(江苏专版)2020高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有10天

15.nutrition n.营养 16.significance n.意义;重要性 17.simplify v.使简化;使简易 18.standard n.标准
阅读理解之障碍词汇 1.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的 2.analysis n.分析;分析结果 3.appetite n.食欲,胃口 4.certificate n.证书;证明 5.convince vt.使确信,使信服;说服 6.diploma n.毕业文凭;毕业证书
距离高考还有 10 天
单项填空之高频词汇 1.faith n.信仰,信念,相信;保证,诺言 2.fault n.过错,缺点,故障,毛病 3.favour n.恩惠,帮助;好感,喜欢 4.fortune n.运气,机会;财产;命运 5.function n.作用,功能
完形填空之熟词新义 1.last adj.最不可能的(熟义:adj.最后的) He is the last man I want to see. 2.mean adj.自私的;卑鄙的;吝啬的(熟义:v.意味着) It's mean of you to eat up all the apples. 3.measure v.估量;判定(重要性、价值或影响等) It's hard to measure his ability when we haven't seen his work. 4.multiply v.成倍增加;迅速增加(熟义:v.乘以) We can multiply our chances of success.
6.guidance n.引导,指导 7.harmony n.融洽,和睦 8.honour n.荣誉;尊敬 9.impression n.印象,感觉 10.influence n.影响

完形填空之熟词新义 1.wander v.走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差(熟义:v.漫游;游荡;漫步) Her thoughts wandered back to her childhood. 2.work v.(方法、药等)起作用,奏效(熟义:v.工作;劳动) The medicine works more efficiently if you drink some hot water after taking it. 3.voice v.说出(熟义:n.声音) Moreover,I will open more channels for you to voice your opinions and needs. 4.taste n.鉴赏力;爱好(熟义:v.品尝;尝出……的味道) While she was in Paris,she developed a taste for fine art. 5.store v.贮藏;贮存;保存(熟义:n.大型百货商店)
6.cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的 7.challenging adj.具有挑战性的 8.characteristic adj.典型的,独特的 9.clumsy adj.笨拙的,不灵巧的 10.common adj.共同的,普通的,一般的
情景交际之常考俚语 1.see right through someone 一眼看穿 2.skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身处险境) 3.skeleton in one's closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事) 4.skin and bones 皮包骨头 5.stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算)
高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略文档:第2部分 距离高考还有11天

距离高考还有11天单项填空之高频词汇1.devotion n.奉献,奉献精神2.disagreement n.意见不一致;相违;争论3.drawback n.缺点,不利条件4.effort n.努力;尽力5.energy n.精力;能量6.entry n.进入7.equipment n.设备8.evidence n.证据,证明9.exchange n.交换;交流10.experience n.经验;经历,体验情景交际之常考俚语1.beat a dead horse鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳)2.bet on it下这一注稳赢(有把握,无疑)3.big headed大脑袋(傲慢,自大)4.birds of a feather flock together羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)5.break the ice破冰(打破僵局)6.bull in a china shop瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人)7.bury one's head in the sand把头埋在沙子里(自欺欺人)8.butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下)9.can't teach an old dog new tricks老狗学不会新把戏10.clean up one's act自我检点,自我改进完形填空之熟词新义1.express n.快车(熟义:v.表达)Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai?2.help v.避免;防止;起作用(熟义:v.帮助)Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cause problems to your lungs.3.house v.给……房子住;容纳(熟义:n.房子)These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil.4.inspire v.启发(熟义:v.鼓舞)His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.5.jump v.大幅度上涨(熟义:v.跳)Last week the price of goods jumped.6.kid v.开玩笑;欺骗(熟义:n.小孩)Take it easy.I'm just kidding.7.land v.谋得(工作等)(熟义:n.陆地v.降落;着陆)Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford,I've watched one friend after another land high-ranking,high-paying Wall Street jobs.8.kill v.消磨或打发时间(熟义:v.杀死;弄死)How does the man kill time?阅读理解之障碍词汇1.admission n.准入;接纳2.addicted adj.上瘾的;沉溺于某种嗜好的3.allocate v.拨给;划归;分配给……4.calculate v.计算;核算5.campaign n.运动;战役6.ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节7.division n.分开;分配;分裂;不一致8.depressed adj.沮丧的9.disturb v.打扰10.evaluate v.估值;评价;评估11.exhibition n.展览;展览会12.emergency n.紧急情况或状态13.major adj.主要的;较大的v.主修n.专业majority n.大多数14.mature adj.成熟的15.merciful adj.仁慈的;宽大的16.relaxation n.放松17.vivid adj.生动的;栩栩如生的18.privilege n.特权;特殊待遇19.procedure n.程序;手续20.provide v.提供。


主题晨背一、背话题单词1.acquaintance n.熟人,(与某人)认识2.communicate vi. 交流,沟通3.cooperate vi. 合作4.forgive vt. 宽恕,原谅5.misunderstand vt. 误会;误解6.treasure vt. 珍视7.handle vt. 处理8.concern vt.&n. 关心,担心9.respect vt.&n. 尊重10.conflict vi.&n. 冲突11.quarrel vi.&n. 争吵12.consideration n. 体谅,仔细考虑13.harmony n. 和睦,和谐14.understanding n. 理解15.tolerance n. 忍受16.strength n. 优点,长处17.weakness n. 弱点,缺点18.colleague n. 同事19.partner n. 伙伴20.helpful adj. 有帮助的21.harmonious adj. 和谐的22.selfless adj. 无私的23.barrier n. 隔阂;障碍24.calm adj. 冷静的25.selfcentered adj. 以自我为中心的二、背话题短语1.get on/along well with sb. 与某人相处融洽2.be in harmony with ... 与……和谐相处/相协调3.be on good terms with sb. 与某人关系好4.fit in with ... 与……相适应/相融洽5.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友6.keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系7.promote friendship with ... 增进与……的友谊8.be ready to help others 乐于助人9.help sb.out 帮助某人摆脱困境10.turn to sb.for help 向某人求助11.be concerned for/about ... 对……担心12.care about sb. 关心某人13.show respect for sb. 尊重某人14.make an apology to sb.for ... 为……向某人道歉15.trust each other 相互信任16.improve the relationship 改善关系17.a lack of understanding 缺乏理解18.arise from ... 由……引起/产生19.be to blame 负有责任20.establish good interpersonal relationships建立良好的人际关系三、背话题佳句1.As far as I'm concerned, to build a good relationship, we should trust each other first.就我个人而言,要建立良好的人际关系,我们首先应该彼此信任。
高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有14天

距离高考还有14天单项填空之高频词汇1.balance n.平衡2.bargain n.协议,合同;廉价货3.base n.根据地,基地;(棒球)垒4.behalf n.代表某人,为了某人5.behaviour n.行为,举止6.benefit n.优势,益处7.board n.木板;膳食;委员会,董事会8.burden n.重担,负担9.ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节10.challenge n.挑战(性)情景交际之常考俚语1.eat his words食言2.elbow one's way用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道3.get a black eye被别人打青了眼睛4.make eyes抛媚眼5.cast sheep's eye暗送秋波6.You have an eye for something.有眼光有见解。
7.save one's face换回面子8.pull a long face拉长了脸9.face the music不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面10.a matter of face面子攸关的事情完形填空之熟词新义1.ache v.渴望(熟义:v.& n.疼痛)Having left for ages,he was aching for home.2.against prep.映衬(熟义:prep.逆着;反对;倚,靠;碰)The picture looks nice against the white wall.3.blue adj.忧郁的;忧伤的(熟义:n.蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue.4.build v.使增强;使更强壮n.体格;身材(熟义:v.建筑;建造) One should receive training to build up one's confidence.You're right,Josh.He may have a small build.5.damage n.赔偿金(复数)(熟义:v.& n.损坏)He claimed 8,000 damages from the taxi company.6.escape v.被忘掉;被忽视(熟义:v.逃跑;逃脱)The name escapes me for the moment.7.exploit v.利用(熟义:v.开采;开发;剥削)You must exploit every opportunity to learn English.8.foreign adj.不熟悉的(熟义:adj.外国的;外文的)The subject is foreign to all of us.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.abundant adj.大量的,丰盛的,丰裕的2.accessible adj.易接近的;可到达的3.accommodation n.住宿;膳宿4.board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部v.上(车/船/飞机) 5.bonus v.繁荣;轰鸣;激增n.隆隆声;(营业等的)激增;(经济等的)繁荣6.botanical adj.植物学的7.champion n.冠军championship n.锦标赛8.departure n.离开;出发9.deposit n.订金;押金v.存款;放下;放置储存10.expression n.表达;词句;表示;表情11.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的12.energetic adj.精力旺盛的13.instant adj.立刻的;速食的;速溶的;方便的14.instruction n.指示;命令;用法说明;操作指南;教育;指导15.instrument n.乐器;工具;器械16.pyramid n.金字塔17.reflect v.反映;反射18.wrinkle n.皱纹19.voyage n.航行;旅行20.view n.看法;见解;风景;景色。
高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略文档:第2部分 距离高考还有7天

距离高考还有7天单项填空之高频词汇1.absolute adj.完全的,全部的,绝对的2.accessible adj.可到达的,可接受的3.accustomed adj.习惯的,惯常的4.actual adj.实际的,真实的5.adequate adj.适当的;胜任的;充足的6.admirable adj.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的7.allergic adj.过敏的,厌恶的8.ample adj.足够的,充足的9.apparent adj.显而易见的;外表的10.appropriate adj.合适的,恰当的情景交际之常考俚语1.on the tip of my tongue话到舌尖,呼之欲出2.one foot in the grave一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)3.one step ahead of you领先你一步4.pale in comparison相形失色5.pieces come together拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果) 6.put all of one's eggs in one basket鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷) 7.put one's foot in one's mouth把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了)8.put the cart before the horse车在马前(本末倒置)9.put up the white flag竖白旗(投降,放弃)10.rain cats and dogs天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)完形填空之熟词新义1.solid adj.可靠的;可信赖的(熟义:adj.固定的;坚硬的)The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful. 2.stand v.忍受n.货摊(熟义:v.站;站立;直立)The author could not stand living in a wooden house.I found the fish stand surrounded in a sea of customers.3.subject n.实验对象;被试adj.易受影响的(熟义:n.科目;话题;主语) The subjects of this experiment were men aged 18—50.The child is subject to colds.4.treat v.治疗;医治;款待;招待(熟义:v.以……态度对待)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very good reputation.Let's go out for lunch—my treat today.5.walk n.行业(熟义:v.行走;步行)This society welcomes people from all walks of life.6.wear v.表露;流露;面带(熟义:v.穿;佩戴)The girl always wears a happy smile.7.weigh v.权衡;斟酌(熟义:v.称……的重量;重达)However,this must be weighed against the benefits for city children for whom we all have the greatest duty of care.8.undertake v.承诺;许诺;答应(熟义:v.承担;从事)I can't undertake that you will make a profit.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.awesome adj.引起敬畏的;可怕的2.bacterium (pl.bacteria) n.细菌3.characteristic adj.典型的;独特的4.coincidence n.巧合;巧事5.deadline n.最后期限;截止日期6.discrimination n.歧视7.distribute v.分发;分配8.fascinating adj.魅力无穷的9.frontier n.边境;国界;前沿;前线10.guidance n.指引;指导;领导11.occasion n.时刻;场合12.particular adj.特殊的;挑剔的13.pray v.祈祷14.relevant adj.相关的15.state n.状态;情形;国家;(美国的)州16.statistics n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学17.unemployment n.失业;失业状态18.withdraw v.撤回;撤离。
高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略文档:第2部分 距离高考还有2天

距离高考还有2天单项填空之高频词汇1.proper adj.适当的,正确的2.rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的;汹涌的;粗略的;倒霉的;不舒服的3.sensitive adj.体贴的,善解人意的4.simply ad v.简单地,的确5.specific adj.明确的,具体的,独特的6.successful ad v.成功的,有成就的7.suitable adj.合适的,适宜的,相配的8.tight ad v.紧紧地adj.紧的,牢固的9.tiresome adj.令人厌倦的10.traditional adj.传统的,风俗的情景交际之常考俚语1.have another think coming大错特错2.Get the picture?我说的话你明白了吧?3.noon sharp正午4.off the top of one's head不假思索,马上5.be caught dead献丑,出洋相6.eye-opener令人大开眼界的事7.put on airs摆架子8.get the hang of进入状态,摸到窍门9.break the news to告诉坏消息10.gross someone out让某人觉得恶心阅读·写作之习惯表达1.come to one's rescue前来救某人2.keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡3.make full use of water resources合理利用水资源4.take action/steps/measures to do sth.采取措施做某事5.take responsibility for / be responsible for对……负责任6.appeal to sb.to do sth.号召/呼吁某人做某事7.play the role of扮演……角色8.be in one's charge在某人的掌管之下9.make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象10.have an appointment with sb.与某人有约阅读·写作之复杂句式1.It is your ability to do the job that matters,not where you come from.真正重要的不是你来自哪里,而是你的工作能力。
高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略文档:第2部分 距离高考还有13天

距离高考还有13天单项填空之高频词汇1.character n.文字;性格;角色2.charge n.管理;掌管;费用;控告3.coincidence n.巧合,巧事4.comfort n.舒适,安慰5.comment n.评论6.commitment n.承诺,允诺,承担7.company n.公司;陪伴;交往;客人8.competence n.能力,胜任,管辖权9.concern n.关心,关注10.conclusion n.结论;结束情景交际之常考俚语1.cold fish态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人2.green eyed嫉妒3.green hand生手4.He is ripe in years but green in heart.老当益壮。
5.lose your heart to someone和某人谈恋爱6.win your heart赢得你的心7.heart of stone石头心肠8.pour out your heart倾吐你的心事9.not to wear your heart on your sleeve不要太情绪化10.put your heart at rest放下心来完形填空之熟词新义1.allow v.使可能(熟义:v.允许)This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.2.bear v.显示;带有(熟义:v.忍受;容忍)He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. 3.better v.改善;优化(熟义:adj.& ad v.较好的;较好地)A key first step in bettering your evaluation is to look carefully at your sources of health information.4.cloudy adj.不明朗的;不清晰的(熟义:adj.多云的)Who will take his place still remains cloudy.5.course n.一道菜(熟义:n.课程;过程;航线)The courses vary with the season in this restaurant.6.fail v.不足;缺乏(熟义:v.失败)Last year the rain failed and many crops died.7.fresh adj.无经验的(熟义:adj.新鲜的)She is quite fresh to the work.8.gain v.(钟表)快(熟义:v.获得;赢得)Don't worry!My watch gains.We still have time.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.accumulate v.积累;积聚2.accuracy n.精确,准确3.acknowledge v.承认(权威或主张);告知(信件/礼物)已收到;表示谢意;对……打招呼4.bounce v.使弹起;蹦;上下晃动n.弹跳;跳动5.brake n.闸v.刹车6.brand n.商标;品牌7.distinguish v.区别;辨别8.distinction n.区别;差别9.dilemma n.窘境;困境;进退两难10.expectation n.期望;期待11.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的12.equip v.提供设备;装备;配备equipment n.装备;设备13.harmony n.和谐;和睦;融洽harmonious adj.融洽的;和睦的14.literature n.文学15.litter n.垃圾;废弃物v.乱丢;把……弄得乱七八糟16.remain v.保持;剩下;仍是17.remote adj.偏僻的;偏远的18.ruin v.使毁坏;使毁灭n.废墟;遗迹19.transparent adj.透明的;清澈的20.unbelievable adj.难以置信的。
(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题二 完形填空教学案

专题二完形填空[江苏高考完形填空近五年考情统计]年份体裁选项设置词汇复现语境暗示背景常识和生活常识固定搭配逻辑关系2020 记叙文 3 9 3 3 2 2020 记叙文 3 11 3 2 1 2020 记叙文 3 10 2 2 3 2020 夹叙夹议文 6 9 2 2 1 2020 记叙文 2 12 1 4 1 [命题分析]从上表中可以看出,江苏高考完形填空题设空以上下文情景题和固定搭配题为主,文化情景题以及语法与逻辑题为辅;注重在语境中考查词义及搭配。
初读文章只要明白了大意(who, when, where, what),掌握了梗概,总体把握了文章内容、结构、时态和语态变化,情节的展开,结果的形成,就达到了目的,完成了任务。

距离高考还有12天(对应学生用书第104页)单项填空之高频词汇1.condition n.条件,状况,状态;情况,环境,形势2.conscience n.良心,良知,内疚3.consequence n.结果,后果4.consideration n.考虑;关心5.construction n.建造;建设;建筑物6.contribution n.贡献7.crowd n.群,人群8.custom n.习惯,习俗9.damage n.损失,损害,损坏;(用复数)赔偿费10.determination n.决心情景交际之常考俚语1.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林2.a cat nap打个盹儿3.a ouch potato躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼)4.a load off my mind心头大石落地5.a piece of cake小菜一碟,易事一件6.a slap in the face公然受辱7.a thick skin厚脸皮8.a weight off my shoulders放下肩头重担9.all thumbs笨手笨脚10.back on track改过自新完形填空之熟词新义1.excuse v.免除某人的职责(熟义:n.借口;原谅)He was excused from piano practice.2.freeze v.惊呆;吓呆;不动,停止(熟义:v.结冰,(使)冻结)When faced with so many options,the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.3.ground n.理由(熟义:n.地面)He has strong grounds for more money.4.govern v.影响;支配(熟义:v.管理;控制)The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.5.hit n.成功;红极一时的人或事(熟义:v.击中;打击)Tuhao is quite a hit of this year.6.ill adj.& ad v.坏的;坏地(熟义:adj.生病的)It's no good speaking ill of others.7.interest n.利益;股份(熟义:n.兴趣)Our family has interests in the business.8.invite v.吸引(熟义:v.邀请)Don't leave the window open—it's inviting thieves to enter.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.alternative adj.选择性的;供选择的n.可供选择的事物2.anniversary n.周年纪念3.approach v.接近;靠近n.方法;途径;接近;靠近4.brochure n.资料(或广告)手册5.budget n.预算;预算拨款v.编制预算adj.低廉的;经济的6.buffet n.自助餐v.打击7.dismiss v.让……离开;遣散;解散;解雇;开除8.diverse adj.不同的;相异的;多种多样的9.extinction n.灭绝10.expand v.扩展;膨胀11.issue n.问题;发行;(报刊)一期12.invade v.侵入;侵略13.intelligence n.智力;聪明14.playwright n.剧作家15.precious adj.宝贵的;珍贵的16.ridiculous adj.荒谬的;愚蠢的17.sculpture n.雕刻;雕塑;雕像18.thrill n.& v.兴奋;激动thriller n.惊险小说。

距离高考还有8天(对应学生用书第108页)单项填空之高频词汇1.permission n.允许,许可,同意2.position n.位置,处境;职业3.possession n.所有,拥有;财产,所有物4.preference n.选择,趋向5.reputation n.名声,名誉6.responsibility n.责任,负责7.situation n.形势,情况,环境8.thought n.思考,思想;观点9.variety n.种类;多样性10.weakness n.软弱,虚弱;弱点,短处情景交际之常考俚语1.like hot cakes像刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)2.like looking for a needle in a haystack如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针) 3.lose one's marbles疯了,神智不清4.make a mountain out of a molehill把小土堆说成大山(小题大作) 5.more than you can shake a finger at屈指难数6.nail in the coffin棺材钉子(致死的一击,决定成败的最重要因素) 7.neck and neck马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)8.on cloud nine九霄云上;极其快乐9.on my nerves惹我心烦10.on pins and needles如坐针毡,坐立不安完形填空之熟词新义1.match v.般配;与……匹配(熟义:n.火柴;比赛)She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.2.round n.回合;局;轮(熟义:prep.& ad v.环绕;围着adj.围着的) We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency.3.shelter v.保护(熟义:n.避难所)I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered from the freezing and blowingweather.4.shoulder v.承担(熟义:n.肩膀)Young people should learn to shoulder the blame.5.reflect v.沉思;思考(熟义:v.反射;映出)I need time to reflect on your offer.6.safe adj.谨慎的;小心的(熟义:adj.安全的)He is a safe man.You can count on him.7.spring v.跳;跃;突然出现(熟义:n.春天;泉水)Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.8.strength n.强项;优点;优势(熟义:n.力气)Maths is not my strength.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.assessment n.看法;评价;评估2.assumption n.假定;假设;担任3.atmosphere n.大气;气氛;环境4.correspond v.一致;与……相当;(与人)通信,有书信往来5.consistent adj.一致的6.consultant n.顾问7.digital adj.数字的;数码的8.download v.下载9.drawback n.缺点;不利条件10.fortune n.财产;运气fortunate adj.幸运的;侥幸的11.fantasy n.幻想;怪念头12.forbid v.禁止;不许13.fitness n.健康14.organization n.组织;机构15.present v.呈送;奉送adj.在场的;出席的n.礼物presentation n.演示;演出16.plot n.剧情17.submit v.提交;呈递(文件/建议等)18.urge v.敦促;催促;力劝urgent adj.紧急的;紧迫的19.violate v.违反(法律;协议等);侵犯violence n.暴力行为violent adj.暴力的20.welfare n.福利。

距离高考还有8天(对应学生用书第108页)单项填空之高频词汇1.permission n.允许,许可,同意2.position n.位置,处境;职业3.possession n.所有,拥有;财产,所有物4.preference n.选择,趋向5.reputation n.名声,名誉6.responsibility n.责任,负责7.situation n.形势,情况,环境8.thought n.思考,思想;观点9.variety n.种类;多样性10.weakness n.软弱,虚弱;弱点,短处情景交际之常考俚语1.like hot cakes像刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)2.like looking for a needle in a haystack如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针) 3.lose one's marbles疯了,神智不清4.make a mountain out of a molehill把小土堆说成大山(小题大作) 5.more than you can shake a finger at屈指难数6.nail in the coffin棺材钉子(致死的一击,决定成败的最重要因素) 7.neck and neck马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)8.on cloud nine九霄云上;极其快乐9.on my nerves惹我心烦10.on pins and needles如坐针毡,坐立不安完形填空之熟词新义1.match v.般配;与……匹配(熟义:n.火柴;比赛)She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.2.round n.回合;局;轮(熟义:prep.& ad v.环绕;围着adj.围着的)We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency.3.shelter v.保护(熟义:n.避难所)I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered from the freezing and blowingweather.4.shoulder v.承担(熟义:n.肩膀)Young people should learn to shoulder the blame.5.reflect v.沉思;思考(熟义:v.反射;映出)I need time to reflect on your offer.6.safe adj.谨慎的;小心的(熟义:adj.安全的)He is a safe man.You can count on him.7.spring v.跳;跃;突然出现(熟义:n.春天;泉水)Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.8.strength n.强项;优点;优势(熟义:n.力气)Maths is not my strength.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.assessment n.看法;评价;评估2.assumption n.假定;假设;担任3.atmosphere n.大气;气氛;环境4.correspond v.一致;与……相当;(与人)通信,有书信往来5.consistent adj.一致的6.consultant n.顾问7.digital adj.数字的;数码的8.download v.下载9.drawback n.缺点;不利条件10.fortune n.财产;运气fortunate adj.幸运的;侥幸的11.fantasy n.幻想;怪念头12.forbid v.禁止;不许13.fitness n.健康14.organization n.组织;机构15.present v.呈送;奉送adj.在场的;出席的n.礼物presentation n.演示;演出16.plot n.剧情17.submit v.提交;呈递(文件/建议等)18.urge v.敦促;催促;力劝urgent adj.紧急的;紧迫的19.violate v.违反(法律;协议等);侵犯violence n.暴力行为violent adj.暴力的20.welfare n.福利。

6.botanical adj.植物学的 7.champion n.冠军 championship n.锦标赛 8.departure n.离开;出发 9.deposit n.订金;押金 v.存款;放下;放置 储存 10.expression n.表达;词句;表示;表情 11.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的 12.energetic adj.精力旺盛的 13.instant adj.立刻的;速食的;速溶的;方便的
完形填空之熟词新义 1.ache v.渴望(熟义:v.& n.疼痛) Having left for ages,he was aching for home. 2.against prep.映衬(熟义:prep.逆着;反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall. 3.blue adj.忧郁的;忧伤的(熟义:n.蓝色) His songs always make me feel blue. 4.build v.使增强;使更强壮 n.体格;身材(熟义:v.建筑;建造) One should receive training to build up one's confidence. You're right,Josh.He may have a small build.
阅读理解之障碍词汇 1.abundant adj.大量的,丰盛的,丰裕的 2.accessible adj.易接近的;可到达的 3.accommodation n.住宿;膳宿 4.board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部 v.上(车/船/飞机) 5.bonus v.繁荣;轰鸣;激增 n.隆隆声;(营业等的)激增;(经济等的) 繁荣
2020江苏专版高考英语二轮复习讲义:专题2 完形填空 第二节

第二节夹叙夹议文(2019·江苏)Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age.There are species(物种) that are 36 every day.The white-naped crane is a typical example.So scientists are trying their best to 37 the species from going out of existence.Chris and Tim work at a zoo,helping endangered cranes with their 38 .Emma,a female crane,has been in their 39 since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation,Emma was 40 by human caretakers.This led to an unexpected 41 ,though she had a wonderful time there.Emma had 42 taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans.She 43 to live with male cranes,and even had a 44 for killing some of them,which made it 45 for her to become a mother.46 ,the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝) of this precious species.With their patience and efforts,they successfully developed a 47 of artificial breeding(人工繁殖) and natural reproduction.This 48 Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work.But before they can be 49 ,more efforts must be made,because the population of the crane in the wild is on the 50 ,and many other species appear headed toward extinction. 51 ,not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts,feelings,and most importantly,equal rights to survive.How can we 52 the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals?Chris and Tim offered us the 53 :human beings took it for granted that their 54 held all the solutions,but maybe their hearts can be a better 55 .36.A.growing B.migratingpetingD.disappearing答案 D解析根据该段中的“Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age.”可知,在现代,野生动物受到了极大的威胁,每天都有物种在消失。

距离高考还有9天(对应学生用书第107页)单项填空之高频词汇1.joy n.欢乐,高兴;令人快乐的人(事)2.knowledge n.知识,学问;知道,了解,熟悉3.latter n.(两者之中的)后者4.length n.长,长度;段,节5.loss n.丧失;损耗;失败6.majority n.大多数7.means n.方法,手段8.mercy n.怜悯9.nationality n.国籍;民族10.occupation n.职业,工作情景交际之常考俚语1.hit the hay倒在稻草上(睡觉、就寝)2.hit the jackpot中了头彩3.in the dark在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道)4.in the spotlight站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)5.in the middle of nowhere周围什么也没有(前不着村,后不着店)6.just what the doctor ordered正是大夫说的(对症下药)7.kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕,一举两得8.last straw最后一根稻草9.left a bitter taste in one's mouth留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆)10.let the cat out of the bag放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)完形填空之熟词新义1.narrow v.缩小;使变窄(熟义:adj.狭窄的)Parents and children should communicate more to narrow the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.2.operate v.起作用(熟义:v.机器运转;做手术)The medicine operated quickly.3.picture v.描绘(熟义:n.画)I would like to picture my future life in ten years.4.read v.理解;领会(熟义:v.读;阅读)I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time.5.promise v.有……的希望;使……有可能(熟义:n.& v.许诺) The dark clouds promise rain.6.rate v.对……作出评价;被认为;被评价为(熟义:n.比率;速度) They rated him highly as a colleague.7.say v.假定;显示;表明(熟义:v.说)Say that war breaks out,what will you do?8.pronounce v.宣称;宣布;判决(熟义:v.发音)The judge pronounced against her appeal.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.anecdote n.轶事;趣闻2.approximately ad v.大约,近似地3.arise v.起来;升起;出现;呈现;(由……而)引起4.compulsory ad v.强制的,必须做的5.curriculum n.课程6.conscience n.良知,良心;内疚7.deliberately ad v.故意地8.dizzy adj.头晕目眩的9.delay v.耽搁;耽误10.function n.功能;作用v.活动;运行;行使职责11.fundamental adj.十分重要的;根本的;基本的12.funeral n.葬礼13.fluent adj.流利的;流畅的fluency n.流利;流畅14.operate v.做手术;运转;实施;经营;管理operation n.手术;操作15.physician n.内科医生16.prescription n.处方17.technique n.技术;技巧technical adj.技术的;工艺的18.transform v.改造;改革;变换;改变19.resign v.放弃或辞去(工作,职位等);辞职20.routine n.常规;惯例。
高考英语二轮复习与策略 第2部分 距离高考还有14天

距离高考还有14天单项填空之高频词汇1.balance n.平衡2.bargain n.协议,合同;廉价货3.base n.根据地,基地;(棒球)垒4.behalf n.代表某人,为了某人5.behaviour n.行为,举止6.benefit n.优势,益处7.board n.木板;膳食;委员会,董事会8.burden n.重担,负担9.ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节10.challenge n.挑战(性)情景交际之常考俚语1.eat his words食言2.elbow one's way用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道3.get a black eye被别人打青了眼睛4.make eyes抛媚眼5.cast sheep's eye暗送秋波6.You have an eye for something.有眼光有见解。
7.save one's face换回面子8.pull a long face拉长了脸9.face the music不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面10.a matter of face面子攸关的事情完形填空之熟词新义1.ache v.渴望(熟义:v.& n.疼痛)Having left for ages,he was aching for home.2.against prep.映衬(熟义:prep.逆着;反对;倚,靠;碰)The picture looks nice against the white wall.3.blue adj.忧郁的;忧伤的(熟义:n.蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue.4.build v.使增强;使更强壮n.体格;身材(熟义:v.建筑;建造) One should receive training to build up one's confidence.You're right,Josh.He may have a small build.5.damage n.赔偿金(复数)(熟义:v.& n.损坏)He claimed 8,000 damages from the taxi company.6.escape v.被忘掉;被忽视(熟义:v.逃跑;逃脱)The name escapes me for the moment.7.exploit v.利用(熟义:v.开采;开发;剥削)You must exploit every opportunity to learn English.8.foreign adj.不熟悉的(熟义:adj.外国的;外文的)The subject is foreign to all of us.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.abundant adj.大量的,丰盛的,丰裕的2.accessible adj.易接近的;可到达的3.accommodation n.住宿;膳宿4.board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部v.上(车/船/飞机) 5.bonus v.繁荣;轰鸣;激增n.隆隆声;(营业等的)激增;(经济等的)繁荣6.botanical adj.植物学的7.champion n.冠军championship n.锦标赛8.departure n.离开;出发9.deposit n.订金;押金v.存款;放下;放置储存10.expression n.表达;词句;表示;表情11.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的12.energetic adj.精力旺盛的13.instant adj.立刻的;速食的;速溶的;方便的14.instruction n.指示;命令;用法说明;操作指南;教育;指导15.instrument n.乐器;工具;器械16.pyramid n.金字塔17.reflect v.反映;反射18.wrinkle n.皱纹19.voyage n.航行;旅行20.view n.看法;见解;风景;景色。

距离高考还有13天(对应学生用书第103页)单项填空之高频词汇1.character n.文字;性格;角色2.charge n.管理;掌管;费用;控告3.coincidence n.巧合,巧事4.comfort n.舒适,安慰5.comment n.评论6.commitment n.承诺,允诺,承担7.company n.公司;陪伴;交往;客人8.competence n.能力,胜任,管辖权9.concern n.关心,关注10.conclusion n.结论;结束情景交际之常考俚语1.cold fish态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人2.green eyed嫉妒3.green hand新手4.He is ripe in years but green in heart.老当益壮。
5.lose your heart to someone和某人谈恋爱6.win your heart赢得你的心7.heart of stone石头心肠8.pour out your heart倾吐你的心事9.not to wear your heart on your sleeve不要太情绪化10.put your heart at rest放下心来完形填空之熟词新义1.allow v.使可能(熟义:v.允许)This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.2.bear v.显示;带有(熟义:v.忍受;容忍)He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.3.better v.改善;优化(熟义:adj.& ad v.较好的;较好地)A key first step in bettering your evaluation is to look carefully at your sourcesof health information.4.cloudy adj.不明朗的;不清晰的(熟义:adj.多云的)Who will take his place still remains cloudy.5.course n.一道菜(熟义:n.课程;过程;航线)The courses vary with the season in this restaurant.6.fail v.不足;缺乏(熟义:v.失败)Last year the rain failed and many crops died.7.fresh adj.无经验的(熟义:adj.新鲜的)She is quite fresh to the work.8.gain v.(钟表)快(熟义:v.获得;赢得)Don't worry!My watch gains.We still have time.阅读理解之障碍词汇1.accumulate v.积累;积聚2.accuracy n.精确,准确3.acknowledge v.承认(权威或主张);告知(信件/礼物)已收到;表示谢意;对……打招呼4.bounce v.使弹起;蹦;上下晃动n.弹跳;跳动5.brake n.闸v.刹车6.brand n.商标;品牌7.distinguish v.区别;辨别8.distinction n.区别;差别9.dilemma n.窘境;困境;进退两难10.expectation n.期望;期待11.enthusiastic adj.热情的;狂热的12.equip v.提供设备;装备;配备equipment n.装备;设备13.harmony n.和谐;和睦;融洽harmonious adj.融洽的;和睦的14.literature n.文学15.litter n.垃圾;废弃物v.乱丢;把……弄得乱七八糟16.remain v.保持;剩下;仍是17.remote adj.偏僻的;偏远的18.ruin v.使毁坏;使毁灭n.废墟;遗迹19.transparent adj.透明的;清澈的20.unbelievable adj.难以置信的。
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1.faith n.信仰,信念,相信;保证,诺言
2.fault n.过错,缺点,故障,毛病
3.favour n.恩惠,帮助;好感,喜欢
4.fortune n.运气,机会;财产;命运
5.function n.作用,功能
6.guidance n.引导,指导
7.harmony n.融洽,和睦
8.honour n.荣誉;尊敬
9.impression n.印象,感觉
10.influence n.影响
1.count your chickens before they hatch蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡
2.cry over spilled milk为洒了的牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)
3.days are numbered来日无多
4.domino effect多米诺效应
5.empty nest空巢(儿女长大离家)
6.get a foot in the door一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)
7.get off on the wrong foot起步便错(第一印象不佳)
8.go one step too far多走了一步(做得太过分了)
9.go to one's head冲昏头脑;使人有醉意
10.grasp for straws抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓)
1.last adj.最不可能的(熟义:adj.最后的)
He is the last man I want to see.
2.mean adj.自私的;卑鄙的;吝啬的(熟义:v.意味着)
It's mean of you to eat up all the apples.
3.measure v.估量;判定(重要性、价值或影响等)
It's hard to measure his ability when we haven't seen his work.
4.multiply v.成倍增加;迅速增加(熟义:v.乘以)
We can multiply our chances of success.
5.note v.注意;指出;特别提到(熟义:n.笔记)
I noted that her hands were dirty.
6.nurse v.看护;照料(病人或伤者)(熟义:n.护士;保姆)
While nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had an interest in medicine.
7.part v.分手;放弃;卖掉(熟义:n.部分;零件;角色)
In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.
8.position n.立场;观点(熟义:n.位置;职位)
What's your position on the problem?
1.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的
2.analysis n.分析;分析结果
3.appetite n.食欲,胃口
4.certificate n.证书;证明
5.convince vt.使确信,使信服;说服
6.diploma n.毕业文凭;毕业证书
7.delight n.快乐;乐事delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的
8.evident adj.显而易见的;清楚的evidence n.证据;证明
9.expose v.揭露
10.finance n.资金;财政;金融v.给……提供资金
11.fragile adj.易碎的;脆弱的
12.impress v.留下极深的印象 impression n.印象;感觉13.luggage n.(总称)行李
14.material n.材料;原料
15.nutrition n.营养
16.significance n.意义;重要性
17.simplify v.使简化;使简易
18.standard n.标准。