Message to the Young Scientist of the 21st
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• Text :think out 细心考虑;解决 • 延伸:think aloud 自言自语,边想边说 延伸 think on your feet 思维敏捷,反应迅速 come to think of it 想起来了,的确 think nothing of it 别在意,没什么,别客气
Sentence Translation
Message to the Young Scientist of the 21st Century
——By Dr. Fred Sanger
Do you know something about the writer?
• 3 What is the author’s principle of coping with failure? • He does not simply worry about it; instead, he will start planning the next experiment, which is alwayss and Expressions
• Text: know of 了解;知道 • 延伸:know full well 非常清楚,不可否认, 延伸 不可忽视 in the know 知情,熟悉内 幕,掌握内情 know better 更明白事理, 没愚蠢到 God/goodness/Heaven knows 谁知道,天晓得
• Fred Sanger was born on August 13,1918, UK. Educated at the University of Cambridge . He spent 10 years elucidating the structure of the insulin molecule, determining the exact order of all its amino acids by 1955. His techniques for determining the order in which amino acids are linked in proteins made it possible to discover the structure of many other complex proteins. In 1958 he won a Nobel Prize for his work. In 1980 Sanger became the fourth person ever to be awarded a second Nobel Prize, which he shared with Paul Berg and Walter Gilbert (b. 1932), for determining the sequences of nucleotides in the DNA molecule of a small virus.
TIPS: 历史上两次获得诺贝尔奖的人
• 波兰裔法国女物理学家、化学家居里夫人,因发现放射性 波兰裔法国女物理学家、化学家居里夫人, 物质和发现并提炼出镭和钋荣获1903 1903年诺贝尔物理学奖和 物质和发现并提炼出镭和钋荣获1903年诺贝尔物理学奖和 1911年的化学奖 年的化学奖。 1911年的化学奖。 美国物理学家巴丁因发明世界上第一支晶体管和提出超导 微观理论分获1956 1972年诺贝尔物理学奖 1956和 年诺贝尔物理学奖。 微观理论分获1956和1972年诺贝尔物理学奖。 美国化学家鲍林因为将量子力学应用于化学领域并阐明了 化学键的本质、 化学键的本质、并致力于核武器的国际控制并发起反对核 实验运动而荣获1954年的化学奖和1962年的和平奖。 1954年的化学奖和1962年的和平奖 实验运动而荣获1954年的化学奖和1962年的和平奖。 英国生物化学家桑格由于发现胰岛素分子结构和确定核酸 的碱基排列顺序及结构而分获1958 1980年的诺贝尔化学 1958和 的碱基排列顺序及结构而分获1958和1980年的诺贝尔化学 奖。
Read and Think
• 1 What approach do successful scientists adopt in their research? • They usually work together as a team for the good of humanity and not just compete to see who is the cleverest. Any advances, no matter who has made them, have depended very much on earlier work by other people in other laboratories and on helpful discussions with, and advice from other scientists .
New Words
• Catalyze :to make a chemical reaction happen faster 催化,促进 • e.g DNA can catalyze many of the processes of life.DNA 可以促进生命的众多 进程。 • Prophesy:to say what will happen in the future (done in the past using religious or magic powers)预告,预言 • e.g She prophesied that she would win a gold medal.她预言自己将赢得金牌。
• 2. Hitherto that has not been possible for medical science but we believe that if we have the sequence of the genome it will be possible to understand much better how the body works and what goes wrong when we have diseases.(6/12) • 迄今为止医学界还无法(做到这一点),但我们 相信,如果我们掌握染色体组的次序的话,我们就 可能会更好地了解人体的工作原理和我们生病时 是哪里出了毛病。
• 英国生物化学家弗雷德·桑格尔,(1918年8月13日— ),分别获得1958年和 1980年诺贝尔化学奖。他是同一领域内两次获奖的第二人,更关键的是, 两次获奖理由都可归结为:测序。并且,他是目前唯一在世的两次获得诺 贝尔奖的人。 • 1958:弗雷德·桑格尔发明酶法测定人胰岛素序列,从而确定胰岛素的 分子结构,开创了蛋白质测序的领域。 • 1980:弗雷德·桑格尔、沃尔特·吉尔伯特共同荣获诺贝尔化学奖。他们 的贡献在于:分别使用不同的方法测定DNA的序列。Sanger法后来成为主 流,并用于人类基因组计划(HGP)的测序。
• Speculation :1,~(about /over sth) the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts 推测 ,猜测,推断 • 2,~(in sth) the activity of buying and selling goods or shares in a company in the hope of making a profit,but with the risk of losing money 投机买卖,炒股
• 1.Any advances I have made have depended very much on earlier work by other people in other laboratories and on helpful discussions with, and advice from other scientists, and some of my work has contributed to other peoples' discoveries. (4/6) • 我所取得的所有进展都离不开他人在别的实验室 里所作的先期工作,也离不开其他科学家的有益 商讨和建议,而我的一些工作也有助于其他人做 出新发现。
Main idea
Dr. Fred Sanger have won the Nobel Prize twice. He said, scientific research is always fun and exciting because there will be a lot of new information to be discovered in the unknown areas of science. People who can succeed in science must be interested in it and enjoy doing experiments and thinking out problems, but not just thinking about how to win Nobel Prize. The “dideoxy” method for determining the sequence of nucleotides in DNA was the author’s most important discovery. It will make good influence in medical science, so it will be a good time to be a young scientist and to take part in this adventure.
• 2 Why does the author say that a journey into the scientific field can be much more worthwhile than an exploration in the real world? • Because there are not many new places to explore ,but there will be a lot of new information to be discovered in the unknown areas of science.