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HKSmillion HKSmillion
一九九九年全年 Annual 1999
30,000 20,000 10.000
100,000 80,000 60,000 的,∞0
-10,000 -20,000 -30.000 -40.000 -50,000 -60,000
-20,000 -40,00。 60,000 -80,000
得國際收支盈餘,尤其 是第三季和第四季的盈 餘數字均大幅上升。 2 .4 除了由 於貨物出口及服務輸出強勁反彈
2.3 Analysed by quarter, there was a sustained BoP surplus throughout the four quarters of 1999, with the surplus increasing markedly in the third quarter and even more so in the fourth quarter. 2.4 Apart from the distinct improvement in the current account su中lus in the second half of 1999 upon the sharp rebound in exports of both goods and services, the tumaround in financial flows back to a net inflow towards the year-end also contributed to the marked rise in BoP surplus in the fourth quarter.
Currcnt Account
Capital Account
Financial Account
整體 國際收支
Overall Balance
Current Account
Capital Account
Financial Account
整體 國際收支
Overall Balance
2.1 在一九九九年,香港錄得達741 億元國
Overall Situation
際收支盈餘 ,相當於本地生產總值的6.0 %。這 情況 與一九九八年錄得538億元(相當於本地 生產總值的4 .2%) 國際收支赤字 成對比。
2. 1 In 1999, Hong Kong recorded a BoP surplus amounting to $74.1 bilIion, equivalent to 6.0% of GDP. This was in contrast to a BoP deficit of $53.8 billion, or 4.2% ofGDP, in 1998.
2.5 The current account recorded a surplus of $72.0 billion in 1999, significantly up from the surplus of $22.5 billion in 1998. The large current account surplus in 1999 was the combined result of a much reduced visible trade deficit, a marked increase in invisible trade surplus, continued net inf10w in the factor income account, and continued net outf1ow in current transfers.
使一九九朮年下半年的經常帳盈餘有明 顯改善 外,金融資金 在 步向一九九九年年底時恢復淨 流 入亦使第四季的國際收支盈餘數字顯著上 升。
圖一:國際收支平衡分項帳目差額 Chart 1 : Balance of Payments Sub-account Balances 一九九八年全年 Annual 1998
2.5 一九九九年的經常帳盈餘為 72 0 億元 ,
Current Account
較一九九八年的經常帳盈餘225 億元 顯著上 升。一九九九年的大量盈餘是由 大幅減少的有 形賀易赤字 、顯著上升的無形賀易盈餘、持續 的對外要素收益淨流入及 持續的經常轉移淨流 出所綜合而 成的結果。
香港統計月刊 二零零零年七月
2.2 Of the major BoP components, the current account surplus widened markedly to $72.0 billion (5.8% of GDP) in 1999,企om $22.5 billion (1.8% of GDP) in 1998. At the same time, there was a net inflow of financial non-reserve assets of $1 1.7 billion (0.9% of GDP) in 1999, in contrast to a net outflow of $65.6 billion (5.2% ofGDP) in 1998.
香港統計月刊 三零零零年七月
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics
Juiy 2000
在國際收支平衡表主要組 成部分當中,
一九九九年的經常帳盈餘由 一九九八年的 225 億元 (相當於本地生產總值的1.8%)顯著地擴 潤至720億元 (相當於本地生產總值的5 .8%)。 同時,一九九九年屬非儲備資產性質的金融資 金淨流入錄得117億元(相當於本地生產總值 的 0.9 %) 。這 情況 與一九九八年錄得的淨流出 656億元(相當於本地生產總值的 5.2 %) 成對 比。 2 .3 按季分析 顯示一九九九年四季 都持續錄
、一 一
引言 政府統計處於本年六月發布香港特別行
政區的一九九八年全年、一 九九九年全年及一 九九九年內各季按詳細項目分類的國際收支平 衡表。按概略項目分類的國際收支平衡表已 由 一九九 七年開始編製'這是首次編製和 公布詳 細資本及金融流動項目的國際收支平衡表。
2. Salient Features of the BoP Account
國際收支平衡表是一 個經濟體系與 世界
其 他各地進行對外交易的一份綜合統計記錄。 國際收支平衡表的概念詳細刊載於本刊物一九 九九年一月號的專題文章內。
1 .3
摘錄於盡二。盡丘三 為按分項帳目組成部分分類 的詳細經常帳,盡三則為按分項帳目組成部分 分類的詳細資本及金融帳。
香港統計月刊 二零零零年七月
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics
July 2000
九九八年全年 九九九年全年及 九九九年內各季 按詳細項目分類的香港國際收支平衡表 Hong Kong's DetaHed Balance of Payments Accounts for 1998, 1999 and Each of the Quarters of 1999
The Census and Statistics Department published in June this ye訂 the detailed Balance of Payments (BoP) accounts for the reference years of 1998, 1999, and each of the qu訂ters of 1999 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). While the broad BoP account has been compiled since the reference ye缸of 1997, this is the frrst time that complete BoP of capital and financial flows is compiled and released. This artic1e presents salient features of the BoP accounts for the various reference periods, concepts relating to the interpretation of the BoP account and plans for future dissemination of the BoP account.
如對本文有任何查詢,請致電政府統計處國際收支平衡統計科(一) (電話: 2116 8686)
If you have any enquiries on this article, please call Balance of Payments Branch ( 1), Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2116 8686).
九九八年全年 九九九年全年及 九九九年內各季 按詳細項目分類的香港國際收支平衡表
、一 一
Hong Kong's DetaHed Balance of Payments Accounts for 1998, 1999 and Each of the Quarters of 1999
政府統計處於本年六月發布香港特別行政區的一九九八年全年、一九九九年全 年及一九九九年內各季按詳細項目分類的國際收支平衡表。按概略項目分類的 國際收支平衡表已由一九九七年開始編製'這是首次編製和公布詳細資本及金 融流動項目的國際收支平衡表。 本文介紹各統計期內香港國際收支平衡表的要點,闡釋國際收支平衡表的有關 概念及日後發布國際收支平衡表的計劃。
1.1 The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published in June this year the annual Balance of Payments (BoP) accounts for the reference years of 1998, 1999 and each of the quarters of 1999 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). While the broad BoP account has been compiled since the reference year of 1997, this is the first time that complete BoP account with detailed breakdowns of capital and financial flows is compiled and released. 1.2 A BoP account is an integrated statistical statement of an economy's economic transactions with the rest of the wor1d. Detailed description of the concepts of a BoP account is given in a feature artic1e published in the January 1999 issue of this publication. 1.3 Hong Kong's BoP account analysed by standard component is presented in工些le 1. 工企l金 � gives the detailed BoP current account analysed by the sub-account component, while工企l豆豆gives the detailed capital and financial account analysed by its sub-account component.
HKSmillion HKSmillion
一九九九年全年 Annual 1999
30,000 20,000 10.000
100,000 80,000 60,000 的,∞0
-10,000 -20,000 -30.000 -40.000 -50,000 -60,000
-20,000 -40,00。 60,000 -80,000
得國際收支盈餘,尤其 是第三季和第四季的盈 餘數字均大幅上升。 2 .4 除了由 於貨物出口及服務輸出強勁反彈
2.3 Analysed by quarter, there was a sustained BoP surplus throughout the four quarters of 1999, with the surplus increasing markedly in the third quarter and even more so in the fourth quarter. 2.4 Apart from the distinct improvement in the current account su中lus in the second half of 1999 upon the sharp rebound in exports of both goods and services, the tumaround in financial flows back to a net inflow towards the year-end also contributed to the marked rise in BoP surplus in the fourth quarter.
Currcnt Account
Capital Account
Financial Account
整體 國際收支
Overall Balance
Current Account
Capital Account
Financial Account
整體 國際收支
Overall Balance
2.1 在一九九九年,香港錄得達741 億元國
Overall Situation
際收支盈餘 ,相當於本地生產總值的6.0 %。這 情況 與一九九八年錄得538億元(相當於本地 生產總值的4 .2%) 國際收支赤字 成對比。
2. 1 In 1999, Hong Kong recorded a BoP surplus amounting to $74.1 bilIion, equivalent to 6.0% of GDP. This was in contrast to a BoP deficit of $53.8 billion, or 4.2% ofGDP, in 1998.
2.5 The current account recorded a surplus of $72.0 billion in 1999, significantly up from the surplus of $22.5 billion in 1998. The large current account surplus in 1999 was the combined result of a much reduced visible trade deficit, a marked increase in invisible trade surplus, continued net inf10w in the factor income account, and continued net outf1ow in current transfers.
使一九九朮年下半年的經常帳盈餘有明 顯改善 外,金融資金 在 步向一九九九年年底時恢復淨 流 入亦使第四季的國際收支盈餘數字顯著上 升。
圖一:國際收支平衡分項帳目差額 Chart 1 : Balance of Payments Sub-account Balances 一九九八年全年 Annual 1998
2.5 一九九九年的經常帳盈餘為 72 0 億元 ,
Current Account
較一九九八年的經常帳盈餘225 億元 顯著上 升。一九九九年的大量盈餘是由 大幅減少的有 形賀易赤字 、顯著上升的無形賀易盈餘、持續 的對外要素收益淨流入及 持續的經常轉移淨流 出所綜合而 成的結果。
香港統計月刊 二零零零年七月
2.2 Of the major BoP components, the current account surplus widened markedly to $72.0 billion (5.8% of GDP) in 1999,企om $22.5 billion (1.8% of GDP) in 1998. At the same time, there was a net inflow of financial non-reserve assets of $1 1.7 billion (0.9% of GDP) in 1999, in contrast to a net outflow of $65.6 billion (5.2% ofGDP) in 1998.
香港統計月刊 三零零零年七月
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics
Juiy 2000
在國際收支平衡表主要組 成部分當中,
一九九九年的經常帳盈餘由 一九九八年的 225 億元 (相當於本地生產總值的1.8%)顯著地擴 潤至720億元 (相當於本地生產總值的5 .8%)。 同時,一九九九年屬非儲備資產性質的金融資 金淨流入錄得117億元(相當於本地生產總值 的 0.9 %) 。這 情況 與一九九八年錄得的淨流出 656億元(相當於本地生產總值的 5.2 %) 成對 比。 2 .3 按季分析 顯示一九九九年四季 都持續錄
、一 一
引言 政府統計處於本年六月發布香港特別行
政區的一九九八年全年、一 九九九年全年及一 九九九年內各季按詳細項目分類的國際收支平 衡表。按概略項目分類的國際收支平衡表已 由 一九九 七年開始編製'這是首次編製和 公布詳 細資本及金融流動項目的國際收支平衡表。
2. Salient Features of the BoP Account
國際收支平衡表是一 個經濟體系與 世界
其 他各地進行對外交易的一份綜合統計記錄。 國際收支平衡表的概念詳細刊載於本刊物一九 九九年一月號的專題文章內。
1 .3
摘錄於盡二。盡丘三 為按分項帳目組成部分分類 的詳細經常帳,盡三則為按分項帳目組成部分 分類的詳細資本及金融帳。
香港統計月刊 二零零零年七月
Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics
July 2000
九九八年全年 九九九年全年及 九九九年內各季 按詳細項目分類的香港國際收支平衡表 Hong Kong's DetaHed Balance of Payments Accounts for 1998, 1999 and Each of the Quarters of 1999
The Census and Statistics Department published in June this ye訂 the detailed Balance of Payments (BoP) accounts for the reference years of 1998, 1999, and each of the qu訂ters of 1999 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). While the broad BoP account has been compiled since the reference ye缸of 1997, this is the frrst time that complete BoP of capital and financial flows is compiled and released. This artic1e presents salient features of the BoP accounts for the various reference periods, concepts relating to the interpretation of the BoP account and plans for future dissemination of the BoP account.
如對本文有任何查詢,請致電政府統計處國際收支平衡統計科(一) (電話: 2116 8686)
If you have any enquiries on this article, please call Balance of Payments Branch ( 1), Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2116 8686).
九九八年全年 九九九年全年及 九九九年內各季 按詳細項目分類的香港國際收支平衡表
、一 一
Hong Kong's DetaHed Balance of Payments Accounts for 1998, 1999 and Each of the Quarters of 1999
政府統計處於本年六月發布香港特別行政區的一九九八年全年、一九九九年全 年及一九九九年內各季按詳細項目分類的國際收支平衡表。按概略項目分類的 國際收支平衡表已由一九九七年開始編製'這是首次編製和公布詳細資本及金 融流動項目的國際收支平衡表。 本文介紹各統計期內香港國際收支平衡表的要點,闡釋國際收支平衡表的有關 概念及日後發布國際收支平衡表的計劃。
1.1 The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published in June this year the annual Balance of Payments (BoP) accounts for the reference years of 1998, 1999 and each of the quarters of 1999 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). While the broad BoP account has been compiled since the reference year of 1997, this is the first time that complete BoP account with detailed breakdowns of capital and financial flows is compiled and released. 1.2 A BoP account is an integrated statistical statement of an economy's economic transactions with the rest of the wor1d. Detailed description of the concepts of a BoP account is given in a feature artic1e published in the January 1999 issue of this publication. 1.3 Hong Kong's BoP account analysed by standard component is presented in工些le 1. 工企l金 � gives the detailed BoP current account analysed by the sub-account component, while工企l豆豆gives the detailed capital and financial account analysed by its sub-account component.