

jpg 文件格式详解

jpg 文件格式详解

This paper is a revised version of an article by the same title and author which appeared in the April 1991 issue of Communications of the ACM.AbstractFor the past few years, a joint ISO/CCITT committee known as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) has been working to establish the first international compression standard for continuous-tone still images, both grayscale and color. JPEG’s proposed standard aims to be generic, to support a wide variety of applications for continuous-tone images. To meet the differing needs of many applications, the JPEG standard includes two basic compression methods, each with various modes of operation. A DCT-based method is specified for “lossy’’ compression, and a predictive method for “lossless’’ compression. JPEG features a simple lossy technique known as the Baseline method, a subset of the other DCT-based modes of operation. The Baseline method has been by far the most widely implemented JPEG method to date, and is sufficient in its own right for a large number of applications. This article provides an overview of the JPEG standard, and focuses in detail on the Baseline method.1 IntroductionAdvances over the past decade in many aspects of digital technology - especially devices for image acquisition, data storage, and bitmapped printing and display - have brought about many applications of digital imaging. However, these applications tend to be specialized due to their relatively high cost. With the possible exception of facsimile, digital images are not commonplace in general-purpose computing systems the way text and geometric graphics are. The majority of modern business and consumer usage of photographs and other types of images takes place through more traditional analog means.The key obstacle for many applications is the vast amount of data required to represent a digital image directly. A digitized version of a single, color picture at TV resolution contains on the order of one million bytes; 35mm resolution requires ten times that amount. Use of digital images often is not viable due to high storage or transmission costs, even when image capture and display devices are quite affordable.Modern image compression technology offers a possible solution. State-of-the-art techniques can compress typical images from 1/10 to 1/50 their uncompressed size without visibly affecting image quality. But compression technology alone is not sufficient. For digital image applications involving storage or transmission to become widespread in today’s marketplace, a standard image compression method is needed to enable interoperability of equipment from different manufacturers. The CCITT recommendation for today’s ubiquitous Group 3 fax machines [17] is a dramatic example of how a standard compression method can enable an important image application. The Group 3 method, however, deals with bilevel images only and does not address photographic image compression.For the past few years, a standardization effort known by the acronym JPEG, for Joint Photographic Experts Group, has been working toward establishing the first international digital image compression standard for continuous-tone (multilevel) still images, both grayscale and color. The “joint” in JPEG refers to a collaboration between CCITT and ISO. JPEG convenes officially as the ISO committee designated JTC1/SC2/WG10, but operates in close informal collaboration with CCITT SGVIII. JPEG will be both an ISO Standard and a CCITT Recommendation. The text of both will be identical.Photovideotex, desktop publishing, graphic arts, color facsimile, newspaper wirephoto transmission, medical imaging, and many other continuous-tone image applications require a compression standard in order toThe JPEG Still Picture Compression StandardGregory K. WallaceMultimedia EngineeringDigital Equipment CorporationMaynard, MassachusettsSubmitted in December 1991 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronicsdevelop significantly beyond their present state. JPEG has undertaken the ambitious task of developing ageneral-purpose compression standard to meet the needs of almost all continuous-tone still-image applications.If this goal proves attainable, not only will individual applications flourish, but exchange of images across application boundaries will be facilitated. This latter feature will become increasingly important as more image applications are implemented on general-purpose computing systems, which are themselves becoming increasingly interoperable and internetworked. For applications which require specialized VLSI to meet their compression and decompression speed requirements, a common method will provide economies of scale not possible within a single application.This article gives an overview of JPEG’s proposed image-compression standard. Readers without prior knowledge of JPEG or compression based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are encouraged to study first the detailed description of the Baseline sequential codec, which is the basis for all of the DCT-based decoders. While this article provides many details, many more are necessarily omitted. The reader should refer to the ISO draft standard [2] before attempting implementation.Some of the earliest industry attention to the JPEG proposal has been focused on the Baseline sequential codec as a motion image compression method - of the ‘‘intraframe’’ class, where each frame is encoded as a separate image. This class of motion image coding, while providing less compression than ‘‘interframe’’methods like MPEG, has greater flexibility for video editing. While this paper focuses only on JPEG as a still picture standard (as ISO intended), it is interesting to note that JPEG is likely to become a ‘‘de facto’’intraframe motion standard as well.2 Background: Requirements and Selec-tion ProcessJPEG’s goal has been to develop a method for continuous-tone image compression which meets the following requirements:1)be at or near the state of the art with regard tocompression rate and accompanying image fidelity, over a wide range of image quality ratings, and especially in the range where visual fidelity to the original is characterized as “very good” to “excellent”; also, the encoder should be parameterizable, so that the application (or user) can set the desired compression/quality tradeoff;2)be applicable to practically any kind ofcontinuous-tone digital source image (i.e. for most practical purposes not be restricted to images of certain dimensions, color spaces, pixel aspect ratios, etc.) and not be limited to classes of imagery with restrictions on scene content, such as complexity, range of colors, or statistical properties;3)have tractable computational complexity, to makefeasible software implementations with viable performance on a range of CPU’s, as well as hardware implementations with viable cost for applications requiring high performance;4) have the following modes of operation:•Sequential encoding: each image component is encoded in a single left-to-right, top-to-bottomscan;•Progressive encoding: the image is encoded in multiple scans for applications in whichtransmission time is long, and the viewerprefers to watch the image build up in multiplecoarse-to-clear passes;•Lossless encoding: the image is encoded to guarantee exact recovery of every sourceimage sample value (even though the result islow compression compared to the lossymodes);•Hierarchical encoding: the image is encoded at multiple resolutions so that lower-resolutionversions may be accessed without first havingto decompress the image at its full resolution. In June 1987, JPEG conducted a selection process based on a blind assessment of subjective picture quality, and narrowed 12 proposed methods to three. Three informal working groups formed to refine them, and in January 1988, a second, more rigorous selection process [19] revealed that the “ADCT” proposal [11], based on the 8x8 DCT, had produced the best picture quality.At the time of its selection, the DCT-based method was only partially defined for some of the modes of operation. From 1988 through 1990, JPEG undertook the sizable task of defining, documenting, simulating, testing, validating, and simply agreeing on the plethora of details necessary for genuine interoperability and universality. Further history of the JPEG effort is contained in [6, 7, 9, 18].3 Architecture of the Proposed Standard The proposed standard contains the four “modes of operation” identified previously. For each mode, one or more distinct codecs are specified. Codecs within a mode differ according to the precision of source image samples they can handle or the entropy coding method they use. Although the word codec (encoder/decoder) is used frequently in this article, there is no requirement that implementations must include both an encoder and a decoder. Many applications will have systems or devices which require only one or the other.The four modes of operation and their various codecs have resulted from JPEG’s goal of being generic and from the diversity of image formats across applications. The multiple pieces can give the impression of undesirable complexity, but they should actually be regarded as a comprehensive “toolkit” which can span a wide range of continuous-tone image applications. It is unlikely that many implementations will utilize every tool -- indeed, most of the early implementations now on the market (even before final ISO approval) have implemented only the Baseline sequential codec.The Baseline sequential codec is inherently a rich and sophisticated compression method which will be sufficient for many applications. Getting this minimum JPEG capability implemented properly and interoperably will provide the industry with an important initial capability for exchange of images across vendors and applications.4 Processing Steps for DCT-Based Coding Figures 1 and 2 show the key processing steps which are the heart of the DCT-based modes of operation. These figures illustrate the special case of single-component (grayscale) image compression. The reader can grasp the essentials of DCT-based compression by thinking of it as essentially compression of a stream of 8x8 blocks of grayscale image samples. Color image compression can then be approximately regarded as compression of multiple grayscale images, which are either compressed entirely one at a time, or are compressed by alternately interleaving 8x8 sample blocks from each in turn.For DCT sequential-mode codecs, which include the Baseline sequential codec, the simplified diagrams indicate how single-component compression works in a fairly complete way. Each 8x8 block is input, makes its way through each processing step, and yields output in compressed form into the data stream. For DCT progressive-mode codecs, an image buffer exists prior to the entropy coding step, so that an image can be stored and then parceled out in multiple scans with suc-cessively improving quality. For the hierarchical mode of operation, the steps shown are used as building blocks within a larger framework.4.1 8x8 FDCT and IDCTAt the input to the encoder, source image samples are grouped into 8x8 blocks, shifted from unsigned integers with range [0, 2P - 1] to signed integers with range [-2P-1, 2P-1-1], and input to the Forward DCT (FDCT). At the output from the decoder, the Inverse DCT (IDCT) outputs 8x8 sample blocks to form the reconstructed image. The following equations are the idealized mathematical definitions of the 8x8 FDCT and 8x8 IDCT:The DCT is related to the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Some simple intuition for DCT-based compression can be obtained by viewing the FDCT as a harmonic analyzer and the IDCT as a harmonic synthesizer. Each 8x8 block of source image samples is effectively a 64-point discrete signal which is a function of the two spatial dimensions x and y. The FDCT takes such a signal as its input and decomposes it into 64 orthogonal basis signals. Each contains one of the 64 unique two-dimensional (2D) “spatial frequencies’’ which comprise the input signal’s “spectrum.” The ouput of the FDCT is the set of 64 basis-signal amplitudes or “DCT coefficients” whose values are uniquely determined by the particular 64-point input signal.The DCT coefficient values can thus be regarded as the relative amount of the 2D spatial frequencies contained in the 64-point input signal. The coefficient with zero frequency in both dimensions is called the “DC coefficient” and the remaining 63 coefficients are called the “AC coefficients.’’ Because sample values[F(u,v)=14C(u)C(v)7x=07y=0f(x,y)*cos(2x+1)uπ16cos(2x+1)vπ16](1)[f(x,y)=147u=07v=0C(u)C(v)F(u,v)*cos(2x+1)uπ16cos(2x+1)vπ16](2) where:forotherwise.C(u),C(v)=1 2√u,C(u),C(v)=1v=;0typically vary slowly from point to point across an image, the FDCT processing step lays the foundation for achieving data compression by concentrating most of the signal in the lower spatial frequencies. For a typical 8x8 sample block from a typical source image,most of the spatial frequencies have zero or near-zero amplitude and need not be encoded.At the decoder the IDCT reverses this processing step. It takes the 64 DCT coefficients (which at that point have been quantized) and reconstructs a 64-point ouput image signal by summing the basis signals. Mathematically, the DCT is one-to-one mapping for 64-point vectors between the image and the frequency domains. If the FDCT and IDCT could be computed with perfect accuracy and if the DCT coefficients were not quantized as in the following description, the original 64-point signal could be exactly recovered. In principle, the DCT introduces no loss to the source image samples; it merely transforms them to a domain in which they can be more efficiently encoded.Some properties of practical FDCT and IDCT implementations raise the issue of what precisely should be required by the JPEG standard. A fundamental property is that the FDCT and IDCT equations contain transcendental functions. Consequently, no physical implementation can compute them with perfect accuracy. Because of the DCT’s application importance and its relationship to the DFT, many different algorithms by which theFDCT and IDCT may be approximately computed have been devised [16]. Indeed, research in fast DCT algorithms is ongoing and no single algorithm is optimal for all implementations. What is optimal in software for a general-purpose CPU is unlikely to be optimal in firmware for a programmable DSP and is certain to be suboptimal for dedicated VLSI.Even in light of the finite precision of the DCT inputs and outputs, independently designed implementations of the very same FDCT or IDCT algorithm which differ even minutely in the precision by which they represent cosine terms or intermediate results, or in the way they sum and round fractional values, will eventually produce slightly different outputs from identical inputs.To preserve freedom for innovation and customization within implementations, JPEG has chosen to specify neither a unique FDCT algorithm or a unique IDCT algorithm in its proposed standard. This makes compliance somewhat more difficult to confirm,because two compliant encoders (or decoders)generally will not produce identical outputs given identical inputs. The JPEG standard will address this issue by specifying an accuracy test as part of its compliance tests for all DCT-based encoders and decoders; this is to ensure against crudely inaccurate cosine basis functions which would degrade image quality.EntropyDecoderDequantizer IDCTDCT-Based DecoderTable Table Specifications Specifications Compressed Image Data Reconstructed Image DataFigure 1. DCT-Based Encoder Processing StepsFigure 2. DCT-Based Decoder Processing StepsFor each DCT-based mode of operation, the JPEG proposal specifies separate codecs for images with 8-bit and 12-bit (per component) source image samples. The 12-bit codecs, needed to accommodate certain types of medical and other images, require greater computational resources to achieve the required FDCT or IDCT accuracy. Images with other sample precisions can usually be accommodated by either an 8-bit or 12-bit codec, but this must be done outside the JPEG standard. For example, it would be the responsibility of an application to decide how to fit or pad a 6-bit sample into the 8-bit encoder’s input interface, how to unpack it at the decoder’s output, and how to encode any necessary related information.4.2 QuantizationAfter output from the FDCT, each of the 64 DCT coefficients is uniformly quantized in conjunction with a 64-element Quantization Table, which must be specified by the application (or user) as an input to the encoder. Each element can be any integer value from 1to 255, which specifies the step size of the quantizer for its corresponding DCT coefficient. The purpose of quantization is to achieve further compression by representing DCT coefficients with no greater precision than is necessary to achieve the desired image quality. Stated another way, the goal of this processing step is to discard information which is not visually significant.Quantization is a many-to-one mapping, and therefore is fundamentally lossy. It is the principal source of lossiness in DCT-based encoders.Quantization is defined as division of each DCT coefficient by its corresponding quantizer step size,followed by rounding to the nearest integer:F Q (u ,v ) = Integer Round ( F (u ,v )Q (u ,v) )(3)This output value is normalized by the quantizer step size. Dequantization is the inverse function, which in this case means simply that the normalization is removed by multiplying by the step size, which returns the result to a representation appropriate for input to the IDCT:When the aim is to compress the image as much as possible without visible artifacts, each step size ideally should be chosen as the perceptual threshold or “just noticeable difference” for the visual contribution of its corresponding cosine basis function. These thresholds are also functions of the source image characteristics,display characteristics and viewing distance. For applications in which these variables can be reasonably well defined, psychovisual experiments can be performed to determine the best thresholds. The experiment described in [12] has led to a set of Quantization Tables for CCIR-601 [4] images and displays. These have been used experimentally by JPEG members and will appear in the ISO standard as a matter of information, but not as a requirement.4.3 DC Coding and Zig-Zag SequenceAfter quantization, the DC coefficient is treated separately from the 63 AC coefficients. The DC coefficient is a measure of the average value of the 64image samples. Because there is usually strong correlation between the DC coefficients of adjacent 8x8blocks, the quantized DC coefficient is encoded as the difference from the DC term of the previous block in the encoding order (defined in the following), as shown in Figure 3. This special treatment is worthwhile, as DC coefficients frequently contain a significant fraction of the total image energy.F Q (u ,v ) =F Q(u ,v )Q (u ,v )*(4). . .DIFF = DC i - DC i-1i-1iDifferential DC encoding Zig−zag sequence. . .770770Figure 3. Preparation of Quantized Coefficients for Entropy CodingFinally, all of the quantized coefficients are ordered into the “zig-zag” sequence, also shown in Figure 3. This ordering helps to facilitate entropy coding by placing low-frequency coefficients (which are more likely to be nonzero) before high-frequency coefficients.4.4 Entropy CodingThe final DCT-based encoder processing step is entropy coding. This step achieves additional compression losslessly by encoding the quantized DCT coefficients more compactly based on their statistical characteristics. The JPEG proposal specifies two entropy coding methods - Huffman coding [8] and arithmetic coding [15]. The Baseline sequential codec uses Huffman coding, but codecs with both methods are specified for all modes of operation.It is useful to consider entropy coding as a 2-step process. The first step converts the zig-zag sequence of quantized coefficients into an intermediate sequence of symbols. The second step converts the symbols to a data stream in which the symbols no longer have externally identifiable boundaries. The form and definition of the intermediate symbols is dependent on both the DCT-based mode of operation and the entropy coding method.Huffman coding requires that one or more sets of Huffman code tables be specified by the application. The same tables used to compress an image are needed to decompress it. Huffman tables may be predefined and used within an application as defaults, or computed specifically for a given image in an initial statistics-gathering pass prior to compression. Such choices are the business of the applications which use JPEG; the JPEG proposal specifies no required Huffman tables. Huffman coding for the Baseline sequential encoder is described in detail in section 7.By contrast, the particular arithmetic coding method specified in the JPEG proposal [2] requires no tables to be externally input, because it is able to adapt to the image statistics as it encodes the image. (If desired, statistical conditioning tables can be used as inputs for slightly better efficiency, but this is not required.) Arithmetic coding has produced 5-10% better compression than Huffman for many of the images which JPEG members have tested. However, some feel it is more complex than Huffman coding for certain implementations, for example, the highest-speed hardware implementations. (Throughout JPEG’s history, “complexity” has proved to be most elusive as a practical metric for comparing compression methods.) If the only difference between two JPEG codecs is the entropy coding method, transcoding between the two is possible by simply entropy decoding with one method and entropy recoding with the other.4.5 Compression and Picture QualityFor color images with moderately complex scenes, all DCT-based modes of operation typically produce the following levels of picture quality for the indicated ranges of compression. These levels are only a guideline - quality and compression can vary significantly according to source image characteristics and scene content. (The units “bits/pixel” here mean the total number of bits in the compressed image -including the chrominance components - divided by the number of samples in the luminance component.)•0.25-0.5 bits/pixel: moderate to good quality, sufficient for some applications;•0.5-0.75 bits/pixel: good to very good quality, sufficient for many applications;•0.75-1/5 bits/pixel: excellent quality, sufficient for most applications;• 1.5-2.0 bits/pixel: usually indistinguishable from the original, sufficient for the most demanding applications.5 Processing Steps for Predictive Lossless CodingAfter its selection of a DCT-based method in 1988, JPEG discovered that a DCT-based lossless mode was difficult to define as a practical standard against which encoders and decoders could be independently implemented, without placing severe constraints on both encoder and decoder implementations.JPEG, to meet its requirement for a lossless mode of operation, has chosen a simple predictive method which is wholly independent of the DCT processing described previously. Selection of this method was not the result of rigorous competitive evaluation as was the DCT-based method. Nevertheless, the JPEG lossless method produces results which, in light of its simplicity, are surprisingly close to the state of the art for lossless continuous-tone compression, as indicated by a recent technical report [5].Figure 4 shows the main processing steps for a single-component image. A predictor combines the values of up to three neighboring samples (A, B, and C) to form a prediction of the sample indicated by X in Figure 5. This prediction is then subtracted from the actual value of sample X, and the difference is encodedlosslessly by either of the entropy coding methods -Huffman or arithmetic. Any one of the eight predictors listed in Table 1 (under “selection-value”) can be used.Selections 1, 2, and 3 are one-dimensional predictors and selections 4, 5, 6 and 7 are two-dimensional predictors. Selection-value 0 can only be used for differential coding in the hierarchical mode of operation. The entropy coding is nearly identical to that used for the DC coefficient as described in section 7.1 (for Huffman coding).For the lossless mode of operation, two different codecs are specified - one for each entropy coding method. The encoders can use any source image precision from 2 to 16 bits/sample, and can use any of the predictors except selection-value 0. The decoders must handle any of the sample precisions and any of the predictors. Lossless codecs typically produce around 2:1compression for color images with moderately complex scenes.Figure 5. 3-Sample Prediction Neighborhood C B A X6 Multiple-Component ImagesThe previous sections discussed the key processing steps of the DCT-based and predictive lossless codecs for the case of single-component source images. These steps accomplish the image data compression. But a good deal of the JPEG proposal is also concerned with the handling and control of color (or other) images with multiple components. JPEG’s aim for a generic compression standard requires its proposal to accommodate a variety of source image formats.6.1 Source Image FormatsThe source image model used in the JPEG proposal is an abstraction from a variety of image types and applications and consists of only what is necessary to compress and reconstruct digital image data. The reader should recognize that the JPEG compressed data format does not encode enough information to serve as a complete image representation. For example, JPEG does not specify or encode any information on pixel aspect ratio, color space, or image acquisition characteristics.Table 1. Predictors for Lossless Codingselection-valueprediction 0no prediction 1234567A B CA+B-CA+((B-C)/2)B+((A-C)/2)(A+B)/2PredictorEntropy EncoderLossless EncoderSource Image DataTable SpecificationsCompressed Image DataFigure 4. Lossless Mode Encoder Processing StepsFigure 6 illustrates the JPEG source image model. A source image contains from 1 to 255 image components, sometimes called color or spectral bands or channels. Each component consists of a rectangular array of samples. A sample is defined to be an unsigned integer with precision P bits, with any value in the range [0, 2P -1]. All samples of all components within the same source image must have the same precision P. P can be 8 or 12 for DCT-based codecs,and 2 to 16 for predictive codecs.The ith component has sample dimensions x i by y i . To accommodate formats in which some image components are sampled at different rates than others,components can have different dimensions. The dimensions must have a mutual integral relationship defined by H i and V i , the relative horizontal and vertical sampling factors, which must be specified for each component. Overall image dimensions X and Y are defined as the maximum x i and y i for all components in the image, and can be any number up to 216. H and V are allowed only the integer values 1through 4. The encoded parameters are X, Y, and H i s and V i s for each components. The decoder reconstructs the dimensions x i and y i for each component, according to the following relationship shown in Equation 5:where  is the ceiling function.6.2 Encoding Order and InterleavingA practical image compression standard must address how systems will need to handle the data during the process of decompression. Many applications need to pipeline the process of displaying or printing multiple-component images in parallel with the processx i = X H i H andy i =Y V i V maxm ax ××(5)of decompression. For many systems, this is onlyfeasible if the components are interleaved together within the compressed data stream.To make the same interleaving machinery applicable to both DCT-based and predictive codecs, the JPEG proposal has defined the concept of “data unit.” A data unit is a sample in predictive codecs and an 8x8 block of samples in DCT-based codecs.The order in which compressed data units are placed in the compressed data stream is a generalization of raster-scan order. Generally, data units are ordered from left-to-right and top-to-bottom according to the orientation shown in Figure 6. (It is the responsibility of applications to define which edges of a source image are top, bottom, left and right.) If an image component is noninterleaved (i.e., compressed without being interleaved with other components), compressed data units are ordered in a pure raster scan as shown in Figure 7.When two or more components are interleaved, each component C i is partitioned into rectangular regions of H i by V i data units, as shown in the generalized example of Figure 8. Regions are ordered within a component from left-to-right and top-to-bottom, and within a region, data units are ordered from left-to-right and top-to-bottom. The JPEG proposal defines the term Minimum Coded Unit (MCU) to be the smallestright bottomleftFigure 7. Noninterleaved Data Orderingtopline(a) Source image with multiple components C Figure 6. JPEG Source Image Model(b) Characteristics of an image componentC Nf。


(1) 图像开始SOI(Start of Image) 标记结构 字节数 0XFF 1 0XD8 1 可作为JPEG格式的判据(JFIF(JPEG File Interchange Format)还需要APP0的配合)
(7) 扫描线开始SOS(Start of Scan) 标记结构 字节数 意义 0XFF 1 0XDA 1 Ls 2 SOS标记码长度,不包括前两个字节0XFF,0XDA Ns 1 Cs1 1 (Td1,Ta1) 1 Cs2 1 (Td2,Ta2) 1 … CsNs 1 (TdNs,TaNs) 1 Ss 1 Se 1 (Ah,Al) 1 压缩图像数据 Ns为Scan中成分的个数,在基本系统中,Ns=Nf(Frame中成分个数)。CSNs 为在Scan中成分的编号。TdNs为高4位,TaNs为低4位,分别表示DC和AC编码 表的编号。在基本系统中Ss=0,Se=63,Ah=0,Al=0。
(6) 霍夫曼(Huffman)表DHT(Define Huffman Table) 标记结构 0XFF 0XC4 Lh (Tc,Th) L1 L2 … L16 V1 V2 … Vt 字节数 1 1 2 1 1 1 16组数据中,每组个数 1 1 1 每个代码值;t=L1+L2+…L16 1 意义
(4)DRI(Define Restart Interval) 此标记需要用到最小编码单元(MCU,Minimum Coding Unit)的概念。前面提到,Y 分量数据重要,UV分量的数据相对不重要,所以可以只取UV的一部分,以增加压 缩比。目前支持JPEG格式的软件通常提供两种取样方式YUV411和YUV422,其含 义是YUV三个分量的数据取样比例。举例来说,如果Y取四个数据单元,即水平取 样因子Hy乘以垂直取样因子Vy的值为4,而U和V各取一个数据单元,即 Hu×Vu=1,Hv×Vv=1。那么这种部分取样就称为YUV411。



JPG,png,GIF,BMP四种常见图像格式的对⽐JPG(JPEG)JPEG 图⽚以 24 位颜⾊存储单个光栅图像。


渐近式JPEG ⽂件⽀持交错。

可以提⾼或降低 JPEG⽂件压缩的级别。


压缩⽐率可以⾼达 100:1。

(JPEG 格式可在 10:1 到20:1的⽐率下轻松地压缩⽂件,⽽图⽚质量不会下降。



有时,压缩⽐率会低到 5:1,严重损失了图⽚完整性。

这⼀损失产⽣的原因是,JPEG压缩⽅案可以很好地压缩类似的⾊调,但是 JPEG 压缩⽅案不能很好地处理亮度的强烈差异或处理纯⾊区域。

优点: 摄影作品或写实作品⽀持⾼级压缩。


⽀持交错(对于渐近式 JPEG ⽂件)。

⼴泛⽀持 Internet 标准。

缺点: 有损耗压缩会使原始图⽚数据质量下降。

当您编辑和重新保存 JPEG ⽂件时,JPEG会混合原始图⽚数据的质量下降。





JPEG (Joint PhotographicExperts GROUP)是由国际标准组织(ISO:InternationalStandardization Organization)和国际电话电报咨询委员会(CCITT:ConsultationCommitee of the International Telephone andTelegraph)为静态图像所建⽴的第⼀个国际数字图像压缩标准,也是⾄今⼀直在使⽤的、应⽤最⼴的图像压缩标准。



JPG文件结构分析JPG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)是一种常见的图像文件格式,以其高压缩比和图像质量而闻名。

























什么是 jpg(jpeg) 文件?如何打开、编辑和转换 jpg(jpeg) 文件

什么是 jpg(jpeg) 文件?如何打开、编辑和转换 jpg(jpeg) 文件

什么是JPG(JPEG) 文件?如何打开、编辑和转换JPG(JPEG) 文件要知道什么•JPG/JPEG 文件是图像文件。



这里将解释JPG 和JPEG 文件是什么,以及它们与其他图像格式有何不同、如何打开一种文件以及哪些程序可以将一种文件转换为不同的图像格式,例如SVG、GIF 或PNG。

什么是JPG (JPEG) 文件?JPG 或JPEG 文件是图像文件。

虽然一些JPG 图像文件使用 .JPG 文件扩展名,而另一些使用 .JPEG,但它们都是相同类型的文件。

一些JPEG 图像文件使用 .JPE 文件扩展名,但这并不常见。

JFIF 文件是也使用JPEG 压缩的JPEG 文件交换格式文件,但它们不如JPG 文件流行。

如何打开JPG 或JPEG 文件所有图像查看器和编辑器都支持JPG 文件。


您可以使用Web 浏览器(如Chrome 或百度浏览器)打开JPG 文件(将本地JPG 文件拖到浏览器窗口),以及内置的Microsoft 程序(如照片查看器和画图应用程序)。

如果您使用的是Mac,Apple Preview 和Apple 照片可以打开JPG 文件。

JPG 文件被广泛使用,因为压缩算法显着减小了文件的大小,非常适合在网站上共享、存储和显示。

但是,这种JPG 压缩也会降低图像的质量,如果它被高度压缩,这可能会很明显。

Adobe Photoshop以及基本上任何其他查看图像的程序,包括Google Drive等在线服务,也支持JPG 文件。

移动设备也支持打开JPG 文件,这意味着您可以在电子邮件和短信中查看它们,而无需特定的JPG 查看应用程序。

除非具有正确的文件扩展名,否则某些网站和程序可能无法将图像识别为JPEG 图像文件。

例如,一些基本的图像编辑器和查看器只会打开 .JPG 文件,而不会知道您拥有的 .JPEG 文件是同一个东西。




最常用的格式称为JPEG文件交换格式(JPEG File Interchange Format,JFIF)。



在每个标记码之前还可以添加数目不限的无意义的0xFF填充,也就说连续的多个0xFF 可以被理解为一个0xFF,并表示一个标记码的开始。



SOI,Start of Image,图像开始标记代码2字节固定值0xFFD8APP0,Application,应用程序保留标记0标记代码2字节固定值0xFFE0包含9个具体字段:①数据长度2字节①~⑨9个字段的总长度②标识符5字节固定值0x4A46494600,即字符串“JFIF0”③版本号2字节一般是0x0102,表示JFIF的版本号1.2④X和Y的密度单位1字节只有三个值可选i.0:无单位;1:点数/英寸;2:点数/厘米⑤X方向像素密度2字节取值范围未知⑥Y方向像素密度2字节取值范围未知⑦缩略图水平像素数目1字节取值范围未知⑧缩略图垂直像素数目1字节取值范围未知⑨缩略图RGB位图长度可能是3的倍数缩略图RGB位图数据本标记段可以包含图像的一个微缩版本,存为24位的RGB像素。


APPn,Application,应用程序保留标记n,其中n=1~15(任选)标记代码2字节固定值0xFFE1~0xFFF包含2个具体字段:①数据长度2字节①~②2个字段的总长度i.即不包括标记代码,但包括本字段②详细信息数据长度-2字节内容不定例如,Adobe Photoshop生成的JPEG图像中就用了APP1和APP13两个标记段分别存储了一幅图像的副本。



JPG文件结构分析2010-04-06 22:32【转自网络作者:一江秋水】一、简述JPEG是一个压缩标准,又可分为标准 JPEG、渐进式JPEG及JPEG2000三种:①标准JPEG:以24位颜色存储单个光栅图像,是与平台无关的格式,支持最高级别的压缩,不过,这种压缩是有损耗的。


②渐进式 JPEG:渐进式JPG为标准JPG的改良格式,支持交错,可以在网页下载时,先呈现出图片的粗略外观后,再慢慢地呈现出完整的内容,渐进式JPG的文件比标准JPG的文件要来得小。



以一幅24 位彩色图像为例,JPEG的压缩分为四个步骤:①颜色转换:在将彩色图像进行压缩之前,必须先对颜色模式进行数据转换。



首先以象素为单位将图像划分为多个8×8的矩阵,然后对每一个矩阵作DCT 变换。










JPEG是‎一个压缩标‎准,又可分‎为标准 J‎P EG、渐‎进式JPE‎G及JPE‎G2000‎三种:‎①标准JP‎E G:以2‎4位颜色存‎储单个光栅‎图像,是与‎平台无关的‎格式,支持‎最高级别‎的压缩,不‎过,这种压‎缩是有损耗‎的。


②渐进‎式 JPE‎G:渐进式‎J PG为标‎准JPG的‎改良格式,‎支持交错,‎可以在网页‎下载时,先‎呈现出图片‎的粗略外观‎后,再慢慢‎地呈现出完‎整的内容,‎渐进式JP‎G的文件‎比标准JP‎G的文件要‎来得小。

‎③JPEG‎2000:‎新一代的影‎像压缩法,‎压缩品质更‎好,其压缩‎率比标准J‎P EG高约‎30%左右‎,同时支持‎有损和无‎损压缩。


‎以一幅‎24 位彩‎色图像为例‎,JPEG‎的压缩分为‎四个步骤:‎①颜色‎转换:在将‎彩色图像进‎行压缩之前‎,必须先对‎颜色模式进‎行数据转换‎。


②‎D CT 变‎换:是将图‎像信号在频‎率域上进行‎变换,分离‎出高频和低‎频信息的处‎理过程,然‎后再对图像‎的高频部分‎(即图像细‎节)进行‎压缩。

首先‎以象素为单‎位将图像划‎分为多个8‎×8的矩阵‎,然后对每‎一个矩阵作‎D CT 变‎换。







a)在图片像素数据流中,信息可以被分为一段接一段的最小编码单元(Minimum Coded Unit,MCU)数据流。















图1 整张完整的图像(4:1:1)图2 将图像的MCU1放大图1及图3中灰色部分为实际图像大小(32px*35px);粗虚线表示各个MCU的分界;细虚线表示MCU内部数据单元的分界。



JPG文件结构分析2010-04-06 22:32【转自网络 作者:一 江秋水】一、简述JPEG是一个压缩标准,又可分为标准 JPEG、渐进式JPEG及JPEG2000三种:①标准JPEG:以24位颜色存储单个光栅图像,是与平台无关的格式,支持最高级 别的压缩,不过,这种压缩是有损耗的。


②渐进式 JPEG:渐进式JPG为标准JPG的改良格式,支持交错,可以在网页下载时,先呈现出图片的粗略外观后,再慢慢地呈现出完整的内容,渐进式JPG的文件 比标准JPG的文件要来得小。

③JPEG2000:新一代的影像压缩法,压缩品质更好,其压缩率比标准JPEG高约30%左右,同时支持有损 和无损压缩。


以一幅24 位彩色图像为例,JPEG的压缩分为四个步骤:①颜色转换:在将彩色图像进行压缩之前,必须先对颜色模式进行数据转换。

转换完成之后 还需要进行数据采样。

②DCT 变换:是将图像信号在频率域上进行变换,分离出高频和低频信息的处理过程,然后再对图像的高频部分(即图像细 节)进行压缩。

首先以象素为单位将图像划分为多个8×8的矩阵,然后对每一个矩阵作DCT 变换。

把8×8的象素矩阵变成8×8的频率系数矩阵(所谓频率 就是颜色改变的速度),频率系数都是浮点数。

③量化:由于下面第四步编码过程中使用的码本都是整数,因此要对频率系数进行量化,将之转换为整 数。




④编码:编码是基于统计特性的方 法。之间的区别和用途之间的区别和用途之间的区别跟用途一、PSD文件格式JPEG格式是目前网络上最流行的图像格式,是可以把文件压缩到最小的格式,在 Photoshop软件中以JPEG格式储存时,提供11级压缩级别,以0—10级表示。


即使采用细节几乎无损的10 级质量保存时,压缩比也可达 5:1。







PSD文件有时容量会很大,但由于可以保留所有原始信息,在图像处理中对于尚未制作完成的图像,选用 PSD格式保存是最佳的选择。

JPEG格式是目前网络上最流行的图像格式,是可以把文件压缩到最小的格式,在 Photoshop 软件中以JPEG格式储存时,提供11级压缩级别,以0—10级表示。


即使采用细节几乎无损的10 级质量保存时,压缩比也可达 5:1。





三、TIFF文件格式TIFF (TaglmageFileFormat)图像文件是由Aldus和Microsoft公司为桌上出版系统研制开发的一种较为通用的图像文件格式。





②渐进式JPEG:渐进式JPG为标准JPG的改良格式,支持交错,可以在网页下载时,先呈现出图片的粗略外观后,再慢慢地呈现出完整的内容,渐进式JPG的文件比标准JPG 的文件要来得小。





②DCT 变换:是将图像信号在频率域上进行变换,分离出高频和低频信息的处理过程,然后再对图像的高频部分(即图像细节)进行压缩。

首先以象素为单位将图像划分为多个8×8的矩阵,然后对每一个矩阵作DCT 变换。











JPEG 图片格式简单分析1、基本常识微处理机中的存放顺序有正序(big endian)和逆序(little endian)之分。






直到1998年12月从分析网上具体的JPG图像来看,使用比较广泛的还是JPEG文件交换格式(JPEG File Interchange Format,JFIF)版本号为1.02。

这是1992年9月由在C-Cube Microsystems公司工作的Eric Hamilton提出的。

此外还有TIFF JPEG 等格式,但由于这种格式比较复杂,因此大多数应用程序都支持JFIF文件交换格式。

JPEG文件使用的颜色空间是CCIR 601推荐标准进行的彩色空间(参看第7章)。




JPEG图⽚格式详解2-1 JPEG图⽚格式详解1. JPEG格式⽂件简介JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group,联合图像专家⼩组),是⼀种常⽤的图像存储格式, jpg/jpeg是24位的图像⽂件格式,也是⼀种⾼效率的压缩格式,是⾯向连续⾊调静⽌图像的⼀种压缩标准。

同样⼀幅画⾯,⽤.jpg/.jpeg格式储存的⽂件是其他类型图形⽂件的1 /10~1/20。


1.1 拓展名.jpg与.jpegJPEG的⽂件格式⼀般有两种⽂件扩展名:.jpg和.jpeg,这两种扩展名的实质是相同的,我们可以把.jpg的⽂件改名为.jpeg,⽽对⽂件本⾝不会有任何影响。


1.2 JPEG的三种格式JPEG格式可以分为:标准JPEG、渐进式JPEG 和 JPEG2000三种格式。








JPEG文件格式解析作者 lyrical 日期 2006-3-21 21:42:00微处理机中的存放顺序有正序(big endian)和逆序(little endian)之分。






直到1998年12月从分析网上具体的JPG图像来看,使用比较广泛的还是JPEG文件交换格式(JPEG File Interchange Format,JFIF)版本号为1.02。

这是1992年9月由在C-Cube Microsystems公司工作的Eric Hamilton提出的。

此外还有TIFF JPEG 等格式,但由于这种格式比较复杂,因此大多数应用程序都支持JFIF文件交换格式。

JPEG文件使用的颜色空间是CCIR 601推荐标准进行的彩色空间(参看第7章)。


从RGB转换成YCbCr空间时,使用下面的精确的转换关系:Y = 256 * E'yCb = 256 * [E'Cb] 128Cr = 256 * [E'Cr] 128其中亮度电平E'y 和色差电平E'Cb和E'Cb分别是CCIR 601定义的参数。

由于E'y的范围是0~1,E'Cb和E'Cb的范围是-0.5~ 0.5,因此Y, Cb和Cr的最大值必须要箝到255。




名 称 字节数 值 说明
段 标识 1 FF
段类型 1 FE
段长度 2 其值=注释字符的字节数+2
段 内容 注释字符
3.以下按一般JPEG文件的段排列顺序详细介绍 各种段的结构:
名称 字节数 值
段 标识 1 FF
段类型 1 D8
HT值表 n n=表头16个数的和
③JPEG2000:新一代的影像压缩法,压缩品质更好,其压缩率比标准JPEG高约30%左右,同时支持有损 和无损压缩。一个极其重要的特征在于它能实现渐进传输,即先传输图像的轮廓,然后逐步传输数据,让图像由朦胧到清晰显示。
以一幅24 位彩色图像为例,JPEG的压缩分为四个步骤:

①颜色转换:在将彩色图像进行压缩之前,必须先对颜色模式进行数据转换。转换完成之后 还需要进行数据采样。







tif/tiff格式tiff(Tag Image File Format)是⼀种压缩图⽚格式,最早由Aldus和Microsoft公司⼀起开发,七⼋⼗年代就有了,但是压缩⽐很低,所以和bmp并差不了多少,同样保真度也很⾼。


png格式PNG(Portable Network Graphics,便捷式⽹络图形),可以做到⼏乎⽆损的压缩,⽽且压缩⽐挺⾼的,⼤概是Bmp的10⼏或⼏⼗分之⼀吧,质量很⾼,⽀持透明,90年代出现,⾄今⽤途⼴泛,常⽤于Internet,和jpg和gif都是⽹络图⽚格式。


jpg/jpeg格式JPEG格式由联合图像专家组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)开发,JPEG是常见的⼀种图像格式,。


gif格式GIF的全称是Graphics Interchange Format,图形交换格式,⽤于以HTML的⽅式显⽰索引彩⾊图像,在因特⽹和其他在线服务系统上得到⼴泛应⽤。

GIF是⼀种公⽤的图像⽂件格式标准,版权归Compu Serve公司所有。





【PNG】(Portable Network Graphics)PNG是⼀种⽆损压缩的位图图形格式,主要有PNG8、PNG24、PNG32三种格式,主要区别如下:PNG8)8位PNG,最⼤⽀持2的8次⽅=256⾊,⽀持256阶alpha透明,⽀持索引⾊透明PNG24)24位PNG,最⼤⽀持2的24次⽅>1600万⾊,不⽀持256阶alpha透明和索引⾊透明PNG32)32位PNG,最⼤⽀持2的24次⽅>1600万⾊,在PNG24的基础上补了8位,⽤于⽀持256阶alpha透明,不⽀持索引⾊透明【JPEG】(Joint Photographic Experts Group)JPG的⽂件格式是JPEG,由于早期系统⽂件扩展名只⽀持3个字符,所以简写成了JPG,由于养成了习惯,JPG⽐JPEG更流⾏,本质没有区别。













⽂件头)⼤⼩为14B,提供⽂件的格式、⼤⼩等信息信息头)⼤⼩为40B,提供图像数据的尺⼨、位平⾯数、压缩⽅式、颜⾊索引等信息调⾊板)⼤⼩由biBitCount决定,可选,如使⽤索引来表⽰图像,调⾊板就是索引与其对应的颜⾊的映射表位图数据)⼤⼩由图⽚⼤⼩和颜⾊定,图像数据区biBitCount=1时,可存储2的1次⽅=2⾊;biBitCount=4时,可存储2的4次⽅=16⾊;biBitCount=8时,可存储2的8次⽅=256⾊;biBitCount=24时,可存储2的24次⽅>1600万⾊;【GIF】(Graphics Interchange Format)GIF是⼀种图像交换格式。

单片机 jpg 叠加文字原理

单片机 jpg 叠加文字原理

单片机jpg叠加文字原理目录1.背景2.单片机jpg叠加文字原理2.1 单片机2.2 jpg格式2.3 叠加文字原理3.应用场景4.结论5.参考文献1.背景随着科技的迅速发展, 单片机技术在各行各业得到了广泛的应用。

其中, 单片机叠加文字在图片上的应用更是成为了一种常见的需求。


2.单片机jpg叠加文字原理2.1 单片机单片机是一种集成了微处理器、存储器、定时器和通用输入输出端口等片外设备的集成电路芯片。



2.2 jpg格式JPG是一种常见的图像文件格式,它使用较高的压缩比例来存储图像文件。



2.3 叠加文字原理单片机jpg叠加文字的原理是将文字信息通过单片机进行处理,然后将文字信息叠加到jpg格式的图片上。

具体步骤如下:1)读取jpg图片单片机通过相应的接口,可以从存储设备上读取 jpg 格式的图片。








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一、图像开始SOI(Start of Image)标记,数值0xD8
1、APP0长度(length) 2byte
2、标识符(identifier) 5byte
3、版本号(version) 2byte
4、X和Y的密度单位(units=0:无单位;units=1:点数/英寸;units=2:点数/厘米) 1byte
5、X方向像素密度(X density) 2byte
6、Y方向像素密度(Y density) 2byte
7、缩略图水平像素数目(thumbnail horizontal pixels) 1byte
8、缩略图垂直像素数目(thumbnail vertical pixels) 1byte
9、缩略图RGB位图(thumbnail RGB bitmap),由前面的数值决定,取值3n,n为缩略图总像素3n byte
2、应用细节信息(application specific information)
四、一个或者多个量化表DQT(difine quantization table),数值0xDB
1、量化表长度(quantization table length)
2、量化表数目(quantization table number)
3、量化表(quantization table)
五、帧图像开始SOF0(Start of Frame),数值0xC0
1、帧开始长度(start of frame length)
2、精度(precision),每个颜色分量每个像素的位数(bits per pixel per color component)
3、图像高度(image height)
4、图像宽度(image width)
5、颜色分量数(number of color components)
6、对每个颜色分量(for each component)
包括:ID、垂直方向的样本因子(vertical sample factor)、水平方向的样本因子(horizontal sample factor) 、量化表号(quantization table#)
六、一个或者多个霍夫曼表DHT(Difine Huffman Table),数值0xC4
1、霍夫曼表的长度(Huffman table length)
2、类型、AC或者DC(Type, AC or DC)
4、位表(bits table)
5、值表(value table)
七、扫描开始SOS(Start of Scan),数值0xDA
1、扫描开始长度(start of scan length)
2、颜色分量数(number of color components)
包括:ID、交流系数表号(AC table #)、直流系数表号(DC table #)
4、压缩图像数据(compressed image data)
八、图像结束EOI(End of Image),数值0xD9。
