Vol.35No.1Jan.2014第35卷第1期2014年1月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (S oc.S ci )菲茨杰拉德是20世纪美国文坛的代表人物,虽然创作生涯充其量不过二十年,但却留下了四篇长篇小说和一百六十多篇短篇小说。
关键词:菲茨杰拉德;美国梦;破灭中图分类号:I3074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2014)01-0200-02菲茨杰拉德是20世纪美国文坛的代表人物,虽然创作生涯充其量不过二十年,但却留下了四篇长篇小说和一百六十多篇短篇小说。
本科毕业论文(二〇一一届)题目从《了不起的盖茨比》看“美国梦”的破灭学院专业汉语言文学班级学号学生姓名指导教师完成日期教务处制二〇一一年五月目录摘要.............................................................................................................. 2 关键词.. (2)Abstract............................................................................................................2 Keywords ........................................................................................................2 一、弗司各特菲茨杰拉德简介..............................................................2 二、“美国梦”的历史渊源和主题变奏......................................................4 三、作品中盖茨比“美国梦三部曲”的寻求与幻灭..................................5 (一)发财梦..........................................................................................5 (二)地位梦..........................................................................................8 (三)爱情梦..........................................................................................9 四、盖茨比美国梦破灭引起的思考............................................................12 注释........................................................................................................15 参考文献........................................................................................................16 致谢........................................................................................................18从《了不起的盖茨比》看“美国梦”的破灭摘要:对“美国梦”的形成与发展以及小说主人公盖茨比“美国梦”进行分析。
2009 年第
11 期
文 学 评 论
元素—镭以便容易储藏, 而后关闭整座钻石矿为了保守财富 来源的秘密。因为一旦秘密泄露, 他便会陡然沦落为最贫穷 的人。 作家所描写的这一切正是美国垄断资产阶级和金融寡 头们为保住财产、 地位和特权的写照。表面看来 《钻石》 里一 派田园牧歌风光, 恍若世外桃源, 但这人工付出的所有努力只 为了将此地变成为版图和体制中一个空白, 貌似悠然的逃逸 无时不刻不与现实产生尖锐的冲突, 时常不得不以暴力解决 试图阻止这一块地方被外界发现。 然而一切都由意大利语老 师的出逃而以失败告终。 钻石山最终似那烟花短暂的绽放一 样,终归化为幻影。 种对财富的敬仰完全流露出来了。 他直率的表达:我很喜欢 “ 有钱人, 一个人越有钱, 我就越喜欢他。完全透露出他对金钱 ” 的向往。 他开始享受由金钱带来的难以想象的奢侈生活。 菲 茨杰拉德的许多作品对奢侈生活的描述都能够在现实生活中 找到对应物, 《钻石》 而 是他最为别致的小说, 充分发挥了他想 象的特质,表现了他的幻想才能, 完全将现实生活中的歌舞生 平、 物质享受放大无数倍来激起人们对财富所带来的无法想 象的生活享受的向往。用最珍贵的东西装点自己的物质生 活,眼见之处皆是珍宝,生活在钻石之国,以至于使约翰躺在床 上感叹道: 这是一张床还是一片云呀!” “ 约翰似乎在做一场 梦, 一场真实的梦, 他尽情地享受着周围的一切。在 “一切神 祉统统死光,一切仗都已打完。之后,有一位新神出现了,那就 ” 是金钱, 对财富的敬仰和崇拜成为人们生活的主宰。他们超 越一切宗教去信奉这位新神, 不需要圣坛, 没有神父, 更无须 祭祀, 只需怀揣对金钱的向往和崇拜, 这更加刺激了穷人的欲 望。 “菲茨杰拉德让自己在感情上所认同的人身处上流社会 之外, 这样的安排意味着他在小说中必然会着意宣泄其对上 流社会的不满。 文中以穷小子作为叙述者, ” 见证了美国有产 阶级特别是富豪阶级穷奢极欲的享受生活和上流社会一掷千 金的挥霍, 这与下层劳动人民的穷困疾苦形成了鲜明的对比, 更加激发了下层民众对财富的追求。 “穷与富的对立,不时出 现在菲茨杰拉德的作品中, 构成他创作中有力的画面。 在约 ” 翰的故乡南方小镇哈德斯 “流行着的那种纯朴的虔诚向来以 对财富真诚的崇拜和尊仰为其教派首要的信条。 如果约翰在 财宝面前还不谦卑恭敬的话,他的父母都会视其为亵渎神 灵。 小说反映的是那个时代的整体风貌, ” 可见金钱对人精神 上的腐蚀和毒害。 二十世纪二十年代的青年把物质追求等同于理想追求, 将财富作为评判人生成败的准则, 然而对财富的崇尚却正是 他们的祸根, 这必然会导致他们的精神颓丧,道德败坏和理想 的破灭。约翰做着甜美的梦,然而梦总有醒时, 特别是那种从 梦之颠突然惊醒更让人惊愫。 当约翰发现有许多闯入者被华 盛顿先生囚禁在高尔夫球场下时, 尤其在他得知自己也作为 一个不幸的被邀请者将不可能活着出去时, 令人目眩神迷的 殿堂其实蕴涵着残暴与血腥, 他开始感到这无边的壮丽与豪 华让他感到万分恐惧, 也真正认识到财富以及拥有财富的人 对穷人的鄙视和排挤。富人只会维护自己的财产, 当那些黑 人奴隶为他们而战死时,他们想到的只是 自己的财产, 而不是
花板 、地板 等等 全都 镶嵌 着整 块
当他醒 来 的 时候 ,他知 道 已
经 典 赏 析
经过 了好 几个 钟 头 。他 睡 在 一个 石 。一 颗大 钻石 , 一立 方英 里 , 没
静 寂 无声 的大 房 间里 ,周 围是 紫 有 一 点 瑕 疵 。你 在 听 我 说
“ 妈妈 , ”珀西 说 , 这 是我 的 的图案 ,色彩柔 和 的图案 。纯 白 “ 朋友 ,从 海 地斯 来 的约 翰 ・ 昂格 的 、精 致 而 复 杂 的嵌 花式 图案 ,
尔 。” 这 些款 式无 疑是 按照 亚得 里亚 海
( 自 光 明 日报 出 版 社 20 摘 07
年 8月 第 一 版 《了 不 起 的 盖 茨 比》 汤 永 宽译 ) ,
年 的 学 校 生 活 , 又 能 这 样 舒
【 赏新 】
约翰 受邀 去 同 学珀 西 家过 暑
服 , 是太 美 啦 。你睡 着 的时 候 , 真
仆 人们 给 你脱 了衣 服 ,洗 了 一个 假 ,未想 竞踏入 一 个极尽 奢 华 的
星光 下 ,一 座华 丽 的城 堡 耸 带 着 一种 半 透 明的女 性 的娇 慵 消
立 在 湖 畔 , 闪耀 着 大 理 石 的 光 失 在 一 片茂 密松林 的阴 影里 。转
▲’ V I j ;
经 典 赏 析
瞬之 间 ,汽 车便 在高 高 的 、宽 阔 整块 的钻石 ,各 种大小 和形状 的 的大理 石 台阶前 停下 来 。台 阶附 钻 石 。房间 的 四角点燃 着 高高 的 近 ,夏 夜 的空气 中充 溢着 浓郁 的 紫 罗 兰色 的灯 ,直到 最后 化成 一 花 香 。台 阶顶端 ,两 重 巨大 的 门 片 无 与伦 比的雪 白 ,刺得 你 眼花
气的影响,以及人们价值观的改变,战后的泡沫经济催生了 途中意外撞死了汤姆的情妇,盖茨比是真男人,保护黛西承
一批富翁,而这些人面对资产阶级的传统道德和现实的放荡 担了责任, 而汤姆却阴谋的挑唆威尔逊开枪杀死了盖茨比。
不羁也感到纠结和无助,经济富足,但精神荒芜。 这个时代在 所有的一切都在尼克眼前发生, 汤姆的卑鄙令尼克鄙视,他
和丈夫汤姆·布坎南住在不远处的对岸 。 尼克的隔壁每到周 拜,使他改自己的名字为盖茨比 ,他以科迪为榜样 ,树立了自
末 便 举 行 豪华 盛 大 的 宴 会 ,招 待 客 人 无 数 ,而 客 人 们 也 不 知 己的“财富梦 ”。 盖茨比对丹·科迪忠心耿耿 ,为丹·科迪的
道主人是谁。 人们对盖茨比好奇 、猜测 ,尼克也感到很神秘 。 得力助手,赢得了科迪的信任。 但财富没有能延长丹·科迪的
小说的构思很精巧 ,主线是故事的旁观者尼克·卡罗威 。 身上流社会。 盖兹 17 岁时,认识了丹·科迪,这人利用法律的
1922 年 ,年 轻 的 尼 克 在 别 墅区 租 了 一 间 房 子 ,他 的 表 妹黛 西 空子 成 为 富 人 ,这 给 了 小 盖 兹 极 大 的 诱 惑 力 ,无 与 伦 比 的 崇
代美国现实社会的写照 , 具有无可取代的现实意义 。 “美国 斗,认为只要努力梦想就会实现。 本杰明·富兰克林是美国梦
梦”幻灭是小说的题旨,关于美国梦主题的探讨此起彼伏。 小 实现的典范,亚伯拉罕·林肯拯救了联邦 ,为美国的富强奠定
说的主人翁盖茨比出身于贫寒家庭,有着自己心仪的爱情和 了基础,他们勤奋、诚实,有恒心,是美国人的楷模。 而小说中
命 压低 工 钱 。这 些 都 深 深 的 体 现 着 残 酷 的资 本 主 义 制 度 对 底 层 劳 动人 民 所 追 求 的 美 国 梦 的摧 残 。
3冷漠 的社会 和残 酷 的现 实
《 怒 的葡萄》 , 种地方 势力对迂徙 农民 的无情驱赶欺 愤 中 各 压 和 百 般 刁 难深 深 的 体 现 了 当时 社 会 的 冷 漠 ,以 约 德 一 家 为代 表 的 迂 涟 农 民 却 在 他 们 憧 僚 的 “ 好 家 园 孤 独 的 流 浪 . 好 美 里 美
克 拉 荷 马 州 蓟加 利 福 尼 亚 州 逃 荒 的 经 历 。《 珠 》 珍 主要 讲述 的 是
的 生 活理 想 被 冷 漠 的 社 会 现 实 所 拒 绝 。 失 业 , 无定 所 , 饥 挨 居 忍 饿 仍 然 和 他 们 形 影 相 随 。他 们 的 美 国 梦在 冷 漠 的社 会 中被 冻 结 。 《 珠 》 中也 尖 锐 的 反应 了 奇 诺 生活 的小 镇 冷 漠 和 人心 的贪 婪 珍 奇 诺 的 儿子 被 蝎 子 咬 伤 , 因为 贫 穷 而 被 医 生 拒 绝 治 疗 , 当奇 诺 得
残 酷 的 资本 主 义 制度 底层 劳 动 人 名 的残 酷 剥 削 和 压 榨 使得
他 们 的 生 活 异 常 艰 辛 。《 珠 》 珍 中奇 诺 得 到一 颗 价 值 连 城 的珍 珠
后打 算 卖 了 珍 珠 给 孩 子 治 病 和 过 上 好 生 活 可 是 珍 珠 商 却 对 印 第 安 入 奇诺 联 合 杀价 ,资 本 家 联 合 起 来 不 让 财 富 落 入 社 会 底 层 的 平 穷 人 之 手 ,愤 怒 的葡 萄 》 中大 农 场 主利 用过 剩 的劳 动 力拼 《
美 国梦 没 有 很 确 切 的 定 义 。各 家 都 有 自 己对 美 国 梦 的 认 识
T e W o l & Ch n q n Vo . 8 No 1 0 h r d o g ig 12 . 12 1 1
重庆与世界 21年第2 卷第1期 01 8 1
南柯 一梦 , 纵 即逝 稍
— —
论《 大的盖 茨比》 伟 中盖 茨比美国梦的破 灭
林 濂 瑜
( 上海大学 外 国语 学院 , 上海 2 04 ) 0 44
盖 茨 比 自身 的矛盾 性促 使美 国梦 的
破 灭
盖茨 比~开始有着农 民青少 年特有 的纯 良本 性 , 是菲 茨杰拉尔德眼里 的“ 可爱 的青年 ” 盖 茨 比死 后 , , 尼克发 现 他发迹之前曾经写 过 的生 活作 息表 , 不 要 浪费 时间 去沙 “ 夫特家或 ( 另一姓 , 字迹不清 ) 不再 吸烟或嚼烟 ; ; 每隔一天
关键词 : 茨比; 盖 黛西; 国梦的破 灭 ; 美 菲茨杰拉德
中图分类 号 : 0 . I 64 1
文献标识码 : A
文章编 号 :07—7 1 ( 0 1 1 0 9 0 10 1 1 2 1 ) 1— 0 6— 3 洗澡 ; 每周读有益 的书 或杂志 一份 ; 每周储 蓄 五元 ( 涂去 ) 三元 ; 对父母更加体贴 。 … 就是这 样一个勤恳 上进的农 家 ” 少年在 时代美 国梦驱使 下逐 渐丧 失 了最初 的纯 真。随 着 西部开发 的渐进尾声 , 盖茨 比及 其 同时代 的农 民出身 的青 年们 已经无法实现富兰克林 式 的美 国梦 , 面对现 实盖茨 比 的眼前 只有两 条路 , 是一 成不 变 的老辈 生活 , 就是 不 一 二 择手段地上 位五 光十 色 的上 层社 会 。黛 西是 促使 盖茨 比 作 出选择最重要 的一 笔 , 西 , 黛 这位 千金 小姐 的浪 漫爱情 给盖茨 比带来 了融入上层社 会 的幻 想和希 望 , 总是一身雪 白的纯 洁爱 人 的化 身成 了盖茨 比穷 尽一 生 追求 的 梦想 从欧洲 战场归来 的盖茨 比面对昔 日爱人 的离弃 , 坚定地认 为 唯有金钱 能够 让他重 新得 到黛 西 的青 睐。盖茨 比在 良 知与物欲面前做 了选择 : 臭名 昭彰 的走 私酒贩 。盖茨 比的
本文第一部分简要介绍了菲茨杰拉尔德和他的小说《了不起的盖茨比》, 以及小说的社会和文化背景;第二部分介绍美国梦,包括它的定义,起源和内涵;第三部分分析美国梦及其破灭的原因;最后一部分我总结了一下这本小说,并提出了自己的观点。
关键词:了不起的盖茨比美国梦破灭爵士时代Analysis of the disillusion of American dream from" The Great Gatsby"Abstract: Francis ? Scott Fitzgerald, a spokesman of "the Jazz Age" in the United States.In his masterpiece,"The Great Gatsby”, he uses delicate brush strokes to show the style of American in the 1920s. Hero Gatsby's tragic life, as a metaphor for the illusory and entertainment of the "American Dream", reveals the inexorable law of the disillusion of "American dream".The paper begins with the analysis of the author and characters of the novel, which profoundly reveals the development and disillusion of “The American Dream” by analyzing and anatomizing writing background of "The Great Gatsby”, the author's own experience, the main content of the story, novel leading character Gatsby’s shattered dream andother aspects.The first part of this paper briefly introduces the Fitzgerald and his novel "The Great Gatsby", and the social and cultural background of the novel; the second part introduces the "American dream", including its definition, origin and connotation; the t hird part analyzes “the American dream” and its bursting reasons; At last, I summarize this novel and present my own point of view on the issue.Key words: the great Gatsby, the American dream, disillusion, Jazz ageCONTENTS摘要 (I)Abstract..... ............................................................................... ........................ ........ II Chapter One Introduction (I)1.1 Introduction of Scott Fitzgerald and his novel " The Great Gatsby" (1)1.1.1 Introduction of Scott Fitzgerald (1)1.2.2 Introduction of the novel " The Great Gatsby (1)1.2 Introduction of social and cultural background of the novel (2)Chapter T wo Introduction of American Dream (3)2.1 The definition of American dream (3)2.2 The origin of American dream (4)2.2.1 The traditional American dream (4)2.2.2 The American dream in 20th century (4)2.3 The connotation of American dream in different historical background (5)2.3.1 The American dream from 18th to 19th century (5)2.3.2 The American dream after Industrialization (6)2.3.3 The American dream in 21st century (6)2.4 The different interpretation to American dream (7)Chapter Three Analysis of the disillusion of American dream and its bursting reason...................................................................................(8)3.1 The disillusion of love (8)3.2 The disillusion of wealth................................................................................. .93.3 The disillusion of status (9)3.4 The bursting reason of American dream (10)3.4.1 From the point of view of the hero (10)3.4.2 From the point of view of the whole society and age (11)Chapter Four Conclusion (13)References (14)Acknowledgements (15)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction of Scott Fitzgerald and his novel "The Great Gatsby"1.1.1 Introduction of Scott FitzgeraldFitzgerald was born in1896 into a St .Paul middle –class family .His father was gentlemanly but unsuccessful in business .Scott had an expensive education first in private schools ,and then at Princeton ,where he became part of the intellectual set ,the Triangle Club ,which included ,among others ,Edmund Wilson. He began to write for the shows of the club, became editor of a university magazine, and was developing a reputation .He felt that he was heading for the upper class life in which he would play a leading part as a writer.Then he had to leave Princeton ,probably partly because of his academic record that had suffered from his illness and from too heavy an extra-curriculum schedule and also because the First World War that was going on offered him a good excuse to stay away for a while . A year’s absence from the university wounded his pride and ambition so that it ironed itself into his consciousness as one of the major disappointments he suffered in his short, unhappy life .He returned to Princeton only to stay for another year in which he managed to finish the draft of his first novel, the Side of Paradise. Then in 1922, Fitzgerald finished his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned. The Beautiful and the Damned is interesting especially as a sort of first attempt as writing is not as great .Meanwhile, the Fitzgerald were living, on the proceeds of Scott’s books and stories, the life of the people who go to Gatsby’s crazy parties. In 1925, he wrote his masterpiece, The Great Gatsby in Pairs. The Fitzgerald had gone there from Y ork and met Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, among others. (Referring to 美国文学史,第三版,南开大学出版社)1.1.2 Introduction of the novel "The Great Gatsby"" The Great Gatsby" is one of the most representative works of Fitzgerald. At the end of 20th Century, the United States academic authority selected the one hundred best novels in hundreds of years of history of English Literature," The Great Gatsby" enjoyed popular confidence, topping the second, and were proudly among the contemporary and classic ranks. The novel is use of impressionistic description, its style is of both warm and cool, and it has played an indispensable role in the history of literature of the world for the status of Fitzgerald.This novel is narrated by Nick, a young bachelor who returns to the Midwest before setting to the New Y ork City. Daisy, theheroine, is Nick’s second cousin and Nick knows of her husband, Tom. With the development of the novel, Nick knows that his next-door neighbor is the wealthy Gatsby,who always hosting lavish parties of hundreds of peoples, Jordan Baker takes interests in Nick, and he reveals that In 1917 Gatsby as Army Lieutenant stationed near Daisy’s hometown and then had fallen in love with Daisy. But Gatsby had no money to marry Daisy, so Daisy wasmarried to the wealthy T om, after that Gatsby is aiming to be a millionaire. With few years of smuggling, Gatsby accumulates a great amount of wealth. He would like Nick to arrange a meeting with Daisy, and Nick agrees to invite Gatsby and Daisy to his house, so they begin a love affair again. But actually, Daisy only treats this relationship as an exciting game. Daisy invites Gatsby and Nick to her mansion and Tom finds that Gatsby loves Daisy. Tom knows Daisy’s nature very well. And by taking away Daisy’s financial security, Tom thinks that Daisy is no w beyond his reach. Because of the situation between them, Daisy runs out of the hotel and Gatsby follows her into his car. Daisy insists on driving because it will calm her moods. But in the later Daisy knocks down and kills Myrtle, Tom’s mistress. Gatsby absolve Daisy from her guilty to protect her. After that Tom talks into Myrtle’s husband to shoot Gatsby dead. So the magic bubble of love and dreams broke up. Despite Nick’s efforts, only Gatsby’s father, a woman and Nick attend his funeral. Discussing with Tom and Daisy, Nick returns to his hometown, reflecting on Gatsby’s dreams and cyclical nature of the past.1.2 Introduction of social and cultural background of the novelIt's a special era in the history of the United States when theWorld War I (1918) ended; the Great Depression (1929) was not yet to come. During pre-war of the world warⅠ, the United States profiteered. In the post-war, it won a precious opportunity of developing economy. Due to the cruelty of the war, many people had doubtable attitude towards the traditional values, such as honor, democracy, freedom and lost faith, thus indulging in pleasure. In addition, traditional Puritan ethics disintegrated, and hedonism began to flourish. The economy of the U.S experienced a rapid development of the postwar and dramatic change that the crash of New Y ork stock market brought, so the economy of U.S has experienced recession for10 years. Affluent and easy life in the post-war made people dizzy in the bustle. While at this time, American intellectuals had fled, and spent his lonely youth in pain and confusion.What's more, it was a changeable and rebellious era when the younger generation finally chose to break with tradition. In Fitzgerald's words, "That is a miraculous era and an era full of mockery." Fitzgerald called this era the "Jazz Age".At that time, with the introduction of radio and the end of the war, jazz and dance emerged. Jazz became an entirely new cultural movement in places, such as the United States, England and France. Cities, such as New Y ork and Chicago, were cultural centers of jazz. In urban areas, African American jazz was played on the radio more often than in the suburbs. The youth of 1920s, influenced by jazz, rebelled against the traditional culture of previous generations.Chapter Two Introduction of American Dream2.1 The definition of American DreamThe term, "American dream" was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book "The Epic of American" which was written in1931. The American Dream is a dream that had land where every one could live a better and richer and fuller life. What’s more, everyone had opportunity to match ability with achievement.It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us have grown wearily and mistrusted it. It is not merely a dream of motor cars or high wages, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain the fullest stature and be recognized by others for who they are, regardless of the condition or position of birth."The so-called American Dream is a kind of belief that as long as people went through a hard struggle in the United States, they will be able to achieve a better ideal life. That is, people must work diligently, courageously, creatively, and have determination to success, rather than rely on a particular social class and the assistance of others. This usually showed the economic success of people or entrepreneur’s spirit. Many Euro pean immigrants which having the ideal of American dream moved towards the United States. Despite some criticized the American dream excessively emphasized on the role of material wealth played in the measure of victory and happiness. But many Americans really believed that such an opportunity to get success cannot be found in the world. As different from the most other countries, the United States had considerable economic freedom; the role of government is limited, making the U.S. has a great social mobility. Any person may go towards the top through their own efforts. From Independence of the United States to the end of the 19th century, large areas of land were uninhabited and unoccupied by people. Anyone could occupy, invest and reclaim to lands. By the time of the Industrial Revolution, the hugenatural resources of United States and advanced industrial technology made rapid social mobility possible, and this trend is still increasing day by day.According to the historians, they think that the reason why the economy of the United States rapidly develops and industry expand is not just because the United States has rich natural resources, but also because everyone has the opportunity to get wealth through their own struggle .2.2 The origin of American Dream2.2.1 The traditional American DreamThe term “American Dream” is first used by American writer and historian James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America written in 1931.He defined American Dream as "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, everyone has an opportunity according to their ability or achievement"(James Truslow Adams, 1980) . Oneimportant feature of the definition is that everyone agrees with the equality of opportunity in succeeding, regardless of social class and circumstance of birth. The archetype of American Dream is Benjamin Franklin who is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Without noble birth and top education, Franklin learned almost everything and succeeded in many aspects, including literature, science, philosophy and politics. Benjamin Franklin pioneered the spirit of self-help in America (Jim Powell, 1997). In the Declaration of Independence, there is a sentence which has been called one of the most famous sentences in the English language goes like this: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the right of the pursuit ofHappiness. This sentence also represents a concept that everyone is born equal and has inalienable rights in pursuing freedom and happiness. Influenced by Dr Franklin, more and more Americans believe that in the country of equality, one can obtain both physical and spiritual wealth through one’s efforts. On the other hand, the American Dream may come from the ideals of the first group of immigrates. When settlers come to a land full of vitality and freedom, they have dreams to turn the land into their paradise. At that time, American Dream was equal to the ownership of farm, thus lead to the Westward Movement.2.2.2 The American Dream in 20th centuryIn 1920s, the American society enjoyed economic prosperity after the World War I. Such as automobiles, moving pictures and radio, these new inventions and discoveries were made significant changes to lifestyle and culture. Unprecedented industrial growth and accelerated consumer demand made the era known as “the Roaring Twenties”. The American Dream at that time has gradually changed into money-making. The Roaring Twenties is an age of explosion of social wealth and billionaire, but also is an age of spiritual poverty. Y oung generations suffered from the trauma of body and spirit; because of war they lose confidence to future. The urban society is full of depravity and corruption, consumerism and materialism become the major theme of the American Dream. People like Gatsby used all means to make money despite of moral and legal standards. From all that mentioned above, the definition of the "American Dream" has changed over the development of history. But it still acts as a core value in America and influences people from generation to generation.2.3 The connotation of American Dream in different historicalbackground300 years ago, when England emigrants to Maryland cross the Atlantic by the "May flower" and when they were looking for a piece of "pure land" in which the Puritans can lived, American Dream" has begun to quietly sprout. The United States gave everyone of the world an equal opportunity. Y ou can realize their dream as long as you work hard enough.300 years later, it has become powerful county. However," American Dream" did not die, but it has more" connotation" with the changes of history.W hat is the" American Dream"? “Many historians and sociologists have different perspectives, and different Americans have different interpretation.But generally speaking, the "American dream" includes several elements: the United States offered the chances of success for everyone. Success depends on their talents and efforts, rather than family and the background. Everyone has equal rights. Everyone has freedom of brief......These elements are inextricably linked with the history and must also be combined with the background." said Lang Mailer.2.3.1 The American Dream from 18th to 19th centuryAmerican dream in 18th-19th century is the original dream of land and gold. From 18th to 19th century, the nobility had not quit the stage of history. Social hierarchy was stern, and the distribution of wealth was inequitable, religious discrimination was serious in Europe. Montesquieu, Descartes and so many pioneers of the enlightenment movement began to praise American magical land, which sparked the "American dream" of the vulnerable groups. Immigrants which came to the United States in 18th century were vulnerable groups from Europe. Themost typical people are the Puritan of England and bankrupt small farmers of Germany. When they came to America which was still a colony, their requirements for political equality were particularly strong, and they also spontaneously carried out democracy. Thus, the "equal rights" has become a connotation of the "American dream".Mailer explained, "Everyone can succeed." Due to the vast land and small population in the early American, immigrants can get a large area of fertile land. At that time, the United States is based on agricultural economy, it is self-evident that the "land means wealth, and means success". As the western American found many gold mine in the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, and some lucky started became rich overnight because mining the gold, the legend of the "wave of gold rush" promoted the tide of immigration westward, but also casted a deep golden color for the "American dream".However, there is a bloody history behind of "American dream. The large tracts of land of European immigrants were "stateless place" and they got through killing millions of Indians; Most of cultivators of productive farmland were slaves which looting from Africa; the labors which mining gold in the westward were the drudgery of Chinese .It can be said that the early "American Dream" is European immigrants’ dream. Mailer pointed out that many of the contempor ary American history scholars are facing and reflecting this period of history, which is unjust side of the "American dream".2.3.2 The American Dream after IndustrializationDuring the Civil War, the United States began the industrialization. European immigrants mostly accessed to New Y ork, Chicago, Detroit and other emerging industrial city. Then,the "American Dream" has a new connotation. During that period, there were a lot of commercial and industrial giants. For example, Edison who depended on personal invention and created the General Electric Company, Rockefeller who mined oil, Morgan who was engaged in the bank, and Ford who invented the automobile production line. Their common characteristic is: first they are poor, but finally they founded their big career through hard work and became a legend. Perhaps, these "legend" were beautified more or less by later generations. Even the so-called "the invention of Edison” also was the results of many his assistants. Mailer thought that, at that time the United States has been in a period of rapid economic expansion. Before the first World War, the United States has became the most strongest country of economic power in the world and the domestic economy operation is in a stages of change " from disorderly to orderly" ,and the various industries appeared wealthy oligarchs.2.3.3 The American Dream in 21st centuryIn the information era of 21st century, Microsoft's Bill Gates, yahoo's jerry Y ang and Google's director, these three founders turned into new idols of the "American dream". By virtue of their own wisdom, they accumulated the huge assets of billions of dollars when they were young. Their living story seems to indicate that as long as there is wisdom and genius, you can succeed in the United States.What is the real driving force behind the "American dream"? Some historians believe that it is the desire and chase for wealth. "The pursuit of money is the same ingredients in the 'American Dream'". However, it is exactly that over pursuit of wealth that makes the "American Dream" turn sour and gradually lost its appeal to people around the world. If the early Americans alsoadvocate “honesty and diligence" to get rich, today they are increasingly keen to pursuit of "getting rich quick". For example, now Americans mostly respected the way to which gets rich is: to fight lawsuit for compensation with the big enterprises, to go gambling or to buy lottery tickets in the Las V egas, and to take part in a television game.Early Europeans immigrated to the United States believed in the equality of political rights and religious equality. Today, the American politics has evolved into a money game. V osel did not deny that success of the success of Bush family in the American politics is "the success of oil and money ". In the field of religion, the freedom advocated by the United States was limited in all denominations of Christian, and the Islam which rarely has little money to support and was only in the position of extremely weakness in the United States.In changing times, the appeal of the "American dream" to the world may be less andless.The hegemony and monopoly of American in the world politics causes many foreigners to be full of offensive as soon as they mention the word "American". An anti-terrorism bill block the way of a lot of immigrants into the United States; the speculation of economy make the common person forever fear their wealth suddenly disappears.2.4 The different interpretation to American dreamAmerican dream is not only a kind of version; some writers give the readers a new enlightenment from different perspectives. “the Grapes of Wrath" written by John Steinbeck described that the hero had to be forced to leave his hometown under the background of the" Great Depression" and drought. However, the exploitation to labor still makes their lives more distressed."Native Son" of Richard White and the" invisible man" of Ralph Ellison reflect the poverty and racism that discourage the people from the opportunity of the pursuit of development. "The Street "of Ann peltry recognizes the hardships of black mothers’raising children. From the point of view of the great social and age background, it is just a microscopic and idealized perspective that people will be able to realize the dream only through personal struggle. "Seize the Day" of Saul Bellow tells the story that the hero did not achieve the American dream, but realized his own growth. Compared with the traditional sense of American dream, a meaningful life is a better dream. The writer of “The house on Mango Street" , Sandra Cisneros ,expressed the desire for freedom, no ethnic discrimination, no sexual discrimination and a thinking of women’s pursuit of dreams through the point of view of a little girl. For women, the connotation of "a house truly belonging to their own" is richer.Chapter Three Analysis of the disillusion of American dream and itsbursting reasonAs the great depression in the 1930's put the prosperity and vanity of" Jazz Age" to an end, the failure of Gatsby finally showed that the so-called American dream is a false image. Though Gatsby lived in a seemingly extravagant life, he never successfully achieved their ultimate goal, that is to say, he lost all aspects: love, wealth and status.3.1 The disillusion of loveThe "American dream" of Gatsby was presented in his "love dream”. He believe d that money could buy Daisy's love. The reason why he was attracted by Daisy is that money decorated her as a noble princess, keeping her away from humble,unsecured life connected with poor. And thiskind of life was Gatsby familiar with in teens. As a farmers' child, the vanity of Gatsby satisfied greatly owing to staying with Daisy's, which shows his potential. He could become a rich man and a member of the high society with his own efforts. Loving a rich lady gave him great courage and driving force moving forward. However, Daisy did not Love him as deeply as he had imagined, she was just enveloped an ideal circle by his desire and his selfless love.Five years later, sometimes even if he was sure that Daisy whom he missed the day and night was not as beautiful as he imaged. But his dream beyond all, in this kind support of fantasy, Gatsby wanted to regain Daisy's heart. In fact, the determinations and motivations he wanted to regain Daisy were not from the unforgotten of Daisy, but from the call from heart to make dreams come true and his strong desire for bright future. Here, Daisy is the "love dream" of Gatsby. He put his ideal of life on Daisy, while Gatsby just chose a wrong object. Daisy is just a girl who heavily values money and status rather than love, so she only can represent illusory and worthless things. She can't be the embodiment of love and happiness, and could not bring meaning and sati sfaction to Gatsby’s life. Dais y met Gatsby again, and renewed old friendships with him, but she jointly planed Gatsby’s death with her husband. Her final selfishness, the ultimate betrayal, all these were inevitable. Daisy chose the latter between Gatsby and Tom, because the latter can provide her more stable, secure and comfortable life for her. "They are rich and cruel people. It is their maxim to destroy the others but to protect themselves.Although their world was not harmonious, the two peoplehad “little nonsense", they were partners of the same faction. If a third people threatened their Common security, it was natural for them to league to unanimously resist outside after a moment's discussion, Faced with cruel reality, Gatsby's dream was destroyed, and his efforts ended with failure. He finally realized that the past time could not come back; the unrealized dream was difficult to review. Therefore, his dreams, his soul and his body died together.In Gatsby's mind, Daisy was beautiful and pure, who symbolized all the virtues of American high society. Gatsby regarded Daisy as the incarnation of his pursuit of beauty, and then the tragedy of his life' started. In fact, his efforts to pursue the so-called beauty were alienated by money. It is not significant but tragic that he spared no efforts to realize dream. In the end, love in expense of life disil lusioned, while” America dream" of Gatsby was shattered.3.2 The disillusion of wealthThe “American Dream"of Gatsby also shows in his "wealth dream". Te former name of Gatsby known as “Jay G ats", his parents were crops person of mediocrity, he was eager to get rid of poverty ,and ranked among the upper class of society. At the age of 17years old, Gats met a man who named Dan Cody, and got fortune by the illegal behaviors. Little Gats admired him very much, and then he changed his name into Gatsby and followed Cody. Gatsby took the ideal focused on the acquiring of wealth. Because when Dan Cody was sober, he knew if he was drunk, he would do many stupid things, like profligacy. So he grew to trust Gatsby in order to prevent this kind of accidents from happening. After Dan Cody died, Gatsby used his heritage which was gained from Dan Cody to illegal sale private wine, andamassed a large of fortune.But for Gatsby no matter how rich, he still tried to blend in the upper circles which he has long wanted, just because of his humble birth. Finally, he has become their excellent material of suspicion and rumors for the upper class of the so-called celebrities. As constantly suspicion of people, his illegal businesses were eventually exposed by Tom. He worked hard to create material wealth, and it did not help him achieve pursuit, his dream of wealth was shattered. After Gatsby was died, the former guests did not show up in his funeral which Nick held for him, bleak and desolate in the funeral and hustle and bustle of the former party were clearly constituted a sharp contrast, it showed that he did not get the recognition of the upper class.3.3 The disillusion of statusAlthough during that time freedom and equality have been advocated, the social hierarchy was still exists. Jay Gatsby made all efforts to squeeze into the upper class, and he became to be admired and respected by other people. He wants everything that a man of noble birth has: a large amount of money, a splendid mansion and a satisfactory marriage. After he obtains these things, he gains money at all costs, he hosts party frequently in his mansion to show his riches, and he pursues Daisy as a qualified wife for a decent man. The description in Chapter three gives us a vivid picture about the extravagance of Gatsby’s life: There was music from my neighbor’s house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whispering and champagne and the stars … (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1993 .26) Besides showing off his wealth, he even changed his name to cover up his humble birth. When Nick asked about his life, he。
故事发生在 20 世纪 20 年代的美国,这是一个经济繁荣、物欲横流的时代。
3.珍妮(Myrtle Wilson)和乔治(George Wilson):这对夫妇也在追求美国梦,他们渴望摆脱贫困,过上更好的生活。
《了不起的盖茨比》——美国梦的虚幻与破灭作品:《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)作品背景:《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家 F. Scott Fitzgerald于1925年出版的小说,被誉为美国现代文学的经典之作。
美国梦的破灭———论《了不起的盖茨比》中的物质主义和理想主义范登伟(郑州大学外语学院 河南郑州 450001)[摘 要] 文章试图从一个新的角度解读阐释美国作家费茨杰拉德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》的主题内涵。
[关键词] 美国梦;理想主义;物质主义;死亡;破灭[中国图书分类号] I7121074 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1008-9144(2006)01-0066-02 在美国作家费茨杰拉德的众多小说当中贯穿着一个基本主题,即关于美国人对幸福生活渴求的历史。
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了很高的艺术成就。 在他众多的作品中虽有平庸之 作, 但其中的上品绝对是美国短篇小说宝库中不可 多得 的瑰宝。 创作于 1 9 2 2 年的《 一颗像里茨饭店那 么大的钻石》 ( 以下称 《 钻石》 )就是一个极好的例
所谓的美国梦 , 有广义和狭义之分 。广义上指 美国的自由、 平等、 民主 , 渊源可追溯到早期欧洲移 民到北美新大陆开辟新生活的时期。 他们 当中许多 人认为 , 新大陆代表了人类最后的希望 。纵观美 国 早期历史和相关文化作品 , 我们可 以认识到早期美 国梦是对一个基于平等 、正义和 自由国度 的向往。 而狭义上 的美国梦是一种相信在美 国经过不懈努 力便能获得更好生活的理想 , 亦即人们必须通过 自 己的勤奋工作 、 勇气 、 创意和决心迈向繁荣, 而非依 赖特定的社会 阶级和他人的援助。 通常这代表了经 济上或是物质上的成功。 美国梦的首个提倡和体现
情就不可收拾。约翰一定会被杀死 , 就像那个五金 批发商的女儿一样。 只是因为偶然的运气——逃跑 的意大利人带来攻击机队,把整个钻石 山炸毁 , 他 才逃 出生天。 表面上看来这只是个童话般的奇幻故 事 ,但 隐藏在其背后的正是菲茨杰拉德惯用 的主 题—一 美 国梦 的破灭 。
力宣传下 ,美国梦成了无数普通民众深信不疑 、 执 着追求的理想 ,同时更是推动资本主义经济发展 的、 维护社会制度的重要精神力量。 到了 2 0 世纪 2 0 年代 ,美国梦更是大行其道 。 第一次世界大战结束后 , 元气未伤的美 国进入了一 个空前繁荣 的阶段。整个社会物欲横流 , 人们对货 币的准宗教狂热丝毫不亚于现在 中东的原教 旨主 义者 。 好莱坞的电影 , 《 花花公子》 的裸体女郎 , 街头 广告牌 的煽动 口号使得无数民众醉心于追逐财富 和享乐。尤其是年轻人 , 醉心于在这个全新 的世界 憧憬无限的机遇 , 憧憬一个完美得令人窒息的伊甸 园, 然后坐着硕大的肥皂泡飘然飞越大峡谷 , 在某 个睁开眼睛的早晨抵达满是黄金的海岸。 可以说这 时的美 国已经彻底抛弃 了富兰克林所提倡 的勤俭
第3 5卷 第 1 期
2 0 1 4 年 1月
赤 峰 学 院 学 报 (汉 文 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 )
J o u r n a l o f C h i f e n g U n i v e r s i t y ( S o No . 1
美 国梦的 内涵和 演变
菲茨杰拉德是 2 0 世纪美 国文坛的代表人物 , 虽然创作生涯充其量不过二十年 , 但却 留下了四篇 长篇小说和一百六十多篇短篇小说。 作为美 国爵士 时代的“ 桂冠诗人” 和“ 编年史家” , 他栩栩如生地重 现 了那个时代的社会风貌 、生活气息和感情节奏 。 更重要的是 , 在沉湎其 中的同时, 他又能冷眼旁观 , 体 味“ 灯火 阑珊 , 酒醒人散” 的怅惘 , 用严峻的道德 标 准衡量一切 , 用凄婉的笔调书写了战后“ 迷惘的 代” 对于美国梦幻灭的悲哀。虽然菲茨杰拉德最 出名的作品是他的长篇小说 , 他 的短篇小说也取得
的节奏 和 内容 。本 文就其 短篇 小说 《 一颗 像里 茨饭 店 那 么大的钻石 》 中对 美国梦 的描 写 , 分析 美国梦发展 历
程。 揭 示其破 灭 的必 然性 。
关键 词 :菲茨杰拉 德 ; 美 国梦 ; 破 灭
中图分 类号 : I 3 0 7 4
文 献标识 码 : A
文章编 号 : 1 6 7 3 — 2 5 9 6 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 1 — 0 2 0 0 - 0 2
小说的主人公约翰 ・ 昂格尔出生在 中西部城镇 的小商人家庭 , 家族生意的收入勉强能让他去读富 家子弟的预科学校 , 在校期间结识 了富有却很神秘 的同学珀西 ・ 华盛顿。 当约翰接受了珀西的邀请 , 去 他家度暑假时 , 一次踏上“ 黄金国” 的奇幻之旅开始
者就是本杰明 ・ 富兰克林 ,同时也可以说是美 国梦 的完美诠释者。 他编写的《 穷人理查年鉴》 是美 国历 史上最早宣扬通过个人奋 斗取得成功 的美 国梦精 神的畅销书 , 他的 自 传更是一本具体教诲如何实现 美 国梦的教科书。 而后来的马克 ・ 吐温 , 无数 的政治 家, 社会活动家都使用过这个字眼。在舆论界的大
J a n . 2 01 4
论《 一颗像里茨饭店那么大的钻石》 中的美国梦的破灭
徐 剑 莹
( 安 徽 建筑 大 学 外语 系,安 徽 合肥 2 3 0 0 2 2 )
摘 要 :F ・ 司各 特 ・ 菲 茨杰拉 德 的 大 多数 作品 都和 美国梦 紧密相 关 , 它赋 予传统 的 美 国梦 以爵士 时代
奋 斗 的道德 标 准 , 取 而代 之 的是 冷酷 的机会 主 义和
对金钱、 享乐的崇拜 。菲茨杰拉德在这种时代背景 下创作的《 钻石》 , 不仅重现 了这一社会现实 , 而且 预言 了这场盛大梦境的结束和 随之而来 的迷茫和 苦涩。
二、 约翰 ・ 昂格 尔 的美 国梦
主人公约翰来 自 于一个偏远小镇海地斯 , 当地 流行的那种纯朴的虔诚 , 是 以真诚崇拜财富和尊敬 财富为第一信条的。 这种信念很早就在他身上打下 了烙印。当他背负着父母的期望去外地求学 时, 他 的发愤图强的寻梦之旅也就开始 了。 他本能地艳羡 那些家境富有的同学 , 努力与他们打成一片。即使 同学的父亲拿他的故乡打趣 , 他也能强迫 自己应声 附和。他直言不讳地表达 : “ 一个人越是有钱, 我就 越喜欢他。” 所 以当他在珀西家见识 了无尽奢华之 后, 他对财富的敬仰就完全流露 出来了。他开始享 受这种由金钱带来的难以言述的、 梦境般的奢华生 活, 并视之为人生追求的终极 目 标。 菲茨杰拉德笔下的美 国梦不仅仅包含 了对财 富的极力追求 , 还有另一方面即对爱情的追求。约 翰也不例外 , 在遇到 同学的妹妹吉斯米之后 , 约翰 很 快 坠人 了爱 河 。他 不 是 没有 注意 到 吉斯 米 的缺 点, “ 珀西和吉斯米似乎从他们 的父亲那里继承了 他那种盛气凌人的傲慢态度。他们每一转念 , 象一 个模式似地都贯穿着彻头彻尾的 自私。” 但是吉斯 米的美貌和她所代表的财富 , 使得约翰选择对此忽 略不计。 在他看来 , 珀西 的家就是“ 人间天堂” , 身边 又有美女相伴 , 他所追求的的梦想似乎在此刻达到 了顶点。这正是他一直 以来所 向往 的未来 , 他终于 可以实现父母对他的殷切期望 了。“ 年轻人不仅由 于他们 的不足 , 而且也 由于他们 的幸福 , 他们要求 生活必须符合他们所憧憬的美好未来 , 否则他们就 不能在现实中生活 , 而这美好 的未来——鲜花和黄 金, 少女和命运 , 这些不过是不可 比拟 、 不可企及的 青春美梦的先兆和预示而 已。” 约翰沉浸在这美好 的梦境 中不能 自拔 ,却没想到梦境终究是虚幻的, 是无法持久 的, 再美好 的梦终究有醒来的一刻。
了。起初 , 约翰还 以为 自己掉进 了一个豪奢的梦境 里。纯金的墙壁 、 钻石天花板 、 象牙回廊 , 更不可思 议的是 , 一整座山都是钻石 , 一块完整的、 毫无瑕疵 的大钻石。约翰享受了无尽奢华 , 连爱情都不期而 至, 但很快他就觉察到了危险。华盛顿家对外人从 来只许进不许出,因为钻石矿的消息一旦泄露 , 事