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这个看完之后,还可以看peppa pig(粉红小猪妹),这个比Penelope(蓝色小考拉)稍微难点,正好接着。

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第13集是Penelope is polite。

在这一集里面,Penelope学了Good morning, good afternoon, sorry, thank you, good night这几个短语。

Penelope的妈妈和爸爸引导得很好哦,人家会说“Penelope, what do you say if...”这样的句型来提醒Penelope应该怎么表现自己很有礼貌,呵呵。


第一个场景:At school
旁白:Penelope had lotsof fun at school today. It's time to go home now. Oh, that's mymum. Mum.
Let's go home.
旁白:Is she going to leave just like that?Shouldn't you say anything to your teacher and your friends before you go home?
Penelope, what do you say?
Uh? Oh, I forgot. Bye~
旁白:That's right. You say goodbye when youleave.
Bye, see you tomorrow, Penelope.
旁白:You have to be polite, Penelope.
第二个场景: In the garden
Hey, wait.
Oh. Ah.
旁白:Oh, no! Penelope stepped on the kitten'stail.
Is she all right?
Uh? You are OK?
Penelope, when you are sorry,what do you say?
I say...
旁白:Do you know what to say?
I'm sorry.
It tickles.
旁白:That's right. You say I'm sorry when youdo something wrong.
第三个场景:Inthe living room
Penelope, it's Lily Rose on the phone.
Oh, I'll ask her to play withme.
Hello, Lily Rose.
Hi, Penelope.
No greeting?
Greeting? Ah, ah,oh, good evening.
Em? Good evening?
That’s for the evening.
Oops, I made a mistake. Goodafternoon.
Good afternoon, Penelope.
旁白:That's right. You should saygood afternoon.
第四个场景: Inthe bedroom I can't find it. Where is it?
Penelope, it's time to go tobed.
Mum, Dad, Max's missing. Max's missing.
Is he?
I can't sleep without Max.
We'll help you find him.
Dad, have you found him?
Not yet.
Em, now, let's see.
Here is your bunny.
Yes. Dad, you’ve found him.
And here you are. Now what doyou say to Dad for finding bunny for you? Uh, thank you.
You are welcome.
旁白:Yes, that's right. You shouldsay thank you.
第五个场景:Still in the bedroom
I've learnt lots of greetings today.
If I see kitten in the morning, I say good morning.
That's right.
If dad gives me the last piece of chocolate cake, I say thank you.
If I scare someone when I sneeze, I say I'm sorry.
And when you leave school, what do you say then?
I say goodbye.
Very good. You've learnt a lot today, haven’t you, Penelope? But what do yousay now?
Uh..Not thank you, not I'm sorry. Uh... Good night.
Good night.
旁白:Penelope learnt a lot ofgreetings today.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第14集是playing with colours。

这一集里,Penelope要学习颜色,看看老师是如何教他们颜色的:她站在中间,孩子们围成一圈,手拉手唱歌:Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour? What colour do you like to tell us please?孩子们唱完,老师会随机想出一个颜色,然后孩子们散开去寻找这个颜色的物体,呵呵。



旁白:Penelope and her friends are going to play with colours today. What is playing with colours?
Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?
What colour do you like, tell us please?
Yellow, where is it?
Let’s look around.
Do you think you can find something yellow?
This isn’t yellow.And this isn’t yellow either.
I found something. This is yellow. Yellow!
I found something too. Yellow!
Er, er, er, wow, ouch! Yellow, wait!
Oh, yellow. I found something.
旁白:I see. This is how they play with colours. So, everyone found something yellow. It looks fun.
Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?
What colour do you like, tell us please?
Blue! Blue!
Blue! I found blue!
En, blue, blue.…
Oh, blue, blue.…
Oh, yeah, blue!
This isn’t blue. This isn’t either.
Lily rose, there’s something blue. Look!
Wow! Yes, blue!
Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?
What colour do you like, tell us please?
Green! Green! Yeah!
I found something too.
Hey, wait, wait, wait…
Hey, wait!
But butterflies are not green. And dragonflies aren’t green either. En? Green!
Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?
What colour do you like, tell us please?
Red! En …Red! En …
This isn’t red. And this isn’t red either.
But this book is red.
Wow! You found something, daddy. I want to find something too. Oh, you will. It’s right here, somewhere.
Right here? But where could it be?
旁白:Can you find something red? I wonder where it is.
Look! Look at your face in the mirror.
Oh, yes. I forgot. Yes, I found it. My nose is red!
旁白:Did you find it too? Playing with colours was fun.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第15集是Penelope sings。

Penelope和爸爸妈妈一起散步,她想起了刚学的一首歌,非常自豪地唱给爸爸妈妈听,刚开了头hop and hop,然后就忘记了,呵呵。

她就想which animals hop?猜猜Penelope 想出的是什么?呵呵,竟然是大象~~~~然后她脑海中就出现大象hop, hop的样子,呵呵。





旁白:Penelope is going for a walk.
I learnt a song at school today.
How does it go?
旁白:She looks proud. Sing for Mum and Dad.
Hop and hop and...uh...hop and hop and...uh...which animal hops? Erm... elephants!
Hop and hop, a hopping elephant.
旁白:An elephant? Really? But can elephants hop? Aren't they too heavy? What do you think?
Hop and hop...oh, wait, that's not right.
Hoping? Uh... a rabbit!
Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.
Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.
Swim and swim, erm ...swim and swim, a swimming cat.
旁白:A cat? A poor little cat. But cats don’t like water. I wonder who swims. Swimming...fish!
Swim and swim, a swimming fish.
Fly and fly, a flying camel.
旁白:A flying camel? Really? But can camels fly? Mmm...What flies? Flying...Butterfly!
Fly and fly, a flying butterfly.
Wiggle, wiggle, a wiggling sheep.
旁白:The sheep? Really? But do sheep wiggle?
Ah...Mmm...Wiggle, wiggle, a wiggling snake.
Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.
Swim and swim, a swimming fish.
Fly and fly, a flying butterfly.
Wiggle, wiggle, a wiggling snake.
Haha…what a lovely singer you are!
Oh, my Penelope.
旁白:Hop hop swim swim fly fly and wiggle wiggle Now who runs? Do you know?
Come here!
Coming, Dad, Mum.
旁白:Yes, it's Penelope.
Hop and hop, a hopping rabbit.
Swim and swim, a swimming fish.
Fly and fly, a flying butterfly.
Wiggle, wiggle, a wiggling snake.
Run run run
She runs so fast.
Look at how Penelope runs.
Run run run
I run so fast.
Look at how I run so fast.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第16集是Penelope it's delicious。


Penelope喜欢吃cheese dish,但是不喜欢vegetable soup。

不过,Penelope一定要吃vegetable soup的,爸爸妈妈吃完后,就离开餐桌去准备Penelope喜欢吃的dessert了。

独自在餐桌旁的Penelope 想尽办法不吃vegetable soup,甚至还想给小猫咪吃,爸爸妈妈及时站出来,非常慈爱地敦促Penelope喝汤,而且对她给小猫喝汤的计划没成功表示抱歉I'm sorry your plan didn't work out。


旁白:What is Penelope doing?
Oops. Which one should I try? Maybe this chocolate, or I'll have this sweet. 旁白:Well, aren't you going to have dinner soon, Penelope? Are you allowed to eat sweets before dinner? What do you think?
Penelope, dinner is ready.
But dad, I'm going to have a sweet now.
If you eat that sweet now, you won’t be able to eat your dinner.
旁白:That's right. If you eat sweets before dinner, you'll be too full to enjoy your meal.
Now, come sit at the table.
Oh, well.
Bon appetite!
Let's eat.
旁白:What are they having dinner for today?
This is nice.
You love cheese quiche, don't you, Penelope?
Yes, I love cheese quiche. But this soup...
But you haven’t even tried the soup yet?
旁白:Penelope doesn't seem to like the soup. Is there anything you don't like eating?
Ah, I'm full.
I hope you'll not too full for dessert.
Dessert? What are we having, Mum?
I made yummy custard.
Wow, custard, custard. I love custard.
Don’t get so excited, you’ll fall off the chair.
I love, love custard.
You can have custard when you finish the soup.
Oh, no.
旁白:Oh, dear, there’s still a lot left.
But I can’t eat it, I'm full. But if I don't eat it, I can't have any custard. Uh, yes, heehee, what if I swop my bowl with Dad's. Maybe he won't notice. Or maybe…what if I give the soup to the hungry cat, then I can eat the pudding.
That's a great idea.
Come here. Come on.
What's the matter, erm?
You see, I’ve had a great idea.
A great idea?
What is it?
La la la ....
Why don't you tell us?
It's a secret.
旁白:What a cheeky girl she is! You should have the soup your mother made for you, Penelope.
Come on, Penelope.
Here, I'll help you.
Ok. You're very lucky, kitty. She only has to eat what she likes.
旁白:Well, I'm sorry your plan didn't work out, but don't be disappointed. Your dessert is waiting for you, as soon as you finish your meal, Penelope.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第17集是Penelope tidies her room。



妈妈走进了,Penelope想和妈妈一起玩ring的游戏,妈妈说Penelope,why don't you tidy your room first, and then we play with the loops?在Penelope说房子没那么乱之后,妈妈说I'm going to tidy the living room, why don't you tidy your room as well Penelope?,呵呵。

妈妈都以身作则了,Penelope也就开始tidy up 了。

不过,孩子毕竟是孩子,在tidy up的过程中,Penelope开起来小差。




妈走进来了,问Penelope“What are you doing?”咱们的Penelope习惯说I've had a great idea. 当妈妈问是什么idea的时候,Penelope说It's a secret(Penelope的鬼点子真不少,每次,爸爸妈妈都在Penelope实施鬼点子的时候出现,当Penelope说是secret的时候,他们也不




Oh, max! Here we go! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Elephant and giraffe! Watch out! Beep! Beep!
旁白:What a mess! Is your room like this too?
I wonder what I should play with next.
Oh, dear! Look at this mess.
Mum, Mum, let’s play with the rings.
Penelope, why don’t you tidy your room first? And then we’ll play with those. Tidy up? It’s not that messy!
Well, I am going to go and clean and tidy the living room. Why don’t you tidy your room as well, Penelope?
Tidy up, tidy up, tidy up.
旁白:Now she’s carrying books. Do you know where to put the books? That’s right. You put the books on the bookshelf.
Oh, no! oh, I found this sketch book. I am going to finish this cat. Kitty, kitty, pretty kitty…. Finished! Next, I am going to add a butterfly. Penelope, have you tidied your room yet?
Oh, I forgot I was tidying my room.
旁白:You forgot, Penelope?
Tidy up, tidy up.
The sketch book and the crayons go here. Oh, no. I don’t like tidying up.
I’ve got an idea.
旁白:Oh, I wonder what Penelope’s idea is!
I can hide all the toys under the blanket. Then tidying would be easy. It’s
a great idea. I will do it.
Penelope, what are you doing?
I’ve had a great idea.
Oh, what is it?
Tell us Penelope.
It’s a secret.
旁白:What are you up to Penelope? Oh, It’s nice and clean. Thanks to mum and dad. Next time you will do it all by yourself, won’t you Penelope?
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第19集是Hide and Seek。

这一集里,Penelope和朋友们玩Hide and Seek的游戏,就是我们躲猫猫的游戏。


这一集,我们可以和Penelope一起学学如何用英语表达Hide and Seek这个游戏,比如:用Rock-paper-scissors(石头、剪刀、布)来决定谁当那个找人的人,他们会说you're it。

这是Penelope当,所以她说Ok, I'm it.
在找人的时候,Penelope会重复说where's...?这个句型,旁白也会重复Anybody's here?


旁白:It's a beautiful day. Penelope and her friends are having fun at the farm. Lily Rose, Cesarine, Aladin, and Stromboli are all here.
Let's play hide and seek.
Rock! Paper! Scissors! Rock! Paper! Scissors!
So you are it.
Your are it.
Ok, I’m it. I will find you all.
Ok! Hurry up! Let' hide!
旁白:So, do you think Penelope can find everyone?
Where did they go?
旁白:Where is everyone hiding? Do you know?
Erm...Where are they?
Hee, hee.......
Erm...Anybody there? Let's see...I can't see anyone. Oh! I forgot Max! Ah! I found Stromboli!
Is anyone here?
Shh.......go away!
旁白:Do you know whose tail that is?
Err.....Who's that? Oh.....I found Aladin!
旁白:Do you think anyone's hiding here? Have a look.
Oh! I found Lily Rose!
旁白:Only one more to find now. Who’s still hiding?
I can't see anyone here.
I found Cesarine!
You found me. Oh, no! Look, the pigs!
旁白:Oh-oh, now what's Penelope done!
Stop! Wait! Come back!
My godness! There you are.
Oh, I’m glad.
Where is Glossy?
Is she hiding now?
Let's go find her!
Stop! Wait! Wait! Stop! Ouch! Wait! I got you!
Oh, I think I hear Penelope.
Really? Where is she?
Yeah, where is she?
Oh. We found Penelope!
旁白:Penelope and her friends have fun playing hide and seek!
20. Grandpa’s birthday
旁白:Mum looks like she is in a good mood.
Mum? I am hungry.
Just a second, Penolope. I am preparing for a party.
It’s grandpa’s birthday today.
Grandpa’s birthday?
Look, Penelope. This is the present for grandpa.
Present? What’s inside?
You have to wait until grandpa comes?
I see. I've got a great idea.
What is it?
I won’t tell you.
旁白:What is her great idea? Can you guess?
I am going to give grandpa a present too. I will give him my sweets. I hope he'll like them.
Ahh? It’s empty. Oh, I ate them yesterday.
旁白:You are careless, Penelope.
Erm, that’s right! Grandpa loves hats. Erm, maybe this is too small. How about mine? I’ll have to wrap it.
旁白:Oh, no. The woolly hat is being unravelled.
Oh, what happened?
旁白:That’s not good to give to grandpa.
What can I give him? Oh, I can draw a picture of grandpa. That’s great! He will love it.
Grandpa has a kind of round face. Round, round, nice face. His isn’t pointy. Ahh? Do they look like this? His nose is also round-shaped? Oh, so cute! Next his eyes. Smiling, smiling away. Finished!
Hello, Penelope!
Oh, grandpa! Grandpa!
Have you been a good girl?
So let’s all celebrate grandpa’s birthday together.
Oh, yes.
Happy birthday grandpa!
Oh, thank you! What is it?
Nice pullover.
I have a present too. This is for you.
A present from you?
Yes! Happy birthday grandpa!
Thank you! Wow, what a lovely picture!
Did I draw it well?
Yes, very well done. It looks exactly like you. It’s very cute. 旁白:Oh, is it supposed to be her?
I will put this in my room. Then I can see you everyday.
It tickles.
旁白:Grandpa is very happy. Penelope is also very happy. Cheers to grandpa.
旁白:Birthday parties are fun. Aren’t they Penelope?
21. Penelope makes biscuits
旁白:Eggs, butter, flour, sugar. Lily Rose and Cesarine are in Penelope's house. What are they doing?
Let's make some biscuits.
旁白:So they're going to make some biscuits. What do you do first? Do you know?
旁白:What do you do with the egg? Yes, you crack it.
Nice looking egg.
Oh, wow!
旁白:It looks like a sun.
After the egg…
旁白:What's next?
旁白:Yes. Cream the butter well, then you add the sugar. Right. Now you add the flour. Slowly! Carefully! Oh, no! You did it again, Penelope! Phew!
You're white.
What do we do next?
We mix it again!
OK, let me do it this time.
旁白:More, more, you need to mix the butter well.
It tastes like a biscuit.
旁白:And next?
Make it flat. Make it flat. Make it flat. This is fun.
旁白:Don't overdo it! Now it's time to cut the biscuits out.
Quack, quack. It's a duck.
Twinkle, twinkle, a star.
A, B, P.
旁白:Oh, it's a “P”! “P” for Penelope. Wow, they've made lots of them. Wow, how long will it take?
Well, I think they’ll be ready by the time we finish cleanning up.
旁白:After making biscuits, you have to clean up the kitchen. That way, the biscuits taste better. Mmm, she can smell the biscuits already. They smell good!
They will be ready soon.
Soon! Soon! Soon!
旁白:Be careful, Penelope!
Are they ready?
Yes.They look just right.
Wow! Wow!
Quack, quack. Yum. It's deilicious.
Yes. They're so good.
Twinkle, twinkle.
Twinkle, twinkle. They are yummy.
旁白:They did a good job. You had fun, Penelope!
22. Milo and Madeline
Someone's at the door.
Yes. Just a moment please.
旁白:Goodness me! They look exactly the same.
Milo and Madeline!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hello, Penelope!
旁白:It is Penelope's auntie Marin Christine and her twin cousins Milo and Madeline.
It’s nice to see you both.
Erm..Which one is Milo and which one is Madeline?
Yeah! Let's play. Let's play.
Erm..OK. Let's play hide and seek.
Yeah! Let's play hide and seek.
Where are they?
旁白:They're playing hide and seek. Penelope is trying to find Milo and Madeline.
Ah, got you, Milo.
No, I'm not Milo, I'm Madeline.
I'm Milo.
Oh. I made a mistake.
旁白:They're drawing pictures now.
I'v got some biscuits for you. Wash your hands first all right?
旁白:Can you see what Milo and Madeline are drawing?
That's funny. It's Milo's face.
No, this is Madeline.
This is Milo.
旁白:Even their pictures look the same.
This is just like Madeline.
This is just like Milo.
Wait, biscuits. Biscuits. Very good. Very good!
I'll have some too.
旁白:Oh-oh, wasn't she supposed to do something before eating the biscuits? Do you remember what it was?
They are very good.
Oh, I forgot to wash my hands.
旁白:You mustn't forget, Penelope. Now they're playing with wooden blocks. This is very tall. Very tall. Let's make it taller.
Wow! Make it taller.
There! Wow!
旁白:Oops! That was unlucky.
Don't cry, please don't cry. Look! Oh!
旁白:What are they drawing this time? Can you guess? Oh, who could it be? Done! Look! It's you! Funny.
旁白:They had lots of fun, but it's time to go home now.
I don't want to go home. I want to go on playing with Penelope.
You’ll see her again.
OK. Bye, Penelope.
See you.
See you.
旁白:It looks as if Penelope has a twin brother. Penelope had a lot of fun playing with the twins today.
23. Penelope takes a nap
OK, everyone, time for a little nap.
This is comfy.
旁白:They all seem to be looking forward to the nap. How about you? Do you like taking a nap? Oh, Penelope can't get to sleep.
Hey, I can't sleep.
Count sheep and you’ll go to sleep, my mum told me that.
Count sheep?
Good night.
Count sheep...
旁白:Does it work? Have you ever tried it?
One, two, three, four, five...erm...what's after five? After five...
I can't remember.
旁白:Do you know what comes after five? Yes, it's six.
Hey, I counted sheep, but I can't sleep.
How about ducks?
One, two, three, four, five...
旁白:What comes after five?
旁白:Yes, it's six.
Erm...after six. Eight. No, not eight.
Erm...let me think.
I can't remember.
旁白:Next comes seven.
Hey, hey, sheep and ducks don’t work for me.
Then count rabbits.
Rabbits and pigs.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
旁白:Wow, Penelop counted up to seven!
Eight. What's after eight?
Erm...Oh!It tickles.
Nine and ten.
旁白:She can count to ten.
Oh, wow! Wow! Wow!
旁白:It's time to wake up now. It looks like everyone slept well. Penelope?
旁白:Penelope is still dreaming. I wonder what she is dreaming about.
第24 集 School Carnival
旁白:Well, what is Penelope doing? That's a tambourine. Penelope is playing the tambourine. What instrument is Lily Rose playing?
She is playing the drum.
旁白:Yes, that's a drum. Lily Rose is playing the drum. What about Stromboli? Oh, that's a trumpet.
旁白:Yes, he's playing the trumpet. Cesarine is playing the clarinet. She plays very well.
Aladin is playing the cymbals. Oh, my! Everyone is together. That was fun. Our School Carnival is tomorrow. Let's work hard and practise.
Yeah! Carnival!
旁白:Does anyone know what the Carnival is? It's a lot of fun.
OK! Let's practise one by one.
OK! One more time.
Let's all do it together this time, OK?One two three, go!
Are you practising for the carnival?
You're good!
Mummy, what are you doing?
I'm making a feather dress for you. You're going to wear this tomorrow at the Carnival.
Wow, I see. Wow, I feel like I'm a bird.
Oh, my Penelope.
Daddy, Daddy, I'm so excited. I can't wait for tomorrow.
旁白:I wonder what the feather dress will look like.
Red, blue, green, yellow, lots of them.
旁白:It's so pretty, Penelope.
The gown has lots of feathers. Max's also wearing a feather hairdress.
It's so hard to put the thing on.
Thank you.
Be careful!
旁白:Everyone is wearing such nice outfits.
Very nice! You look like a King.
I'm the King of the frogs.
I want to be a witch.
I want to be a fairy.
I'm a clown.
Then, I'm a beautiful bird princess.
OK, everybody, let's start the parade.
旁白:It looks like Penelope's having a wonderful time at the carnival.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第25集是Christmas present。

Christmas来了,Penelope和朋友们在准备圣诞树,他们在往圣诞树上挂装饰品,看看他们每个人每挂一个挂件,都会说出这个挂件的英文名字:a star, ribbons, a car, a sock, a Santa Clause。


晚上,Penelope在临睡前问妈妈“Do you think Santa will come to our house even without a chimny?”在西方,据说圣诞老人在圣诞夜会沿着烟囱爬到每个家庭,给孩子们送礼物,因此,Penelope这么问妈妈。

妈妈肯定回到“Yes, he will.”

等妈妈关灯走后,她爬起来等Santa Clause过来送礼物,外面雪花飘,Penelope突然想起Santa Clause会不会cold and hungry,于是,咱们充满爱心的Penelope去拿出自己的糖,外加一副她画的Santa Clause画像,算做给圣诞老人的礼物。




桌上她给圣诞老人的礼物“The sweets and picture have gone。



A star!
A car!
A sock!
旁白:And next?
A Santa Clause!
旁白:Wow! What a pretty Christmas tree that is!
Do you think Santa will come to my house?
I’m sure he will.
Mum, do you think Santa will come to our house even without chimney? Yes, he will.
Of course! Hehe! Good night, Penelope.
旁白:Well, well, what’s Penelope going to do now?
I’ll wait for Santa. Now, Santa will know I’m here. I’m sure he won’t miss us. Oh, wow! It’s snowing. Oops! I must be quiet.
Maybe Santa is cold and hungry. Oh, the strawberry sweet and the chocolate sweet, which one will he like best?
旁白:Which one would you give Santa?
The strawberry one tastes good. Mmm…yes. The chocolate one tastes good too. This one! The colour is the same as Santa’s nose. I’
m sure he will love it.
Oh, I’ll give him this one too. He’ll be very happy. Santa will like this. Is Santa here yet?
旁白:It looks like Penelope is getting sleepy.
Mmm? Santa? Oh, maybe I’ll surprise him when he comes in. I’m going to jump out and surprise him. Then I’ll say, “Merry
Christmas, Santa! Merry Christmas, Santa!”
Ahh? Is it morning? Oh, wow! Presents. The sweets and picture have gone. Wow! I’ve got gloves and a scarf. Mum and Dad, Santa
Merry Christmas!
旁白:Penelope looks warm and cozy in her new scarf and gloves. Merry Christmas!
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第26集是School Trip。

今天Penelope和同学们有个School Trip,看把Penelope乐的——把所需带的东西一一检查一遍并放到自己的小包里——孩子的事情孩子自己做哦,他们会很高兴自己来为自己做准备的,咱做父母的不用为孩子包办哦。

School trip是在一个lake旁边的公园里,呵呵。







Biscuits, chocolates and apple juice.
旁白:Penelope is very excited.
OK, I’m ready for the school trip. Mum, is my lunch ready yet, mum? Yes, here you are, Penelope.
Sandwiches, I love sandwiches.
There! How’s that?
Wow, I am ready, I am ready. Oh, I forgot Max.
Penelope, are you ready?
Oh, that’s Lily Rose. Yes, I’m coming.
旁白:Oh, what did you just pick up?
Oh, Penelope! Wait, Penelope!
Yes, mum.
You’ve taken the rubbish. Your bag is here.
Oh, I took the wrong one.
旁白:What are you doing Penelope? Everyone is ready to go.
We’re going on a trip to the forest.
Yes. What are we going to play there?
I want to play catch.
Let’s play hide and seek, too.
I want to eat my lunch.
旁白:Oh, they've arrived at a beautiful place.
Look at the lake. Look at the flowers.
Stromboli, wait.
Wow, that looks fun.
OK, kids, go and play.
Wow, I can push you.
Thanks, Lily Rose.
I’ll try the swing next.
I like the swing.
I’m first.
Penelope, there are still two more.
旁白:Be careful, Penelope.
Lunch time!
Lunch, lunch!
旁白:Penelope can run really fast.
Mum made the sandwich.
旁白:Mmm, it looks good.
Let’s have some dessert after lunch. Here you are. Chocolate?
Here, Cesarine.
Thank you.
I’ve got sweets.
They look good.
Mmm, it’s yummy.
Yes, it’s yummy.
旁白:Mmm, it all looks delicious.
Let’s play catch over there, shall we?
Yes. Let’s play catch.
How about clearing up first, Penelope?
Ahh? Oh, oops!
旁白:That’s right, Penelope.
Wait, wait, Penelope.
I got you. Now you're it.
OK, I’ll get you all.
Penelope, I'm here.
Hello, mum
Hello, Penelope.
This is for you.
Oh, how pretty! Thank you very much.
Mum, it was fun today. We really had a lovely time. 旁白:Yes, let’s do it again soon, Penelope.
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第27集是Merry Christmas, Penelope。


这次,Penelope的爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨表妹们要来Penelope家,因此,在这个下着雪的white christmas里,Penelope家里有一个christmas party。

在国外,party很常见的,生日有birthday party,圣诞节也可以有christmas party,其他想要庆祝的日子都可以来个party,呵呵。

于是,Penelope就帮着爸爸妈妈一起装饰房子,装点圣诞树——这次圣诞树上的装饰品都是两个两个的,为什么呢?因为双胞胎Milo and Madeline要来,呵呵。

还记得第23集吗?Milo and Madeline来Penelope家玩,三个人玩得可开心了,呵呵。



让孩子参与到生活中去,在Penelope这一系列动画中经常又体现,其实,在peppa pig(粉红小猪妹)和其他英语动画片中也经常体现。

旁白:It’s Christmas Day today. Can you see outside?
Oh, it’s snowing.
Mum, Daddy, it's snowing.
Good morning, Penelope.
Good morning
Good morning,
It’s snowing, it's snowing.
How nice to have a white Christmas!
We are having a Christmas party this evening, Penelope.
A Christmas party?
We’ll have a Chirstmas cake and ...
And we’ll all get presents.
We’ll have lots of guests.
Lots of guests?
Come here!
Look, grandpa, grandma.
Auntie Marin Christine, uncle Nikolas.
Merlin and the twins—Milo and Madeline.
Yes, the twins are coming too.
Wow, everyone’s coming. We are having a Christmas Party.。
