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1.Which clue do you think is the more emphasized in this narration?()。
A:The passage is only emphasized on the narration of the hurricane. B:The
passage is only emphasized on the narration of the human beings. C:The
passage is more emphasized on the narration of the human beings. D:The
passage is more emphasized on the narration of the hurricane.
答案:The passage is more emphasized on the narration of the human
2.What are the key features and requirements of a narration?()。
A:To make a record of what happened B:To have a well-arranged structure
C:To narrate with specific verbs D:To make a record with a certain sequence 答案:To make a record of what happened;To have a well-arranged
structure;To narrate with specific verbs;To make a record with a
certain sequence
3.What techniques are used in this narration?()。
A:Narration by contrast B:Narration by focusing C:Narration by panorama
D:Narration by multi-senses
答案:Narration by contrast;Narration by focusing;Narration by
panorama;Narration by multi-senses
4.Which of the following verbs with the meaning of “拍” in Chinese?()。
A:clap B:lash C:lap D:pummel
A:对 B:错
1.What does the writer want the readers to believe after reading this passage?
A:Japanese chose to forget the crime of Americans in Hiroshima B:Japan is a nation with modern technology C:Japan is a nation with free marketing
D:Japan reshaped itself with the help with America
答案:Japanese chose to forget the crime of Americans in
Hiroshima;Japan is a nation with modern technology;Japan is a nation
with free marketing;Japan reshaped itself with the help with America
2.How does the writer push his theme about the liveliness of the city of
A:From the good economic development B:From the wisdom of forgetting
the hatred and choose to face the future C:From the quick reaction and
politeness of citizens D:From the physical objects of modern technology
答案:From the good economic development;From the wisdom of
forgetting the hatred and choose to face the future;From the quick
reaction and politeness of citizens;From the physical objects of modern technology
3.What did the writer see in the out of the railway station ?()。
A:The kimonos and west dress B:The tobacco shops and grocery stores C:The fastest train in the world D:The little red telephones
答案:The kimonos and west dress;The tobacco shops and grocery
stores;The fastest train in the world;The little red telephones
4.Which of the following verbs with the meaning of “紧张、忐忑、不安” in
A:Inhabited B:Nervous C:Anxious D:Agitated
A:对 B:错
1.What do you read novels for?()。
A:For confrontations, conflicts and paradox B:For story and plot C:For
affections D:For figures and images
答案:For confrontations, conflicts and paradox;For story and plot;For
affections;For figures and images
2.What are the techniques for the portrait of characters in a novel? ()。
A:The portrait of characters by their language B:The portrait of characters by their psychology C:The portrait of characters by their appearance D:The
portrait of characters by their manner E:The portrait of characters by their
答案:The portrait of characters by their language;The portrait of
characters by their psychology;The portrait of characters by their
appearance;The portrait of characters by their manner;The portrait of characters by their actions
3.How can we understand “矛盾“ in a novel? ()。
A:Conflict within one particular character B:Paradox reflecting the reality of the time, the society or the humanity C:Confrontations between characters
答案:Conflict within one particular character;Paradox reflecting the
reality of the time, the society or the humanity;Confrontations between characters
A:处置态度:极力掩盖事实、保存贵族颜面 B:影射作用:女性继承封号和爵位符合英国政治体制,女公爵及丈夫的搭配一定程度上影射英国现任君主,更好启发读者展开对英国现存君主立宪制度的的反思,批判其落后于时代,走向腐朽和堕落的必然性。
C:语言特征:用词讲究、高雅,句式结构严谨、强硬的语气 D:外貌特征:高耸的颧骨、灰绿色的眼睛、与身俱来的傲慢姿
A:对 B:错
1.How can we understand the character of mother in the novel?()。
A:Being caring for her daughters B:Being lack of education C:Being kind and tolerant for others D:Being full of wisdom for life E:Being diligent and
optimistic for life
答案:Being caring for her daughters;Being lack of education;Being kind and tolerant for others;Being full of wisdom for life;Being diligent and
optimistic for life
2.What are the techniques for the portrait of characters in a novel? ()。
A:The portrait of characters by environment B:The portrait of characters by
symbols C:The portrait of characters by contrast D:The portrait of females by males E:The portrait of characters by imagination and reality
答案:The portrait of characters by environment;The portrait of
characters by symbols;The portrait of characters by contrast;The
portrait of females by males;The portrait of characters by imagination
and reality
3.What are the differences of Dee and Maggie ? ()。
A:Differences reflected in their manners of reading for mother B:Differences reflected in their appearances C:Differences reflected in their affections for
mother D:Differences reflected in their attitudes towards the everyday use
答案:Differences reflected in their manners of reading for
mother;Differences reflected in their appearances;Differences reflected
in their affections for mother;Differences reflected in their attitudes
towards the everyday use
4.Which of the following rhetoric are used in mother’s language?()。
A:Hyperbole ( 夸张 M aggie dig a well with her toe in the sand, Maggie’s
respond for the hair of her sister ) B:Simile ( 明喻 my skin is like uncooked
pancake, Asalamalakim’s hair is like a mule’s tail ) C:Synesthesia:( 通感,视
觉与听觉的相通the color of Dee’s dress is so loud it hurt my eyes )
D:Metaphor ( 隐喻 Maggie enveloped in the shirt )
答案:Hyperbole ( 夸张 Maggie dig a well with her toe in the sand,
Maggie’s respond for the hair of her sister );Simile ( 明喻 my skin is like
uncooked pancake, Asalamalakim’s hair is like a mule’s
tail );Synesthesia:( 通感,视觉与听觉的相通the color of Dee’s dress is
so loud it hurt my eyes );Metaphor ( 隐喻 Maggie enveloped in the shirt ) 5.Dee接受过良好的教育,语言高雅,改换名字看似为非洲人民代言,发型前
所以Dee 这个角色的实质是“人权伪战士”!()
A:错 B:对
1.What are the techniques for a successful description?()。
A:By vividness and subtleness B:By rich modifiers C:By rich adjectives D:By
rich rhetoric
答案:By vividness and subtleness;By rich modifiers;By rich
adjectives;By rich rhetoric
2.How does the writer make a general impression of ugliness for readers?
A:The shape of them is ugly. B:The color of them is ugly. C:The buildings are
ugly. D:The human beings have a positive eagerness, a passion, a love and
libido for ugly.
答案:The shape of them is ugly.;The color of them is ugly.;The buildings are ugly.;The human beings have a positive eagerness, a passion, a love and libido for ugly.
3.Which of the following words has the meaning of “丑陋、恐怖”in Chinese ?
A:Hideous B:Revolting C:Diabolical D:Monstrous
4.Which of the following techniques the writer used in this writing?()。
A:Focusing on the ugliness of buildings (聚焦建筑) B:Contrast (对比衬托)C:Reaching for the theme by subjective impression ( 营造主观印象 ) D:A
general impression + typical images (面点结合)
答案:Focusing on the ugliness of buildings (聚焦建筑);Contrast (对比衬托);Reaching for the theme by subjective impression ( 营造主观印
象 );A general impression + typical images (面点结合)
Menchen 将美国从匹兹堡市到格林斯堡市铁路沿线所展现出来的丑陋描绘
A:错 B:对
1.What are the essential features of Mark Twain’s time?()。
A:The pioneering and adventurous spirit B:The commerce and trade by the
steamboats in the river C:The territorial expansion towards the west and the gold rush D:The Mississippi river as the geographic core in his early age
答案:The pioneering and adventurous spirit;The commerce and trade
by the steamboats in the river;The territorial expansion towards the
west and the gold rush;The Mississippi river as the geographic core in
his early age
2.What is the value of river life for Twain’s writing?()。
A:Objects of his writing: the real life of the cast of characters B:Spiritual core of his writing: the pioneering and adventurous spirit C:Contents for his
writing: feuds, piracies, lynchings, medicine shows and savage waterside
slums D:Language for his writing: typical American English of that time
答案:Objects of his writing: the real life of the cast of
characters;Spiritual core of his writing: the pioneering and
adventurous spirit;Contents for his writing: feuds, piracies, lynchings,
medicine shows and savage waterside slums;Language for his writing: typical American English of that time
3.Which of the following stages can we found in his life?()。
A:Twain’s late life B:Twain’s early writing C:Twain’s as guerrilla and
prospector D:Twain’s independence and mature E:Twain’s early life on the
答案:Twain’s late life;Twain’s early writing;Twain’s as guerrilla and
prospector;Twain’s independence and mature;Twain’s early life on the river
4.Wha t do you think of the factors for Twain’s success in writing?()。
A:His humorous writing style B:The pioneering and adventurous spirit of the current Americans C:His stories and characters from the real life of the
current Americans D:His language of the current Americans
答案:His humorous writing style;The pioneering and adventurous spirit of the current Americans;His stories and characters from the real life of the current Americans;His language of the current Americans
A:错 B:对
1.Which of the following are the features and requirements for a scientific
A:Formality B:Objectiveness C:Conciseness D:Logic E:Complexity
2.What are the features of diction and sentences in this passage?()。
A:Scientific terms, formal words and specific words B:Rich information and
complex logic in sentences C:Long sentences of Chain type and Fan type
D:Non-personal subject sentences and passive voice
答案:Scientific terms, formal words and specific words;Rich information and complex logic in sentences;Long sentences of Chain type and Fan
type;Non-personal subject sentences and passive voice
3.What techniques are used in this passage?()。
A:Exemplification B:Time axis C:Logic chain D:Classification
答案:Exemplification;Time axis;Logic chain;Classification
4.Which of the following methods the writer used in this passage?()。
A:From general to specific with detailed illustration B:Based on the face
C:Wise prediction D:Key sentences and views at the beginning of paragraphs 答案:From general to specific with detailed illustration;Based on the
face;Wise prediction;Key sentences and views at the beginning of
A:错 B:对
1.What do we know about Churchill after reading this speech?()。
A:His glory in two world wars B:His political and military career C:His birth
in a noble family. D:The regrettableness in his end
答案:His glory in two world wars;His political and military career;His
birth in a noble family.;The regrettableness in his end
2.Which of the following are the features and requirements for a political
A:Convincing B:Power C:Formal D:Political E:Encouraging
3.What sentence structures are helpful and effective for showing power in a
political speech?()。
A:Rhetorical questions B:Imperative sentences C:Parallel structure
D:Balanced structure
答案:Parallel structure;Balanced structure
4.What are the different attitudes of Churchill toward different nations?()。
A:Covert and potential blame for U.S.S.R B:Strong criticism for Nazi
C:Alarming for Great Britain and determination for the war D:Appealing for
答案:Covert and potential blame for U.S.S.R;Strong criticism for
Nazi;Alarming for Great Britain and determination for the
war;Appealing for America
A:对 B:错