2019年德国不莱梅太空技术展览会SPACE TECH EXPO EU
欧洲机床展览(EMO)观感来源:数控机床网 作者:数控车床 栏目:行业动态 记者到德国参加9月17日到9月22日期间在德国汉诺威举办的欧洲机床展览(简称EMO),有2台设备也通过与2家德国当地企业合作的方式参加了此次机床展。
EMO见闻 9月14日记者到达了德国,9月17日上午9点展会顺利开幕了。
开幕式期间德国总理 Koehler也亲自参加开幕式的致辞。
在展会期间具(据)记者的观察和分析此次展会透露出来的数控技术和装备的发展趋势是: 高速化发展新趋势 目前高速加工中心进给速度最高可达80m/min,空运行速度可达100m/min左右。
《硅光子设计:从器件到系统》阅读记录目录一、基础篇 (3)1.1 光子学基础知识 (4)1.1.1 光子的本质与特性 (4)1.1.2 光子的传播与相互作用 (5)1.2 硅光子学概述 (6)1.2.1 硅光子的定义与发展历程 (7)1.2.2 硅光子学的应用领域 (9)二、器件篇 (10)2.1 硅光子器件原理 (11)2.2 硅光子器件设计 (13)2.2.1 器件的结构设计 (14)2.2.2 器件的工艺流程 (15)2.3 硅光子器件的性能优化 (16)2.3.1 集成电路设计 (17)2.3.2 封装技术 (18)三、系统篇 (20)3.1 硅光子系统架构 (21)3.1.1 系统的整体结构 (22)3.1.2 系统的通信机制 (23)3.2 硅光子系统设计 (25)3.2.1 设计流程与方法 (26)3.2.2 设计实例分析 (27)3.3 硅光子系统的测试与验证 (29)3.3.1 测试平台搭建 (30)3.3.2 性能评估标准 (31)四、应用篇 (31)4.1 硅光子技术在通信领域的应用 (33)4.1.1 光纤通信系统 (34)4.1.2 量子通信系统 (35)4.2 硅光子技术在计算领域的应用 (36)4.2.1 软件定义光计算 (37)4.2.2 光子计算系统 (38)4.3 硅光子技术在传感领域的应用 (39)4.3.1 光学传感器 (40)4.3.2 生物传感与检测 (41)五、未来展望 (42)5.1 硅光子技术的发展趋势 (43)5.1.1 技术创新与突破 (44)5.1.2 应用领域的拓展 (45)5.2 硅光子技术的挑战与机遇 (47)5.2.1 人才培养与引进 (48)5.2.2 政策支持与产业环境 (49)一、基础篇《硅光子设计:从器件到系统》是一本深入探讨硅光子技术设计与应用的专著,涵盖了从基础理论到系统应用的全面知识。
网 33、世界上首次尝试从舰上起飞和着落的飞行员是谁?
学习 34、1919 年,德国人容克设计的什么型号飞机成为世界上第一种专门设计的旅客机?
圣 36、世界上第一架飞机是由谁发明的?他们是哪个国家的人?
37、世界上第一架飞机在哪一年试飞成功?试飞多远?留空 Nhomakorabea间多长?
51、DC-8-63 客机有几个发动机?
53、强-5 强击机有几门机炮?
om 注:以上问题答案可在航宇科普中心室外停机坪、一楼展厅、二楼展厅寻找。 i.c 1、新中国在什么时候设计了我国的第一架喷气式飞机?(1956 年设计了歼教-1) uex 2、我国自行设计制造的第一架大型喷气旅客机是什么型号?(运十) 00x m 3、什么型号的飞机,第一次在战争中投掷了原子弹?(B-29 轰炸机) ww.1 i.co 4、目前世界上最大、最重的运输机是什么型号?(乌克兰生产的安-225) 网w uex 5、世界上曾有两种超音速旅客机投入航线使用,请说出它们的型号?(图-144、协和
Airport Handling ManualEffective 1 January—31 December 201838NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in thispublication is subject to constant review in the lightof changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act onthe basis of any such information without referringto applicable laws and regulations and/or withouttak ing appropriate professional advice. Althoughevery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, theInternational Air Transport Association shall not beheld responsible for any loss or damage caused byerrors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation ofthe contents hereof. Furthermore, the InternationalAir Transport Association expressly disclaims anyand all liability to any person or entity, whether apurchaser of this publication or not, in respect ofanything done or omitted, and the consequencesof anything done or omitted, by any such person orentity in reliance on the contents of this publication.Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing inthis publication are the advertiser’s opinions and donot necessarily reflect those of IATA. The mentionof specific companies or products in advertisementdoes not imply that they are endorsed or recom-mended by IATA in preference to others of a simi-lar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.© International Air Transport Association. AllRights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:Senior Vice PresidentAirport, Passenger, Cargo and SecurityInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, QuebecCANADA H4Z 1M1Airport Handling ManualMaterial No.: 9343-38ISBN 978-92-9229-505-9© 2017 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Preface (xv)Introduction (xvii)General (1)AHM001Chapter0—Record of Revisions (1)AHM011Standard Classification and Numbering for Members Airport Handling Manuals (2)AHM012Office Function Designators for Airport Passenger and Baggage Handling (30)AHM020Guidelines for the Establishment of Airline Operators Committees (31)AHM021Guidelines for Establishing Aircraft Ground Times (34)AHM050Aircraft Emergency Procedures (35)AHM070E-Invoicing Standards (53)Chapter1—PASSENGER HANDLING (91)AHM100Chapter1—Record of Revisions (91)AHM110Involuntary Change of Carrier,Routing,Class or Type of Fare (92)AHM112Denied Boarding Compensation (98)AHM120Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees (99)AHM140Items Removed from a Passenger's Possession by Security Personnel (101)AHM141Hold Loading of Duty-Free Goods (102)AHM170Dangerous Goods in Passenger Baggage (103)AHM176Recommendations for the Handling of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (105)AHM176A Acceptance and Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (106)AHM180Carriage of Passengers with Communicable Diseases (114)AHM181General Guidelines for Passenger Agents in Case of SuspectedCommunicable Disease (115)Chapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING (117)AHM200Chapter2—Record of Revisions (117)AHM210Local Baggage Committees (118)AHM211Airport Operating Rules (124)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING(continued)AHM212Interline Connecting Time Intervals—Passenger and Checked Baggage (126)AHM213Form of Interline Baggage Tags (128)AHM214Use of the10Digit Licence Plate (135)AHM215Found and Unclaimed Checked Baggage (136)AHM216On-Hand Baggage Summary Tag (138)AHM217Forwarding Mishandled Baggage (139)AHM218Dangerous Goods in Passengers'Baggage (141)AHM219Acceptance of Firearms and Other Weapons and Small Calibre Ammunition (142)AHM221Acceptance of Power Driven Wheelchairs or Other Battery Powered Mobility Aidsas Checked Baggage (143)AHM222Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation Procedures (144)AHM223Licence Plate Fallback Sortation Tags (151)AHM224Baggage Taken in Error (154)AHM225Baggage Irregularity Report (156)AHM226Tracing Unchecked Baggage and Handling Damage to Checked and UncheckedBaggage (159)AHM230Baggage Theft and Pilferage Prevention (161)AHM231Carriage of Carry-On Baggage (164)AHM232Handling of Security Removed Items (168)AHM240Baggage Codes for Identifying ULD Contents and/or Bulk-Loaded Baggage (169)Chapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING (171)AHM300Chapter3—Record of Revisions (171)AHM310Preparation for Loading of Cargo (172)AHM311Securing of Load (174)AHM312Collection Sacks and Bags (177)AHM320Handling of Damaged Cargo (178)AHM321Handling of Pilfered Cargo (179)AHM322Handling Wet Cargo (180)AHM330Handling Perishable Cargo (182)AHM331Handling and Protection of Valuable Cargo (184)AHM332Handling and Stowage of Live Animals (188)AHM333Handling of Human Remains (190)Table of ContentsPageChapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING(continued)AHM340Acceptance Standards for the Interchange of Transferred Unit Load Devices (191)AHM345Handling of Battery Operated Wheelchairs/Mobility AIDS as Checked Baggage (197)AHM350Mail Handling (199)AHM351Mail Documents (203)AHM353Handling of Found Mail (218)AHM354Handling of Damaged Mail (219)AHM355Mail Security (220)AHM356Mail Safety (221)AHM357Mail Irregularity Message (222)AHM360Company Mail (224)AHM380Aircraft Documents Stowage (225)AHM381Special Load—Notification to Captain(General) (226)AHM382Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP Format and NOTOC Service) (231)AHM383Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP NOTOC Summary) (243)AHM384NOTOC Message(NTM) (246)Chapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (251)AHM400Chapter4—Record of Revisions (251)AHM411Provision and Carriage of Loading Accessories (252)AHM420Tagging of Unit Load Devices (253)AHM421Storage of Unit Load Devices (263)AHM422Control of Transferred Unit Load Devices (268)AHM423Unit Load Device Stock Check Message (273)AHM424Unit Load Device Control Message (275)AHM425Continued Airworthiness of Unit Load Devices (279)AHM426ULD Buildup and Breakdown (283)AHM427ULD Transportation (292)AHM430Operating of Aircraft Doors (295)AHM431Aircraft Ground Stability—Tipping (296)AHM440Potable Water Servicing (297)AHM441Aircraft Toilet Servicing (309)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING(continued)AHM450Standardisation of Gravity Forces against which Load must be Restrained (310)AHM451Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load on Aircraft (311)AHM453Handling/Bulk Loading of Heavy Items (312)AHM454Handling and Loading of Big Overhang Items (313)AHM455Non CLS Restrained ULD (316)AHM460Guidelines for Turnround Plan (323)AHM462Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling (324)AHM463Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations (337)AHM465Foreign Object Damage(FOD)Prevention Program (340)Chapter5—LOAD CONTROL (343)AHM500Chapter5—Record of Revisions (343)AHM501Terms and Definitions (345)AHM503Recommended Requirements for a New Departure Control System (351)AHM504Departure Control System Evaluation Checklist (356)AHM505Designation of Aircraft Holds,Compartments,Bays and Cabin (362)AHM510Handling/Load Information Codes to be Used on Traffic Documents and Messages (368)AHM513Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations (377)AHM514EDP Loading Instruction/Report (388)AHM515Manual Loading Instruction/Report (404)AHM516Manual Loadsheet (416)AHM517EDP Loadsheet (430)AHM518ACARS Transmitted Loadsheet (439)AHM519Balance Calculation Methods (446)AHM520Aircraft Equipped with a CG Targeting System (451)AHM530Weights for Passengers and Baggage (452)AHM531Procedure for Establishing Standard Weights for Passengers and Baggage (453)AHM533Passengers Occupying Crew Seats (459)AHM534Weight Control of Load (460)AHM536Equipment in Compartments Procedure (461)AHM537Ballast (466)Table of ContentsPageChapter5—LOAD CONTROL(continued)AHM540Aircraft Unit Load Device—Weight and Balance Control (467)AHM550Pilot in Command's Approval of the Loadsheet (468)AHM551Last Minute Changes on Loadsheet (469)AHM561Departure Control System,Carrier's Approval Procedures (471)AHM562Semi-Permanent Data Exchange Message(DEM) (473)AHM564Migration from AHM560to AHM565 (480)AHM565EDP Semi-Permanent Data Exchange for New Generation Departure Control Systems (500)AHM570Automated Information Exchange between Check-in and Load Control Systems (602)AHM571Passenger and Baggage Details for Weight and Balance Report(PWR) (608)AHM580Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Statement (613)AHM581Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Signal (615)AHM583Loadmessage (619)AHM587Container/Pallet Distribution Message (623)AHM588Statistical Load Summary (628)AHM590Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities (631)AHM591Weight and Balance Load Control and Loading Supervision Training and Qualifications (635)Chapter6—MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (641)AHM600Chapter6—Record of Revisions (641)AHM610Guidelines for a Safety Management System (642)AHM611Airside Personnel:Responsibilities,Training and Qualifications (657)AHM612Airside Performance Evaluation Program (664)AHM615Quality Management System (683)AHM616Human Factors Program (715)AHM619Guidelines for Producing Emergency Response Plan(s) (731)AHM620Guidelines for an Emergency Management System (733)AHM621Security Management (736)AHM633Guidelines for the Handling of Emergencies Requiring the Evacuation of an Aircraft During Ground Handling (743)AHM650Ramp Incident/Accident Reporting (745)AHM652Recommendations for Airside Safety Investigations (750)AHM660Carrier Guidelines for Calculating Aircraft Ground Accident Costs (759)Airport Handling ManualChapter7—AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT CONTROL (761)AHM700Chapter7—Record of Revisions (761)AHM710Standards for Message Formats (762)AHM711Standards for Message Corrections (764)AHM730Codes to be Used in Aircraft Movement and Diversion Messages (765)AHM731Enhanced Reporting on ATFM Delays by the Use of Sub Codes (771)AHM780Aircraft Movement Message (774)AHM781Aircraft Diversion Message (786)AHM782Fuel Monitoring Message (790)AHM783Request Information Message (795)AHM784Gate Message (797)AHM785Aircraft Initiated Movement Message(MVA) (802)AHM790Operational Aircraft Registration(OAR)Message (807)Chapter8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS (811)AHM800Chapter8—Record of Revisions (811)AHM801Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement(SGHA) (812)AHM803Service Level Agreement Example (817)AHM810IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (828)AHM811Yellow Pages (871)AHM813Truck Handling (872)AHM815Standard Transportation Documents Service Main Agreement (873)AHM817Standard Training Agreement (887)AHM830Ground Handling Charge Note (891)AHM840Model Agreement for Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) (894)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (911)AHM900Chapter9—Record of Revisions (911)AHM901Functional Specifications (914)AHM904Aircraft Servicing Points and System Requirements (915)AIRBUS A300B2320-/B4/C4 (917)A300F4-600/-600C4 (920)A310–200/200C/300 (926)A318 (930)A319 (933)Table of ContentsPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)A320 (936)A321 (940)A330-200F (943)A330-300 (948)A340-200 (951)A340-300 (955)A340-500 (959)A340-600 (962)Airbus350900passenger (965)AIRBUS A380-800/-800F (996)ATR42100/200 (999)ATR72 (1000)AVRO RJ70 (1001)AVRO RJ85 (1002)AVRO RJ100 (1003)B727-200 (1004)B737–200/200C (1008)B737-300,400,-500 (1010)B737-400 (1013)B737-500 (1015)B737-600,-700,-700C (1017)B737-700 (1020)B737-800 (1022)B737-900 (1026)B747–100SF/200C/200F (1028)B747–400/400C (1030)B757–200 (1038)B757–300 (1040)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)B767—200/200ER (1041)B767—300/300ER (1044)B767—400ER (1048)B777–200/200LR (1051)B777–300/300ER (1055)Boeing787800passenger (1059)BAe ATP(J61) (1067)Bombardier CS100 (1068)Bombardier CS300 (1072)CL-65(CRJ100/200) (1076)DC8–40/50F SERIES (1077)DC8–61/61F (1079)DC8–62/62F (1081)DC8–63/63F (1083)DC9–15/21 (1085)DC9–32 (1086)DC9–41 (1087)DC9–51 (1088)DC10–10/10CF (1089)DC10–30/40,30/40CF (1091)EMBRAER EMB-135Regional Models (1092)EMBRAER EMB-145Regional Models (1094)Embraer170 (1096)Embraer175 (1098)Embraer190 (1100)Embraer195 (1102)FOKKER50(F27Mk050) (1104)FOKKER50(F27Mk0502) (1106)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)FOKKER70(F28Mk0070) (1108)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1110)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1112)IL-76T (1114)MD-11 (1116)MD–80SERIES (1118)SAAB2000 (1119)SAAB SF-340 (1120)TU-204 (1122)AHM905Reference Material for Civil Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1125)AHM905A Cross Reference of IATA Documents with SAE,CEN,and ISO (1129)AHM909Summary of Unit Load Device Capacity and Dimensions (1131)AHM910Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1132)AHM911Ground Support Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices (1136)AHM912Standard Forklift Pockets Dimensions and Characteristics for Forkliftable General Support Equipment (1138)AHM913Basic Safety Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1140)AHM914Compatibility of Ground Support Equipment with Aircraft Types (1145)AHM915Standard Controls (1147)AHM916Basic Requirements for Towing Vehicle Interface(HITCH) (1161)AHM917Basic Minimum Preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule (1162)AHM920Functional Specification for Self-Propelled Telescopic Passenger Stairs (1164)AHM920A Functional Specification for Towed Passenger Stairs (1167)AHM921Functional Specification for Boarding/De-Boarding Vehicle for Passengers withReduced Mobility(PRM) (1169)AHM922Basic Requirements for Passenger Boarding Bridge Aircraft Interface (1174)AHM923Functional Specification for Elevating Passenger Transfer Vehicle (1180)AHM924Functional Specification for Heavy Item Lift Platform (1183)AHM925Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Conveyor-Belt Loader (1184)AHM925A Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Ground Based in-Plane LoadingSystem for Bulk Cargo (1187)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM925B Functional Specification for a Towed Conveyor-Belt Loader (1190)AHM926Functional Specification for Upper Deck Catering Vehicle (1193)AHM927Functional Specification for Main Deck Catering Vehicle (1197)AHM930Functional Specification for an Upper Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1201)AHM931Functional Specification for Lower Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1203)AHM932Functional Specification for a Main Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1206)AHM933Functional Specification of a Powered Extension Platform to Lower Deck/Container/ Pallet Loader (1209)AHM934Functional Specification for a Narrow Body Lower Deck Single Platform Loader (1211)AHM934A Functional Specification for a Single Platform Slave Loader Bed for Lower DeckLoading Operations (1213)AHM936Functional Specification for a Container Loader Transporter (1215)AHM938Functional Specification for a Large Capacity Freighter and Combi Aircraft TailStanchion (1218)AHM939Functional Specification for a Transfer Platform Lift (1220)AHM941Functional Specification for Equipment Used for Establishing the Weight of aULD/BULK Load (1222)AHM942Functional Specification for Storage Equipment Used for Unit Load Devices (1224)AHM950Functional Specification for an Airport Passenger Bus (1225)AHM951Functional Specification for a Crew Transportation Vehicle (1227)AHM953Functional Specifications for a Valuable Cargo Vehicle (1229)AHM954Functional Specification for an Aircraft Washing Machine (1230)AHM955Functional Specification for an Aircraft Nose Gear Towbar Tractor (1232)AHM956Functional Specification for Main Gear Towbarless Tractor (1235)AHM957Functional Specification for Nose Gear Towbarless Tractor (1237)AHM958Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar (1240)AHM960Functional Specification for Unit Load Device Transport Vehicle (1242)AHM961Functional Specification for a Roller System for Unit Load Device Transportation on Trucks (1245)AHM962Functional Specification for a Rollerised Platform for the Transportation of Twenty Foot Unit Load Devices that Interfaces with Trucks Equipped to Accept Freight ContainersComplying with ISO668:1988 (1247)AHM963Functional Specification for a Baggage/Cargo Cart (1249)AHM965Functional Specification for a Lower Deck Container Turntable Dolly (1250)AHM966Functional Specification for a Pallet Dolly (1252)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM967Functional Specification for a Twenty Foot Unit Load Device Dolly (1254)AHM968Functional Specification for Ramp Equipment Tractors (1256)AHM969Functional Specification for a Pallet/Container Transporter (1257)AHM970Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Potable Water Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1259)AHM971Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Lavatory Service Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1262)AHM972Functional Specifications for a Ground Power Unit for Aircraft Electrical System (1265)AHM973Functional Specification for a Towed Aircraft Ground Heater (1269)AHM974Functional Specification for Aircraft Air Conditioning(Cooling)Unit (1272)AHM975Functional Specifications for Self-Propelled Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1274)AHM976Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit (1278)AHM977Functional Specification for a Towed De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1280)AHM978Functional Specification for a Towed Lavatory Service Cart (1283)AHM979Functional Specification for a Towed Boarding/De-Boarding Device for Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM)for Commuter-Type Aircraft (1285)AHM980Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Petrol/Diesel Refueling Vehicle forGround Support Equipment (1287)AHM981Functional Specification for a Towed Potable Water Service Cart (1289)AHM990Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance of Aircraft Towbars (1291)AHM994Criteria for Consideration of the Investment in Ground Support Equipment (1292)AHM995Basic Unit Load Device Handling System Requirements (1296)AHM997Functional Specification for Sub-Freezing Aircraft Air Conditioning Unit (1298)Chapter10—ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (1301)AHM1000Chapter10—Record of Revisions (1301)AHM1001Environmental Specifications for Ground Handling Operations (1302)AHM1002Environmental Impact on the Use of Ground Support Equipment (1303)AHM1003GSE Environmental Quality Audit (1305)AHM1004Guidelines for Calculating GSE Exhaust Emissions (1307)AHM1005Guidelines for an Environmental Management System (1308)Chapter11—GROUND OPERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM (1311)AHM1100Chapter11—Record of Revisions (1311)AHM1110Ground Operations Training Program (1312)Appendix A—References (1347)Appendix B—Glossary (1379)Alphabetical List of AHM Titles (1387)IATA Strategic Partners..............................................................................................................................SP–1。
中文说明书_翻译 IPG
遵循的法规标准(仅适用产品) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 EMC 电磁兼容性.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 激光等级 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 钥匙控制 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 安全标识的位置 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 激光辐射警示灯 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
我厅拟将继续组织应用激光、光电技术相关企业参加2019年德国慕尼黑国际应用激光、光电技术博览会,现将有关组展工作通知如下:一、展览名称中文名称:2019年德国慕尼黑国际应用激光、光电技术博览会英文名称:LASER-World of Photonics 2019二、展览时间、地点时间:2019年6月24-27日地点:德国慕尼黑新国际博览中心三、展会介绍慕尼黑国际应用激光、光电技术贸易博览会(LASER-World of Photonics 2019)系由德国著名的慕尼黑国际博览会集团公司(MMI)主办的全球唯一覆盖整个光电子行业所有门类、展示最尖端科技的专业光电博览会。
德国博物馆交通分馆楼宇自动化PC 控制也是“博物馆里的艺术品”?提及 Beckhoff 的嵌入式控制器 CX1000 的表现时,答案显然是肯定的。
在德国博物馆交通分馆的新大厅中,CX1000 的控制任务覆盖到了楼宇的各个角落。
俨然,CX1000 已成为了博物馆里的一件“高科技艺术品” 。
2003 年 5 月 11 日,“Mobility and Technology” 展览在德国博物 馆新附属的三号大厅中开幕,标志着德国博物馆第一阶段的扩建完 工。
在接下来的几年中,Verkehrszentrum (交通馆)将继续扩建, 最终成为慕尼黑载入史册的三幢标志性展馆建筑之一。
第1页 共3页德国博物馆交通分馆采用了 Beckhoff 基于 PC 和以太网的 控制技术。
每套 CX1000 分别控制约 180 个总线端子,总线端子则用于控制 照明、暖气、通风等设施。
德国博物馆原慕尼黑展览中心第三大厅,离“博物馆岛” 有些距离,如今,新第三大厅建筑占地 2200 平米,加上 二层走廊面积,可展出面积达到了 3000 平米。
德国博物 馆的交通分馆已搬迁至那里,到 2005 年,交通馆还将延 伸至一号和二号展厅。
随新址落成,整套楼宇自动化系统 也焕然一新。
系统包含 PC 接口、照明、采暖和通风设备 的将近 1000 个接点,全部由 Beckhoff 的控制技术来实 现。
该楼宇自动化系统由三套 Beckhoff 的嵌入式 PC CX1000 构成。
每套 CX1000 通过总线扩展连接大约 180 个总线 端子。
Peter Traut,负责交通分馆的安全、技术和 EDP, 他阐述了使用该套配置的原因: “使用三个控制站的解决 方案是因为不同的空间位置, 其中一个站负责服务于总体 的建筑,比如气象站等。
此外,根据展品不同的敏感度, 展厅被划分成两个空间区域。
我们需要一种冗余的设备来 保护我们的展览品,换句话说,只是半个厅的暖气、照明的异常不至于使全部展览品受损。
Quadrotor Using Minimal Sensing For AutonomousIndoor FlightJames F.Roberts*,Timothy S.Stirling†,Jean-Christophe Zufferey‡and Dario Floreano§Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL),Lausanne,1015,Switzerland Abstract—This paper presents a Miniature Aerial Vehicle(MAV)capable of hands-off autonomous operation within indoor environments.Our prototype is a Quadrotorweighing approximately600g,with a diameter of550mm,which carries the necessaryelectronics for stability control,altitude control,collision avoidance and anti-driftcontrol.This MAV is equipped with three rate gyroscopes,three accelerometers,oneultrasonic sensor,four infrared sensors,a high-speed motor controller and a flightcomputer.Autonomous flight tests have been carried out in a7x6-m room.I.IntroductionTHERE are currently no Vertical Take-Off and Landing(VTOL)flying robots capable of hands-off autonomous operation within cluttered environments such as houses or offices.A robot with this capability could be useful for many applications including search and rescue,exploration in hazardous environments, surveillance,etc.However,there are many challenges that engineers must face before developing such a robot, including the strict limitations in sensing technologies,power consumption,platform size and embedded processing.In order to safely manoeuvre within these environments it would be beneficial for such a robot to be able to hover.This alone introduces many difficult problems including stability control,altitude control,platform drift, collision avoidance and platform design,all being important for successful operation.The system must also be able to sense its environment,prevent collisions and manoeuvre accordingly.Platform drift on hovering systems is an interesting and challenging problem for an indoor VTOL flying robot. Drift outdoors can be compensated1by using a Global Positioning System(GPS)however within indoor environments the task becomes much more difficult as GPS will not function due to the diminished reception. Recently there has been research done using visual tracking systems2to monitor and control a platform within a three dimensional flight space.These systems are extremely accurate and allow for complex control of trajectory however they place strict limitations on where the platform can fly due to the fact that they are confined to the space in which the tracking system is installed,consequently making them impractical.Matsue and collaborators have presented a system using a toy helicopter that has shown the capability of autonomous hovering near walls3.This is achieved by using three infrared range sensors to measure the height above the ground and the distances to two perpendicular walls.The MAV has also shown the capability of autonomously following an infrared beacon as the beacon is moved along the ground beneath it4.The maximum range of the infrared sensors used on this system is80cm,which means that the platform has to fly quite close to a corner,presented by two perpendicular walls,or the system will fail.Moreover,as there are only two sensors representing one quadrant of the360ºflight space the platform must also continue to face the correct direction, presenting a yaw rotational alignment problem.Furthermore,the helicopter is mechanically stabilised which greatly simplifies the task as there are simple requirements for inertial sensing or stability control.However we have observed that these mechanical stabilisation systems can limit the controllability of the platform and tend to introduce low frequency oscillations when trying to manoeuvre causing an undesirable and skewed trajectory.*PhD Student,Laboratory of Intelligent Systems(LIS),ELE115,Station11,Lausanne1015.†PhD Student,Laboratory of Intelligent Systems(LIS),ELE115,Station11,Lausanne1015.‡1st Assistant,Laboratory of Intelligent Systems(LIS),ELE138,Station11,Lausanne1015.§Associate Professor,Laboratory of Intelligent Systems(LIS),ELE132,Station11,Lausanne1015.Holland and collaborators have also been working with toy helicopters towards developing a swarm of hovering MAVs for implementation of a wireless cluster computer network5-6.The orientation and attitude of the helicopter is perceived by using a downward facing camera that looks at coloured circular patches placed on the ground.However,currently no autonomous flight results have yet been presented and the method places strict limitations on where the system can operate.Green and collaborators have been working on an autonomous hovering fixed wing platform that is capable of following a wall and entering an open door way7-9.The system has an Inertial Measurements Unit(IMU) providing an attitude estimation for stability control,an ultrasonic sensor provides a stable altitude and an infrared sensor is used to detect the wall.The system has also shown collision avoidance capabilities10. However,these experiments have not shown that the platform is capable of hands-off automatic take-off, constant position control and automatic landing.In this paper we present a Quadrotor weighing approximately600g,with a diameter of550mm,which includes three rate gyroscopes,three accelerometers,one ultrasonic sensor,four infrared triangulation-based sensors,a high speed motor controller and a flight computer.The prototype is capable of autonomous control indoors including:automatic take-off,constant altitude control,collision avoidance,anti-drift control and automatic landing.These capabilities have been demonstrated in an obstacle free7x6-m room.To the best of our knowledge,our platform is the first Quadrotor capable of autonomous operation indoors,from take-off to landing,without the use of an external positioning system.In the following section,we present the platform design,electronics and sensors.We then introduce the proposed control strategy,describe individual experiments and provide the results from the autonomous flight testing.II.PlatformA.Platform Design and Propulsion SystemThe custom built platform in“Fig.1”is based on a conventional Quadrotor design with some structural modifications.The entire body is fabricated from printed circuit board(PCB).The idea is to have a tight integration between the structure,electronics and sensors to reduce weight,minimise wiring,and improve manufacturability.The PCB body is extended out to support a carbon fibre ring that allows the MAV to survive small collisions with walls and other large objects including people.The system is designed so that additional control boards and/or sensors can be stacked in its centre with minimal effort.The propulsion system consists of two pairs of brushless out-runner motors,each pair fitted with200mm contra-rotating plastic propellers which are powered by a single2100mAH Lithium Polymer battery.This configuration provides approximately350g of thrust for each motor,giving a total thrust of~1400g.As the system is actively stabilised a thrust overhead of 100%is recommended for stable flight,thus allowing for a total take-off weight of~700g.When fitted with the sensors and electronics the system could also carry an additional100g payload however this would reduce the current endurance of7minutes to approximately3minutes.In the future we intend to drastically reduce the weight and optimise the structure of the platform to improve the flight time.B.Sensors and Stability ControlThe Quadrotor is naturally a highly non-linear and unstable platform which requires stability controllers to deal with its fast dynamics.If you are a skilled pilot it is possible to fly the Quadrotor with only rotational dampening control using three rate gyroscopes.However as this system is aimed at removing the pilot from the loop,a chip containing three accelerometers has been added to calculate and align with the gravity component of the earth,thus providing automatic levelling.In order to fuse this information together we implement a complementary filter that takes the integrated angular rate of the gyroscope and the measured Euler angle from the accelerometers11.The output of the filter is then fed into a proportional-integral-derivative controller.This is done for both pitch and roll stability control,yaw stability control is simply implemented using the rate gyroscope and a proportional controller.However even with automatic levelling the platform still has a tendency to drift due to the gyro run-away and external accelerations introduced by the motion of the platform. To correct for this drifting four perpendicular infrared distance sensors with a maximum range of3m have been used“Fig.2”.These sensors can also provide a reference for manoeuvring in a two-dimensional space and allowfor collision detection of large objects.The infrared sensors have been characterised as seen in“Fig.4”to determine their transfer function by taking the10-bit Analogue to Digital Converter(ADC)readings over a range from0m to4.5m in100mm steps.The response of this sensor is comparable to a logarithmic function. The altitude of the platform is measured using an ultrasonic sensor“Fig.3”,this sensor has a minimum range of 152.4mm and a maximum range of6477mm with a resolution of25.4mm.This sensor has an onboard microcontroller that calculates the distance and converts it to an analogue voltage,PWM signal and USART.Figure1.Custom Quadrotor platform:A.)protection ring,B.)brushless motor,C.)contra-rotating propellers,D.)LIPO battery,E.)high-speed motor controller,F.)flight computer,G.)infrared sensorsFigure2.Infrared sensors Figure3.Ultrasonic sensorFigure4.Infrared sensor transfer functionC.Embedded ElectronicsThe high-speed brushless motor controller board“Fig.5”uses four,8-bit ATMEL microcontrollers,one for each sensor-less out-runner motor.Schematics and PCB have been custom designed in-house however the source code has been provided by the Mikrokopter project11.Feedback for speed control is provided by the low pass filtered back EMF spikes produced when the motor is running.The three phase PWM signals run at16 KHz to control the motor.Each motor can be updated at a rate of500Hz,this allows for a high update rate of the entire stability control system,from sensor to actuator.By implementing an update rate an order of magnitude higher than the dynamics of the system a simple linear controller can be used to control the non-linear system. The four channel high speed motor controller communicates with the flight computer via I C.Figure5.High speed brushless motor controller:left–top-view,right–bottom-viewThe flight computer board“Fig.6”consists of two microcontrollers,one8-bit ATMEL allocated for low-level stability control(inspired by the Mikrokopter project11)and another faster16-bit dsPIC for high-level autonomous control.This minimizes the risk of affecting the stability and manual controls when implementing new higher-level control strategies.The board houses the three gyroscopes and three accelerometers as well as an additional pressure sensor and two-axis magnetometer for altitude and heading control respectively. However,the later two sensors are not active in these experiments.Figure6.Flight computerD.ConnectivityThe ultrasonic sensor is connected via a UART interface and the four infrared sensors are connected directly to the dsPICs analogue inputs.A radio control receiver is connected through a PPM input to allow for manual flight control and switching between the autonomous and manual modes.The board also has extended connectivity for adding additional sensors and/or controllers via a serial interface.The serial interface can be configured for SPI or UART plus I C,in this experiment a wireless,“XBeePro”,downlink has been connected here for data analysis.Additionally the board has a1MB EEPROM for storing experimental and/or configuration data.III.Experiment RoomThe room where the experiments were conducted is6m wide,7m long and3m high“Fig.7”.A dome camera has been installed on the roof to track the platforms trajectory.This camera has a180ºfield of view and is capable of seeing anywhere in the room below.To allow the platform to be seen clearly,the floor of the room was covered with white vinyl and all obstacles in the room were removed.A desk was left in one of the corners to hold a laptop computer,the computer is used to record the data from the camera and to allow quick re-programming of the control gains.When experiments are conducted a safety pilot sits along the centre of the bottom wall,the pilot has the ability to activate and deactivate the system to start/stop an experiment or in the case of a failure,control the platform manually.A script was written for MATLAB to extract the trajectory of the platform from a pre-recorded video.The initial position of the platform for each experiment is in the centre of the room.Figure7.Camera view of experiment roomNOTE:The view from the camera is highly distorted.Because the platform flies closer to the camera the perceived position of the platform is worse than it actually is in reality.Due to this the following plots will include a dotted box defining the limits where the platform would collide with the wall at the pre-determined altitude.IV.In-Flight ExperimentsAt this stage,the goal is to enable the Quadrotor to fly in the experiment room,with no obstacles, automatically take-off,fly at a constant altitude of one meter,achieve constant anti-drift control,and automatically land after one minute.This must be achieved without any human intervention.We present three experiments that show the progression towards achieving this goal.The first experiment was designed to observe the altitude control capability.The aim was to achieve automatic take-off,altitude control and automatic landing with the pitch and roll controlled manually.The second experiment was designed to observe the hands-off capability by implementing the four infrared sensors.The aim was to use both altitude control and infrared collision avoidance to achieve a fully autonomous flight.The third experiment was designed to observe the hands-off capability by implementing the infrared anti-drift control.The aim was toachieve both altitude control and anti-drift control to have a fully autonomous stable hover in the centre of the room.A.Altitude ControlIn the first experiment,altitude control is achieved by means of a standard proportional-integral-derivative controller using the down-pointed ultrasonic sensor.To enable automatic take-off the set-point of the controller is slowly increased until the height is equal to one meter,this is done at a rate of approximately150mm per second.Similarly,automatic landing is achieved by slowly decreasing the height set-point until the platform is on the ground.As shown in“Fig.8”,the altitude sensor data was logged during an autonomous take-off,hover and landing sequence.The platform takes-off slowly then proceeds to a stable hover at the set-point of one meter.After30seconds the system comes down slowly and lands.The response has been logged for ten independent flights to show the systems repeatability and robustness“Fig.9”.The mean altitude during stable hover was calculated to be974.13mm,with a standard deviation of30.46mm.The sensor resolution is25.4mm therefore the deviation is well within two measurement steps.The26mm offset is approximately equal to the sensor resolution.This suggests that the gravity component acting on the platform tends to push the altitude to the lower of the two sensor increments about the1m setpoint.Figure8.Altitude response during the first run-take-off,hover and landingFigure9.Mean altitude response of ten independent runs–take-off and hoverB.Collision AvoidanceIn the second experiment,collision avoidance is achieved by means of a proportional-derivative controller and a distance balancing algorithm,one for pitch and one for roll.This algorithm simply calculates the difference in distance between the two opposing walls.The difference is then fed into the controller,the output then alters the attitude angle of the platform to turn away from the wall.The range of the infrared sensors has been limited to1.5meters by adding input limits on the ADC values within the acquisition code.As shown in “Fig.10”,the initial position of the platform is in the centre of the room.In the middle of the room,due to thelimits placed on the sensor range,the sensors cannot detect a wall in any direction so the platform takes-off and flies in a random direction depending on its initial attitude.As it approaches the first wall the controllers act to prevent a collision and the platform flies off in another direction.This simple control approach allows the platform to fly safely avoiding the walls for as long as the battery permits.Figure10.Collision avoidance trajectory plot–control gains:kp=5and kd=200C.Anti-Drift ControlIn the third experiment,by keeping the same control strategy,reducing the controller gains and not limiting the range of the infrared sensors,a method to achieve anti-drifting has been demonstrated.As shown in“Fig. 11”,the initial position of the platform is in the centre of the room.In the middle of the room the sensors can just detect the four walls however any reading below two meters is not accurate.The walls are between3and 9.2meters away depending on the rotational orientation of the platform,so there is a2x3-m rectangular boundary in the centre where the sensors cannot accurately detect the position of the platform.The drift during position hold is due to this uncertainty.When the platform takes-off it instantly begins to correct for drift and keep the platform in the centre of the room.This simple control approach allows the platform to hold its position safely close to the centre of the room for as long as the battery permits.Figure11.Anti-drift trajectory plot–control gains:kp=2.2and kd=100These experiments were carried out several times with the same control strategy and the platform demonstrated good robustness.As most rooms within houses or offices are less than6-m in dimensions this sensing is considered adequate for such a system.V.Conclusion and OutlookThis paper describes a Quadrotor system capable of autonomous operation within obstacle free indoor environments.The results show that the Quadrotor is capable of automatic take-off,constant altitude control, obstacle avoidance,anti-drift control and automatic landing.This has been achieved using simple sensing and control strategies.In the future,we plan to improve the sensing capabilities and perform more experiments with the current system,such as corridor following or autonomous flight in populated rooms.VI.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Guido de Croon for creating the MATLAB script for tracking the trajectory of the platform.This work is part of the Swarmanoid project funded by the Future and Emergent Technologies Division of the European Commission.References1Microdrones GmbH,“Microdrone MD4-200”,URL:,Accessed July2007.2Gurdan,D.,Stumpf,J.,Achtelik,M.,Doth,K-M.,Hirzinger,G.,Rus,D.,“Energy-efficient Autonomous Four-rotor Flying Robot Controlled at1kHz”,2007IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,Roma,Italy,April2007.3Matsue,A.,Hirosue,W.,Tokutake,H.,Sundada,S.,Ohkura,A.,“Navigation of Small and Lightweight Helicopter”,Trans.Japan Society Aeronautical and Space Sciences.Vol.48,NO.161,pp.177-179,2005.4Ohkura,A.,Tokutake,H.,Sundada,S.,“Autonomous Hovering of a Small Helicopter”,Trans.Japan Society Aeronautical and Space Sciences.Vol.53,NO.619,pp.376-378,2005.5Holland,O.,Woods,J.,Nardi,R.D.,Clark,A.,“Beyond Swarm Intelligence:The Ultraswarm”,IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium2005.6Nardi,R.D.,Holland,O.,Woods,J.,Clark,A.,“SwarMAV:A swarm of Miniature Aerial Vehicles”,21st Bristol UAV Systems Conference,April20067Green,W.E.,Oh,P.Y.,“A Fixed-Wing Aircraft for Hovering in Caves,Tunnels,and Buildings,”IEEE American Control Conference,Minneapolis,MN,pp.1092-1097,June2006.8Green,W.E.,Oh,P.Y.,“Autonomous Hovering of a Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicle,”IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,Orlando,FL,pp.2164-2169,May2006.9Green,W.E.,Oh,P.Y.,“A MAV That Flies Like an Airplane and Hovers Like a Helicopter,”IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,Monterey,California,pp.699-704,July2005.10Green,W.E.,Oh,P.Y.,“Optic Flow Based Collision Avoidance on a Hybrid MAV,”IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,(in press).11Holger,B.,Mikrokopter Open Source Quadrotor,“WIKI:MikroKopter.de”,URL:,Accessed July2007.。
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别急,市场上跑得快的金业未必能跑得久;别 惧,每一分投入未必都会以销量提高来证明值得。
任 正非就曾说过,“科学研究,没有浪费就不可能有成功,华为走到今天,产品研究的成功率应该还没有超过50%,相当于我们每年有几十亿美金被浪费了,但是培养了一大批高级将领。
在ITMA2019期间,中国纺织机械协会组织了 140 多位相关院校专家、企业家参观考察了欧洲的纺机企业,欧洲精湛制造工艺、先进管理理念给参观者的印象同样深刻。
行业资讯INDUSTRY INFORMATION科技竭冷SSFG 将与城市建设和治理融为一体在建筑科技创新领域,SSGF 髙质量建造体系已成为行 业的一面旗帜。
作为一种新型装配和建筑工业化解决方案,SSGF 高质量建造体系以装配、现浇、机电、内装等工业化为基础,有效解决了渗漏、开裂、空鼓等传统建造方式中的痛 点,在行业首创“全天候工地开放”,把建造技术纳人到社会 治理和公众参与过程中,受到了行业、社会和客户的广泛关 注与肯定。
据悉,SSGF 高质量建造体系正在质量提升、标准引领、 品牌带动等方面发力,不仅成为一套先进的建造技术,而且 正在从研发到设计、生产、运输、安装、维护等转化为一体化 的全产业链条,并与城市建设和治理融为一体。
碧桂园集团 助理总裁、筑梦高科建筑有限公司总经理孙军认为,民用建 筑科技创新、品质提升直接关系着老百姓的美好生活,无论 是房地产企业还是建筑企业都要把科技创新作为责任和使 命杠在肩上。
Alphabet 公司有望扩大无人机商用规模据报道,谷歌母公司Alphabet 旗下无人机配送服务部门Wing 和另夕卜两家公司表示,他们已经测试了一种识别无人机的新系统,有可能为无人机大规模投人商用铺平道路。
这些 无人机使用由通用网络系统链接的不同软件应用,共享数 据,可以很容易地在笔记本电脑、手机或其他数字设备上同 时捕获无人机的位置和运营商的身份等信息。
在这一概念下,运营商、政府机构和公民个人都将可以 获得数据。
然而,美国航空安全和执法官员表示,在没有可 靠识别技术的情况下,他们将拒绝批准广泛的商业无人机使 用,支持者则希望说服联邦航空管理局(FAA )放松对无人 机飞行的限制。
美国斥巨资开启量子“登月计划”美国总统特朗普日前正式签署国家量子法案,全方位加 速量子科技的研发与应用,确保美国量子科技的领先地位,开启量子领域的“登月计划”。
根据法案,美国将制定量子科 技长期发展战略,实施为期10年的“国家量子计划”。
随着太空时代的到来,对于突破了卡门线的航天器来说,高度似乎对它们没有什么意义了,但是对于航空器来说,天空的极限到底是多少呢?有资料显示,世界上飞得最高的飞机是美国的X-15 A研究试验机。
1961年3月30日,美国航空航天局的试飞员约瑟夫·沃尔克驾驶该机飞到了5.1695万米的高度,1962年 4月30日飞到了7.5195万米的高度,7月17日,他又飞到9.5936万米高度,被世界航空组织正式批准为世界绝对纪录。
X-15 A是北美航空公司研制的以火箭为动力的有人驾驶高空高速研究机。
该机装有一台锡奥科耳化学公司的 X L R99- R M-2型单腔可调液体推进剂火箭发动机,在1.37万米高空时的推力为253.85千牛,机舱上涂有可耐1648℃高温的物质。
该种机共生产3架,试验于 1968年11月结束,共计飞行199次。
2019年美国帕萨迪纳太空技术展览会SPACE TECH EXPO USA
展会地址:美国-帕萨迪纳-图拉尔国际农业展中心INTERNATIONAL AGRI-CENTER
菲尔兄弟为国王、王后、宫廷大臣及13万巴黎市民进行 了热气球的
陆军使用。不过,这时的飞机还主要用于侦 察,飞机的研制工作大多也由私人进行,因
整个热气球受到内部气体的重力,球皮重力,空气浮力。 热气球内部的气体温度高,密度比外面的空气小,内部的 气体密度小所以重力小,内部气体的重力与球皮重力之和 小于空气浮力,就会上升。
用多种新技术的新型飞艇被 用于空中摄影摄像、巡逻等方面,洛杉矶、汉城和巴塞罗
2019年天文领域大事件回顾撰文 | 王善钦来源:蔻享学术2019年就要结束了。
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