[单选,共用题干题]患者女,19岁,学生。因"亚急起凭空闻人语、疑人害、兴奋夸大、精力旺盛1月余"于2008年7月23日入院。患者诉1月前独自在家时听见同学们议论她很坏;感觉有人在谋害她,并被跟踪、监视;同时表现兴奋、半夜里学习,觉自己思维反应像火箭,能力无限大,可以统治宇宙 [名词解释]灰浆池 [单选]下列不属于原发性脑损伤者为()A.脑震荡B.脑挫伤C.原发性脑干损伤D.脑裂伤E.脑内血肿 [单选]依据糖尿病诊断标准,确诊糖尿病选用()A.全血血糖B.血浆血糖C.糖化血红蛋白D.尿糖定性E.24小时尿糖定量 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]MRI检查前准备不包括()A.认真核对MRI检查申请单B.确认病人没有禁忌证C.有心理障碍者应用麻醉药物D.给患者讲述检查过程,消除恐惧心理E.婴幼儿、烦躁不安及幽闭恐惧症患者,应给适量的镇静剂 [单选]按1980年的美元记价,设GD表示GDP平减指数。则1990年的实际GDP等于1990年名义GDP()。A.乘以(GD80/GD90);B.乘以(GD90/GD80);C.除以1980年的GD;D.除以1990年GD和1980年GD的差额。 [单选]满眼钻具组合设计间隙一般为()mm。A.0.8~1.6B.2~2.8C.2.2~3.1D.2.5~3.3 [多选]传统的施工组织设计与施工项目管理规划的本质性区别在于()。A.文件的性质不同B.文件的范围不同C.文件产生的基础不同D.文件的实施方案不同 [单选]()不是MRP净需求量计算的依据。A.总需求量B.现有库存量C.在途库存量D.计划库存量 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]软组织急性化脓性感染,在出现波动前需早期切开引流的是()A.转移性脓肿B.痈C.脓性指头炎侧面纵切开D.急性蜂窝织炎E.面部疖肿 [单选]如果将物体放在互相垂直的投影面之间,用三组分别()的平行投射线进行投影,就得到物体三个方向的正投影图,也即形成了三面投影图。A.倾斜B.直射C.折射D.垂直 [单选]下列选项中,()是降低运输成本的方法。A.降低产品密度B.增加产品密度C.增加运输距离D.缩小运输责任范围 [单选]质量摩尔浓度的定义是()中含有溶质的物质的量。A.1dm3溶液B.1kg溶液C.1kg溶剂D.1dm3溶剂 [单选]压力容器的人孔通常采用()。A.凸形封头B.锥形封头C.平板封头D.蝶形封头 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]于前后方向将人体纵切为左右两半的切面是()A.冠状面B.矢状面C.正中面D.横切面E.水平面 [判断题]样品和标准溶液的颜色色调不一致时,《水质色度的测定》(GB/T11903-1989)不适用。A.正确B.错误 [单选]茎的最主要生理功能包括()。A、固定作用、吸收作用B、分泌作用、光合作用C、固定作用、输导作用D、支持作用、输导作用 [单选]注意的广度是指()A.同一时间意识能清楚把握的对象的数量B.意识能长时间地保持在所选择的对象上C.任务要求时意识由一个对象转到另一个对象D.同一时间内把意识指向不同的对象 [单选,A1型题]关于合理营养与平衡膳食,错误的是()A.合理烹调,减少营养素损失B.良好的饮食习惯有助于儿童达到膳食平衡C.合理搭配各类食品,以刺激儿童食欲D.早餐和午餐应安排富含蛋白质和脂肪的食物E.儿童每餐进餐的时间应为20~30分钟 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]注意缺陷多动障碍的协调和共济运动检查不包括()A.指鼻B.指指C.系鞋带D.投篮球E.莱尔米特征(Lhermitte征) [填空题]ZLQ20电缆型号的含义是()。 [单选]带蒂的子宫浆膜下肌瘤常易误诊为()A.子宫腺肌瘤B.阔韧带肿瘤C.双子宫D.卵巢肿瘤E.残角子宫 [单选]已知企业年末"应付账款"贷方余额为5000元,"预付账款"贷方余额为2000元,那么,在年末资产负债表中"应付账款"项目应填列的金额是()元。A.-3000B.7000C.3000D.5000 [单选]在下列骨折中,属于运动系统慢性损伤的是()A.颈椎爆裂骨折B.第二跖骨干疲劳骨折C.儿童胫骨髁上伸直型骨折D.掌骨骨折E.骨盆骨折 [单选]货物应()、整理地堆码在指定货位上。A、稳定B、稳固C、均衡D、分层 [单选]脑血管疾病所致精神障碍的主要情感障碍是()。A.情感脆弱B.情感淡漠C.抑郁D.焦虑、紧张E.情感易激惹 [问答题,简答题]从猿到人行为特征的变化? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖尿病酮症酸中毒的电解质改变是()。A.体内常无缺钾B.血钠正常或升高C.血乳酸下降D.胰岛素治疗后血钾下降E.以上都不是 [单选]巨噬细胞功能检测临床意义()A.NBT试验对发热病因作过筛性鉴别B.补体抗体缺陷症的重要指标C.鉴别自身免疫性疾病D.机体抗肿瘤免疫的重要效应细胞E.与过敏症有关 [单选]临床拟诊为肝管结石,下列哪种成像技术为首选()A.CTB.MRIC.CTAD.DSAE.0.MRA [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]带状疱疹病的病因下列哪项是正确的()A.初次或原发感染水痘-带状疱疹病毒引起B.再次或继发感染水痘-带状疱疹病毒引起C.由单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型引起D.由腺病毒引起E.由单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型引起 [单选]下面关于防火墙的说法,正确的是()。A.防火墙一般由软件以及支持该软件运行的硬件系统构成B.防火墙只能防止未经授权的信息发送到内网C.防火墙能准确地检测出攻击来自哪一台计算机D.防火墙的主要支撑技术是加密技术 [单选]合同终止最正常和最主要的形式是()。A.抵销B.混同C.提存D.合同的履行 [单选]下列不属于收费系统功能的是()。A.采集收费交易数据B.交通事件的排除C.处理数据、统计、査询、打印功能D.通行券的管理 [填空题]一般而言,浓缩浮选的入浮浓度为(),直接浮选的入浮浓度为()。 [填空题]()是实现大功率电源系统的关键技术,因为用多个开关电源模块并联,可以灵活地组合成分布式电源。 [单选]重复电刺激前,通常停用抗胆碱酯酶药()A.2~4小时B.4~8小时C.8~12小时D.12~18小时E.无要求 [单选]外业测量资料主要有()引测资料、各观测点的高程测量记录计算资料。A.观测点B.基准点C.仪器架设点D.立尺点 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]宫颈视诊中应观察的项目是()A.颜色B.外口形状C.有无出血D.宫颈大小E.以上都对 [单选]使用荧光显微镜检测时应注意的是()A.使用前应预热15minB.标本可以长时间照射C.应用发荧光的镜油封片D.调整激发光源波长与荧光物质发射波长一致E.染色后标本应放置一段时间再镜检
高二英语Unit17 Disablity全套课件
Unit 17 Reading Comprehension
Before Reading
1. Is it easy for us to become successful? What about the people with disability?
2. Do you know any famous people who are disabled?
• 3. The many _a_ch_i_e_ve_m__e_nt_s_by disabled citizens has taught the people to respect and appreciate them. Many _o_p_p_o_r_tu_n_i_ti_es_should be given to the disabled people.
But some of the disappointments and difficulties are unnecessary. Life would be better and easier if all members of society learnt to __a_c_c_e_p_t__disabled people.
Listen and answer the questions: What is the passage mainly about?
•The passage discusses what society and individuals can • and should do to assist people with disabilities.
both…and… / which…. / Prevent…from / unfairly treated
Topic sentence
Para.1 I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn’t treat me as if I were a child.
How does she get around
Use a wheelchair
Favorite subject
Computer science
Part2 (para3-5): Actions taken to help the disabled.
The disabled students The Special Education College
D.How physical disabilities limit a person’s life
2. By the first sentence in Para 1, Zhong Xiaowen really wants to mean that_____.
A. Her classmates actually look down upon her
Learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals challenging and rewarding
They learn they can play a valuable role
The disabled students:
within society need recognition more than sympathy and help
高中英语人教版精品课件《Welcome Unit-Listening and Speaking》
Step One: Listening
Ⅰ.Amy is getting her student ID card. Liste(P2) and complete the table.
A:170143. W:170143. Got it. You're in Grade 1, aren't you? A:Yes, I am. W:OK. Your email address? A:amyj16@ W:amy... j... 16... at... pep dot com dot cn. Got it. Now, stand over here, please. Smile!
[Fade out.]
Step Two: Pronunciation
A /eɪ/ grade escaaet forget I /aɪ/:write alive /ɪ/: qui listen
O /əʊ/:hope; alone /ɒ/: frog coffee U /juː/ use future /ʌ/ up discuss
[They walk to a table.] A:What do you think about senior high school? M:So far, so good, Amy. I've had maths and English this morning. The maths class is getting more difficult but it's really interesting. It's my favourite class so far. How about you? A:I think science is more fun. Chemistry's my favourite.
高二英语下学期第17单元英语课件 人教版
3.get around =get about 到处走动 手术之后,他又能走动了.
He could get around/about again after the operation.
She doesn’t get around much these days. get around/about/round (指消息)传播,流传
a potential problem.
6.guidance n
He did the work under his teacher's guidance. vt. guide Be guided by your feeling. n 向导;导游; 指南;指导 a shopper's guide.
His work was impaired by stupid mistakes. 13.visual adj. 视觉的, ;视力的;形象的, 栩栩如生的
a visual organ
a visual memory of the scene. 对场景的形象记忆
The headmaster conducted us round the school. 3.direct , manage or control. He conducts his business very successfully.
4.allow (heat , electric current )to pass along or through
hold/attend the graduation ceremony
dignity [U] 尊贵,尊严,高贵 be beneath one’s dignity 有失体面 stand on one’s dignity 维持尊严 A man’s dignity depends not upon his wealth but upon his character。
adj. 公正的;晴朗的;头发金黄的 a fair judgement 公正的审判 fair play 公平比赛 a fair morning 晴朗的早晨
fair-haired girl 金发女郎
potential adj.潜在的, 可能的
n 潜力,可能性
a potential problem.
潜在的问题 For the first time she realized the potential
feel /have sympathy for 同情…
win sympathy of 博得……的同情 in sympathy with 同情;赞成
encouragement [U] 奖励,激励,促进; [C] 鼓励的话或行为,刺激。 He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher. 老师给他很大的激励。 courage n. 勇气 encourage vt. 鼓励,激励某人 encouraging adj.振奋人心的,令人振奋的 encouraged adj. 受鼓舞的,鼓励的 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人今后做某事 The teacher encouraged me to study abroad. 老师鼓励我以后出国学习。
Tick the obstacles and explain the reason
bikes sidewalks
cars escalators
stairs elevators parks
fast food restaurants
• Part 2 • John: Outside my house, it is ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ore
Listen and fill in the correct words 1. John is able to live a __________ more or less normal _____ life. get dressed and ____ lift me 2. They help me ____________ into my wheelchair. ____ Once I am in my wheelchair, I can get 3. ______ around and do ____________________. whatever I want. ______ pretty bad 4. Our house used to be _____________. get stuff 5. We moved the shelves so I could _________ from the cupboards, and my dad and I build roll onto when I want to cook. a box I can __________
1. How do John’s parents help him in the morning? 2. What was wrong with John’s house? 3. How did John’s family change the house?
[单选]对于音速.如下说法正确的是:().A、只要空气密度大,音速就大B、只要空气压力大,音速就大C、只要空气温度高.音速就大D、只要空气密度小.音速就大 [单选]不属于容器连接件的是()。A、螺栓B、管法兰C、容器筒体端部D、封头 [单选]施工图以外的零量项目或工作应列入()。A.暂列金额B.暂估价C.总承包服务费D.计日工 [单选]甲向某商场订购红木家具一套,但未约定履行方式。商场认为,甲应上门拉货,而甲认为,商场应送货上门,为此引起纠纷。下列表述正确的是:()A.应由甲上门拉货B.应由商场送货上门C.应由甲上门拉货,但拉货费用应由商场承担D.应由商场送货上门,但送货费用应由甲承担 [单选]关于安氏Ⅱ类错?,下列说法不正确的是()A.安氏Ⅱ类错?是一个单纯的错类型B.安氏Ⅱ类错?中大多数上颌骨位正常C.在上颌骨位置异常者中,上颌后明显多于上颌前突D.上牙弓后缩多于上牙弓前突E.安氏Ⅱ类错?中约60%患者下颌后缩 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列血浆蛋白中可作为机体营养不良指标的是().A.转铁蛋白B.前清蛋白C.铜蓝蛋白D.C反应蛋白E.结合珠蛋白 [单选]根据我国知识产权法律制度的规定,下列选项中,不属于知识产权的特点的是()。A.无形性B.专有性C.非地域性D.时间性 [单选]在一幅图上,等高距离是()。A、相等的B、不相等的C、不一定相等的 [填空题]当高层建筑与相连的裙房之间不设置沉降缝和后浇带时,应进行()验算。 [单选]三相异步电动机空载试验的时间应(),可测量铁心是否过热或发热不均匀,并检查轴承的温升是否正常。A、不超过1minB、不超过30minC、不少于30minD、不少于1h [填空题]出窑废气中NOX浓度的高低主要取决于窑内气体中()、()及气体在高温区内()三个因素。 [问答题,案例分析题]某建设项目的工程费由以下内容构成:(1)主要生产项目1500万元,其中建筑工程费300万元,设备购置费1050万元,安装工程费150万元。(2)辅助生产项目300万元,其中建筑工程费150万元,设备购置费110万元,安装工程费40万元。(3)公用工程150万元,其中建筑工 [单选]慢性胃炎伴哪项改变属癌前病变()A.浅表性胃炎伴肠腺化生B.浅表性胃炎伴脐状突起C.萎缩性胃炎伴肠腺化生D.萎缩性胃炎伴假性幽门腺化生E.萎缩性胃炎伴重度不典型增生 [单选]绘制零件图,要立足于(),使人容易看懂和易于理解,不应给人误解和错觉。A、实际B、简单C、方便看图D、美观 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]某男,48岁,食道癌放疗后,口干,咽痛,动则气逆,乏力,舌红少津,脉细数。治宜()。A.射干麻黄汤B.麦门冬汤C.甘草干姜汤D.越婢加半夏汤E.小青龙汤 [单选]行政法的实质和核心是()行政权的法。A.规范和修正B.引导和管理C.控制和规范D.管理和监督 [单选]小陈是某中学初三学生。临近中考,学校进行了一次摸底考试,并划定了分数线,规定凡低于这个分数的学生都将被班主任“劝退”,不能报名参加当年的中考。考试结果出来,小陈的名字赫然在被“劝退”之列。小陈的父亲曾找过班主任和学校领导,要求学校准许孩子报名,但被学校拒 [单选]阻塞性肺气肿的治疗目的是()A.止咳平喘B.改善呼吸功能C.控制感染D.使桶状胸消失E.防止发生肺心病 [单选]患者,女,30岁。产后失血过多,突然头项强直,牙关紧闭,四肢抽搐,面色苍白,舌质淡红,少苔,脉虚细。首选方剂为()A.生脉散B.三甲复脉汤加减C.玉真散加减D.补中益气汤加减E.当归生姜羊肉汤 [单选]根据柴油机的基本工作原理,下列哪一种定义最准确()。A.柴油机是一种往复式内燃机B.柴油机是一种在气缸中进行二次能量转换的内燃机C.柴油机是一种压缩发火的往复式内燃机D.柴油机是和种压缩发火的回转式内燃机 [单选]当采用“纯抓法”造孔时,副孔长度宜为抓斗开度的()倍。A.1/2~2/3;B.1/2~3/4;C.2/3~3/4;D.3/4~1.0。 [单选]下列哪一项是胎儿循环的遗迹A.镰状韧带B.肝十二指肠韧带C.肝静脉韧带D.冠状韧带E.以上都不是 [问答题,简答题]形式运算阶段的思维方式有哪些特征? [单选]关于卵巢赘生性囊肿的描述哪个不对()A.表面光滑者多为良性B.囊性者多为良性C.可为双侧D.实性、活动受限者多为恶性E.恶性者表面多规则 [单选]以下属于工人培训的有()。A.岗位培训B.继续教育C.学历教育D.班组长培训 [单选]采用富氧再生技术后,再生催化剂定碳()。A、下降B、上升C、不变D、无法确定 [单选]连续观测航行前方航道一侧某浮标的舷角导航,如发现该浮的舷角逐渐增大,则表明()。A.船舶行驶在计划航线上B.船舶行驶在该浮标所标示的航道安全一侧C.船舶可能将偏离航道,进入航道另一侧的浅水区D.以上都可能 [判断题]《进出口电池产品备案书》的有效期为一年。A.正确B.错误 [单选]相同处理量时,采用同高并列式的催化裂化装置两器总高度比采用同轴式的()。A、一样B、高C、低D、无法确定 [单选]在软土地基上建斜坡结构防波堤,堤心抛石有挤淤要求、抛石顺序应()。A.沿堤横断面从一端向另一端抛B.沿堤纵断面从一段的一端向另一端抛C.沿堤的横断面从中间向两侧抛D.沿堤断面全面平抛 [判断题]付出现金时,银行封签对外是有效的。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]脑出血最好发的部位是()。A.脑叶B.小脑C.脑室D.脑桥E.基底节区出血 [单选]消费者与经营者发生消费权益纠纷时,可以请求()解决。A、工商局B、税务局C、公安机关D、消费者协会 [填空题]焦炉煤气转化的压力等级为()。 [单选]呼吸纯氧时,COHb的半衰期约为()A.0.5小时B.1小时C.1.5小时D.2小时E.2.5小时 [单选]下列有关半强式有效市场的表述中不正确的是()。A.半强式有效资本市场是指当前的股票价格完全地反映"全部"公开的有用信息的市场B.通过对于异常事件与超常收益率数据的统计分析,如果超常收益只与当天披露的事件相关,则市场属于半强式有效C.如果市场半强式有效,技术分析、 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列腧穴属于手阳明大肠经的是()A.阳谷B.阳溪C.太渊D.阳池E.腕骨 [单选,A1型题]111IN和113mIn互为()A.同位素B.同中子素C.同质异能素D.同量异位素E.同分异构体 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]成人Still病的临床特点是()A.面部蝶形红斑B.白细胞及中性粒细胞增高C.类风湿因子、抗核抗体及血培养可阳性D.血清铁蛋白低于正常值E.多见于成年人 [单选]行李室考核制度规定:受到公司通报表扬的,奖当月绩效工资的()。A.20%B.10%C.15%D.5%
A new type of ___ tree for cold countries has been ____ by the Agricultural research Service of ____ _____, where research has been going on for ___ years. The new lemon tree will be ___ in ____ parts of China. Normal Lemon tress are ___ when the _____ fall below 0 degrees Centigrade.
Here is the news for ____, the 14th of ____.
The first group of Chinese tourist have returned from the ___.A group of ___ tourists landed last night at the Space Research Centre in ___ Province. They had been in space for ___ ____. Their trip included a visit to ___ different places on the moon. Each of the _____ paid __ ___ ___ ___ for the trip.
优游 优游 优游 优游 合乐 合乐 博猫 博猫 优游 优游 2号站 2号站 优游 优游 信游 信游 合乐 合乐 优游 优游 优游 博猫 博猫 合乐 合乐 优游,成立于2007年,优游从始至终坚守信誉,时刻以客户为上帝的经营理念,以客户满意足为唯一服务宗旨,现已成为中国公认最活跃的场所
unit 17 reading公开课(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)
unit 17 reading公开课(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)余杭高级中学范艺Goals:1. To get to know something about a famous woman named Helen Thayer.2. To develop some basic reading skills.3. To understand the importance of courage and determination.Teaching aids: MultimediaTeaching procedures:Step1. Warming up1. Show some pictures of Antarctica.Q: Is it beautiful? Where is it?Q: What’s the wea ther like there?Q: How is the living condition there? What animals live there?Step2. Pre-Reading1. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:1). Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you? Why?2). Do you know the names of three countries that are part of the North Pole?3). Which animals live on the North Pole? And which on the South Pole?4). Why do polar bears never eat penguins?2. Group work:Study the title and try to guess what the person who was alone in Antarctica is would be like?----The person must be very strong.----The person must be very young.----The person must be healthy.----The person must have great courage and determination.----The person must have a strong will.Q: Can you imagine such a woman of 60 years old making anexpedition alone in Antarctic?Q: What difficulty might she meet in Antarctica?Step3. ReadingIt’s clear to see that being in Antarctica alone is a journey of challenge and danger.1. Ask the students to listen to the text and make a decision about whether the following statements are true or false.( ) 1. She spent her 50th and 60th birthday in Antarctica.( ) 2. During her expedition in Antarctica, the weather was very good though the wind was icy.( ) 3. Every November there was bright sunshine 24 hours a day.( ) 4. Her birthday fall on the 22nd day when she began her journey to the South Pole.( ) 5. She had got self-rescue training before the expedition.( ) 6. She will never forget her solo travel in the South Pole.2. Ask the students to read the text and answer the questions.1). What’s the weather like du ring the first few days of her expedition?2). Where did she stay when the wind grew stronger?3). How did she spend the day of November12?4). What happened when she was moving forward over a slope?5). What happened on the 22nd day of the expedition?3. Finish Post Reading Ex1. on P324. Read each paragraph again to pick out the sentence or key words which help you get the main idea of each paragraph.Find out main idea and detailed information of each paragraph.5. Language pointsStep4. Post- readingInterview: (If time permits)Work in pairs. One is newspaper reporter, and the other is Helen Thayer. After the expedition the reporter is interviewing Helen.Homework:1. Finish the exercise about Vocabulary and Grammar.2. Finish English Weekly Proof reading.文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
高二英语 下学期第17单元课件 人教版
7.gifted adj. 有天才的;有天赋的 =talented
a gifted child; a gifted pianist.
He is gifted in painting.
他有做诗的天赋。 He has a gift for poetry.
One helps/assists someone who is moving a piano.
Aid for developing countries.
visual aids such as slides 视觉辅助器,如幻灯片
I aided him with money. 我资助了他
9.sympathy 同情;体谅; 同感; Have/feel/show sympathy for sb. 同情某人 Be in sympathy with 赞同; 同……一致 They are in sympathy with your views. He received many letters of sympathy 10.encouragement n v encourage With the __e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_em__e_n_t__ from his father , he went abroa His father ___e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_d__ him to study abroad.
多才多艺的人 a man of many gifts
8.assist v. --- to help or support. e.g. She assisted (him) in building the
a sense of 感,意识
make sense讲得通,有影响,有作用 There is no sense (in) doing sth 做 某事 毫无意义/没用
common sense
a sense of humor
a sense of direction
a sense of happlympics are held ____.
A. every other year B. every four years C. every two years D. every three years
every 4 years /every fourth year Every 2 weeks/every second week/ every other week
He went to see his parents in the country every three weeks. 2.老师要我们隔行写。 Our teacher asks us to write every other line.
感觉, 意识,明智, 常识, 意义
Cities in the world are now competing for the honor to host the Olympic Games. competition
in (比赛, 活动…) for (目标,奖项…) with (对手)
participate in … / with … 参加,参与 participant (in) … 参加者,参与者 1) Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussion. 2) Would participants in the next race come forward?
高二英语 Unit17《Disabilities》Warming up, listening and
高二英语 Unit17《Disabilities》Warming up, listeningand speaking 说课稿Ⅰ.Teaching goals:A. Knowledge goalCarry on the listening training effectively.Learn some useful expressions.Understand the difficulties the disabled should face.B. Ability goalLearn how to express ability and disability.Discuss with the students how to help the disabled.Train the Ss’ logical thinking and quick reaction capability.Develop the Ss’ abilities of creative thinking and cooperative studyC. Emotion goalCultivate the Ss’ ab ility of group cooperation further.Understand, care about and respect the disabled.Strive constantly for self-improvement.ⅡTeaching key points:A. ListeningB. SpeakingC. CommunicationⅢ.Teaching difficult points:A. Introducing all kinds of people with disability.B. Creating communicate atmosphere to help the disabled.C .How to let each student take part in listening , speaking and communication.Ⅳ.Teaching methods:Main methods:1.Teaching the students in accordance with love, using Audiolingual Method2.Carrying out the ideological education through the teaching process using task-based instruction.Other methods:Communicative ApproachAffective Approach to Language Teaching Activity-based Language Teaching Heuristic teachingⅤ.Learning methodsCo-operative learning discovery learningExperiential LearningⅥ.Teaching aidsblackboard, recorder, .multimediaⅦ. Teaching Procedures1.lead-in:Show the students several kinds of disability using pictures2. Blackboard Arrangement:Unit 17 Disabilitiesable /abilitydisable /disabilitydisabled / the disabledpeople with disability1.) She has the ability to speak English fluently.2.) Blindness is a kind of disability.3.) The disabled are needed to be taken good care of.3.Warming up:Show the Ss four pictures at the same time. The Ss can make choices about which to choose and try to find out solutions. Pay attention to their individual differences. Through assumption, cultivate the student s’ imagination, observation and creativity. Various solutions should be OK if it can work.7 A songLet the Ss to listen to the song Endless love. Certainly the song will impress them more on love and care.8 Summary1. Talk about disabilities and care about the disabled.2. Useful expressions and sentence patterns.disability, imagine, overcome the difficultyWhat…to do with? / How … to deal with?It’s +adj. for/of sb to do somethingIf I were…, I would….9 HomeworkSurf the Internet or go to the library to find out more information about the disabled, for example: the number of the disabled in the world or in China,great famous disabled persons and so on, then arrange them and exchange the ideas in the next period;Prepare for the next period --- ReadingAfter learning this period the Ss and I will come to realize:When God closes a door he will always open a window. And we should co。
十年前,申韦娟的丈夫跟她商量决定,腾出两亩地试种百合。这是因为距包家山村的高海拔地段只有几公里远,其地理、气候都适于优质百合生长。于是,怀揣着“百片合成之意,百年好合之喻” 的关于百合的老话,挖坑、栽苗、施肥……夫妻俩合力开始了梦想之旅。
首先,百合成长时会产生颈生球和子芽。在采挖成品百合的同时,收获附生的百合子芽。子芽挖出来后,要移栽到专门繁育种球的地块。又是三年以后,种球繁育完成,再移栽到成品地里生长三年。 就是说,从子芽到种球到成熟,一棵百合的一生要经历两次移栽、三段生长期,长达九年的时间就是这样构成。凯发k8娱乐登录真人美女荷官
几年过去了,她看着一株株幼苗茁壮碧绿起来。当一颗一颗百合捧在手里,她满眼泪花。她感谢丈夫不仅教过她种植中草药的经验,更是以病弱的身躯给了她无畏的勇气和坚韧。这些都是她能够实 现梦想的力量源泉。
母亲是了解我的。大约回到家来半月有余,各处的招聘求职看的心生厌烦,尽管有许多面试的电话向我打来,可我总有一个推脱的理由,离得远的不去,离得近的挑三拣四,我想,我已经极度缺乏 安全感了,但是又不得不尽快找一份工作来养活自己,总归是让自己在别人眼里不会太差,自己心里也好受些。同时又想,我好像是一直活在别人的眼光里,从来就未曾找到过自我,自己活着如同一个 躯壳,我甚至不知道自己想要什么。这烦恼的死角,从来都不会让人过于安逸,有时与母亲谈话,甚至会发脾气,说她不了解我,但我心里知道,她是这个世界最了解我的人了,如果有一天我自己都不 认识自己是谁的时候,或许只有母亲还能认识我。
雾中行,看着来去轰隆的汽车,听着头顶轰鸣的飞机,我想到的是它们排泄的废气沉聚在空气里,像在一只本不干净的水瓶里又加注了几滴墨汁把水染的更黑,把霾添加了几许,让我的呼吸更加困 难……远处朦朦胧胧地露出些楼影,它们似乎在朦胧里飘摇着,半腰处跌倒,把里边的人吞掉;我又担心,我的口罩不敌楼宇,更早地被它们吃掉, 之后又会进入我的脸鼻耳口……体育赌场
从洛阳回到家来,心思烦恼。前段时间在洛阳失意,母亲费了半天劲叫我回到家来,说工作另做打算,我的心里亦不是滋味,百感交集,跟在洛阳的一个出租屋里一样,终日不出屋门,我不知道自 己将要何去何从,也不知道自己是否能够坚持工作的苦闷与无聊。
他写作的范围很广,游记、金石品鉴、清代逸事等,深入浅出,又很古朴。宫先生在古城里,不显山不露水,而山川地理里的人迹风物,均在心里深刻,实在是一本老词典,内中有许多丰富的东西。 后来县里人写地方志,多参考了他与一些老人的资料,倘不是有这样的老人在,远去的时光里的人迹物语,也许永远不会有人知道了。而我那时候觉得,能够用美的古文表述山川旧迹,真的切合得很。 流行的白话文缺失的,可能是那种儒雅、简练之气。我自己开始留意近代以来的文言文写作,也是那时候开始的。
与宫先生多次接触,感慨于他的博识。比如在一座寺庙前,他看到牌匾,告诉我写匾的人当时生病了,章法有点不对。有一次我滔 滔不绝。他说不懂满文,就不能弄清清代历史,用汉语思考满族旧迹,往往不得要领。随口说了几句满文,让在场的人大为惊异。朋友说,您这么有学问怎么窝在这里?老人笑道,过去古城内外比他有 学问的人多了,自己实在算不了什么。
古怪绝妙。这个魔女;esp反挂插件 esp反挂插件 ;说话时有种难听的鹅黄色弹弓一般的声音,高兴时会散发出透出葱绿色琴弓般的气味。她轻灵的暗红色
The rules are fixed in this way:
1. If your parents were born in the old British Empire and they chose to become British when that country gained independence, you are a British citizen. If your parents chose to become citizens of the new
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