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Abstract: With the development of urbanization in our country袁 the rural areas have changed from 30 years ago to the demand of ecological civilization development袁 such as living in its own place袁 and so on. The construction of existing residential buildings in rural areas of our country is long and large袁 the thermal insulation performance of enclosure structure is poor袁 the room temperature in winter is generally low袁 the energy consumption of buildings and the level of energy consumption of residents are uneven袁 and there is a lack of basic data. Based on the above situation袁 this paper first of all carries on the data collection袁 the questionnaire investigation and the field visit adjustment to the existing residential building structure type袁 the energy use form and the energy -8-
0 引言 2016 年袁 中国建筑能源消费总量为 8.99 亿 tce袁占全国能源消费总量的 20.6%袁其中农 村居住建筑能耗 2.14 亿 tce袁占比 23.76%遥 农 村居住建筑能耗由 2000 年的 3.51kgce/m2 上 升到 2016 年的 8.86kgce/m2袁 增长了 2.5 倍袁 年均增长 5.96%咱1暂遥 当前袁农村住房能耗情况 及用能水平若缺乏基础数据袁 不便进行宏观 管理尧控制和政策制定遥 因此袁有必要对农村 地区进行实地的调研与测试袁 以便深入了解 其能耗水平与用能结构遥 2018 年 9 月至 2019 年 2 月期间袁笔者对 华北地区渊含河南尧河北尧山东以及山西冤四个 省 6630 个村的农村住房能耗和节能改造现 状开展了问卷调研和实地调研工作以及对长 江流域渊含浙江尧湖北尧四川等地冤尧西藏等地 区的现状进行了各省整体情况及典型村级情
区域供热 2019.4 期
敖 鑫 2 邓琴琴 1 王艺霖 3 高贺轩 2 宋 波 1
渊1 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司曰2 沈阳建筑大学曰3 北京建筑大学冤
揖摘 要铱随着我国城镇化的发展袁农村地区已从 30 年前解决有其居尧居其定的 局面转变为居其适尧居其安等生态文明发展的需求遥 我国农村既有居住建筑建造年代 久远且存量较大袁围护结构保温性能差袁冬季室温普遍偏低袁建筑能耗情况及居民用 能水平参差不齐袁且缺乏基础数据遥 基于此袁本文对我国野三北冶地区尧长江流域尧西藏 等地农村既有住房结构类型以及用能形式和节能改造现状展开了资料收集尧 问卷调 研和实地走访调研袁整理了这些区域既有农房能耗水平及用能结构遥 结合典型地区调 研数据建立了典型农房模型袁运用 DeST 能耗模拟软件进行了能耗分析袁提出了当地 农村既有农房能效提升策略遥 本文研究结果以期对我国农房节能改造工作具有一定 参考意义遥
揖关键词铱农村 围护结构 用能方式 实பைடு நூலகம்调研 DOI 编码:10.16641/ 11-3241/tk.2019.04.002
Investigation and Analysis on Energy consumption and Energy Saving of Rural Residential buildings
区域供热 2019.4 期
saving transformation present situation in the rural areas of "three North" areas袁 the Yangtze River Basin and Tibet. The energy consumption level and energy use structure of rural existing housing in these areas are statistically sorted out. Then袁 combined with the data of field investigation袁 the typical farm house model is established by using DeST energy consumption simulation software袁 and the energy consumption calculation and analysis are carried out. finally袁 the energy efficiency improvement strategy of rural existing residential buildings is summarized and prospected袁 and some suggestions are put forward. This paper has guiding reference for the energy saving renovation of existing buildings in rural areas of our country. Keywords: Rural areas曰Enclosure structure曰Energy use method曰Field investigation
Ao Xin2袁Deng Qinqin1袁Wang Yilin3袁Gao Hexuan Song Bo1 渊1. China Academy of Building Research袁 2. Shenyang Jianzhu University袁 3. Beijing University of
Civil Engineering and Architecture冤
0 引言 2016 年袁 中国建筑能源消费总量为 8.99 亿 tce袁占全国能源消费总量的 20.6%袁其中农 村居住建筑能耗 2.14 亿 tce袁占比 23.76%遥 农 村居住建筑能耗由 2000 年的 3.51kgce/m2 上 升到 2016 年的 8.86kgce/m2袁 增长了 2.5 倍袁 年均增长 5.96%咱1暂遥 当前袁农村住房能耗情况 及用能水平若缺乏基础数据袁 不便进行宏观 管理尧控制和政策制定遥 因此袁有必要对农村 地区进行实地的调研与测试袁 以便深入了解 其能耗水平与用能结构遥 2018 年 9 月至 2019 年 2 月期间袁笔者对 华北地区渊含河南尧河北尧山东以及山西冤四个 省 6630 个村的农村住房能耗和节能改造现 状开展了问卷调研和实地调研工作以及对长 江流域渊含浙江尧湖北尧四川等地冤尧西藏等地 区的现状进行了各省整体情况及典型村级情
区域供热 2019.4 期
敖 鑫 2 邓琴琴 1 王艺霖 3 高贺轩 2 宋 波 1
渊1 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司曰2 沈阳建筑大学曰3 北京建筑大学冤
揖摘 要铱随着我国城镇化的发展袁农村地区已从 30 年前解决有其居尧居其定的 局面转变为居其适尧居其安等生态文明发展的需求遥 我国农村既有居住建筑建造年代 久远且存量较大袁围护结构保温性能差袁冬季室温普遍偏低袁建筑能耗情况及居民用 能水平参差不齐袁且缺乏基础数据遥 基于此袁本文对我国野三北冶地区尧长江流域尧西藏 等地农村既有住房结构类型以及用能形式和节能改造现状展开了资料收集尧 问卷调 研和实地走访调研袁整理了这些区域既有农房能耗水平及用能结构遥 结合典型地区调 研数据建立了典型农房模型袁运用 DeST 能耗模拟软件进行了能耗分析袁提出了当地 农村既有农房能效提升策略遥 本文研究结果以期对我国农房节能改造工作具有一定 参考意义遥
揖关键词铱农村 围护结构 用能方式 实பைடு நூலகம்调研 DOI 编码:10.16641/ 11-3241/tk.2019.04.002
Investigation and Analysis on Energy consumption and Energy Saving of Rural Residential buildings
区域供热 2019.4 期
saving transformation present situation in the rural areas of "three North" areas袁 the Yangtze River Basin and Tibet. The energy consumption level and energy use structure of rural existing housing in these areas are statistically sorted out. Then袁 combined with the data of field investigation袁 the typical farm house model is established by using DeST energy consumption simulation software袁 and the energy consumption calculation and analysis are carried out. finally袁 the energy efficiency improvement strategy of rural existing residential buildings is summarized and prospected袁 and some suggestions are put forward. This paper has guiding reference for the energy saving renovation of existing buildings in rural areas of our country. Keywords: Rural areas曰Enclosure structure曰Energy use method曰Field investigation
Ao Xin2袁Deng Qinqin1袁Wang Yilin3袁Gao Hexuan Song Bo1 渊1. China Academy of Building Research袁 2. Shenyang Jianzhu University袁 3. Beijing University of
Civil Engineering and Architecture冤