Hexion - PropTrac Environmental Bulletin
受到盐胁迫的微藻,其光合活性降低,Fv/Fm 比 值随着盐度的增加而下降[9,35]。陈兰周等[9]发现爪哇 伪枝藻(Scytonema javanicum)对盐胁迫比较敏感, 在较低的盐度胁迫下光合作用的活性已经很低。欧阳 叶新等[35]指出随着 NaCl 浓度的升高,鱼腥藻 7120 (Anabena sp. PCC7120)的 Fv/Fm 值逐渐降低。当 NaCl 浓度低于 0.4 mol/L 时,Fv/Fm 比值降低缓慢。 当 NaCl 浓度高于 0.4 mol/L 时,Fv/Fm 比值降低幅度 明显增大。当 NaCl 浓度达到 1mol/L 时,叶绿素 a 荧 光信号降至很弱。Meijer 等[36]将用 32P 标记的衣藻 (Chlamydomonas moewusii)置于高盐环境之下,发
梁 英 1,冯力霞 1,尹翠玲 1, 曹春晖 2
(1. 中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266003;2. 天津科技大学 海洋科学与工程学院, 天津 300222)
叶绿素荧光分析技术是一种以光合作用理论为 基础、利用体内叶绿素作为天然探针、研究和探测植 物光合生理状况及各种外界因子对其细微影响的新 型植物活体测定和诊断技术,具有快速、灵敏、对细胞 无损伤的优点,是研究植物光合作用的良好探针[1]。 逆境胁迫对微藻光合作用的影响是多方面的,不仅影 响光合机构的损伤,也影响光合电子的传递及其暗反 应的有关酶活性[2]。利用叶绿素荧光动力学方法可以 快速、灵敏、无损伤地探测逆境对微藻光合作用的影 响。叶绿素荧光参数与光合作用各种反应紧密相关, 任何逆境对光合作用某个过程的影响都可以通过叶 绿素荧光动力学反映出来。
一种基于萘酰亚胺神经介质模拟物荧光增强型探针作者:赵磊陈康程探宇来源:《上海师范大学学报·自然科学版》2020年第03期摘要:神经毒剂,如沙林、梭曼和塔崩等都是剧毒的有机磷化合物,可以用作化学武器,主要是抑制乙酰胆碱酶的活性,进而引起神经系统的紊乱,所以快速方便地检测此类化合物具有重要的意义.设计并合成了一种以萘酰亚胺为荧光团、肼基作为活性基团的快速响应荧光探针(PND),该探针可用于检测神经毒剂模拟物:氯磷酸二乙酯(DCP)和氰基磷酸二乙酯(DCNP),而且表现出了高选择性和高灵敏度.关键词:荧光探针; 萘酰亚胺; 水合肼; 神经性毒剂中图分类号: O 657.34 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5137(2020)02-0184-07A naphthalimide-based fluorescence-enhanced probe for nerve agent mimicsZHAO Lei, CHEN Kang, CHENG Tanyu*(College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)Abstract: Neurotoxic agents,such as sarin,soman and tauben,are highly toxic organophosphorus compounds,which can be used as chemical weapons.These compounds mainly inhibit the activity of acetylcholine enzymes,which in turn cause nervous system disorders.Thus,it is greatly important to quickly and conveniently detect such compounds.Herein,a fluorescent probe (PND) based on naphthalimide and hydrazine group was developed,which displayed high selectivity and sensitivity for nerve agent mimicsdiethyl chlorophosphate(DCP) and diethyl cyanophosphonate(DCNP).Key words: fluorescent probe; naphthalimide; hydrazine hydrate; nerve agent0 引言神经毒剂,沙林、梭曼、塔崩等是一类具有致命剧毒性的有机磷化合物,如图1所示,可用作化学武器等,其毒性高、致命快的特点,对人体安全构成了威胁[1-2].神经毒剂生产成本低,简单易得,且广泛使用[3-5].这些无色无味的毒剂形式多样,主要有气体、气溶胶或液体等形式,很容易被动物和人类吸入,或通过皮肤接触吸收,导致死亡.虽然一些国际条约禁止发展、生产和储存化学武器,但一些国家仍在对其进行研究[2,5-6].神经毒剂进入人体的作用机制主要是抑制蛋白酶的活性,尤其是乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性.乙酰胆碱酯酶是人体内的中枢神经酶,神经毒剂与胆碱酯酶结合成稳定的磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使胆碱酯酶丧失分解乙酰胆碱的活性,导致乙酰胆碱在神经突触连接处的过度积累,会造成肌肉松弛障碍、神经紊乱甚至死亡.因此,对于神经毒剂的检测变得尤为重要[7-10].2016年,KIM等[11]报道了一种荧光探针o-OH检测神经毒剂模拟物氯磷酸二乙酯(DCP),如图2所示,该荧光探针o-OH能够检测和定量固定在固体基质上的溶液和气相中的有机磷神经毒剂模拟物,通过抑制反应性酚醛酸磷酸化后的内旋,从而产生较强的荧光“打开”响应,探针o-OH在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)中荧光信号很弱,荧光量子产率(ΦF)为0.002,与DCP作用以后,得到探针o-Ophos,探针o-Ophos 在DMF中表现出很强的荧光信号,ΦF为0.490,具有选择性好、灵敏度高、荧光信号变化明显等优点.由于神经毒剂的毒性大且生产方便,发展高灵敏度和高选择性的检测方法已成为该领域的一个研究热点.目前,基于电位法、表面声波光谱法、酶法、电化学、气相色谱/质谱法等方法,已经发展出多种检测神经毒剂的方法[10,12-14].这些方法具有灵敏度高、操作简单、可移植性好等优点[11].迄今为止报道的用于检测有机磷神經毒剂的荧光探针大多采用了常见的传感方案[15-17],探针的响应主要取决于神经毒剂的亲电性,从而导致磷酸盐酯中间体的形成,将磷酸基通过亲核反应转移到含氮(N)或氧(O)的基团上,如羟基、氨基、肟基、羰基等,能调节光诱导电子转移(PET)、内电荷转移(ICT)[18]、荧光共振能量转移等能量/电子/电荷转移过程[4,15,19-20].最后,这些探针可以被不同波段的光激发表现出不同的荧光信号,从而实现对神经毒剂的检测.在各种荧光基团中,萘酰亚胺荧光团显示出明显的优势,例如,高发光量子产率、强烈的荧光发射,以及易于支架修饰等特点[21-23].本文作者通过萘酰亚胺为母体和水合肼反应形成探针PND,用于快速、灵敏地检测神经毒剂模拟物.1 实验部分1.1 仪器和试剂主要仪器:核磁共振仪(400 MHz),DRX-400,Bruker;紫外-可见光分光光度计,UV-3900,Hitachi;荧光光谱仪,F-7000,Hitachi.主要试剂:二氯甲烷(泰坦科技),无水乙纯(泰坦科技),石油醚(泰坦科技),乙酸乙酯(泰坦科技),甲醇(泰坦科技),柱层析硅胶(200~300目,黄海),乙腈(安耐吉),N,N-二异丙基乙胺(分析纯AR,麦克林),乙二醇单甲醚(分析纯AR,麦克林),DCP,氰基磷酸二乙酯(DCNP),水合肼(质量分数为80%,安耐吉),N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(安耐吉),4-溴-1,8-萘二甲酸酐(安耐吉).1.2 实验合成1.2.1 化合物2的合成[24]如图3所示,首先将4-溴-1,8-萘二酸酐(831 mg,2.9 mmol)和正丁胺(279 mg,3 mmol)放入50 mL的烧瓶中,加入10 mL无水乙醇溶解,混合物加热回流5 h.反应完全后,通过旋转蒸发仪减压除去溶剂,经柱层析(V(石油醚)/V(二氯甲烷)=1∶2)纯化粗残渣,得到纯净的化合物2为淡黄色固体(877 mg,74%产率).1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ,8.57(dd,J=7.3,1.2 Hz,1H),8.47(dd,J=8.5,1.1 Hz,1H),8.33(d,J=7.8 Hz,1H),7.95(d,J=7.9 Hz,1H),7.76(dd,J=8.5,7.3 Hz,1H),4.15~4.02(m,2H),1.70~1.58(m,2H),1.43~1.30(m,2H),0.90(t,J=7.4 Hz,3H).13C NMR(100 MHz,CDCl3)δ,163.52,133.08,131.91,131.10,131.02,130.53,130.08,128.90,128.00,123.12,122.26,40.36,30.16,20.36, 化合物PND的合成[25]如图3所示,称取1.0 g化合物2加入到烧瓶中,用10 mL乙二醇单甲醚溶解后120 ℃回流,直到溶液变得澄清,之后向烧瓶中缓慢滴加1 mL,80%(质量分数)的水合肼搅拌10 min,在氮气(N2)保护的条件下回流4 h,TLC點板监控反应,反应完全冷却至室温后,晶体过滤分离,用乙醇洗涤多次后,得到淡黄色固体PND 0.81 g,产率为94%.1H NMR(400 MHz,DMSO-d6)δ,9.12(s,1H),8.89~8.16(m,3H),7.63(t,J=8.0 Hz,1H),7.24(d,J=8.6 Hz,1H),4.67(s,2H),4.25~3.87(m,2H),1.82~1.49(m,2H),1.45~1.16(m,2H),0.92(t,J=7.3 Hz,3H).2 荧光探针的性能测试2.1 PND反应体系随时间变化的测试1 cm的石英比色皿中加入2 mL PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后加入DCP或DCNP(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试探针PND随反应时间的光谱变化.2.2 PND反应体系的浓度滴定实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后逐渐滴加DCP或DCNP(2 μL,2 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试体系的光谱变化,滴加到体系荧光强度不再变化为止.2.3 PND对不同神经毒剂模拟物的选择性实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后分别加入3种不同种类的神经毒剂模拟物:甲基膦酸二甲酯(DMMP)、磷酸三乙酯(TEP)和磷酸三丁酯(HBT)(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均与后,在DMF中测试PND对不同神经模拟物的荧光强度变化.3 结果与讨论3.1 PND反应体系随反应时间的光谱变化由于DCP和DCNP容易水解,选定DMF作为测试体系,为了确定PND与毒剂模拟物DCP和DCNP的反应时间,首先测定了PND对DCP的响应时间曲线,如图4所示,探针PND(10 μL)在体系中,在420 nm出现了特征吸收峰,在加入20 μmol的DCP之后,溶液的紫外吸收光谱发生了蓝移,图4(a)所示,在380 nm处出现了新的吸收峰,在395 nm处有一个等吸收点,这可能是因为连接萘酰亚胺的N上的孤对电子被磷束缚,由于诱导反应从而降低了N的给电子能力,导致了吸收的蓝移.同时,如图4(b)所示,探针PND初始荧光信号很弱,在加入DCP后,体系的荧光强度逐渐增强,最终荧光强度稳定不变,通由图4(b)的插图可以看出,加入DCP 5 min后荧光强度趋于稳定,这表明DCP与PND基本反应完全.由于DCP和DCNP有着类似的化学性质,在相同条件下也能表现出非常相似的光谱变化.DCP和DCNP都可以使探针PND的荧光强度增强,这可能是由于肼基与磷酸二乙酯的结合导致探针母体的PET过程受阻,其反应机制如图5所示.主要仪器:核磁共振仪(400 MHz),DRX-400,Bruker;紫外-可见光分光光度计,UV-3900,Hitachi;荧光光谱仪,F-7000,Hitachi.主要试剂:二氯甲烷(泰坦科技),无水乙纯(泰坦科技),石油醚(泰坦科技),乙酸乙酯(泰坦科技),甲醇(泰坦科技),柱层析硅胶(200~300目,黄海),乙腈(安耐吉),N,N-二异丙基乙胺(分析纯AR,麦克林),乙二醇单甲醚(分析纯AR,麦克林),DCP,氰基磷酸二乙酯(DCNP),水合肼(质量分数为80%,安耐吉),N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(安耐吉),4-溴-1,8-萘二甲酸酐(安耐吉).1.2 实验合成1.2.1 化合物2的合成[24]如图3所示,首先将4-溴-1,8-萘二酸酐(831 mg,2.9 mmol)和正丁胺(279 mg,3 mmol)放入50 mL的烧瓶中,加入10 mL无水乙醇溶解,混合物加热回流5 h.反应完全后,通过旋转蒸发仪减压除去溶剂,经柱层析(V(石油醚)/V(二氯甲烷)=1∶2)纯化粗残渣,得到纯净的化合物2为淡黄色固体(877 mg,74%产率).1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ,8.57(dd,J=7.3,1.2 Hz,1H),8.47(dd,J=8.5,1.1 Hz,1H),8.33(d,J=7.8 Hz,1H),7.95(d,J=7.9 Hz,1H),7.76(dd,J=8.5,7.3 Hz,1H),4.15~4.02(m,2H),1.70~1.58(m,2H),1.43~1.30(m,2H),0.90(t,J=7.4 Hz,3H).13C NMR(100 MHz,CDCl3)δ,163.52,133.08,131.91,131.10,131.02,130.53,130.08,128.90,128.00,123.12,122.26,40.36,30.16,20.36, 化合物PND的合成[25]如图3所示,称取1.0 g化合物2加入到烧瓶中,用10 mL乙二醇单甲醚溶解后120 ℃回流,直到溶液变得澄清,之后向烧瓶中缓慢滴加1 mL,80%(质量分数)的水合肼搅拌10 min,在氮气(N2)保护的条件下回流4 h,TLC点板监控反应,反应完全冷却至室温后,晶体过滤分离,用乙醇洗涤多次后,得到淡黄色固体PND 0.81 g,产率为94%.1H NMR(400 MHz,DMSO-d6)δ,9.12(s,1H),8.89~8.16(m,3H),7.63(t,J=8.0 Hz,1H),7.24(d,J=8.6 Hz,1H),4.67(s,2H),4.25~3.87(m,2H),1.82~1.49(m,2H),1.45~1.16(m,2H),0.92(t,J=7.3 Hz,3H).2 熒光探针的性能测试2.1 PND反应体系随时间变化的测试1 cm的石英比色皿中加入2 mL PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后加入DCP或DCNP(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试探针PND随反应时间的光谱变化.2.2 PND反应体系的浓度滴定实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后逐渐滴加DCP或DCNP(2 μL,2 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试体系的光谱变化,滴加到体系荧光强度不再变化为止.2.3 PND对不同神经毒剂模拟物的选择性实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后分别加入3种不同种类的神经毒剂模拟物:甲基膦酸二甲酯(DMMP)、磷酸三乙酯(TEP)和磷酸三丁酯(HBT)(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均与后,在DMF中测试PND对不同神经模拟物的荧光强度变化.3 结果与讨论3.1 PND反应体系随反应时间的光谱变化由于DCP和DCNP容易水解,选定DMF作为测试体系,为了确定PND与毒剂模拟物DCP和DCNP的反应时间,首先测定了PND对DCP的响应时间曲线,如图4所示,探针PND(10 μL)在体系中,在420 nm出现了特征吸收峰,在加入20 μmol的DCP之后,溶液的紫外吸收光谱发生了蓝移,图4(a)所示,在380 nm处出现了新的吸收峰,在395 nm处有一个等吸收点,这可能是因为连接萘酰亚胺的N上的孤对电子被磷束缚,由于诱导反应从而降低了N的给电子能力,导致了吸收的蓝移.同时,如图4(b)所示,探针PND初始荧光信号很弱,在加入DCP后,体系的荧光强度逐渐增强,最终荧光强度稳定不变,通由图4(b)的插图可以看出,加入DCP 5 min后荧光强度趋于稳定,这表明DCP与PND基本反应完全.由于DCP和DCNP有着类似的化学性质,在相同条件下也能表现出非常相似的光谱变化.DCP和DCNP都可以使探针PND的荧光强度增强,这可能是由于肼基与磷酸二乙酯的结合导致探针母体的PET过程受阻,其反应机制如图5所示.主要仪器:核磁共振仪(400 MHz),DRX-400,Bruker;紫外-可见光分光光度计,UV-3900,Hitachi;荧光光谱仪,F-7000,Hitachi.主要试剂:二氯甲烷(泰坦科技),无水乙纯(泰坦科技),石油醚(泰坦科技),乙酸乙酯(泰坦科技),甲醇(泰坦科技),柱层析硅胶(200~300目,黄海),乙腈(安耐吉),N,N-二异丙基乙胺(分析纯AR,麦克林),乙二醇单甲醚(分析纯AR,麦克林),DCP,氰基磷酸二乙酯(DCNP),水合肼(质量分数为80%,安耐吉),N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(安耐吉),4-溴-1,8-萘二甲酸酐(安耐吉).1.2 实验合成1.2.1 化合物2的合成[24]如图3所示,首先将4-溴-1,8-萘二酸酐(831 mg,2.9 mmol)和正丁胺(279 mg,3 mmol)放入50 mL的烧瓶中,加入10 mL无水乙醇溶解,混合物加热回流5 h.反应完全后,通过旋转蒸发仪减压除去溶剂,经柱层析(V(石油醚)/V(二氯甲烷)=1∶2)纯化粗残渣,得到纯净的化合物2为淡黄色固体(877 mg,74%产率).1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ,8.57(dd,J=7.3,1.2 Hz,1H),8.47(dd,J=8.5,1.1 Hz,1H),8.33(d,J=7.8 Hz,1H),7.95(d,J=7.9 Hz,1H),7.76(dd,J=8.5,7.3 Hz,1H),4.15~4.02(m,2H),1.70~1.58(m,2H),1.43~1.30(m,2H),0.90(t,J=7.4 Hz,3H).13C NMR(100 MHz,CDCl3)δ,163.52,133.08,131.91,131.10,131.02,130.53,130.08,128.90,128.00,123.12,122.26,40.36,30.16,20.36, 化合物PND的合成[25]如圖3所示,称取1.0 g化合物2加入到烧瓶中,用10 mL乙二醇单甲醚溶解后120 ℃回流,直到溶液变得澄清,之后向烧瓶中缓慢滴加1 mL,80%(质量分数)的水合肼搅拌10min,在氮气(N2)保护的条件下回流4 h,TLC点板监控反应,反应完全冷却至室温后,晶体过滤分离,用乙醇洗涤多次后,得到淡黄色固体PND 0.81 g,产率为94%.1H NMR(400 MHz,DMSO-d6)δ,9.12(s,1H),8.89~8.16(m,3H),7.63(t,J=8.0 Hz,1H),7.24(d,J=8.6 Hz,1H),4.67(s,2H),4.25~3.87(m,2H),1.82~1.49(m,2H),1.45~1.16(m,2H),0.92(t,J=7.3 Hz,3H).2 荧光探针的性能测试2.1 PND反应体系随时间变化的测试1 cm的石英比色皿中加入2 mL PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后加入DCP或DCNP(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试探针PND随反应时间的光谱变化.2.2 PND反应体系的浓度滴定实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后逐渐滴加DCP或DCNP(2 μL,2 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试体系的光谱变化,滴加到体系荧光强度不再变化为止.2.3 PND对不同神经毒剂模拟物的选择性实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后分别加入3种不同种类的神经毒剂模拟物:甲基膦酸二甲酯(DMMP)、磷酸三乙酯(TEP)和磷酸三丁酯(HBT)(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均与后,在DMF中测试PND对不同神经模拟物的荧光强度变化.3 结果与讨论3.1 PND反应体系随反应时间的光谱变化由于DCP和DCNP容易水解,选定DMF作为测试体系,为了确定PND与毒剂模拟物DCP和DCNP的反应时间,首先测定了PND对DCP的响应时间曲线,如图4所示,探针PND(10 μL)在体系中,在420 nm出现了特征吸收峰,在加入20 μmol的DCP之后,溶液的紫外吸收光谱发生了蓝移,图4(a)所示,在380 nm处出现了新的吸收峰,在395 nm处有一个等吸收点,这可能是因为连接萘酰亚胺的N上的孤对电子被磷束缚,由于诱导反应从而降低了N的给电子能力,导致了吸收的蓝移.同时,如图4(b)所示,探针PND初始荧光信号很弱,在加入DCP后,体系的荧光强度逐渐增强,最终荧光强度稳定不变,通由图4(b)的插图可以看出,加入DCP 5 min后荧光强度趋于稳定,这表明DCP与PND基本反应完全.由于DCP和DCNP有着类似的化学性质,在相同条件下也能表现出非常相似的光谱变化.DCP和DCNP都可以使探针PND的荧光强度增强,这可能是由于肼基与磷酸二乙酯的结合导致探针母体的PET过程受阻,其反应机制如图5所示.主要仪器:核磁共振仪(400 MHz),DRX-400,Bruker;紫外-可见光分光光度计,UV-3900,Hitachi;荧光光谱仪,F-7000,Hitachi.主要试剂:二氯甲烷(泰坦科技),无水乙纯(泰坦科技),石油醚(泰坦科技),乙酸乙酯(泰坦科技),甲醇(泰坦科技),柱层析硅胶(200~300目,黄海),乙腈(安耐吉),N,N-二異丙基乙胺(分析纯AR,麦克林),乙二醇单甲醚(分析纯AR,麦克林),DCP,氰基磷酸二乙酯(DCNP),水合肼(质量分数为80%,安耐吉),N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(安耐吉),4-溴-1,8-萘二甲酸酐(安耐吉).1.2 实验合成1.2.1 化合物2的合成[24]如图3所示,首先将4-溴-1,8-萘二酸酐(831 mg,2.9 mmol)和正丁胺(279 mg,3 mmol)放入50 mL的烧瓶中,加入10 mL无水乙醇溶解,混合物加热回流5 h.反应完全后,通过旋转蒸发仪减压除去溶剂,经柱层析(V(石油醚)/V(二氯甲烷)=1∶2)纯化粗残渣,得到纯净的化合物2为淡黄色固体(877 mg,74%产率).1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ,8.57(dd,J=7.3,1.2 Hz,1H),8.47(dd,J=8.5,1.1 Hz,1H),8.33(d,J=7.8 Hz,1H),7.95(d,J=7.9 Hz,1H),7.76(dd,J=8.5,7.3 Hz,1H),4.15~4.02(m,2H),1.70~1.58(m,2H),1.43~1.30(m,2H),0.90(t,J=7.4 Hz,3H).13C NMR(100 MHz,CDCl3)δ,163.52,133.08,131.91,131.10,131.02,130.53,130.08,128.90,128.00,123.12,122.26,40.36,30.16,20.36, 化合物PND的合成[25]如图3所示,称取1.0 g化合物2加入到烧瓶中,用10 mL乙二醇单甲醚溶解后120 ℃回流,直到溶液变得澄清,之后向烧瓶中缓慢滴加1 mL,80%(质量分数)的水合肼搅拌10 min,在氮气(N2)保护的条件下回流4 h,TLC点板监控反应,反应完全冷却至室温后,晶体过滤分离,用乙醇洗涤多次后,得到淡黄色固体PND 0.81 g,产率为94%.1H NMR(400 MHz,DMSO-d6)δ,9.12(s,1H),8.89~8.16(m,3H),7.63(t,J=8.0 Hz,1H),7.24(d,J=8.6 Hz,1H),4.67(s,2H),4.25~3.87(m,2H),1.82~1.49(m,2H),1.45~1.16(m,2H),0.92(t,J=7.3 Hz,3H).2 荧光探针的性能测试2.1 PND反应体系随时间变化的测试1 cm的石英比色皿中加入2 mL PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后加入DCP或DCNP(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试探针PND随反应时间的光谱变化.2.2 PND反应体系的浓度滴定实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后逐渐滴加DCP或DCNP(2 μL,2 μmol·L-1),混合均匀后,在DMF中测试体系的光谱变化,滴加到体系荧光强度不再变化为止.2.3 PND对不同神经毒剂模拟物的选择性实验1 cm石英比色皿中加入2 mL的PND溶液(10 μL,10 μmol·L-1),随后分别加入3种不同种类的神经毒剂模拟物:甲基膦酸二甲酯(DMMP)、磷酸三乙酯(TEP)和磷酸三丁酯(HBT)(20 μL,20 μmol·L-1),混合均与后,在DMF中测试PND对不同神经模拟物的荧光强度变化.3 结果与讨论3.1 PND反应体系随反应时间的光谱变化由于DCP和DCNP容易水解,选定DMF作为测试体系,为了确定PND与毒剂模拟物DCP和DCNP的反应时间,首先测定了PND对DCP的响应时间曲线,如图4所示,探针PND(10 μL)在体系中,在420 nm出现了特征吸收峰,在加入20 μmol的DCP之后,溶液的紫外吸收光谱发生了蓝移,图4(a)所示,在380 nm处出现了新的吸收峰,在395 nm处有一个等吸收点,这可能是因为连接萘酰亚胺的N上的孤对电子被磷束缚,由于诱导反应从而降低了N的给电子能力,导致了吸收的蓝移.同时,如图4(b)所示,探针PND初始荧光信号很弱,在加入DCP后,体系的荧光强度逐渐增强,最终荧光强度稳定不变,通由图4(b)的插图可以看出,加入DCP 5 min后荧光强度趋于稳定,这表明DCP与PND基本反应完全.由于DCP和DCNP有着类似的化学性质,在相同条件下也能表现出非常相似的光谱变化.DCP和DCNP都可以使探针PND的荧光强度增强,这可能是由于肼基与磷酸二乙酯的结合导致探针母体的PET过程受阻,其反应机制如图5所示.。
LOW-FREQUENCY ACTIVE TOWED SONAR (LFATS)LFATS is a full-feature, long-range,low-frequency variable depth sonarDeveloped for active sonar operation against modern dieselelectric submarines, LFATS has demonstrated consistent detection performance in shallow and deep water. LFATS also provides a passive mode and includes a full set of passive tools and features.COMPACT SIZELFATS is a small, lightweight, air-transportable, ruggedized system designed specifically for easy installation on small vessels. CONFIGURABLELFATS can operate in a stand-alone configuration or be easily integrated into the ship’s combat system.TACTICAL BISTATIC AND MULTISTATIC CAPABILITYA robust infrastructure permits interoperability with the HELRAS helicopter dipping sonar and all key sonobuoys.HIGHLY MANEUVERABLEOwn-ship noise reduction processing algorithms, coupled with compact twin line receivers, enable short-scope towing for efficient maneuvering, fast deployment and unencumbered operation in shallow water.COMPACT WINCH AND HANDLING SYSTEMAn ultrastable structure assures safe, reliable operation in heavy seas and permits manual or console-controlled deployment, retrieval and depth-keeping. FULL 360° COVERAGEA dual parallel array configuration and advanced signal processing achieve instantaneous, unambiguous left/right target discrimination.SPACE-SAVING TRANSMITTERTOW-BODY CONFIGURATIONInnovative technology achievesomnidirectional, large aperture acousticperformance in a compact, sleek tow-body assembly.REVERBERATION SUPRESSIONThe unique transmitter design enablesforward, aft, port and starboarddirectional transmission. This capabilitydiverts energy concentration away fromshorelines and landmasses, minimizingreverb and optimizing target detection.SONAR PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONA key ingredient to mission planning,LFATS computes and displays systemdetection capability based on modeled ormeasured environmental data.Key Features>Wide-area search>Target detection, localization andclassification>T racking and attack>Embedded trainingSonar Processing>Active processing: State-of-the-art signal processing offers acomprehensive range of single- andmulti-pulse, FM and CW processingfor detection and tracking. Targetdetection, localization andclassification>P assive processing: LFATS featuresfull 100-to-2,000 Hz continuouswideband coverage. Broadband,DEMON and narrowband analyzers,torpedo alert and extendedtracking functions constitute asuite of passive tools to track andanalyze targets.>Playback mode: Playback isseamlessly integrated intopassive and active operation,enabling postanalysis of pre-recorded mission data and is a keycomponent to operator training.>Built-in test: Power-up, continuousbackground and operator-initiatedtest modes combine to boostsystem availability and accelerateoperational readiness.UNIQUE EXTENSION/RETRACTIONMECHANISM TRANSFORMS COMPACTTOW-BODY CONFIGURATION TO ALARGE-APERTURE MULTIDIRECTIONALTRANSMITTERDISPLAYS AND OPERATOR INTERFACES>State-of-the-art workstation-based operator machineinterface: Trackball, point-and-click control, pull-down menu function and parameter selection allows easy access to key information. >Displays: A strategic balance of multifunction displays,built on a modern OpenGL framework, offer flexible search, classification and geographic formats. Ground-stabilized, high-resolution color monitors capture details in the real-time processed sonar data. > B uilt-in operator aids: To simplify operation, LFATS provides recommended mode/parameter settings, automated range-of-day estimation and data history recall. >COTS hardware: LFATS incorporates a modular, expandable open architecture to accommodate future technology.L3Harrissellsht_LFATS© 2022 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 09/2022NON-EXPORT CONTROLLED - These item(s)/data have been reviewed in accordance with the InternationalTraffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR part 120.33, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR 734(3)(b)(3), and may be released without export restrictions.L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-endsolutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.t 818 367 0111 | f 818 364 2491 *******************WINCH AND HANDLINGSYSTEMSHIP ELECTRONICSTOWED SUBSYSTEMSONAR OPERATORCONSOLETRANSMIT POWERAMPLIFIER 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919SPECIFICATIONSOperating Modes Active, passive, test, playback, multi-staticSource Level 219 dB Omnidirectional, 222 dB Sector Steered Projector Elements 16 in 4 stavesTransmission Omnidirectional or by sector Operating Depth 15-to-300 m Survival Speed 30 knotsSize Winch & Handling Subsystem:180 in. x 138 in. x 84 in.(4.5 m x 3.5 m x 2.2 m)Sonar Operator Console:60 in. x 26 in. x 68 in.(1.52 m x 0.66 m x 1.73 m)Transmit Power Amplifier:42 in. x 28 in. x 68 in.(1.07 m x 0.71 m x 1.73 m)Weight Winch & Handling: 3,954 kg (8,717 lb.)Towed Subsystem: 678 kg (1,495 lb.)Ship Electronics: 928 kg (2,045 lb.)Platforms Frigates, corvettes, small patrol boats Receive ArrayConfiguration: Twin-lineNumber of channels: 48 per lineLength: 26.5 m (86.9 ft.)Array directivity: >18 dB @ 1,380 HzLFATS PROCESSINGActiveActive Band 1,200-to-1,00 HzProcessing CW, FM, wavetrain, multi-pulse matched filtering Pulse Lengths Range-dependent, .039 to 10 sec. max.FM Bandwidth 50, 100 and 300 HzTracking 20 auto and operator-initiated Displays PPI, bearing range, Doppler range, FM A-scan, geographic overlayRange Scale5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kyd PassivePassive Band Continuous 100-to-2,000 HzProcessing Broadband, narrowband, ALI, DEMON and tracking Displays BTR, BFI, NALI, DEMON and LOFAR Tracking 20 auto and operator-initiatedCommonOwn-ship noise reduction, doppler nullification, directional audio。
Deathmatch Mode
Deathmatch mode is a more traditional mode of play where players compete to achieve the highest number of kills. The mode is played on smaller maps and there are no teams, so players can respawn immediately after being killed
and improvements
that enhance the gameplay experience. The game's fast-paced and strategic gameplay, along with its diverse maps and modes, make it a must-play for fans of first-person shooters
Hostage Rescue Mode
Hostage rescue mode is a popular mode where one team must rescue hostages held by the other team. The hostage rescue team must release the hostages from their captors and escort them to a safe zone, while the captors must prevent this from happening. The mode adds an extra layer of strategy and cooperation to the game
lm Vol.54 N o.l Jan. 2021水性环氧富锌底漆的制备与性能研究李时珍“2,王德修2,李新雄:,罗小虎13,朱日龙、谢佳武2,李季\吴大旺3,刘娅莉^(1.湖南大学化学化工学院,湖南长沙410082; 2.邦弗特新材料股份有限公司,湖南宁乡410600;3.黔南民族师范学院化学化工学院,贵州都匀558000)[摘要]为开发新型水性富辞底漆,在开发具有优良水可稀释性能的水性固化剂基础上,研究了 一种环境友好 的双组分水性环氧富锌底漆。
将辞粉等颜填料和各种助剂均勾分散于以乙醇为溶剂的水性环氧树脂固化剂中,制备出了稳定的固化剂组分;通过溶剂析出率测试和高速离心测试,对辞粉在水性环氧树脂固化剂中的稳定性进行 了研究;通过对涂膜的防腐蚀性能的测试,研究了辞粉含量、粒径、形状对涂膜性能的影响;通过扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)分析和热重分析(TGA)对制得的水性环氧富锌底漆进行了表观形态分析和耐热性研究。
结果表明:选择粒 径为3.80 |xm左右的球形和椭球形混合辞粉,添加量为75%~80%时制得的水性环氧富锌底漆力学性能最好,具有 最佳的防腐蚀效果。
[关键词]水性环氧富辞底漆;环氧固化剂;锌粉;耐蚀性能[中图分类号]TQ630.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1001-1560(2021 )(H-0104-08Preparation and Properties of Water-borne Zinc-rich Epoxy Primer LI S h i-z h e n g12,W A N G D e-x i u2,LI X i n-xiong2,L U O X i a o-h u13,Z H U R i-l o n g1,X I E J i a-w u2,LI Ji',W U D a-w a n g3,L I U Y a-l i1(1. D e partment of Chemistry a n d C h e mical Engineering, H u n a n University,C h a n g s h a 410082,C h i n a;2. Banfert N e w Materials Co., Ltd., Ningxiang 410600,C h i n a;3. School of Chemistry a n d C h e m i c a l Engineering, Q i a n n a n No r m a l University for Nationalities, D u y u n 558000,China)A b s t r a c t:B a s e d o n the development of water - borne curing agent with excellent water dilubility,a n environment -friendly two - c o m p o n e n t water-borne zinc-rich epoxy primer w a s studied. Firstly, zinc p o w d e r a n d the various additives were evenly dispersed in the water-based epoxy resin curing agent with ethanol as solvent to prepare stable curing agent. T h e stability of zinc p o w d e r in water-borne epoxy curing agent w a s studied b y solvent precipitation rate test a n d h i gh-speed centrifugation test. T h e effect of zinc p o w d e r content, particle size a n d shape on the film performance w a s studied by testing the anti-corrosion performance of the film. T h e water-borne epoxy zinc rich primer w a s characterized by scanning electron microscopy (S E M) a n d thermogravimetric analysis (T G A)to study the morphology a n d heat resistance. T h e results s h o w e d that the mechanical a n d anticorrosive properties of waterborne epoxy zinc rich primer are the best w h e n the particle size of spherical and ellipsoidal m i x e d zinc p o w d e r is about 3.8 (xm a n d the content of zinc p o w d e r is 75%~80%.K e y W o r d s:water-borne zinc - rich epoxy pr i m e r;epoxy curing agent;zinc p o w d e r;anticorrosion performance〇前言富锌涂料具有电化学的阴极保护作用和物理屏蔽 双重耐蚀性能[〃],是重防腐蚀涂料的主要品种之一。
SAFETY DATA SHEETDREXEL CHLORPYRIFOS 15G AGRICULTURAL INSECTICIDEProduct Name: Drexel Chlorpyrifos 15G Agricultural InsecticideEPA Reg No.: 19713-505CAS NO: 2921-88-2Formula: C9H11ClNO3PSCompany: Drexel Chemical Company1700 Channel AvenueMemphis, TN 38106Synonyms: O,O-Diethyl O-3, 5, 6-trichloropyridin-2-yl phosphorothioateIdentifiers:EINECS: 220-864-4RTECS: TF6300000DOT information: See Section 14 for Transportation InformationEmergency Telephone Number:CHEMTREC Drexel Chemical Co.Tel: 1-800-424-9300 901-774-4370This product is an EPA FIFRA registered pesticide. Some of the classifications on this SDS are not the same as the FIFRA label. Certain sections of this SDS are superseded by federal law governed by EPA for a registered pesticide. Please see Section 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION for explanation.GHS classification:Health hazards: Acute toxicity – inhalation Category 2Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2Eye damage/ irritation Category 2BSpecific target organ toxicity –(single exposure) Category 1Specific target organ toxicity –(repeated exposure) Category 2Aquatic acute toxicity Category 1GHS label elements:Signal Word: DANGERHazard Statements: Toxic if swallowed.Fatal if inhaled.Causes skin irritation.Causes eye irritation.Causes damage to nervous system.May cause damage to nervous system through prolonged or repeated exposure.Very toxic to aquatic life.Precautionary Statements:Prevention: Prevention Wash thoroughly after handling.Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.Wear protective gloves/protective clothing. Examples of preferred glove barriermaterials include: Neoprene, Nitrile/butadiene rubber (“nitrile” or “NBR”) orPolyvinyl chloride (“PVC” or “vinyl”).Wear respiratory protection. Use a respirator with either an organic vapor-removing cartridge with a pre-filter approved for pesticides (MSHA/NIOSHapproval number prefix TC-23C) or a canister approved for pesticides(MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-14G).Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated area.In case if inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection.Avoid release to the environment from other than intended use.Response: If swallowed: Immediately call a poison control center/doctor. Rinse mouth. SeeSection 4: Note to Physician.If on skin: Wash with plenty of water. Call a poison center/doctor if you feelunwell. If skin irritation occurs; Get medical advice/attention. Take offcontaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.Immediately call a poison center/doctor if person stops breathing.If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contactlenses, if easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medicaladvice/attention.If exposed: Call poison center/doctor. Specific treatment see Note toPhysician, Section 4.Get medical attention if you feel unwell.Collect spillage.Storage: Store locked up. Store in well-ventilated place.Keep cool.Keep container tightly closed.Disposal: Disposal of contents/container must be in accordance with your local or arearegulations.Components CAS No.: % By Wt.: OSHA PEL: ACGIH TLV:Active Ingredient:Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 15.0% N/Av 0.2 mg/m3Inert Ingredients: N/A 85.0% N/A N/AHave the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor.Eye Contact: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes for at least 10 minutes. Obtain medical attention without delay, preferably from an ophthalmologist.If Swallowed: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Rinse out mouth then have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Have product label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor.Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with water while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Wash clothing before reuse. Destroy contaminated leather items such as shoes, belts, and watchbands.If Inhaled: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth, if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.Note to Physician: This product contains an organophosphate that inhibits cholinesterase. Treat symptomatically. If exposed, plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase tests may indicate significance of exposure (baseline data are useful). Atropine, only by injection, is the preferable antidote. Oximes, such as 2-PAM/protopam, may be therapeutic if used early; however, use only in conjunction with atropine. In case of severe, acute poisoning, use antidote immediately after establishing an open airway and respiration. Contains petroleum distillate. Do not induce vomiting since vomiting may cause aspiration pneumonia.Fire Hazards: Thermal decomposition during a fire can produce fumes and irritating gases.Flammability classification (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200): N/AFlash point: NoneLower flammable limit (% by volume): N/AvUpper flammable limit (% by volume): N/AvFire Fighting Procedures: Keep people away. Isolate fire and deny unnecessary entry. Evacuate the area and fight the fire from upwind at a safe distance to avoid hazardous vapors or decomposition products. Dike and collect fire-extinguishing water to prevent environmental damage and excessive waste runoff.Firefighting media: Use foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or water fog when fighting fires involving this product. Do not use water jet, as this may spread burning material. Minimize the use of water to avoid environmental contamination. Contain all runoff.Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective firefighting clothing (includes firefighting helmet, coat, trousers, boots, and gloves). Use full face shield and operate in positive pressure mode. Avoid contact with this material during firefighting operations. If contact is likely, change to full chemical resistant firefighting clothing with self-contained breathing apparatus. If this is not available, wear full chemical resistant clothing with self-contained breathing apparatus and fight fire from a remote location. For protective equipment in post-fire or non-fire clean-up situations, refer to the relevant sections.Hazardous Combustion Products: Hydrogen chloride, ethyl sulfide, diethyl sulfide, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, irritating fumes and smoke.NFPA: Health: Flammability: Reactivity:2 1 0(Rating: 4-Extreme, 3-High, 2-Moderate, 1-Slight, 0-Insignificant)Steps to be taken if Material is Released or Spilled:Sweep as much material as possible, keeping dust to a minimum and place in an approved chemical waste container. Wash the spill area with water containing a strong detergent, absorb with earth, sand or absorbent material and sweep up and place in approved chemical waste container. For large spills contact Drexel Chemical Co. See Section 13, Disposal Considerations, for additional information.Personal Precautions:Isolate area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area. Refer to Section 7, Handling for additional precautionary measures. Ventilate area of leak or spill. Use appropriate safety equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection.Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENGeneral Handling: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not swallow. Avoid breathing dust. Use with adequate ventilation. Wear chemical protective equipment when handling. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. See Section 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection.Storage: Store in a cool, dry, ventilated and secure area designated specifically for pesticides and away from heat sources. Keep in original containers and keep containers closed when not in use. Do not store in excessive heat. Do not store near children, food, foodstuffs, drugs or potable water supplies.Exposure Limits: TLV Chlorpyrifos 0.2 mg/m3Personal Protection:Eye/Face Protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields or chemical splash goggles to prevent dust from entering the eyes. If using a full face shield, always use safety glasses or goggles along with the face shield to ensure adequate protection of the eyes.Skin Protection: Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants and shoes plus socks. Safety shower should be located in immediate work area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately after handling this product, wash skin area with soap and water, and launder clothing before reuse or dispose of properly. Items which cannot be decontaminated, such as shoes, belts and watchbands, should be removed and disposed of properly.Hand protection: Use gloves chemically resistant to this material. Examples of preferred glove barrier materials include: Neoprene, Nitrile/butadiene rubber (“nitrile” or “NBR”) or Polyvinyl chloride (“PVC” or “vinyl”).Respiratory Protection: Not normally required. Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed the exposure limit requirements or guidelines. When handling in enclosed areas, when large quantities of dusts are generated or prolonged exposure is possible in excess of the TLV, use a respirator with either an organic vapor-removing cartridge with a prefilter approved for pesticides (MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-23C) or a canister approved for pesticides (MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-14G).Ingestion: Avoid ingestion of even very small amounts; do not consume or store food or tobacco in the work area; wash hands and face before smoking or eating.Engineering Controls:Ventilation: When handling this product proper ventilation is required to maintain exposure below the TLV.Ventilate all transport vehicles prior to unloading. Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with and eyewash facility and safety shower.Physical State: GranuleColor: BrownOdor: MildFlash Point: NoneVapor Pressure (mmHg): N/ABoiling Point: N/AVapor Density (air = 1): N/ABulk Density (H2O = 1): 46.43 lbs./ft3Freezing Point: N/ASolubility in water: InsolublepH: N/AViscosity: N/A% Volatiles: >3%Stability/Instability: Avoid heating above 60°C (100°F). Chlorpyrifos undergoes exothermic decomposition at approximately 130°C (266°F), which can lead to higher temperatures and violent decomposition if generated heat is not removed.Conditions to Avoid: Keep this product away from excessive heat and moisture.Incompatible Materials: Avoid contact with strong alkalies, amines and oxidizers.Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occurThermal Decomposition: Decomposition products can include but are not limited to: Hydrogen chloride, ethyl sulfide and nitrogen oxides.Data presented for technical Chlorpyrifos:Acute ToxicityIngestion:∙Oral LD50, (rat): 223 mg/kgDermal:∙Dermal LD50, (rabbit): >5,000 mg/kgInhalation:∙LC50, (rat): > 0.2 mg/lEye Irritation (rabbit):∙Slight irritation resolved within 24 hoursSkin Irritation (rabbit):∙Mild irritation resolved within 7 daysSensitization Skin:∙Non-sensitizer (Guinea Pig)Carcinogenicity:∙Not likely to be carcinogenic in humansTeratogenicity, mutagenicity, and other reproductive effects: None knownData presented for the active ingredient Chlorpyrifos:ENVIRONMENTAL FATE:∙Very highly toxic to fish, highly toxic to daphnia, moderately to highly toxic to birds and serious hazard to Honeybees.Persistence and Degradability:∙Moderately persistent in soils degrading slowly through aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Absorbs strongly to soil particles and is not readily soluble in water.Aquatic Toxicity:∙Rainbow Trout: 96 hour LC50: (0.007 – 0.051 mg/L)∙Bluegill Sunfish: 96 hour LC50: (0.002 – 0.010 mg/L)∙Daphnia magna: 48 hour EC50: (1.7 μg/L)Bees:∙LD50: (oral) 360 ng/bee; (contact) 70 ng/beeBird Toxicity:∙Mallard Duck: 8-day LC50: 180 ppm∙Bobwhite Quail: 8-day LC50: 423 ppmIf wastes and/or containers cannot be disposed of according to the product label directions, disposal of this material must be in accordance with your local or area regulatory authorities. This information presented below only applies to the material as supplied. The identification based on characteristic(s) or listing may not apply if the material has been used or otherwise contaminated. It is the responsibility of the waste generator to determine the toxicity and physical properties of the material generated to determine the proper waste identification and disposal methods in compliance with applicable regulations. If the material as supplied becomes a waste, follow all applicable regional, national and local laws.DOT: UN-3077, Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., (Chlorpyrifos), 9, PG III, Marine Pollutant, RQ 1 lb.IMDG: UN-3077, Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., (Chlorpyrifos), 9, PG III, Marine Pollutant, RQ 1 lb.IATA: UN-3077, Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., (Chlorpyrifos), 9, PG III, Marine Pollutant, RQ 1 lb.Freight description: Agricultural Insecticide, solid, n.o.s.ERG Guide No.: 171This information is not intended to convey all specific regulatory or operational requirements/information relating to this product. Additional transportation system information can be obtained through an authorized sales or customer service representative. It is the responsibility of the transporting organization to follow all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the transportation of the material.OSHA Hazard Communication Standard:∙This product is a “Hazardous Chemical” as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.∙EPA FIFRA INFORMATION:This chemical is a pesticide product registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets (SDS), and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemical. The hazard information required on the pesticide label is listed out below.The pesticide label also includes other important information, including directions for use.∙EPA/CERCLA Reportable Quantity: Chlorpyrifos RQ = 1 lb.SARA/TITLE III:∙Section 302. Extremely Hazardous Substance Notification: This material is not known to contain any Extremely Hazardous Substances.∙Section 311/312. Hazard Categories:Fire HazardImmediate health hazardChronic health hazard∙Section 313. Toxic Chemical(s): This material is not known to contain any Toxic Chemical constituents.∙RCRA Waste Code: Not applicableCalifornia Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986):∙This product is not listed.Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA):∙All components of this product are on the TSCA Inventory or are exempt from TSCA Inventory requirements under40 CFR 720.30Drexel Chemical Company recommends that each customer or recipient of this SDS to study it carefully and consult appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and understand the data contained in this SDS and any hazards associated with the product. The information herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown below. However, no warranty, express or implied, is given. Regulatory requirements are subject to change and may differ between various locations. It is the buyer’s/user’s responsibility to ensure that his activities comply with all federal, state, provincial or local laws. The information presented here pertains only to the product as shipped. Since conditions for use of the product are not under the control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer’s/user’s duty to determine the conditions necessary for the safe use of this product. Due to the proliferation of sources for information such as manufacturer-specific SDSs, we are not and cannot be responsible for SDSs obtained from any source other than ourselves. If you have obtained an SDS from another source or if you are not sure that the SDS you have is current, please contact us for the most current version.Date Revised: June 22, 2016Supersedes: September 8, 2015。
陆军Army一级上将General First上将General中将Lieutenant General少将Major General大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieutenant Colonel少校Major上尉Captain中尉First Lieutenant少尉Second Lieutenant军事长Master Sergeant专业军士Specialist Sergeant上士Sergeant, First Class中士Sergeant下士Corporal上等兵Private, First Class列兵Private海军Navy一级上将Admiral, First Class上将Admiral中将Vice Admiral少将Rear Admiral大校Senior Captain上校Captain中校Commander少校Lieutenant Commander上尉Lieutenant中尉Lieutenant, Junior Grade少尉Ensign军事长Chief Petty Officer专业军士Specialist Petty Officer 上士Petty Officer, First Class中士Petty Officer, Second Class 下士Petty Officer, Third Class上等兵Seaman, First Class列兵Seaman, Second Class空军Air Force一级上将General, First Class上将General中将Lieutenant General少将Major General大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieutenant Colonel少校Major上尉Captain中尉First Lieutenant少尉Second Lieutenant军事长Master Sergeant专业军士Specialist Sergeant上士Technical Sergeant中士Staff Sergeant下士Corporal上等兵Airman, First Class列兵Airman, Second Class军棋military chess工兵sapper排长platoon commander(中尉lieutenant)连长company commander ( 上尉captain )营长battalion commander (少校major)团长colonel(上校)旅长brigadier (准将)师长division commander军长army commander司令chief commander军旗army flag/ensign地雷landmine炸弹bomb行营field headquarter大本营supreme headquarter和平使命-2009: Peace Mission 2009联合军事演习: joint military drill, joint military exercise, joint military manoeuvre海军海上封锁: naval blockade,maritime blockade隔离作战演练: isolation drill两栖登陆: amphibious landing装备: hardware战舰: military vessel驱逐舰: destroyer护卫舰: frigate登陆艇: landing ship, landing craft潜艇: submarine猎潜艇: submarine hunter反潜舰: anti-submarine vessel海军舰队: naval fleet"沙波什尼科夫海军元帅"号大型反潜舰: submarine-hunting ship Marshall Shaposhnikov武装直升机: armed helicopter战斗机: battle plane轰炸机: bomber, cargo jets运输机: freighter远程预警机: long-range early warning aircraft反潜鱼雷: anti-sub torpedo深水炸弹: depth charge海陆空军: amphibious force水陆坦克: amphibious tank海军陆战队: marine corp炮兵: artillery空降部队: paratroop, airborne troop地面进攻: ground attack特种部队: special taskforce实弹: live ammunition滩头阵地: beachhead潜望镜periscope鱼雷torpedoes电动机鱼雷electric torpedo航空鱼雷aerial torpedo火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assisted torpedo线导鱼雷wire-guided torpedo发射机transmitter自导控制组件self-directing unit装药和电子组件charge and electron unit待发装置actuator指令控制组件command control unit陀螺控制组件gyro-control unit电源控制组件power-supply control unit燃烧室combustor舵rudder推进器propeller潜艇submarine鱼雷舱torpedo room鱼雷发射管firing tube声纳sonar操纵线control wire 水雷submarine mine自航式水雷mobile mine锚雷mooring mine触发锚雷moored contact mine触角antenna雷索mine-mooring cable沉底水雷ground mine漂雷floating mine深水炸弹depth charge; depth bomb航空母舰aircraft carrier核动力航空母舰nuclear-powered aircraft 阻拦装置arrester飞行甲板flight deck雷达天线radar antenna导航室island舰桥bridge机库hangar升降机口aircraft lifts; elevators舰载机起飞弹射装置catapults油料舱fuel bunker弹药舱ammunition store贮存舱storage hold通信中心室communication center核反应堆nuclear reactor生活舱accommodation巡洋舰cruiser护卫舰escort vessel; frigate导弹护卫舰missile frigate战列舰battleship护卫艇corvette供应舰tender ship; depot ship舰队补给舰fleet depot ship海上补给船sea depot ship运输舰transport ship汽油运输船gasoline transport ship扫雷舰mine sweeping vessel扫雷艇minesweeper鱼雷艇torpedo boat导弹快艇missile speedboat导弹潜艇guided-missile submarine核动力潜艇nuclear-powered submarine 潜艇救护舰submarine lifeguard ship猎潜艇submarine chaser登陆舰landing ship坞式登陆舰dock landing ship电子侦察船electronic reconnaissance ship 情报收集船information-collecting ship测量船survey vessel调查船research ship打捞回收船salvage vessel核动力破冰船nuclear-powered icebreaker 气垫巡逻船patrol hovercraft导弹军导弹missiles洲际导弹intercontinental missile中程导弹mediurn-range missile巡航导弹cruise missile核弹头nuclearwerhead地对地导弹surface to-surface missile地对空导弹surface-to-air missile战略导弹: strategic missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile自导鱼雷homing torpado弹翼missile wing减速伞drag parachute制导装置guidance device弹体guided missile doby固体火箭发动机solid propellant rocket尾翼tail fin飞行弹道trajectory发射制导装置launching guidance device 发射管launching tube反弹道导弹anti-ballistic missile集束炸弹bomb-cluster地下井missile silo移动式井盖sliding silo door火箭发射场rocket launching site发射塔launching tower勤务塔service tower陆军核武器nuclear weapons燃料库fuel depot; fuel reservoir指挥室command post通气道air vent; ventilation shaft多级火箭multistage rocket再入大气层飞行器re-entry vehicle原子弹atomic bomb氢弹hydrogen bomb引爆装置igniter 热核燃料fusionable material蘑菇状烟云mushroom cloud冲击波shock wave; blast wave放射性落下灰尘radioactive fallout核爆炸观测仪nuclear explosion observation device 辐射仪radiation gauge辐射级仪radiation level indicator钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit 化学炸弹chemical bomb主战坦克capital tank重型坦克heavy tank中型坦克medium tank轻型坦克light tank水陆两用坦克amphibious tank喷火坦克flame-throwing tank架桥坦克bridge tank扫雷坦克mine-sweeping tank坦克推土机tankdozer侦察坦克reconnaissance tank无炮塔坦克turretless tank坦克牵引车recovery tank坦克修理后送车repair-service tank反坦克障碍物anti-tank obstacle桩寨pile stockade鹿寨abatis反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁anti-tank precipice反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyramids炮手gunner坦克兵tank soldier炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器fume extractor炮塔turret瞄准镜gun sight发动机散热窗radiator grille备用油箱reserve fuel tank主动轮driving wheel遮护板shield负重轮loading wheel烟幕弹发射筒smoke bomb discharger诱导轮inducer空军low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步人造卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭rocket launcher 火箭发射装置;火箭发射器CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱,指挥舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 第二级service module 服务舱Shenzhou VI spacecraft 神舟六号solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits, gloves, boots, helmet etc.)太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通讯卫星third stage 第三级unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船weather satellite 气象卫星launch a satellite 发射卫星artificial satellite 人造卫星airliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和Ilyusin 依柳辛McDonald-Douglas 麦道Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫军事卫星military satellite侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite预警卫星early warning satellite电子侦察卫星electronic reconnaissance satellite导航卫星navigation satellite测地卫星geodesic satellite军用通讯卫星military communications satellite军用气象卫星military meteorological satellite卫星通信车satellite communications vehicle宇宙空间站space station警戒雷达warning radar引导雷达director radar制导雷达guidance radar目标指示雷达target radar测高雷达height finding radar三坐标雷达three-dimensional radar弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达ballistic missile early-warning phased-array radar导航雷达navigation radar机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar炮瞄雷达gun-pointing radar对空警戒雷达aircraft-warning radar航海雷达marine radar对海管戒雷达naval warning radar侦察雷达reconnaissance radar卫星通信天线satellite communication antena驱逐舰destroyer歼击机fighter plane; fighter空速管airspeed head; pilot tube陀螺gyroscope无线电罗盘radio compass平视显示机head-up display火箭弹射座椅ejector seat副翼aileron襟翼flap燃油箱fuel tank垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabilizer阻力伞舱drag parachute housing水平尾翼horizontal stabilizer液压油箱hydraulic oil container副油箱auxiliary fuel tank主起落架main landing gear机翼整体油箱integral wing tank机炮machine gun; cnnon进气道系统air-inlet system前起落架front landing gear空气数据计算机air-data computer迎角传感器angle of attack sensor进气口头锥air-inlet nose cone 战斗机combat aircraft截击机interceptor强击机attacker歼击轰炸机fighter-bomber轻型轰炸机light bomber战略轰炸机strategic bomber电子战机electronic fighter高速侦察机high-speed reconnaissance plane空中加油机tanker aircraft运输机transport plane; air-freighter水上飞机seaplane; hydroplane反潜巡逻机anti-submarine patrol aircraft教练机trainer aircraft; trainer垂直起落飞机vertical take-off and landing无尾飞机tailless aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber可变翼机adjustable wing plane动力滑翔机power glider扫雷直升机mine-sweeping helicopter旋翼rotor机身fuselage抗扭螺旋桨anti-torque tail rotor航空炸弹aerobomblight water 轻水light water reactor (LWR) 轻水反应堆limited nuclear option 有限的核被选方案Long March 2E rocket with strap-on boosters [PRC] 长征二E捆绑火箭[中国]long-range ballistic missile (LRBM) 远程弹道导弹low earth orbit (LEO) 卫星低轨道;近地卫星low frequency (LF) 低频low level missile target drone 低空导弹目标声low-enriched uranium 低浓缩铀maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) 可操纵返航运载工具marine corps 登陆队;陆战队maritime rights 海洋权materials test reactor 物质试验反应堆material unaccounted-for (MUF) 材料损失Maverick air-to-surface missile [US] 小牛空对地导弹[美国] maximum range 最大射程measurement and control 测控mechanized 机械化mediate 调停medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) 中程弹道导弹mid-course guidance 飞行中段制导military bloc 军事集团military hardware 武器装备military spending 军事开支; 军费military use 军用military-industrial complex (MIC) 军事工业复合体mine detector 探雷器minelaying machine; minelayer 布雷器mini-nuke 小型核武器missile fast attack craft 导弹快艇missile silo 导弹地下发射井mixed-oxide fuel 混氧燃料mobile formation 机动编队mobile missile 机动导弹moderator 减速器moon craft 月球探测机multilateral disarmament 多边裁军multinational technical means 多国技术手段multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) 多弹头分导再入飞行器multiple protective shelter (MPS) 多重保护壳multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) 多弹头返航运载工具multiple rocket launcher (MRL) 多管火箭炮multiple-launcher rocket system 多管火箭系统multiple-tube rocket gun 多管火箭炮multiple-warhead missile 多弹头导弹multipolarity 多级化mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯mutual non-interference 互不干涉national defense 国防national security 国家安全national sovereignty 国家主权national technical means 国家技术手段natural uranium 天然铀naval aviation corps 海军航空兵部队naval space surveillance (NA VSPASUR) 海军空间监测NBC protective clothing 三防服near-site verification 近场核查negative security assurance 消极安全保证neutron 中子neutron bomb 中子弹no first use 不首先使用nominal weapon 低威力核武器(2万吨级以下)non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS) 非核武器国家non-proliferation 不扩散non-proliferation policy 不扩散政策non-use assurance 不使用核武器保证nuclear air-burst 空中核爆炸nuclear attack submarine 核动力攻击潜艇nuclear deterrent 核威慑力量nuclear device 核装置nuclear doctrine 核条令nuclear fuel 核燃料nuclear fuel cycle capacities 核燃料循环容量nuclear proliferation 核扩散nuclear radiation 核辐射nuclear reactor 核反应堆nuclear stockpile 核武器储备nuclear testing 核试验nuclear weapon states (NWS) 核武器国nuclear weapon-free zone 无核区nuclear yield 核当量nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons/warfare (NBC) 核,生物和化学武器/战争off-line refueling 线外式加燃料off-site monitoring 远距离监视once-through fuel cycle (核)燃料单一循环on-line refueling 线内式加燃料on-site inspection (OSI) 实地核查;现场核查optimum height 最佳高度optimum security threshold 最适当安全门槛orbit 轨道outguessing regress (核打击决策)猜测循环over pressure 超压力over-the-horizon missile attack 超视距导弹攻击pace of proliferation 扩散步幅parameter 参数parity 均势pathfinder 航向指示器Patriot missile 爱国者导弹payload 有效荷载peaceful coexistence 和平共处peaceful nuclear explosion (PNE) 和平用途核爆炸peaceful use 和平利用penetration aids 突防用具perigee 近地点perimeter acquisition radar (PAR) 环形搜索雷达perimeter portal monitoring 进出口周边监视permissive action link 允许行动联系Perry-class guided missile frigate [US] 派里级导弹巡航舰[美国]phased-array radar 相位阵列雷达physical protection (of nuclear materials) 核物质保护pilotless target aircraft 无引行目标飞行器pin-point bombing; precision bombing 定点轰炸planned aggregate yield 计划总当量plutonium fuel cycle 钚燃料循环plutonium production reactor 钚生产反应堆plutonium-239 钚239plutonium-240 钚240point of impact 弹着点polar orbiting geophysical observatory (POGO) 极地轨道地球物理观测卫星polar space launch vehicle (PSLV) 极地空间发射器Polaris missile 北极星导弹Polaris submarine 北极星潜艇positive security assurance 积极安全保证; 肯定句安全保障power politics 强权政治power reactor 动力反应堆precision guided munitions (PGM) 精确导向武器Prithvi guided missile [India] 蟮氐嫉?[印度]production reactor 生产反应堆projectile 射弹propellant 火箭推进剂propelled rocket ascent mine (PRAM) 动力式火箭助生水雷proton 质子pursuit 追击radar cross-section 雷达有效区radar intelligence (RADINT) 雷达情报radar ocean reconnaissance satellite 雷达海洋侦察卫星radioisotope 放射性同位素radius of action 活动半径Rafale fighter[France] 飚风战斗机[法国]ramjet 冲压式喷气发动机range 距离; 射程range finder 测距仪rapprochement 解冻ratification 批准; 认可reactor core 反应堆芯reactor-grade plutonium 反应堆级钚reconnaissance 侦察recycled nuclear fuel 再生核燃料; 回收核燃料red fuming nitric acid (RFNA) 浓硝酸(发红烟硝酸)reduced blast (enhanced radiation) 弱冲击波(强辐射)reentry vehicle (RV) 重返大气层飞行器reflective particle tag (R&D by Sandia Lab) 发射粒子标签(Sandia 实验室研制)refueling (再) 加燃料regime 政体regional disarmament 区域裁军reliability (e.g., of nuclear weapons) 可靠性remotely-piloted vehicle 遥控飞行器remote sensing technology 遥感技术render-safe experiments 原始核装置拆卸的安全reprocessing (of plutonium) (钚)再处理research and development (R&D) 研究与发展research reactor 研究反应堆residual radiation 剩余(原子核) 辐射retaliation 报复ricin (WA) 蓖麻毒素rocket 火箭rocket engine 火箭发动机roll and yaw departure 侧滚脱离外加偏航脱离routine inspection 例行视察safeguarded facility 受保障监督的设施safeguards 保障监督satellite (space) launch vehicle 卫星发射器(空间运载火箭) satellite data system 卫星数据系统satellite defense 卫星防御satellite inspector system 卫星监视器系统sea cobra helicopter 海眼镜蛇直升飞机sea knight helicopter 海武士直升飞机sea stallion helicopter 海种马直升飞机second strike 核反击security dilemma 安全困境;安全两难security guarantees 安全保证self-defense 自卫semi-synchronous orbit 卫星半同步轨道sense and destroy armor (SADARM) 反装甲弹sensitive materials 敏感物质short-range attack missile 近程攻击导弹short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) 短程弹道导弹Shrike antiradar air-to-surface missile [USA] 百舌鸟空对地反雷达导弹[美国]Sidewinder air-to-air missile [US] 响尾蛇空对空导弹[美国] sighting device 瞄准器signals intelligence (SIGINT) 信号情报Silkworm missile series (short/medium-range coastal defense missile) 蚕式飞弹系列(近/中程海防飞弹)silo 发射井simulation (e.g., nuclear test) 模拟single integrated operational plan (SIOP) 统一攻击目标计划single-role mine hunter (SRMH) 单一任务猎雷舰smooth-bore gun 滑堂炮sortie 飞机架次sound surveillance system (SOSUS) 声响监测系统space-based 天基space-based interceptor 太空截击体space detection and tracking system (SPADATS) 空间探测与跟踪系统space mine 天雷special inspections 特别视察;专门视察spent fuel 乏燃料spent fuel rods 乏燃料棒spent fuel storage 乏燃料储存splash down ?q辅staphylococcal entotoxin 葡萄球菌毒素Sting missile [USA] 刺针飞弹[美国]stockpile 储存; 储备strategic forces 战略部队strategic nuclear weapon 战略核武器strategic offense 战略进攻strategy 战略Styx missile 冥河式导弹sub-kiloton weapon 亚千吨兵器submarine reactor 海底反应堆submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) 潜艇发射的弹道导弹submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) 潜艇发射的巡航导弹super high frequency (SHF) 超高频superpowers 超级大国supersonic anti-ship missile 超音速反舰导弹supplier countries 供应国surface-to-air missile (SAM) 地对空导弹surface-to-surface missile (SSM) 地对地导弹synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 合成口径雷达tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) 战术核武器tactical operations center (TOC) 战术作战中心telemetry intelligence (TELINT) 遥测信息temper (原子弹)惰层terminal guidance 末端制导terrain contour matching (TERCOM) 地形轮廓匹配theater 战区theater nuclear forces 战区核武器部队thermal reactor 热核反应堆thermonuclear weapon 热核武器thorium 钍three principles of nuclear export 核出口三项原则throw-weight 发射重量Tbilisi aircraft carrier [USSR] 第比利斯号航空母舰[苏联] time-over-target (TOT) 抵达目标时间trajectory ?u?Dtransatmospheric vehicle 空中交通工具transceiver 透明度transparency 透明度transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) 运输-竖起-发射装置triad 三合一战略报复力量Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 三硝基甲苯tritium 氚turbojet engine 涡轮式喷气发动机ultra high frequency (UHF) 超高频ultralong wave 超长波ultrashort wave 超短波underground nuclear test 地下核试验unilateral disarmament 单边裁军universal multiple launcher (A V-LMU) 通用多重发射器unsymmetrical dimethyl-hydrazine (rocket fuel) 不对称二甲基肼(火箭燃料)upper-tier 高层uranium dioxide 二氧化铀uranium enrichment 铀浓缩uranium hexafluoride (UF6) 六氟化铀uranium mining and milling 铀矿开采与选矿uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) 四氟化铀uranium-233 铀233uranium-235 铀235uranium-238 四氟化铀user operational uation system (UOES) 铀233verification 铀235verification regime 铀238军事英语之枪械篇.38 Special revolver 三八左轮枪9 mm pistol 九0手枪AA T (Arme Automatique Transformable) 通用机枪Accelerator 枪机加速器Accuracy 准确度Accuralize 准确化Accurize: 精准化. 使枪械更精确.ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) 先进光学战斗瞄准具ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) 柯尔特自动手枪弹ACP: Automatic Colt Pistol, 柯尔特自动手枪子弹.Action shooting 战斗射击Action 枪机Action: 枪机。
Abating退火Abrasion磨损Abrasive paper 砂纸Abrasive wheel 砂轮Accessory 附件,活块Acicular ferrite 针状铁素体Acid refractory 酸性耐火材料Acid-proof cast iron / acid-resistance casting/ acid resisting cast iron 耐酸铸件Acid slay 酸性渣Active clay 有效粘土AFS fineness 美国铸造学会型砂粒度Agitator 搅拌机(型砂试验)Agitation 搅拌Air blower 鼓风机Air drain 出气口(浇注系统)Air pollution control 大气污染控制Air tightness 气密性Air vent 出气孔Allowance 余量,津贴,补助,宽容Alloying agent 合金元素Alloying component 合金成分Anti-rust 防锈Argon 氩气Atomization 雾化,喷雾Atomizer test 雾化试验(检验金属表面油脂)Attack 侵蚀Attack polishing method 侵蚀抛光法Automatic charging 自动加料Automatic de-sprueing 自动切除冒口Automatic molding 自动造型Automatic pouring device 自动浇注装置Automatic sand plant 自动化砂处理装置Baked core 干砂芯Balance 天平/余额Ball feeder 球状冒口Ball hardness 布氏硬度Ball hardness testing machine 布氏硬度机Ball mill 球磨机Band/belt conveyer 皮带输送机Band/belt elevator 皮带斗式提升机Bar bend test 试棒抗弯试验Base 底,基础Base line 基线Base plate 底板Base sand 原砂Basic 碱性的,基本的Batch mill / batch sand mixer 混砂机Beader pearlite 珠光体Bed charge/coke 底焦Belt grinder 带式磨光机Bending strength 抗弯强度Bentonite 膨润土Binder 粘结剂Bituminous coal dust/black dust 煤粉Black short 冷脆Black skin 黑皮,铸皮Blank 毛胚,下料Blast 鼓风,送风Blast capacity 风量Blast fan 离心式鼓风机Blast hole 风口Blast intensity 鼓风强度Blast pressure gage 风压表Blast regulator 风量调节器Blast volume 风量Bleed 缺肉,台箱跑火Blender 混砂机,搅拌机Blind feeder/head 暗冒口Blind roaster 马弗炉Blind scab 起痂Blister 皮下气泡Blow down 停炉Boiling point 沸点Bond 粘结剂,合同Bond clay 造型粘土Bond strength 粘结强度Bottom door 炉底们Bottom drop 打炉Breaking-in 带肉Brinell hardness 布氏硬度Brittleness 脆性Brittle fracture 脆性断口,脆性断裂B type graphite B型石墨Buffing 抛光Buffing machine 抛光机Bunker 料斗CE carbon equivalent 碳当量Carbide 碳化物carbon dioxide二氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon pick-up 增碳carburetter 增碳剂,汽化器case hardening 表面硬化case gate 内浇口casting alloy 铸造合金casting defect/ casting flaw 铸造缺陷casting design 铸造设计casting equipmentcasting ladle 浇包casting lap 铸造冷隔casting leakage 铸造渗漏casting plan 铸造方案casting property 铸造性能casting rate 浇注速度casting skin 铸皮,黑皮casting strain 铸造(内应力)变形casting stress 铸造应力casting surface表皮casting technique 铸造工艺/技术cast integral test bar 单铸试棒caulk 腻缝,抿灰Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计Cementite 渗碳体,碳化铁Center gate 中心浇口Center line 中心线Chain hoist 手动葫芦Charging 加料Charger 加料机Charging material 炉料/批料Chilled cast iron 冷铁Chill element 促白口元素Chilling action 激冷作用Chilling tendency 白口倾向Chrysanthemum graphite 菊花状石墨Cinder inclusion 夹渣Cinder notch 出渣口Clay washer 洗砂机Clockwise rotation 顺时针方向Clowhole / contraction cavity 锁孔Cold box process 冷芯盒制芯法Cold lap / cold shut 冷隔Collapsibility / lubricate 溃散性Consistency 稠度,浓度,一致性Continuous desulfurization 连续脱硫Contamination 污染Conveyor belt 输送带,传送带Cooling agent 冷却剂Cooling curve 冷却曲线Cooling effect 冷却作用Cooling rate 冷却速度Core 砂芯Core boxCoremaking 制芯Coresetter 下芯机Cover 覆盖剂Cross gate 横浇道Crush 掉砂Cupola 冲天炉Cupola drop 打炉Cupola lining 炉衬Cupola spout 出铁槽Cut-off machine 切割机Damper 减震器Damping capacity / effect 减震能力/效果Datum face / line 基准面/线Deadhead 冒口废料Deburring 打毛刺Defect index 废品率Deformation 变形Density 密度Degreaser 脱脂剂Degree of graphitization 石墨化程度Dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性Descale 除锈,除氧化皮Decaling除锈,除氧化皮Design drawing 设计图Deslag 扒渣Destructive testing/inspection 破坏性试验/检验Desulfuration / desulphurization 脱硫Desulfurizer 脱硫剂Detection 检查,摊伤Die cavity 型腔,模腔Differential hardening / heating / quenching 局部硬化/加热/淬火Diffuse 扩散Dilatant 膨胀Dilute 稀释,冲淡Dimensional error / tolerance 尺寸误差/公差Direction l solidification 顺序凝固,定向凝固Dirt / dirt inclusion 夹渣Disintegration 溃散,崩解,分解Disk feeder 圆盘给料机Dislocation 位错Displacement 位移/置换Dissipation heat 散热Distorted patter 模变形Distortion 变形,扭曲Divorced pearlite 粒状珠光体Down runner / gate / downright 直浇口Ductile iron 球墨铸铁Duff 煤粉Durability 耐用性,耐久性Dust catcher 集尘器elastic deformation 弹性变形Elementary analysis 元素分析Elevator 提升机Elongation 延伸率,延长Endurance 耐用性,持久度Endurance limit 疲劳极限Energy loss 能量损失Environment contamination 环境污染Environmental control 污染控制Equilibrium 平衡Eutectic 共晶体,恭晶的Examination performance / result 考试成绩Fading 衰退Failure stress 破坏应力Feather 毛刺,羽毛Feeding effect 补缩效果Feeding gate 内浇口Feed/feeder head(=riser)/feeding head 冒口Ferric 铁Ferric carbide 渗碳体,碳化铁Ferrite 铁素体Ferromanganese 锰铁Ferromolybdenum 钼铁Ferrosilicon 硅铁Fettle 铲除炉壁渣子File 锉刀Filter paper/screen 滤纸/网Fin 毛刺Final machining 精加工Fine silt 粉尘Finished allowance 加工余量Finished surface 加工面Fire brick 耐火砖Fire cracking 热裂Fire resistance 耐火性Fire waste 烧损Fixture 夹具Flake form 片状Flake graphite 片状石墨Flaking off (=spalling) 剥落Flash point 闪点Flaw detection 探伤Floatation 漂浮Flowability/fluidity 流动性Flow-chart 流程图Fluid contraction 液态收缩Flushing 流渣Fold 冷隔Foreign substance 杂质Forging 锻造Forklift 叉车Free carbide 游离碳化物Free cementite 游离渗碳体Free ferrite 游离铁素体Freeting/fritting 烧结Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Front slagging 炉前出渣Galvanizing 电镀Gas blow/hole 气孔Gas blowhole 气孔Gaseous diffusion 气体扩散Gassy melt 含气金属液Gas tightness 气密性Gate area 浇口面积Gating = gating system 浇口,浇口系统Gating design 浇口设计Gating proportion/ratio 浇口比Gauge=gage 表,计,规Globular cementite / pearlite 粒状渗碳体/珠光体Grain-boundary segregation 晶界偏析Grain fineness distribution 粒度分布Graphite floatation 石墨漂浮Graphitization 石墨化Green compression strength 湿压强度Gray/grey cast iron 灰铁Grinding 打磨,磨制Grinding wheel 砂轮Heat loss 热损失Heat stress 热应力Heat-treating / heat treatment 热处理Heating effect 热效应Heavy casting 大型铸件/厚壁铸件Heavy-walled 厚壁的Holding furnace 保温炉Hot tear/pool 热裂Hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶Hydrogen 氢Hyxagonal screen 六角筛Impact hardness/toughness 冲击硬度/韧性Impermeability 气密性,不渗透性Impression 压痕,型腔,凹腔Impurity 杂质Included slag 夹渣Indigeous graphite 析出石墨Induction 感应Inoculant 孕育剂Inoculation fade 孕育衰退Inside diameter 内经Instantaneous ladle inoculation / stream inoculation 瞬时浇包孕育Insulation 绝缘,隔离Internal porosity 内缩松Internal shrinkage 内部缩孔Internal stress 内应力Inverse chill 反白口Inverted chill 反白口Iron carbide 渗碳体,碳化铁Iron-coke ratio 铁焦比Jack 千斤顶Jet test 喷射试验(侧电镀层厚度)Job rate 生产定额Knock-off head 易割冒口Knockout 落砂,出芯Knop 钮,电钮Labile 不稳定的Labor-intensive area 强劳动(力)区Ladle 浇包Lamellar pearlite/laminate pearlite 片状珠光体Late inoculation/post inoculation 二次孕育Laying out 设计Leaker 浇漏,漏铁水lift truck 叉车Light casting 小铸件,薄壁铸件Liquidus 液相线Locating point/surface 基准点/面Loss on ignition 烧损Lower limit 下限Luster 光泽Machinability 切削性能Machine allowance 加工余量Machining 机械加工Macrograph 宏观Magnetic flaw detection 磁力探伤Magnetic field 磁场Magnetic-particle inspection 磁粉探伤Magnetic powder inspection 磁粉探伤Magnification 放大倍数,放大倍率Manganese 锰Margin tolerance 极限公差Mass production 大量生产Matrix hardness 机体硬度Mean diameter / stress 平均直径/应力Mean value 中间值Mechanical allowance 加工余量Mechanical property 机械性能Meltableness 可溶性Melting 溶解Melting capacity/ condition / efficiency 熔化率/状况/效率Melting point 熔点Metal graphic microscope 金相显微镜Metallic charge to coke ratio 铁焦比Metallic pattern 金属模Metallograph 金相图片Metallographic examination 金相检验Metallographic laboratory 金相试验室Metallographic microscope 金相显微镜Metallographic specimen 金相磨片Metallurgy 冶金学Metal material 金属材料Microanalysis 微量分析,显微分析Microlug 球化率怀素测定试帮Micron 微米Mismatch 错模Misrun 缺肉,浇不到Modulus of elongation 延伸率Molding line 造型线Natural gas 天然气Nodularization 球化Nodularizer 球化剂Notch brittleness 缺口脆性Off-dimension 尺寸不合格(常指铸件)Off-gage 尺寸不合格(常指型芯)Offset 错位,偏置Operation life 使用期限,寿命Outer inspection / visual inspection 外观检验Outlet 出口,排出口Oxidation 氧化Oxide ferric 氧化铁,三氧化二铁Partial hardening / local hardening 局部淬火Parting face 分型面,分模面Pattern plate 模板Patter spray 脱模液Pattern taper / patter draft 拔模斜度Pearlite 珠光体Permeability test 透气性试验Phosphide 磷共晶,磷化物Physical property 物理性能Pig iron 生铁Pin hole 针孔Pitted skin 麻面(铸造缺陷)Plastic binder 树脂粘结剂Plastic deformation 塑性变形Plate feeder 圆盘给料机Plating 电镀Polishing 抛光Porous casting 不致密铸件,多孔铸件Post inoculation 二次孕育Poured short 未浇满(铸造缺陷)Preheat/preheating 预热Premature freezing 过早凝固Premium casting 保质量逐件,优质逐件Preset program 预定计划,预定程序表Pressure atmosphere 大气压Pressure feeder 加压冒口Production capacity 生产能力Protective gloves 劳保手套Prototype casting 试生产铸件Push-off 推出,顶出Quench aging 淬火时效Radiator 散热器,散热片,暖气片Radioactive element 放射性元素Rare earth 稀土Rare gas 惰性气体Rat 多肉Reamer 铰刀Reclamation 再生,回用Red brittleness=hot brittleness 热脆性Reducibility 还原能力Reduction in area 断面收缩Refractoriness 耐火性Refractory property 耐久性能Regulator 调节器Reinforcement 加固Rejected casting 不合格铸件Resin 树脂Returns 回炉料Reverse chill 反白口Revolving table feeder 圆盘给料机Rimhole 皮下气泡Riser 冒口Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度Rosette graphite 菊花状石墨Roughing 粗加工’Roughness 粗糙度Rounding 倒角Roust inhibitor 防锈剂Runner gate 横浇道Runner system 浇注系统Running and feeding system 浇冒口系统Rust prevention 防锈Rustless steelSafety and industrial gloves 劳动保护手套Safety factor 安全系数Safety goggle 护目镜Safety precaution 安全措施Sample inspectionSampling 取样Sand blister 砂眼Sand blow 气孔Sand buckle 起皮、夹砂Sand burning 粘砂Sand-conditioning system 砂处理系统Sand control 型砂控制Sand core 砂芯Sand cut 冲砂Sand defects 型砂造成的(铸造)缺陷Sand drop 掉砂Sand explosion 砂眼Sand fineness 砂子平均粒度Sand flowability 型砂流动性Sand mill / sand mixer / sand mixing machine / sand muller 混砂机Sand mold 砂型Sand shakeout 落砂Sand wash 冲砂Scab 铸痂Scar 凹痕Semi-finished product 半成品Sensitivity 敏感性Separate cast test bar = cast integrate test bar 单铸试棒Shakeout 落砂/落砂机Shaking conveyer 震动输送机Shift 班次Short-run 浇不满Short run casting 浇不足铸件,缺肉铸件(未浇满)Shrink hole收缩、锁孔Shrinkage porosity 缩松Shrinkage strain 收缩变形Shrinkhead 冒口Sintering 烧结Size tolerance 尺寸公差Slagging -off 除渣/扒渣Solidification contraction/shrinkage 凝固收缩Solid-liquid interface 固液相交界面Solidus/solidus curve/solidus line 固相线Solution concentration 溶液浓度Sonic inspection 听声检验Specific weight 比重Spectroanalysis 光谱分析Spherical graphite 球状石墨Spheroidal iron = ductile iron 球墨铸铁Spheroidization 球化Spindle 主轴Spotting point 基准点Steam tight test / air tight test 气密性试验Sticker / rat 多肉Straightening 校正Strength test 强度试验Stress 应力Stress relief 应力消除Subskin blowhole / subsurface blow hole / sub-surface blister 皮下气孔Superficial cementation 表面渗碳Super heating 过热Supersaturation 过饱和Surface finish 表面光洁度Surface folding 冷隔Surface roughness 表面粗糙度Swell 胀砂T ap hole 出渣口T elltale 定位标记T enacity / tensile strength 抗拉强度/韧性T ensile testing machineT ension-active element 反球化元素、干扰元素T est bar 试棒T est block 试块T est piece 试样T est specimen 试样/试棒/试块Thermal balance 热平衡Thermal conductivity 导热系数,导热性Thermaldeformation/dilatometer/expansion/fatigue 热变形/膨胀仪//膨胀/疲劳Tightness 紧密度,致密度T olerance 公差T ooling point 基准点Tuyere gate 风眼Ultimate 极限Upper limit 上限Vacuum treatment 真空处理Ventilating system/device/equipment 通风系统/装置/设备Venting quality透气性Vibratory feeder 震动给料机Vibratory shakeout machine = vibratory shakeout 震动落砂机Visual examination/inspection 外观检验Wash 冲砂Washer 洗砂机Wearability / wear resistance 耐磨性Wrinkle 皱皮Yield strength 屈服强度Zero defect casting 无缺陷铸件Zinc 锌最新铸造标准应用手册(机械工业出版社)(铸造专业词汇)Foundry terminologyfoundry founding casting铸造foundry technology铸造工艺casting铸件sand casting process型砂铸造special casting process特种铸造fluidity流动性mold-filling capacity充型能力gas absorption吸气undercooling ,supercooling过冷degree of undercooling过冷度nucleation成核homogeneous nucleation自发成核heterogeneous nucleation非自发成核solidification range凝固温度范围directional solidification定向凝固solidification contraction凝固收缩liquid contraction液态收缩solid contraction固态收缩solidification time凝固时间free contraction自由收缩hindered contraction受阻收缩shrinkage铸件线收缩率contraction stress收缩应力thermal stress热应力transformation stress相变应力casting stress铸造应力residual stress残留应力metallic raw material金属原物料pig iron生铁ferro-alloy铁合金foundry returns回炉料master alloy中间合金foundry coke铸造焦炭metallurgical coke冶金焦炭fixed carbon固定碳flux熔剂degassing flux除气熔剂covering flux覆盖熔剂refining flux精炼熔剂refractoriness耐火度firebrick耐火砖fireclay耐火黏土silica brick硅砖grain magnesite镁砂molding material造型材料sand砂washed-out sand水洗砂silica sand硅砂natural sand天然砂artificial sand人工砂naturally clay-bonded sand天然粘土砂olivine sand橄榄石砂chromite sand硌铁矿砂zircon sand锆砂carbon sand炭粒砂sharp sand精硅砂red sand红砂chamotte sand熟料砂binder粘结剂clay粘土inorganic binder无机粘结剂organic binder有机粘结剂kaolin高岭土bentonite膨润土sodium bentonite钠基膨润土calcium bentonite钙基膨润土activated bentonite活化膨润土drying oil干性油no bake binder自硬粘结剂(冷硬粘结剂)thermosetting resin binder热固树脂粘结剂oil based binder油类粘结剂water glass binder,sodium silicate binder水玻璃粘结剂lignin liquor纸浆残液synthetic fat binder合脂粘结剂水玻璃模数sodium silicate modulu s附加物additives发热剂exothermic mixture分型剂(脱模剂)parting agent;stripping agent固化剂(硬化剂)hardener悬浮剂suspending agent涂料coating型砂制备(砂处理)sand preparatio n混砂sand mixing;sand mulling型砂(造型混合料)molding sand芯砂(造芯混合料)core san d合成砂synthetic sand自硬砂self-hardening sand水玻璃砂sodium silicate-bonded sand覆模砂precoated sand烂砂泥(麻泥)loam调匀砂temper sand面砂facing sand背砂(填充砂)backing sand单一砂unit sand含泥量clay content含水量(水分,湿度)moisture content旧砂floor sand枯砂(焦砂)burnt sand废砂waste sand热砂hot sand松砂aeration,sand-cutting筛分(筛析)screen analysis旧砂处理sand reconditioning旧砂再生sand reclamation沉降分选elutriation,decantation型砂试验sand testing透气性permeability流动性flowability型砂强度sand strength湿强度green strength干强度dry strength耐用性(复用性)durability砂型(芯)硬度mold hardness热变形hot deformation残留强度retained strength热强度hot strength韧性toughness 发气率(发气速度)gas evolution rate发气性(发气量)gas evolutio n吸湿性moisture absorption落砂性knock-out capability溃散性collapsibility胶质价colloid index破碎指数shatter index热气流烘砂装置hot pneumatic tube drier混砂机sand muller,sand mixer松砂机aerator ,sand cutter冷却提升机cooling elevator,coolevato r筛砂机riddle磁力滚筒magnetic separator旧砂再生设备sand reclamation气力输送装置pneumatic tube conveyor铸铁cast iron铸铁石墨形态morphology of graphite in cast iron灰铸铁(灰口铸铁)gray cast iro n白口铸铁white cast iron麻口铸铁mottled cast iron共晶度degree of saturation碳当量carbon equivalent片状石墨flake graphite初生石墨primary graphite孕育铸铁inoculated cast iron球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron,nodular graphite iron,ductile iron球状石墨spheroidal graphite,nodular graphite 可锻铸铁(马铁)malleable cast iro n黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron珠光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron铁素体可锻铸铁ferritic malleable cast i ron白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron团絮石墨tempered graphite冷硬铸铁(激冷铸铁)chilled iro n耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron耐热铸铁heat resisting cast iron耐酸铸铁acid resisting cast iron高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron蠕墨铸铁vermicular cast iron,compacted graphite cast iron蠕虫状石墨vermicular graphite合金铸铁alloy cast iron铸钢cast steel碳素铸钢carbon cast steel低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel高锰钢high manganese steel铁素体钢ferritic steel青铜bronze铅青铜lead bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze黄铜brass铝铜合金aluminum-copper alloy铝镁合金aluminum-magnesium alloy铝硅合金aluminum-silicon alloy镁合金magnesium alloy轴承合金(减摩合金)bearing metal,antifrictional metal巴氏合金Babbitt metal钛合金titanium alloy熔化(熔炼)melting重熔remelting炉料charge熔化率melting rate炉料计算charge calculation双联熔炼duplexing元素烧损(元素烧损率)melting losses of various chemical elements熔炼损耗(烧损) total melting l oss 还原气氛reducing atmosphere氧化气氛oxidizing atmosphere惰性气体inert gas碱度index of basicity碱性渣basic slag酸性渣acid slag精炼refining遗传性heredity风口比tuyere ratio有效高度effective height送风强度blast intensity预热送风hot blast底焦coke bed层焦coke split隔焦buffer coke charge炉衬furnace lining碱性炉衬acid lining棚料bridging熔池bath吸碳carbon pick-up焦铁比iron coke ratio出渣deslagging打炉cupola drop氧化熔炼法oxidizing melting 不氧化熔炼法dead melting真空熔炼vacuum refining熔渣slag沉渣sludge浮渣dross,cinder氧化期oxidizing stage还原期blocking stage还原渣reducing slag氧化渣oxidizing slag白渣white slag脱氧deoxidation扒渣slagging-off脱碳decarburization脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization增碳recarburizing脱氧剂deoxidizer挥发损耗volatilizing losses静置stewing,holding吹氮nitrogen flushing冲天炉cupola水冷冲天炉water-cooled cupola热风冲天炉hot blast cupola湿法除尘器wet cap炉缸cupola well前炉forehearth冲天炉加料机cupola charging machine爬式加料机ship hoist电磁配料称electro-magnetic weighing balancer电磁盘electromagnetic chuck电弧炉direct arc furnace感应电炉electric induction furn ace电渣炉electroslag furnace电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation浇包ladle摇包shaking ladle底浇包bottom pouring ladle保温炉holding furnace坩呙炉crucible furnace孕育inoculation多孔塞法porous plug process变质modification墨化剂graphitizer过热superheating石墨球化处理nodularizing treatment of graphite碳当量仪eutectometer三角试块wdge test-piece真空除气vacuum degassing浇注pouring保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere浇注速度pouring rate浇注温度pouring temperature浇注时间pouring time 浇注位置pouring position型内孕育inmold inoculation压铁weight点冒口teeming捣冒口pumping补炉patching炉龄campaign铸造工艺设计mold design铸造工艺装备设计foundry tools design铸造工艺图foundry molding drawing铸件图drawing of rough casting起模斜度pattern draft收缩余量shrinkage allowan ce工艺补正量molding allowan ce加工余量machining allowan ce吃砂量mo9ld thickness补贴pad分型负数joint allowance铸件尺寸公差dimensional allowance of casting 铸件重量公差weight allowance of casting铸件加工基准面reference face for machining of casting铸件表面粗糙度surface roughness of casting浇注系统(浇口)gating system,running system封闭式浇注系统chocked running system,pressurized gating system半封闭式浇注系统enlarged runner system开放式浇注系统unchecked running system,non-pressurized gating system浇口盆(外浇口)pouring basin浇口杯pouring cup浇口塞blanking-off plug直浇道sprue直浇道窝sprue base横浇道runner筛网芯(滤网芯)strainer core内浇道ingate离心集渣浇注系统whirl gate,dirt trap system 顶注式浇注系统top gating system底注式浇注系统bottom gating system阶梯式浇注系统step gating sy stem雨淋浇口shower gate缝隙浇口slot gate压边浇口lip runner,kiss runner牛角式浇口horn gate热结hot spot冒口riser,feeder head冒口效率riser efficiency明冒口open riser暗冒口bland riser侧冒口(边冒口)side riser压力冒口pressure riser大气压力冒口atmospheric riser发气压力冒口(气弹冒口)gas-delivered pressure riser透气砂芯pencil core冒口径riser neck冒口根riser pad保温冒口套heat insulating feeder sl eev e发热冒口套exorhermic feeder sl eeve补缩距离feeding distance,feeding zone易割冒口knock-off head易割片(易割芯片)washburn core铸造工艺装备foundry tools and equipment模样(铸模、模)pattern母模master 金属模metal pattern骨架模skeleton pattern石膏模plaster pattern塑料模plaslicn pattern整体模one-piece pattern分开模parted pattern,split pattern活块loose piece模板pattern plate模底板pattern mounting plate单面模板single face pattern pl ate双面模板match plate放样(伸图)hot dimensional drawing缩尺(模样工缩尺)shrinkage rule,pattern-maker’s rule芯盒core box脱落式芯盒troughed core box下芯量具core setting scale下芯夹具core jig烘芯板core drying plate砂箱flask,molding box箱带(箱挡)flask bar,cross bar脱箱snap flask套箱mold jacket套销hollow pin,stub pin造型molding型腔mold cavity7.1.3铸型mold砂型sand mold上箱cope , top part下箱drag , bottom part手工造型hand molding机器造型machine molding自动化造型automatic molding分型面mold joint有箱造型flask molding两箱造型two-part molding三箱造型three-part molding不平分型面stepped joint无箱造型flaskless molding脱箱造型removable flask molding地坑造型pit molding刮板造型sweep molding抛砂造型impeller ramming组芯造型core assembly molding假箱造型oddside molding微振压造型vibratory squeezing molding 高压造型high pressure molding湿砂型green sand mold干砂型dry sand mold砂型烘干mold drying干砂型(干型)dry sand mol d表面烘干型skin dried mold烂砂泥型loam mold砂床bed过渡角transition angle吊砂cod砂钩lifter负亚造型vacuum molding液态砂造型fluid sand mol ding漏砂pattern stripping填砂molding-filling紧实ramming震实jolt ramming压实squeezing ramming紧实度degree of ramming二氧化碳法造型2CO process自硬砂造型self-hardening sand molding 塞砂tucking刮砂strike-off造型生产线molding line刷水swabbing扎出气孔venting排气道venting channel 修型patching冷铁densener,chill外冷铁surface densener内冷铁internal densener验型(验箱)trial closing合型(合箱、组型)mold assembling,closing造芯(制芯)core making芯(芯子)core芯骨core rod,core scab油砂芯oil sand core预制砂embeded core,ram u p core芯头core print芯座core print芯头斜度core print taper芯头间隙core print clearance壳芯shell core烘芯core baking通气蜡线vent wax冷芯盒法cold box process热芯盒法hot box process芯撑chaplethand tools of molding压勺heart and spoon提钩cleaner双头铜勺double ended radius sleeker镘刀trowel造型机molding machine压实造型机squeezing molding machine震击台bumper振动台vibrating table微振压实造型机vibratory squeezer震实造型机jolt molding machine高压造型机high pressure molding machine射压造型机shooting and squeezing molding machine多触头造型机equalizing piston squeezer抛砂机sand slinger起模机drawing machine射芯机core shooter击芯机core extruder铸型输送机mold conveyor落砂shake-out除芯decoring喷砂清理sand blasting抛丸清理shot blasting水力清砂hydraulic blast水砂清砂hydraulic blast清理cleaning清砂cleaning火焰表面清理scarfing清铲chipping化学清砂chemical cleaning精整dressing and finishing落砂机knock-out machine抛丸清理机shot blast machine清理滚筒tumbling barrel抛丸落砂清理设备shot blast reclaiming equipment悬挂式磨轮swing frame grinder矫正coining焊补repair welding参补impregnation金属型铸造permanent mold casting金属型metal mold金属芯metal core覆砂金属型sand-lined metal mold排气赛venting plug排气槽air vent龟裂heat checking金属型铸造机gravity die casting machin e压力铸造die-casting压铸型die-casting die动型moving die 定型fixed die合型力clamping force压室pressure chamber鹅颈管gooseneck分流器spreader顶杆ejector pin溢流槽overflow well压射冲头injection piston压射比压injection pressure压射速度injection speed保压时间dwell time真空压铸vacuum die casting冲氧压铸pore-free die casting双冲头压铸acurad die casting压铸机die casting machine冷室压铸机cold chamber die casting machine 热室压铸机hot chamber die casting machine镶铸法insert process离心铸造true centrifugal casting半离心铸造semi-centrifugal casting离心浇注centrifugal pressure casting双金属离心铸造bimetal centrifugal casting 离心铸造机centrifugal casting machine失模铸造lost pattern casting熔模铸造fusible pattern molding压制熔模fusible pattern injection压型pattern die熔模fusible pattern盐模salt pattern蜡模wax-pattern模组pattern assembly熔模涂料slurry面层涂料investment precoat撒砂stuccoing脱蜡dewaxing培烧sintering壳型制造shell molding结壳时间investing time结壳温度investing temperature硬化温度curing temperature硬化时间curing time陶瓷型制造ceramic slurry灌浆paste pouring喷烧torch firing低压铸造low-pressure diecasting充型压力mold filling pressure保压压力dwell pressure升液管stalk真空吸铸suction casting差压铸造counter-pressure casting实型铸造full mold process泡沫塑料模Styrofoam pattern磁型铸造magnetic shot molding process凝壳铸造slush casting石膏型造型plaster molding连续铸造continuous casting铸件检验inspection of casting铸件质量分析quality analysis of casting铸件外观质量visual quality of casting铸件内在质量internal quality of casting铸件使用性能service ability of casting单铸试块separated test bar of casting附铸试块test lug缺陷铸件defective casting废品reject无损检验(无损探伤)nondestructive inspection 破坏性试验destructive testing飞翅(飞边)joint flash毛刺veining抬型(抬箱)cope raise,raised mo ld胀砂swell冲砂erosion,cut,wash掉砂drop,crush外渗物(外渗豆)sweat气孔blowhole针孔pinhole缩孔shrinkage缩松dispersed shrinkage疏松(显微缩松)porosity,microshrinkag e冷裂cold cracking热裂hot tearing热处理裂纹heat treatment crack白点(发裂)flake冷隔cold shut,cold lap浇注断流interrupted pour鼠尾rat-tail沟槽buckle夹砂结疤(夹砂)scab机械粘砂(渗透粘砂) metal penetration化学粘砂(烧结粘砂)burn-on表面粗糙rough surface皱皮elephant skin缩陷depression浇不到misrun未浇满poured short跑火run-out,bleeding型漏(漏箱)run-out,bleeding损伤(机械损伤)damage拉长exaggeration of dimension超重over-weight变形distortion,warping错型(错箱)shift错芯core shift偏芯(漂芯)core raised,corelift夹杂物inclusion冷豆cold shot内渗物(内渗豆)internal sweat渣气孔scum,slag-blow hole砂眼sand inclusion亮皮pearlite layer菜花头cauli-flowering石墨漂浮carbon flotation石墨集结kish graphite spot组织粗大open grain structure偏析segregation硬点hard spot反白口inverse chill球化不良under-nodularizing球化衰退degradated spheroidisation。
[ 关键词] 美国山核桃; 无性系; 叶绿索荧光 I 光合性能
[ 中图分类号] ¥ 6. 641 [ 文献标识码 ] A
Ch o o hy lFl r s e e Cha a t r s i s o g a t d Se d i s lr p l uo e c nc r c e it c f En r f e e lng
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Absr c : t a t Chlr p yl lors e c h r ce it s fe g a td e digsof1 dfe e t e a con s o o h l u ec n e c a a trsi o n r fe se ln 2 ifrn p c n l e we e s u id Th r s ls f c r t de e e u t
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SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifier Advanced Grout SealerOther means of identification None.Recommended use Sealer.Recommended restrictions None known.Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor informationCompany Name LATICRETE InternationalAddress 1 Laticrete Park, NBethany, CT 06524Telephone(203)-393-0010Contact person Steve FineWebsite Emergency phone number Call CHEMTREC day or nightUSA/Canada - 1.800.424.9300Mexico - 1.800.681.9531Outside USA/Canada1.703.527.38872. Hazard(s) identificationFlammable aerosolsCategory 1Physical hazardsGases under pressureLiquefied gasSkin corrosion/irritationCategory 2Health hazardsSpecific target organ toxicity, single exposureCategory 3 narcotic effectsAspiration hazardCategory 1Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acuteCategory 2Environmental hazardshazardHazardous to the aquatic environment,Category 2long-term hazardNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsSignal word DangerHazard statement Extremely flammable aerosol. Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. Causes skinirritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxicto aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary statementPrevention Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking. Do not breathe mist orvapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing vapors. Use only outdoors or in awell-ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.Avoid release to the environment.Response If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air andkeep comfortable for breathing. Call a poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. If swallowed:Immediately call a poison center/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. Collect spillage. Leaking gasfire: Do not extinguish, unless leak can be stopped safely. Eliminate all ignition sources if safe todo so. If on skin: Wash with plenty of water. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing andwash it before reuse.Storage Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F. Store in awell-ventilated place. Store locked up.DisposalDispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation.3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixtures64742-48-960 - 80Naphtha (petroleum),hydrotreated heavy CAS number %Chemical name 106-97-810 - 20Butane 74-98-610 - 20PropaneProprietary < 2Partially Fluorinated Acrylic Copolymer 123-86-4< 2n-Butyl acetate Composition commentsAll concentrations are in percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume.4. First-aid measuresInhalation Move into fresh air and keep at rest. If breathing stops, provide artificial respiration. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Skin contactFlush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Wash skin with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.Frostbite: Do not remove clothes, but flush with copious amounts of lukewarm water. Call an ambulance and continue to flush during transportation to hospital.Eye contact Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Get medical attention immediately.IngestionImmediately rinse mouth and drink plenty of water. Keep person under observation. If person becomes uncomfortable take to hospital along with these instructions. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute and delayedSkin irritation. Irritation of nose and throat. Irritating to mucous membranes. Droplets of the product aspirated into the lungs through ingestion or vomiting may cause a serious chemical pneumonia. Exposure to rapidly expanding gas or vaporizing liquid may cause frostbite ("cold burn"). Very high exposure can cause suffocation from lack of oxygen.Indication of immediatemedical attention and special treatment needed Treat symptomatically.General informationEnsure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media Extinguish with alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder.Unsuitable extinguishing mediaDo not use a solid water stream as it may scatter and spread fire.Specific hazards arising from the chemicalDuring fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Solvent vapors may form explosive mixtures with air.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Selection of respiratory protection for firefighting: follow the general fire precautions indicated in the workplace. Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Fire fightingequipment/instructions In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing and face mask. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk.General fire hazardsExtremely flammable aerosol - contents under pressure. Aerosol containers can explode when heated, due to excessive pressure build-up. The product is extremely flammable, and explosive vapor/air mixtures may be formed even at normal room temperatures. Gas may travel considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. May form explosive mixtures with air.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions,protective equipment and emergency proceduresExtinguish all ignition sources. Avoid sparks, flames, heat and smoking. Ventilate. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. Stay upwind. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak.Ventilate closed spaces before entering. Use personal protection recommended in Section 8 of the SDS.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. This product is miscible in water.Large Spills: Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb spillage with non-combustible, absorbent material.Small Spills: Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.Never return spills in original containers for re-use.Environmental precautionsPrevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do not contaminate water.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handlingWash thoroughly after handling. Avoid prolonged exposure. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not breathe mist or vapor. The product is extremely flammable. May form explosive mixtures with air. Ground container and transfer equipment to eliminate static electric sparks. Do not handle or store near an open flame, heat or other sources of ignition. Contents under pressure.Do not puncture. Do not expose to electric current or heat. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Usenon-sparking tools and explosion-proof equipment. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Handle and open container with care.Conditions for safe storage,including any incompatibilitiesKeep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Store in cool place. Keep in a well-ventilated place.Keep container tightly closed. Keep in an area equipped with sprinklers. Keep this material away from food, drink and animal feed. Use care in handling/storage. Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Value Type ComponentsPEL400 mg/m3Naphtha (petroleum),hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)100 ppm PEL 710 mg/m3n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)150 ppm PEL1800 mg/m3Propane (CAS 74-98-6)1000 ppmUS. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Value Type ComponentsSTEL 1000 ppm Butane (CAS 106-97-8)STEL 200 ppm n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)TWA150 ppmUS. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Value Type ComponentsTWA1900 mg/m3Butane (CAS 106-97-8)800 ppmUS. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Value Type ComponentsTWA400 mg/m3Naphtha (petroleum),hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)100 ppm STEL 950 mg/m3n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)200 ppm TWA710 mg/m3150 ppm TWA1800 mg/m3Propane (CAS 74-98-6)1000 ppmBiological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Exposure guidelines Follow standard monitoring procedures.Appropriate engineering controlsExplosion proof exhaust ventilation should be used. Use process enclosures, local exhaustventilation, or other engineering controls to control airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. Use explosion-proof equipment. Provide easy access to water supply or an emergency shower.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protectionWear goggles/face shield.Skin protectionHand protectionWear protective gloves. Be aware that the liquid may penetrate the gloves. Frequent change is advisable. Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier.OtherWear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves.Protective shoes or boots. Structural firefighters protective clothing provides limited protection in fire situations ONLY; it is not effective in spill situations. Wear chemical protective equipment that is specifically recommended by the Personal Protective Equipment manufacturer.Respiratory protectionIf engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. Use a NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator as needed to control exposure. Consult with respirator manufacturer todetermine respirator selection, use, and limitations. Use positive pressure, air-supplied respirator for uncontrolled releases or when air purifying respirator limitations may be exceeded. Follow respirator protection program requirements (OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2) for all respirator use. In case of inadequate ventilation or risk of inhalation of vapors, use suitable respiratory equipment.Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.General hygiene considerationsHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes.9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearanceCompressed liquefied gas.Physical state Liquid.Form Aerosol liquid.Color Clear.OdorSolvent.Odor threshold Not available.pHNo data available.Melting point/freezing point Not applicable.Initial boiling point and boiling range Not available.Flash point < -0.4 °F (< -18.0 °C)Evaporation rate Not applicable.Flammability (solid, gas)Flammable gas.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsFlammability limit - lower(%)1.8 % v/v Flammability limit - upper (%)9.5 % v/v Explosive limit - lower (%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper (%)Not available.Vapor pressure Not available.Vapor density Not available.Relative density 0.817Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)Insoluble in water.Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Not available.Decomposition temperature Not available.ViscosityNot available.Other informationVOC (Weight %)1.5 g Ozone/g product10. Stability and reactivityReactivity The product is non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.Chemical stability Stable under normal temperature conditions. Heat may cause the containers to explode.Possibility of hazardous reactionsHazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to avoid Heat, sparks, flames, elevated temperatures. Pressurized container: Must not be exposed for temperatures above 50°C.Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents. Strong acids.Hazardous decomposition productsThermal decomposition or combustion may liberate carbon oxides and other toxic gases or vapors.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureInhalationVapors/aerosol spray may irritate the respiratory system.Skin contact Causes skin irritation.Eye contact May cause eye irritation on direct contact.IngestionIngestion may cause irritation and malaise.Symptoms related to thephysical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Skin irritation. Irritation of nose and throat. Irritating to mucous membranes.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity May cause discomfort if swallowed.Test ResultsComponentsSpeciesButane (CAS 106-97-8)LC50Rat Inhalation Acute 658 mg/l, 4 HoursNaphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)LD50Rabbit Dermal Acute > 2000 mg/kg LC50RatInhalation > 4.96 mg/l, 4 HoursTest Results ComponentsSpecies LD50RatOral > 5000 mg/kgPropane (CAS 74-98-6)LC50RatInhalation Acute 1355 mg/lSkin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritationMay cause eye irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitizationNot classified.Skin sensitization Not a skin sensitizer.Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified.CarcinogenicityNot classified.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Reproductive toxicityNot classified.Specific target organ toxicity -single exposureMay cause drowsiness or dizziness.Specific target organ toxicity -repeated exposure Not classified.Aspiration hazard May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.Further informationDroplets of the product aspirated into the lungs through ingestion or vomiting may cause a serious chemical pneumonia. Organic solvents may be absorbed into the body by inhalation and cause permanent damage to the nervous system, including the brain.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicityToxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.ComponentsTest ResultsSpeciesNaphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)Aquatic IC50Algae <= 10 mg/l, 72 hours Algae EC50Crustacea <= 10 mg/l, 48 hours Daphnia LC50Fish<= 10 mg/l, 96 hoursFishPersistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product.Bioaccumulative potentialNo data available for this product.Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow)Butane (CAS 106-97-8) 2.89Propane (CAS 74-98-6)2.36n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)1.78Mobility in soil No data available.Mobility in general The product is insoluble in water.Other adverse effectsNo data available.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructionsDispose of this material and its container at hazardous or special waste collection point. Do not incinerate sealed containers. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies.Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.Hazardous waste code Waste codes should be assigned by the user based on the application for which the product was used.Waste from residues / unused productsDispose of in accordance with local regulations.Contaminated packaging Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers should be taken to an approvedwaste handling site for recycling or disposal. Do not puncture or incinerate even when empty. 14. Transport informationDOTUN1950UN numberAerosolsUN proper shipping nameTransport hazard class(es)2.1Class-Subsidiary risk2.1Label(s)Not applicable.Packing groupEnvironmental hazardsYesMarine pollutantRead safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling.Special precautions for user306Packaging exceptionsNonePackaging non bulkNonePackaging bulkIATAUN1950UN numberAerosolsUN proper shipping nameTransport hazard class(es)2.1Class-Subsidiary risk2.1Label(s)Not applicable.Packing groupYesEnvironmental hazards10LERG CodeRead safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling.Special precautions for userIMDGUN1950UN numberAEROSOLSUN proper shipping nameTransport hazard class(es)2.1Class-Subsidiary risk2.1Label(s)Not applicable.Packing groupEnvironmental hazardsYesMarine pollutantF-D, S-UEmSRead safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. Read safety Special precautions for userinstructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling.Not available.Transport in bulk according toAnnex II of MARPOL 73/78 andthe IBC CodeGeneral information IATA classification is not relevant as the material is not transported by air.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.All components are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory List.This material contains one or more substances which requires export notification under TSCASection 12(b) and 40 CFR Part 707 Subpart D:Partially Fluorinated Acrylic CopolymerPMN Number: P-08-0643TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Butane (CAS 106-97-8)LISTEDn-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)LISTEDPropane (CAS 74-98-6)LISTEDSuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - YesDelayed Hazard - NoFire Hazard - YesPressure Hazard - YesReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.SARA 311/312 HazardouschemicalYesSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulated.Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) ListNot regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130)Butane (CAS 106-97-8)Propane (CAS 74-98-6)Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)Not regulated.US state regulations This product does not contain a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListButane (CAS 106-97-8)Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActButane (CAS 106-97-8)Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawButane (CAS 106-97-8)Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9)n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. Rhode Island RTKButane (CAS 106-97-8)n-Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)Propane (CAS 74-98-6)US. California Proposition 65Not Listed.International InventoriesCountry(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)*Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)No AustraliaDomestic Substances List (DSL)No CanadaNon-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)No CanadaInventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC)No ChinaEuropean Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS)NoEuropeEuropean List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS)Yes EuropeInventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS)No JapanCountry(s) or region Inventory nameOn inventory (yes/no)*Existing Chemicals List (ECL)NoKorea New Zealand InventoryNo New Zealand Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS)No Philippines*A "Yes" indicates this product complies with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s).A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s).Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) InventoryNoUnited States & Puerto Rico16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date 24-February-2015Revision date -Version #01NFPA ratings1References HSDB® - Hazardous Substances Data BankRegistry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS)DisclaimerThe information in this (M)SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable but cannot guarantee. Additionally, your use of this information is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. Therefore, the information is provided without any representation or warranty express or implied.。
TORQ-SET Mplus 371 螺丝钉驱动器的中文名字:TORQ-SET Mplus 371螺
EAN:4013288094933Size:178x33x33 mmPart number:Weight:58 gArticle number:371 TORQ-SET® Mplus Country of origin:CZ82054000Customs tariffnumber:Screwdriver for TORQ-SET® screwsMulti-component Kraftform handle for fast and ergonomic screwdrivingHandle markings simplify finding and sorting of toolsHexagonal anti-roll feature against rolling awayMplus for more breaking torque and durability, chrome-platedHigh quality Kraftform Plus screwdriver. The stronger flanks when compared with the conventional TORQ-SET profile result in 70% more breaking torque and thereby enhanced durability. Multi-component Kraftform handle for high working speeds and particularly ergonomic screwdriving. Kraftform Plus: hard gripping zones for high working speeds whereas soft zones ensure high torque transfer. Hexagonal anti-roll feature prevents any rolling away and handle markings make for simplified finding and sorting of the tool.Web linkhttp://products.wera.de/en/tools_for_the_aerospace_segment_screwdrivers_screwdrivers_kraftform_plus__series_300_371_torq-set_mplus.htmlTORQ-SET® MplusKraftformPrevents hand injuriesKraftform Plus screwdrivers –ergonomics you can grasp.They relieve the entire hand-arm system even when used intensively.Along with other technical and product advantages such as the Lasertip for a secure fit in the screw head,Kraftform screwdrivers are the ideal choice whenever manual screwdriving jobs are concerned.Wera developed the Mplus profile with stronger flanks compared with tools with a conventional TORQ-SET®profile.This results in approximately 70%extra torsional strength and greatly extends the service life of Wera Mplus tools.The basic idea for the prototype of the Kraftform handle –that the hand should dictate the design –has,right through to today,proved to be correct.In cooperation with the internationally recognised Fraunhofer IAO Institute,Wera developed a screwdriver handle designed to match the shape of the human hand as long ago as the 1960s.After a long development phase,the Wera Kraftform handle was launched to the market in 1968.It has been optimised through the years with new technologies,but has kept its proven shape.After all,the human hand has not changed either.The outstanding design of the Kraftform handle that fits perfectly into the hand prevents hand injuries such as blisters and calluses.Large contact area Rapid hand repositioning Identification markingNon-roll featureThe large contact area –with particularly high friction to the soft zones –results in high torque transfer without any bruising from the edges.The hard materials used for the handle ensure rapid hand repositioning without any danger of the skin “sticking"to the handle.The surrounding hard zones with large diameters glide like wheels across the hand.The screw symbol and tip size identification markings on the handle make it easier to find the right screwdriver in the tool case or at the workplace.The hexagonal non-roll feature prevents any rolling away at the workplace.Web linkhttp://products.wera.de/en/tools_for_the_aerospace_segment_screwdrivers_screwdrivers_kraftform_plus__series_300_371_torq-set_mplus.htmlFurther versions in this product family:mm inch mm mm mm inch68098 4.5 3 1/88100105 6.0410100105 6.041/4"1251128.05Web linkhttp://products.wera.de/en/tools_for_the_aerospace_segment_screwdrivers_screwdrivers_kraftform_plus__series_300_371_torq-set_mplus.html。
环糊精功能化多壁碳纳米管对芒柄花素的装载及其细胞毒性研究刘晓红;黄泽贤;许丹翘;廖灿城;许昕浩;郭波红【期刊名称】《功能材料》【年(卷),期】2018(049)001【摘要】利用羟丙基-β-环糊精(HP-β-CD)修饰羧基化多壁碳纳米管(CD-MWCNTs),通过红外光谱证明了CD-MWCNTs的成功合成,并经溶液共混法将CD-MWCNTs装载芒柄花素(FMN).选用激光粒径仪,X射线衍射、扫描电镜对载药CD-MWCNTs(CD-MWCNTs-FMN)进行表征,并考察其释药特性.采用水溶性四唑盐试剂(WST-1)测定CD-MWCNTs-FMN的抗肿瘤活性.研究结果表明CD-MWCNTs对FMN的包封率为(50.60±1.92)%,载药率为(7.20±0.98)%.FMN在CD-MWCNTs的释放行为具有pH值依赖.细胞毒性结果表明载药CD-MWCNTs 的抗肿瘤活性强于游离药物.这说明环糊精修饰的多壁碳纳米管是一种良好的缓释性载药系统,并且能提高芒柄花素的抗肿瘤活性.【总页数】8页(P1071-1077,1082)【作者】刘晓红;黄泽贤;许丹翘;廖灿城;许昕浩;郭波红【作者单位】广东药科大学药学院,广州 510006;广东药科大学药学院,广州510006;广东药科大学药学院,广州 510006;广东药科大学药学院,广州 510006;广东药科大学药学院,广州 510006;广东药科大学药学院,广州 510006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB34【相关文献】1.基于羧基化多壁碳纳米管的双苯基吡唑修饰及合成产物的细胞毒性研究 [J], Hasan Tahermansouri;Esmail Biazar2.芒柄花素-β-环糊精包合物的制备工艺 [J], 李德强;雷英杰;丁玫3.功能化多壁碳纳米管对L02细胞的作用 [J], 刘珍宝;周波;王海燕;张海玲;刘兰霞;朱敦皖;冷希岗4.甲基化-β-环糊精(MCD)对甲基对硫磷的增溶作用和生物毒性研究 [J], 刘嫦娥;曾清如;周细红;郭正元;廖柏寒5.适配体功能化多壁碳纳米管整体柱分离富集细胞色素c [J], 周婵媛;杜苑琪;杜卓;李攻科;肖小华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
壳聚糖对紫花毕岱醇提液中总皂苷含量的影响刘斐;陈虹;罗亚娇;张万鑫;周倩【摘要】Objective To optimize the flocculation process of the ethanol withdrew liquid of Xinjiang local plant violet flower Bidai. Methods With the total saponin contents and precipitation capacity in the ethanol withdraw liquid of violet flower Bidai as indexes, the influence of chitosan volume, flocculation temperature and pH were studied. Based on the single factor analysis, the orthogonal design was used to optimize the conditions of clarification process. Results The optimal clarification condition was obtained: 1% chitosan 3 mL added into 50 mL ethanol withdrew liquid, hierarchy fiocculation pH was 4.5 and temperature was 50 ℃.Conclusion Under this condition, clarification effect of violet flower Bidai ethanol withdrew liquid is good,the indexes are up to the standard. It can be used for the clarification process of violet flower Bidai ethanol withdrew liquid.%目的优选新疆地产植物紫花毕岱醇提液的壳聚糖絮凝工艺.方法以紫花毕岱醇提物絮凝工艺中总皂苷含量、沉淀量为研究指标,考察壳聚糖加入量、温度及pH值等因素对絮凝效果的影响.在单因素分析的基础上应用正交试验设计优化澄清工艺条件.结果优选的絮凝工艺最佳条件是:每50 mL毕岱醇提液加入壳聚糖3.0 mL,絮凝体系温度为50℃,体系pH值为4.5,此时壳聚糖对紫花毕岱醇提液絮凝效果最好.结论紫花毕岱总皂苷醇提物在该工艺条件下,澄清效果良好,各项指标符合研究要求,可用于紫花毕岱醇提液的除杂澄清.【期刊名称】《中国中医药信息杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(018)004【总页数】3页(P56-58)【关键词】紫花毕岱;总皂苷;壳聚糖;絮凝工艺【作者】刘斐;陈虹;罗亚娇;张万鑫;周倩【作者单位】石河子大学药学院,教育部新疆特种植物药重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832002;石河子大学药学院,教育部新疆特种植物药重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832002;石河子大学药学院,教育部新疆特种植物药重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832002;石河子大学药学院,教育部新疆特种植物药重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832002;石河子大学药学院,教育部新疆特种植物药重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R283.5紫花毕岱为多年生豆科植物,我国广泛分布,在民间作为传统草药用于治疗消化不良、肺热咳嗽、黄疸、膀胱结石等病症。
1,5-环辛二烯(乙酰丙酮)铱(Ⅰ)的合成及结构表征侯文明;李艳琼;陈兴飞;蒋婧;晏彩先【摘要】Ir(acac)(cod)was synthesized in one-step process from [Ir(cod)Cl]2 in tetrahydrofuran by adding Hacac as the anion ligand. The yield was 88.6%. Structure of the complexes have been represented by the structural analytical methods like elemental analysis,1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR, then their chemical construction were confirmed finally.%在四氢呋喃介质中,将1,5-环辛二烯氯化铱(I)二聚体([Ir(cod)Cl]2)与乙酰丙酮加热回流,一步合成了1,5-环辛二烯(乙酰丙酮)铱(Ⅰ)[Ir(acac)(cod)],产率88.6%.用元素分析、红外光谱(IR)和核磁共振(1H-NMR、13C-NMR)等分析,结果表明产物为目标化合物.【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2017(038)0z1【总页数】3页(P124-126)【关键词】有机化学;1,5-环辛二烯(乙酰丙酮)铱(Ⅰ);合成;结构【作者】侯文明;李艳琼;陈兴飞;蒋婧;晏彩先【作者单位】昆明贵金属研究所,贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;昆明贵金属研究所,贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;昆明贵金属研究所,贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;昆明贵金属研究所,贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;昆明贵金属研究所,贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O627.8金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)法是制备铱涂层较为有效的方法之一。
丙氨酸酯衍生物的合成及其对吲哚美辛的经皮促渗活性李伟杰【摘要】Seven novel 2-(N,N-diethylamino)propanoates (1a~1g) were synthesized using N,N-di-ethyl-l-alanine as material, N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide as condensation agent and 4-dimethylamin-opyridine as catalyst. The structures were characterized by 1 H NMR,MS( ESI) and elemental analy-sis. In vitro penetration enhancing activities of 1 were evaluated using rat skins as biomembrane and in-domethacin as model drug in TT-18-type diffusion cells. The results showed that 1 g exhibited good skin penetration enhancement of indomethacin(94. 2%).%以N,N-二乙基-l-丙氨酸为原料,N,N′-二环己基碳二亚胺为缩合剂,4-甲氨基吡啶为催化剂,合成了7个新型的2-(N,N′-二乙基氨基)丙酸酯(1a~1g),其结构经1H NMR, MS(ESI)和元素分析表征。
【期刊名称】《合成化学》【年(卷),期】2016(000)012【总页数】5页(P1043-1047)【关键词】丙氨酸酯衍生物;N,N-二乙基-l-丙氨酸;催化合成;吲哚美辛;经皮促渗活性【作者】李伟杰【作者单位】韩山师范学院化学与环境工程学院,广东潮州 521041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O622.5;O622.6氮酮是目前使用最广泛的一种高效透皮剂,广泛用于外用药、化妆品、农药、兽药、印染和纺织等多个领域[1],但氮酮与强酸或强碱类药物有配伍禁忌,不能被生物体降解代谢,且有一定的毒副作用。
一种用于β2受体兴奋剂筛查的胶束电动色谱新方法孟祥英;索兴梅;丁永胜【期刊名称】《中国科学院大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(032)004【摘要】建立一种快速、简单、有效的胶束电动色谱技术分别检测猪饲料、猪肝、猪肉和猪尿中的5种β2受体兴奋剂.获得优化后的分离缓冲液为15 mmol/L SDS、15 mmol/L硼酸钠、p H=10、以及毛细管温度为25℃.在优化条件下,5种β2受体兴奋剂在18 min内完成分离,在0.1-40μg/m L浓度范围内具有良好的线性关系(R2〉0.999),其检出限(S/N≥3)在0.05-0.08μg/m L范围之间.西马特罗,莱克多巴胺,克伦特罗具有较好的回收率(n=3),分别为95.8%,93.1%,95.0%;而沙丁胺醇和特布他林的回收率较低,分别为52.3%和69.4%.被测物的峰面积和迁移时间的相对标准偏差分别小于4.86%和1.25%.利用该方法对5种不同猪饲料、猪肝、猪肉和猪尿样品中的沙丁胺醇,特布他林,西马特罗,莱克多巴胺和克伦特罗进行了筛查。
【总页数】8页(P482-489)【作者】孟祥英;索兴梅;丁永胜【作者单位】[1]中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京100049;[2]中央民族大学信息工程学院,北京100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R78【相关文献】1.叶酸受体介导的亚甲蓝活体组织染色剂用于宫颈癌筛查的评价 [J], 朱彦玲;张杰;刘蓓蓓;张雪玲;张红;张萍;王新侠;于晓娟;王岚2.一种用于β2受体兴奋剂筛查的胶束电动色谱新方法 [J], 孟祥英;索兴梅;丁永胜3.叶酸受体介导靶向肿瘤检测技术用于宫颈癌快速筛查的临床应用研究 [J], 花茂方;陈燕娟;俞双华4.介绍一种衣原体筛查的新方法 [J], 方耀武;张艳丽;王晓银5.叶酸受体介导靶向肿瘤检测技术用于宫颈癌快速筛查的临床应用研究 [J], 花茂方;陈燕娟;俞双华;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
叉角厉蝽毒液丝氨酸蛋白酶基因EfSP2克隆、表达及捕食功能分析作者:张曼刘炳顺陈晓岳茂婷朱国渊田永明宁婧怡秦得强吴国星高熹来源:《南方农业学报》2024年第02期摘要:【目的】通過对叉角厉蝽[Eocanthecona fiurcellata(Wolf)]毒液丝氨酸蛋白酶(Serine protease,SP)基因E/SP2的克隆、序列分析、表达谱分析及RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi),解析EfSP2蛋白的功能,为ESP2基因的分子特征研究及功能注释提供科学依据。
【方法】从叉角厉蝽唾液腺转录组中获得E/SP2基因序列,利用PCR技术扩增E/SP2基因完整开放阅读框(Open reading frame,ORF)序列,对其进行生物信息学分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析EJSP2基因在叉角厉蝽不同发育阶段(卵、1~5龄若虫和雌雄成虫)唾液腺及雌成虫不同组织(马氏管、唾液腺、脂肪体、卵巢、中肠、头)中的表达情况;通过RNAi技术检测其对叉角厉蝽雌雄成虫存活及捕食的影响。
【结果】克隆获得EfSP2基因ORF序列长861 bp,编码286个氨基酸;EfSP2氨基酸序列中具有1个完整的Tryp-SPc 结构域,含有胰蛋白酶N末端保守的起始氨基酸序列(IVGG);含有保守的SP三联体催化活性中心,属于丝氨酸蛋白酶家族的类胰蛋白酶亚家族;与稻绿蝽(Nezara viridula)SP同源性最高,氨基酸序列一致性为44.69%。
关键词:叉角厉蝽;唾液腺;丝氨酸蛋白酶;基因克隆;表达模式;RNA干扰中图分类号:S476.2文献标志码:A文章编号:2095-1191(2024)02-0489-10Cloning,expression and predation function analysis of serine protease EfSP2 gene from Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff)venomZHANG Man¹,LIU Bing-shun²,CHEN Xiao',YUE Mao-ting',ZHU Guo-yuan',TIAN Yong-ming',NING Jing-yi',QIN De-qiang',WU Guo-xing',GAO Xi¹('College of Plant Protection,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201,China;²Lufeng Agricultural Technology ExtensionCenter,Chuxiong,Yunnan 651200,China)Abstract:[Objective]The purpose of the study was to analyze the function of EfSP2 protein by cloning,sequence analysis,expression profile analysis and RNA interference(RNAi)of serine protease(SP)gene ESP2 from the venom of Eocanthecona fiurcellata(Wolff),and to provide ascientific basis for the molecular characterization and functional an-notation of the E/SP2 gene.【Method】The E/SP2 gene sequence was obtained from the salivary gland transcriptome of Efiuncellata.The complete open reading frame(ORF)sequence of the E/SP2 gene was amplified by PCR technology and analyzed by bioinformatics.Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR was used to analyze the expression of E/SP2 gene in different developmental stages(eggs,1*-5 instar nymphs,male and female adults)salivary gland and different tissues(malpighian tube,salivary gland,fat body,ovary,gut,head)of female adults.At the same time,RNAi technology was used to detect its effects on the survival and predation of maleand female E.furcellata adults.【Result】The ORF sequence of E/SP2 gene obtained from cloning was 861 bp,encoding 286 amino acids.The amino acid sequence of EfSP2 con-tained acomplete Tryp-SPc domain and aconserved initial amino acid sequence(IVGG)at theN-terminus of trypsin.It contained aconserved SP triplet catalyticactivity center and belonged to the tryptase subfamily of the serine protease fami-ly.It had the highest homology with Nezara viridula SP,with an amino acid sequence identity of44.69%.The E/SP2 gene was highly expressed in male and female adults and salivary glands of E.furcellata.The injection of dsESP2 signifi-cantly inhibited the expression of target genes(P<0.05,the same below),and significantly reduced the survival rate and predation of male and female E.furcellata adults.【Conclusion】The Efucellata venom serine protease EfSP2 gene is suc-cessfully cloned.The spatiotemporal expression profile and RNAi results show that EfSP2 islikely to be one of the impor-tant proteins in the processesof growth,development,predation and digestionof E.furcellataKey words:Eocantheconafiurcellata(Wolff);salivary gland;serine protease;genecloning;expression pattern;RNA interferenceFoundation items:Yunnan Agricultural Basic Research Joint Special Project(202301BD070001-137,202101BD 070001-050);Yunnan Young and Middle-aged Academic and Technical Leaders Reserve Talents Project(202205AC 160077);Yunnan Tobacco Company Science and Technology Plan Project(2023530000241012)0引言【研究意義】叉角厉蝽[Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff)]隶属于半翅目(Hemiptera)蝽科(Pentatomi-dae)益蝽亚科(Asopinae),是一种具有良好捕食能力的天敌昆虫,对多种重要的农业害虫具有较好的防控效果(Wen et al.,2017;张曼等,2022),尤其对鳞翅目害虫有较强的控害能力(赵航等,2022),在生物防治方面极具应用潜力。
双苯并吡喃型农药中间体的合成、光解及工艺优化张尚玺; 王振希; 曹锰; 柳阳; 徐胜; 戴欣【期刊名称】《《化工中间体》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)012【总页数】3页(P99-101)【关键词】农药中间体; 苯并吡喃化合物; 质子酸; 自降解【作者】张尚玺; 王振希; 曹锰; 柳阳; 徐胜; 戴欣【作者单位】南昌工程学院江西 330099【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R自从20世纪70年代早熟素(Precocene Ⅱ)被分离出来以后,因其对半翅目虫的提前变性具有良好药效和易于分解等特点,受到了农药领域科学家的关注。
图1 化合物的合成路线1.实验部分(1)仪器和试剂1,4苯二酚,3-甲基-2-丁烯醛,苯硼酸:安耐吉化学,分析纯,未经纯化,直接使用;甲苯:分析纯试剂,经Na/苯甲酮新蒸后使用。
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back to the surface into a temporary storage tank. The use of radioactive tracers raises safety and environmental concerns due to the transportation, handling, personnel exposure, pumping and finally, disposal of the material.
A New and Safe Alternative to Radioactive Tracers
The Hexion PropTrac H fracture diagnostics process is a new and
environmentally safe method to determine the location of the proppant. Hexion incorporates a non-radioactive, non-hazardous tag into the resin coating of our proppants to more accurately determine where the proppant is located in the formation. Once the proppant is placed in the well, a standard logging tool temporarily activates the tag and determines the location of the proppant. A well utilizing PropTrac can be logged at anytime (even months or years later) to determine what zones were actually fractured with our proppants.
in the early 1950s to enhance the recovery of oil and natural gas. The fracturing process incorporates the use of high pressure pumping equipment to pump a slurry of sand (proppants) and water into a well at sufficient pressure to open up, or “fracture” the geological formation where the hydrocarbon is located. The proppants are placed in the fracture to prevent it from closing. This propped fracture
provides an efficient pathway for the oil or natural gas to travel from deep in the reservoir back to the wellbore and up to the surface for processing.
Environmental Bulletin
15115 Park Row, Suite 160
Houston, TX 77084 USA
+1 281 646 2800
For worldwide locations visit
Fracturing photos courtesy of BJ Services Company.
® and ™ Licensed trademarks of Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. © 2008 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. HCI-198 6/08 Printed in U.S.A. The information provided herein was believed by Hexion Specialty Chemicals (“Hexion”) to be accurate at the time of preparation or prepared from sources believed to be reliable, but it is the responsibility of the user to investigate and understand other pertinent sources of information, to comply with all laws and procedures applicable to the safe handling and use of the product and to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use. All products supplied by Hexion are subject to Hexion’s terms and conditions of sale. HEXION MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE PRODUCT OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS THEREOF FOR ANY PURPOSE OR CONCERNING THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY HEXION, except that the product shall conform to Hexion’s
specifications. Nothing contained herein constitutes an offer for the sale of any product.。