



星火英语四级高频词汇01tendinv olv einc lud ein for ma ti onFo r fu rth er i nfo rmati on pl ea se wri te to me.offerl ev elreq uir eThe work i sn't up t o th e stan dard I requi r e.issu eWhat's a t i ssue he re i s t he wh ol e fut ure of the i ndu stry.cond i tio nThe b asi c cau se s a re un kno wn,al thoug h ce rtai n co ndi ti on s tha t may l ead t o can ce r ha ve been i den ti fi ed. ea rnrateThe di vo rce rate i s goi ng up year by yearas a resul t o f the i nv ol vemen t o f the othe r me n or wome n.con tro lThe fi re wa s soo n un der cont rol.p rocessTh rou gho ut t he pro ce ss of reform and openi ng,we mu st comba t co rrup ti on. avoidIn i nte rna ti onal mat che s,pre sti ge i s so i m po rta nt t hat the o nl y thi ng tha t mat te rs i s to avoi d bei ng beaten.foc u sPl ease fo cu s y ou r mi nd o n the fol l owi n g probl em.affec tCon stan t exp o su re to i nte nse l i ght affe ct s the eye s a dve rsel y. cr ed itDon't pl a ce credi t i n i dl e rumo urs.envi ro nmen tfai lSome stu den ts fai l ed t o g et aba chel or's deg ree be cau se t hey fai l edthe CE T B and-4.fea tu r eimp ac tH er spee ch mad e a tremen dou si mpact on e veryon e.lac kThei r a cti on s l a ck co nsi s te n cy; theysay o ne t hi ng and d o ano the r.majorShake spea re i s one o f the maj orwri te th in gI can't bel i eve we di d al l tha t work fornothi n g.rang ereferThe di s pu te wa s re fe rre d to t he U ni tedNati on s.rep l ac eW e h ave re pl aced sl ave l abo ur wi t h/by ma chi ne s.seekMost o f the co unt ry's Inte rne t users goonl i ne t o chat or see k ente rtai nmen trat her th an l oo k fo r j ob s o r cond u ctbu si ness.sp eedH i s spe ed and st ren gth hel pe d hi mwi n t he ra ce.02su gg estJane's pal e fa ce sugge sted t hat she wa si ll,and he r pa ren ts su gge sted t hat shesh oul d ha ve a me di cal ex ami nati on.ab ili tyEdu cati on i s the abi l i ty to l i ste n toal most any thi ngwi th ou t l o si ng you r te mpe r orsel f-co nfi den ce.commu nic atio ncon tai nexp en seMost chi l dren i n B ri tai n a re edu ca tedat publ i c e xpen se.ign or eY ou'v e been i gn ori ng me.inju r eA fter bei n g wou nded i n t he fi gh ti ng,he wa s i n an a cci den t wh en hi s carwa s d amag ed bu t he hi m sel f noti nj mi tY ou real l y a re t he ab sol ut e l i mi t!na tur eThi s bea uti ful ga rden o we s mo re toart than to na tu re.p artic ul arMi chael Ja ck so n i s pa rti c ul ar ab outhi s cl o the s.p artic ul arl yCott on g ro ws wel l i n t hat co un try,parti cul a rl y i n t he ea st.p ic kShe pi c ked at h er pl ate, wi th outappeti te.sp eci ficSome o f t he rep ort s al wa y s sp eak onthe ge neral p ri n ci pl ewhi l e ne gl ecti ng a b ri efi ng on sp e ci fi cfa ct s.stic kIf we sti c k a t i t, we shoul d fi ni sh thej ob t oday.stor eA grea t pa rt o f t he chai n sto re'sbu si ness co me s fro m chi l dren.amo un tThei r t ravel i ng expe n se s a mou nt toseve n hu nd red d ol l ars.ap p ealH er se n se of hu mou r appe al ed t o hi m enormo usl y.asso cia teW e a sso ci a te E gyp t wi th t he Ni l e. asso cia ti onA ccordi ng to the A meri c an A utomobi l e A sso ci ati o n,si n ce 1964 al l ca rs sol d i n t he U ni ted Sate s have been equi pp ed wi t h seat bel ts.assumeFarme rs wi l l have a b um per ha rve st, assu mi ng tha t the weath er i s favo urabl e.b en efi tEqual i ty an d mut ual be nefi t i s o ne of Chi na's fi ve p ri n ci pl es of p ea ce ful co-e xi ste n cei n fo rei gn p ol i cy.cul ti va teConti nue to carry fo rwa rd and cul ti va te th e nati onal spi ri t.d istan c eI coul d hea r v oi ce s i n th e di st an ce. ed i tThe y mu st hav e edi ted bi ts of the i ntervi e w o ut.ex cha ng eThe re i s a n i n crea se i n the te chni c al co ope rati o n and cul t ural ex chang es bet wee n Chi na and o the r co unt ri e s. fac torH er fri endl y ma nne r i s an i mpo rt ant fa ct or i n he r rapi d su cce ss.ind ica teIn t hi s map, t he to wn s are i ndi c at ed by a red d iaCCTV ha s goo d me di a cove rage of the Ira q W emen tY our con tri bu ti on s o n the fi el d o f pl ay have served t o st reng the nthe Ol ym pi c M ovem ent and gl obalsp ort.refu seIt wa s no ea sy ma tte r fi ndi ngl odgi ngs.In mo st ca se s we were re fu sed onso me p rete xt o r ot her,whi l e we ou rsel ve s tu rned do wn afe w pl a ce s a s un sui ta bl fferI'm so h appy, so ab so rbe d i n thesen sa ti on o f a t ranq ui l exi sten ce, t hatmy art i s su fferi n ea tIt's t reat ed l i ke i t's some evi l thi ng t hati ndustry i s doi ng, bu t i f i nd ust ry wa sn'tdoi ng tha t,we wo ul d no t have any ne wtrea tme nt s.vari ou sNo wada y s, m oon ca ke s wi t h thei rvari ou s fl avors a nd del i ca te pa ckagi ngactual l y ha ve be co me a ki nd ofart work.03ap p lyW e shoul d ap pl y to the p ubl i she rs forpermi ssi on to rep ri nt a n ext ra ct.attac kavai lab l eThe re were no ti c ke t s avai l abl e forFri day's pe rfo rma n ardThe N obel P ri ze i s a wa rde d toco mme mo rat e Nob el, t he g reatch emi st.b ac kgr ou ndI woul d al so l i ke t o l ea rn mo re ab outthe cul tu re be hi nd th e l an guag e.When y ou unde rsta nd the cul tu ralba ckg ro und, yo u can be tte r u se thel anguage.commi tChi na wi l l, a s al w ay s, com mi t i t sel f toreform, openi n g-up andmode rni zati on d ri ve. 中国将一如既往地致力于改革开放和现代化建设事业commu nic ateThe Mi ni ste r of Fo rei gn A ffai rs ha sal ready co mmu ni ca ted o n thi s ev entwi ththe A me ri can P re si den t.cri si sNegoti ati o ns bet we en th e t woco un tri e s are a pp roa chi ng a cri s i s.effectiv eThe y to ok e ffe cti ve m ea su re s toprev ent p oi so nou s g ases fromesca pi ng.emp loyThe fi rm e mpl oy s the re ti redpro fe sso r a s an ad vi so r.entir eIn o rd er to hedg e hi s bet s he di dn't tel lthe ot he r pa rty hi s en ti re pl an.ex ha u stSome we b a ddi ct s often ex hau stthem sel ve s by su rfi ng the Inte rn et forday s on en d.grow thRussi a P re si dent Pu ti n st re ssed tha t theenergy ta ri ffs sh oul d be rai sedgrad ual l yand i n a cco rdan ce wi t h th e gro wt h i npeopl e's i n co me.har mThe ca r wa s badl y dam aged bu t noneof the pa ssen gers came to an y ha id en tThe an ti-wa r d emo n st rati onpro ceeded wi t hou t i n ci dent.mod elThe y t ry to b ui l d t hei r sy stem ofdemo cra cy on t he A meri c an m odel.op ini onIn the o pi ni on of m y do ct or, I sho ul d be wel l en oug h to t ravel by nex t week.p refer enc eDo y ou have a pre fe ren ce fo r a parti cul a r food?sid ePeopl e on b ot h si de s o f the Tai w an St rai t s sho ul d i nhe ri t an d carry fo rwa rdthe fi ne t ra di ti ons o f t he Chi ne se cul t ng l eDon't stak e ev erythi ng o n a si ngl e ca st of t he di ce.sup p lyH e wa s arre st ed fo r sup pl yi ng a rm s to the te rro ri st ap tCan yo u a dap t y ou r wa y o f thi nki ng to the ne w l i fe styl e?ad op tad voca teNothi ng co ul d pe rsua de me to retu rn to th e ki nd o f l i fe K el sey u se d to advo ca teand I o n ce enj oy ed.ap p roachFe w wri ters can ap proa ch Shake spea re i n tal ent.ap p rov eMy pa ren t s d on't app ro ve of me sm oki ng ci ga ret te s.circ umsta nc eCi rcum sta n ce s al te r ca se s.此一时彼一时con su meIn the mi d-seve nti es A meri c an s co n sum ed ab ou t seven teen mi l l i on barrel s o f oi l dai l y.conv eyThi s t rai n conve y s o ver t hre e h und red passe nge rs eve ry da ea tiv eW e ne ed some creati ve t hi nki ng tosol ve t hi s p ro bl em.crimeLast yea r,the cri me ra te i n Chi c agosha rpl y de cl i ned.d efin eWhen bo unda ri e s bet we en cou nt ri esare no t cl ea rl y de fi ned, the re's u sual l ytro ubl e.effici en tThe ne w se creta ry i s a qui c k,e ffi c i entworker, a nd the b o ss i s qui te sati s fi edwi th her.emo ti onThe spea ker a ppeal ed to o ur e moti on srat her than to ou r mi n ds.exp ec ta ti onThe y had g reat expe ctati o ns for thei rso n, b ut he di dn't real l y l i ve up to t hem.exp r essNo word s ca n e xp re ss the g ran deu r ofthat p ara de.fai lu r eFai l ure i s the mo the r of su cce ss./Fai l ure tea che s su cce ss.gapThe re we re so me una ccou nta bl e gap si n hi s st ory.04ma nn erH e i s a man wi t h a ve ry p ri m andpre ci s e man ner.mi ldH e ha s t oo mi l d a na tu re t o ge t an gry,even i f he ha s g ood cau se.moodH e's i n no m ood fo r tel l i ng j oke s.n ec essar ilyY ou sho ul d ne ce ssari l y go to the pa rty.n ec essar yIf ne ce ssa ry, we can al wa y s ch angethe da te s of ou r t ri p.ob jec tMaki ng mo ney wa s hi s mai n obj e cti n l i fe.p aceThe ol d man wal ke d at a v ery sl o wpa ce.p artic ip ateA mong al l the ex hi bi ti on pa rti c i pati ngnati on s, Chi na had the bi gge st spa ce,the l arge st n umbe r o f bo ok s an d theatmo sphe re wa s th e mo st l i vel y.p urcha seLeadi ng bank s i n Shan ghai arepl anni ng to fi nan ce i n stal l mentpurcha se t othe i ndi vi dual h ou se b uyer.reli ev eThe do cto r's expl ana ti on rel i eved meof m y fea rs.revi ewIn ou r tal ks t oday, P re si dent B ushrevi e wed30yea rs o f Si no-U Srel ati on.sec ur eEvery ci ti zen ha s t he ri gh t t o l i ve apea ceful a nd se cu re l i urc eThe Pe nta gon ha s a ccel era teddevel opm ent of a ne w g ene rati on ofadvan ce d p re ci si on we apo nry,accordi ng to U S mi l i tary so urce s.stepThe gove rn men t mu st ta ke ste p s toredu ce une mpl oy ment.stu ffsy mb olThe wed di ng ri ng i s p ro babl y theol dest an d mo st wi de sp read sym bolof ma rri rowThe y l i ve wi thi n a st one's th ro w o f the sta ti on.urg entIt i s mo st u rgen t tha t you sh oul d make up you r mi n d.ab strac tA fl ower i s b eauti f ul, b ut bea ut y i t sel f i s a bst ra ct.acc ep tab l eCompl i ment s a re al wa y s a ccept abl e.activi tyProg re ss i s th e a cti vi ty o f to day and the a ssuran ce o f to mo rro w.进步是今天的活动,明天的保证ad justW e mu st adj u st the rel ati on shi p bet wee n i nve st men t and co n sum pti onto rai se the p rop orti on of co n sum pti on i n GDP g rad ual l y.amuseThe au di en ce wa s a mu sed b y the co medi an e very no w a nd t hen. aro useThe m u si c a rou se d a n i n ten se feel i ng of ho me si ckne ss i n hi m.assistT wo me n a re a ssi sti ng the pol i ce i n thei r en qui ri es.b argai nb arri erA ll the i n sti tuti onal a nd pol i cy ba rri ers to u rbani za ti on mu st be re mo ved. camp ai gncomb a tcomp o si ti onH e's doi n g re sea rch i nt o the chemi c al co mp osi ti on of the ne w medi c i ne.conc ep tTha t comp any be gan searchi ng for an agen cy to ha ndl e a ne w re sta urant co n cep t. con ti nu alThe re appe ars to be n o e nd i n si ghtover the co nti nual deb ate o ver“hu man cl oni ng”.con ti nu ou sA co nti nuo u s bea ch i s exp o sed t o thebeati ng o f co nti nual wave s.cop eThe re wa s to o mu ch wo rk for o urco mp ute r to cope wi th.criticiz e/-i seThe de ci s i on wa s sha rpl y cri ti ci zed bybu si nessmen na ti on wi de.d isso lv eThe re's a ci d i n her v oi ce; i t co ul ddi ssol ve any bod y's goo d i n tenti o ns.d oub tThe fut ure o f t he publ i c l i bra ry i s i ndoub t.emp ha si sSome di c ti ona ri es l a y spe ci alempha si s on g ram mar.05ex ac tTo be ex a ct, she i s a ve ry ex a ct pe rson.exp o sur e 儿童接触到电视上的暴力镜头会损害他们的心理健康。



01tendSo many young people—male and female alike—tend to overemphasize physical attributes.involveOver the years I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and stuntson my American movies and that makes me happy.includeAmerica's working mothers say their ideal situation would include a part-time job,rather than working full time or staying at home.informationFor further information please write to me.offerTelevision has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries.levelThe water level of the Three Gorges Reservoir reached the predetermined 135 meters Tuesday, five days ahead of schedule.requireThe work isn't up to the standard I require.issueWhat's at issue here is the whole future of the industry.conditionThe basic causes are unknown,although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been identified.earnClinton lost the public trust as a person but earned it as a president.rateThe divorce rate is going up year by yearas a result of the involvement of the other men or women.controlThe fire was soon under control.processThroughout the process of reform and opening,we must combat corruption.avoidIn international matches,prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid being beaten.focusPlease focus your mind on the following problem.affectConstant exposure to intense light affects the eyes adversely.creditDon't place credit in idle rumours.environmentWe should take care of the environment, so that we have something to leave for our children.failSome students failed to get a bachelor's degree because they failed the CET Band-4.featureEven a skilled writer could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.impactHer speech made a tremendous impact on everyone.lackTheir actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another.majorShakespeare is one of the major writers.nothingI can't believe we did all that work for nothing.rangeBoth sides exchanged their views on a wide range of topics they were interested in at the meeting.referThe dispute was referred to the United Nations.replaceWe have replaced slave labour with/by machines.seekMost of the country's Internet users go online to chat or seek entertainmentrather than look for jobs or conduct business.speedHis speed and strength helped him win the race.02suggestJane's pale face suggested that she was ill,and her parents suggested that she should have a medical examination.abilityEducation is the ability to listen to almost anythingwithout losing your temper or self-confidence.communicationTo be a player in information and communications technologies,you must be able to make quick decisions.containIt's hard to understand why English football fans easily get too excitedand can not contain their enthusiasm.expenseMost children in Britain are educated at public expense.ignoreYou've been ignoring me.injureAfter being wounded in the fighting,he was in an accident when his car was damaged but he himself not injured.limitYou really are the absolute limit!natureThis beautiful garden owes more to art than to nature.particularMichael Jackson is particular about his clothes.particularlyCotton grows well in that country, particularly in the east.pickShe picked at her plate, without appetite.specificSome of the reports always speak on the general principlewhile neglecting a briefing on specific facts.stickIf we stick at it, we should finish the job today.storeA great part of the chain store's business comes from children.amountTheir traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars.appealHer sense of humour appealed to him enormously.associateWe associate Egypt with the Nile.associationAccording to the American Automobile Association,since 1964 all cars sold in the United Sates have been equipped with seat belts.assumeFarmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming that the weather is favourable.benefitEquality and mutual benefit is one of China's five principles of peaceful co-existencein foreign policy.cultivateContinue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit.distanceI could hear voices in the distance.editThey must have edited bits of the interview out.exchangeThere is an increase in the technical cooperation and cultural exchangesbetween China and other countries.factorHer friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.indicateIn this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot.mediaCCTV has good media coverage of the Iraq War.movementYour contributions on the field of play have served to strengthenthe Olympic Movement and global sport.refuseIt was no easy matter finding lodgings.In most cases we were refused on some pretext or other,while we ourselves turned down a few places as unsuitable.sufferI'm so happy, so absorbed in the sensation of a tranquil existence, that my art is suffering.treatIt's treated like it's some evil thing that industry is doing, but if industry wasn't doing that,we would not have any new treatments.variousNowadays, moon cakes with their various flavors and delicate packagingactually have become a kind of artwork.03applyWe should apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract.attackIt immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.availableThere were no tickets available for Friday's performance.awardThe Nobel Prize is awarded to commemorate Nobel, the great chemist.backgroundI would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language.When you understand the cultural background, you can better use the language.commitChina will, as always, commit itself to reform, opening-up and modernization drive. 中国将一如既往地致力于改革开放和现代化建设事业communicateThe Minister of Foreign Affairs has already communicated on this event withthe American President.crisisNegotiations between the two countries are approaching a crisis.effectiveThey took effective measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.employThe firm employs the retired professor as an advisor.entireIn order to hedge his bets he didn't tell the other party his entire plan.exhaustSome web addicts often exhaust themselves by surfing the Internet for days on end.growthRussia President Putin stressed that the energy tariffs should be raised graduallyand in accordance with the growth in people's income.harmThe car was badly damaged but none of the passengers came to any harm.incidentThe anti-war demonstration proceeded without incident.modelThey try to build their system of democracy on the American model.opinionIn the opinion of my doctor, I should be well enough to travel by next week.preferenceDo you have a preference for a particular food?sidePeople on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should inherit and carry forwardthe fine traditions of the Chinese culture.singleDon't stake everything on a single cast of the dice.supplyHe was arrested for supplying arms to the terrorists.adaptCan you adapt your way of thinking to the new life style?adoptThree concepts have been adopted for the Beijing Olympic Games,namely, the Green Olympics, the High-tech Olympics and the People's Olympics.advocateNothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocateand I once enjoyed.approachFew writers can approach Shakespeare in talent.approveMy parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes.circumstanceCircumstances alter cases.此一时彼一时consumeIn the mid-seventies Americans consumed about seventeen million barrels of oil daily.conveyThis train conveys over three hundred passengers every day.creativeWe need some creative thinking to solve this problem.crimeLast year,the crime rate in Chicago sharply declined.defineWhen boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there's usually trouble.efficientThe new secretary is a quick,efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.emotionThe speaker appealed to our emotions rather than to our minds.expectationThey had great expectations for their son, but he didn't really live up to them.expressNo words can express the grandeur of that parade.failureFailure is the mother of success./Failure teaches success.gapThere were some unaccountable gaps in his story.04mannerHe is a man with a very prim and precise manner.mildHe has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause.moodHe's in no mood for telling jokes.necessarilyYou should necessarily go to the party.necessaryIf necessary, we can always change the dates of our trip.objectMaking money was his main object in life.paceThe old man walked at a very slow pace.participateAmong all the exhibition participating nations, China had the biggest space,the largest number of books and the atmosphere was the most lively.purchaseLeading banks in Shanghai are planning to finance installment purchase tothe individual house buyer.relieveThe doctor's explanation relieved me of my fears.reviewIn our talks today, President Bush reviewed 30 years of Sino-US relation.secureEvery citizen has the right to live a peaceful and secure life.sourceThe Pentagon has accelerated development of a new generation of advanced precision weaponry,according to US military sources.stepThe government must take steps to reduce unemployment.stuffOn Christmas Day, families usually get together for a roast goose or stuffed turkey.symbolThe wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage.throwThey live within a stone's throw of the station.urgentIt is most urgent that you should make up your mind.abstractA flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.acceptableCompliments are always acceptable.activityProgress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.进步是今天的活动,明天的保证adjustWe must adjust the relationship between investment and consumptionto raise the proportion of consumption in GDP gradually.amuseThe audience was amused by the comedian every now and then.arouseThe music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.assistTwo men are assisting the police in their enquiries.bargainWe made a bargain on the spot that I would do the work and he would supply the money.barrierAll the institutional and policy barriers to urbanization must be removed.campaignShe has campaigned for equal rights for women. 她已经为争取妇女平等权利披挂上阵combatThroughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat corruption.compositionHe's doing research into the chemical composition of the new medicine.That company began searching for an agency to handle a new restaurant concept.continualThere appears to be no end in sight over the continual debate over “human cloning”.continuousA continuous beach is exposed to the beating of continual waves.copeThere was too much work for our computer to cope with.criticize/-iseThe decision was sharply criticized by businessmen nationwide.dissolveThere's acid in her voice; it could dissolve anybody's good intentions.doubtThe future of the public library is in doubt.emphasisSome dictionaries lay special emphasis on grammar.05exactTo be exact, she is a very exact person.exposureExposure of children to TV violence will harm their mental health.faintI haven't the faintest idea about what she is up to.frightenNews of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.genuineHe'll be able to tell if the diamonds are genuine at a glance.hintHe hinted to us nothing of his resignation.inquirePeople called to inquire after the baby.insertLater, people tried to lift a building off its foundation,and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations.nervousThe investors became nervous at the freezing of the assets.normalWet weather is quite normal at this time of year.procedureDo you know the correct procedure to follow during a fire drill?progressWe have made pleasing progress in our talks.The car is my property, you mustn't use it without my permission.realityI don't doubt the reality of his story.regulateThe activities of stock exchanges are regulated by law.releaseAutomation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.relevantIt's said that a person's fate is relevant to his character.representYou will need a lawyer to represent you in court.requestWe request the honour of your company at dinner.resistJill couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness.specialize/-iseHe specializes in repairing computers.temperThe unlucky owner mutters a curse at the manufacturer and,in a foul temper,goes looking for a repairman.toughTelevision has turned out to be a tough competitor for advertising and audienceto the newspaper industry.undergoPeople inevitably undergo a period of adjustment after the loss of their spouse.visionShe wears glasses to improve her poor vision.yieldIf unity is sought through struggle, it will live; if unity is sought through yielding, it will perish.absorbedHe was too absorbed in the newspaper to hear the bell.abundantWe have abundant proof of his guilt.applicationPortugal made a formal application to join the EEC.appointmentI have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.arrangeThese books are arranged in alphabetical order.attractionThe Great Wall of China is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world.attractiveI don't find him attractive at all.beneficialThe revival of the railroad service will be immensely beneficialfor the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.boastNobody should boast of his learning.burstShe burst through the door.chaseShe chased the thief for 100 yards.chillShe is charmed by the President but also chilled by what she sees as his inexhaustible deed.clumsyI wanted to dance, but I felt clumsy and stupid.coasta lHe enjoyed fishing in coastal waters.competentHe's not competent to look after young children.06composeAt the age of six he was already composing at the piano.confrontThe reason for Ruan Lingyu's suicide was that she couldn't confront the rumorsfabricated by people.connectBecause the world is more connected every day in every way,our country's security and prosperity require us to continue to lead in the world. constant,但这也使他们经常情绪紧张The pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic,but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.contentShe was not content with my answer, so I added a few more remarks.controversyThe relation between the state and the individual in educationhas long been a favorite theme of discussion and controversy.convenientWill it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?coordinateThe army,navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed services.countDon't count your chickens before they are hatched.In 1987,the Great Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.demonstrateThe salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.descendThese ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers.disciplineWe should reform and improve the system of Party discipline inspection党的纪律检查体制and introduce and improve the system of inspection tours.disputeThe dispute grew out of an argument between a worker and the foreman.distributeThese plants are widely distributed in China.embraceThe term “mankind” embraces men,women and children.encloseThe garden is enclosed by a high wall.equipPlease equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.essentialFood, clothing, shelter and transportation are essential to life.exhibitionChinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted the exchange ofthe advanced techniques with foreign countries.expansionThe rapid expansion of the company has caused some problems.exploitThe revolution is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.extentI agree with you to some extent.fareAll fares please.favo(u)rableThe bank will lend you money on very favorable terms.generousShe is generous with her money so she has many friends.globeThe silvery globe of the moon sank towards the horizon.gripThe frightened child gripped its mother's arm.harshHe is a harsh judge.hurtThe quality problem has greatly hurt the company's reputation.James can imitate his teacher's speech perfectly.indispensableIt is well-known that knowledge is the indispensable condition for expansion of mind.07instantJust for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.innocentCan you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime?insultSome TV commercials are an insult to the viewers'intelligence.insureHe insured his house against fire for ten million yuan.intervalAt intervals she would stop for a rest.lestLest the wall should collapse, they evacuated the building.liableHe was liable for his employees' accidents.livelyI am not very lively during the transition months from winter to spring.lowerMy cabin was on one of the lower decks.methodThe new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.offendShe was offended at his sexist remarks.operateThe firm operates from its central office in Hongkong.opposeDo not oppose your will against mine.originHe spent all his life to study the origins of life on earth.outstandingA good deal of work is still outstanding.parallelPeking is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.parkingParking here is restricted to vehicles that are loading or unloading.pitchWe couldn't see our way in the pitch-dark.possibilityTaking this recent evolution into account, we may now conceive the possibility ofa convergence among western and Chinese approaches to Nature.practicalThe number of the practical things done for the benefit of citizensis accepted as a sign of administrative merits.preferableThe long-established mentality of “boys are preferable to girls”exerts a definite influence over people's attitude towards the sex of their babies.priorI have a prior engagement and so I can't go with you.prospectWhat do you think of the prospect of cyber economy?regularIn developing the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics,regular attention should be paid to increasing revenue and saving expenditures.reliefThe doctor's immediate aim is the relief of pain.rescueGentle starving may start up a stress response that rescues cells from dying. Cell death also is an important component of aging.reviseNone of the things I had revised came up in the exam.rigidThe government has rigid laws about paying taxes.seriesChina has adopted a series of anti-poverty measures.sightNo wonder the sight of it should send the memoriesof quite a number of the old generations back 36 years ago.slightThey did not pay the slightest attention to it.08smoothI trust an honest face more than a smooth talker.solidThe impressive achievements in environmental protectionhave laid a solid foundation for a “Green Olympics”here in 2008.splendidShe arrived in a splendid golden coach drawn by white horses.spoilSpare the rod and spoil the child.squeezeThey squeezed the truth out of him.If I had a bicycle made of stainless steel, it will never get rusty.statusThey think owning such an expensive car will give them status.suitNo dish suits all tastes.supposeYou are not supposed to play football in the classroom.tieThe two teams tied and had to play an extra period.urgeOfficials of America urge quick patch on e-mail security hole.absolutePower tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.accompanyI must ask you to accompany me to the police station.accomplishOur Party must stand firm in the forefront of the times and unite with and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in accomplishing the three major historical tasks.accurateWe must acquire an accurate understanding of social progress in contemporary China.accuseHe was sentenced to death.His gang had been accused of killing 20 people.acquaintanceWe met as if we were old acquaintances.administrativeChinese citizens who are residents of the Macao Special Administrative Regionare entitled to participate in the management of State Affairs.advancedOur Party must always represent the development trend of China's advanced productive forces.advisableIt is not advisable to act without planning.allowanceIBM offers a quite high traveling allowance to its employees.ambassadorMr Smith is the British Ambassador to Greece.ambi t ionLack of ambition might be his problem.applicableThis rule is not applicable to foreigners.ariseIf any problem should arise, please let me know.artificialThere were some artificial flowers on the table.He has been assigned to a new post.assureHe was assured a well-paying job after graduation.bareDon't walk on that broken glass with bare feet.barrelThe store offered barrels full of crackers and pickles.batteryCell phones use rechargeable dictionary is a best-seller.bidMary cried when I bid her farewell.09blankAt those boring meetings,people usually sit still, looking blank,or scrawl on blank paper.bloodshedThe two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed.botherDon't bother Jane with that now—she's busy.boundGermany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.boundMy heart bounded with nervousness during my first job interview.broadenThe road broadens after this bend.characteristicBuild a well-off society in an all-round wayand create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.childlikeHer childlike enthusiasm delighted us all.comparisonComparisons are odious.componentThe non-public sector of the economyis an important component part of China's socialist market economy.concedeDon't concede without a contest!confidentNetwork workers are not as confident of their futures as they used to benow that the cyber-economy is sliding down.congratulateWe all lined up to congratulate the newly-weds.contentEggs have a very high food content.cooperateThe couple spoke about how they would cooperate in the raising of their children.correspondingImports in the first three months have increased by 10 percentcompared with the corresponding period last year.crushHer refusal crushed all our hopes.deceptionHe practiced deception on the public.deedHe asked if I had the deed to the house.deliberateWe had no time to deliberate on the problem.delightfulWhat delightful weather!diplomaticChina has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts.distinctiveShe has a very distinctive way of speaking.dropoutFor my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me “Harvard's most successful dropout.”emitA volcano emits smoke and ashes.engagementI shall want you to take some notes at the meeting if you have no other engagement.excellenceYour reputation for quality and excellence gives us great confidence in you.exceptHigh way programs,except for the interstate routes,would be slashed.exclaimSome of the wise even among themselves“exclaim against the own succession”as Hamlet puts it.extensionMay I have an extension of time for paying my bill?extensiveThe Chinese participants wish to make extensive contactsand talk business with their foreign counterparts.10fameThe reformer's fame spread all over the country.flexibilityThe flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he grows old.formerDid he go there by air or by train? The former seems more likely.freshTheir memories of the wedding are still fresh in their minds.fruitfulThe discussions were most fruitful.frustrateThe lack of money and hands frustrated him.fulfil(l)The company should be able to fulfill our requirements.functionalIt's an old car,but it's still functional.graspHe grasped my hand warmly.guiltyI feel guilty for visiting her so rarely.icebergThese small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.idleIdle folk have the least leisure.inquiryFor further inquiry, please consult our website.leakOil was leaking out of a hole in the tank.loadTo the reader's disappointment,the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish.logoWhat is the significance of the Olympic logo?lonelyThe old man lived all alone on a small farm in the south,but with a lot of farm work to do all day,he never felt lonely.loosenThe screw had loosened and fallen out.mobileCan you give me a lift if you're mobile?modestShe got the top mark in the exam but she was too modest to tell anyone.negotiateThe two countries are negotiating for a peaceful settlement of the boundary question.numerousThe city has numerous libraries.obstacleWhen a big stone blocks the way,the brave look on it as a stepping stone; the weak as an obstacle.optionalFormal dress is optional.overallA society has its own overall interest, a nation has another and the earth yet another.owingThere are still ten dollars owing.part-timeAfter several part-ime jobs, he's now got a stable job in a bank.perceiveWe rarely perceive more than a minute fraction of the sights and soundsthat fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by.postponeThe ball game was postponed because of rainstorm.precautionIt is wise to take precautions against accidents.prevailTruth is great and will prevail.proportionThe amount of money you get will be in proportion to the work you do.proposeThe committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.providedI will go provided you go.pureThe voices of the young boys singing in church were high and pure.quantityMathematics is the science of pure quantity.readyThey got ready for the journey.relationThe changes of language must be studied in relation to the society in which it is used.renderWe call on you to render assistance.restrainAt that time,the government must restrain the prices and profits.11rushDon't rush me,I'm going as fast as I can.。


工具?中国草根 *+,筹款的 U5>
(((3VWX筹款工作坊的启发 ,* 工商注册 *+,的纳税实务 ,+
人物?草根行动者程向阳 ''
实践?农村助残 *+,如何在困境中突围 '+
名师喜憨徒 *,
生态移民中的环境脆弱性与社会脆弱性 ** 刘书润% 想当导游的生态学家 *+ 草原牧区问题触发 *+,的思考和行动 #' 奥斯特罗姆教授与草原资源管理 #+ 草原政策下的草原和牧民困境 ()
盟继续面临着资金的困难! 而这又直接影响到志 万的资助" 至于义工联盟到底能够获得多少资金
愿者的加入和服务所需的专业化培训" 好在一个 或其他方面的能力支持! 他们还并不清楚"
已在工作的联盟理事! 每次活动都会拿出一部分 义工联盟甚至也借此获奖的时机! 向外多做
宣传! 以期获得更多支持! 如希望得到当地民政
关注?*+,能力建设何去何从 *
)%%+乙肝病毒携带者反歧视记录 + 锦上添花的 " 典范# 和 " 潜力# $, "潜力典范# 入选前后
(((安徽义工联盟的故事 $+
专题?加入世贸了! 可好日子为啥还不来呢 )$
这支默默无闻% 在省内不太有名气的小组织!
"##8 年! 他们打算注册成一个合法的机构开 口才! 在壹基金#潜力典范工程$ 的%/ 家复选机
展活动! 但最后仍摆脱不了民间公益的窘境! 还 构中脱颖而出" 尽管如壹基金的承诺那样! 包括



创新原创性的一个良好测度①。在专有资产一定的前提下,专有资产独特性 α 越大(例如 ROMER[26]所考
虑的 AK 模型中对专有资产技术含量的识别),创新原创性也就越高。本文定义创新原创性 δ 如下。
为 β ∈ (0,1)。定义专有资产指数 α 与人力资本指数 β 的和(α + β)为两类资本间的互补性,与通常的 C-D
中图分类号:F273. 1;G301
创新原创性和创新复杂性对创新企业至关重要。理论与实践证实了原创性与创新收益之间的关系, 1985 年 DAVID[1]指出转换成本是高原创性产品赢利能力低于中等原创性产品的关键。随后,KLEIN⁃ SCHMIDT 和 COOPER[2]发现创新原创性与创新收益之间的 U 型关系,而 CALNTONE 等[3]进一步证实他 们的观点,认为创新原创性的提高会降低客户熟悉度,部分抵消对创新收益的正面影响。STOCK 和 TATIKONDA[4]则说明高原创性所具有的不确定性足以抹杀其为客户带来的新价值。近年来,多数学者 坚持原创性与创新收益的正向关系,如:LYNCH 等[5]认为企业可以获得必要的技能、知识和能力,利用市 场机会在竞争中领先,通过高原创性获得更多收益;TEPIC 等[6]证实原创性是产品潜能的决定因素,而产品潜 能又决定了创新收益。与此同时,创新复杂性也会对创新收益产生重大影响,ALMIRALL 和 CASADESUSMASANELL[7]认为复杂性更高的创新会得到更高创新收益,但与之不同,张慧颖和王辉[8]表明创新复杂性 与创新绩效负相关。此外,创新复杂性对技术学习[9]、知识域之间的耦合点[10]等相关因素与创新绩效之 间的关系也会产生影响。因而,创新原创性与创新复杂性面临着高收益与高风险的权衡,是企业创新的 重要挑战。



广告业常用英文术语englishshare with all junior ad boys and girls :What You Should Know About Advertising你应该明白的广告英文知识What is advertising? 什么是广告?Build an impression on the consumer's mind in order to have consumers buy certain product..在消费者脑海中建立一个印象,使得消费者购买某项产品。

The impression is called brand.这个印象就是品牌。

So advertising is to build up the brand因此广告就是建立品牌。

1. How do we come out a piece of advertising 我们如何创作广告Client briefing 客户简报Research Recommendation 市场调研建议SWOT Analysis优劣势分析Advertising Strategy 广告策略Presentation 提案Creative Development 创意发想Creative Presentation 创意提案Media Planning 媒介计划Media Plan Presentation 媒介计划提案Creative Production 创意制作Media Placement 媒介投放Advertising Tracking 「.告F艮踪EC (East China)华东Editorial Calendar媒体刊登计划Effective Communications 有效传播Employee Compensation 员工薪酬Employee Relations 员工关系Environment Analysis 环境分析Environment Issues 环境问题Ethics of the Profession 职业道德Event Management 事件管理Event Planning 事件策划Event事件、活动Executing Phase 执行阶段Execution 执行Executive President 执行总裁Fact Sheet资料(数字或者其他材料•)FAQ常见问题问答Fashion Business 时尚产业Feature article 深度文章Feature文章类型中的通讯Finance Management 财务管理Financial Communications 财经传播Flyer宣传单页Follow-up 跟进Forum论坛GCG (Grand China)大中国区Glossary词汇表Government Affairs 政府事务Government PR政府公关Government Relations 政府关系Govt (Government)政府Graphics图形文件Greetings问候语Health Care医疗保健High Tech高科技Hospital PR医院公关Human Resource Management 人力资源管理IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)整合营传播Implementation 实施Incentive Plan 激励计划Industry Participation 行业参与Initiating Phase 初始阶段INPUTS Evaluation Tools输入级评估工具Integration Management 整合管理Interactive PR 网上互动公关Internal Magazine 内部期刊Internal Communications System 内部传播系统Internal Communications 内部传播Internal Film内部电影Internal PR内部公关International PR 国际公关Internet Communications 网络传播Internet MediaCommunications 网媒传播Interpersonal Communications 人际传播Interpreter 翻译Interview专访或者面试Introduction Lantern 宣传幻灯Investor Relations 投资者关系Invitation Letter 邀请IPR (Institute of Public Relations)英国公共关系协会IPRA (International Public RelationsAssociation) 国际公共关系协会Issue Diagnosis 问题诊断Issues Management 问题管理ISV (Individual Software Vendor)独立软件开发商Job Evaluation 绩效考核Journalist 记者Key Media关键媒体Key Messages关键信息Keynote Speaker主题演讲人Keynote Speech 主题演讲LA ( Large Account)大客户LE (Large Enterprise)大客户Leadership 领导者Legal Duty法律义务Life Cycle of the Products 产品生命周期Lobby游说Logo标识Long Term Program 长期项目Lucky Draw 抽奖Marcomm (Marketing Communications)营销传播Market Analysis Report 市场分析报告Marketing Communications Mix 营销传播组合Marketing Communications 营销传播Marketing Strategy市场营销战略Marketshare市场份额Mass Media大众媒体MB (Medium business)中客户MC( Master of Ceremonies)主持人MC (Middle China)华中MD (Managing Director)董事总经理、执行董事Media Assistant 媒介助理Media Analysis 媒体分析Media Communications Strategy 媒体传播战略Media Communications 媒体传播Media Coverage媒体覆盖率Media Director 媒介总监Media Executive媒介代表、媒介主任Media Inquiry媒体垂询Media Kit媒体资料包Media List媒体名单Media Manager媒介经理Media Monitor媒体监测Media Relations 媒介关系Media Research 媒体研究Media Tour媒体拜访或者媒体外出巡游Media媒体Meeting Agenda 会议议程Meeting Minutes 会议记录Merchandise促销物品Methodology 方法论Ml (Mind Identity)企业理念识别Ml (Media Index)企业媒体声望指数Mindshare品牌影响力份额Miscellaneous 杂费Monthly Report 月报Multifunctional Task Force 多职能任务小组National Standards of the PR Professional Qualification国家公共关系职业资格标准NC (North China)华北NE (Northeast China)东北Negative Report 负面报道New Product Launch 新产品公布News Clipping 新闻剪报News Release新闻公布Newsletter jSiHNo-profit PR非营利机构公关Norms of Excellent PR Management 卓著公共关系管理标准NW (Northwest China)西北Objective Diagnosis 目标诊断Offering服务内容On Site现场Online Advertisement 线上广告Online Communications 线上传播Online Marketing Communications 线上.营销传播Online media网络媒体Online Roadshow 网上路演Online Survey网上调查OOP (Out-of-Pocket)杂费、日常工作发生的成本Open-day Visits开放日参观Opinion Leader 舆论领袖OUTCOMES Evaluation Tools 输出级评估工具OUTPUTS Evaluation Tools 效果级评估工具Outsourcing 外包OV (One Voice) 一个声音Photo Library 图片库Planning Phase 策划阶段Polish文案润色POP (Point Of Purchase Advertising)导购点广告Positioning 定位Post Event善后工作Poster海报Postmortem会后书面的简短总结报告Postscript 后记PR Agency公关公司PR Consulting Market公关顾问服务市场PRConsulting Practice 公关顾问实务PR Consulting Service 公关顾问服务PRConsulting Tools公关帧问工具PR Directorr公共关系总监PR Evaluation公关评估PR Event公关活动PR Guideline公关方针PR Management Working Code 公关管理工作准则PR Manager公共关系经理PR Procedure公关流程PR Proposal公关建议书PR Supervisor公共关系主管Pre Event前期工作Pre-evaluation 预评估Preface 前言Presentation 演示、陈述President 总裁Press Conference新闻公布会Press Kit媒体新闻夹Press Release 新闻稿Print Media平面媒体Priority优先的Procurement Management 预警管理Product Test产品评测Profession Responsibility 职业义务Professional Association 专业协会Professional Certification 职业认证Professional Consultant 专业顾问Professional fee 专业服务费Professional Grading 专业等级Project Life Cycle 项目生命周期Project Management 项目管理Project Owner项目委托人Project Title项目标题Project公关项目Proposal公关建议书PRSA (Public Relations Society of America)美国公共关系协会Pubic Opinion公众舆论Public Affairs 公共事务Public Relations Consulting 公关顾问Public Relations Crisis 公关危机Public RelationsManagement 公关管理Public Relations 公共关系Public Utility 公用事业Publicity 宣传Q&A问题问答Qualified Project Manager 合格的项目经理Quality Control 质量操纵Quality Management 质量管理Questionnaire 调查问卷Quotation 报价Real Estate 房地产Recommendatory 推荐信Recruitment 招募Reference参考资料Rehearsal预演、彩排Report报告Reputation Management 声誉管理Research Tools研究工具Reseller经销商Retainer长期客户Review回顾、总结Risk Management 风险管理Roadshow巡展、路演Rude question不友好的问题SAE (Senior Account Executive)高级客户代表、高级客户主任SAM (Senior Account Manager)高级客户经理SB (Small business)小客户SC (South China)华南Scope Management 范畴管理Seminar研讨会Senior Consultant 高级顾问Senior Media Executive 高级媒介代表Senior Media Manager高级媒介经理Senior Vice President 高级副总裁Shareholders利靛关系人Simultaneous interpretation 同声传译Slide幻灯片Slogan 口号Social Activities 社会活动Social Responsibility 社会责任Source Materials客户提供的辅助资料Souvenirs & Gifts纪念品与礼品SOV (Share of Voice)Speaking with One Voice 用一个声音说话SpokesPerson Tips 发言人技巧Spokesperson 发n 人Sponsorship Planning 赞助策划Sponsorship 赞助Strategic Consulting 战略咨询Strategy Communications Systems 战略传播系统Strategy 战略Success Story成功故事Summary简介、概述Supplier供应商Survey调查SW (Southwest China)西南SWOT analysis优势、劣势、机遇、威胁分析Synopsis概要总结Target Audience 目标受众Task Marketing 任务营销TBD (To be Detail)需更全面信息Team小组、团队Technical Article 技术文章Theme主题Time Management 管理Time Sheet时间管理表Two-way Asymmetry双向非平衡模式Two-way Communications 双向传播Two-way Symmetry双向平衡模式Vendor供应商Venue会议地点Vertical media 行业媒体VI (Visual Identity)视觉识别VIP Speech讲话稿Virtual Computer 虚拟主机Vision愿景Voiceshare曝光信息份额VP (Vice President)副总裁VSB (Very smallbusiness)特小客户、超小客户Website Construction 网站建设Whitepaper 白皮书Workshops工作研讨Worldwide 全球特写feature articles以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising营销公关marketing public relation新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit 公共事务public affairs公共关系户public relations 公共关系广告public relations advertising宣传publicity公众publics招聘广告recruitment advertising声望经营reputation management撰写讲演稿speechwriting赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报杀像video news release执行证明书affidavit of performance受众构成audience composition受众占有率audience share时间表avails一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating 一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share 交换辛:迪加barter syndication无线电视broadcast TV有线电视cable TV单位成本CPP千人成本CPM累积听众数cumulative persons累积收听率cumulative rating时段组合day-part mix预定市场区域designated market areas班车时间drive time首播辛迪加first-run syndication形象移植imagery transfer信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication协办participation basis占位价格preemption rate 黄金时段prime time节目式广告PLA节目收率视program rating行止编排形j弋programming formats视听率调查服务公司rating services电台指定时间run-of-station受众总数total audience总体受众计划total audience plan广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request横幅广告banner商业回邮件business reply mail 分类广告Web 站classified ad Web site编辑名录compiled lists 立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digital interactive media 直邮广告direct-mail advertising 内部刊物house organs 互动电视interactive TV互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider销售信函sales letters广告礼品advertising specialty展台booths路牌bulletin structure车内尾部招贴car-end posters 电影贴片广告cinema advertising 陈列媒介exhibitive media 全面登场full showing 车内广告牌inside cards户外媒介out-of-home media车体招贴outside posters包装packaging奖品premiums标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising成品招贴stock posters优惠贿券take-ones商业展示会trade shows交通广告transit advertising广告英语术语一媒介策划用语广行印象advertising impression广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value 受众audience受众H 标audience objectives品牌开发指数brand development index品种开发指数category development index发行量circulation成本效益cost efficiency单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand创意组合creative mix分布目标distribution objectives仃效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach暴露值exposure value 频次frequency市场markets 组合mechanics 媒介media 媒介策划media planning 媒介载体media vehicles AEAccount Executive客户代表,或者客户执行。



“发展与可持续”的英文是:“Development and Sustainability”。



1.Sustainable Development:可持续发展,指在满足当前需求的同时,不损害未来世代满足自身需求

2.Sustainable Economy:可持续经济,指在经济活动中,采取环保和资源节约的方式,实现经济增长

3.Green Development:绿色发展,指在发展过程中注重环境保护和生态文明建设,推动经济、社会

4.Sustainable City:可持续城市,指在城市规划、建设和管理中,注重资源节约、环境保护和社会公

5.Climate Change Mitigation:气候变化缓解,指采取措施减缓气候变化的速度和影响,包括减少温




















BEC高级必备词汇(1)p.a.(=per annum) n. 每年packaging n. 包装物;包装parent company n. 母公司,总公司part-time adj. 部分时间工作的,业余的participate v. 参加,分享(in)partnership n. 合伙(关系),合伙,合伙企业patent n. 专利pay n. 工资,酬金 v. 付钱,付报酬take-home pay 实得工资payroll n. 雇员名单,工资表peak n. 峰值,顶点penetrate ['penitreit] v. 渗透,打入(市场)penetration n. 目标市场的占有份额pension n. 养老金,退休金perform v. 表现,执行performance n. 进行,表现工作情况performance appraisal n. 工作情况评估perk n. 额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)小费personnel n. 员工,人员petty cash n. 零用现金phase out n. 分阶段停止使用pick v. 提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货picking list n. 用于择取生产或运输订货的表格pie chart n. 饼形图pilot n. 小规模试验pipeline n. 管道,渠道plant capacity n. 生产规模,生产能力plot v. 标绘,策划plough[plau]犁 back n. 将获利进行再投资point of sale (POS) n. 销售点policy n. 政策,规定, 保险单portfolio[pɔ:t'fəuljəu] n. (投资)组合portfolio management n. 组合证券管理post n. 邮件,邮局;职位position n. 职位potential n. 潜在力,潜势power n. 能力purchasing power 购买力PR=Public Relations 公共关系preference shares n. 优先股market price 市场价,市价retail price 零售价probation[prəu'beiʃən] n. 试用期product n. 产品production cycle n. 生产周期production schedule n. 生产计划product life cycle n. 产品生命周期product mix n. 产品组合(种类和数量的组合)productive adj. 生产的,多产的profile n. 简介形象特征profit n. 利润operating profit n. 营业利润profit and loss account n. 损益帐户project v. 预测promote v . 推销promotion n. 提升,升级proposal n. 建议,计划prospect n. 预期,展望vi. 勘探prospectus[prəu'spektəs n. 计划书,说明书prosperity[prəu'spektəs n. 繁荣,兴隆prototype{'prəutətaip] n. 原型,样品publicity n. 引起公众注意public adj. 公众的,公开的go public 上市public sector 公有企业publicity n. 公开场合,名声,宣传publics n. 公众,(有共同兴趣的)一群人或社会人士punctual adj. 准时的punctuality[,pʌŋktju'æliti] n. 准时purchase v. & n. 购买purchaser n. 买主,采购人QC(=Quality Circle) n. 质检人员qualify v. 有资格,胜任qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,合格的qualification n. 资格,资格证明quality n. 质量quality assurance n. 质量保证quality control 质量控制,质量管理quarterly adj./adv. 季度的,按季度quote n. 报价,股票牌价quotation n. 报价,股票牌价R&D Research and Development 研究与开发radically['rædikəli] adv. 根本地,彻底地raise[reiz]n.(美)增加薪金v. 增加,提高;提出,引起range n. 系列产品rank n./v. 排名rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛rate n. 比率,费用采集者退散fixed rate 固定费用,固定汇率going rate 现行利率,现行汇率rating 评定结果ratio['reiʃiəu] n. 比率rationalise v. 使更有效,使更合理raw adj. 原料状态的,未加工的raw material n. 原材料receive v. 得到receipt[ri'si:t] n. 收据receiver n. 接管人,清算人accounts receivable 应收帐receivership n. 破产管理recession n. 萧条reckon v. 估算,认为recognise v. 承认reconcile['rekənsail]v. 使……相吻合,核对,调和recoup[ri'ku:p] v. 扣除,赔偿recover v. 重新获得,恢复recovery n. 重获,恢复recruit v. 招聘,征募 n. 新招收的人员recruitment n. 新成员的吸收in the red 赤字,负债reduce v. 减少reduction n. 减少redundant adj. 过多的,被解雇的redundancy n. 裁员,解雇reference n. 参考,参考资料reference number (Ref. No.)产品的参考号码refund n./v. 归还,偿还region n. 地区reimburse v. 偿还,报销reject n./v. 拒绝reliability n. 可靠性relief n. 减轻,解除,救济relocate v. 调动,重新安置remuneration[ri,mju:nə'reiʃən] n. 酬报,酬金rent v. 租 n. 租金rep (代表)的缩写report to v. 低于(某人),隶属,从属reposition v. (为商品)重新定位represent v. 代表,代理representative n. 代理人,代表reputation n. 名声,声望reputable adj. 名声/名誉好的reserves n. 储量金,准备金resign v. 放弃,辞去resignation n. 辞职resistance n. 阻力,抵触情绪respond v. 回答,答复response n. 回答,答复restore v. 恢复result/results n. 结果,效果retail n./v. 零售retailer n. 零售商retained earnings n. 留存收益return n. 投资报酬return on investment (ROI) n. 投资收入,投资报酬revenue n. 岁入,税收review v./n. 检查reward n./v. 报答,报酬,奖赏rework v. (因劣质而)重作risk capital n. 风险资本rival n. 竞争者,对手adj. 竞争的rocket v. 急速上升,直线上升,飞升ROI Return on Investment 投资利润roughly adv. 粗略地round adj. 整数表示的,大约round trip 往返的行程royalty n. 特许权,专利权税run v. 管理,经营running adj. 运转的tactic ['tæktik] n. 战术,兵法tailorv. 特制产品tailor made products 特制产品take on 雇用takeover n. 接管target n. 目标 v. 把……作为目标tariff['tærif] n. 关税;价目表task n. 任务,工作task force n. 突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人)tax n. 税,税金capital gains tax n. 资本收益税corporation tax n. 公司税,法人税income tax n. 所得税value added tax 增值税tax allowance 免减税tax avoidance 避税taxable 可征税的taxation 征税tax-deductible 在计算所得税时予以扣除的telesales n. 电话销售,电话售货temporary adj. 暂时的temporary post 临时职位tender n./v. 投标vt. 提供territory n. (销售)区域tie n. 关系,联系throughput n. 工厂的总产量TQC(=Total Quality Control) n. 全面质量管理track record n. 追踪记录,业绩trade n./v. 商业,生意;交易,经商balance of trade 贸易平衡trading profit 贸易利润insider trading 内部交易trade mark 商标trade union 工会trainee n. 受培训者transaction n. 交易,业务transfer n./v. 传输,转让transformation n. 加工transparency n. (投影用)透明胶片treasurer n. 司库,掌管财务的人treasury n. 国库,财政部trend n. 趋势,时尚trouble-shooting n. 解决问题turnover n. 营业额,员工流动的比率staff turnover 人员换手率stock turnover 股票换手率undertake v. 从事、同意做某事undifferentiated marketing n. 无差异性营销策略uneconomical adj. 不经济的,浪费unemployment n. 失业unemployment benefit n. 失业津贴unit n. 单位unit cost n. 单位成本update v. 使现代化up to date adj./adv. 流行的,现行的,时髦的upgrade v. 升级,增加upturn n. 使向上,使朝上USP 唯一的销售计划BEC专业词汇(1)痴迷者 addict持币待购 wait to buy with cash in hand持平 hold the line持续、稳定、协调发展 sustained[sə'steind], stable and coordinated development赤潮 red tides (which appear on the ocean)赤贫人口 people living in absolute poverty; destitute population充电 recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge; brush up[brʌʃ'ʌp]充分调动积极性和创造性 give full play to the initiative[i'niʃiətiv] and creativity充分利用两个市场,两种资源 fully utilize both domestic and international markets and resources充值卡 rechargeable card冲动性购买 impulse buying; impulse shopping冲剂 dissolved medicines; instant herbal medicines冲浪艇 surfboat冲帐 strike a balance; counter-balance accounts; reverse an entry崇洋媚外 worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries宠物医院 pet clinic抽调 transfer a portion抽检 spot check抽奖 lucky draw抽杀成功 hit through抽样调查 sample survey筹备委员会 preparatory committee筹划指导委员会 steering committee筹资 raised capital/proceeds筹资渠道 fundraising channels臭老九 stinking ninth category (of class enemies next to landlords, reactionaries and even spies, etc. , a term of abuse by ultra-Leftists for teachers and other educated people in the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution)出风头 show off;in the limelight出家 pravrajana; cloister出境签证 exit visa出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports出口创汇型产业 export-oriented industry出口加工区 export processing zones出口卖方信贷 seller's credit on exports出口退税率 export rebate rate出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate 出口押汇 bill purchased (B/P); outward documentary bill出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports出笼 release a bad publication, plan, etc.出难题偏题 raise out-of-the-way and catchy questions出气筒 punching bag出勤率 attendance rate出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go出台 unveil[,ʌn'veil] fresh policy出租业务 leasing除 "四害 " eliminate the four pests---rats, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes除草剂 weed killer储备基金 reserve funds储币待购 save for purchases储运 storage and transport处理存货 sell-off处理价格 bargain price; reduced price处理品 items for disposal触摸屏 touchscreen穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy穿小鞋 make it hot for; make trouble for穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in form but not in content; put old wine in new wineskins穿针引线 act as go-between传统产业 conventional industries传销 pyramid sales; multi-level marketing船务公司 shipping service company窗口行业 various service trades创建卫生城市 build a nationally advanced clean city创利 generate profit创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit创业园 high-tech business incubator[,ʌn'veil]; pioneer park创业者 start-up创意 create new ideas or concepts吹风会 (advanced) briefing垂直管理 vertical['və:tikəl] management垂直贸易 vertical trade春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program春运 passenger transport around the Chinese lunar new year春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival纯净水 purified water辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new磁卡电话 magnetic card telephone磁悬浮列车 "Maglev['mæɡlev] train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train "此地无银三百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.次大陆 subcontinent次新股 sub-new stock从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy从零开始 start from scratch从群众中来,到群众中去 from the masses, to the masses从众心理 group psychology凑份子 club together粗放经营 extensive operation粗放式管理 extensive management粗放型 extensive form粗加工产品 rough-wrought product促进对外贸易多元化 diversify our trading partners; promote the diversificationof foreign trade促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy促销 promote sales; promotion催泪弹 tear gas存储能力 storage capacity存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits存款单 Certificates of Deposits存款准备金制度 reserve against deposit system存量资本 stock of capital。



发展报告英文自我评价Development Report - Self-evaluationStrengths:One of my key strengths is my ability to adapt to new environments and learn quickly. I believe in the importance of ongoing growth and development, and I actively seek out opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills. This strength has allowed me to take on new projects and challenges with confidence and enthusiasm, ultimately contributing to my personal and professional growth.Weaknesses:Steps for further development:Building on my strengths and addressing my weaknesses, there are several steps I plan to take to continue my personal and professional development. Firstly, I aim to expand my knowledge and skills in the area of effective leadership. I believe that strong leadership is essential in driving positive change and motivating teams. I plan to attend leadership development programs and seek guidance from experienced leaders within my organization.Additionally, I will actively seek out opportunities for professional growth within my industry. This will involve attending conferences, workshops, and networking events toexpand my professional network and stay abreast of current trends and best practices. I will also seek mentorship opportunities to learn from experienced professionals and gain valuable insights from their experiences.。



发展的作文素材英文回答:Development encompasses a myriad of facets, encompassing economic growth, social progress, environmental sustainability, and human well-being. It is a multifaceted and dynamic process that shapes societies and transforms landscapes.Economic growth refers to the increase in the production and consumption of goods and services. It is typically measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which represents the total value of a country's economic output. Economic growth is essential for improving living standards and creating employment opportunities.Social progress involves advancements in education, healthcare, and social equity. It encompasses factors such as literacy rates, life expectancy, and access to basic services. Social progress enhances the well-being ofindividuals and promotes a more equitable society.Environmental sustainability focuses on preserving the natural resources and ecosystems that support life on Earth. It involves balancing economic development with environmental protection. Sustainable practices include reducing pollution, conserving water, and protecting biodiversity.Human well-being encompasses a broad range of factors that contribute to the overall quality of life. Theseinclude physical and mental health, access to education and employment, personal safety, and social support. Humanwell-being is the ultimate goal of development efforts.Development involves complex interactions between these four dimensions. Economic growth, social progress, and environmental sustainability are often mutually supportive, but they can also present trade-offs. For example, economic growth may lead to increased pollution if environmental regulations are not enforced.Achieving sustainable development requires a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of these dimensions. It involves setting clear goals, implementing effective policies, and monitoring progress. Governments, businesses, and civil society organizations all have a role to play in promoting development that is economically viable, socially equitable, environmentally responsible, and conducive to human well-being.中文回答:发展包含众多方面,包括经济增长、社会进步、环境可持续性和人类福祉。



CAO:行政艺术总监CBO: 商务总监CCO: 内容总监CDO: 开发总监CEO: 首席执行官CFO: 财务总监CHO: 人事总监CIO: 技术总监CKO: 知识总监CMO: 市场总监CPO: 公关总监CQO: 质控总监CRO: 研究总监CSO: 销售总监CUO: 客户总监CDO:设计总监猎头常用英语学习AAssistance Consultant(AC):助理顾问Availability:离职期,候选人辞职提出后到最后一天上班之间的时长,通常为1个月BBlock Leave:强制休假Briefing:面试前的准备工作Base或Base pay:基本薪水Bonus:奖金,包含月奖、季奖、年终奖等Business Consultant:负责开发职位和做单的顾问BD:Business Development 商业开拓,是指开拓新的客户Benchmark candidate:可参照的候选人,特指“依葫芦画瓢”中的葫芦背景调查:猎头需要向客户提供的关于候选人的第三方信息保证期:猎头向企业承诺的候选人质量保证期限通常为3个月高级候选人会达到6个月有些猎企会提供12个月的保证期CCandidate:候选人Consultant(C):顾问commission:佣金,提成Completion / Final Fee:尾款Close:职位关闭了(含做完了)Compensation & Benefit:薪酬福利Contingency:后付费,或后付费服务CV Resume / Profile:简历,候选人的工作经历介绍CV Submittal:指在公司系统里放了多少人。

KPI的考核依据之一,罪恶源泉之一CC:Cold Call 陌生电话,以非猎头的方式,与目标对象进行沟通,了解我们所需要的相关信息的过程。

通常会编一些借口绕开前台或者老外说的Watch dogCounter Offer:候选人在接受了新公司的Offer后,老公司给予反向Offer,可能更好,可能与新Offer持平,可能低于新Offer辞职:候选人获取Offer后将要离开企业所做的动作DDeliver:交付,做单Debriefing:面试后的总结工作DIG: Discipline,Industry,Geography,职能、行业、地域,特指猎头的专业范围EExclusive:独家,或独家服务Expatriate Fee:外籍员工费用,可能包含住宿费,子女读书的费用等;Executive Research:高管寻访,猎头职能最专业的叫法;二面:特指候选人第二次和客户沟通,以此类推FForecast:预测的业绩Fill:自己把职位完成了Farmer:特指做单交付的顾问飞offer:候选人接offer后决定不去上班First CCM:一面,特指候选人第一次和客户沟通Fulfill rate:成单率,成单数/操作职位数之间的比率;Fuel mapping:对Target Company的目标function进行彻底找人FILLS:Function,Industry,Level,Location,Skills,Client 职能、行业、级别、地域、技能特指猎头的专业范围GGuarantee Period:保证期,猎头向企业承诺的候选人质量保证期限通常为3个月,高级候选人会达到6个月,有些猎企会提供12个月的保证期;当然,也有些猎头岗位,保证期为0广义搜寻:使用常见人才网站(如51job、智联招聘等)搜寻候选人简历,是搜索过程的一种重要手段。



发展研究报告模板英语作文英文回答:Development Research Report Template。

I. Introduction。

Statement of the problem。

Purpose of the study。

Research questions or hypotheses。

II. Review of Literature。

Summary of existing knowledge on the topic。

Identification of gaps in knowledge。

Justification for the proposed study。

III. Methodology。

Research design。

Data collection methods。

Sampling techniques。

Data analysis techniques。

IV. Results。

Presentation of the findings。

Statistical analysis (if applicable)。

Interpretation of the results。

V. Discussion。

Summary of the key findings。

Implications of the findings。

Comparison with previous research。

Recommendations for further research。

VI. Conclusion。

Restatement of the purpose of the study。

Summary of the main findings。

Implications for policy or practice。

VII. References。

VIII. Appendices (if necessary)。

发展调查报告 范文

发展调查报告 范文

发展调查报告范文English Answer:Introduction:A development survey report is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of development in a particular area or region. It provides an overview of the socio-economic conditions, infrastructure, and natural resources of the area, and identifies potential areas for growth and improvement. The purpose of a development survey report is to inform decision-making and planning for development interventions.Components of a Development Survey Report:1. Executive Summary:A brief overview of the report's key findings and recommendations.2. Background:A description of the study area, including its geographic location, history, and socio-economic profile.3. Methodology:A description of the methods used to collect andanalyze data, including surveys, interviews, and secondary data sources.4. Findings:A detailed analysis of the data, covering key development indicators such as:Socio-economic conditions (e.g., population, education, income)。




1. Project Review - 项目评审
2. Phase Review - 阶段评审
3. Milestone - 里程碑
4. Deliverables - 交付成果物
5. Risk Assessment - 风险评估
6. Change Management - 变更管理
7. Quality Assurance - 质量保证
8. Project Scope - 项目范围
9. Resource Allocation - 资源分配
10. Budget Control - 预算控制
11. Schedule Management - 进度管理
12. Stakeholder Management - 利益相关者管理
13. Communication Plan - 沟通计划
14. Lessons Learned - 经验教训
15. Action Plan - 行动计划


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Date: [Insert Date]Name: [Insert Your Name]Objective: To efficiently manage my daily tasks and ensure that all responsibilities are met within the designated time frame.---Morning Session (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)1. Morning Briefing (8:00 AM - 8:30 AM)- Review the daily agenda and priorities with the team.- Discuss any urgent issues or changes in the schedule.- Allocate tasks and responsibilities accordingly.2. Email Management (8:30 AM - 9:00 AM)- Check and respond to emails.- Prioritize and categorize emails for action, follow-up, or deletion.- Schedule emails for later response if necessary.3. Project Updates (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)- Review the progress of ongoing projects.- Update project timelines and milestones.- Identify any potential roadblocks and brainstorm solutions.4. Team Meeting (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)- Conduct a brief team meeting to discuss project updates, challenges, and brainstorming sessions.- Encourage open communication and collaboration.5. Task Execution (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)- Focus on high-priority tasks.- Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps.- Utilize time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to maintain productivity.---Lunch Break (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)1. Short Break (12:00 PM - 12:30 PM)- Take a short walk or stretch to refresh and energize.- Have a healthy lunch to fuel the afternoon's work.2. Personal Development (12:30 PM - 1:00 PM)- Read articles or watch videos related to professional development.- Reflect on the day's achievements and areas for improvement.---Afternoon Session (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM)6. Task Execution Continuation (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM)- Continue working on high-priority tasks.- Stay focused and adhere to the previously established time management techniques.7. Client Meeting (2:30 PM - 3:30 PM)- Schedule a meeting with a client to discuss project updates, feedback, and any new requirements.- Prepare meeting materials and agenda in advance.8. Team Collaboration (3:30 PM - 4:00 PM)- Collaborate with team members on specific tasks or projects.- Share insights, knowledge, and resources to enhance productivity.9. Report Writing (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM)- Draft reports, memos, or other documents required for the day's activities.- Proofread and edit documents for clarity and accuracy.---Evening Review (5:00 PM - 5:30 PM)1. Daily Review (5:00 PM - 5:15 PM)- Reflect on the day's accomplishments and challenges.- Note any lessons learned or areas for improvement.2. Tomorrow's Plan (5:15 PM - 5:30 PM)- Outline the key tasks and objectives for the following day.- Set clear priorities and deadlines for the next workday.---Conclusion:This daily work plan aims to optimize productivity, ensure that alltasks are completed on time, and foster a collaborative work environment. By following this structured approach, I can maintain focus, manage my time effectively, and contribute positively to the team's success.。



关于发展计划及培育需求汇报英文回答:Talent Development and Training Needs Report.Executive Summary.This report presents an analysis of the current talent development and training needs for our organization. The analysis was conducted through a comprehensive review of our business strategy, workforce demographics, and skill gaps. The report provides recommendations for developing and implementing a comprehensive talent development plan to address the identified needs.Business Strategy and Workforce Demographics.Our business strategy is focused on achieving sustainable growth and innovation. To achieve this, we must have a highly skilled and adaptable workforce that iscapable of driving our business objectives. Our workforce demographics indicate that we have a predominantly young and diverse workforce. While this is a strength, we also need to focus on developing and retaining our experienced talent.Skill Gaps and Training Needs Analysis.We conducted a thorough analysis of our workforce skills using a combination of self-assessments, surveys, and performance reviews. The analysis identified several key skill gaps, including:Technical skills: Employees need to develop deeper technical skills in specific areas such as data analytics, software development, and project management.Soft skills: Employees need to improve their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to adapt to change.Leadership skills: We need to develop a pipeline offuture leaders who have the skills and experience to guide our organization.Talent Development Plan.To address the identified skill gaps, we recommend implementing a comprehensive talent development plan that includes the following key components:On-the-job training: Providing employees with opportunities to learn and develop their skills through hands-on experience and shadowing.Formal training programs: Offering instructor-led training programs to develop specific technical and soft skills.Mentoring and coaching: Establishing a formal mentoring and coaching program to provide employees with guidance and support.Leadership development programs: Designing andimplementing a series of programs to develop the leadership skills of high-potential employees.Succession planning: Identifying and developing successors for key roles to ensure business continuity.Implementation and Evaluation.The successful implementation of our talent development plan requires a commitment from both management and employees. We recommend establishing a dedicated team to oversee the implementation and evaluation of the plan. The team should regularly monitor the progress of the training initiatives and make adjustments as necessary.Conclusion.Investing in the development of our talent is essential for our long-term success. By addressing the identifiedskill gaps and implementing a comprehensive talent development plan, we can build a workforce that is equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive our businessstrategy and achieve our organizational goals.中文回答:人才发展与培训需求报告。



AAAccount Assistant客户助理Action Plan 行动方案ADAccount Director客户总监Add Value 附加价值AdsAdvertisement 广告Advertorial付费软文AEAccount Executive客户代表、客户主任Agency 代理商AMAccount Manager客户经理Analysis Tools分析工具Announcement 公告Annual Report年报AP Asia-Pacific 亚太区AR List 任务清单ATL Above the Line 线上活动Attachment附件Audience Awareness公众认知度Auto Industry 汽车行业Awareness 认知Background Analysis 背景分析Background material 背景材料Benchmark测试基准BI Behavior Identity企业行为识别系统Bidding 竞标Bio个人简历Boilerplate公司简介附在新闻稿后面的关于该公司的简短介绍Brand Communications Strategy品牌传播战略Brand Loyalty品牌忠诚度Brand Management Commission品牌管理委员会Brand Management Consulting Firm品牌管理顾问公司Brand Management品牌管理Brand Planning/Designing品牌策划/设计Brand Positioning Survey品牌定位调查Brand Positioning 品牌定位Brand Promotion品牌推广Branding Strategy品牌战略Briefing Kit资料包Briefing情况介绍BTL Below the Line 线下活动BU Business Unit业务部门Bulletin公告栏Bundle 附赠品Business E-Mail 商务电邮Business Model商业计划Business Philosophy 经营哲学Business Strategy 经营战略Campaign 公关或营销活动Career Development 职业发展Career Planning职业计划Case study案例研究Category 类别Celebration 庆典活动CEO Reputation Management CEO声誉管理CEO's Arrangement CEO接待Channel 渠道Chart 幻灯片中的页面China Golden Awards For Excellence in Public Relations中国最佳公共关系案例大赛China International Public Relations Congress中国国际公共关系大会CICorporate Identity企业形象CIPRAChina International Public Relations Association中国国际公共关系协会CIS Corporate Identity Sysetm企业形象识别系统Client Database Management客户数据管理Client Oriented Strategy客户导向战略Client Relations Development System客户关系开发系统Client Relations Evaluation System客户管理评价系统Client Relations Maintenance System客户关系维护系统Client Relations Management System客户关系管理系统Client Relations Management客户管理管理Client Relations Precaution System客户管理预警系统Client Relations Supporting System客户管理支持系统Client Relations客户关系Client Satisfaction Management客户满意度管理Clipping Report剪报报告Closing Phase结束阶段Code of Conduct行为准则Code of Ethics 职业道德Communication Model 传播模式Communications Kit新闻夹Communications Management 传播管理Communications Regions传播地域Communications Strategy传播战略Community Relations社区关系Competitor竞争对手Confidential 保密的、机密的Confidential Items保密条款Consecutive Interpretation交互式翻译Consultant顾问Consumer Buying Process 顾客购买过程Consumer Database顾客数据Consumer Orientation消费者导向Consumers/Dealers Assembly用户/经销商大会Contact Person 联系人Continuous Education继续教育Controlling Phase 控制阶段Coordination Communicating协调沟通Copywriter 文案Copywriting公关文案Core Competitiveness核心竞争力Core Media核心媒体Corporate Affairs企业事务Corporate Image企业形象Corporate Profile公司简介Corporate Reputation企业声誉Corporate Video 宣传片Cost Control成本控制Cost Management成本管理Creative & Design创意设计Credential公司或个人简介Crisis Control 危机控制Crisis Management Office危机管理办公室Crisis Management Planning危机管理策划Crisis Management Team危机管理小组Crisis Management危机管理Crisis Research危机研究Crisis Statement危机声明CRM Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理Customer testimonial客户证言Datasheet宣传页Decoration 现场布置装饰Demand GenerationDemo Booth 产品演示台Diagnosis诊断Director总监Distributor 分销商DM Direct mailing 直邮Domain Name Registration 域名注册Donation捐赠ECEast China华东Editorial Calendar媒体刊登计划EDMEmail Direct Marketing电子邮件营销Effective Communications有效传播Employee Compensation员工薪酬Employee Relations员工关系Environment Analysis环境分析Environment Issues环境问题Ethics of the Profession 职业道德Event Management事件管理Event Planning 事件策划Event事件、活动Executing Phase 执行阶段Execution 执行Executive President 执行总裁Fact Sheet资料数字或其他材料FAQ 常见问题问答Fashion Business时尚产业Feature article 深度文章Feature文章类型中的通讯Finance Management财务管理Financial Communications财经传播Flyer 宣传单页Follow-up跟进Forum 论坛GCGGrand China 大中国区Glossary词汇表Government Affairs政府事务Government PR 政府公关Government Relations政府关系Govt Government 政府Graphics图形文件Greetings问候语Health Care医疗保健High Tech高科技Hospital PR 医院公关Human Resource Management人力资源管理IMC Integrated Marketing Communications整合营传播Implementation实施Incentive Plan激励计划Industry Participation行业参与Initiating Phase 初始阶段INPUTS Evaluation Tools输入级评估工具Integration Management整合管理Interactive PR 网上互动公关Internal Magazine内部期刊Internal Communications System内部传播系统Internal Communications内部传播Internal Film内部电影Internal PR 内部公关International PR国际公关Internet Communications网络传播Internet Media Communications 网媒传播Interpersonal Communications人际传播Interpreter翻译Interview 专访或面试Introduction Lantern宣传幻灯Investor Relations投资者关系Invitation Letter 邀请IPRInstitute of Public Relations英国公共关系协会IPRAInternational Public Relations Association国际公共关系协会Issue Diagnosis问题诊断Issues Management问题管理ISV Individual Software Vendor独立软件开发商Job Evaluation绩效考核Journalist记者Key Media关键媒体Key Messages 关键信息Keynote Speaker主题演讲人Keynote Speech主题演讲LA Large Account 大客户LE Large Enterprise大客户Leadership 领导者Legal Duty法律义务Life Cycle of the Products 产品生命周期Lobby游说Logo标识Long Term Program长期项目Lucky Draw 抽奖MarcommMarketing Communications营销传播Market Analysis Report市场分析报告Marketing Communications Mix营销传播组合Marketing Communications营销传播Marketing Strategy 市场营销战略Marketshare 市场份额Mass Media大众媒体MBMedium business 中客户MCMaster of Ceremonies主持人MCMiddle China华中MDManaging Director 董事总经理、执行董事Media Assistant媒介助理Media Analysis媒体分析Media Communications Strategy媒体传播战略Media Communications媒体传播Media Coverage 媒体覆盖率Media Director 媒介总监Media Executive媒介代表、媒介主任Media Inquiry媒体垂询Media Kit媒体资料包Media List媒体名单Media Manager媒介经理Media Monitor媒体监测Media Relations媒介关系Media Research媒体研究Media Tour媒体拜访或媒体外出巡游Media媒体Meeting Agenda会议议程Meeting Minutes 会议记录Merchandise促销物品Methodology方法论MI Mind Identity企业理念识别MIMedia Index企业媒体声望指数Mindshare 品牌影响力份额Miscellaneous 杂费Monthly Report月报Multifunctional Task Force多职能任务小组National Standards of the PR Professional Qualification国家公共关系职业资格标准NCNorth China华北NE Northeast China东北Negative Report负面报道New Product Launch新产品发布News Clipping新闻剪报News Release新闻发布Newsletter通讯No-profit PR 非营利机构公关Norms of Excellent PR Management 卓越公共关系管理标准NWNorthwest China西北Objective Diagnosis目标诊断Offering 服务内容On Site现场Online Advertisement 线上广告Online Communications线上传播Online Marketing Communications 线上营销传播Online media网络媒体Online Roadshow 网上路演Online Survey网上调查OOPOut-of-Pocket杂费、日常工作发生的成本Open-day Visits开放日参观Opinion Leader舆论领袖OUTCOMES Evaluation Tools输出级评估工具OUTPUTS Evaluation Tools效果级评估工具Outsourcing 外包OVOne Voice一个声音Photo Library图片库Planning Phase 策划阶段Polish文案润色POP Point Of Purchase Advertising 导购点广告Positioning定位Post Event 善后工作Poster 海报Postmortem 会后书面的简短总结报告Postscript后记PR Agency公关公司PR Consulting Market公关顾问服务市场PR Consulting Practice公关顾问实务PR Consulting Service公关顾问服务PR Consulting Tools公关顾问工具PR Directorr 公共关系总监PR Evaluation公关评估PR Event 公关活动PR Guideline公关方针PR Management Working Code公关管理工作准则PR Manager 公共关系经理PR Procedure公关流程PR Proposal公关建议书PR Supervisor 公共关系主管Pre Event前期工作Pre-evaluation 预评估Preface前言Presentation 演示、陈述President 总裁Press Conference新闻发布会Press Kit媒体新闻夹Press Release新闻稿Print Media平面媒体Priority 优先的Procurement Management预警管理Product Test产品评测Profession Responsibility 职业义务Professional Association 专业协会Professional Certification 职业认证Professional Consultant 专业顾问Professional fee专业服务费Professional Grading专业等级Project Life Cycle项目生命周期Project Management项目管理Project Owner项目委托人Project Title项目标题Project公关项目Proposal公关建议书PRSAPublic Relations Society of America美国公共关系协会Pubic Opinion公众舆论Public Affairs公共事务Public Relations Consulting公关顾问Public Relations Crisis公关危机Public Relations Management公关管理Public Relations公共关系Public Utility公用事业Publicity宣传Q&A问题问答Qualified Project Manager合格的项目经理Quality Control质量控制Quality Management质量管理Questionnaire调查问卷Quotation报价Real Estate房地产Recommendatory 推荐信Recruitment招募Reference参考资料Rehearsal预演、彩排Report报告Reputation Management 声誉管理Research Tools研究工具Reseller 经销商Retainer长期客户Review回顾、总结Risk Management风险管理Roadshow巡展、路演ROI return on investment投资回报率Rude question 不友好的问题SAESenior Account Executive高级客户代表、高级客户主任SEMSearch Engine Marketing搜索引擎营销SAMSenior Account Manager高级客户经理SB Small business小客户SCSouth China华南Scope Management范畴管理SEOSearch Engine Optimization搜索引擎优化SMO:Social Media Optimization社会媒体优化Seminar研讨会Senior Consultant高级顾问Senior Media Executive高级媒介代表Senior Media Manager高级媒介经理Senior Vice President 高级副总裁Shareholders利益关系人Simultaneous interpretation同声传译Slide 幻灯片Slogan口号Social Activities社会活动Social Responsibility社会责任Source Materials客户提供的辅助资料Souvenirs & Gifts 纪念品和礼品SOV Share of VoiceSpeaking with One Voice 用一个声音说话Spokes Person Tips发言人技巧Spokesperson发言人Sponsorship Planning赞助策划Sponsorship 赞助Strategic Consulting战略咨询Strategy Communications Systems战略传播系统Strategy 战略Success Story成功故事Summary 简介、概述Supplier 供应商Survey调查SWSouthwest China西南SWOT analysis优势、劣势、机遇、威胁分析Synopsis概要总结Target Audience 目标受众Task Marketing任务营销TBD To be Detail需更详细信息Team 小组、团队Technical Article技术文章Theme 主题Time Management管理Time Sheet时间管理表Two-way Asymmetry双向非平衡模式Two-way Communications双向传播Two-way Symmetry双向平衡模式UEO user experience Optimization用户体验优化Venue 会议地点Vertical media行业媒体VI Visual Identity视觉识别VIP Speech 讲话稿Virtual Computer虚拟主机Vision愿景Voiceshare 曝光信息份额VPVice President副总裁VSB Very small business 特小客户、超小客户Website Construction网站建设Whitepaper白皮书Workshops工作研讨Worldwide 全球特写feature articles以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising 营销公关marketing public relation新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit公共事务public affairs公共关系户public relations公共关系广告public relations advertising 宣传publicity公众publics招聘广告recruitment advertising声望经营reputation management撰写讲演稿speechwriting赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报录像video news release执行证明书affidavit of performance受众构成audience composition受众占有率audience share时间表avails一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating 一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share交换辛迪加barter syndication无线电视broadcast TV有线电视cable TV单位成本CPP千人成本CPM累积听众数cumulative persons累积收听率cumulative rating时段组合day-part mix预定市场区域designated market areas班车时间drive time首播辛迪加first-run syndication形象移植imagery transfer信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication 协办participation basis占位价格preemption rate黄金时段prime time节目式广告PLA节目收率视program rating节止编排形式programming formats 视听率调查服务公司rating services 电台指定时间run-of-station受众总数total audience总体受众计划total audience plan 广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request横幅广告banner商业回邮件business reply mail分类广告Web站classified ad Web site编辑名录compiled lists立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digital interactive media直邮广告direct-mail advertising内部刊物house organs互动电视interactive TV互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider销售信函sales letters广告礼品advertising specialty展台booths路牌bulletin structure车内尾部招贴car-end posters电影贴片广告cinema advertising陈列媒介exhibitive media全面登场full showing车内广告牌inside cards户外媒介out-of-home media车体招贴outside posters包装packaging奖品premiums标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising 成品招贴stock posters优惠赠券take-ones商业展示会trade shows交通广告transit advertising广告英语术语——媒介策划用语广告印象advertising impression广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value受众audience受众目标audience objectives品牌开发指数brand development index品种开发指数category development index 发行量circulation成本效益cost efficiency单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand创意组合creative mix分布目标distribution objectives有效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach暴露值exposure value频次frequency市场markets组合mechanics媒介media媒介策划media planning媒介载体media vehiclesAE——Account Executive——客户代表,或客户执行;Account Group——业务小组;Appeal Point——诉求点;Brain Storming——动脑会议;Brand Image——品牌形象;CF——Commercial Film——广告影片,不是电视广告脚本,Commerc ial Script是电视广告脚本;Competitive Presentation——比稿;Copywriter——文案撰文人员;CI——Corporate Identity——企业识别;Creative Boutique——创意工作室;Direct Response Advertising——直效广告;Director——指导;指导有以下各专业职位:Account Director业务指导 Creative Director创意指导 Arts Director美术指导Copy Director文案指导 Media Director媒体指导 Planning Director企划指导Finisher——完稿员;Layout——构图;Presentation——提案;Public Service Advertising——公益广告;Supervisor——总监;Account Supervisor业务总监Creative Supervisor创意总监Media Supervisor媒体总监Planning Supervisor企划总监Research Supervisor调查总监Target Market——目标市场;Traffic Control Specialist一般简称Traffic——制管人员;广告讯息advertisingmessage 艺术art艺术方向artdirection艺术家artist美术总监artdirector大创意bigidea头脑风暴法brainstorming传播媒介communicationsmedia 概念化conceptualization方案人员copywriter创意纲要creativebrief创意总监creativedirector创意过程creativeprocess创意金字塔creativepyramid 创意creative创造creativity感性诉求emotionalappeals控险家explorer事实型思维fact-basedthinking 信息性informational讯息战略messagestrategy产品概念productconcept理性诉求rationalappeals目标受众targetaudience文字的verbal样片animatic利益式标题benefitheadlines 正文bodycopy粗体boldface照相制版camera-readyart表演纲要castingbrief命令式标题commandheadlines末稿comprehensivelayout/comp演示demonstration设计design技巧式正文devicecopy对白/独白式正文dialog/monologcopy 旁白donut标题headline吸引技巧hook图标icon插图画家illustrators企业形象式正文institutionalcopy 整合广告integratedcommercial内容段落interiorparagraphs斜体italic歌谣式jingles肩题kicker布局图layout预备段落lead-inparagraph生活方式式技法lifestyletechniques标志logotypes助记手段mnemonicdevice音乐式广告musicalcommercials音乐标志musicallogo叙述式正文narrativecopy新闻/信息式标题news/informationheadlines 出镜头oncamera拼版pasteup摄影师photographers图片说明式正文picture-captioncopy方框图片式布局picture-windowlayout招贴式格式poster-styleformat主持人式广告presentercommercial启发式标题provocativeheadlines 疑问式标题questionheadlines广播人物radiopersonality脚本script印签seal签名signaturecuts生活片段sliceoflife口号slogans故事板storyboard故事板草图storyboardroughs直截了当式straightannouncement 直接推销式正文straight-sellcopy 副标题subhead标题句taglines证言testimonial正文text主题句themelines小样thumbnail收尾trialclose图形部分visuals旁白voiceover模拟校样analogproof动画animation合成片answerprint光圈aperture音控台audioconsole底片baseart出血版bleeds蓝线blueline照相排版术camera-readyart字计算式charactr-countmethod 电影摄影师cinematographer截止期closingdate色基colorkey分色colorseparation连续调continuoustones控制室controlroom组排copycast封面纸coverpaper青、黄、红、黑印刷CYMKprinting 数字媒介digitalmedia数字校样digitalproof数码视频效应装置DVEunits导演director特排字体displaytype复制带dubs拷贝dupes电子制作electronicproduction晒版台纸flats一套铅字font四色印刷four-colorprocess 网目凸版halfoneplate网屏halftonescreen互动电视interactiveTV任务夹jobjacket出格kerning电脑亭kiosk加空铅leading硬性软片linefilm线画版lineplate实景真人liveaction外景地location制片场lot指令mandatories公共场所massaudiencevenue母带mastertape合成样片mixedinterlock助记手段mnemonicdevice多媒体演示multimediapresentation 正色投影胶片orthographicfilm透明塑料膜overlay个人场所personalaudiencevenue平台使用费platformlicensing后期制作阶段postproductionphase开印前阶段prepressphase预备阶段preproductionphase印刷制作经理printproductionmanager 印刷制作过程printproductionprocess 非公开场所privateaudiencevenue制片人producer制作阶段productionphase复映复播追加酬金residualfee 反差套印reverseknockout无衬线字体sansserif最低合同工资scale衬线字体serif一场session特技specialeffects插播广告spots剥版stripping叠supers演播人员talent自动台词提示器teleprompter 课本纸textpaper正文字体texttype合套trap字系typefamilies排印工艺typography网页Webpage单词计算式word-countmethod工作样片workprint书写纸writingpaper社论式广告advertorial倡导广告advocacyadvertising伏击式营销ambushmarketing视听材料audiovisualmaterials公告牌bulletingboards社会参与communityinvolvement企业广告corporateadvertising企业识别广告corporateidentityadvertising 广告印象advertising impression广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value受众audience受众目标audience objectives间歇式排期blinking品牌开发指数brand development index集中式bursting品种开发指数category development index 发行量circulation创意组合creative mix分布目标 distribution objectives有效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach暴露值exposure value起伏式flighting schedule频次frequency总印象gross impressions组合mechanics媒介media媒介策划media planning媒介载体media vehicles讯息力度message weight组合媒介法mixed-media approach 资金money看见机会 opportunity to see脉冲式pulsing schedule视听率rating到达率reach每册读者数readers per copy近期策划recency planning路障式roadblocking外溢媒介spillover media增效效应synergy电视户television households态度 attitude品牌兴趣 brand interest品牌忠诚 brand loyalty企业市场 business markets影响中心 centers of influence有意劝服路径 central route to persuation 认知 cognition消费行为 consumer behavior消费者决策过程 consumer decision。



周工作简报英文1. Weekly Work Briefing - Week of June 1st, 2023Dear Team,I hope this email finds you well. Here's a brief summary of our team's accomplishments and ongoing tasks for the week of June 1st, 2023:Accomplishments:-Successfully launched the new product campaign, resulting in a 20% increase in website traffic.-Completed the redesign of the user interface for our mobile application, enhancing user experience and receiving positive feedback from beta testers.-Conducted a productive brainstorming session to generate innovative ideas for our upcoming project.Ongoing Tasks:-Finalizing the marketing strategy for the upcoming quarter and preparing the necessary materials for the team.-Conducting market research to identify potential partnerships and business opportunities.- Continuing development work on the new feature set forour software, aiming for a release by the end of the month.Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or require further information. Let's continue the great work!Best regards,[Your Name]2. Weekly Work Briefing - Week of June 7th, 2023Hello Team,I trust you had a fantastic weekend. Here's a brief summary of our team's progress and objectives for the week of June 7th, 2023:Progress Made Last Week:-Conducted successful user testing sessions for the website redesign, gathering valuable feedback for further improvements.-Completed the initial phase of the client project, delivering the prototype ahead of schedule.-Attended a conference on emerging industry trends, gaining insights into new technologies and best practices.Tasks for This Week:-Incorporating user feedback and finalizing the design updates for the website.-Commencing the development of the client project's full-scale implementation.- Organizing a knowledge-sharing session to share the key learnings from the conference and discuss their potential application in our projects.Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance or have any concerns. Let's make this week a productive one!Best regards,[Your Name]3. Weekly Work Briefing - Week of June 14th, 2023Dear Team,I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Let's kick off the week by reviewing our achievements from last week and outlining our objectives for the week of June 14th, 2023: Accomplishments Last Week:-Completed the final round of testing for the mobile application update and submitted it for deployment to the app stores.-Developed and executed a successful social media campaign, resulting in a significant increase in brand awareness and engagement.-Collaborated with the sales team to identify potential leads and initiated follow-up actions.Tasks for This Week:- Analyzing user data to gain insights into the effectiveness of the mobile application update and making necessary improvements based on the findings.-Developing a comprehensive content strategy for the next quarter, including blog posts, videos, and social media content.- Conducting market research to identify emerging trends and new competitors in our industry.Feel free to reach out to me if you need any support or have any suggestions. Let's have a productive and successful week ahead!Best regards,[Your Name]4. Weekly Work Briefing - Week of June 21st, 2023Hello Team,I hope you had a restful weekend. As we start a new week, let's reflect on our accomplishments from the previous week and outline our objectives for the week of June 21st, 2023: Accomplishments Last Week:-Successfully launched the new feature set for our software, receiving positive feedback from users and meeting all performance benchmarks.- Conducted a training session on effective communication and teamwork, enhancing collaboration within the team.-Prepared and presented a comprehensive market analysis report tothe management team, providing valuable insights into market trends and potential opportunities.Tasks for This Week:- Conducting user surveys and gathering feedback on the recently launched software update to identify areas for further improvement.-Collaborating with the design team to create visually appealing marketing materials for an upcoming product launch.-Initiating discussions with potential partners for a strategic collaboration that can enhance our product offering.Upcoming Deadlines:-Submission of the quarterly financial report to the finance department by the end of the week.-Finalizing the project proposal for a new client and submitting it for review by Wednesday.Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have anyquestions or require any assistance. Let's work together to achieve our goals for this week!Best regards,[Your Name]5. Weekly Work Briefing - Week of June 28th, 2023Dear Team,I hope you had a rejuvenating weekend. As we step into a new week, let's take a moment to review our accomplishments from last week and outline our objectives for the week of June 28th, 2023:Accomplishments Last Week:- Implemented the feedback received from users, resulting in significant improvements to the mobile application's user interface and overall performance.-Secured a strategic partnership with a leading industry player, expanding our market reach and unlocking new business opportunities.-Successfully delivered the project proposal to the prospective client, receiving positive feedback and advancing to the negotiation phase.Tasks for This Week:-Conducting user acceptance testing for the latestsoftware update and addressing any issues or bugs identified.-Developing a comprehensive marketing plan for the upcoming quarter, incorporating the new product launch and partnership opportunities.- Conducting training sessions to enhance team members' skills in areas such as project management and communication.Important Reminders:- The deadline for submitting quarterly expense reports is Friday. Please ensure timely submission.-The company-wide town hall meeting is scheduled for Thursday. Please mark your calendars and come prepared with any questions or suggestions.If you have any queries or require support, please feel free to reach out. Let's have a productive and successful week ahead!Best regards,[Your Name]。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Experience Profiles? Which associate pool to target? What is the right organizational cut? Panel Reviewers
Details of each are in the back up slides
Pre-work for associates
get the most out of the day, associates need to be clear on their own mobility, their current career plan and progress against their development plan. To encourage this, associates should submit their 70/20/10 plan and update their career aspirations and mobility in TMS at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Not only does this equip the panel with key information, it also reinforces the importance of these areas to both the associate and their Line Manager.
the pre-prepared presentation topic 2 weeks before the event to give associates time to work around other work and personal commitments. Select a topic that will give you maximum insight on the competencies you wish to focus on.
100% Assessment
100% Development
A successful Development Review process is dependent on four stages:
1. 2. 3.
Key choices during set-up phase Pre-event Development Review
retention and engagement: clarity on career progression and support and 70/20/10 plan adjusted or expanded as a result of the review career plans
Increased PDP
The Development Review
The content of the review will be determined by the specific needs of the business unit. It should include the following elements:
You will require a lot of administrative support for preparation and during the day, so involve someone who will be helping the process with logistics/administration, so all reviewers (including P&O) have opportunity to focus on the content of the day Book at least 2 rooms for the event; one will be used reviewers and others by associates participating (for preparation) Interviews will be run in groups of panel members (2-3), therefore plan room space appropriately. The recommendation is to place panel members in the rooms and associates visit appropriate rooms for interviews.
key choices highlighted above and identify associates to invite during MDR Nominated person to identify panel members, dates and take responsibility for communication Thoughtful communication to invited associates. This should include:
ownership of the talent pool across senior Leadership
career plan and planned development moves for associates in line with business needs and associate aspirations
Opportunity to change someone’s rating Opportunity to give a difficult message A solution to filling current vacancies A one-off, isolated experience A totally risk-free environment for the associate
Post-review follow-up
Key Choices During Set-up Phase
The most effective Development Reviews are those where careful thought has been given to some critical choices. The choices you make in each area may differ from one year to the next so you should revisit these choices annually. Do not initiate a Development Review process until you are clear on the following points:
Talent Development Reviews
July 2012
Briefing pack content
Preparation Details
Review objectivesofຫໍສະໝຸດ the dayFeedback
What is a Development Review?
Pre-work for Reviewers
with panel members 2 weeks prior to the event to reinforce objectives, desired outcomes and their roles and responsibilities. packs with associate information, that reviewers should study before the event. This information may include: ADS, last PDP, current 70/20/10 plan, Lominger Voices ,etc – anything that could be helpful for panel members to know about associates in advance that will help to get most out of the panel day and will help to contribute to associate career and development planning. should spend some time identified the competencies and discussion topics and pre-select questions / areas for interview. process could be significantly improved, if the Senior Leader, who knows associate well would provide short summary for other panel members before the day.
Co-ownership of the Improved succession
to critical leadership roles (MCRs)
Benefits of Development Reviews
.... and Development Reviews shouldn’t be...
Reviewers The
Pre-work for Administrators
Most of our P&O associates have a lot of experience in running/participating in different sorts of panels. For those, who are relatively new to the process, please find some logistics tips for the day: