

跟单员英文简历范文(中英文版)[English]Dynamic and detail-oriented Logistics Specialist with over 3 years of experience in the international trade industry. Proficient in managing the entire order fulfillment process, from order placement to delivery. Skilled in coordinating with suppliers, freight forwarders, and customers to ensure timely and accurate delivery of goods. Adept at resolving complex logistics issues, optimizing supply chain operations, and maintaining exceptional customer satisfaction.[中文]具有三年以上国际贸易行业经验的充满活力且注重细节的物流专员。
[English]Excelled in communication skills, both written and verbal, enabling effective interaction with multicultural stakeholders. Strong analytical abilities, coupled with a keen eye for detail, have led to the identification and resolution of potential supply chain bottlenecks. Continuously strive to improve operational efficiency, resulting in cost savings and enhanced customer experience.[中文]在沟通技巧上表现出色,无论是书面还是口头,都能与多元文化的利益相关者进行有效互动。

外贸跟单员简历范文3篇公司对外贸跟单员应聘者的第一印象来源于个人简历,今日我就与大伙儿共享外贸跟单员简历范文,仅作大伙儿参照!外贸跟单员简历范文(一) 基本上个人简历名字:XXX 国藉:我国现阶段所在城市:广州市中华民族:汉族人户籍所在地:广西省身型: 157 cm 48 kg婚姻情况:单身年纪: 25 岁学习培训验证:诚实守信徵章:求职意愿优秀人才种类:一般应聘求职面试岗位:貿易类:外贸跟单船务公司业务助理、市场销售跟单员参加工作时间: 2 技术职称:初级应聘求职种类:全职的可到职- 随时随地月薪规定: 1500--20xx 期待工作中地域:广州市深圳市厦门工作经验20xx年暑期湖北荆门涂料企业销售员20xx年假期广西省桂林阳朔杰米西餐店英语服务生20xx.7-20xx.6 桂林艺术画廊英语市场销售解说员20xx.8-20xx.10 广州市金世界贸易有限责任公司外贸跟单关键承担在网络上检索商品生产商并寻价,寻找最好是的经销商,带海外顾客浏览加工厂、市场批发,跟踪顾客订单信息,核心进行与顾客的全部交易方式,的制做外贸单据,检测货品,支付,分配货运运输等教育经历大学毕业学校:湖北荆门岗位技术学校文化程度:专科大学毕业- 20xx-07-01学过技术专业一:国际商务英语学过技术专业二:受文化教育培训经历:1996.9-1999.7 广西省桂平西山一中1999.9-20xx.7 广西桂平市一中20xx.9-20xx.7 湖北荆门岗位技术学校国际商务英语高校英语四级语言表达能力外国语:英文优良国语版水准:优良广东话水准:优良专业能力以及他特长英文优读写听说流畅;娴熟电脑操作和各种各样办公用品,能和投资者沟通交流,有极强的沟通协调能力,任劳任怨,积极主动勤奋,具备优良的职业道德规范素养。

外贸业务员个人简历6篇外贸业务员个人简历1第一外语:英语熟练第二外语:法语良好计算机能力:中级计算机详细技能:基本办公软件: WORD, E某CELL,AW, CAD20某某, PPT, OP其它技能:1、能利用公司的网络及广告资源寻找和开发有价值的客户,并有过成功案例.2、熟练掌握从接单到出货的整套出口流程,且熟练操作信用证(L/C).3、能有效管理出口货款的及时回收.4、能对每月销售额作系统有效的统计与分析.5、外宾来访的接待及工厂参观的讲解.6、能代领导撰写各类公司活动的发言稿.7、能指导公司刊物(报纸/网站)的编辑与审核工作.8、丰富的参展经验.9、曾在公司周年庆典典礼上代表公司向众多国外来宾发表,欢迎致辞及公司发展历程简介并受到一致好评.10、能及时有效的处理上级交办的其它临时工作.自我评价1、处事果断冷静,乐观开朗,细心周到,抗压力及责任心强,良好的人能及沟能力.2、热爱外语,对音乐,文学,旅游及电影有浓厚的兴趣.外贸业务员个人简历2现所在地:鄂州身高:1.64cm联系电话:135某某27758电子邮箱:求职意向希望岗位:外贸/贸易专员/助理:外贸业务工作年限:6 职称:期望薪资:面议求职类型:全职到岗时间:随时工作经历某某年3月—至今某某公司,担任外贸业务员。

外贸跟单简历模板英文回答:As a foreign trade merchandiser, my main responsibility is to handle the entire process of an export order, fromthe time the order is placed until the goods are deliveredto the customer. This involves communicating with the buyer, factory, and other departments within the company to ensure that the order is completed on time and meets thecustomer's requirements.One of the key skills required for this role is strong communication skills. For example, I often need tonegotiate with suppliers to get the best price for materials, and then communicate these costs to the buyer. This requires clear and effective communication to ensure that all parties are satisfied with the terms of the deal.Another important aspect of the job is problem-solving. For instance, there was a time when the factory encounteredproduction issues that threatened to delay the order. I had to quickly come up with alternative solutions to ensurethat the order was completed on time. This required me to think on my feet and find creative ways to overcome the challenges.中文回答:作为一名外贸跟单员,我的主要责任是处理整个出口订单的流程,从订单下达到货物交付给客户。

英语专业简历2朱伟三年以上工作经验 | 男| 26岁(1987年4月11日)居住地:北京电话:138********(手机)最近工作 [ 1年6个月 ]公司:XX集团行业:其他行业职位:总裁助理最高学历学历:本科专业:英语学校:哈尔滨理工大学自我评价本人在多年的工作中,掌握了行政、后勤、人力资源及外联公关等基础知识和操作技能,积累了丰富的行政管理经验,为人诚恳正直,具亲和力、执行力、沟通能力和监督管理能力。
求职意向到岗时间:一周之内工作性质:全职希望行业:互联网/电子商务目标地点:北京期望月薪:面议/月目标职能:部门经理工作经验20xx /4—至今:XX集团 [ 1年6个月]所属行业:其他行业总裁办公室总裁助理1、负责总裁的日程安排管理,包括私人事宜;2、负责会议的组织,包括日程的发放和材料的搜集;3、负责总裁旅行的所有安排及其它来访者的行程;4、负责保持和总部及其他亚太地区分部的沟通和协调;5、负责其他部门中的行政事宜。

贸易个人简历模板英文回答:As a seasoned trade professional with over 10 years of experience in international trade and logistics, I bring a comprehensive skill set to the table. My expertise encompasses all aspects of the trade cycle, from market research and sourcing to order fulfillment and customer service.Throughout my career, I have successfully managed complex trade operations for various commodities, including textiles, electronics, and machinery. I have a proven track record of developing and executing sourcing strategies that optimize cost and quality. My strong negotiating skills have enabled me to secure favorable terms with suppliers and service providers worldwide.In addition to my core trade responsibilities, I am also proficient in logistics and supply chain management. Ihave experience in managing international shipping, customs clearance, and inventory control. My understanding of transportation modes and regulations ensures efficient and cost-effective movement of goods.Furthermore, I possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Mandarin, which enables me to build strong relationships with clients and colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds. My ability to adapt to different work environments and thrive under pressure makes me a valuable asset to any team.中文回答:作为一名资深贸易专家,在国际贸易和物流领域拥有超过 10 年的经验,我具备全面的技能。

2022个人简历怎么写6篇2022个人简历怎么写 (1) 电话号码:电子邮箱:2022个人简历怎么写 (2) 姓名:性别:女毕业院校:中南大学民族:汉籍贯:湖南出生年月:x年专业:外贸英语(大专)电话:政治面貌:共青团员电子邮件:2022个人简历怎么写 (3) 基本简历姓名:国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:广西身材: 157 cm?48 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄: 25 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向人才类型:普通求职?应聘职位:贸易类:外贸跟单船务业务助理、销售跟单员工作年限: 2 职称:中级求职类型:全职可到职- 随时月薪要求: 1500--20xx 希望工作地区:广州深圳珠海工作经历20xx年暑假湖北荆门涂料公司业务员20xx年寒假广西桂林阳朔吉米西餐厅英文服务员20xx.7-20xx.6广西桂林艺术画廊英文销售讲解员20xx.8-20xx.10广州金世界贸易有限公司外贸跟单主要负责在网上搜索产品生产厂家并寻价,找寻最好的供应商,带国外客户访问工厂、批发市场,跟进客户订单,主导完成与客户的整个交易过程,的制作外贸单据,检验货物,付款,安排货物运输等教育背景毕业院校:湖北荆门职业技术学院最高学历:大专毕业- 20xx-07-01所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:受教育培训经历:19xx.9-19xx.7广西桂平西山一中19xx.9-20xx.7广西桂平市一中20xx.9-20xx.7湖北荆门职业技术学院商务英语大学英语四级语言能力外语:英语良好国语水平:良好粤语水平:良好工作能力及其他专长英语优听说读写流利;熟练操作电脑和各种办公设备,能和外商沟通,有较强的沟通能力,吃苦耐劳,积极上进,具有良好的职业道德素质。

英语专业个人简历范文(一)姓名:XXX 性别:女民族:汉政治面目:党员学历(学位):........ 专业:商务英语联系电话:..........8 手机:.............联系地址:............. 邮编:528415email Address:*************8教育背景毕业院校:北京师范大学中文系 2001.9--2003.7 中国现当代文学太原师范学院中文系 2003.9--2007.7 汉语言文学专另:其他培训情况*英语通过国家CET六级考试,通过北京市研究生英语学位统考,英汉互译表达流畅。
*擅长利用Internet进行各种网际信息交流,具有一定网站建设、规划经验*熟练运用操作html、Frontpage98等工具制作各类网页及特效图*熟练操作windows平台上的各类应用软件(如Word97、Excel97、PowerpointInternet Explorer、Netscape Communicator等)工作经历*1999.8---至今《乡镇企业报》编辑*1998.9---1999.7 《中国电影报》外国电影版记者*1997.9---1998.9 中日青年交流中心对外汉语教师个人简介我相信,爱一行才能干好一行。
另:最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!期盼与您的面谈!英语专业个人简历范文(二)个人基本简历姓名:某某某国籍:中国广州民族:汉族户口所在地:潮州身材:167 cm kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:25 岁求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:外贸跟单、市场销售/营销类:外贸业务、外语类:英语翻译工作年限:1职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:2000--3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:正崴集团东莞富港电子有限公司起止年月:2008-03 ~ 2009-01公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备担任职务:项目管理工作描述:主要负责国外地区客户跟单,通过英文邮件与客户交流,从下订单直到量产期间所发生的事务的操作,做好客户到公司接待工作并带领客户参观车生产车间,做好客户服务工作,从客户得新产品研发信息主动向公司提供,供研发部门决策,传达客户信息至各工程师与安排各部门工程师各项问题,并针对性的对项目各生产间事务问题安排会议。

外贸人员个人简历英文As a foreign trade personnel, your personal resume is more than just a professional document. It is the first impression that you make on potential employers and clients, and it can ultimately determine the direction of your career in this highly competitive industry. A well-written and well-organized English resume can open doors to new opportunities and help you stand out from the crowd.Here are some key components to include when creating your personal resume:1. Basic InformationAt the top of your resume, include your full name, contact information, and nationality. Chinese candidates should include their English name, whereas foreign candidates should include both their English and Chinese names. Be sure to include your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile link (if applicable).2. Career ObjectiveThis section should summarize your career aspirations and goals. It is important to tailor this section to the specific job or industry you are applying for. For example, if you are interested in a job with a trading company, your objective might read: “Tosecure a challenging role in international trade with a reputable trading company where I can apply my language and negotiation skills to promote international commerce.”3. EducationInclude your educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent degree. Be sure to include the name of the institution, your major, and your graduation year. If you have completed any relevant certifications or courses, be sure to mention those as well.4. Work ExperienceThis section should include your professional experience in the foreign trade industry. List your relevant jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each job, include your job title, the name of the company, your employment dates, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements.5. Language SkillsForeign trade personnel should have strong language skills. Be sure to list all the languages you speak and your proficiency level. Specify your level of proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking.6. Other Relevant SkillsInclude any other relevant skills or experiences that relate to the foreign trade industry. This may include experience with international negotiations, sourcing, logistics, or global supply chain management.7. ReferencesList three references at the bottom of your resume. Be sure to provide their full names, job titles, company names, and contact information. It is important to obtain permission from your references before listing them on your resume.Tips for Writing Your Resume:- Keep it clear, concise, and well-organized. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and bullet points.- Use clear, professional language and avoid slang.- Highlight your achievements, not just your responsibilities.- Tailor your resume to the specific job or industry you are applying for.- Proofread your resume several times to avoid typos and grammatical errors.- Use a professional email address on your resume.- Customize your LinkedIn profile to reflect your resume and update it regularly.In conclusion, a well-crafted personal resume can make all the difference in your career as a foreign trade personnel. By following these guidelines and customizing your resume to the needs of the industry, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and secure new opportunities.。

英语专业个人简历范文1姓名:李xxxx身份证件号码:010********性别:女出生日期:xxxx.11.23民族:汉族政治面貌:共青团员视力:婚姻状况:未婚身高:162cm户籍所在地:北京现居住地:北京[受教育情况]专业:外语类毕业院校:北京农业大学学历:本科毕业年份:20xx第一外语:英语第一外语水平:普通英语六级第二外语:其它外语第二外语水平:初级职称类别:参加工作时间:0年受教育简历:20xx.9-20xx.6 北京农业大学(英语专业)继续教育情况:成果及获奖情况:英语专业四级证书, 公共英语六级证书, 普通话二级甲等证书, 省计算机一级证书. 在校被评为"三好学生". 北京新国际小语种学校"金牌业务员"兴趣爱好:唱歌,爬山,看书自我评价:四年的校园生涯和社会实践生活里,我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础,通过对理论知识的学习和参与社会实践,感觉自己的综合素质在一定程度上得到了提升,是一个专业功底扎实、知识结构完善、适应能力强、具有团体协作精神的有志青年。

外贸业务员英文简历篇二Name:Nationality: ChineseCurrent location: Guangzhou National: HanAccount Location: Hunan stature: 182 cm 67 kgMarital Status: Single Age: 24 years oldTraining and Certification: Integrity Badges:Job intentions and work experienceTalent Type: General JobPosition: Foreign Languages: English Japanese related to trade / Trade Commissioner / Assistant: Foreign trade clerk / assistant, foreign trade with the single: Foreign Trade with the single -Work Experience: 1 Title: No TitleJob type: may be taken up date: at any timeSalary requirements: 壹五00 - 2000 hope that the Working Area: GuangzhouPersonal Work Experience: Company Name: Yueyang City, Ying Da Foreign Language School beginning and ending Clear :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-01Company nature: Other-owned Industry: educationPositions: Teachers and Educational ManagementJob Description: 1, involved in teaching practice, be able to accurately grasp the teaching content and progress.2 to arrange for and supervise the teachers teaching.3, munication with students and parents and so on.4, write and manage the schools relevant management documents and written materials.Reason for leaving:Company Name: Hongyu Huarong County, Yueyang City School of Arts English classes and beginning and ending Clear :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-08Company nature: Other-owned Industry: educationPositions: part-time teachersJob Description: counseling junior high school a sophomore English, use the "Longman International English Language Tutorial" tutorial, using humor entertaining teaching methods, which greatly enhance the learning of English enthusiasm.Reason for leaving: end of summer part-timeEducationGraduate institutions: Hunan Institute of TechnologySupreme Education: Bachelor Degree obtained: Bachelor graduation date: 20xx-07-01Learned professional one: English learned professional 2: JapaneseBy the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.2004-0920xx-06 Hunan Institute of Science degree in English, English professional 4, Japanese 1LanguageLanguage: English ExcellentOther foreign language skills: Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1Mandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: poorThe ability to work and other expertise toCan be cooked for English listening, speaking, reading and writing;English majors have passed four examinations;With a strong translation capacity.More to understand Japanese, has passed Japanese Language Proficiency Test 1Are familiar with Windows, proficient use of Word, Excel, and Photoshop and other office software;Skilled puter operation;Familiar with Internet applications, can be effective use of Internet resources.Engaged in more than six months of work, training and acted their own ability and professional petence.Detailed personal autobiographyI steady personality, treating others with enthusiasm and sincerity. The work of a conscientious and responsible, initiative, and be able to hard-working. I believe in their career can also give full play to its advantages, for your business to make their greatest contribution!外贸业务员英文简历篇三English Name :Personal Data:Sex: maleNative Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , ChinaEmail:Office phone:Mobil:Educational BackgroundMajor: International TradeGraduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade InstituteEducation:1985.2-1988.10Nanjing Normal UniversityMajored English Language1989.2-1990.10Shanghai Foreign Trade InstituteMajored International TradeAcademic Main Courses:Management/Marketing/International Trade, Import/Export Business, Foreign TradeEnglish, Computer Skill and so onEnglish Skills:Have a good mand of both spoken and written English.Computer Abilities:Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000Self Assessment:Good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters.self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to othersEmployment Experience :1993/2--1997/12 worked in St. Mila Co., (Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city.1998/2-2000/10 worked in MasterstaffTravel Co., (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.2001/2-2003/12 workedin Alfa Group Co., (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives.2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co., manage overseas market business.2005/7-2006/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co., managed all exporting business.Position Wanted:To obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market.外贸业务员英文简历篇四xxFemale, 30, The cantoneseEducation: collegeWorking years: 1 to 2 yearsExpected salary: 3000-5000 yuanWorking location: guangzhou baiyun - yetObjective: international trade chief/managerWorking experience (worked for 10 months, did the 1 job)The aggressive photoelectric co., LTDWorking time: March 2012 to January 20一三(10 months)Job title: merchandiserWorking content: mainly responsible for foreign trade merchandiser and customer contact.Education experienceGraduated in June 2010 Zhanjiang normal college English educationLanguage skills.Good mandarin, cantonese, good English, is good外贸业务员英文简历篇五xxFemale, 26, The cantoneseEducation: collegeWorking fixed number of year: 2-3 yearsExpected salary: 5000-8000 yuanWorking location: guangzhou baiyun - three yuanObjective: international trade chief/managerStrong interpersonal munication skills Strong learning ability Affinity with a strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect3 years work experience (work for 10 months, do 2 job)Guangzhou mai trading panyWorking time: March 20一三to November 20一三[8 months]Job title: foreign trade merchandiserJob content: 1, take customer to market, when the customers English translation, and then record the relevant market.2, contact suppliers, is responsible for the production of tracking.2, contact loan generation, booking. The goods, the container.3, make invoice, packing list and other documents, statistics and settlement.4, cooperate with financial verification, reconciliation work.5, the relevant work report.Guangzhou best co., LTDWorking time: since December 20一三(3 years and 2 months]Job title: foreign trade missioner/managerJob content: 1, received a need to develop products, looking for suppliers. Mainly to municate with the guest E-mail, xu price, reflect the problem.2, received orders, order, contact suppliers and follow up orders, during the goods, quality inspection.3, contact forwarder and booking space. Make invoice, packing list and other related documents, arrange shipment.4, cooperate with financial reconciliation, etc.Education experienceGraduated in June 20一三Guangdong light industry professional technology institute business EnglishProfessional skillsWord: skilled experience: 3 yearsExcel: general experience: 3 yearsPowerPoint: skilled experience: 3 yearsPhotoshop: general experience: 1 yearLanguage skills.Mandarin: good Cantonese: good English: very good Spanish: generalCertificate of awardThe name of the certificate: POCIB international trade professional skills certificate Issued by time: issuing authority: in May 2012 at the Chinese academy of international trade Certificate of title: college English level 6 issue of time: in June 2012 issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mitteeThe name of the certificate: certificate of the national foreign trade merchandiser Issued by time: issuing authority: in December 2011 at the Chinese academy of international tradeName: certificate issued by the national certificate of international business English certificate level time: issuing authority: in June 2012 at the Chinese academy of international tradeSelf descriptionMy English name Shirley, simple of my evaluation is summarized as the following: S - Smile (smiling) H - Hardworking (hard) I - Independent (Independent) R - Respo ible (in charge) L - Local cantonese ()) E - Energetic (active) Y - Young (Young) Im active, love of work, like thinking, have good interpersonal munication skills and coordination ability, strong sense of team work. As long as it is worth doing at all, I will try to get things done.外贸业务员英文简历篇六Name: Miss. Haijuan Zeng Nationality: China (Mainland)Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 160 cm50 kgMarital Status: married Age: 30 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type: JobseekerPreferred job title: Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: manager.Working life: 5 Title: No titleJob type: Full time Expected Start date: In three daysExpected salary: ¥8,000--¥12,000 Preferred working place: GuangzhouWork experienceCompanys name: VSP Electroincs LtdBegin and end date: 2006-03-2008-11Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Tele/Network Equipment Job Title: export merchandiserJob description: operate new markets and handles orders whole process till payment and product arrive customer side.外贸业务员英文简历篇七Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and ExportsJob Title: Business assistant Positions: Sales RepresentativeJob Description: 1.Collect clinents new marketing requiments of some products for new business development 。

English version of your resume
Foreign trade salesman
Name: Nationality: China
Present location: Xuzhou: the Manchu Nationality
Height: 165cm 60kg
Marital status: single age: 32
Job search intention and work experience
离职原因:公Biblioteka 规模有限,不能提供更大发展空间。自我评价:
Job: foreign trade salesman / foreign trade merchandiser
Work experience: 5 years or above title: primary
Job type: full time, within a week of availability
2, through various channels to find and contact the dealerbuilding materials products abroad.

外贸专员个人简历3篇(外贸专员简历模板)外贸专员个人简历1姓名:xxx年龄:21户口所在:广东省国籍:中国婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族身高:176 cm体重:63 kg求职意向人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:外贸/进出口专员/助理:外贸业务员,外贸跟单/跟单助理:跟单员求职类型:实习可到职日期:随时月薪要求:3xxxx~3xxx元希望工作地区:广州,,工作经历广交会展馆起止年月:20xx-10~20xx-11公司性质:民营企业所属行业:贸易/消费/制造/营运担任职位:翻译工作描述:在展馆内担任展位翻译,负责接待客人以及应付客人咨询及下订单。
教育背景毕业院校:广东外语艺术职业学院最高学历:大专获得学位:毕业日期:20xx-06专业一:国际贸易实务及会展起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号20xx-09 20xx-06广东外语艺术职业学院国际贸易实务及会展管理大学英语四级及单证员语言能力外语:英语良好粤语水平:精通其它外语能力:国语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长大学英语A级证书,以及四级证书能熟悉使用Windows操作系统,能够独立并解决常见问题;能够熟悉使用Word 文档,excel,PowerPoint等office办公软件;获国家计算机一级等级资格证书个人自传做事踏实,有责任心;工作细致,谨慎,有耐心;高度自觉,自律;善于交流,沟通协调能力较强;待人真诚,易于与人相处;乐于分享自己的经验。

外贸个人简历范文(一)姓名:xuexila年龄:20目前所在:国籍:中国婚姻状况:民族:汉族身高:体重:我的特长:求职意向人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易:外贸业务,贸易:外贸主管工作年限:职称:中级求职类型:全职可到职日期:一个星期月薪要求:3500--5000希望工作地区:广州,,工作经历昆山***涂层材料有限公司起止年月:2008-07-01 ~2010-04-01公司性质:私营企业所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业担任职位:外贸经理工作描述:●. 参加国内外展会,接洽国外客户。
教育背景毕业院校:西安市空军工程大学最高学历:大专获得学位:毕业日期:2001-07-01专业一:经贸英语专业二:西班牙起始年月终止年月学校(机构) 所学专业获得证书证书编号1998-09-01 2001-07-01 西安空军工程大学工程学院英语- -语言能力外语:英语精通粤语水平:一般其它外语能力:西班牙语优秀外贸个人简历范文(二)xuexila目前所在:广州年龄:21户口所在:海南国籍:中国婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族求职意向人才类型:应届毕业生应聘职位:跟单员,贸易跟单:外贸跟单,文秘/文员工作年限:0职称:中级求职类型:实习可到职日期:两个星期月薪要求:2000--3500希望工作地区:广州,重庆,海南工作经历教育背景毕业院校:广洲海员学校最高学历:大专获得学位: 中专毕业日期:2009-07专业一:海关业务与外贸专业二:起始年月终止年月学校(机构) 所学专业获得证书证书编号2006-09 2009-05 广洲海员学校海关业务与外贸全国计算机信息高新技术考试资格证书[国家职业资格认证]外语:英语良好粤语水平:良好其它外语能力:国语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长本人熟练所学的课程,且具有较强的操作能力,能够学以致用。

外贸工司写一份个人简历英语作文English:I am an experienced professional in international trade with a proven track record of success. With over five years of experience in the field, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of global markets, trade regulations, and import/export processes. My expertise lies in negotiating favorable terms with suppliers and clients, managing logistics efficiently, and ensuring compliance with all relevant trade laws. I am adept at building and maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders, which has consistently resulted in increased sales and profitability for my employers. Additionally, I possess strong analytical skills and the ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. I am fluent in both English and Mandarin, which allows me to effectively communicate with international partners and clients. With a passion for international business and a commitment to delivering exceptional results, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to any organization's success.中文翻译:我是一名有着丰富经验的国际贸易专业人士,拥有成功的履历。


英语专业简历范文(一)个人基本资料姓名:付丹萍性别:女民族:汉毕业院校:河南科技大学出生年月:1982 11 学历:本科籍贯:河南洛阳专业:英语联系电话:0379—4232645(学校)137****3196自我评价本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力、待人热情。
利用课余时间取得河南大学英语专业自学考试本科学历,主修经贸英语、旅游英语等实用课程外语水平大学专业英语四级(TEM4) 河南省日语二级计算机水平熟练操作OFFICE2000及办公室软件获奖情况多次获得院系奖学金获得院系进步奖及单科奖学金能力与特长能够熟练的用英语进行交谈,从事翻译和教学工作,口语流利熟练掌握了英语教学法熟练掌握了外贸函电及国际贸易实务的理论及实践知识能进行简单的日语交流擅长人际交往社会实践2002年暑假在郑州小太阳幼儿园工作2003年暑假在洛阳阶梯英语公司工作2004年曾参加了统一饮料的促销活动课余时间从事英语家教英语专业简历范文(二)姓名:姚小姐性别:女民族:汉族政治面貌:群众出生日期: 1983年08月学历:本科技术职称:助理级毕业院校:四川内江师范学院毕业时间: 2006年07月所学专业:英语外语水平:英语电脑水平:一般工作年限: 2年联系方式:130########求职意向工作类型:全职单位性质:不限期望行业:贸易、进出口、机械制造、机电设备、重工业、培训机构、教育、科研院所、通讯、电信业、电子、微电子技术期望职位:客户服务专员/助理、英语、外贸经理/主管/专员、业务跟单工作地点:江干区、西湖区、下沙开发区、余杭区、下城区英语专业简历范文(三)个人基本简历姓名:李小姐性别:女民族:汉目前所在地:广东年龄:23 户口所在地:广东婚姻状况:未婚求职意向及工作经历应聘职位:翻译(口译与笔译)、兼职|临时、人才类型:两者均可职称:工作年限:0 可到职日期:随时求职类型:两者均可希望工作地区:广东陕西西安个人工作经历: 2008年3月至今伊甸园影视网兼职影视翻译2007年8月佛山威麦中国营销中心出口部实习生多次外语家教经验教育背景毕业院校:西安外国语大学最高学历:本科毕业日期:2009年7月所学专业一:外语所学专业二:受教育培训经历: 2005年9月至今西安外国语大学翻译专业英语专业四级优秀2002年9月至2005年7月佛山市第一中学语言能力外语:英语外语水平:精通国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通。

Personal ProfileAs an experienced international trade secretary, I possess a wealth of knowledge and skills in the field of foreign trade and business operations. With over five years of experience working for multinational corporations, I have developed excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as a detail-oriented approach to project management. My strong work ethic, positive attitude and determination enable me to efficiently tackle new challenges and exceed expectations.Education2009-2013 Bachelor of International Business, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China- Completed courses in International Trade, Finance and Management- Obtained a certificate in Mandarin Chinese proficiency (Level 6)Professional Experience2013-present International Trade Secretary, ABC Company, Shanghai, China- Responsible for managing daily communication withclients and suppliers, ensuring timely delivery and quality control of goods and services- Coordinated with customs and transportation authorities, ensuring smooth and efficient shipment and clearance of goods - Maintained accurate records of sales, expenses and inventory, providing detailed analysis and reports to management- Assisted in the development of marketing strategies and participation in international trade exhibitionsSkills- Fluent in Mandarin and English, both written and oral- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)- Familiar with various online trading platforms (Alibaba, Made-in-China, etc.)- Knowledgeable in international trade regulations and customs proceduresInterestsIn my free time, I enjoy reading books on business strategy and economics, playing tennis and practicing yoga. I also actively participate in volunteer activities, such as providing English tutoring to underprivileged students and organizing charity events for animal welfare organizations.ReferencesAvailable upon request.。
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姓名××* 性别 * (照片)
___ ×××× e-mail ××@163.
语言 ?
* 英语通过专业英语八级(tem4),有优秀的听说读写能力;(专业八级证书等级:优秀)
?* 能以日语进行简单沟通对话,达日本语能力测试三级水平;
?* 学习了德语的基本知识
* 计算机通过国家二级(vfp语言);
?* 熟练掌握office系列办公软件、dreamweaver网页制作;
?* 熟悉vb语言,并能够使用c++.进行编程;
?* 掌握了sqlserver、aess等数据库知识
* 辅修国际金融(2年),了解常用贸易术语、规则及相关法律条款。
@ 学生工作
? 负责海报创意、制作
@ 社会实践
澳洲××公司驻××办事处人力资源部助理(04/xx -- ) ? 翻译日常文书、信件;
? 起草英文商业信件;
? 参与会议,对澳洲总部派遣人员的讲话进行记录、
? 向外商介绍产品,进行报价;
? 及时向厂商反映客户的特殊要求、疑虑或其他问题秋交会(10/xx)外宾随身翻译
? 翻译商品信息;
? 参加合同条款拟订;
? 协助安排航运事宜(集装箱规格、拼柜等);
? 安排外宾行程;
? 介绍相关文化背景
? 向外商介绍产品;
? 了解客户需求,并及时向厂家反映模板,内容仅供参考。