ch03_Operating System Structures



二. 进程上下文
把系统提供给进程的处于动态变化的运行环境总和 称为进程上下文。系统中的每一个进程都有它自己 的上下文。 是一个抽象的概念,包含了每个进程执行过程中在 指令寄存器、堆栈、状态寄存器等中的指令和数据 (执行过的、执行时的以及待执行的) 。
版权所有:内蒙古工业大学信息工程学院 计算机系操作系统课程组
版权所有:内蒙古工业大学信息工程学院 计算机系操作系统课程组
操作系统(Operating Systems) 3.1 进程的概念
失去封闭性 举例 procedure reladdr(blk) begin top<-top+1 (top)<-blk end
操作系统 Operating Systems
版权所有:内蒙古工业大学信息工程学院 计算机系操作系统课程组
操作系统(Operating Systems)
目 录
第3章 进程管理 3.1 进程的概念 3.2 进程的描述 3.3 进程状态及其转换 3.4 进程控制
操作系统(Operating Systems) 3.2
进 程
进程 控制块 PCB 程序 与 数据
程序段 数据结构集
版权所有:内蒙古工业大学信息工程学院 计算机系操作系统课程组
操作系统(Operating Systems) 3.2 进程的描述
让一个具有独立功能的程序独占处理机直至最终结束 的过程。



操作系统(英语:Operating System,简称OS)是管理和控制计算机硬件与软件资源的计算机程序,是直接运行在“裸机”上的最基本的系统软件,任何其他软件都必须在操作系统的支持下才能运行操作系统是管理计算机硬件资源,控制其他程序运行并为用户提供交互操作界面的系统软件的集合。




个人计算机市场从硬件架构上来说主要分为两大阵营,PC机与Mac机,从软件上可主要分为两大类,分别为类Unix操作系统和Windows操作系统:1.Unix和类Unix操作系统:Mac OS X,Linux发行版(如Debian,Ubuntu,Linux Mint,openSUSE,Fedora等);2.微软公司Windows操作系统[2]:Windows 98,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1等。


服务器操作系统主要集中在三大类:1.Unix系列:SUNSolaris,IBM-AIX,HP-UX,FreeBSD,OS X Server[3]等;2.Linux系列:Red Hat Linux,CentOS,Debian,Ubuntu Server等;3.Windows系列:Windows NT Server,Windows Server 2003,Windows Server2008,Windows Server 2008 R2等。



操作系统OperatingSystem 在当今数字化的时代,操作系统(Operating System)是计算机系统中最为关键的组成部分之一。






在计算机中,多个程序可能会同时运行,操作系统需要合理地分配CPU 时间给这些程序,确保它们能够有序地执行,不会出现混乱和冲突。














operating system《操作系统》ch02-operating-system struct

operating system《操作系统》ch02-operating-system struct
User Operating System Interface - GUI
User-friendly desktop metaphor interface Usually mouse, keyboard, and monitor Icons represent files, programs, actions, etc Various mouse buttons over objects in the interface cause various actions (provide information, options, execute function, open directory (known as a folder) Invented at Xerox PARC 1970’s
and file storage) may have special allocation code, others (such as I/O devices) may have general request and release code. Accounting - To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources Protection and security - The owners of information stored in a multiuser or networked computer system may want to control use of that information, concurrent processes should not interfere with each other Protection involves ensuring that all access to system resources is controlled Security of the system from outsiders requires user authentication, extends to defending external I/O devices from invalid access attempts If a system is to be protected and secure, precautions must be instituted throughout it. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.



第一章操作系统概述课后习题1. 硬件将处理机划分为两种状态,即管态和目态,这样做给操作系统设计带来什么好处 ? 答:便于设计安全可靠的操作系统。




2. 何为特权指令?举例说明之。




3. 中断向量在机器中的存储位置是由硬件确定的,还是由软件确定的 ? 答:中断向量在机器中的位置是由硬件确定的。

例如,在 INTEL 80x86 CPU 中,内存空间0x00000——0x003ff为中断向量空间。

4. 中断向量的内容是由操作系统程序确定的还是由用户程序确定的?答:中断向量的内容是由操作系统程序确定的。


5. 中断向量内的处理机状态位应当标明是管态还是目态 ? 为什么? 答:应当标明是管态。


6. 中断和程序并发之间的关系是什么?答:中断是程序并发的必要条件。


7. 说明“栈”和“堆”的差别.答:栈是一块按后进先出(FIFO)规则访问的存储区域,用来实现中断嵌套和子程序调用的参数和返回断点。



operatingsystemOperating System: A Comprehensive OverviewIntroductionAn operating system is a crucial software component that manages computer hardware and software resources, allowing users and other software programs to interact with the computer system. In this document, we will explore the essential aspects of operating systems, including their definition, functions, types, and examples. Furthermore, we will delve into the key components and features of an operating system, shedding light on its significant role in managing computer systems efficiently.Definition of an Operating SystemAn operating system (OS) can be defined as a software program that acts as an intermediary between the user and computer hardware. It provides an interface for users to interact with computer resources such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory, storage, and input/output devices. Additionally, the OS ensures the execution of software programs by managing system resources effectively.Functions of an Operating SystemThe primary functions of an operating system can be categorized into the following:1. Process management: The OS manages and allocates system resources, including CPU time, memory, andinput/output devices, to different processes running concurrently. It ensures fair distribution of resources and prevents processes from interfering with each other.2. Memory management: The OS manages the system's memory, allocating and deallocating memory space to different processes as needed. It keeps track of available memory and prevents processes from exceeding their allocated memory limits.3. File system management: An operating system manages the storage and retrieval of files on secondary storage devices, such as hard disks. It provides a hierarchical structure for organizing files and ensures secure and efficient data access.4. Device management: The OS manages input/output devices such as keyboards, monitors, printers, and networkdevices. It facilitates communication between the user or applications and these devices.Types of Operating SystemsOperating systems can be broadly classified into the following categories:1. Batch operating systems: These operating systems are designed to execute a series of jobs in batch mode, without any user interaction. They process jobs one after another, optimizing resource utilization and overall system efficiency.2. Time-sharing operating systems: Time-sharing operating systems allow multiple users to simultaneously access and utilize the system resources. These systems divide the CPU time into small time intervals, enabling each user to perform tasks efficiently.3. Real-time operating systems: Real-time operating systems are used in applications that require precise and predictable system response times. They are commonly used in critical systems like aerospace, medical devices, and industrial control systems.4. Network operating systems: Network operating systems are designed for managing and coordinating multiple computers within a network. They provide mechanisms for file sharing, resource sharing, and communication between computers.Features of an Operating SystemSome prominent features of an operating system include:1. Multiuser support: Operating systems allow multiple users to access and utilize the system resources simultaneously, ensuring efficient resource allocation.2. Multitasking: Operating systems support running multiple tasks (processes/programs) concurrently, allowing users to switch between different applications seamlessly.3. Virtual memory: Operating systems provide virtual memory management, allowing the execution of processes that are larger than the available physical memory.Operating System ExamplesHere are a few examples of popular operating systems:1. Microsoft Windows: Windows is a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is widely used in personal computers, laptops, and servers.2. macOS: macOS is the operating system used in Apple's Macintosh computers, providing a user-friendly interface and a range of software tools.3. Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in servers, embedded systems, and mobile devices. It offers high flexibility and customizability.4. Android: Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is primarily used in smartphones and tablets, providing a rich user experience and a wide range of applications.ConclusionOperating systems are an integral part of computer systems, providing a crucial interface between users and hardware resources. They enable efficient resource management, process execution, and data storage. Understanding the fundamental concepts and functions of operating systems isessential for both users and software developers, as it helps optimize system performance and achieve desired results.。

CH03 元件功能说明39-63_简

CH03 元件功能说明39-63_简










图3-7-7走马灯讯息显示属性画面3-8 图形显示状态图显示在人机与PLC 联机使用时,如果您希望由PLC 控制复数个图形显示在人机屏幕的固定位置,并可控制它的状态而能显示不同的图形文件。



使用者依PLC 所提供之数值格式与单位选择如下图。




指定内存读地址=Dn,自动变换图形为Variation 时,则自动变换图形控制缓存器Dn+1;当Dn+1 = 0时自动换图= No,Dn+1 > 0时自动换图= Yes。

operating system操作系统-ch02-operating-system structures-42 共42页

operating system操作系统-ch02-operating-system structures-42 共42页
2.3 System Calls
Programming interface to the services provided by the OS Typically written in a high-level language (C or C++) Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level Application
I/O operations - A running program may require I/O, which may involve a file or an I/O device.
File-system manipulation - The file system is of particular interest. Obviously, programs need to read and write files and directories, create and delete them, search them, list file Information, permission management.
Why use APIs rather than system calls? Program portability/convenience/
Example of Standard API
Consider the ReadFile() function in the Win32 API—a function for reading from a file
Operating System Services (Cont.)
Another set of OS functions exists for ensuring the efficient operation of the system itself via resource sharing Resource allocation - When multiple users or multiple jobs running concurrently, resources must be allocated to each of them Many types of resources - Some (such as CPU cycles,mainmemory, and file storage) may have special allocation code, others (such as I/O devices) may have general request and release code. Accounting - To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources Protection and security - The owners of information stored in a multiuser or networked computer system may want to control use of that information, concurrent processes should not interfere with each other Protection involves ensuring that all access to system resources is controlled Security of the system from outsiders requires user authentication, extends to defending external I/O devices from invalid access attempts If a system is to be protected and secure, precautions must be instituted throughout it. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

operating system three easy pieces 28章

operating system three easy pieces 28章

《Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces》是一本广受推崇的操作系统教材,由Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau和Rachel Bates Arpaci-Dusseau编写。



1. 网络编程:这一章节可能会讨论操作系统如何实现网络通信,包括套接字编程、协议栈的实现、以及如何在操作系统中处理数据包的发送和接收。

2. 文件系统:可能会讲解文件系统的内部结构,包括文件和目录的表示、文件访问控制、磁盘空间管理、以及文件系统的性能优化。

3. 安全性:章节可能会涉及操作系统的安全机制,如用户认证、访问控制、数据加密和系统完整性保护。

4. 异常处理:可能会解释操作系统如何处理软件和硬件异常,包括异常的分类、异常处理程序的编写和调试,以及如何保证异常处理不会干扰其他程序的运行。



operating system名词解释(一)

operating system名词解释(一)

operating system名词解释(一)操作系统(Operating System)操作系统是计算机硬件和软件之间的中间层,它负责管理计算机的资源,并为其他应用提供服务,如文件管理、进程调度和内存管理等。


1. 内核(Kernel)操作系统的内核是操作系统的核心部分,它负责管理计算机的硬件资源,并提供最基本的功能。


例如,Linux操作系统的内核是由Linus Torvalds开发的,它是开源的,被广泛用于各种设备上。

2. 进程(Process)进程是计算机中正在运行的程序的实例。




3. 线程(Thread)线程是进程中的执行单元。





4. 文件系统(File System)文件系统是操作系统用于管理文件的一种机制。





5. 虚拟内存(Virtual Memory)虚拟内存是一种将硬盘空间用作扩展内存的技术。







山东大学授课教案课程名称:操作系统课程设计本次授课内容:Nachos系统综述教学日期:10-9/20授课教师姓名:张鸿烈职称:高级实验师授课对象:本科授课时数:2教材名称及版本:Nachos Study v3.4授课方式:讲课本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:目的:让学生了解Nachos系统在操作系统内核实验教学中的作用和地位,如何利用Nachos系统培养和启发开发系统软件的能力要求:说明Nachos系统概貌,如何安装Nachosx系统,如何配置Nachos系统的开发和运行环境。










主要外语词汇Nachos Operating Systemtar C++ emacs gdbmakeMakefile辅助教学情况(多媒体课件、板书、绘图、标本、示教等)板书、示教,多媒体课件复习思考题1.What is the purpose of ystem program?2. What is main advantage of Nachos?3. How does Makefile in Nachos?参考教材(资料)Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P., and Gagne, G., ”Operating System Concepts”, 6th Edition. Chapter 1,2,3 Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P., and Gagne, G., ”Appled Operating System Concepts”. Chapter 1,2,3山东大学授课教案课程名称:操作系统课程设计本次授课内容:线程的创建与管理教学日期:10-9/27授课教师姓名:张鸿烈职称:高级实验师授课对象:本科授课时数:2教材名称及版本:Nachos Study v3.4授课方式:讲课本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:目的:让学生了解操作系统内核中对线程的基本管理技术,培养学生编制、开发和改进内核级线程管理机制的技能,启发学生对内核线程管理机制的创新思路。

课件:CH 03 订单法(分批法)Job order Costing

课件:CH 03 订单法(分批法)Job order Costing

160,000 direct labor hours (DLH)
POHR = $4.00 per DLH
For each direct labor hour worked on a particular job, $4.00 of factory overhead will be applied to that job.
company estimates that 40,000 units will be produced and sold next year.
Traditional Method
$100,000 40,000
= $2.50 per unit
Capacity Method
$100,000 50,000
40,000 cases $40.00 per case $24.00 per case $100,000 per year 40,000 cases
$2.50 per case $500,000 per year
Revenue Cost of goods sold Gross margin Cost of idle capacity Selling and admin. expense Net operating income
Overhead Application Rate
Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost for the coming period
Estimated total units in the allocation base for the coming period

Operating_Systems,_Internals_and_Design_Principles William_Stallings

Operating_Systems,_Internals_and_Design_Principles William_Stallings

5.d Disk Management
Disk formatting
Data organization and formatting
after manufacturing, there is no information on the disk: just a blank slate (continuous surface of magnetizable metal oxide) before a disk can be used, each platter must receive a lowlevel format (“physical format”) done by code in I/O controller: series of concentric tracks (not grooves) each tracks contains sectors, separated by short gaps then the disk may be partitioned finally, each partition receives a high-level format (“logical”): boot sector, free storage map, file allocation table, etc.
Disk data layout
11/22/2005 CS 446/646 - Principles of Operating Systems - 5. Input/Output 74
5.d Disk Management
Disk formatting
Vertically aligned tracks on multiple platters are called “cylinders”
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Chap 3 Operating-System Structures 操作系统结构
Applied Operating System Concepts 1.1
Contents内容 内容
System Components系统部件 系统部件 Operating System Services操作系统服务 操作系统服务 System Calls系统调用 系统调用 System Programs系统程序 系统程序 System Structure 系统结构 Virtual Machines虚拟机 虚拟机 System Design and Implementation系统设计和实现 系统设计和实现 Summary(总结 总结) 总结 Homework作业 作业
Applied Operating System emory Management 主存管理
Memory is a large array of words or bytes, each with its own address. It is a repository of quickly accessible data shared by the CPU and I/O devices. 存储器是字或字节的一个大数组,每一字或字节有自己的地址。 存储器是字或字节的一个大数组,每一字或字节有自己的地址。它是一个可被 CPU和I/O 共享、可快速存取数据的存放地。 共享、可快速存取数据的存放地。 和 Main memory is a volatile storage device. It loses its contents in the case of system failure.主存储器是一个易失性存储设备。系统失败时,会丢失内容。 主存储器是一个易失性存储设备。 主存储器是一个易失性存储设备 系统失败时,会丢失内容。 The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections with memory management: 在同存储管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: 在同存储管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: Keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom. 保持记录存储器的哪一部分当前被使用以及被谁使用 Decide which processes to load when memory space becomes available.当有可用存储空间时,决定调入哪个进程 当有可用存储空间时, 当有可用存储空间时 Allocate and deallocating memory space as needed. 需要时分配和收回存储空间
Applied Operating System Concepts 1.6
I/O System Management I/O系统管理 系统管理
One of the purpose of the OS is to hide the peculiarities of specific hardware devices from users. 操作系统的一个目标是实现用户和设备的无关性 The I/O system consists of: I/O 系统包括 A buffer,caching,and spooling system 缓冲,高速缓存, 缓冲,高速缓存, , , 假脱机系统 A general device-driver interface 通用设备驱动器接口 Drivers for specific hardware devices 特定硬件设备的驱动 程序
Applied Operating System Concepts 1.2
Common System Components 系统部件
Process Management 进程管理 Main Memory Management主存管理 主存管理 Secondary-Storage Management 二级储存器管理 I/O System Management I/O系统管理 系统管理 File Management 文件管理 Protection System 保护系统 Networking 网络处理 Command-Interpreter System 命令解释器系统
Applied Operating System Concepts
Networking (Distributed Systems) 网络处理(分布式系统) 网络处理(分布式系统)
A distributed system is a collection processors that do not share memory or a clock. Each processor has its own local memory. 分布式系统是一组不共享存储器或时钟的处理器集合, 分布式系统是一组不共享存储器或时钟的处理器集合,每个处理器有自 己的内存 The processors in the system are connected through a communication network.系统中的处理器通过通信网络连接 network.系统中的处理器通过通信网络连接 A distributed system provides user access to various system resources.分布式系统提供用户访问各种系统资源的手段 分布式系统提供用户访问各种系统资源的手段 Access to a shared resource allows:对共享资源的访问可以实现: 对共享资源的访问可以实现: 对共享资源的访问可以实现 Computation speed-up 加速运算 Increased data availability 提高数据利用性 Enhanced reliability 增强可靠性
Applied Operating System Concepts
Process Management 进程管理
A process is a program in execution. A process needs certain resources, including CPU time, memory, files, and I/O devices, to accomplish its task. 进程是正在执行的程序。为了完成其任务,进程需要一定的资源,包括 进程是正在执行的程序。为了完成其任务,进程需要一定的资源,包括CPU 时间,存储器,文件,以及I/O设备 时间,存储器,文件,以及 设备 The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with process management. 在同进程管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: 在同进程管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: Process creation and deletion. 进程创建和删除 process suspension and resumption. 进程挂起和恢复 Provision of mechanisms for 可提供以下有关机制 可提供以下有关机制: process synchronization 进程同步 process communication 进程通信 Deadlock Handing 死锁处理
Applied Operating System Concepts
File Management 文件管理
A file is a collection of related information defined by its creator. Commonly, files represent programs (both source and object forms) and data. 文件是由其创建者定义的关联信息的一个收集器,通常文件表示程序( 文件是由其创建者定义的关联信息的一个收集器,通常文件表示程序(源程 序和目标程序) 序和目标程序)和数据 The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections with file management: 在同文件管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: 在同文件管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: File creation and deletion. 文件创建和删除 Directory creation and deletion. 目录创建和删除 Support of primitives for manipulating files and directories. 支持操作文件和目录的原语 Mapping files onto secondary storage. 把文件映象到二级存储器 File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media. 在稳定(非易失性) 在稳定(非易失性)存储介质做文件副本
Applied Operating System Concepts 1.5
Secondary-Storage Management 二级存储管理
Since main memory (primary storage) is volatile and too small to accommodate all data and programs permanently, the computer system must provide secondary storage to back up main memory. 由于主存(基本存储器)是易失性的, 由于主存(基本存储器)是易失性的,而且太小不足以永久保存所有的数据和程 序,计算机系统必须提供二级存储器备份主存 Most modern computer systems use disks as the principle on-line storage medium, for both programs and data. 多数现代计算机系统采用磁盘作为程序和数据的基本联机存储介质 The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with disk management: 在同磁盘管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: 在同磁盘管理有关的活动中,操作系统负责下列事务: Free space management 空闲空间管理 Storage allocation 存储器分配 Disk scheduling 磁盘调度