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Chapter 1 Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets? 第一章:为什么要研究货币、银行与金融市场
1.aggregate income 总收入
2.aggregate output 总产出
3.aggregate price level 物价总水平
4.budget deficit 预算赤字
5.GDP 国内生产总值
6.unemployment rate 失业率
Chapter 2
An Overview of the Financial System
1.asset transformation 资产转化
2.adverse selection 逆向选择
3.asymmetric information 信息不对称
4.Eurobond 欧洲债券
5.financial panic 金融恐慌
6.foreign bonds 外国债券
7.liquid 流动性
8.economic of scale 规模经济
9.primary market 一级市场
10.s econdary market 二级市场
11.t ransaction costs 交易成本
Chapter 3 What Is Money?
modity money 商品货币
2.currency 通货
4. M2
5. Fiat money 不兑现货币
6. hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀
7. E-cash 电子现金
8. M 3
Chapter 4 Understanding Interest Rates
1.real interest rate 实际利率
2.coupon bond 息票债券
3.indexed bond 指数化债券
4.coupon rate 息票利率
5.current yield 当期收益率
6.yield on a discount basis 贴现基础上的收益率
7.present value现值
8.discount bond (zero-coupon bond)贴现发行债券(零息债券)
9.rate of capital gain资本利得率
10.yield to maturity 到期收益率
Chapter 5 the behavior of interest rates
1. opportunity cost 机会成本
2. demand curve 需求曲线
3. liquidity preference framework 流动性偏好理论
4. loanable funds 可贷资金
5. loanable funds framework 可贷资金理论
6. Fisher effects 费雪效应
Chapter 6 the Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates
1. inverted yield curve 翻转的收益率曲线
2. junk bonds 垃圾债券
3.liquidity premium theory 流动性溢价理论
4.preferred habitat theory 期限优先理论
5.risk premium 风险溢价
6.segmented markets theory 分割市场理论
7.yield curve 收益率曲线
8.terms structure of interest rates 利率期限结构
Chapter 7
The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the efficient Market Hypothesis
1. adaptive expectations 适应性预期
2. bubble 泡沫
3. efficient markets 有效市场
4. rational expectations 理性预期
5. residual claimant 剩余索取权
6. markets fundamentals 市场基本面
Chapter 8
An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure
1. agency theory 代理理论
2. pecking order hypothesis 啄食顺序假定
3. debt deflation 债务萎缩
4.free-rider problem 免费搭车问题
5. incentive-compatible 激励相容
6. net worth(equity capital) 净值(权益资本)
Chapter 9
Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions
1. compensating balance 补偿性余额
2. discount loans 贴现贷款
3. discount rates 贴现率
4. duration 久期
5. excess reserves 超额准备金
6. gap analysis 缺口分析
7. off-balance-sheet activities 表外业务
8. required reserved ratio 法定准备金率
9. ROA (return on assets)资产回报率
10. ROE (return on equity)股权回报率
11. secondary reserves 二级准备金
12. vault cash 库存现金
Chapter 10 Banking Industry: Structure and Competition 第10章银行业:结构和竞争
1. disintermediation 脱媒
2. dual banking system 双重银行体制
3. economies of scope 范围经济
4. financial derivatives 金融衍生工具
5. future 期货
6. hedge 对冲
7. securitization 证券化
Chapter 11
Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation 第11章银行监管的经济学分析
1.leverage ratio 杠杆比例
2.leverage ratio 杠杆比例
3.regulatory forbearance 监管宽容
4.Basel Accord 巴塞尔协议
Chapter 12Nonblank Finance
1.annuity 年金
2.closed-end fund 封闭式基金
3.fully funded 足额基金
4.hedge fund 对冲基金
5.open-end fund 开放式基金
6.load funds 付佣金基金
Chapter 13 Financial Derivatives
1.American option 美式期权
2.arbitrage 套利
3.call option 看涨期权
4.currency swap 货币互换
5.strike price or exercise price 执行价格
6.forward contract 远期合约
7.interest-rate swap 利率互换
8.long position 多头
9.option 期权
10.swap 互换
11.stock option 股票期权
Chapter 14
Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System 第14章中央银行的结构与联邦储备体系
1.instruments independence 工具独立性
2.political business cycle 政治经济周期
3.open market operations 公开市场操作
4.goal independence 目标独立性
Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money Supply Process 第15章多倍存款创造和货币供给过程
1.high-powered money 高能的货币
2.multiple deposit creation 多倍存款创造
3.required reserve ratio 法定存款准备金
4.reserves 准备金
Chapter 16
Determinants of the Money Supply
1.money multiplier 货币乘数
2.non-borrowed monetary base 非借入基础货币
Chapter 17 Tools of Monetary Policy
1.discount windows 贴现窗口
2.defensive open market operations 防御性公开市场操作
3.dynamic open market operations 能动性公开市场操作
4.federal funds rate 联邦基金利率
5.repurchase agreement 回购协议
Conduct of Monetary Policy: Goals and Targets
1.intermediate targets 中介指标
2.natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率
3.NAIRU(non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment ) 非加
4.operating target 操作指标
5.Phillips curve theory 菲利普斯曲线理论
6.real bills doctrine 真实票据原则
Chapter 19
The Foreign Exchange Market
1.appreciation 升值
2.effective exchange rate index 有效汇率指数
3.exchange rate overshooting 汇率超调
4.interest parity conditions 利息平价条件
w of one price 一价定律
6.monetary neutrality 货币中性
7.PPP (theory of purchasing power parity)购买力平价理论
The International Financial System
1.1. balance of payments 国际收支平衡表
2.Britton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系
3.current account 经常账户
4.capital account 资本账户
5.fixed exchange rate regime 固定汇率制度
6.IMF 国际货币基金组织
7.international reserves 国际储备
8.managed floating regime,dirty float 有管理的浮动制度或称肮
9.reserves currency 储备货币
10.special drawing rights SDR 特别提款权
11.sterilized foreign exchange intervention 冲销性外汇干预
Chapter 21
Monetary Policy Strategy: The International Experience
1.dollarization 美元化
2.nominal anchor 名义锚
3.Seigniorage 铸币税
4.time-consistency problem 时间非一致性问题
Chapter 22
The Demand for Money
1.real money balances 实际货币余额
2.liquidity preferences theory 流动性偏好理论
3.equation of exchange 交易方程式
4.quantity theory of money 货币数量论
5.velocity of money 货币流通速度
Chapter 23
The Keynesian Framework and the ISLM Model
1.animal spirits 浮躁情绪
2.autonomous consumer expenditure 自主性消费支出
3.expenditure multiplier 支出乘数
4.IS curve IS曲线
5.LM curve LM曲线
6.MPC margin propensity to consumer 边际消费倾向
Chapter 24
Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model
1.aggregate demand curve 总需求曲线
2.long-run monetary neutrality 长期货币中性
3.natural rate level of output 产出的自然率水平
pletely crowing out 完全挤出
Chapter 25
Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis
1.partial crowding out 部分挤出
2.modern quantify theory of money 现代货币数量论
3.self-correcting mechanism 自我纠错机制
4.supply shock 供给冲击
Chapter 26 Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence
1.reduced-form evidence 简化形式实证分析
2.structural model evidence 结构模型实证分析
3.transmission mechanisms of monetary policy 货币政策传导机制
4.credit view 信用途径观点
Chapter 27 Money and Inflation
1.accommodating policy 适应性政策
2.demand-pull inflation 需求拉动型通货膨胀
3.constant-money-growth-rate rule 单一货币增长率规则
4.Ricardo equivalence 李嘉图等价
5.cost-push inflation 成本推动型通货膨胀
6.monetizing the debt 债务货币化
Chapter 28 Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy 第28章理性预期:政策意义
1.policy ineffectiveness proposition 政策无效命题。
