




1日常起居Daily RoutineK 起床 Getting Up0045K 睡觉 Sleeping0051K 居家住房 Living in the House0057家庭生活CHAPTER 12出入家门Leaving and Getting HomeK 离家前 Before Leaving Home0063K 回家后 After Getting Home0069家庭生活CHAPTER 13家常美食Homemade FoodK 做饭 Cooking0075K 吃饭 Dining0081K 饮料 Drinks0087K 肉类 Meat0093K 一日三餐 Breakfast, Lunch and Supper 0099K 收拾餐桌碗碟Cleaning up the Table and Dishware 0105家庭生活CHAPTER 14理财规划Financial ManagementK 花销 Expense0111K 储蓄 Saving 0117家庭生活CHAPTER 15电话往来Telephone CommunicationK 接电话 Answering the Telephone0125K 打电话 Making a Telephone Call0131K 电话留言 Message0137K 打错电话 Wrong Number0143K 挂断电话 Hanging Up0149K 手机座机通话障碍Telephone Connection Difficulties0155日常生活CHAPTER 26休闲娱乐Recreation and EntertainmentK 看电视 Watching TV0163K 看电影 Going to the Movies0169K 听音乐 Listening to Music0177K 读书看报 Reading Book and Newspaper0183 K 在KTV At the KTV0189K 在舞厅 At the Ballroom0195K 在酒吧 At the Bar0201K 在咖啡馆In the Café0209日常生活CHAPTER 27数字、时间与日期Number, Time and DateK 数字 Number0215K 时间 Time0221K 日期 Date0227日常生活CHAPTER 28外出就餐前Before Dining OutK 商定餐馆 Deciding on Restaurant0235 K 预订餐位 Reserving a Table0241餐厅用餐CHAPTER 39点菜OrderingK 准备点菜 Getting Ready to Order0247 K 点菜 Ordering0253K 等待上菜 Waiting for Food0259餐厅用餐CHAPTER 310用餐DiningK 用餐中劝酒夹菜Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal0265 K 谈论饭菜Discussing Dishes0271K 抱怨饭菜Complaining about the Food0277K 买单Paying the Check0283餐厅用餐CHAPTER 311其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of RestaurantsK 在西餐厅At a Western Restaurant 0289K 在比萨店At a Pizza Shop0295K 在快餐店At a Fast-Food Restaurant0301餐厅用餐CHAPTER 312理发HaircutK 准备理发 Getting Ready for a Haircut0309K 开始理发 Starting to Have a Haircut0315美容美发CHAPTER 413烫发染发Hair Perming and DyingK 烫发Having One’s Hair Permed0321K 染发Having One’s Hair Dyed0327美容美发CHAPTER 414美容Beauty CareK 皮肤护理 Skin Care0333K 美甲服务 Nail Care0339美容美发CHAPTER 415恋爱生活Life in loveK 萌生好感 Having a Crush0347K 表白爱意 Expressing Love0353K 约会交往 Dating0359K 抱怨 Complaining0367K 争吵 Disputing0373K 用情不专 Being Unfaithful in a Relationship0379 K 分手 Breaking Up0385恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 516婚姻生活Marriage LifeK 婚姻状况 Marital Status0391K 求婚 Proposing0397K 拒绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer0403K 同意求婚 Accepting an Offer0409K 婚礼 Wedding0415K 幸福的婚姻 A Happy Marriage0421K 不幸的婚姻 An Unhappy Marriage0427 K 离婚 Divorce0433恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 517大众节日Popular HolidaysK 新年 New Year0441K 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day0447K 万圣节前夜 Halloween0453K 圣诞节 Christmas0459节日庆祝CHAPTER 618特定人群节日Holidays for Special GroupsK 情人节Valentine’s Day0465K 母亲节Mother’s Day0471K 父亲节Father’s Day0477节日庆祝CHAPTER 619个人节日Personal CelebrationsK 生日 Birthday0483K 结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary0489 节日庆祝CHAPTER 6交际口语篇20态度表达Expressing One’s AttitudeK 信任 Trust0545K 怀疑 Suspicion0551K 冷漠 Indifference0557K 自信 Confidence0563K 犹豫 Hesitation0569K 后悔 Regret0575K 抱怨 Complaint0581K 惊讶 Surprise0587K 担心与忧虑 Worry and Concern0593 K 害怕 Fear0599态度意愿CHAPTER 121意愿表达Expressing One’s WillK 打算 Planning0605K 建议 Giving Advice0611K 劝告 Persuading0617K 请求 Making Requests0623K 鼓励 Encouraging0629K 警告 Warning0635K 威胁 Making a Threat0641K 称赞Paying a Compliment0647K 对称赞的回应Responding to Compliment0653K 责备批评Blaming and Criticizing0659K 对责备批评的回应Responding to Blame and Criticism0665 K 比较 Making a Comparison0671K 提供帮助 Offering Help0677K 同情与安慰Sympathizing and Consoling0683K 催促 Urging0689态度意愿CHAPTER 122肯定观点Positive OpinionsK 肯定 Affirmation0697K 赞成 Approval0703K 同意 Agreement0709K 愿意 Willingness0715K 喜欢 Like0721K 满意 Satisfaction0727观点表达CHAPTER 223否定观点Negative OpinionsK 否定 Negation0733K 不赞成 Disapproval0739K 不同意 Disagreement0745K 不愿意 Unwillingness0751K 不喜欢 Dislike0757K 不满意 Dissatisfaction0763观点表达CHAPTER 224美好情绪Good EmotionsK 乐观 Optimism0771K 兴奋 Excitement0777K 高兴与快乐 Happiness and Joy0783情绪表达CHAPTER 325不佳情绪Bad EmotionsK 悲观 Pessimism0789K 抑郁与沮丧 Depression and Dismay0795K 生气 Anger0801K 厌烦 Boredom0807K 失望与绝望 Disappointment and Despair0813 情绪表达CHAPTER 326引经据典之励志篇About MotivationK 理想 Ideal0821K 品德 Virtue0827K 奋斗 Striving0833引经据典CHAPTER 427引经据典之情感篇About FeelingsK 亲情 Kinship0839K 友情 Friendship0845K 爱情 Love0851K 婚姻 Marriage0857引经据典CHAPTER 428特定话题Special TopicsK 住房 Housing0865K 炒股 Investing in Stocks0873K 科技 Science and Technology0879 K 计算机 Computer0885K 网络 Internet0891K 电脑病毒 Computer Virus0897K 网上购物 Online Shopping0905K 网上银行 Internet Banking0911K 环境Environment0919K 教育Education0925K 学习Studying0931K 英语学习English Learning0937K 工作Work0943K 创业Starting a Business0949热门话题CHAPTER 529日常杂谈Daily ConversationsK 天气 Weather0955K 外貌 Appearance0963K 运动健身 Exercise and Fitness0971K 减肥 Losing Weight0977K 旅游 Traveling0983K 电影 Movie0989K 家庭 Family0995K 择偶 Choosing a Mate1001K 爱好 Hobby1007K 宠物 Pet1013热门话题CHAPTER 5出国口语篇30乘飞机Taking AirplaneK 预订机票 Making Airline Reservation1069K 更改航班 Rescheduling a Flight1075K 办理登机手续 Checking In1081K 在飞机上 On Plane1087K 行李提取 Picking up Luggage1093K 入境检查 Having Border Entry Inspection1099 交通出行CHAPTER 131陆地交通Land TransportationK 自驾车Driving One’s Own Car1105K 乘坐火车Taking a Train1115K 乘坐公交车Taking a Bus1121K 乘坐地铁Taking a Subway1127K 乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi 1133交通出行CHAPTER 132求学准备阶段Preparation for Going to SchoolK 留学咨询Consulting about Studying Abroad1141 K 学校申请Applying for a School1147K 奖学金申请Applying for a Scholarship 1153求学在外CHAPTER 233初进学校Getting to the New SchoolK 熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates1159 K 寻找住房Looking for an Apartment1165求学在外CHAPTER 234学习过程Course of StudyK 上课下课 Having Classes1171K 课外作业 Homework1177K 在实验室 In the Lab1183K 在图书馆 At the Library1189K 考试测验 Exams and Tests1195求学在外CHAPTER 235课外生活Extracurricular ActivitiesK 宿舍花絮 Living in Dorm1201K 吃在校园 Dining in School1207K 校园爱情 Love on Campus1213K 放假旅游 Holiday Trip1219K 体育运动 Sports1225K 社团协会 Clubs and Associations1231K 校园兼职 Part-time Work-study Job1237K 毕业之际 Graduation1243求学在外CHAPTER 236出游杂事Traveling MattersK 旅游计划 Planning for a Vacation1251K 旅游咨询 Making Sightseeing Enquiries1257 K 护照和签证 Passport and Visa1263K 海关通关 Going Through Customs1269旅游度假CHAPTER 337入住宾馆Hotel Check-inK 预订与入住 Reservation and Check-in1275 K 各项宾馆服务 Hotel Services1281K 结账退房 Check-out1287旅游度假CHAPTER 338观光购物Sightseeing and ShoppingK 参观游览 Sightseeing1293K 拍照留念 Taking Photos1299K 洗照片 Having the Film Developed1305K 购买纪念品 Buying Souvenirs1311旅游度假CHAPTER 339旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the TripK 语言不通Having Language Barrier1317K 迷失方向Losing Direction1323K 突发急病Emergency1329K 物品遗失Losing Something1335旅游度假CHAPTER 340购物意向Shopping IntentionsK 去逛街Going Shopping1343K 购物咨询At the Information Desk1349商场购物CHAPTER 441购物过程PurchasingK 选购Shopping Around1355K 试穿与试用Trying 1361K 谈论颜色与尺寸Discussing Colors and Sizes1367 K 讨价还价Bargaining1373K 付款Paying1379商场购物CHAPTER 442售后服务After-sales ServiceK 包装与送货 Gift-wrapping and Delivery1385K 售后服务 After-sales Service1391商场购物CHAPTER 443邮局业务Postal ServiceK 邮寄信件Mailing a Letter1399K 寄取包裹Sending and Picking up a Package1405邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 544银行业务Banking ServiceK 开户 Opening an Account1411K 存取款 Depositing and Withdrawing Money1417 K 挂失与销户Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account1423K 汇款 Sending Money 1429K 外汇 Foreign Exchange1435K 支票兑现 Cashing a Cheque1441K 贷款 Borrowing a Loan1447邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 545看病程序Doctor-seeing ProceduresK 挂号 Registering1455K 就诊 Seeing a Doctor1461K 买药 Buying Medicines1467K 复查 Having Re-examination1473医院诊所CHAPTER 646描述症状Symptom DescriptionsK 全身不适 Discomfort in Entire Body 1479 K 头部不适 Discomfort in Head1485K 上半身不适 Discomfort in Upper Body1491 K 四肢不适 Discomfort in Limbs 1497医院诊所CHAPTER 6职场口语篇47礼貌用语Language CourtesyK 感谢与回答感谢Expressing and Responding to Thanks 1553 K 道歉与回答道歉Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way to Respond 1559K 其他礼貌用语Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy 1565社交用语CHAPTER 148日常问候Everyday GreetingsK 基本问候 Basic Greetings1571K 久别重逢 Greetings after a Long Separation1577 K 日常告别 Everyday Farewells1583K 晚上告别 Evening Farewells1589K 临行告别 Farewells When Taking Leave1595K 回应告别 Responding to Farewell1601社交用语CHAPTER 149见面介绍Meeting for the First TimeK 询问姓名与身份 Asking for Name and Identity1607 K 介绍自己 Introducing Oneself1613K 介绍他人 Introducing Others1619K 回应介绍 Responding to Introductions1625社交用语CHAPTER 150邀请InvitationK 提出邀请 Inviting Someone1631K 接受邀请 Accepting an Invitation1637K 拒绝邀请 Refusing an Invitation1643K 改变邀请 Making Changes to an Invitation1649社交用语CHAPTER 151面试咨询Enquiry about an InterviewK 空闲职位咨询Asking about Available Positions1657K 应聘资格咨询Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements1663 K 工作详情咨询Inquiring about Work Details 1669] 面试问答CHAPTER 252面试问题Interview QuestionsK 常见问题问答 Common Interview Questions1675K 难题问答 Difficult Questions1681K 薪金待遇 Salary and Benefits1687K 工作期望 Career Goals1693面试问答CHAPTER 253个人情况Personal InformationK 能力介绍Introducing One’s Ability1701K 性格介绍Introducing One’s Personality1707K 个人爱好 Hobbies1713K 教育背景 Educational Background1719K 荣誉奖项 Achievements and Rewards1725K 外语水平 Foreign Language Level1731K 计算机水平 Computer Knowledge1737K 工作经验 Work Experience1743K 辞职与应聘原因The Reasons for Applying for a Job 1749面试实战CHAPTER 354模拟面试Simulation of InterviewK 应聘经理 Applying for a Management Position1755 K 应聘助理 Applying for a Position as an Assistant1761 K 应聘秘书Applying for a Position as a Secretary1767K 应聘销售人员Applying for a Position as a Salesperson1773K 应聘外贸人员Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade1779面试实战CHAPTER 355报到上班Check-in for WorkK 第一天上班 First Day of Work1787初入职场CHAPTER 456认识新同事Getting to Know New ColleaguesK 职场自我介绍 Introducing Oneself at Workplace1793 K 认识同事 Getting to Know New Colleagues1799K 同事间的帮助 Offering Help Between Colleagues1805初入职场CHAPTER 457在办公室In the OfficeK 工作对话 Conversations at Workplace1813K 现代化办公 Modern Office Work1819身在职场CHAPTER 558出勤与请假Attendance and Day-offK 迟到与早退 Arriving Late and Leaving Early1825K 请假 Asking for Some Time Off1831身在职场CHAPTER 559加薪Raise in SalaryK 要求加薪 Demanding a Raise1837身在职场CHAPTER 560同事间交往Building Friendship between ColleaguesK 同事关系 The Relationship between Colleagues 1843 K 请求拜访同事 Asking to Visit a Colleague1849K 邀请同事 Inviting a Colleague1855K 同事家庭小聚Meeting at Colleague’s Home1861身在职场CHAPTER 561工作情绪Feelings T owards a JobK 厌恶工作 Hating the Job1867K 喜爱工作 Loving the Job1873身在职场CHAPTER 562离职Leaving the CompanyK 解聘 Getting Fired1879K 辞职 Resigning1885身在职场CHAPTER 563医院一般窗口服务General OfficesK 挂号处 Registration Office1893K 划价收费处 Prescription Pricing and Cashier1899 K 药房 Pharmacy1905医护人员英语CHAPTER 664医院常见门诊服务Common Clinical DepartmentsK 发热门诊 Department for High Fever1911K 内科门诊 Internal Medicine Department1917K 外科门诊 Surgery Department1923K 耳鼻喉科门诊 Department of ENT1931K 口腔科门诊 Department of Dentistry1937K 眼科门诊 Department of Ophthalmology1943 K 骨科门诊 Department of Orthopedics1949K 中医门诊Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine1955 K 住院服务 In-patient Service1961K 出院服务 Out-patient Service 1967医护人员英语CHAPTER 665交警英语English for Traffic PoliceK 道路执法Enforcing Traffic Law1975K 车祸调查Investigating a Traffic Accident1981K 指路Giving Directions 1987警察英语CHAPTER 766刑警英语English for Criminal PoliceK 逮捕嫌疑犯Arresting a Suspect1995K 调查审讯Interviewing a Suspect2001警察英语CHAPTER 767English for CivilianPoliceK 调查外国人身份Investigating the Identity of a Foreigner 2007 K 处理紧急事件Dealing with Emergency2013警察英语CHAPTER 7商贸口语篇68建立业务关系Establishing Business RelationshipK 建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship2069K 实地拜访参观Visiting the Company in Person2075K 观看货样展品Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products2081 商贸英语CHAPTER 169价格与付款Price and PaymentK 询价 Making an Inquiry2087K 报价 Making an Offer2093K 商议价格 Bargaining2099K 折扣 Discount2105K 佣金 Commission2111K 下定单 Placing an Order2117K 付款方式 Terms of Payment2123CHAPTER 170包装与运输Packing and ShippingK 包装 Packing2129K 运输 Shipping213571保险、索赔与纠纷Insurance, Compensation and DisputeK 保险 Insurance2141K 投诉与索赔Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss2147 K 拒绝赔偿Refusing to Accept the Claim2153K 同意赔偿Accepting the Claim2159商贸英语CHAPTER 172接待来客Receiving ClientsK 机场迎接客人Meeting a Guest at the Airport2167K 接待来客Receiving a Client2173K 送别来客Seeing off a Client2179秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 273日程安排ScheduleK 安排老板日程 Making Schedule for the Boss2185K 安排会议 Arranging a Meeting2191K 安排预约 Making an Appointment2197秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 274银行职员一般业务General ServicesK 业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service2205K 开户业务 Helping Open an Account2211K 存取款业务Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money2217K 汇款业务 Helping Send Money2223K 挂失与销户业务Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account2229K 银行卡业务 Offering Bank Card Service2235银行职员英语CHAPTER 375银行职员其他业务Other ServicesK 外汇兑换业务 Offering Money Exchange Service2241 K 支票业务 Offering Cheque Service2247K 零钱兑换业务 Offering Money Changing Service2253 银行职员英语CHAPTER 376邮局职员一般业务General ServicesK 邮局业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service2261K 信件业务 Letter Service2267K 包裹业务 Parcel Service2273邮局职员英语CHAPTER 477邮局职员其他业务Other ServicesK 信封邮票销售Selling Envelopes and Stamps2279K 报刊杂志业务Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service2285 78宾馆前台服务ReceptionK 客房预订Taking Room Reservation2293K 接待登记Receiving Guest and Helping Check In2299K 投诉处理Handling Complaint2305K 为顾客结账退房Helping Check Out2311宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 579宾馆客房服务Room ServicesK 引领客房 Showing Guest the Room2317 K 整理客房 Making up the Room2323K 洗衣服务 Laundry Service2329K 送餐服务 Room Service2335K 叫醒服务 Wake-up Service 2341K 设施维修服务 Facility Repair Service2347 宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 580宾馆商场部服务Services at the ShopK 在珠宝工艺品店At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 2353K 在丝绸店At the Silk Shop2359宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 581餐厅接待服务Receiving GuestsK 接听订餐电话Taking Reservation over the Telephone2367 K 领座 Seating a Guest 2373K 请客人点餐 Asking a Guest to Order2379 K 菜肴介绍 Introducing Dishes 2385餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 682餐厅其他服务Other ServicesK 上菜 Serving Dishes2391K 处理顾客抱怨 Dealing with Complaints2397K 随桌服务 Waiting on the Table2403K 结账送客 Settling Bill and Sending off Guests2409 餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 683售货员接待顾客服务Serving CustomersK 招呼顾客 Receiving Customers2417K 产品介绍 Introducing Products2423K 产品价格Products’ Price2429K 售后服务 After-sales Service2435K 送别顾客 Saying Good-bye to a Customer2441售货员英语CHAPTER 784售货员销售商品服务Selling ProductsK 服装销售 Selling Clothes2447K 鞋帽销售 Selling Hats and Shoes2453K 食品销售 Selling Food2459K 电器销售 Selling Household Appliances2465K 化妆品销售 Selling Cosmetics2471K 纪念品销售 Selling Souvenirs2477售货员英语CHAPTER 785出租车司机接待乘客Receiving PassengersK 招呼乘客 Greeting a Passenger2485K 途中询问 Questions on the Route2491K 向乘客收费 Collecting the Fare from a Passenger2497出租车英语CHAPTER 886解释交通道路状况Explaining Traffic ConditionsK 解释路面状况 Explaining Road Conditions2503K 解释行驶故障 Explaining Troubles on the Road2509出租车英语CHAPTER 8CHAPTER ONE家庭生活; Section 1 - 日常起居 P0045~0062; Section 2 - 出入家门 P0063~0074; Section 3 - 家常美食 P0075~0110; Section 4 - 理财规划 P0111~01221起床早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱--日复一日,年复一年。






打招呼和问候1.Hi/Hello! - 嗨/你好!2.How are you? - 你好吗?3.What's up? - 怎么样?4.Long time no see! - 好久不见!5.How have you been? - 最近怎么样?自我介绍1.My name is [姓名]. - 我叫[姓名]。

2.I'm from [城市/国家]. - 我来自[城市/国家]。

3.Nice to meet you! - 很高兴认识你!4.I'm a student/teacher/engineer, etc. - 我是个学生/教师/工程师等。

询问和回答问题1.What do you do for a living? - 你是做什么工作的?•I work as a [职业]. / I'm a [职业]. - 我从事[职业]。

2.Where are you from? - 你从哪里来?•I'm from [城市/国家]. - 我来自[城市/国家]。

3.How old are you? - 你多大了?•I'm [年龄] years old. - 我[年龄]岁。

询问和提供帮助1.Can I help you with anything? - 我能帮你什么忙吗?2.Do you need any assistance?3.How can I assist you?请求和提供信息1.Excuse me, do you have the time? - 打扰一下,请问现在几点了?•Sure! It's [时间]. - 当然!现在是[时间]。






1. Greetings and Introductions (问候与介绍)在初次见面时,合适的问候和自我介绍能够给人留下良好的印象。

- 问候 (Greetings):- Good morning/afternoon/evening! 早上/下午/晚上好!- How are you? 你好吗?- Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!- 自我介绍 (Introductions):- Hi, I'm [name]. 你好,我是[名字]。

- Hello, my name is [name]. 大家好,我是[名字]。

- Nice to meet you, I'm [name]. 很高兴见到你,我是[名字]。

2. Making Small Talk (闲聊)与陌生人或熟人交谈时,一些闲聊话题能够帮助缓解尴尬气氛,并建立起更好的交流。

- 关于天气 (Talking about the weather):- Nice day, isn't it? 天气不错,对吗?- It's quite hot/cold today, isn't it? 今天很热/很冷,对吗?- Have you been outside? How's the weather? 你出去了吗?天气怎么样?- 问候家人 (Asking about family):- How's your family doing? 你的家人过得怎么样?- Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?- Are you married? Do you have any children? 你结婚了吗?有孩子吗?- 兴趣爱好 (Hobbies and interests):- What do you like to do in your free time? 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?- Have you seen any good movies recently? 最近看过好电影吗?- Do you have any favorite sports? 你喜欢什么体育项目?3. Asking for Help (寻求帮助)在外出旅行或日常生活中,有时我们需要向他人寻求帮助。






1. Greetings(问候)在日常生活中,我们经常需要用到问候语。

以下是一些常用的问候语:- Good morning!(早上好!)- Good afternoon!(下午好!)- Good evening!(晚上好!)- Hello!(你好!)- Hi!(嗨!)- How are you?(你好吗?)- How are you doing?(你好吗?)- What's up?(最近过得如何?)2. Introductions(介绍)在与陌生人接触时,适当地进行自我介绍是非常重要的。

以下是一些常见的自我介绍的句子:- My name is [your name].(我的名字是【你的名字】。

)- I'm [your name].(我是【你的名字】。

)- Nice to meet you!(很高兴认识你!)- It's a pleasure to meet you!(很高兴认识你!)- Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)- What do you do?(你是做什么的?)3. Asking for Help(寻求帮助)在日常生活中,有时我们会遇到需要他人的帮助的情况。

以下是一些寻求帮助的表达方式:- Excuse me, could you please help me?(打扰一下,你能帮助我吗?)- Can you lend me a hand?(你能帮我一下吗?)- I need your assistance.(我需要你的帮助。

)- Could you please show me the way to [a place]?(你能告诉我去【某个地方】的路吗?)4. Asking for Directions(询问路线)在一个陌生的城市中,向他人询问路线是一个非常常见的情景。






打招呼1.Hi, how are you?(嗨,你好吗?)2.Hey, what’s up?(嘿,怎么了?)3.Hello, nice to see you!(你好,很高兴见到你!)4.Hi there, long time no see!(嘿,好久不见!)日常用语1.Excuse me, could you help me with this?(对不起,你能帮我一下吗?)2.I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.(对不起,我没有听清楚。

)3.Thank you so much for your help!(非常感谢你的帮助!)4.Can you repeat that, please?(请你再说一遍好吗?)道别1.Goodbye, see you later!(再见,以后再见!)2.See you soon!(很快再见!)3.Take care!(保重!)4.Bye for now!(现在先走!)道谢1.Thanks a lot for your help!(非常感谢你的帮助!)2.I really appreciate it!(我真的很感激!)3.Thank you for everything!(感谢你的一切!)4.I can’t thank you enough!(我无法表达我有多感激!)表达喜怒哀乐1.I’m so happy about the news!(我对这个消息感到非常高兴!)2.I’m really upset about what happened.(我对所发生的事感到非常难过。

)3.I’m excited for the upcoming event!(我为即将到来的活动感到兴奋!)4.I’m so bored, let’s do something fun!(我无聊透顶了,我们做点有趣的事吧!)其他常用口语1.That’s cool!(太酷了!)2.It’s no big deal.(没什么大不了的。



日常交流英语口语大全1. 问候和自我介绍•Greetings 问候–Hello! 你好!–Hi! 嗨!–Good morning/afternoon/evening! 早上好/下午好/晚上好!–How are you? 你好吗?–How’s it going? 近况如何?•Introductions 自我介绍–My name is [name]. 我叫[name]。

–I’m from [place]. 我来自[地方]。

–Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!–What do you do? 你是做什么的?–Where do you live? 你住在哪里?2. 日常会话•Asking for Information 询问信息–Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bank is? 打扰一下,你知道最近的银行在哪里吗?–Could you tell me the way to the museum? 你能告诉我去博物馆的路吗?–Do you have the time? 你知道现在几点吗?–Could you give me directions to the nearest coffee shop? 你能告诉我去最近的咖啡店的路吗?•Ordering Food 点餐–I would like to order a cheeseburger, please. 我想订一个奶酪汉堡包。

–Can I get a medium coke with that? 可以给我来一杯中杯可乐吗?–How much is the bill? 账单多少钱?–Is service charge included? 服务费包含在内吗?•Shopping 购物–Excuse me, where is the nearest mall? 打扰一下,最近的商场在哪里?–How much does this shirt cost? 这件衬衫多少钱?–Do you have this in a larger size? 这有没有更大一号的尺码?–Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?•Making Plans 安排计划–What are you doing this weekend? 这个周末你打算做什么?–Would you like to go see a movie with me? 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?–Let’s meet at the café tomorrow, around 3 pm. 明天下午3点左右我们在咖啡店见面吧。



常用英语口语表达1. 问候与介绍•Hello! (你好!)•Hi! (嗨!)•Good morning/afternoon/evening. (早上/下午/晚上好。

) •How are you? (你好吗?)•What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)2. 礼貌用语•Please. (请。

)•Thank you. (谢谢。

)•Excuse me. (打扰一下。

)•Sorry. (对不起。

)•May I...? (我可以……吗?)3. 询问问题•What time is it? (现在几点了?)•Where is the bathroom? (洗手间在哪里?)•How much does it cost? (这个多少钱?)•Can you help me, please? (请你帮个忙,好吗?)4. 在餐厅•I would like to order...(我想要点菜...)•Can I have the bill, please?(请给我账单,好吗?)•Do you have any vegetarian options?(有素食选项吗?)5. 谈论天气•How's the weather today? (今天天气怎么样?)•It's hot/cold/sunny/rainy today. (今天很热/冷/阳光明媚/下雨。

)6. 表达意见•I think... (我认为...)•In my opinion... (在我看来...)•Personally, I believe... (个人而言,我相信...)7. 请求帮助•Can you please help me? (你能帮我一下吗?)•Could you do me a favor? (你能帮个忙吗?)•I need your assistance. (我需要你的帮助。

)8. 道别•Goodbye! (再见!)•See you later! (待会儿见!)•Have a nice day! (祝你有美好的一天!)。






•Good morning/afternoon/evening!–早上好/下午好/晚上好。

•How are you?–你好吗?•Thank you!–谢谢你!•You’re welcome.–不客气。

日常用语•What’s up?–有什么事吗?最近怎么样?•I’m sorry.–对不起。

•Can you help me?–你能帮我吗?•I don’t understand.–我不明白。

•I’m hungry/thirsty.–我饿了/口渴了。

表达喜爱和厌恶•I love it!–我喜欢!•I hate it.–我讨厌。

•It’s awesome/awful!–太棒了/太糟糕了!•I can’t stand it.–我受不了。

询问和回答•What time is it?–现在几点了?•Where is the restroom?–洗手间在哪里?•How much is this?–这个多少钱?•It’s $10.–十美元。

表达情感•I’m happy/sad.–我很快乐/难过。

•I’m excited/nervous.–我很兴奋/紧张。

•I’m bored/tired.–我觉得无聊/累了。

•I’m in love with you.–我爱你。





英语学习:常用口语表达及例句一、问候与介绍1. 问候•Hello!(你好!)•Hi!(嗨!)•How are you?(你好吗?)•How's it going?(近况如何?)2. 自我介绍•My name is [your name].(我叫[你的名字]。

)•Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你。

)•I'm from [your country/city].(我来自[你的国家/城市]。

)3. 打招呼与道别•Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上/下午/晚上好!)•Goodbye!(再见!)•See you later!(回头见!)二、日常交流1. 表达喜欢或不喜欢•I like it very much.(我非常喜欢它。

)•I love this song/book/movie.(我喜欢这首歌/这本书/这部电影。

)•I don't like spicy food.(我不喜欢辣食。

)2. 请求帮助或建议•Can you help me, please?(请问你能帮个忙吗?)•What do you suggest we do? (你建议我们做什么?)•Could you give me some advice? (你可以给我一些建议吗?)3. 表达感谢•Thank you.(谢谢。

)•Thanks a lot.(非常感谢。

)•I really appreciate it.(我真的很感激。

)三、购物与餐饮1. 餐厅用语•Can I have the menu, please?(可以给我菜单吗?)•What's the specialty of this restaurant?(这家餐厅的特色菜是什么?)•I'd like to order a steak and a glass of red wine. (我想要一份牛排和一杯红酒。



口语表示法500例(1)1-60· One's brain child某人的主意,某人想出来的等同于one's original ideaone' brain children(复数)The new ways of teaching which have been proved very effective are brain children of all teaching staff of our department.· Have a chip on one's shoulder叫阵,叫板He is not popular among his peers. He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.此外该语还有"不满","对抗"的意思Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.· Clam up守口如瓶,拒不开口,沉默不语I don't understand why my students are quite talkative during the break but all clam up in class.· Take someone to the cleaners使人囊中如洗,一贫如洗Don't ask me to play in a crap game. I don't want to be the cleaners.· A cliff-hanger扣人心玄的事情Peter was nearly involved in a car accident. He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cliff-hanger.· Fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑等同于work against the clockIf you don't fight the clock to enrich yourself, you will surely be lagged behind soon.· A clotheshorse讲究穿戴的人Princess Diana was a real clotheshorse. It's hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes.· Get hot under the collar发怒,怒气冲天Make someone hot under the collarHe got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.· Come through with flying colors干得出色,大获成功In the 13th Asian Games, Chinese athletic team came through with flying colors · Show (reveal) one's true colors原形毕露He always appears polite and gentle. But his quarrelling with others in dirty words show his true colors.· Come up with找出,想出,弄出,提出等同于to produce, to find out, to think outAfter three days'of deep thinking, the manager came up with an idea of promoting the products.· Jump to conclusions仓促的下结论Being a teacher, he shouldn't jump to conclusions that a student is not worth teaching simply because he fails one exam.· To one's heart's content心满意足Today is weekend. The lights won't go off after 11 o'clock. We can chat to our heart's content.此外该语还有"随心所欲"的意思Mary loves keeping diary. She can express her emotion to her heart's content.· Lose one's cool沉不住气反义词keep one's coolIn the boxing match. Tyson lost his cool and bit Hollyfield's ear.· Play it cool不露声色,沉着冷静Sampras, the No. 1 tennis player in the world, always plays it cool when he wins in the match.· e rotten to the core坏透了、烂透了Keep away from that boy. He is rotten to the core.· cut corners偷工减料、走捷径、图省事、节约Student is a serious thing. You can't expect to cut corners.cut corners并不是都是贬义的,还表示节约,节省With only $100 left, he had to cut corners to make his journey back home.· have a crush on someone迷恋某人Some teenager girls got a crush on the film star· be a far cry from......与......相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距)Though Dick has tried hard, it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him.· chew the cud好好琢磨琢磨I don't want to jump to conclusions, I have to chew the cud on it for a few days.· be cut out for......天生适合于......(用于否定句中)Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept it. You know, I'm not cut for a manager.· be completely in the dark一无所知,仍蒙在鼓里keep someone in the dark; be left (kept) in the darkHe is a dictator. Though I'm the production manager, I'm completely in the dark as what to do next.· a blind date初次约会James was too excited to have dinner. He was having a blind date with Sue in the evening.· have seen better days今非昔比Look at our dean, He has seen better days.· be out of one's depth力所不及Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford, but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major.· give someone a dose of his own medicine以其人之道还制其人之身On April Fool's Day, my classmates made me an April Fool. Next year, I'll give him a dose of his own medicine.· a drop in the bucket沧海一粟He has suffered a lot in his life. Losing his job this time was only a drop in the bucket.· play dumb with someone装聋作哑It's no use playing dumb with teachers. They know very well their students.· be down in dumps垂头丧气,深情沮丧I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today.· make the dust fly干得很起劲Many volunteers are helping in the Olympic Games. They are making the dust fly without getting pay.· go easy on......酌情处理......;节约使用......;对......手下留情I hope the teacher will go easy on me. Otherwise, I'll have no chance to pass the exam.当介词on的后面跟得是something的时候,此语用来是"节约使用"或"小心对待"Go easy on salt. We have to save some for the next meal.· egg someone on to do something怂恿,鼓动某人干某事Haven't you seen him through? He can help you nothing but egg you on to do illegal things.· rub elbows with someone和某人没有很深的交情I suppose Jack doesn't know me well. We have only rubbed elbows with other for several times.· be at the end of one's tether山穷水尽Mark feels worried because he can't write any new books. He is afraid that he is at the end of his tether.· be at one's wits' end不知如何是好My boy is such a mischief-maker. I am at my wits' end with him.· be at loose ends心里没有着落Many old people feel at loose ends after their retirement.· make both ends meet收支平衡The newly-wed couple found it hard to make both ends meet.· be green with envy羡慕极了Don't be green with envy. He deserves the prize, since he has spent a whole month on that paper.· be of the essence绝对不可少,关键的As for study, diligence is of the essence.· a poor apology for......蹩脚货,名不副实That travel agency was first-class, but it offered a poor apology for its service· make an exhibition of oneself出洋相如果表示总出洋相可以在exhibition一词前加上形容词, regularShe is a bit insane. She always makes a regular exhibition of herself by raging at almost everybody.· keep an eye open密切注视Keep an eye open for anyone who arouses your suspicion.· see eye to eye with......与......意见一致Though they are twins, they never see eye to eye with each other on anything.· turn a blind eye on装做没看见It is not right for teachers to turn a blind eye to those who cheat in the exam.· feast one's eyes on......观赏......,一饱眼福Yesterday we went to a fashion show. We really feasted our eyes on beauties and fancy clothes.· have a face would stop a clock奇丑无比The old lady has a face that would stop a clock, but she is the helpful person I have ever met.· keep a straight face板着脸He likes telling jokes . But always keeps a straight face when others are shaking their sides with laughter.· be fed up with......对......烦透了My roommates are too noisy. I'm really fed up with them.· fall for......迷恋上......She fell for that guy simply because he behaved quite differently from others.· be riding for a fall自讨苦吃That big country is riding for a fall if it keeps interfering with others'' internal affairs.· play fast and loose with......敷衍了事,不正经干You are not clever enough to play fast and loose with Susan.· play favorites with......对......有偏心眼The girl isn't on good terms with her parents. They play favorites with her little brother.· put out a feeler to do......试探......的反应The chairman put out a feeler to see people's reactions to his election speech.· be dead on one's feet筋疲力尽Our boss regards us his slaves. Everyday after work.· land on one's feet安全摆脱困境With the loan from the bank, the company landed on its feet.· stand on one's feet自食其力The Chinese Communist Party decided to stand on their feet during the Liberation Campaign. People in Naniwan were called upon to develop agriculture.· sit on the fence保持中立Who would you vote for? You bet I won't vote for him. He likes sitting on the fence on important issues.· play the field不正经干He is really a playboy, He likes to play the field and is never serious with any one girl.· burn one's fingers因管闲事而吃苦头I always tell you to keep away from the scoundrels. Now you are burning your fingers.· have sticky fingers手不老实。




以下是一些常用的口语表达方式:- 早上好!(Good morning!)- 下午好!(Good afternoon!)- 晚上好!(Good evening!)- 你好,我叫李华。


(Hello, I'm Lihua. Nice to meet you.)- 这是我的朋友,Mike。


(This is my friend, Mike. He is from the United States.)- 你好吗?(How are you?)- 我很好,谢谢。

你呢?(I'm fine, thanks. And you?)- 很高兴见到你。

(Nice to see you.)2.日常生活用语在日常生活中,我们会遇到一些日常用语,以下是一些常用的口语表达方式:- 请给我一杯茶。

(Can I have a cup of tea, please?)- 我正在准备晚餐。

(I'm preparing dinner.)- 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?(Would you like to go to the movies with me?)- 我在周末通常会去购物。

(I usually go shopping on weekends.)- 我需要一张火车票去北京。

(I need a train ticket to Beijing.)- 你今天晚上有空吗?我们可以一起出去吃饭。

(Are you free tonight? We can go out for dinner together.)- 你能帮我一下吗?(Can you help me, please?)- 我在星期一到星期五的上午有课。

(I have classes from Monday to Friday in the morning.)3.购物和饮食购物和饮食是我们日常生活中的重要部分,以下是一些与购物和饮食相关的口语表达方式:- 我想买一件新衣服。





现代英语口语用法500例(二)61——121· keep ones fingers crossed祈求成功The leader was guilty of a serious dereliction of duty. Hekepthis fingers crossed that he could escape severe punishment.· let something slip through ones fingers眼睁睁地看着……跑掉The lawyer studied the case very carefully. He wouldntletsomething slip through his fingers.· build a fire under someone紧催促某人……That guy is a slowpoke. I wish there were some way to build afireunder him.put a fire under someone其主语一般是物,而不是人。

· have other fish to fry有其他要紧事要做Come on out! Forget about the exam, Youre got other fishtofry.· a flash in the pan昙花一现He used to be called a young entrepreneur. But soon hewasforgotten by the public. He was a flash in the pan.· a fly in the ointment美中不足Mobile phone are quite popular nowadays, but they ring at anytimein the public areas. It is a fly in the ointment.· be nobodys fool不傻,精明You can not easily take him in. It is obvious that he isnobodysfool.· get off on the center foot开门红Everything will go smoothly if we get off on the center foot.· put ones foot down气愤的表示反对The boy wanted to quit school, but his father put hisfootdown.· play footsy with...与……调情Jack was so in love with Mary that he couldnt helpplayingfootsies with her while having dinner.· marry a fortune嫁给了有钱人Scariet was in trouble, She wanted to marry a fortune and savethewhole family.· as sly as a fox非常狡猾Though the suspect was as sly as fox, he had to admit his crimeinfront of solid evidence.· a dime a dozen数不清,很多Pagers were rare ten years ago. Now they are a dime a dozen.· make free with...擅自使用……Do you think Im a millionaire? Dont make free withmythings.· a freeloader白吃白喝,爱占便宜的人In America, even if you live with your relative, you cant beafreeloader.· a fair-weather friend不能同患难的朋友I have searched my conscience, and believe I have nevermistreatedyou. But you turned out to be a fair-weather friend.· get stage fcenter怯场,紧张The student got stage fcenter when he stepped into exam room.· add fuel to the flames火上浇油The boy refused to make an apology to his father, which addedfuelto the flames.· have a barrel of fun极开心Children had a barrel of fun in the masquerade.· make fun of someone取笑某人It is not center to make fun of the disabled.· play to the gallery哗众取宠,收买人心Hes so good at playing to the gallery, especially in frontofgirls.· gang up on someone结伙对付某人The local ruffians ganged up on the policemen.· be in high gear全力进行,快速进行Construction on the subway is in high gear.· get away with...逃脱惩罚Law offenders cant get away with their offence.· have the gimmies患伸手病(来自小孩子give me的说法,后来就说成gimmies)Dont you know you have grown up? How shameful of you7 to havethegimmes.· give as good as one gets不服输,不示弱He is a small boy, but he gives as good as he gets inchessmatch.· fit like a glove恰倒好处,非常适合A: How do you like the frame? B: It fits like a glove. Itwellmatches with the room decoration.· handle...with kid gloves小心,谨慎对待……The antique is very precious. Youd better handle it withkidgloves.· get someones goat使人恼怒,惹人生气The way he boasted that he was an authority got my goat.· for good永远地I hope war will disappear for good in the world.· be too good to be true好的令人难以置信Yesterday Joe received a letter saying that the company decidestooffer her a job with a salary which was too good to be true.· have the goods on someone有某人犯罪的证据Fred was sure that he would win the case. He had the goods ontheculprit.· goof off偷懒耍滑Williams has been goofing off at school and his report cardshowsit.· through the grapevine道听途说,小道消息I hear through the grapevine that Jim has been dismissed fromhispost.· The grass is always greener on the other hill这山望着那山高He wrote to his brother, persuading him to keep his mind onhiswork and not to think the grass is always greener on theotherhill.· use elbow grease费很大的劲头How long havent you cleaned your kitchen? Itll use elbowgreaseto get it shineagain.elbow-grease常指“费劲儿的体力活儿”You have to use a bit of elbow-grease to clean all windows.· get the green light得到批准Were got the green light from our dean that we can havesomechanges on teaching curriculum.give the green light给予批准,准许某人干……The employees can have a day off. The director has given themthegreen light.· grin and bear it一笑忍之,相当于汉语的“逆来顺受”You have had enough insults from your boss. How can you grinandbear it?· catch someone off guard乘虚而入Within three days, the run-away was exhausted. He fell asleep inabasement. The police caught him off guard.· hate somebodys guts恨之入骨He dismissed my for no reason at all. I hate his guts.· kick the habit戒除恶习You are doomed to be broke one day if you dont kick thedrughabit.· get in somebodys hair苦恼某人Every day, salesmen come to my door. I cant concentrateonstudied. They do get in my hair.· let ones hair down无拘无束Our supervisor is a stone-faced young lady. In front of her,youcant let your hair down and do what you desire.· without turning a hair保持冷静的态度,不动声色The president talked about the international situationwithoutturning a hair.· a half-wit弱智者Do you think it is a good idea to send a half-wit to anormalschool?· bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报Sorry, I can tell you nothing about my master. Otherwise, Iwillbe biting the hand that feeds me.· gain the upper hand占上风In strength, their team gain the upper hand; but in skill, wecanhave a chip on our shoulder.· have someone eating out of ones hand使人完全服从某人的摆布Money can let him eating out of your hand.· live from hand to mouth勉强糊口With three children to support, the window had to live fromhandto mouth.· overplay ones hand做的过火了,做得过头了We may have overplayed our hand by urging him to give us anearlyreply.· tip ones hand无意中亮底Our rival was drunk. He tipped his hand by murmuring thathiscompany will cut down the price of its products.· try ones hand at...试着干……Michael Jordan is a great basketball player, and he has evertriedhis hand at baseball.· fly off the handle大发雷霆Its no use flying off the handle. You can reason with us.· play into someones hand正中某人下怀Think it over. If we reduce the price, Im sure were playingintohis hand.· wash ones hands off something洗手不干某事Mr. Butcher, with a long family history of gambling, decidedtowash his hand off gambling.· get the hang of something掌握某事的窍门Ive got the hang of the new computer system pretty soon.· go haywire乱了套The computer opposes me. Everything goes haywire when Iuseit.· bury ones head in the sand逃避现实The environmental pollution is getting worse and worse. Wecantbury our head in the sand, or the nature will punish us.· make neither head nor tail of...对……摸不着头脑Tim scribbled a note to me during the lecture. But I couldntmakehead or tail of it.· have ones head in the clouds满脑子幻想I know you have been dreaming of becoming a professor. Butyoushouldnt have youhead in the clouds all the time. Settle downanddo something.· turn ones head使某人满意Sara is a successful woman, but she never allows herachievementsto turn her head.。



122——181 · have one's heart set on……⼀⼼想要…… Once he had his heart set on something, he'll accept no turning-back. · one's heart in one's mouth吓得要命 My heart was in my mouth when I heart someone tapping on my window one raining night. have one's heart in one's mouth; with one's heart in one's mouth · not have the heart to do something不忍⼼去做 How can you have the heart to kill my pet? · take something to heart往⼼⾥去/认真接受意见等 Tom decided to take his father's words to heart and wash his hands off smoking. · be in the seventh heaven⾼⼼极了 Mary was in seventh heaven when she finally came to Paris, the center of fashion. · move heaven and earth想尽⼀切办法 Believe me. I promise to move heaven and earth to help you. · cool one's heels等的双脚发凉,久等 Let's meet at the gallery at 7 o'clock. Come at 7 sharp. Don't make me cool my heels. · take to one's heels逃⾛ The naughty boy took to his heels after he should 'trick-or-treat'. · shoot from the hip信⼝开河 Don't take Jay's words to heart. He shouldn't have shot from the hip. · by hook or by crook千⽅百计得,不择⼿段得 He rose to that position by hook or by crook. · blow hot and cold出尔反尔,喜怒⽆常 Do you think he'll support you? He is the type who blows hot and cold. · make it hot for……刁难某⼈ Out section manager is a woman. Our general manager always looks down upon her and makes everything hot for her. · have the lots for someone迷恋某⼈ You have to stop her. She has the lots for a married man. · bring down the house博得满堂喝彩 The first-prize winner of the speech contest has brought down the house for several times. · be over the hump已度过难关 The Asian financial crises has almost paralyzed Asian economy. But we are over the hump now. · have a hunch that……预感到…… I have a hunch that the bear market will be over soon. · be hunky-dory挺不错的 A: How do you like the food here? B: Hunky-dory. · skate on thin ice如履薄冰,冒风险 We are skating on thin ice if we continue killing wild animals. · toy with the idea of……⼼⾥盘算要…… She's toying within the idea of marring a foreigner. · no ifs, ands and buts不要找任何的理由和借⼝ A: You know I could have done it well, but…… B: No ifs, ands and buts. Tell me if you want to save your job. · give someone an inch and he'll take a mile得⼨进尺 Give my roommate an inch and he'll take a mile. Last time, I offered him some candies. Today, he asked for an ice-cream. · have many irons in the fire同时有很多要紧的事要做 Although he was out of job, he still wrote to his parents saying he had many irons in the fire. · be in a jam陷⼊困境 get in a jam You've got to help me. I'm in a jam. May car refused to work on my way to office. · jaywalk横穿马路 It is dangerous to jaywalk. · in a jiffy不⼤⼀会⼉ =in a moment, right away. at once I'll be with you in a jiffy. · have ( a case of ) the jitters忐忑不安 The new teacher had a case of jitters when he first stood in front of the class. · keep up with the Joneses与别⼈⽐阔,与别⼈攀⽐ He likes keeping up with the Joneses. · get a kick out of doing something从……得到很⼤的乐趣 He gets a kick put of racing. · take kindly to something/someone愿意接受 Don't you feel that people in the lab don't take kindly to a nosy reporter? · kill someone with kindness好得让⼈受不了 The old lady almost killed me with kindness when I lived at her home. · parade one's knowledge买弄学问 He is a well-learned man, bit he never parades his knowledge. · be at large逍遥法外(也可以形容动物不受约束) The murderer was still at large. The victim's parents was determined to find enough evidence to sue him to court. · rest on one's laurels故步⾃封,吃⽼本 You are sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels. · turn over a new leaf洗⼼⾰⾯ The juvenile delinquent promised that he would turn over a new leaf if he could be given lenient punishment. · have a hollow leg(喝酒)海量 The best man has a hollow leg. He drinks a lot instead of the bridegroom. · pull someone's leg开某⼈的玩笑 Never ever pull his leg. He is a man without a sense of humor. He takes everything seriously. · keep someone at arm's length与某⼈保持距离 My boss is my uncle. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, I'd better keep him at arm's length in company. · let someone down使某⼈失望 Joe really let me down by having broken his promises for several times. · can't for the life of one怎么……也不⾏ I thought I could recite my speech backwards, but when I stood in front of the audience, I couldn't for the life of me remember what to say. · air one's linen in public家丑外扬 The wife was often beaten by her husband, but she never told others. She didn't want to air her linen in public. · keep a stiff upper lip意志坚定,坚强不屈 One failure means nothing. You've got to keep a stiff upper lip.· be at loggerheads with……互不相让 The two parties were at loggerheads with each other over the new tax policy. · a born loser⼀事⽆成者 Nobody is a born loser. All you need is perseverance. · louse up something把某事搞得⼀团糟 He let the cat out of the bag, which loused up the whole deal. · not do……for love or money死也不会…… Stop trying. I won't betray my friend for love or money. · feel a lump in one's throat⼼⾥感到很难受 I felt a lump in my throat on hearing her story of fighting with the deadly disease. · make do with……⽤……凑合 We are too tired to cook. We can make do with two bags of instant noodles. · the man in the street普通的⼈,⽼百姓 The interview with the man in the street shows that 90% of them are satisfied with the TV fro grams. · be one's own man不受他⼈⽀配,⾃⼰管⾃⼰ Our monitor is not easy to cope with. He is much his own man. · steal a march on someone抢在他⼈前⾯,暗渡陈仓 We stole a march on our rivals by reducing 5% of our price and got back our market. meat and drink精神寄托 To some old people, raising pets is their meat and drink. · be at the mercy of受……⽀配 When you get this kind of disease, your life is at the mercy of God. · blow someone's mind把某⼈搞得晕晕乎乎 Readers had rather high opinion of his new book, which blew his mind. · have a good mind to do something很想去⼲某事 When I see young and robust men elbow their way onto the bus, I have a good mind to smack them. · have a one-track mind死脑筋,⼀根筋 Mark has a one-track mind. All he cares is earning money. · mind one's own affairs少管闲事 You are nothing but an old gossip! Can't you only mind your own affair? · weigh on someone's mind⼼事重重 The failure of signing the contract has been weighing on his mind. He couldn't sleep at night. · be of two minds拿不定主意 Jill was of two minds as whether to spend the money on books or on clothes. · have money to burn有花不完的钱 The new rich has money to burn. · once in a blue moon千载难逢 Our boss is a miser. He gives us a treat only once in a blue mo o n . b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 0 " > / p >。



现代英语口语表示法500例1——60• One’s brain child某人的主意,某人想出来的等同于one’s original ideaone’s brain children(复数)The new ways of teaching which have been proved very effective are brain children of all teaching staff of our department.• Have a chip on one’s shoulder叫阵,叫板He is not popular among his peers. He always seems ti have a chip on his shoulder.此外该语还有“不满”,“对抗”的意思Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.• Clam up守口如瓶,拒不开口,沉默不语I don’t understand why my students are quite talkative during the break but all clam up in class.• Take someone to the cleaners使人囊中如洗,一贫如洗Don’t ask me to play in a crap game. I don’t want to be the cleaners.• A cliff-hanger扣人心玄的事情Peter was nearly involved in a car accident. He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cliff-hanger.• Fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑等同于work against the clockIf you don’t fight the clock to enrich yourself, you will surely be lagged behind soon.• A clotheshorse讲究穿戴的人Princess Diana was a real clotheshorse. It’s hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes.• Get hot under the collar发怒,怒气冲天Make someone hot under the collarHe got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.• Come through with flying colors干得出色,大获成功In the 13th Asian Games, Chinese athletic team came through with flying colors• Show (reveal) one’s true colors原形毕露He always appears polite and gentle. But his quarrelling with others in dirty words show his true colors.• Come up with找出,想出,弄出,提出等同于to produce, to find out, to think outAfter three days’ of deep thinking, the manager came up with an idea of promoting the products.• Jump to conclusions仓促的下结论Being a teacher, he shouldn’t jump to conclusions that a student is not worth teaching simply because he fails one exam.• To one’s heart’s content心满意足Today is weekend. The lights won’t go off after 11 o’clock. We can chat to our heart’s content.此外该语还有“随心所欲”的意思Mary loves keeping diary. She can express her emotion to her heart’s content.• Lose one’s cool沉不住气反义词keep one’s cool• Play it cool不露声色,沉着冷静Sampras, the No. 1 tennis player in the world, always plays it cool when he wins in the match.• e rotten to the core坏透了、烂透了Keep away from that boy. He is rotten to the core.• cut corners偷工减料、走捷径、图省事、节约Student is a serious thing. You can't expect to cut corners.cut corners并不是都是贬义的,还表示节约,节省With only $100 left, he had to cut corners to make his journey back home.• have a crush on someone迷恋某人Some teenager girls got a crush on the film star• be a far cry from...与……相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距)Though Dick has tried hard, it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him.• chew the cud好好琢磨琢磨I don't want to jump to conclusions, I have to chew the cud on it for a few days.• be cut out for...天生适合于……(用于否定句中)Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept it. You know, I'm not cut for a manager.• be completely in the dark一无所知,仍蒙在鼓里keep someone in the dark; be left(kept) in the darkHe is a dictator. Though I'm the production manager, I'm completely in the dark as what to do next.• a blind date初次约会James was too excited to have dinner. He was having a blind date with Sue in the evening.• have seen better days今非昔比Look at our dean, He has seen better days.• be out of one's depth力所不及Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford, but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major.• give someone a dose of his own medicine以其人之道还制其人之身On April Fool's Day, my classmates made me an April Fool. Next year, I'll give him a dose of his own medicine.• a drop in the bucket沧海一粟He has suffered a lot in his life. Losing his job this time was only a drop in the bucket.• play dumb with someone装聋作哑It's no use playing dumb with teachers. They know very well their students.• be down in dumps垂头丧气,深情沮丧I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today.• make the dust fly干得很起劲Many volunteers are helping in the Olympic Games. They are making the dust fly without getting pay.• go easy on...酌情处理……;节约使用……;对……手下留情当介词oin的后面跟得是something的时候,此语用来是“节约使用”或“小心对待”Go easy on salt. We have to save some for the next meal.• egg someone on to do something怂恿,鼓动某人干某事Haven't you seen him through? He can help you nothing but egg you on to do illegal things.• rub elbows with someone和某人没有很深的交情I suppose Jack doesn't know me well. We have only rubbed elbows with other for several times.• ba at the end of one's tether山穷水尽Mark feels worried because he can't write any new books. He is afraid that he is at the end of his tether.• be at one's wits' end不知如何是好My boy is such a mischief-maker. I am at my wits' end with him.• be at loose ends心里没有着落Many old people feel at loose ends after their retirement.• make both ends meet收支平衡The newly-wed couple found it hard to make both ends meet.• be green with envy羡慕极了Don't be green with envy. He deserves the prize, since he has spent a whole month on that paper.• be of the essence绝对不可少,关键的As for study, diligence is of the essence.• a poor apology for...蹩脚货,名不副实That travel agency was first-class, but it offered a poor apology for its service• make an exhibition of oneself出洋相如果表示总出洋相可以在exhibition一词前加上形容词, regularShe is a bit insane. She always makes a regular exhibition of herself by raging at almost everybody.• keep an eye open密切注视Keep an eye open for anyone who arouses your suspicion.• see eye to eye with...与……意见一致Though they are twins, they never see eye to eye with each other on anything.• turn a blind eye on装做没看见It is not right for teachers to turn a blind eye to those who cheat in the exam.• feast one's eyes on...观赏……,一饱眼福Yesterday we went to a fashion show. We really feasted our eyes on beauties and fancy clothes.• have a face would stop a clock奇丑无比The old lady has a face that would stop a clock, but she is the helpful person I have ever met.• keep a straight face板着脸He likes telling jokes . But alwaya keeps a straight face when others are shaking their sides with laughter.• be fed up with...对……烦透了My roommates are too noisy. I''m really fed up with them.She fell for that guy simply because he behaved quite differently from others.• be riding for a fall自讨苦吃That big country is riding for a fall if it keeps interfering with others'' internal affairs.• play fast and loose with...敷衍了事,不正经干You are not lever enough to play fast and loose with Susan.• play favorites with...对……有偏心眼The girl isn't on good terms with her parents. They play favorites with her little brother.• put out a feeler to do...试探……的反应The chairman put out a feeler to see people's reactions to his election speech.• be dead on one's feet筋疲力尽Our boss regards us his slaves. Everyday after work.• land on one's feet安全摆脱困境With the loan from the bank, the company landed on its feet.• stand on one's feet自食其力The Chinese Communist Party decided to stand on their feet during the Liberation Campaign. People in Naniwan were called upon to develop agriculture.• sit on the fence保持中立Who would you vote for? You bet I won't vote for him. He likes sitting on the fence on important issues.• play the field不正经干He is really a playboy, He likes to play the field and is never serious with any one girl.• burn one's fingers因管闲事而吃苦头I always tell you to keep away from the scoundrels. Now you are burning your fingers.• have sticky fingers手不老实。






1. 社交场合在社交场合中,人们常常需要与陌生人进行交流。

以下是一些常用的口语表达:- 问候:- Hello!(你好!)- Hi!(嗨!)- Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你!)- 自我介绍:- My name is [Name].(我的名字是 [Name]。

)- I'm from [Place].(我来自 [地方]。

)- What do you do for a living?(你是做什么工作的?)- 提出邀请:- Would you like to join us for dinner?(你愿意跟我们一起吃晚饭吗?)- How about grabbing a cup of coffee?(来喝杯咖啡怎么样?)2. 购物场景购物是日常生活中必不可少的一部分,以下是一些在购物场景中常用的口语表达:- 询问商品:- Excuse me, where can I find [Product]?(请问,[商品]在哪里?) - How much does this cost?(这个多少钱?)- 试穿试用:- Can I try this on?(我能试穿一下吗?)- Do you have a sample of this product?(这个产品有样品吗?)- 付款:- How would you like to pay?(你想用什么方式付款?)- Can I pay by credit card?(我能用信用卡付款吗?)3. 饮食场合在饮食场合中,与服务员或者朋友之间的交流尤为重要。

以下是一些常用的口语表达:- 点餐:- Can I see the menu, please?(请给我看一下菜单。






一、日常问候与介绍1. 问候语- Good morning/afternoon/evening.(早上/下午/晚上好。

)- How are you?(你好吗?)- What's up?(最近怎么样?)2. 自我介绍- Hi, I'm [Your Name]. Nice to meet you.(嗨,我是【你的名字】。


)- Hi, I'm [Your Name]. I'm from [Your Country].(嗨,我是【你的名字】。


)- Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I'm [Your Age] years old.(你好,我叫【你的名字】。


)二、日常交流与购物1. 谢谢与请- Thank you.(谢谢。

)- Thanks a lot.(非常感谢。

)- You're welcome.(不客气。

)- Please.(请。

)2. 问路- Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?(打扰一下,最近的银行在哪里?)- How can I get to the bus station?(我怎样才能去汽车站?)3. 购物- How much is this?(这个多少钱?)- Can I try it on?(我可以试穿吗?)- Do you have a bigger size?(你们有大号的吗?)- Can I pay by credit card?(我可以用信用卡支付吗?)三、餐厅与订餐1. 餐厅用餐- Table for two, please.(请给我们安排两个人的座位。



英语口语练习:常用实用口语表达汇总1. 自我介绍在日常生活和工作中,自我介绍是不可避免的。

以下是一些常用的自我介绍口语表达:•Hi, I'm [你的名字].•Nice to meet you. I'm [你的名字].•Hi, my name is [你的名字].•Hello, I go by the name of [你的名字].2. 问候与感谢与他人交流时,问候和感谢是必不可少的礼貌用语。

下面是一些常见的问候和感谢表达:•Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!, followed by a smile or nod.•How are you?/How's it going?•Thank you! / Thanks a lot!•I really appreciate your help.3. 请求帮助和提供帮助无论在学校还是在工作场所,我们经常需要向他人寻求帮助或者主动提供帮助。

以下是一些相关口语表达:请求帮助: - Could you please help me with...? - I'm having trouble with... Can you assist me?提供帮助: - Do you need any help? - Is there anything I can do for you?4. 表达意见和看法为了与他人进行有效沟通,我们需要能够清晰地表达我们自己的意见和看法。

以下是一些常用的口语表达:•In my opinion... / I think that...•From my perspective...•It seems to me that...•I strongly believe that...5. 表达喜好和爱好在日常交流中,我们经常谈论自己的喜好和兴趣爱好。

以下是一些常见的口语表达:•I really enjoy [活动/事物].•My favorite [活动/课程/食物] is...•I'm a big fan of [艺术家/音乐类型/电影体裁].6. 请求与提供建议当我们需要给出或者寻求建议时,以下表达方式可能会有所帮助:请求建议: - What do you think I should do? - Do you have any suggestions on...?提供建议: - If I were you, I would... - Have you considered...? - You might want to try...7. 礼貌用语礼貌用语在交际中起着重要的作用。



口语表示法500例(四)182--241· be down in the mouth垂头丧气Sandra was down in the mouth because she didn't make the appointment.· keep mum about something对某事保持沉默The high official kept mum about his scandal.· face the music承担责任,甘受责备You are caught stealing. You have to face the music.· hit the nail on the head说到点子上I like to discuss with Helen. She always hits the nail on the head.· call someone names辱骂某人The neighbors keep dropping litter in front of her door. She couldn't bear it any more and call them names.· be neck and neck不分上下The two workshops are neck and neck in monthly output.· get up the nerve to......鼓起勇气去......The patient got up the nerve to ask the doctor how long he could live in the world.· get on someone's nerves使某人心烦There is an airport in the vicinity. The noise gets on my nerves.· a nobody无名小辈He is somebody in the small town, but he is a nobody in the capital city.· lead someone around by the nose牵着别人的鼻子走All nations should exercise their own judgment. They shouldn't be led around by some big countries.· poke one's nose into something乱打听别人的私事I hate those journalists who poke their nose into people's private life.· be a notch above someone略胜一筹In study, we are neck and neck; but in sports, he is a notch above me.· sit up and take notice of something/someone对......刮目相看He used to know nothing about chemistry. Now he talks like a chemist, I have to sit up and take notice of him......· have someone's number知道某人的底细Don't waste your tongues with him. I've got his number. What he is trying to do now is to set a trap and let us jump into it.· be quick to take offense特别爱生气I don't think he is a quality leader. He is too quick to take offense.· have one too many喝多了The bridegroom had one too many at the wedding ceremony and was shooting cats.· be on the outs with someone与......失和For some reason, the two countries have been on outs for a long time.· a pain in the neck使人讨厌的事Working for VIPs was an honor for me, but now it has become a pain in the neck. I don't know how to balance the relationships.· grease someone's palm贿赂,给某人好处It is reported that Sydney has greased the palms of someone members of IOC for the right to hold 2000 Olympic Games.· get peanuts微不足道的钱He gets paid peanuts although he often works extra hours.· cast pearls before swine对牛弹琴,明珠暗投My boss is an idiot. Working for him is just like casting pearls before swine.· feel like a square peg in a round hole感到格格不入,不适合After graduation, I remained as a teacher in college. Whenever our former classmates have a get-together, I always feel like a square peg in a round hole. All they talk about are ways to make money, expensive hotels, luxurious entertainment, things I have no experiences to share with them.· pinch pennies节俭Though he is a tycoon, he pinches pennies in daily life.· rob Peter to pay Paul拆东墙,补西墙You borrow money from me to pay the bank loan. It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.· be no picnic不是件轻松的事To learn one foreign language is possible. But to be a bilingual is no picnic.· sugar the pill给人一点甜头安慰一下Sonia didn't want to work extra hours quite often, but the manager sugared the pill by promising her a trip abroad at the end of the year.· be on pins and needles坐立不安He is a very modest man. When others praise him, he feel on pins and needles.· put that in your pipe and smoke it你好好考虑考虑吧此句常用于祈使句Don't take it out on me. It is he who makes you lose so much money. Put it in your pipe and smoke it!· play up to someone拍某人的马屁The young actress played up to the director, hoping to get a role in the TV series.· take the plunge踌躇一段时间后断然决定去干......The commander finally took the plunge and launched the final attack.· play possum装糊涂,装傻He often quarrels with his wife. When he comes to me for advice, I can do nothing but play possum.· drop something like a hot potato赶紧抛弃,放弃He has been dreaming of owning his own car. But when he knew a car would cost ten years' of his salary, he drop the idea like a hot potato.· sing someone's praises颂扬某人The lawyer is quite successful. His clients sing his praises to others.· be past praying for不可救药When I sent my cat to the vet, he said that it was past praying for.· be sitting pretty享受安乐生活Our company survived the economic crisis and now we are sitting pretty.· pocket one's pride放下架子The laid-off workers from the state-owned enterprises should pocket their pride and seek for re-employment.· put someone up to......唆使某人去......How dare you to have lodged a complaint against me with the director? Who put you up to it?· pop the question求婚Can you tell me how you popped the question to your wife? Maybe I can learn something from you.· call it quits作罢Mary and Tom had been in love for several years. But these days, they began to realize that they had very little in common. They decided to call it quits.· chew the rag闲聊chew the rag也有争吵的意思If they have time, these wives are always sitting together and chewing the rag.· fly into a rage大发雷霆The old father flew into a rage when his daughter didn't obey his will.· break ranks with someone与......分道扬镳反义词为:close ranks with someonePeople within one party gradually had conflicts on some political issues. Some of them decided to break ranks with others and set up a new party.· smell a rat察觉可疑He is a well-known miser. I smell a rat when he invites me to his home for dinner. I was wondering if he is asking favors of me.· beat a hasty retreat急忙撤退The hoodlum was about to dully the lady when he saw a patrolman coming towards them. He beat a hasty retreat.· take someone for a ride欺骗某人,玩弄某人的感情They were taking us for a ride. I turned out that the tickets they sold us with low price were invalid.· rip someone off敲某人竹杠The local villain rips us off by collecting 100 yuan for protection charge every month.· be on the rocks陷入困境,完蛋The foam economy was struck by the Asian financial crisis. Japan's economy was on the rocks.· rub it in哪壶不开提哪壶Would you please talk in Chinese? You know I'm a pretty bad English speaker. You don't have to rub it in.· give someone the runaround敷衍搪塞My washing machine broke down, When I went to the repair shop, they gave me the runaround.· be in a rut千篇一律,一筹莫展His life is in a rut. Office, library, and home are the three places he goes everyday. It is time he had a holiday for a change.· play it safe小心谨慎Our car works very well. But to play it safe, we will bring a spare tire.· safe and sound安全无事He came back from the battlefield safe and sound.· the salt of the earth好心肠的人,没有坏心眼的人The taxi driver who saved the drowning boy from the river is the salt of the earth.· take something with a grain of salt听话打折扣,不能轻信He is a braggart. Take his words with a grain of salt.· tip the scales扭转局势In the boxing ring, the two sides were evenly matched. But the short break seemed to tip the scales in favor of the boxer in red.· throw someone off the scent转移某人的视线The murder wrote a last letter for the victim and left it in the site, hoping to throw the police off the scent.· start from scratch从零开始,白手起家There are so many spelling mistakes. I have to write it again from scratch.· talk sense into someone开导某人I've tired to talk sense into him, but he still chose to work in the countryside.· an open sesame法宝,秘诀,关键Having connections with VIPs is not an open sesame to success.· the lion's share的一份,绝大多数He designed the most important part of the machine. So he deserves the lion's share of the award.。



1. I see .我明白了。

2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too .我也是。

5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on .来吧( 赶快)8. Hold on .等一等。

9. I agree 。


10. Not bad .还不错。

11. Not yet .还没。

12. See you .再见。

13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long .再见。

15. Why not? 好呀! ( 为什么不呢?)16. Allow me .让我来。

17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full .我饱了。

23. I'm home .我回来了。

24. I'm lost .我迷路了。

25. My treat .我请客。

26. So do I .我也一样。

27. This way 。


28. After you .您先。

29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me .跟我来。

31. Forget it! 休想! ( 算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise .我保证。

35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt .( 伤口) 疼。

39. Try again .再试试。

40. Watch out! 当心。

41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯( 见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。

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现代英语口语表示法500例1——601·One's brain child某人的主意,某人想出来的one'brain children(复数)<BR>THE chip="chip" a="a" our="our" of="of" staff="staff" teaching="teaching" all="all"children="children" brain="brain" are="are"effective="effective" very="very" proved="proved" been="been" have="have" which="which" ways="ways" new="new"department="department" shoulder="shoulder">He is not popular among his peers.He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.此外该语还有“不满”,“对抗”的意思Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.3·Clam up守口如瓶,拒不开口,沉默不语I don't understand why my students are quite talkative during the break but all clam up in class.<BR>4·TAKE a="a"behind="behind" lagged="lagged" be="be" surely="surely"will="will" enrich="enrich" to="to" clock="clock" the="the" fight="fight" you="you" against="against" really="really" was="was" it="it" narrow="narrow" called="called" car="car"in="in" involved="involved" nearly="nearly" want="want"crap="crap" play="play" me="me" ask="ask" someone="someone" cleaners="cleaners" game="game" cliff-hanger="cliff-hanger" accident="accident" escape="escape" don="don"yourself="yourself" soon="soon">7·A clotheshorse讲究穿戴的人Princess Diana was a real clotheshorse.It's hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes.<BR>8·GET the="the"was="was" someone="someone" true="true" flying="flying"with="with" through="through" came="came" team="team"athletic="athletic" bicycle="bicycle" his="his" found="found" he="he" when="when" collar="collar" under="under" hot="hot" got="got" missing="missing" colors="colors" th="th"asian="asian" games="games">He always appears polite and gentle.But his quarrelling with others in dirty words show his true colors.11·Come up with找出,想出,弄出,提出等同于to produce,to find out,to think outAfter three days'of deep thinking,the manager came up with an idea of promoting the products.<BR>12·JUMP a="a"teaching="teaching" to="to" he="he" fails="fails"because="because" simply="simply" worth="worth" not="not"is="is" student="student" that="that"conclusions="conclusions" jump="jump" teacher="teacher"shouldn="shouldn" exam="exam">13·To one's heart's content心满意足Today is weekend.The lights won't go off after 11o'clock.We can chat to our heart's content.<BR>此外该语还有“随心所欲”的意思<BR>MARY content="content" to="to" her="her"emotion="emotion" express="express" can="can"keeping="keeping" loves="loves" diary="diary"heart="heart">14·Lose one's cool沉不住气<BR>反义词KEEPcool="cool">In the boxing match.Tyson lost his cool and bit Hollyfield's ear.<BR>15·PLAY cut="cut" a="a" to="to"the="the" it="it" in="in" he="he" when="when" is="is"that="that" can="can" expect="expect" serious="serious" rotten="rotten" from="from" away="away" wins="wins"cool="cool" plays="plays" player="player" no="no"world="world" match="match" core="core" boy="boy"corners="corners" thing="thing">cut corners并不是都是贬义的,还表示节约,节省With only $100left,he had to cut corners to make his journey back home.18·have a crush on someone迷恋某人Some teenager girls got a crush on the film star19·be a far cry from...与……相差甚远(一般用来表示水平或程度等的差距)Though Dick has tried hard,it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him.20·chew the cud好好琢磨琢磨I don't want to jump to conclusions,I have to chew the cud on it for a few days.<BR>21·BE cut="cut" a="a" our="our"of="of" have="have" to="to" the="the" you="you" was="was"it="it" in="in" someone="someone" with="with" not="not"is="is" can="can" out="out" better="better" seen="seen"has="has" at="at" date="date" blind="blind" having="having" excited="excited" too="too" do="do" what="what" as="as"dark="dark" completely="completely" production="production" for="for" accept="accept" your="your" know="know"kindness="kindness" i="i" manager="manager" left="left" dictator="dictator" next="next" dinner="dinner" sue="sue" evening="evening" days="days" dean="dean" depth="depth">Liu was extremely happy to have been admitted to Oxford,but soon he found he was out of his depth in his major.26·give someone a dose of his own medicine以其人之道还制其人之身On April Fool's Day,my classmates made me an April Fool.Next year,I'll give him a dose of his own medicine.27·a drop in the bucket沧海一粟He has suffered a lot in his life.Losing his job this time was only a drop in the bucket.28·play dumb with someone装聋作哑It's no use playing dumb with teachers.They know very well their students.<BR>29·BE are="are" have="have" will="will" to="to" the="the" in="in" me="me" pass="pass" chance="chance" no="no" easy="easy" go="go" teacher="teacher" hope="hope" getting="getting" without="without" fly="fly" dust="dust" making="making" helping="helping" volunteers="volunteers" dumps="dumps" down="down" feel="feel" oil="oil"midnight="midnight" burned="burned" games="games" exam="exam" i="i" yesterday="yesterday" today="today" olympic="olympic" pay="pay">当介词on的后面跟得是something的时候,此语用来是“节约使用”或“小心对待”Go easy on salt.We have to save some for the next meal. 32·egg someone on to do something怂恿,鼓动某人干某事Haven't you seen him through?He can help you nothing but egg you on to do illegal things.<BR>33·RUB have="have" me="me" someone="someone" with="with" for="for" several="several" other="other" elbows="elbows" rubbed="rubbed" know="know" suppose="suppose" jack="jack" doesn="doesn" well="well"times="times">34·be at the end of one's tether山穷水尽<BR>MARK write="write" of="of" new="new" the="the" his="his" he="he" because="because" is="is" that="that" can="can"at="at" end="end" afraid="afraid" any="any" worried="worried" feels="feels" books="books" tether="tether">35·be at one's wits'end不知如何是好My boy is such a mischief-maker.I am at my wits'end with him.<BR>36·BE a="a" be="be" to="to" the="the" it="it"with="with" found="found" he="he" that="that" has="has"at="at" feel="feel" month="month" whole="whole" spent="spent" deserves="deserves" green="green" ends="ends" both="both" make="make" hard="hard" couple="couple" newly-wed="newly-wed" their="their" after="after" loose="loose" people="people"old="old" retirement="retirement" meet="meet" envy="envy" prize="prize" paper="paper">39·be of the essence绝对不可少,关键的As for study,diligence is of the essence.40·a poor apology for...蹩脚货,名不副实That travel agency was first-class,but it offered a poor apology for its service41·make an exhibition of oneself出洋相如果表示总出洋相可以在exhibition一词前加上形容词,regularShe is a bit insane.She always makes a regular exhibition of herself by raging at almost everybody.42·keep an eye open密切注视Keep an eye open for anyone who arouses your suspicion. 43·see eye to eye with...与……意见一致Though they are twins,they never see eye to eye with each other on anything.45·feast one's eyes on...观赏……,一饱眼福Yesterday we went to a fashion show.We really feasted our eyes on beauties and fancy clothes.46·have a face would stop a clock奇丑无比The old lady has a face that would stop a clock,but she is the helpful person I have ever met.47·keep a straight face板着脸He likes telling jokes.But always keeps a straight face when others are shaking their sides with laughter.48·be fed up with...对……烦透了My roommates are too noisy.I'm really fed up with them. 49·fall for...迷恋上……She fell for that guy simply because he behaved quite differently from others.50·be riding for a fall自讨苦吃That big country is riding for a fall if it keeps interfering with others''internal affairs.51·play fast and loose with...敷衍了事,不正经干You are not clever enough to play fast and loose with Susan. 52·play favorites with...对……有偏心眼The girl isn't on good terms with her parents.They play favorites with her little brother.53·put out a feeler to do...试探……的反应The chairman put out a feeler to see people's reactions to his election speech.54·be dead on one's feet筋疲力尽Our boss regards us his slaves.Everyday after work.55·land on one's feet安全摆脱困境With the loan from the bank,the company landed on its feet. 56·stand on one's feet自食其力The Chinese Communist Party decided to stand on their feet during the Liberation Campaign.People in Naniwan were called upon to develop agriculture.57·sit on the fence保持中立Who would you vote for?You bet I won't vote for him.He likes sitting on the fence on important issues.58·play the field不正经干He is really a playboy,He likes to play the field and is never serious with any one girl.59·burn one's fingers因管闲事而吃苦头I always tell you to keep away from the scoundrels.Now you are burning your fingers.60·have sticky fingers手不老实。
