Passage 4

题型四任务型完形填空话题1事物介绍Passage1 [2017安顺]use,find,them,idea,an,have,on,when,real,butIamfullyconvincedthatyoumusthaveheardaboutChinesepaper-cutting,haven'tyou?Paper-cutting is1._______important art forminChina. Paper-cuts wereusedfor manypurposes,andeverythingcanbecomethetheme( 主题)ofpaper-cuts,frompeopletothethingsthatcanbe2._______ineverydaylifesuchasbirds,flowersandanimals.Each paper-cut brings out the personal 3. _______ of the writer. Peopleexpresstraditionalcultureor4._______ownfeelingswithdifferentstylesofpaper-cuts.Forexample,5._______someonemarries,weputupsomeredpaper-cuts6._______thewall,dressingtableorotherfurnituretoexpressourbestwishes.Itiseasytolearnpaper-cutting7._______verydifficulttomakeitperfect.Weneedalong-timepracticetolearnhow8._______thescissors( 剪刀)andhowtopaint.Moreover,we9._______needtolearnsomecuttingskills.Fromhistoryuntilnow,inmanypartsofChina,paper-cuttingskill10._______becomenecessaryforwomenandasymbolofaclevermind.Passage2 [2017泰安]place,share,important,end,because,influence,successful,across,trade,likeAroadisabridgebetweentwoplaces.TheSilkRoadhasbeenabridgebetweenEastandWestformorethan2,000years.TheSilkRoadhasbeen1._______includedintotheUNESCOWorldHeritageList (世界文化遗产名录)atthe38thsessionoftheWorldHeritageCommitteeinDoha.Butdidyouknow:theSilk Roadisnotasingle route(路线)!It isaseries of2._______andculturaltransmission (传递)routes.Itbegan duringtheWesternHanDynasty.The traderoutestartsfromthecityofXi'aninShaanxiProvinceand3._______inEasternEurope,neartoday's TurkeyandtheMediterranean Sea.TheSilk Roadwasabout6,500kilometers long.Itwent4._______one-fourthoftheplanet.TheSilkRoadgotitsname5._______Chinesesilkusedtobecarriedalongthisroad.Apartfromsilk,jade,ceramicsandironwentwesttoRome.Fromthewestcameglass,gemsandfood6._______carrotsandsesame (芝麻).TheSilk Roadwasvery7._______to bothChinaandtherest oftheworld. Besides trade, knowledgeaboutscience, arts andliterature, aswell ascrafts andtechnologies was8._______ acrosstheSilk Road.Inthis way,languages andcultures developed and9._______eachother. Today, 10._______alongtheSilk Roadaregreattraveldestinations (目的地),suchasalone, it, works, becauseof, friend, they, that, infrontof,seven,andHaveyouevergotyourlunch, butnotknownwheretosit? Youdon't wanttosit 1._______.Butyouarenotsurewhowouldbefriendlyandletyousitwith2._______.Tosolve theproblem, Natalie Hampton,16,madeanappcalled Sit with Us.It makesfinding3._______intheschoolcanteenveryeasy.NatalieisfromShermanOaks,California,US.ThefreeappwentonlineonSeptember9th.Studentscansignupas “ambassadors”(大使)foraclub.Thentheycanpost “openlunch”eventstoinviteotherstojoinin.Nataliegottheideatocreatetheappaftersheatealoneather4._______gradeyear.Theexperience madeherfeel sad5._______shewasevenbullied (侮辱).Herparents decided tochangeherschool6._______that.Peoplemaywanttoknowwhyyoudon'tjustasktositdown.Nataliesaidtheappstopskidsfrombeingrejected (拒绝)7._______others. “Thiswayisveryprivate.8._______isthrough themobile phone.Nooneelse hastoknow.Andyouknow9._______you're notgoing toberejectedonceyougettothetable, ”sheto ldNPR.Sofar,theapp10._______well. “Ihadmyfirstclubmeeting,andeveryonewasveryexcited. Peoplearealready posting openlunches atmyschool. SoI'm veryexcited,”NatalietoldNPR.话题2故事类Passage4[2017陕西改编]clear,doctor,happy,raised,find,parents,she,share,well,hopesAlicewasbornwithastrangedisease.Shewastakentomanyhospitals.Noneofthe1._______knewthecause( 原由)ofthedisease.Theytoldherparentsshewouldgoblindanddeaf.NowAliceisfifteenyearsold.Hereyesightandhearingaresopoorthatshecan'tseeorhear2._______.Butsheisabright andhappygirl.Shesaysto 3._______,“Whateverhappens,Iwillnevergiveup.”She4._______toenjoyherlife.Withher5._______help,sheistravellingasmuchasshecan.Sheisalso6._______theinterestingthingssheexperiences alongtheway.Shealsowantstohelppeoplelike her.Herdreamis tohelp researchers7._______amethod forherdisease.Ifshecanget8._______,people whohavethe samedisease mayalsobecured (治愈).Infact,shehas9._______moneyforafoundation(基金会)fighting thediseasesinceshewasinGradeTwo.Untilnow,shehasgotover$150,000!Alicethinkshelpingotherscanmakeher10._______thanhavingfunalone.Sheisdoingherbesttoliveherlifewithoutanyregret.Passage5I, goback,stay, vegetable, one,set, lucky, create, good,writedownWhenIwasaboy,Ihadabigappetite (胃口).Iwas1._______enoughtohavemygrandma,becauseshealwayscookeddeliciousfoodforme.Atthattime,Ilivedatschool.Icouldonly 2. _______homeonvacation.ButwheneverIgotthechancetogobackhome,Iwouldliketo3._______inmygrandma'shome.When4._______grandmacookedinthekitchen,Iwouldliketohelpher.Ihelpedherwash5._______,cleandishesandsoon.ThenI6._______thetableandwaitedforhertoeattogether.Itwasreallyawarmmemory (回想)forme.Mygrandmaalwaystried to 7._______newdishes. Everytime after shecookedanewdish,shewouldletmetry8._______.Thenshewouldwaitformycommentsforthedish.Afterfinishingthedish,ItoldherhowIlikedthedish,andshewould9._______somenotesonasmallnotebook.WhenIgrewup,Iwenttoanothercitytowork.AlthoughItriedalotoffoodinmanyexpensive restaurants, inmyeyes,mygrandmawasthe10._______cookintheworld. A lthoughshehaspassedaway,Iwillrememberherforever.Passage6clear,sudden,idea,lead,under,pickitup,tail,jump,climbup,whereAlongtimeago,therewasasmallcityinasmallcountry.Outsidethecitytherewas alargeforest1._______500monkeyslived.Onenightthe500monkeyswalkedaroundandcametoabigtree.Adeepoldwellwas2._______thetree.Thewaterinthewellwasvery3._______andreflectedthefullmooninthesky. The4._______ofthesemonkeysbentoverwell andwatchedit carefully for awhile.Thenitjumpedontotheedgeofthewellandsaidtotheothers, “It'sbad!Todaythemoonhasbeendeadandfallenintothiswell.Letus5._______together,orthenightswillbedarkforever. ”Allthemonkeyssaid, “Thewellissodeep.Howcanwepickupthemoon?”Thele aderhadagood6._______andsaid, “Ihaveit!Iwill7._______thetreeandgraspabranch,thenanotheronegraspsmytailoneafteranother.Sowecanreachthesurfaceofwater.Whentheothermonkeysheardthat,they8._______withjoy.Sotheylinkedtheirheadsand9._______together,becominglongerandlongeruntiltheyalmosttouchedthesurfaceofthewell water. Atthat moment,thebranch10._______brokeandall 500monkeysfell intotheoldwell.”Passage1【要旨粗心】本文是一篇说明文。

四年级英语听力材料(1200字以上)1. Passage 1Tom: Hi, Lucy! What are you doing?Lucy: Hi, Tom! I'm making a card for my grandma's birthday.Tom: That's nice. How old is your grandma going to be?Lucy: She is turning 70 this year.Tom: Wow, that's a big number. I hope she has a great birthday!Lucy: Thank you. I will give her the card and a present.Tom: That's a great idea. She will love it!2. Passage 2Amy: Good morning, Mom. What are we having for breakfast today?Mother: We have cereal, milk, and eggs. What do you want?Amy: I want cereal with milk, please.Mother: Okay. I'll get it for you. Do you want eggs with it?Amy: No, thank you. I'm full from last night's dinner.3. Passage 3Teacher: Class, we're going on a field trip tomorrow. We're going to the zoo.Tom: That's great! I love the zoo.Lucy: Me too! I want to see the lions and tigers.Teacher: We'll see all the animals. Make sure to bring your hats and lunch.Teacher: We'll meet at 8:30 a.m. Don't be late!4. Passage 4Lily: I don't want to go swimming, Dad. I'm scared of water.Father: Don't worry, Lily. I'll stay with you in the pool.It'll be fun.Lily: Okay, I'll try. But please don't let go of my hand.Father: I promise, Lily. Let's go have some fun in the water!5. Passage 5Kate: Hi, Mike. Do you want to play soccer with us after school?Mike: I can't today, Kate. I have piano lessons.Mike: Sure! I love playing soccer.Kate: Great. See you tomorrow!。
拓展训练 2020年中考英语专题分类卷 题型二阅读理解(任务型阅读)1-10(含答案)

题型二阅读理解(任务型阅读)1-10Passage 1(2018.河北)Artificial intelligence( AI)(人工智能)is growing rapidly. We are living in a world that depends more and more on AI. AI is a group of technologies that help machines get, understand and use information to do tasks.AI's recent developments have got a lot of social attention. Some people have welcomed AI because it makes things possible. For example, AI will have a big influence on areas like medicine and engineering. But this attention has also produced a lot of fear. Especially, many workers are worrying that AI could make them lose their jobs.According to a recent study, nearly five percent of jobs will disappear because of AI. In some industries,AI is already doing the work that people used to do, such as assembling(装配)cars, digging the coal and lifting goods. Self- driving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the driver's jobs in the future.On the other hand, AI will also create many new jobs for people. More people will be needed to write programmes for AI systems(系统)and they will set up and work on them, too. Meanwhile, jobs that require feelings, excellent communication skills with people will not be replaced(取代)by AI. These includes jobs in fields like teaching, nursing and personal training.AI is here. It is changing how people live and work in many ways. That makes AI important to watch, not to fear.1、2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第二段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
PASSAGE 4 America's New Recession

1. 2. 3. 4. property aftershocks credit retail 5. 6. 7. 8. soared claims symptom impact
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D A H G B E C F
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C B B A A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B
• 4. This coupled with the pre-September 11 decline in consumer spending due to stagnant wages, indebtedness, and rising layoffs, created the need for the layoffs and cuts they’ve recently implemented • 这与‘ 9.11’ 前由于停滞不前的工资、沉重的债务 及不断上升的失业率所造成的消费下降, 共同导 致了他们最近实行的下岗或裁员的必要性 • 5. Federal Reserve • (美国)联邦储备局(简称‘美联储’) • 6. CNN • (美国)有线新闻网(Cable News Network的缩写 形式) • 7. Democrats • (美国)民主党党员
Notes to Text•源自•• • ••
1. “… most (economic forecasters) believe that a recession was already under way before September 11.” “多数(经济预言家)认为,在九月十一日 (‘9.11’)之前已经出现了经济滑坡” 2. The Wall Street Journal (美国)《华尔街日报》 3. The biggest airlines (like American and United) were spending millions gobbling up competitors (like TWA) in order to monopolize markets 那些最大的航空公司(如美国联合航空公司) 花费数百万资金吞并竞争对手 (如美国环球航 空公司)以便垄断市场
2023 12月英语4级阅读原文

文章题目:xxx英语四级阅读原文正文:1. 以下是xxx英语四级阅读原文,原文共计3000字,由4篇短文组成。
2. Passage 1:昨天我们看到了一年一度的全球气候变化大会从卡塔尔多哈落下帷幕。
3. Passage 2:人口老龄化问题日益严峻,已成为世界各国的共同挑战。
4. Passage 3:互联网在当今社会中扮演了不可或缺的角色,但其安全问题也日益凸显。
5. Passage 4:贸易保护主义的抬头给国际贸易带来了巨大的不确定性。

英语-完形填空(二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Cloze(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:20.00)The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent eases (1) the trial of Rosemary West.In a significant (2) of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (3) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (4) and will strictly control the amount of (5) that can be given to a case (6) a trial begins.In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee. Lord Irvine said he (7) with a committee report this year which said that self-regulation did not (8) sufficient control.(9) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a (10) of media protest when he said the interpretation of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges rather than to Parliament.(分数:20.00)(1).A. as to B. for instance C. in particular D. such as(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] A项as to“关于”。
考研英语一阅读理解真题加解析1994 Passage 4

1994P a s s a g e4 "Ihavegreatconfidencethatbytheendofthedecadewe'llknowinvastdetailhowcancercellsarise,"saysmicrobiologistRobertW ei nberg,anexpertoncancer."But,"hecautions,"somepeoplemayhavetheideathatonceoneunderstandsthecauses,thecurewillr apidlyfollow.ConsiderPasteur.Hediscoveredthecausesofmanykindsof infection s,butitwasfiftyorsixtyyearsbeforecureswer eavailable."Thisyear,50percentofthe910000peoplewhosufferfromcancerwillsurviveatleastfiveyears.Intheyear2000,theNationalCance rInstituteestimates,thatfigurewillbe75percent.Forsomeskincancers,thefive-yearsurvivalrateisashighas90percent.Butothe rsurvivalstatisticsarestilldiscouraging—13percentforlungcancer,and2percentforcancerofthe pancreas. Withasmanyas120varietiesinexistence,discoveringhowcancerworksisnoteasy.Theresearchersmadegreatprogressintheeaact[B]重点词汇:infection(in+fect+ion,in-在内,fect词根“做”,面起作效的),2002年T ext1。
passage 4

文章开篇即指出“A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may be a driving force. ”(长期而轻而易举的成功可能是个不利因素,但如果处理得当,可能成为驱动力。
如第2段的首句“It was inevitable that the primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. ”(随着其他国家的繁荣昌盛,美国的这一优势地位逐渐下降变得不可避免。
第3段的首句“All of this has caused a crisis of confidence. ”(所有的一切引发了一场信心危机。
文章第4段首句“How things have changed! ”(但是情况的变化非常之快!)也是本段中心句。
难句解析:①A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force.该句是一个并列句,由前后两个转折关系的分句组成,其间的连词为but。
考研英语一阅读理解真题加解析1994 Passage 4

1994 Passage 4"I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we'll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise," says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. "But," he cautions, "some people may have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur. He discovered the causes of many kinds of infection s, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available."This year, 50 percent of the 910000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000, the National Cancer Institute estimates, that figure will be 75 percent. For some skin cancers, the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival statistics are still discouraging — 13 percent for lung cancer, and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas.With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogene s, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown. If several oncogenes are driven into action, the cell, unable to turn them off, becomes cancerous.The exact mechanisms involved are still mysterious, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers. "Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process," says oncologist William Hayward. Environmental factors can never be totally eliminated; as Hayward points out, "We can't prepare a medicine against cosmic rays."The prospects for cure, though still distant, are brighter ."First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. Second, we have to determine whether there are a limited number of genes in cells which are always responsible for at least part of the trouble. If we can understand how cancer works, we can counteract its action."63. The example of Pasteur in the passage is used to ________.[A] predict that the secret of cancer will be disclosed in a decade[B] indicate that the prospects for curing cancer are bright[C] prove that cancer will be cured in fifty to sixty years[D] warn that there is still a long way to go before cancer can be conquered64. The author implies that by the year 2000, ________.[A] there will be a drastic rise in the five-year survival rate of skin-cancer patients[B] 90 percent of the skin-cancer patients today will still be living[C] the survival statistics will be fairly even among patients with various cancers[D] there won't be a drastic increase of survival rate of all cancer patients65. Oncogenes are cancer-causing genes ________.[A] that are always in operation in a healthy person[B] which remain unharmful so long as they are not activated[C] that can be driven out of normal cells[D] which normal cell can't turn off66. The word "dormant' in the third paragraph most probably means ________.[A] dead[B] ever-present[C] inactive[D] potential重点词汇:infection (传染;感染)即in+fect+ion,in-在内,fect词根“做”,-ion名词后缀,“在里面起作用”→感染;动词形式为infect←in+fect。

“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.
1.In the story, the vet must be _________.
A. the farmer's friend B. a milk factory?
C. ice, iron and rock dust?
??????? D. only a few big pieces of rock
3.Maybe many people _______.
A. haven’t seen any comets B. have seen all comets
3.D。由第五段的首句“Many people perhaps have seen a comet.”可知。
4.C。“Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times.”一句是答案的出处。
?He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better."
“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.
5.Halley’s Comets came back _____.
?????? A. in 1990 B. in 1980 C. in 1986 D. in 1989
河南人教版中考英语 题组训练 (6)

题型一完形填空题组训练A组河南中考题组Passage 1(2017河南)A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became1. He walked into a restaurant, where he found a2at an empty table. The waiter took the panda’s order.After he3his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air.4he turned around and walked toward the door.Naturally, the waiter was horrified(恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n)5.The panda said to him,“What do I look like to6?”The waiter answered,“Well, a giant panda, of course.”“That’s right,”said the panda.“Look it up.” And he walked out.The waiter called the7. When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story,8the panda’s words“Look it up”. So the police officer9 a young man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书).The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer10“panda”and there was the answer,“Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋)and leaves.”1.A.tired B.angry C.crazy B.noteC.waiterD.newspaper3.A.ordered B.finished C.served D.cooked4.A.So B.Once C.Then B.excuseC.questionD.explanation B.him D.them7.A.bosses B.police C.neighbors D.customers8.A.about C.without D.including9.A.sent B.took C.drove D.invited10.A.turned to B.asked for C.looked up D.called onPassage 2(2016河南)A man feared his wife wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid(助听). Not quite sure how to1her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a better2of her hearing loss.“Here’s what you do,”said the doctor.“Stand about 40 feet away from her, speak in a3conversational speaking tone(音调)and see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet,then 20 feet, and so on4you get a reply.”That evening, the wife was in the5,and he was in the yard. He said to himself,“I’m about 40 feet away, and let me see what will happen.” Then in a usual tone he asked,“Honey, what’s for dinner?”No6.So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and asked, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”7no reply.Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and 8,“Honey, what’s for dinner?”Again he got no reply. He walked up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”Again there was no reply.So he 9right up behind her. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”“Chicken! James, for the 10time I’ve said that.” C.face D.guide2.A.choice B.excuse C.idea D.suggestion3.A.loud B.strange C.special ual4.A.until B.before C.when D.as5.A.toilet D.dining room6.A.dinner B.way C.move D.reply7.A.Still B.Even C.Just D.Almostughed B.repeatedC.thoughtD.added9.A.ran B.stood C.walked D.jumped10.A.second B.third C.fourth D.fifthB组全国中考题组Passage 1(2018北京)Real Solutions(解决方法) to ProblemsThirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems.One day, the team was called for a 1in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various 2. As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons.The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective(各自的)balloons 3so that the balloons wouldn’t blow out. All tried, but not everyone was 4. Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力).Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were 5out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were 6and then put into a room, here and there.The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on. All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to 7the right one. The second level of the game was over.Then came the final level. The engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to the person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons 8the hands of the respective engineers.The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life, sharing and helping others give us real solutions to B.showC.concertD.party2.A.purposes B.suggestionsC.thoughtsD.plans3.A.quietly B.carefullyC.secretlyD.clearly4.A.honest B.readyC.patientD.successful5.A.checked B.helpedC.ruledD.cheated6.A.collected B.weighedC.tiedD.cleaned7.A.mark B.hideC.numberD.find8.A.freed B.reachedC.liftedD.hitPassage 2(2018天津)My name is Damian Costa. I was born in a small village in Italy in 1952. I spent the first few years of my life there before my family 1to Perth, Australia.We arrived in Australia in the summer of 1957. I went to 2, and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in English.We did not have much 3, so we lived very simply. My parents worked as cleaners. They earned(挣钱)just enough for us to survive(维持生活)and 4 a little money. My father had always wanted to 5 a small restaurant. Finally, 6ten years of hard work, in June 1967, he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria(比萨饼店).7business was slow at first, it soon got better. I helped out at the pizzeria after school and at weekends. Just two years after we 8, my father decided that we needed a full-time waiter. Then, he decided to 9me the art of making wood-fired pizzas.Today, we have three branches(分店), in Perth, Sydney and Adelaide. My children have 10learned how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it. I hope to pass on the business to them.1.A.returned D.business3.A.paper B.illness B.borrow C.share D.choose5.A.sell B.see D.leave6.A.before B.after C.during D.between7.A.Because B.If C.Although D.Whether8.A.played B.relaxed C.started B.teach C.believe D.lend10.A.perhaps B.never C.hardly D.alsoPassage 3(2018重庆,A卷)Everyone has dreams. Lily dreamed of being a dancer. She took1lessons and all her teachers thought she was an excellent student.One day she saw a notice. It said that a famous dancing group would be performing in her town.2thought, “I must show the leader my dancing skills.” She waited for the group leader in the dressing room. 3the leader appeared, she came up and handed him the flowers she prepared. The thorns(刺) hurt her fingers and blood came out. But she was too4to care about the pain. She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged(乞求) to show her dance.“All right. You dance,” the leader agreed. But half way through the dance, he stopped her, “I’m sorry, in my mind you’re not good enough!” On hearing this, Lily5out as fast as her legs could carry her. It was so hard for her to accept this. She lost heart and6her dream.Several years later, the dancing group came to her town again. She decided to find out7 the leader had told her she was not good enough.This was his reply, “I tell this8every student.”“You’ve ruined (毁掉) my life!” she shouted angrily.The leader went on, “I remember your present of9and how the thorns had hurt your fingers but you carried on bravely. It was a pity that you didn’t take dancing like that and stopped trying so10. So you are still not good enough for dancing!”1.A.singing B.reading C.dancing D.dressing2.A.He B.She C.They D.We3.A.When B.Since C.Before D.Unless4.A.weak B.bored C.excited D.tired5.A.worked B.ran C.found on B.went on C.picked up D.gave up7.A.why C.who D.what8.A.on D.to9.A.books B.dances D.dresses10.A.happily B.easily C.luckily D.safelyPassage 4(2018江苏南京)He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to 1how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibi’s black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be 2. He liked Chibi’s own handwriting, which no one but Chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall.But, when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year, no one could 3 his eyes. “Who is that?”“What can that stupid do up there?”Until Mr. Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate(模仿)the voices of crows. “V oices?” “Voices of crows?”4he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow’s voice. Then he imitated the father crow’s voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows 5when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody’s mind was taken to the 6 mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school.Chibi made very special 7deep down in his throat(喉咙)to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine 8the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family.Then Mr. Isobe explained 9Chibi had learned those calls—leaving his home for school at sunrise, and arriving home at sunset, every day for six long years.Every one of us cried, thinking how much we had been 10to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination!plain B.count C.find D.refuse2.A.admired B.printedC.punishedD.avoided3.A.check B.hurtC.openD.believeter B.Next st D.First5.A.jump D.dance6.A.far B.crowded C.near D.modern7.A.scripts B.reportsC.speechesD.sounds8.A.hardly B.happilyC.exactlyD.peacefully9.A.what B.howC.whetherD.who10.A.wrong B.kindC.honestD.generousPassage 5(2018福建)Ewan Drum has always liked superheroes. He admires how they help people. At the age of seven, he told his parents, “I want to1like a superhero and help the homeless.”A few months later, Ewan’s family planned a day of2. Wearing his red superhero costume, Ewan3 helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit, Michigan. That’s4Super Ewan was born.Word spread about Ewan’s good deeds(事迹). People donated(捐赠)money and something else, and Ewan handed them out to those in need. When5donated bottles of water, Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more. They6the water to Flint, Michigan, a city that had unsafe drinking water. Another time, a business donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving. 7his parents’help, Ewan used social media(媒体)to ask for more turkeys, plus side dishes. “In the end,”he says,“we handed out 64 turkey dinners to8all around Detroit.”Ewan has a motto:Everyone can be a superhero to someone. At an event called the Hero Round Table, Ewan told the listeners,“It’s not9to help people. You can keep some socks and snacks in your car to help people in need. Every10thing helps and can make someone feel happy.”1.A.get up B.dress up C.look B.playing C.showing3.A.safely B.seriously C.happily4.A.what B.why C.how5.A.someone B.everyone one6.A.sold B.took C.lent7.A.From B.With C.In8.A.heroes B.listeners C.families9.A.difficult B.possible C.necessary10.A.private B.little C.interesting答案精解精析A组河南中考题组Passage 1[语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文。
Passage 4

Passage 4A soldier returned to his castle at dawn. He was in a mess. His clothes were36 ; his face was bloody; his horse was lame. His 37 met him at the gate, asking, “What has happened to you?”38 himself up as best he could, he replied, “Oh, Sir, I have been 39 in your service, robbing and burning and killing your 40 to the west.”“You have been what?” cried the 41 king, “But I haven’t any enemies to the west!”“Oh!”said the soldier.And then, after a(n) 42 ,he continued to say, “Well,I think you do now.”What about you? Do you have enemies to the west? Or in some other directions? None of us will calmly sail through our lives in perfect 43 wi th everyone we meet. And though most struggles can be 44 along the way, and most of our damaged 45 can eventually be healed, some issues may threaten to drive a 46 wedge(楔) between people. Sincere moral and political ideas, especially, can 47 folks who just hold different positions.One person said, “I don’t have a personal enemy48 .They’ve all died off. I 49 them terrible because they helped define me.” So-called“enemies”can50 a valuable purpose. If we let them, they can teach us about ourselves. By 51 a mirror before us, they can help us 52 what we may have mi ssed. By disagreeing with our ideas, they can 53 our points of view. And, if we allow them, they can 54 help us practice strength and sympathy in the face of criticism.If enemies cannot become friends, they can become 55 .If we listen, they will teach us what our friends cannot.36.A.old-fashione B.clean D.dirty37.A.wife B.father C.king D.friend38.A.Tightening B.Straightenig C.Pulling D.Standing39.A.fighting peting D.learning40.A.enemies petitors C.challengers D.offenders41.A.disappointed B.frightened C.surprised D.excited42.A.sigh B.apology D.pause43.A.harmony mon C.touch pany44.A.won B.settled C.made D.met45.A.pains B.wounds C.relationships D.bodies46.A.visible B.short C.temporary D.permanent47.A.divide B.isolate C.disconnect D.separate48.A.escaped B.spared C.left D.stayed49.A.respect B.miss C.hate D.fear50.A.achieve B.serve C.act D.express51.A.holding B.moving C.choosing D.giving52.A.reflect C.remember C.prove D.see53.A.sharpen B.change C.share D.support54.A.clearly B.immediately C.unconsciously D.publicly55.A.drivers B.teachers C.doctors wyersMy summer travel started terribly. I was at the Shanghai Raiway Station buy a ticket to Hangzhou. I was going to visit a friend here and after that I would go to Xiamen fo r lon g holiday. I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor and then I realized that someone had stolen it. Luckily I had all my money on my pocket, but the only clothes I had was those I had on. It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. When I finally arrived at my friend, he lent to me lots of clothes. I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy” at a big firm.The HR manage r ___31__ (interview) him, then a test: clean the floor. “You are hired,” he said,“give me your email address, ___32__ I’ll send you the application to fill.” The man replied “I don’t have a computer, ___33__ an email”.“I’m sorry,” sai d the HR manager,“that means you do not exist. And ___34__ doesn’t exist cannot have the job.” The man left ___35__ no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10 KG tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he ___36__ (success) in doubl ing his capital. He repeated the operation 3 times, and returned home with $60. 5 years later, the man is one of the ___37__ (big) food retailers(零售商) in the US. He started to plan his family’s future, and decided to have a life insurance.He called ___38__ insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied: “I don’t have an email”. The broker replied ___39__ (curious), “Y ou don’t have an email, and yet have established an empire! Do you imagine ___40__ you could have been if you had an email?The man thought for a while, and replied: “A n office boy!31 interviewed 32 and 33 neither/n or/ or 34whoever 35 with 36 succeeded 37 biggest 38 an 39 curiously 40what。

Passage 1 Town and Country Life in EnglandThere is a big difference between town life and country life in England. In the country, everybody knows everybody else. They know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you have for dinner. If you want help, you will always get it and you will be glad to help others. In a large town like London, however, it can sometimes happen that you have never seen your next door neighbor and you do not know his name or anything about him. People in London are often very lonely. This is because people go to different places in the evenings and at weekends. If you walk through the streets in the centre of London on Sunday, it is like a town without people. One is sorry for old people living on their own. They could die in their homes and would not be discovered for weeks or even months. Passage 2A Change in Women’s LifeThe important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have most girls its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years agoleft school at the first opportunity, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full-time or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them. Useful Words and Expressions: 1. life-pattern生活方式生活方式2. sharePassage 3 A Popular Pastime of the English PeopleOne of the best means of understanding the people of any nation is watching what the do with their non-working time. Most English men, women and children love growing things, especially flowers. Visitors to England in spring, summer or autumn are likely to see gardens all they way along the railway lines. There are flowers at the airports and flowers in factory grounds, as well as in gardens along the roads. Each English town has at least one park with beautifully kept flower beds. Public buildings of every kind have brilliant window boxes and sometimes baskets of flowers are hanging on them. But what the English enjoy most is growing things themselves. If it is impossible to have a garden, then a window box or something growing in a pot will do. Looking at each other’s gardens is a popular pastime with the English. Useful Words and Expressions:1. window box:窗台上的花盆箱窗台上的花盆箱2.pastime 消遣,娱乐消遣,娱乐Swimming is my favorite pastime. Passage 4 British and American Police OfficersReal policemen, both in Britain and the U.S., hardly recognize any common —if they ever get home in points between their lives and what they se on TVtime. Some things are almost the same, of course, but the policemen do not think much of them much of them. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life deals with the law. Most of what he learns is the law. He has to know actually what actions are against the law and what facts can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a lawyer, and what’s more, he has to put it into practice on his feet, in the dark and, running down a narrow street after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in talking with beautiful girls or in bravely facing cruel criminals. He will spend most of his working life arranging millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, ordinary people who are guilty--- or not of stupid, unimportant crimes. Useful Words and Expressions:1. think much of 重视,尊重重视,尊重2. in court 在法庭上在法庭上在法庭上3. criminal 罪犯,犯罪者罪犯,犯罪者4. guilty 犯罪的,有罪的犯罪的,有罪的Passage 5 Living SpaceHow much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? Scientists are doing experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. health change obviously. They can not sleep and eat well, and signs of fear But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior and even their and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, and more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, populations and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival? These are interesting questions. Passage 6 The United NationsIn 1945, representatives of 50 nations met to plan this organization. It was called the United Nations. After the war, many more nations joined. There are two major parts of the United Nations. One is called the General Assembly. In the General Assembly, every member nation is represented and has an equal vote. The second part is called the Security Council. It has representatives of just 15 nations. Five nations are permanent members: the United States, Russia, France, Britain, and China. The 10 other members are elected every two years by the General Assembly. The major job of the Security Council is to keep peace in the world. If necessary, it can send troops from member nations to try to stop little wars before they turn into big ones. It is hard to get the nations of the Security Council to agree on when this is necessary. But they did vote to try to stop wars. Useful Words and Expressions:1. representative 代表代表2. General Assembly 联合国大会联合国大会3. permanent 永久的,持久的永久的,持久的4. Security Council 联合国安全理事会联合国安全理事会Passage 7 PlasticWe use plastic wrap to protect our foods. We put our garbage in plastic bags or plastic cans. We sit on plastic chairs, play with plastic toys, drink from plastic cups, and wash our hair with shampoo from plastic bottles! Plastic does not grow in nature. It is made by mixing certain things together. We call it a produced or manufactured material. Plastic was first made in the 1860s from plants, such as wood and cotton. That plastic was soft and burned easily. The first modern plastics were made in the 1930s. Most clear plastic starts out as thick, black oil. That plastic coating inside a pan begins as natural gas. Over the years, hundreds of different plastics have been developed. Some are hard and strong. Some are soft and bendable. Some are clear. Some are many-colored. There is a plastic for almost every need. Scientists continue to experiment with plastics. They hope to find even ways to use them! Passage 8 Display of GoodsAre supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? Fresh fruit and vegetables are displayed near supermarket entrances. This gives the impression that only healthy food is sold in the shop. Basic foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea, are not put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so customers are taken past other attractive foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are encouraged to buy products that they do not really need. Sweets are often placed at children’s eye level at the checkout. While parents are waiting to pay, children reach for the sweets and put them in the trolley. More is bought from a fifteen-foot display of one type of product than from a ten-foot one. Customers also buy more when shelves are full than when they are half empty. They do not like to buy from shelves with few products on them because they feel there is something wrong with those products that are there. Useful Words and Expressions:1. aisle 走廊,过道走廊,过道2. trolley 手推车手推车3. checkout 收款台收款台Passage 9 Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879, His father owned a factory that made electrical devices. His mother enjoyed music and books. His parents rve many of the religion’s rules. Albert was a were Jewish but they did not obsequite child who spent much of his time alone. He was slow to talk and had difficulty learning to read. When Albert was five years old, his father gave him a compass. The child was filled with wonder when he discovered that the —to be north. He asked compass needle always pointed in the same directionhis father and his uncle what caused the needle to move. Their answers about magnetism and gravity were difficult for the boy to understand. Yet he spent a lot of time thinking about them. He said later that he felt something hidden had to be behind things. Useful expressions and words:1. device 装置,设备装置,设备leave to one’s own devices 听任某人自行其是,允许某人按自己的意愿做事She left the child to her own devices for an hour in the afternoon. 她允许孩子在下午有一个小时的自由支配时间。

高三英语课外时文分类阅读系列(5)第五部分“人与自然”之环境保护篇目录:Passage 1 太空垃圾应该如何清理?Passage 2 保护生物多样性,中国“Z世代”在行Passage 3 中国的“诺亚方舟”Passage 4 太空种菜Passage 5 印度青年用塑料制作运动鞋Passage 6 新版《牛津英语词典》关注气候变化Passage 1主题语境——人与自然——太空垃圾应该如何清理?China deployed a satellite to carry out technological tests for space junk 1.______ (manage). The spacecraft aims to demonstrate technologies to alleviate space debris.Since the dawn of the space age in the 1950s, humans 2. ______ (launch) thousands of rockets and sent even more satellites into orbit. Many are still there, and we are now facing 3. ______ ever-increasing risk of space junk.More than 27,000 pieces of, or “space junk”, are tracked in space. Much more debris is too small to be tracked 4. ______ large enough to threaten human spaceflight and robotic missions. Since a piece of debris can move 5. ______ (fast) than a speeding bullet, collisions with these tiny pieces often leave pits in many satellites, telescopes and other objects orbiting our planet.In 2006, for example, a tiny piece of space junk collided with the International Space Station, 6. ______ (take) a chip out of the heavily reinforced window.Space junk is a huge threat to space missions that involve human life. This is particularly important since careful consideration needs to be made about the orbital path of space junk before spacewalk exercises 7. ______ (conduct).In 2018, the UK’s Surrey Space Center used a net to catch space junk in an experiment. It was the first 8. ______ (success) demonstration of space cleanup technology.Another solution is to use robotic arms. ClearSpace 1, the European Space Agency’s mission 9. ______ (remove) space junk from orbit, is expected to launch in 2025, which will adopt robotic arms to catch the debris. The mission plans to locate, capture and throw debris into the atmosphere, 10. ______ it will burn up in the intense pressure and friction of reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere.【参考答案】1. management2. have launched3.an4. but5. faster6. taking7. are conducted8. successful9. to remove 10. wherePassage 2主题语境——人与自然——保护生物多样性,中国“Z世代”在行动In their spare time, most young people like to enjoy 1. ______ (they) and play on their smartphones. But Li Ruxue is different. He often walks around a forest and isolates himself from the outside world. “Though the lifestyle is a little bit tiring, it’s 2. ______ (meaning),” he often said.In college, Li actively took part in field research. After 3. ______ (graduate), he joined a gibbon protection organization, 4. ______ one of his major responsibilities was picking up gibbon waste. The gibbon is a top-level state-protected animal whose population is smaller than that of wild giant pandas.So over the past four and a half years, Li 5. ______ (follow) gibbons and collected their waste for researchers. Li said the job relies heavily on luck and perseverance. But he has never regretted his choice or felt alone, as he has found more young people 6. ______ (engage) in nature conservation.Like Li, Chu Wenwen, 27, has also worked to protect animals. As her father is engaged in wildlife research, Chu has long been surrounded by wild animals. She fol lowed in her father’s footsteps.Listed 7. ______ a first-class State-protected animal in China, the Mengxin beaver is found only along the Ulungur River in Xinjiang’s Altay prefecture. To protect them, Chu initiated the “beaver canteen” program, which 8. ______ (eventual) attracted over 1 million internet users to donate snack money.According to Fan Pengfei, ecological protection as an industry can provide only a few jobs, most of 9. ______ are in research institutes and nongovernmental organizations. He has seen more and more young people take part-time jobs as journalists, photographers and so on 10. ______ (raise) awareness of wildlife protection. “Young people are the future of the world and the future of global biodiversity conservation,”said Fan.【参考答案】1. themselves2. Meaningful3. graduation4. Where5. has followed6. engaged7. as8. eventually9. which 10. to raisePassage 3主题语境——人与自然——中国的“诺亚方舟”“If the world 1. ______ (end) one day, these collections will bring hope of a new beginning to life on Earth,” said Li Pei, a staff member at the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, or GBOWS, in Yunnan province.2. ______ (found)in 2007, GBOWS is a research and preservation facility for rare and endangered plants and animals. It is3. ______ (large) in Asia in terms of species.4. ______ number of seed accessions is close to that of the world’s biggest seed bank –the Millennium Seed Bank in the United Kingdom.With two in five plant species at risk of extinction, she said it is a race 5. ______ time to protect the nation’s incredible plant life.So how does the bank work? Scientists collect endangered and useful wild species and send them to the seed bank. For future study, 6. ______ (collect) have to record details of the plant, including 7. ______ it was found, its size and the number of individual plants in the habitat.Once the seeds arrive at GBOWS, they’re dried, preserved in a room and cleaned. After that, X-rays confirm 8. ______ the seeds are undamaged and no insects are hidden inside. The seeds are then frozen, stored in glass bottles and placed in huge freezers at -20 C for long-term storage. Each container has a barcode that can be scanned to enable scientists 9. ______ (view) information about the seeds inside.The bank in Yunnan works with international partners on collecting backup specimens, exchanges and research. It holds 2,176 sets of seeds from 45 countries and regions, with each set 10. ______ (contain) thousands of individual seeds.【参考答案】1. ends2. Founded3. the largest4. The5. against6. collectors7. where8. that9. to view 10. containingPassage 4主题语境——人与自然——太空种菜“Best space tacos yet,” American astronaut Megan wrote on social media Twitter, with a photo of her smiling from ear to ear. The taco feast celebrated the first time peppers were 1. ______ (successful) grown on the International Space Station.Life as an astronaut is 2. ______ (excite), but that doesn’t include food. Astronau ts have endured packaged food for decades. “If you store packaged food for long, the quality, flavor and nutritional quality decrease, the vitamins lessen,” experts said.“3. ______ (grow) colorful vegetables in space can have long-term benefits for physical and psychological health,” said Matt, project scientist at NASA, in 4. ______ statement. The benefits of growing vegetables in space are obvious, but how are they grown?Though astronauts have been growing plants in space for decades, planting edible food without the benefits of gravity and 5. ______ (nature) light has been difficult. A plant growth system called Veggie has been used to grow plants on the space station since 2014. The Veggie garden is about the size of a piece of luggage and typically 6. ______ (hold) six plants. Each plant grows in a “pillow” 7. ______ (fill) with clay and fertilizer. The “pillows” are important for distributing water, nutrients and air in a healthy balance around the roots.8. ______ the absence of gravity, plants use other environmental factors, such as light, to guide growth. LEDs above the plants produce a light suited for the plants’ growth. Veggie typically glows pink, 9. ______ enables plants to use both blue and red wavelengths more efficiently. Other spectrums of light, like greens, yellows or oranges, are less useful for plants.So far, US astronauts 10. ______ (grow) 10 different crops, including lettuce and radish.【参考答案】1. successfully2. exciting3. Growing4. a5. natural6. holds7. filled8. In9. which 10. have grownPassage 5主题语境——人与自然——印度青年用塑料制作运动鞋Fashion designers are always looking for new materials to work with. Lately, it’s all about sustainable materials –1. ______ (recycle) tires, mushrooms, even pineapple fibers! What if you want a sustainable pair of shoes? Thaely is here to help.This sneaker brand out of Dubai wants to fight the growing problem of plastic pollution. 2. ______ (lead) by 23-year-old Indian businessman Ashay Bhave, they may have found a winning strategy: making shoes out of plastic grocery bags. “Thaely” means “plastic bag” in the Hindi language.“I was looking to create footwear that is cost-effective and safe for the environment,” Bhave said in an intervie w. “I needed to come up with something 3. ______ uses recycled plastic without 4. ______ (create) any more plastic waste.”Plastic bags were the perfect solution. Bhave’s home country, India, 5. ______ (ban) single-use plastics. However, in an interview wi th Elle magazine, Bhave said it’s poorly enforced. He said five trillion plastic bags are used around the world each year. “I was motivated to find a solution6. ______ this problem,” Bhave said.That solution was the fabric called ThaelyTex. Made 7. ______ (entire) from plastic bags, the material looks and feels like leather, Bhave claimed. That sounds promising. Better yet, the production process requires no 8. ______ (addition) chemicals and releases no poisonous by-products. The end result is a smart-looking pair of white low-top sneakers.Where do they get so much material? Finally, they got help from TrioTap Technologies, a waste management plant. Bhave said they offered 9. ______ (collect) the bags and also to process them into ThaelyTex.So far, it seems like things are falling into place. There are already hundreds of pre-orders in place. It 10. ______ (sound) s like they have some plans for the future.【参考答案】1. recycled2. Led3. that4. creating5. banned6. to7. entirely8. additional9. to collect 10. soundPassage 6主题语境——人与自然——新版《牛津英语词典》关注气候变化Climate change really does change everything, including language. In October, Oxford English Dictionary (OED) released 1. ____ update on its language on climate change and environmental sustainability.Some new words 2. ______ (include) in the dictionary. T he OED doesn’t include chemical formulas, but it has made an 3. ______( importance) exception for CO2because it has become, in its words, “so ingrained” in our everyday l anguage.“Global heating” is also a new entry. Although people got used to using global warming, OED said that global heating is being used 4. ______ (often). That’s because while global warming suggests a kind of comfort, global heating 5. ______ (convey) “the seriousness of climate change caused by human activity and the urgent need to address it”.Apart from 6. ______( add) these new words, some old words about climate have been given new meanings. The phrase “climate refugee” is an example. In the 19th century, when people spoke of climate refugees, they would be describing those 7. ______ had moved to a place where the climate is healthier.But now, as climate changes and weather events appear 8. ______ (frequent), the phrase refers to the people who are forced to move in response to extreme weather or rising sea levels.Trish Stewart, OED science 9. ______ (edit), said the update reflects the very real sense of urgency of climate change now.10 ______ happens next depends on so many factors but, one thing we can be sure of is that our language will continue to evolve and to tell the story.【参考答案】1. an2. have been included3. important4. more often5. conveys6. adding7. who8. frequently9. editor 10. WhatPassage 7主题语境——人与社会——冬奥黑科技:穿戴技术全面应用From smartwatches that can show and send messages to smart glasses that can 1. _______ (wear)while swimming, wearable devices are playing an important part in making daily life 2. _______ (easy). This technology made its way to the Beijing Winter Games. Let's take a look at some examples.●Wearable thermometric patchesIn light of the recent pandemic, a 3. _______ (health) body is one of the priorities for everyone. 4. _______ (manage) the health status of athletes and audience members for the Beijing Winter Games, a wearable thermometer will be used. The thermometer is 5. _______ the shape of a bandage. It's about 6 centimeters long and 4cm wide. The device features a sensor to detect and record people's temperature. When people wear this “bandage” on their upper arms, their temperatures can be monitored 6. _______ (constant). People can see the data using an app on their phones.●Uniforms and equipmentFor most people, we wear clothes to keep warm or look good. But that's not enough for athletes. Their uniforms and equipment must be functional and not hinder the athlete's high-level performance. To meet these 7. _______ (require), cutting-edge technology has been used.For example, the uniforms use grapheme, a new type of material, which can help absorb athletes' body heat and keep 8. _______ warm for longer. Also, the material is quick-drying, 9. _______ (help) athletes get rid of sweat. The collar of the uniform also features a vent and adjustable buckles to make the clothes breathable.Their shoes use the BOA lacing system, 10. _______ features a button on their shoes. Press it and the shoes fit tighter. This is especially helpful for gloved hands in outdoor settings.【参考答案】1. be worn2. easier3. healthy4. To manage5. in6. constantly7. requirements8. them9. helping 10. which。

大学英语四级考试精讲班第24讲讲义短文理解考点突破(续)Passage 4:(1)扫描选项:12. [A] He ran a village shop.[B] He worked on a farm.[C] He worked in an advertising agency.[D] He was a gardener.13. [A] It was stressful.[B] It was colorful.[C] It was peaceful.[D] It was boring.14. [A] His desire to start his own business.[B] The crisis in his family life.[C] The decline in his health.[D] His dream of living in the countryside.(2)预测信息:12.选项介绍了“他”的工作地点和职业,猜测题干问他的职业。
14.四个选项为名词短语,且crisis, decline暗示了不好的方面,猜测题干问导致某种变化或某种改变的原因。
(3)听原文,记笔记:I live in a small village in the country. My wife and I run the village shop. We have a very peaceful life. Boring, some might say. But we love it. We know all the people in the village and have plenty of time to stop and chat. I have plenty of time for my hobbies too, gardening, fishing, walking in the countryside. I love the outdoor life.It wasn’t always like this though. I used to have a really stressful job, working till late at the office every evening and often bringing work home at the weekend. The advertising world is very competitive and when I look back, I can’t imagine how I stood it. I had no private life at all. No time for the really important things in life. Because of the pressure of the job, I used to smoke and drink too much. The crisis came when my wife left me. She complained that she never saw me and that I had no time for family life.This made me realize what was really important to me. I talked things through with her and decided to get back together again and to start a new and better life together. I gave up tobacco and alcohol and searched for new hobbies. Now I’m afraid of looking back, since the past life seemed a horrible dream.Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.(4)验证答案:12. What did the speaker use to do for a living?选[C]。

Passage 1 (2015•新课标全国Ⅰ)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Yangshuo,ChinaIt was raining lightly when I __1__ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours __2__,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with __3__ (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River __4__ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __5__ (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away __6__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.Yangshuo __7__ (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers __8__ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it __9__ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people __10__ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.【语篇导读】桂林山水甲天下,阳朔风光甲桂林。
2021年托福阅读PASSAGE 4 试题及答案

2021年托福阅读PASSAGE 4试题及答案PASSAGE 4The term "Hudson River school" was applied to the foremost representatives of nineteenth-century North American landscape painting. Apparently unknown during the goldendays of the American landscape movement, which began around 1850 and lasted until the late 1860's, the Hudson River school seems to have emerged in the 1870's as a direct result of the struggle between the old and the new generations of artists, each to assert its own style as the representative American art. The older painters, most of whom were born before 1835, practiced in a mode often self-taught and monopolized by landscape subject matter and were securely established in and fostered by the reigning American art organization, the National Academy of Design. The younger painters returning home from training in Europe worked more with figural subject matter and in a bold and impressionistic technique; their prospects for patronage in their own country were uncertain, and they sought to attract it by attaining academic recognition in New York. One of the results of the conflict between the two factions was that what in previous years had been referred to as the "American", "native", or, occasionally, "New York" school — the most representative school of American art in any genre — had by 1890 become firmly established in the minds of critics and public alike as the Hudson River school.The sobriquet was first applied around 1879. While it was not intended as flattering, it was hardly inappropriate. The Academicians at whom it was aimed had worked and socialized in New York, the Hudson's port city, and had painted the river and its shores with varying frequency. Most important, perhaps, was that they had all maintained with a certain fidelity a manner of technique and composition consistent with those of America's first popular landscape artist, Thomas Cole, who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery bordering the Hudson River. A possible implication in the term applied to the group of landscapists was that many of them had, like Cole, lived on or near the banks ofthe Hudson. Further, the river had long served as the principal route to other sketching grounds favored by the Academicians, particularly the Adirondacks and the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The National Academy of Design(B) Paintings that featured the Hudson River(C) North American landscape paintings(D) The training of American artists in European academies2. Before 1870, what was considered the most representative kind of American painting?(A) Figural painting(B) Landscape painting(C) Impressionistic painting(D) Historical painting3. The word "struggle" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) connection(B) distance(C) communication(D) competition4. The word "monopolized" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) alarmed(B) dominated(C) repelled(D) pursued5. According to the passage , what was the function of the National Academy of Design for the painters born before 1835?(A) It mediated conflicts between artists.(B) It supervised the incorporation of new artistic techniques.(C) It determined which subjects were appropriate.(D) It supported their growth and development.6. The word "it" in line 12 refers to(A) matter(B) technique(C) patronage(D) country7. The word "factions" in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) sides(B) people(C) cities(D) images8. The word "flattering" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) expressive(B) serious(C) complimentary(D) flashy9. Where did the younger generation of painters receive its artistic training?(A) In Europe(B) In the Adirondacks(C) In Vermont(D) In New HampshireANSWER KEYS PASSAGE 4 BBDBD CACA。

Passage 4 Funny or not?Part One Words & Expressionsrgelyadv. 大体上【译】非洲中部和北部大体上都是沙漠。
North and Central Africa is largely desert.It’s been a tiring day, largely because of the boring/tedious courses in NOS. (主要是因为无聊的新东方课程)2.pesterv. 纠缠,一再要求pester sb. for sth. 纠缠某人讨取…pester sb. to do sth. 纠缠某人做…【译】在春节期间,街边会有很多乞丐缠着路人要钱。
During the Spring Festival, a great many beggars on the street-side would pester the passers-by for money.3.dread1)v. 害怕,惧怕dread + n./doing sth.【译】他害怕自己一个人在家的场景。
He dreaded the prospect of being all alone in that house.2)n. 害怕,惧怕in dread of 害怕…dreadful adj. 令人恐惧不安的in a dreadful mess 乱七八糟at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟【考研真题】[2004-T3] Consumers say they’re not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good.消费者说他们并不绝望,因为即使有可怕的头条,但是他们对自己的财富感知还不错。
4.recoveryv./n. 修复,康复,恢复【译】Selina已经从可怕的灾难中完全康复了,她很快就会回归工作。

YJC Promotional Exam 2002 (adapted)Read the following passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Passage A1 23 4 5 6 Despite almost 70 years of research on media violence, it is still possible to sparka lively debate on this issue as each new form of media – such as video games orthe Internet - inspires renewed discussion.Research has shown that although there are differences in the intensity, interest, and interpretation of violence found across various media, there are similarities inthe process of effects. On the one hand, the intensity of violence in films is often greater (in terms of the graphic nature and frequency of violent acts) than that found in prime-time television programmes. On the other hand, the frequency of contact with film violence is usually less than the frequency of contact with television violence. This is one example of a “trade-off” of frequency of viewing versus intensity of portrayal. So too, adolescents are more likely to encounter graphic film violence than would be the case for very young children. However, young children, who are still in the early stages of learning social roles and standards of acceptable behaviour, may be more affected by the frequent depictions of violence on television than the adolescent who is watching a “slasher” film. Of course, the complicating feature in this analysis is the fact thatthe adolescent sitting in the movie theatre was once a child sitting in front of a television set and, therefore, has a long history of exposure to media violence.In the late 1970s, following the release of the movie, The Deerhunter, there were numerous reports of adolescents, usually males, imitating the graphic Russian roulette1 scene, often with tragic results. Of course, there were many additional factors that influenced this result, such as watching the video with a group of drunk, young males, or a history of depression or suicide attempts. Nevertheless, some incidents of death from this film were simply accidents of imitation gone awry.In New York, 1995, youths set fire to a subway token booth which exploded and burned the subway attendant who subsequently died of extensive burns. This was one of the more dramatic episodes in a series of attacks that seemed to be related to a recently released movie, Money Train, in which a similar act occurred.Are these reports of tragic events merely the isolated outcomes of unfortunate circumstances or simply the more dramatic examples of a subtle and pervasive influence of media violence?Is there a rational pattern of relationship between violence in society and media violence? The answer is “yes”. Although there are many causes of violence in society, there are scientifically sound studies from diverse perspectives that link media violence to violent attitudes, values, and behaviours.51015202530351 Russian roulette – a game in which you risk killing yourself by shooting at your head with a gun that hasa bullet in only one of six chambers (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)7 8 9 One of the suggestions about the way in which media violence affects audiencesof all ages is that such depictions transmit a sense of acceptance or normativeness about violence in our lives –a confirmation that violence is an acceptable and usual way to resolve conflicts. Psychologists and psychiatrists involved in media studies do not suggest that violent media are the only cause of violence in society. Rather there are many wellsprings of violent behaviour, such as growingup in an abusive home or a violent neighbourhood. However, media are one component of a potentially toxic environment for youth and it is important to understand the roles that the media play in youth violence and ways to mitigate these harmful influences.Since television violence is the most pervasive form of media violence in the lives of children and youth, a lot of research has been undertaken to study its harmful effects. Television violence seems to affect us in three major ways. Firstly, the direct effects process suggests that children and adults who watch alot of violence on television may develop favourable attitudes and values aboutthe use of aggression to resolve conflicts. Secondly, desensitization suggests that children who watch a lot of violence on television may become less sensitive to violence in the real world around them, less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, and more willing to tolerate ever-increasing levels of violence in our society. Thirdly, the Mean World Syndrome suggests that children or adults who watch a lot of violence on television may begin to believe that the world isas mean and dangerous in real life as it appears on television, and hence, they begin to view the world as a much more mean and dangerous place.Given these effects, what do we know, and what can we do about media violence? In particular, what can be done about television violence?Adapted from John P. Murray’s Media Violence and Youth4045505560Passage B1 2 3 4 5 6 7 While teaching a graduate course, together with five students and five faculty members from various disciplines, I read a research on television violence very carefully. We were dismayed at the discrepancy between what we were reading and what everyone was saying. Subsequently, after spending a year analysing every research I could find, I wrote a paper which was accepted bythe American Psychological Association.To me, the evidence does not support a causal relationship between television violence and aggression. Firstly, I am convinced that any objective group of scientists who come into this without a preconceived notion, and examine the research very carefully and critically, will conclude that there is neither convincing nor substantial evidence that television violence affects aggressionor crime. The second point I would like to make is that the effects, even if you accept them, are small. We are talking maybe 5 or 10 percent. This is not insubstantial, I am not saying it is, but I do not think that these are major effects.We do not know the true causes of aggression and crime, but almost everyone who studies this agrees that the major causes of violence are poverty and racial conflict, discrepancy between what people have and their hopes, the availabilityof guns, drug use, family breakup and poor child rearing. We do not really know. But no one seriously suggests that television violence is one of the major causes. It is, at best, a very minor cause.My third point focuses on why television messages might not have such a negative effect. If a commercial has an effect and makes you buy a particular product, why does watching television violence not have an effect? It is important to understand that children and adults do not imitate blindly, but they learn and accept messages from television.What is the message they get from most of the violence on television? Typically, it is the bad guys who initiate the fight or violence. It is very rarelythe reverse. Good guys will eventually respond. And also on television, the bad guys lose and they get punished. One thing we know is that children learnnot to do those things which they expect to get punished.The other thing children learn is that often the good guys respond with violence against violence. Unfortunate, but it probably is a fact of life that it is not easyto deal with someone else’s violence without using force yourself. So that is probably realistic. They may not learn that is the only way of dealing with it, because there are lots of programmes that do it the other way, but that is one thing they learn.Finally, they learn that those good guys who resort to violence are almost always those in our society whom we expect and want to use force to controlthe bad guys – the police, the FBI, detectives, or self-appointed but recognized characters, such as Batman or the Power Rangers, all defenders of the good. Itis rare for the everyday civilian to be the one who is shown resorting to5101520253035408 violence. It is much more typical that it is these forces.Many seem to be confusing the problem of violence in our society, which I think we can all agree is a serious problem, and the problem of violence on television, which many people do not like – they find it offensive, and would like to get rid of it. But do not equate them. If you got rid of all violence on television tomorrow, and no one ever watched violent television again, you would probably see no change in violent crime. At the very most, it would bean imperceptible change in the rate of violence and crime in our society.Adapted from Jonathan Freedman’s testimony in Television Violence4550Note: When a question asks for an answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS AS FAR AS POSSIBLE and you select the appropriate material from the passage for your answer, you must still use your own words to express it. Little credit can be given to answers which only copy words or phrases from the passage.Read Passage A and then answer the questions below, using your own words as far as possible.From Passage AFrom paragraph 2:1.What is the difference between film violence and television violence? Use your ownwords as far as possible. [2]ing your own words as far as possible, explain why adolescents are more at risk ofbeing influenced by media violence. [4] Read Passage B and then answer the questions below, using your own words as far as possible. From Passage BFrom paragraphs 2 – 4:3.Why is the author not convinced that television affects aggression or crime? [3] From paragraphs 5 – 7:4.What messages do children get from watching violence on television?Using your own words as far as possible, list any 3 of these messages. [3] From both passages5. In your view, would reducing violence in the media result in a reduction of violence in society? You must provide support for your stand using appropriate information from the passages and relevant ideas of your own. Your response must have coherence.。
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Passage 4In Defense of the Traditional Classroom: An Argument Against The Move toOnline ClassesPosted by Nicole Smith, Dec 15, 2011Eliminating the traditional K-12 classroom in exchange for impersonal online classes would be the biggest possible mistake for students and teachers alike. Sure, it would be nice, in theory at least, to attend class in your pajamas, but this benefit of taking online classes is far outweighed by other losses students would face with such a shift. Aside from academics, one of the most important aspects of college life is the social interaction that comes with daily meetings of other students. Considering that a large part of a student’s life revolves around this personal contact, removing this valuable part of students’ lives would be a loss that not only the students themselves would feel, but the faculty as well. Online classrooms lack the ability to be personalized and will have a negative impact on both the social and educational lives of their students.While there are several more obvious drawbacks to the move towards online classrooms (lowered social interaction is the prime example), one often overlooked problem that would be created with such a shift would occur with teachers. Many instructors love their jobs not only because of the material they share with their students, but because many of them find it rewarding to be around young people. With the removal of the traditional classroom these teachers will lose the single biggest motivation they have to continue teaching—their students. Isn’t it easy to imagine how the fun of teaching would easily seem sucked out of a teacher’s job if they weren’t around to answer spur-of-the-moment questions and engage in the lively debate that often goes on in the college classroom setting? It is quite easy to imagine how the teachers would be less inspired—less motivated to make a difference in the lives of their students if they were removed from them and placed, quite impersonally, in front of a computer instead.Also of importance, students will lose the motivation necessary to actually complete the work necessary since there are no teachers “there” physically to ens ure the student’s success. “Motivating students can challenge instructors who have moved from traditional to online classrooms. Online student motivation can vary owing to difficulty with content, challenges with access to technology or technology itself, isolation, poor communication with instructors, English as a second language, and lack of connection between content and students’ needs” (Beffa-Negrini, 2002). The points made here are certainly worth considering since they are far-reaching and don’t just include teachers or students, but learners of different types. Aside from the lost social interaction mentioned above, this problem of motivation on both the parts of students and teachers alike would likely be an issue.Another less potential (and less publicized) negative effect of the shift towards online classrooms would be the fact that it would be a massive experiment. There are still very few colleges in the United States that have made the drastic shift from completely traditional to completely electronic. Perhaps this is not the best time for universities to be experimenting with futures of its students. While this may be an option for the future, universities should wait until there is more evidence on the long-term impacts of an all-online course list. According to an article from the journal Education, Communication, and Information “although there has been extensive work to conceptualize and understand the social interactions and constructs entailed by online education, there has been little work that connects these concepts to subject-specific interactions and learning” (Raven, 2003). Event though the data is a little data, it still shows there is a long way to go in terms of research. Considering that universities want to build their reputations , I think the way to do that is by pioneering and fostering great academic programs, rather than trying to “blaze the trail” for new ways of conducting courses.Certainly, the potential benefits are apparent in terms of cost. Let me offer this refutation of my proposal to avoid all online courses: “The cost of building new classrooms,dorms, or even whole new campuses is unbelievably high (tens ofbillions of dollars, according to one source). By implementing a distance-learning program that incorporates the state’s university and community college systems (already the world’s largest educational institution!), the state might offset a large share of those costs for the taxpayer. It might also help save money for the students themselves. Distance learning does not involve residence tuition, a big part of higher education’s cost” (Searcher, 1998). When you get right down to it, these ideas about cost cutting cannot be argued against. Going to all-online classes would certainly be the best thing to do for a financially troubled university, but then again, look at the benefits of college life the students and faculty would miss out on.A number of scholars and researchers have argued in argumentative essays in journals on both sides, but what is important is the real world impacts such a move would have. Despite the above counter-argument about costs, I urge you to look beyond price tags and the fact that you can “go” to school in your pajamas. Instead, put those petty concerns aside and give serious consideration to all that you would be missing if you never had to attend classes. Aren’t there people you’ve met and formed friendships with as a result of the interaction of a traditional university? Don’t you think your favorite instructor is so because you’ve met them and interacted with them personally? These more “human” questions should enter this debate long before fiscal concerns ever enter into the picture. As a member of a university community, it is our job to remain just that—a community.(964words)。