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IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis

IDC - China IT Services 20082012 Forecast and Analysis

Filing Information: July 2008, IDC #CN221105Q, Volume: 1, Tab: MarketsM A R K E T A N A L Y S I S C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s 2008–2012 F o r e c a s t a n d A n a l y s i s Grace Han Ting Yang Vivian Yu Gloria Li I D C O P I N I O N China's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity. With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costs and enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring. To better capture this global sourcing opportunity, IDC strongly suggests leveraging China's comparative advantages and using the economies of scope by developing both domestic and offshore IT services industries collaboratively. ! 2007 was still a bull year for IT services players in China, especially the leading services providers. With the market gradually consolidating, the top 10 services providers' gained share from 17.0% in 2006 to 19.7% in 2007. ! The market size also grew very fast, from US$6239.8 million in 2006 to US$7699.1 million in 2007, with a 23.4% year-on-year growth. This is 1.1% higher than IDC's previous forecast. Looking forward, China's IT services market will still be in the double-digit growth stage for the next five years, with a 2007–2012 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2%, although the growth rate will be slightly lower than that in the past two years. ! For IT services, as observed, a large amount of competition comes from the clients' internal IT departments. Because of this, it is very important to understand users' adoption rates of third-party services providers, reasons for insourcing, and vendor evaluation criteria. ! For outsourcing services, the dilemma in China is that labor costs are low, so the cost effectiveness of outsourcing, especially by global vendors, is not apparent. Clients' IT environments are currently very complicated and non-transparent; it is hard to realize vendors' technical and management expertise in such situation. Consulting services should be provided to help improve the IT operation level first, and then try selective outsourcing to build up trust before continuing to outsource more. Managed services are also a very smart way to solve the control preference of clients in China. ! In the long run, utility services will be well received by users due to their significant cost effectiveness and high expertise, which is difficult to maintain in an internal IT department.R o o m 611,Bei j i n g T ime sSqu a re88 W e stC h a n g 'a n A ven u e B ei j i n g 100031 P eo p l e 'sR e p u b l i co f C h i n a P .86.10.8391.3610T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SPIn This Stud y 1 Methodology (1)Situat ion Overview 1Global Sourcing Impact (1)User Demand and Buying Behavior (2)IT Services Overview (6)IT Services by Submarket (8)IT Services by Industry (14)IT Services by Region (15)Competitive Landscape (16)Future Ou tlook17Forecast and Assumptions (17)Future Trends (26)China IT Services Road Map (26)Market Context (29)Essential Gu idance30Advice to Technical Product Services Providers (30)Advice to Consulting Firms and Systems Integrators (31)Advice to Outsourcing Players (32)Learn Mo re32Related Research (32)Definitions (32)IT Services Foundation Market Definitions (32)Regional Markets (35)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008L I S T O F T A B L E SP1 Top 10 China IT Services Providers, 2007 (17)2 China IT Services Spending by Foundation Market, 2007–2012 (US$M) (18)3 Key Forecast Assumptions for the China IT Service Market, 2008–2012 (19)4 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (US$M) (29)5 China Regional Market Definitions, 2007 (35)©2008 IDC #CN221105QL I S T O F F I G U R E SP1 Economic Analysis of Global Sourcing (2)2 Competition Models of Products and Services (3)3 Use of a Third Party or an Outside Vendor for Managed Services (4)4 Reasons for Maintaining In-House IT Services Management (5)5 Selection Criteria for IT Services Providers (6)6 China IT Services Life Cycle (7)7 China and United States Different Outsourcing Stages (8)8 China IT Services Spending and Year-on-Year Growth Rate by Foundation Market,2007–2012 (9)9 China Consulting and Systems Integration Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (10)10 China Outsourcing Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (12)11 China Technology Product Services Growth Rate and Share, 2007 (13)12 China IT Services Market Spending by Industry, 2007 (15)13 China IT Services Market Spending by Geography, 2007 (16)14 China IT Services Road Map (27)15 China IT Services Spending, 2005–2012: Comparison of July 2008 and September 2007Forecasts (30)IDC #CN221105Q ©2008I N T H I S S T U D YThis IDC study provides an overview of the status of the China IT services marketand a forecast for the next five years. The study also includes a demand-sideanalysis, a competitive landscape with top vendors' rankings, as well as a segmentanalysis. IDC also provides recommendations for services providers in each ITservices segment.M e t h o d o l o g yThis study is part of the continuous effort by IDC to research the China IT servicesmarket. IDC China services analysts get secondary information from, but are notlimited to, the following: the Internet, trade publications, previous IDC research, andIDC's proprietary database. Both primary and secondary research approaches areused in conjunction with each other to validate and cross-check information, asfollows:! Interviews with IT services providers. IDC China Services analysts interview all significant participants in the IT services market to determine the marketrevenue and other relevant information. Most interviews were conducted inperson, although other data-collection methods, such as telephone or faxinterviews, were applied when needed.! Provider briefings, press releases, and other publicly available information.IDC services analysts meet with a large number of service providers (SPs)semiannually. These briefings provide an opportunity to review current and futureservice offering strategies, revenue, customer bases, target markets, and otherkey market information.Ultimately, the data presented herein represents IDC's best estimates based on theabove data sources, reported and observed activity by providers, and furthermodeling of data that we believe to be true to fill in any information gaps.Note: All numbers in this study may not be exact due to rounding.S I T U A T I O N O V E R V I E WG l o b a l S o u r c i n g I m p a c tChina's IT services market is facing both domestic demand and offshore opportunity.With global sourcing becoming a strategic decision of companies to lower costsand enhance core competencies, the country boundary among services is blurring.Figure 1 illustrates the economic analysis and the impacts of global sourcing.For sourcing countries (e.g. the United States), clients there can enjoy lower pricesdue to the increase of supply from offshore vendors. The equilibrium point will movefrom point E to point E', where clients will have a greater surplus, while U.S. domesticvendors' surplus in the sourcing country will decrease. Thus, United States–basedglobal vendors like IBM and HP keep on building global delivery centers to solve thechallenge.©2008 IDC #CN221105Q 1O u t sou r cin g M a rke tAs many organizations are completing the first round of IT infrastructure implementation, they are shifting their focus on how to improve business efficiency and realize reliable business continuity (BC). After years of market cultivation and informing clients about the benefits of IT outsourcing services, organizations are more welcoming of professional services from outsourcing vendors and of buying into a model of business value improvement rather than just pure cost reduction through outsourcing.The China outsourcing market reached US$1,098.2 million in 2007, with a year-on-year growth of 36.2%. As for the current outsourcing market, we forecast it will evolve both in service expansion and project complexity. Organizations that have adopted outsourcing models are usually taking leading positions among the competition and are pioneering technology innovation. They are ready to entrust more projects with professional service vendors if they truly benefit from this model. The incremental market for outsourcing services will continue to boom on the similar track of the current existing market, and will generate more business from the China SME market. Requirements for outsourcing in the SME market will take more time to improve to maturity, but the huge customer base provides large business potential for this market. Local channels that have a wide social network and deep understanding of local potential customers will stand more chances to gain business from the local SME market. These traits are considered an important alliance necessary to leading IT outsourcing service vendors wanting deep market penetration.Big organizations that have a clear outsourcing strategy and streamlined business processes are capable of purchasing IS outsourcing (ISO) services to realize economies of scale and to transfer more management responsibility to vendors. Most organizations in the SME market are inclined to start outsourcing business from noncore or low-level transactional projects with vendors that match them in size and price. In the outsourcing market, we have observed that both global and local IT outsourcing vendors are struggling to find the right place that suits their scale and capability. Leading vendors target organizations demanding strategic and highly integrated services, while other small vendors improve themselves by collaborating with local small businesses. Interestingly, in taking advantage of China's rapid economic growth, many small businesses in China are experiencing their own dramatic growth and are willing to extend cooperation to existing vendors rather than launch new vendor selection campaigns, given the vendors fulfill their business requirement. This customer preference helps local outsourcing vendors expand their service coverage, deepen their industry knowledge, and therefore improve their competitive edge in the outsourcing field.Many services providers have launched series of services, such as IBM, Bluex, and Lenovo-Sunny services. These service offerings make it easier for customers to choose what they should buy when they encounter problems.With an increased reliance on software and hardware for mission-critical operational environments, enterprises prefer to contact support providers whenever a problem occurs — regardless of when or where it happens. Therefore, many support providers continue to launch advanced support services to better fulfill their customers' requirements.Increasingly, enterprises are looking for a single point of contact for their enterprise software and hardware support services. To meet the customers' needs, more and more SPs are carrying on multivendor support services to enrich their multibrand maintenance technical ability.To ensure peak performance and reliability of the entire IT system, an enterprise must implement a comprehensive strategy to support its IT environment. The product manufacturers are continuing innovation on the form of support services. Along with the fierce market competition, they have gradually been breaking away from being a single product support provider, and are tending to change into professional and personal value-added service (VAS) providers.In addition, product manufacturers try to penetrate tier 4 or 5 cities and expand their footprints. They are scrambling for service channels and entrusting them with more product-related services to penetrate local industry-centric markets and fulfill customers' needs.Beyond traditional customer training, vendors are making more efforts in channel education as channels gain value and become more important to vendors.IT Services by IndustryThe industry segmentation of the 2007 China IT services market was similar to that in 2006; the top 4 industries contributed 80% to the total market revenue. The top 4 industries include finance, communications and media, manufacturing, and government.In most of the industries, the growth engine came from the SME sector. The SME segment is unique because of its approach to purchasing IT solutions, particularly in terms of the emphasis on price. As such, vendors need to increase the number of channel partners and provide solutions/services to help drive growth in this market. There are strong growth opportunities in the SME market, including smaller cities. However, the uniqueness of the SME market coming from price sensitivity, limited IT demand, and flexible IT requirements still poses challenges for IT services providers.Figure 12 shows various industry shares in overall IT services spending in 2007.Accenture maintained its high and healthy growth in 2007. Continuing the strategy ofproviding business consulting services for resources, power, and telecom industriessharpened its business focus and made its market position clear. Accenture alsoprovides IT outsourcing services after implementing SI services for industry clients.AsiaInfo is a newcomer to the top 10 list. AsiaInfo mainly provides CRM, networkmanagement solutions, CAD, consulting, and SI services to the telecom industry.It enjoyed growth of 27.6% in 2007 over 2006. China's telecom industry marketis inclined to change from being demand driven to being layout driven; thisreorganization and realignment of the telecom industry along with the emergence of3G will bring more opportunities.Table 1 shows the revenue and market share of the top 10 IT SPs in China in 2007.T A B L E1T o p10C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s P r o v i d e r s,2007Ranking Vendor Revenue (US$M) Market Share (%)Services 533.1 6.1 Global1 IBM2 HP 314.9 3.6China 221.9 2.63 Digital4 Huawei 179.0 2.15 Accenture 105.0 1.2Technology 82.9 1.0 Dongli6 CE7 Neusoft 78.2 0.98 Dell 67.9 0.89 CS&S 66.3 0.810 AsiaInfo 60.9 0.7 Others 6,970.9 80.3 Total 8,681.0 100.0Note: The total market size in this table includes both primary and secondary markets. Therefore, the total market size islarger than the 2007 services market size. The primary market represents the IT services spending from the client and thesecondary market represents the IT services revenue from the vendor's subcontracting.Source: IDC, 2008F U T U R E O U T L O O KF o r e c a s t a n d A s s u m p t i o n sTable 2 shows the expected expenditures in the various foundations within the overallIT services market in China from 2007 to 2012.T A B L E 2C h i n a I T S e r v i c e s S p e n d i n g b y F o u n d a t i o n M a r k e t , 2007–2012 (U S $M )2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2007–2012CAGR (%)C&SICAD 1,110.3 1,307.4 1,491.8 1,690.6 1,913.4 2,178.1 14.4 IT consulting 311.7 373.6 440.3 535.5 650.9 795.8 20.6 SI 1,814.9 2,146.6 2,498.4 2,948.9 3,457.0 4,054.6 17.4 C&SI total 3,236.9 3,827.6 4,430.5 5,174.9 6,021.3 7,028.5 16.8 C&SI growth 25.9% 18.2% 15.8% 16.8% 16.4% 16.7% Outsourcing Application management 140.0 193.3 262.1 346.0 431.9 541.8 31.1 Desktop management 285.6 371.4 482.0 612.0 762.3 940.4 26.9 Hosted application management 100.1 128.9 157.1 199.0 249.4 307.1 25.1 Hosted infrastructure services 119.0 150.7 185.4 220.7 262.7 309.9 21.1 IS outsourcing 214.0 261.7 319.3 385.5 454.0 522.4 19.5 Network management 239.5 319.6 412.1 525.4 666.4 806.6 27.5 Outsourcing total1,098.2 1,425.7 1,818.0 2,288.6 2,826.6 3,428.2 25.6 Outsourcing growth (%) 36.2 29.8 27.5 25.9 23.5 21.3 TPSHardware deployment & support 1,390.0 1,556.5 1,713.8 1,900.7 2,123.7 2,350.9 11.1IT education & training 481.8 529.6 587.0 652.0 723.0 788.8 10.4 NCIS 842.9 930.2 1,007.5 1,084.8 1,192.0 1,298.3 9.0 Software deployment & support 649.4 784.6 922.9 1,071.4 1,240.6 1,443.417.3TPS total 3,364.0 3,800.8 4,231.2 4,708.8 5,279.3 5,881.3 11.8 TPS growth (%) 17.5 13.0 11.3 11.3 12.1 11.4 Grand total 7,699.1 9,054.1 10,479.812,172.414,127.216,338.016.2Grand total growth rate (%)23.417.615.716.216.115.6Note: See table 3 for key forecast assumptions.Source: IDC, 2008Table 3 is a look at the key assumptions for the China IT services market.K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMacroeconomicsGross domestic product (GDP) growth China maintained high GDPgrowth of 11.4% in 2007. Thisgrowth is expected to slowdown slightly in 2008,decreasing to 9.6%. Althoughgrowth in 2008 was adjustedto lower than the previousestimates due to theslowdown in the globaleconomy, it will be backed bystrong domestic demand.Domestic consumption willremain firm, with acceleratinggovernment spending anddemand in rural areas playingsignificant roles.Moderate. IDC assumes thatmore effective measures takenby the government will helpreduce the risk of economicoverheating and thus have nomajor impact on most ITmarkets. A strong and healthyeconomy will translate intoincreased overall IT spendingaccompanied by improvedbusiness sentiments andconfidence as well asexpanded domestic market.↔###$$U.S. recession The global economic outlookis increasingly grim as effectsof the housing meltdowncontinue to spread and creditconditions remain difficult.Contrary to previous IDC'sassumptions that the UnitedStates might be able to pullitself back from falling into arecession, the possibility of arecession is increasinglypossible. As the U.S.economy continues tocontract, it is likely that it willslide into a mild recession,and will stagnate throughmuch in 2009. Low. While some export-intensive countries mayexperience a squeeze, there isenough domestic demandacross most countries in theregion to sustain IDC's ongoingIT spending forecasts. Anynegative effects from the UnitedStates might even be a goodthing in helping to ease somepotentially overheatingcountries in the region.↓###$$Interest rates Up until December 25, 2007,China's central bank hadincreased the deposit rate by5.5% after 10 adjustmentsand increased the interest rateby 1.62%, intervening sixtimes in total. Thesemeasures were taken to keepconsumer prices from risingtoo fast and to turn around thesituation of negative interestrates. In 2008, the interestrate will keep rising under thepressure of inflation. Moderate. The continualincreasing interest rates willmake bank loans moreexpensive and thus makecompanies cautious inexpanding IT investments.↓##$$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionInflation The pork crisis largely droveup China's consumer priceindex (CPI) in 2007 and wasconsidered a signal of generalinflation. The CPI recorded itshighest levels in 11 years,reaching 6.9%, bringing theaverage annual CPI to 4.8%.The China government hasmade the task of avoidingoverall inflation a high priorityin 2008. Low. Expectations of highinflation are becoming moreentrenched among the public,and demand-driven inflationarypressures will remain relativelystrong in 2008. Nonetheless,the average inflation isexpected to fall slightly after thewidely celebrated Lunar NewYear, as demand for porkeases. Inflation will not impactIT spending patterns to a largeextent.↓###$$China's yuan revaluation Revaluations of the yuan mayoccur again in the future,although they would mostlikely occur very gradually, ifat all.Low. Even if anotherrevaluation occurs, there will beno major disruptions to theeconomy as a result (both forChina itself as well as othercountries in the region thattrade heavily with China).↓###$$Urbanization The government has devoteditself to facilitatingurbanization in the next fiveyears. Three initiatives includeincreasing the urbanproportion in the totalpopulation, increasing thenumber of cities, and reducingthe gap between urban andrural areas by improving theeconomy, culture, and livingenvironment in thecountryside. High. The standard of living inthe countryside will beimproved, and the consumptionof and investment in IT willincrease, especially in SouthChina and East China. Closingthe gap between the urban andrural areas together will alsohelp reinforce social stability.↑####$Foreign direct investment (FDI) The increasing FDI in China isstrongly fueling economicgrowth. This trend is expectedto continue for the next 2–3years.High. Increasing FDI isbolstering stable andsustainable infrastructureinvestments as well as rapidgrowth in spending in the ITservice market. Joint venturesand foreign-owned enterprises(FOEs) are more inclined toadopt IT services comparedwith state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and privately ownedenterprises (POEs).↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionMarket ecosystemMinistry of Information Industry (MII) 11th Five-Year Plan The MII has set its 2006–2010five year IT plan. The strategyof "information technologygives an impetus toindustrialization andindustrialization promotesinformation technology " putsthe IT industry as a toppriority, and technology will beencouraged to be used widelyin all economic and socialfields to promote economicstructure adjustment andindustrial development.Low. This plan has littlesurprises but imposes anoptimistic atmosphere for the ITservices market.↑####$IT for SMEs The SME segment is uniquebecause of its approach topurchasing IT solutions,particularly in terms of theemphasis on price. As such,vendors need to increase thenumber of channel partnersand provide solutions/servicesto help drive growth in thissegment. Moderate. There are stronggrowth opportunities in theSME market, including smallcities. However, the uniquenessof the SME market in pricesensitivity, limited IT demand,and flexible IT requirements stillpose challenges for IT serviceproviders.↑####$2008 Summer Olympics The 2008 Summer Olympicswill be held in China in August2008. This will not only serveas a healthy economicstimulus but will also requireservice providers to preparefor hosting and relevant SIprojects.Moderate. The games will fuelservice industries such astourism, hotel and restaurant,B2C, and online trading.As such, service enterpriseswill invest more in ecommerceor SaaS to enable moreefficient and effective accessfor consumers.↑###$$Technology/Service developmentsGlobal sourcing Both domestic and pure-playoffshore providers areincreasing their globalsourcing sophistication inChina, allowing forhigher-quality levels at lowerblended rates. Additionally,these benefits andexperiences are being passedonto local services markets asthey increase. Moderate. The maturation ofoffshore offerings will increasethe overall market opportunityby allowing existing customersto expand the scope of theircontracts and by allowing newcustomers to utilize servicesthat were previously tooexpensive; the price pressureswill negate much (but not all) ofthat effect on the overallservices markets.↔###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionNevertheless, the net impact of increased market opportunity will somewhat outweigh decreased prices.On-demand/Utility computing Technologies such asvirtualization and gridcomputing will enable thedelivery of real "pay by thedrink" computing by bothtraditional outsourcers andnew entrants. Thisdevelopment will begin toaffect the traditionaloutsourcing market as well asother infrastructure-intensiveservices markets.Moderate. The impact will below for the near term (twoyears) as adoption takes hold.These technologies will affectprofitability as opposed torevenue in the near term.Competition and lower costswill stimulate demand andaccelerate migration frominternal to external spending.This service model will bepopular among SMEs since ithelps them realizeinformatization with limited ITbudgets.↑###$$Industry restructuring One of current revolutionaryfocus areas for organizationsis optimizing industry structure— weakening high resource-costing, labor-intensive, andlow added-value industrieswhile encouraging efficient,high-tech, and highadded-value industries.Moderate. The transformationfrom external to internaleconomic growth will giveconfidence to high-techindustries, led by theinformation industry, to reachstrategic heights as the driverof structural change andgrowth.↑###$$Security and BC services Security is in demand bysectors such as ebusiness,government, and legal inChina. Both local andmultinational vendors are thusaddressing security and BC.Moderate. This shouldstimulate both hardware andtotal solution demand.Purchases of consulting andimplementation andoutsourcing with high security,BC, and disaster recovery (DR)will increase, including interestfrom the egovernment, army,and police sectors.↑###$$K e y F o r e c a s t A s s u m p t i o n s f o r t h e C h i n a I T S e r v i c e M a r k e t,2008–2012Market Force IDC Assumption Impact Accelerator/Inhibitor/NeutralCertainty ofAssumptionDynamic IT IDC has identified the nextstyle of computing — dynamicIT for dynamic enterprises —as one that dramaticallyincreases the effectiveness ofIT. Dynamic IT will supportboth business strategy and IToperational efficiency through12 key technologies. Withindynamic IT are a number ofimportant subtrends —virtualization in thedatacenter, data federation,and composite and rule-basedapplication. Transition todynamic IT will be slow andlabored but will proceednonetheless. High. Dynamic IT, by addingcoherence to the enterpriseusage of IT, will spur the ITservices market. However,confusing choices forenterprises and funding hurdlesfor a new infrastructure willbalance this impetus to marketgrowth. ↑###$$Software The software market will keepdouble-digit growth in the nextfive years, and many hotsolutions like SOA and ITservice management (ITSM)will increase the convergencebetween software andservices. Moderate. Software-relatedservices, such as softwaredeployment and support,software implementation, andconsulting services, willincrease.↑###$$SOA To implement services-oriented, architecture-typeprojects and increasebusiness agility, clients need afair amount of consulting andimplementation services tobuild an architecture based onits business process and tointegrate it with legacysystems. High. SOA movement will driveservices market growth rapidly.↑###$$Market environment The increased adoption of thehosting application model andthe number of enterprisedatacenters, as well as thecontinual drop in internetcosts, are providing a positiveenvironment for outsourcingservice providers to developtheir business. High. A favorable marketenvironment will accelerategrowth in IT services market.↑####$。






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MX25L25635E, 3V, 256Mb, v1.3

MX25L25635E, 3V, 256Mb, v1.3

MX25L25635EHIGH PERFORMANCE SERIAL FLASH SPECIFICA TIONContentsFEATURES (5)GENERAL DESCRIPTION (7)Table 1. Additional Features (7)PIN CONFIGURATION (8)PIN DESCRIPTION (8)BLOCK DIAGRAM (9)DATA PROTECTION (10)Table 2. Protected Area Sizes (11)Table 3. 4K-bit Secured OTP Definition (11)Memory Organization (12)Table 4. Memory Organization (12)DEVICE OPERATION (13)Figure 1. Serial Modes Supported (for Normal Serial mode) (13)HOLD FEATURES (14)Figure 2. Hold Condition Operation (14)COMMAND DESCRIPTION (15)Table 5. Command Sets (15)(1) Write Enable (WREN) (17)(2) Write Disable (WRDI) (17)(3) Read Identification (RDID) (17)(4) Read Status Register (RDSR) (18)(5) Write Status Register (WRSR) (19)Protection Modes (19)(6) Enter 4-byte mode (EN4B) (20)(7) Exit 4-byte mode (EX4B) (20)(8) Read Data Bytes (READ) (20)(9) Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed (FAST_READ) (20)(10) 2 x I/O Read Mode (2READ) (21)(11) Dual Read Mode (DREAD) (21)(12) 4 x I/O Read Mode (4READ) (21)(13) Quad Read Mode (QREAD) (22)(14) Sector Erase (SE) (22)(15) Block Erase (BE) (23)(16) Block Erase (BE32K) (23)(17) Chip Erase (CE) (24)(18) Page Program (PP) (24)(19) 4 x I/O Page Program (4PP) (24)Program/Erase Flow(1) - verify by reading array data (26)Program/Erase Flow(2) - verify by reading program/erase fail flag bit (27)(20) Continuously program mode (CP mode) (28)(21) Deep Power-down (DP) (29)(22) Release from Deep Power-down (RDP), Read Electronic Signature (RES) (29)(23) Read Electronic Manufacturer ID & Device ID (REMS), (REMS2), (REMS4) (29)Table 6. ID Definitions (30)(24) Enter Secured OTP (ENSO) (30)(25) Exit Secured OTP (EXSO) (30)(26) Read Security Register (RDSCUR) (30)Security Register Definition (31)(27) Write Security Register (WRSCUR) (31)(28) Write Protection Selection (WPSEL) (32)BP and SRWD if WPSEL=0 (32)The individual block lock mode is effective after setting WPSEL=1 (33)WPSEL Flow (34)(29) Single Block Lock/Unlock Protection (SBLK/SBULK) (35)Block Lock Flow (35)Block Unlock Flow (36)(30) Read Block Lock Status (RDBLOCK) (37)(31) Gang Block Lock/Unlock (GBLK/GBULK) (37)(32) Clear SR Fail Flags (CLSR) (37)(33) Enable SO to Output RY/BY# (ESRY) (37)(34) Disable SO to Output RY/BY# (DSRY) (37)(35) Read SFDP Mode (RDSFDP) (38)Read Serial Flash Discoverable Parameter (RDSFDP) Sequence (38)Table a. Signature and Parameter Identification Data Values (39)Table b. Parameter Table (0): JEDEC Flash Parameter Tables (40)Table c. Parameter Table (1): Macronix Flash Parameter Tables (42)POWER-ON STATE (44)ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (45)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (45)Figure 3. Maximum Negative Overshoot Waveform (45)CAPACITANCE TA = 25°C, f = 1.0 MHz (45)Figure 4. Maximum Positive Overshoot Waveform (45)Figure 5. OUTPUT LOADING (46)Table 7. DC CHARACTERISTICS (Temperature = -40°C to 85°C for Industrial grade, VCC = 2.7V ~ 3.6V) .47 Table 8. AC CHARACTERISTICS (Temperature = -40°C to 85°C for Industrial grade, VCC = 2.7V ~ 3.6V) 48 Timing Analysis (50)Figure 6. Serial Input Timing (50)Figure 7. Output Timing (50)Figure 8. Hold Timing (51)Figure 9. WP# Setup Timing and Hold Timing during WRSR when SRWD=1 (51)Figure 10. Write Enable (WREN) Sequence (Command 06) (52)Figure 11. Write Disable (WRDI) Sequence (Command 04) (52)Figure 12. Read Identification (RDID) Sequence (Command 9F) (53)Figure 13. Read Status Register (RDSR) Sequence (Command 05) (53)Figure 14. Write Status Register (WRSR) Sequence (Command 01) (53)Figure 15. Read Data Bytes (READ) Sequence (Command 03) (54)Figure 16. Read at Higher Speed (FAST_READ) Sequence (Command 0B) (54)Figure 17. 2 x I/O Read Mode Sequence (Command BB) (55)Figure 18. Dual Read Mode Sequence (Command 3B) (55)Figure 19. 4 x I/O Read Mode Sequence (Command EB) (56)Figure 20. Quad Read Mode Sequence (Command 6B) (56)Figure 21. 4 x I/O Read Enhance Performance Mode Sequence (Command EB) (57)Figure 22. Sector Erase (SE) Sequence (Command 20) (58)Figure 23. Block Erase (BE/EB32K) Sequence (Command D8/52) (58)Figure 24. Chip Erase (CE) Sequence (Command 60 or C7) (58)Figure 25. Page Program (PP) Sequence (Command 02) (59)Figure 26. 4 x I/O Page Program (4PP) Sequence (Command 38) (59)Figure 27. Continuously Program (CP) Mode Sequence with Hardware Detection (Command AD) (60)Figure 28. Deep Power-down (DP) Sequence (Command B9) (61)Figure 29. Read Electronic Signature (RES) Sequence (Command AB) (61)Figure 30. Release from Deep Power-down (RDP) Sequence (Command AB) (61)Figure 31. Read Electronic Manufacturer & Device ID (REMS) Sequence (Command 90 or EF or DF) (62)Figure 32. Write Protection Selection (WPSEL) Sequence (Command 68) (62)Figure 33. Single Block Lock/Unlock Protection (SBLK/SBULK) Sequence (Command 36/39) (63)Figure 34. Read Block Protection Lock Status (RDBLOCK) Sequence (Command 3C) (63)Figure 35. Gang Block Lock/Unlock (GBLK/GBULK) Sequence (Command 7E/98) (63)RESET (64)Figure 36. RESET Timing (64)Table 9. Reset Timing (64)Figure 37. Power-up Timing (65)Table 10. Power-Up Timing (65)INITIAL DELIVERY STATE (65)OPERATING CONDITIONS (66)Figure 38. AC Timing at Device Power-Up (66)Figure 39. Power-Down Sequence (67)ERASE AND PROGRAMMING PERFORMANCE (68)DATA RETENTION (68)LATCH-UP CHARACTERISTICS (68)ORDERING INFORMATION (69)PART NAME DESCRIPTION (70)PACKAGE INFORMATION (71)REVISION HISTORY (73)256M-BIT [x 1/x 2/x 4] CMOS MXSMIO TM (SERIAL MULTI I/O) FLASH MEMORY FEATURESGENERAL• Serial Peripheral Interface compatible -- Mode 0 and Mode 3• 268,435,456 x 1 bit structure or 134,217,728 x 2 bits (two I/O mode) structure or 67,108,864 x 4 bits (four I/O mode) structure• 8192 Equal Sectors with 4K bytes each- Any Sector can be erased individually• 1024 Equal Blocks with 32K bytes each- Any Block can be erased individually• 512 Equal Blocks with 64K bytes each- Any Block can be erased individually• Power Supply Operation- 2.7 to 3.6 volt for read, erase, and program operations• Latch-up protected to 100mA from -1V to Vcc +1VPERFORMANCE• High PerformanceVCC = 2.7~3.6V- Normal read- 50MHz- Fast read- 1 I/O: 80MHz with 8 dummy cycles- 2 I/O: 70MHz with 4 dummy cycles- 4 I/O: 70MHz with 6 dummy cycles- Fast program time: 1.4ms(typ.) and 5ms(max.)/page (256-byte per page)- Byte program time: 9us (typical)- Continuously Program mode (automatically increase address under word program mode)- Fast erase time: 60ms (typ.)/sector (4K-byte per sector) ; 0.5s(typ.) /block (32K-byte per block); 0.7s(typ.) /block (64K-byte per block); 160s(typ.) /chip• Low Power Consumption- Low active read current: 45mA(max.) at 80MHz, 40mA(max.) at 70MHz and 30mA(max.) at 50MHz- Low active programming current: 25mA (max.)- Low active erase current: 25mA (max.)- Standby current: 200uA (max.)- Deep power down current: 80uA (max.)• Typical 100,000 erase/program cyclesSOFTWARE FEATURES• Input Data Format- 1-byte Command code• Advanced Security Features- BP0-BP3 block group protect- Flexible individual block protect when OTP WPSEL=1- Additional 4K bits secured OTP for unique identifier• Auto Erase and Auto Program Algorithms- Automatically erases and verifies data at selected sector- Automatically programs and verifies data at selected page by an internal algorithm that automatically times the program pulse width (Any page to be programed should have page in the erased state first.)• Status Register Feature• Electronic Identification- JEDEC 1-byte Manufacturer ID and 2-byte Device ID- RES command for 1-byte Device ID- Both REMS,REMS2, REMS4 commands for 1-byte Manufacturer ID and 1-byte Device ID• Support Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) modeHARDWARE FEATURES• SCLK Input- Serial clock input• SI/SIO0- Serial Data Input or Serial Data Input/Output for 2 x I/O mode and 4 x I/O mode• SO/SIO1- Serial Data Output or Serial Data Input/Output for 2 x I/O mode and 4 x I/O mode• WP#/SIO2- Hardware write protection or serial data Input/Output for 4 x I/O mode• HOLD#/SIO3- HOLD# pin or serial data Input/Output for 4 x I/O mode, an internal weak pull up on the pin- The weak pull up on the HOLD# pin will be disabled after QE bit is enabled, until next power-on cycle starts.- HOLD# function is only available on 16 SOP package• RESET#- Hardware reset pin• PACKAGE- 16-pin SOP (300mil)- 8 WSON (8x6mm)- All devices are RoHS CompliantTable 1. Additional FeaturesGENERAL DESCRIPTIONMX25L25635E is 268,435,456 bits serial Flash memory, which is configured as 33,554,432 x 8 internally. When it is in two or four I/O mode, the structure becomes 134,217,728 bits x 2 or 67,108,864 bits x 4. The MX25L25635E features a serial peripheral interface and software protocol allowing operation on a simple 3-wire bus. The three bus signals are a clock input (SCLK), a serial data input (SI), and a serial data output (SO). Serial access to the device is enabled by CS# input.MX25L25635E, MXSMIO TM (Serial Multi I/O) flash memory, provides sequential read operation on whole chip and multi-I/O features.When it is in dual I/O mode, the SI pin and SO pin become SIO0 pin and SIO1 pin for address/dummy bits input and data output. When it is in quad I/O mode, the SI pin, SO pin, WP# pin and HOLD# pin become SIO0 pin, SIO1 pin, SIO2 pin and SIO3 pin for address/dummy bits input and data Input/Output.After program/erase command is issued, auto program/ erase algorithms which program/ erase and verify the specified page or sector/block locations will be executed. Program command is executed on byte basis, or page (256 bytes) basis, or word basis for Continuously Program mode, and erase command is executes on sector (4K-byte), block (32K-byte/64K-byte), or whole chip basis.To provide user with ease of interface, a status register is included to indicate the status of the chip. The status read command can be issued to detect completion status of a program or erase operation via WIP bit.When the device is not in operation and CS# is high, it is put in standby mode and draws less than 200uA DC cur-rent.The MX25L25635E utilizes Macronix's proprietary memory cell, which reliably stores memory contents even after 100,000 program and erase cycles.Additional FeaturesPart NameProtection and SecurityRead PerformanceFlexible or Individual block (or sector) protection4K-bit secured OTP1 I/O Read (80 MHz)2 I/O Read (70 MHz)4 I/O Read (70 MHz)MX25L25635EVVV VVAdditional FeaturesPart NameIdentifierRES (command: AB hex)REMS (command: 90 hex)REMS2(command: EF hex)REMS4(command: DF hex)RDID(command: 9F hex)MX25L25635E18 (hex)C2 18 (hex)C2 18 (hex)C2 18 (hex)C2 20 19 (hex)PIN CONFIGURATION16-PIN SOP (300mil)12345678HOLD#/SIO3VCC RESET#NC NC NC CS#SO/SIO1161514131211109SCLK SI/SIO0NC NC NC NC GNDWP#/SIO2PIN DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL DESCRIPTION CS#Chip SelectSI/SIO0Serial Data Input (for 1xI/O)/ Serial DataInput & Output (for 2xI/O or 4xI/O mode)SO/SIO1Serial Data Output (for 1xI/O)/SerialData Input & Output (for 2xI/O or 4xI/Omode)SCLK Clock InputWP#/SIO2Write protection: connect to GND orSerial Data Input & Output (for 4xI/Omode)HOLD#(1,2)/SIO3HOLD# pin or Serial Data Input & Output (for 4xI/O mode)VCC + 3.3V Power Supply GND GroundRESET#(3)Hardware Reset Pin, Active lowNC No Connection Note:(1). HOLD# function is only available on 16-SOPpackage.(2). The weak pull up on the HOLD# pin will be dis- abled after QE bit is enabled, until next power-oncycle starts.(3). RESET# pin has internal pull up.8-WSON (8x6mm) *CS#SO/SIO1WP#/SIO2GNDVCCRESET#/SIO3SCLK SI/SIO0BLOCK DIAGRAMDATA PROTECTIONMX25L25635E is designed to offer protection against accidental erasure or programming caused by spurious sys-tem level signals that may exist during power transition. During power up the device automatically resets the state machine in the standby mode. In addition, with its control register architecture, alteration of the memory contents only occurs after successful completion of specific command sequences. The device also incorporates several fea-tures to prevent inadvertent write cycles resulting from VCC power-up and power-down transition or system noise.• Valid command length checking: The command length will be checked whether it is at byte base and completed on byte boundary.• Write Enable (WREN) command: WREN command is required to set the Write Enable Latch bit (WEL) before other command to change data. The WEL bit will return to reset stage under following situation:- Power-up- Reset# Pin driven low- Write Disable (WRDI) command completion- Write Status Register (WRSR) command completion- Page Program (PP, 4PP) command completion- Continuously Program mode (CP) instruction completion- Sector Erase (SE) command completion- Block Erase (BE, BE32K) command completion- Chip Erase (CE) command completion- Single Block Lock/Unlock (SBLK/SBULK) instruction completion- Gang Block Lock/Unlock (GBLK/GBULK) instruction completion- Write Security Register (WRSCUR) instruction completion- Write Protection Selection (WPSEL) instruction completion• Deep Power Down Mode: By entering deep power down mode, the flash device also is under protected from writing all commands except Release from Deep Power Down mode command (RDP) and Read Electronic Sig-nature command (RES).I. Block lock protection- The Software Protected Mode (SPM) uses (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) bits to allow part of memory to be protected as read only. The protected area definition is shown as table of "Protected Area Sizes", the protected areas are more flexible which may protect various area by setting value of BP0-BP3 bits. Please refer to table of "Protect-ed Area Sizes".- The Hardware Protected Mode (HPM) use WP#/SIO2 to protect the (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) bits and SRWD bit.If the system goes into four I/O mode, the feature of HPM will be disabled.- MX25L25635E provide individual block (or sector) write protect & unprotect. User may enter the mode with WPSEL command and conduct individual block (or sector) write protect with SBLK instruction, or SBULK for individual block (or sector) unprotect. Under the mode, user may conduct whole chip (all blocks) protect with GBLK instruction and unlock the whole chip with GBULK instruction.II. Additional 4K-bit secured OTP for unique identifier: to provide 4K-bit One-Time Program area for setting de -vice unique serial number - Which may be set by factory or system maker. Please refer to Table 3. 4K-bit Se-cured OTP Definition. - Security register bit 0 indicates whether the chip is locked by factory or not.- To program the 4K-bit secured OTP by entering 4K-bit secured OTP mode (with ENSO command), and going through normal program procedure, and then exiting 4K-bit secured OTP mode by writing EXSO command.- Customer may lock-down the customer lockable secured OTP by writing WRSCUR(write security register) command to set customer lock-down bit1 as "1". Please refer to table of "Security Register Definition" for secu -rity register bit definition and table of "4K-bit Secured OTP Definition" for address range definition.- Note: Once lock-down whatever by factory or customer, it cannot be changed any more. While in 4K-bit Se-cured OTP mode, array access is not allowed.Table 3. 4K-bit Secured OTP DefinitionTable 2. Protected Area SizesNote: The device is ready to accept a Chip Erase instruction if, and only if, all Block Protect (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) are 0.Address range Size Standard Factory Lock Customer Lock xxx000~xxx00F 128-bit ESN (electrical serial number)Determined by customerxxx010~xxx1FF3968-bitN/AStatus bitProtection Area BP3BP2BP1BP0256Mb00000 (none)0001 1 (2 blocks, block 510th-511th)0010 2 (4 blocks, block 508th-511th)0011 3 (8 blocks, block 504th-511th)0100 4 (16 blocks, block 496th-511th)0101 5 (32 blocks, block 480th-511th)0110 6 (64 blocks, block 448nd-511th)01117 (128 blocks, block 384th-511th)10008 (256 blocks, block 256th-511th)10019 (512 blocks, all)101010 (512 blocks, all)101111 (512 blocks, all)110012 (512 blocks, all)110113 (512 blocks, all)111014 (512 blocks, all)111115 (512 blocks, all)Memory OrganizationTable 4. Memory Organizationindividual blocklock/unlock unit:64K-byteDEVICE OPERATION1. Before a command is issued, status register should be checked to ensure device is ready for the intended op-eration.2. When incorrect command is inputted to this LSI, this LSI becomes standby mode and keeps the standby mode until next CS# falling edge. In standby mode, SO pin of this LSI should be High-Z.3. When correct command is inputted to this LSI, this LSI becomes active mode and keeps the active mode until next CS# rising edge.4. For standard single data rate serial mode, input data is latched on the rising edge of Serial Clock(SCLK) and data shifts out on the falling edge of SCLK. The difference of Serial mode 0 and mode 3 is shown as Figure 1.5. For the following instructions: RDID, RDSR, RDSCUR, READ, FAST_READ, RDSFDP , 2READ, DREAD, 4READ, QREAD, RDBLOCK, RES, REMS, REMS2, and REMS4 the shifted-in instruction sequence is followed by a data-out sequence. After any bit of data being shifted out, the CS# can be high. For the following instruc-tions: WREN, WRDI, WRSR, SE, BE, BE32K, HPM, CE, PP , CP , 4PP , RDP , DP , WPSEL, SBLK, SBULK, GBLK, GBULK, ENSO, EXSO, WRSCUR, EN4B, EX4B, ENPLM, EXPLM, ESRY , DSRY and CLSR the CS# must go high exactly at the byte boundary; otherwise, the instruction will be rejected and not executed.6. During the progress of Write Status Register, Program, Erase operation, to access the memory array is neglect-ed and not affect the current operation of Write Status Register, Program, Erase.Figure 1. Serial Modes Supported (for Normal Serial mode)Note:CPOL indicates clock polarity of Serial master, CPOL=1 for SCLK high while idle, CPOL=0 for SCLK low while not transmitting. CPHA indicates clock phase. The combination of CPOL bit and CPHA bit decides which Serial mode is supported.SCLKMSBCPHA shift inshift outSI 01CPOL(Serial mode 0)(Serial mode 3)1SO SCLKMSBHOLD FEATURESHOLD# pin signal goes low to hold any serial communications with the device. The HOLD feature will not stop the operation of write status register, programming, or erasing in progress.The operation of HOLD requires Chip Select(CS#) keeping low and starts on falling edge of HOLD# pin signal while Serial Clock (SCLK) signal is being low (if Serial Clock signal is not being low, HOLD operation will not start until Serial Clock signal being low). The HOLD condition ends on the rising edge of HOLD# pin signal while Se-rial Clock(SCLK) signal is being low (if Serial Clock signal is not being low, HOLD operation will not end until Serial Clock being low), see Figure 2.The Serial Data Output (SO) is high impedance, both Serial Data Input (SI) and Serial Clock (SCLK) are don't care during the HOLD operation. If Chip Select (CS#) drives high during HOLD operation, it will reset the internal logic of the device. To re-start communication with chip, the HOLD# must be at high and CS# must be at low.Note 1: The HOLD feature is disabled during Quad I/O mode in 16-SOP package.COMMAND DESCRIPTION Table 5. Command SetsCOMMAND (byte)WREN (writeenable)WRDI (writedisable)RDID (readidentification)RDSR(read statusregister)WRSR(write statusregister)EN4B (enter4-byte mode)EX4B (exit4-byte mode)READ (readdata)Command(hex)06 04 9F 05 01 B7 E9 03InputCyclesData(8)ADD(24) DummyCyclesActionsets the(WEL) writeenable latchbitresets the(WEL) writeenable latchbitoutputsJEDECID: 1-byteManufacturerID & 2-byteDevice IDto read outthe valuesof the statusregisterto write newvalues tothe statusregisterto enter4-byte modeand set4BYTE bit as"1"to exit 4-bytemode andclear 4BYTEbit to be "0"n bytes readout until CS#goes highCOMMAND (byte)FAST READ(fast readdata)RDSFDP(Read SFDP)2READ (2x I/O readcommand)Note1DREAD(1I 2O read)4READ (4x I/O readcommand)QREAD(1I 4O read)4PP (quadpageprogram)SE (sectorerase)Command(hex)0B 5A BB 3B EB 6B38 20Input Cycles ADD(24)ADD(24)ADD(12)ADD(24)ADD(6)+indicator(2)ADD(24)ADD(6)+Data(512)ADD(24)DummyCycles884848Action n bytes readout until CS#goes highRead SFDPmoden bytes readout by 2 x I/O until CS#goes highn bytes readout by Dualoutput untilCS# goeshighn bytes readout by 4 x I/O until CS#goes highn bytes readout by Quadoutput untilCS# goeshighquad inputto programthe selectedpageto erase theselectedsectorCOMMAND (byte)BE (blockerase 64KB)BE 32K (blockerase 32KB)CE (chiperase)PP (Pageprogram)CP(Continuouslyprogrammode)DP (Deeppower down)RDP(Releasefrom deeppower down)RES (readelectronic ID)Command(hex)D8 52 60 or C7 02 AD B9 AB ABInput Cycles ADD(24)ADD(24)ADD(24)+Data(2048)ADD(24)+Data(16)DummyCycles24Action to erase theselected64KB blockto erase theselected32KB blockto erasewhole chipto programthe selectedpagecontinouslyprogramwholechip, theaddress isautomaticallyincreaseenters deeppower downmoderelease fromdeep powerdown modeto read out1-byte DeviceIDNote 1: It is not recommended to adopt any other code not in the command definition table, which will potentiallyenter the hidden mode.Note 2: In individual block write protection mode, all blocks/sectors is locked as defualt.Note 3: The number in parentheses afer "ADD" or "Data" stands for how many clock cycles it has. For example, "Data(8)" represents there are 8 clock cycles for the data in. Please note the number after"ADD" are based on 3-byte address mode, for 4-byte address mode, which will be increased.COMMAND (byte)REMS (readelectronic manufacturer & device ID)REMS2 (read ID for 2x I/O mode)REMS4 (read ID for 4x I/O mode)ENSO (enter secured OTP)EXSO (exitsecured OTP)RDSCUR (read security register)WRSCUR(write securityregister)Command(hex)90EF DF B1C12B 2FInputCycles ADD(8)ADD(8)ADD(8)DummyCycles16 16 16Actionoutput the Manufacturer ID & Device ID output the Manufacturer ID & Device ID output the Manufact-urer ID & device ID to enter the 4K-bit Secured OTP mode to exit the 4K-bit Secured OTP mode to read value of security register to set the lock-down bit as "1" (once lock-down, cannotbe updated)COMMAND (byte)ESRY (enable SO to output RY/BY#)DSRY (disable SO to output RY/BY#)CLSR (Clear SR Fail Flags)HPM (High Perform-ance Enable Mode)WPSEL (write protection selection)SBLK (singleblock lock)*Note 2SBULK (singleblock unlock)Command (hex)708030A36836 39 Input Cycles ADD(24)ADD(24)Dummy Cycles Actionto enable SO to output RY/BY# during CP mode to disable SO to output RY/BY# during CP mode clear security register bit 6 and bit 5Quad I/O high Perform-ance mode to enter and enable individal block protect mode individual block (64K-byte) or sector (4K-byte) write protect individual block (64K-byte) or sector (4K-byte)unprotectCOMMAND (byte)RDBLOCK(block protectread)GBLK (gang block lock)GBULK (gangblock unlock)Command(hex)3C 7E 98InputCycles ADD(24)Dummy Cycles Action read individual block or sector write protect statuswhole chip write protect wholechip unprotect(1) Write Enable (WREN)The Write Enable (WREN) instruction is for setting Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit. For those instructions like PP, 4PP, CP, SE, BE, BE32K, CE, WRSR, WRSCUR, WPSEL, SBLK, SBULK, GBLK and GBULK, which are intended to change the device content, should be set every time after the WREN instruction setting the WEL bit.The sequence of issuing WREN instruction is: CS# goes low→ sending WREN instruction code→ CS# goes high. (Please refer to Figure 10)(2) Write Disable (WRDI)The Write Disable (WRDI) instruction is for resetting Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit.The sequence of issuing WRDI instruction is: CS# goes low→ sending WRDI instruction code→ CS# goes high. (Please refer to Figure 11)The WEL bit is reset by following situations:- Power-up- Reset# pin driven low- Write Disable (WRDI) instruction completion- Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction completion- Page Program (PP, 4PP) instruction completion- Sector Erase (SE) instruction completion- Block Erase (BE, BE32K) instruction completion- Chip Erase (CE) instruction completion- Continuously Program mode (CP) instruction completion- Single Block Lock/Unlock (SBLK/SBULK) instruction completion- Gang Block Lock/Unlock (GBLK/GBULK) instruction completion- Write Security Register (WRSCUR) instruction completion- Write Protection Selection (WPSEL) instruction completion(3) Read Identification (RDID)The RDID instruction is for reading the Manufacturer ID of 1-byte and followed by Device ID of 2-byte. The MXIC Manufacturer ID is C2(hex), the memory type ID is 20(hex) as the first-byte Device ID, and the individual Device ID of second-byte ID are listed as table of "ID Definitions". (Please refer to Table 6)The sequence of issuing RDID instruction is: CS# goes low→ sending RDID instruction code → 24-bits ID data out on SO→ to end RDID operation can use CS# to high at any time during data out. (Please refer to Figure 12)While Program/Erase operation is in progress, it will not decode the RDID instruction, so there's no effect on the cy-cle of program/erase operation which is currently in progress. When CS# goes high, the device is at standby stage.(4) Read Status Register (RDSR)The RDSR instruction is for reading Status Register. The Read Status Register can be read at any time (even in program/erase/write status register condition) and continuously. It is recommended to check the Write in Progress (WIP) bit before sending a new instruction when a program, erase, or write status register operation is in progress. The sequence of issuing RDSR instruction is: CS# goes low→ sending RDSR instruction code→ Status Register data out on SO (Please refer to Figure 13).The definition of the status register bits is as below:WIP bit. The Write in Progress (WIP) bit, a volatile bit, indicates whether the device is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. When WIP bit sets to 1, which means the device is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. When WIP bit sets to 0, which means the device is not in progress of program/erase/write status register cycle.WEL bit. The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit, a volatile bit, indicates whether the device is set to internal write enable latch. When WEL bit sets to "1", which means the internal write enable latch is set, the device can accept program/erase/write status register instruction. When WEL bit sets to 0, which means no internal write enable latch; the de-vice will not accept program/erase/write status register instruction. The program/erase command will be ignored and will reset WEL bit if it is applied to a protected memory area.BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0 bits. The Block Protect (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) bits, non-volatile bits, indicate the protected area (as defined in Table 2) of the device to against the program/erase instruction without hardware protection mode being set. To write the Block Protect (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) bits requires the Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction to be executed. Those bits define the protected area of the memory to against Page Program (PP), Sector Erase (SE), Block Erase (BE) and Chip Erase (CE) instructions (only if all Block Protect bits set to 0, the CE instruction can be executed).QE bit. The Quad Enable (QE) bit, non-volatile bit, while it is "0" (factory default), it performs non-Quad and WP#, HOLD#, RESET# are enable. While QE is "1", it performs Quad I/O mode and WP#, HOLD#, RESET# are disabled. In the other word, if the system goes into four I/O mode (QE=1), the feature of HPM and HOLD (16SOP package) or RESET (8 WSON package) will be disabled.SRWD bit. The Status Register Write Disable (SRWD) bit, non-volatile bit, default value is "0". SRWD bit is operat -ed together with Write Protection (WP#/SIO2) pin for providing hardware protection mode. The hardware protection mode requires SRWD sets to 1 and WP#/SIO2 pin signal is low stage. In the hardware protection mode, the Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is no longer accepted for execution and the SRWD bit and Block Protect bits (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) are read only. Status RegisterNote 1: see the Table 2 "Protected Area Size" in page 11.bit7bit6bit5bit4bit3bit2bit1bit0SRWD (status register write protect)QE (Quad Enable)BP3 (level of protected block)BP2 (level of protected block)BP1 (level of protected block)BP0 (level of protected block)WEL (write enable latch)WIP (write inprogress bit)1=statusregister write disable1= QuadEnable0=not QuadEnable(note 1)(note 1)(note 1)(note 1)1=write enable 0=not write enable 1=write operation 0=not in write operation Non-volatile bit Non-volatile bit Non-volatile bit Non-volatile bit Non-volatile bit Non-volatilebit volatile bitvolatile bit。



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目录2 著作权&约束 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... ..... 1 保证和约定义务 ...................................................................................................1 前言 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (1)3 目的和范围 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... ........ 1 定义,缩写词和术语 ................................................ ................................................... ........................................... 1 如何报告问题 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .... 1 系统技术概述 ................................................ ................................................... (2)系统技术特点 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (2)金蝶EAS-CRM技术架构 ................................................ ................................................... (2)系统界面说明 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (2)列表特点 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (2)主列表界面 ................................................ ................................................... ...................................................3收藏夹 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (4)编辑界面 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (5)关联列表界面 ................................................ ................................................... .. (6)选择列表界面 ................................................................................................... .. (7)选择列表收藏夹 ................................................ ................................................... . (8)系统标准控件使用说明 ................................................ ................................................... .. (8)4 系统管理 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (9)系统登录 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (9)系统登录 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (9)系统注销 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (9)密码修改 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (9)忘记口令 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 10用户信................................................... ................................................... .. 10帮助 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (10)系统设置 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (10)系统参数说明 ................................................ ................................................... (10)邮件服务设置 ................................................ ...................................................菜单自定义 ................................................ ................................................... . (12)基础设置 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (13)系统基础设置 ................................................ ................................................... (13)销售模块基础设置 ................................................ ................................................... . (17)服务模块基础设置 ................................................ (21)市场模块基础设置 ................................................ ................................................... . (23)定义分类显示 ................................................ ................................................... (24)客户生命周期 ................................................ ................................................... (26)编号、助记码自定义 ................................................ ................................................... .. (27)助记码自定义 ................................................ (27)编号自定义 ................................................ ................................................... . (28)数据字典 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (30)预设字典 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 30自定义字典 ................................................ ................................................... . (30)数据字典中的字典项维护 ................................................ ................................................... .. (30)对象自定义 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (31)业务对象自定义 ................................................ ................................................... .. (31)部门 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (34)部门的内容组成 ................................................ ................................................... (34)部门管理 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 35新增部门 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 35修改部门 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 36删除部门 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 36员工 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (36)员工/团队的内容组成 ................................................ ................................................... .. (36)员工/团队管理 ................................................ ................................................... .. (37)新增员工 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 37新增团队 ................................................ ...................................................................................................... .. 38修改员工/团队 ................................................ ................................................... .. (39)删除员工/团队 ................................................ ................................................... .. (39)员工角色 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 39角色 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (40)角色的内容组成 ................................................ ................................................... .. (40)角色新增 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 40角色修改 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 40角色删除 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 41角色功能授权 ................................................ (41)角色特殊授权 ................................................ ................................................... (42)角色菜单授权 ................................................ ................................................... (42)权限 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (43)权限的类型 ................................................ ................................................... . (43)权限分................................................... ................................................... .. 43权限明细 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 45部门权限列表 ................................................ ................................................... (46)特殊权限 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 46数据授权 ................................................ ..................................................... 47审核 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (48)审核设置 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 48审核操作 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 52信息查询 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (52)检索方案 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 52快速检索 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 54工作日志 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (55)系统日志 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (55)登陆日志 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 55操作日志 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 56电子邮件日志 ................................................ ................................................... (57)在线用户日志 ................................................ ................................................... (57)短信日志 ................................................ ...................................................................................................... .. 585 基础管理 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (58)客户 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (58)客户伙伴 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 59客户接触信息 ................................................ ................................................... (71)客户交易信息 ................................................ ................................................... (73)客户分析 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 76客户价值管理 ................................................ ................................................... (78)客户生命周期 ................................................ ................................................... (82)联系人 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (83)联系人管理 ................................................ ................................................... . (83)联系人交易信息 ................................................ ................................................... .. (86)联系人分析 ................................................ ................................................... . (87)活动 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (87)活动概念 ................................................................................................... ................................................... .. 87活动管理 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 88活动审核 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 89活动完成 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 90活动特征项 ................................................ ................................................... (90)活动协作 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 91活动费用 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 91活动联系人 ................................................ ................................................... . (94)活动产品 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 95活动附件 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 95活动授权 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 96活动图表分析 ................................................ ................................................... (96)活动业务趋势分析 ................................................ ................................................... . (96)日历 ................................................ ...................................................................................................... (96)日计划 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (96)周计划 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (97)月计划 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (98)任务 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... (99)任务维护 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. 99任务分配 ................................................ ................................................... (100)任务提交 ................................................ ................................................... (101)任务审核 ................................................ ................................................... (101)任务活动 ................................................ ................................................... (101)任务生成活动 ................................................ ................................................... . (101)任务附件 ................................................ ................................................... (101)任务授权 ................................................ ................................................... (102)邮件&短信息 ................................................................................................... . (102)邮件 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (102)短信 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (102)费用 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... . (104)费用报告 ................................................ ................................................... (105)费用明细 ................................................ ................................................... (105)费用申请管理 ................................................ ................................................... . (106)费用报销管理 ................................................ ................................................... . (107)费用报批 ................................................ ................................................... (108)转入费用报销 ................................................ ................................................... . (108)费用申请审批 ................................................ ................................................... . (108)费用报销审批 ................................................ ................................................... . (109)导出费用资料 ................................................ ................................................... . (109)费用授权 ................................................ ................................................... (109)费用附件 ................................................ ................................................... (109)竞争对手 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (109)竞争对手管理 ................................................ ................................................... . (109)竞争对手的属性管理................................................. ................................................... . (111)竞争对手属性定义 ................................................ ................................................... (111)竞争对手的客户 ................................................ ................................................... (112)竞争对手联系人 ................................................ ................................................... (112)竞争对手产品 ................................................ ................................................... . (112)竞争对手附件 ................................................ ................................................... . (113)图表分析 ................................................ ...................................................114合作伙伴 ................................................ ................................................... ................................................... .. (114)合作伙伴管理 ................................................ ................................................... . (114)合作伙伴联系人 ................................................ ................................................... (115)合作伙伴客户 ................................................ ................................................... . (116)合作伙伴市场活................................................... .. (116)合作伙伴签约信息 ................................................ ................................................... .. (116)合作伙伴媒体宣传 ................................................ ................................................... .. (116)篇二:客户关系管理解决方案金蝶客户关系管理解决方案方案概述客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),其核心思想是将企业的客户(包括最终客户、分销商和合作伙伴)作为最重要的企业资源,通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,保证实现客户的终生价值。


我们所提供的产品和服务 ...................................................................................................................................8
IFS 应用系统介绍................................................................................................................................................9
IFS 应用系统

广州万迅电脑软件有限公司 Tel:020-83283115 Fax:020-83283054
IFS 应用系统功能概要......................................................................................................................................10 IFS 应用系统 ......................................................................................................................................................10


OnStar Services, A New Era of Human-Vehicle Interaction 安吉星开启“人·车·环境” 智能车载信息新时代
China - Promising Market for Telematics Services 中国的车载信息服务市场充满潜力
The No. 1 vehicle sales volume and rapid growth of smartphone coverage has created a promising market for telematics services 排名第一的汽车年销量和快速增长 的智能手机的覆盖,成就了车载信息服务市场的发展
In an emergency, Advisor contacts Public Safety with location, crash data and injury status for emergency responders. 在紧急情况下,安吉星客户服务顾问会将事故发生地 点,车辆碰撞数据以及受伤情况等信息提供给相关公 共安全部门...
Prime time: according to related data, in 30-60 minutes after accident, fast, effective and targeted rescue can greatly improve the chances of survival 黄金时间:根据相关数据显示,事故发生后30-60分钟内,快 速、有效以及有针对性的救援将大大提高受伤人员的生还机率。

Vehicle location车辆位置信息 Status of airbags安全气囊状态 Vehicle bumping force direction and whether rolls车辆被撞受力方向,是否翻滚 Change in acceleration加速度的变化


首先,我们需要对软件进行详细的需求分析。这包括但不限于目标用户、功能 需求、使用场景等。例如,针对目标用户,我们可以分析他们的学习需求,如 知识点掌握、练习题训练、模拟考试等。针对功能需求,我们可以考虑软件的 交互设计、用户体验等。使用场景则涉及到软件的使用时间、地点等。
在开发完成后,我们需要进行严格的测试。这包括功能测试、性能测试、用户 体验测试等。只有通过这些测试,我们才能确保软件的质量和稳定性。
最后,我们将软件发布到平台。在发布后,我们需要持续用户的反馈,对软件 进行维护和更新。例如,如果用户发现了某个问题或者有新的需求,我们需要 在第一时间进行处理。此外,我们还需要定期更新内容,以满足用户的学习需 求。
2、网络环境不稳定:的网络环境相对不稳定,容易出现网络延迟、断线等问 题。开发者需要针对这些问题进行优化和处理。
3、安全问题:的安全性是用户的重点之一。开发者需要采取措施保障用户数 据的安全性和隐私性。
随着移动互联网的迅速发展,越来越多的应用正以的形式出现在我们的日常生 活中。作为其中的佼佼者,因其无需下载、即用即走的特性而受到广大用户的 欢迎。在教育领域,计算机等级考试辅导软件一直是一个重要的需求点。本次 演示将探讨如何设计和开发一款基于的计算机等级考试辅导软件。
4、系统开发与测试:按照系统设计进行系统开发和测试,确保系统的稳定性 和安全性。同时进行性能测试、安全测试等,确保系统在不同场景下的表现和 安全性。
3、跨平台兼容性好:可以在不 同的操作系统和设备上运行,兼 容性好,覆盖面广。
1、功能限制:的功能相对有限,不如传统的APP灵活和强大。开发者需要根据 的规定和限制进行开发,一些复杂的功能可能需要借助原生APP实现。



缠结作者:Serguei Popov译者:熊志敏(xiongzm@) 黎明谭志红摘要在本论文中我们分析了IOTA(一种用于物联网IOT行业的加密货币)中所使用的主要技术。


1 系统的一般介绍在过去的六年中比特币的兴起和成功证明了区块链技术的价值所在。









如果从交易A到交易B 之间至少有两个有向边的路径存在,我们就说交易A间接地验证了交易B。



















北京市 21岁现象北京地区每年的毕业生已经超过了23万人,无论是被动选择还是主动上路,创业已经成为首都大学生不可逆转的新就业渠道。








以太+微软9.11北京场panel速记整理主题是:SaaS企业收费与免费的问题9月11日,在以太+微软bit沙龙上,宝库在线CEO 王雪松、今目标副总裁崔健、诸葛IO联合创始人翁拓以及以太投资总监朱倍民与在场嘉宾讨论了SaaS企业收费与免费的问题,以下是现场实录。





















截至2021年2月,全球最大的网络借贷客户端Prosper有1,提供21.9面:外由2021努斯教授(),随着互联网,小额借贷逐渐由单一的“线下”模式转变为“线下”与“线上”并行and Hauswald(2021)认为小企业因为无法提供公开的高信用等级的相信原因进入网P2P借贷网站,简单地说,就是个人对个人的网络借贷模式。










  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。




大数据重塑互联网产业生态互联网基础设施PC 、智能终端传感器、存储、计算
企业虚拟化便宜IT DT :大数据成战略资产
从IT 到DT :数据成战略资产




1. 中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC) 《第35次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》:网民规模6.49亿,网购用户3.61亿,网民使用网络购物的比例从48.9%提升至55.7%。

2. 艾瑞2012-2013网购用户分析:最主流网购用户(20-29岁网购人群)规模同比增长2


Black List



•授信支付移动优先:授信、支付移动优先,APP 、PC 、WAP 全平台支持;





使用场景 1.支持京东自营及开放平台产
