

索尼Shooting Grip与Mini Tripod说明书

索尼Shooting Grip与Mini Tripod说明书

Shooting Grip With Mini TripodДръжка за снимане с мини стативPoignée de déclenchement avec mini-trépied4-146-645-02(1)GP-AVT1Operating InstructionsИнструкции за експлоатацияMode d‘emploi© 2009 Sony Corporation Отпечатано в ЧехияОтпечатано върху 70% или повечерециклирана хартия с мастило, основано на растителни мазнини, което не съдържа VOC (летливи органични вещества).Thank you for purchasing this Sony Shooting Grip with Mini Tripod.Before operating this unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for future reference.WARNINGTo reduce fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.For the Customers in the U.S.A.CAUTIONY ou are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.For Customers in the U.S.A. and CanadaThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.For the Customers in Europe<Notice for the customers in the countries applying EU Directives>The manufacturer of this product is Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. The Authorized Representative for EMC and product safety is Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany. For any service or guarantee matters please refer to the addresses given in separate service or guarantee documents.in the video camera before mounting to this unit.Be careful not to drop the video camera or this unit.1 Holding this unit and the video camera firmly, align the pin and camera mounting screw with the positioning holes on the bottom of the video camera. ( -1)NotesThe pin is retractable. Retract it or pull it out depending on whether your video camera has a positioning hole.If your video camera has a positioning hole for the pin, keep the pin extended from the camera seat and attach the video camera. If the pin is retracted, pull it from the camera seat using a sharp-pointed object before attaching the video camera.If your video camera has no positioning hole for the pin, retract the pin into the camera seat before attaching the video camera.2 Lightly tighten the camera mounting screw by turning the camera mounting knob and adjust the balance by sliding the camera seat forwards or backwards.3 Hold the video camera in a stable position andsecure the camera seat by fully tightening the knob.4 Insert the A/V remote connector into the A/V remote connector of the video camera.Gather any excess length of cord with the cable clamper. ( -4)Using as a tripod1 Check that the legs are spread fully.2 Check the forward/backward balance of the tripod.The tripod may become unstable due to the angle of the camera seat or if your video camera becomes imbalanced by accessories, battery etc. Do not use in such a case.NotesWhen using as a tripod, place it on a flat surface.Using as a shooting grip1 Attach the hand strap into the strap hole. ( -1)2 If the R-leg and L-leg are spread, fold them away.3 Put your hand through the strap and hold the grip. ( -3)When you hold the grip, hold the video camera with your other hand.Putting your fingers on the grip as shown in illustration -3 enables steady recording.Благодарим ви за покупката на тази Дръжка за снимане с мини статив Sony. Преди да работите с устройството, моля, прочетете изцяло това ръководство и го запазете за бъдещи справки.ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕЗа да предотвратите пожар или токов удар, не излагайте устройството на дъжд или влага.За потребителите в Европа<Забележка за потребителите в страните, прилагащи Европейските Директиви >Производителят на този продукт е Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Токио, 108-0075 Япония. Оторизираният представител за ЕМС и безопасност на продукта е Sony Deutschland GmbH,Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Щутгарт, Германия. За въпроси, касаещи сервиза и гаранцията на устройството, се обръщайте към адресите, указани в съответните сервизни книжки и гаранционни карти.Изхвърляне на стари електрически и електронни уреди (за страните от Европейския съюз и други европейски страни със система за разделно събиране на отпадъците)Този символ на устройството или опаковката му показва, че продуктът не се третира като домашен отпадък. Вместо това, той трябва да бъде предаденв съответните пунктове за рециклиране на електрически иелектронни уреди. Ако изхвърлите този продукт на правилното място, вие ще предотвратите потенциални негативни последици за околната среда и човешкото здраве, които могат да бъдатпричинени в противен случай. Рециклирането на материалите ще помогне за запазването на природните ресурси. За по-подробна информация относно рециклирането на този продукт, моля, свържете се с общинската служба във вашия град, службата за изхвърляне на отпадъци или магазина, от който сте закупили продукта.Забележки за употребаКогато регулирате ъгъла на дръжката, не поставяйте пръста си върху панела за управление, за да задържите стабилно видеокамерата. Хванете здраво видеокамерата с другата си ръка, така че да не падне.Когато регулирате ъгъла на дръжката, натиснете докрай бутона за регулиране на ъгъла и проверете дали се е върнал напълно в първоначалното си положение, преди да работите с видеокамерата. Ако бутонът не се е върнал напълно,регулирайте ъгъла на дръжката, като я дръпнете леко назад и напред.Когато използвате устройството като статив:Разпънете крачетата докрай и поставете статива върху равна повърхност.Преди да отдръпнете ръцете си проверете даливидеокамерата е обезопасена и стативът е балансиран.След като монтирате допълнителен обектив или другиаксесоари проверете дали стативът е балансиран. Възможно е да не можете да използвате статива с някои аксесоари.Не използвайте статива на места, където може да падне, поради силен вятър, вибрации и др.Внимавайте да не изпуснете статива или да не разлеете течност върху него.Не оставяйте устройството на директна слънчева светлина, близо до отоплително тяло или на много влажно място.След употреба демонтирайте статива от видеокамерата и го съхранявайте в приложената чантичка.Съберете излишния кабел и го хванете със скобата за кабела. Винаги поставяйте и изваждайте А/V конектора задистанционно управление в права посока, докато държитещекера. Поставянето или изваждането насила може да повреди А/V конектора за дистанционно управление на устройството или на видеокамерата.ПочистванеПочиствайте устройството с мека кърпа, леко навлажнена с мек почистващ разтвор.Ако използвате устройството на място близо до морето, избършете го добре със суха кърпа.ХарактеристикиGP-AVT1 е дръжка с функция за дистанционно управление на видеокамери. Освен това, можете да разпънете крачетата на устройството и да го използвате и като статив.Можете да използвате вграденото устройство за дистанционно управление, за да работите с видеокамери, снабдени с А/V конектор за дистанционно управление Sony.Удобната за хващане дръжка позволява да правите записи в естествено положение. Можете да работите както с дясната,така и с лявата ръка с устройството за дистанционно управление.Можете да правите записи от различни ъгли: от висок или нисък ъгъл, дори и записи в огледален режим.Използването на устройството като статив ще осигури извършването на стабилни записи без трептене.Функциите за дистанционно управление включват основните функции за запис (запис на видеоклип/снимка, увеличение на изображението).Описание на частите1 Винт за монтиране на камерата2 Щифт3 Поставка за камерата4 Копче за монтиране на камерата5 Бутон за регулиране на ъгъла6 А/V конектор за дистанционно управление7 Бутон START/STOP (стартиране/спиране)8 Бутон PHOTO (снимка)9 Бутон за увеличение10 Дясно краче (R)11 Ляво краче (L)12 Дръжка13 Отвор за каишкатаМонтиране на видеокамератаПреди да монтирате устройството, поставете батерия и карта с памет "Memory Stick", диск или касета във видеокамерата.Внимавайте да не изпуснете видеокамерата или устройството.1 Хванете здраво устройството и видеокамератаи наложете щифта и винта за монтиране със съответните отвори на дъното на видеокамерата. ( -1)ЗабележкиЩифтът може да бъде преместен. Преместете го или го издърпайте в зависимост от това дали вашата видеокамера има съответен отвор за поставянето му.Ако вашата видеокамера има отвор за щифта, издърпайте щифта така, че да се подава от поставката и монтирайте видеокамерата. Ако щифтът трябва да бъде преместен, издърпайте го от поставката с помощта на остър предмет, преди да монтирате видеокамерата.Ако вашата видеокамера няма отвор за щифта, натиснете щифта в поставката, преди да монтирате видеокамерата.2 Леко затегнете винта, като завъртите копчето за монтиране и регулирайте баланса, като плъзнете поставката за камерата напред или назад.3 Дръжте стабилно видеокамерата и я обезопасете върху поставката, като затегнете докрай копчето за монтиране.4 Пъхнете А/V конектора за дистанционноуправление на устройството в А/V конектора за дистанционно управление на видеокамерата.Съберете излишния кабел и го хванете със скобата за кабела. ( -4)Използване на устройството като статив1 Проверете дали крачетата са разпънати докрай.2 Проверете баланса на статива.Възможно е стативът да бъде нестабилен, поради ъгъла, под който е монтирана камерата върху поставката или ако има прикрепени към камерата аксесоари, батерия и др. В този случай не използвайте статива.ЗабележкиКогато използвате устройството като статив, поставете го върху равна повърхност.Използванена устройството за снимане1 Прекарайте каишката за ръка през съответния отвор за каишката. ( -1)2 Ако дясното и лявото краче са разпънати, сгънете ги.3 Пъхнете ръката си в каишката и хванете дръжката. ( -3)С едната ръка хванете дръжката, а с другата придържайте видеокамерата.Поставете пръстите си върху дръжката, както е показано на илюстрация -3, за да направите запис без трептене.Регулиране на ъгъла на дръжкатаМожете да променяте ъгъла на дръжката на стъпки от около десет градуса, като натиснете бутона за регулиране на ъгъла .1 Нагласете ъгъла под желания градус, докато натискате докрай бутона .Докато натискате бутона за регулиране на ъгъла, дръжте видеокамерата с другата си ръка. Ако не държите стабилно видеокамерата е възможно тя да се наклони на една страна.Adjusting the grip angleY ou can change the grip angle in increments of approximately ten-degrees by pressing the angle adjusting button .1 Adjust the grip to the desired angle while fully pressing the angle adjusting button .When pressing the angle adjusting button, hold the video camera with your other hand. If you do not keep the video camera steady, it may tilt to one side.2 Lock the grip at the angle at which the angle adjusting button is returned.Adjusting the center of gravity slightly further forward makes it easier to operate the remote commander.NotesCheck that the angle adjusting button is fully returned. The grip only locks when the angle adjusting button is fully returned. If necessary, adjust the position of the grip slightly while holding the video camera until the angle adjusting button is fully returned.Depending on your video camera, adjusting the grip angle may make the tripod unstable. If this happens, readjust the grip angle.Y ou may be unable to operate the remote commander at certain grip angles. In this happens, readjust the grip angle.Using the Remote CommanderFor full details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the video camera.Turn on the power of the video camera1 Turn on the power of the video camera and set it to standby mode.2 Set the video camera to movie or still image mode.NotesIf you leave the video camera in standby mode for a certain time, it turns off automatically. To resume standby mode, turn the power back on.How to record a moving imagePress the START/STOP button.To stop recording, press the START/STOP button again.How to record a still imageLightly press and hold the PHOTO button to check the image and then fully press the button to record it.How to zoomPress the Zoom button.T side (telephoto): Subject appears closer.W side (wide angle): Subject appears farther away.Pressing the Zoom button longer makes zooming faster.Y ou can also zoom in or out by moving the raised central portion of the zoom button back and forth.Y ou can also operate the remote commander when using any of the following video cameras that are not equipped with an A/V remote connector.HDR- CX7, CX6, HC9, HC7, HC5, HC3, SR8, SR7, SR5, SR1, UX7,UX5, UX3, UX1DCR- DVD908, DVD905, DVD808, DVD805, DVD803, DVD755,DVD708, DVD705, DVD703, DVD653, DVD608, DVD605,DVD602, DVD508, DVD506, DVD505, DVD408, DVD406, DVD405, DVD404, DVD403, DVD308, DVD306, DVD305, DVD304, DVD205, DVD203, DVD202, DVD109, DVD108, DVD106, DVD105, DVD103, DVD92, HC96, HC94, HC90, HC48, HC47, HC46, HC45, HC44, HC43, HC42, HC41, HC40, HC39, HC38, HC37, HC36, HC35, HC33, HC32, HC30, HC26, HC24, HC23, HC22, HC21, HC20, HC19, HC17, PC1000, PC55, PC53, SR300, SR290, SR200, SR190, SR100, SR90, SR82, SR80, SR72, SR70, SR62, SR60, SR52, SR50, SR42, SR40, SR33, SR32, SR30Not all video cameras are available in all countries or regions.After recordingPress the POWER button to turn off the video camera.For full details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the video camera.Removing the video camera1 Loosen the camera mounting knob and remove the video camera from the camera seat.2 Fold the legs away.Carrying this unitCarry this unit in its carrying pouch.NotesDo not carry this unit with a video camera attached to it.Specifi cationsMaximum load 1 kg (35.3 oz)(Including battery and other accessories)Remote Commanderfunctions START/STOP button, PHOTO button, Zoom button (W/T)Dimensions Legs foldedLegs opened Approx. 45 × 132 × 68 mm (w/h/d)(1 3/4 × 5 1/4 × 2 5/8 in.)Approx. 127 × 96 × 114 mm (w/h/d)(5 × 3 7/8 × 4 1/2 in.)Cord length Approx. 250 mm (9 7/8 in.)Operating temperature range 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)Mass Approx. 114 g (4.1 oz)Included items Shooting grip, Hand strap,Cable clamper, Carrying pouch, Set of printed documentation Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.2 Фиксирайте дръжката под желания ъгъл, при който бутонът за регулиране се връща в първоначална позиция.Регулирайте центъра на тежестта, като преместите леко напред дръжката, за да можете да работите по-лесно с устройството за дистанционно управление.ЗабележкиПроверете дали бутонът за регулиране се е върнал напълно в първоначална позиция. Дръжката се фиксира само когато бутонът за регулиране се е върнал напълно в първоначалната си позиция. Ако е необходимо, регулирайте внимателнопозицията на дръжката, придържайки видеокамерата, докато бутонът за регулиране се върне напълно в първоначалната си позиция.В зависимост от вашата видеокамера е възможно ъгълът, под който сте нагласили дръжката, да не е подходящ, за да бъде стативът стабилен. Ако това се случи, регулирайте наново ъгъла на дръжката.Възможно е да не можете да работите с устройството за дистанционно управление, ако дръжката е нагласена подопределени ъгли. Ако това се случи, регулирайте наново ъгъла на дръжката.Използване на устройството задистанционно управлениеЗа повече подробности вижте инструкциите за експлоатация на видеокамерата.Включете захранването на видеокамерата1 Включете захранването на видеокамерата и я задайте в режим готовност.2 Задайте видеокамерата в режим запис на видеоклип или снимка.ЗабележкиАко оставите видеокамерата в режим готовност за определено време, тя ще се изключи автоматично. За да възобновите режим готовност, включете отново захранването.Запис на видеоклипНатиснете бутона START/STOP .За да спрете записа, натиснете отново бутона START/STOP .Запис на снимкаЛеко натиснете и задръжте бутона PHOTO, за да проверите изображението, след това натиснете докрай бутона, за да го запишете.Увеличаване на изображениетоНатиснете бутона за увеличение.Към страна T (телеснимка): Обектът се приближава.Към страна W (широк ъгъл): Обектът се отдалечава.Ако натиснете бутона за увеличение за по-дълго време, увеличението ще се извърши по-бързо.Можете да увеличавате или смалявате изображението и като преместите назад и напред издадената централна част на бутона за увеличение.Можете да работите с устройството за дистанционно управление, когато използвате някоя от описаните по-долу видеокамери, които не са снабдени с А/V конектор за дистанционно управление.HDR- CX7, CX6, HC9, HC7, HC5, HC3, SR8, SR7, SR5, SR1, UX7,UX5, UX3, UX1DCR- DVD908, DVD905, DVD808, DVD805, DVD803, DVD755,DVD708, DVD705, DVD703, DVD653, DVD608, DVD605, DVD602, DVD508, DVD506, DVD505, DVD408, DVD406, DVD405, DVD404, DVD403, DVD308, DVD306, DVD305, DVD304, DVD205, DVD203, DVD202, DVD109, DVD108, DVD106, DVD105, DVD103, DVD92, HC96, HC94, HC90, HC48, HC47, HC46, HC45, HC44, HC43, HC42, HC41, HC40, HC39, HC38, HC37, HC36, HC35, HC33, HC32, HC30, HC26, HC24, HC23, HC22, HC21, HC20, HC19, HC17, PC1000, PC55, PC53, SR300, SR290, SR200, SR190, SR100, SR90, SR82, SR80, SR72, SR70, SR62, SR60, SR52, SR50, SR42, SR40, SR33, SR32, SR30Не всички описани видеокамери са достъпни във всички страни или региони.След записНатиснете бутона POWER, за да изключите видеокамерата.За повече подробности вижте инструкциите за експлоатация на видеокамерата.Демонтиране на видеокамерата1 Разхлабете копчето за монтиране на камерата и демонтирайте видеокамерата от поставката.2 Сгънете крачетата.Пренасяне на устройствотоКогато носите устройството, поставяйте го в неговата чантичка.ЗабележкаНе носете устройството заедно с монтирана към него видеокамера.Технически характеристикиМаксимално натоварване1 kg (включително батерията и другите аксесоари)Функции на устройството за дистанционно управлениеБутон START/STOP , бутон PHOTO, бутон за увеличение (W/T)РазмериСгънати крачетаРазгънати крачета Прибл. 45 х 132 х 68 mm (ш/в/д)Прибл. 127 х 96 х 114 mm (ш/в/д)Дължина на кабелаПрибл. 250 mm Диапазон на работната температура0 °C to 40 °C ТеглоПрибл. 114 g Приложени аксесоариДръжка за снимане, каишка заръка, скоба за кабела, чантичка за пренасяне, комплект печатна документацияДизайнът и техническите характеристики подлежат на промяна без предупреждение.3GP-AVT1Правилна употребаСнимане от висок ъгълПоддържайте камерата с другата си ръка, за да я направите по-стабилна.Снимане в нормална позицияПрепоръчваме ви да хванете дръжката на камерата под ъгъла, показан в илюстрация , тъй като по този начин ще можете по-лесно да работите с устройството за дистанционно управление.Снимане от нисък ъгълРегулирайте ъгъла на дръжката така, че да можете да работите с устройството за дистанционно управление.l’e mpêcher de tomber.Lorsque vous ajustez l’angle de la poignée, appuyez à fond sur le bouton de réglage d’angle et assurez-vous qu’il ressort complètement avant d’utiliser la poignée. S’il ne ressort pascomplètement, ajustez plus précisément l’angle de la poignée vers l’arrière ou l’avant.Lorsque cet article est utilisé comme trépied:Écartez complètement les pieds et posez-le sur une surface plane. Assurez-vous que le caméscope est stable et que le trépied est équilibré avant du lâcher.Assurez-vous que le trépied est équilibré après avoir fixé un convertisseur ou un autre accessoire. Vous ne pourrez peut-être pas utiliser le trépied avec certains accessoires.N’utilisez pas le trépied à un endroit où il risque d’être renversé par un vent fort, des vibrations, etc.Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber le trépied et à ne pas répandre de liquide dessus.Ne laissez pas le trépied en plein soleil, près d’un appareil de chauffage ou à un endroit très humide.Détachez le trépied du caméscope et rangez-le dans l’étui fourni après usage.Liez le cordon avec la bride de cordon s’il est trop long.Insérez et retirez toujours le connecteur A/V à distance tout droit en le tenant par la fiche. Si vous l’insérez ou le retirez en forçant, le connecteur A/V à distance de cet article ou du caméscope peut être endommagé.NettoyageNettoyez cet article avec un chiffon doux légèrement imprégné d’une solution détergente neutre.Après avoir utilisé cet article à un endroit exposé aux embruns marins, essuyez-le bien avec un chiffon sec.CaractéristiquesLe GP-AVT1 est une poignée avec fonction télécommande conçuepour les caméscopes. Vous pouvez aussi écarter ses pieds pour l’utiliser comme trépied.Vous pouvez utiliser la télécommande intégrée pour agir sur les caméscopes pourvus d’un connecteur A/V à distance Sony.La poignée facile à tenir permet des prises de vue dans une position naturelle. La télécommande peut être actionnée par la main droite ou la main gauche.Vous pouvez faire des prises de vue sous différents angles: en position haute ou basse, ou même en position d’image miroir.L ’e mploi de cet article comme trépied permet une prise de vue plus stable.Les fonctions télécommandables sont les fonctions d’e nregistrement de base (enregistrement de films/photos, zoom).Description des éléments1 Douille de caméscope2 Axe3 Support de caméscope4 Bouton de montage de caméscope5 Bouton de réglage de l’angle6 Connecteur A/V à distance7 Bouton START/STOP8 Bouton PHOTO9 Bouton de zoom 10 Pied D 11 Pied G 12 Poignée13 Oeillet de dragonneMontage du caméscopeInstallez la batterie et un « Memory Stick », un disque ou une cassette dans le caméscope avant de monter ce produit.Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber le caméscope ou ce produit.1 Tenez fermement la poignée et le caméscope,alignez l’axe et la douille de caméscope en utilisant les orifices de positionnement sous le caméscope. ( -1)RemarquesL ’axe est rétractable. Rétractez-le ou sortez-le selon que votre caméscope a ou non un orifice de positionnement.Si votre caméscope a un orifice de positionnement pour l’axe, laissez l’axe ressortir du support de caméscope et fixez le caméscope. Si l’axe est rétracté, sortez-le du support de caméscope avec un objet pointu avant de fixer le caméscope.Si votre caméscope n’a pas d’o rifice de positionnement pour l’axe, sortez l’axe du support de caméscope avant de fixer le caméscope.2 Vissez légèrement la douille de caméscope en tournant le bouton de montage de caméscope et ajustez l’équilibre en faisant glisser le support de caméscope vers l’avant ou l’arrière.3 Tenez le caméscope en position stable etimmobilisez le support de caméscope en serrant à fond le bouton.4 Insérez le connecteur A/V à distance dans le connecteur A/V à distance du caméscope.Liez le cordon avec la bride de cordon s’il est trop long. ( -4)Utilisation comme trépied1 Assurez-vous que les pieds sont complètementécartés.中文(简)感谢您购买本 Sony 小型三脚架拍摄手柄。



SONY索尼E卡口变焦镜头SEL18135使用说明书一、产品概述二、镜头规格焦距:18135mm最大光圈:F3.5(广角端) F5.6(长焦端)镜头结构:12组16片视角:76°(广角端)12°(长焦端)最近对焦距离:0.45米最大放大倍率:0.29倍滤镜尺寸:55mm重量:约325克三、安装与拆卸1. 确保相机电源关闭,将镜头对准相机E卡口,轻轻旋转并推入,直至听到“咔嗒”声,表示镜头已正确安装。

2. 拆卸镜头时,请先按下镜头释放按钮,然后顺时针旋转镜头并轻轻拔出。

四、基本操作1. 调整焦距:旋转镜头上的变焦环,即可在18135mm范围内调整焦距。


2. 对焦:半按快门按钮,相机将对被摄物体进行自动对焦。


五、注意事项1. 请勿将镜头直接暴露在阳光或其他强光源下,以免损坏内部光学元件。

2. 避免在潮湿、多尘等恶劣环境中使用镜头,以免影响镜头性能。

3. 请使用专用镜头清洁工具进行清洁,避免使用粗糙的布料或纸张擦拭镜头。

4. 在不使用镜头时,请将其存放在干燥、清洁的地方,并放入镜头袋以保护镜头。

六、高级功能1. 防抖功能:SEL18135镜头具备光学防抖功能,能有效减少因手抖导致的画面模糊。


2. 快速对焦:得益于内置的线性马达,SEL18135镜头可以实现快速、安静的对焦,非常适合拍摄动态场景或录制视频。

3. 场景识别:与索尼相机配合使用时,镜头可以传递场景信息给相机,帮助相机更准确地识别拍摄场景,优化自动对焦、自动曝光等设置。

七、维护与保养1. 定期检查:建议每隔一段时间检查镜头的外观,确保无划痕、灰尘或污渍。


2. 清洁镜头:当镜头表面有指纹或油渍时,请使用专用的镜头清洁纸或镜头布轻轻擦拭。



1. 打开耳机:按住耳机上的电源按钮,直到听到“电源已打开”的提示音。

2. 连接蓝牙:在手机或其他蓝牙设备上打开蓝牙功能,并搜索附近的蓝牙设备。


3. 调节音量:耳机上通常有音量加减按钮,您可以通过按下这些按钮来增加或减小音量。

4. 接听电话:当有来电时,您可以通过点击耳机上的呼叫按钮来接听电话。


5. 控制音乐播放:您可以通过耳机上的播放/暂停按钮来控制音乐的播放和暂停。


6. 防水功能:如果您的索尼无线耳机具有防水功能,您可以在潮湿的环境中使用它们。


7. 充电:当耳机电量低时,将其连接到电源适配器或计算机的USB端口进行充电。





Step up to four times more clarity than HD1, expanded color and Android TV. Everything you watch—sports, TV shows,movies—is upscaled for 4K Ultra HD viewing 2. Even 4K streaming is enhanced to maximize picture quality. Android TV adds Google Cast™, voice search and a huge collection of apps, games and content from Google Play™3,4.Bullets• HD is upscaled to impressive 4K Ultra HD 1,2• More colors come alive with TRILUMINOS™ display• Streaming 4K Ultra HD is enhanced for improved clarity 2,3• Android TV with Google Cast™, voice search & Play Store apps 3,4• Stream PS3™games directly to your TV 5• Precise motion clarity with Motionflow™ XR 960• Android™ gaming on the big screen 3• Just say what you want using voice search 3,4• Personal recommendations from Google Play™3• Skip the menu and access the top video services fast FeaturesLeading 4K picture qualityExperience matters. Sony launched expanded color in 2013, expanded brightness range in 2014, and has been upscaling to 4K for over 10 years. As other manufacturers start implementing these capabilities, Sony takes another step forward improving color accuracy and clarity of HD and 4K video in the X850C. See the difference experience makes.Every color comes aliveAll the colors you dream of can now be seen on your Sony TV with TRILUMOS™ Display, including hard-to-reproduceshades of red, green and aqua blue. Colors come alive on the screen in the widest color range ever, and dynamic color correction ensures colors are as consistent and accurate as possible every single time.Upscale everything you watch to 4K Ultra HDWhatever you’re watching, watch it in 4K. All of your existing HD sports, TV shows and movies are upscaled to super clear 4K quality2. Our most advanced 4K X-Reality™ PRO upscaling is developed from Sony’s 10+ years of experience upscaling to 4K, exceeding all other TV brands.A smarter TVThe familiarity of Android™ comes to the biggest screen in your home, and it’s so much more than just ‘Smart TV.’It is apps, games, casting, voice search, and personalization powered by Android TV 3,4.4K streaming at its bestFor those who desire the best 4K streaming experience, Sony 4K TVs are specifically engineered to recognize and improve 4K streaming video 2.4K Streaming services like Netflix ® and Amazon Instant Video offer expansive libraries of movies and original TV series in 4K Ultra HD with ultimate convenience 3.XBR-55X850C55” class (54.6” diag) 4K Ultra HD TVMore appsThe things you love doing on your tablet or smartphone can now be enjoyed on your TV. Log into your Google account once to access a huge collection of apps, games and content from Google Play™3,4.Just say what you wantSay “action movies” or “today’s weather” and let Android TV do the work. Voice search helps you quickly find what you want. Simply speak into the One-Flick remote or your compatible mobile phone4.Google Cast™ readyGoogle Cast™ is like having Chromecast built into the TV. Cast your favorite entertainment apps, including HBO GO, Showtime Anywhere, and more, from your Android or iOS device, Mac or Windows computer, or Chromebook to the TV4.Your personalized TVPersonalized content recommendations from Google Play™, YouTube and supported apps appear automatically in your home screen3.Stream PS3™ games directly to your TV5Bring the immersive world of PlayStation® directly to your TV with PlayStation™ Now. Play select PlayStation® 3 games like you stream TV shows and movies – streamed directly to your TV. Connect a DUALSHOCK® 4 controller to your TV and choose from a variety of game rental periods5.So much to see in 4KHundreds of movies and TV shows are available from the top 4K service providers, including Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, YouTube, DirecTV video on demand and more3.One-flick remoteA faster way to what you want. One click opens a shortcut menu to your favorite TV channels and online videos from Netflix®, YouTube™, Amazon Instant Video and more3 – all without disrupting what you’re already watching.Control your TV with your smartphone or tabletChoose the Android TV remote application or Sony’s TV SideView™ application. Either way, you’ll have control with voice search, a keyboard and quick access buttons to the most popular apps4.Clear movementTV that keeps up with real life. Sony’s refresh rate technology (Motionflow™ XR 960) allows fast moving action sequences in sports and movies to be seen with lifelike clarity.Specifications1. 3,840 x 2,160 pixels.2. Upscaled, simulated and enhanced 4K images will vary based on source content.3. Broadband speed of at least 2.5 Mbps recommended for SD services, 10 Mbps for HD streaming or 4K downloads, 20 Mbps for 4K Ultra HD streaming. Wireless connectivity requires 802.11 home network (802.11n recommended). Network services, content, and the operating system and software of this Product may be subject to individual terms and conditions and changed, interrupted or discontinued at any time and may require fees, registration and credit card information.4. Requires compatible devices connected to the same network. Google Cast requires mobile devices with Android 2.3 or higher, or iOS 6.0 or higher and Chromecast application. Google Play using Android TV Remote Control application requires Android 4.0 or higher; not available for iOS. Voice Search is available using the included remote control, Android TV Remote Control application with Android 4.0 or higher, or using Sony’s TV SideView application available for Android 4.0.3 or higher or iOS 7.0 or higher.5. PlayStation™ Now service requires DUALSHOCK®4 controller, sold separately, and 5Mbps Internet connection (5-12 Mbps recommended for the best quality experience). Additionalpurchases and registration required; service not available in all areas. See /PlayStationNow for details.* Use of this TV requires consent to Google Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.© 2015 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.Sony, X-Reality, Motionflow, TRILUMINOS, TV SideView, and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation. PS3, PlayStation Now, PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. HDMI is a trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC. Android, Google Cast, Google Play, Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. /Updated: March 31, 2015。





二、基本操作1. 打开相机:长按电源按钮,等待相机启动。

2. 调整模式:旋转模式选择旋钮,选择您想要的拍摄模式,如自动、手动、夜景等。

3. 对焦:按下快门按钮到一半,并使相机自动对焦。


4. 拍摄:按下快门按钮完全,完成拍摄。

5. 预览:在拍摄后,可以通过点击播放按钮预览照片。

三、高级设置1. 曝光补偿:根据场景光照的不同,您可以进行曝光补偿。


2. 白平衡:选择合适的白平衡模式,以便使照片的色彩更加准确。


3. ISO设置:根据拍摄环境的光照条件,调整ISO感光度。


4. 对焦模式:根据拍摄主题的不同,选择合适的对焦模式,如单点对焦、广域对焦等。


5. 快门速度:根据拍摄主题的运动情况,选择合适的快门速度。


四、技巧与建议1. 研究相机说明书:详细了解相机的各个功能和设置,可以更好地利用相机拍摄出理想的照片。

2. 练习手持稳定:为了避免图像模糊,您可以练习保持手持相机的稳定性,或使用稳定器辅助拍摄。

3. 熟悉快门优先模式:在快门优先模式下,您可以根据所需的快门速度手动调整拍摄结果,如冻结运动或拍摄流动效果。

4. 利用白平衡进行创意拍摄:尝试不同的白平衡设置,以达到有趣的色彩效果,例如通过设置蓝色光源下的白平衡为发光的橘色,创造奇幻的效果。

5. 拍摄时注意构图:在拍摄前,先观察场景,确定要拍摄的主题,注意构图规则,如三分法构图或对称构图。


索尼Cyber-shot RX100数码相机说明书

索尼Cyber-shot RX100数码相机说明书

Press ReleaseSony Unveils Cyber-shot RX100 with World’s First1 1.0-type 20.2 Effective MegapixelSensor and Bright F1.8 LensPacking a big sensor and a bright lens for better pictures in a pocket-sized body•Capture crisp detail with 1.0-type (13.2 x 8.8mm) approximately 20.2 effective megapixel Exmor TM CMOS sensor and F1.8 Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 3.6x optical zoom lens •Get low-noise handheld shots in low light with a high sensitivity of up to ISO 256002•Intuitive operation with Control Ring for creative photo shooting•Powerful features packaged into sleek, compact styling in aluminium body, thanks to newly developed AA (Advanced Aspherical) lens•Shoot Full HD movies with extremely low noise and full creative control•Auto Portrait Framing, Creative Style and Picture Effect modesHong Kong, June 6, 2012 - Travelling light doesn‟t mean compromising on picture quality with Sony‟s new Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 camera.1 Among compact digital still cameras, as of June 6, 2012.2 ISO 12800 and higher settings are achieved through combining Superimposing technology and By Pixel Super Resolution technology.Sleekly crafted in aluminium for strength, lightness and luxurious looks, the RX100 inherits many advanced imaging features from Sony‟s α range of A-mount and E-mount camera families. It is an accomplished partner for travel, portraits or street photography, with impressive picture quality and intuitive, comfortable control options that make the RX100 ideal as a step-up from point-and-shoot cameras. It is also ideal as a pocket-sized second camera for enthusiasts who want to capture pristine stills and Full HD video while they are on the move.At the heart of the Cyber-shot RX100 is the world‟s first1 1.0-type Exmor CMOS sensor with a resolution of 20.2 effective megapixels. Specially developed by Sony, the sensor has an area that is around four times larger than the 1/2.3-type imager in regular point-and-shoot cameras. Capturing far more light than small-sensor cameras, it is the key to beautiful, detail packed images and Full HD movie clips with very low noise.The larger sensor is partnered with an ultra-bright Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* lens with 3.6x optical zoom range. In contrast with standard point-and-shoot cameras, the wide F1.8 maximum aperture lets in more light to complement the resolving power of the large 1.0-type Exmor CMOS sensor.In common with high-performance DSLR optics, the lens features a seven- bladed circular aperture. This makes it easy to produce pro-style …bokeh‟ effects, with subjects in sharp focus against a smoothly-blurred background. The lens also features an Advanced Aspherical (AA) glass element that contributes to the camera‟s extremely compact dimensions wit hout sacrificing optical performance or resolution.Complementing the 1.0-type sensor and lens, the optimised BIONZ image processor maximises shooting responses while assuring exceptionally clean, natural images. It also extends sensitivity right up to ISO 256002(using Multi Frame Noise Reduction), allowing exceptionally clear handheld images in dim light. Speedy burst shooting at up to 10 frames per second (full-resolution) lets users grab split-second photo opportunities, while high-speed autofocus locks onto a user‟s target in as little as 0.13 seconds3.Even if users are shooting outdoors, it is easy to see subtle details and tones on the bright, high contrast 7.5cm (3") Xtra Fine LCD. With an extremely high 1229k dot resolution, the screen debuts new WhiteMagic™4 technology that uses white pixels in addition to RGB to boost screen brightness.It is easy to fine-tune the image with a wide range of manual adjustments, whether users are shooting stills or Full HD video.3 Actual autofocus speed depends on scene and lighting conditions.4 WhiteMagic is a trademark of Japan Display Inc.Experienced photo enthusiasts will appreciate the unique Control Ring that surrounds the lens body. Allowing smooth, fingertip adjustment of exposure, zoom, Picture Effect and other functions, it makes versatile DSLR-style creative control over the image easily accessible.Frequently-used functions can be assigned to a handy Fn (function) button for instant access. Memory Recall stores up to three groups of settings for instant recall – a big time-saver when users don‟t want to keep adjusting parameters for favourite scenes.Just like a DSLR camera, there‟s a choice of auto and manual focus modes for even greater control over the image. If users are focusing manually, MF Assist magnifies the image to simplify fine adjustments. There is also a convenient Peaking function that highlights sharply-focused areas of the image on screen.There is a generous choice of artistic options to expand shooting possibilities for enthusiasts and novice photographers alike. It is easy to fine-tune the look of the image with Photo Creativity to suit the scene or user‟s personal preferences. Picture Effect offers an inspiring choice of 'in camera' effects that can be previewed on the LCD screen, including Toy Camera, Partial Colour, Pop Colour, HDR Painting, Miniature, Illustration, Watercolour and others (Note: real-time preview not available with all Picture Effect settings).Shared with the latest α range of A-mount and E-mount cameras, Auto Portrait Framing makes it simple to capture personality-packed photos of family and friends. Cyber-shot does all the hard work, automatically detecting faces and cropping the scene to create tighter, pro-style compositions without sacrificing pixel count.Newly created for the DSC-RX100, the NP-BX1 Type X rechargeable battery features a slim, energy-efficient design to allow up to 330 still shots or 80 minutes of AVCHD video shooting per charge. Exclusively designed to match the camera, the LCJ-RXA is a stylish …jacket style‟ carry case with an attractive leather-look textured finish and supplied shoulder strap. Attaching securely to the camera, the case opens to allow easy shooting while users are on the move.The new Cyber-shot RX100 digital compact camera from Sony will be available in early July 2012.For customer enquiries, please contact Sony sales and services hotline at (852) 2345-2966. About Hong Kong Marketing CompanyHong Kong Marketing Company (HKMC), a division of Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited, provides sales, marketing and after sales services for Sony‟s consumer electronics products as well as broadcast and professional products in Hong Kong and Macau. For more information on Sony‟s products and services, please visit its web site on . About make.believe“make.believe” (make dot believe) is a Group-wide brand message that unites Sony‟s communications initiatives across electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and network services. “make.believe” symbolizes the spirit of Sony –the power of creativity, the ability to turn ideas into reality and the belief that anything you can imagine, you can make real.# # #Specifications of Sony Cyber-shot digital camera DSC-RX100:。



Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 -- Today’s Most Exciting DSLR. 12.24 MP captures the power of Sony, Carl Zeiss® and Minolta a-mountlenses, SteadyShot INSIDE™ in-camera image stabilization works with every lens -- plus fast 5 fps response, creative style modes, 3.0”photo-quality LCD screen, direct HDMI™ Output , Anti-Dust Technology and rugged magnesium alloy body.1 2The DSLR-A700: the DSLR for serious photo enthusiasts12.24 MP Exmor™ Imaging SensorA newly designed APS-C size CMOS imager with on-chip noise-canceling before and after A/D conversion provides over 12 million pixels,drawing out the full image description power of the Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700’s high-performance lenses and providing spectacular detail formaking big prints. Advanced on-sensor A/D conversion yields rich tonalreproduction with high signal-to-noise ratio.Professional Lenses and AccessoriesSony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 accepts a superb array of precision optics, including new Sony wide-aperture zoom lenses that perform brilliantly over a broad range of focal lengths, Sony “G” Series lenses with advanced motorized autofocusing, amazingly bright Carl Zeiss® T coated lenses, and over 16 million Minolta a-mount lenses sold worldwide -- plus professional-quality flash units and systemaccessories to expand your creative horizons.SteadyShot INSIDE™ Image StabilizationBuilt-in technology moves the image sensor in response to camera shake, enabling every lens to benefit from automatic blur reduction -- andprovides an advantage of up to 4.0 shutter speed steps to sharpen images in lower light, for hand-held shots that would normally require a tripod.BIONZ™ Image ProcessorAt the heart of the Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 DSLR camera is the advanced Sony BIONZ™ ImageProcessor, using hardware-based Large Scale Integrated (LSI) circuitry that improves camera response time,handles Dynamic Range Optimization processing and prolongs battery life.Dynamic Range OptimizerTo recover details in dark or bright areas of the picture, the Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 provides multiple levels of Dynamic Range Optimization: Standard mode, to improve shadow detail using standard gamma curves; Advanced Auto mode, allowing you to select any of 5 DRO correction levels, or DRO Advanced Bracketing, that automatically takes three shots atdifferent DRO levels with a single shutter press.Continuous 5 Frames-Per-Second Advance at 12.24 MPThe high-speed processing power of its BIONZ™ engine, a quick-responsecoreless motor to drive the shutter, and dual mirror stoppers to prevent mirror bounce -- they all enable the Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 to capture action more effectively at either 5 or 3 frames per second, even shooting at full 12.24 MP resolution. You can also shoot continuously to the limit of available memory in JPEG Fine and Standard modes.Advanced Pentaprism ViewfinderWith a bright focusing matte, an optical glass prism and glass lenses that prevent ghosts inside the finder, the Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700’sviewfinder image makes it easier to see your subject, compose your shot and adjust focus manually.Eye-Start® Autofocus SystemThe Sony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 begins its precision autofocus adjustments the moment you bring your eye to theviewfinder -- so you’ll be ready to catch the perfect moment.11-Point Center Dual Cross AF Sensor A newly developed Sony AutoFocus system with a large f2.8 sensor improves your ability to frame the subject and capture moving subjects with greater focusing precision -- and a focus drive clutch lets you switchseamlessly between auto and manual focusing by pressing a simple button.Super-Accurate Exposure Control A 40-segment honeycomb sensing system provides multi-patternmeasuring for superior exposure control accuracy in a wide range of lighting conditions.Simple Camera Control Menus Even with all its high-tech features, theSony® α; (alpha) DSLR-A700 isamazingly simple to operate -- and a quick press of the Function (Fn) button switches the LCD display from standard menu information to a new QuickNavigation screen for camera setup via joystick and forward-back controls. The menus are easy and intuitive -- and memory function lets you save and recall personalized camera settings.ADDITIONAL FEATURESCreative Custom Settings Easy-to-Use Exposure Mode Dial Quick Setting Recall Stamina® Power Built-In FlashAnti-Dust TechnologyRugged Magnesium Alloy Body Xtra Fine™ 3.0”LCD Screen with 921k Pixels 1 Note:PhotoTV HD Viewing with HDMI™ Output 2Sony Electronics Inc. • 16530 Via Esprillo • S an Diego, CA 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w Last Updated: 07/12/20091: Viewable area, measured diagonally.2: HD Output requires a Sony® HDMI connector cable; HDTV sold separately.3: Actual results may vary based on product settings, usage patterns and environmental conditions. © 2008 Sony Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.Sony, the Sony logo, Alpha, “Sony α;”, BIONZ, Cyber-shot, Exmor, InfoLithium, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Stamina, SteadyShot, and XtraFine are trademarks of Sony. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at/dnSpecificationsGeneralMegapixel: 12.24 MPImaging Device: 12.24 (effective) APS Exmor™ Sensor; 23.5 x 15.6 mm; RGB primary color filterConvenienceWhite Balance: Auto plus 6 Modes(Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Flash); +/- 3-step adjustable Kelvin temperature control (2500-9900k w/19-step Magenta/Green compensation).Self Timer: Yes (10 seconds, 2 seconds, Off)Memory Stick PRO™ MediaCompatibility: Tested to support up to 16GB media capacity; does not support Access Control security functionRed-Eye Reduction: On/Off (all modes) Burst Mode: Selectable Hi (5FPS) Lo (3FPS); JPEG Standard/Fine:Unlimited to capacity of media; JPEG Extra Fine: 8; cRAW(compressed): 24; cRAW+JPEG: 12; RAW: 17; RAW+JPEG: 11.Color Mode(s): Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Adobe RGB, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset, Night view, Autumn, B/W, Sepia (Except for Adobe RGB, all other color modes use the sRGB color space)Scene Mode(s): Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Sports, Sunset, Night view/portraitConvenience FeaturesHistogram Display: Yes; RGB display; Playback onlyAF Illuminator Light: Yes, On/Off Select Multi-Pattern Measuring: 40 segment honeycomb pattern; Multi-segment, Center Weighted, Spot Clear RAW NR: N/A Movie Mode(s): N/AInputs and OutputsUSB Port(s): Yes, Supports USB 2.0 Hi-speedOutput(s): Video: Yes, NTSC/PAL SelectableHD Output: Yes (w/ optional HDMI cable)HardwareLCD: 3.0" TFT Xtra Fine™ (921k pixels) LCDViewfinder: Optical: TTL, 0.9xmagnification with 50mm lens at infinity; 95% coverageOperating ConditionsFlash Effective Range: Manual popup; Approx. GN 12 (in meters at ISO 100); Coverage of up to 16 mm (in focal length); Approx. 3 sec. recycling time; Flash-ready indicator.Flash Mode(s): Manual Pop-up: Auto, Fill-flash, Rear flash sync, Wireless off camera flash (with Flash HVL-F56AM, F36AM)Optics/LensFocus: Auto Focus: TTL Phase Detection, Multi-point: 11 Area, 11 Line, 5 center twin-cross lines, Auto Focus Mode: Yes, Wide focus area (Auto, 11areas), Spot focus area, Local focus area (11 local areas selectable), Visual Focus Confirm: Direct via VF Matte Screen, Manual Focus: YesShutter Speed: 30 < 1/8000 sec 55 step, BulbEV Compensation: ±3.0 EV, 0.3 EV / 0.5 EV steps selectableExposure: Manual Exposure: Yes, w/EV indicator, Manual Exposure: Yes; Aperture/Shutter Priority, Manual, Program Shift: Yes, Command Dial Lens Type: Interchangeable A-mountPowerBattery Type: NP-FM500H Lithium-ion rechargeable batteryBattery Capacity: 7.2V, CIPA standard: approx. 650 picturesSoftwareSupplied Software: Image Data Converter SR ver.2.0, Image Data Lightbox SR ver.1.0, Remote Camera Control ver.1.0 (all Windows &Macintosh), Picture Motion Browser Ver.2.1.02 (Windows only)Operating System Compatibility: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional, XP Home andProfessional, Vista; Macintosh® OS X (v 10.1.3 or later). OS must be installed at the factory.ProcessorBIONZ™ Engine: Yes w/ Dynamic Range Optimizer. DRO Modes include Off, Standard, Advanced Auto, Advanced Manual, Advanced 3-frame bracketing. AdvancedManual include 5 adjustable levels.DimensionsWeight: 1 lb. 8 oz. (690g) body, not including battery, lens and media Measurements: (WHD) 5 5/8" x 4 1/4" x 3 1/4" (141.7 x 104.8 x 79.7 mm) (excl. protrusions)Service and Warranty InformationLimited Warranty Term: 1 Year Parts & LaborSupplied AccessoriesM-series Lithium-Ion Battery (NP-FM500H) Battery Charger w/cord (BC-VM10) Wireless Remote Commander (RMT-DSLR1)Video Cable USB CableShoulder strap with eyepiece cap and Remote Commander clip Body capAccessory shoe capSoftware/USB Driver CD-ROMNOTE: No Memory Stick media is included.NOTE: No lens includedOptional AccessoriesMemory Stick Duo™ PRO (MSX-M4GS) Color: BlackUPC Code: 027*********3。

索尼 Cyber-shot DSC-G3 数字相机说明书

索尼 Cyber-shot DSC-G3 数字相机说明书

Share the excitement of your experiences with the Sony® Cyber-shot® DSC-G3 camera. Built-in Wi-Fi lets you uploadyour photos and videos to popular sharing sites directly from your camera.110.1 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCD Image SensorA powerful 10.1 megapixel 1/2.3” Super HAD™ CCD image sensor helps you capture gorgeous images with superb contrast and clarity down to the finest detail. With 10.1 megapixels, you can create stunning, photo-quality prints up to A3 size, or crop your images and still come away with high resolution shots.3.5"Xtra Fine™ LCD Touch-Screen DisplaysCompose images on a dazzling 3.5"LCD display and use the touch screen to navigate menus, specify focuspoints, and more. When you've finished shooting, show off your images with spectacular clarity. Featuring 921Kpixels, the ultra-bright, high-contrast LCD screen with a wide viewing angle is among the highest resolution screens available on a compact digital camera, and displays your images with astonishing visual clarity.1 1 Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar® 4x Optical Zoom LensThe newly developed Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar® lens enables close-up shooting up to just under ½” (1cm) from the subject (in Magnifying Glass Mode), while the optical 4x telescopic zoom offers superior visual acuity for a compact digital camera.BIONZ™ imaging processorThe BIONZ™ Imaging Processor delivers the high resolution and fastperformance you expect from a Sony® digital camera.Slim designThe DSC-G3 packs a lot of performance into an ultra-slim design. Measuring just over 5/8” (16.4mm), the DSC-G3 is slim enough to slip into a pocket, so you can take it with you wherever you go.Colors available Available in black.Face Detection technologyFace Detection technology detects up to eight individual faces and controls flash, focus, exposure, and white balance to deliver accurate, natural skin tones with reduced red-eye forbeautiful images of family and friends. Face Detection can even distinguish between children and adults, so you can prioritize the camera’s focus on children in the scene for clear images of their memorable moments.Smile Shutter™ technologyThe popular Smile Shutter™ technology automatically detects and captures smiling faces. Simply choose the Smiley Face feature and the camera will capture a smile the moment it happens. You can also select subject priority (Adult or Child Priority or touch subject on screen) and indicate the degree of Smile Detection Sensitivity to high (small smile), medium (laugh) or low (grin).Double Anti-blur Solution The combination of OpticalSteadyShot™ image stabilization and High ISO sensitivity helps compensate for shaky hands, minimizes blur and allows flash-free shooting to preserve the mood.Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilizationOptical SteadyShot™ imagestabilization uses a built-in gyro sensor to detect camera shake andautomatically shifts the lens to help prevent blur without sacrificing image quality.High Sensitivity ISO 3200High ISO allows for faster shutter speed, so you can take pictures indoors or in low light without the need for a flash. In addition to High Sensitivity Mode (ISO), you can select up to eight ISO settings (Auto, 80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200) when shooting in Program Auto Mode to adjust sensitivity to your shooting conditions.Intelligent Scene RecognitionIntelligent Scene Recognition (iSCN) Mode automatically detects eightdifferent types of scenes and selects the appropriate camera settings: Backlight, Backlight Portrait, Twilight, TwilightPortrait, Twilight using a Tripod, Portrait, Landscape and Macro. iSCN has 2 modes: Advanced and Auto. In Auto Mode, the camera takes a single shot using the optimal settings. In Advance Mode, the camera takes a picture with the current settings and only if necessary takes a second picture with optimized setting.Dynamic Range Optimizer Standard and PlusDynamic Range Optimizer (DRO)Standard and Plus uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best exposure and contrast settings foralmost any shooting environment. The result is more natural images withclearer details that more closely match what your naked eye sees. DRO is particularly effective when shooting backlit portraits or any scene with a dramatic contrast betweenbackground and foreground lighting. DRO Plus allows for even greateroptimization by analyzing each region of an image and performing additional image processing.ADDITIONAL FEATURESAnti-blink Function Red-eye Correction Convenient photo modes MPEG Movie VX Fine Mode Semi-manual focus 9-Point Auto Focus Burst Mode Function Guide Easy Shooting Mode 16:9 High Resolution ModeSony Electronics Inc. • 16530 Via Esprillo • S an Diego, CA 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w Last Updated: 01/12/20091 Wireless connectivity uses the IEEE 802.11b/g wireless local area network standard. Access to a particular wireless hotspot may require a password, payment, registration, or acceptance of terms and conditions. See hotspot administrator for details. Access to Sony's Easy Upload site from select Wayport locations is prepaid by Sony through January 31, 2012. Wayport terms and conditions, available at /Terms.aspx.2 Sony reserves the right to add or delete any sharing site service on the camera at its own discretion.3 A portion of memory is used for data management – actual internal memory is 3.71GB.4 Viewable area, measured diagonally5 Eight preset music tracks stored in internal memory. Imported music tracks can be up to fiveminutes long. When using Music Transfer to download music, tracks longer than five minutes will be reduced to five minutes when uploading to the Cyber-shot® camera.6 HD Viewing requires an HD output adapter cable (VMC-MHC1 sold separately) or Cyber-shot Station® (CSS-HD2, sold separately) cradle and HDTV.7 Requires Windows 2000 Professional SP4, Windows XP SP3, or Windows Vista SP1. Not supported by Mac OS.8 PMB Portable requires USB cable (not included) and PC with internet connectivity (not included) 9 Shooting at high frame rate of up to 30 frames per second requires Memory Stick PRO Duo™ media (sold separately).10 Under average conditions; when fully charged, actual results may vary based on camera settings and conditions of use.11 When imported using the Easy Exporter function in the Sony® Picture Motion Browser software 12 Compatible Sony BRAVIA HDTV and HDMI cable (sold separately) required for PhotoTV HD viewing. Specifications of the BRAVIA HDTV shown vary according to market region. 13 Some sharing sites may not support this function© 2009 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Cyber-shot, Cyber-shot Station, Xtra Fine LCD, BIONZ, Smile Shutter,Optical Steadyshot, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, HDNA, Super HAD, Stamina, and the Sony, Cyber-shot, Optical SteadyShot, Smile Shutter, Face Detection, BIONZ and HDNA logos aretrademarks of Sony. YouTube and Picasa are trademarks of Google Inc., Photobucket is a trademark of Photobucket, Inc. ,Shutterfly is a trademark of Shutterfly Inc., Dailymotion” is a trademark ofDailymotion SA. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate and may vary.Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at/dnSpecificationsGeneralMegapixel: 10.1 MegapixelsImaging Device: 1/2.3 type(7.70mm) Super HAD CCDRecording Media: 4GB internal Flash Memory, optional Memory StickDuo™ Media, optional Memory Stick PRO Duo™ MediaConvenienceWhite Balance: Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Fluorescent 1 (WhiteFluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 2 (Natural White Fluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 3 (Day White Fluorescent Lighting) / Incandescent / Flash / Underwater White Balance Mode - Auto, Underwater 1, Underwater 2, FlashSelf Timer: Yes (10 seconds, 2 seconds, Off)Memory Stick PRO™ MediaCompatibility: Tested to support up to 16GB Memory Stick DUO PROmedia capacity ; does not support Access Control security function.Still Image Mode(s): Normal (JPEG) / Burst (JPEG) / Bracketing (JPEG) - AE (Plus / Minus 0.3EV / 0.7EV / 1.0EV)Red-Eye Reduction: Auto / On / OffBurst Mode: Max 100 shots at approx.1.6 fpsDate/Time Stamp: No/ NoMedia/Battery Indicator: Yes/YesColor Mode(s): Normal / Vivid / Sepia / B&WConvenience FeaturesReal Imaging Processor™ Technology: BIONZ AF Illuminator Light: Auto / OffPictBridge Compatible: Single / Select / Date / Event / Favorites / FolderMulti-Pattern Measuring: YesScene Mode(s): Auto Adjustment / Easy Shooting / Program Auto / Movie / High Sensitivity / Twilight / Twilight Portrait / Soft Snap / Landscape / Beach / Snow / Fireworks / Hi-speed Shutter / Underwater / Gourmet / Auto AdjustmentMovie Mode(s): 640(Fine) (VX Fine, 640 x 480, Approx.30fps) / 640(Standard)(VX Standard, 640 x 480, Approx.16.6fps) / 320 (QVGA, 320 x 240, Approx.8.3fps)Power Save Mode: Yes (after approx. 3 min. of inactivity)In-Camera Editing: Trimming / Red Eye Correction / Soft Focus / Partial Color / Fisheye Lens / Cross Filter / Retro / Radial Blur / Unsharp Masking / SmileSuper SteadyShot® optical image stabilization: YesInputs and OutputsAccessory Terminal: Multi connectorAudio/Video Output(s): Yes via Mutli-Use ConnectorUSB Port(s): Yes - USB2.0 Hi-SpeedHD Output: Yes (1080i)1 TM HardwareLCD: 3.5" Xtra Fine LCD 921kViewfinder: NoLens Construction: 12 elements in 10 groups(including 4 aspheric elements,1 prism)Microphone/Speaker: Yes / YesLens Type: Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar®Docking Station: Yes, via optional HD cradle (CSS-HD2)Operating ConditionsFlash Effective Range: ISO Auto: Approx.0.08-Approx.4.3m(Approx.0.26'-Approx.14.1')(W) / Approx.0.5-Approx.3.4m(Approx.1.64'-Approx.11.2')(T), ISO3200: up to Approx.8.6m(Approx.28.2')(W) / Approx.6.8m (Approx.22.3')(T)Flash Mode(s): Auto / Flash On / Slow Syncro / Flash OffOptics/LensFocal Length: 6.18-24.7mm35mm Equivalent: 35-140mmFocus: 9 points / Center Weighted AF / Spot AF / Flexible Spot AF / Semi Manual (1.0m / 3.0m / 7.0m / unlimited distance)Aperture Range: Auto(F3.5-F10) / Program Auto(F3.5-F10)Shutter Speed: Auto(1/4 - 1/1,000) / Program Auto(1" - 1/1,000)Exposure Compensation: Plus / Minus 2.0EV, 1 / 3EV stepISO: Auto / 80 / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200Filter Diameter: NoDigital Zoom: Smart Zoom / Precision Digital Zoom / OffOptical Zoom: 4xMacro Mode: Auto Macro / Macro On / Close Focus EnabledTotal Zoom: Approximately 8xFace Detection: Detects up to 8 Faces - with Touch Priority / Auto Priority / Child Priority / Adult PriorityPowerBattery Type: LITHIUM ION / InfoLITHIUM D type 3.6VBattery Capacity: 3.6V / 2.4wh (680mAh)SoftwareSupplied Software: Windows: Picture Motion Browser Vers 3.0.02 + USB DriverOperating System Compatibility: Microsoft® 2000 Professional, XPHome and Professional; Macintosh® OS 9.1/9.2/OS X (10.1-10.5)ProcessorBionz™ Engine: YesService and Warranty InformationLimited Warranty Term: 1 Year Parts & Labor Color: BlackUPC Code: 027*********。










主な仕様商品名(型名)FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS(SEL200600G)焦点距離(mm)200-600焦点距離イメージ*1(mm)300-900レンズ群一枚17-24画角1*212°30'-4°10'画角2*28°-2°40'最短撮影距離*3(m)2.4最大撮影倍率(倍)0.2最小絞りF32-F36フィルター径(mm)95外形寸法(最大径×長さ)(約:mm)111.5×318質量(約:g)(三脚台座別)2,115手ブレ補正機能ありテレコンバーター(別売)との互換情報、装着時の主な仕様については専用サポートサイトでご確認ください。



















5.录像格式:在摄像机设置中,可以选择录制的视频格式,你可以选择1080P或720P 等不同分辨率。









Wireless speaker SRS-BTV5Come visit us online! Music, games, extended user guide, phone software, computer programs and much more. All in one place.smartphone with super powerThe Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 1.5 GHz quad-core processor gives you super-fast performance, battery use. Find your way on Google Maps™. Stream the latest Y ouTube™ clips with LTE. Or download the newest apps and run them without a hitch. Get it all when you want it – now.better battery lifeWith Battery STAMINA Mode, you have more intelligent battery One-touch to entertainmentDiscover the easy and fast way to wirelessly share your user interface and pictures from your phone on your TV . One-touch mirroring* with NFC technology lets you easily see all the content on your phone, on your TV . Just touch your phone to your BRAVIA® remote control and watch your holiday photos pop up on the TV screen, or listen to your favourite music via the TV speakers. And with One-touch listening, a single tap to your wireless speaker SRS-BTV5, stereo Bluetooth® Wireless HeadsetDR-BTN200MSony MH-EX300AP headsethas superior acousticperformance which helpsrealise sound true to theoriginal recorded sound.you enjoy quality entertainmentaudio. Engineered to the soundmonitoring standards of Sony’srecording studios, its crystal clearaudio will delight the audiophile inyou. And when a call or message comes in, you’ll know.How can we be certain? In order to get the high IP55 & IP57 rating, we submerge Xperia TM Z under water at a depth of 1m for 30 minutes – and make sure it’s good as new when it comes out. It’s also resistant to water jets!sure its operation is unaffected.Introducing the precisionengineered Full HD smartphoneXperia™ Z sets a new standard of excellence, with a razor sharp and super bright 5" Full HD display and reflective surfaces that wow anyone looking. Running on Jelly Bean, it comes fully loaded with years of Sony engineering. Advanced BRAVIA® screen technology, created with the expertise of the same engineers behind BRAVIA® TVs. A 13 megapixel fast capture camera that’s made to take the best shots in any light, built with the same expertise and components as leading Sony cameras. And a sleek design with a solid water and dust-resistant body. Xperia™ Z is designed with attention to every corner, piece and pixel, all to bring you the most captivating experience imaginable. It’s experience the best of Sony in a smartphone。

索尼Xperia XZ1 Compact G8441使用手冊说明书

索尼Xperia XZ1 Compact G8441使用手冊说明书

使用手冊Xperia XZ1 Compact內容開始使用 (6)本使用手冊的相關資訊 (6)概覽 (6)組裝 (7)螢幕保護 (8)第一次啟動裝置 (8)我為何需要Google帳號? (9)裝置安全性 (10)確定您的裝置受到保護 (10)螢幕鎖定 (10)將您的裝置自動解鎖 (11)指紋管理員 (11)SIM卡保護 (12)找出裝置的IMEI號碼 (12)尋找、鎖定或清除遺失的裝置 (13)使用定位服務 (13)瞭解基本功能 (15)使用觸控螢幕 (15)開啟或關閉畫面。

(17)智慧背光控制 (17)主畫面 (17)應用程式畫面 (19)輕鬆操作的捷徑 (20)瀏覽應用程式 (20)小工具 (22)捷徑和資料夾 (23)背景與主題 (24)擷取螢幕截圖 (24)通知 (24)狀態列中的圖示 (27)電池和維護 (29)為裝置充電 (29)電池和電源管理 (30)更新您的裝置 (31)使用電腦進行維護 (32)儲存空間與記憶體 (34)備份與還原內容 (35)下載應用程式 (37)從Google Play下載應用程式 (37)從其他來源下載應用程式 (37)網際網路和網路 (38)瀏覽網路 (38)網際網路和MMS設定 (38)Wi-Fi (38)共享行動數據連線 (40)控制資料使用量 (41)選取行動網路 (42)在您的裝置上同步化資料 (43)與線上帳號進行同步作業 (43)與Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync同步化 (43)基本設定 (44)存取設定 (44)音量、震動與音效 (44)利用零打擾靜音您的手機 (45)螢幕設定 (46)螢幕釘選 (47)應用程式設定 (47)重新設定您的應用程式 (48)語言設定 (49)日期和時間 (49)增強音效輸出 (49)噪音消除 (50)多個使用者帳號 (50)輸入文字 (52)螢幕鍵盤 (52)編輯文字 (53)自動填滿 (53)通話 (54)撥打電話 (54)接聽來電 (55)智慧通話處理 (56)轉接通話 (56)封鎖號碼 (56)通訊錄 (58)新增與編輯聯絡人 (58)連絡人分組 (59)傳輸通訊錄 (59)備份通訊錄 (60)短訊和聊天 (61)讀取和傳送訊息 (61)訊息功能設定 (62)視訊聊天 (62)設定電子郵件 (63)音樂 (64)將音樂傳輸至您的裝置 (64)聆聽音樂 (64)相機 (67)認識相機的各項功能 (67)曝光、色彩和光線條件 (70)設定正確對焦 (72)人物拍攝、自拍和笑臉捕捉 (73)移動物件 (74)使用相機應用程式 (75)解析度與記憶體 (77)相機診斷 (78)其他相機設定 (78)相簿中的相片和影片 (81)檢視相片和影片 (81)相簿主畫面目錄 (82)共享及管理相片和影片 (83)隱藏相片和影片 (83)連線 (85)以無線方式在電視上同步顯示裝置螢幕 (85)將裝置連接至USB配件 (85)NFC(近場無線通訊) (85)藍牙無線技術 (87)可節省您時間的智慧應用程式和功能 (89)Google Feed (89)將您的裝置當成錢包使用 (89)Xperia Actions (89)時鐘和行事曆 (91)行事曆 (91)時鐘 (91)協助工具 (94)放大 (94)字體大小 (94)顯示幕大小 (94)色彩校正 (94)TalkBack (94)單聲道音訊 (95)開關功能 (95)支援和法律資訊 (96)支援應用程式 (96)重新啟動、重設及修復 (96)保固、SAR及使用準則 (97)法律資訊 (97)開始使用本使用手冊的相關資訊這是Xperia XZ1 Compact使用手冊,適用Android™ 9.0軟體版本。

索尼 8500HD的操作手册说明书

索尼 8500HD的操作手册说明书

720p A VI Movie ModeIn 720p A VI movie mode the camera shoots 1280 x 720 high definition movies at 30 fps, a standard format when working with a PC.¹ Users will create high quality movies with full use of optical zoom in files small enough to transfer to compatible PC or Mac ® computer. Once transferred to your computer and connected to the internet, you can effortlessly upload your media to popular photo and video-sharing websites such as Photobucket ® and YouTube™.Sweep Panorama™ mode (up to 360°)Reach beyond the traditional wide angle lens, and capture more breathtaking shots withSweep Panorama™ mode. Simply press the shutter button and sweep the camera in the desired direction and the camera continuously shoots at a high speed, then seamlessly stitches theimages together with automatic position adjustment to create one stunning panoramic image. Available in wide and up to 360° full circle, the camera can take a variety of panoramic shots. Now capturing wide landscapes is as easy as press and sweep.14.1 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCD Image SensorA powerful 14.1 megapixel 1/2.3” Super HAD™ CCD image sensor helps you capture gorgeous images with superb contrast and clarity down to the finest detail. With 14.1 megapixels, you can create stunning, photo-quality prints up to A3+ (13x19”) size, or crop your images and still come away with high resolution shots.2.7” (230K dots) Clear Photo™ LCD displayGenerous 2.7” (230K dots) Clear Photo™ LCD displayfeatures sharp, natural color that makes it easy to compose shots, read menus, and view photos, even in bright sunlight.Intelligent Auto ModeUnlike traditional auto mode, Intelligent Auto (iAuto) mode thinks for you, recognizing scenes, lighting conditions, faces, and adjusts settings resulting in clear images, faces with natural skin tone and less blur. Take advantage of all the technology without leaving Auto mode. Kids on the playground, landscape shots, a beautiful flower or an indoor birthday party; all result in clear images without leaving auto mode.Face Detection technologyFace Detection technology detects up to eight individual faces and adjusts focus, exposure, and white balance to help deliver crisp, properly lit images of family and friends.Smile Shutter™ technologySmile Shutter™ technology captures a smile the moment it happens. Simply press the SmileShutter™ button and the camera does the rest. You can also select adult and child priority and indicate the degree of Smile Detection sensitivity. Intelligent Scene Recognition can now be used together with Smile Shutter™ mode when the Intelligent Auto mode is on. This means that beautiful smiles can be captured with settings optimized for the particular scene, even in difficult conditions such as twilight and backlighting.Soft Skin modePortrait subjects will love the results. Soft Skin mode recognizes skin tones and reduces the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles without affecting the rest of the shot.Intelligent Scene Recognition modeIntelligent Scene Recognition (iSCN) mode automatically detects seven different types of scenes and, within just 1/30th of a second, selects the appropriate camera settings: Backlight, Backlight Portrait, Twilight, Twilight Portrait, Twilight using a tripod, Portrait, Landscape and macro.Dynamic Range OptimizerCapture superb picture quality and HD video with ease. Its 14.1MP sensor, 5X optical zoom, and Sweep Panorama™ mode allow you to create breathtaking images, while 720p video records the action and sound, even when zooming. Make taking pictures more fun with Picture Effects, like toy camera and pop color.DSC-W620/BDynamic Range Optimizer (DRO) Standard and Plus uses a sophisticated algorithm to helprecover shadows and highlights. The result is more natural images with clearer details that more closely match what your naked eye sees. DRO is particularly effective when shooting backlit portraits or any scene with a dramatic contrast between background and foreground lighting. DRO Plus allows for even greater optimization by analyzing each region of an image and performing additional image processing.Picture EffectSpecifications1. Recording limited to 29 minute segments© 2012 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Cyber-shot, SteadyShot, Smile Shutter, Sweep Panorama, Super HAD and the Sony make. believe logo are trademarks of Sony. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mac is a trademark of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications subject to change without notice.Updated: March 1, 2012。

索尼Alpha7S II镜头说明书

索尼Alpha7S II镜头说明书

Key Features1920x1080 Full HD 24p/60p w/24.5MP Exmor R ® CMOS SensorCreate cinematic video in high de nition 1920 x 1080 24p/60p and high quality 24.5MP stillimages. Experience stunning low-light sensitivity with improved image clarity and drasticallyreduced grain with Sony’s back-illuminated Exmor R ® CMOS sensor. Designed for compactcameras and camcorders, the Exmor R ® CMOS sensor relocates the photo diodes above thesupport circuitry, maximizing the light gathering area per pixel so you can shoot with better resultsin lower lighting conditions.Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilizationOn standard Optical SteadyShot™ camcorders a single “shi lens” is moved in the optical blockto o set camera shake. Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ w/ Active Mode moves the entireoptical block at once, maintaining the integrity of the optical path and reducing shake. It alsoreduces vignetting (light fallo towards the edge of a scene) and lowers distortion in videos andstill photos.Project ~200” videos w/ 50lm built-in projector via HDMI ®Enjoy your favorite memories virtually anywhere with the high-contrast 50 lumen projector built-into the LCD panel. The HDMI ® multi-terminal allows you to connect external devices that have anHDMI output (smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.) and use the camcorder’s projector to enjoyother forms of entertainment such as video games and streaming videos from the Internet. Thecamcorder even has built-in Auto Keystone Adjustment, which corrects the dimensions of theprojected image when you cannot situate the device straight on to the wall.Manual Control (Iris/Shutter/Exposure/White Balance)Get the most out of your camcorder with enhanced manual controls. The assignable dial allowsfor control of focus, exposure, white balance, iris, and shutter speed.Wireless control, transfer, data backup via Wi-Fi ®/NFC 1Built-in Wi-Fi ®/NFC makes for easy one touch connection to compatible mobile devices 1. Turnyour mobile phone and/or tablet into a remote control/viewing device, transfer your les to yourmobile device wirelessly for instant sharing, Back up your data on your PC and even enjoy yourvideos and photos on a TV without wires.Wide Angle G lens to capture more of what you wantExperience the pinnacle of Sony lens technology with the professional-quality G Lens. Engineeredfor superior optical performance, Sony G lenses deliver brilliant, accurate color reproductionand sharp, amazingly detailed images. In addition, the 26.8mm focal length in Photo and VideoModes o ers a broader perspective for enhanced wide angle shooting.Color EVF (0.27” 201K) crisp clear video monitoringA color EVF (electronic view nder) provides clear crisp representation of your video allowing forproper framing, battery conservation, and increased stability.3.0” Xtra Fine LCD™ display (921K) touch screen w/ WhiteMagic™The 3.0” (16:9) Xtra Fine LCD™ screen (921K) displays sharp, bright, vivid images, letting youcompose a shot more easily -- even outdoors, while enabling you to change settings to bestrepresent the scene. Easily scroll through menus and view footage thanks to WhiteMagic™technology that dramatically increases visibility in bright daylight. The large display deliversbrilliant-quality still images and movies while enabling easy focusing operation.5.1ch surround sound mic w/ new audio record controlsHDR-P J810/BFull HD 60p/24p Camcorder w/ advanced Manual ControlsCapture special occasions in the stunningly-sharp, 24p/60p HD they deserve with silky-smooth Balanced Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization that keeps your memories looking their best. You can also share your family’s special moments up to 200” with the built-in projector for an instant at-the-movies feel. Feeling artistic? Manual control of iris, shutter and more let you express your personal style.Dolby® Digital 5.1 channel recording captures active sounds coming from all directions, so you can experience your home movies the way you experienced them while recording. Premium sound features such as Auto Wind Noise Reduction and Premium Closer Voice make it even easier to attain ideal sound quality in various situations.Get creative w/ 7 picture e ects for video and still photosPicture E ects add a new level of expression and creativity to video and photos. Sevenpicture e ects (Toy Camera, Pop Color, So High Key, Partial Color, Retro Photo, High Contrast Monochrome, and Posterization) are available in both photo and video modes. Shooting with these special modes will provide you an easy way to instantly transform your memories without any post editing so ware needed.Up to FPO hours of recording with 32GB embedded Flash MemoryThe built-in 32GB embedded Flash memory can record and store up XX hours XX minutes of high de nition video footage (HD LP mode).Speci cations1. Requires NFC-compatible mobile device. Check device’s user manual for compatibility.© 2014 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Exmor R, BIONZ and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and speci cations subject to change without notice. / UPC:/ Updated: December 19, 2013。












索尼 A6100 镜头说明书

索尼 A6100 镜头说明书

Key Features24.2MP 2 and incredible image qualityThe Alpha 6100 boasts an impressive APS-C image sensor with approximately 24.2 effective megapixels, the latest BIONZ X™ image processing engine and the same front end LSI as used on Sony’s acclaimed full-frame cameras to deliver outstanding image quality with rich detail and true-to-life color reproduction. Area specific noise reduction results in low noise even at high ISO which ranges from 100 – 32,000 (Expandable up to ISO – 51,200). The design significantly increases readout speed, enabling functionality including 11fps continuous shooting 5, 4K recording 3 with full pixel readout without pixel binning and Full HD 120fps high-speed shooting.Superior autofocus with 4D FOCUS™The Alpha 6100 incorporates Sony’s unrivaled 4D FOCUS™ system for unsurpassed fast autofocus (AF) acquisition time that can lock focus on even the fastest moving subject in as little as 0.02 seconds 1. It also boasts an incredible 425 phase detection and 425 contrast detection AF points that are densely positioned over 84% of the image area, effectively tracking subjects as they move across the frame. Moreover, the Alpha 6600 takes full advantage of its enhanced fast hybrid AF for movies in both HD and 4K 3. Both AF detection accuracy and tracking performance have been boosted.Advanced Real-time Eye AF, humans and animals 6Advanced “Real-time Eye AF 6” employs (Ai) artificial intelligence, including machine learning , to detect and process eye data in real time, resulting in improved accuracy, speed and tracking performance of Eye AF. Eye AF can be employed for humans, animals 6 and when recording movie. With a half press of the shutter button, the camera can automatically detect the eyes of the subject and activate Eye AF in all autofocus modes. When in either AF-C or AF-A mode, eye capture is continuously maintained. Additionally, the preferred eye (right or left) of your subject can be selected as the focus point. Choices include Auto/Right Eye/Left Eye, and a Switch Right/Left Eye function is assignable to a custom function or the touchscreen panel.Real-time Tracking Autofocus“Real-time Tracking” is a state-of-the-art feature that utilizes a special object recognition algorithm that processes color, subject distance (depth), brightness (pattern) as spatial information, plus AI (Artificial Intelligence with machine learning) information including face and eye location, ensuring that all subjects can be captured with extreme accuracy and precision. This can be activated by a simple half press of the shutter button, or can be assigned to a custom function as well. The subject to be tracked can also be specified by touching it on the monitor when the Touch Tracking function is engaged.Real-time Eye AF for animals 6Advanced AI-based subject recognition technology now allows fast, precise, automatic detection and tracking of animal 6 eyes. This new capability can vastly increase success rates when photographing animals in a variety of settings or pets at home. Real-time Eye AF animal mode can be initiated either by pressing an assigned custom button or by half-pressing the shutter button.16-bit processing and 14-bit RAW outputImage sensor output is processed in 16-bit form by the front-end LSI and BIONZ X image processing engine before being output as compressed or uncompressed 14-bit RAW files that have smoother, more natural gradations for higher overall image quality. 14-bit RAW output is available even when shooting in silent or continuous mode.ILCE-6100L/BAlpha 6100 APS-C Mirrorless Interchangeable-LensCamera + 16-50mm LensThe Alpha 6100 include a 24.2MP 2 Exmor™ CMOS image sensor, the latest BIONZ X™ image processor and a front-end LSI as implemented in Sony’s full-frame cameras, which combine to deliver all-round enhancements in image quality and performance across all areas of photo and video capture.Up to 11fps5 at 24.2MP with AE/AF trackingThe Alpha 6100 has been designed to allow for high resolution, continuous shooting at high frame rates. It features a front-end LSI that works with the image sensor, BIONZ X image processing engine and a newly designed shutter mechanism with ‘braking feature’ to enable continuous shooting at impressive speeds up to 11fps5 with continuous autofocus and auto-exposure tracking at full 24.2MP resolution while utilizing the mechanical shutter, and up to 8 fps5 with full AF/AE tracking while silent shooting.4K movie3 w/ full pixel readout, no pixel binningThe Alpha 6100 offers internal 4K (QFHD: 3840 x 2160) recording3 in Super 35mm format with full pixel readout and no pixel binning at 2.4x oversampling4 (6K equivalent) for the ultimate 4K footage with exceptional detail and depth. Additional the Alpha 6100 has the ability to record Full HD at 120 fps for up to 5x slow motion HD video7 and a mic jack with XLR compatibility via the MI shoe, focus peaking, clean HDMI output and much more.Touch Tracking for moviesTouch Tracking is beneficial for movie recording. Touch the subject to be tracked on the monitor, and the Real-time Tracking function will then process color, pattern (brightness), distance (depth), and face information to precisely and smoothly track the selected subject at the specified sensitivity and speed. It is also possible to half-press the shutter button or press the AF ON button while shooting to achieve fast focus (AF-S). This can be an advantage for weddingsor documentaries, where there is only one chance to capture a scene. In such cases the focus area selected in advance is applied.180-degree tiltable LCD touch screen for self-recordingThe fully tiltable (180-degree), 3” (3.0-type) LCD flip screen with 921k-dots of high-resolution allows for simple and effective selfie-style shooting for both still image and video capture. Utilizing this capability, vloggers will be able to check and monitor composition throughout their entire creative process. The LCD screen is also equipped with touch functionality, with options for Touch Pad, Touch Focus, Touch Shutter and new Touch Tracking which quickly activates “Real-time Tracking” through the touch screen.Wi-Fi®/NFC™/QR code for easy file transfer and remote control8Easily connect with NFC or QR code (for non-NFC devices) to smartphones or tablets with the built-in Wi-Fi® and Sony’s PlayMemories Mobile™ application available for free on the Android™ and iOS platforms8. Control your camera or transfer files to your device for fast and easy sharing without the need of a computer. It also supports Sony’s growing range of PlayMemories Camera Apps™, which add a variety of creative capabilities to the camera. Then when you’re done, you can use the free software to sort and manage your stills and video with PlayMemories Home™ or edit your RAW file with either Sony’s Image Data Converter or Capture One Express (for Sony). Make it your own with easy button and dial customizationMake operation more intuitive, quick and easy. You can assign any of 89 functions to any of 8 custom buttons. Independent function sets can be assigned for stills, movies, and playback. “My Dial” allows for frequently-used functions to be assigned to the control dial and control wheel. The My Menu function allows up to 30 frequently-used menu items to be registered. They can be re-ordered by frequency of use, and little-used items can be deleted, allowing the user to create a menu that reflects their usage patterns.Interval Recording7 for time-lapseInterval shooting7 (continuous shooting with a set interval) is possible to create time-lapse movies, without requiring an app or external interferometer. Shooting interval can be set to anywhere between 1 second and 60 seconds, and the number of shots to anywhere from 1 to 9999. AE tracking sensitivity can be set to ”High”, “Mid” or “Low” during interval shooting to control your exposure and silent shooting can be activated to reduce shutter vibration. To extend shooting periods, a mobile battery can be used while the internal battery remains in the camera. Still images shot can be edited into a time-lapse movie on a computer with the latest version of Imaging Edge software (Remote/Viewer/Edit) and PlayMemories Home.Slow and quick motion7Slow and quick motion7 offers an almost endless variety of creative ways to express the passage of time. Frame rates from 1 fps to 120fps (100fps) can be selected in eight steps for full HD up to 50 Mbps; 60x quick motion/5x slow in NTSC and 50x quick motion/4x slow in PAL.4K movie transfer to smartphone8By using the newly introduced smartphone app Imaging Edge Mobile, high-bitrate movies including 4K can be transferred to smartphones (Probability of transfer / playback depends on the performance of the smartphone). Refer to the product information for Imaging Edge Mobile for detailsImaging Edge desktop applicationsTo support an efficient, high speed, connected professional workflow, Sony provides “Imaging Edge” desktop applications. Use "Remote" to control and monitor shooting live on your PC screen; "Viewer" to quickly preview, rate, and select photos from large image libraries; and "Edit" to develop RAW data into high-quality photos for delivery. Get the best from Sony RAW files, and manage your productions more efficiently. To maximize convenience in image transfer, when utilizing the latest version of Sony’s Imaging Edge Mobile™ application, the camera can now transfer images to a connected smartphone even if the camera’s power is set to OFF. Refer to the download page for details: /disoft/d/Specifications1. Based on Sony research, CIPA-guideline-compliant internal measurement with an E 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 OSS lens mounted, Pre-AF off and viewfinder in use.2. Approximately, effective megapixels3. 3840×2160 pixels. A Class 10 or higher SDHC/SDXC memory card is required to record movies in the XAVC S format. UHS-I (U3) SDHC/SDXC card is required for 100Mbps4. Standard ISO 100 up to ISO 32000 expandable to ISO 100 to ISO 51200for still images5. High-speed continuous shooting is available at up to approx. 11fps in “Hi+” continuous shooting mode and up to approx. 8fps in “Hi” continuous shooting mode. Maximum fps will depend on camera settings.6. Accurate focus may not be achieved with certain subjects in certain situations.. Real-time Eye AF for Animals supports still images only and cannot be used in combination with tracking. Does not work with some types of animal.7. Wi-Fi does not work during interval shooting8. Imaging Edge Mobile Ver. 7.2 or later is required© 2019 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony is not responsible for typographical and photographic errors. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Sony, G Master, the Alpha logo and the Sony logo are trademark of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.。



FD Trinitron Colour TelevisionHow to replace the fuseOpen the fuse compartment with a blade screwdriver, and replace the fuse.If the plug supplied is not suitable for the socket outlets in your home, it should be cut off and an appropriate plug fitted in accordance with the following instructions:The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. Do not connect either wire to theRecording button: Media Selector:With this remote control you can operate not only this TV but also the main functions of your VCR or DVD.Switch on the device you want to operate and next press this button repeatedly to select the VCR, TV or DVD. A green light will be momentarily lit to indicate the chosen function.Before the first time you want to control a DVD or VCR by using this remote control, you have to set it up depending on the brand of the device to be used. For more details, refer to chapter “Remote Control Configuration for VCR or DVD” on page 20.Selecting channels: Muting the Sound: Adjusting TV volume: Displaying the menu system: remove the menu display from the TV screen.Selecting TV mode: Selecting Sound effect: Selecting Picture mode: Displaying on Screen information: to cancel.VCR or DVD on/off: Overview of Remote Control ButtonsBesides TV functions, all coloured buttons as well as green symbols are also used for Teletext operation. For more details, please refer to “Teletext” section of this instruction manual.12!ª!•!¶!§!∞!¢!£!™4678!º!¡593Inserting Batteries into the Remote Control Make sure you insert the supplied batteries using the correct polarities.Always remember to dispose of used batteries in an environmental friendly way.Connecting the Aerial and VCROverview-InstallationConnecting cables are not supplied.On/Off switch Standby indicator Press on the mark on the door flap to reveal the control panel.orScart lead is optional.For more details of VCR connection, please refer to the section “Connecting Optional Equipment” of this instruction manual.Language 4 Svenska NorskManufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.Menu SystemTo avoid picture distortion, do not connect external equipment to connectors at the same time.Do not connect a Decoder to the Scart F .Games that use a “gun” attachment to point at the screen do not work correctly due to 100 Hz technology used in this television.Connecting a VCR:To connect a VCR, please refer to the section “Connecting the aerial and VCR” of this instruction manual. We recommend you connect your VCR using a scart lead. If you do not have a scart lead, tune in the VCR test signal to the TV programme number “0” by using the “ManualProgramme Preset” option. (for details of how to manually programme these presets, see page Refer to your VCR instruction manual to find out how to find the output channel of your VCR.Connecting a VCR that supports Smartlink:Smartlink is a direct link between the TV set and the VCR. For more information on Smartlink, please refer to the instruction manual of your VCR.If you use a VCR that supports Smartlink, please connect the VCR to the TV using a Scart lead to the Scart “PlayStation”*DecoderHi-fiDVD* “PlayStation” * “PlayStation 8mm/Hi8/DVCcamcorderS VHS/Hi8DVCcamcorderBECADWhen you connect the headphones, the TV speakers will automaticallybutton repeatedly until theAudio / video input signal through the Scart connector EYour sitting position~50°speakerspeaker213below. On those brands that have more than one code, enter the first code number.Therefore, please refer to the code table included with the remote control for If your selected code is entered correctly, all three green lights will be lit please check that you entered the correct code set or try the next code • Your brand codes may be lost if weak batteries are not replaced within a few minutes. To reset your brand of DVD or VCR please repeat the above steps. A small label is added inside the battery door to allow you • Not all brands are covered and not all models of every brand may be covered.018, 027, 020, 002009, 028, 023, 024, 016, 003025, 026, 015, 004009, 028, 023, 024, 016, 003018, 027, 020, 002009, 028, 023, 024, 016, 003018, 027, 020, 00223 Additional Information。

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• 即使由于摄像机、储存媒质等故障而无 法录制或播放,也不对录制的内容提供 赔偿。
• 电视机彩色制式视国家 / 地区而异。若 要在电视机上观看录制的内容,您需要 PAL 制式的电视机。
• 电视节目、底片、录像带和其他材料可 能有版权。未经授权对这些材料进行录 制可能违反版权法。
• 本手册中用作插图的液晶显示屏和取 景器图像是使用数码照相机抓取的,因 此可能会出现显示差异。
Guide)”针对连接摄像机至电脑以及 使用随机提供的软件 (储存在随机提 供的 CD-ROM 中)
摄像机内可以使用的盒式录像带类 型
• 您可以使用带有
标志的小型 DV 盒
式录像带。本摄像机与 Cassette
Memory 功能不兼容 (第 52 页)。
• 切勿握住以下部位拿摄像机。
使用菜单项目 ............ 24
操作按钮项目 ................. 25 菜单项目 ..................... 31
手动设定菜单 ............ 32 – 图像特技效果 摄像机设定菜单 .......... 33 - 数码变焦 / 宽荧幕选择 /
• 本摄像机不防尘、防湿和防水。 请参阅“关于使用和维护”( 第 54 页 )。
• 当使用通信电缆将摄像机连接至其它 设备时,必须以正确的方向插入连接插 头。 将插头强行插入端子将会损坏端子,并 可能导致摄像机故障。
关于菜单项目、液晶显示面板、取景 器和镜头
• 灰色显示的菜单项目在当前录制或播 放条件下无效。
* MTF 代表 Modulation Transfer Function。 数值表示来自拍摄对象进入镜头的光线总 量。
关于主机外壳金属部分感觉到微弱 电流
在将电源适配器与主机连接后,根据接 触部位和个人的不同,您有时在接触金 属外壳或接口时可能会感觉到微弱电 流。 产生这种现象的原因是因为电源适配器 中有抑制电磁干扰的元件,该元件在 初、次级之间构成了必要的回路。 您可以放心的是此微弱电流被控制在国 家安全标准所规定的限值范围之内,且 本产品在生产出厂时已通过严格的质量 检查,因此请您放心使用。 如您有疑问,请与附近的索尼维修站联 系。
电池电量不足,录制 / 播放 将很快停止。
更换为充足电的电池,或者 给电池充电。
对完全放电的电池组完全充电所需要的 近似时间 (分钟)。
电池组 NP-FH30 (随机提供) NP-FH50 NP-FH70 NP-FH100
135 170 390
稍后,近似的可录制时间和电池信息将 显示约 7 秒钟。显示此信息时再按 DISP/ BATT INFO,可观看此电池信息最长达 20 秒钟。
b 注意
• 所有时间均在下列情况下测量得出: 上:使用液晶显示屏录制。 下:关闭液晶显示面板采用取景器来录制。
使用完全充电电池组的有效近似时间 (分钟)。
NP-FH30 (随机提供) NP-FH50 NP-FH70 NP-FH100
液晶显示面 液晶显示
请先阅读本章节 ................2 使用注意事项 ................. 2
步骤 1:检查提供的物品 .........6 步骤 2:对电池组充电 ...........7 步骤 3:打开电源并设定日期和时间
.............................10 更改语言设定 ................ 10
v 标记朝下
DC IN 插孔
交流适配器 电源线
POW池组 (H 系列)装 在摄像机上后,您便能对其进行充电(第 52 页)。
b 注意 • 您不能将 H 系列以外的“InfoLITHIUM”电池
4 将电源线连接至交流适配器和电源插
特定频率的电磁场可能会影响此设备的图像和 声音。
本产品已经过测定并确定符合 EMC 指示中所提 出的使用不超过 3 米的连接电缆的限制。
如果静电或电磁导致数据传送中断 (失败), 请重新启动应用程序或断开连接,并重新连接 通信电缆 (i.LINK 等)。
–“操作指南”(本手册) – 对于 DCR-HC53E/HC54E “初次操作指南 (First Step
播放 .........................18 使用指南功能 (使用指南) .....19 搜索开始位置 .................20
搜索最近一次录制的最后一个场景 (END SEARCH) .............. 20 手动搜索 (EDIT SEARCH) ....... 20 回顾最近一次录制的场景 (录制回 顾) ........................ 20 在电视机上播放图像 ...........22
入门指南 6
录制 / 播放 13
使用菜单 24 复制 / 编辑 38
使用电脑 41 故障诊断 45 附加信息 51 快速参考 60
© 2008 Sony Corporation
使用完全充电电池组的有效近似时间 (分钟)。
电池组 NP-FH30 (随机提供) NP-FH50
连续录制 时间
95 110 155 180 330 395 760 890
典型录制 时间 *
45 55 75 90 165 195 380 445
* 典型录制时间表示在重复录制开始/停止、打 开 / 关闭电源和变焦时的时间。
步骤 4:录制前进行设定调整 ....11 步骤 5:插入盒式录像带 ........12
录制 / 播放
简易录制 / 播放 (Easy Handycam) .............................13
录制 .........................15 变焦 ........................ 16 黑暗场所录制 (NightShot plus) ............................ 16 调节背光对象的曝光 .......... 17 以镜像模式录制 .............. 17
1 2
长期存放电池之前,请对电池完全放电 (第 53 页)。
查看剩余电量 (电池信息)
剩余电池电量 (近似)
录制容量 (近似)
您可以在液晶显示屏上查看剩余电池电 量。
b 注意
• 请同时拿住摄像机和DC插头, 断开交流适配 器与 DC IN 插孔的连接。
续, 7
步骤 2:对电池组充电 (续)
您可以采用与电池组充电相同的连接方 法,使用电源插座中的电源来操作摄像 机。在此情况下,电池组电量将不会损 失。
1 关闭电源,然后按 PUSH。 2 按箭头方向取出电池组。
操作本摄像机之前,请先通读本手册,并 妥善保存以备今后参考。
为减少发生火灾或触电的危险,请勿让 本装置淋雨或受潮。
切勿将电池暴露在阳光,火或类似的极 热环境下。
为减少火灾或触电的危险,请勿在本装 置上放置如花瓶等盛有液体的物体。
请只使用指定类型的电池进行更换。否 则,可能造成着火或人员受伤。
• 切勿对着太阳。否则可能导致摄像机故 障。只能在阳光不是很强烈的情况下拍 摄太阳照片,如黄昏。
• 操作步骤的插图将使用以各种本地语 言显示的画面显示。如果需要,请在使 用摄像机之前更改画面显示语言(第 10 页)。
• 开始录制之前,先测试录制功能,以保 证录制的图像和声音没有问题。
故障诊断 ..................... 45 警告指示和信息 ............... 50
海外使用本摄像机 ............. 51 保养和预防措施 ............... 52
可使用的盒式录像带 ...........52 关于 “InfoLITHIUM”电池组
• 液晶显示屏和取景器是采用极高精密 技术制造而成,因此有超过 99.99% 的 像素可有效使用。但是,可能有极少的 黑点和 / 或亮点 (白、红、蓝或绿点) 经常出现在液晶显示屏和取景器上。这 些点是由于制造过程所造成的正常现 象,在任何情况下都不会影响录制。
• 将液晶显示屏、取景器或镜头长时间暴 露在直射阳光下可能会导致故障。
.............................52 关于 i.LINK ..................53 关于使用摄像机 ...............54 规格 ......................... 57
认识部件和控制按钮 ........... 60 录制 / 播放过程中显示的指示
• 本手册中所用的插图基于 DCR-HC54E 机 型。机型名称在摄像机底部显示。