The log term of Szego Kernel
在Ubuntu系统中,可以使用以下命令安装mcelog:```shellsudo apt-get install mcelog```安装完成后,可以通过以下命令来运行mcelog:运行mcelog后,它会读取系统中的MCE错误信息并显示在终端上。
⼀个内核报错⽇志分析与解决问题今天检查jira服务器挂了的时候,查看了该服务器/var/log/messages⽇志,发现报错如下:Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: AER: Corrected error received: id=00e6Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, id=00e6(Receiver ID) Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: device [8086:a116] error status/mask=00000001/00002000Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: [ 0] Receiver ErrorDec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: AER: Corrected error received: id=00e6Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, id=00e6(Receiver ID) Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: device [8086:a116] error status/mask=00000001/00002000Dec 4 13:50:26 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: [ 0] Receiver ErrorDec 4 13:50:27 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: AER: Corrected error received: id=00e6Dec 4 13:50:27 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, id=00e6(Receiver ID) Dec 4 13:50:27 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: device [8086:a116] error status/mask=00000001/00002000Dec 4 13:50:27 localhost kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.6: [ 0] Receiver Error这种报错可能是由于活动状态电源管理正在将链路转换为较低的电源状态,可能导致设备触发这些错误。
crashkernel参数(原创实用版)目录1.介绍 crashkernel 参数2.crashkernel 参数的作用3.使用 crashkernel 参数的方法4.crashkernel 参数的示例5.结论正文1.介绍 crashkernel 参数crashkernel 参数是 Linux 内核中的一个重要参数,主要用于在系统崩溃时进行内核转储,以便于对系统崩溃的原因进行分析和调试。
crashkernel 参数通常在系统启动时由内核自动设置,也可以通过手动编辑内核配置文件进行设置。
2.crashkernel 参数的作用crashkernel 参数的主要作用是在系统发生异常时,将内核的当前状态保存到一个文件中,以便于系统管理员或开发人员进行分析。
通过分析crashkernel 参数保存的内核状态,可以找到系统崩溃的原因,进而对系统进行调试和优化。
3.使用 crashkernel 参数的方法要使用 crashkernel 参数,首先需要确保系统内核已经启用了crashkernel 支持。
接下来,可以通过以下两种方法使用 crashkernel 参数:(1)使用命令行工具:可以使用“crash”命令将 crashkernel 参数保存到一个文件中。
例如:```crash /path/to/crashkernel```(2)手动编辑内核配置文件:可以手动编辑内核配置文件(通常位于 /usr/src/linux/.config 或 /usr/src/linux-xx.xx/.config),将CRASH_DUMP_ON_ZERO_PANIC设置为y,并配置一个用于存储crashkernel 文件的路径。
例如:```CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP_ON_ZERO_PANIC=yCONFIG_CRASH_DUMP_DIR=/path/to/crashdumps```4.crashkernel 参数的示例以下是一个 crashkernel 参数的示例:```$ crash /path/to/crashkernel```上述命令将把系统当前的状态保存到/path/to/crashkernel文件中。
linux 服务挂掉时,生成core文件和释放资源的处理逻辑
linux 服务挂掉时,生成core文件和释放资源的处理逻辑
2.生成core 文件:如果程序出现了严重错误,系统会自动生成core 文件。
core 文件包含了程序崩溃时的内存快照和堆栈跟踪信息,可以帮助开发人员快速定位问题所在。
centOs期末考试试题及答案# CentOs期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. CentOS的全称是什么?A. Community Enterprise Operating SystemB. Centralized Enterprise Operating SystemC. Corporate Enterprise Operating SystemD. Centralized Enterprise Operating System答案:A2. CentOS的默认防火墙是什么?A. iptablesB. ufwC. firewalldD. ipf答案:C3. 在CentOS中,以下哪个命令用于查看当前系统版本?A. uname -aB. cat /etc/os-releaseC. lsb_release -aD. rpm -q centos-release答案:B4. 在CentOS系统中,以下哪个命令用于安装软件包?A. yum installB. apt-get installC. dnf installD. yum add答案:C5. CentOS系统中,哪个服务负责网络服务的启动和停止?A. NetworkManagerB. systemdC. initD. service答案:B...(此处省略其他选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 解释什么是YUM(Yellowdog Updater Modified)?答案:YUM是一个在基于RPM的Linux发行版中用于管理软件包的高级包管理器。
2. 描述如何使用SSH在CentOS服务器上进行远程登录。
然后,在客户端机器上打开终端,使用ssh命令连接到服务器,命令格式如下:```ssh 用户名@服务器IP地址```输入密码后,即可成功登录到服务器。
doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.200094自适应Fourier 分解思想在再生核W 2 1[a ,b ]空间的应用蒋文超,谭立辉(广东工业大学 应用数学学院,广东 广州 510520)W 12[a ,b ]n W 12[a ,b ]n n 摘要: 在再生核空间中研究自适应正交贪婪分解算法, 利用能量下降最快的原理自适应性地构造出最佳项逼近函数, 并从理论上证明其收敛性成立。
最后, 实验验证了在再生核空间中, 利用正交贪婪原理构造的项数值原函数比用等分结点构造出的最佳项数值原函数收敛效果更优。
关键词: 最佳数值原函数;正交贪婪分解算法;自适应Fourier 分解;数值逼近中图分类号: O242.2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1007–7162(2021)03–0065–07Application of the Principle of Adaptive Fourier Decomposition in Reproducing Kernel W 2 1[a ,b ] SpaceJiang Wen-chao, Tan Li-hui(School of Applied Mathematics, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510520, China)W 12[a ,b ]W 12[a ,b ]Abstract: Te adaptive orthogonal greedy decomposition algorithm in the reproducing kernel -space isstudied. The optimal n -term approximation function is adaptively constructed based on the principle of the fastest energy descent, and the convergence of this algorithm is proved theoretically. Finally, an experiment is used toverify that in the reproducing kernel -space, the best n -term numerical original function constructed by theorthogonal greedy principle has a better convergence effect than the best n -term numerical original function constructed with equal division nodes.Key words: optimal numerical primitive function; orthogonal greedy algorithm; adaptive Fourierdecomposition; numerical approximationf (t )在信号处理领域,为了实现信号的分类、存储、识别等目的,通常需要将信号分解为不同的原子,研究它们的不同表示形式。
Kernel panic常见原因
kernel panic错误表现kernel panic 主要有以下几个出错提示:Kernel panic-not syncing fatal exception in interruptkernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!kernel panic - not syncing: killing interrupt handler!Kernel Panic - not syncing:Attempted to kill init !kernel错误分析查看了一下 linux的源码文件,找到相关位置kernel/panic.cNORET_TYPE void panic(const char * fmt, ...){static char buf[1024];va_list args;bust_spinlocks(1);va_start(args, fmt);vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);va_end(args);printk(KERN_EMERG "Kernel panic - not syncing: %s/n",buf);bust_spinlocks(0);kernel/exit.cif (unlikely(in_interrupt()))panic("Aiee, killing interrupt handler!"); #中断处理if (unlikely(!tsk->pid))panic("Attempted to kill the idle task!"); #空任务if (unlikely(tsk->pid == 1))panic("Attempted to kill init!"); #初始化从其他源文件和相关文档看到应该有几种原因:1、硬件问题使用了 SCSI-device 并且使用了未知命令#WDIOS_TEMPPANIC Kernel panic on temperature trip## The SETOPTIONS call can be used to enable and disable the card# and to ask the driver to call panic if the system overheats.## If one uses a SCSI-device of unsupported type/commands, one# immediately runs into a kernel-panic caused by Command Error. To better # understand which SCSI-command caused the problem, I extended this# specific panic-message slightly.##read/write causes a command error from# the subsystem and this causes kernel-panic2、系统过热如果系统过热会调用panci,系统挂起#WDIOS_TEMPPANIC Kernel panic on temperature trip## The SETOPTIONS call can be used to enable and disable the card# and to ask the driver to call panic if the system overheats.3、文件系统引起#A variety of panics and hangs with /tmp on a reiserfs filesystem#Any other panic, hang, or strange behavior## It turns out that there's a limit of six environment variables on the# kernel command line. When that limit is reached or exceeded, argument # processing stops, which means that the 'root=' argument that UML# usually adds is not seen. So, the filesystem has no idea what the# root device is, so it panics.# The fix is to put less stuff on the command line. Glomming all your# setup variables into one is probably the best way to go.Linux内核命令行有6个环境变量。
在VMware中安装了centos,重启时报错:Failed to start Crash recovery kernel arming本质是kdump服务启动失败先来说⼀下,什么是kdumpKdump是⼀个内核崩溃转储机制,在系统崩溃的时候,Kdump将捕获系统信息,这对于针对崩溃的原因⾮常有帮助。
启动失败的原因查看 /etc/grub.conf⽂件,发现crashkernel=auto,问题就出在这⼉:注:centos7后为:vi /etc/grub2.cfg系统对crashkernel=auto的定义为:如果系统的内存 <= 8 GB 对kdump kernel不会保留任何内容;也就是说,crashkernel=auto 等于关掉了机器上的kdump功能;如果系统的内存> 8 GB 但是<= 16 GB,crashkernel=auto会保留256M,等同于crashkernel=256M;如果系统内存> 16GB,crashkernel=auto会保留512M,等同于crashkernel=512M。
找到了原因,重新给crashkernel设置参数即可:在 kdump 的配置中,往往困惑于 crashkernel 的设置。
“crashkernel=X@Y”,X 应该多⼤? Y⼜应该设在哪⾥呢?实际我们可以完全省略“@Y”这⼀部分,这样,kernel 会为我们⾃动选择⼀个起始地址。
⽽对于 X 的⼤⼩,般对 i386/x86_64 的系统,设为 128M 即可;对于 powerpc的系统,则要设为 256M。
某⼀天,开发同事突然告诉我服务器上⾃⼰的虚拟机连不上了,我登陆到服务器CAS管理界⾯,重启虚拟机后发现报错了问题:Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init原因:这个问题的主要原因是系统的/lib64/libc-2.12.so和/lib64/⽂件丢失或者软链接错误解决办法: ⼀、修改启动模式,更改为光盘启动(各种环境⼤同⼩异) ⼆、⽤光盘启动救援模式,进⼊shell命令⾏:执⾏: chroot /mnt/sysinage 报错 三、拷贝/lib64/libc-2.12.so和/lib64/⽂件 四、执⾏: chroot /mnt/sysinage 不会报错,证明已经修复过程如下: ⼀、修改启动模式,更改为光盘启动(各种环境⼤同⼩异),我的服务器装的是CAS管理平台,配置如下(如果是其他的请⾃⾏百度) 1、挂载光盘 2、设置为启动引导后,重启虚拟机 ⼆、⽤光盘启动救援模式,进⼊shell命令⾏:执⾏: chroot /mnt/sysinage 报错 1、选择Rescue install system 后回车 2、选择语⾔:English(默认) 3、选择键盘类型:us(默认) 4、Setup Networking:NO(设置⽹络根据情况⽽定,⼀般来说⽹络没问题就不⽤设置了) 5、Rescue:Continue(继续)1. >选择Continue,则救援模式程序会⾃动查找系统中已有的⽂件系统,并把他们挂载到/mnt/sysimage⽬录下。
2. >选择Read-Only,则会以只读的⽅式挂载已有的⽂件系统。
3. >⼿动挂载则Skip。
4. >Advanced ,⾼级选项就不作说明了。
6、原系统挂载路径/mnt/sysimage,如果想获得原系统root环境,执⾏⾏命令:chroot /mnt/sysimage 即可 7、⼀直OK,到选择shell命令⾏,OK 8、因为/usr/lib64/ & -> 问题,执⾏chroot /mnt/sysinage会报错 三、拷贝/lib64/libc-2.12.so和/lib64/⽂件 cp /lib64/ /mnt/sysimage/lib64/ cp /lib64/ /mnt/sysimage/lib64/ 注:如果拷贝失败:⽤强制拷贝cp -rf 命令 四、执⾏: chroot /mnt/sysinage 不会报错,证明已经修复 重新启动虚拟机,启动成功。
kernel5.10 编译方法 -回复
kernel5.10 编译方法-回复Kernel 5.10编译方法Kernel是操作系统的核心组件,主要负责处理硬件、资源管理、进程调度等。
本文将介绍Kernel 5.10的编译方法,并提供一步一步的指导。
步骤一:准备工作1.1 确认系统要求在编译Kernel之前,要确保你的系统符合以下要求:- Linux发行版,如Ubuntu、Debian等。
- 操作系统处于最新的更新状态,并已安装了必要的开发工具和依赖项,包括GCC、G++、make、libncurses5-dev等。
1.2 下载Kernel源码首先,我们需要从官方网站下载Kernel 5.10的源码。
打开步骤二:配置内核2.1 进入源码目录使用终端进入到刚解压的内核源码目录。
例如,假设你将其解压到/home/user/kernel-5.10目录,你可以使用以下命令进入到该目录:shellcd /home/user/kernel-5.102.2 配置内核在源码目录下,运行以下命令来配置内核:shellmake menuconfig该命令将打开一个文本界面的配置菜单,允许你选择不同的内核配置选项。
你可以使用以下命令保存内核配置:shellcp .config /home/user/kernel-config-5.10步骤三:编译内核3.1 开始编译在源码目录下,运行以下命令编译内核:shellmake -j(nproc)该命令将使用多个CPU核心进行编译工作,加快编译速度。
Linux下的段错误(Segment ationfault)产生的原因及调试方法(经典)2009-04-05 11:25简而言之,产生段错误就是访问了错误的内存段,一般是你没有权限,或者根本就不存在对应的物理内存,尤其常见的是访问0地址.一般来说,段错误就是指访问的内存超出了系统所给这个程序的内存空间,通常这个值是由gdtr来保存的,他是一个48位的寄存器,其中的32位是保存由它指向的gdt表,后13位保存相应于gdt的下标,最后3位包括了程序是否在内存中以及程序的在cpu中的运行级别,指向的gdt是由以64位为一个单位的表,在这张表中就保存着程序运行的代码段以及数据段的起始地址以及与此相应的段限和页面交换还有程序运行级别还有内存粒度等等的信息。
一旦一个程序发生了越界访问,cpu就会产生相应的异常保护,于是segme ntatio n fault就出现了.在编程中以下几类做法容易导致段错误,基本是是错误地使用指针引起的1)访问系统数据区,尤其是往系统保护的内存地址写数据最常见就是给一个指针以0地址2)内存越界(数组越界,变量类型不一致等) 访问到不属于你的内存区域解决方法我们在用C/C++语言写程序的时侯,内存管理的绝大部分工作都是需要我们来做的。
下面将就以下的一个存在段错误的程序介绍几种调试方法:1 dummy_f unctio n (void)2 {3 unsigne d char *ptr = 0x00;4 *ptr = 0x00;5 }67 int main (void)8 {9 dummy_f unctio n ();1011 return0;12 }作为一个熟练的C/C++程序员,以上代码的bu g应该是很清楚的,因为它尝试操作地址为0的内存区域,而这个内存区域通常是不可访问的禁区,当然就会出错了。
linux系统启动weblogic受管服务器报如下错误时:解决方法:进入cd Middleware/ ,使用 find 。
-name *.lok 命令查找文件,然后删除即可。
例: rm 。
/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/pc-linux01/tmp/pc-linux01.loklinux系统启动weblogic受管服务器报Socket closed错误linux系统启动weblogic受管服务器报如下错误时:Multicast socket receive error:.SocketException:Socket closed…… Invalid argument解决办法:打开/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/ba se_domain/bin下的startManagedWebLogic.sh文件,找到JAVA_OPTIONS=“”/home/weblogic/ Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/se rver/lib/cacerts“ ${JAVA_O PTIONS}”修改为JAVA_OPTIONS=“”/home/weblogic/ Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/cacerts“ ${JAVA_O PTIONS} .preferIPv4Stack=true”上面就是Linux下启动weblogic受管服务器两种常见报错的解决方法,如果你在启动weblogic受管服务器的时候出现如上错误提示,可以尝试使用本文介绍的方法进行解决。
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center创建和管理UFS引导环境的指
Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops CenterCreating and Administering UFS Boot Environment for Oracle Solaris 1012c Release 1 ( 2012This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise ManagerOps Center.IntroductionA boot environment is an instance of a bootable Oracle Solaris image includingadditional software packages that are installed onto the image, and the set of all filesystems and devices (disk slices and mount points) that are required to operate anOracle Solaris operating system instance.A dual boot environment consists of a live or active boot environment (BE) and one ormore inactive alternate boot environments (ABE). An alternate boot environment is aninactive environment that is not currently booted. You can activate an alternate bootenvironment at any time.Creating a boot environment provides a method of copying critical file systems fromthe active boot environment to a new boot environment. The lucreate commandenables reorganizing a disk if necessary, customizing file systems, and copying thecritical file systems to the new boot environment.This example describes how to create a boot environment using a profile and anassociated deployment plan for Oracle Solaris 10 operating system that has UFS filesystem.The lucreate command used here is -c first_disk -m /:/dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0:ufsfirst_disk is the name of the boot environment assigned to the active bootenvironment. This option is only used when the first boot environment is created. Ifyou run lucreate for the first time and you omit the -c option, the software creates adefault name.The lucreate command that is used with the -m option specifies which file systemsand the number of file systems to be created in the new boot environment. Forexample, a single use of the -m option specifies where to put all the file systems.If Oracle Solaris 10 operating system contains zones, you must know about thelimitations and the expected operations for Oracle Solaris 10 boot environment, beforecreating the boot environment.See Related Articles and Resources for links to related information and articles.What You Will NeedYou will need the following to create the boot environment for Oracle Solaris 10operating system:■Live Upgrade feature with lucreate scripts to create boot environments.■Determine your boot environment policy by activating boot environment and reboot on job completion.■An agent-managed Oracle Solaris 10 operating system with the Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade feature.■Latest Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade packages and patches must be installed to ensure that you have all the latest bug fixes and features.■Verify that the disk space available is enough for the creation of boot environment.■Asset administrator role and an Update administrator role to complete the procedure for creating boot environment.Create a Boot Environment Profile for Oracle Solaris 10The steps to create a profile for boot environment for Oracle Solaris 10 are:1.Expand Plan Management in Navigation pane.2.Select Boot Environments under Profiles and Policies.3.Click Create Profile from the Actions pane. It opens a Create Profile wizard forBoot Environment for Oracle Solaris 10.4.Enter the following information and click Next.■Name – Enter the name of the profile.■Description – Enter the description of the profile.■Subtype – Select the subtype as Solaris 10.■Target Type – Select the target type as Solaris 10 Operating System.5.Specify the boot environment parameters and click Next.■lucreate Parameters – Enter the lucreate parameter. For example, a lucreate parameter is -c first_disk -m /:/dev/dsk/c1t3d0s0:ufs■BE Name – Enter the name of boot environment.6.Review the summary of the profile and click Finish to save the profile.Environments section under Profiles and Policies of the Navigation pane.Create a Boot Environment Deployment Plan for Oracle Solaris 10The steps to create a deployment plan for boot environment for Oracle Solaris 10 are: 1.Expand Plan Management in Navigation pane.2.Select Create Boot Environment under Deployment Plans.3.Click Create Plan from Template from the Actions pane. It opens Create aDeployment Plan wizard for Boot Environment for Oracle Solaris 10.4.Enter the following details and click Save.■Plan name – Enter the name of the deployment plan.■Description – Enter the description of the plan.■Failure Policy – Select Complete as much as possible.■Deployment Plan Steps – Associate the profile that is created for the Create BE step by clicking on the drop down of Associate Profile/Deployment Plan andthen select the corresponding profile.The deployment plan for boot environment for Oracle Solaris 10 then appears under the Create Boot Environment section under Deployment Plans of the Navigation pane.Create a Boot Environment for Oracle Solaris 10 From a Deployment PlanComplete the following steps to create a boot environment for Oracle Solaris 10 from a deployment plan.1.Expand Plan Management in Navigation pane.2.Expand Deployment Plans.3.Select the deployment plan under Create Boot Environment.4.Select Apply Deployment Plan from the Actions pane.5.Select the target assets and Add to Target List. Click Next.6.Schedule the job to run Now or at a later time and click Next.7.View the Summary and click Apply.This new boot environment now appears in the Boot Environment tab of the center pane.What's Next?After you create a boot environment, you can administer and manage the boot environment.■View a Boot Environment■Synchronize a Boot Environment■Activate a Boot Environment■Update a Boot Environment■Delete a Boot EnvironmentView a Boot EnvironmentYou can view the active boot environment and the inactive boot environment in the Boot Environments tab and in the Summary tab. Inactive boot environments appear in the Boot Environments tab for each operating system.When you select the Oracle Solaris 10 operating system under Assets section, the Summary tab displays the name of the active boot environment in the center pane. Further details about the boot environment are available in the Boot Environments tab in the center pane. To view the file system details, click the FileSystems subtab in the Boot Environments tab. To view the associated zone boot environment details, click the click the Associated Zone BEs subtab in the Boot Environments tab.If there are no alternate boot environments, the Boot Environments tab is not displayed in the center pane.Synchronize a Boot EnvironmentYou can synchronize, or sync, an active Oracle Solaris 10 global zone bootenvironment with an inactive boot environment on the same system. Synchronizingboot environments makes the inactive boot environment the same as the currently running boot environment.To synchronize a single boot environment:1.Click an Oracle Solaris 10 operating system in the Assets section of Navigationpane.2.Click the Boot Environments tab. Existing boot environments for the OS appear inthe center pane.3.Select the boot environment and click Synchronize Boot Environment from theActions pane.Activate a Boot EnvironmentActivating a boot environment makes an inactive or alternate boot environment the active boot environment. You can activate a single boot environment, or you can select an operating system group and activate an alternate boot environment for each operating system.To activate a single boot environment:1.Click an Oracle Solaris 10 operating system in the Assets section of Navigationpane.2.Click the Boot Environments tab. Existing boot environments for the OS appear inthe center pane.3.Select the boot environment and click Activate Boot Environment and Rebootfrom the Actions pane.You can also activate a boot environment from the Boot Environments tab by clicking the Activate a Boot Environment icon.Only one boot environment can be active at a time. The newly activated boot environment becomes the default environment upon reboot. You cannot delete the active boot environment.Update a Boot EnvironmentYou can update an alternate boot environment by deploying a Software Deployment / Update deployment plan and selecting the alternate boot environment as the target. Before you update an alternate boot environment, you must have a Software Deployment / Update plan. You can also update a boot environment from an Update Profile.Delete a Boot EnvironmentYou can delete a boot environment, by deleting all associated snapshots and unshared file systems. If there are non-global zone boot environments associated with the global zone boot environment, you can delete them too. Shared file systems are not deleted. To delete a boot environment:1.Click an Oracle Solaris 10 operating system in the Assets section of Navigationpane.2.Select one or more boot environments or snapshots that you want to remove in theBoot Environments tab, then click the Delete icon.Related Articles and ResourcesFor more information on installing and using the Live Upgrade feature, and the parameters available for the lucreate command see,■Oracle Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning■/cd/E19082-01/819-2240/lucreate-1m/index.htmlFor more information on the limitations and requirements on zones, see the section Support for Oracle Solaris 10 Live Upgrade and Oracle Solaris Zones in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide.See the following chapters in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Refernce Guide:■Operating Systems■Monitoring Rules and Policies■Oracle Solaris ZonesOracle Solaris 10 documentation at/technetwork/documentation/solaris-10-192992.htmlFor other examples, see the How To library at /cd/E27363_ 01/nav/howto.htm.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Creating and Administering UFS Boot Environment for Oracle Solaris 10 , 12c Release 1 ( © 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。
以下是关于"crashkernel"参数的详细解释:1. 内存大小,"crashkernel"参数中的值用于指定用于崩溃转储的内存大小。
2. 内存位置,除了指定内存大小外,"crashkernel"参数还可以指定内存的位置。
3. 使用场景,"crashkernel"参数通常用于服务器环境或对系统稳定性要求较高的场景。
4. 配置方法,在Linux系统中,可以通过boot loader(如GRUB)的配置文件(如grub.conf或grub.cfg)来设置"crashkernel"参数。
linux 内核编译各个选项的含义
Code maturity level options代码成熟度选项Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers显示尚在开发中或尚未完成的代码与驱动.除非你是测试人员或者开发者,否则请勿选择General setup常规设置Local version - append to kernel release在内核版本后面加上自定义的版本字符串(小于64字符),可以用"uname -a"命令看到Automatically append version information to the version string 自动在版本字符串后面添加版本信息,编译时需要有perl以及git仓库支持Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap)使用交换分区或者交换文件来做为虚拟内存System V IPCSystem V进程间通信(IPC)支持,许多程序需要这个功能.必选,除非你知道自己在做什么IPC NamespacesIPC命名空间支持,不确定可以不选POSIX Message QueuesPOSIX消息队列,这是POSIX IPC中的一部分BSD Process Accounting将进程的统计信息写入文件的用户级系统调用,主要包括进程的创建时间/创建者/内存占用等信息BSD Process Accounting version 3 file format使用新的第三版文件格式,可以包含每个进程的PID和其父进程的PID,但是不兼容老版本的文件格式Export task/process statistics through netlink通过netlink接口向用户空间导出任务/进程的统计信息,与BSD Process Accounting的不同之处在于这些统计信息在整个任务/进程生存期都是可用的Enable per-task delay accounting在统计信息中包含进程等候系统资源(cpu,IO同步,内存交换等)所花费的时间UTS NamespacesUTS名字空间支持,不确定可以不选Auditing support审计支持,某些内核模块(例如SELinux)需要它,只有同时选择其子项才能对系统调用进行审计Enable system-call auditing support支持对系统调用的审计Kernel .config support把内核的配置信息编译进内核中,以后可以通过scripts/extract-ikconfig脚本来提取这些信息Enable access to .config through /proc/config.gz允许通过/proc/config.gz访问内核的配置信息Cpuset support只有含有大量CPU(大于16个)的SMP系统或NUMA(非一致内存访问)系统才需要它Kernel->user space relay support (formerly relayfs)在某些文件系统上(比如debugfs)提供从内核空间向用户空间传递大量数据的接口Initramfs source file(s)initrd已经被initramfs取代,如果你不明白这是什么意思,请保持空白Optimize for size (Look out for broken compilers!)编译时优化内核尺寸(使用"-Os"而不是"-O2"参数编译),有时会产生错误的二进制代码Enable extended accounting over taskstats收集额外的进程统计信息并通过taskstats接口发送到用户空间Configure standard kernel features (for small systems)配置标准的内核特性(为小型系统)Enable 16-bit UID system calls允许对UID系统调用进行过时的16-bit包装Sysctl syscall support不需要重启就能修改内核的某些参数和变量,如果你也选择了支持/proc,将能从/proc/sys存取可以影响内核行为的参数或变量Load all symbols for debugging/kksymoops装载所有的调试符号表信息,仅供调试时选择Include all symbols in kallsyms在kallsyms中包含内核知道的所有符号,内核将会增大300KDo an extra kallsyms pass除非你在kallsyms中发现了bug并需要报告这个bug才打开该选项Support for hot-pluggable devices支持热插拔设备,如usb与pc卡等,Udev也需要它Enable support for printk允许内核向终端打印字符信息,在需要诊断内核为什么不能运行时选择BUG() support显示故障和失败条件(BUG和WARN),禁用它将可能导致隐含的错误被忽略Enable ELF core dumps内存转储支持,可以帮助调试ELF格式的程序Enable full-sized data structures for core在内核中使用全尺寸的数据结构.禁用它将使得某些内核的数据结构减小以节约内存,但是将会降低性能Enable futex support快速用户空间互斥体可以使线程串行化以避免竞态条件,也提高了响应速度.禁用它将导致内核不能正确的运行基于glibc的程序Enable eventpoll support支持事件轮循的系统调用Use full shmem filesystem完全使用shmem来代替ramfs.shmem是基于共享内存的文件系统(可能用到swap),在启用TMPFS后可以挂载为tmpfs供用户空间使用,它比简单的ramfs先进许多Use full SLAB allocator使用SLAB完全取代SLOB进行内存分配,SLAB是一种优秀的内存分配管理器,推荐使用Enable VM event counters for /proc/vmstat允许在/proc/vmstat中包含虚拟内存事件记数器Loadable module support可加载模块支持Enable loadable module support打开可加载模块支持,如果打开它则必须通过"make modules_install"把内核模块安装在/lib/modules/中Module unloading允许卸载已经加载的模块Forced module unloading允许强制卸载正在使用中的模块(比较危险)Module versioning support允许使用其他内核版本的模块(可能会出问题)Source checksum for all modules为所有的模块校验源码,如果你不是自己编写内核模块就不需要它Automatic kernel module loading让内核通过运行modprobe来自动加载所需要的模块,比如可以自动解决模块的依赖关系Block layer块设备层Enable the block layer块设备支持,使用硬盘/USB/SCSI设备者必选Support for Large Block Devices仅在使用大于2TB的块设备时需要Support for tracing block io actions块队列IO跟踪支持,它允许用户查看在一个块设备队列上发生的所有事件,可以通过blktrace程序获得磁盘当前的详细统计数据Support for Large Single Files仅在可能使用大于2TB的文件时需要IO SchedulersIO调度器Anticipatory I/O scheduler假设一个块设备只有一个物理查找磁头(例如一个单独的SATA硬盘),将多个随机的小写入流合并成一个大写入流,用写入延时换取最大的写入吞吐量.适用于大多数环境,特别是写入较多的环境(比如文件服务器) Deadline I/O scheduler使用轮询的调度器,简洁小巧,提供了最小的读取延迟和尚佳的吞吐量,特别适合于读取较多的环境(比如数据库)CFQ I/O scheduler使用QoS策略为所有任务分配等量的带宽,避免进程被饿死并实现了较低的延迟,可以认为是上述两种调度器的折中.适用于有大量进程的多用户系统Default I/O scheduler默认IO调度器Processor type and features中央处理器(CPU)类型及特性Symmetric multi-processing support对称多处理器支持,如果你有多个CPU或者使用的是多核CPU就选上.此时"Enhanced Real Time Clock Support"选项必须开启,"Advanced Power Management"选项必须关闭Subarchitecture Type处理器的子架构,大多数人都应当选择"PC-compatible"Processor family处理器系列,请按照你实际使用的CPU选择Generic x86 support通用x86支持,如果你的CPU能够在上述"Processor family"中找到就别选HPET Timer SupportHPET是替代8254芯片的新一代定时器,i686及以上级别的主板都支持,可以安全的选上Maximum number of CPUs支持的最大CPU数,每增加一个内核将增加8K体积SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support支持Intel的超线程(HT)技术Multi-core scheduler support针对多核CPU进行调度策略优化Preemption Model内核抢占模式No Forced Preemption (Server)适合服务器环境的禁止内核抢占Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop)适合普通桌面环境的自愿内核抢占Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop)适合运行实时程序的主动内核抢占Preempt The Big Kernel Lock可以抢占大内核锁,应用于实时要求高的场合,不适合服务器环境Machine Check Exception让CPU检测到系统故障时通知内核,以便内核采取相应的措施(如过热关机等)Check for non-fatal errors on AMD Athlon/Duron / Intel Pentium 4 每5秒检测一次这些cpu的非致命错误并纠正它们,同时记入日志check for P4 thermal throttling interrupt当P4的cpu过热时显示一条警告消息Enable VM86 support虚拟X86支持,在DOSEMU下运行16-bit程序或XFree86通过BIOS初始化某些显卡的时候才需要Toshiba Laptop supportToshiba笔记本模块支持Dell laptop supportDell笔记本模块支持Enable X86 board specific fixups for reboot修正某些旧x86主板的重起bug,这种主板基本绝种了/dev/cpu/microcode - Intel IA32 CPU microcode support使用不随Linux内核发行的IA32微代码,你必需有IA32微代码二进制文件,仅对Intel的CPU有效/dev/cpu/*/msr - Model-specific register support在多cpu系统中让特权CPU访问x86的MSR寄存器/dev/cpu/*/cpuid - CPU information support能从/dev/cpu/x/cpuid获得CPU的唯一标识符(CPUID)Firmware Drivers固件驱动程序BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive calls determine boot disk有些BIOS支持从某块特定的硬盘启动(如果BIOS不支持则可能无法启动),目前大多数BIOS还不支持BIOS update support for DELL systems via sysfs仅适用于DELL机器Dell Systems Management Base Driver仅适用于DELL机器High Memory Support最高内存支持,总内存小于等于1G的选"off",大于4G的选"64G" Memory split如果你不是绝对清楚自己在做什么,不要改动这个选项Memory model一般选"Flat Memory",其他选项涉及内存热插拔64 bit Memory and IO resources使用64位的内存和IO资源Allocate 3rd-level pagetables from highmem在内存很多(大于4G)的机器上将用户空间的页表放到高位内存区,以节约宝贵的低端内存Math emulation数学协处理器仿真,486DX以上的cpu就不要选它了MTRR (Memory Type Range Register) support打开它可以提升PCI/AGP总线上的显卡2倍以上的速度,并且可以修正某些BIOS错误Boot from EFI supportEFI是一种可代替传统BIOS的技术(目前的Grub/LILO尚不能识别它),但是现在远未普及Enable kernel irq balancing让内核将irq中断平均分配给多个CPU以进行负载均衡,但是要配合irqbanlance守护进程才行Use register arguments使用"-mregparm=3"参数编译内核,将前3个参数以寄存器方式进行参数调用,可以生成更紧凑和高效的代码Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode只有嵌入式系统可以不选Timer frequency内核时钟频率,桌面推荐"1000 HZ",服务器推荐"100 HZ"或"250 HZ" kexec system call提供kexec系统调用,可以不必重启而切换到另一个内核kernel crash dumps被kexec启动后产生内核崩溃转储Physical address where the kernel is loaded内核加载的物理地址,除非你知道自己在做什么,否则不要修改.在提供kexec系统调用的情况下可能要修改它Support for hot-pluggable CPUs对热插拔CPU提供支持Compat VDSO support如果Glibc版本大于等于2.3.3就不选,否则就选上Power management options电源管理选项Power Management support电源管理有APM和ACPI两种标准且不能同时使用.即使关闭该选项,X86上运行的Linux也会在空闲时发出HLT指令将CPU进入睡眠状态Legacy Power Management API传统的电源管理API,比如软关机和系统休眠等接口Power Management Debug Support仅供调试使用Driver model /sys/devices/.../power/state files内核帮助文档反对使用该选项,即将被废除ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support 必须运行acpid守护程序ACPI才能起作用.ACPI是为了取代APM而设计的,因此应该尽量使用ACPI而不是APMAC Adapter如果你的系统可以在AC和电池之间转换就可以选Battery通过/proc/acpi/battery向用户提供电池状态信息,用电池的笔记本可以选Button守护程序捕获Power,Sleep,Lid按钮事件,并根据/proc/acpi/event做相应的动作,软件控制的poweroff需要它Video仅对集成在主板上的显卡提供ACPI2.0支持,且不是所有集成显卡都支持Generic Hotkey统一的热键驱动,建议不选Fan允许通过用户层的程序来对系统风扇进行控制(开,关,查询状态),支持它的硬件并不多Dock支持由ACPI控制的集线器(docking stations)Processor让ACPI处理空闲状态,并使用ACPI C2和C3处理器状态在空闲时节省电能,同时它还被cpufreq的"Performance-state drivers"选项所依赖Thermal Zone系统温度过高时可以利用ACPI thermal zone及时调整工作状态以避免你的CPU被烧毁ASUS/Medion Laptop ExtrasASUS笔记本专用,以提供额外按钮的支持,用户可以通过/proc/acpi/asus来打开或者关闭LCD的背光/调整亮度/定制LED的闪烁指示等功能IBM ThinkPad Laptop ExtrasIBM ThinkPad专用Toshiba Laptop ExtrasToshiba笔记本专用Disable ACPI for systems before Jan 1st this year输入四位数的年份,在该年的1月1日前不使用ACPI的功能("0"表示一直使用)Debug Statements详细的ACPI调试信息,不搞开发就别选Power Management Timer Support这个Timer在所有ACPI兼容的平台上都可用,且不会受PM功能的影响,建议总是启用它.如果你在kernel log中看到了'many lost ticks'那就必须启用它ACPI0004,PNP0A05 and PNP0A06 Container Driver支持内存和CPU的热插拔Smart Battery System支持依赖于I2C的"智能电池".这种电池非常老旧且罕见,还与当前的ACPI标准兼容性差APM (Advanced Power Management) BIOS SupportAPM在SMP机器上必须关闭,一般来说当前的笔记本都支持ACPI,所以应尽量关闭该该选项Ignore USER SUSPEND只有NEC Versa M系列的笔记本才需要选择这一项Enable PM at boot time系统启动时即启用APM,选上这个选项能让系统自动的进行电源管理,但常常导致启动时死机Make CPU Idle calls when idle系统空闲时调用空闲指令(halt),只有老式的CPU才需要选它,且对于SMP 系统必须关闭Enable console blanking using APM在屏幕空白时关闭LCD背光,事实上对所有的笔记本都无效RTC stores time in GMT将硬件时钟应该设为格林威治时间,否则视为本地时间.建议你使用GMT,这样你无须为时区的改变而担心Allow interrupts during APM BIOS calls允许APM的BIOS调用时中断,IBM Thinkpad的一些新机器需要这项.如果休眠时挂机(包括睡下去就醒不来),可以试试它Use real mode APM BIOS call to power off此驱动为某些有Bug的BIOS准备,如果你的系统不能正常关机或关机时崩溃,可以试试它CPU Frequency scaling允许动态改变CPU主频,达到省电和降温的目的,必须同时启用下面的一种governor才行Enable CPUfreq debugging允许对CPUfreq进行调试CPU frequency translation statistics通过sysfs文件系统输出CPU频率变换的统计信息CPU frequency translation statistics details输出详细的CPU频率变换统计信息Default CPUFreq governor默认的CPU频率调节器'performance' governor'性能'优先,静态的将频率设置为cpu支持的最高频率'powersave' governor'节能'优先,静态的将频率设置为cpu支持的最低频率'userspace' governor for userspace frequency scaling既允许手动调整cpu频率,也允许用户空间的程序动态的调整cpu频率(需要额外的调频软件,比如cpufreqd)'ondemand' cpufreq policy governor'立即响应',周期性的考察CPU负载并自动的动态调整cpu频率(不需要额外的调频软件),适合台式机'conservative' cpufreq governor'保守',和'ondemand'相似,但是频率的升降是渐变式的(幅度不会很大),更适合用于笔记本/PDA/AMD64环境ACPI Processor P-States driver将ACPI2.0的处理器性能状态报告给CPUFreq processor drivers以决定如何调整频率,该选项依赖于ACPI->Processor{省略的部分请按照自己实际使用的CPU选择}/proc/acpi/processor/../performance interface内核帮助文档反对使用该选项,即将被废除Relaxed speedstep capability checks放松对系统的speedstep兼容性检查,仅在某些老旧的Intel系统上需要打开Bus options (PCI, PCMCIA, EISA, MCA, ISA)总线选项PCI supportPCI支持,如果使用了PCI或PCI Express设备就必选PCI access modePCI访问模式,强列建议选"Any"(系统将优先使用"MMConfig",然后使用"BIOS",最后使用"Direct"检测PCI设备)PCI Express supportPCI Express支持(目前主要用于显卡和千兆网卡)PCI Express Hotplug driver如果你的主板和设备都支持PCI Express热插拔就可以选上Use polling mechanism for hot-plug events对热插拔事件采用轮询机制,仅用于测试目的Root Port Advanced Error Reporting support由PCI Express AER驱动程序处理发送到Root Port的错误信息Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI and MSI-X)PCI Express支持两类中断:INTx使用传统的IRQ中断,可以与现行的PCI 总线的驱动程序和操作系统兼容;MSI则是通过inbound Memory Write触发和发送中断,更适合多CPU系统.可以使用"pci=nomsi"内核引导参数关闭MSIPCI Debugging将PCI调试信息输出到系统日志里Interrupts on hypertransport devices允许本地的hypertransport设备使用中断ISA support现在基本上没有ISA的设备了,如果你有就选吧MCA support微通道总线,老旧的IBM的台式机和笔记本上可能会有这种总线NatSemi SCx200 support在使用AMD Geode处理器的机器上才可能有PCCARD (PCMCIA/CardBus) supportPCMCIA卡(主要用于笔记本)支持Enable PCCARD debugging仅供调试16-bit PCMCIA support一些老的PCMCIA卡使用16位的CardBus32-bit CardBus support当前的PCMCIA卡基本上都是32位的CardBusCardBus yenta-compatible bridge support使用PCMCIA卡的基本上都需要选择这一项,子项请按照自己实际使用的PCMCIA卡选择{省略的部分请按照自己实际使用的PCMCIA卡选择}PCI Hotplug SupportPCI热插拔支持,如果你有这样的设备就到子项中去选吧Executable file formats可执行文件格式Kernel support for ELF binariesELF是开放平台下最常用的二进制文件格式,支持动态连接,支持不同的硬件平台.除非你知道自己在做什么,否则必选Kernel support for a.out and ECOFF binaries早期UNIX系统的可执行文件格式,目前已经被ELF格式取代Kernel support for MISC binaries允许插入二进制的封装层到内核中,使用Java,.NET,Python,Lisp等语言编写的程序时需要它Networking网络Networking options网络选项Network packet debugging在调试不合格的包时加上额外的附加信息,但在遇到Dos攻击时你可能会被日志淹没Packet socket这种Socket可以让应用程序(比如tcpdump,iptables)直接与网络设备通讯,而不通过内核中的其它中介协议Packet socket: mmapped IO让Packet socket驱动程序使用IO映射机制以使连接速度更快Unix domain sockets一种仅运行于本机上的效率高于TCP/IP的Socket,简称Unix socket.许多程序都使用它在操作系统内部进行进程间通信(IPC),比如X Window和syslogTransformation user configuration interface为IPsec(可在ip层加密)之类的工具提供XFRM用户配置接口支持Transformation sub policy supportXFRM子策略支持,仅供开发者使用PF_KEY sockets用于可信任的密钥管理程序和操作系统内核内部的密钥管理进行通信,IPsec依赖于它TCP/IP networkingTCP/IP协议当然要选IP: multicasting群组广播,似乎与网格计算有关,仅在使用MBONE的时候才需要IP: advanced router高级路由,如果想做一个路由器就选吧IP: policy routing策略路由IP: equal cost multipath用于路由的基于目的地址的负载均衡IP: verbose route monitoring显示冗余的路由监控信息IP: kernel level autoconfiguration在内核启动时自动配置ip地址/路由表等,需要从网络启动的无盘工作站才需要这个东西IP: tunnelingIP隧道,将一个IP报文封装在另一个IP报文内的技术IP: GRE tunnels over IP基于IP的GRE(通用路由封装)隧道IP: multicast routing多重传播路由IP: ARP daemon support这东西尚处于试验阶段就已经被废弃了IP: TCP syncookie support抵抗SYN flood攻击的好东西,要启用它必须同时启用/proc文件系统和"Sysctl support",然后在系统启动并挂载了/proc之后执行"echo1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies"命令IP: AH transformationIPsec验证头(AH)实现了数据发送方的验证处理,可确保数据既对于未经验证的站点不可用也不能在路由过程中更改IP: ESP transformationIPsec封闭安全负载(ESP)实现了发送方的验证处理和数据加密处理,用以确保数据不会被拦截/查看或复制IP: IPComp transformationIPComp(IP静荷载压缩协议),用于支持IPsecIP: IPsec transport modeIPsec传输模式,常用于对等通信,用以提供内网安全.数据包经过了加密但IP头没有加密,因此任何标准设备或软件都可查看和使用IP头IP: IPsec tunnel modeIPsec隧道模式,用于提供外网安全(包括虚拟专用网络).整个数据包(数据头和负载)都已经过加密处理且分配有新的ESP头/IP头和验证尾,从而能够隐藏受保护站点的拓扑结构IP: IPsec BEET modeIPsec BEET模式INET: socket monitoring interfacesocket监视接口,一些Linux本地工具(如:包含ss的iproute2)需要使用它TCP: advanced congestion control高级拥塞控制,如果没有特殊需求(比如无线网络)就别选了,内核会自动将默认的拥塞控制设为"Cubic"并将"Reno"作为候补IP: Virtual Server ConfigurationIP虚拟服务器允许你基于多台物理机器构建一台高性能的虚拟服务器,不玩集群就别选了The IPv6 protocol你要是需要IPv6就选吧NetLabel subsystem supportNetLabel子系统为诸如CIPSO与RIPSO之类能够在分组信息上添加标签的协议提供支持,如果你看不懂就别选了Security Marking对网络包进行安全标记,类似于nfmark,但主要是为安全目的而设计,如果你不明白的话就别选Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)Netfilter可以对数据包进行过滤和修改,可以作为防火墙("packet filter"或"proxy-based")或网关(NAT)或代理(proxy)或网桥使用.选中此选项后必须将"Fast switching"关闭,否则将前功尽弃Network packet filtering debugging仅供开发者调试Netfilter使用Bridged IP/ARP packets filtering如果你希望使用一个针对桥接的防火墙就打开它Core Netfilter Configuration核心Netfilter配置(当包流过Chain时如果match某个规则那么将由该规则的target来处理,否则将由同一个Chain中的下一个规则进行匹配,若不match所有规则那么最终将由该Chain的policy进行处理) Netfilter netlink interface允许Netfilter在与用户空间通信时使用新的netlink接口.netlink Socket是Linux用户态与内核态交流的主要方法之一,且越来越被重视.Netfilter NFQUEUE over NFNETLINK interface通过NFNETLINK接口对包进行排队Netfilter LOG over NFNETLINK interface通过NFNETLINK接口对包记录.该选项废弃了ipt_ULOG和ebg_ulog机制,并打算在将来废弃基于syslog的ipt_LOG和ip6t_LOG模块Layer 3 Independent Connection tracking独立于第三层的链接跟踪,通过广义化的ip_conntrack支持其它非IP协议的第三层协议Netfilter Xtables support如果你打算使用ip_tables,ip6_tables,arp_tables之一就必须选上"CLASSIFY" target support允许为包设置优先级,一些排队规则(atm,cbq,dsmark,pfifo_fast,htb,prio)需要使用它"CONNMARK" target support类似于"MARK",但影响的是连接标记的值"DSCP" target support允许对ip包头部的DSCP(Differentiated Services Codepoint)字段进行修改,该字段常用于Qos"MARK" target support允许对包进行标记(通常配合ip命令使用),这样就可以改变路由策略或者被其它子系统用来改变其行为"NFQUEUE" target Support用于替代老旧的QUEUE(iptables内建的target之一),因为NFQUEUE能支持最多65535个队列,而QUEUE只能支持一个"NOTRACK" target support允许规则指定哪些包不进入链接跟踪/NAT子系统"SECMARK" target support允许对包进行安全标记,用于安全子系统"CONNSECMARK" target support针对链接进行安全标记,同时还会将连接上的标记还原到包上(如果链接中的包尚未进行安全标记),通常与SECMARK target联合使用"comment" match support允许你在iptables规则集中加入注释"connbytes" per-connection counter match support允许针对单个连接内部每个方向(进/出)匹配已经传送的字节数/包数"connmark" connection mark match support允许针对每个会话匹配先前由"CONNMARK"设置的标记值"conntrack" connection tracking match support连接跟踪匹配,是"state"的超集,它允许额外的链接跟踪信息,在需要设置一些复杂的规则(比如网关)时很有用"DCCP" protocol match supportDCCP是打算取代UDP的新传输协议,它在UDP的基础上增加了流控和拥塞控制机制,面向实时业务"DSCP" match support允许对IP包头的DSCP字段进行匹配"ESP" match support允许对IPSec包中的ESP头进行匹配,使用IPsec的话就选上吧"helper" match support加载特定协议的连接跟踪辅助模块,由该模块过滤所跟踪的连接类型的包,比如ip_conntrack_ftp模块"length" match support允许对包的长度进行匹配"limit" match support允许根据包的进出速率进行规则匹配,常和"LOG target"配合使用以抵抗某些Dos攻击"mac" address match support允许根据以太网的MAC进行匹配,常用于无线网络环境"mark" match support允许对先前由"MARK"标记的特定标记值进行匹配IPsec "policy" match support使用IPsec就选上吧Multiple port match support允许对TCP或UDP包同时匹配多个端口(通常情况下只能匹配一个端口) "physdev" match support允许对到达的或将要离开的物理桥端口进行匹配"pkttype" packet type match support允许对封包目的地址类别(广播/群播/直播)进行匹配"quota" match support允许对总字节数的限额值进行匹配"realm" match support允许对iptables中的路由子系统中的realm值进行匹配"sctp" protocol match support流控制传输协议(SCTP),十年以后也许能够普及的东西"state" match support这是对包进行分类的有力工具,它允许利用连接跟踪信息对连接中处于特定状态的包进行匹配"statistic" match support允许根据一个给定的百分率对包进行周期性的或随机性的匹配"string" match support允许根据包所承载的数据中包含的特定字符串进行匹配"tcpmss" match support允许根据TCP SYN包头中的MSS(最大分段长度)选项的值进行匹配IP: Netfilter Configuration针对IPv4的Netfilter配置Connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)链接跟踪.可用于报文伪装或地址转换,也可用于增强包过滤能力Connection tracking flow accounting允许针对每个连接记录已经传送的字节/包数,常用于connbytes match Connection mark tracking support允许对连接进行标记,与针对单独的包进行标记的不同之处在于它是针对连接流的.CONNMARK target和connmark match需要它的支持Connection tracking security mark support允许对连接进行安全标记,通常这些标记包(SECMARK)复制到其所属连接(CONNSECMARK),再从连接复制到其关联的包(SECMARK)Connection tracking events连接跟踪事件支持.如果启用这个选项,连接跟踪代码将提供一个notifier链,它可以被其它内核代码用来获知连接跟踪状态的改变Connection tracking netlink interface支持基于netlink的用户空间接口SCTP protocol connection tracking supportSCTP是IP网面向多媒体通信的新一代的流控制传输协议FTP protocol supportFTP协议IRC protocol supportIRC协议是一种用来实时聊天协议,用过mIRC的人应当不陌生NetBIOS name service protocol supportNetBIOS名字服务协议TFTP protocol supportTFTP是基于UDP的比FTP简单的文件传输协议Amanda backup protocol supportAmanda备份协议PPTP protocol support点对点隧道协议(PPTP)是一种支持多协议虚拟专用网络的网络技术,ADSL 用户对它应该很熟悉H.323 protocol supportITU-T提出的用于IP电话的协议SIP protocol supportIETE提出的用于IP电话的协议IP Userspace queueing via NETLINK已废弃IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT)要用iptables就肯定要选上IP range match support允许对ip地址的范围进行匹配TOS match support允许对ip包头的TOS(Type Of Service)字段进行匹配recent match support可以创建一个或多个刚刚使用过的ip地址列表,然后根据这些列表进行匹配ECN match support允许对TCP/IP包头的ECN(Explicit Congestion Notification)字段进行匹配.ECN是一种显式拥塞通知技术,它不但要求路由器支持而且要求端到端主机的支持,其基本思想是当路由器发生早期拥塞时不是丢弃包而是尽量对包进行标记,接收方接到带有ECN提示的包时,通知发送方网络即将发生拥塞,也就是它通过对包的标记提示TCP源即将发生拥塞,从而引发拥塞避免算法AH match support允许对IPSec包头的AH字段进行匹配TTL match support允许对ip包头的TTL(生存期)字段进行匹配Owner match support允许对本地生成的包按照其宿主(user,group,process,session)进行匹配address type match support允许对地址类型(单播,本地,广播)进行匹配。
以下是一些常见问题及其解决方法:1. 操作系统无法识别crashkernel参数有时候,在编辑启动配置文件后,操作系统可能无法正确识别crashkernel参数。
解决方法: - 检查启动配置文件中的语法错误,确保crashkernel参数的格式正确。
Linux环境与开发 练习题
linux 内核编译各个选项的含义
linux 内核编译各个选项的含义linux内核编译各个选项的含义codematurityleveloptions代码成熟度选项表明尚在研发中或尚未顺利完成的代码与驱动.除非你就是测试人员或者开发者,否则切勿挑选generalsetup常规设置localversion-appendtokernelrelease在内核版本后面加上自定义的版本字符串(小于64字符),可以用\-a\命令看到automaticallyappendversioninformationtotheversionstring自动在版本字符串后面添加版本信息,编译时需要有perl以及git仓库支持supportforpagingofanonymousmemory(swap)使用交换分区或者交换文件来做为虚拟内存systemvipcsystemv进程间通信(ipc)积极支持,许多程序须要这个功能.克雷姆斯兰县,除非你晓得自己在搞什么ipcnamespacesipc命名空间支持,不确定可以不选posixmessagequeuesposix消息队列,这就是posixipc中的一部分bsdprocessaccounting将进程的统计信息写入文件的用户级系统调用,主要包括进程的创建时间/创建者/内存占用等信息bsdprocessaccountingversion3fileformat使用新的第三版文件格式,可以包含每个进程的pid和其父进程的pid,但是不兼容老版本的文件格式exporttask/processstatisticsthroughnetlink通过netlink接口向用户空间导出任务/进程的统计信息,与bsdprocessaccounting 的不同之处在于这些统计信息在整个任务/进程生存期都是可用的enableper-taskdelayaccounting在统计信息中包含进程等候系统资源(cpu,io同步,内存交换等)所花费的时间utsnamespacesuts名字空间积极支持,不确认可以说实话auditingsupport审计支持,某些内核模块(例如selinux)需要它,只有同时选择其子项才能对系统调用进行审计enablesystem-callauditingsupport支持对系统调用的审计kernel.configsupport把内核的布局信息编程入内核中,以后可以通过scripts/extract-ikconfig脚本去抽取这些信息enableaccessto.configthrough/proc/config.gz允许通过/proc/config.gz访问内核的配置信息cpusetsupport只有所含大量cpu(大于16个)的smp系统或numa(非一致内存出访)系统才须要它kernel->userspacerelaysupport(formerlyrelayfs)在某些文件系统上(比如说debugfs)提供更多从内核空间向用户空间传达大量数据的USBinitramfssourcefile(s)initrd已经被initramfs取代,如果你不明白这是什么意思,请保持空白编程时优化内核尺寸(采用\而不是\参数编程),有时可以产生错误的二进制代码enableextendedaccountingovertaskstats搜集额外的进程统计数据信息并通过taskstatsUSB发送到用户空间configurestandardkernelfeatures(forsmallsystems)配置标准的内核特性(为小型系统)enable16-bituidsystemcalls容许对uid系统调用展开过时的16-bit外包装sysctlsyscallsupport不需要重启就能修改内核的某些参数和变量,如果你也选择了支持/proc,将能从/proc/sys存取可以影响内核行为的参数或变量loadallsymbolsfordebugging/kksymoops装载所有的调试符号表信息,只供调试时挑选includeallsymbolsinkallsyms在kallsyms中包含内核知道的所有符号,内核将会增大300kdoanextrakallsymspass除非你在kallsyms中辨认出了bug并须要报告这个bug才关上该选项supportforhot-pluggabledevices支持热插拔设备,如usb与pc卡等,udev也需要它enablesupportforprintk容许内核向终端列印字符信息,在须要确诊内核为什么无法运转时挑选bug()support显示故障和失败条件(bug和warn),禁用它将可能导致隐含的错误被忽略enableelfcoredumps内存格式化积极支持,可以协助调试elf格式的程序enablefull-sizeddatastructuresforcore在内核中使用全尺寸的数据结构.禁用它将使得某些内核的数据结构减小以节约内存,但是将会降低性能enablefutexsupport快速用户空间互斥体可以使线程串行化以避免竞态条件,也提高了响应速度.禁用它将导致内核不能正确的运行基于glibc的程序enableeventpollsupport积极支持事件轮循的系统调用usefullshmemfilesystem完全使用shmem来代替ramfs.shmem是基于共享内存的文件系统(可能用到swap),在启用tmpfs后可以挂载为tmpfs供用户空间使用,它比简单的ramfs先进许多usefullslaballocator采用slab全然替代slob展开内存分配,slab就是一种杰出的内存分配管理器,所推荐采用enablevmeventcountersfor/proc/vmstat容许在/proc/vmstat中涵盖虚拟内存事件记数器loadablemodulesupport可加载模块支持enableloadablemodulesupport打开可加载模块支持,如果打开它则必须通过\把内核模块安装在/lib/modules/中moduleunloading容许装载已经读取的模块forcedmoduleunloading允许强制卸载正在使用中的模块(比较危险)moduleversioningsupport容许采用其他内核版本的模块(可能会出来问题)sourcechecksumforallmodules为所有的模块校验源码,如果你不是自己编写内核模块就不需要它automatickernelmoduleloading使内核通过运转modprobe去自动读取所须要的模块,比如说可以自动化解模块的倚赖关系blocklayer块设备层enabletheblocklayer块设备支持,使用硬盘/usb/scsi设备者必选supportforlargeblockdevices仅在采用大于2tb的块设备时须要supportfortracingblockioactions块队列io跟踪支持,它允许用户查看在一个块设备队列上发生的所有事件,可以通过blktrace程序获得磁盘当前的详细统计数据supportforlargesinglefiles仅在可能将采用大于2tb的文件时须要ioschedulersio调度器anticipatoryi/oscheduler假设一个块设备只有一个物理查找磁头(例如一个单独的sata硬盘),将多个随机的小写入流合并成一个大写入流,用写入延时换取最大的写入吞吐量.适用于大多数环境,特别是写入较多的环境(比如文件服务器)deadlinei/oscheduler采用轮询的调度器,简约小巧,提供更多了最轻的加载延后和尚尽如人意的吞吐量,特别适合于加载较多的环境(比如说数据库)cfqi/oscheduler使用qos策略为所有任务分配等量的带宽,避免进程被饿死并实现了较低的延迟,可以认为是上述两种调度器的折中.适用于有大量进程的多用户系统defaulti/oscheduler默认io调度器。
linux操作系统期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Linux操作系统的内核作者是谁?A. Linus TorvaldsB. Dennis RitchieC. Ken ThompsonD. Bill Gates答案:A2. 在Linux系统中,哪个命令用于查看当前目录下的文件和文件夹?A. lsB. pwdC. cdD. mkdir答案:A3. Linux系统中,文件权限的表示方法中,'r'代表什么?A. 读B. 写C. 执行D. 所有权限答案:A4. 在Linux中,以下哪个命令用于下载文件?A. wgetB. getC. fetchD. pull答案:A5. 在Linux系统中,哪个命令用于查看当前系统的运行时间和平均负载?A. uptimeB. loadC. timeD. duration答案:A6. Linux系统中,如何查看当前登录用户?A. whoB. userC. loginD. users答案:A7. 在Linux中,哪个命令用于查看当前路径?A. pathB. pwdC. cdD. ls答案:B8. 在Linux系统中,以下哪个命令用于创建一个新文件夹?A. mkdirB. makedirC. newdirD. create答案:A9. Linux系统中,哪个命令用于查看当前系统的磁盘使用情况?A. dfB. diskC. diskusageD. space答案:A10. 在Linux中,哪个命令用于查看当前路径下的隐藏文件?A. ls -aB. ls -hC. ls -lD. ls -d答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Linux系统中,文件的权限通常由三组数字表示,分别代表______、______和______的权限。
答案:所有者、组、其他2. 在Linux中,使用______命令可以查看当前系统的版本信息。
答案:uname -a3. Linux系统中,______命令用于解压tar.gz文件。
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a paramatrix s(x, y, t) ∼
∞ k =0
tn−k sk (x, y ),
where sk (x, y ) (k ∈ Z+ ) are smooth functions on X × X and t ∈ R, such that (1.1) Π(x, y ) =
0 ∞
eitψ(x,y) s(x, y, t)dt
Date : October 24, 2001. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 32Q20; Secondary: 53C55. Key words and phrases. Szeg¨ o kernel, asymptotic expansion, ample line bundle, Ramadanov Conjecture. The first author is supported by NSF grant DMS 0204667 and the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. The second author is supported by an NSF grant.
1. Introductions Prescribing geometric structures of a complex manifold often introduces interesting and important partial differential equations. A typical example of this kind is the problem of finding the K¨ ahler metrics with constant scalar curvature on a K¨ ahler manifold. Such a problem defines a fourth order elliptic partial differential equation. The study of these partial differential equations, including the K¨ ahler-Einstein equations, forms one of the richest topics in complex geometry. In this paper, we introduce a new set of equations coming from the Szeg¨ o kernel (Bergman kernel, resp.) of a unit circle (unit disk, resp) bundle. We prove that these equations, which generalize the equation of finding K¨ ahler metrics with constant scalar curvature, are all elliptic. As an application of the result, we relate the Ramadanov Conjecture to these equations and prove a local rigidity theorem concerning the log term of the Szeg¨ o kernel. Our basic setting is as follows: let (L, h) → M be a positive Hermitian line bundle over the compact complex manifold M of dimension n. The pair (M, L) is called a polarised manifold. The K¨ ahler metric ω of M is defined to be the curvature of the Hermitian metric h. Let L∗ be the dual bundle of L. The unit circle bundle X of L∗ is a strictly pseudoconvex manifold, with the natural measure defined by the S 1 action and the polarization of M . That is, the measure ∂ 1 ∗ n 1 is dV = n ! π (ω ) ∧ dθ , where ∂θ is the infinitesimal S action on the unit circle bundle. The 2 Szeg¨ o projection Π is a linear map from L (X ) to the Hardy space H 2 (X undary functions of holomorphic functions of the unit disk bundle D . Let Π(x, y ) be the Szeg¨ o kernel of X , i.e., Π(x, y ) is the function on X × X such that for any f ∈ L2 (X ), 2 X Π(x, y )f (y )dy ∈ H (X ), where dy = dV is the measure defined above. Then by [5], there is
arXiv:math/0505587v2 [math.DG] 2 Jun 2005
Contents 1. Introductions 2. Pseudoconvex manifolds with zero log term 3. Order of the coefficients 4. The uniformity of the expansion 5. The general case 6. The cases of complex projective spaces 7. The proof of the main theorem References 1 4 8 13 17 18 23 26
for some suitable complex phase function ψ (x, y ) of X × X . In general, the paramatrix of the Szeg¨ o kernel of a pseudoconvex manifold is quite difficult to compute. However, since the bundle X is S 1 invariant, we may split the Szeg¨ o kernel into ∂ be the infinitesimal S 1 action of X . Define several pieces. More precisely, Let ∂θ √ ∂ 2 Hm (X ) = {f ∈ H 2 (X )| f = −1mf }. ∂θ 2 2 2 (X ) Let Πm be the projection of H (X ) to Hm (X ). Then the kernel Πm (x, y ) of L2 (X ) → Hm is the Fourier coefficient of Π(x, y ): √ 1 Πm (x, y ) = Π(x, rθ y )em −1θ dθ. 2π S 1 Using the paramatrix of the Szeg¨ o kernel, Zelditch (and Catlin [6] independently for the Bergman kernel) was able to prove that there is an asymptotic expansion of Πm (x, x) (cf. Theorem 2.1) a1 (1.2) Πm (x, x) ∼ mn (a0 + + · · · ), m where ak ’s are all smooth functions of M . The expansion is called Tian-Yau-Zelditch expansion. In [19], the first author was able to prove that all ak ’s are polynomials of the curvature and its derivatives. In particular, a0 = 1 and a1 = ρ, the scalar curvature of the K¨ ahler manifold. Thus the equation of finding the metrics such that a1 = const is the equation of finding the K¨ ahler metrics with constant scalar curvature. Because of the work of Donaldson [10], it is natural to study metrics with ak being prescribed for k ≥ 2. Donaldson was interested in modifying hm to a Hermitian metric h′ for some large m such that the metric h′ is balanced. As a corollary of his result, Donaldson was able to give a proof of the uniqueness of the K¨ ahler metrics of constant scalar curvature. Since a1 = 1 2 ρ, where ρ is the scalar curvature, M (a1 − a1 )θ defines the Futaki invariants, where a1 is the average of a1 and θ is the Hamiltonian function of a holomorphic vector field. Nonlinearizing the Futaki invariants we get the Mabuchi’s K energy, whose convexity plays the key role in proving the uniqueness of the metrics of constant sclar curvature (cf. [7]). We wish to study the analogue problems for ak when k > 1. In this paper, among the other results, we prove that for any given k and √ function f , for a fixed metric ω , the equation of 1 finding the function ϕ such that ak (ω − 2− π ∂∂ϕ) = f is an elliptic equation of order 2k + 2. Thus prescribing ak gives an interesting set of new elliptic equations. Since the Bergman potential Πm (x, x) being a constant implies stability(cf. [20], [27]), we are particularly interested in the question of finding metrics such that ak = 0 for k > n. Such a question is related to the Ramadanov Conjecture [22]. The conjecture, in terms of the Bergman kernel, can be stated as follows: Conjecture (Ramadanov [22]). Let Ω be a bounded strongly pseudoconvex domain of Cn . Assume that the log term of the Bergman kernel is zero, then Ω is biholomorphic equivalent to the unit ball of Cn . Not much is known about the Conjecture for n > 1. If Ω is a complete Rienhardt domain of C2 , the conjecture was proved by Nakazawa [21]. The conjecture was proved to be true for