WDLK 862BG1_v1.01_7C79说明书


德力西电气 MV9小型断路器附件样本2022年第6版 产品说明书

德力西电气 MV9小型断路器附件样本2022年第6版 产品说明书

德力西电气新纪元系列附件样本2022年8月第一版石家庄物流地址:河北省石家庄市元氏县殷村石武铁路东国达物流院内电话:138****0586155****7257/155****1257辽宁物流地址:辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯区机场路1011号 万纬沈阳空港物流园 2号库中门电话:138****7657************陕西物流地址:陕西省西安市六村堡丰产路西段陕西商储物流园南区B1号德力西仓库电话:157****3903************山东物流地址:山东省临沂市经济技术开发区翔宇路23号华派克物流园内电话:139****6770************重庆物流地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区重庆西部诚通物流有限公司5号库电话:186****5221************/47618766成都物流地址:四川省成都市青白江区城厢镇德汇路9号 吉嘉速物流园 4-5号电话:139****5571************广东物流地址:广东省佛山市南海区里水镇怡和二路银裕木业制品厂直入100米电话:136****5170*************河南物流地址:河南省郑州市经济开发区国际物流园区启航路宇培物流园南排W4-A区4B 58-61号德力西仓库电话:155****0406*************湖北物流地址:武汉市东西湖区临空港大道23号捷利物流园3号库电话:138****5309************新疆物流地址:乌鲁木齐市友谊路230号(新疆诚通国际物流园内)电话:182****2080************温州物流地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技工业园电话:139****7223*************芜湖物流地址:芜湖市芜湖县新芜经济开发区朝阳路德力西物流中心电话:152****6767************-5211华东区域西部区域鄂皖湘区域东北区域豫晋蒙区域京津冀区域东南区域无锡办公点地址:江苏省无锡市清扬路118号世金中心44楼4436室邮编:214000成都办事处地址:成都市金牛区人民北路二段118号金牛万达广场甲级C座16楼1603号邮编:610000昆明办公点地址:云南省昆明市官渡区金马街道办事处十里社区居民委会双羊街168号樾府花园1期3幢1单元802号邮编:650000合肥办事处地址:安徽省合肥市瑶海区长江东大街闽商国贸C座901室邮编:230000长春办公点地址: 吉林省长春市二道区东盛大街与荣光路交汇力旺东玺台B座908号邮编:130031太原办公点地址:山西省太原市万柏林区南内环桥西万水澜庭2号楼2单元17A01邮编:030024石家庄办事处地址:河北省石家庄市裕华区东南智汇城联创壹号25B-05邮编:050011温州办公点地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技工业园销售大厅三楼邮编:325604福州办公点地址:福建省福州市台江区鳌港路万科金融港3号楼1127号邮编:350024青岛办公点地址:山东省青岛市城阳区高新区宝源路780号联东U谷德力西大楼四楼邮编:266000重庆办公点地址:重庆市九龙坡区石桥铺街道荟祥汇A-16-48邮编:400039乌鲁木齐办公点地址:新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区米东南路红光雅居D区6号楼3单元602室邮编:830000长沙办公点地址:湖南省长沙市湖南区车站北路70号万象新天5号栋2709室邮编:410000哈尔滨办公点地址:哈尔滨南岗区闽江路75号华鸿国际中心小区3栋1单元32层8号邮编:150050天津办公点地址:天津市西青区中北镇假日风景花园62-2-801邮编:300100杭州办公点地址:杭州市江干区蓝桥景苑11幢2单元1002室邮编:310016南宁办公点地址:广西南宁市西乡塘区科园大道33号盛世龙腾B座2单元1903号1905号邮编:530003南京办事处地址:南京市建邺区白龙江东街22号艺树家工场13楼1306室邮编:210000济南办公点地址:山东省济南市历下区工业南路55号未来城商务中心13#楼608室邮编:250000贵阳办公点地址:贵州省贵阳市观山湖区万科理想城B2栋1812室西安办事处地址:陕西西安市莲湖区大庆路三号蔚蓝国际A705邮编:710082兰州办公点地址:兰州市城关区瑞德摩尔万国港E座2208邮编:730020电话:153****1522武汉办事处地址:湖北武汉市江汉区新华路186号福星国际商会大厦2516、2517室邮编:430000沈阳办事处地址:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区细河南路碧桂园银河城钻石郡148-3邮编:110000郑州办事处地址:河南郑州金水区青年路145号6号楼17层1706号邮编:450000北京办事处地址:北京市丰台区枫竹苑一区(未来假日花园)18-10邮编:100076广州办事处地址:广州市荔湾区南岸路63号城启大厦1905室邮编:510160南昌办公点地址:江西南昌市西湖区广场东路恒茂国际华城23幢2907邮编:330002深圳办公点地址:深圳市龙华新区民丰路1号碧水龙庭7栋4单元14D邮编:518109作为中国改革开放第一代优秀民营企业,德力西集团历经近四十载的不懈奋斗,在广大客户和合作伙伴的长期信赖与支持下,于2007年与全球500强施耐德电气强强携手,合资成立德力西电气有限公司(简称“德力西电气”)。



Residential Combustion Heating and Cooling Parts Cross-Reference GuidePhone:Residential Technical Support:1-800-468-1502Sales Support: 1-800-328-5111Customer Service: 1-888-793-8193Residential Zoning: 1-800-828-8367Online:Contractor PRO:Phone: 1-800-919-4835Fax: 1-763-954-4097Exclusive Technical Supportfor Contractor PRO members:1-877-880-3383Online T oolsFind everything you need to be successful in sellingHoneywell products online. Product information,cross-references, demos and more are available at.TrainingHoneywell offers a variety of on-site and web-based training optionsat .RewardsHoneywell’s Contractor PRO™ Rewards program givescontractors reward points ($) back on all Honeywellpurchases year round at .Customer ServiceHoneywell provides toll-free access to productapplication, installation and support experts.T echnical Support: 1-800-468-1502Customer Service: 1-888-793-8193Sales LiteratureWith Honeywell, you’ll have access to sales materials that you can use tohelp grow your business. Visit .SupportHow-to-use this cross-reference The pages in this guide contain Honeywell, OEM and competitive manufacturerscontrols and the recommended Honeywell cross reference. To find your recommendedcross reference simply turn to the appropriate product section, locate your productmanufacturer and their part number and follow the row to the Honeywell part number.The cross reference data in this guide is correct to the best of Honeywell's knowledge atthe time of publication. Always refer to installation instructions for application details andto ensure correct product specifications prior to installation.Table Of ContentsGAS CONTROLSGas Valves 4SmartValve™ System Controls 18Universal Pilot Burners 19Thermocouples/Thermopiles 20Ignition Modules 21Glowfly® Universal Hot Surface Igniter 26Universal Electronic Fan Timers 27Silicon Carbide Igniters 28Universal Integrated Furnace Control 32Fan and Limit Controls 34OIL/HYDRONIC CONTROLSOil Primaries 35Aquastats® 36HEATING/COOLING DEVICESRelays/Contactors/Transformers 37Universal Product Universal4Universal Gas ValvesSave time and money by stocking the HoneywellUniversal gas valves, you'll complete more jobs and tie up less in inventory with the right selection of valves.Gas ValvesGas Valvesl5Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves6Gas ValvesGas Valvesl7Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves8Gas ValvesGas Valvesl9Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves10Gas ValvesGas Valvesl11Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves12Gas ValvesGas Valvesl13Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves14Gas ValvesGas Valvesl15Gas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves16Gas ValvesGas ValveslGas ValvesGas ValvesGas Valves1718SmartValve ™SmartValver t lUniversal SmartValvesHoneywell SmartValves combine gas flow control and electronic ignition into a single unit providing smart, safe control in appliances.19Universal Pilot BurnersSave time, money, and space with Universal Pilot Burners. 4 Universal Pilots replace over 120 different models.Universal Pilot BurnersUniversal Pilot BurnersUniversal Pilot Burners20Contractors depend on Honeywell foreasy installation and reliable performance and we think about that trust in every component we make. Built for long service life, the Honeywell Q313U, Q340A, and Q390A will work for nearly all pilot generated millivolt applications.Thermocouples/Thermopilesr l /r i l Thermocouples/Thermopiles21Ignition Modules Ignition ModulesIgnition ModulesUniversal Intermittent Pilot and Hot Surface IgnitionHoneywell's ignition controls replace a wide variety of OEM installed Honeywell and competitive products in the field. Reduce your inventory and complete moreservice jobs with Honeywell's Universal ignition controls.22Ignition ModulesI i t i l Ignition ModulesIgnition ModulesIgnition ModulesIgnition Modules2324Ignition ModulesI i t i l Ignition Modules25Ignition Modules Ignition ModulesIgnition Modules26Silicon Nitride 120V Universal Hot Surface IgniterWith 6 customized brackets, next generation Silicon Nitride and one of a kind six-pack with visual cross-reference Glowfly ® is the truck stock choice for the beready for anything contractor.Glowfly ® Universal Hot Surface IgnitersGlowfly ® Universal Hot Surface Igniterst r f I i t r27Fan TimerFan TimerFan TimerUniversal Electronic Fan TimerWith a complete set of wiring harness, field-adjustable settings and extensive cross-reference the ST9120U is a must stock item for every service van.28Honeywell offers a full line of direct replacement, 120 V, silicon carbide igniters. They cover all the major configurations of element shapes, brackets, connectors, and lead wire lengths. Made in the USA and backed by a 2-year warranty.Silicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide Ignitersi l i r i I i t r29Silicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide Igniters30Silicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide Ignitersi l i r i I i t r31Silicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide IgnitersSilicon Carbide IgnitersBracket A Bracket CBracket BBracket DBracket E32Single-Stage 120V Hot Surface IgnitionHoneywell's Universal Integrated control provides contractors with the application flexibility and ease of use they require to get the job done fast and right, the first time!Integrated Furnace ControlsI t r t r t r l Integrated Furnace ControlsIntegrated Furnace ControlsIntegrated Furnace ControlsIntegrated Furnace Controls3334Fan and Limit ControlsFan and Limit Controlsi i t t r lHoneywell fan and limits combines hightemperature limit with circulating blower control. As an industry standard for many years, these controls have a large and varied installed base. You’ll find Honeywell fan and limits on a wide range of furnaceequipment.35Oil Primaries Oil PrimariesOil PrimariesUniversal Digital Electronic Oil PrimaryWith the most advanced features our new oil primary helps you optimize your service department by telling you what's wrong up front, so you'll spend less time diagnosing systems and more time keeping yourcustomers comfortable and happy.36Aquastat ®t tAquastatHoneywell AquastatsA boiler industry standard, Honeywell Aquastats have a proven track record and a large installed base, keep your customers' heat on all winter with our Universalelectronic Aquastats.*All members of crossed family can be replaced.37Heating and Cooling ComponentsHeating and Cooling ComponentsHeating and Cooling Components Honeywell offers a full lineup of contactors, relays and transformers for all yourresidential HVAC applications.38Heating and Cooling Componentst i l i t Heating and Cooling Components39Heating and Cooling Components Heating and Cooling ComponentsHeating and Cooling ComponentsLearn MoreCall 1-800-468-1502e-mail ******************or visit Automation and Control SolutionsIn the U.S.:Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422-3992 67-7518 PRJuly 2015© 2015 Honeywell International Inc.YouTube:@honeywellcpro。



10 I 11
白边玉石银带开关三 扁插
K4/32KTY K4/32KTY-C
K4/32KTY/12V K4/32KTY/12V-C
10 K4/32/2/3CN K4/32/2/3CN-C
10A一位中途挚开关 10A二位中途挚开关 20A一位双极开关
K4/33/1/2A K4/33/1/2A-C



5010■ 智能脱扣器iTR336型基本功能:保护功能(L ,S ,I & G )iTR336E 型&iTR336A 型基本保护功能基本测量功能辅助功能iTR336H 型基本+高级保护功能多种测量功能辅助功能特殊功能通讯功能iTR336H-L 型基本+高级保护功能多种测量功能辅助功能特殊功能通讯功能iTR336iTR336E iTR336H-L iTR336A 后连接(水平或垂直) 前连接 ■ 接线方式可选附件1 扩展端子2 ■ 附件远程操作:分励线圈,合闸线圈, 欠压线圈, 电动机操作机构指示触点:辅助开关(OF),准备合闸触点(PF),连接(CE)、分离(CD)、试验(CT)位置指示触点,故障脱扣指示触点(SWT),Res 远程复位触点锁:抽屉座挂锁,分闸锁,门联锁,“连接,分离,试验”位置闭锁机构分合闸按钮盖机械联锁:缆绳联锁,杠杆联锁操作及防护:门框,相间隔板,安全挡板智能控制器附件:N 相外接互感器,接地互感器,漏电互感器,电源模块,信号转换模块CDW9系列万能式断路器的额定电流自400A 至6300A,额定电压交流400/415,690V,适用于交流50Hz/60Hz,主要用于配电网络中,用来分配电能,保护线路和电源设备,使免受过载,欠电压,短路,单相接地等故障的危害。


符合标准:GB/T14048.2 IEC/EN 60947-2■ 适用范围环境温度-5℃~+40℃,日平均值≤+35℃,对于1600N,4000N,4000H 型,特殊型号可适用于-40℃~+80℃大气的相对湿度在周围最高温度+40℃时不超过+50%;在较低的温度下允许有较高相对湿度(例如20℃时的90%)考虑到因温度变化发生在产品表面上的凝露在周围空气温度高于+40℃或者低于-5℃的条件使用的断路器应与制造厂协商海拔高度≤2000m ;特殊型号可适用4000m 以下电磁干扰适用于环境A 污染等级污染等级3级安装位置应垂直,各方向的倾斜度不超过5°安装级别断路器主电路及欠电压脱扣器线圈、电源变压器初级线圈为Ⅳ级,辅助电路、控制电路为Ⅲ级运输条件应轻搬轻放,不应倒放,应尽量避免剧烈碰撞■ 正常工作条件■ 认识正面ON 分闸按钮(O ) 合闸按钮(I ) 储能机构状态指示器 储能,允许合闸 机械储能手柄控制器摇进(出)装置“连接”,“试验”及“分离”位置指示“连接”,“试验”及“分离”位置限位器(三位置闭锁机构)摇杆存放处123458697106 5 1 432 79810CDW9万能式断路器012011■ 本体编码■ 附件编码注:产品标准配置包括:分励线圈、合闸线圈、电操机构、辅助4开4闭,门框、电源模块、控制器iTR336E 或iTR336A6300壳架不能选择控制器iTR336,该壳架只有抽屉式,电流6300A 只有3P014013013016 015■配置表二次端子防尘罩*1) 具体请参考连接可选方案*2) 仅抽屉式带有*3) 只适用于iTR336H,iTR336H-L 型控制器*4) 不可和第二个故障脱扣指示触点(SWT2)兼容*5) 2000/2500/3200标配控制为iTR336A*6) 2000AF,2500AF,3200AF,6300AF二次端子防护罩仅限47回路抽屉式产品018017极数Pole 3 & 4额定电压 AC Ue (V )1:AC220V /230V /240V /380V /400V /415V ; 2:AC440V /480V /500V /525V /550V /660V /690V 额定绝缘电压Ui (V )1250额定冲击耐受电压Uimp (kV )12额定频率(Hz )50/60适用于隔离适用标准GB/T14048.2、IEC 60947-2■ 壳架电流注:降容系数表中的技术参数是从试验和理论计算得出,仅作为一般选型指导用注:对于海拔高于4000m ,需与工厂联系:①CDW9-1600N 为0.8Xln 、CDW9-3200N&H 为0.7Xln,详情可与德力西电气技术部门沟通注:在高原环境下,分断能力按对应的额定工作电压需要进行降容,—般在75%~50%之间选择,与海拔高度成反比注:引用GB/T 20645特殊环境条件高原用电压电器技术要求■推荐温度降容使用020019■ 附件指示图■外观展示锁 1 分励线圈 6 ON/OFF 辅助开关(OF)11 抽屉座挂锁15 机械联锁 16 门框 19 N 相外接互感器 2 合闸线圈 7 准备合闸触点(PF)12 分闸锁17 相间隔板20 漏电互感器 3 欠压线圈 8 连接(CE)、分离(CD)、试验(CT)位置指示触点13 门联锁18 安全挡板21 接地互感器5 电动机操作机构10 Res 远程复位触点23信号转换模块iTR336 基本型 iTR336 E 标配型(适用1600/4000)iTR336 A 标配型(适用2000/2500/3200/6300)iTR336 H 高级型iTR336 H-L 高低温型高级型:全方面的保护/测量/维护/通讯功能高低温型:80℃~-40℃极限环境适应三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护基本型:具有基本的三段保护功能标配型:电流柱状灯,反应三相电流平衡情形, 一目了然标配型:电流柱状灯,反应三相电流平衡情形, 一目了然022021■功能概览1顶部固定2 LED 指示灯3 控制器标牌4 电流时间整定旋钮5 底部固定6 外接连接端子7 互感器连接口8 磁通/微动开关调节面板2223242526272829303132指示ResetAlarm I R Isd/Ii Ig/I Δn AP Com9101112131415181920211617■ 按键说明167823459报警指示灯 LED 10 长延时指示脱扣 LED 11 短延时或瞬时指示脱扣 LED 12 接地故障或漏电脱扣指示 LED13 高级保护指示 LED14 通讯功能15 故障跳闸复位按钮导航键16 系统参数设定17 确认18 保护界面进入,返回19 测量进入,返回20 下移21 上移22 长延时电流设定 I R23 长延时跳闸延时 t R 24 短延时脱扣 Isd 25 短延时跳闸延时 tsd 26 接地故障脱扣 Ig27 接地故障跳闸延时 tg 28 挂锁位置29 测试按键,瞬时动作30 瞬时脱扣电流31 电源显示32 测试连接口注:iTR336/iTR336E 仅限1600/4000专用;iTR336A/iTR336H/iTR336H-L 仅限2000/2500/3200/6300专用欠压线圈MN欠压线圈分为欠压瞬时和欠压延时两种断路器合闸后,当断路器电压下降到70%-35%的额定电压时,能够动作使断路器断开,断路器只能在欠压线圈电源电压恢复到85%的额定电压后,方可再次闭合额定控制电源电压AC220/AC230V /AC380V /AC400V 动作电压:(0.35-0.7)Ue 可靠合闸电压:(0.85-1.1)Ue 不能合闸电压:≤0.35Ue延时时间:0.5s 、1s 、1.5s 、3s 后断开(1600AF /4000AF 支持)延时时间:0.5s 、1s 、1.5s 、3s 、5s 、7.5s 后断开(2000AF /2500AF /3200AF /6300AF 支持)延时最长时间7.5s ,可根据实际情况拨码整定。



Insulator Material Thermoplastic Polyester, UL 94V-0, Chemical Resistant, Color: BlackContact Material Plug (Pins): BrassReceptacle (Socket): Brass or Phosphor Bronze Contact Plating Selective Gold (See Ordering Code) over Nickel for the Mating Area, Tin Plating for Tail Area Ferrite Specs:20dB MIN @30 MHz, 30dB MIN @50 MHz, and 50dB MIN @100 MHzShell Material Nickel Plated Steel Current Rating 3A Per Contact Contact Resistance 25 Milliohms MAX Insulation Resistance 5000 Megaohms MIN Dielectric Voltage 1000V AC rms at Sea Level Unmating Force1 oz (0.28N) Minimum Per Contact PositionOperating Temp.-55°C To +85°CMating Force 16 oz (4.45N) Maximum Per Contact Position Ordering Code:Plug and Receptacle Combination, Dual Port, Right Angle Connectors•Two Contact Rows per connector with Right Angle Bend•.109"(2.77mm) Contact Spacing x .112"(2.84mm) Row Spacing •Plug and Receptacle in 9, 15, 25 or 37 Contact Sizes•Pin and Socket Contact Mating Design with P.C. Tail Termination •Metal Shell Provides EMI/RFI Shielding, Plug Shell Indents provide Grounding and Additional Mating Retention•Board Mounting Features include Grounding Bracket with Threaded Hole or Boardlocks for Exceptional Retention to P.C. Board•Flange Mounting Options for Panel Mount or Connector Mating include Through Hole, Threaded Inserts and Threaded Standoffs •D-Shaped Connector Mating Outline provides Polarization•Design based on Requirements of MIL-C-24038, EIA RS-232 and RS-449•Additional Grounding Features or Mounting Options -Contact *****************************************Specifications:SERIES:661: PLUG OVER PLUG662: RECEPTACLE OVER RECEPTACLE 663: PLUG OVER RECEPTACLE 664: RECEPTACLE OVER PLUG661-025-264-053NO. OF CONTACTS (PER CONNECTOR):009 - 9 CONTACTS 025 - 25 CONTACTS 015 - 15 CONTACTS 037 - 37 CONTACTS CONTACT FINISH CODE:2 - GOLD FLASH PLATING3 - 15 MICROINCHES OF GOLD PLATING 6 - 30 MICROINCHES OF GOLD PLATING CONTACT CODE:64 - DUAL PORT RIGHT ANGLE BEND CONTACTBOARD GROUNDING FEATURE:0 - NONE3 - TWO PRONG BOARDLOCKS4 - FOUR PRONG BOARDLOCKS5 - #4-40 THREADED HOLE EDAC INTERNAL USEFLANGE MOUNTING OPTIONS:1- .625"(15.88MM) M3 THREADED INSERT2 - .625"(15.88MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED INSERT3 - .625"(15.88MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED HEX STANDOFF4 - .625"(15.88MM) .125" CLEAR HOLE INSERT5 - .750"(19.05MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED INSERT6 - .750"(19.05MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED HEX STANDOFF7 - .750"(19.05MM) .125" CLEAR HOLE INSERT8 - .900"(22.86MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED INSERT9 - .900"(22.86MM) #4-40 UNC THREADED HEX STANDOF 0 - .900"(22.86MM) .125" CLEAR HOLE INSERT PLUG OVER PLUG PLUG OVER RECEPTACLERECEPTACLE OVER PLUGRECEPTACLE OVER RECEPTACLE661 SERIES 663 SERIES664 SERIES662 SERIESVERTICAL SPACINGVERTICAL SPACINGSERIES 661/662/663/664: D-SUB CONNECTORRECEPTACLE/RECEPTACLE 662 SERIES1.511(38.38)1.5341.852(47.04)(38.96)(53.04)252.088 2.1822.729372.500(69.32)(63.50)(54.84)(55.42)2.159.666.994Inch 1.2131.543Inch 915NUMBER OF CONTACTS.9841.312Inch (30.81)(39.19)(mm)A±0.38(24.99)(33.32)(mm)B±0.25RECEPTACLE(16.33)(24.66)(mm)(16.92)(25.25)C±0.13PLUG(mm).643.971D±0.13InchE±0.25F±0.38.625 .900.750Inch 1.119(15.88)(19.05)(22.86) 1.2441.394(mm)Inch(28.43)(31.60)(35.41)(mm)PLUG/PLUG 661 SERIES8.36±0.132.8412.55±0.38FE6.00±0.253.18±0.3819.60±±0.258.36±0.132.8412.55±0.38B A 2.770C2.770RECOMMENDED P.C.B LAYOUTP.C.B EDGE7.90±0.132.8412.55±0.38FE 5.80±0.254-Ø3.20BØ1.102.772.778.088.002.843.922.848.083.18±0.38FOR ALL SERIES19.60±±0.257.90±0.132.8412.55±0.38B A 2.770D2.770FOR ALL SERIESFOR ALL SERIESVERTICAL SPACINGCTR TO CTRRECEPTACLE/PLUG 664 SERIES1.511(38.38)1.5341.852(47.04)(38.96)(53.04)252.088 2.1822.729372.500(69.32)(63.50)(54.84)(55.42)2.159.666.994Inch 1.2131.543Inch 915NUMBER OF CONTACTS.9841.312Inch (30.81)(39.19)(mm)A±0.38(24.99)(33.32)(mm)B±0.25RECEPTACLE(16.33)(24.66)(mm)(16.92)(25.25)C±0.13PLUG(mm).643.971D±0.13InchVERTICAL SPACINGCTR TO CTR E±0.25F±0.38.625 .900.750Inch 1.119(15.88)(19.05)(22.86) 1.2441.394(mm)Inch(28.43)(31.60)(35.41)(mm)PLUG/RECEPTACLE 663 SERIESRECOMMENDED P.C.B LAYOUTP.C.B EDGE4-Ø3.20BØ1.102.772.778.088.002.843.922.848.08FOR ALL SERIESFOR ALL SERIESFOR ALL SERIES7.90±0.132.8412.55±0.38FE 3.18±0.3819.60±±0.258.36±0.132.8412.55±0.38B A 2.770C D2.770 6.00±0.255.80±0.258.36±0.132.8412.55±0.38FE 3.18±0.3819.60±±0.257.90±0.132.8412.55±0.38B A 2.770D C2.7705.80±0.256.00±0.25。



CODE 50071ASSEMBLY M a c h i n e A s s e m b l y a s s e m b l y (r e a r s i d e )PAGE NAMECODE NO.: K NO.: FIGURE NO.:A B 50068 K14013-1 POWERTEC 280C PRO 1 1 50069 K14014-1 POWERTEC 350C PRO 2 1 50070 K14015-1A POWERTEC 420C PRO 3 2 50071K14015-1WPOWERTEC 420C PRO W43FIGURE A: Machine assemblyItem Description part numberQTY1 2 3 4 1 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-486-2R 1 X - - - 2 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-484-2R 1 - X - - 3 MAIN TRANSFORMER T1 B-4247-485-2R 1 - - X X 4 CHOKE L1 C-4244-383-2R 1 X - - - 5 CHOKE L1 C-4244-383-4R 1 - X X X 6 RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-069R 1 X - - - 7 RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-070R 1 - X - - 8RECTIFIER SET V1 1156-112-071R1--XX9 FAN M1 1111-311-081R 1 X X - -10 FAN M1 0874-111-002R 1 - - X X11 AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER T2 C-4244-384-1R 1 X X X X12 CONTROL P.C BOARD G4560 C-3731-399-2R 1 X X X X13 CONTROL P.C BOARD US-67 0918-432-068R 1 X X X X14 CONTROL P.C BOARD PD-5 0918-432-073R 1 X X X X15 RECTIFIER SET V2 1156-112-044R 1 X X X X16 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-177R 1 X - - -17 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-178R 1 - X - -18 CONTACTOR K1 1115-212-179R 1 - - X X19 GAS VALVE K2 0972-423-012R 1 X X X X20 CAPACITORS C1,C2,C3 1158-121-010R 3 X X X X21 CAPACITOR C4 1158-121-045R 1 X X - -22 CAPACITOR C4 1158-121-001R 1 - - X X23 VOLTAGE SWITCH S2 1115-260-166R 1 X - - -24 VOLTAGE SWITCH S2 1115-260-073R 1 - X X X25 VOLTAGE SWITCH S1 1115-260-167R 1 X - - -26 VOLTAGE SWITCH S1 1115-260-074R 1 - X - -27 MAIN SWITCH S3 1115-270-019R 1 X X X X28 SWITCH S7 1158-650-021R 1 X X X X29 SWITCH S6 1158-650-022R 1 X X X X30 LAMP H1 0917-421-024R 1 X X X X31 SWITCH S4,S5 1115-299-052R 2 X X X X32 POTENTIOMETERS R11,R12 1158-113-304R 2 X X X X33 KNOB 9ET10491R 1 X X X X34 KNOB 9ET13639-3R 4 X X X X35 FEEDING UNIT (complete) C-6713-007-1R 1 X X X X36 EURO SOCKET (outlet guide) C-2985-006-1R 1 X X X X37 SLEEVE 0744-000-192R 1 X X X X38 SOCKET X2,X3 C-2986-001-2R 2 X X X X39 SHUNT B1 0941-712-026R 1 X X X X40 FERRITE TUBE 1158-290-036R 1 X X X X41 FUSE F1 1158-660-006R 1 X X X X42 TURNING WHEEL 1029-660-127R 2 X X X X43 WHEEL 1029-660-250R 2 X X X X44 HINGE 0654-610-004R 5 X X X X45 EDGE SHIELD 1362-212-010R 1 X X X X46 LEFT HOLDER 1362-212-002R 1 X X X X47 RIGHT HOLDER 1362-212-003R 1 X X X X48 EURO SOCKET (insulator) 1362-212-009R 1 X X X X49 CAP 1362-212-004R 2 X X X X50 LEFT SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY 1362-212-006R 1 X X X X51 RIGHT SIDE HANDLE ASSEMBLY 1362-212-007R 1 X X X X52 SMALL FLAP 1362-212-001R 1 X X X X53 GAS HOSE -2m D-5578-174-1R 1 X X X X54 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14011-1 1 X - - -55 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14018-1 1 - X - -56 GROUND CABLE with WORK CLAMP -3m K14019-1 1 - - X X57 QUICK CONNECT COUPLING (ONLYWATER)0744-000-151R 4 - - - X58 FRONT PANEL C-3721-828-1/08R 1 - X X X59 FRONT PANEL C-3721-828-2/08R 1 X - - -60 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-1R 1 X - - -61 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-2R 1 - X - -62 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-3R 1 - - X -63 LEFT SIDE PANEL WITH LABELS C-3721-836-4R 1 - - - X64 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-4R 1 X - - -65 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-5R 1 - X - -66 RIGHT SIDE PANEL WITH LABEL D-3721-392-6R 1 - - X X67 LEFT SIDE PANEL D-3721-401-1/33R 1 X X X X68 RIGHT SIDE PANEL C-3721-814-2/33R 1 X X X X69 REAR PANEL C-3721-827-1/08R 1 X X X X70 TOP PANEL D-3773-044-2R 1 X X X X71 FRONT LABEL 2719-107-086R 1 X - - -72 FRONT LABEL 2719-107-087R - X X X73 POWER RESISTOR R1 1158-112-012R X - - -74 POWER RESISTOR R1 1158-112-008R - X X XFIGURE B: Machine assembly (rear side)Item Description part number QTY 1 2 31 HANDLE 0562-230-005R 1 X X X2 GAS INLET SOCKET D-1891-135-1R 1 X X X3 MAINS CORD whitout PLUG -5m (4x4mm²) D-5578-171-2R 1 X - -3 MAINS CORD whitout PLUG -5m (4x6mm²) D-5578-171-3R 1 - X X4 CIRCUIT BREAKER Q1 (ONLY WATER) 1115-299-027R 1 - - X5 SOCKET X16 (ONLY WATER) 1131-222-004R 1 - - X6 WATER COOLER (ONLY WATER) K10329 1 - - X7 COOLER BRACKET (ONLY WATER) D-2632-641-1/33R 1 - - XFigure C: Feeding Unit AssemblyItem Description part number QTY 1 WIRE FEEDER COMPL. 0744-000-165R 1 X1 FEED PLATE 0646-233-002R 1 X2 FIXING ARM COMPL. 0646-233-015R 2 X3 INLET GUIDE 0646-233-025R 1 X4 AXIS PRESSURE ARM 0646-233-003R 2 X5 SPRING PRESSURE ARM 0646-233-013R 2 X6 PRESSURE ARM COMPL.L 0646-233-007R 1 X7 INTERMEDIATE GUIDE 0646-233-023R 1 X8 AXIS DRIVE ROLL 0646-233-020R 2 X9 GEAR WHEEL ROLL 0646-231-090R 2 X10 GEAR WHEEL MOTOR 0646-233-028R 1 X11 FIXING CAP 0744-000-190R 2 X12 METAL COVER 0646-233-027R 1 X13 PRESSURE ARM COMPL.R 0646-233-005R 1 X14 MOTOR -28V 1111-722-047R 1 X15 WOODRUFF KEY 0646-231-102R 1 X。



Eaton PDG23F0150P9YLPower Defense Globally Rated, Frame 2, Three Pole, 150A,25kA/480V, PXR25 LSIG Motor Protection w/ Modbus RTU, CAM Link, ZSI and Relays, Standard Terminals Load Only (PDG2X3TA225)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG23F0150P9YL 78667990727688.9 mm 152.4 mm 104.6 mm 1.82 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant IEC 60947-2CSAUL 489CCC MarkedProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications150 AComplete breaker 2Three-polePD2 Global Class A PXR 25 Motor Protection LSIGModbus RTU and CAM Link600 Vac600 VStandard Terminals Load Only25 kAIC at 480 Vac 18 kAIC Icu/ 15/13 kAIC Ics/ 37.8 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC)25 kAIC @480V (UL) 35 kAIC @240V (UL)25 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC) 20 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 42 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC) 10 kAIC Icu @250 Vdc 10 kAIC Icu @125 Vdc 14 kAIC @600V (UL/CSA)35 kAIC Icu/ 35 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC) 25 kAIC Icu/ 20 kAIC Ics/ 52.5 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC)Eaton Power Defense PDG23F0150P9YL 3D drawingAmperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip TypeCommunicationVoltage rating Voltage rating - max TerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesConsulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Power Xpert Protection Manager x32BrochuresPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 2 product aidCatalogsPower Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogCertification reportsPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG2 CB reportPDG4 CB reportPDG4 CCC certificationEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersInstallation instructionsPower Defense Frame 2 global terminal shield, 3 pole - IL012330EN Power Defense Frame 2 bell alarm switch instructions - IL012154EN Power Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm Switch Instructions (IL012154EN).pdf Power Defense Frame 1-2-3-4 IP door barrier assembly instructions -IL012278ENPower Defense Frame 2 screw terminal_end cap kit, 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012258EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Assy With Interlock Version Instructions (IL012138EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2253W instructions - IL012243EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA150RF instructions - IL012244EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (steel), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012234EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 box terminal (aluminum), 225A, 3 pole instructions - IL012235EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 100A, 3 pole instructions - IL012237EN H03Power Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 2 locking devices and handle block instructions - IL012149ENPower Defense Frame 2 clamp terminal (steel), 20A, 3 pole instructions - IL012246EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 shunt trip UVR instructions - IL012130EN Power Defense Frame 2 handle mech variable depth rotary handle instructions - IL012136ENPower Defense Frame 2 handle mech direct rotary handle instructions - IL012134ENPower Defense Frame 1 IEC and Frame 2 Rotary Mechanism with NFPA Handle Attachment Instructions (IL012260EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 50A, 3 pole instructions - IL012236EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 PDG2 and PDC(E)9 breaker instructions -IL012106ENPower Defense Frame 2 multi wire connector kit -PDG2X3(2)(4)TA2256W instructions - IL012242EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 150A, 3 pole instructions - IL012238EN H03Power Defense Frame 2 terminal kit - PDG2X3(2)(4)TA225RF instructions - IL012245EN H01Power Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal kits - PDG2X1TA225K instructions- IL012239EN H01Installation videosPower Defense Frame 2 TMTU Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 withTMTU, Shunt Trip_UVR Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Bell Alarm with PXR Animated Instructions.pdf.rh Power Defense Frame 2 Locking Devices and Handle Block Animated Instructions.pdf.rhPower Defense Frame 2 Handle Mech Variable Depth Rotary Handle Animated Instructions.rhMultimediaPower Defense Frame 2 Aux, Alarm, Shunt Trip, and UVR How-To Video Power Defense Frame 2 Direct Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaPower Defense molded case circuit breakers Power Defense BreakersEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safety Power Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To Video Power Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To Video Eaton Specification Sheet - PDG23F0150P9YL Power Defense time current curve Frame 2 - PD2Molded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Intelligent circuit protection yields space savings Intelligent power starts with accurate, actionable data Making a better machineSingle and double break MCCB performance revisited Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Molded case and low-voltage breaker healthSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。




支持高清、标清网络摄像接入;兼容符合 ONVIF 协议标准的网络摄像机。

1.1 产品特性

具备 BNC 接口与 VGA 接口以及 HDMI 接口,可通过监视器、电视机、显示
器实现监视功能,支持 BNC、VGA、HDMI 同步输出;具备 1、4、9、16、
32 多画面显示模式;支持画面局部遮挡,支持字符叠加显示;具备各种
二、 安装指南 ................................................................................................ 14 2.1 开箱检查 ..................................................................................................14 2.2 硬盘安装 ..................................................................................................14
1.2 产品结构

小 1U 机箱 DVR 前面板示意图如下:
图 1 小 1U 前面板示意图



一体机自动吸风剪线说明书ALL-IN-ONE AUTO TRIMMER AND SUCTION MANUAL BOOK本说明书为本公司新研发的“一体控制箱”产品参考手册,请认真阅读此手册以更好的运用本公司产品!This user manual is for our newly developed “All-in-one control box” products reference manual, Please read this manual carefully,hope it can give you useful help!阅读本说明前以下要求说明请注意:Before reading the manual,please note the following requirements:1:用户使用作业前必须可靠接地,保证人生安全!The user must be grounded before operations to ensure safety2:非专业人士请勿拆卸控制箱Non-professionals do not disassemble the control box3:控制箱与电机远离强磁高辐射环境The control box and motor away from the magnetic high radiation environment4:不要在过热环境中作业Do not work in hot environment5:不要在过于潮湿环境中作业Do not work in humid environments6:220V电控:【220V接入供电时电压稳定在(AC200V~260/单相)之间】220V electronic control: [220V access to power supply voltage stability between (200V~260V)]110V电控:【110V接入供电时电压稳定在(AC100V~130/单相)之间】110V electronic control: [110V access to power supply voltage stability between (100V~130V)]安全叮嘱:Safety requirement:1:电机电控接通电源时(开机状态)请不要把脚放在脚踏板上Do not put your feet on the pedals when the control box and motor is switched on (boot status)2:本产品请专业人士安装调试Let professionals to install and debug this product3:严禁在通电时打开控制箱与电机端盖Do not open the control box and the motor cover when energized4:换针,穿线或更换底线时请关闭电源Please turn off the power when changing the needle,threading or replacing the bottom line5:安装,拆卸维修时请拔掉电源插头During installation and removal service,please turn off the power and pull the plug6:翻抬缝纫机时请关闭电源Please turn off the power when turn lift sewing machine7:使用本产品请远离高频电磁波和电波发射器等,以免所产生的电磁波干扰伺服驱动器而发生错误动作。



Eaton 112936Eaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB. PF6, 4 pole, In: 63 A, Icn: 6 kA, I ΔN: 0.03 A, Type A, Pulse-current sensitive, Partly surge-proof 250 A, residential and commercialGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB112936PF6-63/4/003-A401508112474980 mm 71 mm 70 mm 0.32 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 61008Product NameCatalog Number Model Code EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications63 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.7035-35 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Quick attachment with 2 latch positions for DIN-rail IEC/EN 60715DIN rail63 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0.03 A184 V AC - 440 V ACMeets the product standard's requirements.Non-delayedInterlocking deviceIS/SPE-1TE 101911630 A eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdfeaton-xpole-pf7-rccb-catalog-ca019032en-en-us.pdf eaton-xpole-pf6-rccb-catalog-ca019034en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_PF6eaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-dimensions.jpg eaton-xpole-pf6/7-rccb-3d-drawing.jpgIL019140ZUeaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRAL-numberPermitted storage and transport temperature - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting MethodAmperage Rating10.2.5 LiftingRated fault current - maxTest circuit range10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Tripping timeFitted with:Rated residual making and breaking capacity Application notes Catalogs Certification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions Wiring diagramsFrequency rating50 Hz10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Fault current rating30 mATerminal protectionFinger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Special featuresMaximum operatingtemperature is 60 °C:Starting at 40 °C, the max.permissible continuouscurrent decreases by 1.8%for every 1 °CTripping signal contact forsubsequent installation Z-NHK 248434Sensitivity typePulse-current sensitiveAmbient operating temperature - max60 °CHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent0 WClimatic proofing25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2Built-in depth69.5 mmShort-circuit rating63 A (max. admissible back-up fuse)FeaturesAdditional equipment possibleResidual current circuit breakerLifespan, electrical4000 operationsConnectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min1.5 mm²10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesFour-poleTerminal capacity (solid wire)1.5 mm² - 35 mm²Ambient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated short-circuit strength6 kA10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used withKLV-TC-4 276241 (Compact enclosure)Z-FW/LP 248296 (Remote control and automatic switching device)Z-RC/AK-4TE 101062 (sealing cover set)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent13.4 W10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent0 WApplicationResidual current circuitbreaker for residential andcommercial applicationsxPole - Switchgear forresidential and commercialapplications10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Voltage typeACTerminal capacity (stranded cable)16 mm² (2x)Leakage current typeAFrame45 mmBuilt-in width (number of units)70 mm (4 SU)Terminals (top and bottom)Open mouthed/lift terminalsHeat dissipation capacity0 WImpulse withstand currentPartly surge-proof 250 AWidth in number of modular spacings4Busbar material thickness0.8 mm - 2 mm10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical20000 operationsVoltage rating230 V AC / 400 V AC10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max35 mm²Degree of protectionIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Rated short-time withstand current (Icw)6 kAAccessories requiredZ-HK 248432Pollution degree210.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min 1.5 mm²Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4 kV10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max 16 mm²TypePF6Residual current circuitbreakersType A10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Surge current capacity0.25 kAPermitted storage and transport temperature - max60 °CAdmissible back-up fuse overload - max40 A gG/gLRated fault current - min0.03 AEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia400 V440 VRated operational voltage (Ue) - max Rated insulation voltage (Ui)。



南方电网110kV及以上系统继电保护软件版本清单(2012年V1版)中国南方电网电力调度控制中心二○一二年六月目录一、500kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (1)(一)、500kV线路保护 (1)(二)、过电压及远方跳闸保护 (2)(三)、断路器、短引线和T区保护 (3)二、500kV母线保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (4)三、500kV变压器保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (5)四、500kV并联电抗器保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (6)五、220kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (7)(一)、集成分相式载波纵联距离的双光纤电流差动保护 (7)(二)、双光纤电流差动保护 (7)(三)、集成光纤纵联距离的双光纤电流差动保护 (8)(四)、断路器辅助保护 (8)六、220kV母线及母联保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (11)(一)、双母双分主接线母差保护 (11)(二)、双母单分主接线母差保护 (11)(三)、双母主接线母差保护 (12)(四)、单母分段主接线母差保护 (12)(五)、单母主接线母差保护 (13)(六)、独立母联(分段)保护 (13)七、220kV变压器保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (15)(一)、变压器电量保护 (15)(二)、变压器非电量保护 (16)(三)、断路器辅助保护 (16)八、110kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (17)(一)、110kV线路光纤差动保护 (17)(二)、110kV线路距离零序保护 (17)九、110kV母线及母联保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (19)(一)、双母双分主接线母差保护 (19)(二)、双母单分主接线母差保护 (19)(三)、双母主接线母差保护 (20)(四)、单母分段主接线母差保护 (20)(五)、单母主接线母差保护 (20)(六)、单母三分段主接线母差保护 (21)(七)、独立母联(分段)保护 (21)十、110kV变压器保护软件版本(2012年V1版) (22)(一)、主后合一保护 (22)(二)、主后分离保护 (22)本清单所列的为满足南方电网各类保护技术规范的保护型号和软件版本,相关技术规范如下:Q/CSG 110010-2011 南方电网继电保护通用技术规范Q/CSG 110013-2011南方电网500kV线路保护及辅助保护技术规范Q/CSG 110007-2011南方电网500kV母线保护技术规范Q/CSG 110009-2011南方电网500kV变压器保护及并联电抗器保护技术规范Q/CSG 110011-2012 南方电网220kV线路保护技术规范Q/CSG 110022-2012 南方电网220kV母线保护技术规范Q/CSG 110015-2012 南方电网220kV变压器保护技术规范Q/CSG 110032-2012 南方电网10kV-110kV元件保护技术规范Q/CSG 110035-2012 南方电网10kV-110kV线路保护技术规范一、500kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版)(一)、500kV线路保护(二)、过电压及远方跳闸保护(三)、断路器、短引线和T区保护二、500kV母线保护软件版本(2012年V1版)三、500kV变压器保护软件版本(2012年V1版)500kV并联电抗器保护软件版本(2012年V1版)四、500kV并联电抗器保护软件版本(2012年V1版)220kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版)五、220kV线路保护软件版本(2012年V1版)(一)、集成分相式载波纵联距离的双光纤电流差动保护(二)、双光纤电流差动保护(三)、集成光纤纵联距离的双光纤电流差动保护(四)、用于负荷频繁波动线路光纤电流差动保护(五)、用于电缆线路光纤电流差动保护(六)、断路器辅助保护六、220kV母线及母联保护软件版本(2012年V1版)(一)、双母双分主接线母差保护注:根据厂家说明,国电南京自动化股份有限公司母差保护同时适用于220kV及以下系统。



WDLK-861A系列微机断路器保护装置使用说明书(Ver1.0)2007.04目录1概述 (1)1.1应用范围 (1)1.2保护配置 (1)2使用说明 (2)2.1面板布置 (2)2.2液晶显示说明 (2)2.3命令菜单使用说明 (4)3调试大纲 (9)3.1试验注意事项 (10)3.2试验前的准备 (10)3.3交流回路校验 (10)3.4输入接点检查 (10)3.5整组试验 (11)3.6输出接点检查 (12)3.7传动试验 (13)3.8带负荷检查 (14)3.9投运前打印存档信息 (14)3.10保护装置的正常年检内容(建议) (15)4运行维护 (16)4.1装置的正常运行状态 (16)4.2装置的异常信息含义及处理建议 (16)4.3安装注意事项 (16)5附录 (17)5.1装置参数整定 (17)5.2专用调试工具Prate-800A的使用 (20)5.3改变打印机缺省设置的操作方法 (24)1概述1.1应用范围WDLK-861A系列微机断路器保护装置适用于各种电压等级的单断路器接线方式(如双母线、单母线接线方式)。

1.2保护配置表1-1WDLK-861A系列的配置及功能2使用说明2.1面板布置R图2-1装置面板布置图保护装置面板上包含6个信号灯,各自的颜色、含义及点亮条件见下表:2.2液晶显示说明2.2.1保护运行时液晶显示说明装置正常运行时主界面显示主接线图、线路本侧的二次电流和电压的幅值相位信息、当前定值区号、保护压板的投退状态、装置地址及当前时间,主界面如下图所示:图2-2 运行时液晶显示图主接线图说明:断路器为红色表示处于合上状态,绿色表示处于断开状态。



Muck Razer 产品手册说明书

Muck Razer 产品手册说明书

O set Handles
Main Handle
1CBiblioteka Handle Extensions
Alternating Rake Teeth Rows with 13 Teeth
Alternating Rake Teeth Rows with 12 Teeth
¼” Hex Head Screws
•The Muck Razer teeth have sharp edges.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use with children in immediate area. IMPORTANT: Jenlis, Inc® is not responsible for equipment damage or failure,
Muck generally accumulates from excess nutrients and limited wave action or water flow. Muck is made up of incompletely degraded organic matter. As layers of this organic matter builds up year after year, the lower layers become devoid of oxygen. The Muck Razer stirs up and agitates the lower layers and reintroduces oxygen allowing bacteria that already exists in this organic material to complete the process of digestion and helps return the bottom to a hard surface.



WDLK-860 系列数字式断路器保护装置技术说明书目录绪论 (3)WDLK-860系列装置的主要技术参数 (5)第一篇 WDLK-862 数字式断路器保护装置 (9)1. WDLK-862 断路器保护的主要原理及性能特点 (9)2.硬件结构及组屏设计说明 (18)3. 整定值及整定计算说明 (23)4.附图 (26)附图1-1 WDLK-862装置面板图 (26)附图1-2 WDLK-862装置背板端子图 (27)附图1-3a WDLK-862装置总原理图 (28)附图1-3b WDLK-862装置总原理图... (29)附图1-3c WDLK-862装置总原理图........................................30附图1-3d WDLK-862装置总原理图........................................31第二篇 WDLK-861 数字式断路器保护装置 (32)1. WDLK-861 断路器保护的主要原理及性能特点 (32)2.硬件结构及组屏设计说明 (39)3.整定值及整定计算说明 (44)4.附图 (46)附图2-1 WDLK-861装置面板图 (46)附图2-2 WDLK-861装置背板端子图 (47)附图2-3a WDLK-861装置总原理图 (48)附图2-3b WDLK-861装置总原理图 (49)附图2-3c WDLK-861装置总原理图 (50)附图2-3d WDLK-861装置总原理图 (51)第三篇 WDLK-863 数字式断路器保护装置 (52)1. WDLK-863 断路器保护的主要原理及性能特点 (52)2.硬件结构及组屏设计说明 (53)3.整定值及整定计算说明 (56)4.附图 (58)附图3-1 WDLK-863装置面板图 (58)附图3-2 WDLK-863装置背板端子图 (59)附图3-3a WDLK-863装置总原理图........................................60 附图3-3b WDLK-863装置总原理图 (61)第四篇 WDLK-864 数字式断路器保护装置 (62)1. WDLK-864 断路器保护的主要原理及性能特点 (62)2.硬件结构及组屏设计说明 (65)3.整定值及整定计算说明 (67)4.附图 (70)附图4-1 WDLK-864装置面板图 (70)附图4-2 WDLK-864装置背板端子图 (71)附图4-3a WDLK-864装置总原理图 (72)附图4-3b WDLK-864装置总原理图 (73)第五篇用户手册 (74)1.人机接口操作说明 (74)2. 投运说明及注意事项 (84)3. 保护报文输出说明 (85)4. 报告打印及说明 (90)5. 装置安装及调试 (92)6 .订货须知 (97)绪论1.引言WDLK-860系列产品是许继电气公司自主研制开发的数字式断路器保护装置,它包括WDLK-861、WDLK-862、WDLK-863、WDLK-864等型号,其中WDLK-861、WDLK-863、WDLK-864适用于各种电压等级的单断路器接线方式,WDLK-862适用于3/2接线、角形接线方式。



Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957Please be informed that the data shown in this PDF Document is generated from our Online Catalog. Please find the complete data in the user's documentation. Our General Terms of Use for Downloads are valid (/download)Pluggable industrial relay with power contacts, 2 PDT, test button, status LED, free-wheeling diode,mechanical switch position indicator, polarity A1+, A2-, input voltage 220 V DCThe figure shows version: REL-IR/LDP- 24DC/2X21Your advantagesWith detectable manual operationDC types with integrated freewheeling diode Integrated status LEDMechanical switch position indicatorKey Commercial DataTechnical dataDimensionsAmbient conditionsSingle relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957Technical dataCoil sideContact sideGeneralStandards and RegulationsEnvironmental Product ComplianceDrawings05/18/2020 Page 2 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957DiagramOperating voltage range05/18/2020 Page 3 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957DiagramAC interrupting rating05/18/2020 Page 4 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957DiagramDC interrupting rating05/18/2020 Page 5 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957DiagramElectrical service life05/18/2020 Page 6 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957DiagramService life reduction factorCircuit diagramShown without LED and damping diode.Contacts 21, 22, 24 are led onto relay base connections 41, 42, 44.05/18/2020 Page 7 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957ClassificationseCl@ssETIMUNSPSCApprovalsApprovalsApprovalsUL Listed / VDE Gutachten mit Fertigungsüberwachung / cUL Listed / EAC / EAC / cULus ListedEx ApprovalsApproval details05/18/2020 Page 8 / 1005/18/2020 Page 9 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957ApprovalsUL Listed/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 172140VDE Gutachten mit Fertigungsüberwachung /de/Institut/Online-Service/VDE-gepruefteProdukte/Seiten/Online-Suche.aspx40026798cUL Listed /cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm FILE E 172140EAC TR_TS_D_00573_cEACRU*C-DE.*08.B.00010cULus ListedAccessoriesAdditional productsRelay base - PR2-BSC2/4X21 - 2833563Relay base PR2-B, for industrial relay REL-IR with 2 or 4 PDT, 2/2-level version, screw connections, connection facility for input/interference suppression modules, for mounting on NS 35/7.5Relay base - PR2-BSC3/4X21 - 2833576Relay base PR2-B, for industrial relay REL-IR with 2 or 4 PDT, 1/3-level version, screw connections, connection facility for input/interference suppression modules, for mounting on NS 35/7.505/18/2020 Page 10 / 10Single relay - REL-IR/LDP-220DC/2X21 - 2834957AccessoriesRelay base - PR2-BSP3/4X21 - 2833589Relay base PR2-B, for industrial relay REL-IR with 2 or 4 PDT, 1/3-level version, spring-cage connections,connection facility for input/interference suppression modules, for mounting on NS 35/7.5Phoenix Contact 2020 © - all rights reserved 。



• PAR# 176 Aux2 Config to Fault Normal (0)
• PAR# 177 Enabled (1)
• PAR# 230 (Upper) XXXX XXXX 0000 0010
In Port 00 SMC-50
• PAR # 148 X000 0000 0001 0100
• PAR # 3 Input 2 (A2) Start 1
Drawn by: AUTO_GEN Date: 12/16/17 Sheet: 1 of 2 Ver: 00 Size: D
Wire Connector Torque
Line Terminal (Lb.In.)
Load Terminal (Lb.In.)

Klutch 011024V 无线半英寸扭力镀锡钳说明书

Klutch 011024V 无线半英寸扭力镀锡钳说明书

24V Cordless1/2in. Impact WrenchThank you very much for choosing a Klutch product!TMFor future reference,please complete the owner's record below:Model:_______________ Purchase Date:_______________Save the receipt,warranty and these instructions.It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This machine is designed for certain applications only.The distributor cannot be responsible for issues arising from We strongly recommend this machine is not and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed.If you have any questions relative to a particular application,DO NOT use the machine until you have contacted the distributor to determine if it can or should be performed onthe product.For technical questions please call1-800-222-5381.117.GUARD AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCK. Prevent body contact with groundedsurfaces: pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerator enclosures. When drillingor cutting into walls,floors, or wherever “live” electrical wires may be encoun-tered, try to ascertain whether there is a danger of shock. Even so, DO NOTTOUCH METAL PARTS OF THE TOOL.Hold the tool only by the plastichandle or the side grip to prevent electric shock if you hit a live wire.18.REPLACEMENT PARTS.When servicing, use only identical replacementparts.PRECAUTIONS FOR BATTERY AND CHARGERSPECIFICATIONSVoltage: 24VPower Pack Capacity: 1.3Ah (Ni-Cd)No Load Speed: 0 - 2300 RPMKit Includes: 24V Cordless Impact Wrench, 2 - 24V Battery Packs,1 Charger,11/16in. Socket,3/4in. Socket, 13/16in. Socket, 15/16in. Socket and Blow-Molded Case OPERATING PROCEDURESGETTING TO KNOW YOUR CORDLESS TOOL/CHARGER24V CORDLESS 1/2in.IMPACT WRENCH:1.1/2in. Square Socket Drive 2.Metal Gear Housing 3.Ventilation Slots 4.Forward / Reverse / Neutral Lock Switch 5.Variable Speed Trigger Switch 6.Padded Hand Grip 7.Battery Release Button 8.Battery PackGENERAL•This tool is intended for use with 1/2in. drive impact sockets for loosening ond tightening nuts and bolts. Its impacts help to turn stiff fasteners.•To prolong the life of the tool, do not use it continuously for more than 20 minutes at a time.•If the tool shows signs of diminishing power, stop and recharge the ing it to do heavy work when the battery is weak drains the battery very quickly and can damage the battery.•T o use the tool, first start the fastener on the thread by hand, being sure it is not cross-threaded. •Choose a 1/2in. drive socket of the correct size and mount it on the drive shaft. •Place the socket over the fastener.•Use the variable speed only for starting.•Allow the tool to come up to full speed.•When you hear the sound of the impacts, stop after three or four.The fas-tener is tight.VARIABLE SPEEDYou can vary the spindle rotation speed by modulating finger pressure on the trigger.235678ROTATION DIRECTIONYour tool is equipped with a 3-position Forward / Reverse / Neutral Lock Switch through the housing above the trigger. When knob is pushed toward the right, rotation is forward (clockwise). When pushed in from the right to the left side, rotation is reversed (counter-clockwise), and when in center position, it is locked in neutral and the trigger is blocked. Do not push the rotation direction knob until the drive stops turning.BATTERY PACK1. Battery must be charged before using tool for the first time. Batteries willreach full performance after about fi ve charge/discharge cycles.2.Always have 3-position Forward / Reverse / Neutral Lock Switch in the centerposition when removing or inserting battery to avoid unintentional starting.3. Remove the battery from the tool. Press the Battery Release Button andremove battery.4. Place battery on the charger.5.To charge, plug the charger’s AC input plug into a 110/120V household current.6.light comes on.7. IMPORTANT: Ensure that charging takes place in a safe, secure location awayfrom liquids.8. Normal charging time is approximately 1 hour.9.lock spring clicks.10.11.recharging before you use the tool.12.charge. They should then be replaced. Dispose of batteries at an appropriate waste trash receptacles.• Keep the tool clean using a soft damp (not wet) cloth. Do not use solventson the plastic parts.• Lubrication is not necessary. After long use, have an authorized servicecenter maintain and lubricate the tool.When charging more than one pack in succession, allow 15 minutes between charges.To insert the battery into the tool, simply slide the pack in until Battery Release ButtonThe battery discharges slowly over time, even when not used, and may requireAfter many charge/discharge cycles, your batteries will lose their ability to hold adisposal facility. They contain cadmium, so do not throw batteries away in common When battery is charging, red light is on. When battery is finished charging, a green。


Screw Terminals acc. IEC 60947-1 15…22 N·m
20000 Yes
Following EU Directive 2011/65/EU
Certificates and Declarations (Document Number)
Declaration of Conformity - CE Instructions and Manuals RoHS Information
1SCC303006M0205 1SCC303036D0202
Container Information
Package Level 1 Units Package Level 1 Width Package Level 1 Depth / Length Package Level 1 Height Package Level 1 Gross Weight Package Level 1 EAN
box 1 piece 215 mm 395 mm
215 mm 6.2 kg
Object Classification Code ETIM 5 ETIM 6 ETIM 7 WEEE Category
Q EC000216 - Switch disconnector EC000216 - Switch disconnector EC000216 - Switch disconnector 5. Small Equipment (No External Dimension More Than 50 cm)



Pringle switchesBolted contact switchesEaton‘s Pringle bolted contact switchesHistoryEaton’s Pringle T switches have helped pioneer the development of high-quality electrical products for commercial and industrial applications since 1891. Eaton’s Pringle bolted contact switch was the first in the industry and is a standard in high-current switching applications. They are custom-built, are used in many heavy-duty applications and are suitable for use in UL T 891 switchboards.T able of contentsBolted pressuretechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4CBC electricaltrip and QA manuallyoperated switches . . . . . . . . .5–8Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Switch variations . . . . . . . . . . .10Replacement partsand service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113EATON Bolted contact switchesBolted pressure technology1. Switch is shown in open position. Diagram shows: (a) Two parallel movable blades (b) Hinge and jaw bolts (c) Linkage (d) Handle (e) Stationary contacts (f) Contact block (g) Arc tips2. Switch blades (a) are closed over stationary contacts (e). Continued motion of operating handle (d) cranks hinge and jaw bolts (b) into clamping nuts (h) on opposite side, applying bolted pressure at both the hinge and jaw contacts.3. Shows clamp nut (h) with pressure adjustment4. Shows clamping mechanism detail1Why our bolted pressure contact switch works better• Conducts high current with greater efficiency than knife spring or butt contact devices• The bolted contact switch opens and closes easily• The operating mechanism closes the switch blades quickly and actuates a bolting mechanism that applies pressure to both the hinge and the jaw contacts, providing current-conducting efficiency equivalent to that of a bolted busbar•The entire switch bolting mechanism is non-magnetic to ensure that inductive heating can not occur in any of the switch components, which ensures long-term switch reliability 24EATON Bolted contact switches 3a a g f e eb c b d d e b b h h h 45CBC electrical trip and QA manually operated Bolted contact switches6 5. Open 3000 A CBC switch without extra accessories6. Closed 3000 A QA switch without extra accessories7. CBC bottom-fed switch8. QA top-fed switch, with blown fuse detector option on main panel9. Detail of arc chute and pole assembly (shown open)78Charge-before-close (CBC) electrical tripThe CBC switch features the Pringle bolted pressure principle and can be manually or electrically tripped . The switchfeatures a quick-acting stored energy mechanism . The springis compressed by the operating handle and released near the end of the stroke to provide quick, positive switching action independent of the speed with which the handle is operated . A stored energy latch mechanism and solenoid trip release provide simple and economical electrical opening .The CBC is operated by rotating the handle counterclockwise to charge . The switch can beclosed only after the opening spring has been charged . After closing, the switch can be tripped manually by a mechanical pushbutton or electrically by remotely sending a signal to the solenoid . During trip, there is no handle movement .Quick acting (QA) manually operated The QA switch features the Pringle bolted pressure principle with a quick-acting operating mechanism . The switch operation is achieved via manual operation . The spring is compressed by the operating handle and released near the end of the stroke to provide quick, positive switching action independent of the speed with which the handle is operated . The QA switch mechanism prevents teasingof the contacts .95EATON Bolted contact switchesFeatures and accessories• NEMA T standard terminal drilling• Provision for padlocking in OPEN position• Two-pole switches are same as three-pole, except right-hand pole is omitted• Can be supplied in NEMA 1 or 3R enclosures• Can be top or bottom feed Performance standards • 800 A to 4000 A switches (UL 977)Temperature All CBC and QA switches will carry 100% of rated current without exceeding 60 °C rise at terminals . The maximum allowed ambient, when operating at 100% rated load, is 40 ºC .No-load endurance • 800 A switches: 3500 no-load operations• 1200 A switches: 2500 no-load operations• 1600 A to 2500 A switches: 2000 no-load operations•3000 A and 4000 A switches: 1000 no-load operations Load make-and-break ability • 800 A to 4000 A switches: three load make operations at 1200% of rating • 800 A to 4000 A switches: three load break operations at 600% of rating Load make-and-break ability at 200% of rating • 800 A to 1200 A switches: 100 operations • 1600 A to 2400 A switches: 50 operations Ratings/withstand ability Pringle QA and CBC switches • Fusible and non-fusible switches are 100% load break and 100% load make rated • Switches are capable of breaking 12X and making 6X overload currents • Switches have a short-circuit rating of 200,000 rms symmetrical amperes at rated voltage when protected by Class L fuses 1. Detail of arc chute assembly2. Sample spring configuration3. T op view of the CBC shunt trip switch4. Spring detail for a CBC switch5. Pole assembly and pole yoke assembly Switch is in closed position2351The Class L fuses can clear faults in one-half cycle or less, and the clearing time does not change with age or load conditions . There is no calibration required—when a blown fuse is replaced with a new one, original circuit protection is restored .Trip solenoid (CBC only)Solenoid is capable of tripping at 55% of rated voltage .Spring mechanismThe unique spring design is created by a series of concave-convex washers . The paired-washer spring design provides a higher force/distance ratio, making it easier to operate the mechanism .Should any pair of washers become inoperable for any reason, the entire spring assembly will still be operable by means of the remaining pairs . This is unlike what would happen if a coil spring were to fracture or fatigue .6EATON Bolted contact switchesMinimum Cubicle Width Minimum Cubicle Width Minimum Cubicle Depth 800 A to 4000 A CBC-BA For 240 V solenoid, change catalog number from 120 to 240.BDimensions shown for reference only. Certified drawings sent on request.Minimum Cubicle Width Minimum Cubicle Width MinimumCubicle Depth 800 A to 4000 A CBCA For 240 V solenoid, change catalog number from 120 to 240.B Dimensions shown for reference only. Certified drawings sent on request.7EATON Bolted contact switches800 A to 4000 A QA-BMinimumCubicle WidthMinimumCubicle WidthMinimumCubicle Depth800 A to 4000 A QAMinimumCubicle WidthMinimumCubicle WidthMinimumCubicle DepthA Dimensions shown for reference only. Certified drawings sent on request.A Dimensions shown for reference only. Certified drawings sent on request.8EATON Bolted contact switchesAccessoriesBolted contact switches1. A switch can include the following accessories mounted on a pan assembly:(a) Capacitor (b) Ground fault relay (c) PF relay (d) Control power transfer2. Blown fuse detector light indicator relays feature (showing lights normally ON when the switch is ON or OFF)(e) Mounted to main pan assembly 3. CBC switch with phase failure relay and blown fuse detector lights4. Blown fuse detector (f) Blown fuse detector with lights option mounted to CBC switchCBC and QA switches come with various types of accessoriesAccessories available • Ground fault relay for use with CBC (no integral CT) A • Phase-failure relay and capacitor tripping A • Undervoltage relay and capacitor tripping A • Blown-fuse sensing with option for tripping A • Key interlocking • Auxiliary contacts • Indicator light schemes A CBC only.Phase failure relay features • Power ON indication• Phase reversal • Phase unbalanced protection (2% to 8% adjustable) with indication (LED)• Phase loss protection with indication (LED)• Undervoltage protection (80%) with indication (LED)• Overvoltage protection (115%) with indication (LED)• Adjustable trip time delay (instantaneous to 30 sec)• Adjustable reset time delay (1 sec to 5 min)• Automatic reset• Clear cover• Meets NEC T serviceentrance requirements • Maintains fault indication after loss of power Ground fault features•Integral test panel with“push to test” and “shunttrip bypass” pushbuttons forproper testing of device with the ability to trip or not tripthe protective device• Positive visual trip indicator• Adjustable time delay• Discrete current thresholdadjustment• Clear plastic cover• Electromechanical relayoutput positive ON and OFF• Meets NEC service entrance requirementsBlown fuse detection options• Blown fuse detector withthree normally ON indicatinglights (does NOT trip)• Blown fuse detector withthree normally OFF indicatinglights (does NOT trip)• Blown fuse detector withoutlights (trips switch)• Blown fuse detector withthree normally ON indicatinglights (trips switch)• Blown fuse detector withthree normally OFF indicating lights (trips switch)9EATON Bolted contact switches d c b a 2e 31f 4Switch variationsBolted contact switches1. FP—fault protector CBC with integrated zero-sequence sensor and ground fault protection .2. EO—electrically operated CBC 3000 A switch shown .3. PMS—mill switch Two-pole, 250 Vdc, wallmounted .123FP-CBC ground fault protector The fault protector combines the features of a CBC with integrated zero-sequence sensor and ground fault protection on the switch . Ratings • 480 V , UL • 600 V , CSA T • 800 A to 4000 A, 200 kAIC Features • Charge-before-close mechanism • Manual/electrical trip, quick-positive switching action • Integrated zero-sequence sensor and ground fault protection • Three-pole, four-wire • Can be supplied in NEMA 1 or 3R enclosures Accessories • Blown fuse detector •Phase failure relay with capacitor trip ote:N 5000 A and 6000 A ratings areavailable (no UL listing) .EO-CBC— electrically operated The EO-CBC combines the features of a CBC but includes an operator with a linear motor that electrically charges the stored-energy mechanism and closes the switch .Ratings • 480 V and 600 V • 800 A to 6000 A, 200 kAIC Features • Identical dimensions to CBC• Quick-positive switching action • Bottom feed configuration available • Three-pole, three-wire • Can be supplied in NEMA 1 or 3R enclosures • Separately mounted control box (supplied)otes:N All switches are rated 480 V; control circuit on all switches is 120 Vac .A control box sized approximately16 x 14 x 6 that is available for separate mounting includes a control power transformer .PMS— mill switch The PMS is an enclosed switch commonly used as a disconnect switch with a side-operatedmechanism . Applications includesteel mills, foundries, shipyards, heavy equipment warehouses and any other industrial plant requiring similar applications .Ratings • AC or DC applications • 800 A to 4000 A Features• Two- or three-pole• Fusible or non-fusible configurations • Four basic configurations are available to meet different application requirements:• Cable entry in the top and exit out of the bottom (TB)• Cable entry and exit in the top (TT)• Cable entry in the bottomand top exit (BT)• Bottom entry and exit ofcable (BB)• All terminals are drilled to NEMA standards:• Accepts four connectors per terminal for 800 A to 2000 A switches • Accepts six connectors per terminal for 2500 A to 4000 A switches (cable sizes #2 to 1000 kcmil)• Enclosures for PMS offer a variety of features; enclosures are NEMA 12 for wall or column mounting—indoors or outdoors Additional products using Pringle’s bolted pressure contact technology • Manual transfer switches: • Come in either vertical or horizontal configurations • Come in NEMA 1 or 3R enclosures • Live front switches:• Switch comes in one-, two-, three- or four-pole • Non-load break ratings; has non-spring slow make–slow break characteristics 10EATON Bolted contact switchesReplacement parts and service Bolted contact switches 4. Pringle switch detail— example shown is 3000 A (a) Deadfront (b) Pole yolk assembly (c) Pole assembly (6)(d) Arc chute assembly (6)5. CBC operating/deadfront mechanism (notice the use of two-spring mechanism)6. QA operating/deadfront mechanism Replacement parts and serviceReplacement partsT o ensure proper and efficient operation of your Pringle switch and minimize downtime caused by damaged parts, or to upgrade your existing switches, we offer the following parts for field or Pringle service technician installation:•Pole and pole yoke assembly • Arc chute assembly or arcing parts• Bolted pressure clamping mechanism• Coil/solenoid assembly• Complete operating mechanism (deadfront)• Complete pan assembly or individual accessory parts•Handles Servicing your Eaton Pringle switchPringle switches are often the main disconnect switch in a distribution system . Continuous operation and minimal downtime are therefore critical . Although these switches rarely fail, like any other mechanical device, regular maintenance is recommended . We have a dedicated team ready to assist you .56Contact information To place an order for Eaton’s Pringle bolted pressure contact switches and/or replace-ment parts, please call 1-800-356-1243. For service, please call 1-888-329-9272. Additional information is available at /pringle.11EATON Bolted contact switches d cbEaton is dedicated to ensuring that reliable, efficient and safe power is available when it’s needed most . With unparalleled knowledge of electrical power management across industries, experts at Eaton deliver customized, integrated solutions to solve our customers’ most critical challenges .Our focus is on delivering the right solution for the application . But, decision makers demand more than just innovative products . They turn to Eaton for an unwavering commitment to personal support that makes customer success a top priority . For more information, visit /electrical .Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Eaton .com© 2014 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No . BR00808001E / Z15441July 2014。

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许继电气股份有限公司WDLK-862BG微机断路器保护装置技术及使用说明书2011.12许继电气股份有限公司版权所有(Ver 1.00)本版本说明书适用于WDLK-862BG Ver1.00 版本及以上程序; 许继电气股份公司保留对本说明书进行修改的权利,当产品与说明书不符时,请以实际产品为准。

2011.12第一次印刷前 言1、800B应用说明WXX-800B系列是全面支持智能变电站的新一代保护装置。




2、产品系列特点2.1 逻辑开发可视化所有保护软件在统一软件平台上使用VLD可视化逻辑编程工具实现,保护源代码完全由软件机器人自动生成,正确率达到100%,杜绝了人为原因产生软件Bug。


2.2 事故分析透明化通过分层、模块化、元件化的设计,装置内部实现了元件级、模块级、总线级三级监视点,可以监视装置内部任一个点的数据,发生事故后通过透明化事故分析工具,可以对故障进行快速准确的定位。


图1 事故回放2.3 全生命周期的状态监测800B系列保护装置具有全面的软硬件自检及防护功能,在保护装置的运行中周期性进行CPU插件上各元器件的自检工作,实时监视电源插件的工作状态,及时将各种自检信息上送监控系统。

2.4 可靠的抗干扰措施限于目前电子式互感器的技术发展和应用水平,针对应用中多次出现的各种异常可导致保护误动的模拟量数据干扰,保护装置通过时域识别和频域分析相结合的方法能够有效的避免采集回路不正常工作产生的异常数据对保护的干扰。

2.5 人性化的人机界面XJ-G U I和现场调试向导的成功应用,降低了现场维护和运行人员的工作强度,使运行维护工作变得轻松。

借助XJ-G U I界面设计工具,实现操作界面的灵活定制及人性化设计;主接线图及丰富的实时数据的显示;类WIN D OWS菜单,通过菜单提示,可完成装置的全部操作。

图2 类WIN D OWS 菜单界面目录1、800B应用说明 (III)2、产品系列特点 (III)1 概述 (1)1.1 应用范围及保护配置 (1)1.2 产品特点 (1)2 技术指标 (2)2.1 基本电气参数 (2)2.2 主要技术指标 (3)2.3 环境条件 (6)2.4 通信接口 (6)3 保护原理介绍 (6)3.1 断路器失灵保护 (6)3.2 死区保护 (9)3.3 三相不一致保护 (9)3.4 充电过流保护 (10)3.5 综合重合闸 (11)3.6 保护的辅助功能 (13)3.7 GOOSE输入通道品质因素检查 (15)3.8 GOOSE检修功能 (15)3.9 SV检修功能 (15)3.10 遥测功能 (15)3.11 遥信功能 (16)3.12 遥控功能 (16)3.13 同期功能 (16)3.14 逻辑闭锁 (18)3.15 保护的逻辑框图 (20)4 装置硬件介绍 (24)4.1 装置整体结构 (24)4.2 结构与安装 (25)4.3 装置插件介绍 (26)5 装置网络信息配置 (30)6 定值清单及整定说明 (38)6.1 定值清单 (38)6.2 定值整定说明 (40)6.3 保护软压板 (42)6.4 出口软压板 (42)6.5 MU接收软压板 (43)6.6 测控软压板 (43)7 使用说明 (44)7.1 面板布置图 (44)7.2 调试接口和键盘说明 (45)7.3 命令菜单 (47)7.4 液晶显示说明 (47)7.5 装置操作说明 (49)8 保护调试大纲 (51)8.1 装置检查 (51)8.2 SV及GOOSE检查 (51)8.3 开出回路检查 (52)8.4 ICD文件导出及站控层通信测试 (53)8.5 整组试验 (58)8.6 动作及异常处理 (59)8.7 事故分析注意事项 (60)9 订货须知 (60)1概述1.1 应用范围及保护配置WDLK-862B断路器保护装置是适用于数字化变电站中220kV及以上电压等级的3/2接线及角形接线的断路器。

其中WDLK-862BG1/R1保护装置依据Q/GDW 441—2010标准、Q/GDW396-2009标准和Q/GDW161-2007标准,遵循功能配置、回路设计、端子排布置、接口标准、屏柜压板、保护定值(报告格式)的六部分统一原则。


WDLK-862BG系列保护具体配置如下:功能名称 WDLK-862BG1WDLK-862B/G2保护功能充电保护、三相不一致保护、失灵保护、重合闸√ √测控功能单功率点测量、遥控、遥信√1.2 产品特点基于高性能、高冗余的许继新一代硬件平台,可视化的逻辑开发工具实现保护透明化设计,装置内存的“日志系统”及“黑匣子”故障定位技术等是该保护装置的主要特点。

1.2.1 保护性能双重化的AD回路冗余设计,提高了装置的可靠性;配置失灵保护、死区保护、三相不一致保护、充电保护和综合重合闸。

1.2.2 软、硬件平台采用高性能、可信赖、功能强大的许继新一代硬件平台,16位高精度的AD,浮点运算32位DSP,充分考虑冗余及功能扩展,多DSP协同工作完成主后备保护功能;可视化的逻辑开发工具VLD,在VLD的开发环境下所有的保护逻辑都是由可视化的柔性继电器组成,实现微机保护的完全透明化设计;软件运行时内存内容“日志系统”及保护逻辑信息“黑匣子”记录实现异常情况的快速、准确定位;装置采用整体面板、标准6U机箱,插件后插拔,强弱电回路严格分开,大大提高装置的抗干扰能力;双重化的AD回路冗余设计,提高了装置的可靠性。


1.2.3 操作界面借助XJ-GUI界面设计工具,实现操作界面的灵活定制及人性化设计;主接线图及丰富的实时数据的显示;中文下拉式菜单,通过菜单提示,可完成装置的全部操作。

2技术指标2.1 基本电气参数2.1.1 额定交流数据输入方式:数字量(IEC60044-8(FT3)或61850-9-2 SV 传输规约)额定交流电压Un:V;额定交流电流In:5 A/1A;额定频率fn:50 Hz 。

2.1.2 额定直流数据220 V或110 V,允许变化范围:80%~115%。

2.1.3 打印机辅助交流电源220 V,0.7 A,50 Hz/60 Hz,允许变化范围:80%~115%。

2.1.4 功率消耗直流回路:保护装置不大于50 W(正常进行);2.2 主要技术指标2.2.1 启动元件电流变化量启动整定范围:0.05In~0.5In零序辅助启动整定范围: 0.05In~0.5In2.2.2 过流元件失灵保护整定范围:0.05In~20In, 整定值误差不超过±2.5%或±0.01In;充电保护整定范围:0.05In~20In, 整定值误差不超过±2.5%或±0.01In;2.2.3 低功率因数整定范围:45°~90°, 整定值误差不超过±3°;2.2.4 时间元件整定范围:0.01s~10s,整定值误差不超过±1%或±40ms;2.2.5 检同期角度整定范围:0°~90°,整定值误差不超过±3°;2.2.6 记录容量及定值区容量故障录波容量记录保护跳闸前4个周波、跳闸后46个周波所有电流电压波形,最多可记录30次故障录波。




2.2.7 对时方式IRIG-B码对时;GPS脉冲对时(分脉冲或秒脉冲);监控系统绝对时间的对时命令;2.2.8 绝缘性能绝缘电阻装置所有电路与外壳之间的绝缘电阻在标准试验条件下,不小于100 MΩ。

介质强度装置所有电路与外壳的介质强度能耐受交流50 Hz,电压2 kV(有效值),历时1 min试验,而无绝缘击穿或闪络现象。

2.2.9 冲击电压装置的导电部分对外露的非导电金属部分外壳之间,在规定的试验大气条件下,能耐受幅值为5 kV的标准雷电波短时冲击检验。

2.2.10 机械性能工作条件能承受国家或行业标准规定的严酷等级为Ⅰ级的振动和冲击响应检验。


2.2.11 抗电气干扰性能1)抗辐射电磁场骚扰能力:能承受GB/T 14598.9-2002第4章规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的辐射电磁场骚扰;2)抗快速瞬变干扰能力:能承受GB/T 14598.10-1996第4章规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级的快速瞬变干扰;3)抗衰减振荡波脉冲群干扰能力:能承受GB/T 14598.13-1998第3章和第4章规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的脉冲群干扰试验;4)抗静电放电干扰能力:能承受GB/T 14598.14-1998第4章规定的严酷等级为Ⅲ级的的静电放电干扰;5)电磁发射干扰能力: 按GB/T 14598.16-2002第4章规定的传导发射限值和4.2规定的辐射发射限值。

6)抗工频磁场干扰能力:能承受GB/T 17626.8-1998第5章规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级的工频磁场干扰。

7)抗脉冲磁场干扰能力:能承受GB/T 17626.9-1998第5章规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级的脉冲磁场干扰。

8)抗阻尼振荡磁场干扰能力: 按GB/T 17626.10-1998第5章规定的严酷等级为Ⅳ级的阻尼振荡磁场干扰。

9)抗浪涌骚扰能力:能承受IEC 60255-22-5:2002第4章规定的浪涌骚扰。

