Automatic Analysis and Indexing of Variable-Layout Documents
通信专业术语缩写A&EM Alarm & Event Management 告警与事件管理A&VE Audio / Video Editor 音频/视频编辑器A-A Analog-Analog 模模A-D Analog-Digital 模数A/D Analog / Digital 模拟/数字A/V Audio / Video 音频/视频A/VP Audio / Video Panel 音频视频面板AA Absolute Address 绝对地址AA Access Agent 访问代理AA Arrival Angl 入射角AA Automatic Alarm call 自动报警呼叫AA Automatic Answer 自动应答AA/G Application Agent / Gateway 应用代理/网关AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting 验证、授权和帐户AAB Automatic Alternative Billing 自动更换记帐AAB Automatic Answer Back 自动应答AAC Active Address Code 有效地址码AAC Aeronautical Administrative Communication 航空管理通信AAC Automatic Alarm Call 自动报警呼叫AACS Asynchronous Address Communication System 异步地址通信系统AAD Adaptive Arithmetic Decoder 自适应算术码译码器AAE Adaptive Arithmetic Encoder 自适应算术码编码器AAF Access Adaption Function 存取自适应功能AAF Analog Antialiasing Filter 模拟防混淆滤波器AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code 结算机构识别码AAL ATM Adaptation Layer ATM适配层AAL1 ATM Adaptation Layer 1 ATM适配层1AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer 2 ATM适配层2AAL3/4 ATM Adaptation Layer 3/4 ATM适配层3/4AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer 5 ATM适配层5AALM ATM Adaptation Layer Module A TM适配层模块AAR Automatic Alternative Routing 自动迂回路由AARE Application Association REsponse 应用联合响应AARQ Application Association ReQuest 应用联合请求AAS Advanced Administration System 先进管理系统AAS Automatic Addressing System 自动寻址系统AAS Automatic Announcement Subsystem 自动通知子系统AAS Automatic Audio Switching system 自动音频交换系统AAT Automatic Answer Trunk 自动应答中继AA TS Alerting Automatic Telling Status 自动报警状态AAU Automatic Answering Unit 自动应答单元AA VD Automatic Alternate V oice / Data 自动语音/数据交替使用AB ABbreviated dialing 缩位拨号AB Address Bus 地址总线AB Aligned Bundle 定位光纤束AB Audio Bandwidth 音频带宽ABC Address Bus Control 地址总线控制ABC Advanced Broadband Communications 高级宽带通信ABC Analog Baseband Combiner 模拟基带合并器ABC Auto Billing Calling 自动记帐呼叫ABC Automatic Bandwidth Control 自动带宽控制ABC Automatic Bias Compensation 自动偏置补偿ABC Automatic Bias Control 自动偏置控制ABC Automatic Broadcasting Control system 自动广播控制系统ABD ABbreviated Dialing 缩位拨号ABD Answer-Back Device 应答设备ABDL Automatic Binary Data Link 自动二进制数据链路ABEP Advanced Burst Error Processor 高级突发错误处理器ABER Average Bit Error Rate 平均误比特率ABF Air Blown Fiber 充气光纤ABI Application Binary Interface 应用二进制接口ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode 异步平衡模式ABOBA Asynchronous Bidirectional Optical Branching Amplifier 不对称双向光支路放大器ABR Address Buffer Register 地址缓冲寄存器ABR Answer Bid Ratio 应答试占比ABR Area Border Router 区域边界路由器ABR Auromatic Bit Rate selection 自动比特率选择ABR Available Bit Rate 可用比特率ABS Access Barred Signal 接入受阻信号ABS Alternate Billing Service 可选计费业务ABS Antipodal Baseband Signaling 对应基带信号ABT A TM Block Transfer A TM块转移AC Access Code 存取码,接入码AC Access Concentrator 接入集中器AC Access Control 访问控制AC Access Coupler 通路耦合器AC Access Cycle 存取周期AC Accounting Function 计费功能AC Advice of Charge 计费通知AC Application Channel 应用信道AC Application Context 应用关系AC Area Code 地区号AC Armored Cable 铠装光缆AC Asynchronous Computer 异步计算机AC Authentication Center 认证中心AC Authentication Code 认证码ACA ACcounting Analysis 结算分析ACA Adaptive Channel Allocation 自适应信道分配ACA Adjacent Channel Attenuation 相邻信道衰减ACA Automated Cable Analysis 电缆自动分析ACB Automatic Call Back 自动回叫ACC Account Card Calling 计帐卡呼叫ACC ACCounting collection 帐单收集ACC Asynchronous Communication Control 异步通信控制ACC Automatic Carrier Control 载波自动控制ACC Automatic Congestion Control 自动拥挤控制ACCA ACcounting Class Administration 结算分类管理ACCH Associated Control CHannel 随路控制信道ACCS Automatic Calling Card Service 自动呼叫卡业务ACD Automatic Call Distribution 自动呼叫分配ACD Automatic Call Distributor 自动呼叫分配器ACDMA Advanced CDMA 高级码分多址ACE Access Connection Element 接入连接单元ACE Animated Computer Education 计算机动画教育ACE Automatic Calling Equipment 自动呼叫设备ACE Auxiliary Control Element 辅助控制单元ACF Access Control Field 访问控制字段ACF Advanced Communications Function 高级通信功能ACF Authentication Control Function 鉴权控制功能ACF Automatic Colour Filter 自动彩色过滤器ACH Answer CHarge 应答计费ACHI Application CHannel Interface 应用信道接口ACI Access Control Information 接入控制信息ACI Adjacent Channel Interference 相邻信道干扰ACI Asynchronous Communication Interface 异步通信接口ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter 异步通信接口适配器ACL Access Control List 访问控制表ACL Advanced Communication Link 高级通信链路ACL Application Control Language 应用控制语言ACL Authorized Component List 授权成员表ACM Access Control Module 访问控制模块ACM Address Complete Message 地址完全消息ACM Alarm Control Module 报警控制模块ACM Application Control Management system 应用控制管理系统ACM Association for Computing Machinery 计算机协会(美国)ACM Automatic Coding Machine 自动编码机ACM Auxiliary Control Module 辅助控制模块ACO Alarm Cut-Off 报警切断ACP ACtion Point 作用点ACP Agent Creation Point 代理生成点ACPM ATM Central Process Module ATM中央处理模块ACR Access Control Register 访问控制寄存器ACR ACcounting Registration 结算登记ACR Allowed Cell Rate 允许的信元率ACR Attenuation-to-Crosstalk Ratio 衰减串扰比ACR Automatic Call Recording 自动呼叫记录ACR Automatic Character Recognition 自动字符识别ACR Available Cell Rate 可用信元率ACR Average Cell Rate 平均信元率ACRE Automatic Call Recording Equipment 自动呼叫记录设备ACS Access Control Server 接入控制服务器ACS Access Control System 接入控制系统ACS Admission Control Service 许可控制服务ACS Advanced Cryptographic System 高级密码系统ACS Alarm Call Service 报警呼叫业务ACS All Channel Signaling 全信道信令ACS Association Control Service element 联合控制服务单元ACS Asynchronous Communication Server 异步通信服务器ACS Audio Communication System 音频通信系统ACS Automatic Call Sender 自动呼叫发送器ACS Automatic Coding System 自动编码系统ACSE Association Control Service Element 联合控制业务单元ACT Automatic Computer Testing 自动计算机测试ACTS Advanced Communication Technologies and Services 先进的通信技术与业务ACTTAB ACTion TABle 动作表ACU Access Control Unit 接入控制单元ACU Automatic Calling Unit 自动呼叫装置AD Address Decoder 地址译码器AD Administrative Domain 管理域ADAC Automatic Data Acquisition Center 自动数据采集中心ADC ADdress Complete 地址完全ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模数转换器ADCC Asynchronous Data Communication Channel 异步数据通信信道ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure 高级数据通信控制规程ADCP Advanced Data Communication Protocol 高级数据通信协议ADE Automatic Data Entry system 自动数据输入系统ADF Authentication Data Function 鉴权数据功能ADH Asynchronous Digital Hierarchy 异步数字系列ADI ADdress Incomplete 缩位拨号ADIX Advanced Digital Information eXchange 先进的数字信息交换ADL Administration Des cription Language 管理描述语言ADL Application Development Language 应用开发语言ADL Automatic Data Link 自动数据链路ADLC Advanced Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制ADLC Analogue-Digital Line Converter 模拟-数字线路变换器ADM Adaptive Delta Modulation 自适应增量调制ADM Add / Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADM Automated Data Management 自动数据管理ADN Administration Data Network 管理数据网络ADNSC Automatic Digital Network Switching Center 自动数字网交换中心ADP Acoustic Data Processor 声音数据处理器ADP Associative Data Processing 关联数据处理ADP Automatic Data Processing 自动数据处理ADP Automatic Data Processor 自动数据处理器ADPCM Adaptive Differential PCM 自适应差分脉码调制ADPLL All Digital Phase-Locked Loop 全数字式锁相环ADPS Automatic Data Processing System 自动数据处理系统ADPS Auxiliary Data Processing System 辅助数据处理系统ADR Address Digit Receiver 地址数字接收机ADR ADdress Register 地址寄存器ADR ADvisory Route 建议路由ADS Abbreviated Dialing Service 缩位拨号业务ADS Active Double Star 有源双星ADS Advanced Debugging System 先进程序调试系统ADS Advanced Display System 高级显示系统ADS Analog Display Service interface 模拟显示服务接口ADS Application Development System 应用开发系统ADS Asynchronous Data Service 异步数据业务ADS Automatic Digital Switch 自动数字交换机ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户环路ADSS All-Dielectric Self-Supporting optic fiber cable 全介质自承式光缆ADT Assured Data Transfer 有保证的数据传送ADT Automatic Data Test system 自动数据测试系统ADU Automatic Dialing Unit 自动拨号装置AE Animation Editor 动画编辑器AE Application Entity 应用实体AE Audio Equipment 音频设备AES Advanced Encryption Standard 高级加密标准AEST Automated Enhanced Security Tool 自动强化安全工具AET Average Execution Time 平均执行时间AF Access Facilities 接入设施AF Adaption Facility 适配设施AF Adaption Function 适配功能AF Assured Forwarding 可确定的转发AF Audio-Frequency 音频AF-PHB Assured Forwarding PHB group 可确定的转发PHB组AFI Authority and Format Identifier 权限和格式标识符AFI Authority Format Identifier 权限格式标记符AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Society 美国信息处理协会联合会AFP Advanced Function Printing 先进的功能打印AFR Automatic Flexible Routing 自动可变路由AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keying 声频频移键控AFT Adapter Fault Tolerance 适配器容错AFT Asynchronous Frame Technology 异步帧技术AG Application Gateway 应用网关AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制AGCH Access Grant CHannel 接入允许信道AGS Application Generator System 应用生成器系统AH Authentication Header 认证头AHT Average Handling Time 平均处理时间AHT Average Holding Time 平均保持时间AI Alarm Indication 报警指示AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能AI Automatic Inspection 自动检验AIDS Advanced Interactive Display System 高级交互式显示系统AIFF Audio Interchange File Format 音频交换文件格式AIL Artificial Intelligence Language 人工智能语言AIL Audio Interface Library 音频接口库AIM Address Indexing Method 地址检索方法AIM Advanced Image Management system 高级图像管理系统AIM Advanced Information Manager 高级信息管理程序AIM Advanced Interface Module 高级接口模块AIM Asynchronous Interface Module 异步接口模块AIMUX ATM Inverse MUltipleXing ATM反向复用AIN Advanced Intelligent Network 高级智能网AIN Asia Internet Network 亚洲因特网网络AIRS Automatic Image Retrieval System 自动图像检索系统AIS Alarm Indication SignalAIS Automatic Information System 自动信息系统AIS Automatic Intercept System 自动截取系统AIU Alarm Interface Unit 告警接口装置AIU ATM Interface Unit ATM接口单元AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive 高级交互执行程序AL Address Line 地址线AL Application Layer 应用层AL Audio Language 音频语言AL Audio Library 音频库ALAN Advanced Local Area Network 高级局域网ALB Automatic Loop Back 自动回环ALC Analog Line Card 模拟用户线插件ALE Automatic Laser Encoder 自动激光编码器ALE Automatic Link Establishment 自动链路建立ALI Asynchronous Line Interface 异步线路接口ALIM ATM Line Interface Module A TM线路接口模块ALP Automated Learning Process 自动学习过程ALS Automated Location System 自动定位系统ALT Algorithmic Learning Theory 算法学习理论ALT Automatic Line Test 自动线路测试AM Access Module 接入模块AM Address Mark 地址标记AM-VSB Amplitude Modulation Vestigial Side-Band 残留边带振幅调制AMA Action Media Adapter 自动媒体适配器AMA Automatic Message Accounting 自动信息计费AMC Alternate Media Center 备用媒体中心AMC A TM inter-Module Connector A TM模块间连接器AMCP Advanced Multimedia Communication Protocol 高级多媒体通信协议AMCR Adaptive Multimedia Communication Routing 自适应多媒体通信路由算法AMES ATM Mobility Extension Service ATM移动性扩展服务AMF Authentication Management Function 认证管理功能AMHS Automatic Message Handling System 自动信息处理系统AMI Alternative Mark Inversion 传号交替取反AMIS Audio Message Interactive Specification 声讯交互规范AMME Automatic Multi-Media Exchange 自动多媒体交换机AMPE Automated Message Processing Exchange 自动信息处理交换机AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System 高级移动电话系统AMR Adaptive Multiple Rate 自适应多速率AMSIA AV Multimedia Service Implementation Agreement 音像多媒体业务执行协议AN Access Network 接入网AN Access Node 接入节点AN Active Network 有源网络AN Active Node 有源节点ANAS A TM Network Access Subsystem ATM网接入子系统ANCC Access Network Control Center 接入网控制中心AND Automatic Network Dialing 自动网络拨号ANI Automatic Number Identification 自动号码识别ANM ANnouncement Machine 录音通知机ANMP Account Network Management Program 帐目网络管理程序ANN Artificial Neural Network 人工神经网络ANS Access Network System 接入网系统ANSA Advanced Network System Architecture 高级网络系统体系结构ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准协会ANSS Access Network Support System 接入网支持系统ANTC Advanced Network Test Center 高级网络测试中心AO Automated Office 自动化办公室AOC Advice Of Charge 计费通知AOC All-Optical Communication 全光通信AOD Active Optical Device 有源光器件AOF Active Optical Fiber 有源光纤AON Active Optical Network 有源光网AON All Optical Network 全光网络AOS Advanced Operating System 高级*作系统AP Access Point 接入点AP Access Protocol 访问协议AP Analysis Point 分析点APCM Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉码调制APD Avalanche Photo Diode 雪崩光电二极管APDU Application Protocol Data Unit 应用协议数据单元APE Adaptive Prencdictive Encoding 自适应预测编码APE Animation Production Environment 动画制造环境API Application Program Interface 应用编程接口APII Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure 亚太信息基础设施APMT Asia Pacific satellite Mobile Telecommunication 亚太卫星移动通信系统APON ATM Passive Optical Network A TM无源光纤网APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking 高级对等联网APS Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护切换APSK Amplitude Phase Shift Keying 幅相键控APU Audio Processing Unit 音频处理单元APWS Automation Placement Wiring Subsystem 自动化布局布线子系统AR Address Register 地址寄存器AR Alternate Route 迂回路由AR Artificial Reality 人工现实ARC Administrative Radio Conference 无线电管理会议ARF Access link Relay Function 接入链路转接功能ARM Asynchronous Response Mode 异步响应模式ARP Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NET (美国)高级研究计划局网ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest 自动要求重复ARR Automatic ReRouting 自动重选路由ARS Auto Rate Selection 自动速率选择ARS Auto Response System 自动响应系统AS Absent-Subscriber 缺席用户AS Activity Scanning 活动扫描AS Anti-Spoofing 反电子欺骗AS Assured Service 确保服务AS Authentication Server 认证服务器AS Autonomous System 自治系统ASAP Application Service Access Point 应用业务接入点ASB Asymmetric Switched Broadband 非对称宽带交换ASBR Autonomour System Border Router 自治域边界路由器ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准码ASD Automatic Synchronized Discriminator 自动同步鉴别器ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission 放大自发辐射ASE Application Service Element 应用业务单元ASE Application System Entity 应用系统实体ASE ATM Switching Element ATM交换元件ASF Air-Supported Fiber 空气间隙光缆ASI Alternate Space Inversion 隔位空号翻转ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路ASIM ASynchornous Interface Module 异步接口模块ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 幅移键控ASLC Analog Subscriber Line Circuit 模拟用户线电路ASM ATM Switching Mode ATM交换模式ASN A TM Switching Network ATM交换网ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One 抽象语法表示法1ASNA A TM-based Signaling Network Architecture 基于ATM的信令网络结构ASP Active Server Pages 动态服务器主页ASP Advanced Speech Processing 高级语音处理ASP Analog Signal Processor 模拟信号处理器ASP Application Service Provider 应用服务供应商ASQS Application Specific Quality of Service 专用质量服务ASR Access Service Request 访问服务请求ASR Automated Speech Recognition 自动语音识别ASR Automatic Speech Retrival 自动语音检索ASS Audio SubSystem 音频子系统ASSP Application Specific Standard Product 专用标准产品AST Asynchronous Shared Terminal 异步共享终端AST Authoring Software Tools 多媒体编辑软件工具ASU A TM Service Unit ATM业务单元ASU A TM Subscriber Unit A TM用户单元ASV A TM-based Scalable Video 基于A TM的可控视频ASVD Analog Synchronous V oice Data 模拟同步语音数据ASW Acoustic Surface Wave 声表面波ASYI ASYnchronous Interface 异步接口AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Analog Trunk 模拟中继ATA Asynchronous Terminal Adapter 异步终端适配器ATA Automatic Trouble Analysis 自动故障分析ATBM Average Time Between Maintenance 平均维修间隔时间ATC Adaptive Transform Coding 自适应变换编码ATC A TM Transfer Capability ATM的传递能力ATD Asynchronous Time Division 异步时分ATDM Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing 异步时分复用ATI Alarm Transmission Interface 报警传输接口ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service 自动终端信息服务ATL Active Template Library 活动样板库吐血推荐通信英语缩语手册(A TM-AXC)ATM Asynchronous Trunk Module 异步中继模块ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步转移模式ATM Automatic Telling Machine 自动柜员机ATM-NIC ATM-Network Interface CardATM 网络接口卡ATM-PON ATM-Passive Optical Network ATM无源光网络ATM-SDU ATM-Service Data Unit ATM业务数据单元ATM-SLIC ATM-Subscriber Line Interface Circuit ATM用户线接口电路ATM-SW ATM SWitch A TM交换(机)ATM-UNI ATM-User Network Interface ATM用户网接口ATM-XC ATM-CrosS-Connect ATM交叉连接ATME Automatic Transmission Measuring Equipment 自动传输测量设备ATMOS ATM Optical Switching ATM光交换ATN Addition Transition Network 增强转移网络ATN Augmented Transition Network 扩充转移网络ATPG Automatic Test Pattern Generator 自动测试码生成程序ATRAC Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding 自适应变换域声音编码ATS Automatic Testing System 自动测试系统ATS Automatic Translation System 自动翻译系统ATS Automatic Tuning System 自动调谐系统ATT Address Translation Table 地址转换表ATT Automatic Test Terminal 自动测试终端ATU-C ADSL Transceiver Unit-Centrol office ADSL收发单元局端ATU-R ADSL Transceiver Unit-Remote terminal ADSL收发单元远程终端AU Access Unit 访问(接入)单元AU Adapter Unit 适配单元AU Administrative Unit 管理单元AU Authentication of User 用户认证AUAP AU Access Point 接入单元的接入点AUC AUthentication Center 认证中心AUI Attachment Unit Interface 连接单元接口AUM Asynchronous User Module 异步用户模块AUP Acceptable Use Policy 可接受使用策略AUPTR Administration Unit PoinTeR 管理单元指针AUTZC AUThoriZation Code 鉴别码A V Analog Video 模拟视频A V Analog Voice 模拟话音A V Audio-Visual 视听A VC Audio for Video-Conferencing 会议电视用的音频A VC Audio Visual Connection 音像连接A VC Aural and Visual Code 听觉与视觉信号编码A VCD Audio Video Compression Disk 音频视频压缩光盘A VD Alternate Vocie and Data 交变语音和数据A VD Audio Video Driver 音视频驱动器A VDS Automatic V oice Data Switching 自动语音数据交换A VDSP Audio Video Data Signal Processor 音视频数据信号处理器A VE Audio Video Engine 音视频引擎A VI Audio Video Interactive 音视频交互作用A VI Audio Video Interlaced 音视频数据交叉(交织)A VI Audio Video Interleave 音视频交替A VID Advanced Visual Information Display 高级视频信息显示A VIS Audio-Visual Information System 视听信息系统A VIS Audio-Visual Interaction Service 视听交互业务A VK Audio Video Kernel 音频视频核心A VL Audio Video Library 音频视频库A VLN Automated Vehicle Location and Navigation 自动车辆定位和导航A VM Audio-Visual Modulator 音像调制器A VP Advanced Video Products 先进的视频产品A VP Analog Video Processor 模拟视频处理器A VP Audio-Video Processor 音频-视频处理器A VR Automatic Voice Recognition 自动话音识别A VR Automatic Voice Relay 自动话音中继A VS Aided Video System 辅助视频系统A VS Application Visualization System 应用可视化系统A VS Audio / Video Server 音像服务器A VSS Audio Video SubSystem 音频视频子系统A VSS Audio Vidio Support System 音频视频支撑系统AW A ATM Wireless Access ATM无线接入AW ACS ATM Wireless Access Communiction System ATM无线接入通信系统AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise 加性高斯白噪声AXC ATM CrosS Connect A TM交叉连接吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(B)B-BCC Broadband Bearer Connection Control 宽带承载连接控制B-DCN Backbone Data Communication Network 骨干数据通信网B-ET Broadband Exchange Termination 宽带交换终端B-ISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网B-NT Broadband Network Termination 宽带网络终端B-TA Broadband Terminal Adaptor 宽带终端适配器B-TE Broadband Terminal Equipment 宽带终端设备B-UNI Broadband User Network Interface 宽带用户网接口B2B Business to Business 企业到企业(电子商务)B2C Business to Consumer 企业到消费者(电子商务)BA Bandwidth Allocation 带宽分配BA Basic Access 基本接入BA Building Automation 楼宇自动化BA Business Audio 商用音频BAC Bus Adapter Control 总线适配器控制BACP Broadband Assign Control Protocol 带宽分配控制协议BACP Broadcasting Authorization Control Protocol 广播授权控制协议BAICD Blind Anchored Interference-Cancelling Detector 盲区固定消干扰探测器BAP Basic Audio Processor 基本音频处理器BAP Broadband Access Point 宽带接入点BAR Base Address Register 基地址寄存器BAS Bit-rate Allocation Signal 比特率分配信号BAS Broadband Access Server 宽带接入服务器BAS Building Automation System 楼宇设备自动化系统BAT Bandwidth Allocation Threshold 带宽分配阈值BA TE Baseband Adaptive Transversal Equalizer 基带自适应横向均衡器BA TMAN Banyan ATM Architectural Network 榕树ATM结构网络(局域网串联) BAU Broadband Access Unit 宽带接入设备BBA BroadBand Access 宽带接入BBCC BroadBand Communication Channel 宽带通信信道BBE Background Block Error 背景误块BBE Better than Best-Effort service 优于尽力型业务BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比BBM BaseBand Modem 基带调制解调器BBN BroadBand Network 宽带网BBS Bulletin Board Service 公告板服务BBS Bulletin Board System 公告板系统BBU Bandwidth Based Unit 基于带宽的单元BBX Base Band eXchange 基带交换BC Bearer Capability 承载能力BC Bearer Channel 承载信道BC Bearer Circuit 承载电路BC Bearer Control 承载控制BC Billing Center 计帐中心BCC Bearer Channel Connection 承载信道连接BCC Bearer Connection Control 承载连接控制BCC Block Character Check 块特性校验BCC Blocked Call Cleared 阻塞呼叫清除BCC Broadband Communication Channel 宽带通信信道BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel 广播控制信道BCCP Bearer Channel Control Protocol 承载信道控制协议BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二进编码十进制BCDS Broadband Connectionless Data Service 宽带无连接数据服务BCF Bearer Control Function 载体控制功能BCH Broadcast CHannel 广播信道BCM Basic Call Management 基本呼叫管理BCN Broadband Communication Network 宽带通信网BCP Basic Call Processing 基本呼叫处理BCPN Business Customer Premises Network 商业用户驻地网BCS Block Check Sequence 块校验序列BCSM Basic Call State Model 基本呼叫状态模型BCT Bandwidth Coding Technique 带宽编码技术BCT Bandwidth Compression Technique 带宽压缩技术BCT Basic Color Term 基本色彩项BCU Basic Communication Unit 基本通信单元BCUSM Basic Call Unrelated State Model 呼叫不相关的状态模型BDB Bidirectional Data Bus 双向数据总线BDFC Bi-Directional Fiber-Coax 双向光纤-同轴线BDGP Broadcasting Data packet Grouping Protocol 广播数据包分组协议BDI Business Data Interchange 商务数据交换BDSL Broadband DSL 宽带数字用户线BDSL Broadcast DSL 广播数字用户线BE Best-Effort service 尽力型业务BEC Backward Error Correction 后向纠错BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification 后向显示拥塞控制BER Bit Error Rate 误比特率BERT Bit Error Rate Testing 误比特率测试BEX Broadband EXchange 宽带交换BF Base Frame 基帧BFCFC Broadcast Feedback Channel Flow Control 广播反馈信道流控制BFT Binary File Transfer 二进制文件传送BFTP Broadcasting File Transfer Protocol 广播文件传送协议BG Base Group 基群BG Border Gateway 边界网关BGF Basic Global Function 基本全局功能BGP Border Gateway Protocol 边界网关协议BGP4 Border Gateway Protocol version 4 边界网关协议第4版BGV Back Ground Video 背景视像BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempt 忙时试呼BHCA Busy Hour Calling Amount 忙时呼叫次数BHM Basic Hypermedia Model 基本超媒体模型BI Bus Interface 总线接口BI Business Intelligence 商业情报BIB Backward Indicator Bit 反向指示比特BIC Bearer Identification Code 承载信道识别码BIDS Broadband Integrated Distribution Star network 宽带综合分配星形网BIGFON Broadband InteGrated Fiber Optic Network 宽带综合光纤通信网BIL Bus Interface Logic 总线接口逻辑BIN Business Information Network 商业信息网络BIP-ISDN Broadband, Intelligent and Personalized ISD 宽带化、智能化和个人化的ISDN BIPS Billion Instructions Per Second 十亿条指令/秒BIS Business Information System 商业信息系统BISUP Broadband ISDN User Part 宽带ISDN用户部分BITS Building Integrated Timing System 大楼综合定时系统BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单元BLER BLock Error Rate 误块率BLNT Broadband Local Network Technology 宽带局部网技术BLP Bypass Label Processing 旁路标号处理BLR BLocking Request 阻塞请求BLS Broadband Local Switch 宽带市话(本地)交换BLU Basic Link Unit 基本链路单元BM Bandwidth Manager 带宽管理器BM Buffer Memory 缓冲存储器BMA Block Matching Algorithm 块匹配算法BMC Bus Master Controller 总线主控制器BMP Billing Management Poin 计费管理点BMS Billing and Management System 计费和管理系统BMS Building Management System 楼宇管理系统BMTS Bandwidth Manager and Traffic Scheduler 带宽管理和业务调度程序BMU Basic Measurement Unit 基本测量单位BN Backbone Network 骨干网BN Balancing Network 平衡网络BNN Boundary Network Node 边界网络结点BNS Broadband Network Services 带宽网络服务BO-EOC Bit-Oriented Embedded Operations Channel 面向比特的嵌入式*作信道BOA Basic Object Adapter 基本对象适配器BOAN Business-oriented Optical Access Network 面向企业的光接入网BOD Bandwidth On Demand 按需提供带宽BOM Beginning Of Message 报文开始BON Building-Out Network 附加网络BONI Basic Optical Network Interface 基本光网接口BONT Broadband Optical Network Terminal 宽带光网络终端BOP Beginning Of Packet 分组信息开始BOP Bit-Oriented Protocol 面向比特的协议BOS Basic Operating System 基本*作系统BP Back Propagation 反向传播BPA Back Propagation Algorithm 反向传播算法BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Units 桥式协议数据单元BPF Band Pass Filter 带通泸波器BPI Bit Per Inch 比特/英寸BPON Broadband Passive Optical Network 宽带无源光网络BPR Business Process Reengineering 业务流程重组BPS Bits Per Second 比特/秒BPSS Basic Packet Switched System 基本的分组交换系统BPX Broadband Packet eXchange 宽带分组交换BR Backward Reporting 后向报告BR Bandwidth Renegotiation 带宽协调BR Border Router 边界路由器BRA Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入BRAN Broadband Radio Access Network 宽带无线接入网BRF Bandwidth Request Field 带宽要求字段BRI Basic Rate Interface 基本速率接口BRI-ISDN Basic Rate Interface-ISDN 基本速率接口-ISDNBRP Bandwidth Request PDU 带宽请求协议数据单元BRP Basic Reservation Protocol 基本预留协议BRSU Broadband Remote Switch Unit 宽带远端交换单元BS Base Station 基站BS Beam Splitter 分光器BS Broadcast Satellite 广播卫星BS Bus System 总线系统BSAP Broadband Service Access Point 宽带业务接入点BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSD Base Station Demodulator 基站解调器BSIC Base Station Identification Code 基站标识码BSL Buried Service Lightguide cable 埋式光缆BSM Backward Set-up Message 反向建立消息BSM Base Station Manager 基站管理系统BSM Base Station Modulator 基站调制器BSN Backward Sequence Number 反向序号BSN Broadband Service Node 宽带业务节点BSN Broadcast and Select Network 广播及选择网络BSP Bulk-Synchronous Parallel 大容量同步并行BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统BSS Base Station System 基站系统BSS Broadband Switching System 宽带交换系统BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星业务BSS Bulk Storage System 大容量存储系统BSSGP BSS GPRS Protocol BSS GPRS协议BSU Base Station Unit 基站单元BSU Bearer Switchover Unit 承载切换单元BSU Bypass Switch Unit 旁路转换单元BSVC Broadcast Signaling Virtual Channel 广播信令虚通道BTCP Broadcasting Transfer Control Protocol 广播传送控制协议BTP Bulk Transfer Protocol 成批转移协议BTS Base Transceiver Station 基地收发信机站BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单元BU Branching Unit 支路单元BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server 广播与未知地址服务器BUTICS BUilding Total Information and Control System 楼宇全信息及控制系统BW Both Way 双向BWA Broadband Wireless Access 宽带无线接入BWDM Bandpass Wavelength Division Multiplexer 带通波分复用器BWLL Broadband Wireless Local Loop 宽带无线本地环路BWR BandWidth Radio 带宽比BWSC Broadband Wireless Service Center 宽带无线业务中心BWT BothWay Trunk 双向中继BWU BandWidth Utilization 带宽利用吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(CLLM-CG)C&C Computer & Communication 计算机与通信C/D Coder / Decoder 编码器/译码器C/N Carrier-to-Noise ratio 载噪比C/R Command / Response (bit) 命令/响应(比特)C2B Customer to Business 消费者到企业(电子商务)C3(3C) Computer, Communication, Control 计算机、通信、控制C3I Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence 指挥、控制、通信和情报C4I Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence 指挥、控制、通信、计算机和情报C5(5C) Computer, Communication, Content, Customer and Control 计算机、通信、容量、顾客和控制C7 CCITT No.7 signaling CCITT七号信令CA Call Agent 呼叫代理CA Certificate Authority 认证中心CA Charging Analysis 计费分析CA Collision Avoidance 碰撞防止CA Communication Automation 通信自动化CA Congestion Avoidance 拥塞防止CAA Computer Assisted Animation 计算机辅助动画CAAD Computer Aided Architecture Design 计算机辅助结构设计CAAS Computer-Assisted Animation System 计算机辅助动画系统CAC Call Admission Control 呼叫允许控制CAC Computer Aided Creating 计算机辅助创意CAC Computer Assisted Composition 计算机辅助创作(作曲)CAC Computer-Assisted Counseling 计算机辅助咨询CAC Connection Admission Control 连接允许控制CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAD Computer-Aided Diagnosis 计算机辅助诊断CAE Computer-Aided Education 计算机辅助教育CAE Computer-Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程CAE Customer Application Engineering 用户应用工程CAI Common Air Interface 公共空中接口CAI Computer-Aided Instruction 计算机辅助教学CAI Computer-Assisted Interrogation 计算机辅助咨询CAIRS Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval System 计算机辅助情报检索系统。
中科院自动化所的中英文新闻语料库中科院自动化所(Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)是中国科学院下属的一家研究机构,致力于开展自动化科学及其应用的研究。
[中文新闻语料]1. 中国科学院自动化所在人脸识别领域取得重大突破中国科学院自动化所的研究团队在人脸识别技术方面取得了重大突破。
2. 中科院自动化所发布最新研究成果:基于机器学习的智能交通系统中科院自动化所发布了一项基于机器学习的智能交通系统研究成果。
3. 中国科学院自动化所举办国际学术研讨会中国科学院自动化所举办了一场国际学术研讨会,邀请了来自不同国家的自动化领域专家参加。
4. 中科院自动化所签署合作协议,推动机器人技术的产业化发展中科院自动化所与一家著名机器人企业签署了合作协议,共同推动机器人技术的产业化发展。
5. 中国科学院自动化所获得国家科技进步一等奖中国科学院自动化所凭借在人工智能领域的重要研究成果荣获国家科技进步一等奖。
[英文新闻语料]1. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences achievesa major breakthrough in face recognitionThe research team at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in face recognition technology. Through training with deep learning algorithms and large-scale datasets, the research team has successfully improved the accuracy and stability of face recognition, which has been widely applied in areas such as security and finance.2. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences releases latest research on machine learning-based intelligent transportationsystemThe Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences has released a research paper on a machine learning-based intelligent transportation system. By collecting and analyzing traffic data, the research team has developed intelligent traffic control algorithms that optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and minimize time wastage, thereby enhancing overall traffic efficiency.3. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences hosts international academic symposiumThe Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences recently held an international academic symposium, inviting automation experts from different countries to participate. The symposium covered various research areas, including artificial intelligence, robotics, and automatic control, aiming to facilitate academic exchanges and collaborations on an international level.4. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences signs cooperation agreement to promote the industrialization of robotics technologyThe Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences has signed a cooperation agreement with a renowned robotics company to jointly promote the industrialization of robotics technology. The cooperation includes areas such as technology research and development, talent cultivation, and market promotion, aiming to strengthen the collaboration between academia and industry and accelerate the application and popularization of robotics technology.5. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences receivesNational Science and Technology Progress Award (First Class) The Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences has been awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award (First Class) for its important research achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. The research outcomes have significant application value in areas such as autonomous driving and the Internet of Things, playing a proactive role in promoting innovation and development in related industries.。
Aabrasion n. 磨料,研磨材料,磨蚀剂, a. 磨损的,磨蚀的abrasive belt n. 砂带abrasive belt grinding n. 砂带磨削,用研磨带磨光abrasive cut-off machine n. 砂轮切断机abrasive dressing wheel n. 砂轮修整轮abrasive grain n. 磨料粒度abrasive grit n. 研磨用磨料,铁粒abrasive lapping wheel n. 磨料研磨轮accuracy of position n. 位置精度accuracy to shape n. 形状精度active cutting edge n. 主切削刃adapter flange n. 连接器法兰盘adjointing flanks n. 共轭齿廓align n. 找中(心),找正,对中,对准,找平,调直,校直,调整,调准angle milling cutter n. 角铣刀angular grinding n. 斜面磨削,斜磨法angular milling n. 斜面铣削angular plunge grinding n. 斜向切入磨削angular turning n. 斜面车削arbour n. 刀杆,心轴,柄轴,轴,辊轴attachment n. 附件,附件机构,联结,固接,联结法automatic bar machine n. 棒料自动车床automatic boring machine n. 自动镗床automatic copying lathe n. 自动仿形车床automatic double-head milling machine n. 自动双轴铣床automatic lathe n. 自动车床automatic turret lathe n. 自动转塔车床Bbelt grinding machine n. 砂带磨床bench lathe n. 台式车床bevel n. 斜角,斜面,倾斜,斜切,斜角规,万能角尺,圆锥的,倾斜的,斜边,伞齿轮,锥齿轮bevel gear cutting machine n. 锥齿轮切削机床bevel gear tooth system n. 锥齿轮系,锥齿轮传动系统borehole n. 镗孔,镗出的孔,钻眼boring n. 镗孔,钻孔,穿孔boring fixture n. 镗孔夹具boring machine n. 镗床boring tool n. 镗刀boring, drilling and milling machine n. 镗铣床broaching machine n.拉床,铰孔机,剥孔机broaching tool n. 拉刀broad finishing tool n. 宽刃精切刀,宽刃精车刀,宽刃光切刀CCalibrate vt. 校准〔正〕,刻度,分度,检查〔验〕,定标,标定,使标准化,使符合标准cam contour grinder n. 凸轮仿形磨床carbide tip n. 硬质合金刀片carbide turning tool n. 硬质合金车刀carbide-tipped tool n. 硬质合金刀具cast iron machining n. 铸铁加工,铸铁切削加工centerless cylindrical grinder n. 无心外圆磨床ceramic cutting tool n. 金属陶瓷刀具chamfer n.;vt. 倒角,倒棱chamfered cutting edge n. 倒角刀刃champ v. 焦急champing fixture n. 快换夹具champing jaw n. 快换卡爪chaser n. 螺纹梳刀,梳刀盘,板牙chatter vi.;n. 振动,振荡,震颤,刀振cherry n.;a. 樱桃,鲜红的,樱桃木制的chip n. 切屑,铁屑,刀片,刀头,片,薄片,芯片,基片chip breaker groove radius n. 断屑槽底半径,卷屑槽底半径chip clearance n. 切屑间隙chip cross-sectional area n. 切屑横截面面积chip curl n. 螺旋形切屑chip flow n. 切屑流chip formation n. 切屑形成chip removing process n. 去毛刺加工chip variable n. 切屑变量chuck n. 卡盘,夹盘,卡头,〔电磁〕吸盘,vt. 固定,装卡,夹紧,卡住chucker n. 卡盘车床,卡角车床circular drillling machine n. 圆工作台钻床circular path n. 环路,圆轨迹circular pitch measurement n. 周节测量circumference n. 圆周,周线,周界,周围,四周,范围close-grained a. 细颗粒的coeffecient of tool thrust n. 刀具推力系数coil chip n. 卷状切屑cold circular saw n. 冷圆锯cold saw n. 冷锯column drilling machine n. 圆〔方〕柱立式钻床combined drill and milling cutter n. 复合钻铣床complete traverse grinding n. 横进给磨削,切入磨削computer-controlled machine n. 计算机控制机床,数控机床contact pattern n. 靠模continuous chip n. 连续切屑continuous spiral chip n. 连续螺旋切屑contour n. 轮廓,外形,外貌,轮廓线,回路,网路,电路,等高线,等值线,轮廓等高距 a. 仿形的,靠模的contour grinding n. 仿形磨削,成形磨削contour milling n. 成形铣削,外形铣削,等高走刀曲面仿形法convex milling attachment n. 凸面铣削附件convex turning attachment n. 中凸车削附件,凸面车削附件coolant lubricant n. 冷却润滑剂coolant lubricant emulsion n. 冷却润滑乳液〔剂〕copy n. 样板,仿形,靠模工作法,拷贝复制品,v. 复制,模仿,抄录copy grinding n. 仿形磨床copy-mill n. 仿形铣copying turret lathe n. 仿形转塔车床corner n. 角,弯〔管〕头,弯管counterbore n. 埋头孔,沉孔,锥口孔,平底扩孔钻,平底锪钻, n.;vt. 扩孔,锪孔,镗孔,镗阶梯孔crankshaft grinding machine n. 曲轴磨床crankshaft turning lathe n. 曲轴车床creep feed grinding n. 缓进给磨削cross milling n. 横向铣削curly chip n. 卷状切屑,螺旋形切屑,切屑螺旋cut v.;n. 切削〔割〕,口,片,断,断开,削减,减少,断面,剖面,相交,凹槽cut off n. 切断〔开,去〕,关闭,停车,停止,断开装置,断流器,挡板,截止,截流cut teeeth n. 铣齿cut-off grinding n. 砂轮截断,砂轮切割cutter n. 刀具,切削工具,截断器,切断器,切断机cutting n. 切削,切片,切割,切屑,金属屑,截槽cutting edge profile n. 切削刃轮廓〔外形,断面〕,切削刃角度cutting force n. 切削力cutting lip n. 切削刃,刀刃,钻唇,钻刃cutting operation n. 切削加工,切削操作,切削作业cutting rate n. 切削效率,切削速率cutting tool n. 刀具,切削工具,刃具cycle n. 周期,周,循环,一个操作过程,轮转,自行车cylindrical grinder n. 外圆磨床Ddamage n.;vt. 损坏〔害,伤,耗,失〕,破坏,事故,故障,伤害,危害deep-hole drilling n.深孔钻削deep-hole milling n. 深孔铣削design n. 设计,计算,计划,方案,设计书,图纸die-sinking n. 凹模dimension n. 尺寸,尺度,维度,量纲,因次direction of the feed motion n. 进给方向,进刀方向discontinuous chip n. 间断切屑distance n. 距离,间隔〔隙〕,长度,vt. 隔开double-column planer-miller n. 双柱龙门铣床dress v. 修饰,修整,平整,整理,清理,装饰,调制,准备,打磨,磨光,压平,轿直,清洗,清理,分级drilling n. 钻头,钻床,穿孔器,凿岩机,v. 钻孔,打孔,钻井,钻探drilling machine n. 钻床,钻机,钻孔机,打眼机drilling tool n. 钻孔〔削,井,眼〕工具Eedge point n. 刀口,刀刃efficiency n. 效率,效能,性能,功率,产量,实力,经济性,有〔功,实〕效end mill n. 立铣刀external grinding n. 外圆磨削Fface n. 表面,外观,工作面,表盘,屏,幕v. 面向,朝向,表面加工,把表面弄平face grinding machine n. 平面磨床face milling machine n. 端面磨床feed force n. 进给力feed motion n. 进给运动fine adjustment n. 精调,细调,微调fine boring n. 精密镗孔finish v.;n. 精加工,抛光,修整,表面粗糙度,完工,最后加工,最后阶段,涂层,涂料finish-cutting n. 精加工,最终切削fixture n. 夹具,夹紧装置,配件,零件,定位器,支架form n. 型式,类型,摸板,模型,形成,产生,成形,表格v. 形〔组,构〕成,产生,作出,成形,造型form-turn n. 成形车削free-cutting n. 自由切削,无支承切削,高速切削Ggap n. 间隔,间隙,距离,范围,区间,缺口,开口火花隙,vt. 使产生裂缝vi. 豁开gear cutting machine n. 齿轮加工机床,切齿机gear generating grinder n. 磨齿机gear hob n. 齿轮滚刀grinding cutter n. 磨具grinding force n. 磨削力grinding machine n. 磨床grinding wheel diameter n. 砂轮直径grinding wheel width n. 砂轮宽度groove n. 槽,切口,排屑槽,空心槽,坡口,vt. 切〔开,铣〕槽groove milling n.铣槽Hheadstock spindle n. 床头箱主轴,主轴箱主轴,头架轴helical tooth system n. 螺旋齿轮传动装置high precision lathe n. 高精度车床high-speed n. 高速high-speed machining n. 高速加工hob n. 齿轮滚刀,滚刀,螺旋铣刀,v. 滚铣,滚齿,滚削horsepower n. 马力hobbing machine n. 滚齿机,螺旋铣床,挤压制模压力机,反应阴模机hole n. 孔,洞,坑,槽,空穴,孔道,管道,v. 钻〔穿,冲,开〕孔,打洞hone n. vt. 磨石,油石,珩磨头,磨孔器,珩磨,honing machine n. 珩磨机,珩床,搪磨床,磨孔机,磨气缸机Iinclination n. 倾斜,斜度,倾角,斜角〔坡〕,弯曲,偏〔差,角〕转increment n. 增量,增加,增〔大〕长indexing table automatic n. 自动分度工作台infeed grinding n. 切入式磨削installation n. 装置,设备,台,站,安装,设置internal grinding n. 内圆磨削involute hob n. 渐开线滚刀Jjig boring machine n. 坐标镗床Kkeyway cutting n. 键槽切削加工knurling tool n. 滚花刀具,压花刀具,滚花刀L laedscrew machine n. 丝杠加工机床lap grinding n. 研磨lapping n. 研磨,抛光,精研,搭接,擦准lathe n. 车床lathe dog n. 车床轧头,卡箍,鸡心夹头,离心夹头,制动爪,车床挡块lathe tool n. 车刀level n. 水平,水准,水平线,水平仪,水准仪,电平,能级,程度,强度,a. 水平的,相等的,均匀的,平稳的loading time n. 装载料时间,荷重时间,充填时间,充气时间lock n. 锁,栓,闸,闭锁装置,锁型,同步,牵引,v. 闭锁,关闭,卡住,固定,定位,制动刹住longitudinal grinding n. 纵磨low capacity machine n. 小功率机床〔机器〕Mmachine axis n. 机床中心线machine table n. 机床工作台machine tool n. 机床,工作母机machining n. 机械加工,切削加工machining (or cutting) variable n. 加工(或切削)变量machining allowance n. 机械加工余量machining cycle n. 加工循环machining of metals n. 金属切削加工,金属加工magazine automatic n. 自动化仓库,自动化料斗,自动存贮送料装置manufacture n. 制造者,生产者,厂商,产品,制造material removing rate n. 材料去除率metal cutting n. 金属切削metal-cutting technology n. 金属切削工艺学,金属切削工艺〔技术〕metal-cutting tool n. 金属切削刀具,金属切削工具micrometer adjustment n. 微调milling n. 铣削,磨碎,磨整,选矿milling feed n. 铣削进给,铣削走刀量,铣削走刀机构milling machine n. 铣床milling spindle n. 铣床主轴milling tool n. 铣削刀具,铣削工具mount v. 固定,安装,装配,装置,架设,n. 固定件,支架,座,装置,机构mounting n. 安装,装配,固定,机架,框架,装置mounting fixture n. 安装夹具,固定夹具NNose n. 鼻子,端,前端,凸头,刀尖,机头,突出部分,伸出部分number of revolutions n. 转数numerical control n. 数字控制numerically controlled lathe n. 数控车床Ooblique grinding n. 斜切式磨床operate v. 操纵,控制,运行,工作,动作,运算operating cycle n. 工作循环operation n. 运转,操作,控制,工作,作业,运算,计算operational instruction n. 操作说明书,操作说明operational safety n. 操作安全性,使用可靠性oscillating type abrasive cutting machine n. 摆动式砂轮切割机oscillation n. 振动,振荡,摆动,颤振,振幅out-cut milling n. 切口铣削oxide ceramics n. 氧化物陶瓷oxide-ceramic cutting tool n. 陶瓷刀具Pperformance n. 实行,执行,完成,特性,性能,成品,制作品,行为,动作,生产率,效率peripheral grinding n. 圆周磨削peripheral speed n. 圆周速度,周速,边缘速度perpendicular a. 垂直的,正交的,成直角的n. 垂直,正交,竖直,垂线,垂直面physical entity n. 实体,实物pitch n. 齿距,节距,铆间距,螺距,极距,辊距,坡度,高跨比,俯仰角pitch circle n. 节圆plain (or cylindrical) milling machine n. 普通(或圆柱形)铣床plain grinding n. 平面磨削plain turning n. 平面车床plane n. 平面,面,投影,刨,水平,程度,阶段,飞机 a.平的v. 弄平,整平,刨,飞行plane milling n. 平面铣削plane-mill n. 平面铣刀,平面铣床plunge mill n. 模向进给滚轧机plunge-cut n. 切入式磨削,横向进给磨削,全面进刀法,全面进给法plunge-cut thread grinder n. 切入式螺纹磨床plunge-grinding n. 切入式磨削point n. 点,尖端,刀尖,针尖,指针,交点,要点,论点,特点v. 指,面向,瞄准,对准,表明,弄尖,强调power n. 功率,效率,能〔容,力〕量,动力,电源,能源v. 驱〔拖,带,发〕动,给...以动力power hacksaw n. 机动弓锯〔钢锯〕precision boring n. 精镗precision boring machine n. 精密镗床precision machining n. 精密机械加工pressure angle n. 压力角primary cutting edge n. 主切削刃principal feed motion n. 主进给运动,主进刀运动production method s n. 生产方法[式]profile n. 轮廓,形面,剖面,侧面图,分布图。
General Terms
The University of Amsterdam at WebCLEF2006Krisztian Balog Maarten de RijkeISLA,University of Amsterdamkbalog,mdr@science.uva.nlAbstractOur aim for our participation in WebCLEF2006was to investigate the robustness ofinformation retrieval techniques to crosslingual retrieval,such as compact documentrepresentations,and query reformulation techniques.Our focus was on the mixedmonolingual task.Apart from the proper preprocessing and transformation of variousencodings,we did not apply any language-specific techniques.Instead,the targetdomain metafield was used in some of our runs.A standard combSUM combinationusing Min-Max normalization was used to combine runs,based on a separate contentand title indexes of documents.We found that the combination is effective only forthe human generated topics.Query reformulation techniques can be used to improveretrieval performance,as witnessed by our best scoring configuration,however thesetechniques are not yet beneficial to all different kinds of topics.Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.3[Information Storage and Retrieval]:H.3.1Content Analysis and Indexing;H.3.3Infor-mation Search and Retrieval;H.3.4Systems and Software;H.3.7Digital Libraries;H.2.3[Database Managment]:Languages—Query LanguagesGeneral TermsMeasurement,Performance,ExperimentationKeywordsWeb retrieval,Multilingual retrieval1IntroductionThe world wide web is a natural setting for cross-lingual information retrieval,since the web content is essentially multilingual.On the other hand,web data is much noisier than traditional collections, eg.newswire or newspaper data,which originated from a single source.Also,the linguistic variety in the collection makes it harder to apply language-dependent processing methods,eg.stemming algorithms.Moreover,the size of the web only allows for methods that scale well.We investigate a range of approaches to crosslingual web retrieval using the test suite of the CLEF2006WebCLEF track,featuring a stream of known-item topics in various languages.The topics are a mixture of human generated(manually)and automatically generated topics.Our focus is on the mixed monolingual task.Our aim for our participation in WebCLEF2006was to investigate the robustness of information retrieval techniques,such as compact document repre-sentations(titles or incoming anchor-texts),and query reformulation techniques.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2we describe our retrieval system as well as the specific approaches we applied.In Section3we describe the runs that we submitted,while the results of those runs are detailed in Section4.We conclude in Section5.2System DescriptionOur retrieval system is based on the Lucene engine[4].For our ranking,we used the default similarity measure of Lucene,i.e.,for a collection D, document d and query q containing terms t i:sim(q,d)=t∈q tf t,q·idf tnorm q·tf t,d·idf tnorm d·coord q,d·weight t,wheretf t,X=freq(t,X),idf t=1+log|D| freq(t,D),norm d= |d|,coord q,d=|q∩d||q|,andnorm q=t∈qtf t,q·idf t2.We did not apply any stemming nor did we use a stopword list.We applied case-folding and normalized marked characters to their unmarked counterparts,i.e.,mapping´a to a,¨o to o,æto ae,ˆıto i,etc.The only language specific processing we did was a transformation of the multiple Russian and Greek encodings into an ASCII transliteration.We extracted the full text from the documents,together with the title and anchorfields,and created three separate indexes:•Content:Index of the full document text.•Title:Index of all<title>fields.•Anchors:Index of all incoming anchor-texts.We performed three base runs using the separate indexes.We evaluated the base runs using the WebCLEF2005topics,and decided to use only the content and title indexes.2.1Run combinationsWe experimented with the combination of content and title runs,using standard combination methods as introduced by Fox and Shaw[1]:combMAX(take the maximal similarity score of the individual runs);combMIN(take the minimal similarity score of the individual runs);combSUM(take the sum of the similarity scores of the individual runs);combANZ(take the sum of the similarity scores of the individual runs,and divide by the number of non-zero entries);combMNZ(take the sum of the similarity scores of the individual runs,and multiply by the number of non-zero entries); and combMED(take the median similarity score of the individual runs).Fox and Shaw[1]found combSUM to be the best performing combination method.Kamps and de Rijke[2]conducted extensive experiments with the Fox and Shaw combination rules for nine european languages,and demonstrated that combination can lead into significant improvements.Moreover,they proved that the effectiveness of combining retrieval strategies differs between En-glish and other European languages.In Kamps and de Rijke[2],combSUM emerges as the best combination rule,confirming Fox and Shaw’sfindings.Similarity score distributions may differ radically across runs.We apply the combination methods to normalized similarity scores.That is,we follow Lee[3]and normalize retrieval scores into a[0,1]range,using the minimal and maximal similarity scores(min-max normalization):s =s−minmax−min,(1)where s denotes the original retrieval score,and min(max)is the minimal(maximal)score over all topics in the run.For the WebCLEF2005topics the best performance was achieved using the combSUM combi-nation rule,which is in conjunction with thefindings in[1,2],therefore we used that method for our WebCLEF2006submissions.2.2Query reformulationIn addition to our run combination experiments,we conducted experiments to measure the effect of phrase and query operations.We tested query-rewrite heuristics using phrases and word n-grams.Phrases In this straightforward mechanism we simply add the topic terms as a phrase to the topic.For example,for the topic WC0601907,with title“diana memorial fountain”,the query becomes:diana memorial fountain“diana memorial fountain”.Our intuition is that rewarding documents that contain the whole topic as a phrase,not only the individual terms,would be beneficial to retrieval performance.N-grams In our approach every word n-gram from the query is added to the query as a phrase with weight n.This means that longer phrases get bigger ing the previous topic as an example,the query becomes:diana memorial fountain“diana memorial”2“memorial fountain”2“diana memorial fountain”3,where the number in the upper index denotes the weight attached to the phrase(the weight of the individual terms is1).3RunsWe submittedfive runs to the mixed monolingual task:Baseline Base run using the content only index.Comb Combination of the content and title runs,using the CombSUM method.CombMeta The Comb run,using the target domain metafield.We restrict our search to the corresponding domain.CombPhrase The CombMeta run,using the Phrase query reformulation technique. CombNboost The CombMeta run,using the N-grams query reformulation technique.4ResultsTable1lists our results in terms of mean reciprocal rank.Runs are listed along the left-hand side,while the labels indicate either all topics(all)or various subsets:automatically generated (auto)—further subdivided into automatically generated using the unigram generator(auto-u) and automatically generated using the bigram generator(auto-b)—and manual(manual),which is further subdivided into new manual topics and old manual topics.Significance testing was done using the two-tailed Wilcoxon Matched-pair Signed-Ranks Test, where we look for improvements at a significance level of0.05(1),0.001(2),and0.0001(3). Signficant differences noted in Table1are with respect to the Baseline run.Table1:Submission results(Mean Reciprocal Rank)runID all auto auto-u auto-b manual man-n man-oBaseline0.16940.12530.13970.11100.39340.47870.3391Comb0.168510.120830.139430.10210.41120.49520.3578CombMeta0.194730.150530.167030.134130.418830.510810.36031 CombPhrase0.200130.157030.163930.150030.41900.51380.3587CombNboost0.195430.158630.159530.157630.38260.48910.3148Combination of the content and title runs(Comb)increased performance only for the manual topics.The use of the title tag does not help when the topics are automatically generated. Instead of employing a language detection method,we simply used the target domain metafield. The CombMeta run improved the retrieval performance significantly for all subsets of topics.Our query reformulation techniques show mixed,but promising results.The best overall score was achieved when the topic,as a phrase,was added to the query(CombPhrase).The comparison of CombPhrase vs CombMeta reveals that they achieved similar scores for all subsets of topics,except for the automatic topics using the bigram generator,where the query reformulation technique was clearly beneficial.The n-gram query reformulation technique(CombNboost)further improved the results of the auto-b topics,but hurt accuracy on all other subsets,especially on the manual topics. The CombPhrase run demonstrates that even a very simple query reformulation technique can be used to improve retrieval scores.However,we need to further investigate how to automatically detect whether it is beneficial to use such techniques(and if yes,which technique to apply)for a given a topic.Comparing the various subsets of topics,we see that the automatic topics have proven to be more difficult than the manual ones.Also,the new manual topics seem to be more appropriate for known-item search than the old manual topics.There is a clear ranking among the various subsets of topics,and this ranking is independent from the applied methods:man−n man−o auto−u auto−b.5ConclusionsOur aim for our participation in WebCLEF2006was to investigate the robustness of information retrieval techniques to crosslingual web retrieval.The only language-specific processing we applied was the transformation of various encodings into an ASCII transliteration.We did not apply any stemming nor did we use a stopword list.We indexed the collection by extracting the full text and the titlefields from the documents.A standard combSUM combination using Min-Max normalization was used to combine the runs based on the content and title indexes.We found that the combination is effective only for the human generated topics,using the titlefield did not improve performance when the topics are automatically generated.Significant improvements (+15%MRR)were achieved by using the target domain metafield.We also investigated the effect of query reformulation techniques.We found,that even very simple methods can improve retrieval performance,however these techniques are not yet beneficial to retrieval for all subsets of topics.Although it may be too early to talk about a solved problem,effective and robust web retrieval techniques seem to carry over to the mixed monolingual setting.6AcknowledgmentsKrisztian Balog was supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO)un-der project numbers220-80-001,600.-065.-120and612.000.106.Maarten de Rijke was supported by NWO under project numbers017.001.190,220-80-001,264-70-050,354-20-005,600.-065.-120, 612-13-001,612.000.106,612.066.302,612.069.006,640.001.501,and640.002.501. 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西北大学学报(自然科学版)2020年6月,第50卷第3期,Jun.,2020,Vol.50,No.3Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)-以理解人类为中心的人工智能•人工智能中面向人类的行为分析石恒麟A,赵国英1>2(1.奥卢大学机器视觉与信号分析中心,芬兰奥卢90570;2.西北大学信息科学与技术学院,陕西西安710127)摘要:随着海量训练数据的获得、深度学习技术的进步和相关知识的积累,人工智能在近十年里取得了举世瞩目的进步。
关键词:人工智能;机器学习;神经网络;行为分析;行为识别;行为检测中图分类号:TP391.41DOI:10.16152/kt.xdxbzr.2020-03-003开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Human centered action analysis in artificial intelligenceSHI Henglin1,ZHAO Guoying1,2(1.Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis,University of Oulu,Oulu90570,Finland;2.School of Information Science and Technology,Northwest University,Xi'an710127,China)Abstraci:With the deluge of aveilable date,the developmeni of deep leeminy technoloos,and the accumulation of relevent knowledge,a fificial inthygncc has achieved outstanding pmomss.In the following yeers, people will eeaerly require the application of human oriented afificial intelligencc.This paper is io explain recent technology advences on developing human centered artificial intelligencc applicctions by introducing human action analysig related msecrch.Firstiy,the action dndlysis is based on two sub-taskg:action detection and action recoonition,and W c reseerch chaienges of them is introduced.Moreoves,W c modaities used in action analysis resecrch s weli s currentiy populas datasets in this arec is introduced.Furthermore,related deep lecrning took fos conducting action analysis resecrch is stly,we illustrate some important action antysis methods in the recent decede,which includes some classicei appmacheo and modes deep approachee.Key words:amificial intelligence;machine leoming;neurai network;action analysis;action mcoanitWn;action detection收稿日期:2020-4-2基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61772419);陕西省科技计划重点项目(201DZDXM-GY-1D6)作者简介:石恒麟,男,山东诸城人,从事基于机器视觉的微动作分析研究%通信作者:赵国英,女,山东聊城人,教授,博士生导师,入选陕西省“百人计划',从事计算机视觉、机器学习和情感智能等研究%第3期石恒麟等:人工智能中面向人类的行为分析-329-在近十年里,人工智能在工业和学术界都取得了爆炸性的发展,人工智能技术已经被广泛应用到人们生活中的各个角落,如公共安全监控、汽车驾驶辅助、个人智能助手等。
a * annual年刊(鉴)A and I abstracting and indexing编制文摘和标引AA *Cataloguing Rules: Author and Title Entries英美条例AAC Anglo-American Code英美条例(规则)AACR *Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules英美编目条例AAL Association of Assistant Librarians [UK][英国]助理图书馆长协会AALS Association of American Library Shools美国图书馆学院协会AAP Association of American Publishers美国出版商协会AB automated bibliography自动化文献目录ABA American Booksellers Association美国书商协会ABACUS Association of Bibliographic Agencies of Britain,Australia,Canada and the United States英国、澳大利亚、加拿大与美国书目机构协会ABC (1) Abridged Building Classification [UDC][国际十进分类法] 建筑专业简表(2) American Bibliographical Center美国书目中心ABI advance book information form新书预告单ABPB Annual Bibliography of the Printed Books and Libraries [Holland][荷兰]《印本图书与文库书目年刊》abr. * abridgment节略(本),摘要abs. * abstract摘要,文摘ABTICS Abstract and Book Title Index Card Service [UK][英国]文摘与图书书名索引卡片服务ACORDD Advisory Committee for the Research and Development Department [BL,UK] [英国图书馆]研究与发展部咨询委员会ACRILIS Australian Centre for Research in Library and Information Science 澳大利亚图书馆与情报学研究中心ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries[USA][美国]学院图书馆与参考图书馆协会ACSTI Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information[UK][英国]科技情报咨询委员会act. std. actual standard现行标准ad. * addenda补遗,附录ADA (1) automatic data acquisition自动数据收集(2) automatic document analysis自动文献分析ADAM automatic document abstracting method自动编制文摘方法adap. adapted改写(编)的ADI * American Documentation I nstitute美国文献学会ADONIS * Article Delivery Over Network Information Systems ADONIS 系统,网络文章提供情报系统ADP (1) American Data Pro.cessing,Inc.美国数据处理公司(2) automatic data processing自动数据处理ADPC automatic data processing center自动化数据处理中心ADPS automatic data processing system自动化数据处理系统ADRS Automatic Document Request Service [BLLD][不列颠(英国)图书馆外借部]自动文献需求服务A.D.S. autograph document signed签署人手迹文件ADX automatic data exchange自动数据交换AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies 美国信息处理学会联合会AFLA Asian Federation of Library Associations亚洲图书馆协会联合会AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation法国标准化学会AFP * associative file processor相联文件处理机AFR automatic field/format recognition字段格式自动识别AFSARI automation for storage and retrieval of information情报存贮与检索自动化AGLINET Agricultural Libraries Information Network[UN][联合国]农业图书馆情报网络AGRIS * Agricultural I nformation System [FAO][联合国粮农组织]农业情报系统AIC automatic information center自动化情报中心AID (1) automatic information distribution自动情报分发[系统](2) International Association of Documentalists and Information Officers 国际文献与情报工作者协会AIDS automated information dissemination system自动情报提供系统AIDUS automated input and document update system自动化输入与文献更新系统AIL Association of International Libraries国际图书馆协会AIRS (1) automatic image retreval system自动影像检索系统(2) automatic information retrieval system自动情报检索系统AKWIC author-and-keywordin-context上下文关键词及作者索引ALA * American Library Association美国图书馆协会ALAS automated literature alerting system自动化文献快报系统ALBIS Australian LibraryBased Information System澳大利亚图书馆情报系统ALDP automatic languagedata processing自动语言数据处理ALG Automation in Libraries Group [UK][英国]图书馆自动化小组ALIS automated library information system自动化图书馆情报系统ALMS automated library management system自动化图书馆管理系统ALPHA automated literature processing,handling and analysis文献自动化处理、加工与分析A.L.S. autograph letter signed签署人手迹信件ALS Automated Library System [Company,Ltd.]自动化图书馆系统[公司]AMACUS automated microfilm aperture card updating system自动缩微胶卷窗孔卡片更新系统AMFIS automatic microfilm information system自动缩微胶卷情报系统A.Ms.S. autograph manuscri t signed签署人手迹手稿A.N. absque nota出版情况不详ANA American National Archives美国国家档案馆ann * annual年刊(鉴)Ann.Rep. annual report年报annot. (1) annotated注释的,提要的(2) * annotation注解(释),提要A.N.S. autograph note signed签署人手迹记录ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会ANSTEL Australian National Scientific and Technological Library 澳大利亚国家科学技术图书馆antq. antique珍本,古旧书anx. * annex[e]附录(件)app. * appendix附录appx. * appendix附录APR annual progress report年度进展报告AR (1) accession/report num,ber索取或报告号(2) annual report年报ARL Association of Research Libraries [USA][美国]研究图书馆协会ARLIS Art Libraries Society[UK][英国]艺术图书馆学会art. * article论文,文章ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息交换用标准代码ASDI automatic (automated) selective dissemination of information自动化定题情报提供ASI (1) * alphabetical subject index字顺主题索引(2) American Society of Indexers美国标引员学会(3) * articulated subject index挂接主题索引ASIDIC Association of Information and Dissemination Centers[USA][美国]科技情报提供中心协会ASIS * American Society for Information Science美国情报科学学会ASLIB * Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux[UK][英国]专门图书馆及情报机构协会ASTED Association pour l’Avancement des Sciences et des Techniques de la Documentation [Canada][加拿大]文献工作科学技术促进协会ASTIA Armed Services Technical Information Agency [USA][美国]武装部队技术情报局ATIS automatic terminal information service自动终端情报服务auth. * author著(作)者AUTODOC automatic documentation自动化文献管理AV audio-visual视听的,声像的AVIP Association of Viewdata Information Providers可视数据系统提供者协会AVLINE * Audiovisual OnLine视听资料联机数据库BB * bit[二进制]位,比特BA * Biological Abstracts《生物学文摘》BAC British Archives Council英国档案委员会BAIT bibliography,abstracts,index,translation书目、文摘、索引、译文BALLOTS Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations using Time-Sharing [USA][美国]大型图书馆管理中使用分时系统的书目自动化BALS bachelor of arts in library science图书馆学文学士BASE basic semantic element基本语义单位BASIC Biological Abstracts’Subjects in Context 《生物学文摘》题中关键词轮排索引BBC basic bibliographic citation基本书目引证(文)BC (1)* Bibliographic Classification书目分类法(2) Bliss Classification布利斯分类法(3) British Council英国委员会BCD binary-coded decimal[interchange code]二一十进制[交换码]BCM British Catalogue of Music《英国音乐目录》bd. bound装订成册的,合订本bdg. * binding装订BDU basic display unit基本显示装置BHI British Humanities Index《英国人文科学索引》Bibl. *bibliography书目,目录Bibl. Ind. bibliographic index书目索引BI DAP bibliographic data processing programme 文献目录数据处理程序biog. biography传记Biog.Ind. biographical index传记(人名)索引BIOSIS Biosciences Information Service [USA] [美国]生物科学情报服务社BIP (1)*books in print在版图书(2)* Books in Print《在版图书目录》BIRS (1) basic indexing and retrieval system基本索引与检索系统(2) British Institute of Recorded Sound英国录音学会BIS Biological Information Service [UK][英国]生物情报服务社bi-w * biweekly双周刊bk. * book图书,书籍bk. rev. * book review书评bklt. booklet小册子BL * British Library不列颠图书馆BLAISE * British Library Automated Information Service不列颠图书馆自动化情报服务处BLBSD British Library Bibliographic Services Division不列颠图书馆书目服务部BLCMP * Birmingham Libraries Co-operative Mechanisation Project [UK] [英国]伯明翰图书馆机械化协作计划BLEND Birmingham Loughborough Electronic Network Development [UK] [英国]伯明翰-拉夫巴勒电子网络开发[计划]BLLD British Library Lending Division不列颠图书馆外借部BLLR Bureau of Libraries and Learning Resources[USA][美国]图书馆与学术资源委员会BLRD British Library Reference Division不列颠图书馆参考部BLRDD British Library Research and Development Department不列颠图书馆研究与发展部BLS bachelor of library science图书馆学学士bm. * bimonthly双月刊BML * British Museum Library不列颠博物院图书馆BN *Bibliothéque Nationale[France][法国]国家图书馆BNB * British National Bibliography《英国国家书目》BNBC British National Book Centre英国国家图书中心BNCDST British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology英国科技数据全国委员会BOLD bibliographic on-line display system书目联机显示系统BPA British Patents Abstracts《英国专利文摘》BPR American Book Publishing Record《美国图书出版记录》BRASTACS Bradford Scientific,Technical and Commercial Service [UK][英国]布拉德福科学、技术与商业服务社BRIMARC BNB/Brighton MARC英国国家书目/布赖顿机读目录BROWER * Browsing Online with Selective Retrieval浏览联机定题检索系统BRS *Bibliographic Retrieval Services Inc. [USA][美国]文献检索服务公司BRT BioResearch Titles《生物研究题录》BS (1) Bibliographical Society [UK][英国]目录学会(2) British Standard英国标准BSA Bibliographical Society of America美国目录学会BSD [British Library] Bibliographic Services Division[不列颠图书馆]书目服务部BSH * Basic Subject Headings基本件名标目表BSIB British Society for International Bibliography英国国际目录学会BSLS bachelor of science in library science图书馆学理学士BSO * Broad System of Ordering.概略分类体系BTI British Technology Index《英国工程索引》BUCCS Bath University Comparative Catalogue Study [UK][英国]巴思大学比较目录研究BUCOP * British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals《英国期刊联合目录》BUCOP -WLSP British UnionCatalogue of PeriodicalsWorld List of Scientific Periodicals《英国期刊联合目录——世界科学期刊目录》Bull. * bulletin.通报CC (1)* chapter章,回(2)* citation引证(文)(3)* copy抄(副)本(4)* copyright版权,著作权CA (1)* Chemical Abstracts《化学文摘》(2) current awareness新书预告,现期文献报道CAAS * computer-assisted acquisition system计算机辅助采购系统CABLIS Current Awareness for British Library Staff不列颠图书馆工作者现期通报服务CABS computerized annotated bibliography system计算机化提要书目系统CAG Co-operative Automation Group [UK][英国]协作自动化小组CAIA * computer-assisted information analysis计算机辅助情报研究CAIC computer-assisted indexing and classification计算机辅助标引与分类CAIRS computer-assisted information retrieval system计算机辅助情报检索系统CALM computer-assisted library mechanization计算机辅助图书馆机械化CAN/SDI Canadian Selective Dissemination of Information 加拿大定题情报提供系统CAR * computer-assisted retrieval计算机辅助检索CAS (1)*Chemical Abstracts Service化学文摘社(2) computerised acquisition system计算机化采购系统CASIA Chemical Abstracts Subject Index Alert《化学文摘主题索引通报》cat. catalog[ue]目录CAT (1) computer-aided translation计算机辅助翻译(2) computer-aided typesetting计算机辅助排版CATCALL completely automated technique for cataloguing and acquisition of literature for libraries图书馆文献全自动编目与采购技术catlg. *catalog[ue]目录CATNI Catchword and Trade Name Index [CTI][《现期技术索引》] 《关键词与商标名索引》CATNIP computer-assisted technique for numerical index preparation计算机辅助数值索引编制技术CATV * community antenna television共用天线电视CBI * Cumulative Book Index《累积图书索引》c.c. carbon copy复写副本CC (1) card code卡片代码(2) * card column卡片列(3) * Colon Classification冒号分类法(4) Current Contents《现期期刊目次》CCC (1) Central Classification Committee [FID][国际文献工作联合会]中央分类法委员会(2) Copyright Clearance Center [USA][美国]版权批准中心CCF * Common Communication Format通用交换格式CCLN Council for Computerized Library Network[USA][美国]计算机化图书馆网络委员会CCTV * closed circuit television闭路电视cd catalogued已编目的CD compact disc小型光盘CDCR Center for Documentation and Communication Research [USA][美国]文献处理与通信研究中心CD-I compact disc interactive交互型小型光盘CD-ROM * compact discread-only memory小型光盘只读存贮器CDS Computerized Documentation Service [UNESCO][联合国教科文组织]计算机化文献服务CDU central display unit中央显示装置CED capacitance electronic disc电容式电子录像片(盘)CEIS cost and economic information system成本与经济情报系统CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research欧洲核研究组织CETIS Centre Europeen pour le Traitement de l’Information Scientifique欧洲科学情报处理中心cfr confer参看,对照CFSTI Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information[USA] [美国]联邦科学技术情报交换中心ch. * chapter章,回ch. lbr. * chief librarian图书馆馆长chap. * chapter章,回CHAR * character字符CI (1) cham index链式索引(2) cumulative index累积索引CICRIS Co-operative Industrial and Commercial Reference and Information Service [UK][英国]工商业合作咨询与情报服务CIF central information file中央情报文档CIM (1) computer-input media计算机输入载体(2) * computer-input microfilm计算机输入缩微胶片(3) continuous image microfilm连续影像缩微胶片(4) Cumulated Index Medicus《累积医学索引》CIP * cataloguing in publication在版编目CIRCA computerized information retrieval and current awareness计算机化情报检索与现期文献通报CIS (1) cataloguing in source书源编目(2) country information system国家情报系统(3) current information selection现期情报选报CISTI Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information加拿大科学技术情报学会CISTIP Committee on International Scientific and Technical Information Programs[USA][美国]国际科学技术情报计划委员会cl. * cloth布面[装订]CLA Canadian Library Association加拿大图书馆协会CLR Council on Library Resources,Inc. [USA][美国]图书馆资源委员会CM *cartographic materials地(制)图资料CMC code for magnetic characters磁字符代码CMDR Council for Microphotography and Documentary Reproduction [UK][英国]缩微摄影与文献复制理事会CNK common noun keyword普通名词关键词CNLA Council of National Library Associations全国图书馆协会理事会CNPIEC * China National Publications Import & Export Corporation中国图书进出口总公司CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique [France] [法国]国家科学技术研究中心CODASYL Conference on Data System(s) Language(s) [UK][英国]数据系统语言会议CODATA * Committee on Data for Science and Technology [ICSU][国际科学协会理事会]科学技术数据委员会COINS computer and information sciences计算机与信息科学col. coloured彩色的COM (1)* computer-output microfilm计算机输出缩微胶片(2) computer-output microfilming计算机输出缩微化设备(3) computer-output microform计算机输出缩微品COMAC continuous multiple access collator连续多次存取校对程序COMARC Cooperative Machine-Readable Cataloging [LC,USA][美国国会图书馆]合作机读编目COMEINDORS composite mechanized information and documentation retrieval system 综合机械化情报与文献检索系统comp. (1) compiled编纂(辑)的(2) *compiler编纂人(者)COMP computer output microfilm peek-a-boo计算机输出缩微胶片重叠比孔COMPAC computer output microfilm package计算机输出缩微胶片软件包COMPENDEX Computerized Engineering Index《计算机化工程索引》CONLIS Joint Committee on National Library Information Systems[USA][美国]国家图书情报系统联合委员会CONSER (1) Conversion of Serials Project[USA][美国]连续出版物建库计划(2)* Cooperative Conversion of Serials连续出版物合作转换计划cont. * contents目次,内容contin. * continuation续编contr. controlled限制发行cop. (1)* copy抄(副)本(2)* copyright版权,著作权co-part counterpart副(复)本COPIC Computer Program Information Center[European Community][欧洲共同体]计算机程序情报中心corr. (1) corrected校订的(2) corrigendum勘误表COSATI * Committee on Scientific and Technical Information [USA] [美国]科学技术情报委员会COSI Committee on Science Information [USA][美国]科学情报委员会COSTAR conversational online storage and retrieval会话式联机存贮与检索CP * card punch卡片穿孔机CPM cards per minute[卡片阅读速度]卡片/分CPS characters per second字符/秒CPU (1) card punching unit卡片穿孔机(2)* central processing unit中央处理机CR (1) card reader卡片阅读机,读片机(2) confefence report会议报告CRAM card random access mechanism磁卡片随机存取方法CRESS computerized reader enquiry service system计算机化读者咨询服务系统CRG *Classification Research Group [UK][英国]分类法研究小组CRIS (1) Command Retrieval Information System命令检索情报系统(2) Current Research Information System当前研究情报系统CRL (1) Central Reference Library [UK][英国]中央参考图书馆(2) certified record librarian合格图书馆员(3) certified reference librarian合格参考图书馆员(4) college and research libraries学院图书馆和研究图书馆CRSG Classification Research Study Group [USA][美国]分类法研究小组CRT cathode-ray tube阴极射线管CRUS Centre for Research in User Studies [UK] [英国]用户研究中心CSBN * China Standard Book Number中国标准书号CSF central serials file中央连续出版物文档CSR central serials record中央连续出版物记录CT Chemical Title《化学题录》ctd. continued接上页(期)CTI Current Technology Index《现期技术索引》CTR contract technical report合同技术报告CTS (1) card-to-magnetic tape conversion system 卡片-磁带转换系统(2) communication technology satellite通信技术卫星(3)* computer typesetting计算机排版CULS college and university libraries高等院校图书馆cum. ind. cumulative index累积索引CUMARC cumulated machine readable cataloguing累积机读编目Dd. *daily日报(刊)DA (1) data administrator数据管理员(2) data analysis数据分析(3) Documentation Abstracts《文献工作文摘》DACOM datascope computer output microfilmer计算机数据显示输出缩微胶片机DARE documentation automated retrieval equipment 文献自动化检索设备DAS (1) data acquisiton system数据采集系统(2 ) data automation system数据自动处理系统dat. datum数据DATACOM * data communication数据通信DATAX * data transmission数据传输DB * data base数据库DBAM database access method数据库存取方法DBK data bank数据(资料)库DBMS *database management system数据库管理系统DC (1)* data centre数据中心(2)* data conversion数据转换(3) Decimal Classification[Dewey][杜威]十进分类法DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集与分析系统DCE data communications equipment数据通信设备DCR (1) data conversion receiver数据转换接收机(2) digital conversion receiver数字转换接收机DCS data communication system数据通信系统DDC (1) data distribution center数据分配中心(2) Defense Documentation Center [USA] [美国]国防文献中心(3)* Dewey Decimal Classification杜威十进分类法DDCE digital data conversion equipment 数字数据转换设备DDP (1) digital data processor数字式数据处理机(2) distributed data processing分布型数据处理DE (1) digital element数字单元(2) display element显示单元(3) display equipment显示设备diagr. diagram图,图表DIANE * Direct Information Access Network for Europe欧洲直接情报存取网络dict. * dictionary字(词)典dig. *digest摘要,文摘DIGICOM digital communications system数字通信系统DIMDI Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information 德国医学文献与情报研究所DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm德国工业标准DIODE digital input/output display system数字输入输出显示系统DIRS * DIMDI Information Retrieval ServiceDIMDI情报检索服务处DISISS Design of Information Services in the Social Sciences [UK][英国]社会科学情报系统设计diss. * dissertation学位论文DLAI documentation,library and archives infrastructures文献工作、图书馆与档案馆基础DLS. doctor of library science图书馆学博士DM data management数据管理D.M.C. district materials center地区教材中心DMS * data management system数据管理系统do. ditto同上,同前doc. * document文献(件)DOR digital optical recording数字光学记录DOS disk operation system磁盘操作系统DP * data processing数据处理DPIR data processing and information retrieval数据处理和情报检索DPS (1) data processing system数据处理系统(2) document processing system文献处理系统DRAW * direct read after write写后直读DRDW * direct read during write边写边读DRIC Defence Research Information Centre [UK][英国]国防研究情报中心DRS document retrieval system文献检索系统DS data set数据集D.S. document signed著者签署文件(献)DSE data storage equipment数据存贮设备DSR data survey report数据调查报告DSTI Division of Scientific and Technical Information [IAEA] [国际原子能机构]科技情报部DT (1)* data transmission数据传输(2) display terminal显示终端DTIC Defense Technical Information Center [USA][美国]国防技术情报中心DTS data transmission system数据传输系统DTU display terminal unit显示终端设备dup. *duplicate抄(副)本d.w. * dust wrapper包封,封套DXS data exchange system数据交换系统EEB *Encyclopaedia Britannica《不列颠百科全书》,《大英百科全书》EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code扩充二一十进制交换码EBR electronic beam recording电子束记录EC * Expansive Classification展开分类法ed. (1) edited编辑(2)* edition版[本](3) *editor编者EDIAC electronic display of indexing association and content 标引结合与内容的电子显示EDICT engineering document information collection technique 工程文献情报搜集技术edit. (1) edited编辑(2) * edition版[本](3) * editor编者e.d.l. edition de luxe豪华版EDP (1)* electronic data processing电子数据处理(2) estimated date of publication估计的出版日期EDPC electronic data processing center电子数据处理中心EDPM electronic data processing machine电子数据处理机EDPS electronic data processing system电子数据处理系统EDRS engineering data retrieval system工程数据检索系统EDU electronic display unit电子显示器EEA Electrical and Electronics Abstracts《电气与电子文摘》EEI ess ential element of infor mation情报要素EI (1) *The Engineering Index《工程索引》(2) Engineering Index,Inc. [USA][美国]工程索引公司ELINT (1) eletromagnetic intelligence电磁情报(2) electronic intelligence电子情报(3) electronic intelligence system电子情报系统EM Excerpta Medica《医学文摘》(磁带版)EMIS electromagnetic intelligence system电磁情报系统EMMA extra-MARC materials附加机读目录资料EMOL Excerpta Medica Online [Holland][荷兰]医学文摘联机[系统]EMP everyman paperback普及本,大众平装本EMS electronic message system电子信息系统Ency. Amer. * Encyclopedia Americana《美国百科全书》Ency. Brit. * EncyclopaediaBritannica《不列颠百科全书》,《大英百科全书》encyc. * encyclop[a]edia百科全书enl. ed. * enlarged edition增订版EPC editorial processing centre编辑处理中心EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory可擦可编程序只读存贮器ERA electronic reading automation电子自动阅读[机]ERIC Educational Resources Information Center[USA][美国]教育资源情报中心ERIC/CLIS Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources Information Center[USA][美国]教育资源情报中心图书馆学情报学交换中心Err. errata勘误表ESA-IRS * European Space Agency—Information Retrieval Service欧洲空间组织情报检索服务中心ESS electronic switching system电子交换系统est. established创刊于ESTC Eighteenth Century Short-Title Catalogue《十八世纪简明书目》EUDISED European Documentation and Information System for Education欧洲教育文献与情报系统*Euronet European Community Network欧洲共同体网络EUSIDIC European Association of Scientific Information and Dissemination Centres欧洲科学情报与提供中心协会EVR * electronic video recording电子录像带Ff. *fortnightly双周刊 fair copy清样,誊清稿fac. *facsimi’e摹真(写)品,书影facsim. facsimile摹真(写)FAIRS fully automatic information retrieval system全自动化情报检索系统fasc. fascicule分卷(册)FBR full bibliographic record完整书目记录FCS facsimile communications system传真通信系统FEDLINK Federal Library and Information Network [USA][美国]联邦图书馆与情报网FGMC Federal Government Micrographics Council[USA][美国]联邦政府缩微摄影委员会FI false information假情报FIAF International Federation of Film Archives国际影片资料馆协会FID *International Federation for Documentation(Federation Internationale de la Documentation)国际文献工作联合会fig. *figure数字,[插]图FILA Federation of Indian Library Associations印度图书馆协会联合会FIP International Federation of Record Libraries国际唱片图书馆联合会FIRST fast interactive retrieval system technology快速会话式检索系统技术FLD * field字段,信息组FLIP film library instantaneous presentation胶卷库快速显示FN (1) file number文件(宗卷,存档)号码(2) * footnote脚注fo.folio对开[本]fortn. * fortnightly双周刊FOSDIC film optical scanning device for input to computers胶卷输入计算机光扫描设备freq. * frequency出版频率(周期)front. * frontispiece冠图,卷首插图FS file separator文件(档)分隔符FTX (1) freetext system自由文本检索系统(2)* free-text retrieval自由文本检索fv. folio verso见本页背面GGIPSY generalized information processing system通用情报处理系统GIS generalized information system通用情报处理系统GL general list总目录gl. * glossary词汇表,术语汇编gloss. * glossary词汇表,术语汇编GMD * general material designation文献类型标识,一般文献类型标识GP * government publication政府出版物GPI general patent index综合专利索引GPO Government Printing Office [USA][美国]政府印刷局GRI Government Reports Index《政府报告索引》GRIN Glasgow Referral and Information Network[UK][英国]格拉斯哥咨询与情报网GRIPHOS general retrieval and information processing forhu manities-oriented studies面向人文科学研究的通用检索与情报处理Hhb. (1) half-bound半革(布)装订(2) * hard bound硬面装订HC * hard copy硬拷贝hdbk. * handbook手册HICLASS * hierarchical classification等级分类法HILC Hampshire Inter-Library Center [USA][美国]罕布什尔馆际中心HMSO *Her (His) Majesty’s Stationery Office [UK][英国]皇家出版局HSP high-speed printer高速打印机HSR high-speed reader高速阅读器h.t. * half-title简略题名,简书名II & D information and documentation情报和文献I and A indexing and abstracting标引和编制文摘IAALD *International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists 国际农业图书馆员与文献工作者协会IABLA Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association泛美目录学与图书馆协会IAC * information analysis centre情报分析中心IACBDT International Advisory Committee on Bibliography,Documentation and Terminology [UNESCO][联合国教科文组织] 国际目录学、文献学与术语学咨询委员会IACDLA International Advisory Committee of UNESCO on Documentation,Libraries and Archives联合国教科文组织国际文献工作、图书馆与档案馆咨询委员会IACDT International Advisory Committee for Documentation and Technology[UNESCO] [联合国教科文组织]国际文献工作与技术咨询委员会IACODLA International Advisory Committee on Documentation,Libraries and Archives [UNESCO][联合国教科文组织]国际文献工作、图书馆与档案馆咨询委员会IADIS Irish Association for Documentation and Information Services爱尔兰文献工作与情报服务协会IALL * International Association of Law Libraries国际法律图书馆协会IAMCR International Association for Mass Communication Research国际大众传播研究协会IAML (1) International Association of Music Libraries国际音乐图书馆协会(2)* International Association of Music Libraries,Archives and Documentation Centres国际音乐图书馆、档案馆与文献中心协会IAOL International Association of Orientalist Librarians国际东方学图书馆员协会IASA International Association of Sound Archives国际音响档案馆协会IASL * International Association of School Librarianship国际学校图书馆协会IASLIC Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres印度专门图书馆与情报中心协会IATUL * International Asscciation of Technological University Libraries 国际工科大学图书馆协会IB (1) information bulletin情报通(公)报(2) information bureau情报局ib. ibidem同书,出处同前IBBY * International Board on Books for Young People国际少年儿童图书委员会IBFD International Burean of Fiscal Documentation国际财政文献委员会ibid. ibidem同书,出处同前IBI-ICC Intergovernmental Bureau for Information-International Computation Center政府间情报局国际计算中心IBIS International Book Information Services,Inc.国际图书情报服务公司IBN indexed by name按名称标引IBSR interactive bibliographic search and retrieval交互式书目查询与检索IBY * International Book Year国际图书年IC (1)* information centre情报中心(2) interchange centre交换(流)中心ICA * International Council on Archives国际档案理事会ICBA International Community of Booksellers Associations国际书商协会组织ICBD International Children's Book Day国际儿童图书日ICCP * International Conference on Cataloguing Principles国际编目原则会议ICIC International Copyright Information Centre[UNESCO][联合国教科文组织]国际版权情报中心ICIREPAT International Cooperation in Information Retrieval among Examining Patent Offices专利审查局情报检索国际合作组织ICLG International and Comparative Librarianship Group [LA][英国图书馆协会]国际图书馆学与比较图书馆学组ICP International Congress of Publishers国际出版者大会ICR International Council for Reprography国际复制委员会ICSI International Conference on Scientific Information国际科学情报会议ICSSD International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation国际社会科学文献工作委员会ICSSID * International Committee for Social Sciences Information and Documentation国际社会科学情报与文献委员会ICSU * International Council of Scientific Unions国际科学协会理事会ID (1) identification标识,识别(2) identifier标识符IFD * International Federation for Documentation国际文献工作联合会IFFA International Federation of Film Archives国际电影档案馆联合会IFIP * International Federation for Information Processing国际情报处理联合会IFLA * International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 国际图书馆协会和机构联合会IFN * in formation情报,信息IHS * Information Handling Services美国情报处理服务公司IIS Institute of I nformation Scientists [UK][英国]情报科学家学会IL * information language情报语言ILIC * International Library Information Center国际图书馆情报中心。
英汉·汉英铁路运输词汇铁路通用词1 摆滚振动rock-roll vibration2 点头振动pitching vibration3浮沉振动bouncing vibration4侧摆振动swaying vibration5编组场综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations in marshalling6超长超重列车exceptionally long and heavy train7车轮滑行wheel sliding8车轮空转wheel slipping9持续速度continuous speed10垂向冲击vertical impact11横向冲击lateral impact12单轨铁路monorail13单线铁路single track railway14电气化铁路electrified railway15改建铁路reconstructed railway16干线trunk line17工业企业铁路industry railway18构造速度construction speed19国际联运协定agreement of international through traffic20国际联运议定书protocol of international through traffic21国际铁路联运公约convention of international railway through traffic22国有铁路national railway23 货运站综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations at freight station24 货运专线railway line for freight traffic25 机车车辆冲击impact of rolling stock26 机车车辆共振resonance of rolling stock27机车车辆振动vibration of rolling stock28机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock29机车车辆下部限界clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock30 基本建筑限界fundamental construction clearance31 接触网限界clearance limit for overhead contact wire32 均衡速度balancing speed33 客货运混合线路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic34 客运专线railway line for passenger traffic35 矿山铁路mine railway36 阔大货物限界clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimension37 列车颠覆train overturning38 列车分离train separation39 列车空气动力学train aerodynamics40 列车拉伸train running out列车尾部防护train rear end protection42 列车尾追train tail collision43 列车压缩train running in44 列车与线路相互作用track-train interaction45 列车正面冲突train collision46 临界速度critical speed47 米轨铁路meter-gage railway48 牵引定数tonnage rating49 牵引方式mode of traction50 牵引种类kinds of traction51 桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearance52 森林铁路forest railway53 伸缩运动fore and aft motion54 私有铁路private railway55 隧道建筑限界tunnel construction clearance56 铁道法规railway act57 铁道科学railway science58 铁路等级railway classification59 铁路机车车辆限界rolling stock clearance for railway60 铁路技术railway technology61 铁路技术管理规程regulations of railway technical operation62 铁路建筑长度construction length of railway63 铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance64 铁路数据交换系统railway data exchange system65 铁路条例railway code66 铁路线railway line67 铁路运营长度operating length of railway68 铁路运营信息系统railway operation information system69 铁路专用线railway special line70 限界图clearance diagram71 限制速度limited speed72 限制轴重axle load limited73 摇头振动yawing vibration74 运营铁路railway in operation75 运营系统模拟simulation of operation system76 装载系数loading coefficient77 准轨铁路standard-gage railway78 纵向冲击longitudinal impact79 最大轴重maximum allowable axle load专业词汇中英对照翻译交通类- 铁路通用词1通用词general description2 组配用词coordinate word3 科学science4 研究research5 设想imagine;envisagement6 探讨investigation7 标引indexing8 咨询consultation;consulting9 复制reprography10 翻译translation11 编辑editor12 印刷printing13 修订revise14 保密security15 考察survey16 观感impression17 攻关tackle key problem18 论证argumentation19 系统system20 中心center21 经验公式empirical formula22 计算computation23 系数coefficient24 参数parameter25 数据data26 调查census27 分析analysis28 自动分析automatic analysis29 定量分析quantitative analysis30 定性分析qualitative analysis31 标志indicator;sign;marker32 分类classification33 分布distribution34 发展development35 预报forecasting36 影响influence37 动态dynamic38 模式mode39 会议conference40 国际合作international cooperation41 国际组织international organization42 结论conclusion43 经验experience44 机理mechanism45 原理principle46 理论theory47 建议proposal48 讲座lecture49 宏观macroscopic50 微观microscopic51 编制establishment52 鉴定certification53 评估appraise54 评价evaluation55 评论comment;review56 讨论discussion57 方法method58 方案plan;project59 方针policy60 对策counter measure61 决策policy decision62 书库book stock63 ;博览会展览会;博览会exhibition64 技术technique65 综合技术comprehensive technique66 技术革新technological innovation67 技术革命technological revolution68 技术改造technical reform69 技术座谈technical seminar70 技术转让transfer of technology71 技术合作technical cooperation72 技术引进technique introduction73 引进introduction74 进口import75 出口export76 工业化industrialization77 机械化mechanization78 系列化seriation79 合理化rationalization80 国产化home-made81 现代化modernization82 电气化electrification83 无维修maintenance-free84 经济性economy85 互换性interchangeability86 耐久性durability87 耐蚀性corrosion resistance88 可行性feasibility89 可用性applicability90 优化optimization91 装置device92 附属装置auxiliary93 大功率high power94 功能behaviour95 性能property96 特点feature97 效应effects98 效率efficiency99 生产率productivity100 生产能力production capacity 101 构造structure102 结构structure103 定型typification104 配方formulation105 载体carrier106 设计design107 研制developing;researching108 误差error109 样机sample machine110 型号type111 规格specification112 实例concrete example113 经营management114 经营机制management mechanism 115 股票stock116 证券securities117 利息interest118 资本capital119 投资investment120 利润profit121 技术市场technical market122 预测prediction123 统计statistics124 收入income125 竞争competition126 商品commodity127 食品food-stuff128 服装garments;uniform129 家具furniture130 纺织品textile131 ;家电家用电器;家电electrical home appliance 132 房地产real estate133 公司company134 集团公司group company135 产业industry;estate;property136 工业industry137 企业enterprise138 产品product139 产量output140 产值value141 租赁lease142 合同contract143 法人legal person144 投入产出cost-economic effect145 价格price146 价值value147 资源resource148 节约economization149 增产节约increase production and practise economy 150 挖潜top potential151 折旧depreciation152 报废dumping153 设备appliance154 设备更新equipment replacement155 设备改造equipment remodelling156 分配distribution157 租金rental158 罚金fine159 保险insurance160 费用cost161 成本cost162 指标target163 质量quality164 合并merge165 兼并annex166 破产bankrupt167 援助aid168 转让transfer169 社会化socialization170 开放open171 开发development172 开发区development district173 保税区bonded district174 经济特区special economic district175 乡镇企业village-town enterprise176 集体经济collective economy177 国有民营state-owned civil-operated 178 管理management179 管理学management science180 责任制system of personal responsibility 181 协作co-operation182 服务service183 制度system184 体制system185 计划planning186 规划planning187 总体规划comprehensive planning188 布局allocation189 条件condition190 治理administer191 改革reformation192 优点merit193 缺点demerit194 问题problem195 处理handle196 用户consumer197 状态state198 形式type199 组合式assembly type200 装配式fabricating;fabricated201 移动式movable type202 便携式portable203 大型large-type;macro-type204 中型medium type205 小型small scale206 微型microtype207 轻型light weight208 重型heavy-type209 上空overhead210 地下underground211 水下underwater212 空间space213 平面plane214 断面section215 纵断面longitudinal section216 横断面horizontal section217 限界clearance;gauge218 国际internationality219 国内inland220 国外abroad221 容量capacity222 提高raise223 降低reduction224 减少decrease225 增加increasing226 对比comparison227 温度temperature228 高温high-temperature 229 低温low temperature 230 湿度humidity231 高速high speed232 中速medium speed233 低速low speed234 转速rotation speed235 风速wind speed236 容许速度allowable speed 237 准高速quasi-high speed 238 真空vacuum239 尺寸size240 厚度thickness241 稠度consistency242 液体liquid243 蒸汽steam244 颜色color245 里程mileage246 单线single line247 支线branch line248 曲线curve249 线性linear250 非线性nonlinear251 季节season252 冬季winter253 夏季summer254 夜间night255 周期period256 临时interim257 未来future258 作业operation259 布置decorate260 装卸handling261 拆卸disassemble262 改造remodelling263 改进improvement264 选型model selection265 更新renew266 更换replacement267 造型moulding268 优化设计optimum design269 试制trial-produce270 制造manufacturing271 检查inspection;examination272 检测detection;check-out;inspection and measurement 273 大修overhaul274 中修intermediate overhaul275 维修maintenance276 抢修energency maintance277 修理repair278 修复repair279 修补mend280 涂油brush application281 加工manufacture282 加固reinforcement283 运行running284 运输transportation;traffic;transport285 运营operation286 运用utilization287 利用utilization288 应用application289 推广popularize290 保护protection291 保养maintenance292 养护curing293 诊断diagnosis294 施工construction295 工艺technology296 紧固fastening297 接头joint298 连接connection299 违章violation300 控制control301 操纵maneuvering302 回收recovery303 除冰deicing304 散热radiation;heat dissipation305 措施measure306 代替replace307 选择selection;selecting308 使用use309 过程process310 安全safety311 防风wind-break312 防渗seepage control313 防雪snow protection;snow-drift control 314 防暑heat-stroke prevention315 防潮damp-proof316 防裂anticracking317 预防prevention318 防止prevent319 防治preventive treatment320 病害disease321 缺陷defect322 渗透osmosis323 膨胀expanding324 松弛relaxation325 老化aging326 发热exothermicity327 失效failure328 氧化oxidation329 液化liquefaction330 碳化carbonization331 硬化hardening332 偏心eccentricity333 偏移deviation334 损伤injure335 损耗wear and tear;loss336 碰撞collision337 腐蚀corrosion338 锈蚀rust corrosion339 误动false operation340 滑动slide341 视觉vision342 听觉audition343 ;使用寿命寿命;使用寿命life;service life 344 隐患处理defect treatment345 变质metamorphism346 漏泄leakage347 漏水water leakage348 漏气gas leakage349 报警alarming;warning350 防爆anti-explosion351 爆炸explosion352 文献document353 图书books354 ;杂志期刊;杂志periodical;journal355 报纸newspaper356 教材teaching material357 汇编documentation;compilation358 论文article359 报告report360 研究报告research report361 调查报告investigation report362 法规regulation363 规范standard364 规程rule;code;procedure365 规章regulation366 规则rule367 细则detailed rule and regulation368 概况general situation369 述评review370 综述summarisation371 简介brief372 样本sample book373 说明书specification374 广告advertisement375 译文translation376 工具书reference book377 年鉴yearbook378 手册manual379 ;字典词典;字典dictionary380 ;目次目录;目次catalogue381 文摘abstract382 ;引得索引;引得index383 指南guide384 史志history record385 资料reference material386 视听资料audio-visual material387 统计资料statistical data388 会议资料meeting paper;conference paper 389 参考资料reference390 电影片film391 缩微胶片microfilm392 照片photograph393 图纸drawing;blueprint394 图表graph;diagram395 画册atlas396 文集collected works397 磁盘magnetic disk398 磁带magnetic tape399 录音带audio recording tape400 录像带video recording tape401 专用名词special noun;special term 402 地名toponym403 亚洲asia404 非洲africa405 欧洲europe406 大洋洲oceania407 北美洲north america408 南美洲south ametica409 世界world410 中国china411 日本japan412 泰国thailand413 印度india414 俄罗斯russian415 波兰poland416 德国germany417 奥地利austria418 瑞士switzerland419 瑞典sweden420 意大利italy421 西班牙spain422 英国britain423 荷兰holland;netherlands424 比利时belgium425 法国france426 澳大利亚australia427 加拿大canada428 美国the united states of america 429 路名railway name430 京哈线beijing-harbin railway431 京广线beijing-guangzhou railway 432 京沪线beijing-shanghai railway 433 京九线beijing-jiulong railway434 大秦线datong-qinhuangdao railway 435 石太线shijiazhuang-taiyuan railway 436 陇海线long-hai railway437 宝成线baoji-chengdu railway438 成昆线chengdu-kunming line439 兰新线lanzhou-xinjiang railway440 鹰厦线yingtan-xiamen railway441 福厦线fuzhou-xiamen railway442 广深线guangzhou-shenzhen railway443 日本新干线japan shinkanshen444 贝阿干线baikal amur railway445 桥名bridge name446 长江大桥chang jiang bridge447 黄河大桥huang he bridge448 钱塘江大桥qian tang jiang bridge449 隧道名tunnel name450 大瑶山隧道da yao shan tunnel451 阿尔卑斯山隧道alps tunnel452 青函隧道aomori-hakodate tunnel453 英吉利海峡隧道channel tunnel454 旅游业tourism455 服务业service trade456 摆滚振动rock-roll vibration457 编组场综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations in marshalling 458 侧摆振动swaying vibration459 超长超重列车exceptionally long and heavy train460 车轮滑行wheel sliding461 车轮空转wheel slipping462 持续速度continuous speed463 垂向冲击vertical impact464 单轨铁路monorail465 单线铁路single track railway466 点头振动pitching vibration467 电气化铁路electrified railway468 浮沉振动bouncing vibration469 改建铁路reconstructed railway470 干线trunk line471 工业企业铁路industry railway472 构造速度construction speed473 国际联运协定agreement of international through traffic474 国际联运议定书protocol of international through traffic475 国际铁路联运公约convention of international railway through traffi 476 国有铁路national railway477 横向冲击lateral impact478 货运站综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations at freight stat 479 货运专线railway line for freight traffic480 机车车辆冲击impact of rolling stock481 机车车辆共振resonance of rolling stock482 机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock483 机车车辆下部限界clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock 484 机车车辆振动vibration of rolling stock485 基本建筑限界fundamental construction clearance486 接触网限界clearance limit for overhead contact wire487 均衡速度balancing speed488 客货运混合线路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traff 489 客运专线railway line for passenger traffic490 矿山铁路mine railway491 阔大货物限界clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimen 492 列车颠覆train overturning493 列车分离train separation494 列车空气动力学train aerodynamics495 列车拉伸train running out496 列车尾部防护train rear end protection497 列车尾追train tail collision498 列车压缩train running in499 列车与线路相互作用track-train interaction500 列车正面冲突train collision501 临界速度critical speed502 米轨铁路meter-gage railway503 牵引定数tonnage rating504 牵引方式mode of traction505 牵引种类kinds of traction506 桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearance507 森林铁路forest railway508 伸缩运动fore and aft motion509 私有铁路private railway510 隧道建筑限界tunnel construction clearance511 铁道法规railway act512 铁道科学railway science513 铁路等级railway classification514 铁路机车车辆限界rolling stock clearance for railway515 铁路技术railway technology516 铁路技术管理规程regulations of railway technical operation 517 铁路建筑长度construction length of railway518 铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance519 铁路数据交换系统railway data exchange system520 铁路条例railway code521 铁路线railway line522 铁路运营长度operating length of railway523 铁路运营信息系统railway operation information system524 铁路专用线railway special line525 限界图clearance diagram526 限制速度limited speed527 限制轴重axle load limited528 摇头振动yawing vibration529 运营铁路railway in operation530 运营系统模拟simulation of operation system531 装载系数loading coefficient532 准轨铁路standard-gage railway533 纵向冲击longitudinal impact534 最大轴重maximum allowable axle load运输安全客运安全passenger traffic safety2 货运安全freight traffic safety3 安全检查safety inspection4 行车事故driving accident;train operation accident5 调车事故shunting accident;accident in shunting operation6 撞车事故train collision accident7 列车尾追事故tail collision8 冒进信号overrun a signal;overrunning of signal9 脱轨事故derail accident10 脱轨derail;derailment11 货运事故freight traffic accident12 货差shortage13 货损damage of cargo14 客运事故passenger traffic accident15 责任事故accident of responsibility;responsible accident16 伤亡事故casualty accident17 爆炸事故explosion accident18 运输事故traffic accident19 救援relief20 事故分析accident analysis21 事故调查accident investigation22 ;铁道治安/铁路治安railway public safety23 公安public security专业词汇中英对照翻译交通类- 铁路相关学科1相关学科interrelated subject2 交通运输traffic and transport3 交通运输网traffic and transport network4 交通枢纽traffic terminal5 交通运输组织traffic and transport organization6 综合运输coordinated transportation;comprehensive transport;multi-mode transport;intermode transport7 磁浮运输magnetic suspension transport8 公路运输highway transport9 航空运输aeronautical transport10 水路运输water transportation11 海上运输marine transportation12 内河运输inland water transport13 管道运输pipeline transport14 索道运输ropeway haulage15 军事运输military transportation16 战时运输war time transport17 工业运输industrial transport18 农业运输agricultural traffic19 邮政运输postal traffic20 矿山运输mine haulage21 城市运输urban transport22 城间运输inter-city transport23 地方运输local transport24 长途运输long-distance transport25 短途运输short-distance transport26 国际运输international transport27 运输方式协调coordination of modes of transport28 轮渡ferry29 交通运输管理traffic and transport management30 交通法law of traffic31 交通政策traffic policy32 运输效率efficiency of transport33 运输编码transport code34 运输调度transportation dispatching35 运输高峰traffic peak36 交通运输经济traffic and transport economy37 运输统计transport statistics38 运输指标transportation index39 运量volume of traffic40 周转量traffic turnover41 运输系数coefficient of transport42 运输比价parity of transport43 运输补贴transport subsidy;transport allowance44 运输成本cost of transportation/ transportation cost / traffic cost45 运价tariff / rate46 交通运输工具traffic and transport means47 车辆car / vehicle / wagon48 汽车automobile49 船舶ship50 渡轮ferryboat / ferry boat51 飞机aeroplane;52 直升飞机helicopter53 新交通系统new communication system54 交通运输设施traffic and transport installation55 港口port56 港口设备port equipment57 码头dock / wharf58 公路highway59 高速公路express highway60 机场airdrome / airfield61 机场连接线airport link line62 动力工程power engineering63 能源energy sources64 太阳能solar energy65 核能nuclear energy66 石油petroleum67 汽油gasoline68 石油气petroleum gas69 节能economize on energy70 节水water saving71 内燃机internal combustion engine;diesel engine72 汽油机gasoline engine73 煤气机gas engine74 斯特林机stirling engine75 汽轮机steam turbine76 外燃机external combustion engine77 发动机engine78 核动力nuclear power79 调速设备change speed equipment;speed control device80 机械工程mechanical engineering81 冶金metallurgy82 钢铁厂iron and steel plant83 冶金炉metallurgical furnace84 工业炉industrial furnace85 电炉electric furance86 熔炼smelting87 炼铁ironmaking88 炼钢steelmaking89 粉末冶金powder metallurgy90 粉末冶金设备powder metallurgy equipment91 粉末冶金制品powder metallurgy product92 金属学metallography93 金属分析metal analysis94 金相学metallography95 金相组织metallographic structure96 金相检验metallographic examination97 马氏体martensite98 贝氏体bainite99 奥氏体austenite100 珠光体pearlite101 热处理heat-treatment102 表面热处理surface heat-treatment103 感应热处理induction heat-treatment104 局部热处理local heat-treatment105 激光热处理laser heat-treatment106 加热heating107 退火annealing108 淬火quenching109 正火normalization110 回火temper111 时效aging112 渗碳carburizing113 渗硼boriding114 渗氮nitriding115 离子氮化ionic nitriding116 温度监测temperature monitoring117 热处理设备heat-treating equipment118 热处理炉heat treating furnace119 加热炉heating furnace120 退火炉annealing furnace121 感应炉induction furnace122 盐浴炉salt bath furnace123 冷处理subzero treatment124 表面硬化surface hardening125 金属表面保护metal surface protection 126 电泳涂漆electrodeposition coating127 喷漆spray painting128 静电喷漆electrostatic spray painting129 喷涂spray painting;spraying130 等离子喷涂plasma spraying131 金属陶瓷喷涂ceramic spraying on metal132 喷枪spray lance133 浸涂immersion coating134 涂层coat135 电镀electroplating136 镀锌zinc plating;galvanizing137 镀铁iron plating138 刷镀brushing plating139 涂镀brushing plating140 非金属上镀non-metal plating141 阴极保护cathodic protection142 金属表面处理metal surface treatment143 ;喷丸抛丸;喷丸shot blasting;shot peen144 铸造casting;founding145 精密铸造precision casting146 离心铸造centrifugal casting147 压力铸造die casting;compression casting148 磁型铸造magnetic mould casting149 铸造设备founding equipment150 造型机moulding machine151 造型材料moulding material152 铸型foundry mould153 模型model154 制芯core making155 型砂moulding sand156 石英砂quartz sand157 水玻璃砂water-glass sand158 清砂cleaning;foundry159 砂处理设备sand handling equipment160 铸件casting161 铸钢件steel casting162 铸铁件iron casting163 铸件清理设备casting clearing equipment164 金属压力加工metal pressing165 ;锻造锻压;锻造metal forming and forging166 冲压stamping167 挤压extrusion168 冷镦cold heading169 拉拔drawing170 轧制rolling171 轧机rolling mill172 ;锻造设备锻压设备;锻造设备forging and pressing equipment 173 液压机hydraulic press174 水压机hydraulic press175 油压机hydraulic press176 模具dies177 锻件forgings178 焊接welding179 熔焊fusion welding180 等离子焊plasma arc welding181 电渣焊electroslag welding182 电子束焊electron-beam welding183 电弧焊electric arc welding184 埋弧焊submerged arc welding185 气体保护焊gas shielded metal arc welding186 气焊gas welding187 加压焊pressure welding188 爆炸焊explosive welding189 电阻焊resistance welding;flash butt welding190 接触焊contact welding191 点焊spot welding192 感应焊induction welding193 高频焊high-frequency welding194 铝热焊alumino thermit welding;alumino-thermit welding195 钎焊braze welding196 补焊repairing welding197 堆焊surfacing welding198 自动焊automatic welding199 激光焊laser beam welding200 ;不同金属焊接异种金属焊接;不同金属焊接dissimilar metal welding 201 焊机welding machine202 自动焊机automatic arc welding machine203 气压焊机gas pressure welder204 接触焊机contact welding machine205 焊接设备welding equipment206 焊接材料welding material207 焊条welding rod208 焊丝welding wire209 乙炔acetylence210 焊接接头区weld region211 焊接结构welded structure212 焊接工艺welding technology213 切割cutting214 ;金属切削机械加工;金属切削machining;metal cutting215 车削turning216 刨削planing217 镗削boring218 铣削milling219 磨削grinding220 研磨grinding221 抛光polishing222 齿轮加工gear machining223 螺纹加工thread machining224 孔加工bore machining225 电加工electric machining226 电解加工electrochemical machining227 电火花加工electrospark machining228 精加工fine machining229 机床machine tool230 数控机床numerically controlled machine tool231 机床自动化machine tool automation232 车床lathe;turning machine233 钻床drilling machine234 镗床boring machine235 铣床milling machine236 插床slotting machine237 刨床planing and shaping machine238 锯床saw239 磨床grinding machine240 动力头power head241 加工中心machining center242 刀具cutting tool243 钻头drill bit244 磨具grinding tool245 夹具jig246 量具measurer247 机械制造mechanical manufacturing248 机构学mechanism249 机械设计mechanical design250 制图drafting;drawing251 配合fit252 公差tolerance253 精度precision254 硬度hardness255 ;粗糙度光洁度;粗糙度surface finishing;roughness 256 清洁度cleanness257 磨合running-in258 强化strengthening259 铆接riveting260 装配assembling261 压装pressfit262 金属加工metal processing263 摩擦friction264 耐磨性abrasive resistance265 机械性能mechanical property266 机器人robot267 机械手manipulator268 工具instrument269 电动工具electric power tool270 风动工具pneumatic tool271 液压系统hydraulic system272 铆钉机riveting machine273 制氧机oxygen plant274 风机draught fan275 压缩空气compressed air276 泵pump277 容器container278 打包机sack packer279 上下料装置loading and unloading device280 ;生产线流水线;生产线flow line281 ;机械零部件机械元件;机械零部件machine element;machine parts 282 ;机械零部件机械零件;机械零部件machine parts;machine parts 283 齿根root284 耦合器coupler285 轴axle286 气压元件pneumatic actuator287 零部件component288 紧固件fastening part289 联接件connecting part290 配件accessories291 花键spline292 螺栓bolt293 轴承保持架bearing retainer294 飞轮flywheel295 阀valve296 润滑剂lubricant297 固体润滑剂solid lubricant298 硅油silicone oil299 电力工程electronic engineering300 电工基础electrotechnical base321 无功功率wattless power322 电流electric current323 负荷电流load current324 最大负荷电流maximum load current325 不平衡电流nonequilibrium current326 额定电流rated current327 ;电位临界电流critical current328 起动电流starting current329 短路电流short-circuit current330 励磁电流excitation current331 接地电流grounding current332 感生电流induced current333 超导电流supercurrent334 谐波电流harmonic current335 交流alternating current336 三相交流three-phase alternating current337 ;电工实验单相交流single phase alternating current338 工频交流industry frequency alternate current339 直流direct current340 电压voltage341 低电压low-voltage342 高电压high voltage343 额定电压rated voltage344 饱和电压saturated voltage345 过电压overvoltage346 操作过电压switching overvoltage347 欠电压undervoltage348 感应电压induced voltage349 谐波电压harmonic voltage350 跨步电压step voltage351 磁场magnetic field352 电磁场electromagnetic field353 磁场分布magnetic field distribution354 磁场效应magnetic field effect355 场强field intensity356 电磁electromagnet357 相位phase358 静电static electricity359 电工电路electrical engineering circuit360 高压电路high-voltage circuit;high voltage circuit;high tension circuit 361 保护电路protection circuit;protective circuit362 接地电路grounding circuit363 模拟电路analogue circuit364 电路理论circuit theory365 电机electric machine366 交流电机a.c.motor367 直流电机dc motor368 微电机micromotor369 电动机electric motor370 步进电动机stepping motor371 同步电动机synchronous motor372 ;异步电机异步电动机;异步电机asynchronous motor373 感应电动机induction motor374 伺服电动机servo motor375 发电机generator376 直流发电机dc generator377 交流发电机a.c.generator378 电机零部件electric machine component379 定子stator380 转子rotor381 电枢armature382 ;线圈绕组;线圈winding383 ;绕组线圈;绕组coil384 磁极pole385 电极electrode386 电刷carbon brush387 换向器commutator388 ;换向器整流子;换向器collector;commutator389 电器electrical apparatus390 电感器inductor391 互感器mutual inductor392 电流互感器current transformer393 电压互感器voltage transformer394 稳压器voltage regulator;voltage stabilizer395 硅整流机组silicon rectifier unit396 滤波器filter397 放大器amplifier398 低压电器low voltage electrical apparatus399 高压电器high-voltage electrical apparatus400 高压开关high-voltage switch401 负荷开关load switch402 自动开关automatic circuit-breaker403 电缆cable404 电工陶瓷制品electrotechnical porcelain products405 电碳制品electrical carbon product406 电力设备electric device407 发电power generation408 火力发电thermal power409 水力发电hydroelectricity generation410 原子能发电atomic energy power generation411 装机容量installed capacity412 发电厂power plant413 水电站hydroelectric power station414 核电站nuclear power plant415 ;移动电站电站列车;移动电站power generating train;movable power plant416 发电设备power generating equipment417 电力管理electric management418 电力系统electric power system419 电力系统调度electric power system dispatching420 变电所substation421 区域变电所area substation422 输电transmission423 高压输电high-voltage transmit electricity424 超高压输电super-high voltage transmitting electricity 425 输电线路transmission line426 输电铁塔transmission tower427 配电distribution428 高压配电high-voltage distribution429 低压配电low voltage distribution430 电杆pole431 电线wires432 环形供电loop feeding433 用电power supply434 欠电压保护undervoltage protection435 短路保护short-circuit protection436 继电保护relay protection437 电源power source438 交流电源a.c.power source439 直流电源dc power supply440 高压电源high-voltage power supply441 低压电源low voltage power supply442 辅助电源auxiliary power443 燃料电池fuel cell444 电工测量electrical engineering meausure445 电流测量current measurement446 电压测量voltage measurement447 谐波电压测量harmonic voltage measurement448 电路参数测量circuit parameter measurement449 频率测量frequency measurement450 相位测量phase measurement451 ;特性量测特性测量;特性量测characteristic measurement 452 时间测量time measurement453 功率测量power measurement454 无功功率测量wattless power measurement455 电工仪表electrotechnical instruments456 ;安培计电流表;安培计amperemeter457 电压表voltmeter458 ;电表电度表;电表kilowatt-hour meter459 电阻表resistance meter。
SPSS术语中英文对照【常用软件】SPSS术语中英文对照Absolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution, 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs), BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categorical variable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Central tendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interac tion Detector, 卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲试验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验Experimental sampling, 试验抽样Experimental unit, 试验单位Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因试验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finite population, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查GENLOG (Generalized liner models), 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models), 一般线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinite population, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 内插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组内均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal ranges, 正常范围Normal value, 正常值Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling, 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significance test, 显著性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science), SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Tendency of dispersion, 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses, 假设检验Theoretical frequency, 理论频数Time series, 时间序列Tolerance interval, 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit, 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit, 容忍上限Torsion, 扰率Total sum of square, 总平方和Total variation, 总变异Transformation, 转换Treatment, 处理Trend, 趋势Trend of percentage, 百分比趋势Trial, 试验Trial and error method, 试错法Tuning constant, 细调常数Two sided test, 双向检验Two-stage least squares, 二阶最小平方Two-stage sampling, 二阶段抽样Two-tailed test, 双侧检验Two-way analysis of variance, 双因素方差分析Two-way table, 双向表Type I error, 一类错误/α错误Type II error, 二类错误/β错误UMVU, 方差一致最小无偏估计简称Unbiased estimate, 无偏估计Unconstrained nonlinear regression , 无约束非线性回归Unequal subclass number, 不等次级组含量Ungrouped data, 不分组资料Uniform coordinate, 均匀坐标Uniform distribution, 均匀分布Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate, 方差一致最小无偏估计Unit, 单元Unordered categories, 无序分类Upper limit, 上限Upward rank, 升秩Vague concept, 模糊概念Validity, 有效性VARCOMP (Variance component estimation), 方差元素估计Variability, 变异性Variable, 变量Variance, 方差Variation, 变异Varimax orthogonal rotation, 方差最大正交旋转Volume of distribution, 容积W test, W检验Weibull distribution, 威布尔分布Weight, 权数Weighted Chi-square test, 加权卡方检验/Cochran检验Weighted linear regression method, 加权直线回归Weighted mean, 加权平均数Weighted mean square, 加权平均方差Weighted sum of square, 加权平方和Weighting coefficient, 权重系数Weighting method, 加权法W-estimation, W估计量W-estimation of location, 位置W估计量Width, 宽度Wilcoxon paired test, 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验Wild point, 野点/狂点Wild value, 野值/狂值Winsorized mean, 缩尾均值Withdraw, 失访Youden's index, 尤登指数Z test, Z检验Zero correlation, 零相关Z-transformation, Z变换。
Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis,and 分析自动检测,动态污点分析,和
Memory is mapped to TDS
Result is mapped to TDS
Dynamic taint analysis
It checks whether tainted data is used in ways that its policy defines as illegitimate.
Does not require source code or specially compiled binaries. Reliably detects most overwrite attacks. Has no known false positives. Enables automatic semantic analysis based signature generation.
If values are copied from hard-coded literals, rather than arithmetically derived from the input.
IIS translates ASCII input into Unicode via a table
Memory is mapped to TDS
Dynamic taint analysis
It tracks each instruction that manipulates data in order to determine whether the result is tainted.
E.g. A program uses tainted data as a format string, but makes sure it does not use it in a malicious way.
A BENCHMARK DATASET FOR AUDIO CLASSIFICATION ANDCLUSTERINGHelge Homburg,Ingo Mierswa,B¨ulent M¨o ller,Katharina Morik and Michael WurstUniversity of Dortmund,AI Unit44221Dortmund,GermanyABSTRACTWe present a freely available benchmark dataset for audio classification and clustering.This dataset consists of10 seconds samples of1886songs obtained from the Garage-band site.Beside the audio clips themselves,textual meta data is provided for the individual songs.The songs are classified into9genres.In addition to the genre infor-mation,our dataset also consists of24hierarchical cluster models created manually by a group of users.This en-ables a user centric evaluation of audio classification and clustering algorithms and gives researchers the opportu-nity to test the performance of their methods on heteroge-neous data.Wefirst give a motivation for assembling our benchmark dataset.Then we describe the dataset and its elements in more detail.Finally,we present some initial results using a set of audio features generated by a feature construction approach.Keywords:Benchmark Dataset,Audio Classification, Audio Clustering,Meta Learning1CHALLENGES IN LEARNING ONAUDIO DATAInformation retrieval has started several efforts to auto-matic indexing[1]and retrieval(e.g.,querying by hum-ming[2]).Machine Learning has shown its benefits for text classification and ranked document retrieval with re-spect to user preferences[3].It is straightforward to ex-pect a similar benefit for the classification and person-alized retrieval of music records.However,this area is still very challenging for several reasons.Unlike many other types of data used with Machine Learning,audio data consists of time series which are usually quite large. Given a sampling rate of44100Hz,a three minute mu-sic record has a length of about8·106values.Moreover, current approaches to time series indexing and similarityPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee pro-vided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or com-mercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.c 2005Queen Mary,University of London measures rely on a more or lessfixed time scale[4].The key problem for automatic audio processing based on Ma-chine Learning is to obtain afixed set of features from the wave forms[5,6,7,8,9].Beside the problems connected with these character-istics of audio data,current applications lead to addi-tional challenging problems.Firstly,different classifica-tion tasks ask for different feature sets.It is not very likely that a feature set delivering excellent performance on the separation of classical and popular music works well also for the separation of techno and hip hop music.Machine Learning methods should be able to adapt to different ar-eas of the input space.This is usually referred to as local learning[10].Secondly,for many kinds of audio data important ad-ditional information exist as title or artist.This informa-tion is often called meta data.Other useful information about songs could be the lyrics,ratings or comments pro-vided by listeners.To integrate all this information for Machine Learning is a very challenging task usually re-ferred to as Multi View Learning[11].Finally,audio processing based on Machine Learning is often applied in user oriented applications,such as per-sonal media organizers(e.g.iTunes).Such organizers typically help users to manage a collection of songs by au-tomatically classifying songs,clusterings songs,searching for similar songs,etc.However,music is a highly personal issue,users often arrange their songs using very different viewpoints[12,13,14].This leads to problems similar to the ones mentioned above:classification with respect to different viewpoints may ask for different representations. Think for example of afirst user,who arranges songs ac-cording to mood and a second user arranging songs ac-cording to whether the singer is male or female(as shown in Figure1).The second task may require a set of features that is completely different from thefirst one,even if the songs themselves are from the same genre.Furthermore the possible viewpoints are usually neither restricted nor anticipated when the system is designed.The Machine Learning methods must beflexible enough to handle any possible viewpoint and thus classification.Still another problem in end user applications is that datasets are of varying size.While some users only arrange very few items,others have large collections of songs.Methods have to provide both,a high accuracy for small datasets and efficiency for large datasets.528Figure 1:Two examples of user defined classification schemes.The currently most popular freely available dataset is the RWC Music Database [15].It provides audio samples together with extensive meta data and is well suited for the evaluation of many kinds of audio processing tasks.Unfortunately,the size of this data set is relatively small and hence does not meet the requirements of many Ma-chine Learning methods.The dataset does also not contain different user viewpoints.We consider these heteroge-neous viewpoints a major challenge for many real-world retrieval tasks.The idea of our benchmark dataset is to provide a pos-sibility to compare how different approaches and algo-rithms handle the described challenges.It reflects all of the above problems.It contains 1886songs given as 10s samples from 9genres.Beside the audio data itself,meta data (band name,genre,etc.),user comments and partially even lyrics are available for each song.Also we provide 24classification schemes created by our students using arbritrary personal viewpoints.This allows to test meth-ods on very heterogeneous learning tasks,as could be ex-pected in many real life user oriented scenarios.As the user classification schemes only cover parts of the songs,they also provide a way to test how well a given method can adapt to such local problems.Given audio and textual data,the dataset is especially well suited for Multi View Machine Learning.In the next section,the dataset is de-scribed in more detail.2THE DATASETThe dataset 1consists of 1886songs from the Garageband site.Garageband is a website that allows artists to upload their music and offer it for free download.Visitors of the site might download the audio clips,rate them or write comments.A group of students downloaded the songs Number Blues 120Electronic 113Jazz 319Pop116Rap/HipHop 300Rock504Folk/Country 222Alternative 145Funk/Soul 47total1886Table 1:Number of songs per genre.gether with some meta information.Then they created personal classification schemes on these songs described in section 2.4.The songs were taken from nine different genres:Pop,Rock,Folk/Country,Alternative,Jazz,Elec-tronic,Blues,Rap/HipHop,Funk/Soul.The number of songs in each genre varies,Table 1gives an overview.2.1Audio SamplesEach song is associated with a 10second audio sample drawn from a random position of the corresponding song.Audio samples are encoded using mp3with a sampling rate of 44100Hz and a bitrate of 128mbit/s.2.2Meta DataThe meta data for each song consists of several parts.These are the name and the length of the song,information about the genre,the band or artists name,and comments given by listeners.Lyrics are partially available.529prediction\true Blues Electronic Jazz Pop HipHop Rock Folk/Country Alternative Funk/Soul Blues1842661623160 Electronic2171261190100 Jazz29421713739640340 Pop4314155150100 HipHop10212515187210100 Rock55195831383581600 Folk/Country000000213037 Alternative271364141150 Funk/Soul0000006010Table2:The confusion matrix for k-NN on the genre data.2.3Audio FeaturesBased on the approach described in[7]a total number of 49features were extracted from each song.These audio features are also part of the benchmark dataset.The set of features cover temporal features,spectral features,and some unusual features extracted in the the phase space of the audio data.2.4User Classification SchemesA group of users created24classification schemes without any further specification.These schemes are of varying size and cover different subsets of the songs.The aspects used for classification differ considerably.For example, users arranged the songs according to genre,quality or preference,mood,time of day,instruments,singer,etc. The classification schemes are tree like structures in which every node has a label.Songs are allowed to be anywhere in the tree.We think that these user defined classification schemes offer a challenging problem to audio classification and clustering,as they are very heterogeneous,mostly small and cover different subsets of the songs,thus require the ability for local adaptations from the algorithm.3INITIAL RESULTSWe performed some initial experiments on our dataset. All experiments were performed with the Machine Learn-ing environment Y ALE[16].Y ALE is available as open-source software under the GNU Public License(GPL)2. The next sections describe the performance which can be achieved on genre classification and on the user defined classification schemes.3.1Classifying Global GenresAfirst learning task on our dataset is classification accord-ing to genre.The genre information is given as part of the meta data.Classification is done on the49features de-scribed in section2.3.The learning schemes used were C4.5decision trees,k-nearest neighbors with an adaptive distance metric,Naive Bayes,and a random classifier as baseline.Results were measured with a10-fold cross val-idation.Table3shows the performance for all learning schemes.2 Bayes43.69k-NN53.23Table3:The accuracy for the genre classification.AccuracyRandom44.07C4.549.52Naive Bayes49.92k-NN49.63Table4:The averaged accuracy for the user tasks.The confusion table for the complete dataset for genre classification with Nearest Neighbor is shown in Table2. The ability of the algorithm to classify audio clips de-pends on the genre.For some genres,as alternative,it is very hard for the algorithm tofind the correct classifica-tion.However,we can assume that even human judgment would not come to a definite agreement in this case.Small genres,as Funk/Soul,lead to poor classification perfor-mance as well.This can be explained by the small number of examples in these classes.We plan further experiments using multi aspect learning combining textual information and audio information.3.2Classifying User SchemesThe user defined classification schemes are well suited for diverse evaluation tasks as audio classification,audio clustering or similarity search.In this section we present results on audio classification.A hierarchical classifica-tion scheme can be interpreted as a set of nested classi-fication tasks(using every inner node as splitting point). Using only inner nodes having child nodes with at least ten items,we obtained27flat classification problems.We used several learners on these problems and calculated the average performance.The results are presented in Table 4.All learners yield a poor result.This motivates the hy-pothesis that a the feature set is more important than a par-ticular learning scheme.Especially,we expect that an op-timal feature set is highly dependent on the given learning task.The empirical evidence for this hypothesis is given in[17].In a second experiment we applied the feature530-0.6-0.4- 2:Feature weights of the user classification after a dimensionality scheme described there in this work.This leads to 27feature weight vectors describing the utility of each feature for each of the 27classification tasks.To vi-sualize the resulting matrix,we performed a dimensional-ity reduction based on singular value decomposition.The result is shown in Figure 2.Each point represents a clas-sification task.Tasks that are close to each other employ similar feature weights.Although we can see that some tasks resemble each other to some extent,in general dif-ferent tasks require different features.This observation supports our thesis and gives rise to a meta learning ap-proach [17].We strongly believe that heterogeneity poses an im-portant challenge to future audio applications.We hope that our dataset is a humble contribution to the scientific work in this domain.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe would like to thank the members of the student project Nemoz for creating and providing their personal classifi-cation schemes.REFERENCES[1]F.Kurth and M.Clausen.Full-text indexing of very-large audio data bases.In 110th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society ,2001.[2]A.Ghias,J.Logan,D.Chamberlin,and B.C.Smith.Query by Humming:Musical Information Retrieval in an Audio Database.In Proc.of ACM Multimedia ,pages 231–236,1995.[3]T.Joachims.Learning to Classify Text using SupportVector Machines .Kluwer International Series in En-gineering and Computer Science.Kluwer,2002.[4]E.Keogh and P.Smyth.An enhanced representationof time series which allows fast classification,clus-tering and relevance feedback.In Procs.of the 3rd Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases ,pages 24–30,1997.[5]G.Guo and S.Z.Li.Content-Based Audio Classi-fication and Retrieval by Support Vector Machines.IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks ,14(1):209–215,2003.[6]Z.Liu,Y .Wang,and T.Chen.Audio Feature Ex-traction and Analysis for Scene Segmentation and Classification.Journal of VLSI Signal Processing System ,1998.[7]I.Mierswa and K.Morik.Automatic feature extrac-tion for classifying audio data.Machine Learning Journal ,58:127–149,2005.[8]G.Tzanetakis.Manipulation,Analysis and RetrievalSystems for Audio Signals .PhD thesis,Computer Science Department,Princeton University,2002.[9]T.Zhang and C.Kuo.Content-based Classificationand Retrieval of Audio.In SPIE’s 43rd Annual Meet-ing -Conference on Advanced Signal Processing Al-gorithms,Architectures,and Implementations VIII ,1998.[10]T.Hastie,R.Tibshirani,and J.Friedman.The El-ements of Statistical Learning:Data Mining,Infer-ence,and Prediction .Springer series in statistics.Springer,2001.[11]A.Blum and bining labeled andunlabeled data with co-training.In Annual Con-ference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT-98),1998.[12]S.Baumann,T.Pohle,and V .Shankar.Towards asocio-cultural compatibility of mir systems.In Proc.of the 5th International Conference on Music Infor-mation Retrieval (ISMIR 2004),2004.[13]S.Jones and anizing digi-tal music for use:an examination of personal music collections.In Proc.of the 5th International Confer-ence on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2004),2004.[14]E.Pampalk,S.Dixon,and G.Widmer.Exploringmusic collections by browsing different views.In Proc.of the 4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2003),2003.[15]M.Goto,H.Hashiguchi,T.Nishimura,and R.Oka.Rwc music database:Popular,classical,and jazz music databases.In Proc.of the 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2002),pages 287–288,2002.[16]S.Fischer,R.Klinkenberg,I.Mierswa,and O.Rit-thoff.Yale:Yet Another Learning Environment –Tutorial.Technical Report CI-136/02,Collaborative Research Center 531,University of Dortmund,Dort-mund,Germany,2002.[17]I.Mierswa and M.Wurst.Efficient case based fea-ture construction for heterogeneous learning tasks.Technical Report CI-194/05,Collaborative Research Center 531,University of Dortmund,2005.531。
以 “商务管理系统”和“商业管理系统”两复 合词为例,两者的语义相似度计算步骤如下: ① 词组的切分 利用最大匹配法(MM法)将两词切分成义类词;
本系统中是采用正向最大匹配法进行义类词切 分的。
• 可以选中频词和个别低频词标引作为文献 标引的候选词。
A Frequency-Based Indexing Method
Eliminate common function words from the document texts by consulting a special dictionary, or stop list, containing a list of high frequency function words. Compute the term frequency tfij for all remaining terms Tj in each document Di, specifying the number of occurrences of Tj in Di. Choose a threshold frequency T, and assign to each document Di all term Tj for which tfij > T.
绝对频率加权法 相对频率加权法 逆文献频率加权法 词区分度加权法 信噪比加权法 词相关度加权法
1 绝对频率加权法
MISManagement Information System管理信息系统 MIT(management information technology)管理信息技术 model 建模 modules 模块 MRPMaterial Resources Planning物料需求计划 MRPⅡManufacturing Resources Planning制造资源计划 multimedia data 多媒体数据 neural networks 神经网络 news postings 新闻发布 nonsubstantive word 非实义词 OA Office Automation 办公自动化 OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理 online display 联机显示 OOMObject-Orient Method面向对象方法 Order Point System (OPS) 定货点法 out-of-stock 缺货 outsourcing 外包 overassignment 过量赋词 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理 PERTProgram Evaluation and Review Technique计划评审技术 pervaded with 充满着 pin down 约束、控制 PM project management项目管理 PMC = Product Material Control 生产及物料控制 poll 轮流询问 practical setting 实际环境 precision ceiling 最高查准率 precision coefficient 查准率 precision 查准率 printed index 书本式索引 probability 概率 pros and cons 优劣势 Prototyping原型法 quality indicators 质量指标 query language 查询语言 Quick Response (QR) 快速反应 RAD (rapid application development)快速应用开发 recall level 查全率 recall performance 查全性 redirected links 重新分布的链接 relative frequency approach 相对词频方法 repository of data= data warehouse 数据仓库 representation of subject matter 对文献主题的描述
abbreviation 缩写 [省略语]ablative 夺格(的)abrupt 突发音accent 口音/{Phonetics}重音accusative 受格(的)acoustic phonetics 声学语音学acquisition 习得action verb 动作动词active 主动语态active chart parser 活动图句法剖析程序active knowledge 主动知识active verb 主动动词actor-action-goal 施事(者)-动作-目标actualization 实现(化)acute 锐音address 地址{信息科学}/称呼(语){语言学} adequacy 妥善性adjacency pair 邻对adjective 形容词adjunct 附加语 [附加修饰语]adjunction 加接adverb 副词adverbial idiom 副词词组affective 影响的affirmative 肯定(的;式)affix 词缀affixation 加缀affricate 塞擦音agent 施事agentive-action verb 施事动作动词agglutinative 胶着(性)agreement 对谐AI (artificial intelligence) 人工智能 [人工智能] AI language 人工智能语言 [人工智能语言]Algebraic Linguistics 代数语言学algorithm 算法 [算法]alienable 可分割的alignment 对照 [多国语言文章词;词组;句子翻译的] allo- 同位-allomorph 同位语素allophone 同位音位alpha notation alpha 标记alphabetic writing 拼音文字alternation 交替alveolar 齿龈音ambiguity 歧义ambiguity resolution 歧义消解ambiguous 歧义American structuralism 美国结构主义analogy 类推analyzable 可分析的anaphor 照应语 [前方照应词]animate 有生的A-not-A question 正反问句antecedent 先行词anterior 舌前音anticipation 预期 (音变)antonym 反义词antonymy 反义A-over-A A-上-A 原则apposition 同位语appositive construction 同位结构appropriate 恰当的approximant 无擦通音approximate match 近似匹配arbitrariness 任意性archiphoneme 大音位argument 论元 [变元]argument structure 论元结构 [变元结构] arrangement 配列array 数组articulatory configuration 发音结构articulatory phonetics 发音语音学artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能 [人工智能] artificial language 人工语言ASCII 美国标准信息交换码aspect 态 [体]aspirant 气音aspiration 送气assign 指派assimilation 同化association 关联associative phrase 联想词组asterisk 标星号ATN (augmented transition network) 扩充转移网络attested 经证实的attribute 属性attributive 属性auditory phonetics 听觉语音学augmented transition network 扩充转移网络automatic document classification 自动文件分类automatic indexing 自动索引automatic segmentation 自动切分automatic training 自动训练automatic word segmentation 自动分词automaton 自动机autonomous 自主的auxiliary 助动词axiom 公理baby-talk 儿语back-formation 逆生构词(法)backtrack 回溯Backus-Naur Form 巴科斯诺尔形式 [巴科斯诺尔范式] backward deletion 逆向删略ba-construction 把─字句balanced corpus 平衡语料库base 词基Bayesian learning 贝式学习Bayesian statistics 贝式统计behaviorism 行为主义belief system 信念系统benefactive 受益(格;的)best first parser 最佳优先句法剖析器bidirectional linked list 双向串行bigram 双连词bilabial 双唇音bilateral 双边的bilingual concordancer 双语关键词前后文排序程序binary feature 双向特征[二分征性]binding 约束bit 位 [二进制制;比特]biuniqueness 双向唯一性blade 舌叶blend 省并词block 封阻[封杀]Bloomfieldian 布隆菲尔德(学派)的body language 肢体语言Boolean lattice 布尔网格 [布尔网格]borrow 借移Bottom-up 由下而上bottom-up parsing 由下而上剖析bound 附着(的)bound morpheme 附着语素 [黏着语素]boundary marker 界线标记boundary symbol 界线符号bracketing 方括号法branching 分枝法breadth-first search 广度优先搜寻 [宽度优先搜索]breath group 换气单位breathy 气息音的buffer 缓冲区byte 字节CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) 计算机辅助教学CALL (computer assisted language learning) 计算机辅助语言学习canonical 典范的capacity 能力cardinal 基数的cardinal vowels 基本元音case 格位case frame 格位框架Case Grammar 格位语法case marking 格位标志CAT (computer assisted translation) 计算机辅助翻译cataphora 下指Categorial Grammar 范畴语法Categorial Unification Grammar 范畴连并语法 [范畴合一语法] causative 使动causative verb 使役动词causativity 使役性centralization 央元音化chain 炼chart parsing 表式剖析 [图表句法分析]checked 受阻的checking 验证Chinese character code 中文编码 [汉字代码]Chinese character code for information interchange 中文信息交换码[汉字交换码]Chinese character coding input method 中文输入法 [汉字编码输入] choice 选择Chomsky hierarchy 杭士基阶层 [Chomsky 层次结构]citation form 基本形式CKY algorithm (Cocke-Kasami-Younger) CKY 算法classifier 类别词cleft sentence 分裂句click 啧音clitic 附着词closed world assumption 封闭世界假说cluster 音群Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm CKY 算法coda 音节尾code conversion 代码变换cognate 同源(的;词)Cognitive Linguistics 认知语言学coherence 一致性cohesion 凝结性 [黏着性;结合力]collapse 合并collective 集合的collocation 连用语 [同现;搭配]combinatorial construction 合并结构combinatorial insertion 合并中插combinatorial word 合并词Combinatory Categorial Grammar 组合范畴语法comment 评论commissive 许诺[语行]common sense semantics 常识语意学Communication Theory 通讯理论 [通讯论;信息论]Comparative Linguistics 比较语言学comparison 比较competence 语言知能compiler 编译器complement 补语complementary 互补complementary distribution 互补分布complementizer 补语标记complex predicate 复杂谓语complex stative construction 复杂状态结构complex symbol 复杂符号complexity 复杂度component 成分compositionality 语意合成性 [合成性]compound word 复合词Computational Lexical Semantics 计算词汇语意学Computational Lexicography 计算词典编纂学Computational Linguistics 计算语言学Computational Phonetics 计算语音学Computational Phonology 计算声韵学Computational Pragmatics 计算语用学Computational Semantics 计算语意学Computational Syntax 计算句法学computer language 计算器语言computer-aided translation 计算机辅助翻译 [计算器辅助翻译]computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 计算机辅助教学computer-assisted language learning 计算机辅助语言学习[计算器辅助语言学习] concatenation 串联concept classification 概念分类concept dependency 概念依存conceptual hierarchy 概念阶层concord 谐和concordance 关键词 (前后文) 排序concordancer 关键词 (前后文) 排序的程序concurrent parsing 并行句法剖析conditional decision 条件决定 [条件决策]conjoin 连接conjunction 连接词 (合取;逻辑积;"与";连词)conjunctive 连接的connected speech 连续语言Connectionist model 类神经网络模型Connectionist model for natural language 自然语言类神经网络模型[自然语言连接模型]connotation 隐涵意义consonant 子音 [辅音]constituent 成分constituent structure tree 词组结构树constraint 限制constraint propagation 限制条件的传递 [限定因素增殖]constraint-based grammar formalism 限制为本的语法形式Construct Grammar 句构语法content word 实词context 语境context-free language 语境自由语言 [上下文无关语言]context-sensitive language 语境限定语言 [上下文有关语言;上下文敏感语言] continuant 连续音continuous speech recognition 连续语音识别contraction 缩约control agreement principle 控制一致原理control structure 控制结构control theory 控制论convention 约定俗成[规约]convergence 收敛[趋同现象]conversational implicature 会话含义converse 相反(词;的)cooccurrence relation 共现关系 [同现关系]co-operative principle 合作原则coordination 对称连接词 [同等;并列连接]copula 系词co-reference 同指涉 [互指]co-referential 同指涉coronal 前舌音corpora 语料库corpus 语料库Corpus Linguistics 语料库语言学corpus-based learning 语料库为本的学习correlation 相关性counter-intuitive 违反语感的courseware 课程软件 [课件]coverb 动介词C-structure 成分结构data compression 数据压缩 [数据压缩]data driven analysis 资料驱动型分析 [数据驱动型分析]data structure 数据结构 [数据结构]database 数据库 [数据库]database knowledge representation 数据库知识表示 [数据库知识表示]data-driven 资料驱动 [数据驱动]dative 与格declarative knowledge 陈述性知识decomposition 分解deductive database 演译数据库 [演译数据库]default 默认值 [默认;缺省]definite 定指Definite Clause Grammar 确定子句语法definite state automaton 有限状态自动机Definite State Grammar 有限状态语法definiteness 定指degree adverb 程度副词degree of freedom 自由度deixis 指示delimiter 定界符号 [定界符]denotation 外延denotic logic 符号逻辑dependency 依存关系Dependency Grammar 依存关系语法dependency relation 依存关系depth-first search 深度优先搜寻derivation 派生derivational bound morpheme 派生性附着语素Descriptive Grammar 描述型语法 [描写语法]Descriptive Linguistics 描述语言学 [描写语言学] desiderative 意愿的determiner 限定词deterministic algorithm 决定型算法 [确定性算法] deterministic finite state automaton 决定型有限状态机deterministic parser 决定型语法剖析器 [确定性句法剖析程序] developmental psychology 发展心理学Diachronic Linguistics 历时语言学diacritic 附加符号dialectology 方言学dictionary database 辞典数据库 [词点数据库]dictionary entry 辞典条目digital processing 数字处理 [数值处理]diglossia 双言digraph 二合字母diminutive 指小词diphone 双连音directed acyclic graph 有向非循环图disambiguation 消除歧义 [歧义消除]discourse 篇章discourse analysis 篇章分析 [言谈分析]discourse planning 篇章规划Discourse Representation Theory 篇章表征理论 [言谈表示理论] discourse strategy 言谈策略discourse structure 言谈结构discrete 离散的disjunction 选言dissimilation 异化distributed 分布式的distributed cooperative reasoning 分布协调型推理distributed text parsing 分布式文本剖析disyllabic 双音节的ditransitive verb 双宾动词 [双宾语动词;双及物动词] divergence 扩散[分化]D-M (Determiner-Measure) construction 定量结构D-N (determiner-noun) construction 定名结构document retrieval system 文件检索系统 [文献检索系统] domain dependency 领域依存性 [领域依存关系]double insertion 交互中插double-base 双基downgrading 降级dummy 虚位duration 音长{语音学}/时段{语法学/语意学}dynamic programming 动态规划Earley algorithm Earley 算法echo 回声句egressive 呼气音ejective 紧喉音electronic dictionary 电子词典elementary string 基本字符串 [基本单词串]ellipsis 省略EM algorithm EM算法embedding 崁入emic 功能关系的empiricism 经验论Empty Category Principle 虚范畴原则 [空范畴原理]empty word 虚词enclitics 后接成份end user 终端用户 [最终用户]endocentric 同心的endophora 语境照应entailment 蕴涵entity 实体entropy 熵entry 条目episodic memory 情节性记忆epistemological network 认识论网络ergative verb 作格动词ergativity 作格性Esperando 世界语etic 无功能关系etymology 词源学event 事件event driven control 事件驱动型控制example-based machine translation 以例句为本的机器翻译exclamation 感叹exclusive disjunction 排它性逻辑 “或”experiencer case 经验者格expert system 专家系统extension 外延external argument 域外论元extraposition 移外变形 [外置转换]facility value 易度值feature 特征feature bundle 特征束feature co-occurrence restriction 特征同现限制 [特性同现限制] feature instantiation 特征体现feature structure 特征结构 [特性结构]feature unification 特征连并 [特性合一]feedback 回馈felicity condition 妥适条件file structure 档案结构finite automaton 有限状态机 [有限自动机]finite state 有限状态Finite State Morphology 有限状态构词法 [有限状态词法]finite-state automata 有限状态自动机finite-state language 有限状态语言finite-state machine 有限状态机finite-state transducer 有限状态置换器flap 闪音flat 降音foreground information 前景讯息 [前景信息]Formal Language Theory 形式语言理论Formal Linguistics 形式语言学Formal Semantics 形式语意学forward inference 前向推理 [向前推理]forward-backward algorithm 前前后后算法frame 框架frame based knowledge representation 框架型知识表示Frame Theory 框架理论free morpheme 自由语素Fregean principle Fregean 原则fricative 擦音F-structure 功能结构full text searching 全文检索function word 功能词Functional Grammar 功能语法functional programming 函数型程序设计 [函数型程序设计]functional sentence perspective 功能句子观functional structure 功能结构functional unification 功能连并 [功能合一]functor 功能符fundamental frequency 基频garden path sentence 花园路径句GB (Government and Binding) 管辖约束geminate 重叠音gender 性Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 概化词组结构语法 [广义短语结构语法] Generative Grammar 衍生语法Generative Linguistics 衍生语言学 [生成语言学]generic 泛指genetic epistemology 发生认识论genetive marker 属格标记genitive 属格gerund 动名词Government and Binding Theory 管辖约束理论GPSG (Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar) 概化词组结构语法[广义短语结构语法]gradability 可分级性grammar checker 文法检查器grammatical affix 语法词缀grammatical category 语法范畴grammatical function 语法功能grammatical inference 文法推论grammatical relation 语法关系grapheme 字素haplology 类音删略head 中心语head driven phrase structure 中心语驱动词组结构 [中心词驱动词组结构] head feature convention 中心语特征继承原理 [中心词特性继承原理] Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 中心语驱动词组结构律heteronym 同形heuristic parsing 经验式句法剖析Heuristics 经验知识hidden Markov model 隐式马可夫模型hierarchical structure 阶层结构 [层次结构]holophrase 单词句homograph 同形异义词homonym 同音异义词homophone 同音词homophony 同音异义homorganic 同部位音的Horn clause Horn 子句HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) 中心语驱动词组结构语法human-machine interface 人机界面hypernym 上位词hypertext 超文件 [超文本]hyponym 下位词hypotactic 主从结构的IC (immediate constituent) 直接成份ICG (Information-based Case Grammar) 讯息为本的格位语法idiom 成语 [熟语]idiosyncrasy 特异性illocutionary 施为性immediate constituent 直接成份imperative 祈使句implicative predicate 蕴含谓词implicature 含意indexical 标引的indirect object 间接宾语indirect speech act 间接言谈行动 [间接言语行为]Indo-European language 印欧语言inductional inference 归纳推理inference machine 推理机器infinitive 不定词 [to 不定式]infix 中缀inflection/inflexion 屈折变化inflectional affix 屈折词缀information extraction 信息撷取information processing 信息处理 [信息处理]information retrieval 信息检索Information Science 信息科学 [信息科学; 情报科学] Information Theory 信息论 [信息论]inherent feature 固有特征inherit 继承inheritance 继承inheritance hierarchy 继承阶层 [继承层次]inheritance of attribute 属性继承innateness position 语法天生假说insertion 中插inside-outside algorithm 里里外外算法instantiation 体现instrumental (case) 工具格integrated parser 集成句法剖析程序integrated theory of discourse analysis 篇章分析综合理论[言谈分析综合理论]intelligence intensive production 知识密集型生产intensifier 加强成分intensional logic 内含逻辑Intensional Semantics 内涵语意学intensional type 内含类型interjection/exclamation 感叹词inter-level 中间成分interlingua 中介语言interlingual 中介语(的)interlocutor 对话者internalise 内化International Phonetic Association (IPA) 国际语音学会internet 网际网络Interpretive Semantics 诠释性语意学intonation 语调intonation unit (IU) 语调单位IPA (International Phonetic Association) 国际语音学会IR (information retrieval) 信息检索IS-A relation IS-A 关系isomorphism 同形现象IU (intonation unit) 语调单位junction 连接keyword in context 上下文中关键词[上下文内关键词] kinesics 体势学knowledge acquisition 知识习得knowledge base 知识库knowledge based machine translation 知识为本之机器翻译knowledge extraction 知识撷取 [知识题取]knowledge representation 知识表示KWIC (keyword in context) 关键词前后文 [上下文内关键词] label 卷标labial 唇音labio-dental 唇齿音labio-velar 软颚唇音LAD (language acquisition device) 语言习得装置lag 发声延迟language acquisition 语言习得language acquisition device 语言习得装置language engineering 语言工程language generation 语言生成language intuition 语感language model 语言模型language technology 语言科技left-corner parsing 左角落剖析 [左角句法剖析]lemma 词元lenis 弱辅音letter-to-phone 字转音lexeme 词汇单位lexical ambiguity 词汇歧义lexical category 词类lexical conceptual structure 词汇概念结构lexical entry 词项lexical entry selection standard 选词标准lexical integrity 词语完整性Lexical Semantics 词汇语意学Lexical-Functional Grammar 词汇功能语法Lexicography 词典学Lexicology 词汇学lexicon 词汇库 [词典;词库]lexis 词汇层LF (logical form) 逻辑形式LFG (Lexical-Functional Grammar) 词汇功能语法liaison 连音linear bounded automaton 线性有限自主机linear precedence 线性次序lingua franca 共通语linguistic decoding 语言译码linguistic unit 语言单位linked list 串行loan 外来语local 局部的localism 方位主义localizer 方位词locus model 轨迹模型locution 惯用语logic 逻辑logic array network 逻辑数组网络logic programming 逻辑程序设计 [逻辑程序设计] logical form 逻辑形式logical operator 逻辑算子 [逻辑算符]Logic-Based Grammar 逻辑为本语法 [基于逻辑的语法] long term memory 长期记忆longest match principle 最长匹配原则 [最长一致法] LR (left-right) parsing LR 剖析machine dictionary 机器词典machine language 机器语言machine learning 机器学习machine translation 机器翻译machine-readable dictionary (MRD) 机读辞典Macrolinguistics 宏观语言学Markov chart 马可夫图Mathematical Linguistics 数理语言学maximum entropy 最大熵M-D (modifier-head) construction 偏正结构mean length of utterance (MLU) 语句平均长度measure of information 讯习测度 [信息测度] memory based 根据记忆的mental lexicon 心理词汇库mental model 心理模型mental process 心理过程 [智力过程;智力处理] metalanguage 超语言metaphor 隐喻metaphorical extension 隐喻扩展metarule 律上律 [元规则]metathesis 语音易位Microlinguistics 微观语言学middle structure 中间式结构minimal pair 最小对Minimalist Program 微言主义MLU (mean length of utterance) 语句平均长度modal 情态词modal auxiliary 情态助动词modal logic 情态逻辑modifier 修饰语Modular Logic Grammar 模块化逻辑语法modular parsing system 模块化句法剖析系统modularity 模块性(理论)module 模块monophthong 单元音monotonic 单调monotonicity 单调性Montague Grammar 蒙泰究语法 [蒙塔格语法]mood 语气morpheme 词素morphological affix 构词词缀morphological decomposition 语素分解morphological pattern 词型morphological processing 词素处理morphological rule 构词律 [词法规则] morphological segmentation 语素切分Morphology 构词学Morphophonemics 词音学 [形态音位学;语素音位学] morphophonological rule 形态音位规则Morphosyntax 词句法Motor Theory 肌动理论movement 移位MRD (machine-readable dictionary) 机读辞典MT (machine translation) 机器翻译multilingual processing system 多语讯息处理系统multilingual translation 多语翻译multimedia 多媒体multi-media communication 多媒体通讯multiple inheritance 多重继承multistate logic 多态逻辑mutation 语音转换mutual exclusion 互斥mutual information 相互讯息nativist position 语法天生假说natural language 自然语言natural language processing (NLP) 自然语言处理natural language understanding 自然语言理解negation 否定negative sentence 否定句neologism 新词语nested structure 套结构network 网络neural network 类神经网络Neurolinguistics 神经语言学neutralization 中立化n-gram n-连词n-gram modeling n-连词模型NLP (natural language processing) 自然语言处理node 节点nominalization 名物化nonce 暂用的non-finite 非限定non-finite clause 非限定式子句non-monotonic reasoning 非单调推理normal distribution 常态分布noun 名词noun phrase 名词组NP (noun phrase) completeness 名词组完全性object 宾语{语言学}/对象{信息科学}object oriented programming 对象导向程序设计 [面向对向的程序设计] official language 官方语言one-place predicate 一元述语on-line dictionary 线上查询词典 [联机词点]onomatopoeia 拟声词onset 节首音ontogeny 个体发生Ontology 本体论open set 开放集operand 操作数 [操作对象]optimization 最佳化 [最优化]overgeneralization 过度概化overgeneration 过度衍生paradigmatic relation 聚合关系paralanguage 附语言parallel construction 并列结构Parallel Corpus 平行语料库parallel distributed processing (PDP) 平行分布处理paraphrase 转述 [释意;意译;同意互训]parole 言语parser 剖析器 [句法剖析程序]parsing 剖析part of speech (POS) 词类particle 语助词PART-OF relation PART-OF 关系part-of-speech tagging 词类标注pattern recognition 型样识别P-C (predicate-complement) insertion 述补中插PDP (parallel distributed processing) 平行分布处理perception 知觉perceptron 感觉器 [感知器]perceptual strategy 感知策略performative 行为句periphrasis 用独立词表达perlocutionary 语效性的permutation 移位Petri Net Grammar Petri 网语法philology 语文学phone 语音phoneme 音素phonemic analysis 因素分析phonemic stratum 音素层Phonetics 语音学phonogram 音标Phonology 声韵学 [音位学;广义语音学]Phonotactics 音位排列理论phrasal verb 词组动词 [短语动词]phrase 词组 [短语]phrase marker 词组标记 [短语标记]pitch 音调pitch contour 调形变化Pivot Grammar 枢轴语法pivotal construction 承轴结构plausibility function 可能性函数PM (phrase marker) 词组标记 [短语标记]polysemy 多义性POS-tagging 词类标记postposition 方位词PP (preposition phrase) attachment 介词依附Pragmatics 语用学Precedence Grammar 优先级语法precision 精确度predicate 述词predicate calculus 述词计算predicate logic 述词逻辑 [谓词逻辑]predicate-argument structure 述词论元结构prefix 前缀premodification 前置修饰preposition 介词Prescriptive Linguistics 规定语言学 [规范语言学]presentative sentence 引介句presupposition 前提Principle of Compositionality 语意合成性原理privative 二元对立的probabilistic parser 概率句法剖析程序problem solving 解决问题program 程序programming language 程序设计语言 [程序设计语言]proofreading system 校对系统proper name 专有名词prosody 节律prototype 原型pseudo-cleft sentence 准分裂句Psycholinguistics 心理语言学punctuation 标点符号pushdown automata 下推自动机pushdown transducer 下推转换器qualification 后置修饰quantification 量化quantifier 范域词Quantitative Linguistics 计量语言学question answering system 问答系统queue 队列radical 字根 [词干;词根;部首;偏旁]radix of tuple 元组数基random access 随机存取rationalism 理性论rationalist (position) 理性论立场 [唯理论观点]reading laboratory 阅读实验室real time 实时real time control 实时控制 [实时控制]recursive transition network 递归转移网络reduplication 重叠词 [重复]reference 指涉referent 指称对象referential indices 指针referring expression 指涉词 [指示短语]register 缓存器 [寄存器]{信息科学}/调高{语音学}/语言的场合层级{社会语言学} regular language 正规语言 [正则语言]relational database 关系型数据库 [关系数据库]relative clause 关系子句relaxation method 松弛法relevance 相关性Restricted Logic Grammar 受限逻辑语法resumptive pronouns 复指代词retroactive inhibition 逆抑制rewriting rule 重写规则rheme 述位rhetorical structure 修辞结构rhetorics 修辞学robust 强健性robust processing 强健性处理robustness 强健性schema 基朴school grammar 教学语法scope 范域 [作用域;范围]script 脚本search mechanism 检索机制search space 检索空间searching route 检索路径 [搜索路径]second order predicate 二阶述词segmentation 分词segmentation marker 分段标志selectional restriction 选择限制semantic field 语意场semantic frame 语意架构semantic network 语意网络semantic representation 语意表征 [语义表示]semantic representation language 语意表征语言semantic restriction 语意限制semantic structure 语意结构Semantics 语意学sememe 意素Semiotics 符号学sender 发送者sensorimotor stage 感觉运动期sensory information 感官讯息 [感觉信息]sentence 句子sentence generator 句子产生器 [句子生成程序]sentence pattern 句型separation of homonyms 同音词区分sequence 序列serial order learning 顺序学习serial verb construction 连动结构set oriented semantic network 集合导向型语意网络 [面向集合型语意网络] SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 结构化通用标记语言shift-reduce parsing 替换简化式剖析short term memory 短程记忆sign 信号signal processing technology 信号处理技术simple word 单纯词situation 情境Situation Semantics 情境语意学situational type 情境类型social context 社会环境sociolinguistics 社会语言学software engineering 软件工程 [软件工程]sort 排序speaker-independent speech recognition 非特定语者语音识别spectrum 频谱speech 口语speech act assignment 言语行为指定speech continuum 言语连续体speech disorder 语言失序 [言语缺失]speech recognition 语音辨识speech retrieval 语音检索speech situation 言谈情境 [言语情境]speech synthesis 语音合成speech translation system 语音翻译系统speech understanding system 语音理解系统spreading activation model 扩散激发模型standard deviation 标准差Standard Generalized Markup Language 标准通用标示语言start-bound complement 接头词state of affairs algebra 事态代数state transition diagram 状态转移图statement kernel 句核static attribute list 静态属性表statistical analysis 统计分析Statistical Linguistics 统计语言学statistical significance 统计意义stem 词干stimulus-response theory 刺激反应理论stochastic approach to parsing 概率式句法剖析 [句法剖析的随机方法] stop 爆破音Stratificational Grammar 阶层语法 [层级语法]string 字符串[串;字符串]string manipulation language 字符串操作语言string matching 字符串匹配 [字符串]structural ambiguity 结构歧义Structural Linguistics 结构语言学structural relation 结构关系structural transfer 结构转换structuralism 结构主义structure 结构structure sharing representation 结构共享表征subcategorization 次类划分 [下位范畴化]subjunctive 假设的sublanguage 子语言subordinate 从属关系subordinate clause 从属子句 [从句;子句]subordination 从属substitution rule 代换规则 [置换规则]substrate 底层语言suffix 后缀superordinate 上位的superstratum 上层语言suppletion 异型[不规则词型变化] suprasegmental 超音段的syllabification 音节划分syllable 音节syllable structure constraint 音节结构限制symbolization and verbalization 符号化与字句化synchronic 同步的synonym 同义词syntactic category 句法类别syntactic constituent 句法成分syntactic rule 语法规律 [句法规则]Syntactic Semantics 句法语意学syntagm 句段syntagmatic 组合关系 [结构段的;组合的]Syntax 句法Systemic Grammar 系统语法tag 标记target language 目标语言 [目标语言]task sharing 课题分享 [任务共享]tautology 套套逻辑 [恒真式;重言式;同义反复] taxonomical hierarchy 分类阶层 [分类层次] telescopic compound 套装合并template 模板temporal inference 循序推理 [时序推理] temporal logic 时间逻辑 [时序逻辑]temporal marker 时貌标记tense 时态terminology 术语text 文本text analyzing 文本分析text coherence 文本一致性text generation 文本生成 [篇章生成]Text Linguistics 文本语言学text planning 文本规划text proofreading 文本校对text retrieval 文本检索text structure 文本结构 [篇章结构]text summarization 文本自动摘要 [篇章摘要]text understanding 文本理解text-to-speech 文本转语音thematic role 题旨角色thematic structure 题旨结构theorem 定理thesaurus 同义词辞典theta role 题旨角色theta-grid 题旨网格token 实类 [标记项]tone 音调tone language 音调语言tone sandhi 连调变换top-down 由上而下 [自顶向下]topic 主题topicalization 主题化 [话题化]trace 痕迹Trace Theory 痕迹理论training 训练transaction 异动 [处理单位]transcription 转写 [抄写;速记翻译]transducer 转换器transfer 转移transfer approach 转换方法transfer framework 转换框架transformation 变形 [转换]Transformational Grammar 变形语法 [转换语法]transitional state term set 转移状态项集合transitivity 及物性translation 翻译translation equivalence 翻译等值性translation memory 翻译记忆transparency 透明性tree 树状结构 [树]Tree Adjoining Grammar 树形加接语法 [树连接语法]treebank 树图数据库[语法关系树库]trigram 三连词t-score t-数turing machine 杜林机 [图灵机]turing test 杜林测试 [图灵试验]type 类型type/token node 标记类型/实类节点type-feature structure 类型特征结构typology 类型学ultimate constituent 终端成分unbounded dependency 无界限依存underlying form 基底型式underlying structure 基底结构unification 连并 [合一]Unification-based Grammar 连并为本的语法 [基于合一的语法] Universal Grammar 普遍性语法universal instantiation 普遍例式universal quantifier 全称范域词unknown word 未知词 [未定义词]unrestricted grammar 非限制型语法usage flag 使用旗标user interface 使用者界面 [用户界面]Valence Grammar 结合价语法Valence Theory 结合价理论valency 结合价variance 变异数 [方差]verb 动词verb phrase 动词组 [动词短语]verb resultative compound 动补复合词verbal association 词语联想verbal phrase 动词组verbal production 言语生成vernacular 本地话V-O construction (verb-object) 动宾结构vocabulary 字汇vocabulary entry 词条vocal track 声道vocative 呼格voice recognition 声音辨识 [语音识别]vowel 元音vowel harmony 元音和谐 [元音和谐]waveform 波形weak verb 弱化动词Whorfian hypothesis Whorfian 假说word 词word frequency 词频word frequency distribution 词频分布word order 词序word segmentation 分词word segmentation standard for Chinese 中文分词规范word segmentation unit 分词单位 [切词单位]word set 词集working memory 工作记忆 [工作存储区]world knowledge 世界知识writing system 书写系统X-Bar Theory X标杠理论 ["x"阶理论]Zipf's Law 利夫规律 [齐普夫定律]阅读。
收稿日期:2002212227作者简介:刘永芳(1978—),女,陕西西安人,合肥工业大学硕士生.第26卷第4期合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)V o l .26N o .42003年8月JOU RNAL O F H EFE I UN I V ER S IT Y O F T ECHNOLO GYA ug .2003遗传算法的新改进——扰动式遗传算法刘永芳, 刘 丽, 张乐英(合肥工业大学土木建筑工程学院,安徽合肥 230009)摘 要:针对基于二进制编码遗传算法的精度低及二进制编码所带来的早熟等问题提出了一种新的改进方案——扰动式遗传算法(简称D GA ),该方法通过对搜索区域进行微小的扰动而实现不同群体之间的竞争来提高算法的搜索性能。
关键词:遗传算法;区域扰动;测试函数中图分类号:T P 183 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100325060(2003)0420614205An i m proved genetic a lgor ithm —The d isturbance genetic a lgor ithmL I U Yong 2fang , L I U L i , ZHAN G L e 2ying(Schoo l of C ivil Engineering ,H efei U niversity of T echno logy ,H efei 230009,Ch ina )Abstract :In o rder to so lve the p rob lem of low p recisi on and p rem atu re convergence of standard genetic algo rithm w h ich is based on b inary num ber coding ,an i m p roved genetic algo rithm called distu rbancegenetic algo rithm (D GA )is p resen ted ,and the search ing cap ab ility of the algo rithm is i m p roved by distu rb ing the search zone sligh tly .W ith the i m p roved algo rithm ,the m u lti p le hum p functi on can be dealt w ith efficien tly and the goal of global convergence ach ieved .T he design and structu re of the i m 2p roved genetic algo rithm are discu ssed in th is paper .T he effectiveness of the i m p roved genetic algo 2rithm is also analyzed .Key words :genetic algo rithm ;zone distu rbance ;test functi on遗传算法(Genetic A lgo rithm s ,简称GA )是模拟生物在自然环境中的遗传和进行过程而形成的一种高度并行、随机和自适应的通用性优化算法。
文献信息文献信息Gleeson M. The study of B2C e-commerce sites in the countryside [J]. Procedia Computer Science, 2016, 12(3): 57-67. 原文原文The study of B2C e-commerce sites in the countrysideGleeson M1 IntroductionB2C e-commerce is a pattern, which are usually said direct-to-consumer sales of products and services commercial retail mode. This form of electronic commerce general with network mostly retail, mainly by using the Internet to develop online sales activities. B2C namely enterprise through the Internet to provide consumers a new shopping environment - online stores, consumers through the network shopping on the Internet, online payment and other consumer behavior. A B2C business through the Internet offers consumers a new shopping environment - electronics store. Due to the rapid growth of the scale of rural, rural B2C e-commerce research also should pay attention to it.2 The development conditions of agricultural products B2C e-commerce2.1 Use e-commerce means the requestFirst of all, establish a systematic, professional, low-cost agricultural products logistics distribution system of agricultural products of short shelf life than other commodity, some consumer wants to buy the green food can storage, preservation and at the same time, consumption of agricultural products is characterized by the quantity of every time to buy, buy less frequency is high, the transaction amount is small. So there must be a quick, powerful agricultural products logistics distribution system. Second, perfect the system of B2C e-commerce of agricultural products. E-commerce development is very rapid, and electronic commerce is a kind of free, open trade mode, with the traditional business activities are quite different, some related management system, laws and regulations lag. So, how to guarantee the authenticity of online advertising and e-commerce market to crack down on illegal manufacturer, specification, agricultural market constraints become an important factor in thedevelopment of B2C e-commerce. Third, the wide application is order management subsystem. Agricultural product circulation enterprises must give the timelyprocessing of orders for customers; arrange production according to the quantity ofgoods, all on schedule of delivery to the customer. Fourth is the establishment ofoperation mechanism of daily statistical pattern library. Agricultural products can beobtained at any time from the project manager of various kinds of statistical reports,pattern library, including all kinds of marketing mode, such as the advertising budget, new product planning, media selection, pricing models, the best marketing mix, etc., mainly for the senior management personnel in the face of the unstructured problems to provide a reference model.2.2 Requirements for agricultural product processing industryAgricultural production standardization, standardization of agricultural production, there are two aspects of content, namely certainty and uniformity. Agricultural products consumption dictionaries, dictionaries is the precondition for the development of B2C e-commerce, only the consumer to a certain extent, stray from the consumption habit of agricultural products, agricultural products and identity dictionaries, can from the Internet to buy agricultural products. Dictionaries contributed to the agricultural products of mass production of agricultural products, to create the possibility for standardization of agricultural production. Strengthen agricultural products between enterprises and engaged in distribution and other business cooperation. A higher percentage of the produce of the small and medium-sized enterprises, but also can't form the B2C e-commerce of agricultural products distribution system, it is difficult to achieve the rapid response. Joint, which requires companies to build and maintain a distribution system and thereby reducing costs play the role of the overall advantage.3 Key technology of rural electronic commerceFor rural electronic commerce has many problem presses for solution, such asagricultural preservation requires rapid logistics distribution (including dynamic pathplanning and convenient business matching and precise knowledge search, etc.), suitable for rural application environment of human-computer interaction need tosolve the problem of data open, etc.3.1 The dynamic path planningDynamic path planning problem about agricultural products distribution, due to the different characteristics of the agricultural products there is a big difference, so for different kinds of agricultural products, in addition to the need to consider when choosing a distribution model of general merchandise characteristics of constraints (such as demand, volume, delivery of the goods transportation cost, delivery time,vehicle capacity limits, mileage limit, time limit, etc.), also take into account the constraints of characteristic agricultural products (such as the efficiency of the agricultural products and transport the required temperature, humidity, oxygen consumption, etc.).To solve the key problem is how to in the actual process of logistics distribution based on the distribution characteristics of the agricultural products, design and efficient logistics distribution dynamic path planning algorithm, for producers and business operators to provide comprehensive transportation of low cost, low consumption goods, convenient agricultural products logistics distribution solutions, enhance the competitiveness of the products in the target market.3.2 Business maximum similarity matching algorithmThe depth of the rapid spread of the Internet and search engine development, the number of sellers buyers make e-commerce platform to soar, new "asymmetric information". For buyers to identify the seller's information effectively has become very difficult, resulting in platform is very difficult to find suitable suppliers; For sellers, is very difficult to get buyers information also, the promotion of the problems of high cost and low profit margins. How to improve the purity of information, enhancing business matching efficiency becomes the e-commerce platform must face the problem. Through the analysis of Web data mining, user access patterns, userrecords of consumption and user survey data, the analysis of the mining knowledge extraction system developed a smart website. Its key technology is automatic information acquisition technology, data mining technology, the automatic indexing technology, full-text retrieval technology and statistical techniques, etc. For example, the use of collaborative Filtering (Collaborative Filtering), according to the statisticalanalysis of a customer before buying behavior and purchase behavior from similar customers buying behavior to speculate that the customer pay attention to the goodsand is related to its business scope of business opportunities, etc.3.3 Based on the concept of search engineResearch oriented knowledge element mining of massive unstructured resourcesand its semantic relation rapidly detect algorithms; In the semantic environment,intelligent service involves a large number of dynamic distribution in the network information resources, in order to improve the efficiency of semantic environment knowledge mining and found that the quality of knowledge, to these information resources are extracted and synthesis of the available knowledge organization, to guarantee the knowledge and effectiveness. Research under the guidance of ontology for mass and space-time distribution of unstructured information resources of multi-level knowledge mining technology, realization of metadata, the relationship between concepts and their semantic knowledge element mining components in different levels; Research knowledge learning sample complexity and computational complexity of the algorithm, establish a formal representation of the learning process, including reasonable constraint are knowledge semantic relation learning framework, achieve comprehensive knowledge, the knowledge element compound raise the level of knowledge processing, solve for Knowledge complex problems.3.4 The human-computer interaction technologyIn the human-computer Interaction technology (the Human - ComputerInteraction Techniques) refers to the dialogue with the Computer technology. Itincludes machine through the output or display device provide people withinformation, people through the input device to the machine input information, etc.The human-computer interaction technology is one of the important content ofcomputer user interface design. It and cognitive science, ergonomics, psychology, and other areas of the discipline are closely linked, and the farmer's cultural level is generally low. So the convenient, quick, the human-computer interaction interfaces and operation method of humanization, personalization and easy to use interactive equipment, for rapid advance village, e-commerce is of great significance. Touchscreen machine is a special service terminal and public service facilities of rural grassroots, because it possesses the characteristics of convenient operation, the use offree and brought to the attention of the government departments at all levels.Therefore, research on a touch screen support dialogue and remote update serviceplatform, has a practical significance.4 Concrete measures4.1 Construct consumer shopping concept change of business operation modeConsumers shopping habits are traditional "to see, touch, listening to the sounds and taste" .Despite the multimedia electronic commerce network advertising effect, but can't replace agricultural character and the universal attraction for consumers. Only consumer shopping idea changes, adapt to the direction of the network development, B2C e-commerce of agricultural products can be developed on a large scale.4.2 Strengthen the construction of enterprise network and improve the quality ofwebsite informationEnterprises should open channels of information with the help of the Internettechnology, further to do a good job of online marketing. In addition, studies haveshown that for a shopping experience for the peasants agriculture website information quality, seriously affect their purchase intention. Information is most widely network buyers mentioned one of the aspects in need of improvement, and at present most of the agricultural B2C website information quality is not satisfactory.4.3 Set up online security system and payment systemA key problem of online trading is safety, including safety communications,safety confirmation and pays three aspects. There are a lot of information on theInternet have illicit close sex, online transactions need to confirm the identity toensure that electronic non-repudiation after signing the agreement. Set up online payment system is the development of network marketing is an important content, the research shows that 52% of users think the biggest issue online shopping is not safe and convenient payment, development and security of online payment system is very necessary.4.4 Simplify the purchasing process of agricultural productsThe current electronic payment means, is network consumers mention most the place that needs to be improved, the second is to simplify the shopping process and after-sales service. In fact, there are some farmers consumers are ready to the purchase of agricultural products through the agricultural website, but in the process of clearing, settlement steps too complicated or be asked to fill out the web site of personal information too much and give up halfway. This part of the farmers is the most likely potential customers, part of which is the most worth fighting for customers. Payment platform by using simple shopping program, simplify the buying process of agricultural products, at the same time improve the quality of after-sales service, make farmers customers feel in agricultural website to buy agricultural products is both simple and trust, thus for enterprise to create more opportunities of electronic trading.译文译文B2C 农村电子商务网站农村电子商务网站Gleeson M1 引言引言B2C 是电子商务的一种模式,也就是通常说的直接面向消费者销售产品和服务商业零售模式。
chip breaker groove radius|断屑槽底半径,卷屑槽底半径[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
chip clearance|切屑间隙[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
chip cross-sectional area|切屑横截面面积[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
combined drill and milling cutter|复合钻铣床[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
complete traverse grinding|横进给磨削,切入磨削[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
computer-controlled machine|计算机控制机床,数控机床[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
centerless cylindrical grinder|无心外圆磨床[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
ceramic cutting tool|金属陶瓷刀具[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
chamfered cutting edge|倒角刀刃[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
contact pattern|靠模[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
continuous chip|连续切屑[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
continuous spiral chip|连续螺旋切屑[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
contour grinding|仿形磨削,成形磨削[金属加工专业英语词汇]\r\n
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图书情报专业词汇及缩写(中英双语)a * annual年刊(鉴)A and I abstracting and indexing编制文摘和标引AA *Cataloguing Rules: Author and Title Entries英美条例AAC Anglo-American Code英美条例(规则)AACR *Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules英美编目条例AAL Association of Assistant Librarians [UK][英国]助理图书馆长协会AALS Association of American Library Shools美国图书馆学院协会AAP Association of American Publishers美国出版商协会AB automated bibliography自动化文献目录ABA American Booksellers Association美国书商协会ABACUS Association of Bibliographic Agencies of Britain,Australia,Canada and the United States英国、澳大利亚、加拿大与美国书目机构协会ABC (1) Abridged Building Classification [UDC][国际十进分类法] 建筑专业简表(2) American Bibliographical Center美国书目中心ABI advance book information form新书预告单ABPB Annual Bibliography of the Printed Books and Libraries [Holland][荷兰]《印本图书与文库书目年刊》abr. * abridgment节略(本),摘要abs. * abstract摘要,文摘ABTICS Abstract and Book Title Index Card Service [UK][英国]文摘与图书书名索引卡片服务ACORDD Advisory Committee for the Research and Development Department [BL,UK] [英国图书馆]研究与发展部咨询委员会ACRILIS Australian Centre for Research in Library and Information Science 澳大利亚图书馆与情报学研究中心ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries[USA][美国]学院图书馆与参考图书馆协会ACSTI Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information[UK][英国]科技情报咨询委员会act. std. actual standard现行标准ad. * addenda补遗,附录ADA (1) automatic data acquisition自动数据收集(2) automatic document analysis自动文献分析ADAM automatic document abstracting method自动编制文摘方法adap. adapted改写(编)的ADI * American Documentation I nstitute美国文献学会ADONIS * Article Delivery Over Network Information Systems ADONIS 系统,网络文章提供情报系统ADP (1) American Data Pro.cessing,Inc.美国数据处理公司(2) automatic data processing自动数据处理ADPC automatic data processing center自动化数据处理中心ADPS automatic data processing system自动化数据处理系统ADRS Automatic Document Request Service [BLLD][不列颠(英国)图书馆外借部]自动文献需求服务A.D.S. autograph document signed签署人手迹文件ADX automatic data exchange自动数据交换AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies 美国信息处理学会联合会AFLA Asian Federation of Library Associations亚洲图书馆协会联合会AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation法国标准化学会AFP * associative file processor相联文件处理机AFR automatic field/format recognition字段格式自动识别AFSARI automation for storage and retrieval of information 情报存贮与检索自动化AGLINET Agricultural Libraries Information Network[UN][联合国]农业图书馆情报网络AGRIS * Agricultural I nformation System [FAO][联合国粮农组织]农业情报系统AIC automatic information center自动化情报中心AID (1) automatic information distribution自动情报分发[系统](2) International Association of Documentalists and Information Officers 国际文献与情报工作者协会AIDS automated information dissemination system自动情报提供系统AIDUS automated input and document update system自动化输入与文献更新系统AIL Association of International Libraries国际图书馆协会AIRS (1) automatic image retreval system自动影像检索系统(2) automatic information retrieval system自动情报检索系统AKWIC author-and-keywordin-context上下文关键词及作者索引ALA * American Library Association美国图书馆协会ALAS automated literature alerting system自动化文献快报系统ALBIS Australian LibraryBased Information System澳大利亚图书馆情报系统ALDP automatic languagedata processing自动语言数据处理ALG Automation in Libraries Group [UK][英国]图书馆自动化小组ALIS automated library information system自动化图书馆情报系统ALMS automated library management system自动化图书馆管理系统ALPHA automated literature processing,handling and analysis文献自动化处理、加工与分析A.L.S. autograph letter signed签署人手迹信件ALS Automated Library System [Company,Ltd.]自动化图书馆系统[公司]AMACUS automated microfilm aperture card updating system自动缩微胶卷窗孔卡片更新系统AMFIS automatic microfilm information system自动缩微胶卷情报系统A.Ms.S. autograph manuscri t signed签署人手迹手稿A.N. absque nota出版情况不详ANA American National Archives美国国家档案馆ann * annual年刊(鉴)Ann.Rep. annual report年报annot. (1) annotated注释的,提要的(2) * annotation注解(释),提要A.N.S. autograph note signed签署人手迹记录ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会ANSTEL Australian National Scientific and T echnological Library 澳大利亚国家科学技术图书馆antq. antique珍本,古旧书anx. * annex[e]附录(件)app. * appendix附录appx. * appendix附录APR annual progress report年度进展报告AR (1) accession/report num,ber索取或报告号(2) annual report年报ARL Association of Research Libraries [USA][美国]研究图书馆协会ARLIS Art Libraries Society[UK][英国]艺术图书馆学会art. * article论文,文章ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换用标准代码ASDI automatic (automated) selective dissemination of information自动化定题情报提供ASI (1) * alphabetical subject index字顺主题索引(2) American Society of Indexers美国标引员学会(3) * articulated subject index挂接主题索引ASIDIC Association of Information and Dissemination Centers[USA][美国]科技情报提供中心协会ASIS * American Society for Information Science美国情报科学学会ASLIB * Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux[UK][英国]专门图书馆及情报机构协会ASTED Association pour l’Avancement des Sciences et des Techniques de la Documentation [Canada][加拿大]文献工作科学技术促进协会ASTIA Armed Services Technical Information Agency [USA] [美国]武装部队技术情报局ATIS automatic terminal information service自动终端情报服务auth. * author著(作)者AUTODOC automatic documentation自动化文献管理AV audio-visual视听的,声像的AVIP Association of Viewdata Information Providers可视数据系统提供者协会AVLINE * Audiovisual OnLine视听资料联机数据库BB * bit[二进制]位,比特BA * Biological Abstracts《生物学文摘》BAC British Archives Council英国档案委员会BAIT bibliography,abstracts,index,translation书目、文摘、索引、译文BALLOTS Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations using Time-Sharing [USA][美国]大型图书馆管理中使用分时系统的书目自动化BALS bachelor of arts in library science图书馆学文学士BASE basic semantic element基本语义单位BASIC Biological Abstracts’Subjects in Context 《生物学文摘》题中关键词轮排索引BBC basic bibliographic citation基本书目引证(文)BC (1)* Bibliographic Classification书目分类法(2) Bliss Classification布利斯分类法(3) British Council英国委员会BCD binary-coded decimal[interchange code]二一十进制[交换码]BCM British Catalogue of Music《英国音乐目录》bd. bound装订成册的,合订本bdg. * binding装订BDU basic display unit基本显示装置BHI British Humanities Index《英国人文科学索引》Bibl. *bibliography书目,目录Bibl. Ind. bibliographic index书目索引BI DAP bibliographic data processing programme 文献目录数据处理程序biog. biography传记Biog.Ind. biographical index传记(人名)索引BIOSIS Biosciences Information Service [USA] [美国]生物科学情报服务社BIP (1)*books in print在版图书(2)* Books in Print《在版图书目录》BIRS (1) basic indexing and retrieval system基本索引与检索系统(2) British Institute of Recorded Sound英国录音学会BIS Biological Information Service [UK][英国]生物情报服务社bi-w * biweekly双周刊bk. * book图书,书籍bk. rev. * book review书评bklt. booklet小册子BL * British Library不列颠图书馆BLAISE * British Library Automated Information Service不列颠图书馆自动化情报服务处BLBSD British Library Bibliographic Services Division不列颠图书馆书目服务部BLCMP * Birmingham Libraries Co-operative Mechanisation Project [UK] [英国]伯明翰图书馆机械化协作计划BLEND Birmingham Loughborough Electronic Network Development [UK] [英国]伯明翰-拉夫巴勒电子网络开发[计划] BLLD British Library Lending Division不列颠图书馆外借部BLLR Bureau of Libraries and Learning Resources[USA][美国]图书馆与学术资源委员会BLRD British Library Reference Division不列颠图书馆参考部BLRDD British Library Research and Development Department不列颠图书馆研究与发展部BLS bachelor of library science图书馆学学士bm. * bimonthly双月刊BML * British Museum Library不列颠博物院图书馆BN *Bibliothéque Nationale[France][法国]国家图书馆BNB * British National Bibliography《英国国家书目》BNBC British National Book Centre英国国家图书中心BNCDST British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology英国科技数据全国委员会BOLD bibliographic on-line display system书目联机显示系统BPA British Patents Abstracts《英国专利文摘》BPR American Book Publishing Record《美国图书出版记录》BRASTACS Bradford Scientific,Technical and Commercial Service [UK][英国]布拉德福科学、技术与商业服务社BRIMARC BNB/Brighton MARC英国国家书目/布赖顿机读目录BROWER * Browsing Online with Selective Retrieval浏览联机定题检索系统BRS *Bibliographic Retrieval Services Inc. [USA][美国]文献检索服务公司BRT BioResearch Titles《生物研究题录》BS (1) Bibliographical Society [UK][英国]目录学会(2) British Standard英国标准BSA Bibliographical Society of America美国目录学会BSD [British Library] Bibliographic Services Division[不列颠图书馆]书目服务部BSH * Basic Subject Headings基本件名标目表BSIB British Society for International Bibliography英国国际目录学会BSLS bachelor of science in library science图书馆学理学士BSO * Broad System of Ordering.概略分类体系BTI British Technology Index《英国工程索引》BUCCS Bath University Comparative Catalogue Study [UK] [英国]巴思大学比较目录研究BUCOP * British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals《英国期刊联合目录》BUCOP -WLSP British UnionCatalogue of PeriodicalsWorld List of Scientific Periodicals《英国期刊联合目录——世界科学期刊目录》Bull. * bulletin.通报CC (1)* chapter章,回(2)* citation引证(文)(3)* copy抄(副)本(4)* copyright版权,著作权CA (1)* Chemical Abstracts《化学文摘》(2) current awareness新书预告,现期文献报道CAAS * computer-assisted acquisition system计算机辅助采购系统CABLIS Current Awareness for British Library Staff不列颠图书馆工作者现期通报服务CABS computerized annotated bibliography system 计算机化提要书目系统CAG Co-operative Automation Group [UK][英国]协作自动化小组CAIA * computer-assisted information analysis计算机辅助情报研究CAIC computer-assisted indexing and classification 计算机辅助标引与分类CAIRS computer-assisted information retrieval system 计算机辅助情报检索系统CALM computer-assisted library mechanization计算机辅助图书馆机械化CAN/SDI Canadian Selective Dissemination of Information 加拿大定题情报提供系统CAR * computer-assisted retrieval计算机辅助检索CAS (1)*Chemical Abstracts Service化学文摘社(2) computerised acquisition system计算机化采购系统CASIA Chemical Abstracts Subject Index Alert《化学文摘主题索引通报》cat. catalog[ue]目录CAT (1) computer-aided translation计算机辅助翻译(2) computer-aided typesetting计算机辅助排版CATCALL completely automated technique for cataloguing and acquisition of literature for libraries图书馆文献全自动编目与采购技术catlg. *catalog[ue]目录CATNI Catchword and Trade Name Index [CTI][《现期技术索引》] 《关键词与商标名索引》CATNIP computer-assisted technique for numerical index preparation计算机辅助数值索引编制技术CATV * community antenna television共用天线电视CBI * Cumulative Book Index《累积图书索引》c.c. carbon copy复写副本CC (1) card code卡片代码(2) * card column卡片列(3) * Colon Classification冒号分类法(4) Current Contents《现期期刊目次》CCC (1) Central Classification Committee [FID][国际文献工作联合会]中央分类法委员会(2) Copyright Clearance Center [USA][美国]版权批准中心CCF * Common Communication Format通用交换格式CCLN Council for Computerized Library Network[USA][美国]计算机化图书馆网络委员会CCTV * closed circuit television闭路电视cd catalogued已编目的CD compact disc小型光盘CDCR Center for Documentation and Communication Research [USA][美国]文献处理与通信研究中心CD-I compact disc interactive交互型小型光盘CD-ROM * compact discread-only memory小型光盘只读存贮器CDS Computerized Documentation Service [UNESCO][联合国教科文组织]计算机化文献服务CDU central display unit中央显示装置CED capacitance electronic disc电容式电子录像片(盘)CEIS cost and economic information system成本与经济情报系统CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research欧洲核研究组织CETIS Centre Europeen pour le Traitement de l’Information Scientifique欧洲科学情报处理中心cfr confer参看,对照CFSTI Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information[USA] [美国]联邦科学技术情报交换中心ch. * chapter章,回ch. lbr. * chief librarian图书馆馆长chap. * chapter章,回CHAR * character字符CI (1) cham index链式索引(2) cumulative index累积索引CICRIS Co-operative Industrial and Commercial Reference and Information Service [UK][英国]工商业合作咨询与情报服务CIF central information file中央情报文档CIM (1) computer-input media计算机输入载体(2) * computer-input microfilm计算机输入缩微胶片(3) continuous image microfilm连续影像缩微胶片(4) Cumulated Index Medicus《累积医学索引》CIP * cataloguing in publication在版编目CIRCA computerized information retrieval and current awareness计算机化情报检索与现期文献通报CIS (1) cataloguing in source书源编目(2) country information system国家情报系统(3) current information selection现期情报选报CISTI Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information加拿大科学技术情报学会CISTIP Committee on International Scientific and TechnicalInformation Programs[USA][美国]国际科学技术情报计划委员会cl. * cloth布面[装订]CLA Canadian Library Association加拿大图书馆协会CLR Council on Library Resources,Inc. [USA][美国]图书馆资源委员会CM *cartographic materials地(制)图资料CMC code for magnetic characters磁字符代码CMDR Council for Microphotography and Documentary Reproduction [UK][英国]缩微摄影与文献复制理事会CNK common noun keyword普通名词关键词CNLA Council of National Library Associations全国图书馆协会理事会CNPIEC * China National Publications Import & Export Corporation中国图书进出口总公司CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique [France] [法国]国家科学技术研究中心CODASYL Conference on Data System(s) Language(s) [UK] [英国]数据系统语言会议CODATA * Committee on Data for Science and Technology [ICSU][国际科学协会理事会]科学技术数据委员会COINS computer and information sciences计算机与信息科学col. coloured彩色的COM (1)* computer-output microfilm计算机输出缩微胶片(2) computer-output microfilming计算机输出缩微化设备(3) computer-output microform计算机输出缩微品COMAC continuous multiple access collator连续多次存取校对程序COMARC Cooperative Machine-Readable Cataloging [LC,USA][美国国会图书馆]合作机读编目COMEINDORS composite mechanized information and documentation retrieval system 综合机械化情报与文献检索系统comp. (1) compiled编纂(辑)的(2) *compiler编纂人(者)COMP computer output microfilm peek-a-boo计算机输出缩微胶片重叠比孔COMPAC computer output microfilm package计算机输出缩微胶片软件包COMPENDEX Computerized Engineering Index《计算机化工程索引》CONLIS Joint Committee on National Library Information Systems[USA][美国]国家图书情报系统联合委员会CONSER (1) Conversion of Serials Project[USA][美国]连续出版物建库计划(2)* Cooperative Conversion of Serials连续出版物合作转换计划cont. * contents目次,内容contin. * continuation续编contr. controlled限制发行cop. (1)* copy抄(副)本(2)* copyright版权,著作权co-part counterpart副(复)本COPIC Computer Program Information Center[European Community][欧洲共同体]计算机程序情报中心corr. (1) corrected校订的(2) corrigendum勘误表COSATI * Committee on Scientific and Technical Information [USA] [美国]科学技术情报委员会COSI Committee on Science Information [USA][美国]科学情报委员会COSTAR conversational online storage and retrieval会话式联机存贮与检索CP * card punch卡片穿孔机CPM cards per minute[卡片阅读速度]卡片/分CPS characters per second字符/秒CPU (1) card punching unit卡片穿孔机(2)* central processing unit中央处理机CR (1) card reader卡片阅读机,读片机(2) confefence report会议报告CRAM card random access mechanism磁卡片随机存取方法CRESS computerized reader enquiry service system 计算机化读者咨询服务系统CRG *Classification Research Group [UK][英国]分类法研究小组CRIS (1) Command Retrieval Information System 命令检索情报系统(2) Current Research Information System当前研究情报系统CRL (1) Central Reference Library [UK][英国]中央参考图书馆(2) certified record librarian合格图书馆员(3) certified reference librarian合格参考图书馆员(4) college and research libraries学院图书馆和研究图书馆CRSG Classification Research Study Group [USA][美国]分类法研究小组CRT cathode-ray tube阴极射线管CRUS Centre for Research in User Studies [UK] [英国]用户研究中心CSBN * China Standard Book Number中国标准书号CSF central serials file中央连续出版物文档CSR central serials record中央连续出版物记录CT Chemical Title《化学题录》ctd. continued接上页(期)CTI Current Technology Index《现期技术索引》CTR contract technical report合同技术报告CTS (1) card-to-magnetic tape conversion system 卡片-磁带转换系统(2) communication technology satellite通信技术卫星(3)* computer typesetting计算机排版CULS college and university libraries高等院校图书馆cum. ind. cumulative index累积索引CUMARC cumulated machine readable cataloguing累积机读编目Dd. *daily日报(刊)DA (1) data administrator数据管理员(2) data analysis数据分析(3) Documentation Abstracts《文献工作文摘》DACOM datascope computer output microfilmer计算机数据显示输出缩微胶片机DARE documentation automated retrieval equipment 文献自动化检索设备DAS (1) data acquisiton system数据采集系统(2 ) data automation system数据自动处理系统dat. datum数据DATACOM * data communication数据通信DATAX * data transmission数据传输DB * data base数据库DBAM database access method数据库存取方法DBK data bank数据(资料)库DBMS *database management system数据库管理系统DC (1)* data centre数据中心(2)* data conversion数据转换(3) Decimal Classification[Dewey][杜威]十进分类法DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集与分析系统DCE data communications equipment数据通信设备DCR (1) data conversion receiver数据转换接收机(2) digital conversion receiver数字转换接收机DCS data communication system数据通信系统DDC (1) data distribution center数据分配中心(2) Defense Documentation Center [USA] [美国]国防文献中心(3)* Dewey Decimal Classification杜威十进分类法DDCE digital data conversion equipment 数字数据转换设备DDP (1) digital data processor数字式数据处理机(2) distributed data processing分布型数据处理DE (1) digital element数字单元(2) display element显示单元(3) display equipment显示设备diagr. diagram图,图表DIANE * Direct Information Access Network for Europe欧洲直接情报存取网络dict. * dictionary字(词)典dig. *digest摘要,文摘DIGICOM digital communications system数字通信系统DIMDI Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information 德国医学文献与情报研究所DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm德国工业标准DIODE digital input/output display system数字输入输出显示系统DIRS * DIMDI Information Retrieval ServiceDIMDI情报检索服务处DISISS Design of Information Services in the Social Sciences [UK][英国]社会科学情报系统设计diss. * dissertation学位论文DLAI documentation,library and archives infrastructures文献工作、图书馆与档案馆基础DLS. doctor of library science图书馆学博士DM data management数据管理D.M.C. district materials center地区教材中心DMS * data management system数据管理系统do. ditto同上,同前doc. * document文献(件)DOR digital optical recording数字光学记录DOS disk operation system磁盘操作系统DP * data processing数据处理DPIR data processing and information retrieval 数据处理和情报检索DPS (1) data processing system数据处理系统(2) document processing system文献处理系统DRAW * direct read after write写后直读DRDW * direct read during write边写边读DRIC Defence Research Information Centre [UK] [英国]国防研究情报中心DRS document retrieval system文献检索系统DS data set数据集D.S. document signed著者签署文件(献)DSE data storage equipment数据存贮设备DSR data survey report数据调查报告DSTI Division of Scientific and Technical Information [IAEA] [国际原子能机构]科技情报部DT (1)* data transmission数据传输(2) display terminal显示终端DTIC Defense Technical Information Center [USA][美国]国防技术情报中心DTS data transmission system数据传输系统DTU display terminal unit显示终端设备dup. *duplicate抄(副)本d.w. * dust wrapper包封,封套DXS data exchange system数据交换系统EEB *Encyclopaedia Britannica《不列颠百科全书》,《大英百科全书》EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 扩充二一十进制交换码EBR electronic beam recording电子束记录EC * Expansive Classification展开分类法ed. (1) edited编辑(2)* edition版[本](3) *editor编者EDIAC electronic display of indexing association and content 标引结合与内容的电子显示EDICT engineering document information collection technique 工程文献情报搜集技术edit. (1) edited编辑(2) * edition版[本](3) * editor编者e.d.l. edition de luxe豪华版EDP (1)* electronic data processing电子数据处理(2) estimated date of publication估计的出版日期EDPC electronic data processing center电子数据处理中心EDPM electronic data processing machine 电子数据处理机EDPS electronic data processing system 电子数据处理系统EDRS engineering data retrieval system 工程数据检索系统。
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Automatic Analysis and Indexing of Variable-Layout DocumentsEnrico Appiani & Anna Maria CollaElsag spa, RES DepartmentVia G. Puccini, 216154 Genova, Italy{enrico.appiani, annamaria.colla}@elsag.itAbstractIn this paper a methodology for analysis and automatic indexing of imaged documents within an archiving and retrieval system is described. This system, which is being developed within the Esprit project STRETCH (STorage and RETrieval by Content of imaged documents), is based on a new generation Archiving and Retrieval Engine (ARE), which overcomes the bottleneck of document profiling by alleviating the existing limitations of pre-defined indexing schemes. The ARE exploits a structured document representation and can activate appropriate methods to characterise and automatically index heterogeneous documents with variable layout.The objective of this system is twofold. First, it aims at combining direct digitalisation, based on location of information fields and OCR, with advanced techniques derived from Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition. Second, it aims at offering ease of use and programming and ability to dynamically adapt to new types of documents.After experiments in some other document domains (i.e. invoices, medical images, circular letters), the system has been tested on bank documents. In this application, several classes of documents are involved. The indexing strategy first automatically classifies the document, thus avoiding pre-sorting, then locates and reads the information pertaining to the specific document class. Experimental results are encouraging.1. IntroductionWe describe in this paper a method for analysis and automatic indexing by content of imaged multimedia documents, implemented in an archiving and retrieval system under development within the Esprit project STRETCH (STorage and RETrieval by Content of imaged documents).One of the problems STRETCH addresses is that of designing document archives for documents other than forms. Forms are documents where the information can be located precisely, given an appropriate registration of the document image. The layout of a given set of forms is «conformal», i.e. it adheres to one or few specific models. It is usually rather easy to tune OCR software to read forms efficiently. However, in several practical applications, it is necessary to process documents with many different layouts, where information necessary to index the document is located in different positions. In order to read the relevant information for automatic indexing it is necessary to «understand» each document layout to classify the document and select the appropriate reading strategy. Even the most effective commercial OCR/ICR systems are unable to perform this task in an adequate way without expensive tuning for document profiling, required to locate and extract the pertinent information. Even more important, systems for different applications (i.e. different document domains) must currently be specialized individually: it is at least hard, if not impossible, to adapt one system to different applications, to obtain acceptable performance. It is similarly hard for end-users to define their own applications based on current systems, which are deeply tailored to a given application to obtain adequate accuracy. Therefore, indexing of a mixed batch of documents to create and maintain large archives is not adequately supported by state-of-the-art systems, and requires heavy intervention by skilled users, application experts and software engineers.STRETCH system aims at overcoming the limitations of the currently available systems, introducing reliable automatic indexing. This can be directly guided by users who are enabled to define the document domains of their interest in a straightforward way requiring no special skills. The business is potentially very conspicuous in several fields (banks, insurance companies, corporate databases, cultural institutions, public administration,…), where huge volumes of scanned documents must be archived efficiently.The system designed and implemented in STRETCH is based on a new generation Archiving and Retrieval Engine (ARE), which exploits a structured Object-Oriented document representation. The objects are enriched with appropriate methods to locate and automatically extract information to index heterogeneous documents with variable layout. From an architectural viewpoint (Appiani et al., 1999) the system relies on a distributed client/server solution, with standard Corba middleware. The core technology employed is document processing in terms of layout analysis, automatic field location, logo and tag identification, Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR). After layout analysis, the document is classified according to user’s specification and information contents are extracted from the relevant fields.The system has been tested in various domains: invoices (Appiani et al., 1999), medical images, public administration circular letters, and bank documents.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the data model is introduced. Section 3 describes the system architecture, in particular the server components, with some details on the parallel computing strategy. Section 4 summarises the strategy for automatic document indexing. Finally, in Section 5 some experimental results in the domain of banking applications are discussed and in Section 6 some conclusions are drawn.2. Knowledge and Document RepresentationAny document can be described with respect to physical and logical aspects. The physical structure of a document, i.e. the layout structure, is the collection of the extracted objects, obtained by the repeated partition of the document image into increasingly smaller parts (physical objects), on the basis of the layout appearance. Similarly, the logical structure of a document is the collection of the extracted objects, obtained by the repeated division of the document content into increasingly smaller parts (logical objects), on the basis of human understanding of the «meaning» of the content.A domain of documents can be defined as a group of documents which can be clustered with respect to their subject or use, according to users’ view: for example, journals, tax forms, business letters, invoices, check forms, generic bank documents can be regarded as different domains. Since the documents of a domain share the same main subject and are used for similar or related functions, they are characterized by some logical and physical similarities. Some logical objects are common to all the documents of the domain. For example, in an invoice the logical object «Total», which contains the amount due to the issuer, is always present. Similarly, a logical object can maintain some physical features related to its position within the document also in different types of documents of the same domain. Documents belonging to a given domain can be further characterized by different layout or logical structures. Thus documents which feature physical or contextual similarities can be clustered into classes.2.1. Document Internal RepresentationIn STRETCH, the internal data structure to represent documents, the so-called Document Internal Representation(DIR), is defined in terms of «class objects», with their relevant information and methods to process such information. The DIR objects describe a document according to physical and logical viewpoints.For most applications our choice is to base the DIR on Modified X-Y trees, or M-X-Y trees (Cesarini et al., 1999). The M-X-Y tree is derived from the X-Y tree, a data-driven method for page layout analysis. The basic assumption behind this approach is the fact that structured elements of the page (columns, paragraphs, text lines) are generally laid out in rectangular blocks. These blocks can be separated by alternately making horizontal and vertical «cuts» along either white spaces, found by using the thresholded projection profile, or horizontal or vertical ruler lines. The result of such segmentation can be represented as a tree, where the root is for the whole page, while the leaves are for the found blocks. The tree structure is enriched with descriptions of inter-leaves relationships (adjacency links).A document can be classified by comparing its M-X-Y tree representation with pre-stored representations of documents of known class.2.2. Domain KnowledgeTo implement Domain Knowledge, relevant to specific documents and types of physical structures, we make use of a template structure named correlation graph (Boato et al., 1997), which allows the implementation of information extraction strategies based on image processing and reading techniques. The correlation graph describes a document understanding strategy which computes the search area forfields to be read, possibly based on the position of other already found fields, and then uses some predefined template elements to «read» the field contents inside the search area according to the field type (string, graphical element, date, total amount, etc.). Meaningful fields are of three main types: (i) fields to be read as ASCII strings by the recognition strategy; (ii) textual or geometric tags used by the recognition strategy to understand the document structure; and (iii) image fields that can be recognized by suitable methods (for instance logos). Each information field is assigned a basic type that defines how its value is interpreted during retrieval. For example a date field older than a certain threshold can be searched, as well as a string field similar to a certain word. A set of tags that have a significant spatial relation with information fields is internally employed by the reading strategy. The search areas for the information fields of a given document class are automatically learnt upon the presentation of appropriate document examples, and can be further refined by the presentation of new examples.The implementation of Domain Knowledge corresponds to the extraction of the indexes suitable to represent the documents in the archive. This document understanding and indexing strategy is described in more details in Section 4.3. STRETCH architectureThe STRETCH system is composed by a Client and a Server subsystems. Both are made of Java or native components, using Corba middleware between them for naming, location and remote method call. Beside evolving as a standard middleware, Corba in STRETCH allows for distributed configurations with dynamic Server resource allocation.The Client is entirely defined in Java for maximum portability and presents a few screens to perform the main archiving and retrieval functions, as well as to browse the entire document archive or to display and edit individual documents. The menus are essential and intuitive, not requiring particular skills in document management systems.The Server includes both Java and native components, the latter used for image processing and OCR functions. Despite Corba’s possibility to link components defined with different languages, Java has been employed to define all the front-end Server interfaces, while the pieces of native code are loaded and executed as internal resources for document processing. In fact, with its dynamic class loading and portability, Java has proven to be also a good «wrapper» for native resources, to be easily changed in case of porting the STRETCH Server to different platforms. The current STRETCH Server platform is Windows NT 4.3.1 Server ComponentsThe main components are presented in Figure 1; the upper part represents the entire Client set, while the lower part contains the individual Server components and their relations, in particular for the DIR objects exchanged between components during operation. In the same figure and in the following description, the DIR class names are indicated in Italics.The Naming Server is a Corba service pointing to the Server instances, whose logical names are used to The Docu-Base is the first component created to start a STRETCH Server and is connected to thedifferent databases, to enforce the correlation among the document structures and their respective components, basically text and images for scanned documents; and validating new session requests, creating dedicated ARE Manager instances.The ARE Manager is the Client front-end, exporting methods to archive and retrieve documents. It takesentire sets of images are submitted to the system for unsupervised archiving. In this case, the ARE Manager also enforces the scheduling strategy for parallel document processing (see next).On archiving, concurrent threads can be started by the Client; thanks to Corba, they result in corresponding server threads. Each thread: schedules a processing resource, waiting for its availability; calls it to process an Image; waits for the resulting Page, containing the classification, segmentation and reading results; and, if the Page is valid, calls the Docu-Base to archive it in a Document instance; finally, it returns the document identifier to the Client.On retrieval, the ARE Manager gets a high level query expression, including class-, date-, name-, text-and image-based atomic subexpressions, and calls the Docu-Base to combine them in a coordinated query, extracting a list of document identifiers, which are then returned to the Client with relevance-based or field-based ordering criteria. It is also possible to retrieve a specific document, i.e. for browsing and editing, by getting its identifier and returning a Document instance.The Document Processing Server (DPS) is a specialized object to process Images and return Pages, byInheriting from an abstract class offering the generic Corba interface for the above function, the DPS employs the Domain Knowledge by wrapping the Domain-specific resources and executing the related internal methods. Specialized DPS instances can be created in any number, either on the same node to exploit parallel processing or on different nodes for distributed processing. The scheduling strategy is presented in more details below.Figure 1: The STRETCH Components.3.2 Scheduling Strategy for Parallel Document ProcessingThe STRETCH Server scalability can deal with the processing power during the indexing phase (number of Clients connected – batch size from any Client), the retrieval power and the archive size. The latter two aspects are essentially related with the database machine(s) connected to the Docu-Base, since query processing and database coordination are not as computing intensive as query execution inside each database. Any relational database compliant with the ODBC interface can be used.The processing scalability has been enforced by allowing for DPS replication on the same server machine and/or on different ones. The main Corba commercial implementations include advanced object scheduling and load balancing services; however, in order to limit the STRETCH requirements to the « basic » Corba implementation, embedded in Java 2, we have implemented a simple yet effective DPS scheduling policy, achieving a load balancing based on the actual processing power of different DPS instances and graceful degradation in case of DPS crashes.When starting a batch archive, the ARE Manager re-checks how many DPS objects, specialized for the current Domain, are registered in Corba; this way, dynamic reconfiguration of a STRETCH Server during operations is allowed. During the batch, every thread gets an available DPS to process its respective Image, or is put in a waiting queue by means of Java inter-object synchronization. Every time a DPS terminates its processing, it performs a « notify » operation to the ARE Manager, that can schedule a new thread for execution.The wait-notify mechanism could be replaced by a much simpler synchronized execution of DPS processing method, achieved by a Java keyword in the method declaration. However, this way all the incoming threads should choose their serving DPS instances initially, for instance with a round-robinpolicy, and therefore wait on their respective « monitors ». Each DPS would receive nImg/nDPS processing requests on average, where nImg is the number of images to be processed in a batch and nDPS the number of available DPS instances, thus implementing an a-priori load balancing not taking each actual DPS power, especially with distributed configurations, into account. With wait-notify upon DPS availability, instead, each DPS receives as many requests as it can process; in case of problems while processing a batch, only the Image being processed by the faulting DPS does not return a Page for archiving, while the rest of the job is finished correctly at a lower speed.The execution of each DPS in a separate Java Virtual Machine (JVM), even when running in the same machine, allows for effective resource separation and exploitation of parallel machines. Figure 2 presents a sample archiving execution flow involving one Client (GUI), one ARE Manager (AREM) and three DPS instances. The DPS component represents the ARE Manager scheduler for specialized DPS instances, called DPS_Resource. The above described solution for parallel and distributed processing proved to be successful, even if it was obtained by just using Java and Corba, not particularly suited to parallel processing by their intrinsic properties and mechanisms.Figure 2: Multi-threaded and Parallel Document Processing.4. Indexing strategy4.1 Domain Knowledge implementationDomain Knowledge implementation in STRETCH is based on a flexible framework for document indexing, endowed with a learning tool, which, starting from samples suppied by users, automatically generates the software code to solve the application.The tool is an extension of a graphic environment for the development of document reading applications, that allows the user to define complex application-level recognition strategies in a declarative way. The automatic programming extension has three components:• a graphical interface that allows users to locate the relevant fields on a set of document examples,• a learning algorithm that performs a classification of the examples and detects the spatial cross-correlation between fields,• a synthesising algorithm that generates the Java code of the objects of the application.The learning algorithm performs a clustering of the input events (i.e., the examples marked up with the relevant fields) based on the minimization of the information required to describe the examples themselves. The number of classes is not predefined: it is learnt from the examples along with the structure of the classes.The automatic programming tool can learn from examples to automatically generate reading applications for both documents that have variable layout and a spatial structure, and documents whosesemantics can be recognized by looking for textual tags in the image, and also fixed-layout forms. The user has to prepare a training set for the learning algorithm, based on a set of positive examples of document images (input events). Different events can have a different number and different types of attributes. Event attributes include the position (surrounding rectangle) of the fields on the image, the field type, and other specific parameters (e.g., the dictionary of textual tags).After the input events have been classified, a recognition strategy is synthesised using pre-defined building blocks which implement the following functions:•locate the fields to be read by computing the search areas, possibly based on the position of already found fields;•extract the field content inside a search area on the image, taking into account the field type (read text, recognize images such as logos).The program synthesis algorithm also finds the optimal ordering of classes and of fields inside classes to minimize backtracking.4.2 Application to Bank documentsIn this section we describe in details the customized Indexing Strategy for Bank Documents. In this application, several classes of documents among those handled by branch cashiers are involved (accounting notes, cheques, document batch headers, different types of enclosures). For each document class, the set of the relevant information fields is variable, consisting of different and differently located couples of tag/information fields. The application aims at classifying the type of document and consequently applying the proper reading strategy to extract the information pertaining to the right document class. The implemented strategy includes three steps for each document:•first the DIR is generated, in terms of the M-X-Y tree of the input document;•then the classification procedure based on the M-X-Y tree produces the list of candidate classes for the document; in case of uncertain classification (certain types of enclosures cannot be distinguished from accounting notes by layout only), appropriate tags are searched;•last, the appropriate reading strategy for the given class is applied, which is based on ICR techniques including field location, tag finding and text reading.The goals of the application are:•Classify the documents according to their type, in particular accounting notes (class «CONTABILE»), checks (class «ASSEGNO») and batch headers (class «TESTAPACCO»); all the other documents are generically regarded as Enclosures.•For documents of class «CONTABILE» locate and read a specific information field, corresponding to the operation number.•For documents of class «ASSEGNO» locate and read a specific information field, corresponding to the check number.Each information field is characterized by a name, a type (associated to one leaf of the Strategy, i.e. the basic method to extract the relevant information from the field) and a number of parameters with various functions in the Learning procedure. Various basic methods can be employed by a leaf; for instance, the leaf for reading printed text can make use of different OCR’s (we have actually experimented both in-house developed and commercial solutions).To achieve the application goals, a top-level Strategy has been designed as depicted in Figure 3, where notation is as follows:is a template, implemented by means of a Java class, whose methods are capable ofextracting information from a given field type;input variable, characterized by its type;output variable; andis a method, which executes specific computations.The strategy includes the document classification template DOCTYPE, which can accept an external hint (input variable Input_doctype). According to the results of document classification, either the strategy to read CONTABILE or the strategy for ASSEGNO is activated. If the input document belongs to neither class, no reading strategy is executed, just the information about the document type is saved (output variable doctype). The Strategy for reading a specific class is a choice among sub-strategies to locate and read the interesting pieces of information in a given area of the document image. These areasare automatically defined by the learning strategy which, upon presentation of marked examples,computes the overlap of the locations in the single examples where a given information field has been marked. Each sub-strategy thus generated is an element of the choice . The full Strategy executes the various elements sequentially, following an automatically assigned priority which reflects the overall strategy optimization, until one sub-strategy is successful; if none is, the Strategy fails. The output of the reading strategy is a string containing all the extracted information, which is properly decoded by method parse to extract the required index (operation number for CONTABILE, check number for ASSEGNO ) and its location in the document image for visual presentation of the results.Figure 3 : Top-level Strategy for Bank Documents.5. Experimental resultsIn the preliminary experiments, the test set consisted of 541 heterogeneous documents issued by a large Italian bank group. These documents belong to any of the possible classes listed in Section 4.2and show several different layouts, where information fields are located with high variability.Digital binary (black and white) images were produced by high volume scanners, with 200 DPI x 200 DPI resolution. No specific filtering or enhancement was applied to the images. Two different commercial OCR’s were tested with the system for text reading.The document classification results, summarized in Table 1, are quite encouraging: the M-X-Y tree-based classification achieved 99% document classification accuracy 1 over the 3 main classes, 91%taking also all the enclosures into account. By adding classification confirmation based on tag recognition, 100% on the 3 main classes and 96% on all the documents was achieved. Table 2presents the reading results with the two different OCR’s. With OCR1, the information fields were correctly located in 96% cases. With both OCR1 and OCR2 the errors in reading the field values1Accuracy is defined as the fraction of non-rejected documents which are correctly processed.Type: Type: Variable: STRINGVariable: result Type: STRINGVariable: Type: AREAType:were partly due to lack of context processing (numeric-only fields were not forced, hence alphanumeric characters were confused, such as « S » for « 6 », « B » for « 8 », and so on). Serious problems were mainly encountered with very noisy or corrupted images, which are very common in this domain because of poor printing quality: in fact, the documents are always second copies of the original (which is given to the Bank customers). To solve this problem some appropriate image pre-processing appears mandatory.Total Accuracy Correct Error Reject Confusion Matrix Class#%#%#%Test.Ass.Cont.Encl.RejTestapacco19 1.0019 1.0000.0000.0019000Assegno360.97350.9710.0300.0003501Contabile2770.992730.9930.0110.001027321Enclosures2090.761340.64420.20330.162132713433Total5410.914610.85460.09340.06224830013734Table 1: Results on Bank documents: document classification.Reading OCR 1OCR 2Assegno Contabile Total Assegno Contabile Total Correct1911113030721021 error104353158592 errors4374112627≥ 3 errors---757533942Inserted char.112---77Field not located2101217576Total3627731336277313Table 2: Results on Bank documents: field location and reading.6. ConclusionsIn this paper we have presented a novel approach for classification and information extraction out of heterogeneous documents, based on a combination of layout analysis and automatic information field location. In the preliminary experiments on bank documents, very encouraging results have been obtained; in particular, document classification accuracy is satisfactory. An interesting prospective application of this methodology is to avoid document pre-sorting in the production line of service bureaus in charge of document acquisition and storage, thus greatly reducing costs and improving performance.AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge Sandra Bruzzo, Pietro Pedrazzi and Christian Pisani (Elsag) for their valuable support in implementing and testing STRETCH.Bibliographical ReferencesAppiani, E., Boato, L., Bruzzo, S., Colla, A.M., Davite, M. & Sciarra, D. (1999). «STRETCH»: A System for Document Storage and Retrieval by Content, Proc. DEXA ’99, Workshop W07: DAUDD’99, Florence, Italy, Sep. ’99, 588--592.Boato, L., Cattani, E., Davite, M. & Villa, B. (1997). «Automatic Programming of Variable Layout Image Documents Reading Applications based on Minimum Description Length Induction», AI*IA Workshop on Automatic Learning and Natural Language, Turin, Italy, Dec. ’97Cesarini, F., Gori, M., Marinai, S. & Soda, G. (1999). «Structured document segmentation and representation by the modified X-Y tree», Proc. ICDAR ’99, Bangalore, India, Sep. ’99, 563--566。