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资源开发与市场 Resource Development & Market 2019 35(8)
doi: 10.3969/j.issn. 1005 - 8141.2019.08.015
气候变化的主要“受害者”⑵。近年来,游客对气 候变化的感知在学术界被广泛关注⑶。Dubois等 认为,游客对天气和气候的感知影响到他们的满 意度⑷。一些研究在对西班牙、芬兰的多个或单 个旅游区进行实地调查的基础上,运用数理统计 类方法得出游客对气候变化持有负面评价"⑹。 在依赖自然资源的滑雪胜地类旅游目的地 ,游客 更易感知到气候变化的危机,且这种危机意识随 着时间演变会越来越强烈切。相对于红海地区运 营商对气候变化的中等感知水平,游客则具有明 显的危机意识,两者之间存在着“感知差距”⑻。 少数研究在实地调查的基础上运用SEM模型发
关键词:气候;游客情感;人工神经网络;干旱区 中图分类号:0 - 05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005 - 8141(2019)08- 1093 -07
Sentiment Analysis of Tourists' Climate Perception for Arid Scenic Areas ------ Case of 5A Attractions ZHANG Feng,TAO Yu - guo
(College of History and Culture and Tourism,Jiangsu Normal University,Xuzhou 221116,China) Abstract: Analysis of tourists' perception of climate change was important for the sustainable development of tourism destinations. Obtaining more than 500000 words of comments published by Sina Weibo about the climatic conditions of 5A - level scenic spots in the arid area from January 2011 to June 2018, this paper explored the spatial and temporal differentiation characteristics of tourists7 climate emotions w让h the help of sentiment analysis based on artificial neural network, and analyzed the influencing factors of low emotional value using grounded theory.The results showed that:①The overall climate emotional value was 0.757, which was a good grade. ©From the perspective of time evolution, the climate emotional value showed a downward trend, with a range of 2.46 % in 7 years, but the number of scenic spots with rising emotional value was die same as the number of scenic spots that were falling.©From the spatial perspective,the low emotional value area was located in the center of the arid area, and the high value area was distributed in the east and west sides.④ The influencing factors was constituted by six dimensions, which were poor climate, physical and mental health, damage to scenic spots, restricted travel, blocked traffic, and expected differences. Key words: climate; tourist emotions; artificial neural network; arid area
摘要:分析游客对气候变化的感知对旅游目的地可持续发展具有重要意义。通过获取2011年1月至2018年6月游 客在新浪微博发布的有关干旱区5A级景点气候条件的50万余字评价文本,借助基于人工神经网络的情感分析法与扎 根理论探讨了游客对气候情感的时空分异特征,并着重分析了低情感值的影响因素。结果发现:①气候情感整体值为 0.757,为“好”级;②从时间演变上看,情感值呈下降趋势,7年间的降幅为2.46%,但情感值上升的景区数量与下降的景 区数量基本持平;③从空间上看,低值区位于干旱区中心,高值区分布在东西两侧;④气候不佳、身心健康、景区受损、游 览限制、交通受阻、期望差异6个维度构成了低情感值的影响因素。
1引言 当前,气候变暖加剧成为全人类共同面对的
收稿日期:2019 - 03- 15;修订日期:2019 - 07- 13 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目"区域旅游业碳排放的测 度、影响因素与碳减排效应研究——以江苏省为例"(编号: 41571131);江苏省社会科学基金项目“江苏旅游业碳排放测度及 其因素分解”(编号:I5GLB015);江苏师范大学研究生创新项目 "基于UGC大数据的游客雾霾风险感知及情感特征研究”(编号: 2018YXJ210)。 第一作者简介:张峰(1995 -),男,江苏省徐州人,硕士研究 生,研究方向为旅游与气候变化。 通讯作者简介:陶玉国(1976-),男,湖南省耒阳人,博士,副 教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为旅游与气候变化、旅游与大数据。