[t] [ ] [ ] [θ]
ten letter meet patient nation watch catch match thin thirty method the these with than clothe father weather tree train country truck very voice love leave week win wake sweet wait answer two what when white why who whose whole example exist exact yes yard yellow young
course your four 6-28 our hour ours journey fluid suicide tuition juice fruit suit 6-29 6-30 6-31 6-32
9-01 9-02 cake picture coat music face decide cinema much chick rich teacher school headache chemistry cock pocket black knock doctor bread hand day bridge fridge children driver drink five four breakfast bag gardon go orange large German cough enough rough sorghum spaghetti ghost guess league dialogue guitar 9-03 9-04 9-05 9-06
[ai] [ou] [ ] car farm dark sharpener warm quarter towards [ :] [ :] [ :] here mere fire hire wire more score before
英语音素表一、元音:(20个)1、单元音: [i:] [i] [e] [æ] [u:] [u] [:] [][:] [] [] [a:]2、双元音[ai] [ei] [i] [i] [ε] [u] [au] [u]二、辅音:(28个)[b] [s] [k] [d] [f] [g] [h] [j] [k] [l][m] [n] [p] [r] [t] [v] [w] [z] [dz] [ts][][] [] [] [][θ] [ð] [ŋ][ei] name plane Jane baby cake 1-01在闭音节中[æ] bag dad hat mapblack back1-02e 在开音节中[i:]he thesemeChinese1-03 在闭音节中[e]bed letpendeskyes egg1-04i 在开音节中[ai]bike flydrivetimenicekite1-05 在闭音节中[i]fish bigdrink sitmilkswim1-06o 在开音节中[u]thoseclose gohoehomeno1-07 在闭音节中[]clocknot boxshopsock1-08u 在开音节中[ju:]studentexcusedutyTuesday1-09 在闭音节中[]读音例词编号a []China another womanbreakfast2-01 [i]orange comrade villagecabbage2-02e []hundred student openmoment2-03 [i]chicken pocket beginchildren2-04i []/[i]holiday beautiful familyanimal2-05 [ai] exercise satellite 2-06o []second tonight somebodywelcome2-07 [u] also zero photo 2-08u[] autumn difficult 2-09[ju(:)] popular读音例词编号a在[w]音后面[] want whatwatch washquality3-01a在f n sk ph sp ss st th 前[α:]after plantgraph ask graspglass fast father3-02i在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] find child lighthigh3-03o在-st -ld前[ou] most postcardold cold3-04o在m n v th前[] come monkeylove mother3-05[α:]car farm dark sharpener 4-01 [:] warm quarter towards 4-02oror在[w]音后面[:]forty morningshort4-03 [:]word workerworse4-04er ir ur [:][ε] care dare hare 5-01ere [i] here mere 5-02 ire [ai] fire hire wire 5-03 ore [:] more score before 5-04 ure [ju]读音例词编号ai/ay [ei] afraid rain waitday play6-01air [ε] air hair chair pair repair6-02alal在f m前[:]small ball talkwall all6-03 [:l]always also saltalmost6-04 [α:]half calm 6-05au/aw [:] autumn daughter draw6-06ea [i:]teach easy cheapplease6-07 [e]heavy breadsweater weather6-08 [ei] break great 6-09ear [i]hear dear nearclear year6-10 [ε] bear pear wear 6-11swear[:] earth learn early 6-12ee [i:] jeep week green three6-13eer [i] pioneer deer beer 6-14ei/ey [ei] eight neighbourthey6-15eu/ew 在j l r 后[ju:]new fewnewspaper6-16 [u:]flew brewjewelry6-17ie/[s]音后拼写为ei [i:] piece fieldreceive seize6-18oa [ou] coat Joan boatgoal6-19oar/oor [:] roar board doorfloor6-20oi/oy [i] noise point boytoilet6-21oo [u:]broom food toothschool6-22 [u]book look cookfoot good6-23ou/ow [au]flower housecount down6-24 [u]know row throwthough6-25 []young countryenough6-26 [u:]group you soupthrough6-27our[:] course your four 6-28 [au] our hour ours 6-29 [:] journey 6-30uiui 在j l r s后[ju:i]fluid suicidetuition6-31 [u:] juice fruit suit 6-32Gentiles[b] bike bus bag 9-01 [/] bomb tomb lamb climb 9-02cc在e前或在i/y前[k]cake picture coatmusic9-03 [s]face decidecinema9-04ch []much chick richteacher9-05 [k]school headachechemistry9-06 [] machine Chicago 9-07-ck [k] cock pocketblack knock9-08d [d] doctor breadhand day9-09-dge [] bridge fridge 9-10dr- [dr] children driverdrink9-11f [f] five fourbreakfast9-12gg在e i/y前[] bag gardon go 9-13 []orange largeGerman9-14-gh gh- [f]cough enoughrough9-15 []sorghumspaghetti ghost9-16gu- -gue[]guess leaguedialogue guitar9-17 [w]language anguishpenguin9-18h [h]hot head househand9-19 [/]hour honesthonor9-20j [] jeep jar joke join 9-21k [k] kind bike skatemake week9-22kn- [n] knife knowknock9-23l [l] life milk schooltall9-24m [m] monkey come tomato9-25-mn [m] autumn column solemn9-26nn在[k] [g]音前[n] not shine ten note 9-27 [ŋ]uncle thankhungry9-28-ng [ŋ] morning young wrong9-29p [p] paper plane pigship pen9-30ph [f] elephant photo telephone9-31-q/-que [k] Iraq cheque 9-32qu- [kw] quality quitequarter9-33r [r] red rubber ruler 9-34s在音节开头或清辅音前在元音字母间或浊辅音前[s] sit sleep desk 9-35 [z] music husband 9-36sc- [sk]scarlet scoutScotland9-37 [s] muscle science 9-38sh [] she fish shirtwash9-39t在通常情况下在弱读字母ia ie io前[t] ten letter meet 9-40 [] patient nation 9-41tch [] watch catchmatch9-42th在通常情况下在冠词代词介词连词中在词尾-the -ther中[θ]thin thirtymethod9-43 [ð] the these with 9-44[ð]clothe fatherweather9-45tr- [tr]tree train countrytruck9-46 v [v]very voice loveleave9-47 w[w]week win wakesweet wait9-48[/] answer two 9-49wh-wh-在字母o前[w]what when whitewhy9-50[h]who whosewhole9-51x在重读元音前[ks] box text exercise 9-52[gz]example existexact9-53wr- [r] write wrong wrist 9-54y- [j]yes yard yellowyoung9-55z [z]。
英语语音音素表英语音素表一、元音:(20个)1、单元音: [i:] [i] [e] [?] [u:] [u] [:] [][:][][] [a:]2、双元音 [ai] [ei][i ] [i ] [ε] [u ] [au] [u]二、辅音:(28个)[b] [s] [k] [d] [f] [g] [h] [j] [k] [l] [m] [n] [p] [r] [t] [v] [w] [z] [dz] [ts] [][][][] [] [θ] [e] [?][ei]name plane Jane baby cake1-01在闭音节中[?]bag dad hat map black back1-02 e在开音节中[i:]he theseme Chinese 1-03在闭音节中[e]bed let pen desk yes egg 1-04 i在开音节中[ai]bike fly drivetime nice kite 1-05 在闭音节中 [i]fish bigdrink sit milk swim1-06o 在开音节中[u]thoseclose gohoehomeno1-07 在闭音节中[] clocknot boxshopsock1-08u 在开音节中[ju:] studentexcusedutyTuesday1-09 在闭音节中[] 读音例词编号a [] China another womanbreakfast2-01 [i]orange comrade village cabbage2-02e []hundred student open moment2-03 [i]chicken pocket begin children2-04i []/[i]holiday beautiful familyanimal2-05 [ai] exercise satellite 2-06 o []second tonight somebodywelcome2-07 [u] also zero photo 2-08u[] autumn difficult 2-09[ju(:)] popular读音例词编号a在[w]音后面[] want whatwatch washquality 3-01a在f n sk ph sp ss st th 前[α:]after plantgraph ask graspglass fast father3-02i在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] find child light high3-03o在-st -ld前[ou] most postcardold cold3-04o在m n v th前[] come monkeylove mother3-05[α:]car farm dark sharpener 4-01 [:] warm quarter towards 4-02oror在[w]音后面[:]forty morningshort4-03 [:]word workerworse4-04er ir ur [:][ε] care dare hare 5-01ere [i] here mere 5-02 ire [ai] fire hire wire 5-03 ore [:] more score before 5-04 ure [ju]读音例词编号ai/ay [ei] afraid rain waitday play6-01air [ε] air hair chair pair repair 6-02alal在f m前[:]small ball talkwall all6-03 [:l]always also saltalmost6-04 [α:]half calm 6-05au/aw [:] autumn daughter draw 6-06ea [i:]teach easy cheapplease6-07 [e]heavy breadsweater weather6-08 [ei] break great 6-09ear [i]hear dear nearclear year6-10 [ε] bear pear wear 6-11 swear [:] earth learn early 6-12ee [i:] jeep week green three 6-13eer [i] pioneer deer beer 6-14 ei/ey [ei] eight neighbourthey6-15eu/ew 在j l r 后[ju:]new fewnewspaper6-16 [u:]flew brewjewelry6-17ie/[s]音后拼写为ei [i:] piece field receive seize6-18oa [ou] coat Joan boatgoal6-19oar/oor [:] roar board doorfloor6-20oi/oy [i] noise point boytoilet6-21oo [u:]broom food tooth school6-22 [u]book look cook foot good6-23ou/ow [au]flower house count down6-24 [u]know row throw though6-25 []young country enough6-26 [u:]group you soupthrough6-27our[:] course your four 6-28 [au] our hour ours 6-29 [:] journey 6-30 uiui 在j l r s后[ju:i]fluid suicidetuition6-31 [u:] juice fruit suit 6-32Gentiles[b] bike bus bag 9-01 [/] bomb tomb lamb climb 9-02c c在e前或在i/y前[k]cake picture coatmusic9-03 [s]face decidecinema9-04ch []much chick richteacher9-05 [k]school headachechemistry9-06 [] machine Chicago 9-07-ck [k] cock pocketblack knock9-08d [d] doctor breadhand day9-09-dge [] bridge fridge 9-10 dr- [dr] children driver drink9-11f [f] five fourbreakfast9-12g g在e i/y前[] bag gardon go 9-13 [] orange largeGerman9-14-gh gh- [f]cough enoughrough9-15 []sorghumspaghetti ghost9-16gu- -gue[]guess leaguedialogue guitar9-17 [w]language anguishpenguin9-18h [h]hot head househand9-19 [/]hour honesthonor9-20j [] jeep jar joke join 9-21 k [k] kind bike skate make week9-22kn- [n] knife knowknock9-23l [l] life milk schooltall9-24m [m] monkey come tomato9-25-mn [m] autumn column solemn9-26nn在[k] [g]音前[n] not shine ten note 9-27 [?]uncle thankhungry9-28-ng [?] morning young wrong9-29p [p] paper plane pigship pen9-30ph [f] elephant photo telephone 9-31-q/-que [k] Iraq cheque 9-32qu- [kw] quality quitequarter9-33 r [r] red rubber ruler 9-34s在音节开头或清辅音前在元音字母间或浊辅音前[s] sit sleep desk 9-35 [z] music husband 9-36sc- [sk]scarlet scoutScotland9-37 [s] muscle science 9-38sh [] she fish shirtwash9-39t在通常状况下在弱读字母ia ie io前[t] ten letter meet 9-40 [] patient nation 9-41tch [] watch catchmatch9-42th在通常状况下在冠词代词介词连词中在词尾-the -ther中[θ] thin thirtymethod9-43 [e] the these with 9-44[e] clothe father weather9-45tr- [tr] tree train country truck9-46v [v] very voice love leave9-47w [w] week win wakesweet wait9-48 [/] answer two 9-49wh-wh-在字母o前[w]what when whitewhy9-50 [h]who whosewhole9-51x在重读元音前[ks] box text exercise 9-52 [gz] example existexact9-53wr- [r] write wrong wrist 9-54 y- [j] yes yard yellow young 9-55z [z]。
英语语音音素表一、元音音素1. 单元音/iː/ 如:see [siː]/ɪ/ 如:sit [sɪt]/e/ 如:set [set]/æ/ 如:cat [kæt]/ɑː/ 如:father [ˈfɑːðər]/ɒ/ 如:hot [hɒt]/ɔː/ 如:call [kɔːl]/ʊ/ 如:put [pʊt]/uː/ 如:blue [bluː]/ʌ/ 如:cup [kʌp]/ə/ 如:about [əˈbaʊt](弱读时)/eɪ/ 如:face [feɪs]/aɪ/ 如:price [praɪs]/ɔɪ/ 如:choice [tʃɔɪs]/aʊ/ 如:house [haʊs]/əʊ/ 如:go [ɡəʊ]2. 双元音/eɪ/ 如:day [deɪ]/aɪ/ 如:my [maɪ]/ɔɪ/ 如:boy [bɔɪ]/aʊ/ 如:now [naʊ]/ɪə/ 如:ear [ɪər]/eə/ 如:air [eər]/ʊə/ 如:tour [tʊər]二、辅音音素1. 爆破音/p/ 如:pen [pen]/b/ 如:bed [bed]/t/ 如:tea [tiː]/d/ 如:dear [dɪər]/k/ 如:key [kiː]/g/ 如:go [ɡəʊ]2. 摩擦音/f/ 如:fat [fæt]/v/ 如:van [væn]/θ/ 如:think [θɪŋk]/ð/ 如:this [ðɪs]/s/ 如:sun [sʌn]/z/ 如:zoo [zuː]/ʃ/ 如:she [ʃiː]/ʒ/ 如:measure [ˈmeʒər] 3. 破擦音/tʃ/ 如:chair [tʃeər]4. 鼻音/m/ 如:man [mæn]/n/ 如:no [nəʊ]/ŋ/ 如:sing [sɪŋ]5. 侧音/l/ 如:let [let]/r/ 如:red [red]6. 半元音/w/ 如:we [wiː]/j/ 如:yes [jes]这份英语语音音素表旨在帮助学习者识别和练习英语中的基本音素。
eight neighbour they
在j l r后
new few newspaper
flew brew jewelry
piece field receive seize
[ai ]
fire hire wire
[ :]
more score before
[ju ]
afraid rain wait day play
[ε ]
air hair chair pair repair
al在f m前
[ :]
在弱读字母ia ie io前
ten letter meet
[ ]
patient nation
[ ]
watch catchmatch
在词尾-the -ther中
thin thirty method
red rubber ruler
以前有万国音标即D.J.音标,(Daniel Jones所创的英国音)。
但随着英语使用的范围扩大,有些音改变了,在美国语言学John S. Kenyon和Thomas A.Knott两位表兄弟修订了D.J.的发音,因其姓氏第一格字母都是K,所以称之K.K.音标。
两人所编的发音词典A Pronouncing Dictionary of American,这是一套最常用的也是最权威的注音法,因此人们把美语标准发音惯称为KK音标。
1、英国音是用 DJ (Daniel Jones 1881 – 1967 英国语音学家)音标(phonetic symbols)。
2、美国音是用K.K.(John S. Kenyon 与 Thomas A. Knott美国语言学家)音标。
3、IPA 是International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标)。
4、RP 是 Received Pronunciation 的缩写,翻译为「可接受的发音」,即英国国家广播公司(BBC)的英语,可谓标准英语,但仍谦称为「可接受的发音」。
现在中学教材使用了新的音标符号,即 Daniel Jones 于1977年在English Pronouncing Dictionary( 第 14 版 ) 中所使用的新的音标符号。
现在出版的字典每个单词大多注有国际音标,以英国丹尼尔.琼斯(Daniel Jones)的语音词典最新版本(15版)为依据,为读者提供标准英语发音。
Daniel Jones (1881 - ) was a British phonetician. He was a disciple of Paul-Edouard Passy. He wrote The Pronunciation of English in 1909 and The outline of English Phonetics in 1918. This is considered to be the first comprehensive description of Received Pronunciation. He uses the term phoneme in the current sense. Jones uses in his theory a two-parameter diagram to visualize how vowels are produced and he promoted the term cardinal vowel. The two parameters are tongue height and lip-shape. Many later models at the end of the twentieth century are still based on this model. Jones studied the phonetics of various languages. In particular for example he did an analysis of the tone in Tswana. He developed new alphabets for African and Indian languages.编辑本段音素、音标、读音规则音素是语音的最小单位,英语有48个音素,其中元音20个,辅音28个。
具体的发音方法和特点如下:1. /p/ 发音位置是双唇轻轻闭合,然后突然打开,使得气流被阻止。
2. /b/ 发音位置与/p/相同,不同的是/b/的发音是带声音的。
3. /t/ 发音位置是舌尖轻触牙龈,气流被阻止,然后突然打开。
4. /d/ 发音位置与/t/相同,不同的是/d/的发音是带声音的。
5. /k/ 发音位置是舌面轻触软颚,气流被阻止,然后突然打开。
6. /g/ 发音位置与/k/相同,不同的是/g/的发音是带声音的。
7. /f/ 发音位置是上齿轻轻接触下唇,气流通过嘴唇的狭窄空间。
8. /v/ 发音位置与/f/相同,不同的是/v/的发音是带声音的。
9. /θ/ 发音位置是舌尖轻触下齿龈,气流通过舌和牙齿的空隙。
10. /ð/ 发音位置是舌尖轻触上齿龈,气流通过舌和牙齿的空隙。
11. /s/ 发音位置是舌尖轻触牙龈,气流通过舌和牙齿的空隙。
12. /z/ 发音位置与/s/相同,不同的是/z/的发音是带声音的。
13. /ʃ/ 发音位置是舌面向硬颚,将气流通过窄缝发出。
14. /ʒ/ 发音位置与/ʃ/相同,不同的是/ʒ/的发音是带声音的。
15. /h/ 发音位置是口腔张开,轻吹气。
16. /tʃ/ 发音位置是舌尖轻触牙龈,然后很快移到软颚,气流通过舌和软颚的空隙。
颚下垂,气流从鼻腔逸出。/N/ 舌尖和发/k/,/g/时相同,发/N/音时嘴张的比发/n/时大,
舌的后部用力向软颚靠,或者是软颚略微下垂,然后从鼻腔发出此音。 (4)破擦音的特
/w/ 舌身和双唇呈发/u:/的姿势,舌后向软颚抬起,声带振动。发音急促短暂,一经发
出,立即向后面的元音滑动。 /j/ 舌身和双唇呈发/I/的姿势,舌前部向硬颚抬起,
字母 s 时。 (5)舌侧音的特点 ①舌端紧抵上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧或两侧逸出。
②英语舌侧音只有一个,即,/l/,还有它的变体 。 /l/ /l/即所谓清晰/l/,发音时,
辅音共有28个,可分为:爆破音(6个):/p,b;t,d;k,g/摩擦音(12个):/w;f ,v;W,T;s,z;r;F,V;j; h/ 鼻音(3个):/ m,n,N/舌侧音(1个):/l /破擦音(6个):/ ts,dz;tr,dr;tF,dV/其中摩擦音/j /,/w/又称半元音。
英语中清浊成对的辅音共有10组:p→b t→d k→g (此3组为爆破音)f →v W→T s→z F→V (此4组为摩擦音)ts→dz tr→dr tF→dV (此3组为破擦音)(1)爆破音的特点①爆破音是用下列方式形成的:参加发音的器官互相接触形成阻隔,将气流逼住,然后突然取消阻隔,使气流冲出,形成爆破音。
②英语里共有六个爆破音,即/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/,/p/,/b/ 软颚抬起,堵住到鼻腔的通道;发音形成的部位是由双唇形成阻碍,双唇紧闭,逼住气流,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔,形成清辅音/p/或浊辅音/b/。
/ t /,/d/ 软颚抬起,堵住到鼻腔的通道;是由舌尖与上齿龈形成阻碍,舌尖紧贴上齿龈、憋住气流,然后舌尖突然下降,气流冲出口腔,形成清辅音/t /或浊辅音/ d /。
/k/,/g/ 软颚抬起,堵住到鼻腔的通道;是由舌后部抵住软颚形成阻碍,舌后部同时隆起,紧贴软颚的前部,憋住气流,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔,形成清辅音/ k /或浊辅音/ g /。
②英语的摩擦音共有/w/,/f/,/v/,/W/,/T/,/s/,/z/,/r/,/F/,/V/,/j/,/ h/等12个,其中/w/,/j/又称半元音。
1.元音和辅音的全部有什么首先,英语有26个字母.元音只包括a、e、i、o、u这五个字母,其余的都为辅音.y是半元音、半辅音字母,但在英语中都把他当作辅音.音标的话:元音20个,辅音28个一、元音部分:1)、单元音:[i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ]2)、双元音:[ai]、[ei]、[au]、[əu]、[ɔi]、[iə]、[ɛə]、[u ə]、(旧版)/aɪ/ /eɪ/ /aʊ/ /əʊ/ /ɒɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/(新版)注意,元音也可以分为:1)长元音:/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/2)短元音:/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/二、辅音部分:[p]、[b]、 [t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð] [tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]清辅音即不震动声带的音标:[p] [t][k][f][s][θ] [tr][ts][h]浊辅音即能引起声带震动的音标,除了清辅音余下的都是浊辅音元音和辅音的主要区别①发辅音时,气流通过喉头、口腔要受到某个部位的阻碍;发元音时,气流通过喉头、口腔不受阻碍。
cock pocket black knock
doctor bread hand day
[ ]
bridge fridge
children driver drink
five four breakfast
uncle thank hungry
morning young wrong
paper plane pig ship pen
elephant photo telephone
Iraq cheque
quality quite quarter
[ u]
also zero photo
[ ]
autumn difficult
[ ]
want what watch wash quality
a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前
after plant graph ask grasp glassfast father
[ ]
clock not box shop sock
英语国际⾳标表---辅⾳辅⾳(28个)国际⾳标⾥总共有28个辅⾳⾳素,辅⾳⾥⾯有清辅⾳和浊辅⾳,浊辅⾳在发⾳时声带振动,⽽清辅⾳在发⾳时声带不振动轻辅⾳/p// t// k//f//θ//s/浊辅⾳/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/轻辅⾳/?// h//ts//t?//tr/浊辅⾳/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/⿐⾳/m//n/ /?/半元⾳/ j// w/边⾳/ ?/(⼀) 爆破⾳(6个)在发⾳时,⽓流开始完全受到阻碍,然后⽓流有⼒急促的冲开阻碍发出声⾳。
1 /p/、/b/发⾳要决:双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,⽓流泄出⼝腔。
/p/ 是清辅⾳,/b/是浊辅⾳。
/p/ 例词:pen pig park pool peach happy speak/b/ 例词:big bye bad bus job bird bark bike2 /t/ 是清辅⾳, /d/是浊辅⾳。
/ t / 例词:to tea tear seat boat town bottle/ d / 例词:do dog date down duck glad made window3 、/k/ 是清辅⾳,/g/ 是浊辅⾳。
/k/ 例词:cap key cow car card come kite back cold/g/ 例词:go bag egg pig gap girl gold gave(⼆)摩擦⾳(10个)摩擦⾳是发⾳时,⽓流开始部分受到阻碍,随后⽓流从缝隙中泄出,发出声⾳。
1、/f/ 是清辅⾳,/v/浊辅⾳。
发⾳要决:下齿轻触上齿,⽓流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成⾳/f/ 例词:fat fast face fine life fire phone father/v/ 例词:of love view vine very violin leave ,2 、/θ/ 是清辅⾳,/e/ 是浊辅⾳。
1. /b/: 这是一个双唇爆破音,发音时双唇紧闭,然后突然松开,发出爆破的声音。
2. /p/: 这是一个双唇不爆破音,发音时双唇紧闭,然后慢慢松开,不发出爆破的声音。
3. /m/: 这是一个双唇鼻音,发音时双唇轻轻闭合,空气经由鼻腔通过产生音响。
4. /f/: 这是一个上齿床摩擦音,发音时上齿床与下唇轻轻接触,空气从中通过摩擦产生音响。
5. /d/: 这是一个舌尖音,发音时舌尖轻轻触碰到上齿床,然后突然离开,发出清脆的音响。
6. /t/: 这是一个舌尖音,发音方式与/d/相同,只是不带浊音。
7. /n/: 这是一个舌尖鼻音,发音时舌尖轻轻触碰到上齿床,并通过鼻腔产生音响。
8. /l/: 这是一个侧音,发音时舌尖轻轻触碰到上齿床的侧面,空气从中通过产生音响。
9. /g/: 这是一个软腭塞音,发音时软腭(即喉咙的后部)抵住舌根,然后突然松开,发出爆破的声音。
10. /k/: 这是一个软腭塞音,发音方式与/g/相同,只是不带浊音。
11. /h/: 这是一个喉音,发音时声带张开,空气由喉咙中通过产生音响。
12. /j/: 这是一个硬腭塞音,发音时舌尖轻轻触碰到硬腭(即上腭),然后突然松开,发出爆破的声音。
13. /q/: 这是一个硬腭塞音,发音方式与/j/相同,只是不带浊音。
14. /x/: 这是一个软腭鼻音,发音时气流从鼻腔中通过,但同时软腭也起到一定的封闭作用。
15. /zh/: 这是一个舌面音,舌面轻轻地触碰到上齿床,然后突然松开,发出清脆的音响。
16. /ch/: 这是一个舌面音,发音方式与/zh/相同,只是不带浊音。
17. /sh/: 这是一个舌面音,发音方式与/zh/相似,但口腔空气流动更加平缓。
18. /r/: 这是一个舌尖卷曲音,发音时舌尖轻轻卷曲后触碰到上齿床,然后迅速松开,发出音响。
英语音素表一、元音:前元音[i:] [i] [e] [?]1单元音: 中元音[:] [] []后元音[:] [] [a:] [u:] [u]2双元音合口双元音[ai] [ei] [i] [au] [u]集中双元音[i] [ε] [u]二、辅音: 爆破音 [b] [p] [t] [d] [k] [g]摩擦音 [f] [v] [s] [z] [∫] [?] [θ] [e] [r] [h]破擦音 [t?] [d?] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]鼻音 [m] [n] [?]舌边音 [l]半元音 [w] [j][ei][?]e [i:] 1-03 [e]i [ai][i] 1-06o [u] []u [ju:] []读音例词编号a [][i]orange comrade villagecabbage2-02e [] hundred student open moment[i] chicken pocket begin childreni []/[i]holiday beautiful familyanimal2-05 [ai]o [] [u]u[] autumn difficult[ju(:)]读音例词编号a在[w]音后面[]a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前[α:]i在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] 3-03 o在-st -ld前[ou]o在m n v th前[][α:]4-01[:] 4-02oror在[w]音后面[:] [:]er ir ur [:][ε]ere [i]ire [ai]ore [:] 5-04ure [ju]读音例词编号ai/ay [ei]air [ε] 6-02alal在f m前[:]small ball talk wallall6-03 [:l] 6-04 [α:]6-05au/aw [:]ea [i:][e][ei] break greatear [i]hear dear nearclear year6-10 [ε] bear pear wear 6-11swear[:] earth learn early 6-12 ee [i:] 6-13 eer [i] 6-14 ei/ey [ei]eu/ew 在j l r 后[ju:] [u:]ie/[s]音后拼写为ei [i:] oa [ou]oar/oor [:] roar board door flooroi/oy [i] 6-21oo [u:] [u]ou/ow [au] 6-24 [u]know row throwthough[] 6-26 [u:]group you soupthrough6-27our[:] course your four [au][:]uiui 在j l r s后[ju:i]fluid suicidetuition [u:] juice fruit suit[b] bike bus bag 9-01 [/] 9-02cc在e前或在i/y前[k]cake picture coatmusic9-03 [s] face decide cinema 9-04ch [] 9-05 [k] 9-06 [] 9-07-ck [k] cock pocket blackknock9-08d [d] doctor bread handday9-09-dge [] 9-10 dr- [dr] children driver drink 9-11 f [f] five four breakfast 9-12gg在e i/y前[] bag gardon go[] orange large German-gh gh- [f] cough enough rough[] 9-16gu- -gue[]guess leaguedialogue guitar [w]language anguishpenguinh [h] hot head house hand 9-19 [/] 9-20j [] jeep jar joke join July 9-21k [k] kind bike skate make week9-22kn- [n] knife know knock 9-23 l [l] life milk school tall 9-24 m [m] monkey come tomato 9-25-mn [m] autumn columnsolemn9-26nn在[k] [g]音前[n] not shine ten note 9-27 [?] uncle thank hungry 9-28-ng [?] morning youngwrong9-29p [p] paper plane pig shippen9-30ph [f] elephant photo telephone9-31-q/-que [k] 9-32 qu- [kw]r [r] red rubber ruler 9-34s在音节开头或清辅音前在元音字母间或浊辅音前[s] sit sleep desk 9-35 [z] music husband 9-36sc- [sk] scarlet scout Scotland 9-37 [s] muscle science 9-38sh [] she fish shirt wash 9-39t在通常情况下在弱读字母ia ie io前[t] ten letter meet 9-40 [] patient nation 9-41tch [] watch catch match 9-42th在通常情况下在冠词代词介词连词中在词尾-the -ther中[θ][e] 9-44 [e] clothe father weather 9-45tr- [tr] tree train countrytruck9-46v [v] very voice love leave 9-47w [w]week win wakesweet wait9-48 [/] answer two 9-49wh-wh-在字母o前[w]what when whitewhy9-50 [h] who whose whole 9-51x在重读元音前[ks] box text exercise 9-52 [gz] example exist exact 9-53wr- [r] write wrong wrist 9-54y- [j] yes yard yellowyoung9-55z [z]。
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /U:/短元音 / ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/双元音 /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə//əʊ/ /aʊ/辅音(28个)清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð//z/清辅音/ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j/ / w/边音/ ǀ/新旧英语国际音标对照表辅音新旧无变化。
英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s eeea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea kcl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m ep ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u a单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i xman y happ y d i ctionar yd e fect d e cide del i cious3)[ æ ]发音字母: a单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a dbl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n4)[e]字母组合: ea e a单词举例:h ea d br ea db e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e lll e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s5)[З:]ə: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir dt ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sdayl ear n ear tht er m h erw or k w or ld6) [ə] 字母组合er or ar o a单词举例:teach er rememb er play er speak erdoct or act or auth orfamili ar coll ar doll art o gether t o morrow t o day less o na round a ccount a go eleph a ntb a nan a7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d ar mf a st cl a ss gl a ss pl a nt8) [ ʌ ]发音字母: u o ou oo单词举例:u p l u nch f u n g u n n u t c u p b u sc o me m o ther dose l o ve ab o vetr ou ble bl oo d fl oo d9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar单词举例:sm al l w al l t al k t al l b al l w al ksh or t m or e lord h or se f or f or tysp or tau thor au tumn c au ghtf our w ar m10) [ ɔ ] 发音字母: o a([ɒ]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t f o x b o x d o g r o ckw a nt w a sh w a tch11) [u:]字母组合: oo o u单词举例:f oo d r oo m g oo se t oo thsh o e d o tw otr u e bl u e f u ll12) [u]字母组合: u oo ou单词举例:p u t f u ll p u shl oo k g oo d f oo t b oo k w oo dsh ou ld c ou ld13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey单词举例:n a me c a ke l a te pl a ne A prilpl ay s ay m ay w aygr ea t br ea kr ai n p ai nt pl ai nth ey gr ey14) [ai]发音字母 i y单词举例:b i ke f i ne f i nd n i ne l i ght n i ghtm y tr y fl y e y e15) [au] 字母组合:ou ow单词举例:h ou se ou t gr ou nd s ou nd l ou da rou nd m ou sefl ow er d ow n n ow c ow h ow16) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa[əu]单词举例: h o me c o ld g o n okn ow l ow bel ow gr ow sh owb oa tc oa t g oa l17) [ ɔɪ ]字母组合: oy oi[ɔi]单词举例: b oy t oyoi l s oi l v o ice ch oi ce18) [Iə] 字母组合:eer ear[iə]单词举例:b eer d eerear near id ea19) [ɛə]字母组合: ear air ere[eə]单词举例:p ear b earch air air f airth ere wh ere c are20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure[uə]单词举例:sure2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p单词举例:p en p et p a p er p lant22. [ t ] 字母组合:t单词举例:t ime t able s t ay t oy23. [ k ]字母组合: k c ck单词举例:k ite k ing k itchen c an c ar c akeTri ck lo ck24. [ f ]字母组合: f ph gh单词举例:f oot f eet f og ph one ph otoele ph ant25. [ θ ]字母组合: th单词举例:th in th ank th ree26. [ s ]字母组合: s c单词举例:s ix s ing s now c inema c ity27. [ ts ]字母组合: ts单词举例:an ts stree ts studen ts28. [ tr ]字母组合: tr单词举例:tr ee tr uck tr y29. [ ʃ]字母组合: sh单词举例:sh ip sh oe sh op sh ort30. [ tʃ ]字母组合: ch单词举例:ch air ch icken ch inese31. [ h ]字母组合: h单词举例:h ot h e h at h as浊辅音32.[ b ]字母组合: b单词举例:b oy b all b ed b ag33. [ d ]字母组合: d单词举例:d og d o d ay d octor34. [ g ]字母组合: g单词举例:g et g o g irl g ood35. [ r ]字母组合: r单词举例:r ed r ead r ain r un36. [ v ]字母组合: v单词举例:v an v oice se v en ele v en37. [ ð ]字母组合: th单词举例:th is th at th ese th ose38.[ z ]字母组合: z s单词举例:z oo z ero pi zz a the se tho se39. [ dz ]字母组合: ds单词举例:be ds han ds40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr单词举例:dr y dr ink dr ess dr iver41.[ ʒ] 字母组合: si(on)单词举例:42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g单词举例: oran ge g entle pa ge其他辅音43. [ m ]字母组合: m单词举例:m any m eat m other m usic44. [ n ]字母组合: n单词举例:n o n ot n oodle n ew n ow45. [ l ] 字母组合: l单词举例:l ook l ong l eft l ight l et46. [ ŋ]字母组合: ng单词举例:lo ng [lɔŋ] si ng47. [ j ]字母组合: y单词举例:y ear y ellow y ou y es48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh单词举例:w ord w inter w indowWh at wh ere wh en元音音素:/i:/ 【衣发长点】/I/ 【衣急促地发声】/e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/æ/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】/ə:/ 【额发长音】/ə/ 【额发短音】/∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】/כ/ 【哦急促】/כ:/ 【哦声音拖长】/u/ 【乌急促】/u:/ 【乌声音拖长】/eI/ 【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】/aI/ 【唉】/כI/ 【哦-喂连着读】/əu/ 【呕】/au/ 【傲】/Iə/ 【衣-饿连着读】/εə/ 【哎-饿连着读】/uə/ 【乌-饿连着读】辅音音素:/p/ 【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】/b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】/t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】/d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】/k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】/g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】/f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】/v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】/s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】/z/ 【就是/s/的浊音】/θ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】/δ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】/∫/ 【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/з/ 【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】/r/ 【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】/t∫/ 【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/dз/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/tr/ 【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】/dr/ 【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】/ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】/dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】/m/ 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】/n/ 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/ŋ/ 【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/ 【有两个读音。