AS 1170.4-2007 Structural design actions - Earthquake actions in Australia



A&I-Normenabonnement - Siemens AG - Kd.-Nr.986345 - Abo-Nr.00851257/006/001 - 2007-09-25 08:10:31
Reference number ISO 1179-4:2007(E)
© ISO 2007
Als Papierkopie - kein Änderungsdienst / Printed copy - no alert service
ISO 1179-4
First edition 2007-08-15
Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 4: Stud ends for general use only with metal-to-metal sealing (type B)
A&I-Normenabonnement - Siemens AG - Kd.-Nr.986345 - Abo-Nr.00851257/006/001 - 2007-09-25 08:10:31
Part 1: Threaded ports Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) and light-duty (L series) stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E) Part 3: Light-duty (L series) stud ends with sealing by O-ring with retaining ring (types G and H) Part 4: Stud ends for general use only with metal-to-metal sealing (type B)




2011-11-29译文AS NZS 1170.0 Supp 1-2002 Structural design actions - Genera

2011-11-29译文AS NZS 1170.0 Supp 1-2002 Structural design actions - Genera

AS/NZS 1170.0附录1:2002NZS 1170.0附录1:2002结构设计荷载—一般原理—注解(AS/NZS 1170.0:2002的附录)源自于澳大利亚,作为AS 1170.1-1989的一部分。

源子于新西兰,作为NZS 4203:1976的一部分。

新西兰旧版本NZS 4203:1992。

AS 1170.1-1989与NZS 4203:1992部分内容一同修订、合并与重新命名为AS/NZS 1170.0附录1:2002。



由澳大利亚标准认证机构(GPO邮箱5420,悉尼,NSW 2001)与新西兰标准认证机构(私人邮箱2439,惠灵顿6020)联合发行。

ISBN 0 7337 4470 2本注解由澳大利亚和新西兰联合准则委员会BD-006编制,《结构物一般设计要求与荷载》作为AS/NZS 1170.0《结构设计荷载》第0部分:一般原理的附录。

本注解内容部分取代AS 1170.1-1989《结构物最低设计荷载,第1部分:静荷载与活荷载》与NZS 4203:1992《建筑物一般结构设计与设计荷载惯例规范》(第2卷)。




AS/NZS 1170系列标准将供具备一定资质的专业人员使用。

AS/NZS 1170系列标准中列出了接受无结构设计基本程序。


AS/NZS 1170系列标准中包括含有工程判断要素的条款。


鸣谢澳大利亚标准认证机构对本注解文件做出重要贡献的以下成员致以感谢:G. Boughton先生P. Kleeman先生Lam Pham博士R. Potter先生第C1节范围与概述 (5)C1.1 范围 (5)C1.2 应用范围 (7)C1.3 参考文件 (7)C1.4 定义 (8)C1.5 符号 (8)第C2节结构设计程序 (9)C2.1 概述 (9)C2.2 极限状态 (10)C2.3 正常使用极限状态 (10)第C3节年超越概率(仅供在新西兰使用) (11)C3.1 概述 (11)C3.2 重要级别 (11)C3.3 设计使用寿命 (11)C3.4 年超越概率 (11)第C4节荷载组合 (12)C4.1 概述 (12)C4.2 极限状态荷载组合 (12)C4.3正常使用极限状态下的荷载组合 (15)C4.4 循环荷载 (16)第C5节分析方法 (17)C5.1 概述 (17)C5.2 结构模型 (17)第C6节结构稳定性 (19)C6.1 概述 (19)C6.2 荷载路径 (19)第C7节验证方法 (21)C7.1 概述 (21)C7.2 极限状态 (21)C7.3 正常使用极限状态 (21)附录CA 专项研究 (23)附录CB 设计试验数据的运用 (25)附录CC 使用极限指南 (27)附录CD 与AS1170.4-1993一同使用的因数 (28)附录CE 与AS1170.3-1990一同使用的因数 (29)附录CZ 附加荷载信息 (30)澳大利亚标准认证机构/新西兰标准认证机构澳大利亚/新西兰标准结构设计荷载-一般原理-注解(AS/NZS 1170.0:2002的附录)第C1节范围与概述C1.1 范围本注解文件应同AS/NZS 1170.0:2002一起阅读。

AS 1170.2结构设计作用与风的作用

AS 1170.2结构设计作用与风的作用

AS 1170.2结构设计作用与风的作用第 1 章综述1.1 范围本标准涉及风速的确定步骤和受风力作用影响的结构在结构设计中需使用的、由此引起的风力作用,这种风力作用不同于龙卷风造成的风力作用。

本标准包含以下标准范围内的结构:(a) 高度低于200米的建筑物;(b) 屋顶跨度低于100米的结构;(c) 除海上结构、桥梁和输电塔以外的结构。

注:1 本标准是上述标准范围内的结构的独立文件。


风洞试验的指导方针、可靠参考和可供选择参数在结构设计—风力作用—注释一节的AS/NZS1170.2附录1(AS/NZS 1170.2:2002附录)中有规定。

2 如果结构的自然频率低于1 Hz ,则第6章要求进行动态分析(见第6章)。

1.2 应用阅读本标准时,应结合AS/NZS 1170.0一起阅读。


1.3 参考文件本标准中参阅了以下文件:AS4040 薄板屋顶和墙壁包层的试验方法4040.3 第3部分: 旋风地区的抗风压性能AS/NZS1170 结构设计1170.0 第0部分: 一般原则ISO2394 结构可靠性的一般原则4354 风力对结构的作用澳大利亚建筑标准委员会澳大利亚建筑标准1.4 风力作用的确定应确定设计中使用的风力作用值(W),风力作用值应适合结构或结构元件的类型、其预期用途、设计工作寿命和风力作用影响。


1.5 单位除了特别说明外,本标准使用国际标准单位的公斤、米、秒、帕斯卡、牛顿和赫兹(kg, m, s, Pa, N, Hz)。

1.6 定义本标准中使用的术语定义列在附录A中。

1.7 符号本标准中使用的符号列在附录B中。

第 2 章 风力作用的计算2.1 综述测定作用在结构和结构元件或建筑物上的风力(W )的步骤应如下: (a) 确定现场风速(见第2.2条);(b) 由现场风速确定设计风速(见第2.3条);(c) 确定设计风压和分布力(见第2.4条);(d) 计算风力作用 (见第2.5条)。

AS 4100-1998 澳大利亚钢结构标准

AS 4100-1998 澳大利亚钢结构标准

AS 4100-1998澳大利亚标准钢结构前言本标准是澳大利亚标准委员会“BD/1,钢结构”为了替代AS 4100—1990而编写的。


本标准的这一新版本中包括:修正案1号——1992,2号——1993,3号——1995和修订版草案4号(出于公众评论目的而发行)DR 97437。


修正案1号—1992包含下列主要变更:(a)钢材强度符合AS 1163和AS/NZS 1594的要求(表2.1)(b)加强腹板的抗剪弯曲载量(部分)(c)承载弯曲载量(5.13.4部分)修正案2号—1993包含下列主要变更:(a)弯曲和剪力交互作用的方法(5.12.3部分)(b)中间部分横向腹板加强构件的设计最小面积(5.15.3部分)(c)构件承受组合作用的剖面载量(8.3部分)(d)对接焊缝的强度评估(部分)(e)疲劳(11部分)修正案3号—1993包含下列主要变更:(a)腹板边缘的抗压承载作用(5.13部分)(b)构件承受组合作用的剖面载量(8.3部分)(c)抗压构件的平面内、外载量(部分和8.4.41部分)(d)对接焊缝的强度评估(部分)(e)地震(13部分)修正案4号包含下列主要变更:(a)钢材强度符合AS/NZS 3678、AS/NZS 3679.1和AS/NZS 3679.2的要求(表2.1)(b)紧固件的最小边缘距离(9.6.2部分)(c)容许使用温度,根据钢材类型和厚度(表10.4.1)(d)钢材类型和钢材等级之间的关系(表10.4.4)(e)同心支撑框架的焊接,用于处在地震设计D类和E类作用下的结构(部分)本标准使用了“标准”和“提供信息用”这两个术语以对附录的适用范围几逆行能够详细说明。




AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 (Including Amendment No. 1)Australian/New Zealand Standard ™Structural design actionsPart 1: Permanent, imposed and otheractionsAS/NZS 1170.1:2002 s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 T his Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint T echnicalCommittee BD-006, General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 29 March 2002 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 28 March 2002. This Standard was published on 4 June 2002.The following are represented on Committee BD-006:Association of Consulting Engineers AustraliaAustralian Building Codes BoardAustralian Institute of Steel ConstructionBuilding Research Association of New ZealandCement and Concrete Association of AustraliaCSIRO, Building, Construction and EngineeringCyclone Testing Station—James Cook UniversityElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaHousing Industry AssociationInstitution of Engineers AustraliaInstitution of Professional Engineers New ZealandMaster Builders AustraliaNew Zealand Heavy Engineering Research AssociationSteel Reinforcement Institute of AustraliaUniversity of NewcastleUniversity of Auckland (New Zealand)University of Canterbury, New Zealand University of MelbourneKeeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. T o maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, andnew editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Web Shop at .au or Standards New Zealand web site at and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed Catalogue with full details of all current Standards. For more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand offer a number of update options. For information about these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Please address your comments to the Chief Executive of either Standards Australia or Standards New Zealand at the address shown on the back cover. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 99310.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 (Including Amendment No. 1)Australian/New Zealand Standard ™Structural design actionsPart 1: Permanent, imposed and otheractionsCOPYRIGHT© Standards Australia/Standards New ZealandAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or byany means, electron i c or mechan i cal, i nclud i ng photocopy i ng, w i thout the wr i ttenOriginated in Australia as part of AS CA1—1933.Originated in New Zealand as part of NZS 1900:1964.Previous Australian editions AS 1170.1—1989 and AS 2867—1986.Previous New Zealand edition NZS 4203:1992.AS 1170.1—1989, AS 2867—1986 and NZS 4203:1992 jointly revised,amalgamated and redesignated in part as AS/NZS 1170.1:2002.Reissued with Amendment No. 1 attached (April 2005).s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 2PREFACEThis S tandard was prepared by the Joint S tandards Australia/S tandards New ZealandCommittee BD-006, General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures, to supersede,in part, AS 1170.1—1989, Minimum design loads on structures, Part 1: Dead and liveloads , and in part NZS 4203:1992, Code of p ractice for general structural design anddesign loadings for buildings and, in part, AS 2867—1986, Farm structures—Generalrequirements for structural design .This edition of the Standard includes Amendment No. 1 which is attached at the end of thedocument. In order to avoid confusion, the Amendment has not yet been incorporated intothe clauses of the Standard because, at the time of publication of the Amendment, they hadnot yet been referenced by the BCA.This S tandard is published as a joint S tandard (as are also AS /NZS 1170.0 andAS/NZS 1170.2) and it is intended that it is suitable for use in New Zealand as well as inAustralia. However, NZS 4203, General structural design and design loadings for buildingsremains current in New Zealand until the publication of all parts (includingPart 4: Earthquake action) and for a transition period afterwards.This S tandard will be referenced in the Building Code of Australia by way of BCAAmendment 11 to be Published on 1 July 2002, thereby superseding the previous edition,AS 1170.1—1989, which will be withdrawn 12 months from the date of publication of thisEdition.The objective of this Standard is to provide designers of structures with values representingthe permanent actions, likely actions imposed due to use and occupancy, and other actionsappropriate to the type of structure for use in structural design.This S tandard is Part 1 of the AS /NZS 1170 series Structural design actions , which comprises the following parts, each of which have an accompanying Commentary published as a Supplement: A S /NZ S 1170.0 Part 0: General principles. 1170.1 Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions. 1170.2 Part 2: Wind action. 1170.3 Part 3: Snow action. 1170.4 Part 4: Earthquake action. The Commentary to this S tandard is AS /NZS 1170.1 S upp 1, Structural design actions —Permanent, imposed and other actions —Commentary (Supplement to AS/NZS 1170.1). This Standard is not equivalent to ISO 9194:1987, Bases for design of structures—Actions due to the self-weight of structures, non-structural elements and stored materials—Density .However, it does conform to that S tandard (which states ‘Each country in its relevant standards should use its traditional values which are in the indicated range’). Extracts from the data given in ISO 9194 are provided in the Commentary to this Standard. This S tandard is not equivalent to IS O 2103:1986, Loads due to use and occup ancy in residential and public buildings or to ISO 2633:1974, Determination of imposed floor loads in p roduction buildings and warehouses . The philosophy of imposed actions in this Standard is based on ISO 2103 and ISO 2633. ISO 2103 states that the values it gives are the lowest values given in the National S tandards that were considered. It is not used in Europe or North America. This Standard gives values that are either equivalent to or greater than those in ISO 2103. This Standard does conform to ISO 2633 for all values except for s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 20063 AS/NZS 1170.1:2002This edition incorporates the following principal changes from the previous edition:(a) Dead and live loads for Australia and New Zealand have been included.(b) Load combinations and other general reliability clauses have been removed to thenew Standard AS/NZS 1170.0, General principles .(c)The information on movement effects has been included in AS /NZS 1170.0 S upp 1, Commentary on General principles. (d)Permanent and imposed loads from AS 2867, Farm structures—General requirements for structural design , have been included. (e) The provision for occasional loading of 4.5 kN for roof trusses or roof structures inindustrial or commercial buildings has been deleted.The term ‘normative’ has been used in this S tandard to define the application of theappendix to which it applies. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral part of a Standard.S tatements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to be an integralpart of this Standard.Notes to the text contain information and guidance and are not considered to be an integralpart of the Standard.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 4CONTENTSPage SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1 S COPE (5)1.2 APPLICATION (5)1.3 DETERMINATION OF DESIGN ACTIONS (5)1.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (5)1.5 DEFINITIONS (6)1.6 NOTATION (6)SECTION 2 PERMANENT ACTIONS2.1 GENERAL (7)2.2 CALCULATION OF SELF-WEIGHT (7)2.3 PROVISION FOR PARTITIONS (7)2.4 REMOVABLE ITEMS (7)SECTION 3 IMPOSED ACTIONS3.1 GENERAL (8)3.2 CONCENTRATED ACTIONS (8)3.3 PARTIAL LOAD (8)3.4 FLOORS (8)3.5 ROOF AND SUPPORTING ELEMENTS (12)3.6 BARRIERS (13)3.7 ACTIONS FROM INSTALLED CRANES, HOISTS, LIFTS AND MACHINERY .153.8 CAR PARKS (16)3.9 GRANDS TANDS (17)SECTION 4 LIQUID PRESSURE, GROUND WATER, RAINWATER PONDING ANDEARTH PRESSURE4.1 GENERAL (18)4.2 LIQUID PRES S URE (18)4.3 GROUND WATER (18)4.4 RAINWATER PONDING (18)4.5 EARTH PRES S URE (18)APPENDICESA UNIT WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS (19)B OTHER IMPOSED ACTIONS (22)s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 20065 AS/NZS 1170.1:2002STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAustralian/New Zealand Standard Structural design actions Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actionsS E C T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis S tandard specifies permanent, imposed, liquid pressure, ground water, rainwaterponding and earth pressure actions to be used in the limit state design of structures andparts of structures.1.2 APPLICATIONThis Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 1170.0.This Standard may be used as a means for demonstrating compliance with the Requirementsof Part B1 of the Building Code of Australia.1.3 DETERMINATION OF DESIGN ACTIONSFor the actions covered by this Standard, values for use in design shall be appropriate forthe type of structure or structural element, its intended use and exposure to such actions.The determination of values in accordance with Sections 2 to 4 shall be deemed to satisfy this Clause. 1.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard: A S 1418 Cranes, hoists and winches (all parts) 1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders—Design, construction and installation 1720 Timber structures 1720.2 Part 2: Timber properties 1735 Lifts, escalators and moving walks (all parts) 2156 Walking tracks 2156.1 Part 1: Classification and signage A S /NZ S 1170 Structural design actions 1170.0 Part 0: General principles 1170.2 Part 2: Wind actionsNZS s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 6Australian Building Codes BoardBuilding Code of Australia1.5 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 1170.0 and those belowapply.1.5.1 Imposed actionA variable action resulting from the intended use or occupancy of the structure.1.5.2 LoadThe value of a force appropriate to an action.1.5.3 Permanent actionAction that is likely to act continuously throughout the design working life and for whichvariations in magnitude with time are small compared with the mean value.1.5.4 Design working lifeAssumed period for which a structure or a structural element is to be used for its intendedpurpose without major repair being necessary.1.5.5 Tributary areaThe area assumed to be supported by a structural element.1.5.6 Variable actionAction for which the variation in magnitude with time is neither negligible in relation to themean value nor monotonic.1.6 NOTATION Unless otherwise stated, the notation used in this Standard has the following meaning: A = tributary area supported by a structural element F e,u = earth pressure action F gw = ground water action F lp = liquid pressure action F pnd = ponding action G = permanent action Q = imposed action ψa = factor for reduction of imposed floor loads due to area ψl = factor for determining quasi-permanent values (long-term) of actions (see AS/NZS 1170.0)s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 20067 AS/NZS 1170.1:2002S E C T I O N 2 P E R M A N E N T A C T I O N S2.1 GENERALThis Section gives permanent actions (G) for use in designing structures.Permanent actions shall be taken to include the self-weight of the following:(a) The structure.(b) All other materials incorporated into the structure.NOT E: his includes walls, floors, roofs, suspended ceilings and other permanentconstruction, as appropriate.(c) Permanent equipment including fixtures and fittings.NOT E: T his includes permanently fixed wiring, reticulated services and other permanentequipment as appropriate.(d) Partitions as given in Clause 2.3.(e) S tored materials where the resultant actions are consistent with the definition forpermanent action.2.2 CALCULATION OF SELF-WEIGHTThe self-weight of a material shall be calculated from the design dimensions or knowndimensions and the unit weight as given in Appendix A.NOT E: Further information on unit weights of materials is given in AS/NZS 1170.1 Supp 1,Structural design actions—Permanent, imposed and other actions—Commentary (Supplement toAS/NZS 1170.1:2002).2.3 PROVISION FOR PARTITIONS The self-weight of permanent partitions shall be calculated for their actual layout. S tructures for which provision is to be made for movable partitions shall be designed for the anticipated weight of the partitions placed in any probable positions but not less than a uniformly distributed permanent load of 0.5 kPa over the area being considered. 2.4 REMOVABLE ITEMS Consideration shall be given to the actions resulting from the effect of removing those permanent items that are not essential parts of the structure, such as tanks or their contents, stored materials as defined in Clause 2.1(e), service equipment, partitions and similar.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 8S E C T I O N 3 I M P O S E D A C T I O N S3.1 GENERALThis S ection gives imposed actions (Q) for use in designing structures. The values of imposed actions provided in this S ection are appropriate for use with all of the annual probabilities of exceedance defined in AS/NZS 1170.0.Actions resulting from construction are not covered in this Standard.The imposed actions shall be not less than the greater of the following:(a)The actions resulting from the intended use of the structure. (b) The imposed actions given in this Section.NOTE: The imposed actions given in this Section include sufficient allowance for the effects of vertical impact arising from the usual movement of people and shifting of furniture. This allowance does not cover dynamic effects due to highly active crowds. Dynamic effects due to vibrating machinery are covered separately in Clause 3.7.The distributed and concentrated imposed loads shall be considered separately and design carried out for the most adverse effect.3.2 CONCENTRATED ACTIONSA concentrated imposed action shall be applied as follows:(a) At its known position or where its position is not known, in the position giving themost adverse effect.(b) Distributed over the actual area of application or if the actual area is not known or otherwise stipulated in Tables 3.1 or 3.2, over an area of not greater than 0.01 m 2 for floors and roofs. 3.3 PARTIAL LOAD The imposed action shall be considered to be absent from any parts of a structure if its absence will cause more adverse effects on that or any other part. For floor loads, the intensity of the imposed load shall be appropriate to the loaded portion of the area under consideration (see Clause 3.4.2). For design situations involving wind, earthquake or fire emergency conditions, partial loading of alternate spans of continuous beams or slabs need not be considered. For partial loading on continuous beams, the span (or two adjacent spans) that contains the effect under consideration shall be loaded with an imposed load intensity, as determined from Clause 3.4.2, appropriate to the tributary area supported by the span (or spans). Other spans that are required to be loaded to cause the most adverse effect shall be assumed to be loaded with a load intensity appropriate to the span multiplied by the long-term factor (ψl )given in AS/NZS 1170.0. 3.4 FLOORS 3.4.1 Imposed floor actions The imposed actions (Q ) appropriate to the type of activity or occupancy for which the floor area will be used shall be the reference values given in Table 3.1 and Appendix B multiplied by the reduction factor given in Clause 3.4.2.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006Areas in residential, social, commercial, industrial and administration structures are dividedinto seven categories, according to their type of activity or occupancy, as shown in Column 1 of Table 3.1.NOT E: T he philosophy of the T able is that each area of a floor is associated with one of the activity types. Thus in order to classify an area under consideration, the design must consider the type of activities that occur in that area.TABLE 3.1REFERENCE VALUES OF IMPOSED FLOOR ACTIONSUniformly distributed actions Concentrated actionsType of activity/occupancy for part of the building orstructureSpecific useskPa kNA Domestic and residential activities(also see Category C)General areas, private kitchens and laundries in self-contained dwellings 1.5 1.8(1)Balconies, and roofs used for floor type activities, in self-contained dwellings— (a) less than 1 m above ground level 1.5 1.5 kN/m runalong edge(b) other2.01.8(1)Stairs (2) and landings in self-contained dwellings2.0 2.7 A1 Self-containeddwellingsNon-habitable roof spaces in self-contained dwellings0.5 1.4 General areas, bedrooms, hospital wards, hotel rooms, toilet areas 2.0 1.8(1)Communal kitchens3.02.7 A2 OtherBalconies, and roofs used for floor type activities, with community accesssame as areasproviding access but not less than 4.01.8B Offices and work areas not covered elsewhereOperating theatres, X-ray rooms, utilityrooms 3.0 4.5 Work rooms (light industrial) without storage3.0 3.5 Offices for general use 3.0 2.7(3) Communal kitchens3.0 2.7 Commercial/institutional kitchens5.04.5La u ndries 3.0 4.5Laboratories 3.0 4.5Factories, workshops and similarbuildings (general industrial)5.0 4.5Balconies, and roofs used for floor type activitiessame as areasproviding access but not less than 4.0 1.8Fly galleries (in theatres, etc.)4.5 kN/m rununiformly distributed over the width—Grids (over the area of proscenium width by stage depth)2.8 —(continued )s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006(continued )s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006NOTES:1 The concentrated load shall be applied over an area of 350 mm2 for calculation of punching or crushing. 2 Where a stair tread or landing is structurally independent of the adjoining elements, it shall be capable of withstanding a line load of 2.2 kN/m of span of tread or landing.3 A concentrated load of 6.7 kN shall be used where a general allowance for safes is made.4 The concentrated load shall be applied over an area of 0.025 m2 for calculation of punching or crushing. 5Where these same areas may be subjected to loads due to physical activities or overcrowding (for example a hotel dining room u sed as a dance floor), imposed loads shall be based on occu pancy C4 or C5, as appropriate.6Fixed seating is seating where the removal of the seating and the use of the space for other purposes is not likely.7 For domestic garages with timber floors, this may be redu ced to 9 kN applied over an area of0.3 m × 0.3 m.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 20063.4.2 Reduction of uniformly distribution imposed actions The reduction factor (ψa ) shall be as follows: (a)ψa = 1.0 for the following: (i)Areas covered by activity or occupancy types C3, C4 and C5 (see Table 3.1). (ii) Storage areas on which imposed floor actions exceed 5 kPa.(iii) Light and medium traffic areas (activity or occupancy types F and G).(iv) Imposed actions from machinery and equipment for which specific designallowance has been made. (v) One-way slabs. (b)ψa = A.330+but not greater than 1.0 and not less than 0.5.whereA = sum of all areas supported by a structural element, in square metre, forwhich reduction is not restricted under Clause 3.4.2(a)3.5 ROOF AND SUPPORTING ELEMENTS 3.5.1 RoofsValues for the imposed actions appropriate to roofs shall be as given in Table 3.2 except that roofs used for floor type activities (including activity types A, B, C, D, E, F and G) are treated as floors and values shall be as given in Table 3.1.Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance, repair, painting and minor repairs are divided into the following categories: (a)R1—Street awnings or roof areas where it is practical for limited numbers of people to gain access either from adjacent openable windows, awnings, balconies or roofs or from the ground only.(b)R2—Other roofs, either flat or pitched as follows: (i)Structural elements supporting the cladding.(ii) Roof cladding inclusive of any associated protective mesh, or similar, which isrequired to support actions incidental to maintenance. (iii) S urfaces (including transparent surfaces) over which supports (e.g., boards orladders) are required to be laid to support actions incidental to maintenance (e.g., people).s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006TABLE 3.2REFERENCE VALUES OF ROOF ACTIONSUniformlydistributed actionsConcentrated actionsType of activity/occupancyfor part of the building orstructure Specific useskPa kN Accessible from adjacent windows, roofs or balconies1.5 1.8 R1 Street awnings (including cladding)Accessible only from ground level1.01.8 (i) Str u ct u ral elements(1.8/A +0.12) but not less than 0.25(see Notes 1 and 2) 1.4 (ii) Cladding providing direct supportAs for structural elements1.1R2 Other roofs(iii)Surfaces over which boards or ladders are required to be laid— 0.5NOTES: 1 Stru ctu ral elements supporting more than 200 m 2 of roof area shall be designed to support 0.25 kPa on the 200 m 2 of the supported area that gives the worst effect.2A = the plan projection of the su rface area of roof su pported by the member u nder analysis, in squ are metres.3.5.2 Roof trusses, ceilings, skylights and similar structuresWhere the bottom chords of roof trusses, joists and hangers for ceilings, ribs of skylights, frames and coverings of ceiling access hatches and any similar structure are required to support the force imposed by a person for any purpose, they shall be designed to support a 1.4 kN concentrated load.Where the structural element is not required to support a person before the cladding is in place, and there is headroom of less than 1.2 m after installation of the cladding, the concentrated action may be reduced to 0.9 kN.NOT E: T his Standard no longer includes the 4.5 kN occasional load on exposed trusses and beams (for industrial, commercial and farm buildings) that was required in AS 1170.1—1989. If provision for such loads is required, the loads should be given in the specification for the building.3.6 BARRIERSBarriers, including parapets, balustrades and railings, together with members and connections that provide structural support, shall be designed to sustain the imposed actions given in Table 3.3. The top edge or handrail shall also be designed for the case where a concentrated load of 0.6 kN, positioned for the worst effect, acts inward, outward or downward.The uniformly distributed line load and the uniformly distributed and concentrated loads applicable to the infill are not additive. They shall be considered as three separate load cases.Actions due to wind or earthquake need not be assumed to act concurrently with the loads given in Table 3.3.NOTE: For design of barriers for wind effects, information is given in AS/NZS 1170.2.s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006TABLE 3.3MINIMUM IMPOSED ACTIONS FOR BARRIERSTop edgeInfillHorizontal Vertical Inwards,outwards or downwards HorizontalAnydirectionType of occupancy for part of the building or structureSpecific useskN/m kN/m kNkPa kNAll areas within orserving exclusively onedwelling including stairs, landings, etc. but excluding external balconies and edges of roofs (see C3)0.35 0.35 0.6 0.5 0.25A Domestic and residential activities Other residential, (see also C)0.75 0.75 0.6 1.0 0.5Light access stairs andgangways not more than 600 mm wide 0.22 0.22 0.6 N/A N/AFixed platforms,walkways, stairways and ladders for access (see Note)0.35 0.35 0.6 N/A N/AB, E Offices and work areas not included elsewhere including storage areasAreas not susceptible to overcrowding in office and institutionalbuildings also industrial and storage buildings0.75 0.75 0.6 1.0 0.5C Areas where peoplemay congregateC1/C2 Areas with tables or fixed seating Areas with fixed seatingadjacent to a balustrade,restaurants, bars, etc. 1.5 0.75 0.6 1.5 1.5C3 Areas without obstacles for moving people and not susceptible to over-crowding Stairs, landings, externalbalconies, edges of roofs, etc. 0.75 0.75 0.6 1.0 0.5C5 Areas s u sceptible to over-crowding Theatres, cinemas,grandstands,discotheques, bars,auditoria, shopping malls (see also D), assembly areas, studios, etc. 3.0 0.75 0.6 1.5 1.5D Retail areasAll retail areas includingpublic areas ofbanks/building societies, (see C5 for areas where overcrowding may occur)1.5 0.75 0.6 1.5 1.5(continued )s e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006NOTE: This u sage (u nder B, E) is for access to and safe working at places normally u sed by operating, inspection, maintenance and servicing personnel.3.7 ACTIONS FROM INSTALLED CRANES, HOISTS, LIFTS AND MACHINERY 3.7.1 GeneralActions resulting from acceleration of masses in installed cranes, hoists, lifts and other machinery shall be treated as additional imposed loads.The imposed loads used for the design of structures supporting such loads shall be—(a) provided by the manufacturer of that machinery based on an appropriate dynamicassessment; or (b)derived from AS 1418, AS 1735 or NZS 4332, as applicable.In the absence of such information, the factors given in Clauses 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 shall be used.3.7.2 Vertical actionsFor the design of elements supporting lifts, cranes and machinery, the static vertical actions and their appropriate dynamic factors shall be as given in Table 3.4.TABLE 3.4DYNAMIC FACTORS FOR VERTICAL ACTIONSMachineryDynamic factorElement being designedAction being consideredLifts 2.0 S u pports Weight of movingcomponents Travelling cranes:Electric overhead cranes Hand-operated cranes 1.25 1.1 Gantry girders and theirconnectionsStatic wheel loadsNon-reciprocating machinery (e.g., light machinery, shaft or motor driven)1.2Supports Weight of the machineryReciprocating machinery (e.g., compressors) or power-driven units (e.g., piston engines)1.5 Supports Weight of the machinerys e d b y I S O N E T - C H I N A S T A T E B U R E A U O F T E C H N I C A L S U P E R V I S o n 20 M a r 2006。

AASHTO LRFD SI-2007(1)中文版

AASHTO LRFD SI-2007(1)中文版

1.1本规范使用范围1.2 定义1.3设计理论1.3.1 总则1.3.2 极限状态1.3.2.1 总则1.3.2.2 使用极限状态1.3.2.3 疲劳和断裂极限状态1.3.2.4 强度极限状态1.3.2.5 极端事件的极限状态1.3.3 延性1.3.4 超静定性1.3.5 运营重要性概论1.1本规范使用范围本规范的条款旨在用于固定式及活动式公路桥的设计、评价和重建,但不包括活动式桥的机械安全、电气安全、特殊车辆安全和行人安全的条款。












符合这些设计规范的施工规范是AASHTO LRFD 桥梁施工规范。







AS 4058Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure).AS 3725Design for the installation of buried concrete pipes.AS 5065Polyethylene and polypropylene pipes and fittings for drainage and sewerage applicat AS 2566.1Buried flexible pipelinesAS 1940The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.AS 3780The storage and handling of corrosive substances.AS 1170.1AS 1418.1Cranes, hoists and winches – General requirements.AS 1418.18Cranes, hoists and winches – Crane runways and monorails.AS 4100Steel structures.AS 1418AS 1170.2AS 1170.4AS 5100.2AS 1170.0Structural design actions.AS 2670Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – General requirements.AS 2327.1AS 3735Concrete structures retaining liquids.AS 3600Concrete structures.AS 3972General purpose and blended cements.AS 3582Supplementary cementitious materials for use with Portland cement and blended cement AS 1940The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.AS 4100Steel structures.AS 1657Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders - Design, construction and installa AS 3990Mechanical equipment – Steelwork.AS 1657Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and laddersAS 4775Emergency eyewash and shower equipmentAS 2419Fire Hydrant InstallationsAS 2941Fixed fire protection installations – Pumpset systemsAS 1333Conveyor belting of elastomeric and steel cord constructionAS 1332Conveyor belting - Textile reinforcedAS 1755Conveyors – Safety RequirementsAS 1210Unfired Pressure Vessels CodeAS/NZS 3500Plumbing and drainageAS 3780The Storage and Handling of Corrosive SubstancesAS 3774Loads on bulk solids containersAS 1200Pressure EquipmentAS 4343Pressure Equipment – Hazard LevelsAS 5601AS 1654ISO System of Limits and Fits.AS 1000The International System of Units (SI) and its Application.AS 1554Structural steel welding codeAS 2177Non Destructive Testing - Radiography of Welded Butt Joints in Metal : Method of Tes AS 2207Non Destructive Testing - Ultrasonic Testing of Fusion Welded Joints in Carbon and L AS 1081.1AS 1081.2AS 2625.1Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotati AS 2784Endless Wedge Belt and V-Belt Drives.AS 2938Gears – Spur and helical – guide to Specifications and RatingAS 2729Rolling Bearings - Dynamic Load Ratings and Rating LifeAS 1831Ductile Cast IronAS 1403Design of Rotating Steel Shafts.AS 1065Non Destructive Testing - Ultrasonic Testing of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Forgings AS 1252High Strength Steel Bolts with associated Nuts & Washers for Structural Engineering AS 4024.1AS 1755Conveyors – Safety RequirementsAS 4426Thermal Insulation of Pipework, Ductwork and Equipment – Selection,Installation and AS 4041Pressure pipingAS 1345Identification of the Contents of Piping, Conduits and DuctsAS 2671Hydraulic fluid power - General requirements for systemsAS 2019Fluid power - Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders - Bore and rod dimensionsAS 2788Pneumatic Fluid power – General requirements for systemsAS 2865AS 2700AS/NZS 1554.2werage application.l requirements.ent and blended cement.struction and installation.Metal : Method of TestJoints in Carbon and Low Allow Steelurements on non-rotating parts - General guidelinesAlloy Steel Forgings tructural Engineeringction,Installation and Finish dimensions。

AASHTO LRFD SI-2007(4)中文版

AASHTO LRFD SI-2007(4)中文版

第四章目录4.1 范围4.2 定义4.3 符号4.4 认可的结构分析法4.5 建立力学模型4.5.1 一般规定4.5.2结构材料性能4.5.2.1 弹性与非弹性性能4.5.2.2 弹性性能4.5.2.3 非弹性性能4.5.3 几何形状4.5.3.1 小挠度理论4.5.3.2 大挠度理论4. 一般规定4. 近似法4. 一般规定4. 弯矩放大-压弯构件4. 弯矩方法-拱4. 精确法4.5.4 建立边界条件模型4.5.5 等效构件4.6 静力分析4.6.1 平面上几何形状的影响4.6.1.1 平面上长宽比4.6.1.2 水平面内成弯曲的结构4. 一般规定4. 具有抗扭劲性的单主梁上部结构4. 混凝土多室箱梁4. 钢筋多梁上部结构4. 一般规定4. Ⅰ形梁4. 封闭式箱型、槽型梁4.6.2 近似分析法4.6.2.1 桥面4. 一般规定4. 适用性4. 等效内侧板条的宽度4. 在板边缘的等效板条的宽度4. 一般规定4. 纵边4. 横边4. 轮载分配4. 力效应计算4. 横截面的框架作用4. 完全填充式和部分填充式格构及未填充格构桥面板与钢筋混凝土板复合板的活载分配4. 非弹性分析4.6.2.2 梁-板桥4. 应用4. 用于弯矩和剪力的分配系数法4. 带有木桥面的内梁4. 带有混凝土桥面的内梁4. 带波纹钢桥面的内梁4. 外梁4. 斜桥4. 桥面横梁的弯矩和剪力4. 用于剪力的分配系数法4. 内梁4. 外梁4. 斜桥4. 曲线钢桥4. 其它交通的特殊荷载4.6.2.3 板桥的等效条宽度4.6.2.4 桁架桥和拱桥4.6.2.5 有效长度系数,K4.6.2.6 有效翼缘宽度4. 一般规定4. 分段式混凝土箱梁及单室现浇箱梁4. 现浇多室上部结构4. 正交异性钢桥面4.6.2.7 多梁桥的侧向风荷载分布4. Ⅰ形截面4. 箱型截面4. 施工4.6.2.8 抗震横向荷载分布4. 适用性4. 设计准则4. 荷载分布4.6.2.9 分段式混凝土桥梁的分析4.一般规定4. 撑杆与系杆模型4. 有效翼缘宽度4. 横向分析4. 纵向分析4. 一般规定4. 安装分析4. 最终结构系统分析4.6.2.10 箱型涵洞有效条形宽度4. 一般规定4. 例1:交通平行于跨度方向移动4. 例2:交通垂直于跨度方向移动4. 预制箱型涵洞4.6.3 精确分析法4.6.3.1 一般规定4.6.3.2 桥面4. 一般规定4. 各向同性板模型4. 正交异性板模型4.6.3.3 梁-板桥4. 一般规定4. 曲线钢桥4.6.3.4 多室及单室箱梁桥4.6.3.5 桁架桥4.6.3.6 拱桥4.6.3.7 斜拉桥4.6.3.8 悬索桥4.6.4 连续梁桥内负弯矩的重分布4.6.4.1 一般规定4.6.4.2 精确法4.6.4.3 近似法4.6.5 稳定性4.6.6 温度梯度分析4.7 动力分析4.7.1 结构动力特性的基本要求4.7.1.1 总则4.7.1.2 质量分布4.7.1.3 劲度4.7.1.4 阻尼4.7.1.5 固有频率4.7.2 弹性动力反应4.7.2.1 车辆引起的振动4.7.2.2 风致振动4. 风速4. 动力效应4. 设计考虑4.7.3 非弹性动力反应4.7.3.1 总则4.7.3.2 塑性铰和屈服线4.7.4 对地震荷载的分析4.7.4.1 总则4.7.4.2 单跨桥4.7.4.3 多跨桥4. 分析方法的选用4. 单振型方法分析4. 一般规定4. 单振型谱法4. 均匀荷载4. 多模态谱法4. 时间历程法4.7.4.4 最小位移要求4.7.5 撞击荷载分析4.8 用物理模型分析4.8.1 比例尺模型试验4.8.2 桥梁试验参考文献附录A4 桥面板设计表第4章(SI)结构分析与评价4. 1范围本章介绍适用于桥梁设计及评价的分析方法,而且只限于结构模型的建立和力效应的确定。




条款差异1.1 去掉‘链’1.2 增加如下注意事项:注意:AS1170.4应考虑地震条件5.1.3(新) 增加如下条款:5.1.3通道层站入口应提供至少1000mm的宽度,40-49页所有的门,窗户和能开关的设备,以及所连接在机房和电梯井道之间的孔都不能认为是通风方式。










(e)围井出口盖板在不用时应被存放起来6.4.1.2 把“波形钢板”改成“网纹钢板”。 删除“2句和3句”6.4.3 删除整个条款。

7.1 用以下的取代第三段:(a)门与框架之间(b)门与地坎之间设有框架的石块和混凝土的入口(c)多路入口的门扇之间,门与地坎之间的垂直距离不超过9.5mm7.2.3.3 1.用一下的代替第一段:门扇轿厢或厅门的玻璃所要求的抗强度标准来执行,此时不损坏玻璃。



REVIEW OF AS5100.2 – DESIGN LOADSNigel Powers, VicRoads, AustraliaABSTRACTAS5100, the Australian Bridge Design Code, is currently under review. AS5100.2, Design Loads, sets out the minimum design loads, forces and load effect for road, railway, pedestrian and bicycle bridges and other associated structures.The review of AS5100 and Part 2 commenced in late 2011. As part of the review, Part 2 has been updated to reflect current technology and philosophy and to address any recent feedback from industry. The more significant changes include the increase in collision loads, the expansion of the section of earthquake loading and improved provision and detail for flood and debris loading following recent flooding across Australia.This paper provides an overview of the changes to the Standard, discussing in greater detail the more significant changes.INTRODUCTIONAS5100-2004 has 7 parts with AS5100.2 being Part 2: Design Loads. AS5100.2 sets out the minimum design loads, forces and load effect for road, railway, pedestrian and bicycle bridges and other associated structures (Standards Australia 2004).The review of AS5100-2004 – Bridge Design Code was originally proposed by Transport and Main Roads, Queensland in mid 2011. The scope of this proposal was to generally update the Standard with emphasis on concrete and aligning with the recently reviewed AS3600, earthquake loading and design, new products and materials for bearings and expansion joints, provisions for pedestrians and climate change.This was subsequently approved by Standards Australia in late 2011 and the review of theAS5100 commenced. Once approved, Standards Australia called a meeting of the AS5100 main committee – BD-090. This committee consists of industry representatives that have been nominated by Nominating Organisations such as Austroads and Engineers Australia. At the initial meeting the committee decided on the scope of the review which was confirmed to be the scope of the proposal. The committee then agreed on how the review would proceed. Working groups were set up to undertake the reviews with one working group to review Parts 1, 2 & 7. The working group tasked with reviewing AS5100.2 is chaired by Nigel Powers, VicRoads and Austroads, and consisted of members from the road and rail industries, public organisations and private companies. Work started on the review in early 2012 with the initial scope including the updating to current technology and methodologies as well as aligning with the Earthquake Loading Standard, AS1170.4-2007. During the review the scope developed to include feedback from industry and developing within and outside of Australia.The intent of this paper is to inform industry of the changes to AS5100.2 and highlight the more significant changes while also facilitating discussion at the Austroads Bridge Conference 2014. MINOR CHANGESOverall there were numerous changes made in AS5100.2. At the same time many sections were left largely untouched such as the sections on dead loads and live load cases. Some of the more general changes are as follows:•Grammar and general errors from the past version,•Several definitions added such as crash wall and deflection wall for greater clarity and to update for new content,•Clause references have been removed from Section 4 – Notation to enable easy revision and future updates,•The load factor for pedestrian, cycleway and maintenance loads has been reduced to 1.5 for ultimate to align with AS1170,•The inclusion of greater requirements for shared use bridges as they are becoming common, •Load factors for construction forces and effects have been now included within the section for ease of use,•Load effects and load factors have now been summarised in the appendices for the convenience of the designer.MAJOR CHANGESA number of significant changes were made to AS5100.2 in the process of the review. These include the revision of collision loads, earthquake loading, lighting and sign structure provisions, and the inclusion of a design procedure for barriers. The following section of this paper highlights and discusses these changes.Collision LoadsOver the past decade vehicles on the road network have increased in size and mass and their centre of gravity is also higher. At the time of the creation of AS5100.2-2004 most passenger vehicles were standard sedan or wagon type and semi-trailers were very common and 68t B-doubles were becoming more common. In 2014 it is becoming very common for passenger vehicles to be vans or Special Utility Vehicles which are heavier and have a higher centre of gravity than the sedans and wagons of a decade ago. Also, the freight industry are introducing and lobbying to introduce larger vehicles onto the network with road trains and other similar vehicles becoming more common. These have a much greater mass and higher centre of gravity than those in 2004.In acknowledgement of these changes to vehicle characteristics the AS5100.2 working group referred to international Standards, Codes and Guidelines for international best practice to address this trend. The Federal Highways Agency in the United States of America published in 2009 the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) (FHWA 2009) which replaced NCHRP Report 350, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features. As a result of changing vehicle characteristics MASH 2009 increased the collision loads of the various barrier test levels and the minimum effective height which was seen by the committee to be more closely reflecting the vehicles currently on the network and those anticipated to be on the network during the life of the barrier. Accordingly, the working group adopted the requirements of MASH 2009. The impact of the adoption of the requirements of MASH 2009 is shown in Table 1 which compares between the AS5100 – 2004 requirements and those adopted in the draft.Table 1: Comparison between AS5100.2-2004 and DRAS5100.2 – Collision LoadsBarrier performancelevelUltimatetransverseoutward load(F T)kNUltimatelongitudinalor transverseinward load(F L)kNVehiclecontactlength fortransverseload (L T) andlongitudinalload (L L)mUltimateverticaldownwardload(F V)kNVehiclecontactlength forvertical load(L V)m 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 DraftLow 125 150 40 50 1.1 1.1 20 22 5.5 5.5 Regular 250 300 80 100 1.1 1.2 80 100 5.5 6 Medium 500 600 170 200 2.4 2.4 350 300 12 12It is acknowledged by the working group that a significant change such as this will cause debate within the broader industry. The changes would result in higher moments and thus larger barriers and stronger decks which would cost more than designs done to AS5100.2-2004. Also, one topic of regular debate was that there were no documented breaches of barriers designed to AS5100.2 and thus there may not be the justification for the change. The working group decided that the best way to gauge the industry’s views on this was by releasing the draft ofAS5100.2 with the MASH 2009 loads and height and seeing what issues were raised during public comment.At the time of writing this paper the public comment on AS5100.2 had just closed and the working group had not considered the comments made.Earthquake LoadingIn 2012 Austroads published a report titled Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes (Austroads 2012). The purpose of the report was to “investigate current Australian and international seismic design practices and formulate new force-based and displacement-based code provisions for the design of bridges to earthquake loads suitable for inclusion in current Australian design codes”. It was also important to ensure “that bridge design standards in Australia are kept up to date and reflect world best practice”.The report acknowledged that while earthquakes in Australia are rare compared to other countries such as New Zealand, the consequences can still be fatal and costly. Thus it is still very important that bridges are designed appropriately to ensure they are functional post event and are able to assist in the critical recovery process after such major events.The two keys outcomes of the report were:“1. Recommended changes, with specific clause wordings to AS 5100.2:2004 Bridge design – Part 2. Design loads, to ensure compatibility with AS 1170.4:2007 Minimum design loads on structures – Part 4: Earthquake loads.2. Development of an alternative displacement-based design method suitable for inclusion in AS 5100.2, presented in the form of recommended code clauses. Design examples illustrating the use of this method are provided for typical bridge configurations.”The AS5100.2 adopted the changes proposed in the report.Forces Resulting From Water FlowIn the last 5 years Australia has experienced significant flood events in Queensland and Victoria in particular. The flood events in Queensland brought about significant flows in terms of volume and velocity and debris such as pontoons, shipping containers and various vehicles. The loads experienced on bridges were far greater than the provisions of AS5100.2-2004 which essentially address log impact and other natural vegetation. An example of the debris experienced in Queensland is shown in Figure 1. The working group agreed that the forces from debris must be amended to reflect the now more common urban debris.Figure 1: Example of debris from recent Queensland floods.Lighting and Sign StructuresOver the past decade a number of major sign structures have failed while in service across the road network. The subsequent investigations of these incidents raised concerns over design deficiencies, construction practices and maintenance and inspection regimes. Overall, fatigue of the base plate and connections a common issue. AS5100.2-2004 guidance and requirements were seen as brief and required substantial improvement to ensure similar failures were avoided in the future.In 2010, VicRoads released the Bridge Technical Note BTN2010/001 - Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High-Mast Light Poles (VicRoads 2010) to address the above. The document addressed the fatigue issues by adopting the fatigue requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signs (AASHTO 2004). The working group adopted the guidance in the document to address the issue in the new version of AS5100.2.CONCLUSIONThe working group reviewing AS5100.2 have taken on feedback from industry and adopted or improved on advancements within and outside of Australia ensuring the progression of the Standard and the industry as a whole. The changes made to items like collision loads and earthquake loading will ensure that the bridges we design now will conform to increasing technical standards and provided a higher level of safety for all road users for the 100 year life of the bridge or structure. While the changes may cause short term turbulence as there will be increased costs and the need for changes to current practices and methodologies, overall the changes will ensure our bridge designs are efficient, effective and safe. There will always be the need to undertake further review, refinement and development but this version of AS5100.2 has taken significant steps forward from the 2004 version.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would sincerely like to thank the AS5100.2 working group for the significant time and effort they have put in over the past 3 years. The review of a Standard can be a quite difficult task often with a significant workload, frequent travel, complex issues and conflicting views and opinions. Many members volunteer their time and all members will often work on the Standard on their own time which is an incredible effort considering significant work and family commitments.REFERENCESAASHTO 2004, Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signs, 4th Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USAAustroads 2012, Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes, Austroads, NSW, AustraliaFHWA 2009, Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, AASHTO, USANCHRP Report 350 1993, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.Standards Australia 2004, Bridge Design Part 2: Design Loads AS5100.2004, Standards Australia, NSW, AustraliaStandards Australia 2014, Draft Bridge Design Part 2: Design Loads DR AS5100.2, Standards Australia, NSW, AustraliaVicRoads 2010, BTN2010/001 - Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High-Mast Light Poles, VicRoads, Victoria, AustraliaAUTHOR BIOGRAPHIESNigel Powers has been working with VicRoads since graduating from RMIT University in 2000. At VicRoads he has successfully fulfilled roles in numerous areas related to bridges including design, construction, maintenance, inspection and management. Currently Nigel is the Manager Technology and Assets in the Structures Group where he is responsible for standards, policy and guidelines for the design, construction, maintenance and management of structures across VicRoads. Nigel is the VicRoads representative on the Austroads Bridge Task Force, the Austroads representative on the Standards Australia committee BD-090 and the chair of the working group reviewing Parts 1, 2 & 7 of AS5100.Copyright Licence AgreementThe Author allows ARRB Group Ltd to publish the work/s submitted for the 9th Austroads Bridge Conference, granting ARRB the non-exclusive right to:• publish the work in printed format• publish the work in electronic format• publish the work online.The Author retains the right to use their work, illustrations (line art, photographs, figures, plates) and research data in their own future worksThe Author warrants that they are entitled to deal with the Intellectual Property Rights in the works submitted, including clearing all third party intellectual property rights and obtaining formal permission from their respective institutions or employers before submission, where necessary.。

AS 1170.4-1993地震荷载

AS 1170.4-1993地震荷载

AS1170.4—1993Australian Standard RMinimum design loads on structuresPart4:Earthquake loadsThis Australian Standard was prepared by Committee BD/6,Loading on Structures.It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on21April1993and published on 16August1993.The following interests are represented on Committee BD/6:Association of Consulting Engineers,AustraliaAssociation of Consulting Structural Engineers,N.S.W.AUBRCCAustralian Clay Brick AssociationAustralian Construction Services—Department of Administrative ServicesAustralian Federation of Construction ContractorsAustralian Institute of Steel ConstructionAUSTROADSBureau of MeteorologyBureau of Steel Manufacturers of AustraliaCSIRO,Division of Building,Construction and EngineeringElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaEngineering and Water Supply Department,S.A.James Cook University of North QueenslandMaster Builders Construction and Housing Association,AustraliaMonash UniversityPublic Works Department,N.S.W.University of MelbourneUniversity of NewcastleAdditional interests participating in preparation of this Standard:Australian Geological Survey OrganizationCement and Concrete Association of AustraliaDepartment of Housing and Construction,S.A.Department of Mines and Energy,S.A.Department of Resource Industries,Qld.Institution of Engineers,AustraliaInsurance Council of AustraliaPhillip Institute of Technology,Vic.Steel Reinforcement Institute of AustraliaUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of QueenslandReview of Australian Standards.To keep abreast of progress in industry,Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary.It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition,and any amendments thereto.Full details of all Australian Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australia Catalogue of Publications;this information is supplemented each month by the magazine‘The Australian Standard’,which subscribing members receive,and which gives details of new publications,new editions and amendments,and of withdrawn Standards.Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards,addressed to the head office of Standards Australia,are welcomed.Notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR91094..AS1170.4—1993Australian Standard RMinimum design loads on structures(known as theSAA Loading Code)Part4:Earthquake loadsFirst published as part of AS2121—1979.Revised and redesignated in part as AS1170.4—1993.Incorporating:Amdt1—1994.PUBLISHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA(STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA)1THE CRESCENT,HOMEBUSH,NSW2140ISBN0726282979This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee for Loading on Structures to supersede AS2121—1979,SAA Earthquake Code and AS2121M—1979Seismic Zone map of Australia.This edition incorporates the following major changes to the previous edition:(a)The Standard is now in a limit states format.(b)New earthquake maps of Australia and of each State/Territory,defined in terms of an acceleration coefficient,are included.(c)Domestic structures are now included(Section3).(d)AS2121—1979contains provisions for earthquake loads and in addition,design and detailing requirementsfor some of the major structural materials.This Standard contains only loading requirements.In preparing this Standard,the Committee referred to the documents listed in the Commentary,AS1170.4 Supplement1.Acknowledgment is made of the Australian Geological Survey Organization’s copyright of the earthquake acceleration coefficient maps of Australia,States and Territory,and appreciation is recorded for permission to include the maps in this Standard.E Copyright—STANDARDS AUSTRALIAUsers of Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all Standards Australia publications and software.Except where the Copyright Act allows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by Standards Australia may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from Standards Australia.Permission may be conditional on an appropriate royalty payment.Requests for permission and information on commercial software royalties should be directed to the head office of Standards Australia.Standards Australia will permit up to10percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively in–house by purchasers of the Standard without payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Australia.Standards Australia will also permit the inclusion of its copyright material in computer software programs for no royalty payment provided such programs are used exclusively in–house by the creators of the programs.Care should be taken to ensure that material used is from the current edition of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised.The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identified.The use of material in print form or in computer software programs to be used commercially,with or without payment,or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty.This policy may be varied by Standards Australia at any time.Page ....................................................FOREWORD 5SECTION1 SCOPE AND GENERAL......................................................1.1 SCOPE 8 1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 8..................................................................................1.3 DEFINITIONS 8..................................................1.4 NOTA TION 10......1.5 METHODS OF DETERMINATION OF EARTHQUAKE LOADS 12.........................1.6 EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATIONS 12 SECTION2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................2.1 GENERAL 13 2.2 STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION 13................................................................2.3 ACCELERATION COEFFICIENT 13................................................2.4 SITE FACTOR 23.......................................2.5 IMPORTANCE FACTOR 24............................2.6 EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY 24.................2.7 REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERAL STRUCTURES 24.......................2.8 STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS OF BUILDINGS 26............................................2.9 CONFIGURATION 27..............................2.10 DEFLECTION AND DRIFT LIMITS 28 SECTION3 DOMESTIC STRUCTURES...................................................3.1 GENERAL 29......3.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORIES 29 3.3 STRUCTURAL DETAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR DOMESTIC................................................STRUCTURES 29 3.4 STA TIC ANALYSIS FOR NON–DUCTILE DOMESTIC STRUCTURES......................OF EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY H3 29............................3.5 NON–STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS 30SECTION4 STRUCTURAL DETAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR GENERALSTRUCTURES...................................................4.1 GENERAL 31 4.2 STRUCTURAL DETAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURESOF EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY A 31.......................4.3 STRUCTURAL DETAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES.......................OF EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY B 31 4.4 STRUCTURAL DETAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES............OF EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORIES C,D AND E 31 SECTION5 REQUIREMENTS FOR NON–STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 33............................................5.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS 35 5.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALCOMPONENTS 36....................................................................................5.4 AMPLIFICATION FACTOR 37PageSECTION6 STA TIC ANALYSIS...................................................6.1 GENERAL 38........................................6.2 HORIZONTAL FORCES 38 6.3 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF HORIZONTAL EARTHQUAKE.....................................................FORCES 39..........................6.4 HORIZONTAL SHEAR DISTRIBUTION 42........................................6.5 TORSIONAL EFFECTS 42 6.6 STABILITY EFFECTS 44....................................................6.7 DRIFT DETERMINATION AND P–DELTA EFFECTS 44.................6.8 VERTICAL COMPONENT OF GROUND MOTION 45 SECTION7 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS...................................................7.1 GENERAL 46......................................7.2 EARTHQUAKE ACTIONS 46 7.3 MATHEMATICAL MODEL 47..........................................................................7.4 ANALYSIS PROCEDURES 47.........................................7.5 STABILITY EFFECTS 48 7.6 DRIFT DETERMINATION AND P–DELTA EFFECTS 48.......................................SECTION8 STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS 49 APPENDICESA STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION 50..........................................................................B STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 55......................................C DOMESTIC STRUCTURES 56D TYPES OF DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 58...................................................................E STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS 605AS1170.4—1993FOREWORDThe purpose of designing structures for earthquake loads is to—(a)minimize the risk of loss of life from structure collapse or damage in the event ofan earthquake;(b)improve the expected performance of structures;and(c)improve the capability of structures that are essential to post-earthquake recovery tofunction during and after an earthquake,and to minimize the risk of damage tohazardous facilities.The design of structures to this Standard does not necessarily prevent structural andnon-structural damage in the event of an earthquake.The provisions provide the minimum criteria considered to be prudent for the protection of life by minimizing the likelihood of collapse of the structures.The ground motions specified in this Standard are for the‘design earthquake’based on an estimated90%probability of these ground motions not being exceeded in a50-year period.The detailing requirements specified in this Standard are of a general nature related specifically to earthquake resistant design.Specific detailing appropriate for each material (concrete,steel,masonry,timber,etc.)will be found in the relevant material Standards.A flow chart showing the procedure for determining whether a structure needs to be designed for earthquake loads and,if required,the determination of design earthquake loads is shown in Figures1(a)and1(b).COPYRIGHTAS1170.4—19936(a)Domestic structuresFIGURE1(in part)FLOWCHART FOR DETERMINATION OF EARTHQUAKE LOADSCOPYRIGHT7AS1170.4—1993FIGURE1(in part)FLOWCHART FOR DETERMINATION OF EARTHQUAKE LOADSCOPYRIGHTAS1170.4—19938STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian StandardMinimum design loads on structuresPart4:Earthquake loadsS E C T I O N1S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1SCOPE This Standard sets out data and procedures for determining minimumearthquake loads on structures and their components.It also sets out minimum detailing requirements for structures.It does not consider related phenomena such as settlement, slides,subsidence,liquefaction or faulting in the immediate vicinity of a structure.This Standard is intended to apply to structures,particularly buildings,non-building structures,fixings and non-structural components including building services and architectural elements.Special structures including nuclear reactors,dams,transmission towers,bridges,piers and wharves may require special considerations,and are not covered by this Standard.NOTE:The date of application of this Standard on a mandatory basis is a matter for the relevant regulatory authorities.With the publication of this Standard,AS2121—1979becomes an available superseded Standard and will be withdrawn following substantial regulatory implementation of this edition,or within two years of publication of this edition,whichever is the earlier.1.2REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in thisStandard:AS1170SAA Loading Code1170.1Part1:Dead and live loads and load combinations1684National Timber Framing Code1720SAA Timber Structures Code1726SAA Site Investigation Code3600Concrete structures3700SAA Masonry Code4100Steel structuresNZS3604Code of Practice for Light Timber Frame Buildings1.3DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard,the definitions below apply.1.3.1Acceleration coefficient—an index related to the expected severity of earthquakeground motion.1.3.2Base—see definition of structural base(Clause1.3.36).COPYRIGHT9AS1170.4—1993 1.3.3Base shear—the total horizontal earthquake shear force(V)at the base of the structure.1.3.4Bearing wall system—a structural system with loadbearing walls providing supportfor all or most of the vertical loads and shear walls or braced frames providing the horizontal earthquake resistance.1.3.5Braced frame—an essentially vertical truss,or its equivalent,designed to resist horizontal earthquake forces.Truss members are subjected primarily to axial forces.1.3.6Building frame system—a structural system in which an essentially complete space frame supports the vertical loads and shear walls or braced frames provide the horizontal earthquake resistance.1.3.7Concentric braced frame—a braced frame in which the members are subjected primarily to axial forces.1.3.8Diaphragm—a horizontal or nearly horizontal system,including a horizontal bracing system,acting to transmit horizontal forces to the vertical elements resisting earthquake forces.1.3.9Dual system—a structural system in which an essentially complete space frame provides support for the vertical loads and at least a quarter of the prescribed horizontal earthquake forces.The total horizontal earthquake resistance is provided by the combination of the moment frame,shear walls or braced frames,in proportion to their relative rigidities.1.3.10Ductility—the ability of the structure or element to undergo repeated and reversing inelastic deflections beyond the point of first yield while maintaining a substantial proportion of its initial load-carrying capacity.1.3.11Drift—see definition of storey drift(Clause1.3.30).1.3.12Earthquake design category—a category assigned to a structure based on its structure classification,acceleration coefficient and site factor for the site.1.3.13Earthquake resisting system—that part of the structural system which is considered in the design to provide resistance to the earthquake forces.1.3.14Eccentric braced frame—a braced frame where at least one end of each brace intersects a beam at a location away from the column-girder joint and which complieswith the requirements of AS4100.1.3.15Hazardous facility—a structure which stores hazardous material.1.3.16Horizontal bracing system—a horizontal or nearly horizontal truss system that serves the same function as a diaphragm.1.3.17Intermediate moment resisting frame(IMRF)—a concrete or steel space frame designed in accordance with AS3600or AS4100,respectively,in which members and joints are capable of resisting forces by flexure as well as axial forces along the axis ofthe members,including specific ductility requirements(see Appendix B).1.3.18Loadbearing wall—a wall providing support for vertical loads in addition to its own weight.1.3.19Moment resisting frame system—a structural system in which an essentially complete space frame supports the vertical loads and the total prescribed horizontal earthquake forces by the flexural action of members.1.3.20Non-loadbearing wall—a wall which does not provide support for vertical loads other than its own weight.1.3.21Ordinary moment resisting frame(OMRF)—a space frame in which membersand joints are capable of resisting forces by flexure as well as axial forces along the axisof the members without any special ductility requirements(see Appendix B).AS1170.4—1993101.3.22Orthogonal effect—the effect on the structure due to earthquake motions actingsimultaneously in directions other than parallel to the direction of resistance under consideration.1.3.23P-delta effect—the secondary effect on shears and moments of frame membersinduced by the vertical loads acting on the horizontally-displaced building frame.1.3.24Shear wall—a wall designed to resist horizontal earthquake forces acting in theplane of the wall.A shear wall can be either loadbearing or non-loadbearing.1.3.25Soft storey—one in which the horizontal stiffness of the storey is less than70%of that in the storey above or less than80%of the average stiffness of the three storeys above.1.3.26Space frame—a three dimensional structural system composed of interconnectedmembers,other than loadbearing walls,which is capable of supporting vertical loads and may also provide horizontal resistance to earthquake forces.1.3.27Special moment resisting frame(SMRF)—a concrete or steel space framedesigned in accordance with AS3600or AS4100,respectively,in which members and joints are capable of resisting forces by flexure as well as axial forces along the axis of the members with special ductility requirements(see Appendix B).1.3.28Static eccentricity—the distance from the shear centre to the centre of mass atthe level considered,measured perpendicular to the direction of loading.1.3.29Storey—the space between levels including the space between the structural baseand the level above.Storey x is the storey below level x(see Figure6.3).1.3.30Storey drift—the displacement of one level relative to the level above or below.1.3.31Storey drift ratio—the storey drift divided by the storey height.1.3.32Storey height—the distance from floor level to floor level.1.3.33Storey shear—the summation of all the design horizontal forces acting on thelevels above the storey under consideration(see Figure6.3).1.3.34Storey strength—the total horizontal load capacity of all earthquake resistingelements sharing the storey shear for the direction under consideration.1.3.35Structure—an assemblage of members designed to support gravity loads andresist horizontal forces and may be either a building structure or a non-building structure.1.3.36Structural base—the level at which the earthquake ground motions are consideredto be imparted to the structure or the level at which the structure as a dynamic vibrator is supported(see Figure6.3).1.3.37Structure classification—a classification assigned to a structure based on its use.1.3.38Vertical load-carrying frame—a space frame designed to carry all vertical loads.1.3.39Weak storey—one in which the storey strength is less than80%of that in thestorey above.1.4NOTATION Symbols used in this Standard are listed below.The dimensional units for length,force and stress in all expressions or equations are to be taken as millimetres(mm),newtons(N)and megapascals(MPa),respectively,unless specified otherwise.A 1,A2=dynamic eccentricity factora=acceleration coefficientac=attachment amplification factorax=height amplification factor at level x11AS1170.4—1993 b=maximum dimension of the structure at level x,measured perpendicular to the horizontal earthquake shear force direction at the level under considerationC=earthquake design coefficientCc1=earthquake coefficient for architectural componentsCc2=earthquake coefficient for mechanical and electrical componentsCvx=earthquake design coefficient for vertical distribution of earthquake forcesed1=primary design eccentricityed2=secondary design eccentricityes=static eccentricityFeq=earthquake load calculated in accordance with this StandardFi=horizontal earthquake force applied at level iFn=horizontal earthquake force applied at level nF p =horizontal earthquake force applied to a component of a structure or equipment at its centre of gravityFx=horizontal earthquake force applied at level xG=dead load(see AS1170.1)G c=portion of the dead load tending to cause instabilityGc=weight of a component of a structure or equipmentGg=gravity loadGgR=portion of the gravity load tending to resist instabilityGgi =portion of gravity load(Gg)located or applied at level iGgx =portion of gravity load(Gg)located or applied at level xg=gravitational constant(9.81m/s2)hn=total height of the structure above the structural basehi=height above the structural base of the structure to level ihsx=height of storey xh x =height above the structural base of the structure to level x;or height above the structural base of the structure at which a component is attachedI=importance factorK=stiffness of the attachment in the relevant directionKd=deflection amplification factork=exponent related to structure periodL=total horizontal dimension of the structure,perpendicular to the direction of the earthquake action being consideredM=overturning momentm=stability coefficientn=number of levels in structurePx=total vertical design load at storey xQ=live load(see AS1170.1)Q c=portion of the live load tending to cause instabilityAS1170.4—199312Rf=structural response factorS=site factorT=structure periodTc=period of vibration of a component and its attachmentV=total horizontal earthquake base shear forceVx=horizontal earthquake shear force at storey x∆=design storey driftδx=deflection of the storeyδxe=deflection determined by an elastic analysisψc=live load combination factor used in assessing the design load for strength and stability limit states1.5METHODS OF DETERMINATION OF EARTHQUAKE LOADS The earthquakeloads shall be determined by—(a)applying the requirements of this Standard;or(b)using reliable data and references in a manner compatible with the requirements ofthis Standard together with information on local conditions.1.6EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATIONS1.6.1Limit states design For limit state design,the following load combinationsinvolving earthquake shall be taken into account.These load combinations shall take precedence over the load combinations for earthquake given in AS1170.1for the corrresponding limit states.(a)Strength limit state The earthquake load combination for strength limit state designshall be as follows:(i)G+ψc Q+Feq...1.6.1(1)(ii)0.8(G+ψc Q)+Feq...1.6.1(2)whereG=dead load(see AS1170.1)ψc=live load combination factor used in assessing the design load for strength and stability limit states(see AS1170.1)Q=live load(see AS1170.1)Feq=earthquake load calculated in accordance with this Standard(b)Stability limit state The earthquake load combination for stability limit state designshall be as follows:1.25G c+ψc Q c+Feq≤0.8(G+ψcQ)R+φR...1.6.1(3)whereG c=portion of the dead load tending to cause instabilityQ c=portion of the live load tending to cause instability(G+ψc Q)R=portion of the dead load and factored live load tending to resist instabilityφR=design capacity of the structural component(see AS1170.1)For the calculation of the earthquake load effects that cause instability,see Clause6.6. 1.6.2Permissible stress design For permissible stress design,the earthquake load calculated in accordance with this Standard shall be divided by1.4to give equivalent working earthquake load.13AS1170.4—1993 S E C T I O N2G E N E R A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S2.1GENERAL Not all structures are required to be designed for earthquake loads.If required by this Standard,earthquake loads shall be determined by either—(a)static analysis;or(b)dynamic analysis.The method of analysis depends on the earthquake design category,the structure configuration and the ductility of the structure.The earthquake design category depends on—(i)the structure classification(see Clause2.2);(ii)the acceleration coefficient(see Clause2.3);and(iii)the site factor(see Clause2.4).2.2STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION2.2.1General For the purpose of earthquake design,structures shall be classified as either domestic structures or general structures.2.2.2Domestic structures For the purpose of this Standard,domestic structures are detached single dwellings,terrace houses,townhouses and the like with the following limitations:(a)The distance from ground level to the underside of eaves shall not exceed6.0m;from ground level to the highest point of the roof,neglecting chimneys,shall notexceed8.5m;and the height of each storey at external walls shall not exceed2.7m(see Figure2.2.2(a)).NOTE:For earthquake design,the height of each storey at external walls may be increasedto3.2m.(b)The width,including roofed verandahs but excluding eaves,shall not exceed16.0m,and the total length(L1+L2)shall not exceed10times the width(seeFigure2.2.2(b)).2.2.3General structures General structures include all structures other than those specified in Clause2.2.2and shall be further classified into structure types as follows: (a)Type III Structures include buildings that are essential to post-earthquake recoveryor associated with hazardous facilities.(b)Type II Structures include buildings that are designed to contain a large number ofpeople,or people of restricted or impaired mobility.(c)Type I Structures include buildings not of Type II or Type III.NOTE:For examples of structure classification,see Appendix A.2.3ACCELERATION COEFFICIENT The acceleration coefficient(a)depends on the geographic location of the structure(see Figure 2.3(a))and shall be determined from Table2.3in the first instance.If the acceleration coefficient for the location required is not given in Table2.3,it shall be determined from Figures2.3(b)to2.3(g).Linear interpolation between contours shown in Figures2.3(b)to2.3(g)is permitted.AS1170.4—199314FIGURE 2.2.2GEOMETRY15AS1170.4—1993TABLE2.3ACCELERATION COEFFICIENTFOR MAJOR CENTRESMajor centres Acceleration coefficient(a)Adelaide0.10 Albury/Wodonga0.08 Ballarat0.08 Bendigo0.09 Brisbane0.06 Cairns0.06 Canberra0.08 Darwin0.08 Geelong0.10 Gold Coast/Tweed Heads0.06 Hobart0.05 Latrobe Valley0.10 Launceston0.06 Melbourne0.08 Newcastle0.11 Perth0.09 Rockhampton0.08 Sydney0.08 Toowoomba0.06 Townsville0.07 Wollongong0.08AS1170.4—199316FIGURE 2.3(a)ACCELERATION COEFFICIENT MAP OF AUSTRALIACOPYRIGHT17AS1170.4—1993FIGURE 2.3(b)ACCELERATION COEFFICIENT MAP OFNEW SOUTH WALES,VICTORIA AND TASMANIAAS1170.4—199318FIGURE 2.3(c)ACCELERATION COEFFICIENT MAP OF SOUTH AUSTRALIAOF WESTERN AUSTRALIAOF SOUTH-WEST OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA。

【精品文档】ASNZS 11702结构设计作用 第二部分风荷载的作用

【精品文档】ASNZS 11702结构设计作用 第二部分风荷载的作用

AS/NZS 1170.2:2002附上第1项的修改澳大利/新西兰标准结构设计作用第二部分:风荷载的作用AS/NZS 1170.2:2002COPYRIGHTBD-006技术协会联合修订了澳大利亚/新西兰联合标准,总体设计要求和结构荷载。



下面是BD-006协会的叙述:澳大利亚工程顾问的协会澳大利亚建筑标准团体澳大利亚钢结构协会新西兰建筑研究协会澳大利亚水泥和混凝土协会澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织,建筑,结构和工程技术暴风实验站-James Cook 大学澳大利亚供电协会房屋工业协会澳大利亚工程师协会新西兰专业工程师协会澳大利亚建筑商新西兰重点工程研究协会澳大利亚钢加强件协会Newcastle 大学奥克兰大学(新西兰)新西兰Canterbury 大学墨i 匀大学Tyndall 和Hanham保持标准的更新升级标准是一本活的文件,它反应了在科学、技术和系统方面的发展。





澳大利亚/新西兰联合标准的详细信息在澳大利亚标准网址.au 或新西兰标准网址 和在网上目录中查找相关标准。






AS/NZS 1170.2:20023AS/NZS 1170.2:2002澳大利/新西兰标准结构设计作用第二部分:风荷载的作用附上第1项的修改第一节概要 (7)1.1范围 (7)1.2应用 (8)1.3参考档案 (8)1.4风荷载的测定 (8)1.5单位 (8)1.6定义 (8)1.7符号 (8)第2节风荷载的计算 (9)2.1概要 (9)2.2位置风速 (9)2.3设计风速 (9)2.4设计风压和分布式的力 (11)2.4.1设计风压 (11)2.4.2风的分布式力设计 (11)2.5风荷载 (11)2.5.1概要 (11)2.5.2考虑的方向 (12)2.5.3表面或结构部件的力 (12)起源于风压的力 (12)起源于摩擦力的力 (12)力起源于力的系数 (12)2.5.4完成结构的力和力矩 (12)2.5.5部件的敏感疲劳性能 (13)2.5.6结构风敏感的适用性 (13)第3节区域风速 (13)3.1概要 (13)3.2区域风速(Vr) (13)3.3风向系数 (14)3.3.1区域A和W (14)3.3.2区域B,C和D (14)3.4区域C和D(Fc,Fd)因数 (14)第4节地点位向系数 (16)4.1概要 (16)4.2海拔/高度系数(Mz,cat) (17)4.2.1海拔种类定义 (17)4.2.2确定海拔高度系数(Mz,cat) (17)4.2.3地形种类改变 (18)4.3保护的系数(Ms) (20)4.3.1概要 (20)4.3.2建筑的供应保护 (20)4.3.3保护的参数(s) (21)4.4地质系数Mt (21)4.4.1概要 (21)4.4.2斜坡形状系数(M (21)4.4.3背风的系数( (23)第5节空气动力学形态因数 (23)5.1概要 (23)AS/NZS 1170.2:20025 5.2 空气动力学形态因数评估 (25)5.3围绕矩形建筑物的内压力 (25)5.3.1 概要 (25)5.3.3支配开启 (26)5.4围绕矩形建筑物的外部压力(Cp.e) (27)5.4.2屋面和边墙的面积缩减因数(Ka) (30)5.4.3结合因数(Kc) (30)5.4.4扣板局部的压力因数(Kt) (31)5.4.5屋面和边墙的扣板渗透性缩减(变形)因数(Kp) (33)5.5围绕建筑的摩擦拉力 (34)第6节动态响应因数 (34)6.1动态响应因数评估 (34)6.2大的建筑物和塔楼的沿风响应 (35)6.2.1概要 (35)6.2.2 动态响应因数(Cdyn) (35)6.3侧风响应 (37)6.3.1概要 (37)6.3.2 大的围绕建筑和矩形交叉剖面塔的侧风响应 (38) 等同的静态风力 (38) 侧风基本翻倒力矩 (38)6.3.3圆形的交叉剖面烟囱,masts和poles的侧风响应 (41)侧风尖端偏斜 (41)6.4 沿风和侧风响应的结合 (42)附录 (42)附录A 定义(标准) (42)Sruton numbe (44)附录B 符号(标准) (45)附录C 围绕建筑附加的压力系数(标准化的) (50)附录D 独立墙临时围墙和雨棚(标准化的) (56)附录E 对于暴露的结构构件、框和分格塔架的空气动力体形系数(标准化) (65)外形比率的修正系数(K (66)附录F FLAGS标记和圆形的形态(标准化的) (76)F2 标志 (77)F3 圆形的形态 (77)附录G 结构易受风影响的加速度(提供信息的) (78)G1适用性加速度 (78)AS/NZS 1170.2:2002前言BD-006技术协会联合修订了澳大利亚/新西兰联合标准,总体设计要求和结构荷载,取代1990年AS1170。



Historique du document 历史文件记录 Indice de révision 修改号 OR a Date de modification 修改日期 07/05/2007 22/05/2007 文件的创建 Nature des modifications 修改的性质 Création du document
1-1 行驶安全性 SECURITE ROULAGE ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1-1-1 目标 Objectif ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 1-1-2 试验样件要求 Exigence echantillon essai ............................................................................................................ 6 1-1-3 评价方法 methode d’evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 6 1-1-4 接收标准 norme d’acceptation ................................................................................................................................ 6 1-1-5 影响的因素 Element influent .................................................................................................................................... 7 1-2 机罩开启时的安全性 Securite en ouverture capot ...................................................................................................... 7 1-2-1 目标 Objectif ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 1-2-2 试验样件要求 Exigence echantillon essai ............................................................................................................ 7 1-2-3 评价方法 methode d’evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 8 1-2-4 接收标准 norme d’acceptation ................................................................................................................................ 8 1-2-5 影响的因素 Element influent .................................................................................................................................... 8
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AS 1170.4—2007 AS 1170.4—2007Australian Standard®Structural design actionsPart 4: Earthquake actions in AustraliaThis Australian Standard® was prepared by Committee BD-006, General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 22 May 2007.This Standard was published on 9 October 2007.The following are represented on Committee BD-006:•Association of Consulting Engineers Australia•Australian Building Codes Board•Australian Steel Institute•Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia•Concrete Masonry Association of Australia•Department of Building and Housing (New Zealand)•Engineers Australia•Housing Industry Association•Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand•James Cook University•Master Builders Australia•New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association•Property Council of Australia•Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia•Swinburne University of Technology•Timber Development Association (NSW)•University of Canterbury New Zealand•University of Melbourne•University of NewcastleAdditional Interests:•Australian Defence Force Academy•Australia Earthquake Engineering Society•Australian Seismological Centre•Building Research Association of New Zealand•Environmental Systems and Services•Geoscience Australia•Institute of Geological and Nuclear Science•New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering•Primary Industries and Resources South Australia•Seismology Research Centre, Australia•University of AdelaideThis Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 04303.Standards Australia wishes to acknowledge the participation of the expert individuals that contributed to the development of this Standard through their representation on the Committee and through the public comment period.Keeping Standards up-to-dateAustralian Standards® are living documents that reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments that may have been published since the Standard was published.Detailed information about Australian Standards, drafts, amendments and new projects can be found by visiting w w .auStandards Australia welcomes suggestions for improvements, and encourages readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at, or write to Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001.AS 1170.4—2007Australian Standard ®Structural design actionsPart 4: Earthquake actions in AustraliaOriginated as AS 2121—1979.Revised and redesignated as AS 1170.4—1993.Second edition 2007.COPYRIGHT© Standards AustraliaAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or byany means, electron i c or mechan i cal, i nclud i ng photocopy i ng, w i thout the wr i ttenpermission of the publisher.Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, AustraliaISBN 0 7337 8349 XAS 1170.4—2007 2PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee BD-006, General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures, to supersede AS 1170.4—1993, Minimum design loads on structures, Part 4: Earthquake loads.After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.The objective of this Standard is to provide designers of structures with earthquake actions and general detailing requirements for use in the design of structures subject to earthquakes.This Standard is Part 4 of the 1170 series Structural design actions, which comprises the following parts, each of which has an accompanying Commentary* published as a Supplement:AS1170 Structural design actions1170.4 Part 4: Earthquake actions (this Standard)AS/NZS1170.0 Part 0: General principles1170.1 Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions1170.2 Part 2: Wind actions1170.3 Part 3: Snow and ice actionsNZS1170.5 Part 5: Earthquake actions—New ZealandThis edition differs from AS 1170.4—1993 as follows:(a) Importance factors have been replaced with the annual probability of exceedance, toenable design to be set by the use of a single performance parameter. Values ofhazard are determined using the return period factor determined from the annualprobability of exceedance and the hazard factor for the site.(b) Combinations of actions are now given in the BCA and AS/NZS 1170.0.(c) Clauses on domestic structures have been simplified and moved to an Appendix.(d) Soil profile descriptors have been replaced with five (5) new site sub-soil classes.(e) Site factors and the effect of sub-soil conditions have been replaced with spectralshape factors in the form of response spectra that vary depending on the fundamentalnatural period of the structure.(f) The five (5) earthquake design categories have been simplified to three (3) newcategories simply described as follows:(i) I—a minimum static check.(ii) II—static analysis.(iii) III—dynamic analysis.(g) The option to allow no analysis or detailing for some structures has been removed(except for importance level 1 structures).* The Co mmentary to this Standard, when published, will be AS 1170.4 Supp 1, Structural design actions—Earthquake actions—Commentary (Supplement to AS 1170.4—2007).3AS 1170.4—2007(h) All requirements for the earthquake design categories are collected together in asingle section (Section 5), with reference to the Sections on static and dynamicanalysis.(i) The 50 m height limitation on ordinary moment-resisting frames has been removedbut dynamic analysis is required above 50 m.(j) Due to new site sub-soil spectra, adjustments were needed to simple design rules throughout the Standard. The basic static and dynamic methods have not changed inthis respect.(k) The equation for base shear has been aligned with international methods.(l) Structural response factor has been replaced by the combination of structural performance factor and structural ductility factor (1/R f to S p/μ) and values modifiedfor some structure types.(m) A new method has been introduced for the calculation of the fundamental natural period of the structure.(n) The clause on torsion effects has been simplified.(o) The clause on stability effects has been removed.(p) The requirement to design some structures for vertical components of earthquake action has been removed.(q) Scaling of results has been removed from the dynamic analysis.(r) The Section on structural alterations has been removed.(s) The clauses on parts and components have been simplified.(t) The ‘informative’ Appendices have been removed.The Standard has been drafted to be applicable to the design of structures constructed ofany material or combination thereof. Designers will need to refer to the appropriate materialStandard(s) for guidance on detailing requirements additional to those contained in thisStandard.This Standard is not equivalent to ISO 3010:2001, Basis for design of structures—Seismicactions on structures, but is based on equivalent principles. ISO 3010 gives guidance on ageneral format and on detail for the drafting of national Standards on seismic actions. Theprinciples of ISO 3010 have been adopted, including some of the detail, with modificationsfor the low seismicity in Australia. The most significant points are as follows*:(i) ISO 3010 is drafted as a guide for committees preparing Standards on seismic actions.(ii) Method and notation for presenting the mapped earthquake hazard data has not been adopted.(iii) Some notation and definitions have not been adopted.(iv) Details of the equivalent static method have been aligned.(v) Principles of the dynamic method have been aligned.Particular acknowledgment should be given to those organizations listed as ‘additionalinterests’ for their contributions to the drafting of this Standard.The terms ‘normative’ and ‘informative’ have been used in this Standard to define theapplication of the appendix to which they apply. A ‘normative’ appendix is an integral partof a Standard, whereas an ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and guidance.* When published, the Commentary to this Standard will include additional information on the relationship ofthis Standard to ISO 3010:2001.AS 1170.4—2007 4 Statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables and figures are deemed to be an integral part of this Standard.Notes to the text contain information and guidance. They are not an integral part of the Standard.5AS 1170.4—2007CONTENTSPage SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL1.1 SCOPE (6)1.2 NORM ATIVE REFERENCES (6)1.3 DEFINITIONS (7)1.4 NOTATION AND UNITS (9)1.5 LEVELS, WEIGHTS AND FORCES OF THE STRUCTURE (11)SECTION 2 DESIGN PROCEDURE2.1 GENERAL (15)2.2 DESIGN PROCEDURE (15)SECTION 3 SITE HAZARD3.1 ANNUAL PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE (P) AND PROBABILITYFACTOR (k p) (18)3.2 HAZARD FACTOR (Z) (18)SECTION 4 SITE SUB-SOIL CLASS4.1 DETERMINATION OF SITE SUB-SOIL CLASS (27)4.2 CLASS DEFINITIONS (28)SECTION 5 EARTHQUAKE DESIGN5.1 GENERAL (30)5.2 BASIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES (30)5.3 EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY I (EDC I) (31)5.4 EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY II (EDC II) (31)5.5 EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORY III (EDC III) (34)SECTION 6 EQUIVALENT STATIC ANALYSIS6.1 GENERAL (35)6.2 HORIZONTAL EQUIVALENT STATIC FORCES (35)6.3 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF HORIZONTAL FORCES (36)6.4 SPECTRAL SHAPE FACTOR (C h(T)) (37)6.5 DETERMINATION OF STRUCTURAL DUCTILITY (μ) ANDSTRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE FACTOR (S p) (38)6.6 TORSIONAL EFFECTS (40)6.7 DRIFT DETERMINATION AND P-DELTA EFFECTS (40)SECTION 7 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS7.1 GENERAL (42)7.2 EARTHQUAKE ACTIONS (42)7.3 M ATHEM ATICAL M ODEL (42)7.4 M ODAL ANALYSIS (43)7.5 DRIFT DETERMINATION AND P-DELTA EFFECTS (43)SECTION 8 DESIGN OF PARTS AND COMPONENTS8.1 GENERAL REQUIREM ENTS (44)8.2 METHOD USING DESIGN ACCELERATIONS (46)8.3 SIM PLE M ETHOD (46)APPENDIX A DOMESTIC STRUCTURES (HOUSING) (48)AS 1170.4—2007 6© Standards STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian Standard Structural design actions Part 4: Earthquake actions in AustraliaS E C T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L1.1 SCOPEThis Standard sets out procedures for determining earthquake actions and detailingrequirements for structures and components to be used in the design of structures. It alsoincludes requirements for domestic structures.Importance level 1 structures are not required to be designed for earthquake actions.The following structures are outside the scope of this Standard:(a)High-risk structures. (b)Bridges. (c)Tanks containing liquids. (d)Civil structures including dams and bunds. (e)Offshore structures that are partly or fully immersed. (f)Soil-retaining structures. (g)Structures with first mode periods greater than 5 s.This Standard does not consider the effect on a structure of related earthquake phenomenasuch as settlement, slides, subsidence, liquefaction or faulting.NOTES:1For structures in New Zealand, see NZS 1170.5. 2For earth-retaining structures, see AS 4678.1.2 NORMATIVE REFERENCESThe following referenced documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard.AS1684 Residential timber-framed construction (all parts)1720 Timber structures1720.1 Part 1: Design methods3600 Concrete structures3700 M asonry structures4100 Steel structuresAS/NZS1170Structural design actions 1170.0Part 0: General principles 1170.1Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions 1170.3 Part 3: Snow and ice actions7 AS 1170.4— © Standards Australia 1664Aluminium structures (all parts) BCABuilding Code of Australia NASH Standard Residential and low-rise steel framing, Part 1—2005, Design criteria1.3 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 1170.0 and those belowapply. Where the definitions in this Standard differ from those given in AS/NZS 1170.0, forthe purpose of this Standard, those below apply.1.3.1 Base, structuralLevel at which earthquake motions are considered to be imparted to the structure, or thelevel at which the structure as a dynamic vibrator is supported (see Figure 1.5(C)).1.3.2 Bearing wall systemStructural system in which loadbearing walls provide support for all or most of the verticalloads while shear walls or braced frames provide the horizontal earthquake resistance.1.3.3 Braced frameTwo-dimensional structural system composed of an essentially vertical truss (or itsequivalent) where the members are subject primarily to axial forces when resistingearthquake actions.1.3.4 Braced frame, concentricBraced frame in which bracing members are connected at the column-beam joints (seeTable 6.2).1.3.5 Braced frame, eccentricBraced frame where at least one end of each brace intersects a beam at a location awayfrom the column-beam joint (see Table 6.2).1.3.6 ConnectionM echanical means that provide a load path for actions between structural elements, non-structural elements and structural and non-structural elements.1.3.7 DiaphragmStructural system (usually horizontal) that acts to transmit earthquake actions to theseismic-force-resisting system.1.3.8 Domestic structureSingle dwelling or one or more attached dwellings (single occupancy units) complying withClass 1a or 1b as defined in the Building Code of Australia.1.3.9 Ductility (of a structure)Ability of a structure to sustain its load-carrying capacity and dissipate energy whenresponding to cyclic displacements in the inelastic range during an earthquake.1.3.10 Earthquake actionsInertia-induced actions arising from the response to earthquake of the structure.1.3.11 Moment-resisting frameEssentially complete space frame that supports the vertical and horizontal actions by bothflexural and axial resistance of its members and connections.AS 1170.4—2007 81.3.12 Moment-resisting frame, intermediateConcrete or steel moment-resisting frame designed and detailed to achieve moderatestructural ductility (see Table 6.2).1.3.13 Moment-resisting frame, ordinaryM oment-resisting frame with no particular earthquake detailing, specified in the relevantmaterial standard (see Table 6.2).1.3.14 Moment-resisting frame, specialConcrete or steel moment-resisting frame designed and detailed to achieve high structuralductility and where plastic deformation is planned under ultimate actions (see Table 6.2).1.3.15 PartitionPermanent or relocatable internal dividing wall between floor spaces.1.3.16 Parts and componentsElements that are—(a)attached to and supported by the structure but are not part of the seismic-force-resisting system; or(b)elements of the seismic-force-resisting system, which can be loaded by an earthquakein a direction not usually considered in the design of that element.1.3.17 P-delta effectAdditional induced structural forces that develop as a consequence of the gravity loadsbeing displaced horizontally.1.3.18 Seismic-force-resisting systemPart of the structural system that provides resistance to the earthquake forces and effects.1.3.19 Shear wallWall (either loadbearing or non-loadbearing) designed to resist horizontal earthquake forcesacting in the plane of the wall.1.3.20 Space frameA three-dimensional structural system composed of interconnected members (other thanloadbearing walls) that is capable of supporting vertical loads, which may also providehorizontal resistance to earthquake forces.1.3.21 StoreySpace between levels including the space between the structural base and the level above.NOTE: Storey i is the storey below the i th level.1.3.22 Structural performance factor (S p)Numerical assessment of the additional ability of the total building (structure and otherparts) to survive earthquake motion.1.3.23 Structural ductility factor (μ)Numerical assessment of the ability of a structure to sustain cyclic displacements in theinelastic range. Its value depends upon the structural form, the ductility of the materials andstructural damping characteristics.1.3.24 Top (of a structure)Level of the uppermost principal seismic weight (see Clause 1.5).© Standards Australia .au1.4 NOTATION AND UNITSExcept where specifically noted, this Standard uses SI units of kilograms, metres, seconds, pascals and newtons (kg, m, s, Pa, N).Unless stated otherwise, the notation used in this Standard shall have the following meanings:a c= component amplification factora floor= effective floor acceleration at the height of the component centre of massa x= height amplification factor at height h x of the component centre of massb= plan dimension of the structure at right angles to the direction of the action, in metresC(T) = elastic site hazard spectrum for horizontal loading as a function of period (T)C(T1) =value of the elastic site hazard spectrum for the fundamental natural period ofthe structureC d(T)= horizontal design response spectrum as a function of period (T)C d(T1)= horizontal design action coefficient (value of the horizontal design responsespectrum for the fundamental natural period of the structure)C h(T)= spectral shape factor as a function of period (T) (dimensionless coefficient)C h(T1)= value of the spectral shape factor for the fundamental natural period of thestructureC v(T v)= elastic site hazard spectrum for vertical loading, which may be taken as halfof the elastic site hazard spectrum for horizontal loading (C(T))C vd(T)= vertical design response spectrum as a function of period (T)C h(0)= bracketed value of the spectral shape factor for the period of zero secondsd i= horizontal deflection of the centre of mass at level ‘i’d ie= deflection at level ‘i’ determined by an elastic analysisd st= design storey driftE= earthquake actions (see Clause 1.3 and AS/NZS 1170.0)E u= earthquake actions for ultimate limit state= represented by a set of equivalent static forces F i at each level (i) or by resultant action effects determined using a dynamic analysisF c= horizontal design earthquake force on the part or component, in kilonewtonsF i= horizontal equivalent static design force at the i th level, in kilonewtonsF j= horizontal equivalent static design force at the j th level, in kilonewtonsF n= horizontal equivalent static design force at the uppermost seismic mass, inkilonewtonsF r= horizontal design racking earthquake force on the part or component, inkilonewtonsg= acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)G= permanent action (self-weight or ‘dead load’), in kilonewtonsG i= permanent action (self-weight or ‘dead load’) at level i, in kilonewtonsh i= height of level i above the base of the structure, in metresh n= height from the base of the structure to the uppermost seismic weight or mass,in metres (see Clause 1.5)h si= inter-storey height of level i, measured from centre-line to centre-line of floor,in metresh x= height at which the component is attached above the structural base of thestructure, in metresI c= component importance factori, j = levels of the structure under considerationK s= factor to account for height of a level in a structurek= exponent, dependent on the fundamental natural period of the structure (T1)k c= factor for determining height amplification factor (a x)k F,i= seismic force distribution factor for the i th levelk p= probability factor appropriate for the limit state under considerationk t= factor for determining building periodm i= seismic mass at each levelN-values= number of blows for standard penetration (Standard Penetration Test)n= number of levels in a structureP= annual probability of exceedanceP-delta= second order effects due to amplication of axial loadsQ= imposed action for each occupancy class, in kilonewtonsQ i= imposed action for each occupancy class on the i th levelR c= component ductility factorS p= structural performance factorT= period of vibration, which varies according to the mode of vibration being consideredT1= fundamental natural period of the structure as a whole (translational first mode natural period)T v= period of vibration appropriate to vertical mode of vibration of the structure V= horizontal equivalent static shear force acting at the base (base shear)V i= horizontal equivalent static shear force at the i th levelW= sum of the seismic weight of the building (G + ψc Q) at the level where bracing is to be determined and above this level, in kilonewtonsW c= seismic weight of the part or component, in kilonewtonsW i= seismic weight of the structure or component at the i th level, in kilonewtons W j= seismic weight of the structure or component at level j, in kilonewtonsW n= seismic weight of the structure or component at the n th level (upper level), in kilonewtonsW t= total seismic weight of the building, in kilonewtonsZ= earthquake hazard factor which is equivalent to an acceleration coefficient with an annual probability of exceedance in 1/500, (i.e., a 10% probability ofexceedance in 50 years)μ= structural ductility factor (μ = mu)θ= stability coefficientψc= earthquake imposed action combination factor1.5 LEVELS, WEIGHTS AND FORCES OF THE STRUCTUREFor the purposes of analysis, the masses of the structure, parts and components are taken as acting at the levels of the structure (see Figure 1.5(A)).The seismic weight at a level is determined by summing the weights that would act at that level, including the weight of the floor plus any items spanning from one level to the next, e.g., walls, half way to the level above and half way to the level below and adding the factored imposed actions on that level. This mass is then assumed to act at the height of the centre of the floor slab (excluding consideration of any beams).The centre of mass of the uppermost (top) weight (including roofing, structure and any additional parts and components above and down to half way to the floor below) shall be considered to act at the centre of the combined mass (see Figure 1.5(B)). For more complicated situations, the uppermost seismic weight shall be assessed depending on the effect on the distribution of forces. Where a concentrated weight exists above the ceiling level that contributes more than 1/3 of W n, it shall be treated as the top seismic weight and W n and W n− 1 recalculated.The building height (h n) is taken as the height of the centre of mass of W n above the base. Figure 1.5(C) illustrates the structural base for various situations.i+ 1ii- 1 W iFIGURE 1.5(A) ILLUSTRATION OF LEVEL, STOREY, WEIGHT AND FORCEFIGURE 1.5(B) EXAMPLE OF DETERMINATION OF THE TOP OF THE STRUCTUREh nh ntaken as at lowest level at ground levelNOTE:Building height measured from top of slab at relevant level.FIGURE 1.5(C) EXAMPLES OF DEFINITION OF BUILDING BASE WHERE EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE TRANSMITTEDTO THE STRUCTURES E C T I O N2D E S I G N P R O C E D U R E2.1 GENERALEarthquake actions for use in design (E) shall be appropriate for the type of structure or element, its intended use, design working life and exposure to earthquake shaking.The earthquake actions (E u) determined in accordance with this Standard shall be deemed to comply with this provision.2.2 DESIGN PROCEDUREThe design procedure (see Figure 2.2) to be adopted for the design of a structure subject to this Standard shall—(a)determine the importance level for the structure (AS/NZS 1170.0 and BCA);(b)determine the probability factor (k p) and the hazard factor (Z) (see Section 3);(c)determine if the structure complies with the definition for domestic structures(housing) given in Appendix A and whether it complies with the requirements therein;(d)determine the site sub-soil class (see Section 4);(e)determine the earthquake design category (EDC) from Table 2.1; and(f)design the structure in accordance with the requirements for the EDC as set out inSection 5.Importance level 1 structures are not required to be designed to this Standard, (i.e., for earthquake actions), and domestic structures (housing) that comply with the definition given in Appendix A and with the provisions of Appendix A are deemed to satisfy this Standard.All other structures, including parts and components, are required to be designed for earthquake actions.NOTE: During an earthquake, motion will be imposed on all parts of any construction. Therefore, parts o f a structure (including no n-lo adbearing walls, etc.) sho uld be designed fo r lateral earthquake forces such as out-of-plane forces.A higher level of analysis than that specified in Table 2.1 for a particular EDC may be used. Domestic structures that do not comply with the limits specified in Appendix A shall be designed as importance level 2 structures.NOTE: Structures (including housing) that are constructed on a site with a hazard factor Z of 0.3 or greater should be designed in accordance with NZS 1170.5 (see Macquarie Islands, Table 3.2). For structures sited on sub-soil Class E (except houses in accordance with Appendix A), the design shall consider the effects of subsidence or differential settlement of the foundation material under the earthquake actions determined for the structure.NOTE: Structures, where the structural ductility facto r (μ) assumed in design is greater than 3, should be designed in accordance with NZS 1170.5.Serviceability limit states are deemed to be satisfied under earthquake actions for importance levels 1, 2 and 3 structures that are designed in accordance with this Standard and the appropriate materials design Standards. A special study shall be carried out for importance level 4 structures to ensure they remain serviceable for immediate use following the design event for importance level 2 structures.TABLE 2.1SELECTION OF EARTHQUAKE DESIGN CATEGORIES(k p Z ) for site sub-soil classImportance level, type of structure (see Clause 2.2)E e or D eC eB eA eStructure height, h n(m)Earthquake design category1 — — Not required to be designed forearthquakeactionsTop of roof ≤8.5 Refer to Appendix A Domestic structure (housing)—Top of roof >8.5Design as importance level 2≤0.05≤0.08≤0.11≤0.14≤12 >12, <50 ≥50 I II III >0.05 to ≤0.08 >0.08 to ≤0.12>0.11 to ≤0.17>0.14 to ≤0.21<50 ≥50II III 2>0.08 >0.12 >0.17 >0.21<25≥25 II III ≤0.08≤0.12≤0.17≤0.21<50 ≥50II III 3>0.08 >0.12 >0.17 >0.21<25≥25II III 4 —<12≥12 II IIINOTES:1Values for k p and Z are given in Section 3. Site sub-soil class are given in Section 4. 2 A higher earthquake design category or procedure may be used in place of that specified. 3Height (h n ) is defined in Clause 1.5. For domestic structures refer to Appendix A.4In addition to the above, a special study is required for importance level 4 structures to demonstrate they remain serviceable for immediate use following the design event for importance level 2 structures.。
