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Wiki,FYI,D. L. Parnas uses a KWIC Index as an example on how to perform modular design in his paper "On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules" - Available as ACM Classic Paper)
问题陈述:KWIC(Key Word In Context),Parnas (1972)
KWIC索引系统接受⼀些⾏,每⾏有若⼲字,每个字由若⼲字符组成;每⾏都可以循环移位,亦即重复地把第⼀个字删除,然后接到⾏末; KWIC把所有⾏的各种移位情况按照字母表顺序输出
•⽬的:考察不同的体系结构对变化的适应能⼒(modifiab ility)
–系统功能的增强:例如,限制以某些“修饰词”(a, an, and等)打头的移位结果;⽀持交互,允许⽤户从原始输⼊表中删除⼀些⾏等;

Solution 1:
Main Program/Subroutine with Shared Data
Elements of Main/Subroutine Architectural style are:
Components: Functions
Interactions: Function calls
Pattern: Main function controls the calling sequence
This is the primary organization of many software systems. This style reflects structural/procedural programming language (e.g. C programming language) in which these system are written.
•Decompose the overall processing into a sequence of processing steps.
–Read lines; Make shifts; Alphabetize; Print results
•Each step transforms the data completely.
•Intermediate data stored in shared memory.
–Arrays of characters with indexes
–Relies on sequential processing
Solution 1:Modularization
•Module 1: Input
–Reads data lines and stores them in “core”.
–Storage format: 4 chars/machine word; array of pointers to start of each line.

•Module 2: Circular Shift
–Called after Input is done.
–Reads line storage to produce new array of pairs: (index of 1st char of each circular shift, index of original line)

•Module 3: Alphabetize
–Called after Circular Shift.
–Reads the two arrays and produces new index.
•Module 4: Output
–Called after alphabetization and prints nicely formatted output of shifts
–Reads arrays produced by Modules 1 & 3

•Module 5: Master Control
–Handles sequencing of the first 4 modules
–Handles errors
Properties of Solution 1
•Batch sequential processing.
•Uses shared data to get good performance.
•Processing phases handled by control module.
–So has some characteristics of main program – subroutine organization.
–Depends critically on single thread of control.
•Shared data structures exposed as inter-module knowledge.
–Design of these structures must be worked out before work can begin on those modules. 数据结构的设计必须在其他模块设计开始之前进⾏
