Omadacycline tosylate_1075240-43-5_DataSheet_MedChemExpress




GHS02:易燃物; GHS06:急毒性物质钛酸异丙酯Titanium(IV) isopropoxide99.99%CAS No. 546-68-9EC-编号208-909-64急救措施4.1必要的急救措施描述一般的建议请教医生。












4.2最重要的症状和影响,急性的和滞后的无数据资料4.3及时的医疗处理和所需的特殊处理的说明和指示无数据资料5消防措施5.1灭火介质火灾特征无数据资料灭火方法及灭火剂干粉 干砂不要用水喷射。


















储存于氩气中 使容器保持密闭,储存在干燥通风处。



呵护公众健康合理用药China Licensed Pharmacist Jul.2012,Vol.9No.7奥美沙坦酯氢氯噻嗪片是治疗高血压新药,2010年在我国上市,临床用于治疗高血压、充血性心力衰竭。





结果:奥美沙坦酯和氢氯噻嗪均能与其他杂质较好分离;奥美沙坦酯浓度在0.002026~0.04052mg/mL(r= 0.999)范围内线性良好,氢氯噻嗪在0.001265~0.02530mg/mL范围内线性良好(r=1.000)。


【关键词】高效液相色谱法;奥美沙坦酯氢氯噻嗪片;含量测定doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5433.2012.07.006Determination of the Content and Related Substances of Olmesartan Medoxomil/Hydrochloroth-iazide Tablets by HPLCZhao Jianfeng(Beijing Winsunny Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd.,Beijing101113,China)ABSTRACT Objective:To establish a method by HPLC to determine the content and the related substances of olmesartan medoxomil/hydrochlorothiazide tablets.Methods:The HPLC was performed on a C18column(4.6mm×250mm,Kromasil)with mobile phase A:0.02%sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution(pH3.0adjusted with phosphoric acid)and mobile phase B:methanol-acetonitrile(100∶900). Gradient elution was conducted.Results:Olmesartan medoxomil and hydrochlorothiazide were completely separated from impurities.There was a good linear range from0.002026to0.04052mg/mL(r=0.999)for olmesartan medoxomil and from0.001265to0.02530mg/mL(r=1.000)for hydrochlorothiazide. Conclusion:The method was proved good in sensitivity and accuracy and can be applied to the determination of olmesartan medoxomil/hydrochlorothiazide tablets and its related substances.KEY WORDS HPLC;Olmesartan Medoxomil/Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets;Content Determination作者简介:赵建峰,男,工程师。



INSTRUCTIONSPierce® BCA Protein Assay Kit23225 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 500 test-tube or 5000 microplate assays 23227 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 250 test-tube or 2500 microplate assays Kit Contents:BCA Reagent A, 1000mL (in Product No. 23225) or 500mL (in Product No. 23227), containingsodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, bicinchoninic acid and sodium tartrate in 0.1M sodiumhydroxideBCA Reagent B, 25mL, containing 4% cupric sulfateAlbumin Standard Ampules, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules, containing bovine serum albumin (BSA)at 2mg/mL in 0.9% saline and 0.05% sodium azideStorage: Upon receipt store at room temperature. Product shipped at ambient temperature.Note: If either Reagent A or Reagent B precipitates upon shipping in cold weather or during long-termstorage, dissolve precipitates by gently warming and stirring solution. Discard any kit reagent thatshows discoloration or evidence of microbial contamination.Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)Preparation of Standards and Working Reagent (required for both assay procedures) (2)Test Tube Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:20) (3)Microplate Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:8) (3)Troubleshooting (4)Related Thermo Scientific Products (5)Additional Information (5)References (6)IntroductionThe Thermo Scientific Pierce BCA Protein Assay is a detergent-compatible formulation based on bicinchoninic acid (BCA) for the colorimetric detection and quantitation of total protein. This method combines the well-known reduction of Cu+2 to Cu+1 by protein in an alkaline medium (the biuret reaction) with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu+1) using a unique reagent containing bicinchoninic acid.1 The purple-colored reaction product of this assay is formed by the chelation of two molecules of BCA with one cuprous ion. This water-soluble complex exhibits a strong absorbance at 562nm that is nearly linear with increasing protein concentrations over a broad working range (20-2000µg/mL). The BCA method is not a true end-point method; that is, the final color continues to develop. However, following incubation, the rate of continued color development is sufficiently slow to allow large numbers of samples to be assayed together.The macromolecular structure of protein, the number of peptide bonds and the presence of four particular amino acids (cysteine, cystine, tryptophan and tyrosine) are reported to be responsible for color formation with BCA.2 Studies with di-, tri- and tetrapeptides suggest that the extent of color formation caused by more than the mere sum of individual color-producing functional groups.2 Accordingly, protein concentrations generally are determined and reported with reference to standards of a common protein such as bovine serum albumin (BSA). A series of dilutions of known concentration are prepared from the protein and assayed alongside the unknown(s) before the concentration of each unknown is determined based on the standard curve. If precise quantitation of an unknown protein is required, it is advisable to select a proteinstandard that is similar in quality to the unknown; for example, a bovine gamma globulin (BGG) standard (see Related Thermo Scientific Products) may be used when assaying immunoglobulin samples.Two assay procedures are presented. Of these, the Test Tube Procedure requires a larger volume (0.1mL) of protein sample; however, because it uses a sample to working reagent ratio of 1:20 (v/v), the effect of interfering substances is minimized. The Microplate Procedure affords the sample handling ease of a microplate and requires a smaller volume (10-25µL) of protein sample; however, because the sample to working reagent ratio is 1:8 (v/v), it offers less flexibility in overcoming interfering substance concentrations and obtaining low levels of detection.Preparation of Standards and Working Reagent (required for both assay procedures) A.Preparation of Diluted Albumin (BSA) StandardsUse Table 1 as a guide to prepare a set of protein standards. Dilute the contents of one Albumin Standard (BSA) ampule into several clean vials, preferably using the same diluent as the sample(s). Each 1mL ampule of 2mg/mL Albumin Standard is sufficient to prepare a set of diluted standards for either working range suggested in Table 1. There will be sufficient volume for three replications of each diluted standard.Table 1. Preparation of Diluted Albumin (BSA) StandardsVial Volume of Diluent(µL)Volume and Source of BSA(µL)Final BSA Concentration(µg/mL)A 0 300 of Stock 2000B 125 375 of Stock 1500C 325 325 of Stock 1000D 175 175 of vial B dilution 750E 325 325 of vial C dilution 500F 325 325 of vial E dilution 250G 325 325 of vial F dilution 125H 400 100 of vial G dilution 25I 400 0 0 = BlankVial Volume of Diluent(µL)Volume and Source of BSA(µL)Final BSA Concentration(µg/mL)A 700 100 of Stock 250B 400 400 of vial A dilution 125C 450 300 of vial B dilution 50D 400 400 of vial C dilution 25E 400 100 of vial D dilution 5F 400 0 0 = BlankB.Preparation of the BCA Working Reagent (WR)e the following formula to determine the total volume of WR required:(# standards + # unknowns) × (# replicates) × (volume of WR per sample) = total volume WR required Example: for the standard test-tube procedure with 3 unknowns and 2 replicates of each sample:(9 standards + 3 unknowns) × (2 replicates) × (2mL) = 48mL WR requiredNote: 2.0mL of the WR is required for each sample in the test-tube procedure, while only 200 µl of WR reagent is required for each sample in the microplate procedure.2.Prepare WR by mixing 50 parts of BCA Reagent A with 1 part of BCA Reagent B (50:1, Reagent A:B). For the aboveexample, combine 50mL of Reagent A with 1mL of Reagent B.Note: When Reagent B is first added to Reagent A, turbidity is observed that quickly disappears upon mixing to yield a clear, green WR. Prepare sufficient volume of WR based on the number of samples to be assayed. The WR is stable for several days when stored in a closed container at room temperature (RT).Procedure Summary (Test-tube Procedure, Standard Protocol)Test-tube Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:20)1.Pipette 0.1mL of each standard and unknown sample replicate into an appropriately labeled test tube.2.Add 2.0mL of the WR to each tube and mix well.3.Cover and incubate tubes at selected temperature and time:•Standard Protocol: 37°C for 30 minutes (working range = 20-2000µg/mL)•RT Protocol: RT for 2 hours (working range = 20-2000µg/mL)•Enhanced Protocol: 60°C for 30 minutes (working range = 5-250µg/mL)Notes:•Increasing the incubation time or temperature increases the net 562nm absorbance for each test and decreases both the minimum detection level of the reagent and the working range of the protocol.•Use a water bath to heat tubes for either Standard (37°C incubation) or Enhanced (60°C incubation) Protocol. Usinga forced-air incubator can introduce significant error in color development because of uneven heat transfer.4.Cool all tubes to RT.5.With the spectrophotometer set to 562nm, zero the instrument on a cuvette filled only with water. Subsequently, measurethe absorbance of all the samples within 10 minutes.Note: Because the BCA assay does not reach a true end point, color development will continue even after cooling to RT.However, because the rate of color development is low at RT, no significant error will be introduced if the 562nm absorbance measurements of all tubes are made within 10 minutes of each other.6.Subtract the average 562nm absorbance measurement of the Blank standard replicates from the 562nm absorbancemeasurement of all other individual standard and unknown sample replicates.7.Prepare a standard curve by plotting the average Blank-corrected 562nm measurement for each BSA standard vs. itsconcentration in µg/mL. Use the standard curve to determine the protein concentration of each unknown sample. Microplate Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:8)1.Pipette 25µL of each standard or unknown sample replicate into a microplate well (working range = 20-2000µg/mL).Note: If sample size is limited, 10µL of each unknown sample and standard can be used (sample to WR ratio = 1:20).However, the working range of the assay in this case will be limited to 125-2000µg/mL.2.Add 200µL of the WR to each well and mix plate thoroughly on a plate shaker for 30 seconds.3.Cover plate and incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes.4.Cool plate to RT. Measure the absorbance at or near 562nm on a plate reader.Notes:•Wavelengths from 540-590nm have been used successfully with this method.•Because plate readers use a shorter light path length than cuvette spectrophotometers, the Microplate Procedure requires a greater sample to WR ratio to obtain the same sensitivity as the standard Test Tube Procedure. If higher 562nm measurements are desired, increase the incubation time to 2 hours.•Increasing the incubation time or ratio of sample volume to WR increases the net 562nm measurement for each well and lowers both the minimum detection level of the reagent and the working range of the assay. As long as allstandards and unknowns are treated identically, such modifications may be useful.5.Subtract the average 562nm absorbance measurement of the Blank standard replicates from the 562nm measurements ofall other individual standard and unknown sample replicates.6.Prepare a standard curve by plotting the average Blank-corrected 562nm measurement for each BSA standard vs. itsconcentration in µg/mL. Use the standard curve to determine the protein concentration of each unknown sample.Note: If using curve-fitting algorithms associated with a microplate reader, a four-parameter (quadratic) or best-fit curve will provide more accurate results than a purely linear fit. If plotting results by hand, a point-to-point curve is preferable to a linear fit to the standard points.A.Interfering substancesCertain substances are known to interfere with the BCA assay including those with reducing potential, chelating agents, and strong acids or bases. Because they are known to interfere with protein estimation at even minute concentrations, avoid the following substances as components of the sample buffer:Ascorbic Acid EGTA Iron Impure SucroseCatecholamines Impure Glycerol Lipids TryptophanCreatinine Hydrogen Peroxide Melibiose TyrosineCysteine Hydrazides Phenol Red Uric AcidOther substances interfere to a lesser extent with protein estimation using the BCA assay, and these have only minor (tolerable) effects below a certain concentration in the original sample. Maximum compatible concentrations for many substances in the Standard Test Tube Protocol are listed in Table 2 (see last page of Instructions). Substances were compatible at the indicated concentration in the Standard Test Tube Protocol if the error in protein concentration estimation caused by the presence of the substance was less than or equal to 10%. The substances were tested using WR prepared immediately before each experiment. Blank-corrected 562nm absorbance measurements (for a 1000µg/mL BSA standard + substance) were compared to the net 562nm measurements of the same standard prepared in 0.9% saline. Maximum compatible concentrations will be lower In the Microplate Procedure where the sample to WR ratio is 1:8 (v/v). Furthermore, it is possible to have a substance additive affect such that even though a single component is present at a concentration below its listed compatibility, a sample buffer containing a combination of substances could interfere with the assay.B.Strategies for eliminating or minimizing the effects of interfering substancesThe effects of interfering substances in the Pierce BCA Protein Assay may be eliminated or overcome by one of several methods. •Remove the interfering substance by dialysis or gel filtration.•Dilute the sample until the substance no longer interferes. This strategy is effective only if the starting protein concentration is sufficient to remain in the working range of the assay upon dilution.•Precipitate the proteins in the sample with acetone or trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The liquid containing the substance that interfered is discarded and the protein pellet is easily solubilized in ultrapure water or directly in the alkaline BCA WR.4A protocol detailing this procedure is available from our website. Alternatively, Product No. 23215 may be used (seeRelated Pierce Products).•Increase the amount of copper in the WR (prepare WR as 50:2 or 50:3, Reagent A:B), which may eliminate interference by copper-chelating agents.Note: For greatest accuracy, the protein standards must be treated identically to the sample(s).Related Thermo Scientific Products15041 Pierce 96-Well Plates, 100/pkg.15075 Reagent Reservoirs, 200/pkg.15036 Sealing Tape for 96-Well Plates, 100/pkg.23209 Albumin Standard Ampules, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules, containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) 23208 Pre-Diluted Protein Assay Standards: Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Set, 7 × 3.5mL23212 Bovine Gamma Globulin Standard, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules23213 Pre-Diluted Protein Assay Standards, (BGG) Set, 7 × 3.5mL aliquots23235 Pierce Micro BCA Protein Assay Kit, working range of 0.5-20µg/mL23236 Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Kit, working range of 1-1500µg/mL23215 Compat-Able™ Protein Assay Preparation Reagent Set23250Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit−Reducing Agent CompatibleAdditional InformationA.Please visit our website for additional information including the following items:•Frequently Asked Questions•Tech Tip protocol: Eliminate interfering substances from samples for BCA Protein AssayB.Alternative Total Protein Assay ReagentsIf interference by a reducing substance or metal-chelating substance contained in the sample cannot be overcome, try the Thermo Scientific Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Kit (Product No. 23236), which is less sensitive to such substances.C.Cleaning and Re-using GlasswareExercise care when re-using glassware. All glassware must be cleaned and given a thorough final rinse with ultrapure water.D.Response characteristics for different proteinsEach of the commonly used total protein assay methods exhibits some degree of varying response toward different proteins. These differences relate to amino acid sequence, pI, structure and the presence of certain side chains or prosthetic groups that can dramatically alter the protein’s color response. Most protein assay methods use BSA or immunoglobulin (IgG) as the standard against which the concentration of protein in the sample is determined (Figure 1). However, if great accuracy is required, prepare the standard curve from a pure sample of the target protein.Typical protein-to-protein variation in color response is listed in Table 3. All proteins were tested at 1000µg/mL using the 30-minute/37°C Test Tube Protocol. The average net color response for BSA was normalized to 1.00 and the average net color response of the other proteins is expressed as a ratio to the response of BSA.Figure 1: Typical color response curves for BSA and BGG using the Standard Test Tube Protocol (37°C/30-minute incubation). Table 3. Protein-to-protein variation. Absorbance ratios (562nm) for proteins relative to BSA using Protein Tested Ratio Albumin, bovine serum 1.00 Aldolase, rabbit muscle 0.85 α-Chymotrypsinogen, bovine 1.14 Cytochrome C, horse heart 0.83 Gamma globulin, bovine1.11 IgG, bovine 1.21 IgG, human 1.09 IgG, mouse 1.18 IgG, rabbit 1.12 IgG, sheep1.17 Insulin, bovine pancreas 1.08 Myoglobin, horse heart0.74 Ovalbumin 0.93 Transferrin, human 0.891.02 Standard Deviation 0.15Coefficient of Variation14.7%Cited References1. Smith, P.K., et al. (1985). Measurement of protein using bicinchoninic acid. Anal. Biochem . 150:76-85.2. Wiechelman, K., et al. (1988). Investigation of the bicinchoninic acid protein assay: Identification of the groups responsible for color formation. Anal Biochem . 175:231-7.3. Kessler, R. and Fanestil, D. (1986). Interference by lipids in the determination of protein using bicinchoninic acid. Anal. Biochem . 159:138-42.4.Brown, R., et al. (1989). Protein measurement using bicinchoninic acid: elimination of interfering substances. Anal. Biochem . 180:136-9.Product ReferencesAdilakshami, T. and Laine, R.O. (2002). Ribosomal protein S25 mRNA partners with MTF-1 and La to provide a p53-mediated mechanism for survival ordeath. J. Biol. Chem. 277:4147-51.Fischer, T., et al. (1999). Clathrin-coated vesicles bearing GAIP possess GTPase-activating protein activity in vitro. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 96:6722-7. Prozialeck, W.C., et al. (2002). Chlamydia trachomatis disrupts N-cadherin-dependent cell-cell junctions and sequester β-catenin in human cervicalepithelial cells. Infection and Immunity 70:2605-13.Roberts, K.P., et al. (2002). A comparative analysis of expression and processing of the rat epididymal fluid and sperm-bound forms of proteins D and E.Biology of Reproduction 67:525-33.Triton ® is a registered trademark of Rohm & Haas Co.Brij ®, Tween ® and Span ® are registered trademarks of ICI Americas. Zwittergent ® is a registered trademark of American Hoechst Corporation.This product (“Product”) is warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”) and to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing, Products are supplied for research use only. No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in the Documentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product (“Buyer”).No other warranties, express or implied, are granted, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non infringement. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for non-conforming Products during the warranty period is limited to replacement of or refund for the non-conforming Product(s).There is no obligation to replace Products as the result of (i) accident, disaster or event of force majeure, (ii) misuse, fault or negligence of or by Buyer, (iii) use of the Products in a manner for which they were not designed, or (iv) improper storage and handling of the Products.Current product instructions are available at /pierce . For a faxed copy, call 800-874-3723 or contact your local distributor. © 2011 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.Table 2. Compatible substance concentrations in the BCA Protein Assay (see text for details).§* Diluted with ultrapure water.** Detergents were tested using high-purity Thremo Scientific Surfact-Amps Products, which have low peroxide content.-- Dashed-line entry indicates that the material is incompatible with the assay.§ For a more extensive list of substances, download Tech Tip # 68: Protein Assay Compatibility Table from our website. This Tech Tip includes compatible substances for all of our protein assays and enables easy comparisons.。



SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifierTomato Blossom Spray RTU Other means of identificationProduct code 32042Recommended use Agricutlural/ Horticultural Use- Foliar Fertilizer- Refer to product label Recommended restrictionsNone known.Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufacturer Lawn and Garden Products, Inc.AddressPO Box 35000Company name Website Telephone Emergency Contact Number 1-559-994-9144Emergency phone numberCHEMTREC (24 hours):USA, Canada, Puerto Rico 1-800-424-3900E-mail Fresno, CA 937452. Hazard(s) identificationNot classified.Physical hazards Category 4Acute toxicity, oral Health hazardsCategory 2Skin corrosion/irritationCategory 2ASerious eye damage/eye irritationNot classified.Environmental hazards Not classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsSignal word WarningHazard statement Harmful if swallowed. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation.Precautionary statementPreventionWash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wear protective gloves. Wear eye/face protection.ResponseIf swallowed: Call a poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. If on skin: Wash with plenty of water. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Specific treatment (see this label). Rinse mouth. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Storage Store away from incompatible materials.DisposalDispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)None known.Supplemental information99.28% of the mixture consists of component(s) of unknown acute oral toxicity.3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number% Chemical name Common name and synonyms7664-38-2Phosphoric AcidOther components below reportable levels99.27692544710.7230745526*Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.4. First-aid measuresInhalation Move to fresh air. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.Skin contact Remove contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Getmedical advice/attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, ifpresent and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion Rinse mouth. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs.Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute and delayed Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. May cause redness and pain. Severe eye irritation.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed.General information Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions toprotect themselves. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2).Unsuitable extinguishingmediaDo not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.Specific hazards arising fromthe chemicalDuring fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.Special protective equipmentand precautions for firefightersSelf-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Fire-fightingequipment/instructionsMove containers from fire area if you can do so without risk.Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up This product is miscible in water.Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Following product recovery, flush area with water.Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.Never return spills to original containers for re-use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Do not taste or swallow. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoidprolonged exposure. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protectiveequipment. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.Observe good industrial hygiene practices.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store in original tightly closed container. Keep container tightly closed. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS).8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Value Components TypePEL 1 mg/m3 Phosphoric Acid (CAS7664-38-2)US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesValue Components TypeSTEL 3 mg/m3 Phosphoric Acid (CAS7664-38-2)TWA 1 mg/m3 US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValue Components TypeSTEL 3 mg/m3 Phosphoric Acid (CAS7664-38-2)TWA 1 mg/m3 Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Appropriate engineering controls Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Face shield is recommended. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).Skin protectionHand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves.Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Use of an impervious apron is recommended.Respiratory protection In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. Respiratory protection notrequired.Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.General hygiene considerations Keep away from food and drink. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Liquid.Physical state Liquid.Form Liquid.Color Colorless Odor Slight. Pungent Odor threshold Not available. pH 2.2Salt-Out / Crystallization Temp Not available. Melting point/freezing point Not available. Initial boiling point and boilingrangeNot available. Flash point Not available. Evaporation rate Not available. Flammability (solid, gas)Not available. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit - upper(%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower (%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper (%)Not available.Vapor pressure 0.00001 hPa estimated Vapor density Not available.Relative density Not available.Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)Miscible Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Not available.Decomposition temperature Not available.ViscosityNot available.Other informationPercent volatile98.49 % estimated Pounds per gallon8.38 lb/gal typical10. Stability and reactivityReactivity The product is stable and non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.Conditions to avoid Contact with incompatible materials.Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition productsNo hazardous decomposition products are known.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureIngestionHarmful if swallowed.Inhalation Prolonged inhalation may be harmful.Skin contact Causes skin irritation.Eye contactCauses serious eye irritation.Symptoms related to thephysical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Skin irritation.Severe eye irritation. May cause redness and pain.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity Harmful if swallowed. Not known.Test ResultsComponentsSpeciesPhosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)LD50Rabbit Dermal Acute 2740 mg/kg LD50RatOral 1530 mg/kg* Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown.Skin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation.Serious eye damage/eyeirritationCauses serious eye irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitizationNot available.Skin sensitizationThis product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% aremutagenic or genotoxic.Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects.Specific target organ toxicity -single exposureNot classified.Specific target organ toxicity -repeated exposureNot classified.Aspiration hazard Not available.Chronic effects Prolonged inhalation may be harmful.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicity The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous. However, this does not exclude thepossibility that large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment. Persistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product.Bioaccumulative potential Not available.Mobility in soil No data available.Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creationpotential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component. 13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Dispose ofcontents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the wastedisposal company.Waste from residues / unused products Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions).Contaminated packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal.Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container isemptied.14. Transport informationDOTNot regulated as dangerous goods.IATANot regulated as dangerous goods.IMDGNot regulated as dangerous goods.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.All components are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory List.This product is not known to be a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA HazardCommunication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Phosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)Listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - YesDelayed Hazard - NoFire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - NoReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.NoSARA 311/312 HazardouschemicalSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulated.Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) ListNot regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130)Not regulated.Not regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListPhosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActPhosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawPhosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)US. Rhode Island RTKPhosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2)US. California Proposition 65WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or otherreproductive harm.International InventoriesCountry(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* Australia Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)Yes Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL)Yes Canada Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)No China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC)Yes Europe European Inventory of Existing Commercial ChemicalYesSubstances (EINECS)Europe European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS)No Japan Inventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS)No Korea Existing Chemicals List (ECL)No New Zealand New Zealand InventoryYes Philippines Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical SubstancesNo(PICCS)United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) InventoryYes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s)A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governingcountry(s).16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date07-21-2015Revision date07-22-2015Version #04Disclaimer Lawn and Garden Products cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and itsproduct, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with its product, may be used. It isthe user’s responsibility to ensure safe conditions for handling, storage and disposal of theproduct, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to improper use. While theinformation contained herein are presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, it is providedfor your guidance only. Because many factors may affect processing or application, werecommend that you make tests to determine the suitability of a product for your particular purposeprior to use. No warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made regarding products described orinformation set forth, or that the products, or information may be used without infringing theintellectual property rights of others. In no case shall the information provided be considered apart of our terms and conditions of sale. Further, you expressly understand and agree that theinformation furnished by our company hereunder are given gratis and we assume no obligation orliability for the information given or results obtained, all such being given and accepted at your risk.。



FAO/WHO食品添加剂品种名单(中英对照)中文名称英文名称FAO/WHO编号M.单宁,食品级Tannins,food geade 181 -5匹马菌素(游霉素) Pimaricin 235 s姜黄素类Curcumins 100 TpR3F姜黄素Curcumins 100i /#核黄素类Riboflarvins 101i at核黄素5-磷酸钠Riboflavins 5'-phosphate sodium 101ii =Y朱草染料Aikanet 103 !黄色2G Yellow 2G 107 (`j丽春红SX Ponceau SX 125 ykLmlo叶绿素铜络合物Chlorphylls Copper Complex 140i @叶绿酸铜络合物,钾和钠盐Chlorphyllin Copper Complex,Na and k salts 140i i s*~_绿色S Greens 141 #m=p6K酱色Ⅰ-普通法Caramel I-plain 150a B酱色Ⅱ-苛性亚硫酸法Caramel Ⅱ-Caustic sulphite process 150b !K7酱色Ⅲ-氨法Caramel Ⅲ-ammonia process 150c A酱Ⅳ-亚硫酸铵法Carmel Ⅳ-ammonia sulphite process 150d CY7碳黑(烃类) Carbon Black 152 $*U+胡萝卜素Catotenes 160a NH="|蕃茄红素Lycopen 160d 0m3:Eβ-阿朴-胡萝卜醇β-Apo-Carotenal 160e Lh[β阿扑-8'-胡萝卜素酸的甲酯或乙酯β-A-8'-Carotenic acid,menthyl or ethyl este r 160f aY.S$黄黄质Flavoxanthin 161a Am{fR叶黄质Lutein Colour 161b E[[Pt隐黄质Kryptoxanthin 161c B玉红黄质Rubixanthin 161d W1紫黄质Violoxanthin 161e IX玫红黄质Rhodoxanthin 161f C,j5Qe花色素苷类Anthocyanins 163 jf"b花色素苷Anthocyanins 163i 9sG|C葡萄皮提取物Grape Skin Extract 163ii Nk8^!0黑醋栗提取物Blackcurrant Extract 163iii ROg^&檀香木Aandalwood 166 n)_H氧化铁,黑色Iron Oxide,black 172 i FU8氧化铁,红色Iron Oxide,red 172ii 2'7氧化铁,黄色Iron Oxide,yellow 172iii $:银silver 174 V金Glod 175 dcC胆碱盐和酯Choline Salts and Esters 1001 FBB乙酸胆碱Choline Carbonate 1001i [碳酸胆碱Choline Carbonate 1001ii RAi柠檬酸胆碱Choline Citrate 1001iv 3?酒石酸胆石Choline Tartrate 1001v j:=IP$乳酸胆碱Choline Lactate 1001vi @!\蛋白酶类Proteases 1101 J$5czQ菠萝蛋白酶Bromelain 1101iii Zl用乙酐酯化的乙酸淀粉Starch-Acetate esterified with acetic anhyride 1420 O 用乙烯乙酸盐酯化的乙酸淀粉Starch Acetate Esterified with vinyl acetate 142 1 5?-o对-羟基苯甲酸庚酯Hepty PHydroxybenzoate 209 17h乙基对-羟基苯甲酸钠Sodium Ethyi-P-Hydroxybenzoate 215 ES丙基对-羟基苯甲酸钠Sodium propyi-p-Hydroxybenzoate 217 8og#f甲基对-羟基苯甲酸钠Sodium Methyi p-Hy-droxybenzoate 219 b_^亚硫酸钙Calcium Sulphite 226 \TGU邻-苯酚Ortho-Phenylphenol 231 6`}G冰乙酸Acetic Acid,Glaciad 260 G1a|\m双乙酸钾Potassium Diacetate 260ii {乙酸钠类Sodium Acetates 262 }乙酸钠Sodium Acetate 262i Cg乙酸铵Ammonium Acetate 264 ;tN脱氢乙酸Dehydroacetic Acid 265 o6脱氢乙酸钠Sodium Dehydroacetate 266 }Sv9XV抗坏血酸钾Potassium Ascorbate 303 YP}HS棓酸乙酯Ethyl Gallate 313 o$异抗坏血酸钾Potassium Isoascor Bate 317 )2G;E5异抗坏血酸钙Calcium Isoascorbate 318 EqUO乳酸铵Ammonium Lactate 328 ~柠檬酸钠类Sodium Citrates 331 /$"dey柠檬酸二氢钠Sodium Dihydrogen Citrate 331i K({j柠檬酸氢二钠Disodium Monohyrogen Citrate 331ii u柠檬酸二氢钾Potassium Dihyrogen Citrate 332i ci酒石酸一钠Monosdium Tartrate 335i 5b]Op酒石酸二钠Disodium Tartrate 335ii O*Kj酒石酸二钾Dipotassium Tartrate 336ii B磷酸钠类Sodium Phosphates 339 ?[3|磷酸钾类Potassium Phosphates 340 .Y7^xW磷酸二钾Monoptassium Orthosphate 340i bG84,磷酸二钾Dipotassium Orthophosphate 340ii xoR.y磷酸三钾Tripotassium Orthphosphate 340iii s~7~t0磷酸钙类Calcium Phosphates 341 Z"#_,磷酸二钙Dicalcium Orthophosphate 341ii u磷酸铵类Ammonium Phoshares 342 I2H?p3磷酸镁类Magnesium Phosphates 343 OH磷酸一镁Monomangnesium Orthophosphate 3443i 8h*bp磷酸二镁Dimagnesium Orthophosphate 3343ii VHn}磷酸三镁Trimagnesium Othoposphate 343iii C苹果酸钠类Sodium Hydrogen Malates 350 x苹果酸氢钠Sodium Hydrogen Malate 350i zG3%苹果酸钠Sodium Malate 350ii Ly$u2*苹果酸钾类Potassium Malates 351 _98苹果酸氢钾Potassium Hydrogen Malate 351i J4苹果酸钾Potassium Malate 351ii p,r%G酒石酸钙Calcium Tartrate 354 VHk#己二酸钠Sodium Adipates 356 u[3c己二酸钾Potassium Adipates 357 ]&己二酸铵Ammonium Adipates 359 4\?富马酸钾Potassium Fumarates 366 ^I61P富马酸钙Calcium Fumarates 367 VzALn1,4-Heptonlactone 370 !ce二硬酯酸基硫代二丙酸酯Distearyl Thiodiproprionate 390 [,|W树脂甘油Glycerol Ester of Wood Resin 445 5甘油松得酸盐Glycerl Abitate 445i Z{二磷酸盐类Diphosphates 450 {XN;O二磷酸二钠Disodium Diphosphate 450i D!二磷酸三钠Trisodium Diphosphate 450ii $D(nX?viii二磷酸二镁Dimagnesium Diphosphate 450iii cx8三磷酸盐类Triphosphates 451 M1多聚磷酸盐类Polphosphates 452 06多聚磷酸钠Sodium Polyphosphate 452i GR多聚磷酸钾Potassium Polyphosphate 452ii ]%多聚磷酸钙钠Sodium Calcium Polphosphate 452iii }*[[多聚磷酸钙Calcium Polyphosphate 452iv }>7w0多聚磷酸铵Ammonium Polyphosphate 452v L?纤维素Cellulose 460 ?乙基纤维素Ethyl Cellulose 462 Y柠檬酸和脂及酸甘油酯Citric and Fally Acid Esters of Glycerol 472c eZ脂肪酸酒石酸-甘油酯和二甘油酯Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono and Diglyceride s of Fatty Acids 472d /s$e0T二乙酰酒石酸和脂肪酸甘油酯Diacetylartaric and Fatty Acid Esters of Glycero l 472e .'混合的酒石酸、乙酸和脂肪酸甘油酯Mixed tartaric,Acetic and Fatty Acid Ester s of Glycerol 472f oED]l~琥珀酰化-甘油酯Succinylated Monoglycerides 472g 25u0乳酰化硬脂酸钠Dioctyl Sodium Steroyl Lactylate 481 p[u乳酰化硬脂酸钙Calcium Stearoyl Lactylate 482 ,9@T硬脂酰富马酸钙Calcium Stearoyl Fumarate 486 \>@s月桂基硫酸钠Sodium Laurylsuphate 487 zW山梨糖醇酐三油酸酯Sorbitan Trioleate 496 yz碳酸钠类Sodium Carbonates 500 _E)iN碳酸钾类Sodium Carbonates 501 rC碳酸铵类Ammonium Carbonates 503 c碳酸镁类Magnesium Carbonates 504 N\[`&}碳酸亚铁Ferrous Carbonate 505 X}六氰基锰酸亚铁Ferrous Hexacyanomanganate 537 K1G亚铁氰化钙Calcium Ferrocyanide 538 d]ba`磷酸铝钠Sodium Aluminium Phosphate 541 4酸性的 541i &碱性的 541ii >u硅酸钠Sodium Silicate 550i )q,硅酸镁类Magnesium Silicate 553 V硅酸镁Magenesium Silicate 553i n`W硅酸铝钾Potassium Aluminium Silicate 555 5=硅酸钾Potassium Silicate 560 KLf"葡萄糖酸(右旋) Gluconic Aicd(d-) 574 +WU左旋-亮氨酸i-Leucine 641 Pw安息香胶Benzoin Gum 905 _8鲸蜡Spermaceti Wax 908 lj蜡脂Wax Esters 909 RA羊毛脂Lanolin 910 QWs甘油-甲基-或五-赤藓醇松香酯 913 S[GMa5Glycerol-,Methyl or Peuta-Erithytol Esters of Colophane 915 2{G氧化氮Nitrogen Oxides 918 M亚硝酰氯Nitrosyl Chloride 919 3CL-胱氨酸及其盐酸化物钠盐和钾盐L-Cystine and its Hydrochlorides Sodium an d Polts 921 sG;*0>偶氮二酰胺Azodicarbonmide 927 a*wA新橙皮苷芳基丙烯酰芳棓Neohesperidine Dihydrochalcone 959 FBo_日落黄FCF Sunset Yellow FCF 110 +柑桔红2 Citrus Red 2 121 n![qbc红色2G Red 2G Colour 128 +诱惑红Ac Allura Red Ac 129 K+c亮蓝FCF Brilliant Blue FCF 133 BX@Z=#坚牢绿FCF Fast Green FCF 143 s亮黑PN Brilliant Black PN 151 R~CcD碳酸钙类Calcium Carbonates 170 G)氧化铁类Iron OIxides 171 )"2pp.铝Aluminium 173 !6立素玉红BK Lithol Rubine BK 180 ^UHv聚葡萄糖A和N PolydextrosesAandN 1200 JmQ不溶的聚乙烯吡咯烷酮Insolubie Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone 1202 I\`三乙基柠檬酸盐Triethl Citrate 1519 'cv酶ENZYMES 1520 f~\KHm糊精,焙烧淀粉白色和黄色Dextrins,roasted starch whit and yellow 1400 FDS磷酸单淀粉Monostarch Phosphate 1410 SYN用三偏磷酸钠酯化的磷酸双淀粉;用磷酰氯酯化的磷酸双淀粉phospho-rus oxych loride 1412 :l9Q{4乙醋化己二酸双淀粉Acetylated Distarch Adipate 1422 +ivS|辛烯基琥珀酸钠淀粉Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate 1450 4>IH~天然提取物Natural Extracts 160ai +r~q+对-羟基苯甲酸乙酯Ethyl P-Hdroxybenzoate 214 cOq2h丙基对-羟基苯甲酸钠Propyi P-Hydroxybenzoate 216 %qG甲基对-羟基苯甲酸酯Methyi p-Hydroxybenzoate 218 G:0偏亚硫酸钠Sodium Metabisulphite 223 E"&偏亚硫酸钾Potassium Metabisulphite 224 qlWkn亚硫酸氢钾Potassium Bisulphite 228 s1:u)邻-苯酚钠Sodium O-Phenylphenol 232 !0>$乳链菌肽Nisin 234 /S]0s~二甲基碳氢盐Dimethyl Dicarbonate 242 R乙酸钙Calcium Acetate 263 5Lt9乳酸(左旋、右旋和消旋) Lactic Acid 270 sb?苹果酸(消旋) Malic Acid 296 9抗坏血酸(左旋) Ascorbic Acid 300 G抗坏血酸钠Sodium Ascorbate 301 \v|=Z抗坏血酸硬脂酸酯Ascorbyl Stearate 305 g;棓酸丙酯Propyl Gallate 310 C.PsK2棓酸辛酯Octyl Gallate 311 +F6丁化羟基茴香醚Butylated Hydroxyanisole 320 q>'p@-丁化羟基甲苯Butylated Hydroxyanisole 321 =R乳酸钠Sodium Lactate 325 WB>乳酸钾Potassium Latate 326 ~1y(f乳酸镁Magnesium Lactate 329 _0=wI'柠檬酸钾类Potassium Citrates 332 Hgo:酒石酸,左旋(+) Tartaric Acid, 334 /a[Lr酒石酸钠类Sodium Tartrates 335 .yg~~1酒石酸钾类Potassium Tartrates 336 ).G酒石酸Metataric Acid 353 L柠檬酸铁铵Ferric Ammonium Citrate 381 r异丙基柠檬酸盐混合物Isopropyl Citrate Mixture 384 JST$?Xα-生育酚α-Tocopherol 307 F2\Pr合成γ-生育酚Syntheticγ-tocopherol 308 |@bF合成β-生育酚Syntheticβ-Tocopherol 309 S藻酸Alginic Acid 400 -Ll+m@藻酸钠Sodium Alginate 401 7oYGx:藻酸丙二醇酯Propylene Glycol Alginate 405 NeKm!>鹿角菜胶(包括帚叉藻聚糖胶) Carrageenan(iuludes Furcellaran) 407 +kkS#}瓜耳胶Guar Gum 412 ~xs~刺云实胶Tara Gum 417 Rp!山梨糖醇和山梨糖醇浆Sorbitol and Sorbitol Syrup 420 \dfnoK甘露糖醇Mannitol 421 tz58@k聚氧乙烯(8)硬脂酸酯Polyoxyethylene(8)stearate 430 %g&uS5聚氧乙烯(40)硬脂酸酯Polyoxyethglene(40)Stearate 431 nAtz/聚氧乙烯(20)山梨糖醇酐单月桂酸酯Polyoxyethylene(20)Sorbitan Monolaurate 432 hne聚氧乙烯(20)山梨醇酐单油酸酯Polyoxyethylene(20)Sorbitan Monooleate 433 ^ 5R`2聚氧乙烯(20)山梨醇酐单棕榈酸酯Polyoxyethylene(20)Sorbitan Monopalmitate 434 ?\o\2T聚氧乙烯(20)山梨糖酐单硬脂酸酯Polyoxyethylene(20)Sorbitan Monostearate 4 35 i聚氧乙烯(20)山梨糖醇酐三硬脂酸酯Polyoxyethylene(20)Sorbitan Triatearate 43 6 DCJ异丁化蔗糖乙酸酯Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate 444 ^&1H羟甲基纤维素Hydroxypropyl Cellulose 463 %}.m羟丙基甲基纤维Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose 464 03^R9羟甲基纤维素钠Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose 466 >1H乙基羟乙基纤维素Ehyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose 467 &3脂肪酸酯(带有铝、钙、钠、钾、铵基) Salts of Fatty Acids(With base Al,Ca,Na, Mg,K and NH4) 470 u脂肪酸-甘油酯和脂肪酸二甘油酯mono-and Diglyerides of Fatty Acids 471 H( 乙酸和脂肪酸甘油酯Acetic and Fatty Acid Esters of Glycerol 472a jHLo互酯化蓖麻油酸的聚甘油酯Polyglycerol Ester of Interesterified Ricinoleic Aci d 476 "=脂肪酸现二醇酯Propylene Gycol Esters of Fatty Acids 477 @zD3甘油和丙二醇的乳酸化脂肪酸酯Lactylated Fatty Acid Esters of Glycerol and Propylene Glycol 478 a'与脂肪酸甘油酯和双甘油酯加热氧化的大豆油Thermally Oxidized Soya Bean Oil With Mono-and Di-glycerids of Fatty Acids 479 &s?=n|二辛基磺琥珀酸钠Dioctyl Sodium Sulphosuccinate 480 5.OI@,硬脂酰柠檬酸酯Stearyl Citrate 484 '0EOI山梨糖醇酐-硬脂酸酯Sorbitan Monotearate 491 ?lnd山梨糖醇酐三硬脂酸酯Sorbitan Tristearate 492 ud7山梨糖醇酐一月桂酸酯Sorbitan Monolaurate 493 f'9?y山梨糖醇酐一油酸酯Sorbitan Monooleace 494 ^山梨糖醇酐一棕榈酸酯Soritan Monopalmitate 495 u[&tN粉末纤维素Powderd Cellulose 460ii (bP'硅酸钠类Sodium Silicates 550 4二氧化硅、无定形Silicon Dioxde,amorphous 551 ~;硅酸锌Zinc Silicate 557 *脂肪酸Fatty Acids 570 f)5!A葡萄酸δ-内酯Gluconoδ-Lactone 575 M乳酯亚铁Ferrous Lactate 585 vr$5H谷氨酸[右旋(+)-] Glutamic acid i(+)- 620 -\=谷氨酸一钾Monopotassium Glutamate 622 \l%EO谷氨酸一铵Monoammonium Glutamate 624 e谷氨酸镁Magnesium Glutamate 625 c1.鸟苷酸Guanylic Aicd 626 S[m5’-鸟苷酸二钠Disodium 5'-Guanylte 627 poZr;5’-鸟苷酸二钾Potassium 5'-Guanglate 628 J5’-鸟苷酸钙Calcium 5'-Guanylate 629 14R肌苷酸Inosinic Acid 630 i肌苷酸钾Potassium Insoinate 632 m5’-核糖核苷酸二钠Calcium 5'-Ribonucleotides 634 cn#$5’-核糖核苷酸二钠Disodium 5'-Ribonucleotides 635 x$\6麦芽酚增香剂Maltol Flonour enhaneer 636 iV蜂蜡,白色或黄色Beaswax White and yellow 900 "S矿物油、食用级Mineral oil,food grade 904 x~J?ye精制石蜡Refined Wax 906 TgL-半胶氨酸及其盐酸化物钠盐和钾盐L-Cysteine and its Hydrochlorides Sodium and Potassium Salts 920 -二氧化氯Chlorine Dioxide 926 `3D{.X一异丙基柠檬酸盐Monoisopropyl Citrate 930 %cp二氯二氟甲烷Dichlorodifluoromethane 940 wN}|丁烷推进剂Butane Propellant 943 E=)AKv环己基氨基磺酸(和钠、钾、钙盐) Cyclamic Acid Cand Na、K、Ca、Salts 952 " y!Nx异构麦芽糖(异构麦芽糖醇) Isomalt (Isomaltitol) 953 Uh=}9糖精(和钠、钾、钙盐) Saccharin(and Na、K、Ca、Salts) 954 \O麦芽糖醇和麦芽糖醇糖浆Maltitol And Maltitol Syrup 965 B6皂树皮提取物Quillaia Extracts 999 518D氨化胆碱Choline Chloride 1001iii &=5’-肌苷酸二钠Disodium 5'-Inosinate 631 M2~_(/胭脂树橙提取物Annatto Extracts 160b )o斑蝥黄质Canthaxanthin 161g bHk木瓜酶Papain 1101ii m磷酸二钠Disodium Orthophosphate 339ii Kpd=C磷酸一铵Monoammonium Orthophosphate 342i vIc|M碳酸氢镁Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate 504ii !k^ldk滑石Talc 553iii N5Ca[)谷氨酸一钙Calcium Glutamate 623 {Z'植物碳Vegetable carbon 153 =7~三蜡精Triacetin 1518 >5gLki磷酸盐化磷酸双淀粉Phosphated Distarch Phosphate 1413 v1联二苯Diphenyl 230 Xn5噻苯达唑(涕必灵) Thiabendazole 233 `-D抗坏血酸棕榈酸脂Ascorbyl Palmitate 304 py棓酸十二烷酯Dodecyl Gallate 312 2愈疮树脂Guaiac Resin 314 L/j (,卵磷酯Lecithins 322 R阿诺克索牟抗氧剂Anoxomer 323 `硫代二丙酸酯Thiodipropionic Acid 388 iR二月桂基硫代二丙酸酯Dilauryl Thiodipropionate 389 7hB!混合生育酚浓缩物Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate 306 `a+Y藻酸钾Potassium Alginate 402 ;w8藻酸铵Ammonium Alginate 403 y藻酸钙Calcium Alginate 404 g'黄蓍胶Tragacanth Gum 413 #vl|.结冷胶Gellan Gum 418 [硅酸镁类Calcium Silicate 552 >NX-D硅酸铝钠Sodium Aluminosilicate 554 $皂土Bentonite 558 KH67Z5’-肮苷酸钙Calcium 5'-inosinate 633 ?qD小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax 901 /-mQ虫胶Shellac 903 ~氯Chlorine 925 C过氧化苯酰Benzoyl Peroxide 928 Wh氮气Nitrogen 941 Ml&wl)天门冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酸Aspartame 951 u索马甜Thaumatin 957 Drp甘草甜Glycyrrhizin 958 K?胭脂虫红Carmines 120 {S烟酸Nicotinic Acid 375 JI甲基乙基纤维素Methyl Ethyl Cellulose 465 c6PI硫酸铝钾Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate 522 Q辣椒油树脂Paprika Oleoresins 160c #8x"M碳酸钙Calcium Carbonates 170i 8Q]S;F亚硫酸氢钠Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite 222 _1c/乙氧基喹Ethoxyguin 324 hu{柠檬酸三钾sdTripotassium Citrate 332ii (bCj}酒石酸钾Monopotassium Tartrate 336i )WJ磷酸钠Monosodium Orthophosphate 339i pvsl+磷酸一钙Monocalcium Orthoposphate 341i *Fgf磷酸三钙Tricalcium Orthophosphate 341iii "p5'Sg偏酒石酸Metataric Acid 352 3Ff%D乳酸和脂肪酸甘油酯Lactic and Fally Acid Esters of Glycerol 472b %k 硬脂酰富马酸钠Sodium Stearoyl Fumarate 485 [!Y碳酸氢钠Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 500ii h碳酸氢钾Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate 501ii ilxr碳酸铵Ammonium Carbonate 503i SLN碳酸镁Magnesium Carbonates 504i D|tH氯化亚锡Stannous Chloride 512 d%X葡糖酸钾Potassium Gluconate 577 @N_甘氨酸Glycine 640 Ble米糠蜡Rice Bran Wax 907 ]R8G3专利蓝V Patent Blue V 131 ^LC)eQ靛蓝Indigtine 132 z叶绿素铜Copper Chlorophylls 140 >YS棕色FK Brown FK 154 %C~f棕色HT Brown HT 155 @{R胆酸Cholic Acid 1000 MlrW&淀粉酶Amylase 1100 A蛋白酶Protase 1101i葡萄糖氧化酶Glucose Oxidase 1102 5dnj?转化酶Inverase 1103酸处理淀粉Acid-treated starch 1401 JIk碱处理淀粉Alkaline Treated Starch 1402 Gk漂白淀粉Bleached Starch 1403 :氧化淀粉Oxidized Starch 1404 2{l:r酶处理淀粉Starches,Enzyme-treaed 1405 }D,l乙酰化磷酸双淀粉Acetylated Dishtarch Phosphate 1414 Nh2羟丙基磷酸双淀粉Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate 1442 or`%K 胭脂红Ponceau 4R 124 Q3甜菜红Beet Red 162 k蓖麻油Castor 1503 (山梨酸sorbic Acid 200 dIE苯甲酸钙Calcium Benzoate 213 S?d亚硫酸钠Sodium Sulphite 221 V亚硫酸钾Potassium Sulphite 225 jFM亚硫酸氢钙Calcium Hydrogen Sulphite 227 ~$=L六亚甲基四胺Hexamethylenetlramine 239 h亚硝酸钾Potassium Nitrite 249 =m硝酸钾Potassium Nitrate 252 _丙酸Propionic Acid 280 /H1k丙酸钠Sodium Propionte 281 e4富马酸Fumaric Acid 297 XJwr$K山梨酸钠sodium Sorbate 201 f山梨酸钙Calcium Sorbate 203 f)E>s苯甲酸Benzoic Acid 210 .eP二氧化硫Sulphur Dioxide 220 f;甲酸formic Acid 236 r9二氧化碳Carbon Dioxide 290 _异抗坏血酸钠Sodium Isoascorbate 316 /\`rY叔丁基氢醌Tertiary Butylhydro quinone 319 i磷酸Orthophoric Acid 338 /(evE磷酸二铵Diammonium Orthopghosphate 342ii ((b"富马酸钠Sodium Fumarates 365 W;柠檬酸铵Ammonium Citrates 380 i乙二胺四乙酸二钠Disodium Ethylediamine Tetraacetate 386 ZJL*qr 乳酸钙Calcium Lactate 327 X$EYI柠檬酸Citric Acid 330 ]O[柠檬酸钙Calcium Citrates 333 G)>X酒石酸钾钠Potassium Sodium Tartrate 337 8己二酸Adipic Acid 355 l*,uJ丁二酸Succinic Acid 363 JhS6}角豆胶Carob Been Gum 410 Q阿拉伯胶Gum Arabic(Acacia Gum) 414 V&Z黄原胶Xanthan Gum 415 LCn^+刺梧桐胶Tara Gum 416 |fN5$果胶Pectins 440 o磷脂酸铵盐Ammonium Salts of Phosphatidic Acid 442 1@&~HC 微晶纤维素Microcrystalline Cellulose 460i KdO)甲基纤维素Methyl Cellulose 461 8蔗糖甘油酯Sucroglycerides 474 2脂肪酸聚甘油酯Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids 475 _sb} F硬脂酰酒石酸酯Stearyl Tartrate 483 p6I.+&脂肪酸蔗糖酯Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids 473 1Gm:溴化植物油Brominated Vegetable O:l 443 90`#氯化镁Magesium Chloride 511 \P硫酸钾Potassum Suphates 515 k硫代硫酸钠Sodium Thiosulphate 539 #t5骨质磷酸盐Bone Phosphate 542 @三硅酸镁Matgnesium Trisilicate 553ii +V&硅酸铝钙Calcium Aluminium Silicate 556 \o9(;#葡糖酸亚铁Ferrous Lactate 579 $氯化钙Calcium Chloride 509 {>硫酸Sulphuric Acid 513 e|%YG硫酸钠Sodium SulphotesM 514 R+"7硫酸钙Calcium Sulphate 516 -s]硫酸铵Ammonium Sulphate 517 `vE硫酸镁Magnesium Sulphate 518 uuw硫酸铜Cupric Sulphate 519 0硫酸铝Aluminium Sodium Sulphate 520 J3硫酸铝钠Aluminium Potassium Suphate 521 &XsO硫酸铝铵Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate 523 8Je&氢氧化钙Calcium Hydroxde 526 sm!SZ亚铁氰化钠Sodium Ferrocyanide 535 RLhGi硅酸铝Aluminium Silicate 559 Ge*谷氨酸钠Monosodium Glutamate 621 M4乙基麦芽酚Ethyl Maltol 637 ~巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax 902 B乙酰磺胺酸钾Acesulfame Potassium 950 :FnV过硫酸钾Potassium Perslphate 922 @4&J过硫酸铵Ammonium Pesulphate 923 =8|^,[氧化亚氮Nitrous Oxide 942 ZMF|丙烷Popane 944 A甲醛formaldehyde 240 IQva乙酸钾Potassium Acetate 260i @A柠檬酸三钠Trisodium Citrate 331iii EP磷酸三钠Trisodium Orthophosphate 339iii ig8酯胶Ester Gum 445ii 2三磷酸五钠Pentasodium Triphosphate 451i jRL$mD碳酸钠Sodium Carbonate 500i T\j碳酸钾Potassium Carbonate 501i U.碳酸氢铵Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate 503ii L#偏硅酸钠Sodium Metasilicate 550ii VxOzPU异丁烷Isobutane 945 7&^姜黄Turmeric 100ii KR喹啉黄Quinoline Yellow 104 =;u(qz偶氮玉红Amaranth 122 D(S.a赤藓红Erythrosine 127 xt/vX二氧化钛Titanium Dioxide 170ii L;w聚乙烯吡咯烷酮Polyvinylpyrrolidone 1201 [l^/=r无花果蛋白酶Ficin 1101iv [,Ulc溶菌酶Lysozyme 1105 ^羟丙基淀粉Hydroxypropyl Starch 1440 `柠檬黄Tartrazine 102 lj苋菜红Amaranth 123 !苔色素Orchil 182 x山梨酸钾Potassium Sorbate 202 'L'苯甲酸钾Potassium Benzoate 212 A::z7亚硝酸钠Sodium Nitrite 250 B2+1V双乙酸钠Sodium Diacetate 262ii WsUe9丙酸钙Calcium Propionate 282 > |gg丙酸钾Potassium Propionate 283 W A-f1苯甲酸钠Sodium Benzoate 211 fW甲酸钠Sodium formate 237 FyR/甲酸钙Calcium formate 238 ~L6G硝酸钠Sodium Nitrate 251 :smt抗坏血酸钙Calcium Ascorbate 302 #异抗坏血酸Isoascorbic Acid 315 V乙二胺四乙酸二钠钙Calcium Disodium Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate 385 HJ 琼脂Agar 406 A63Ab'三磷酸五钾Pentapotassium Triphosphate 451ii 3.dhm 丙三醇Glycerol 422 0_)倍半碳酸钠Sodium Sesquicarbonate 500iii [氯化铵Ammonium Chloride 510 Rwb葡糖酸钠Sodium Gluconate 576 ] eZ盐酸Hydrochloric Acid 507 wD=/KD氯化钾Potassium Chloride 508 jtT`氢氧化钠Sodium Hydroxide 524 d-氢氧化钾Potassium Hydroxide 525 8!M,g[氢氧化铵Ammonium Hydroxide 527 "14LbO氢氧化镁Magnesium Hydroxide 528 (`)4氧化钙Calcium Oxide 529 (pz氧化镁Magnesium Oxide 530 mBk亚铁氰化钾Potassium Ferrocyanide 536 cv}葡糖酸钙Calcium Gluconate 578 U(/*"o葡糖酸镁Magnesium Gluconate 580 f"\G碘酸钾Potassium Iodate 917 y^^52溴酸钾Potassium Bromate 924 4y:^z乳糖醇Lactitol 966 '/H木糖醇Xylitol 967 KP`(u>碘酸钙Calcium Iodate 916 P过氧化丙酮Acetone Peroxide 929 vV。




试剂名称规格保存条件提取液液体55 mL×1瓶2-8℃保存试剂一A粉剂×4瓶常温保存试剂一B液体80 mL×1瓶2-8℃保存标准品粉剂×1支2-8℃保存溶液的配制:1、试剂一的配制:临用前取一瓶试剂一A加入20mL试剂一B,溶解后备用,2-8℃保存一周,若试剂变黄色则已经变质,不能继续使用。


临用前加入1 mL蒸馏水配制成10mg/mL木糖标准溶液备用。





D-木糖在强酸条件下水解产生糠醛,糠醛可与间苯三酚反应生成粉红色化合物,在554 nm处有特殊吸收峰,据此可由吸光值计算出样本中木糖的含量。

FurfuralPink Compound (554 nm)技术指标:最低检出限:0.0007 mg/mL线性范围:0.0039-0.4 mg/mL注意:实验之前建议选择2-3个预期差异大的样本做预实验。




按质量(g):提取液体积(mL)1 : 50~100比例(建议称取20mg烘干样本,加入1.0 mL提取液),涡旋混匀,在100℃水浴锅中准确水解2 h。






以下是关于美索巴莫注射液的一些标准信息:1. 中文通用名:美索巴莫注射液2. 英文通用名:Methocarbamol Injection3. 标准号:ws-10001-(hd-0269)-20024. 药品名称:美索巴莫注射液5. 药品英文名:Methocarbamol Injection6. 主要成分:本品为美索巴莫的灭菌聚乙二醇,400水溶液。


7. 处方:具体处方应根据医生建议和患者病情来确定。

8. 性状:本品为无色或几乎无色略带黏稠的澄明液体。

9. 鉴别:通过化学分析和物理测试等方法来鉴别美索巴莫注射液的真伪和质量。

10. 作用类别:中枢性肌肉松弛剂11. 药理毒理:本品对中枢神经系统有选择作用,特别对脊椎中神经元作用明显。



12. 药代动力学:美索巴莫注射液在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程。

13. 适应症:主要用于急性骨骼肌疼痛或不适症状的辅助治疗。

14. 用法用量:美索巴莫注射液的用法主要是采用静脉滴注或者是静脉推注的方式给药。






15. 不良反应:使用美索巴莫注射液可能出现的不良反应,如头痛、恶心、呕吐、皮疹等。

16. 禁忌症:对美索巴莫过敏者、肝肾功能不全者、哺乳期妇女禁用。



化合物(I)和碘甲烷在乙醇中回流8h,环合得到化合物(Ⅱ)。再水解脱去酯基,得到化合物(Ⅲ)。用对甲氧 基苯乙基溴进行N-烷基化,得化合物(Ⅳ)。再用对氟苄基溴烷基化,得阿司咪唑。
1. 1-[(4-氟苯基)甲基]-苯并咪唑-2-(3H)-酮的制备
在反应瓶中加入2-羟基苯并咪唑5.0g(37.3mmol)和NaH 1.6g(53mmol)(NaH含量大约为80%,浸入矿物油中) 的DMF 100ml的悬浮液.加毕.在60ºC.(最好有N2保护)搅拌反应1h.再加入4-氟苄基氯(FBC)5.4g(37mmol),加热 ( 6 0 ºC ) 搅 拌 反 应 5 . 5 h . 冷 却 至 室 温 后 加 入 冰 水 7 0 0 m l , 用 二 氯 甲 烷 ( 5 0 0 m l × 2 ) 提 取 . 有 机 层 用 食 盐 水 洗 . 无 水 N a 2 S O 4 干燥.过滤.滤液减压浓缩.剩余物用石油醚析晶.得1-[(4-氟苯基)甲基]-苯并咪唑-2-(3H)-酮固体8.0g,为无色 结 晶 m p 1 7 8 ~ 1 7 9 ºC , 收 率 8 8 % .
阿司咪唑中毒的治疗要点为: 1.大量摄入者予洗胃,后灌服活性炭和导泻。 2.对心肌抑制和Q-T间期延长者予5%碳酸氢钠250ml静注可能有效。 3.对症、支持治疗。
阿司咪阿司咪唑自1983年上市以来,在许多国家得到了广泛应用。国外研究显示阿司咪唑治疗荨麻疹的总有 效率为74%。国内的一项多中心双盲安慰剂对照试验表明阿司咪唑对急性荨麻疹的总有效率为82.9%,对慢性荨麻 疹的总有效率为86.0%,均显著高于安慰剂,主要不良反应为嗜睡、倦怠、口干等,连续用药3个月的患者中,半 数有食欲及体重增加。阿司咪唑的心脏毒性虽然发生率较低,但由于后果严重,已限制了它的应用。阿司咪唑为 强效和长效的H1受体拮抗剂,无中枢镇静和抗毒蕈碱样作用。代谢产物去甲阿司咪唑仍有抗胆胺作用。长期服用 可增进食欲和增加体重,服用过量可引起心脏Q-T间期延长和室性心律失常。适用于各种原因引起过敏性疾病。


0,02* 0,05*
Cypermethrin (cypermethrin including other mixtures of constituent isomers (sum of isomers)) (F) Cyproconazole (F) Cyprodinil (F) (R) Cyromazine Dalapon Daminozide (sum of daminozide and 1,1-dimethyl-hydrazine, expressed as daminozide) Dazomet (Methylisothiocyanate resulting from the use of dazomet and metam) DDT (sum of p,p´-DDT, o,p´-DDT, p-p´-DDE and p,p´-TDE (DDD) expressed as DDT) (F) Deltamethrin (cis-deltamethrin) (F) Desmedipham Diallate Diazinon (F) Dicamba Dichlobenil Dichlorprop: sum of dichlorprop (including dichlorprop-P) and its conjugates, expressed as dichlorprop Dichlorvos
1 0,01* 0,05* 0,01* 0,02 0,01* 0,01* 0,02* 0,1* 0,05* 0,02* 0,05
5 0,05* 0,05* 0,05* 0,2 0,5 0,05* 0,01* 0,01* 0,05* 0,01* 0,05*
0,02* 2


联合治疗可以使AIDS合并症或垂危状态的危险性减少53%,死亡率减少72%。这与治疗18个月后AIDS合并症或 死亡率由29.4%降至16.0%是相符的;同样,单纯死亡率由8.6%降至4.1%。在3个治疗组中,平均疗程为11~13个 月,平均随访时间是17个月。
该研究中,所有治疗组CD4细胞基线计数平均为156~176/立方毫米。16周后(DAVG16),沙奎那韦联合ddc 治疗组CD4细胞增加26/立方毫米,血浆病毒载量减少0.6log10RNA拷贝/毫升。16周时,CD4细胞平均值增加47/ 立方毫米。12周时,血浆病毒载量平均值降低0.7log10RNA拷贝/毫升。
与核苷类似物(齐多夫定等)不同,沙奎那韦直接作用于病毒靶酶,不需经代谢激活,对静止细胞也有潜在 作用。在10-10摩尔/升浓度下,沙奎那韦对淋巴母细胞株和单核细胞株以及被实验室病毒株或临床分离的HIV-1 感染的淋巴细胞和单核细胞的起始培养有作用。
实验室细胞培养结果显示,沙奎那韦在与其他逆转录酶抑制剂(包括AZT(齐多夫定)、ddc(扎西他滨)、 ddI(去羟肌苷)进行两联或三联治疗HIV-1感染时,有附加的协同抗病毒作用,但毒性并不增加 。
机体对静注沙奎那韦6、36、72毫克后清除率很高,为1.14升/小时/千克(CV12%),略高于肝血流,并为常 数。体内存留时间平均为7小时。
沙奎那韦可与其他抗逆转录病毒药物联合使用治疗成人HIV-1感染 。
成人及16岁以上儿童:推荐方案是与核苷类似物联合用药,餐后2小时内服用沙奎那韦600毫克,每天3次。 联合使用的抗逆转录病毒药物的剂量参考处方手册。与其他蛋白酶抑制剂合用时,沙奎那韦应减量(见【药物相 互作用】)。与其他蛋白酶抑制剂一样,强烈推荐按医嘱服药。

IFCC Aspartate Aminotransferase 检测手册说明书

IFCC Aspartate Aminotransferase 检测手册说明书

ASTAspartate Aminotransferase IFCCMANUAL RX MONZAINTENDED USEFor the quantitative in vitro determination of AspartateAminotransferase (AST) in serum and plasma. This product is suitable for manual use and on the Rx Monza analyser.Cat. No. AS 1202 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 70 ml 20 x 2 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 20 x 2 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200416AS 1204 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 10 x 10 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 10 x 10 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200423AS 1267 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 5 x 20 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 20 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200430AS 2359 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 5 x 100 ml 5 x 100 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 100 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200454UV METHODThis is an optimised standard method according to the concentrations recommended by the IFCC.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE (1,2,3,4)The aminotransferases are a group of enzymes that catalyse the inter conversions of amino acids and α-oxoacids by transfer of amino groups. AST (aspartate aminotransferase or glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase) has been found in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria of cells that have been studied. In cases of mild tissue damage, e.g. liver, the predominant form of serum AST is that from the cytoplasm, with a smaller amount coming from the mitochondria. Severe tissue damage will result in more mitochondrial enzyme being released. Elevated levels of AST can signal myocardial infarction, hepatic disease, muscular dystrophy and organ damage.Although heart muscle is found to have the most activity of the enzyme, significant activity has also been seen in the brain, liver, gastric mucosa, adipose tissue and kidneys of humans.The IFCC has now recommended (1980) standardised procedures for AST determinations including:-1. optimization of substrate concentrations.2. Employment of Tris buffers (instead of phosphate, which has beenshown to inhibit recombination of the apoenzyme with pyridoxal phosphate).3. Pre-incubation of combined buffer and serum to allow sidereactions with NADH to occur. 4. Substrate start (α-oxoglutarate)5. Optional pyridoxal phosphate activation.This is an optimised standard method according to the recommendations of the IFCC.PRINCIPLEα-oxoglutarate reacts with L-aspartate in the presence of AST to form L-glutamate plus oxaloacetate. The indicator reaction utilises the oxaloacetate for a kinetic determination of NADH consumption. AST -oxoglutarate + L-aspartate L-glutamate + oxaloacetate MDH oxaloacetate + NADH + H + L-malate + NAD +SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION (5) Serum:- Use serum free from haemolysis.Plasma:- EDTA or heparin can be used as the anticoagulant.Plasma should be separated from cells within one hour after collection.Specimens should be refrigerated if not used immediately:-Specimens stored longer than 3 days should be frozen at -20︒C.REAGENT COMPOSITIONContents Concentrations in the TestR1a. Buffer/Substrate Tris buffer 80 mmol/l, pH 7.5 L-aspartate 240 mmol/l R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate α-oxoglutarate 12 mmol/l MDH ≥420 U/l LD ≥600 U/l NADH 0.18 mmol/lSAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS For in vitro diagnostic use only. Do not pipette by mouth.Exercise the normal precautions required for handling laboratory reagents.Solution R1a contains Sodium Azide. Avoid ingestion or contact with skin or mucous membranes. In case of skin contact, flush affected area with copious amounts of water. In case of contact with eyes or if ingested, seek immediate medical attention.Sodium Azide reacts with lead and copper plumbing, to form potentially explosive azides. When disposing of such reagents flush with large volumes of water to prevent azide build up. Exposed metal surfaces should be cleaned with 10% sodium hydroxide.Health and Safety data sheets available on request.The reagents must be used only for the purpose intended by suitably qualified laboratory personnel, under appropriate laboratory conditions.STABILITY AND PREPARATION OF REAGENTS R1a. Buffer/SubstrateContents ready for use. Stable up to the expiry date when stored at +2 to +8︒C.R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate Reconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with the appropriate volume of Buffer/Substrate R1a: 2 ml for the 20 x 2 ml kit (AS 1202) 10 ml for the 10 x 10 ml kit (AS 1204) 20 ml for the 5 x 20 ml kit (AS 1267) Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C. Cat. AS 2359 5 x 100 mlReconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with a portion of Buffer/Substrate R1a and then transfer the entire contents to bottle R1a rinsing bottle R1b several times. Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C.MATERIALS PROVIDED Buffer/SubstrateEnzyme/Coenzyme/ -oxoglutarateMATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDEDRandox Assayed Multisera Level 2 (Cat. No. HN 1530) and Level 3 (Cat. No. HE 1532)Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 (Cat. No. CAL 2351) RX series Saline (Cat. No. SA 3854)PROCEDUREAspirate fresh ddH 2O and perform a new Gain Calibration in flow cell mode. Select AST in the Run Test screen and carry out a water blank as instructed.Pipette into a test tube:Sample 0.05 ml Reagent 0.5 mlMix and aspirate into the Rx Monza.CALIBRATION FOR RX MONZAThe use of Saline and Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 isrecommended for calibration. Calibration is recommended with change of reagent lot or as indicated by quality control procedures.FOR MANUAL USEWavelength: 340 nm (Hg 334 nm or Hg 365 nm) Cuvette: 1 cm light path Temperature: 25/30/37︒C Measurement: against airPipette into cuvette: Macro MicroSample 0.2 ml 0.1 ml Enzyme/Coenzyme/ α-oxoglutarate R1 2.0 ml 1.0 mlMix, read initial absorbance after 1 minute. Read again after 1, 2 and 3 minutes. Note: If the absorbance change per minute is between 0.11 and 0.16 at 340/Hg 334 nm 0.06 and 0.08 at Hg 365 nmuse only the values for the first 2 minutes for the calculation.MANUAL CALCULATIONTo calculate the AST activity, use the following formulae:U/l = 1746 x A 340 nm/min U/l = 1780 x A Hg 334 nm/min U/l = 3235 x A Hg 365 nm/minSTANDARDISATIONRandox Calibration Serum Level 3 is traceable to AST reference material JSCC TS01.QUALITY CONTROLRandox Assayed Multisera, Level 2 and Level 3 are recommended for daily quality control. Two levels of controls should be assayed at least once a day. Values obtained should fall within a specified range. If these values fall outside the range and repetition excludes error the following steps should be taken:1. Check instrument settings and light source.2. Check cleanliness of all equipment in use.3. Check water. Contaminants, i.e. bacterial growth, maycontribute to inaccurate results. 4. Check reaction temperature.5. Check expiry date of kit and contents.6. Contact Randox Laboratories Customer Technical Services, Northern Ireland +44 (0) 28 9445 1070.SPECIFICITY/INTERFERENCE (6,7)Gross haemolysis will produce falsely elevated test results. The effects of various drugs on AST activity should be taken intoconsideration in the case of patients receiving large doses of drugs.The analytes below were tested up to the following levels and were found not to interfere: Haemoglobin 250 mg/dl Free Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Conjugate Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Triglycerides 1000 mg/dlIntralipid ® 200 mg/dlA list of substances and conditions known to effect AST activity in vivo is given by both Young et al and Friedman et al. Norepresentation is made by Randox Laboratories Ltd regarding the completeness of these lists and the accuracy of the information contained therein.NORMAL VALUES IN SERUM (8,9) +25︒C +30︒C +37︒C Men up to 18 U/l up to 25 U/l up to 37 U/l Women up to 15 U/l up to 21 U/l up to 31 U/lIt is recommended that each laboratory establish its own reference range to reflect the age, sex, diet and geographical location of the population.SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS The following performance data were obtained using an Rx Monza analyser running at +37o C.LINEARITYThis method is linear up to 562 U/l. If the sample concentration exceeds this value, dilute the sample 1+9 with 0.9% NaCl solution and re-assay. Multiply the result by 10.SENSITIVITYThe minimum detectable concentration of AST with an acceptable level of precision was determined as 9.3 U/l.PRECISIONIntra AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.66 1.47CV(%) 4.65 0.96n 20 20Inter AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.77 7.10CV(%) 4.96 4.63n 20 20CORRELATIONThis method (Y) was compared with another commerciallyavailable method (X) and the following linear regression equationobtained:Y = 1.07X + 4.9and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.997543 patient samples were analysed spanning the range 28 to 559U/l.REFERENCES1. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Ann Intern Med. 1956; 45: 801.2. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1956;91: 569.3. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: Clin Chem 1977; 23:887.4. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: J.Clin Chem ClinBiochem 1980; 18: 521-534.5. Tietz N W: Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry ed 3.Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co. 1987, pg 372.6. Young D S, et al: Clin Chem 1975, 21; No5.7. Friedman RB, et al: Clin Chem 1980, 26; No4.8. Wallnofer H, Schmidt.E, Schmidt FW, eds: Synopsis derLeberkrankheiten Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1974.9. Thefeld W, et al: Dtsch Med Wschr 1974; 99: 343.Revised 26 Apr 16 biRev. 003THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK。


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Perkadox 16产品数据表说明书

Perkadox 16产品数据表说明书

Product Data SheetPerkadox 16Di(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonatePerkadox® 16 is applied as an initiator for the suspension and mass polymerization of vinyl chloride in the temperature range between 40°C and 65°C. Perkadox® 16 can be used alone or in combination with other peroxides, such as 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl peroxyneodecanoate (Trigonox 423), Cumyl peroxyneodecanoate (Trigonox 99) or Dilauroyl peroxide (Laurox), to increase reactor efficiency.CAS number15520-11-3EINECS/ELINCS No.239-557-1TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight398.5SpecificationsAppearance White powderAssay94.0-97.0 %Inorganic + organic hydrolysable chloride≤ 4000 mg/kgCharacteristicsBulk density, 20 °C450-480 kg/m³Density, 20 °C 1.13 g/cm³ApplicationsPerkadox® 16 can be used for the market segments: polymer production, thermoset composites and acrylics with their different applications/functions. For more information please check our website and/or contact us.Half-life dataThe reactivity of an organic peroxide is usually given by its half-life (t½) at various temperatures. For Perkadox® 16 in chlorobenzene:0.1 hr82°C (180°F)1 hr64°C (147°F)10 hr48°C (118°F)Formula 1kd = A·e-Ea/RTFormula 2t½ = (ln2)/kdEa126.39 kJ/moleA7.44E+15 s-1R8.3142 J/mole·KT(273.15+°C) KThermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT40°CEmergency temperature (Tₑ)35°CControl temperature (Tc)30°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria – United Nations,New York and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max. ) for each organic peroxide product.Ts max.20°C (please see note below)Note When stored under the recommended storage conditions, Perkadox® 16 willremain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months afterdelivery. The Ts max of 20°C is not to be interpretated as ambient or roomtemperature as this differs per region and season. Perkadox® 16 has a high qualitycomposition and to hold that it should be stored at below 20°C. At temperaturesabove 20°C the decomposition of Perkadox® 16 progresses fast which leads tosignificant loss of quality. If you have questions about this, please contact yourlocal Nouryon account manager for advice.Packaging and transportIn North America Perkadox® 16 is packed in non-returnable cartons containing 25 polyethylene bags of 1 lb net weightor 5 polyethylene bags of 5 lb net weight. In other regions the standard packaging is a cardboard box for 20 kg peroxide. Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities contact your Nouryon representative. Perkadox® 16 is classified as Organic peroxide type C; solid, temperature controlled; Division 5. 2; UN 3114.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Perkadox® 16 in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room. Avoid contact with reducing agents (e. g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e. g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Perkadox® 16. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition products Carbon dioxide, 4-tert-Butyl-cyclohexanolAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Perkadox® and Trigonox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2023-1-10© 2023Polymer production Perkadox 16。


Amisol SDE;
Clindrol 868;
Cyclomide SD;
Diethanolamine stearic acidamide;
AP 1;
Adogen 42;
Advawax 290;
Alflow S 10;
Amide AP;
Amide S;
Amide S (binder);
Amide T;
Armid 18;
Acetic acid, [2-[[(2-hydroxypropyl)amino]carbonyl]phenoxy]-, mercurycomplex;
Armoslip 18LF;
Atmer SA 1750;
Crodamide S;
Crodamide SR;
Diamid AP 1;
Fatty Amide S;
Fatty Amide T;
G 270;
Hidorin F792;
Hidorin M 7;
Hymicron G 270;



CAS 号29122-68-7
分子式:C14H22N2O3 分子量:266.34

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