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影视植入式广告的意境主要通过营造艺术氛围,使受众在强烈的情感体验中产生对产品或品牌的亲和感,心悦诚服地接受产品信息。影视植入式广告的传播载体、融入的节目内容与产品定位、品牌形象有较高的关联度,不仅能达到预期的传播效果,更具有意境美,给受众以美的享受。植入式广告近年来是一个迅速崛起的广告市场,而中国又将是植入式广告增长最快的市场之一。国内电影中的植入式广告大规模应用还是近几年的事情,早在1951 年,国外《非洲皇后号》

这部电影中就出现了戈登杜松子酒的商标。直到现在,美国2/3 的电影业收入来自广告增值,其中包括植入式广告和衍生后产品开发。作为完美的植入式广告,其产品、品牌应该与节目融为一体,这需要根据产品、品牌和广告主的市场需求,综合考虑、量身定做,使产品、品牌和节目相吻合。一是节目诉求的价值观与品牌的价值尽量一致,二是目标观众和产品的目标消费者要有共同点,这样才能取得植入式广告的最佳效果。电影植入式广告在美国已发展至成熟阶段,近年来在中国也得到了迅速发展,逐渐成为社会热点话题。随着传统广告越来越被人们排斥,电影植入式广告作为电影和广告两项艺术的结合而博得了广告商、电影制片方还有观众的共同青睐,实现了共赢。



The artistic conception of film product placement by creating artistic atmosphere, make the audience in the strong emotional experience to produce the product or brand affinity, feel a heartfelt admiration to receive the information of products. Product placement television dissemination carrier, into the program content and product positioning, brand image has high relevance, not only to reach the expected communication effect, more the beauty of artistic conception, to the audience to enjoy beauty. Product placement in recent years is a rapidly emerging advertising market, while China will product placement is one of the fastest growing markets. Domestic movies in the large-scale application of product placement or the things in recent years, in early 1951, foreign" Africa Queen"

The film appeared in the Gordon gin trademark. Until now, the United States 2 / 3 of the movie industry revenue from advertising value-added, which include product placement and derived products development. As the perfect product placement, its products, brands and programs should be com., this needs according to the product, brand and advertising market demand, tailored, comprehensive consideration, so that products, brands and programs coincide. A program is to appeal to the value and the value of the brand consistency, two is the target audience and the product target consumers want to have something in common, so as to obtain the best effect of product placement. The film product placement in the United States has developed to a mature stage, in recent years in China has been developing rapidly, and gradually become a social hot topic. Along with the traditional advertising is becoming more and more exclusive, movie product placement as a film and advertising two art and won the advertisers, the film's producers and the audience common favor, achieving a win-win.

Key words: film, product placement, implantation
