





Do you think alcohol is a drug?What is alcoholism?Do you know of any alcoholics?How do you stop being an alcoholic?Do you know how much alcohol is in beer?Do you know how much alcohol is in whiskey?What are some of the characteristics of drunk people?Is alcohol addictive? What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?Should marijuana be illegal?Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal? Support your opinion with facts.Why do you think marijuana is illegal?Is marijuana grown in your country?What are some ways drug users use marijuana?Do you think tobacco companies would like to sell marijuana?Why do you think that tobacco is a legal drug?Are any of your friends addicted to tobacco?What are the different ways to use tobacco?Do you know anyone who smokes a pipe?What is the difference between pipe tobacco and cigarette tobacco?What do you think about chewing tobacco?Is there any difference between "soft" drugs such as marijuana and "hard" drugs like crack, heroin, cocaine etc?Is ecstasy a soft or a hard drug?Should there be punishments for dealing drugs?Should there be punishments for using drugs?Should drug dealers get the death penalty?If heroin were legal, would there be less crime? For example, burglary and robbery.Are some people more easily addicted to drugs than others?Do some people have addictive personalities?If you are addicted to drugs, what should you do?What else can people become addicted to?Why are some drugs more addicting than others?Why do some people get addicted when others do not?What happens in the brain of a person that causes addiction?Do you know how much illegal drugs cost?Do you think it is easy to buy illegal drugs where you live?Which is worse, a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?Should pregnant women be arrested for child abuse if they use drugs when they are pregnant which may affect the baby? Should women be prevented legally from drinking any alcohol or smoking when pregnant?Do you think it is a good idea to have safe, legal injecting rooms for intravenous drug users, where they can use clean equipment and sterile water?Cancer patients find that marijuana stops their pain. Should it be legal for them?Do you think experimenting with alcohol and cigarettes leads to experimenting with harder drugs?Do you think ecstasy is dangerous?At what age should it be legal to drink and smoke?Do we use too many prescription drugs?What are natural remedies?Are natural remedies like homeopathy and herbal medicine drugs too?Do we give too many prescribed drugs to children?Why is the cost of prescription drugs so high?Have you ever used a prescription drug without a prescription?What do you think society ought to do about people who spend most of their time and money getting high on illegal drugs? Why?Should employers be allowed to "drug test" their employees?Why do you think people start using drugs?What should happen to babies who are born addicted to drugs?What would you do if someone in your family were addicted to drugs?What do you know about drugs?What are some dangerous drugs?What drugs do you think are useful?What drugs are addicting?Do you think that marijuana should be legal for medical uses with a prescription from a doctor? What does crack cocaine do to your body?What does it do to your mind?What will happen if you keep on using?How do you stop yourself from using it? / How does an addict quit using it?What kind of drugs are the most popular in your country?What kind of "legal" drugs are the most popular?Are we as a society addicted to legal drugs?In your culture, what are some home remedies for:stomachaches。

药品统计 英语

药品统计 英语

药品统计英语以下是为您提供的 20 个关于“写药品统计”的英语相关内容:**一、单词**1. "Drug" :药品;毒品- 英语释义:A substance used in medicine or sometimes illegally for its effects on the mind or body.- 用法:"This new drug has shown promising results in clinical trials."(这种新药在临床试验中显示出了有希望的结果。

)2. "Statistics" :统计;统计学;统计资料- 英语释义:The collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.- 用法:"The statistics on crime rates are quite alarming."(犯罪率的统计数据相当惊人。

)3. "Compile" :编写;编纂;编译- 英语释义:To collect and put together (information, documents, etc.) in an organized way.- 用法:"The researcher compiled a detailed report on the study."(研究人员编写了一份关于该研究的详细报告。

)4. "Record" :记录;记载;录制- 英语释义:To write down or store information so that it can be looked at or used in the future.- 用法:"Please record your observations carefully."(请仔细记录您的观察结果。

新概念英语3 lesson23 One man's meat is another man's poison

新概念英语3  lesson23 One man's meat is another man's poison

• If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus a great delicacy.
• 1 consider sth宾语+ (to be) sth/adj宾语补足语 e.g He considered chicken to be a great delicacy. • 2 delicacy n.美味, 佳肴 • E.g Snails are considered a delicacy in France • Ambrosia n.人间美食(In ancient stories, the food offered to God) • Glutton a person eats a lot 馋鬼 • Big-eater 大饭桶 • Over-eater 暴饮暴食者 • A big mouth 多嘴多舌的人 • delicate adj.美味的, 可口的, 清淡的 delicious adj.美味的 • 3 Octopus a sea creature with 8 tentacles 触须 • Ink-fish 乌贼 they are called devilfish • Octo- prefix 8 octogan n..八角形 October (Accodingto Roman calendar it was the 8th mouth )
Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison 各有所爱
About the title
• One man's meat is another man's poison • Use to say that sth one person likes may not be liked by someone else



高考英语3500词第十七讲1.draft n. 草稿, 草案, 草图【画了一个关于太空船(craft)的草图(draft)】2.drag v. 拖; 拽【谐音:拽】3.draw (drew, drawn) v. 绘画; 绘制; 拉, 拖; 提取4.drawback n. 缺点, 障碍【词根词缀:draw拉 + back回→扯后腿,造成缺陷】5.drawer n. 抽屉【词根词缀:draw拉,勾画 + -er名词词尾,人或物】6.dream (dreamt, dreamt 或-ed, -ed) n.& v. 梦, 梦想【字母ea组合经常读/i:/,符合这项读音的拼读模式有--eam等如:--eam/iːm/cream n. 奶油;乳脂dream v.&n. 做梦stream n. 小河;溪流team n. 队;组】7.dress n. 女服, 连衣裙; 服装; 童装v. (给...)穿衣【address n.地址】8.drill n. 钻头; 训练v. 钻; 训练【谐音“锥哦、钻哦”。

】9.drink n. 饮料; 喝酒【元音字母i在重读闭音节中读短音/ɪ/,符合这项读音规则的拼读模式有--ink如:--ink/ɪŋk/ink n. 墨水;油墨think v. 想;认为pink adj.&n. 粉色(的)drink v. 喝sink v. 下沉】10.drink(drank, drunk) v. 喝, 饮11.drive(drove, driven) v. 驾驶, 开(车); 驱赶【元音字母i在重读开音节中读/aɪ/,符合这项读音规则的拼读读模式有--ive等如:--ive/aɪv/five num.五drive v.驾驶】12.driver n. 驾驶员【drive + r】driver licence ['laɪsəns] 驾驶执照river n. 江;河【司机(driver)开车(drive)过小河(river)】13.drop n. 滴v. 掉下, 落下【元音字母o在重读闭音节中读/ɒ/,符合这项读音规则的拼读读模式有--op等如:--op/ɒp/shop n. 商店pop adj. 流行的n.汽水crop n.庄稼drop v. 落下top n.顶部stop v. 停止】14.drug n. 药; 毒品【词源同dry,干。

英语 medicine 和 drug 的区别

英语 medicine 和 drug 的区别

英语中,medicine 和drug 都有“药”的意思,但是它们在实际应用中有一定的区别,今天我们一起来学习一下。

1. medicine:主要指起治疗作用的“药”,通常指口服药,这个词一般不用复数形式。

例句1:Did you take your medicine?
例句2:The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough.

例句3:She looked in the medicine cabinet and found some aspirin.

2. drug:指任何“药品”,但现在更多用于指“毒品,麻醉剂”。


例句4:This drug is known to have adverse side effects.

例句5:He does n’t smoke or take drugs.

例句6:I do not have a simple solution to the drug problem.

例句7:Police are cracking down on drug dealers.


The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment.
crime of passion : 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪 passion:n激情热情;狂怒盛怒;爱好酷爱
The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc.
accomplice : 同案,从犯帮凶同盟
Any person who takes part in a crime.
Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; Murder committed in the heat of rage.
Crime rate : 犯罪率
A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.
arson : 纵火
The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.
The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population.


death penalty :死刑
Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner.
death row : 死囚牢房
A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.
Any fraudulent scheme?
convict : 囚犯
A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison.
counterfeit : 伪造
To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc.
cocaine : 可卡因
A powerful stimulant drug.
computer cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客
A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others.
black market : 黑市
A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.



来源:属苯二氮泮类镇定剂。主成 分为Flunitrazepam 2mg。 性状:制成药片剂型,有的锭剂上 打印FM2字样及十圆案,俗称 十字架 。 滥用方式:口服。
来源:源于麦角菌, 由麦角素半合成而得, 为最强烈的迷幻药。 性状:为白色结晶体 ,效力强,服用前须先 混合其他物质,常 将 液体滴在吸墨纸、方糖 、玩具城邮票等传送物 上。亦作成注射 剂或 雪茄。 滥用方式:口服、抽 吸或注射。混入饮品中 不易察觉。
opium 阿拉伯语 Afyūm),又叫阿片, 俗称大烟,源于罂粟 植物蒴果,其所含主 要生物碱是吗啡。鸦 片因产地不同,呈黑 色或褐色;有氨味或 陈旧尿味,味苦,气 味强烈。生鸦片经烧 煮和发酵,可制成精 制鸦片,呈棕色或金 黄色。吸食时散发香 甜气味。
Papaver somniferum)是罂 粟科植物,是制取 鸦片的主要原料, 同时其提取物也是 多种镇静剂的来源, 如吗啡、蒂巴因、 可待因、罂粟碱、 那可丁。学名 “somniferum”的意 思是“催眠”,反 映出其具有麻醉性。

How do drugs work?
(1)身体依赖性由于反复用药所造成的一种强烈的依 赖性。身体依赖性:毒品作用于人体,使人体体能产 生适应性改变,形成在药物作用下的新的平衡状态。 一旦停掉药物,生理功能就会发生紊乱,出现一系 列严重反应,称为戒断反应,使人感到非常痛苦。 用药者为了避免戒断反应,就必须定时用药,并且 不断加大剂量,使吸毒者终日离不开毒品。
速赐康 又称
孙悟空或速死坑。 来源化学合成。多 以注射方式,常与 吗啡合并使用,作 用加强极成瘾。使 用过量造成呼吸中 枢抑制而致死。



毒品的分类方式多种多样毒品(英文: Nothing Cycle)是一种化学合成的精神药品,属兴奋剂类。
















drug trafficking rings/cartels 贩毒集团
drug deal 毒品交易
anti-drug campaign 扫毒行动
using/taking drugs 吸毒
drug manufacturing 制毒
drug possession 持有毒品
injection drug use 注射毒品
drug smuggler 毒品走私贩
drug rehabilitation 戒毒
drug abuse 药物滥用
drug rehabilitation center (rehab center)戒毒所
drug-related crimes 涉毒犯罪
drug lords 毒枭
morpep pill 兴奋剂
ice (methamphetamine hydrochloride)冰毒
drug trafficker/dealer毒贩
drug mules毒骡(充当运输毒品工具的人)
drug addiction 毒瘾
drug addict 吸毒成瘾的人
narcotics control bureau 禁毒局
anti-narcotics police 缉毒警



有关禁毒的英语句子drug, from you with me.2、除毒务早,除毒务尽!in addition to poison for early, in addition to poison service!3、防毒反毒,人人有责。

anti-virus anti-virus, everybody is responsible for.4、远离毒品,义不容辞。

stay away from drugs, obligatory.5、扫除毒害,利国利民。

remove poison, reasonably.6、一次吸毒,终生戒毒。

a drug, a lifelong addiction.7、毒品无情,生命可贵。

drug merciless, cherishing life.8、毒品是人类社会的公害。

drugs are the hazards of human society.9、禁毒利国、利民、利己。

drug benefits, relief, self-interest.10、不要让毒品毁了你的未来。

don't let the drug ruin your future.11、一朝陷毒瘾,一生难自拔。

once trapped addiction, life difficult to extricate themselves.12、严厉打击毒品违法犯罪活动。

drug to crack down on illegal and criminal activities.13、禁绝毒品功在当代利在千秋。

banning drugs gongzaidangdai cabinet.14、勿逞一时之快,误美好一生。

don't just fast, good life.15、开展禁毒斗争,消除毒品祸害。

anti-drug struggle, eliminate the drug scourge.know the poison is poison poison, detoxification drug non-toxic.17、谣言止于智者,毒品止于你我。



As a high school student, Ive had the opportunity to learn about the perils of drug abuse through various educational programs and discussions in school. The topic of drugs is a heavy one, but its essential to understand the different types of drugs, their effects, and the devastating consequences they can have on individuals and society as a whole.Types of DrugsThere are several categories of drugs, each with its own set of risks and dangers. The most common types include:1. Stimulants These drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines, increase activity in the brain and body, leading to a temporary sense of euphoria and energy. However, they can also cause heart attacks, seizures, and severe mental health issues.2. Depressants Opiates like heroin and prescription painkillers fall into this category. They slow down the central nervous system, which can lead to respiratory depression, coma, and even death.3. Hallucinogens LSD, psilocybin, and other psychedelic substances alter perceptions and thoughts, often leading to hallucinations. Longterm use can result in persistent psychosis and cognitive impairment.4. Cannabis While often considered less harmful than other drugs, marijuana can still cause memory problems, impaired motor skills, and mental health disorders.5. Anabolic Steroids Used to enhance athletic performance, these can cause liver damage, heart disease, and hormonal imbalances.6. Inhalants Common household products like glue or paint can be inhaled to produce a high. They are highly dangerous and can cause brain damage, heart failure, and even sudden sniffing death.The Harmful EffectsDrugs can have a profound impact on the human body and mind. Physically, they can lead to organ damage, respiratory issues, and a weakened immune system. Mentally, they can cause addiction, mood swings, and cognitive decline. The psychological dependence on drugs can lead to a cycle of abuse that is difficult to break.Moreover, drug abuse can lead to risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex or sharing needles, which can result in the spread of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis. It can also lead to accidents and injuries due to impaired judgment and motor skills.Impact on SocietyThe societal impact of drug abuse is vast. It affects families, communities, and the economy. The cost of drugrelated crime, healthcare, and lost productivity is astronomical. Drug abuse can lead to broken families, as users often prioritize their addiction over their loved ones. It can alsocontribute to a rise in crime, as individuals may turn to theft or other illegal activities to fund their habit.Personal Experience and AwarenessIn my school, weve had seminars and workshops where former drug users have shared their stories. Hearing firsthand about the pain, suffering, and loss caused by drug abuse has been a stark reminder of the importance of staying away from drugs. These stories have a profound impact, making the dangers of drug abuse more tangible and real.Additionally, weve learned about the role of peer pressure and how to resist it. Understanding the importance of making informed decisions and having a strong support system can help prevent drug abuse.ConclusionIn conclusion, the dangers of drug abuse are multifaceted, affecting individuals on a physical, mental, and societal level. Its crucial for young people like us to be educated about these risks and to make conscious decisions to avoid drugs. By understanding the types of drugs, their effects, and the consequences of abuse, we can make better choices and contribute to a healthier and safer society.。



吸食毒品的危害英语作文Drug abuse is a serious problem in today's society, and the dangers associated with it are numerous. Drugs can have a profound effect on the mind and body, and can cause a range of negative consequences, from addiction and physical harm to social and economic problems.One of the most immediate dangers of drug abuse is addiction. When someone becomes addicted to drugs, theylose control over their use and may continue to use even when it is causing them harm. This can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems, as well as social and economic consequences.In addition to addiction, drugs can cause physical harm to the body. Many drugs are toxic and can damage the organs and systems of the body, leading to serious health problems. For example, cocaine can cause heart attacks and strokes, while heroin can cause respiratory failure and liver damage.Drug abuse can also have social and economic consequences. People who abuse drugs may become isolated from their friends and family, and may have difficulty maintaining relationships and holding down jobs. This can lead to financial problems, homelessness, and other social issues.Overall, the dangers of drug abuse are significant and can have a lasting impact on the lives of those who use drugs and those around them. It is important to educate people about the risks associated with drug abuse and to provide support and resources for those who are struggling with addiction. With the right help and support, it is possible to overcome drug addiction and live a healthy, fulfilling life.。



吸毒的危害英语作文英文回答:Drug abuse has serious consequences that can affect a person's physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. The use of drugs can lead to addiction, which can cause a person to become dependent on the substance and lead to destructive behavior. For example, I have a friend who started using drugs recreationally, but eventually became addicted and lost his job, his friends, and even his family's trust. This not only affected his own life, but also caused pain and worry for those who cared about him.In addition to addiction, drug abuse can also lead to physical health problems such as liver damage, heart problems, and respiratory issues. It can also have a negative impact on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. I have seen how drugs can change a person's personality and behavior, and it'sheartbreaking to witness someone you care about go through such a difficult time.Furthermore, drug abuse can also have a detrimental effect on relationships. I have seen how drug use can cause conflicts and trust issues within families and friendships. It can lead to broken relationships and a sense of betrayal, as the person struggling with addiction may prioritizetheir drug use over their loved ones.Overall, the dangers of drug abuse are far-reaching and can have a lasting impact on a person's life. It'simportant for individuals to seek help and support if they are struggling with drug addiction, and for society to provide resources and education to prevent drug abuse inthe first place.中文回答:吸毒对人的身心健康、人际关系和整体幸福都有严重的影响。









































下面是作文啦本机构为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!篇一Never to try drugs. Say "No" every time anyone ever tries to give or sell you drugs. Don't speak to that person again. Drugs are addictive, so please do not think that you might be stronger than other people. Even taking a drug just once is very dangerous.First, drugs are illegal. Buying or selling drugs, having drugs—these are all against the law. Breaking the law is wrong and it is dangerous too. Now you have a bright future waiting for you, but if you start doing illegal things, all that will change—if you commit crimes you will be punished.Second, drugs can be very bad for your health. Drugs are powerful chemicals. They give you very high blood pressure; they do strange things to your heart rate; they stop you from eating properly; they change the way you breathe. Drug addicts feel ill most of the time. They havea lot of pain.third,Drugs cost a lot of money. If you take drugs you will soon be poor. To get money to buy drugs you will do stupid and illegal things. You will lose your friends and have a lot of trouble in your life.【参考译文】永远不要尝试毒品。

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To slove this problem,there is still not a
perfect solution.If only selling drugs can
be that profitable,there ‘ s always someone who would like to take the risk cooking and selling it.What we can do,the most efficient,is to teach young people the harm drugs will do,and tell or make them stay away from it for their own safety.
Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarette, taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a person's ability to make healthy choices and decisions.
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
is a global observance and not a public holiday.
Since 1992, the international anti-drug day sure have a theme slogan, the international community in order to achieve the effect of attention and participation. Such as:
Human Killer -DRUGS
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

In order to buy drugs,drug addicts will do whatever they can to make money
which makes a contribution to crimes that disturbs the society's harmony.
2000,face reality, refused to corruption and violence. 2001, sports refuse drugs. 2002, drugs and AIDS. 2003,let's talk about drugs. 2004, against drugs, participate in the anti-drug. 2005,cherish self, healthy choices. 2006,the drug is not child's play. 2007, day against drugs, participate in the anti-drug.
• A white or off-white crystalline powder. Almost exclusively sold in the stable and highly water soluble hydrochloride salt form.
• How is it used?
• It is most commonly snorted, although it can be taken orally by mixing it with a beverage or diluted in water and it can be injected intravenously.
2008,drug control in accordance with the law, construct the harmonious. 2009, drug control of your life? Your life, your community, say no to drugs. 2010, participate in the anti-drug struggle, building a harmonious society. 2011,youth and synthetic drug. 2012, global action to build drug-free security community. 2013,against drugs, participate in the antidrug. 2014,cherish the beautiful youth, away from the synthetic drugs, refuse drugs, healthy life.
Do someone know him?
Rudy Eugene----The faceeater
Fresh face male Miami events
because of
ABOUT THE"METHCATHINONE"[浴盐] • What is Methcathinone?
• What are its short-term effects?
• Methcathinone produces amphetamine-like activity.
• What are its long-term effects?
• Little scientific research is available on the long-term effects of methcathinone.
• A stimulant that is a structural analogue of methamphetamine and cathinone. It is clandestinely manufactured from readily available chemicals.
• What does it look like?
used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and
what other drugs, food, or substances are taken
at the same time. Effects can also vary based on
the differences in body size, shape, and
opium heroin morphia MDMA cocaine marijuana Ice
Then, how many kinds of durgs do you know?
海洛因 可卡因 冰毒 鸦片 大麻 吗啡 摇头丸
• These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like thousands of people’s doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer.
• But the real thing about drugs can be unbelievable terrifying. Here's what you need to know.
• Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, inhaling, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, drugs may either intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain 。
• They may do, for instanchelpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is
People who taking drugs, for example, are very likely
to get involved in dangerous situations, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex.