Therefore, given the description of a car and a partial license plate number, theauthorities should be able to query their surveillance systems for similar vehicles and retrieve a timestamp of when that vehicle was last seen along with archived video data for that time. In this paper, we describe an LPR method that performs well without the need for expensive imaging hardware and also explore car make and model recognition (MMR). Because of the complementary nature of license plate and make and model information, the use of MMR can not only boost the LPR accuracy, but allow for a more robust car surveillance system.2 License Plate DetectionIn any object recognition system, there are two major problems that need to be solved – that of detecting an object in a scene and that of recognizing it; detection being an important requisite. We approached the license plate detection problem as a textextraction problem [5]. The detection method can be described as follows. A window of interest, of roughly the dimensions of a license plate image, is placed over each frame of the video stream and its image contents are passed as input to a classifier whose output is 1 if the window appears to contain a license plate and 0 otherwise. The window is then placed over all possible locations in the frame and candidate license plate locations are recorded for which the classifier outputs a1. In reality, this classifier, which we shall call a strong classifier, weighs the decisions of many weak classifiers, each specialized for a第7/10页different feature of license plates, thereby making a much more accurate decision. This strong classifier is trained using the AdaBoost algorithm, and the weak classifiers are considered weak since they only need be over 50% accurate. Over several rounds,AdaBoost selects the best performing weak classifier from a set of weak classifiers, each acting on a single feature.3 Make and Model RecognitionAs with the license plate recognition problem, detecting the car is the first step to performing make and model recognition (MMR). To this end, one can apply a motion segmentation method to estimate a region of interest (ROI) containing the car. Instead, we decided to use the location of detected license plates as an indication of the presence and location of a car in the video stream and to crop an ROI of the car for recognition. This method would also be useful for make and model recognition in static images, where the segmentation problem is more difficult.3.1 Character RecognitionIt was our initial i ntent to apply a binarization algorithm, such as a modified version of Niblack’s algorithm as used by Chen and Yuille [5], on the extracted license plate images from our detector, and then use the binarized image as input to a commercial OCRpackage. We found, however, that even at a resolution of 104 × 31 the OCR packages we experimented with yielded very poor results. Perhaps this should not come as a surprise considering the many custom OCR solutions used in existing LPR systems.Unless text to be read is in hand-written form, it is common for OCR software to segment the characters and then perform recognition on the segmented image. The simplest methods for segmentation usually involve the projection of row and column pixels and placing divisions at local minima of the projection functions. In our data, the resolution is too low to segment characters reliably in this fashion, and we therefore decided to apply simple template matching instead, which can simultaneously find both the location of characters and their identity.The algorithm can be described as follows. For each example of each character, wesearch all possible offsets of the template image in the license plate image and record the top N best matches. The searching is done using normalized cross correlation (NCC), and第8/10页a threshold on the NCC score is applied before considering a location a possible match. If more than one character matches a region the size of the average character, the character with the higher correlation is chosen and the character with the lower correlation is discarded. Once alltemplates have been searched, the characters for each region found are read left to right forming a string. N is dependent on the resolution of the license plate image and should be chosen such that not all N matches are around a single character when the same character occurs more than once on a plate, and not too large so that not all possible regions are processed.This method may seem inefficient, however, the recognition process takes on the order of half a second for a resolution of 104 × 31, which we found to be acceptable.4 DatasetsWe automatically generated a database of car images by running our license platedetector and tracker on several hours of video data and cropping a fixed window of size 400 × 220 pixels around the license plate of the middle frame of each tracked sequence. This method yielded 1,140 images in which cars of each make and model were ofroughly the same size. The crop window was positioned such that the license plate was centered in the bottom third of the image. We chose this position as a reference point to ensure matching was done with only car features and not background features. Had we centered the license plate both vertically and horizontally, cars that have their plates mounted on their bumper would have exposed the road in the image.After collecting these images, we manually assigned make, model, and year labels to 790 of the 1,140 images. We were unable to label the remaining 350 images due to our limited familiarity with those cars. We often made use of the California Department of Motor Vehicles’ web site to determine the makes and models of cars with which we were not familiar. The web site allows users to enter a license plate or vehicle identification number for the purposes of checking whether or not a car has passed recent smog checks. For each query, the web site returns smog history as well as the car’s make and model description if available. The State of California requires all vehicles older than threeyears to pass a smog check every two years. Therefore, we were unable to query cars that were three years old or newer and relied on our personal experience to label them.第9/10页We split the 1,140 labeled images into a query set and a database set. The query set contains 38 images chosen to represent a variety of make and model classes, in some cases with multiple queries of the same make and model but different year in order to capture the variation of model designs over time. We evaluated the performance of each of the recognition methods by finding the best match in the database for each of the query images.4.1 SIFT MatchingScale invariant feature transform (SIFT) features recently developed by Lowe [14] are invariant to scale, rotation and even partially invariant to illumination differences, which makes them well suited for object recognition. We applied SIFT matching to the problem of MMR as follows:1. For each image d in the database and a query image q, perform keypoint localization and descriptor assignment.2. For each database image d:(a) For each keypoint kq in q find the keypoint kd in d that has the smallest L2 distance to kq and is at least a factor of _ smaller than the distance to the next closest descriptor. If no such kd exists, examine the next kq.(b) Count the number of descriptors n that successfully matched in d.3. Choose the d that has the largest n and consider that the best match.5 ResultsThe SIFT matching algorithm described above yielded a recognition rate of 89.5% on the query set. Recognition results for some of the queries in the test set are shown in Figure 6. The top 10 matches were all of the same make and model for some of the queries with over 20 similar cars in the database.Most of the queries SIFT matching was not able to classify correctly had 5 or fewer entries similar to it in the database. Based on the results of queries corresponding to makes and models with many examples in the database, it is safe to assume that having more examples per make and model class will increase the recognition rate.。
机动车行驶证翻译 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】
License Plate Recognition
License Plate Recognition Based on Edge Detection AlgorithmJin Chong Chen Tianhua Ji LinhaoSchool of Computer and Information EngineeringBeijing Technology and Business UniversityBeijing ,Chinajinchong0319@ ,cth188@Abstract—with the development of vehicles and the increasing number of cars in modern society, people pay more and more attention to the vehicle license p late recognition system. Vehicle license p late recognition is divided into three p arts: license p ositioning, character segmentation and character recognition. This paper proposes a new way of vehicle license plate recognition. In license positioning, the license positioning method is based on median filtering double edge detection; in character segmentation, it adop ts a combinative method of locating the original level and imp roved vertical p rojection segmentation algorithm; in character recognition, the recognition method is based on classification tem p late matching of font characteristics. The p ro p osed license recognition method focuses on the timeliness of recognition p rocess. Its smaller calculation largely reduces the time of license recognition, with high accuracy and p recision rate at the same time.Keywords-license recognition; edge detection; vertical projection; template matchingI.I NTRODUCTIONAs an important method of car control, the license recognition system obtains the information of cars through analysis processing of the collected images. Thus, it gives an effective management of cars. It plays a positive role in preventing traffic jams, increasing roads and bridges toll service and easing the traffic tension. Based on the related theory of digital image processing and technology research and analysis, this paper makes research and improvement in license positioning, character segmentation and character recognition, which are the three parts of the license recognition system.License positioning segments the plate from the complicated scene. By combining the median filtering double edge detection method, on the one hand, it effectively eliminates the unrelated marginal information on the scene with complicated images, and on the other hand, it saves more time compared with other edge detection methods. Segment the plate character into single character zone on the located plate image, and automatically obtain the image of single character for the next step of recognition. This paper adopts a combinative method of locating the original level and improved vertical projection segmentation algorithm, quickly realizes the tilt correction of plate and eliminates the effects of noise on character segmentation accuracy. Character cognition extracts features from the segmented characters and then recognizes the character. This paper adopts classification template matching of font characteristics, largely reduces the time of template matching and effectively eliminates the misidentification of similar characters.The proposed license recognition method features high accuracy, speed and timeliness.II.L ICENSE POSITIONINGThe objective of license positioning is to segment the plate from complicated background [1] [2]. It is the key component of license recognition. The effectiveness of location will directly affect the following operation of character segmentation and character recognition.A.Pretreatment of the Image1)Graying of Original ImageGenerally, the data size of original plate image is the larger one: 24 bits true color image, which is mixed with R (red), G (green) and B (blue) [3]. Each color is artificially graded into 256 levels from 0 to 255. The colored images can represent 256*256*256=166777216 kinds of colors according to various combinations of R, G and B. The calculated amount of direct processing these colors is extremely large. It goes against the timeliness and feasibility of plate recognition system. So the first step is to transform the original image into 256-level gray image, convenient for computer processing. Gray-scale image only have brightness information instead of color information. The original image and the histogram of grey-scale image are shown in Figure 1. Its small amount of information is in favor of quick image processing.(a)2013 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(b)Figure 1. (a)The original image , (b) the histogram of grey-scale image.B.License positioning based on double edge detectionEdge is one of the most fundamental and important features of image. It represents in sudden change in partial gray scale, and refers to a set of pixels with step change or those with roof change of the surrounding pixel gray. Edges on both sides belong to the two regions respectively. The gray level of each region is uniform, but there are some differences in character between the two regions. License plate location based on double edge detection takes advantage of severe change in license plate character color and background in the gray-scale; detect the edge of license plate character to achieve the license plate location. Double edge detection of license plate location method [4] is a method combining of edge detection and multi-scale mathematical morphology. We can get the result of edge detection, as shown in Figure 2. License plate, with differences in color of text and background color, has rich edge image edge, so the detection can effectively highlight the license plate area.Figure 2. The license plate image of edge detection by Sobel operatorFirstly, make edge extraction of the noise filtered image by longitudinal Sobel operator [5]; Then, use a larger expansion erosion operator [6] in processing image in the first step, to calculate the connected domain for possible license plate area; and then make edge extraction of the processed image by vertical Sobel operator; use a smaller expansion erosion operator in processing image of the previous step to calculate the connected domain for a more precise plate region. Finally, make use of priori knowledge, such as moderate range of length and width, a certain range of length-width ratio, etc. Reject the dissatisfactory alternate license areas. Figure 3 shows the license plate image ofpositioning.Figure 3. The license plate image of positioningIII.C HARACTER S EGMENTATIONCharacter segmentation is to segment the characters on the plate one by one which involves two important elements:(1) tilt correction of the plate; (2) character segmentation.A.Correction of Tilt InclinationThis paper proposes a new plate correction method based on positioning the original horizontal line [7]. The purpose of plate correction is to correct the characters to the right horizontal position; determine the inclination based on Hough [8] by finding the license plate upper and underside of the frame. Making a segment that represents for the tilt inclination instead of finding one will greatly reduce the correction time. The plate correction method is proposed on the basis of the method of positioning the original horizontal line.•Segment the image into 3 equal parts along the vertical direction, select the middle part;•Make binarization processing on the image by improved 0stu algorithm [9] [10]. Figure 4 shows thecomparison between the grey scale image and theimage of binaryzation. Make vertical pixelprojection segmentation and meet the requirementsthat there is at least a complete character in twosegmentation regions;Figure 4. The grey scale image and the image of binarization•Select any segmentation region with complete character. And select the highest white pixel positionand the lowest white pixel position in this region,and make a detection line across the two points;•The upper detection line can rotate centering on the highest pixel position of the middle character. Thedetection line crosses the white region both leftwardsand rightwards for three times, and then obtains thesuccessful positioning. The low detection line issimilar to it. And the two lines have almost identicalslope;•After positioning the original horizontal line, the tilt declination can be determined according to thecurrent slope of the horizontal line. Then throughrotation, correct the tilt plate. The rotationtransformation formula:˄ 1˅=(x y 1). The main calculation amount of license plate tilt correction based on positioning the original horizontal is to make projection of pixel value for partial license plate image. The inward approximation can be used in detection line adjustment. Generally, the tilt angle of the license plate can be obtained through only 4 to 5 times of adjustment. Therefore, the calculation is greatly reduced, saving the time of correction. B. Characters Segmentation1) Median Filtering For Noise Reduction Median filtering [3] is a kind of partial smoothing technique, and also a kind of non-linear filtering. But its calculation is a simple weighted sum. Firstly, it sorts all the pixels of its region according to the gray-level. Then it selects the median of the group of pixels as the output value of processing. If the number of the pixels is even, select the average value of two middle pixels; if the number is odd, select the sorted median.Generally, the window of median filter selects oddnumber. Its principle lies in replacing the one point pixelvalue in the image with the median pixel value of all points in one window region. The median is: a group ofnumbers 1X ,2X ,Ă,n X (n is an odd), if sorted as 1i X2i X ĂĂ in X , its median is Med =]2)1([n i X+.Median filtering largely reduces the noise in the image and improves the quality of image. The result of median filtering is shown in Figure 5. This will help the processing and analysis of image characteristics.Figure 5. the image of median filtering2) The Process of SegmentationVertical projection [11] refers to the projection of two-dimensional image in the X direction, i.e. the total number ofcharacter pixel in the j line. The projection value v (j)=¦=mi j i f 1),(. The vertical projection of image afterpretreatment will form a valley bottom among adjacentcharacters. But there may be a valley bottom betweenChinese characters or on both sides of the separators. Simplyselecting the valley bottom as the basis of charactersegmentation will lead to errors. This paper proposed a newcharacter segmentation method [3] [12] based on this method.•Average segmentation projection. Each character onthe plate generally takes the same mean width.Segment the plate into 7 parts on average and the general position of each character is determined.• Accurately determine segmentation line betweenadjacent characters. Center on the averagesegmentation line, and find the minimum projectionvalue within a certain scope on both sides of the projection. The minimum value is the segmentation line of the two characters. • Determine single character line. Through the above two procedures, the maximum left and right boundaries have been determined. Search rightwards from the left boundary until finding the character region and set it as the accurate left boundary; searchleftwards from the right boundary until finding the character region and set it as the accurate rightboundary. Finally, we get the characters of segmentation, as shown in Figure 6. There are left and right frames and dot, so special treatment will be given to determine the left boundary of the first character, the left boundary of the third character and the right boundary of the seventh character. Figure 6. characters of segmentation. IV. C HARACTER R ECOGNITIONCharacter recognition [13] is the last important step in thewhole license plate recognition system. The classificationtemplate matching of font characteristics method [7] is used for character recognition. By detecting whether the characters pass specific detection area and excludingimpossible character mode grade by grade in each region according to the results of detection, which largely reduces the amount of calculation and saves a lot of time, eliminating the misrecognition rate on similar characters.• Detection of specific position window. Select 15detection areas in the character images. Each area has 4 pixel points.• Detect the color of each area after determination the position. Specifically: if the white pixel points take larger ratio than the threshold in the total area, this area is white, i.e. there are characters crossing the region. • Grade it according to the detection areas. There may be 24 English letters and 10 figures on the plate. It could be found out that a certain character always crosses some detection areas, and not crosses some other detection areas according to the features of character. • Exclude the pixel position. Upon completion of detection area sampling, exclude the recognized characters compared with the classification table. The characters crossing the area and characters without crossing the area are described in TABLE ĉ.TABLE I. T ABLE OF CLASSIFICATION OF CHARACTER FEATURESDete ction area Characters crossing theareaCharacters without crossingthe area1 BǃDǃEǃFǃHǃKǃMǃNǃLǃPǃRǃTǃUǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ3ǃ5ǃ7 AǃCǃGǃJǃQǃSǃ2ǃ4ǃ6ǃ8ǃ9ǃ02 AǃBǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃPǃQǃRǃSǃTǃWǃZǃ2ǃ3ǃ5ǃ7ǃ8ǃ9ǃ0 HǃJǃKǃMǃNǃUǃVǃX ǃYǃ6ǃ43 EǃFǃHǃJǃKǃLǃMǃNǃTǃUǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ5ǃ7 AǃBǃCǃDǃGǃPǃQǃR ǃSǃ2ǃ3ǃ4ǃ6ǃ8ǃ9ǃ04 BǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃHǃKǃLǃMǃNǃPǃQǃRǃSǃUǃAǃJǃTǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZ ǃ3ǃ4ǃ6ǃ75 AǃKǃTǃWǃ3ǃ4ǃ6 BǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃHǃRǃJǃLǃMǃNǃPǃQǃRǃSǃUǃVǃXǃYǃZǃ2ǃ5ǃ7ǃ8ǃ9ǃ06 BǃCǃHǃGǃJǃMǃNǃPǃQǃRǃSǃUǃ2ǃ8ǃ9ǃ0 AǃDǃEǃFǃKǃLǃTǃV ǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ3ǃ4ǃ5ǃ6ǃ77 BǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃHǃKǃLǃMǃNǃPǃQǃRǃUǃ5ǃ0 AǃJǃSǃTǃVǃWǃXǃY ǃZǃ2ǃ3ǃ4ǃ6ǃ7ǃ8ǃ98 BǃEǃFǃHǃKǃNǃPǃRǃSǃTǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ2ǃ5ǃ6ǃ7ǃ8ǃ9 AǃCǃDǃGǃJLǃMǃQǃUǃVǃ3ǃ4ǃ09 DǃEǃFǃGǃHǃJǃMǃNǃQǃUǃ9ǃ0 AǃBǃCǃKǃLǃPǃRǃS ǃTǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ2ǃ3ǃ4ǃ5ǃ6ǃ7ǃ810 BǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃHǃJǃKǃLǃMǃNǃPǃQǃRǃSǃUǃ3ǃ4ǃ6ǃ8ǃ0 AǃTǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ2ǃ5ǃ7ǃ911 AǃMǃKǃTǃVǃYǃ4ǃ7 BǃCǃDǃEǃFǃGǃHǃJ ǃKǃLǃNǃPǃRǃSǃUǃWǃXǃZǃ2ǃ3ǃ5ǃ6ǃ8ǃ9ǃ012 BǃCǃGǃHǃJǃMǃNǃQǃSǃUǃ3ǃ4ǃ5ǃ6ǃ8ǃ9ǃ0 AǃDǃEǃFǃKǃLǃPǃR ǃTǃVǃWǃXǃYǃZǃ2ǃ713 AǃBǃDǃEǃFǃHǃKǃLǃMǃNǃPǃRǃXǃZǃ2 CǃGǃJǃQǃSǃTǃUǃV ǃWǃYǃ3ǃ4ǃ5ǃ6ǃ7ǃ8ǃ9ǃ014 BǃCǃDǃEǃGǃJǃLǃMǃQǃSǃTǃUǃVǃYǃZǃ2ǃ3ǃ5ǃ6ǃ8ǃ9ǃ0 $ǃ)ǃ+ǃ.ǃ1ǃ3ǃ5ǃ:ǃ;ǃ15 AǃEǃGǃHǃKǃLǃMǃNǃQǃRǃXǃ2 BǃCǃDǃFǃJǃPǃSǃTǃUǃVǃWǃYǃZǃǃ3ǃ4ǃ5ǃ6ǃ7ǃ8ǃ9ǃ0•Through the above graded exclusion, the only step is to select the corresponding template to matching algorithm with the recognized character. The final result of recognition is shown in Figure 7.It reduces the amount of calculation and increases the recognition effectiveness.Figure 7. The result of character recognitionV.C ONCLUSIONThis paper adopts the method of median filtering double edge detection, effectively excludes the unrelated margin information and suppresses the effect of noise. The combinative method of positioning the original level and improved vertical projection segmentation algorithm speeds up the correction of plate tilt declination and effectively eliminates the noise effect on the accuracy of segmentation. In character recognition, the recognition method, based on classification template matching of font characteristics, reduces the amount of calculation and time-consuming and increase the accuracy of cognition. The experimental results show that this kind of recognition method not only has high recognition rate, but also shows its timeliness, which is the most noticeable feature of this recognition method.R EFERENCES[1]Liu Meng & Wu Chengdong & Fan Yuquan, et al. License PlateRecognition Method under Complicated Image Background [].Journal of Image and Graohics, 2010㧘15㧔9㧕㧦1357-1362[2]Guo J ie & Shi Pengfei. License Plate Recognition Based on Colorand Texture Analysis[J]. Journal of Imag e and Graphics.2002,7㧔5㧕㧦472-476[3]Ruan Xiaobo. Research on License Plate Recognition Based onImage Processing Techniques[D]. Hefei: Hefei University of Technology, 2010㧦1-61[4]Wang Lei & Wang Hanli & He Lianghua. License Plate RecognitionMethod Based on Double-Edge Detection[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2012[5]Guan Xuemei. Applied Research on Edge Detection Algorithm inImage Processing[J]. Information and Computer, 2009㧔10㧕[6]Li Gang & Zeng Ruili & Lin Ling & Wang Mengjun. 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2010年1月第17卷增刊控制工程Contr ol Engineering of China Jan.2010Vol.17,S 0文章编号:167127848(2010)S 020038203 收稿日期:2009210206; 收修定稿日期:2009212208 基金项目:江苏省自然基金资助项目(BK2007195) 作者简介:薛亚军(19822),男,陕西渭南人,研究生,主要研究方向为模试识别与智能交通等;姜 斌(19662),男,教授,博士生导师。
一种复杂背景下的车牌快速定位算法薛亚军,丁 勇,姜 斌(南京航空航天大学自动化学院,江苏南京 210016)摘 要:针对复杂环境下的车牌定位问题,提出一种基于提升小波与形态学相结合的快速定位方法。
关 键 词:车牌定位;提升小波;形态学;可信度评价中图分类号:TP 27 文献标识码:AFast Locating A lg orith m of Vehicle License Plate Under Co mplex ScenesXU E Ya 2jun,D I N G Yong,J I AN G B in(I nstitute of Aut omati on Engineering,Nanjing University of Aer onautics &A str onautics,Nanjing 210016,China )Abstract:Based on lifting wavelet and mor phol ogy,a vehicle p late l ocati on algorithm under comp lex scenes is p resented .Firstly,p rep r ocessing is used on the vehicle i m age .A ne w lifting wavelet algorith m is used for extracti on of edge and binary transf or mati on is used .Then a series of mor phol ogical operati ons are used t o l ook for candidate regi ons that p r obably contain characters in range of sizes .Finally,the vehicle license p late can be f ound according t o credibility evaluati on .Computer si m ulati ons show that the p r oposed ap 2p r oach is very effective and fast f or l ocating vehicle p late under comp lex scenes .Key words:license p late l ocati on;lifting wavelet;mor phol ogy;credibility evaluati on1 引 言一般情况下,车牌自动识别技术实现主要分为两大关键技术:一是车牌定位;二是字符识别。
注意这里不建议译作operational、non-operational,因为operational 的意义相对比较广泛,一般是指“操作”、“手术”等,“营运”一般不用这个词。
四、“总质量”是指汽车满载后,连装载物、汽车本身的总质量,译为gross mass或total mass 均可。
五、“整备质量”是指无装载的汽车裸重,可译为unladen mass,也可译为bare mass,或equipment self mass。
一、汽车类型:轿车sedan 房车limo 油门accelerator 刹车brake 高速公路freeway引擎engine 离合器clutch 排档gears 汽缸cylinder 公路highway遮阳板sun visor 保险带seat belt 保险杠bumper 方向灯blinker尾灯tail lamp 轮胎tire 轮胎花纹thread 汽化剂carburetor 底盘chassis 档泥板fender 方向盘steering wheel 活塞piston冷冻剂coolant 润滑油lubrication 仪表盘dashboard 里程表odometer速度计speedometer 油表gauge 档风玻璃windshield 雨刷windshield wiper车牌number plate 后门rear door 千斤顶jack 加油站gas station柴油diesel 汽油废气emissions 加仑gallon 加油refuel游车河joyride实习司机L-driver超车overtake吊销revoke靠边停车pull over 乱穿马路jaywalk 高峰时间commuting hours车道driveway/lane 车库garage 停车场parking lot 最高车速speed limit二、汽车品牌:奔驰Mercedes 大众VW 丰田Toyota 本田Honda 三菱Mitsu铃木Suzuki 保时捷Porsche 捷豹/积架Jaguar 富豪Volve 雪铁龙Citroen 宝马BMW 欧宝Opel 雷诺Renault阿尔法罗蜜欧Alfa Romeo 凌志Lexus 奥迪Audi 无限Infiniti路华集团Rover 绅宝SAAB 福特Ford 雪佛兰Chevy 莲花Lotus富士Subaru 大宇Daewoo 阿库拉Acura 别克Buick 克莱斯勒Chrysler道奇Dodges 杰傲Geo 通用GMC 五十铃Isuzu 起亚Kia 墨丘利Mercury 日产Nissan 迷你Mini 庞蒂克Pontiac奥兹Olds 野马Mustang 悍马Hummer 陆虎Land Rover 吉普Jeep三、各种称呼first gear 一档second gear 二档turbo 涡轮,增压涡轮reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)racing car 赛车saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车,方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance急救车转台造型机turntable molding machine气动震实造型机air jarring moulding machine有箱造型机box molding machine压铸机die casting machine热室压铸机hot-chamber die casting machine惯性落砂机三、名词(Nouns)accelerator [kselret(r)] n.油门accident [ksdnt] n. 事故ambulance [mbjlns] n. 救护车bonnet [bnt] n. 引擎盖boot [but] n.(汽车后部的)行李箱brake [brek] n. 刹车breakdown [brekdan] n. 故障bumper [bmp(r)] n. 保险杠bus [bs] n.公共汽车car [kɑ(r)] n. 小汽车;轿车caravan [krvn] n. 旅行拖车;宿营拖车;房车car park 停车场clutch [klt] n.离合器踏板coach [kt] n.长途汽车;长途客车crossroads [krsrdz] n. 十字路口dashboard [dbd] n. 仪表盘directions [d’rek()nz] n. 方向distance [dstns] n.距离driver [drav(r)] n.司机driving licence 驾照engine [endn] n. 发动机fire engine n.消防车fire truck n.救火车;消防车flat [flt] n. 小孔freeway [friwe] n. 高速公路garage [grɑ:,] n. 车库;停车场;汽车修理厂gas [ɡs] n.汽油gas pedal n. 油门gear [ɡ(r)] n. 转动装置gear shift 变速器gear stick 变速器handbrake [hndbrek] n.手刹headlight [hedlat] n. 头灯hood [hd] n. 阀盖horn [hn] n.喇叭indicator [ndket(r)] n. 转向灯journey [dni] n. 旅行lane [len] n. 小路;车道license plate n. 车牌号码lorry [lri] n.卡车,货运汽车make [mek] n. 品牌motorbike [mtbak] n. 骑摩托车motorcycle [mtsakl] n.摩托车motorway [mtwe] n. 高速公路number plate n. 拍照;号码牌oil [l] n. 石油;原油one-way street n. 单行道parking lot n. 停车场parking space n.停车位passenger [psnd(r)] n. 乘客pedestrian [pdestrin] n. 行人petrol [petrl] n. 汽油petrol station 加油站puncture [pkt(r)] n. 小孔;小洞rear-view mirror n. 后视镜restoration number n.车牌号road [rd] n. 道路road sign n.路标roof rack 车顶行李架roundabout [randbat] n. 环岛seat belt 安全带service station 服务站side-view mirror 侧翼后视镜spare part 零件;配件speed [spid] n. 速度speed camera 超速监控摄像机speed limit 限速speedometer [spidmt(r)] n.速度计street [strit] n. 大街,街道taxi [tksi] n. 出租车traffic [trfk] n. 交通traffic jam 交通堵塞traffic lights 交通信号灯traffic warden 交通管理员trailer [trel(r)] n.拖车;挂车transport [trnspt] n.交通运输系统truck [trk] n.卡车;货车trunk [trk] n.汽车行李箱turn signal 转向灯tyre [ta(r)] n. 轮胎vehicle [vikl] n.交通工具,车辆wheel [wil] n. 车轮,轮子;方向盘windscreen [wndskrin] n.挡风玻璃windshield [wndild] n.挡风玻璃wing mirror n.侧翼后视镜五、动词(Verbs)accelerate [kselret] v. 加速brake [brek] v. 刹车break down 出故障crash [kr] v. 碰撞drive [drav] v.驾驶;开车;驾车送人give way 让路,让道hitch-hike [‘hit'haik] v.搭顺风车overtake [vtek] v.超过,赶上park [pɑk] v.停车;泊车skid [skd] v.侧滑speed [spid] v.超速驾驶steer [st(r)] v.驾驶stop [stp] v.停止;停下travel [trvl] v.旅行tow [t] v. 拖;拉;拽yield [jild] v. 让路,让道slow down 减速speed up 加速start up 发动;启动三、短语(Phrases)no entry 禁止驶入road works 道路修补下载全文。
JJitney 随停公车;简便公车Job Mix Formula 工地拌合公式Joint Opening 开口宽度;Joint Operation of Transport 联运Jointed Concrete Pavement JCP 接缝式混凝土铺面Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement JRCP 接缝式钢筋混凝土铺面Joule 焦耳(能量单位)Journal Resistance 轴颈阻力Jumbo 钻堡Junction 路口Junction box 汇流井KKalman filter algorithm 卡门滤波法Kalman filter, Kalman filtering 卡门滤波Keep right sign 靠右标志Key count station 关键调查站Kinematic Viscosity 动黏度Kink 纽结Kiss-and-Ride 停车转乘Kneading Action 辗挤作用Knot 节(等于每小时1.85公里)Knowledge Base 知识库Kurtosis 峰度LLag 间距Lag time 延迟时间Land Access 可及性Land Expropriation 土地征收Land Transportation 陆路运输Land use 土地使用;土地利用Landfill site 掩埋场Landscape design 景观设计Landslide/Slump 坍方Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane 巷道Lane allocation, Lane layout 车道配置Lane Balance 车道平衡Lane change 变换车道Lane control 车道管制Lane distribution 车道分布Lane Group 车道群Lane headway 车道行进间距Lane Line 车道线Lane Reduction Transition Line 路宽渐变线Lane residual width 巷道剩余宽度Lane Width 车道宽度Lane-direction control signal 车道行车方向管制号志Large Network Grouping 大型网络群组划分Large Passenger Vehicle 大客车Large-area Detector 大区域侦测器Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral Acceleration 横向加速率Lateral clearance 侧向净距Lateral Collision Avoidance 侧向防撞Lateral Separation 左右隔离Lateral shift 侧向位移Laws of randomness 随机定理Lay-Down Vehicle Days 停驶延日车数Leading 绿灯早开Leading & lagging design 早开迟闭设计Leading Car 领导车Leading design 早开设计Learning Permit 学习驾照Lease 租赁Left turn 左转Left turn accel-decel & storage lane island 左转加减速-停储车道式分向岛Left turn acceleration lane island 左转加速车道式分向岛Left turn crossing 左转交叉穿越Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn maneuver 左转运行Left turn on red 在红灯时段内进行左转运行Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Leg 路肢Legibility 公认性;易读性Length 长度Length of Economical Haul 经济运距Length of grade 坡长Length of lane change operation 变换车道作业的长度Length of Superelevation Runoff 超高渐变长度Length of time parked 停车时间的久暂Level 水准仪;横坑;水平面Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of illumination 明亮度水准Level of Service 服务水准Level or flat terrain 平原区Level surface 水准面Leveling Course 整平层License Plate 汔车号牌License Plate Method 牌照法License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate 汽车号牌License plate method 车辆牌照记录法;车辆牌照法License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识License renewal method 换照法Life cycle assessments LCA 生命周期评估Lift-On/Lift-Off 吊上吊下式Light Characteristics 灯质Light List 灯质表Light Motorcycle 轻型机踏车Light on method 亮灯法Light Phase 灯相Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Light Rail Transit LRT 轻轨运输Light Truck 小货车Lighting System 灯光系统Limited purpose (parking) survey 局部目的(停车)调查Line Capacity 路线容量Line marking 标线Linear Referencing System 线性参考系统Linear Shrinkage 线收缩Linear-Induction Motor LIM 线性感应马达Linear-Synchronous Motor LSM 线性同步马达Link arrival rate 路段流量到达率Link flow 路段流量Link performance function 道路绩效函数Linked or coordinated signal system 连锁号志系统Lip Curb 边石Liquidate 变成液体:偿还:破产Liquidated Damage 违约罚金Load Equivalent Factor LEF 荷重当量系数;载重当量因素Load Factor 负荷指数Load limit 载重限制Load Safety Factor 载重安全因素Loading 载重Loading & unloading 装卸Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或装卸货物区段Loading Island 旅客上下车的车站岛Local Area Network LAN 局域网络Local Controller 路口控制器Local street 地区性街道Local traffic 地区性交通Local transmission network 区域传输网络Localizer 左右定位台Location file 地点档案Location of stop 站台设置位置Locked Joint 连锁接头Log Likelihood Function 对数概似函数Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Logit Model 罗吉特模式Logo 标记;商标Long Loop 长线圈Long tunnel 长隧道Long tunnel system 长隧道系统Long vehicle tunnel 车行长隧道Long-chord 长弦Longitude 经度Longitudinal Collision Avoidance 纵向防撞Longitudinal distribution of vehicle 车辆的纵向分布Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Longitudinal Joint 纵向接缝Longitudinal Separation 前后隔离Longitudinal Slope For Grade Line 纵断坡度Longitudinal ventilation 纵流式通风Longitudinal Warping 纵向扭曲Long-Range Planning 长程规划Long-term scour depth 长期冲刷深度Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Loop Detector 环路型侦测器Loop inductance 感应回路Los Angeles Abrasion Test 洛杉矶磨耗试验Lost Time 损失时间Louvers of Daylight Screening Structure 遮阳隔板Low beam 近灯Low Heat 低热Low or first gear 低速檔Low Pressure Sodium Lamp 低压钠气灯Low relative speed 低相对速率Low Truss 低架式Lumen 流明Luminance 辉度Luminaire 灯具Luminous Efficiency of a Source 光源效应Luminous flux 光流;光束Luminous Intensity 光度;光强度Lux 勒克斯MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Macroscopic 巨观Magnetic detector 电磁(磁性)侦测器Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Magnitude 规模Mainline 主线Maintenance Factor 维护系数Maintenance Work 养护工程Major flow 主要车流Major parking survey 主要停车调查Major Phase 主要时相Management Information Base MIB 网管信息库(管理讯息库)Management Information System MIS 管理信息系统Maneuverability 运行性Manhole 人孔;井Man-machine driving behavior 人机驾驶行为Man-machine interaction 人机互动Manual counts 人工调查法Map Matching Method 地图配对法Map scale 图比例尺Marginal vehicle 边际车辆Marker 标物;标记Market Package 产品组合Market Segment 市场区隔Marking 标线Marshaling Yard 货柜汇集场Marshall Test 马歇尔试验Mass Diagram 土积图Mass transportation 大众运输Match Fund 配合款Master 主路口Master controller 主要(总枢纽)控制器Master Node 主控制点Master Plan 主计画Material handling 物料搬运Maturity 成熟程度Max out 绿灯时间完全使用之现象Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum Allowable Side Friction Factor 最大容许侧向摩擦系数Maximum Arterial Flow Method 最大干道流量法Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum flow rate 最大流率Maximum Grade 最大坡度Maximum individual delay 最大个别延滞Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Load Section MLS 最大承载区间Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交通量Maximum possible rate of flow 最大可能车流率Maximum queue 最大等待量(车队长度)Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity 最大理论比重Mean Absolute Value of Error MAE 平均绝对误差Mean deviation 平均差Mean difference 均互差Mean Square Error MSE 平均平方误差Mean variance 离均差Mean velocity 平均速度Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指针Mechanic License 技工执照Mechanical counter 机械式计数器Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Mechanical Kneading Compactor 揉搓夸压机Mechanical Load-Transfer Devices 机械传重设备Mechanical parking 机械停车Mechanical power 机械动力Median 中央分隔带;中央岛Median (50th percentile) speed 中位数速率;第50百分位数速率Median Bus Lane 设于道路中央之公车专用车道Median conflicts 中央冲突点Median Curing Cutback Asphalt MC 中凝油溶沥青Median island 中央岛Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公里Median opening 中央分向岛缺(开)口Medium Distribution 中分布Memorandum of Understanding MOU 备忘录Mental factor 精神因素Mercury Vapor Lamp 水银蒸汽灯Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging behavior 并入行为Merging conflicts 并流冲突点Merging maneuver 并流运行Merging of traffic 交通汇流Merging point 并流点Merging traffic 汇合交通Message Set 讯息集Metadata 诠释资料Metered Freeway Ramp 匝道仪控Metering rate 仪控率Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Micro or spot analysis 重点分析;微观分析Microwave Beacon 微波信号柱Mid-block (bus) stop 街廓中段公车站台Mid-block delay 街廓中段延滞Mid-Block Flow 中途转入流量Middle Ordinate 中距Mide-Block 街廓中央停靠方式Mile Per Gallon MPG 每加仑油量可跑的英哩数Milled Materials 刨除料Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公里Mini car 迷你车Minibus 小型公车Minimum Curve Length 曲线之最短Minimum Design for Turning Roadway 转向道之最小设计Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum Green Time 最短绿灯时间Minimum Phase Time 最短时相时间Minimum running time 最短行车时间Minimum separation 最小间距Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum speed limit 最低速率Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径Minimum-speed curve 最低速率曲线Minor flow 次要车流Minor Phase 次要时相Minor street 次要道路Mix Design 配合设计Mixed fleet 混合车队Mixed fleet operation 混合车队营运Mixed flow, Mixed traffic, Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Mobile Communications 行动通讯Mobile Data 行动数据Mobile Data Network 行动数据网络Mobile Plant 移动式厂拌;活动式厂拌Mobile radio unit 车装式无线电话机Mobility 可行性Modal Split 运具分配Mode 运具Model traffic ordinance 模范交通条例Modem 通讯解调器Modular 模块化Modulus of Elasticity 弹性系数Modulus of Rupture 破裂模数Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 路基反应系数Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Motor License 行车执照Motor transport service 汽车运输业Motor vehicle code 机动车辆规范Motorcycle lane 机车道Motorcycle user 机车使用者Motorcycle waiting zone 机车停等区Motorcyclist 机车驾驶人Motorcyclist Safety 机车骑士安全Mountable Curb or Rolled Curbs 可越式绿石Mountain road 山区道路Mountain terrain 山岭区Mounting height 装设高度Movement Distribution 流向分配Movement-Oriented 流动导向Moving belt 输送带Muck 碴Mud 泥浆Multi-Trip Ticket 多程票或回数票Multicommodity flow problem 多商品流量问题Multicommodity network flow problem 多重货物网络流动问题Multi-function Alarm Sign 多功能警示标志Multilane highway 多车道公路Multi-lane rural highway 多车道郊区公路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉Multimodal 多运具的Multimode mixed traffic 多车种车流Multi-parameter detector 多参数侦测器Multi-path effect 多路径效应Multipath Traffic Assignment Model 多重路线指派模式Multiperiod 多时段Multiple commodity network flow problem 多重商品网络流动问题Multiple cordon survey 多环周界调查Multiple network flow problem with side constraint 含额外限制多重网络流动问题Multiple turning lane 多线转向车道Multiple use area 多用途空间Multiple user classes 多种用路人Multiple-ride-ticket 回数票Multistories or multifloor garage 高楼停车间Multi-Tasking 多任务作业NNaphtha 石脑油National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP 美国公路合作研究组织群National freeway 国道National Freeway Construction & Management Fund 国道公路建设管理基金National freeway network 国道路网National System Architecture 国家级架构National System of Interstate and Defense Highway 洲际国防公路Native Asphalt 天然沥育Natural (normal) distribution 自然(常态)分布Natural Disaster Traffic Management 自然灾害交通管理Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural path 自然迹线Natural Rubber Latex 天然橡胶流质Natural Subgrade 天然路基Natural ventilation 自然通风Natural ventilation effect 自然通风效应Navigation 引导;导航Near-Side 路口近端Near-side bus stop 近端公车停靠站台Neon regulatory sign 霓虹式禁制标志Net Tractive Effort 净牵引力Net Weight 净重Network 网络New Jersey concrete barrier 纽泽西混凝土护栏Night visibility 夜间可见(视)性Night vision 夜间视力Nighttime driving 夜间驾驶Nitrogen Oxides NOX 氧化碳No left turn 不准左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车No parking on yellow line 禁止停车黄线No passing zone 不准超车区段No passing zone marking 不准超越地带标线No right turn 不准右转;请勿右转No standing on red line 禁止临时停车红线No turning 不准转向运行No U-turn 不准回转;请勿回转Noise 噪音Noise analysis 噪音分析Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音墙Noise control 噪音控制Noise induced annoyance 噪音干扰Noise intensity 噪音强度Noise Level 噪音水准Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise prevention 噪音防制Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nomograph 换算图Non-collision accident 非碰撞性肇事Non-Cutoff 无遮被型Non-Cutoff type NC/O 无遮蔽型Nonfatal Injury 非致命性的伤害Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流Non-Motorist 非机动车使用者(如行人)Non-Overlap 非重叠时相Nonpassing Sight Distance 不超车视距Non-Recurrent Congestion 非重现性交通壅塞Non-road user 非用路者Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器No-Passing Zone Markings 禁止超车路段线Normal Crown NC 正常路拱Not approved 认定不应开发Novelty 新奇性Number of accident 肇事件数Number of conflict 冲突点数目Number of fatality 死亡人数Number of injury 受伤人数Number of Operating Vehicles 营业车辆数Number of parking spaces 停车车位数Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Numbers 要求之重复Numerical speed limit 数值速率限制Nurture room 育婴室来源:智能交通观察() 原文链接:/library/html/8914/加载数据网站地图| 设为首页| 加入收藏首页┆资讯┆技术┆ITS人物┆产品┆公司┆解决方案┆应用案例┆ITS文库┆下载┆视频┆问吧┆论坛首页交通规划城市规划智能交通公共交通物流运输交通经济静态交通组织管理交通统计3S技术企业管理交通管理新闻搜索产品搜索企业搜索软件搜索视频搜索热门标签:智能交通(13) 电子警察(9) ETC(7) 不停车收费系统(5) 英语词汇(3) 交通事故(2) 当前位置:智能交通观察→ITS文库→交通管理→交通控制交通控制英语词汇大全作者:ITS观察来源: 日期:2009-04-02 交通新闻投稿智能交通论坛智能交通观察网推荐您阅读:交通控制英语词汇大全Stop-line——停车线A congested link——阻塞路段Weighting factor——权重因子Controller——控制器Emissions Model——排气仿真the traffic pattern——交通方式Controller——信号机Amber——黄灯Start-up delay——启动延误Lost time——损失时间Off-peak——非高峰期The morning peak——早高峰Pedestrian crossing——人行横道Coordinated control systems——协调控制系统On-line——实时Two-way——双向交通Absolute Offset——绝对相位差Overlapping Phase——搭接相位Critical Phase——关键相位Change Interval——绿灯间隔时间Flow Ratio——流量比Arterial Intersection Control 干线信号协调控制Fixed-time Control——固定式信号控制Real-time Adaptive Traffic Control——实时自适应信号控制Green Ratio——绿信比Through movement——直行车流Congestion——阻塞,拥挤The percentage congestion——阻塞率The degree of saturation——饱和度The effective green time——有效绿灯时间The maximum queue value——最大排队长度Flow Profiles——车流图示Double cycling——双周期Single cycling——单周期Peak——高峰期The evening peak periods——晚高峰Siemens——西门子Pelican——人行横道Fixed time plans——固定配时方案One-way traffic——单向交通Green Ratio——绿信比Relative Offset——相对相位差Non-overlapping Phase——非搭接相位Critical Movement——关键车流Saturation Flow Rate——饱和流率Isolated Intersection Control——单点信号控制(点控)Area-wide Control——区域信号协调控制Vehicle Actuated (VA)——感应式信号控制The Minimum Green Time——最小绿灯时间Unit Extension Time——单位绿灯延长时间The Maximum Green Time——最大绿灯时间Opposing traffic——对向交通(车流)Actuation——Control——感应控制方式Pre-timed Control——定周期控制方式Remote Control——有缆线控方式Self-Inductfanse——环形线圈检测器Signal——spacing——信号间距Though-traffic lane——直行车道Inbound——正向Outbound——反向第一章交通工程——Traffic Engineering运输工程——Transportation Engineering铁路交通——Rail Transportation航空交通——Air Transportation水上交通——Water Transportation管道交通——Pipeline Transportation交通系统——Traffic System交通特性——Traffic Characteristics人的特性——Human Characteristics车辆特性——Vehicular Characteristics交通流特性——Traffic Flow Characteristics道路特性——Roadway Characteristics交通调查——Traffic Survey交通流理论——Traffic Flow Theory交通管理——Traffic Management交通环境保护——Traffic Environment Protection 交通设计——Traffic Design交通统计学——Traffic Statistics交通心理学——Traffic Psychology汽车力学——Automobile Mechanics交通经济学——Traffic Economics汽车工程——Automobile Engineering人类工程——Human Engineering环境工程——Environment Engineering自动控制——Automatic Control应用数学——Applied Mathematics电子计算机——Electric Computer第二章公共汽车——Bus无轨电车——Trolley Bus有轨电车——Tram Car大客车——Coach小轿车——Sedan载货卡车——Truck拖挂车——Trailer平板车——Flat-bed Truck动力特性——Driving Force Characteristics牵引力——Tractive Force空气阻力——Air Resistance滚动阻力——Rolling Resistance坡度阻力——Grade Resistance加速阻力——Acceleration Resistance附着力——Adhesive Force汽车的制动力——Braking of Motor Vehicle自行车流特性——Bicycle flow Characteristics 驾驶员特性——Driver Characteristics刺激——Stimulation感觉——Sense判断——Judgment行动——Action视觉——Visual Sense听觉——Hearing Sense嗅觉——Sense of Smell味觉——Sense of Touch视觉特性——Visual Characteristics视力——Vision视野——Field of Vision色彩感觉——Color Sense眩目时的视力——Glare Vision视力恢复——Return Time of Vision动视力——Visual in Motion亮度——Luminance照度——Luminance反应特性——Reactive Characteristics刺激信息——Stimulant Information驾驶员疲劳与兴奋——Driving Fating and Excitability 交通量——Traffic Volume交通密度——Traffic Density地点车速——Spot Speed瞬时车速——Instantaneous Speed时间平均车速——Time mean Speed空间平均车速——Space mean speed车头时距——Time headway车头间距——Space headway0交通流模型——Traffic flow model自由行驶车速——Free flow speed阻塞密度——Jam density速度-密度曲线——Speed-density curve流量-密度曲线——Flow-density curve最佳密度——Optimum concentration流量——速度曲线——Flow-speed curve最佳速度——Optimum speed连续流——Uninterrupted traffic间断流——Interrupted traffic第三章交通调查分析——Traffic survey and analysis交通流调查——Traffic volume survey车速调查——Speed survey通行能力调查——Capacity survey车辆耗油调查——Energy Consumption Survey居民出行调查——Trip Survey车辆出行调查——Vehicle Trip Survey停车场调查——Parking Area Survey交通事故调查——Traffic Accident Survey交通噪声调查——Traffic Noise Survey车辆废气调查——Vehicle Emission Survey平均日交通量——Average Daily Traffic(ADT)周平均日交通量——Week Average Daily Traffic月平均日交通量——Month Average Daily Traffic年平均日交通量——Annual Average Daily Traffic高峰小时交通量——Peak hour Volume年最大小时交通量——Highest Annual Hourly Volume年第30位最高小时交通量——Thirtieth Highest Annual Hourly Volume 高峰小时比率——Peak Ratio时间变化——Time Variation空间变化——Spatial Variation样本选择——Selection Sample样本大小——Size of Sample自由度——Freedom车速分布——Speed Distribution组中值——Mid-Class Mark累计频率——Cumulative Frequency频率分布直方图——Frequency Distribution Histogram85%位车速——85% Percentile Speed限制车速——Regulation Speed服务水平——Level of Service牌照对号法——License Number Matching Method跟车测速——Car Following Method浮动车测速法——Moving Observer Speed Method通行能力调查——Capacity Studies饱和流量——Saturation Flow第四章泊松分布——Poisson Distribution交通特性的统计分布——Statistical Distribution of Traffic Characteristics 驾驶员处理信息的特性Driver Information Processing Characteristics跟车理论——Car Following Theory交通流模拟——Simulation of Traffic Flow间隔分布——Interval Distribution二项分布——Binomial Distribution拟合——Fitting移位负指数分布——Shifted Exponential Distribution排队论——Queuing Theory运筹学——Operations Research加速骚扰——Acceleration Noise停车波——Stopping Wave起动波——Starting Wave第五章城市交通规划——Urban Traffic Planning土地利用——Land-Use可达性——Accessibility起讫点调查——Origin –Destination Survey出行端点——Trip End期望线——Desire Line主流倾向线——Major Directional Desire Line调查区境界线——Cordon Line分隔查核线——Screen Line样本量——Sample Size出行发生——Trip Generation出行产生——Trip Production出行吸引——Trip Attraction发生率法——Generation Rate Method回归发生模型——Regression Generation Model类型发生模型——Category Generation Model出行分布——Trip Distribution现在型式法——Present Pattern Method重力模型法——Gravity Model Method行程时间模型——Travel Time Model相互影响模型——Interactive Model分布系数模型——Distribution Factor Model交通方式划分——Model Split , Mode Choice转移曲线——Diversion Curve交通量分配——Traffic Assignment最短路径分配(全有全无)Shortest Path Assignment(All-or-Nothing)多路线概率分配Probabilistic Multi-Route Assignment线权——Link Weight点权——Point Weight费用——效益分析——Cost –benefit Analysis现值法——Present Value Method第六章交通安全——Traffic Safety交通事故——Traffic Accident交通死亡事故率——Traffic Fatal-Accident Rate交通法规——Traffic Law多发事故地点——High accident Location交通条例——Traffic Regulation交通监视——Traffic Surveillance事故报告——Accident Report冲撞形式——Collision Manner财产损失——Property Damage事故档案——Accident File事故报表——Accident Inventory固定目标——Fixed Object事故率——Accident Ratelxy事故数法——Accident Number Method 质量控制法——Quality Control Method 人行横道——Pedestrian Crosswalk 行人过街道信号——Pedestrian Crossing Beacon 人行天桥——Passenger Foot-Bridge 人行地道——Passenger Subway 栅栏——Gate 立体交叉——Underpass(Overpass) 标线——Marking 无信号控制交叉口——Uncontrolled Intersection 让路标志——Yield Sign 停车标志——Stop Sign 渠化交通——Channelization traffic 单向交通——One-Way 禁止转弯——No Turn Regulation 禁止进入——No-Entry 禁止超车——Prohibitory Overtaking 禁止停车——Prohibitory Parking 禁止通行——Road Closed 安全带——Life Belt 第七章交通控制与管理——Traffic Control and Management 交通信号——Traffic Signal 单点定时信号——Isolated Pre-timed Signal 信号相位——Signal Phase 周期长度——Cycle Length 绿信比——Split 优先控制——Priority Control 延误——Delay 流量比——Flow Ratio 有效绿灯时间——Effective Green Time 损失时间——Loss Time 绿灯间隔时间——Intergreen Interval 信号配时——Signal Timing (or Signal Setting) 交通感应信号——Traffic Actuated Signal 城市交通控制系统——Urban Traffic Control System 联动控制——Coordinated Control 区域控制——Area Control 时差——Offset同时联动控制——Simultaneous Coordinated Control交变联动控制——Alternate Coordinated Control绿波带——Green Wave连续通行联动控制——Progressive Coordinated Control中心控制器——Master Controller局部控制器——Local——Controller实时——Real Time联机——On-line脱机——Off-line爬山法——Hill-Climbing“小型高效”区域控制系统——Compact Urban Traffic Control System道路控制系统——Corridor Control System交通仿真——Traffic Simulation时间扫描法——Time Scanning事件扫描法——Event ScanningTags:交通控制英语词汇作者:ITS观察[本日:3 本周:4 本月:4 总数:137 ] [返回上一页] [打印] 0好的评价如果您觉得此文库好,就请您0%(0)差的评价如果您觉得此文库差,就请您100%(1)特别声明:本站文章版权归文章原始作者所有,转载文章必须先获得作者同意,请务必注明出处和原始作者。
车牌手续流程及费用标准The process of obtaining and processing a vehicle license plate can be quite complex, involving various steps and potential costs. 车辆牌照手续的流程包括多个步骤和可能的费用,这可能会让人感到有些复杂。
First and foremost, the initial step in the process is to gather all the necessary documentation. 这个流程的首要步骤是收集所有必需的文件。
This may include proof of ownership, such as a bill of sale or previous registration, as well as personal identification, such as a driver's license or passport. 这可能包括所有权证明,比如销售账单或之前的注册证明,以及个人身份证明,比如驾驶证或护照。
Once the documentation is gathered, it must be submitted to the appropriate government agency, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or similar authority in the respective country or region. 一旦文件齐全,必须将它们提交给相关的政府机构,比如车辆管理局或者相应国家或地区的类似机构。
After the submission of the documentation, there may be a waiting period as the agency processes the information and verifies the authenticity of the documents. 提交文件后可能会有一个等待期,因为机构需要处理信息并验证文件的真实性。
机动车限号出行英语作文In recent years, the issue of traffic congestion andair pollution has become increasingly prominent in many cities around the world. As a result, governments are constantly seeking effective solutions to alleviate these problems. One of the commonly implemented strategies is the vehicle license plate restriction, also known as "car pooling" or "traffic rationing." This policy aims to reduce the number of vehicles on the road by limiting the days when certain license plates can be used. While this measure has shown some positive impacts, it also poses a number of challenges and controversies.The necessity of vehicle license plate restriction is apparent. Firstly, it can significantly reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby relieving traffic congestion and improving road safety. By limiting the days when certain vehicles can operate, the policy discourages excessive car use and encourages people to find alternative modes of transportation, such as public transport, cycling, or walking. Secondly, the reduction in vehicle emissions helps improve air quality and reduce the risk ofrespiratory diseases. As we know, vehicle emissions are a major contributor to air pollution, which can have serious health impacts on people, especially those with respiratory problems. By limiting vehicle use, we can contribute to improving the overall health of the population.However, implementing vehicle license plate restriction is not without its challenges. Firstly, it can cause inconvenience and dissatisfaction among car owners. Many people rely heavily on their cars for commuting, shopping, and other daily activities. Having to adjust their schedules or find alternative modes of transportation can be a burden. Secondly, the policy may not be effective in all areas and at all times. For example, in some cities, public transport systems are not well-developed, making it difficult for people to rely solely on public transport. Additionally, during peak hours or special events, traffic congestion may still occur despite the implementation of license plate restriction.Moreover, the effectiveness of vehicle license plate restriction also depends on the compliance of citizens. If people do not adhere to the policy, it will be difficult toachieve the desired results. Enforcement of the policy requires a significant amount of resources, including police patrols and fines for violations. However, even with strict enforcement, there may still be some people who choose to ignore the policy or find ways to circumvent it. In conclusion, vehicle license plate restriction is a necessary measure to address traffic congestion and air pollution in cities. However, it also poses a number of challenges and requires careful consideration and planning. Governments should aim to improve public transport systems, encourage alternative modes of transportation, and enhance public awareness and compliance with the policy. By doing so, we can create a more sustainable and liveable urban environment for everyone.**机动车限号出行的必要性与挑战**近年来,交通拥堵和空气污染问题在世界各地的许多城市中日益突出。
The Impact of Government-Regulated Vehicle Numbers on Road Traffic In recent years, the issue of road congestion has become increasingly prominent in many cities across the globe. To address this challenge, governments have implemented various measures, one of which is regulating the number of vehicles allowed on the road. This policy aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve road safety, and enhance the overall quality of life for city residents.The implementation of government-regulated vehicle numbers involves several key aspects. Firstly, authorities conduct comprehensive traffic surveys to assess the current traffic situation and identify areas of congestion. Based on these findings, they establish quotas or limits on the number of vehicles allowed on specific roads or during peak hours. These quotas may vary depending on the road type, location, and time of day.The enforcement of these regulations typically involves a combination of technological solutions and human oversight. Electronic toll collection systems, license plate recognition cameras, and traffic police patrols arecommonly used to monitor and enforce the vehicle quotas. Violators may face fines, parking restrictions, or other penalties.The impact of government-regulated vehicle numbers on road traffic is multifaceted. Firstly, it effectively reduces traffic congestion by limiting the number of vehicles on the road. This not only improves the flow of traffic but also reduces the likelihood of accidents caused by excessive congestion.Secondly, the policy promotes the use of alternative modes of transportation. As the number of private vehicles on the road decreases, people are encouraged to use public transport, bicycles, or walk. This shift towards more sustainable modes of transportation contributes to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.Moreover, the implementation of vehicle quotas can enhance road safety. With fewer vehicles on the road, there is less chance of collisions or other accidents. Additionally, the increased use of public transport can also lead to safer roads as these vehicles are typicallyoperated by professional drivers and adhere to strict safety standards.However, it is worth noting that the success of government-regulated vehicle numbers depends heavily on effective enforcement and public compliance. If the regulations are not strictly enforced or if there is widespread disregard for the quotas, the policy may fail to achieve its desired outcomes.Furthermore, it is essential to strike a balance between regulating vehicle numbers and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic. Excessive restrictions can lead to inconvenience for commuters and may even have unintended consequences such as increased travel times and costs.In conclusion, government-regulated vehicle numbers can be an effective tool in addressing road congestion and improving road safety. However, its success hinges on careful planning, enforcement, and public cooperation. By balancing the need for traffic control with the demands of commuters, governments can create safer and more efficient road networks that enhance the quality of life for all city residents.政府规定上路车辆数量对道路交通的影响近年来,全球许多城市的道路拥堵问题日益严重。
英语作文中车牌号格式标题,The Format of Vehicle License Plate Numbers。
Introduction:Vehicle license plate numbers serve as uniqueidentifiers for vehicles around the world. Each country has its own format and regulations governing the structure of these numbers. In this essay, we will explore the different formats of vehicle license plate numbers and the significance behind their designs.1. The Structure of License Plate Numbers:Vehicle license plate numbers typically consist of a combination of letters and numbers arranged in a specific format. The structure varies from country to country, but there are some common elements. For example, in many countries, license plate numbers contain both letters and numbers, with the letters often representing the region orjurisdiction where the vehicle is registered.2. Examples of License Plate Formats:a. United States:In the United States, license plate numbers typically consist of a combination of letters and numbers. The format varies by state, but it often includes a combination of letters representing the state followed by numbers or a mix of numbers and letters. For example, in California, a license plate number might look like "ABC 1234", where "ABC" represents the state code and "1234" is a unique identifier.b. United Kingdom:In the United Kingdom, license plate numbers follow a specific format consisting of two letters, followed by two numbers, followed by three more letters. The first two letters represent the region where the vehicle is registered, the two numbers indicate the age ofthe vehicle, and the final three letters are randomly assigned. For example, a UK license plate number might appear as "AB12 CDE".c. China:In China, license plate numbers vary depending on the region where the vehicle is registered. In major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, license plates typically consist of a single letter followed by a series of numbers and then another letter. The first letter often represents the city or province, while the numbers are a unique identifier. For example, a license plate number in Beijing might be "京A12345", where "京" represents Beijing and "A" is a series code.3. Significance of License Plate Designs:The design of license plate numbers serves several purposes. Firstly, it allows for easy identification of vehicles by law enforcement officers, government agencies, and the general public. Secondly, it helps in regulatingand tracking vehicle registration and ownership. Additionally, the format of license plate numbers can have cultural or historical significance, reflecting regional identities or traditions.4. Conclusion:In conclusion, vehicle license plate numbers play a crucial role in identifying and regulating vehicles on the road. The format of these numbers varies by country, with each nation adopting its own system based on regulatory requirements and cultural norms. Understanding the structure and significance of license plate numbers provides insight into the complexities of vehicle registration and ownership worldwide.。
10-kph pace 10-kph速差间距20-pen graphic recorder 20笔图形记录器3 phase 三时相30th Highest Hurly Volume 30HV 第30最高小时交通量3-Centered Compound Curve Centerline 三心复曲线3-Leg Interchange 三路立体交叉3-Leg Intersection 三路交叉4 phase with overlaps 四时相重叠时相4-Leg Interchange 四路立体交叉4-Leg Intersections 四路交叉AA.M. Peak Period 早上尖峰时段Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Absolute speed limit 绝对速限Abutment 桥台;桥座Abutting property 邻街建筑物Acceleration Grade 加速坡度Acceleration lane 加速车道Acceleration Resistance 加速阻力Accelerative start-forced return 加速进行超车—强迫紧急返回原车道Accelerative start-voluntary return 加速进行超车—随意从容返回原车道Acceptable gap 可接受间距Acceleration Lane 加速车道Access 出入口Access Control 出入管制;进出管制Access-Controlled Highway 出入管制公路Access Lane 出入车道Access Network 接取网络Access ramp 出入引道Access road 连络道Access Road System 连络道路系统Accessibility 可及性Accident 肇事;事故;意外事件Accident (Crash) Occurrence 事故发生Accident (Crash) Rate 事故率Accident (Crash) Severity 事故严重性Accident Analysis 事故分析;意外分析;肇事分析Accident Assessment 事故鉴定Accident Casualty 事故伤亡Accident Cause 事故原因Accident Characteristics 肇事特性Accident Consequences 意外事故的后果Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Involvement Rate 肇事牵连率Accident Liability Assessment 事故责任鉴定Accident Management 意外管理Accident Prevention 肇事预防Accident Prone Location 易肇事地点Accident Proneness 肇事倾向Accident Rate 肇事率Accident Reconstruction 事故重建Accident Risk 事故风险Accident Severity 事故严重度Accident-severity ratio 肇事严重性比率Accumulate vehicle-second 累计车—秒数Accuracy 精度Acoustic absorptivity ACI 感音吸收力Active Warning Device 主动警告设施Actual flow rate 实际车流率Actual travel time 实际行驶时间Actuated Signal 触动式控制Adaptive Control 调适性控制Adaptive route choice 适应性路线选择Adaptive signal 适应性号志Adaptive signal control 适应性号志控制Adaptive signal control strategy 适应性号志控制策略Added turning lane 转向车道Adit 横坑Adjustment factor 调整因子Adjustment Flow 调整流量Adult guard 成人导护Advance warning marking 早期警告标线Advanced driver information system ADIS 先进驾驶人信息系统Advanced payment 预付款Advanced Public Transportation Services APTS 先进大众运输服务;先进公共运输系统Advanced public transportation system 先进公共运输系统;高等旅客信息系统Advanced Traffic Management Services ATMS 先进交通管理服务Advanced Traveler Information Services ATIS 先进旅行者信息服务Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Services AVCSS 先进车辆控制及安全服务Advanced vehicle control system 先进车辆控制系统Advance-green design 早开绿灯设计Advancing effect 前进效应Advancing shoring method 支撑先进工法Adverse slope 逆坡Aeolian Soil 风积土Aerial camera 航空摄影机Aerial leveling 航空水平测量Aerial Map 航测图Aerial perspective 鸟噉图;空中透视Aerial photogrammetric target 航空标Aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Aerial Photography 航空摄影术Aerial Survey 航空测量;空中测量Aerial Tramway 空中缆车Aerocamera 航空摄影机Aerotriangulation 空中三角测量Age distribution of vehicle 车龄分布Overload, Overloading 超载Aggregate 粒料、骨材(名词);聚集的(形容词)Aggregate Interlock 粒料连锁Aggregate Spreader 粒料撤布机Aggregate Subbase 粒料级配底层Aggregate Texture 粒状组织Air quality monitoring station 空气品质监测站Air Release Valve 气阀Air resistance 空气阻力Air-dried Sand 风干之沙Air-Entraining Cement 输气水泥Alcohol involved accident rate 涉及酒精之肇事率Alidade Stadia Method 照准测距法Alignment 路线配置;排列;定线;线向;路线Alignment Design 路线设计;定线设计Algorithm 算法则Alkaline 碱性反应All-day Service 全天候服务All-Directional Interchanges 全直接交叉型交流道Alley 巷;道Allied Soil 杂质土All-night parking 整夜停车Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载量Allowable Bearing Stress 容许承载应力Allowable load 容许载重Allowable Load Repetition 容许荷重次数Allowable settlement 容许沉陷量Allowable stress 容许应力All-red Interval 全红时段Alluvial Silts Colloidal 胶质体冲积粉土Alternate Design 比较设计;变换设计Alternate Method 替代方法Alternate signal system 互亮(换)号志系统Alternate System 迭亮系统Alternative(s) 替代(换)方案Amber Arrow 箭头黄灯Amber Flashing 闪光黄灯Amber light, Yellow interval 黄灯American Association of State Highway OfficialsAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO 美国州公路与运输官员协会American Concrete Institute ACI 美国混凝土学会;美国混凝土研究会American Federal Highway Administration FHWA 美国联邦公路总署American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 美国交通工程师学会American Road and Transportation Builders' Association ARTBA 美国公路与运输承造人协会American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM 美国试验及材料协会American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 美国土木工程师协会Amount of light 光量Amplification 放大Amplification effect 放大效应Amplification factor 载重放大因子Amplifier 扩大器Anew Issue License 补照;补牌Anew Issue Plate 补牌Angle collision 角撞Angle of Coverage 视角Angle of Deflection 偏角Angle of Friction 摩擦角Angle of internal friction 内摩擦角Angle of intersecting 交车角度Angle of repose 静止角;安息角Angle of Turn 转向角Angle parking 斜角停车Angular acceleration 角加速度Anionic Asphalt Emulsions 阴离子乳化沥青Announced Land Current Value 公告土地现值Annual Average Daily Traffic AADT 年平均每日交通量Annual budget 年度预算Annual Daily Traffic ADT 平均每月交通量Annual Highway Cost 公路年费;公路年金Annual Illumination 计算平均照度Annual Parking Duration 平均停车延时Annual Parking Space Occupancy 平均车位使用率Annual Traffic 年交通量Annual Turn-over Rate 平均车位小时使用率Annuity Bond 年金法公债Apparent Specific Gravity 虚比重Apparent-deflection 视挠度Application Program Interface API 应用程序接口Approach 邻近路口之路段;引桥;引道Approach Delay 邻近路段延滞Approach end 邻近端Approach pit 导坑Approach road 引道;引路Approach slab 引道版Approach speed 邻近速率Approach to obstructions 近障碍物线Approach way 邻近路段Approach, Approach fill, Approach lane, Approach road 引道Appropriate measures 适当防制措施Approved with conditions 有条件通过审查Approximate speed 近似速率Apron space 运转空间Aqueduct tunnel, Headrace tunnel 导水隧道Arbitrary Proportioning 固定比例法Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Arc/path incidence matrix 路段/路径指引矩阵Arcade 骑楼Arch bridge 拱桥Arch Bridges 指向标线Arch Culverts 指针式Arching 拱效应Architectural 建筑Architectural Flow Diagram AFD 架构流向图Archived Data Application 归档资料应用Area computation by coordinate method 面积计算坐标法Area Control 区域控制Area of potential collision 潜在碰撞区域Area Rule 面杖法Area traffic control 重点交通管制Area Traffic Control System 区域交通控制系统Areawide intercarrier consolidation system 地区货运业并装系统Areawide System Control 全区域控制Arrival Intervals 到达间距Arrival pattern 到达型态Arrival rate 到达率Arrival time 到达时间Arrival Type 到达型态Arterial 主要干道Arterial Highway 干线公路Arterial route 干线Articulated Bus 双节公车Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Asphalt Binder 沥青(美国用语);沥青胶泥Asphalt 沥青混凝土(欧洲用语)Asphalt additive 沥青添加剂Asphalt Base coarse 沥青底层Asphalt Concrete AC 沥青混凝土Asphalt Concrete Finisher 沥背混凝土铺筑机Asphalt concrete pavement 沥青混凝土铺面Asphalt content 沥青含量Asphalt Emulsion 乳化沥青Asphalt felt 油毛毡Asphalt Institute AI 美国沥青协会Asphalt macadam 沥青碎石路Asphalt Mixing Plant 沥青拌合场Asphalt mixture 沥青混合物Asphalt mixture design 沥青混凝土配比设计Asphalt mixture machine 沥青拌合机Asphalt mixture, Bituminous mixture 沥青混合料Asphalt pavement 沥青混凝土路面Asphalt pavement, Bituminous pavement 沥青铺面Asphalt plant 沥青拌合厂Asphalt surface coarse 沥青面层Asphalt mastic 沥青胶浆Asphaltene 沥青精Asphalt Pavement 沥青面路Asphalt Concrete Mixing Plant 沥青混凝土拌合厂Asset and liability 资产与负债Assignment Network 指派网络At scene investigation 肇事现场调查At-Grade Intersection 平面交叉Atmospheric Water 大气水Advanced traffic management system ATMS 先进的交通管理系统;高等交通管理系统Attainability 可及度Attendant-parking lot 雇员服务停车场Attentiveness 注意力Audible pedestrian signal 盲人音响号志Audio tone 低周波讯号Auger 螺旋钻Auto Restricted Zone 小型车限行区域Autoclave 高温高压蒸汽养护Automated Roadside Safety Inspection 自动化路边安检Automated toll system 自动化收费系统Automated Vehicle Operation 自动车辆驾驶Automatic Cam Control 刮刀的自动控制器Automatic Cargo Identification ACI 自动货物辨识Automatic classification 自动辨识Automatic Highway System AHS 自动公路系统Automatic incident detection 事件自动侦测;意外事故自动侦测Automatic Incident Detection AID 自动事件侦测Automatic inspection 自动检验Automatic level 自动水准仪Automatic navigation highway system 自动导航公路系统Automatic routing 自动绕径Automatic Vehicle Classification AVC 自动车辆分类Automatic vehicle control 自动车辆驾驶控制Automatic vehicle identification 车辆自动辨识Automatic Vehicle Identification AVI 自动车辆辨识Automatic vehicle identification system 自动车辆识别系统Automatic Vehicle Location AVL 自动车辆定位Automatic Vehicle Monitoring AVM 自动车辆监视Automatic vehicle monitoring system 自动车辆监测系统Automobile Transportation 汽车运输Automobile vehicle guiding system 车辆导引系统Automotive emission control 汽车排烟管制Autonomous intelligent cruise control 自主定速控制系统Auxiliary bridge 便桥Auxiliary Lanes 辅助车道Auxiliary Marking 辅助标线Auxiliary sign 辅助标志Average Annual Daily Traffic AADT 年平均每日交通量Average daily volume 平均日交通量Average Daily Traffic ADT 平均每日交通量Average delay per vehicle 每车平均延滞Average Delay Time 平均延滞时间Average discharge interval 平均驶离时段Average Headway 平均间距Average Highway Speed 平均公路速率Average Kilometer Per Registered Vehicle Per Day 每营业车辆每日平均行驶里程Average Kms Per Operating Vehicle Per Day 每实动车辆每日平均行驶里程Average Minimum Headway 平均最小间距Average Parking Duration 平均停车延时Average Parking Space Occupancy 平均车位使用率Average Passenger-Kilometers Per Vehicle Run 每车次客运密度Average Revenue Per Bus-Kilometer 每客车公里平均收入Average Revenue Per Passenger 每旅客平均收入Average Revenue Per Passenger-Kilometer 每延人公里平均收入Average Revenue Per Ton 每公吨货物平均收入Average Revenue Per Ton-Kilometer 每延吨公里平均收入Average Running Speed 平均行驶速率Average Service Time 平均服务时间Average Spot Speed 平均定点速率Average step length 平均步长Average Transport Distance 平均运程Average Transport Distance Per Passenger 每旅客平均运程Average Transport Distance Per Ton 每吨货物平均运程Average Travel Speed 平均旅行速度Average Turn-over Rate 平均车位小时转换率Average Waiting Time 平均等候时间Automated guided vehicle system AGVS 汽车自动导向系统Axle load, Axle weight 轴重Azimuth 方位角;地平经度BBacking collision 倒撞Back Calculation 反算Backfill 回填Balance Cut and Fill 均衡挖填Balanced Cross Section 平衡断面Balanced earthwork 土方平衡Ball-bank indicator 球状倾斜指示器Barrier Curb 障碍缘石Bank Gravel 河岸砾石Bank protection 护岸Banking, Earth fill, Fill 填土Banning of turning movement 禁止转向Barge 驳船;平底船Barricade 拒马Barrier 护栏;挡音墙Barrier Curb 栅栏式绿石Barrier System Toll Station 栅梢制收费站Barrier, Noise barrier, Noise barrier wall 防音墙Base Course 底层Base Line 基线Base of slope 坡底Base-Failure 底面破坏Basic capacity 基本容量Basic Fare 基本运价Basic route arrangement 基本路线安排法Basic speed rule 基本路线法令Basic Water Content 基本含水量Bas-kilometer 客车行驶里程Batch-Mix Plant 分盘式拌合厂;衡量式拌合厂Beacon 信号柱Beacons 指针Beam Culverts 梁涵洞Bearing Capacity Factor 承载量因子Bearing Capacity on Soil 承压破坏;承力破壤Bearing capacity, Carrying capacity 承载量Bearing pile 支永桩;承载桩;承重椿Bearing Plate 沼泽区城Bearing stratum 承载层Bearing Surface 承载面;平面支承Bearing test 载重试验Before and after studies 事前及事后研究Beginning of Curve BC 曲线起点Belt Highway 外环公路Bench Mark BM 水准点Bend, Bend channel, Bent, Channel bend, River bend 弯道Bending 挠曲;弯曲Bending design 弯道式设计Bending Index 别曲指数Bending moment 弯矩Bending stress 弯曲应力Benefit Assessment 受益费Benefit Cost Ratio 益本比Benefit-Factor Method 利益因素法Bentonite 皂土Berm Ditch 平台沟Bicycle 脚踏车Bicycle and motorcycle 机慢车Bicycle lane system 脚踏车专用车道系统Bid Bond 押标金Bid, Tender 投标Bike lane 脚踏车道Bikeway 脚踏车专用道Binary Choice 二项选择Binary Variable 二进制变量Binder Course 黏合料;结合层;黏合层Binder Material 结合料;黏合料Binders 粘结料Binding Course 结合层Binomial Arrival 二项到达Binomial Distribution 二项分配Bio-film treatment system 接触曝气法Birds' eye view 鸟噉图Bit 钻头Bit Per Second bps 每秒传输的位数Bitumen 沥青Bituminous Joint Fillers 沥青接缝填充料Bituminous Material 沥青材料Bituminous Overlay 沥青封层Bituminous Pavement Road 沥青铺路Bituminous Penetration Macadam 灌入式沥青路面Bituminous Pressure Distributor 沥青压力散布机Bituminous Sand Slurry 沥青沙浆Bituminous Surface Treatment 沥青表面处理Bituminous Water Proof Coating 沥青防水层Bituminous Treated Base BTB 沥青处理底层Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel 沥青处理砂砾Black-Hole Effect 黑洞效应Balance Cut and Fill 挖填之平衡Blast 开炸Blast Pad 喷气防护坪Blasting Method 炸移法Bleeding 路面冒油Blight proof courses 病虫害防治Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Blown Asphalt 吹制沥青Boiling 砂涌Bonding Agent 黏着剂Bore 钻凿Bored pile 钻掘桩Borehole 钻孔Boring log 钻孔柱状图Boring machine 钻机Boring Rod 钻杆Boring-core 钻孔岩心Borrow 借土;借方Borrow area 借土区Borrow Pit 借土坑;取土坑Bottle neck control 瓶颈路段(地点)管制法Bottle Neck Road 瓶颈段;瓶颈路Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottom Course 底层Bottom Flange 下翼绿Boulder 卵石Box caisson 沉箱;箱式沉箱;匣式沉箱Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠Box girder 箱形梁Bracing 支撑Bracket / Chassis 拖架Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Branch and Bound Algorithm 分枝界定法Breakdowns 故障Breaking of Emulsion 乳化沥青黏结Breaking Wave 碎波Breakaway 脱离式接头Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Brick Pavement Road 砖铺路Brick Road 砖面路Bridge 桥梁Bridge Abutment 桥台Bridge Approach 桥粱引道Bridge bearing 桥支承Bridge deck 桥面板Bridge deck/floor 桥面Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge floor 桥面Bridge head 桥塔Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge pier 桥墩Bridge railing 桥栏杆Bridge span 桥跨Brightness 照杜;辉杜;明亮度Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Brittleness 脆性;脆度Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Broken-back Curve 断背曲线Broken-Beach Grade Line 破背坡度线Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Buckling 挫屈;路面拱起Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer buildings 缓冲建筑物Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer reach 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建筑规刖;建筑法规Building Coverage Ratio 建蔽率;建筑面积比Building Line 建筑线Built-in Parking Facilities 建筑物附设停车空间Bulb Type 球状Bulk Density 虚松体密度Bulk Specific Gravity 松比重;容积比重;虚比重Bulkhead 隔墙;天窗;驳岸;隔舱Bull Dozer 堆土机Bulldozer 推土机Bulldozer Blade 刮刀Bullet-nose 弹头尖端式Bullet-nose Form 弹头式Bumper 保险杆Bundle method 光束法Bureau of Public Road (renamed to FHWA) 美国联邦公路局Bus 大客车Bus Bay 公车湾Bus company 公车公司Bus driver 公车驾驶员Bus driving 公车运行Bus Exclusive Lane 公车专用道Bus fare 公车费率Bus Lane 公车专用车道Bus management information system 公车管理信息系统Bus network 公车路网Bus Operating Rate/Bus Dispatching Rate 出车率Bus operation 公车营运Bus operation management 公车营运管理Bus parking area 大客车停车场Bus Rapid Transit 公车捷运Bus ridership 公车运量Bus route 公车路线Bus route inquiring system 公车路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公车排班Bus speed limits 公车速限Bus station 公车停靠站Bus stop spacing 公车站距Bus Street 公车专用街道Bus system design 公车系统设计Bus system, Bus transit system, Public bus system 公车系统Bus Terminal 公车终站;公车总站;公车场站Bus transportation 公车运输Bus, Public bus 公共汽车Buses 大客革Bush hammering 粗面石工Business District 商业区Business Vehicle 营业车辆Bus-Kilometer 客车行驶里程Busway 公车专用道Butt Joint 平头接缝Button reflector 反光钮Buttressed Wall 外支墙Buttressed Abutment 撑式桥台墙Buttressed Retaining Wail 外支式挡土墙Bypass highway 绕越公路Bypass road 外环道Bypass route 绕道路线Bypass Street 绕越街Bypassing Traffic 绕越交通Bystreet 支街CCab Signal 车厢号志Cab, Taxi 出租车Cable Car, Cableway 空中缆车Cable stayed bridge 斜张桥;斜索桥Cable Suspension Bridge 索桥Caboose 车务员专用车Cadastral map 地籍图Cadastral Survey 地籍测量California Bearing Ratio CBR 加州乘载力比Canal Aqueduct 输水桥Canal Bridge 渠桥Canal Tunnel 输水隧道Cancellation 注销Candle (Candle Power) Cd, Cp 单位:烛光Cantilever Bridges 悬臂式桥梁Cantilever method 悬臂工法Cantilever retaining wall 悬臂挡土墙Cantilever type retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙Cap 桩帽;雷管(俗)Capacitated arc routing problem 容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题Capacitated freight distribution 零担货物运输Capacity 容量;涵容性Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restriction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Capacity model 容量模式Capacity of Bus Line 公车路线容量Capacity reduction factor, Strength reduction factor 强度折减因子Capacity utilization 容量使用率Capillary Lift 毛管水升高度;毛细管水升高度Capillarity 毛细管作用;毛细管现象Captive Riders 无自由选择的乘客Captive Transit Rider 大众运输固有使用者Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car accreditation system 车辆认证制度Car body 车体Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Car, Vehicle 车辆Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Carphone 车用电话Car-Rental Carrier 小客车租赁业Carriage 马车Carrier wave 载波Casing 套管Cast stone 人造石Cast-in-place pile 场铸桩Cast-in-place (CIP) Concrete 场铸混凝土Casualty 伤亡Catalog Service Interface Specification 目录服务接口规范Catch Basin 集水井;截流井Catch Drain 排水沟;截水沟Catch Feeder 灌溉水道Cathodic method 阴极防锈法Cationic Asphalt Emulsions 阳离子乳化沥青Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Signal 注意信号;警告号志Cavitations 孔蚀现象;穴蚀现象Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Cement Grout 灌水泥浆;水泥灌喷枪Cement grouting 水泥灌浆Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cement Paste 水泥浆Cement Treated Sand Gravel 水泥处理砂砾Cencrete Cribbing 框式混凝土挡土墙Census 普查Center Frog k形岔心Center Island 中央岛Center Line 中线;中心线Center Line Lane 中心车道;中央车道Center Line Marking 中心标线Center Platform (Island Platform) 岛式站台Center Span 中央跨孔Center(line) stake 中心桩Centerline 中心线Center-to-Center C2C 中心与中心Center-to-Field C2F 中心与现场Central Business District CBD 中心商业区Central corridor system 中央走廊系统Central Cross-Island Highway, East-West Cross-Island Highway 中横公路Central Divider 中央分向岛Central Island 分隔岛;中央岛;分向岛Central Mixing Plant 中央拌合厂Central projection 中心投影Central Shopping area 中央商业区Centralized Control System 集中式控制系统Centralized Traffic Control CTC 中央行车控制法Centrifugal force 离心力Centrifuge Cup 离心杯Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent CKE 离心煤油当量法Certification, Accreditation 认证;核准Change License 换照Change of Registration 变更登记Changeable Message Sign, Variable Message Sign CMS 信息可变标志Changeable Speed Limit Sign CSLS 速限可变标志Changing Lane 变换车道Channel 槽道Channelized Intersection 槽化交叉Channelization 槽化Channelization island 槽化岛Channelized Intersection 槽化式交叉;槽化路口Channelizing Island 槽化岛Channelizing Line 槽化线;检核点Characteristic Deflection 代表性挠度Character arrangement 文字排列方式Character size 文字尺寸Charging system 收费系统Charter Bus 专用游览车Check Point 检核点Check Valve 逆止阀Chemical grouting 药液灌浆Chevron of divergence 分流式山形条纹Chevron of mergence 并流式山形条纹Chevron strip 山形条纹Chief Engineer 总工程司Child pick-up area 家长接送区Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Chinese road sign 中文道路标志Chord 弦;弦杆Chord Length 弦长Chute 竖槽;陡槽;吊沟Circle 周期Circle/Roundabout 圆环Circuit 环道(测);电话(电)Circuit-switched Public Data Network CSPDN 线路交换公众数据网络Circular Arch 圆拱;弧拱Circular Curve 圆曲线;单曲线;圆弧曲线Circular failure 圆弧型破坏Circular green light 圆形绿灯Circular rod level 圆盒水准器Circular sliding surface 圆弧滑动面Circulation 通风;交通Circulation Map 交通图Circulation system 转乘系统Circumferential street (road) 外环(环状)道路City Bus 市区公共汽车City Planning 都市计画City Planning Commission 都市计画委员会City Planning Law 都市计画法City Rebuilding 都市重建City Transit 都市大众运输Clamshell 抓式挖土机Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classification of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Clear Zone 清除区Clearance 净距Clearance Height 净高Clearance Lost Time 清道损失时间Clearance time 清道时间Climate Conditions 气候情况Climbing Lane 爬坡道.爬坡车道Clinker 溶块Close Network 封闭网络Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Close Tunnel 隧道区Closed Circuit Television Camera CCTV 闭路电视摄影机Closed Loop 封闭环路Closed Network 网络系统Closed traverse 闭合导线Clothoid Curve (Clothide) 螺旋曲线;克罗梭曲线;罗线形曲线Clover Leaf Interchange 四叶形交流道;苜蓿叶形交流道CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Coarse Aggregate 粗粒料;粗骨材Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Coefficient of Kinenatic Viscosity 动黏滞系数Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数Coefficient of Side Friction 侧犘擦系数Coefficient of Subgrade 路基抗力系数Cofferdam 围堰Coefficient of Utilitization CU 照明率Cohesion 凝聚力;黏力;黏结力Cohesion of soil 土壤之凝聚力Cohesive Value 凝聚值Cold-Mix Asphalt Concrete 泠拌沥青混凝土Collector Ditch 集水沟Collector Road 连络道路Collector Street 联络道路Collector-distributor Roads 集散道Collision 冲撞;碰撞Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision area 碰撞区Collision diagram 碰撞图;相横示意因Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Color Light Signal 色灯号志Color contrast 色彩对比Color quality 光色品质Combination Truck Tractor-trailer 联结车Commercial Center 商业中心Commercial District 商业区Commerical Driver's License CDL 大型车辆驾照(16人以上)Commercial Fleet Management 商用车队管理Commercial Motor Vehicle CMV 商业用车Commercial Speed 商业运转速率Commercial Traffic 商车交通量Commercial Vehicle Electronic Credential Management 商用车辆电子凭证管理Commercial Vehicle Operating System 商用车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations CVO 商车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations Services CVOS 商车营运服务Commodity 商品Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规画Commuter 通勤者Commuter Rate 回数费率Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compacted Subgrade 压实路基Compaction 夯实;压实Compaction effort 夯实能量Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Compensation for Damage 损失赔偿Compensation for the land price 地价补偿Complementary Route 补充路线Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composite Beam 合成粱;复合粱Composition of Traffic 交通组成Compound Curve 复曲线Comprehensive 整体性Comprehensive parking program 综合性停车计画Comprehensive Planning 综合性计画Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Compression 压缩;压力Compression Stress 压应力Compressive Strength 抗压强度Compulsory Purchase 征收Computer signal 计算机号志Computer signal lamp system 计算机号志系统Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Computerized traffic signal system 计算机化号志系统Concave 凹Concave Bank 凹岸Concave curve 凹形曲线Concave Joint 四缝Concave-convex 凹凸形Concentrated load 集中荷重Concentration time 集流时间Concentric opposed plane helical ramp 同心反向螺旋状匝道Concrete 混凝土Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 纽泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete islands 混凝土交通岛Concrete joint 混凝土接缝Concrete Mixing 混凝拌合机Concrete Overlays 混凝土路面加铺Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Cone 交通锥Cone of acute vision 明晰视锥角Cone of glance area 瞥视锥角范围Cone of sight 视锥角Conflict 冲突Conflict analysis 冲突分析Conflict Area 冲突区域Conflict lane change 冲突性变换车道Conflict management 冲突管理Conflict point 冲突点Congestion 拥挤Congestion degree 拥挤度Congestion delay 拥挤延滞Congestion dummy variable 拥挤虚拟变量Congestion pricing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Conical Surface 圆锥面Connecting Road 连络公路Connector 连接道路Consistency 稠度Consolidation 压实;固结;压密Consolidation Rate 压密率Construction Contract 工程合约Construction Joint 施工接缝Construction Load 施工道路Construction Planning 施工计画Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Construction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contact detector 接触式侦测器Contact strip 接触带Container Packing Shed 货柜并装通栈Container parking area 联结车停车场Container Trucking Carrier 货柜运输业Continuous Mixing Plant 连绩式拌合厂Continuous move-up operation 连续跟进行为Continuous Station 长期观测站Continuous Volume-count Program 长期持续性交通量调查Continuously reinforced concrete pavement CRCP 连续钢筋混凝土路面Continuous-Mix Plant 连续式拌合厂Contour Interval 等高线间隔;等高距Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Contours 等高线Contract 契约Contract Change Order 契约变更通知Contraction Joint 收缩接缝Contractor 承包商Contraflow bus lane 逆向公车专用道Contributing area 集水面积Control Count 控制量交通调查Control of Access 出入管制Control point comparison 控制点比较法Control points 控制点Control Radius 控制半径Control section 管制路段Control span 控制限制Control Station 控制站Control strategy, Regulation strategy 管制策略Control survey, Control surveying 控制测量Controlled Access Highway 出入管制公路Controller 控制器Controlling Load 控制轮重Convenience store 贩卖区Conventional Roundabout 传统圆环Conventional Simulcast Radio System 同频发射共波式无线电话系统Converted traffic 转乘交通量Convex Function 凸函数Convex Joint 凸接缝Conveyer 输送机Conviction 违规Convoy 车队Cooperative Planning 合作规划Coordinate scheduling 协调排班Coordinated control 连锁控制Coordinated Control Signal 连锁控制号志Capital Cost 公路资本Cordon Count 周界交通量调查;内圈交通量调查Cordon Line 区域线;周界线Corridor 交通通廊Corridor Control 通廊控制Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow 对向车流Counter map 等量线图Counter Wall 等高线Country road 乡道Courier service 快递服务Covered Conduit 暗渠Covered Ditch 加盖暗沟Crack Spacing 裂纹间距Crash 冲撞;碰撞Crawling lane 爬坡道Creep 潜变Crest Vertical Curve 凸形竖曲线Crew scheduling 人员排程Crib retaining wall 框条式挡土墙Critical bottleneck 关键瓶颈Critical gap 临界间距Critical Length of Grade 披道临界长度Critical Path 要径Critical Path Method CPM 要径法Critical Point 临界点Critical rate of flow 临界流率Critical Slope 临界坡度Critical speed 临界速度Critical Zone 临界区Crop 露头Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Cross Section 断面;横断面;截面Cross Slope 横向坡度Cross walk 行人穿越道Crossing 穿越Crossing facility 穿越设施Crossing maneuver 交叉穿越运行Crossing point 交会点Crossing rate 穿越率Crosswalk Line 行人穿越道线Crowding 拥挤Crown 路拱;路冠Crown Ditch 坡顶截流沟Crown line 路拱线Crude Oil 原油Cruise control 自动控速Crusher 碎石机Cubic Parabola 二次拋物线Cul-De-Sac 死巷Culvert 涵洞;箱涵Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curb Bus Lane 设于路缘之公车专用车道Curb ditch 路缘浅沟Curb inlet 路缘进水口;绿石进水口Curb Lane 缘侧车道;路缘车道Curb Line 路边线Curb Loading Zone 沿路载货区;路旁装卸地带Curb Marking 缘石标线Curb parking 路边停车(场)Curb ramp 缘石坡道Cure 养治Curing 湿治;养护Curing age 养护材龄Curing compound 养护剂Curing Room 养护室;保养室Current Traffic 当时交通量;现有交通量Curvature 曲度;曲率Curve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Curve Path 曲线路线Curve, Bend 弯道Curved Bridge 曲线桥Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应Cut 挖方Cut and cover method 明挖覆盖法(隧道)Cut and Fill 挖填(动词);挖方和填方(名词)Cut-Back Asphalt 油溶沥青Cycle 周期Cycle Expansion/Contraction 周期增长缩短法Cycle slips 周波脱落Cycle Time 周期时间Cyclic scheduling 循环排班DDaily Rainfall 日雨量Daily time pattern 每日时态Daily Traffic 日交通量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Datum 基面Datum mark 基准点Datum Level 基准面Datum Line 基准线;基准面Datum Place 基准面Day Light Signal 日光式号志;灯光式号志Day Work System 日工制;点工制Daylight illumination 日光照明Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Debris 漂流物;碎片Debris flow 土石流Debris hazard 土石灾害Deceleration 减速度Deceleration force 减速力Deceleration lane 减速车道Decentralize, Multilevel Control System 分布式多层控制系统Decision sight distance 反应视距Deck 版Deck Floor 桥面Deck Truss 面层式Deep excavation 深开挖Deep well method 深井法Default 违约(动词)Default Value 内设值Defective brake 煞车失灵Deflection 变位;挠度Deflection angle 倾斜角Deflection inclinometer 倾斜仪Deformation 变形Deformed Bar 竹节钢筋Deformed Plate 弯曲钣Deformed Plate Joint 曲板接缝Defrosting 解冻Degree of brightness 辉度水准;照度水准Degree of Compaction 压实度Degree of Congestion 拥塞度Degree of curvature 曲度Degree of loading 负荷度Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delay 延迟;迟延Delay duration 延滞持续时间Delay in queue 等候延滞Delay in system 系统延滞Delay model 延滞模式Delay rate, rate of delay 延滞率Delay study 延滞研究Delay timer 延滞定(对)时器Delineators 反光导标Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery time 递送时间;送货时间Demand Curve 需求曲线Demand Response, Dial-a-Ride 拨召车辆Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制Demand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Dense Grade Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Dense-Graded Aggregate 密级配粒料Density 密度Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度。
Vehicle Authentication SolutionWith the rise of the sharing economy and the increasing demand for transportation, the issue of safety has become a growing concern in the industry. In order to ensure safe and reliable service, it is essential to have a vehicle authentication solution in place.Why Vehicle Authentication is ImportantVehicle authentication serves as a means of verifying the identity and authenticity of a vehicle. A reliable vehicle authentication solution can help prevent fraud, ensure vehicle safety and integrity, and protect riders and drivers. It is an essential aspect of any transportation service that prioritizes safety and security.Methods of Vehicle AuthenticationThere are several methods of vehicle authentication that transportation services can use. These include:License Plate RecognitionLicense plate recognition utilizes cameras to identify the license plate of a vehicle and match it with a database. This method is widely used in parking lots and toll booths to track vehicle activity.RFID TechnologyRFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology uses wireless communication to transmit data from a tag attached to the vehicle to a reader. This method is often used in toll collection and access control systems.QR Code ScanningQR code scanning is a method of identifying a vehicle by scanning a code displayed on the vehicle. This method is commonly used in bike-sharing and scooter-sharing programs.GPS TrackingGPS tracking utilizes GPS technology to track the location and activity of a vehicle. This method is often used in fleet management and logistics.Benefits of Vehicle AuthenticationA reliable vehicle authentication solution can provide various benefits for transportation services. These include:Preventing Unauthorized AccessVehicle authentication helps prevent unauthorized access to vehicles. This can help prevent theft and unauthorized use of vehicles, which can lead to safety risks and financial losses.Ensuring Vehicle Safety and IntegrityVehicle authentication can help ensure the safety and integrity of vehicles. By verifying the identity and authenticity of a vehicle, transportation services can ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and safe to use.Protecting Riders and DriversVehicle authentication can help protect riders and drivers. By verifying the identity and authenticity of a vehicle, transportation services can ensure that riders and drivers are using a legitimate and safe vehicle.ConclusionOverall, vehicle authentication is an essential aspect of any transportation service that prioritizes safety and security. By using reliable vehicle authentication methods, transportation services can prevent fraud, ensure vehicle safety and integrity, and protect riders and drivers. As the transportation industry continues to grow and evolve, vehicle authentication solutions will play an increasingly important role in ensuring safe and reliable service.。
The Syllabus of the Test for Motor Vehicle DrivingLicenseThe test for motor vehicle driving license is constituted by three subjects, all of which are organized by the traffic control department of the public security organ. All candidates are supposed to attend the test from subject one to subject three successively. Only those passed the previous subject is qualified to move on to the next phrase. Anyone who failed in the previous one has to resit the same subject.The specific training program and syllabus for self-propelled wheeled construction vehicles, trolley buses and tramcars should be compiled by each province based on local requirements and practices and submitted to the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security for the record.Phrase One (Subject One)The Syllabus of the Test on Laws, Rules andRegulations on Road Traffic SafetyPhrase Two (Subject Two)The Syllabus of the Field Test for driving licenseThe Third Stage ( Subject III) Driving Skills and Common Knowledge on Safe and Courteous DrivingThe Syllabus of the Test[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
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Na Song and Qichang Duan
* f (t )ϕ a , b (t ) dt
Wf (a, b) =
wavelet domain expression
The kernel function of the transformation is
I. INTRODUCTION License plate recognition system (LPRS) is one of the most important parts of the intelligent transportation system (ITS), and the license plate location is the key part of the LPRS, it affects the latter part of the character segmentation and recognition directly. On the basis of the characteristics of the license plate, the principle of the f vehicle license plate positioning method is as follows. Based on color and structure of the positioning method, the location of license plate can be determined according to the license plate gray level features, projection features, geometric features and color features. Combined with genetic algorithm, neural network algorithm for license plate location method, those methods are timeconsuming when deal with large license plate image data,
College of Automation, Chongqing university, Chongqing, China zuoxiaotingwai@ qc_d@
Abstract—License plate recognition system (LPRS) is one of the most important parts of the intelligent transportation system (ITS), and the license plate location is the key part of the LPRS, it affects the latter phase of the character segmentation and recognition directly. According to the characteristics of the vehicle license plate which contain the slat and pepper noise in low light level, wavelet transform is adopted to recognize the vehicle license plate in low light level, then the high frequency coefficient based on characteristic of noise is reconstructed, and the softthreshold method is used to do threshold processing of the reconstructed image and obtain the effect of image denoising. Finally, the method of edge detection and projection is used to locate the vehicle license plate area for de-noising vehicle license plate image. The simulation results indicate that the wavelet soft-threshold method can de-noise the low light level image greatly and the method of edge detection with projection can locate the vehicle license plate area fast and accurately. Index Terms—low light level, wavelet de-noising, edge detection, vehicle license plate location
Manuscript received February 1, 2010; accepted March 9, 2010.This work is supported by the State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology (Chongqing University).
A Method of Vehicle License Plate De-noising and Location源自in Low Light Level
Pan Duan and Kaigui Xie
© 2010 ACADEMY PUBLISHER doi:10.4304/jnw.5.12.1393-1400
Wavelet transform is the result of inner product of the signal and a family of wavelets, given a time-varying signal f(t), it is defined as
so they are not suitable to apply in real-time license plate recognition system. The edge detection algorithm is independent from the clearance of the outer border of the license plate, and could work out efficiently, it is mainly extract the region of rapid change of the gray license plate image, but also has a high sensitivity to some extra edge. In order to get a good positioning effect, the preprocessing of the license plate image is particularly important before location, especially for blurred license plate image preprocessing. Recently, studies on license plate image preprocessing were presented, but fewer are regarding the recognition in the low light level. The low light level is the week visible light at night, such as moonlight, starlight, atmospheric glow and so on. Compared with the image under normal light condition, the low light level image has such characteristics: low signal to noise ratio, low contrast ratio, low spatial resolution, and the visual effect of the image is very blurred, and it is the same to the vehicle license plate image in the low light level. Therefore, how to improve the quality and resolution of the license plate in low light level is a very urgent problem. In this paper, the salt and pepper characteristic of vehicle license plate in low light level is presented, the wavelet transform is used to finish the image de-nosing process, then the method of edge detection and projection is used to deal with the processed image, and finally the accurate location of the vehicle license plate image is obtained. II. THEORY OF WAVELET DE-NOSING Wavelet transform is the improvement and development of the Fourier transform, and it is a timefrequency analysis method which can change both time window and frequency window, and it has higher frequency resolution and lower time resolution in the low-frequency part, and higher time resolution and lower frequency resolution in the high-frequency part. Hence it has a strong capacity of representation of the local features of signal in the time-frequency domain [1].