High voltage test
1、高电压试验技术GB/T16927 高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 16927.1-1997, 高电压试验技术 第一部分: 一般试验要求High voltage test techniques--Part 1: General test requirements[2] GB/T 16927.2-1997, 高电压试验技术 第二部分:测量系统High voltage test techniques--Part 2: Measuring systemsGB/T 17627 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 17627.1-1998, 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术 第一部分:定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 1: Definitions,test and procedure requirements[2] GB/T 17627.2-1998, 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术 第二部分:测量系统和试验设备High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part2:Measuring system and test equipmentDL/T 848 高压试验装置通用技术条件[1] DL/T 848.1-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第1部分:直流高压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 1: High voltage DC generator [2] DL/T 848.2-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[3] DL/T 848.3-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[4] DL/T 848.4-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第4部分:三倍频试验变压器装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part4:Triple-frequency test transformer[5] DL/T 848.5-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generatorDL/T846 高电压测试仪器通用技术条件[1] DL/T 846.1-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第1部分:高电压分压器测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 1 : high voltage divider measuring system[2] DL/T 846.2-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part2:Impulse voltage measuring system[3] DL/T 846.3-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第3部分:高压开关综合测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 3: High voltage switch integrate detector[4] DL/T 846.4-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第4部分:局部放电测量仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 4: Partial discharge detector [5] DL/T 846.5-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第5部分:六氟化硫微量水分仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part5: Analyzer for trace moisture in SF6 gas[6] DL/T 846.6-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第6部分:六氟化硫气体检漏仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 6: SF6 gas leak detector [7] DL/T 846.7-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第7部分:绝缘油介电强度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part7:Dielectric strength detector of insulating oils[8] DL/T 846.8-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第8部分:有载分接开关测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 8: Detector of on-load tap-changers[9] DL/T 846.9-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第9部分:真空开关真空度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 9: Vacuum interrupter detectorIEC标准[1] IEC 60060-1-2010 高压试验技术.第1部分:一般定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements[2] IEC 60060-2-2010 高压试验技术.第2部分:测量系统High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring systems[3] IEC 60060-3-2006 高压试验技术.第3部分:现场试验的定义和要求High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testing[4] IEC 60060-4-1988 高压试验技术.第4部分:测量装置应用导则High-voltage test techniques. Part 4 : Application guide for measuring devices[5] IEC 60270-2000 高电压试验技术:局部放电测量High-V oltage Test Techniques – Partial Discharge Measurements-Third EditionIEEE标准[1] 4-1995 IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing (Revision of IEEE Std 4-1 978)[2] 4a-2001 Amendment to IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing[3] 48-2009 IEEE Standard for Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV or Extruded Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 500 kV[4] 95-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V and Above) With High Direct V oltage[5] 400.1-2007 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above With High Direct Current V oltage[6] 400-2001 IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems[7] 433-2009 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery with High V oltage at Very Low Frequency[8] C37.09-2005 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated on aSymmetrical Current Basis[9] C37.081-1981 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis[10] C37.083-1999 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Capacitive Current Switching Tests of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers[11] C37.34-1994 IEEE Standard Test Code for High-V oltage Air Switches[12] C37.41-2008 IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-V oltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts,Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches,Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices[13] C37.53.1-1989 American National Standard High-V oltage Current-Limiting Motor-Starter Fuses - Conference Test Procedures[14] C37.301-2009 IEEE Standard for High-V oltage Switchgear (Above 1000 V) Test Techniques - Partial Discharge Measurements[15] C37.016 :2006 IEEE Standard for AC High-V oltage Circuit Switchers rated 15.5 kV through 245 kV二、冲击电压发生器和冲击电压试验[1] DL/T 846.2-2004, 高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part2:Impulse voltage measuring system[2] DL/T 992-2006,冲击电压测量实施细则Detailed implementation guide for impulse voltage measurement[3] JB/T 7083-1993, 低压电器冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[4] JB/T 7080-1993, 绕组匝间冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[5] DL/T848.5-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件 第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generator [6] GB/T 16896.1-2005, 高电压冲击测量仪器和软件 第1部分:对仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage impulse tests-Part1: Requirements for instruments[7] GB/T 21222-2007, 绝缘液体 雷电冲击击穿电压测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [8] GB/T 18134.1-2000, 极快速冲击高电压试验技术 第1部分:气体绝缘变电站中陡波前过电压用测量系统High-voltage testing techniques with very fast impulses --Part 1:Measuring systems for very fast from overvoltages generated in gas-insulated substations[9] DL/T557- 2005, 高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in air[10] GB/T 1094.4-2005, 电力变压器 第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[11] GB/T 17626.5-2008, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test [12] GB/T 14598.18-2007, 电气继电器 第22-5部分:量度继电器和保护装置的电气骚扰试验-浪涌抗扰度试验Electrical relays—Part22-5:Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment—Surge immunity test[13] JB/T 7616-1994, 高压线路绝缘子陡波冲击耐受试验未注英文名称[14] DL/T 557-2005, 高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in airIEC标准[1] IEC 60897-1987 绝缘液体的雷电冲击击穿电压的测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [2] IEC 61083-1-2001 高压冲击试验中测量用仪器及软件 第1部分:仪器的要求 Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests-Part1: Requirements for instruments[3] IEC 61083-2-1996 高压冲击试验中测量用数字记录仪 第2部分:测定冲击波形参数用软件的评估Digital recorders for measurements in high-voltage tests - Part 2: Evaluation of software used for the determination of the parameters of impulse waveformsIEEE标准[1] 82-2002 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse V oltage Tests on Insulated Conductors[2] C37.013a-2007 IEEE Standard for AC High V oltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis - Amendment 1: Supplement for Use With Generators Rated 10-100 MV A[3] C37.101 :2006 IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection[4] C37.102 :2006 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection[5] C57.98-1993 IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests[6] 1122-1998 IEEE Standard for Digital Recorders for Measurements in High- V oltage Impulse Tests[7]C57.138-1998IEEE Recommended Practice for Routine Impulse Test for Distribution Transformers3、工频试验变压器和工频电压试验[1] JB/T 9641—1999,试验变压器Testing transformers[2] JB/T 501-2006 电力变压器试验导则Test guide for power transformers[3] DL/T 848.2-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[4] DL/T 848.3-2004, 高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[5] GB/T 1408.1-2006, 绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 第1部分:工频下试验Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies [6] GB2536—1990 ,变压器油Transformer oils[7] GB/T 17626.28-2006, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 工频频率变化抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency immunity test[8] GB/T 3333-1999, 电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at power frequence[9] GB/T 14517-1993, 绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法Test method for dielectric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency[10] DL/T 812-2002, 标称电压高于1000V架空线路绝缘子串工频电弧试验方法Insulators string for overhead lines with a normal voltage above 1000V-AC power arc test method [11] GB/T 7252-2001, 变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则Guide to the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil[12] DL/T 536-1993, 耦合电容器及电容分压器订货技术条件未注英文名称[13] JB/T 8169-1999, 耦合电容器及电容分压器Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividersGB1094 电力变压器[1] GB 1094.1—1996 ,电力变压器 第1部分:总则Power transformers--Part 1: General[2] GB 1094.2—1996 ,电力变压器 第2部分:温升Power transformers--Part 2: Temperature rise[3] GB 1094.3—2003,电力变压器 第3部分: 绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙(eqv IEC 60076-3:2000)Power transformers--Part 3 : Insulation levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air[4] GB/T 1094.4-2005, 电力变压器 第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[5] GB 1094.5—2008 ,电力变压器 第5部分:承受短路的能力Power transformers--Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit[6] GB/T 1094.7-2008, 电力变压器 第7部分:油浸式电力变压器负载导则Power transformers—Part7:Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers[7] GB/T 1094.10-2003, 电力变压器 第10部分:声级测定Power transformers—Part10:Determination of sound levels[8] GB 1094.11—2007,电力变压器 第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers--Part 11 : Dry-type transformersIEC标准[1] IEC 60076-10-1-2005 电力变压器.第10-1部分:声级的测定.应用指南Power transformers Part 10-1: Determination of sound levels Application guide-Edition 1[2] IEC 60076-10-2005 电力变压器.第10部分:声级的测定Power Transformers Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels[3] IEC 60076-11-2004 电力变压器.第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers Part 11: Dry-type transformers-First Edition[4] IEC 60076-12-2008 电力变压器.第12部分:干型电力变压器用负荷指南Power transformers - Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power transformers[5] IEC 60076-13-2006 电力变压器.第13部分:自我保护式充液变压器[6] IEC 60076-15 Ed.1.0 (2008) Power transformers - Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[7] IEC 60076-15-2008 电力变压器.第15部分:充气电力变压器Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[8] IEC 60076-2-1993 电力变压器 第2部分:温升Power Transformers; Part 2: Temperature Rise-Second Edition[9] IEC 60076-3-2000 电力变压器 第3部分:绝缘水平、电介质试验和空气中的外间隙Power Transformers Part 3: Insulation Levels. Dielectric Tests and External Clearances in Air-Edition 2[10] IEC 60076-4-2002 电力变压器.第4部分:闪电脉冲和开关脉冲试验指南.电力变压器和电抗器Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to lightning impulse and switching impulse testing; Power transformers and reactors[11] IEC 60076-5-2006 电力变压器 第5部分:承受短路的能力Power Transformers Part 5: Ability to Withstand Short Circuit-Edition 3.0[12] IEC 60076-6-2007 电力变压器.第6部分:电抗器Power transformers – Part 6: Reactors-Edition 1.0[13] IEC 60076-7-2005 电力变压器.第7部分:油浸电力变压器负载指南Power transformers Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers-First Edition [14] IEC 60076-8-1997 电力变压器 第8部分:应用指南Power Transformers - Application Guide-First Edition[15] IEC/TS 60076-14-2004 电力变压器.第14部分:使用高温绝缘材料的液浸式电力变压器的设计和应用Power transformers – Part 14: Design and application of liquid-immersed power transformersusing high-temperature insulation materials-Edition 2.0[16] IEC 62032-2005, 移相变压器的应用、规范和试验指南Guide for the application. specification. and testing of phase-shifting transformersIEEE标准[1] 62.2-2004 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Electrical Machinery[2] 62-1995 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors[3] C57.135-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application, Specification, and Testing of Phase-Shifting Transformers[4] 644-1994 IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields From AC Power Lines4、工频谐振试验设备和试验技术[1] DL/T 849.6-2004, 电力设备专用测试仪器通用技术条件 第6部分:高压谐振试验装置General technical specification of test instruments used for power equipments Part 6: High voltage resonant test system5、冲击电流发生器和冲击电流试验技术[1] GB 4208-2008, 外壳防护等级Degrees of protection provided by enclosure[2] GB 18802.1-2002, 低压配电系统的电涌保护器(SPD)第1部分:性能要求和试验方法Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems--Part 1:Performance requirements and testing methods[3] GB 11032-2000 交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器Metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for a. c. systems[4] GB/T 18802.311-2007 低压电涌保护器件 第311部分:气体放电管(GDT)规范(等同IEC 61643-311-2001)Components for low-voltage surge protective—Part311:Specification for gas discharge tubes(GDT)[5] GB/T 17626.5-2008, 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity testIEC标准[1] IEC TR 61000-1-5 :2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 1-5: General High power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on civil systems-First Edition[2] IEC 60099-4 AMD 2 :2009 AMENDMENT 2 Surge arresters – Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems-Edition 2.0[3] IEC 61643-311 :2001 Components for Low-V oltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 311: Specification for Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT)-First Edition[4] IEC 61643-1 :2005 Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 1: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Requirements and tests-Edition 2.0[5] IEC 61643-12 :2008 Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems–Selection and application principles-Edition 2.0IEEE标准[1] C62.11a-2008 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Ac Power Circuits (>1 kV). Amendment 1: Short-Circuit Tests for Station, Intermediate, and Distribution Arresters[2] C62.11-2005 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (>1 kV)[3] C62.22-2009 IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems[4] 1299/C62.22.1-1996 IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems[5]C62.34-1996IEEE Standard for Performance of Low-V oltage Surge-Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters)[6] C62.41.1-2002 IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[7] C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-V oltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits[8] C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge V oltages in Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits[9] C62.42-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application of Component Surge-Protective Devices for Use in Low-V oltage [Equal to Or Less Than 1000 V (AC) Or 1200 V (DC)] Circuits[10] C62.62-2010 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs) for Use on the Load Side of the Service Equipment in Low V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[11] C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices for Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits6、其他GB 311.1-1997,高压输变电设备的绝缘配合Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipmentGB/T11920-2008, 电站电气部分集中控制设备及系统通用技术条件General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB/T 7354-2003, 局部放电测量Partial discharge measurementsJB/T 8749.1-2007, 调压器 第一部分:通用要求和试验V oltage regulators--Part 1: General requirements and testsJB/T 7070.1-2002 ,调压器试验导则 第1部分:接触调压器和接触自动调压器试验导则Test guide for regulator Part 1: Test guide for variable regulators and automatic variable regulators GB/T 191-2008, 包装储运图示标志Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods。
LV VW 德国大众高压测试标准
Group standardVW 80302Issue 2013-03Class. No.:8ME2Descriptors:high-voltage contacts, high-voltage, contacts, Test Specification, LV 215-2Motor Vehicle High-Voltage Contacts Test SpecificationPrefaceThis standard is based on LV 215-2, which was drawn up by representatives of automobile manu‐facturers Audi AG, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG, and Volkswagen AG in working group (WG) 4.3.3.Deviations from the LV 215-2 are listed on the cover sheet of this standard. If modifications to indi‐vidual test sections become necessary in individual cases, these must be agreed upon separately between the department in charge and the relevant manufacturer.Test reports will be accepted as long as the tests were performed by an independent testing insti‐tute that is accredited as per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Acceptance of the test reports will not auto‐matically result in a release.NOTE 1: The LV numbers listed in this document correspond to the standards listed in table 1.Table 1Working group (AK) document numberLV 214LV 215-1LV 216-1LV 216-2Volkswagen standard numberVW 75174VW 80304VW 75210-1VW 75210-2Previous issuesVW 80302: 2009-09, 2013-02ChangesThe following changes have been made to VW 80302: 2013-02:–Page 13 replacedAlways use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 1 of 13All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2012-05oPage 2LV 215-2: 2013-02ContentsPage Test number structure (3)Loads (3)Properties tests (3)General rules (3)Determining the volume resistance (E 0.2, E 14.0, and E 16.0) (3)"Crimp" definition (3)PG 0Inspection of as-received condition (4)PG 1Dimensions (5)PG 2Material and surface analysis, contacts (5)PG 3Material and surface analysis, housing and single-wire seal (5)PG 4Contact overlap (6)PG 5Mechanical and thermal relaxation behavior (6)PG 6Interaction between contact and housing (6)PG 7Handling and functional reliability of the housing (6)PG 8Insertion and retention forces of the contact parts in the housing (7)PG 9Pin insertion inclination/misuse safe (scoop-proofing) (7)PG 10Contacts: Conductor pull-out strength (7)PG 11Contacts: Insertion and withdrawal forces; insertion frequency (7)PG 12Current heating, derating (8)PG 13Housing influence on the derating (8)PG 14Thermal time constant (current vs. temperature at n-times the nominal current) (8)PG 15Electrical stress test (8)PG 16Friction corrosion (8)PG 17Dynamic load (8)PG 18A Coastal climate load (9)PG 18C De-icing salt load (9)PG 19Environmental simulation (9)PG 20Climate load of the housing (9)PG 21 Long-term temperature aging (9)PG 22A Chemical resistance (9)PG 22B Chemical resistance, extended test (9)PG 23Water leak tightness (9)PG 24Impenetrability to paint (9)PG 28Latching noise (10)PG 29Blind plug retention force (10)PG 50EMC test (10)PG 51Protection against contact (12)Page 3LV 215-2: 2013-02 Test number structureAs per LV 214LoadsAs per LV 214Properties testsAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:E 0.2.3 Shielding volume resistanceE 0.3 Insulation resistanceE 0.4 Dielectric strengthE 50.1 Average wave impedance DIN EN 50289-1-11E 50.2 Surface transfer impedance VG 95214-11E 51.1 Protection against contact ISO 20653General rulesAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:Only cables released as per LV 216-1/LV 216-2 must be used for high-voltage contacts.This LV is an extension to LV 214.If modifications to individual test sections become necessary in individual cases, these must be agreed upon separately between the appropriate department and the affected manufacturer.In general: All tests in LV 214 are described as connector tests and must be conceptually appliedto threaded connections.Determining the volume resistance (E 0.2, E 14.0, and E 16.0)As per LV 214Deviation: starting from class 4, measure the volume resistance as per DIN EN 60512-2-2 with a test current of 10 A."Crimp" definitionAs per LV 214Page 4LV 215-2: 2013-02PG 0 Inspection of as-received conditionAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:E 0.2.3 Shielding volume resistance, measuring method as per E 0.2 (transition from componentto cable shield)Document the exact position of the measuring points.Requirement:The measured values must correspond to the manufacturer’s specifications. The limits for R1 and R2 must be adhered to (see LV 215-1) and the measured values (initial value, standard deviation for the corresponding specimens) must be documented accordingly in the test report. Limit R3 (see LV 215-1) must be adhered to and must be checked during the release tests for the component, since the actual material combinations will only be available at that point.R1 = DC resistance between cable shield and connector shieldR2 = DC resistance between connector shield and interface shieldR3 = DC resistance between interface shield and unitE 0.3 Insulation resistanceIn addition, measure the insulation resistance between the contacts and the housing shielding.Requirement:R insul >200 megaohms with V = 1 000 VDC, t = 60 sE 0.4 Dielectric strength (one-time test) SAE J1742ISO 6469-3 with a test duration of 60 seconds and a leakage current <10 mA.The test voltage must be selected from Table 1.Page 5LV 215-2: 2013-02Table 1: Test voltagesRMS voltage connector AC voltage to beapplied(RMS)DC voltage to beapplied 50 – 100 V 1 000 V 1 600 V 110 – 300 V 1 600 V2 500 V300 – 1 000 V1 000 V plus2 times the connector's nominal voltage 1 600 V plus 3,2 times the connector's nominal voltageFigure 1: Test setup Housing insulation:Connect all circuits to each other (see Figure 1) and wrap the outside of the specimen inconductive film.Apply the test voltage between the film and the circuits for one minute. Document the results.Conductor insulation:Test each conductor individually by using the shield as the other reference point. Apply the test voltage between the conductors and the shield for one minute. Document the results.Requirement:During the test, no dielectric breakdown or flash-overs must occur between the individual chambers or between the chambers and the specimen's exterior.PG 1 Dimensions As per LV 214PG 2 Material and surface analysis, contacts As per LV 214PG 3 Material and surface analysis, housing and single-wire sealAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:Page 6LV 215-2: 2013-02E 3.1 Material test of housing and single-wire seal…•D o c u m e n t a t i o n o f t h e m a t e r i a l s:o C r e e p a g e c u r r e n t c l a s s i f i c a t i o n(C T I v a l u e s)…PG 4 Contact overlapAs per LV 214PG 5 Mechanical and thermal relaxation behaviorAs per LV 214 for HV contactsTest the shield contact with a suitable method for measuring the contact normal force.The following applies to HV threaded connections:The screw assembly for the housing and tubular cable lug must be designed as appropriate for the component and checked during the release tests for the component, since the actual material combinations will only be available at that point.PG 6 Interaction between contact and housingAs per LV 214Deviating from LV 214:B 6.1 Drop test (with new housings; see batch size) as per DIN EN 60068-2-31, free fall as permethod 1Test setup:Housing fully populated with max. cable cross-sectional area; cable length: 500 mm; drop height: 1 mRequirement:There must not be any discernible broken parts or any damage that will have a negative impact on suitability of usePG 7 Handling and functional reliability of the housingAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:Page 7LV 215-2: 2013-02Table 3 as per LV 214: Positive-locking housing retention forcesP o s i t i v e-l o c k i n g h o u s i n g r e t e n t i o n f o r c e s(N)C o n t a c t s i z e N u m b e r o f p i n s1-p i n t o2-p i n3-p i n t o6-p i n>6-p i n0,63t o1,2m m>60>80>100>1,2t o2,8m m>80>100>100>2,8t o6,3m m>100>100>100>6,3m m>150>150>150≥8m m>250>500PG 8 Insertion and retention forces of the contact parts in the housingAs per LV 214, provided the design allows for the contact parts to be removed.The values for ≥8 mm apply to class 4 with a locking barb. Preferably, test them directly on the contact with a push-out test.PG 9 Pin insertion inclination/misuse safe (scoop-proofing)As per LV 214PG 10 Contacts: Conductor pull-out strengthAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:Requirement:The conductor pull-out strengths as per LV 215-1 must be adhered to.PG 11 Contacts: Insertion and withdrawal forces; insertion frequencyAs per LV 214The following applies to HV threaded connections:B 11.1 Insert and disconnect the specimens according to their surface finish. The followingtightening torques (±10%) apply to threaded electrical connections:M6 9 NmM8 15 NmM10 25 NmRequirement:It is impermissible for the contact surface required for proper operation to be worn all the way through to the base material or barrier layer. Corresponding documentation must be provided.Page 8LV 215-2: 2013-02E 11.2 Retention force of protection-against-contact elementUse a suitable device to try to pull the protection-against-contact element.Requirement:Verify that the protection-against-contact element can handle twice the pull-out force of the socket contact against the insertion direction and, if there are installed elements, against the installation direction of the protection-against-contact cap. The force that the protection-against-contact element can handle must be at least 50 N if the aforementioned withdrawing force times two is lesser.PG 12 Current heating, deratingAs per LV 214As per E 0.1, measure and document the contact resistances as per E 0.2 as well.PG 13 Housing influence on the deratingAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214:Plot derating curves with a 10-A shield current as well.PG 14 Thermal time constant (current vs. temperature at n-times the nominal current) As per LV 214Plot the cool-down curve in addition to the heat-up time constant.PG 15 Electrical stress testAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214 as per E 0.2:E 0.2.3 Shield contact resistanceThe following applies to HV threaded connections:B 15.1 Insert and disconnect the specimens 2 times.PG 16 Friction corrosionAs per LV 214, following consultationPG 17 Dynamic loadAs per LV 214Vibration profile as per severity 3Temperature profile as per severity 4As a supplement to LV 214 as per E 0.2:E 0.2.3 Shield contact resistancePage 9LV 215-2: 2013-02PG 18A Coastal climate loadAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214 as per E 0.2:E 0.2.3 Shield contact resistancePG 18C De-icing salt loadAs per LV 214Metal housings must meet additional OEM-specific requirements (OEM – original equipment manufacturer).PG 19 Environmental simulationAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214 as per E 0.2:E 0.2.3 Shield contact resistancePG 20 Climate load of the housingAs per LV 214PG 21 Long-term temperature agingAs per LV 214As a supplement to LV 214 as per E 0.2:E 0.2.3 Shield contact resistancePG 22A Chemical resistanceOmittedPG 22B Chemical resistance, extended testAs per LV 214PG 23 Water leak tightnessDeviation:Open cable endsTest: B 23.3 Thermal shockPG 24 Impenetrability to paintFollowing consultationPage 10LV 215-2: 2013-02PG 28 Latching noiseAs per LV 214PG 29 Blind plug retention forceAs per LV 214, provided they are included in the designPG 50 EMC testPurpose: Measurement of the effectiveness of the housing shielding or the surface transfer impedance.Batch size: 3 housingsContact parts: A ll variants, conductor cross-sectional areas, and surfaces Housing:All variants; any keying and colorType of test:E 50.1 Average wave impedanceDIN EN 50289-1-11Determine the average wave impedance of the bulk cable with the capacitance and service life as per DIN EN 50289-1-11E 50.2 Surface transfer impedanceVG 95214-11Conduct the test, based on VG 95214-11, within a frequency range of 100 kHz to 500 MHz. Measure the difference between a reference cable (bulk) and a finished cable. The specimen's total length is (1 000 ±100) mm from the terminal resistor 3R to the receiver connection (see Figure 2).Measuring setup and coupling cable: VG 95214-11 describes the test setup.The DC resistance between the measuring contact systems, on both sides of the specimen, that connect the equipment under test (EUT) and the measuring adapters must not be more than 10% greater than the measured shield resistance of the EUT without the measuring contact systems.As the terminal resistance for the specimen, use the asymptotic wave impedance value that results at high frequencies as per E 50.1. Terminal resistances 0R and 3R must be suitable for high frequencies throughout the entire frequency range. Note:Carbon film and wire-wound resistors must not be used. A reflection measurement on the network analyzer (NWA) can be carried out on the resistors in order to check their frequency stability. Insert the resistors into an N connector for this purpose. The reflection factor can be improved by connecting several SMD resistors in parallel.The entire measuring setup must be insulated (do not use a ground plane). The NWA provides the reference ground. Ensure that there are no metallic objects in the vicinity of the setup (minimum clearance: 20 cm).Page 11LV 215-2: 2013-02 The coupling characteristics must not change during the measurement. For this purpose, the supply cable in particular must be secured in such a way that there is continuous contact between the supply cable and the specimen.The supply cable's reflection factor must be up to 30 MHz <20 dB and up to 110 MHz <10 dB.Perform the measurement at the receiver and sender with a system impedance of 50 Ω. Any impedance mismatch must not be corrected. In particular, this means that impedance matching circuits, as well as the NWA's port Z conversion function, must not be used. (This is to prevent the measured result from depending on the quality of the impedance matching circuit setup or from conversion algorithms by different NWA manufacturers.) Measurement:Carry out the measurement with the "far-end" configuration.Measure the difference between a reference cable and a cable terminated on one end. The cable terminated on one end consists of the reference cable and the high-voltage contact system being evaluated. Use a released high-voltage cable as per LV 216-2 as the reference cable. The chosen cable's cross-sectional area must match the connector's permissible cross-sectional area.In the case of multicore cables, connect the insulated wires in parallel if a common shield is used. In the case of contact systems with multiple shielded individual cables that use a common contact carrier, consult with the EMC department to determine whether the individual cables need to be measured separately or whether a combined measurement with all the shields needs to be performed.Perform the measurement at three or four positions within the specimen's perimeter. For this purpose, turn the specimen 120° or 90° relative to the supply cable. Ensure that the supply cable is carefully secured and impedance-matched for every measurement.Figure 2: Parallel wire method setupUse "OSL" (open-short load) and "Thru" as the calibration methods.Perform the measurements from 100 kHz to 500 MHz.Page 12LV 215-2: 2013-02Evaluation:The surface transfer impedance (T Z ) must be calculated for the evaluation. Use the formula in VG 95214-11 to convert the measured coupling attenuation T A to surface transfer impedance T Z :20302T T10A l R R Z ⋅⋅⋅=T Z Surface transfer impedance in m Ω/ml Specimen coupling length (as per figure 2: 500 mm)0R Supply wire terminal resistance (50 Ω)3R Specimen terminal resistance (the DUT's average wave impedance)T A Measured level on network analyzer/voltage ratio, in dB, between measuringreceiver and measuring sender.Document the values used as per the formula.For each specimen, show all the measurements for the angles in a single diagram in the test report.For all measurements, show the information related to determining the supply cable reflection factor as necessary for the measurement in the test report.Requirement:The limits must be adhered to (see LV 215-1)The target data must be defined in coordination with the pertinent manufacturer or must comply with the pertinent OEM Performance Specification.PG 51 Protection against contactGoal:Verifying that protection against contact works properlyBatch size:1 housing Contact parts:A ll variants, largest conductor cross section, and any surface Housing:All variants; any keying and colorType of test: E 51.1 Protection against contact ISO 20653Press the access probe against every opening on the housing using the force specified in Table 2. If it penetrates partially or completely, it is moved into every possible position. However, the locating surface must not go completely through the opening under any circumstances.Possible mechanical parts must be moved slowly during the test.Page 13LV 215-2: 2013-02Signal circuit method:When performing tests on low-voltage operating equipment, a low-voltage power source (not lower than 40 V and not higher than 50 V) must be connected in series with a suitable lamp between the probe and the hazardous parts inside the housing.Table 2: Test finger access probeRequirement:A fully assembled HV connector system must have an IPXXD degree of protection.A non-fully assembled HV connector system must have an IPXXB degree of protection. The access probe must not come into contact with hazardous (live) parts.The lamp must not turn on in the signal circuit method.No measurable voltage or arcing must occur during the high-voltage test.。
1、电气与控制技术load test and short-circuit test 负载试验〔短路试验〕plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反响控制feedback loop 反响回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性〔电路〕元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器〔变换器〕magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 持久工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动庇护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 庇护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表示功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安然电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability 〔绝对〕磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse〕[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current〕[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component〔of a pulsating voltage or current〕脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化不变性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性〔电路〕元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯庇护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位〔位相,相角〕phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 掉调distortion 掉真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热不变性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁〔激磁〕contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线〔汇流排〕continuous control 持续控制continuous system 持续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 抱负电感器ideal resistor 抱负电阻器ideal voltage source 抱负电压源ideal capacitor 抱负电容器ideal current source 抱负电流源ideal amplifier 抱负放大器ideal transformer 抱负变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序庇护load,charge 负载〔负荷〕inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流庇护overvoltage protection 过电压庇护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相〔定相〕glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电庇护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动庇护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反响voltage,electric potential difference 电压〔电位差〕electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕〔放电〕power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产物Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 程度垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试东西Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产物测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试〔程度〕Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 策动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件〔本申/ 针焰〕Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控别离尝试室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 程度或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧东西Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧东西Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 外表温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 尺度测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备补缀corrective maintenance 改善补缀back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级补缀decentralized maintenance system 分散补缀制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损掉unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 按期补缀作业periodic repair 按期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修方案点窜assesment of overhaul plan 大修方案查核overhaul planning 大修方案编制basis of overhaul plan 大修方案依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修方案完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修方案实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本阐发fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量包管体系overhaul quality evaluation 大补缀质量评定overhaul quality control 大补缀质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件补缀法partial repair 局部补缀法compensation method 抵偿法production program of spqre parts 备件出产方案stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 尺度尺寸补缀法“eight steps〞method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修〔状态监测维修〕quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络方案maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔〔正常运行时间〕economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济阐发maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步补缀法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修〔工程补缀〕repair on commission 外委补缀〔TPM〕total production maintenance system 全员参加的出产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备补缀方案acceptance check for equipment repair 设备补缀验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度补缀方案technical check of equipment 设备技术查核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修方案monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度补缀方案equipment maintenance plan 设备维修方案three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修方案annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度补缀方案breakdown maintenance 事后补缀first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动方案MIS maintenance 办理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性补缀rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间〔分厂〕maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 查验centralized maintenance system 集中补缀制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性补缀repair out of plan 方案外补缀scheduled maintenance 方案维修planned preventive maintenance system 方案预修制planned repair 方案补缀contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急补缀作业machining and fitting method on the spot 当场加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度尺度precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储藏fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均补缀时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 补缀任务书repair rasks dispatch 补缀施工调剂repair time, shutdown time 补缀时间downtime quota for equipment repair 补缀停歇时间定额repair facilities 补缀用设备repair quality 补缀质量repair quality index 补缀质量指标repair quality plan 补缀质量方案repair quality assessment 补缀质量查核repair symbols 补缀标识repair cost assessment 补缀成本查核repair size 补缀尺寸repair quota 补缀定额repair cost quota 补缀费用定额repair scheme 补缀方案repair manhour quota 补缀工时定额repair manhours assessment 补缀工时查核repair technology 补缀工艺maintenance engineering truck 补缀工程车maintenance tool 补缀东西repair time limit assessment 补缀工期查核repair assessment 补缀查核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前拜候service after repair 修后效劳optimum repair cycle 最优补缀周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间〔分厂〕maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备补缀费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备办理probability 概率〔几率〕variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施办理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备办理sampling investigation 抽样查询拜访domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化办理standard deviation 尺度偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前查抄与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度Equipment Management Regulation 设备办理条例〔条例〕repair [设备]补缀maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点查询拜访management of key-point equipment 重点设备办理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任变乱exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法〔正交试验法〕normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆办理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包〞accident due to quality 质量变乱management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器办理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备办理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计阐发maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息办理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与方案检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备办理three-level service system 三级调养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 出产技术装备production equipment 出产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库办理制度commodity inspection 商检〔商品查验〕combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的查抄评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安然性productivity of plant 设备的出产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术办理equipment condition management systen 设备状态办理制度total plant management 设备综合办理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态办理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前筹办制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备补缀工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备补缀费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备补缀材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备补缀质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营办理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态办理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料办理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修方案办理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修方案plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备根底设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同办理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性阐发investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能〔效能〕operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备办理查核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备办理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备办理岗位尺度plant management systems 设备办理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备办理停歇时间定额〔停歇天数〕plant engineering modernization 设备办理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备办理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产办理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新办理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造办理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级办理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines〞of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律〞operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件办理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房办理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装办理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回查抄制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术办理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好尺度plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反响办理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护办理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程办理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑办理制度“five fixation〞of lubrication 设备润滑“五定〞accident management regulation of plant 设备变乱办理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备变乱“三不放过〞plant accident 设备变乱region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期办理和后期办理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期办理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损抵偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值〔均值〕coercionary service system 强制调养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济办理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备办理评优活动Pareto chart 摆列图〔帕累托图〕load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备办理contract change and cancellation 合同变动与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归阐发interval between inspections 查抄间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术办理与经济办理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备办理P〕planned preventive maintenance system 方案预修制度〔ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备办理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备办理“five fixed〞of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定〞economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱查抄average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 补缀周期structure of repair cycle 补缀周期布局combination of repair, modernization and renewal 补缀、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 补缀复杂系数time between repairs 补缀间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备办理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然变乱self-made equipment 便宜设备management system for selfmade equipment 便宜设备办理制度self-made spare parts management system 便宜备件办理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业办理与群众办理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备〔设备调剂〕typical investigation 典型查询拜访areal (departmental) repair center 地域〔部分〕补缀中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 按期调养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大补缀平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可操纵率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备操纵率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合操纵率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备方案台时操纵率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时操纵率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常调养完成率incident frequency 设备变乱频率utilization ratio 设备操纵率down time ratio to accident (failure) 变乱[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油方案完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个补缀复杂系数平均大补缀成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可操纵率〔有效操纵率〕mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 补缀方案完成率。
Guide to the interpretation of high voltage testtechniques (Guide to the Interpretation of IEC 60060-1,MOD )
7.2容差(对应GB/T 16927.1—2011’8.2.2)4
8.1联合和合成电压试验定义(对应GB/T 16927.1—2011,9.1)4
8.2联合电压(对应GB/T 16927.1—2011,9.1.2)4
本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009《标准的结构和编写讲义》给出的规则编写。
本标准修改采用国际短路试验联盟STL (Short-circuit Testing Liaison)技术报告《GUIDE TO THE INTERPRETATION OF IEC 60060-1,Edition 3.0,2010-09 High Voltage Test Techniques》。
试验电压大于750kV(峰值)时,试品与外部构件的间距应大于或等于GB/T 16927.1—2011标准中图1给出的极限值。此外,试品与湿试用淋雨装置之间的距离应足够大,以防止闪络。
破坏性放电:【GB/T 16927.1-2011,3.11】
GB/T 16927.1-2011,3.11适用,并做如下补充:
User manual book--High V oltage DC GeneratorWarningPeople who use of this product must have a "high-voltage test certificate".Please read the 168 regulation of "electric power regulatory" when you use this product,and install two apparently disconnected point between power and the tester, when replacing the tester or Connecting line, you should break the two disconnect point of power supply.Check tester control box, the high-voltage cylinder and the grounding wire is connected together before testing. The grounding wire should be connected rightly to the earth.The large capacitor loader must discharged through the resistor of 100Ω/ V. Don’t contact the rod resistor with the loader immediately, you should put the rod resistor close to the sample gradually, keep a certain distance, and then discharge with hiss. When there is no sound, we can use rod resistor finally discharge by connecting to earth.If the loader is a capacitive loader, before test you must connect with resistor.When the voltage is more than 200kV, although the test personnel wear insulated shoes and at a safe distance from the outside area, but because of the effects of high voltage DC ion distribution of space electric field, it can lead to different DC potential of standing people nearby. Don’t handshake each other or touch any grounding body, otherwise there will be a mild electric shock phenomenon, this phenomenon happens in dry areas and winter commonly, but it generates little energy, so it can do no harm to people.After finishing the test, you must connect the grounding wire to the end of high voltage output, and then you can remove the lead wire off.CATALOGIntroduction (4)Principle of operation (4)Technical parameter (4)Function (7)Operation steps (9)Fault resolve (13)Product complete sets (13)Quality assurance (14)Service Promise (14)Introduction The high voltage DC generator is a new product designed according to the new China electric power industry standard DL / T848.1-2004 "DC high voltage generator general technical conditions". This product is mainly used for DC endure experiment to high voltage device such as Electric Power Cooperation, Metallurgy, Iron and Steel enterprises.Principle of operationAC 220outTechnical parameter1. Technical character● The control box is used of aluminum alloy structure.● It uses the new technology such as PWM pulse-wide modulation, middlefrequency high voltage and high power IGBT device.● It uses voltage feedback; output stability is less than 3%.● Full range of voltage output, voltage regulating accuracy is less than 1%, thestability of voltage error is less than 1.5%, the voltage error ± (1.5% ±2 words), the current error ± (1.5% ± 2 words).●Raise voltage from zero voltage potentiometer.●The 0.75UDC/1mA function button is convenient for zinc oxide arrester test, andthe accuracy is ±(3%±2words).●Over voltage protection uses dialing number set, and the error is ±1%.●High voltage cylinder is used of new materials, lightweight and sturdy. It’s co atedwith special insulating materials, electrical performance and moisture-proof ability is good.●The product conforms to DL / T848.1-2004 technology requirements, and passedthe center test of electrical equipment quality inspection, strictly according to the enterprise standard.2. Technical parametersNote: As the product update, we don’t notice any more, according to the sample, the company reserves the right of interpretation.Function(1)Control box Panel1、Ground terminal: When testing, the grounding terminal of control box and high-voltage cylinder should be connected together, and then connected with the earth. 2、Output port is used for the connection of the control box and high-voltagecylinder . We only rotate the cable pressing plug clockwise in place when connecting, only rotate the cable plug anti-clockwise when broking.3、V oltage setting switch: Used for setting the over-voltage protection value. Thedisplay unit of dial switch is kV, set values is 1.1 times of the test voltage.4、Power input socket: A random configuration of power line and the power inputsocket. (AC voltage 220V±10%, socket with fuse.)5、Digital voltage meter: Digital display high voltage DC output voltage.6、Digital current meter: Digital display high voltage DC output current.7、Power switch: Forward press, the power is on, the red lights, conversely toshutdown.8、Yellow light button: This function is designed for zinc oxide arrester formeasurement of 0.75UDc1mA. It’s effective when the green lights. After pressing the button, output voltage reduce to the original 0.75%, and keeps this state. Press the red button, red light and green light all out, high pressure cuts off and exits0.75 times state.9、The green button: High-voltage output button, high voltage indicator lamps. In redlight state, press the green button, the green light and red light out, this means high voltage circuit is switched on, then we can raise voltage. It’s Effective that thisbutton must be on voltage regulating potentiometer zero state. If press the green button, the green light is bright red, at the same time the red light is brighter, but release the green button, green light out and red light, it means Internal protection circuit has been working.10、Red button: the red light shows that the power is switched on and the high voltageis cut off .In the green state ,press the red button, red light is bright, high voltage is cut off.11、V oltage adjusting potentiometer: The potentiometer is a multi-turn potentiometer.Rotate clockwise to boost, and conversely to Step-down. The potentiometer has the function of controlling electronic zero protection, so must firstly return to zerobefore boosting.(2)High-voltage cylinder1、High voltage terminals (connect Microampere meter and water resistance orcurrent-limiting resistor)2、Equipotential shielding for HV3、High-voltage cylinder4、Grounding terminal5、Intermediate frequency output terminal6、Base(3)Testing connectionOperation steps(If capacitive load, should access the current-limiting resistor)1、 Check integrity before using the tester, make sure that there is no circuit breakeror short circuit in connecting cable, and equipment without rupture damage.2、Put the control box and High-voltage cylinder in place, then respectively connectpower line, control cable and grounding line ,protect all grounding wire separatelyconnecting to the sample point (one point tie to the earth ).Forbids the groundingwire connected in series. For this purpose, you should use the DHV specialgrounding wire.3、Keep power switch off and check voltage potentiometer at zero. Over voltageprotection setting value is generally 1.1 times of the testing voltage.4、No load ,step-up to verify the sensitivity of over voltage protection setting.5、Put power on, the red light, it means power on.6、Press the green button, then the green light, it means high voltage is outputting7、Regulate pressure regulating potentiometer clockwise direction smoothly, outputend is raised from zero to a desired voltage, according to the prescribed timerecording current meter readings, and check the control box and high voltageoutput line has no abnormal phenomenon or sound.8、 Reduce voltage ,regulate pressure regulating potentiometer to zero, then press )the red button, cut off the high voltage and then turn the power switch off.9、To test for leakage and DC voltage endurance, check test confirmation testerwithout exception, you can start test for leakage and DC voltage endurance test.Connect the test items and grounding wire, and then can open power s before thereis no mistake.10、Raise to the required voltage or current. The suitable raising speed is 3 - 5kV testvoltage per second. For large capacitance, we need to monitor of ammetercharging current not exceed the maximum charging current tester while raisingvoltage. For small capacitive products such as zinc oxide arrester, lightningarrester, we firstly raise to a desired voltage (current) at 95%, then slowly raiseto a desired voltage (current).From the digital display meter, we can read outvoltage (current) value. For zinc oxide arrester 0.75UDC - 1mA measurement, we firstly rise to UDC1mA voltage value, and then press the yellow button, when the voltage is reduced to the original 75%, and remains in this state. At this time, current value can be read. After the measurement, regulate pressure regulating potentiometer anticlockwise to zero, press the green button. Press green button.When you need raising voltage againYou can use external High Voltmeter to measure the output voltage if necessary.11、Reduce voltage and turn off the power after finish testing.12、Several methods for measuringa. Normal, when the wires are connected, suspend wires of tester, rising to thetesting voltage with no load ,Read stray current I’first, and then try to read the total currentⅠ1 with load, sample leakage current: Io =Ⅰ1—I’b.When we need an accurate measurement of sample leakage current, we should connect the high voltage micro ammeter to the high side (see below).Microampere meter must have a metal shielding; shielding line should be connected with test. The shielding of High voltage lead should be closely connected with end shielding. If the sample surface is dirty, we should exclude effect of samplesurface leakage current. In samples of high potential end, several times around with bare metal cords (see below).c.For sample such as zinc oxide, magnetic blow-out arrester, the grounding end can be breaked up; also can measure by connecting ammeter to the bottom (ground potential side) of test items. when we exclude effect of sample surface leakage current,we can use soft of bare copper wire in the sample to end the last laps around the shield ,and connect shielding line (see below)13、For small capacitive products ,such as zinc oxide and lightning arrester ,itdischarges quickly through pressure resistance. For large capacitive products such as cable, while test voltage self discharging to the test voltage is below 20%, then it can discharge by supporting the discharging rod. Keep connect the grounding wire to the capacitive products before voltage discharging completely, and then we can remove high voltage lead and other wire.14、If green light is off, red light is bright, voltage is dropping, which is relatedprotection to the product .You should turn off the power switch, panel lights are not bright. Turn the pressure regulating potentiometer to zero position, while low voltage capacitor discharging completely, then open the power switch a minute later. If you start a no loading test again, you can begin raising voltage test before checking all situations.Fault resolveComplete sets of products1. Control box 12. High-voltage cylinder 13. Use’s manual book 14. Fuse some5. Power cable 16. Special grounding wire 17. Discharging rod 18. Water resistance or current limiting resistor 19. Microampere ammeter 1Quality assurance1. The equipment made by the company can meet the requirements of the buyer, andprovide free pre-sale technical services.2. Products of the company have effective inspection and control, strictly productaccording to ISO9001 quality system of production service.3. The quality of our products is according to the standards of our company andrelevant national standards.Service PromiseThe product’s warrant time is one year, the implementation of "Three Guarantees", life-long repairing, all of the equipment of the company quality problem, we can provide free repair in the warranty period. Improper operation due to the user or accidental damage, we can provide preferential services. We’ll be looking forward to your valuable opinions to our products.。
高电压相关GB IEC IEEE标准
一、高电压试验技术GB/T16927 高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 16927.1-1997,高电压试验技术第一部分: 一般试验要求High voltage test techniques--Part 1: General test requirements[2] GB/T 16927.2-1997,高电压试验技术第二部分:测量系统High voltage test techniques--Part 2: Measuring systemsGB/T 17627 低压电气设备的高电压试验技术[1] GB/T 17627.1-1998,低压电气设备的高电压试验技术第一部分:定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 1: Definitions,test and procedure requirements[2] GB/T 17627.2-1998,低压电气设备的高电压试验技术第二部分:测量系统和试验设备High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment Part 2: Measuring system and test equipmentDL/T 848 高压试验装置通用技术条件[1] DL/T 848.1-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第1部分:直流高压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 1: High voltage DC generator [2] DL/T 848.2-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltage test device[3] DL/T 848.3-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[4] DL/T 848.4-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第4部分:三倍频试验变压器装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 4: Triple-frequency test transformer[5] DL/T 848.5-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generatorDL/T846 高电压测试仪器通用技术条件[1] DL/T 846.1-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第1部分:高电压分压器测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 1 : high voltage divider measuring system[2] DL/T 846.2-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 2: Impulse voltage measuring system[3] DL/T 846.3-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第3部分:高压开关综合测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 3: High voltage switch integrate detector[4] DL/T 846.4-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第4部分:局部放电测量仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 4: Partial discharge detector[5] DL/T 846.5-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第5部分:六氟化硫微量水分仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 5: Analyzer for trace moisture in SF6 gas[6] DL/T 846.6-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第6部分:六氟化硫气体检漏仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 6: SF6 gas leak detector [7] DL/T 846.7-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第7部分:绝缘油介电强度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 7: Dielectric strength detector of insulating oils[8] DL/T 846.8-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第8部分:有载分接开关测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 8: Detector of on-load tap-changers[9] DL/T 846.9-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第9部分:真空开关真空度测试仪General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 9: Vacuum interrupter detectorIEC标准[1] IEC 60060-1-2010 高压试验技术.第1部分:一般定义和试验要求High-voltage test techniques - Part 1: General definitions and test requirements[2] IEC 60060-2-2010 高压试验技术.第2部分:测量系统High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring systems[3] IEC 60060-3-2006 高压试验技术.第3部分:现场试验的定义和要求High voltage test techniques - Part 3: Definitions and requirements for on-site testing[4] IEC 60060-4-1988 高压试验技术.第4部分:测量装置应用导则High-voltage test techniques. Part 4 : Application guide for measuring devices[5] IEC 60270-2000 高电压试验技术:局部放电测量High-V oltage Test Techniques –Partial Discharge Measurements-Third EditionIEEE标准[1] 4-1995 IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing (Revision of IEEE Std 4-1 978)[2] 4a-2001 Amendment to IEEE Standard Techniques for High-V oltage Testing[3] 48-2009 IEEE Standard for Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV or Extruded Insulation Rated 2.5 kV through 500 kV[4] 95-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V and Above) With High Direct V oltage[5] 400.1-2007 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above With High Direct Current Voltage[6] 400-2001 IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems[7] 433-2009 IEEE Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery with High V oltage at Very Low Frequency[8] C37.09-2005 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers Rated ona Symmetrical Current Basis[9] C37.081-1981 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-V oltage Circuit BreakersRated on a Symmetrical Current Basis[10] C37.083-1999 IEEE Guide for Synthetic Capacitive Current Switching Tests of AC High-V oltage Circuit Breakers[11] C37.34-1994 IEEE Standard Test Code for High-V oltage Air Switches[12] C37.41-2008 IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-V oltage (>1000 V) Fuses, Fuse and Disconnecting Cutouts, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Fuse Links and Accessories Used with These Devices[13] C37.53.1-1989 American National Standard High-Voltage Current-Limiting Motor-Starter Fuses - Conference Test Procedures[14] C37.301-2009 IEEE Standard for High-V oltage Switchgear (Above 1000 V) Test Techniques - Partial Discharge Measurements[15] C37.016 :2006 IEEE Standard for AC High-V oltage Circuit Switchers rated 15.5 kV through 245 kV二、冲击电压发生器和冲击电压试验[1] DL/T 846.2-2004,高电压测试设备通用技术条件第2部分:冲击电压测量系统General technical specifications for high voltage test equipments Part 2: Impulse voltage measuring system[2] DL/T 992-2006,冲击电压测量实施细则Detailed implementation guide for impulse voltage measurement[3] JB/T 7083-1993,低压电器冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[4] JB/T 7080-1993,绕组匝间冲击电压试验仪未注英文名称[5] DL/T848.5-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第5部分:冲击电压发生器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 5 : impulse voltage generator [6] GB/T 16896.1-2005,高电压冲击测量仪器和软件第1部分:对仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage impulse tests-Part 1: Requirements for instruments[7] GB/T 21222-2007,绝缘液体雷电冲击击穿电压测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [8] GB/T 18134.1-2000,极快速冲击高电压试验技术第1部分:气体绝缘变电站中陡波前过电压用测量系统High-voltage testing techniques with very fast impulses --Part 1:Measuring systems for very fast from overvoltages generated in gas-insulated substations[9] DL/T557- 2005,高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in air[10] GB/T 1094.4-2005,电力变压器第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[11] GB/T 17626.5-2008,电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test [12] GB/T 14598.18-2007,电气继电器第22-5部分:量度继电器和保护装置的电气骚扰试验-浪涌抗扰度试验Electrical relays—Part 22-5:Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment—Surge immunity test[13] JB/T 7616-1994,高压线路绝缘子陡波冲击耐受试验未注英文名称[14] DL/T 557-2005,高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验―定义、试验方法和判据Insulators of ceramic or glass material overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V -- impulse puncture tests in airIEC标准[1] IEC 60897-1987 绝缘液体的雷电冲击击穿电压的测定方法Methods for the determination of the lightning impulse breakdown voltage of insulating liquids [2] IEC 61083-1-2001 高压冲击试验中测量用仪器及软件第1部分:仪器的要求Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests - Part 1: Requirements for instruments[3] IEC 61083-2-1996 高压冲击试验中测量用数字记录仪第2部分:测定冲击波形参数用软件的评估Digital recorders for measurements in high-voltage tests - Part 2: Evaluation of software used for the determination of the parameters of impulse waveformsIEEE标准[1] 82-2002 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse V oltage Tests on Insulated Conductors[2] C37.013a-2007 IEEE Standard for AC High V oltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis - Amendment 1: Supplement for Use With Generators Rated 10-100 MV A[3] C37.101 :2006 IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection[4] C37.102 :2006 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection[5] C57.98-1993 IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests[6] 1122-1998 IEEE Standard for Digital Recorders for Measurements in High- Voltage Impulse Tests[7] C57.138-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Routine Impulse Test for Distribution Transformers三、工频试验变压器和工频电压试验[1] JB/T 9641—1999,试验变压器Testing transformers[2] JB/T 501-2006 电力变压器试验导则Test guide for power transformers[3] DL/T 848.2-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第2部分:工频高压试验装置General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 2: Power frequency high voltagetest device[4] DL/T 848.3-2004,高压试验装置通用技术条件第3部分:无局放试验变压器General technical specification of high voltage test devices Part 3: Non partial discharge testing transformer[5] GB/T 1408.1-2006,绝缘材料电气强度试验方法第1部分:工频下试验Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies [6] GB2536—1990 ,变压器油Transformer oils[7] GB/T 17626.28-2006,电磁兼容试验和测量技术工频频率变化抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency immunity test[8] GB/T 3333-1999,电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at power frequence[9] GB/T 14517-1993,绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法Test method for dielectric strength of insulating adhesive tape at power frequency[10] DL/T 812-2002,标称电压高于1000V架空线路绝缘子串工频电弧试验方法Insulators string for overhead lines with a normal voltage above 1000V-AC power arc test method [11] GB/T 7252-2001,变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则Guide to the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil[12] DL/T 536-1993,耦合电容器及电容分压器订货技术条件未注英文名称[13] JB/T 8169-1999,耦合电容器及电容分压器Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividersGB1094 电力变压器[1] GB 1094.1—1996 ,电力变压器第1部分:总则Power transformers--Part 1: General[2] GB 1094.2—1996 ,电力变压器第2部分:温升Power transformers--Part 2: Temperature rise[3] GB 1094.3—2003,电力变压器第3部分: 绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙(eqv IEC 60076-3:2000)Power transformers--Part 3 : Insulation levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air[4] GB/T 1094.4-2005,电力变压器第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则Power transformers—Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing—Power transformers and reactors[5] GB 1094.5—2008 ,电力变压器第5部分:承受短路的能力Power transformers--Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit[6] GB/T 1094.7-2008,电力变压器第7部分:油浸式电力变压器负载导则Power transformers—Part7:Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers[7] GB/T 1094.10-2003,电力变压器第10部分:声级测定Power transformers—Part10:Determination of sound levels[8] GB 1094.11—2007,电力变压器第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers--Part 11 : Dry-type transformersIEC标准[1] IEC 60076-10-1-2005 电力变压器.第10-1部分:声级的测定.应用指南Power transformers Part 10-1: Determination of sound levels Application guide-Edition 1[2] IEC 60076-10-2005 电力变压器.第10部分:声级的测定Power Transformers Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels[3] IEC 60076-11-2004 电力变压器.第11部分:干式变压器Power transformers Part 11: Dry-type transformers-First Edition[4] IEC 60076-12-2008 电力变压器.第12部分:干型电力变压器用负荷指南Power transformers - Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power transformers[5] IEC 60076-13-2006 电力变压器.第13部分:自我保护式充液变压器[6] IEC 60076-15 Ed.1.0 (2008) Power transformers - Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[7] IEC 60076-15-2008 电力变压器.第15部分:充气电力变压器Power transformers –Part 15: Gas-filled power transformers[8] IEC 60076-2-1993 电力变压器第2部分:温升Power Transformers; Part 2: Temperature Rise-Second Edition[9] IEC 60076-3-2000 电力变压器第3部分:绝缘水平、电介质试验和空气中的外间隙Power Transformers Part 3: Insulation Levels. Dielectric Tests and External Clearances in Air-Edition 2[10] IEC 60076-4-2002 电力变压器.第4部分:闪电脉冲和开关脉冲试验指南.电力变压器和电抗器Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to lightning impulse and switching impulse testing; Power transformers and reactors[11] IEC 60076-5-2006 电力变压器第5部分:承受短路的能力Power Transformers Part 5: Ability to Withstand Short Circuit-Edition 3.0[12] IEC 60076-6-2007 电力变压器.第6部分:电抗器Power transformers –Part 6: Reactors-Edition 1.0[13] IEC 60076-7-2005 电力变压器.第7部分:油浸电力变压器负载指南Power transformers Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers-First Edition [14] IEC 60076-8-1997 电力变压器第8部分:应用指南Power Transformers - Application Guide-First Edition[15] IEC/TS 60076-14-2004 电力变压器.第14部分:使用高温绝缘材料的液浸式电力变压器的设计和应用Power transformers –Part 14: Design and application of liquid-immersed power transformers using high-temperature insulation materials-Edition 2.0[16] IEC 62032-2005,移相变压器的应用、规范和试验指南Guide for the application. specification. and testing of phase-shifting transformersIEEE标准[1] 62.2-2004 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Electrical Machinery[2] 62-1995 IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors[3] C57.135-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application, Specification, and Testing of Phase-ShiftingTransformers[4] 644-1994 IEEE Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields From AC Power Lines四、工频谐振试验设备和试验技术[1] DL/T 849.6-2004,电力设备专用测试仪器通用技术条件第6部分:高压谐振试验装置General technical specification of test instruments used for power equipments Part 6: High voltage resonant test system五、冲击电流发生器和冲击电流试验技术[1] GB 4208-2008,外壳防护等级Degrees of protection provided by enclosure[2] GB 18802.1-2002,低压配电系统的电涌保护器(SPD)第1部分:性能要求和试验方法Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems--Part 1:Performance requirements and testing methods[3] GB 11032-2000 交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器Metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for a. c. systems[4] GB/T 18802.311-2007 低压电涌保护器件第311部分:气体放电管(GDT)规范(等同IEC 61643-311-2001)Components for low-voltage surge protective—Part 311:Specification for gas discharge tubes(GDT)[5] GB/T 17626.5-2008,电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity testIEC标准[1] IEC TR 61000-1-5 :2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 1-5: General High power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on civil systems-First Edition[2] IEC 60099-4 AMD 2 :2009 AMENDMENT 2 Surge arresters –Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems-Edition 2.0[3] IEC 61643-311 :2001 Components for Low-V oltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 311: Specification for Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT)-First Edition[4] IEC 61643-1 :2005 Low-voltage surge protective devices –Part 1: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems –Requirements and tests-Edition 2.0 [5] IEC 61643-12 :2008 Low-voltage surge protective devices –Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems –Selection and application principles-Edition 2.0IEEE标准[1] C62.11a-2008 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Ac Power Circuits (>1 kV). Amendment 1: Short-Circuit Tests for Station, Intermediate, and Distribution Arresters [2] C62.11-2005 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (>1 kV)[3] C62.22-2009 IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems[4] 1299/C62.22.1-1996 IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems[5] C62.34-1996 IEEE Standard for Performance of Low-V oltage Surge-Protective Devices (Secondary Arresters)[6] C62.41.1-2002 IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[7] C62.41.2-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits[8] C62.41-1991 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge V oltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits[9] C62.42-2005 IEEE Guide for the Application of Component Surge-Protective Devices for Use in Low-Voltage [Equal to Or Less Than 1000 V (AC) Or 1200 V (DC)] Circuits[10] C62.62-2010 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs) for Use on the Load Side of the Service Equipment in Low V oltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits[11] C62.62-2000 IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices for Low-V oltage AC Power Circuits六、其他GB 311.1-1997,高压输变电设备的绝缘配合Insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipmentGB/T11920-2008,电站电气部分集中控制设备及系统通用技术条件General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB/T 7354-2003,局部放电测量Partial discharge measurementsJB/T 8749.1-2007,调压器第一部分:通用要求和试验V oltage regulators--Part 1: General requirements and testsJB/T 7070.1-2002 ,调压器试验导则第1部分:接触调压器和接触自动调压器试验导则Test guide for regulator Part 1: Test guide for variable regulators and automatic variable regulators GB/T 191-2008,包装储运图示标志Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods。
电力行业——专业术语英文对照表一.电气名词Electric items交(直)流Alternating (direct) current短路电流Short-circuit current起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流Impulse current稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current临界电流Critical current切断电流Rupturing current熔断电流Blow-out current故障电流Fault current计算电流Calculating current极限有限电流Limit effective current过电流Over current逆电流Inverse current整定电流Setting current额定电流Rated current电流密度Current density短路电流最大有效值Maximum effective value of short-circuit current高压High-voltage , High-tension低压Low-voltage , Low-tension计算电压Calculating voltage激磁电压Exciting voltage冲击电压Impulse voltage临界电压Critical voltage残留电压Residual voltage击穿电压Puncture voltage脉动电压Pulsating voltage供电电压Supply voltage电力电压Power voltage照明电压Lighting voltage灯丝电压Filament voltage额定电压Rated voltage电压损失Voltage loss过(欠)电压Over (under) voltage线路电压Line voltage电压降Voltage drop工作电压Working voltage一次电压Primary voltage二次电压Secondary voltage电源Electric source (power supply)自控电压Power supply for process control6kV 控制闪光电源Flashing supply for 6kV control 工作电源Working power supply (electric source) 保安电源Emergency power supply (electric source) 直流稳压电源Stabilized D.C. source控制电源Control supply直流电源D.C. source交流电源A.C. source负荷计算Load calculation设备容量Installed capacity需要容量Electric demand功率因数Power factor安装高度Mounting height耐电压Breakdown voltage工频耐压High-voltage test with working frequency 表面闪络Surface flash-over直流泄漏D.C. leakage体电阻率Volume resistivity介质损失角Dielectric loss angle击穿强度Puncture intensity电压等级Voltage grade比重Specific gravity性能Feature相序Phase sequence瞬时Instantaneous倾角Angle of inclination跨度Span正极Positive pole负极Negative pole截面(积) Cross section area辅助电源Auxiliary source遮断容量Interrupting capacity载流量Current-carrying capacity校正系数Correction factor连续负荷Continuous load长期载流量Continuous capacity长时间额定值Longtime rating电动机堵转电流Locked-rotor motor current限定负荷Limited load电感负荷Inductive load感应电流Induced current二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits)母线Bus-bar合闸电源母线Closing power source bus闪光母线Flashing-bus备用母线Spare bus装在支柱上的插接式母线Post-supported plug-in bus way装在吊钩上的插接式母线Hook-supported plug-in bus way装在支架上的插接式母线Bracket-supported plug-in bus way 小母线Miniature bus电源小母线Power supply miniature bus操作小母线Operating miniature bus事故信号小母线Miniature bus for fault signal闪光小母线Flashing miniature bus主母线Main bus直流主母线D.C. main bus预告母线Prewarning bus干线Main line照明干线Lighting main line接地干线Grounding main line插座干线Receptacle main line电压干线Voltage main line端子出线Terminal outgoing中性线Neutral支线Branch-line引入线Lead-in电气线路Electric circuit交流配电线路A.C. distribution circuit直流配电线路D.C. distribution circuit事故照明线路Emergency lighting circuit控制线路Control circuit接地或接零线路Grounding or neutralizing circuit信号线路Signal circuit有接地极的接地线路网Grounding with grounding electrodes 定子绕组测温回路Temperature measuring circuit for stator winding接地信号回路Grounding signal circuit闪光信号回路Flashing-signal circuit开阀回路Circuit for opening valve关(闭)阀回路Circuit for closing valve开度计回路Circuit for opening meter电流测量回路Current-measuring circuit差动保护回路Differental protective circuit过流保护回路Over-current protective circuit合闸回路Closing circuit停车延时回路Delayed shutdown circuit掉闸回路Trip circuit激磁回路Exciting circuit备用回路Spare circuit主回路Main circuit馈路Feeder circuit现有回路Existing circuit单线回路Single-wire circuit接地回路Earthed circuit有电压的电路Live circuit三.设备Equipments高压开关柜H.V. switchgear动力配电箱Power distribution cabinet电源配电箱Source distribution cabinet直流配电屏D.C. switchboard (distribution panel)交流低压配电屏A.C.L.V. switchboard (distribution panel)静电电容器柜Static capacitor cabinet多种电源插销箱Receptacle box for miscellaneous power supplies控制箱Control cabinet照明配电箱Lighting (distribution panel)连接箱Junction box出线盒Outlet box开关箱Switch box控制台Console分段屏Sectionalizing panel进线屏Incoming line panel电控箱Electric control panel边屏Side board端子箱T erminal box供电盘Power supply box瓶车箱Synchronizing cabinet感应调压器专用变压器高压柜Special transformer H.V. cabinet for inductionvoltage regulator电压互感器柜Potential transformer cabinet信号屏Signal panel浮充屏Floating panel蓄电池屏Battery panel充电屏Charging panel母线联络柜Bus tie cabinet转换开关Transfer switch电压表转换开关Voltmeter change-over switch铁壳开关Metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch)管式熔断器Cartridge fuse真空断路器Vacuum circuit breaker (V.C.B.)自动开关Automatic switch高压负荷开关H.V. load break switch三极高压断路器3-pole HV circuit-breaker刀开关Knife switch转换开关Transfer switch双极铁壳开关2-pole iron-clad switch风扇变速开关Fan speed regulator switch密闭照明灯开关Hermetic lighting switch防爆照明灯开关Explosion-proof lighting switch行程开关Limit switch高压隔离开关H.V. disconnecting switch明装单极板钮开关Surface-mounted single-pole toggle switch 暗装单极板钮开关Flush-mounted single-pole toggle switch 三路开关Three-way switch气密式组合开关Hermetic packet type switch防护式开关Guard type switch联锁开关Interlock switch操作方式选择开关Selecting switch for types of operation控制电源开关Switch for control supply主令开关Master switch (controller)多切点切换开关Multi-point change-over switch按钮Push-button控制按钮Control push-button防爆控制按钮Explosion-proof control push-button事故紧急按钮Emergency stopping push-button起动按钮Starting push-button停止按钮Stopping push-button现场按钮Push-button in field挡板damper音响解除按钮Push-button for sound release起动器Starter磁力起动器Magnetic starter综合起动器Combination starter (Magnetic starter combination)电力变压器Power transformer调压变压器Voltage regulating transformer电压互感器Potential transformer电流互感器Current transformer照明变压器Lighting transformer三相三绕组变压器3-phase tertiary winding transformer高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer局部照明变压器Local lighting transformer多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement降压变压器Step-down transformer伺服电动机Servo-motor双电压电动机Dual-voltage motor感应电动机Induction motor交流异步电动机A.C. asynchronous motor同步电动机synchronous motor三相滑环感应电动机3-phase slip-ring induction motor三相鼠笼感应电动机3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor 绕线式电动机Wound-rotor induction motor反应式电动机Reaction motor柴油发电机Diesel generator励磁发电机Excitation generator明装双极插座Surface-mounted 2-pole receptacle暗装双极插座Flush-mounted 2-pole receptacle双极带接地插座2-pole receptacle with grounding contact单相三孔明插座Surface-mounted single phase 3-pole receptacle防护式明装三相四孔插座Guard type surface-mounted 3-phase 4-pole receptacle配照型灯Standard dome lighting fitting搪瓷深照型灯Enameled high bay lighting fitting防水防尘灯Water and dust proof lighting fitting安全灯Safety lighting fitting隔爆灯Explosion-proof lighting fitting弯灯Goose-neck light壁灯Wall light高压水银灯High pressure mercury vapor lighting fitting 投光灯Flood-light (projection light)信号灯Signal lamp天棚灯Ceiling-mounted lighting fitting局部照明灯Local lighting fitting灯座Lamp holder事故照明灯Emergency lighting fitting高压水银荧光灯H.P. mercury fluorescent lighting fitting 广照型工厂灯Wide lit type industrial fitting深照型灯具High bay lighting fitting白炽灯具Incandescent lamp (bulb)圆球型灯Globe lamp嵌入式荧光灯flush type fluorescent lighting fitting红色障碍灯Red obstruction lamp for aviation厂区道路照明灯Street lighting in plant area路灯Street lamp视孔灯Inspection hole lamp立杆弯灯goose-neck post lamp , pole lamp模拟报警信号Semigraph and alarm signal自整角机Selsyn励磁机Exciter显示器Display电位器Potentiometer内电阻Internal resistance固定电阻(器) Fixed resistance脱扣Release , trip分励Shunt trip特殊失压脱扣器Special no-voltage release“或”开关放大器“Or” switch amplifier制动器Brake电容Capacitor整流器Rectifier镇流器Chock分流器Shunt油变阻器Oil immersed rheostat频敏电阻器Frequency sensitive rheostat滑线变阻器Sliding rheostat蜂鸣器Buzzer电机加热器Space heater (for motor)空气断路器电机操作机构Motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker可控硅励磁装置Silicon controlled rectifier excitation device 保护装置Protective device (element)闪光装置Flashing device接闪装置(避雷器) Lightning arrester断相保护Phase failure protection四.保护、继电器Protection , relays信号继电器Signal relay过电流继电器Over-current relay电压继电器Voltage relay时间继电器Time relay中间继电器Auxiliary relay热继电器Thermal relay温度继电器T emperature relay瓦斯继电器Gas relay控制电源中间继电器Auxiliary relay for control supply自动操作继电器Relay for auto-operation低电压继电器Under-voltage relay过电压继电器Over-voltage relay联锁继电器Interlock relay冲击继电器Impact relay合闸位置继电器Close position relay逆流继电器Reverse-current relay差流继电器Differential current relay差动继电器Differential relay电流继电器Current relay功率继电器Power relay接地继电器Earthing relay重合闸继电器Reclosing relay同步继电器Synchronous relay速动继电器Quick acting relay定时限继电器Definite time relay光电继电器Photoelectric relay电子继电器Electronic relay电磁式继电器Electromagnetic relay电动式继电器Electrodynamic relay气压继电器Gas-pressure relay继电器常开触点Relay N.O. contact继电器常闭触点Relay N.C. contact继电器保护触点(常开) Relay holding contact (N.O.)能自动返回的常闭按钮触点Self-return button with N.C. contact模拟信号触点Contact for semigraph signal强励磁接点Shock excitation contact电感线圈Induction coil电流线圈Current coil脱扣线圈Trip coil合闸线圈Close coil释放线圈Releasing coil掉闸线圈Tripping coil予告信号Prewarning signal掉闸回路断线信号Breakage signal of trip circuit断路器事故掉闸信号Fault trip signal of breaker掉闸音响信号Tripping audible signal重瓦斯预告信号Heavy gas prewarning signal温度预告信号Temperature prewarning signal手动、自动操作时事故信号Fault signal in manual/automatic operation保护掉闸Protective trip控制掉闸Control trip手动跳闸Manual trip变电所紧急停车Emergency shutdown at substation工艺故障Fault in process励磁故障Fault in excitation工作电源失电报警No-voltage alarm of working electric source工作电源分合闸On and off of working electric source工作电源投入Throw-in of working electric source保安电源送电supply of emergency electric source运转指示Indicating of operation投入指示Indicating of throw-in同步指示Indicating of synchronism延时停车Delayed shutdown电源切除Switch off the power supply速断及过流断通Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on自保持Self-holding自锁Self-lock联锁Interlocking绝缘监视Insulation supervision电压监视Voltage supervision联锁解除Release of interlock工作、保安电源切换Transfer of working and emergency power supply发电机与工作母线并车Synchronization of generator to working bus重瓦斯保护Heavy gas protection开或闭超扭矩保护Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve电机起动顺序Sequence of motor starting铭牌框注字Name plate denotation (inscription)五.电气仪表Electric instruments电流表Ammeter电压表Voltmeter三相三线有功电度表Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter单相电度表Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter三相无功电度表Three-phase kilovar-hour meter有功功率表Active power meter , kilowatt meter无功功率表Reactive power meter , kilovar meter三相瓦特表(功率表) Three-phase watt meter功率因数表Power factor meter频率表Frequency meter验电流器Galvanoscope欧姆表Ohmmeter相位表Phase meter转速表Tachometer波长表Wave-length meter三相四线制标准电度表3-phase 4-wire standard watthour-meter过载电流表Overload ammeter低功率因数瓦特表Low power-factor wattmeter交直流两用钳型电流表A.C./D.C. multi-purpose tongtester兆欧表Megger , Megohmmeter万用表Avometer微安表Microammeter毫安表Milliammeter各种测量仪表Various kind of measuring instruments接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester真空管电压表Vacuum tube voltmeter电动秒表Electric second-meter六.防雷Lightning protection避雷装置Lightning protector避雷针Lightning rod避雷带Strap type lightning protector避雷网Network of lightning protector避雷针支架Lightning rod support避雷针尖Tip of lightning rod避雷针拉铁Brace for lightning rod避雷器Lightning arrester , surge discharger球型避雷器Spherical arrester管形避雷器Tubular arrester阀形避雷器Auto-valve arrester低压避雷器Low voltage arrester角形避雷器Horn arrester多隙避雷器Multigap arrester铝避雷器Aluminum cell arrester氧化膜避雷器Oxide film arrester击穿保险器Puncture lightning arrester雷击Lightning stroke直接雷击Direct lightning stroke感应雷击Induction lightning stroke雷电日Thunderbolt days雷电或然率Lightning and thunder probability 触电Electric shock静电感应Electrostatic induction七.接地Grounding , earthing接地保护Ground protection , earth protection 防雷接地Grounding for lightning保护接地Protective earthing人工接地Artificial grounding工作接地Working grounding , working earthing 重复接地Multiple earthing屏蔽接地Screen earthing , shielding ground中性点接地Neutral point grounded接地系统Grounding system , earthing system 接地故障Ground fault , earth fault单相接地Single phase earthing母线接地Bus ground接地装置Grounding device , earthing device引下线Down-lead , down conductor引下线固定Clamping plate of support for fixing 支架夹板Down lead引下线固定支脚Support for fixing down lead接地线Ground connector接地干线Ground(ing) main , (bus)接地网Grounding network , earthing network接地极Earth electrode (pole)接地电阻Earth resistance接地电路Earth (ground) circuit连接条Connecting strip断接卡Connecting clamp八.室、所Room , Substation贮藏室Storage套间Compartment蓄电池室Battery room控制室Control room配电室Distribution room维修间Repair room变电所Substation高压配电室H.V. distribution room休息室Rest room九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair砂轮机Emery wheel grinder台钻Bench drilling machine交流电焊机A.C. welding machine移动式空气压缩机Portable air compressor手电钻Electric hand drill单速手摇绕线机Single speed hand winding machine导线钳压器Wire jointing press-clamp油压千斤顶Hydraulic jack电吹尘器Electric dust cleaner存放柜Store chest高压试验变压器H.V. testing transformer泄漏试验变压器Leakage testing set大电流发生器Strong current generator油浸自冷感应调压器Oil-immersed self-cooled inductionvoltage regulator多量程仪用电流互感器Multi-range current transformer for measurement仪用电感互感器Instrumental voltage transformer单相自耦变压器Single-phase auto-transformer三相自耦变压器3-phase auto-transformer硅整流器Silicon rectifier仪表试验台T esting stand for instrument接触器,继电器试验台Relay and contactor testing stand慢扫描示波器Slow scanning oscillograph交流电子稳压器A.C. electronic voltage stabilizer携带式交流电桥Portable A.C. electric bridge接地电阻测量仪Earthing resistance tester电缆故障探伤仪Cable fault detector直流单臂电桥D.C. single-arm electric bridge , Wheatstone bridge十.材料Material绝缘包布Insulating tape填料Filler , packing绝缘膏Insulating compound电缆膏Cable compound防腐油Anti-corrosive oil沥青漆Bituminous varnish绝缘漆Insulating varnish瓷漆Enamel varnish有色金属Non-ferrous metal黑色金属ferrous metal白金属White metal云母Mica环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚氯乙烯Polyvinyl chloride , PVC 蜡Wax滑石粉Talc powder电胶木Bakelite聚丙烯外壳Polyacrylic cover耐油橡胶管Oil-proof rubber tubes 接地铜线Grounding copper wire 垫圈Pad塑料绝缘线Plastics insulated wire 橡套电缆Rubber sheathed cable 中间接头Splice填充剂Filling agent绝缘电线Insulated wire移动软电缆Movable flexible cable 补偿导线Extension wire套管Bushing母线槽Busway悬索Cable suspension滑触线Trolley conductor镀锌煤气管Galvanized gas pipe镀锌角钢Galvanized steel angle镀锌扁钢Galvanized steel strap钢丝绳Steel wire rope电笛Siren电磁阀Electromagnetic valve连接片Connecting link切换片Transfering link端子排T erminal board半导体二极管Semiconductor diode 开度计Opening meter逻辑元件Logical element接线盒Junction box仪表槽板Instrument trunking电缆吊架Cable hanger出线套Outgoing line sleeve十一.图名Drawings , diagrams电气图纸目录Contents of electric drawings电力系统图Electric power system diagram照明系统图Lighting system diagram电力平面布置图Electric power layout plan照明平面布置图Lighting layout plan单线图One line diagram控制箱面部布置图Surface arrangement of control box 背部接线图Back wiring (diagram)外部接线图External (outside) wiring diagram内部接线图Internal (inside) wiring diagram控制原理图Principle control diagram原理图Schematic diagram展开图Developed diagram电气标准图Electric standard drawing电气施工图Electric working drawing复用图Reproducibles (drawing)电缆联系图Cable hook-up diagram转换开关接点图Contact diagram of transfer switch箱侧视图Side view of box正视图Front view , facade背视图Back view剖面图Section参考图Reference drawing电缆敷设图Cable laying diagram箱内框架布置图Arrangement of frames inside the cabinet控制箱台面展开图Surface developed diagram of console出线端子示意图Schematic diagram of terminal outgoing lines 端子接线图Diagram of terminal connections电气管线表List of wire , cable and conduits设备材料表List of equipment and materials十二.表头Tables电力系统图Power system diagram引入线Lead in保护设备Protective device型号Type额定值Rating整定值Setting主启动设备回路Circuit to starting device导线型号、芯数、截面及管径Conductor type , cores , section & diameter of conduit线长Wire length管长Conduit length启动设备Starting device型号规格Type , specification保护元件Protective element计量装置Calculating device用电设备主回路Main circuit of electric equipment控制回路Control circuit控制装置Control device用电设备Electric equipment设备容量Consumer capacity生产设备Production equipment位号No. of location名称Name备注Remarks引入线Feed in配电箱Distribution cabinet型号及编号Type and No.开关型号Switch type保护装置Protective device回路编号Circuit No.相别Phase灯数Number of lamps插座数Number of receptacles电缆编号No. of line起点Starting终点Ending母线截面Section of bus零母线Neutral bus屏编号Panel No.型号及方案号Type and variant No.控制原理图号Principle control diagram工艺位号Process item No.十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG电工系统图图形符号Graphic symbols for electric system交流电的相别A.C. phase sequence直流电的正负极D.C. positive and negative poles有中性点引出线的星形连接的三相绕组Star-connected three phase windings withneutral outlet开口三角形连接的三相绕组3-phase winding with open delta connection互相连接的导线Cross connection of wires不连接的跨越导线Crossing wires not in contact with eachother可拆卸的电气连接Removable connection电缆终端头Pothead of cable or cable end自耦变压器Auto-transformer感应调压器Induction voltage regulator凸极同步电动机Salient pole synchronous motor带接换装置的蓄电池组Accumulator battery with tap-changers 空气断路器Air circuit-breaker保持触点Holding contact热元件Thermal element自动复位的操作开关Spring-return operating switch插接器Plug-in connector电喇叭Horn电炉Electric furnace分流器Shunt可控硅整流箱屏Silicon controlled rectifier box panel直流配电屏D.C. distributing panel磁力起动器组Magnetic starter group自动开关箱Automatic switch box行程开关Limit switch局部灯Local lighting fitting荧光灯列Series fluorescent lighting fitting防护式灯开关Protective switch导线引上Conductors turning up导线引下Conductors turning down导线由上引来Conductors turning from above导线由下引来Conductors turning from below电缆沟Cable trench调压器Voltage regulator隔离变压器Isolating transformer击穿保护器Puncturing safety device晶体管Transisorized diode地坪Grade level电缆与水管平行Cable running parallel to a water supply pipe 电缆与热力管道交叉敷设Cable running across heat pipeline 车道Drive way电缆穿管与管道交叉Cable protective pipe across a pipeline 双(单)侧支架电缆沟Trench with rack on both sides (one side) 室外地坪Outdoor grade跨接线Jumper金属软管Flexible metal tube过渡接头Adapter电气工程及其自动化专业术语翻译transistor 晶体管audion 三极管capacitance 电容Diesel 柴油机AC- motors 交流电机transistorcoupling 联结耦合current carrying capacity 载流能力(最大允许电流)conductivity 传导性in isolation 绝缘lead 导线leakage current 泄漏电流inductance 感应系数loops 线圈macroprocessor 微处理器multimedia show 多媒体展示medium-power distribution 中压配电motor and soft starters 电机及软起动器numerical controls 数控系统optimal 最佳的,最理想的overload relays 过载继电器overshoot 过冲peak current 峰值电流power dissipation 电力分散process automation 过程自动化process instrumentation and analytics 过程仪表及分析仪器punch 穿孔,冲压reactance 电抗recharge 再充regulated power supply 稳压电源resistance 阻抗resistor 电阻器resonate 共振self-inductance 自感应series inductance 串联感应simulation 模拟switching 配电;交流thermal cycle 热循环thickness 厚度voltage regulator 调压器warping 扭曲,变形wiring layout 线路配置图AC-drives 交流变频器asymmetrical 非对称的attenuation 衰减bridged impedance 桥接阻抗cable bridge 电缆桥架charge 电荷circuit schematic diagram 电路原理图解coefficient 系数configuration 构造constant 常量copper sheet 铜片damping 阻尼decomposition 分解decouple 分离delay circuit 延迟电路dielectric sheets 介电原片diode clamping 钳位edge connector 边缘连接器electrical infrastructure 电气基础设施electrical installation 电气安装技术equations set 方程组four-layer 四层hookup 接线图human machine interface 人机界面impedance 阻抗incidence 入射incident wave 入射波incorporated 合成一体的instantaneous 瞬间的interleaved 交叉load admittance 负载导纳lumped 集中的modal 模式的modeling 建模motor management systems 电机管理系统mounting pads 安装垫片noise margins 噪音安全系数proximity effect 邻近效应radian 弧度resistive 有抵抗力的schematic 示意图services & industry solutions 服务和工业解决方案terminator 终结器undershoot 负脉冲信号;下。
CISPR 18-3-am1: 1996
Amendment No.1 to IEC 18-3.
IEC60041: 1992
Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pumps-turbines.
IEC60141-1-am1: 1995
Amendment No.1
IEC60141-2: 1963
Tests on oil-filled and gas-pressure cables and their accessories. Part 2: Internal gas-pressure cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to 275kV.
IEC60052: 1960
Recommendations for voltage measurement by means of sphere-gaps (one sphere earthed).
20AIEC60055-1: 1997
Paper-insulated metal-sheathed cables for rated voltages up to 18/30 kV (with copper or aluminium conductors and excluding gas-pressure and oil-filled cables) – Part 1: Tests on cables and their accessories.
16 高电压技术名词
16 高电压技术16.001 高电压技术 high voltage technology以试验研究为基础的研究高电压及其相关问题的应用技术。
16.002 高电压试验设备high voltage testing equipment进行高压试验的设备。
16.003 工频试验变压器power frequency testing transformer产生工频高电压的试验用变压器。
16.004 串级工频试验变压器cascaded power frequency testing transformer由几台工频试验变压器串接以获得较高试验电压的变压器组。
16.005 工频谐振试验变压器power frequency resonant testing transformer改变变压器的励磁电抗,可与负载电容发生谐振的试验变压器。
16.006 高压整流器 high-voltage rectifier能耐受反向高电压的单方向导电的器件。
16.007 直流高压发生器 high-voltage DC generator产生直流高电压的设备。
16.008 串级直流高压发生器cascade high-voltage DC generator由串级整流回路产生直流高电压的设备。
16.009 冲击电压发生器 Impulse voltage generator用于产生雷电冲击或操作冲击的高电压设备。
16.010 冲击电流发生器 Impulse current generator用于产生冲击电流的设备。
16.011 保护电阻器 protective resistor为保护高压试验设备和试品而采用的电阻器。
22.1温度湿度压力pressure干空气dryair湿空气moistair大气压力atmosphericpressure饱和空气saturatedair干球温度drybulbtemperature 湿球温度wetbulbtemperature 露点温度dewpointtemperature 机器露点apparatusdewpoint 绝对湿度absolutehumidity蒸发冷凝过冷过热过程压缩膨胀节流throttling灌注量refrigerantcharge制冷剂refrigerant氟利昂22freon22润滑油lubricantoil吸气端suctionend排气端dischargeend低压侧lowpressureside高压侧highpressureside蒸发压力evaporatingpressure冰堵脏堵油堵液击结霜frostformation除霜defrosting自动除霜automaticdefrosting 定时除霜timedefrosting空气净化aircleaning空气除臭airdeodorization 空气离子化airionization 循环风量airflowvolume制热量heatingcapacity噪声noise消声产品图纸尺寸长度宽度超薄系列保护装置protectiondevices 纠正correct(correction) 更改modification(modify) 编制compile标准化standardize校对lookthrough工艺technology(workmanship) 审核check审定examineandapprove批准approve签名日期组件零件结构厂商附录方案起动电流startingcurrent运转电流runningcurrent泄漏电流leakagecurrent耐压试验high-voltagetest安全试验securitytest温升试验temperture-raisetest溢水试验waterover-flowtest(raintest) 潮态试验humidity-statetest把手handle功率power电流开路断路短路附加绝缘supplementaryinsulation加强绝缘reinforcedinsulation对重绝缘doubleinsulation额定电压ratedvoltage额定电压范围ratedvoltagerange工作电压workingvoltage额定输入功率ratedinput额定电流ratedcurrent额定频率ratedfrequency额定频率范围ratedfrequencyrangeXYZI特点(数据性能考数specsifications诊断diagnostic高度height直径diameter公差tolerance用户手册owner’smanual产品说明节productinstructionmanual 包装箱packagecarton装箱单packinglist铭牌nameplate型号商标项目外形尺寸outlinesanddimensions控制系统controllingsystems功能function液晶显示1iquidcrystolindicate加工工艺machineworkmanshiop装饰decoration装配质量assemblyquality 抗干扰immunity机械制图mechanicdrawing 标准件stardardparts总装检汛防潮序号代号名称description规格standards页数pageno.备注remarks格力电器GREEelectric幅面size工艺文件technologicaldocumentation 工艺路线processroute工艺设计processdesign工艺要素processfactor工件半成品semifinishedproduct成品finalproduct合格品conformingproduct不合格品non-conformingproduct废品scrap焊接welding热处理heattreatment表面处理surfacetreatment机械加工machining装配assembly工序安装基准夹具弯管扩口缩口除锈rustremoval清洗cleaning2.2机器词汇部分房间空调器roomairconditioner单元式空调机unitaryairconditioner窗式空调机window-typeairconditioner分体式空调器split-typeairconditioner室内机indoorunit室外机outdoorunit蒸发器evaporator(回转气缸U吊顶式ceilingsuspended吸顶式ceilingcassettes(ceilingconcealed) 壁挂式wallmounted落地式floorstanding光管plaincopperpipe内螺纹管innergroovecopperpipe翅片管finnedtube四通换向阀4—wayreversingvalve单向阀checkvalve轴流风机axialflowfan(propellerfan)底盘(前(后侧板边板网罩扫风电机swingmotor(louvermotor)步进电机stepmotor(vanemotor)进风格栅airintakegrill步进电机座vanecrank继电器引线relayassylead电器安装板electricalsupportingplate盖板coverplate(topplate)电容capacitor电容夹capacitorclamp胶圈o-gasket波纹软管 corrugatedpipe四芯(六芯)控制线signalcablewith4(6)cores 电热管heaterelement扫风叶片支架louversupport左右端盖 sidebox(L,R)电源线powercord控制器controller红外遥控器remotecontroller 继电器relay主令开关 mainswitch螺钉螺栓螺母垫圈插片插孔PTC控制面膜 controllingpanel脚轮castor固定螺丝 setscrew底板underplate水位开关 water-levelswitch触摸开关 touchswitch热断路thermalcut-out限温器temperaturelimiter 电脑芯片 IC集成电路 integratedcircuit插座插头蜗壳水箱扫风叶片 swinglouver支撑条supportbar导风叶片 lowerlouver出风格栅 frontgrill出水管drainageduct出水槽outletforwater模具mould灯箱lightbox机壳body感温包temp.sensor2.3温度计thermometer水银温度计mercurialthermometer 电阻温度计resistancethermometer 热敏电阻 thermistor热电偶thermocouple热电偶温度计thermocouplethermometor 量热计calorimeter表压gaugepressure绝对压力 absolutepressure压力计pressuregauge真空喷嘴机械风速仪mechanicalanemometer数字风速仪digitalanemometer热线风速仪hot-wireanemometer声级计soundlevelmeter工具tool测量放大器measurementamplifier电容传声器condensermicrophone绝缘电阻表insolationresistancemeter耐压测试仪high_voltagereliabilitymeter接地电阻测试台 testingstationofearthingresistance板子3.0附录二按汉语拼音字母顺序排列的词表附加说明:附录一按英文字母顺序排列的词汇表空气调节 airconditioning空调工况 airconditioningcondition大气压力 atmosphericpressure机器露点 apparatusdewpoint绝对湿度 absolutehumidity空气循环 aircirculation自动除霜 automaticdefrosting批准附录装配工艺孔auxiliaryhole实除排量 actualdisplacemant轴流风机 axialflowfan(propellerfan) 进风格栅 airintakegrill交流接触器ACcontactor过滤网airfilter绝对压力 absolutepressure风速仪anemometer制冷系统故障breakdownoftherefrigerationsystem 基本绝缘 basicinsulation螺栓机壳冷凝压缩纠正编制审核check组件components电流current开路circuit-open断路circuit-break短路circuit-short爬电距离 creepagedistance电气间隙 clearanceI类器具classIappliance气候类别 climatetype代号清洗气缸贯流风机 cross-flowfan(linefrowfan) 截止阀cut-offvalve(ballvalve)底盘(底板) chassis(lowerpanel)盖板coverplate(topplate)电容capacitor电容夹capacitorclamp线路图circuitdiagram连接管堵头connectionpipecap 波纹软管 corrugatedpipe控制器controller脚轮除霜defrosting图纸drawing尺寸dimension日期date对重绝缘 doubleinsulation数据data诊断diagnostic直径diameter装饰decoration电气强度 dielectricstrength名称基准蒸发evaporation膨胀expansion蒸发压力 evaporatingpressure蒸发温度 evaporatingtemperature 审定examineandapprove接地方式 earthingmethods蒸发器evaporator边板endplate(endpanel)电器安装板electricalsupportingplate 电气原理图electricalprinciplediagram脏堵结霜特点(功能成品扩口落地式floorstanding翅片管finnedtube风扇电机 fanmotor保险丝fuse过滤栅filtergrille出风格栅 frontgrill风叶护网 fanguard测量计flowrator喷嘴flownozzle油堵greasyblockage总装垫圈表压湿度把手高度热处理heattreatment热交换器 heatexchanger电热管heaterelement高压保护 highpressureswitch 湿度计hygrometer热线风速仪hot-wireanemometer耐压测试仪high-voltagereliabilitymeter 卤素检漏仪halogenleakdetector温度传感器humiditysensor冰堵iceplug项目序号插片插孔集成电路 integratedcircuit绝缘电阻表insolationresistancemeter夹具jigsandfixtures润滑油lubricantoil低压侧lowpressureside长度length校对lookthrough泄漏电流 leakagecurrent堵转试验 lockedtest液晶显示 liquidcrystolindicate 检汛灯箱更改厂商型号model型号标识 modelmark加工工艺 machineworkmanship机械制图 mechanicdrawing防潮moistureresistance可加工性 machinability工艺设备 manufacturingequipment 机械加工 machining加工精度 machiningaccuracy电机支架 motorsupport模具噪声铭牌缩口necking螺母nut用户手册owner’smanual外形尺寸 outlinesanddimensions 喇叭口outletwithflare工序operation室外机outdoorunit胶圈o-gasket油分离器 oilseparator出水槽outletforwater压力过程产品零件方案功率包箱生产过程 productionprocess 工艺过程 process页数pageno工艺路线 processroute工艺设计 processdesign工艺要素 processfactor工艺规范 processspecification工艺参数 processparameter工艺准备 processpreparationofproduction工艺纲领 productionprogram弯管光管网罩PTC插头蜗壳真空计vauucngauge合格证qualitycertificate制冷refrigeration制冷量refrigeratingcapacity(coolingcapacity) 相对湿度 relativehumidity制冷系统 refrigerationsystem制冷循环 refrigerationcycle灌注量refrigerantcharge制冷剂refrigerant运转电流 runningcurrent备注除锈转子式压缩机rotarycompressor 继电器引线relayassylead无线遥控器remotecontroller继电器relay电机固定圈rubbermount电阻温度计resistancethermometer 标准工况 standardcondition标准制冷量standardrating饱和空气 saturatedair含湿量specifichumidity过冷过热液击消声系列签名结构起动电流 startingcurrent安全试验 securitytest起动试验 startingtest附加绝缘 supplementaryinsulation 电源引线 supplyleads流线型streamline性能考数 specsifications汇总表specificationslist自制件self-makingpart标准件stardardparts规格幅面废品安装侧板扫风电机 swingmotor(louvermotor)步进电机 stepmotor(vanemotor)吸气管suctionpipe四芯(六芯)控制线signalcablewith4(6)cores 左右端盖 sidebox(L.R)螺钉screw固定螺丝 setscrew插座socket扫风叶片 swinglouver支撑条supportbar温度节流工艺XYZ连接typeZattachment公差tolerance商标trademark工艺性technologiculefficiency工艺文件technologicaldocumentation 生产类型 typeofproduction理论排量 theoreticaldisplacement管路系统 tubingsystems保温管thermalinsulationpipe温控器thermostat变压器transformer工具扩口器tube-outletexpamder接地电阻测试台 testingstationofearthingresistance泄漏电流测试装置testingequipmentofleakingcurrent灼热丝试验装置 testingequipmentforscorching漏电起痕试验装置testingequipmentofscrapwithleakingcurrent弯管器tubebender超簿ultra-thin标题栏underline单元式空调机unitaryairconditioner U形管U-shapetube底板真空宽度工件焊接壁挂式wallmounted接线板TerminalBoard水位开关 water-levelswitch水箱watertank壁挂机安装板wallframe湿球温度计wetbulbthermometer板子wrench四通换向阀4-wayreversingvalve附录二按汉语拼音字母顺序排列的词汇表安全试验 securitytest安装把手包箱备注壁挂式wallmounted壁挂机安装板wallframe边板endplate(endpanel)编制compile变压器transformer标准工况 standardcondition标准制冷量standardrating标准化standardize标题栏underline标准件standardparts表压冰堵侧板插片插座产品产品说明书productinstructionmanual 厂商manufacturer超薄ultra-thin潮态试验 humidity–statetest成品finalproduct尺寸dimension尺寸链dimensionchain翅片管finnedtube冲击钻electricdrivenrotaryhammer 出风格栅 frontgrill出水管drainageduct除霜除锈代号灯箱底盘(底板) chassis(lowerpanel)底板underplate垫圈gasket电流current电气间隙 clearance电源软线 powersupplycord电源引线 supplyleads电气强度 dielectricstrength电机支架 motorsupport电器安装板electricalsupportingplate 电容电阻温度计resistancethermometer电容传声器condensermicrophone电子检漏仪electricalleakdetector 吊顶式ceilingsuspended吊顶机风扇窝壳 casingset定时除霜 timedefrosting 堵转实验 lockedtest短路circurt-short断路circuit-break对重绝缘 doubleinsulation方案防潮废品风扇电机 fanmotor风叶护网 fanguard风速仪anemometer幅面size氟时昂22 freon22辅助材料 auxiliarymatial附录attachment附加绝缘 supplementaryinsulation盖板coverplate(topplate)干空气dryair高度更改工艺工艺过程 process工艺文件 technologicaldocumentation 工艺路线 processroute工艺设计 processdesign工艺要素 processfactor工艺规范 processspecification工艺参数 processparameter工艺准备 processpreparationofproduction 工艺设备 manufacturingequipment工件workpiece工序工具功率功能公差光管规格过冷subcooling过热superheat过程process过滤器strainer过滤网airfilter过滤栅filtergrille含湿量specifichumidity焊接welding合格证qualitycertificate 合格品conformingproduct基准机壳技术文件 technicalfile技术要求 technicalrequirement 继电器引线relayassylead继电器relay夹具jigsandfixtures加强绝缘 reinforcedinsulation加工工艺 machineworkmanshiop加工精度 machiningaccuracy检汛leakagetest胶圈o-gasket脚轮节流结霜结构纠正绝缘电阻 insulationresistance绝对压力 absolutepressure绝缘电阻表insolationresistancemeter 开路circuit-open抗干扰immunity可加工性 machinability可控硅controlledsilicon空气调节 airconditioning空调工况 airconditioningcondition 空气循环 aircirculation宽度扩口冷凝冷凝温度 condensingtemperature冷凝器condenser离心风机 centrifugalfan(siroccofan) 理论排量 theoreticaldisplacement连接管堵头connectionpipecap量热计calorimeter零件parts流线型streamline流量计flowrator漏电起痕试验装置testingequipmentofscrapwithleakingcurrent螺钉螺栓螺母铭牌名称模具内螺纹管 innergroovecopperpipe爬电距离 creepagedistance排气端dischargeend排气压力 dischargepressure排气温度 dischargetemperature排气阀dischargevalve排气管dischargepipe排水管drainagepipe喷嘴flownozzle膨胀expansion批准气缸签名前(后清洗热断路thermalcut-out热敏电阻 thermistor热电偶thermocouple热电偶温度计thermocouplethermometor 热线风速仪hot-wireanemometer认证资料 approvedinformation润滑油lubricantoil扫风电机 swingmotor(louvermotor) 扫风叶片支架loueversupport扫风叶片 swinglouver商标审核审定湿度湿空气moistair湿球温度 wetbulbtemperature湿球温度计wetbulbthermometer 湿度计hygrometer湿度传感器humiditysensor。
primary electrical department电气一次部门equipment设备generator and transformer set(G-T set)机变组transformer(T)变压器main transformer主变station service transformer厂用变-ST1,ST2 station service power厂用电switchyard开关站current transformer电流互感器-CTvoltage transformer电压互感器-PTarrester避雷器circuit breaker(CB)断路器Distribution center(配电中心)power supply电源oil level indicator 油位计oil conservator 油枕transformer bushing变压器套管steel ball钢球bolt(螺栓)nut螺母screw cap螺帽tongs钳子spanner 扳手screwdriver螺丝刀plastic塑料tight seal gasket/washer密封垫daily maintenance 日常维护vacuum pressure gauge真空压力表(insulating) conducting wire(绝缘)导线non-full phase trip(非全相跳闸)stroke行程working stroke工作行程outlet disconnector of generator发电机出口刀闸disconnector隔离刀闸earthing blades接地刀闸single-phase knife switch单相刀闸开关3-phase knife switch三相刀闸开关knife-blade switch(刀开关)electrical cable电缆abrasive paper砂纸absolute alcohol无水酒精Vaseline凡士林gasoline汽油oil pressure油压pressure gauge压力表)Closed circuit合闸回路air drying filter呼吸器vacuum switch真空开关release air valve放气阀safety valve(安全阀)transformer oil变压器油oil leakage 漏油gas leakage 漏气change ratio变比winding线圈connection group接线组别zinc oxide arrester氧化锌避雷器excitation transformer励磁变block out bus bar封闭母线load tap switch有载分接开关unload tap switch无载分接开关vacuum CB真空断路器high voltage bushing (sleeve) 高压套管low voltage bushing低压套管transformer body变压器本体nature point bushing中性点套管nature point knife brake中性点刀闸gas relay瓦斯继电器hoist seat升高座water condensor水冷却器submersible(immersed ) oil pump潜油泵oil flow relay油流继电器silicon硅胶disconnect lead断引extinguishing arc chamber灭弧室prevent dirt bushing防污瓷套SF6 gas SF6气体hydraulic pressure mechanism液压机构aviation hydraulic pressure oil航空液压油open-close brake valve分合闸阀O-type seal ring“O”型密封圈density relay密度继电器sorbent吸附剂release pressure valve泄压阀high pressure drain oil valve高压放油阀mechanism dimension adjust机械尺寸调整high voltage test高压试验full gas pressure充气压力beforehand full gas pressure预充压力store up pressure canister储压筒stroke switch行程开关plunger pole活塞杆work urn工作缸signal urn信号缸open-close brake winding分合闸线圈test position试验位置electro operation电动操作manual operation手动操作pole key磁极键combine channel connection head并沟接头excitation winding励磁绕组wind tunnel check风洞检查pull air gap拉间隙insulation bushing绝缘套管bearing轴承insulation paint绝缘漆cable head电缆头step voltage跨步电压motor电动机rotor转子stator定子winding绕组stator winding定子绕组carbon brush yoke碳刷架brush holder刷握excitation brush yoke and lead wire励磁刷架和引线conducting ring导电环slip ring滑环(集电环)rated value额定值thermal relay热继电器air gap空气间隙analysis fault分析故障analysis cause分析原因work plan工作计划work summary工作总结technical training技术培训maintenance plan检修计划meeting record会议记录insulating resistance绝缘电阻measure insulation摇绝缘zero-initial step-up voltage test零起升压试验step-up voltage test升压试验Insulating strength绝缘强度measurement of insulating resistance绝缘电阻的测量insulation resistance of winding绕组绝缘电阻impedance test,阻抗试验,earthing resistance接地电阻withstand voltage test 耐压试验DC resistance直流电阻breakdown (puncture)击穿detecting point检测点connect in series串连connect in parallel/parallel connection并联contact接点contactor接触器sensor传感器flexible circuit conductor软接手generator发电机diesel柴油机air compressor空压机flood gate=bottom gate泄洪门,底孔门emergency gate快速门hydraulic turbine-generator unit水轮发电机组submersible(immersed ) oil pump潜油泵common head-cover pump公用顶盖泵fire pump消防泵bridge crane桥式机gantry crane门机axial flow fan轴流风机drainage pump in gallery廊道排水泵dewater pump排水泵leakage drainage pump渗漏排水泵control cabinet控制柜electrician's hand tools for high voltage testing高压试验用电工工具laboratory table for high voltage testing试验桌high voltage static electricity release pole接地棒grounding wire for high voltage testing接地线ammeter, 电表slip ring 滑线变阻器sliding rheostat滑动电阻器ammeter电表voltmeter电压表/伏特计timer计时器electric iron电烙铁Megohmmeter 兆欧计,摇表temperature gauge(温度表)temperature controller温度控制仪thermometer温度计digital multimeter,数字万用表ammeter电表watt meter瓦特表,电表AC ammeter交流电表voltmeter电压表/伏特计sliding rheostat滑动电阻器timer计时器stopwatch秒表multimeter万用表milliammeter毫安表tramegger高阻表,兆欧表,auto transformer自藕变3-phase auto voltage regulator 三相自藕调压器=试验变dry-type service transformer厂用干式变压器booster transformer升压变压器voltage adjuster电压调整器kilowatt-hour meter有功功率表kilovar-hour meter 无功功率表active power有功reactive power无功potentiometer电位器electroscope验电器portable lamp transformer行灯变压器safety net安全网antiskid ladder防滑梯goggles护目镜dust-proof antiseptic mask防尘面罩test instrument测试仪器current leakage testing meter泄漏电流测试仪grounding resistance meter接地电阻测试仪grounding conductor接地线grounding carbon brush device接地碳刷装置high voltage frequency scanner高压试波器high voltage meter高压电压表high voltage bridge高压电桥insulated equipment绝缘试验设备generator voltage endurance equipment发电机绝缘试验设备neutral cubicle中性点柜delta connection三角形接线star connection星形接线spark瞬间放电over load(过负荷)over-current过流disturbance干扰phenomenon现象sparkwear烧坏,烧毁electrical fault电气故障electrical accident 电气事故field磁场cover端盖hose软管rubber plate橡胶板ambient temperature周围温度、外界环境温度3-phase equilibrium (balance)三相平衡voltage imbalance电压不平衡changeover switch转换开关control supply控制电源control panel控制盘operation mode运行方式primary circuit一次回路,safety appliance 安全器具action current动作电流Nameplate (data plate)铭牌cable电缆线,joint 接头terminal box端子箱unit connection单元接线excitation board励磁盘Protection保护装置generator main bus发电机母线by-pass break 旁路断路器busbar coupler breaker母联开关section breaker分段开关tap changer分接头alarm indicator光字牌phase current相电流neutral point voltage中性点电压,input current 输入电流operating voltage动作电压operating impedance动作阻抗bidirectional switch双向开关plug插头socket插座pre operation动作前post operation 动作后flashover闪落phenomena of discharging放电现象working winding工作绕组braking winding制动绕组main electrical connection 主接线assembly bay安装间Central room 中控室mechanical shop机修间clockwise(顺时针deasil)anticlockwise逆时针的(地)lead-out joint引出线接头switch cabinet开关柜switch handle开关把手constant voltage power稳压电源visual inspection 外观检查dismantle拆除fuses(熔断器)parameter参数operation principle动作原理medium介质allowable value允许值overhaul (大修)partial maintenance小修maintenance维修routine work定期工作fault diagnosis事故分析defect on equipment 设备缺陷maintenance rules 检修规程maintenance technology检修工艺maintenance technology rules 检修工艺规程technical specification技术规范technical manual技术手册specification规格、说明书,cable support 电缆桥架rated value额定值bridge crane桥机gantry crane、龙门吊车(门机)rise、起升drop、下降travel mechanism行走机构araldite环氧树脂insulating tape绝缘胶带white cloth strap、白布带plastic strap、塑料带felt mat毡垫、quartz powder石英粉iron core、铁心line pole end part线棒端部、superstratum line rod上层线棒humidty潮气dryness干燥section截面silica gel硅胶insulation resistance绝缘电阻,main hook gearbox主钩齿轮箱travel gearbox大车减速器foam泡沫float浮子HV/LV winding 高低压绕组active current 有功电流active power有功功率micrometer测微计,千分尺adhensive water test微水测试front panelboard前面板connection接线thermometric meter测温表inspection method检验方法3-phase voltage regulator三相调压器service power工作电源standard rheostat标准电阻箱dielectric loss measuring device 介子损失测验仪open circuit开路primary circuit一次回路secondary circuit二次回路short circuit 短路circuit breaker断路器perform high-voltage test高压试验surface tension表面张力piston ring活塞环piston(活塞)piston rod活塞杆patrol inspection设备巡视defect management缺陷管理sampling采样Hydraulic hoist液压启闭机intense gas重瓦斯weak gas轻瓦斯maintenance request检修申请trip coil分闸线圈closing coil合闸线圈direction of rotation旋转方向trial operation试运行preoperation=trial operation空转,试运行active power有功功率reactive power无功功率power meter(功率表)service position工作位置drainage pump in gallery廊道排水泵fire pump消防泵pole key磁极键flow velocity流速flow diagram流程图operation mechanism of circuit breaker断路器的操作机构Wedged(楔形的)EL2 reclosing action 线路重合闸动作Euphrates幼发拉底河absorber吸附器absorption ratio吸收比率trip coil分闸线圈closing coil合闸线圈arc-extinction灭弧arcing击穿,calcium钙calibrate校准,刻度calibrator校准器calorstat恒温器flux leakage漏磁creepage漏电magnetic flux磁通flux density磁密operating magnetic potential 动作磁势braking magnetic potential制动磁势operating zone动作区restraint zone制动区lower limit下限upper limit上限moving contact and stationary contact动,静触点manual detecting device手动检测装置automanual半自动的auto-manual switch自动-手动开关automatic control自动控制clamp线夹,压板,接线夹ground clamp接地线夹terminal clamp终端线夹visual inspection外观检查concave-convex凸凹generator disconnector for unit no.2 2号单元发电机断路器extinguisher灭火器asbestos石棉flammable易燃的incoming line来线alarm line报警线proceed with overhaul进行大修(proceed with继续进行)tripping exit跳闸出口stroke limiting switch行程限制开关mechanical maintenance department 机械检修部门maintenance personnel检修人员decimal point 小数点hereafter今后thermal relay热继电器air gap/ clearance空气间隙collector ring集电环magnetic path磁路lubricant grease润滑脂。
工频耐压英语1. Introduction工频耐压(high voltage withstand)是指在电力工程中常用的一种测试方法,用于检测电器设备在高电压条件下的安全性能。
2. Basic Concepts2.1 VoltageVoltage(电压)是指电源或电路中的电势差,通常用伏特(Volts)作为单位。
2.2 High VoltageHigh voltage(高电压)指的是较高的电压水平,通常超过设备所处环境的标准电压。
2.3 WithstandWithstand(耐受)是指电器设备在给定条件下能够承受的最大电压。
3. Test Procedure3.1 Pre-Test PreparationBefore conducting the high voltage withstand test, it is important to ensure that all necessary safety precautions are in place. This includes checking the testing equipment, wearing appropriate protective gear, and clearing the test area of any potential hazards.3.2 Test SetupThe test setup involves connecting the equipment to be tested to the high voltage source, ensuring proper grounding,and configuring the necessary test parameters such as voltage levels and duration. This is crucial to ensure accurate and reliable test results.3.3 Test ExecutionOnce the test setup is complete, the high voltage is applied to the equipment according to the specified parameters. During the test, any abnormal behavior or breakdown of the equipment should be carefully observed and recorded.3.4 Test Analysis and ReportingAfter the test, the recorded data is analyzed to determine whether the equipment has passed or failed the high voltage withstand test. A detailed report is then prepared, summarizing the test procedure, results, and any necessary recommendations or actions to be taken.4. Safety ConsiderationsDuring the high voltage withstand test, safety is of utmost importance. It is essential to follow all safety guidelines and procedures to prevent accidents or injuries. This includes using insulated tools, maintaining proper distance from energized parts, and ensuring a safe working environment.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, understanding the concepts and procedures of high voltage withstand testing is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical equipment. By following the proper test setup, execution, and analysis, potential risks and failures can be identified and mitigated.。
他励:separately excited自励:self-excited混励:compositely excited并励:shunt串励:series复励:compound excited复励:用以指明电机至少由两个绕组励磁,其中之一是串励绕组绕组:winding初级绕组:primary winding次级绕组:secondary winding主绕组:main winding定子绕组:stator winding转子绕组:rotor winding电枢绕组:armature winding阻尼绕组:damping winding起动绕组:starting winding辅助起动绕组: auxiliary starting winding励磁绕组: excitation winding磁场绕组: field winding试验:性能试验:performance test型式试验:type test重复试验:duplicated test检查试验:routing test 对每台电机在制造完工后所进行的试验,以判明其是否符合标准抽样试验:sampling test验收试验:acceptance test效率:efficiency 输出功率对输入功率之比总损耗:total loss(of a machine) ; power losses(of a machine ) 输入与输出功率之差热量试验:calorimetric test 从电机所产生的热量来推算损耗的试验方法空载试验:no-load test 在电机作电动机运行而轴上无有效机械输出时进行的试验轻载试验:light load test 当电机在驱动或被驱动状态下运行时,做为电动机,仅供给被驱动机械的空载损耗。
温升试验:temperature-rise test 在规定的运行条件下,确定电机一个或几个部件温升的试验波形试验:waveform test 为记录电机任一变量的波形而进行的试验波形分析:waveform analysis堵转试验:locked-rotor test为确定堵转转距及堵转电流在电机通电而转子堵住时进行的试验起动试验:starting test 为确定起动转距而使电机在规定情况下从静止状态开始加速至负载转速所进行的试验换向试验:commutation test 评定换向器电机在规定情况下运行时换向性能的试验直流电阻测定:resistance test 用直流电测定绕组电阻的试验铁心损耗试验:core test 为确定电机铁心叠片(通常不带绕组)的损耗特性或片间绝缘的有效性而进行的试验超速试验:overspeed test平衡试验:balance test振动试验:vibration test 为测定电机各部分在规定条件下的振动情况而进行的试验躁声级试验:noise-level test轴电压试验:shaft-voltage test 在电机带电情况下,为测定电机可能产生轴电流的电压而进行的试验换向片间电阻试验:segment to segment test 测定换向器相邻片间电阻以检查绕组是否良好的试验绝缘电阻测定:insulation resistance test 在规定条件下测定绝缘电阻的试验耐电压试验: high-voltage test 介电强度试验: dielectric test在绝缘上施加高电压以确定绝缘介质强度是否符合要求的试验匝间试验: interturn test ; turn-to-turn test 为检查匝间绝缘的完好情况而进行的试验。
高电压技术专业英语词汇表absorbtance 吸收比absorption current 吸收电流AC transmission system 交流输电系统aging 老化alternating current 交变电流alternating voltage 交变电压ammeter 电流表amorphous dielectric 非晶体电介质amplitude 幅值anode/cathode 阳极/阴极anti-fog insulator 防雾型绝缘子apparent charge 视在电荷arc discharge 电弧放电arc suppressing 灭弧arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室arrester 避雷器artificial pollution test 人工污秽试验asynchronous machine 异步电机atmospheric reference condition 标准参考大气条件attachment coefficient 附着系数attenuation factor 衰减系数barrier 屏障barrier effect 屏障效应bending load 弯曲负荷BIL(basic impulse level)全波基本冲击绝缘boundary element method 边界元法breakdown 电击穿breakdown possibility 击穿概率breakdown voltage 击穿电压BSL(basic switch level)基本操作冲击绝缘水平bubble breakdown 气泡击穿bus bar 母线bushing 套管bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线cable 电缆capacitor divider 电容分压器cascade circuit 串联电路cascade transformer 串级变压器cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器cavity 空穴,腔CB(circuit breaker)断路器ceramic insulator 陶瓷绝缘子charge density 电荷密度charge simulation method 模拟电荷法charging(damping) resistor 充电(阻尼)电阻collision ionization 碰撞电离collision ionization coefficient 碰撞电离系数compensating winding 补偿线圈composite insulation 组合绝缘compressed gas 压缩气体conductance 电导conductivity 电导率conductor 导线contamination flashover 污秽闪络corona 电晕corona discharge 电晕放电corona loss 电晕损耗corona onset voltage 电晕起始电压correction factor 校正因数coupling capacitor 耦合电容creapage distance 爬电距离critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压critical electrical strength 临界场强CT(current transformer) 电流互感器current density 电流密度current transformer 电流互感器damped capacitor voltage divider 阻尼电容分压器damping resistor 阻尼电阻DC breakdown voltage 直流击穿电压dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器decay 衰减destructive test 破坏性试验detection impedance 检测阻抗dielectric 电介质,绝缘体dielectric constant 介质常数dielectric loss 介质损耗dielectric loss angle tangent 介质损失角正切diffuse 扩散digitizer 数字化仪direct current 直流电高电压技术专业英语词汇表2 direct current transmission直流输电disc spacer 盘式绝缘子discharge 放电disconnector 隔离开关displacement current 位移电流displacement polarization 位移极化distributed parameter circuit 分布参数电路divider 分压器divider ratio 分压器分压比drift velocity 漂移速度dry band 干区dry flashover voltage 干闪络电压DSO(digitizing storageoscilloscope)数字存储示波器dynamo 直流发电机earth resistance 接地电阻earth(ground) wire 接地线earthing switch 接地开关ecological efficiency 生态效应effect of nearby earthed object 接地体临近效应effect of polarity 极性效应effective ionisation coefficient 有效电离系数EHV(extra high voltage) 超高压electric breakdown 电击穿electric field 电场electrical strength 电气强度electrical tree 电树枝electroceramics 电工陶瓷electrochemical 电化学electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀electro—mechanical test 机电联合试验electron avalanche 电子崩(α过程) electronegative gas 电负性气体electronegativity 电负性electro-optic effect 电光效应electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic generator 静电发生器electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表EMC(electro—magneticcompatibility)电磁兼容EMP(electromagnetic pulse)高速电磁脉冲end fitting 金具EPDM(ethylene propylene rubber) 乙丙橡胶epoxy resin 环氧树脂ESDD(equivalent salt depositdensity)等值盐密exciting winding 激磁绕组expulsion gap 灭弧间隙external insulation 外绝缘extinction coil 消弧线圈FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission System)柔性输电failure current 故障电流Faraday cage 法拉第笼field distortion 场畸变field emission 场致发射field gradient 场梯度field strength 场强field stress 电场力finite element method 有限元法fixed contact 静触头flash counter 雷电计数器flash density 落雷密度flashover 闪络flashover voltage 闪络电压FM-IM 调频—光强度调制free path 自由行程front resistor 波前电阻FSD(full scale deflection)满偏刻度full wave 全波gas chromatographic analysis 气相色谱分析gas discharge 气体放电gaseous insulation 气体绝缘generating capacity 发电量generator 发电机GIS(gas insulated substation)气体绝缘变电站glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子glow discharge 辉光放电gradient 陡度grading ring 均压环ground wire 架空地线地线grounding 接地grounding capacitance 对地电容grounding device 接地装置grounding for lightening 防雷接地half-wave rectifying circuit 半波整流电路harmonic 谐波high voltage 高压high voltage arm 高压臂high voltage engineering 高电压工程high voltage testing technology 高电压试验技术hollow insulator 套筒高电压技术专业英语词汇表3 humidity correction factor湿度校正因数hydraulic turbine 水轮机hydro power station 水力发电站hydrophobicity 憎水性icing flashover 冰闪impulse current 冲击/脉冲电流impulse flashover 冲击闪络impulse ratio 冲击系数impulse voltage 冲击电压impulse voltage generator 冲击电压发生器induced overvoltage 感应过电压inhomogenous field 不均匀场insulation 绝缘insulation coordination 绝缘配合insulation diagnosis 绝缘诊断insulation distance 绝缘距离insulation level 绝缘水平insulation material 绝缘材料insulation on-line test 绝缘在线检测insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulation test 绝缘检测insulator 绝缘子insulator string 绝缘子串internal discharge 内部放电inverter station 换流站ionization 电离ionization coefficient 电离系数ionization layer 电离层iron core 铁芯Kerr effect 克尔效应leakage current 泄漏电流lightning arrester 避雷器lightning conductor 避雷线lightning current 雷电流lightning flashover 雷闪lightning impulse voltage 雷电冲击电压lightning impulse withstandvoltage test雷电冲击耐压试验lightning outage rate 雷击跳闸率lightning over voltage 大气/雷电过电压lightning rod 避雷针lightning stroke 雷击lightning withstand level 耐雷水平live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器load center 负荷中心loss 损耗loss angle 介质损耗角lossless transmission line 无损传输线low voltage arm 低压臂magnetic field 磁场main discharge 主放电Marx generator 马克思发生器matching impedance 匹配阻抗mean free path 平均自由行程mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度mechanical performance 机械性能megohm meter/earthmeter 兆欧表metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器mixed divider (阻容)混合分压器MOA(metal oxide arrester)氧化锌避雷器mobility 迁移率motor 电动机moving contact 动触头multistage impulse voltagegenerator串级冲击电压发生器natural pollution test 自然污秽试验negative ions 负离子neural point 中性点neutral ground 中性点接地non—destructive insulation test 非破坏绝缘测试non—destructive measurement 非破坏性测试non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验nonpolar dielectric 非极性电介质non—self—maintained discharge 非自持放电non-uniform field 不均匀场nonuniformity coefficient 不均匀系数NSDD(non—soluble depositdensity)附灰密度nuclear power station 核电站oil—filled power cable 充油电力电缆optical radiation 光辐射oscilloscope 示波器overhead line 架空线overshoot 过冲overvoltage 过电压partial arc 局部电弧Paschen’s law 巴申定律PD(partial discharge) 局部放电peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压peak voltage 电压波峰peak voltmeter 峰值电压表phase—to—phase voltage 线电压高电压技术专业英语词汇表4 photo ionization光电离photoelectric emission 光电发射photoemission 光电效应photoionization 光电离photon 光子leader discharge 先导放电Pockels effect 泡克尔斯效应point plane gap 针板间隙polarity effect 极性效应polarization 极化pollution flashover 污闪pollution flashover voltage 污秽闪络电压porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子post insulator 支柱绝缘子power capacitor 电力电容power frequency arc test 工频大电弧试验power frequency testingtransformer工频实验变压器power frequency voltage 工频电压power network 电力网络power system 电力系统power transformer 电力变压器PPT(pulse power technology)脉冲功率技术primary winding 原边线圈protection angle 保护角protection gap 保护间隙protective grounding 保护接地PT(potential transformer) 电压互感器quality factor 品质因素quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场radio interference 无线干扰radio interference test 无线电干扰试验rain flashover 雨闪rating of equipment 设备额定值recombination 复合recovery voltage 恢复电压reflect 反射relative inductivity 相对介电常数relay 继电器residual capacitance 残余电容resistivity 电阻率resistor divider 电阻分压器resistor-capacitor divider 阻容分压器resonance frequency 谐振频率restrike 重燃return stroke 反击ripple factor 纹波因数rod gap 棒间隙rod-rod electrode 棒—棒电极Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈rotor 转子routing testing 常规试验ROW(right-of—way)/corridor 线路走廊safety margin 安全裕度salt fog method 盐雾法Schering bridge 西林电桥secondary electron avalanche 二次电子崩secondary winding 副边线圈self-restoring insulation 自恢复绝缘self-sustained discharge 自持放电series resonant circuit 串联谐振回路shielding 屏蔽short circuit 短路short circuit testing 短路试验silicone rubber 硅橡胶skin effect 集肤效应soil resistivity 土壤电阻率solid dielectric 固体电介质solid layer method 固体层法space charge 空间电荷spark gap 点火球隙sparkover voltage 火花放电sphare-plane electrode 球—板电极sphare—sphare electrode 球-球电极sphere gap 球隙sphere gap spacing 球隙距离split conduct 分裂导线standard lightning impulse voltage 标准雷电冲击电压standard switching impulse voltage 标准操作冲击电压statistic diagnosis 统计诊断stator 定子steam turbine 汽轮机steamer 流注steel-reinforced aluminumconductor钢芯铝绞线step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器stepout overvoltage 解列过电压stray capacitance 杂散电容stray inductance 杂散电感streamer breakdown 流注击穿substation 变电站sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6断路器高电压技术专业英语词汇表5 surface breakdown表面击穿surface charge 表面电荷surface discharge 沿面放电surge impedance 波阻抗suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子sustained discharge 自持放电switching flashover 操作闪络switching impulse voltage 操作冲击电压switching overvoltage 操作过电压synchronous generator 同步发电机tank 箱体taped transformer 多级变压器Td(thunderstorm day) 雷暴日temperature exponent 温度指数tensile load 拉伸负荷test object 被试品testing transformer 试验变压器thermal breakdown 热击穿thermal cycling test 冷热循环试验thermal ionisation 热电离thermal power station 火力发电站thermal radiation 热辐射thermal rating 耐热等级threshold wavelength 光电离临界波长time delay/lag 时延time to chopping 截断时间torsional load 扭转负荷Townsend theory 汤森理论tracking and erosion resistance 耐漏电起痕性能transmission line 传输线treeing 树枝放电trigger electrode 触发电极tuned circuit 调谐电路turbogenerator 汽轮发电机UHV(ultra high voltage)特高压uncertainty 不确定度uniform field 均匀场vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器variable transformer 调压变压器VFTO(very fast transient overvoltage)甚快速瞬态过电压virtual front time 视在波前时间virtual origin 视在原点virtual time to half—value 视在半峰值时间voltage class 电压等级voltage divider 分压器voltage doubling rectifying circuit 倍压整流电路voltage drop 电压跌落volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性voltmeter 电压表volt-time characteristics 伏秒特性water hydrogenerator 水轮发电机wave chopped 截波wave chopped at front 波前截波wave chopped at tail 波尾截波wave front 波前wave front/tail 波头/尾wave length 波长wet flashover 湿闪wet flashover voltage 湿闪络电压winding 绕组withstand voltage 耐受电压withstand voltage test 耐压试验XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆。
PFT Series - AC High Voltage Test Set Model PFT-65
PFT-652CM(F) rev a 09/27/2016
Tests 35 kV apparatus
HVI Products
Higher Power AC Test Sets Features DC Hipot/Megohmmeters Very Low Frequency (VLF) Hipots Tan Delta & Partial Discharge for VLF Oil Dielectric Testers Aerial Lift Testers Cable Fault Locators AC/DC Dividers
Current Meter - 3.5”
Control Case HV Tank Weight Controls
HV Tank Output Leads
** Output lead not insulated for HV
0 - 1.0 mA with /x1, x10, x100 multipliers, +/- 2%
CE Marked. Designed specifically to meet CE directives Simple, manual controls for familiarity and ease in operation Rugged case with cushioned handles and storage for leads Insulated Return Guard/Ground circuit to bypass stray currents Zero Start and External Interlock provision Two range voltmeter and three range current meter Automatic transit protected meters rated 100 uA for durability
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测试电压(V) 带变压器的器具 额定功率超过0.5匹马力的带电机器具 额定功率不超过0.5匹马力的带电机器具和加热器具
1带电部分和可触及的部 分以及在印刷电路板上 靠近的不同极性的线路
1000 V+两倍额定电压
2 隔离型或自藕型变压器 (a) 次级电压 < 50 V (b) 次级电压为 51-125 V
4 加强绝缘的带电体与可触及的非带电导电体之间
5 加强绝缘的带电体与贴在外部非导电体表面上的金属箔之间
可触及的非带电导电体(或贴在外部非导电体表面上的金属箔)与外壳入口处电源线的 6
交流绝缘强度测试电压(V) 按上述测试要求。 2500 2500 4000 4000
标准中会指定测试时的具体电压数值。经过耐压测 试只能说明产品的绝缘结构能承受该试验电压,而不能说 明产品的绝缘结构究竟能承受多高的电压。如果在进行
绝缘材料的应用研究和电器设备的设计,需要测定绝缘强 度时,就需要进行击穿测试。击穿测试就是测试电介质被 击穿时的电压。当电场强度超过某一极限时,通过介质的 电流与施加于介质的电压关系就不符合欧姆定律,而是突 然增加。如图1所示。这时绝缘材料被破坏而失去了绝缘 性能。对于一台电气产品,如果其绝缘发生了击穿,它就 失去了运行使用功能。这结果与耐压测试完全不同。耐压 测试是要通过测试来保证产品没有缺陷,能安全正常的工 作。所以,耐压测试的测试电压是经过实践证明是安全、 可靠、有效的,应该严格按其执行。我们到工厂进行工厂 审查时,有些工厂为了显示其产品的质量好把耐压测试的 电压特别提高,有的甚至提高到所要求的两倍。这样做是 有百害无一益的。因为第一、这样做有可能降低了产品的 合格率。第二、虽然通过了测试,有可能损害了一部分绝 缘结构,使产品的安全性降低。第三、有可能损坏一些元 器件,使产品的质量降低,寿命减短。
经常有人提“多大的漏电流就认为是耐压击穿了?” 的问题。其实这个漏电流很难精确确定。因为当高压施加 到产品时,会在绝缘间产生一个稳定的微小漏电流。由于 每种产品复杂程度和绝缘结构都不同,这个漏电流会随之 变化。当绝缘给击穿时,这个漏电流将迅速增 COMPONENTS APPLICATION 2008年04月
所示。所以一般情况下,只要将此耐压测试仪器的过电流 继电器动作电流(即是漏电流)设定为比产品正常施加高 压时而产生的漏电流稍高就行了。请注意,这里的漏电流 与泄漏电流测试(Leakage Current Test)中的泄漏电流在 本质上是一样的,都是绝缘系统在电压的作用下产生的极 微小的电流。它们的不同之处在于耐压测试中的漏电流是 在高压的情况下产生的,而泄漏电流测试中的泄漏电流是 在额定电压下产生的。
(1) CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.68-92 要求:产品的带电部分与可能接地的非带电导电体间 须施加适当频率的交流电压达1分钟。具体测试电压如下: a. 额定电压为31 ̄250V的设备,测试电压为1000V。 b. 额定电压为251 ̄600V的设备,测试电压为1000V+ 两倍额定电压。 c. 额定电压为31 ̄250V,无接地而且可被人体触及的 设备,测试电压为2500V。 d. 对于30伏或以下的低电压电路,测试电压为500V。 (2) 双重绝缘的产品。(表1) (3) C 222 No. 1335.1-93。(表2)
图2 手动升压试验装置线路图
当出现下列情况时,工厂的耐压测试可以考虑免除: ● 产品的电源输入是其它产品次级输出的低压 (ELV)或超低电压(SELV),例如电源或变压器等。 ● 当成品要使用另外的电源作为部件,而这个电源是 CSA认证的、具有完整的外壳和输入输出连接器。由于此 电源是CSA认证的,它已经经过耐压测试了,所以可以考 虑免除整个产品的耐压测试。但必须注意安装电源前必须 检查它是否有损坏。 ● 当信号变压器用在同一电压的线路中,而且不作为 安全器件时,可考虑免除初级到铁芯间的耐压测试。
正常情况下,电力系统中的电压波形是正弦波。电力系 统在运行中由于雷击、操作、故障或电气设备的参数配合不 当等原因,引起系统中某些部分的电压突然升高,大大超过 其额定电压,这就是过电压。过电压按其发生的原因可分为 两大类,一类是由于直接雷击或雷电感应而引起的过电压, 称为外部过电压。雷电冲击电流和冲击电压的幅值都很大, 而且持续时间很短,破坏性极大。但由于城镇及一般工业企 业内的3-10kV与以下的架空线路,因受厂房或高大建筑物 的屏蔽保护,所以遭受直接雷击的概率很小,比较安全。而 且这里讨论的是民用电器,不在上述范围内,就不进一步讨 论。另一类是因为电力系统内部的能量转换或参数变化引起 的,例如切合空载线路,切断空载变压器,系统内发生单相 弧光接地等,称为内部过电压。内部过电压是确定电力系统 中各种电气设备正常绝缘水平的主要依据。也就是说,产品 的绝缘结构的设计不但要考虑额定电压而且要考虑产品使用 环境的内部过电压。耐压测试就是检测产品绝缘结构是否能 够承受电力系统的内部过电压。
耐压测试有两种:一种是交流工频耐压测试, 另一种 是直流耐压测试。由于绝缘材料的特性决定了交流和直流 电压的击穿机理不同。大多数绝缘材料和系统都包含了一 系列不同的介质。当对之施加交流试验电压时,电压将按 材料的介电常数和尺寸等参数的比例来分配电压。而直流 电压只按材料的电阻的比例来分配电压。而且实际上,绝 缘结构发生击穿,往往是电击穿,热击穿,放电等多种形 式同时存在,很难截然分开。而交流电压比直流电压增加 了热击穿的可能性。所以,我们认为交流耐压测试比直流 耐压测试更加严格。实际操作中,在进行耐压测试时,如 果要使用直流做耐压测试时,试验电压要求比交流工频的 试验电压高。一般直流耐压测试的试验电压是通过把交流
500 1000
试验电压的有效值乘以一个常数K。通过对比测试,我们 有如下的结果:电线电缆产品,常数K选用3; 航空工业, 常数K选用1.6 至1.7;CSA对民用产品一般使用1.414。
形式测试是用来判断产品的绝缘结构设计是否符合实际 使用。通常是在温升测试,潮态测试,异常测试和其它的一 些测试后立即进行。一般是对产品施加试验电压一分钟。
黄少良 CSA International广州办事处认证测试部经理兼工程师
在CSA,UL和IEC标准中,几乎各种电器安全标准都 会要求对产品进行耐压测试。这就可以看出耐压测试是 电器安全标准的一个重要组成部分。耐压测试(Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test)也就是俗称的高压测试(High Voltage Test),通过对设备施加一个高于其额定值的电压 并维持一定时间来判定设备的绝缘材料和空间距离是否符 合要求的测试。本文介绍的美国和加拿大标准的耐压测试 特点,详细地叙述了耐压测试步骤及其指标和方法,以帮 助中国企业制造出真正符合北美市场标准的电器设备。
工厂测试是检测生产过程的生产缺陷,不是检测绝缘 结构的设计是否合理。通常是产品完成后准备包装前进行 的。产品绝缘结构的缺陷通常会有如下的情况:锋利的部 件损伤了电线绝缘层,连接线-地间或初级-次级间的电 子元器件给短路了,电线的焊接点焊的不好或脱落了,爬 电距离减少了,变压器内的绝缘损坏了等等。为了适应大 批量生产,工厂测试还可以将试验电压值提高20%,试验 时间由1分钟缩短到1秒钟。
确定。美国和加拿大除了其本身的北美体系的标准以外 还有以IEC为基础的新标准。这里就用“Motor-Operated Appliances(Household and Commercial)” CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.68-92和“Portable Electrical Motor-Operated and Heating Appliances: General Requirements”C22.2 NO. 1335.1-93的 标准来介绍美国和加拿大标准的耐压测试的特点。
交流耐压测试仪器一般包括高压测试变压器,调压 器,电压测量系统以及控制和保护装置等。图2是手动升 压试验装置线路图,供参考。
1) 检查确认耐压测试仪的主电源开关是处于“关”的位置 2) 除非仪器的特殊设计以外,所有的不带电金属部分 必须可靠接地 3) 把受测设备的所有电源输入端的电线或端子连接起来 4) 合上受测设备的所有电源开关,继电器等 5) 把耐压测试仪的测试电压调为零 6) 把耐压测试仪的高电压输出线(通常为红色)连接 到受测设备的电源输入端 7) 把耐压测试仪的回路接地线(通常为黑色)连接到 受测设备的可触及不带电金属部分 8) 把耐压测试仪的主电源开关闭合,缓慢升高仪器的 次级电压到要求值。一般升压速度不超过500V/sec的速度 9) 在指定的时间内维持这个测试电压 10) 把测试电压缓慢降下来 11) 把耐压测试仪的主电源开关断开。先断开耐压测 试仪的高电压输出线,再断开耐压测试仪的回路接地线 下列情况表示受测设备通不过测试: ● 当出现测试电压不能升到指定电压值或者电压反而 下降时 ● 耐压测试仪出现警告信号时 需要注意的是,由于耐压测试中存在对人身产生危险 的高电压,进行测试时必须特别小心。 下面几点需要特别注意的事项: ● 必须规定只有经过训练和授权的人员才可以进入测 试区域操作仪器 ● 必须在测试区域周围安放固定的、明显的警告标 语,防止其他人员进入危险地带 ● 当进行测试时,包括操作人员在内的所有人员必须 远离测试仪器和受测设备 ● 当测试仪器启动时,千万不要触及其输出线
对600 V以下的产品,美国和加拿大标准中通常会要 求耐压测试仪器的变压器容量最少为500VA,输出电流可 以达到95mA,带电部分到地之间的电容值不超过0.1mF。 仪器最少一年计量校正一次。形式测试之前必须进行仪器 检查,工厂测试必须定期检查仪器, 这样做可以避免因仪 器不正常而误判或损坏产品。