Comparison of the characteristics of flow-through and flow-around




Directions: Put the following English into Chinese.1.Few buildings on earth can compete with the beauty of Taj Mahal.世界上很少有建筑能够和泰姬陵相媲美。

2.Then the marble picks up the color of the sunset, and the building and its reflection in the pool gleam like pink jewels.大理石染上了落日的颜色,整个建筑以及它在水池中的倒影闪耀着粉色珠宝的光彩。

3. Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many originated from the same architect --- Ieoh Ming Pei.在这些世上最大的人工建筑中,有很多都出自同一位建筑师——贝聿铭之手。

4. Ten years later, the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at Louvre did create a new historic landmark for Paris.十年后,贝聿铭玻璃金字塔的完工的确为巴黎创建了一个新的历史性的地标。

5. Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad, more than twenty of which have won major awards.贝聿铭在美国和国外共设计超过50件作品,其中有20多件都获得过重大奖项。

6.The artist’s job in the beginning is not unlike the job of a writer.艺术家的工作在开始时和作家的工作是一样的。


(1)在现有的ITO镀膜玻璃生产线基础上,为了解决刻蚀不均匀造成靶材利用率 低的问题,通过标量磁位法建立了计算矩形平面磁控靶磁场分布的数学模型,对计算区 域作了简化处理,用ANSYS有限元软件进行了磁场分布的模拟,系统分析了结构参数 对靶面磁场均匀性和强度的影响,得出两种改进的磁钢排布结构,改进的无导磁片的结 构和改进的有导磁片的结构,其在磁场强度及均匀性方面都优于现有结构。而改进的有 导磁片的结构能有效提高靶面刻蚀均匀性,增加靶面横向刻蚀区域的宽度,缩小端部磁 场与中部水平磁场之间的差别,消除“端部效应”,进而“相对”延长靶的寿命。实验 验证了这一结果。
confirmed this result.
Based on the FJL560C11 ultrahi曲vacuum magne订on、vith ion beam union sputtering system,we presented a mold to simulate the film thickness distribution,and established the relationship between film thickness distribution and the target—subsume distance,thus the superior thin film uniformity could be achieved by adjusting target-substrate distance. According to the calculation and analysis we know that the target-substrate distance is a major
factor which affects the thickness distribution ofthe deposited films.In the certain scope,film


Comparison of Chinese and Western Dietary Differen
introduction Overview of Differences in Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures The basic characteristics of Chinese and Western cuisine
Due to the vast diversity of Chinese and Western cuisines, this report will focus on the most representative and common dietary characteristics of each culture. Individual variations and regional differences within each culture will not be covered in detail.
Limitaf Differences in Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures
Chinese and Western dietary cultures refer to the unique food cultures and traditions that have developed in China and Western countries over thousands of years.
Purpose and background
Report scope
This report will compare and analyze the main components of Chinese and Western diets, including staple foods, cooking methods, eating habits, and dietary taboos.



The Characteristics and Characteristics of
Finnish English
The Phonetic Characteristics of Finnish English
Finnish English speakers often have a strong account, which is often described as "Scandinavian sound"
The Formation of Finnish English
Detailed description
The formation of Finnish English can be traced back to the 19th century, when Finland was under Russian rule and English was used as a language of communication and education
Comparison between grammar and syntax
Finnish English grammar is similar to standard English grammar, but there are some differences Finnish English speakers tend to use more passive voice constructions than native English speakers, and they also use more present particles and infinities



第22卷第2期2002年2月 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报Proceedings of the CSEEV ol.22N o.F eb.20022002Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.文章编号:0258 8013(2002)02 0099 04电压源型逆变器三角载波电流控制新方法戴朝波,林海雪(中国电力科学研究院,北京100085)A NOVEL TRIANGULAR CARRIER CURRENT C ONTROLFOR VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTERSDAI Chao bo LIN H ai xue(China Electric Power Research Institute,Beijing100085,China)ABSTRAC T:T his paper analyzes the frequency character istics of the conventional triangular carr ier current control for voltage source inver ters and the frequency character i stics are influenced by the integral coefficient of t he PI r eg ulator.It is a v ery roug h approx imation that the current contro l s behavior of the voltage source inverter i s r epresented by the first order time delay trans fer function.T herefo re,the analysis based on this approximation may be inappropr iate or inaccurate in some situations.Based on t he g iven inter ference pre compensation,a novel tr iangular carri er curr ent control is put forward through the addition of the two g iven distur bance signals pre compensation to a closed loop feed back control system.T he no vel control takes full advantag e of merits both of the forward system and of the feedback system.It is undeniable that the novel control carr ies more w eight than the conventional control as far as the tracking performance is con cer ned.T he analysis in t he frequency domain and the results of applications in two examples,i.e.trapezoidal current w aveform and activ e power filters,confir m the conclusion.M orever,the cost of the nov el control is manifested in the incr eased number of basic blocks such as gain,der ivative and addition,however t hey are easy to implement and economical.KEY WORDS:modulation technique;voltage sour ce inver ter; t riangular carrier control摘要:该文分析了三角载波电流控制传统方法的频率特性和PI调节器中的积分系数取值对该频率特性的影响,如果用一阶惯性环节去近似地模拟逆变器的频率特性,则会有一定的误差。






A Comparison of the Cultural Connotation of English andChinese WordsAbstract: The relationship between language and culture is very close. They are interdependent and can not be divided. Some scholars think that the relationship between language and culture is a relationship between part and whole, the language of a society is only one aspect of the culture. But more and more scholars support that language reflects culture, and culture reflects language too. The relationship between them is complex and permeable. Culture permeates the language deeply.In the different backgrounds of language and culture, each word has its denotation and rich cultural connotation, that is to say, each word has its supplementary associate meaning, comparative meaning, symbolic meaning, commendatory sense and derogatory sense and so on. And the close relationship between language and culture is most readily seen in words. The system of meaning shaped in a particular cultural context is unique. That means each language represents a system of meaning that is different from any other such systems. Moreover, each language represents a system of meaning in ways particular to its own. This is not to deny the similarities between either system of meaning or the ways in which these system of meaning are represented. But as a whole, each language represents a unique system of meaning in unique ways. So in cross-cultural studies of language an investigation of words and meaning is indispensable.Key words:words ,cultural connotation, comparison摘要:语言与文化有着密切的关系,它们是相互依存的,是不可分割的。



刑事技术·论 著·2021年 第46卷 第1期第一作者简介:朱明新,男,江西南昌人,学士,中级警务技术任职资格,研究方向为文件检验。

E -mail:********************DOI :10.16467/j.1008-3650.2021.0012写字机器人伪造签名字迹的鉴别朱明新,李梦婕,许润杰(常州市公安局刑警支队,江苏 常州 213003)摘 要:目的 通过实验研究使用写字机器人伪造的签名字迹特征,减小文件检验鉴定中的错判风险。

方法 以真实书写字迹为模板、使用市面上主流款式的写字机器人执不同种类书写笔进行书写,通过直接观察、显微观察、反射变换成像(RTI )方法观察等方式比对手写字迹和机器人书写字迹的差异,归纳写字机器人伪造字迹的主要特征,总结出有效的检验鉴别方法。

结果 通过研究发现写字机器人伪造签名笔迹的特点主要有起收笔为顿压笔,笔画出现细微的抖动歪曲现象,整体笔画笔压均匀,运笔生硬无笔势等。

结论 目前写字机器人伪造签名字迹与真实手写字迹还有一定差异,使用反射变换成像(RTI )方法观察能达到较好的检验效果。

关键词:文件检验;伪造;签名字迹;写字机器人中图分类号:DF794.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-3650(2021)01-0066-04Identifi cation of Forged Signature from Writing RobotZHU Mingxin, LI Mengjie, XU Runjie(Criminal Police Detachment of Changzhou Public Security Bureau, Changzhou 213003, Jiangsu, China)ABSTRACT: Objective With advent of the writing robot that is able to imitate human handwriting and personal signature, the writing-robot-forged signature is sometimes encountered for forensic identifi cation. The characteristics of signature forged from writing robot are different from those of the real man-made, thus capable of building up a creditable foundation for the involving identifi cation. Here, the experimental research was to conduct on the characteristics of writing-robot-forged signature so as to help reduce the misjudgment in the relevant document examination and identifi cation. Methods Taken of the real man-made handwriting as template, one mainstream market-sold writing robot was selected to imitate the template to produce its writing with different pens that were also used by people to write the same words as those made with the writing robot. The comparison was carried out between the two kinds of written words through direct naked-eye and microscopic observation plus the refl ection transformation imaging (RTI) scrutiny. From the main differences summarized between the two kinds of handwriting, an effective examination and identifi cation into document was to sum up. Results The characteristics of writing-robot-forged handwriting were mainly shown as: 1. The combinatorial characteristics of single words are highly consistent. 2. The stroke order of a single word is exactly same. 3. The signature is almost reproduced with high fi delity. 4. The starting a n d ending strokes keep a constant pressure. 5. Some strokes will appear distorted and shaken. 6. The overall strokes are even. 7. The movement of the used pen is rigid and less of gesture. Conclusions There is a signifi cant difference between the writing-robot-forged handwriting and the real man-made. Refl ection transformation imaging (RTI) should be used for observation to achieve a better identifi cation effect.KEY WORDS: document examination; forging; signature handwriting; writing robot随着科技发展,近年来一种号称能仿手写、仿个人笔迹的写字机器人(又称写字机、绘图仪等)走进大众视野。



(2)Diachronic intralingual comparison
• This kind of comparison occurs where the history of a given language is involved. A diachronic comparison of English, for instance, reveals that the language has undergone four stages of evolvement: Old English (up to 1150), Middle English(1150-1500), Early English(1500-1700) and Late Modern English(1700 onwards).
(3)Diachronic interlingual comparison
• When comparison crosses language borders, we get a very important branch of linguistics that developed in modern times. This is the so-called (comparative) historic linguistics (also known as philology which stated in the late 18th century and evolved into a dominant branch of linguistic study in the 19th century.
Linguistics Comparison
指明事物的异同所在不难, 追究它们何以有此异同就 不那么容易了。而这恰恰 是对比研究的最终目的。 (吕叔湘)



我的法语看报很吃力,你呢? I can’t read newspaper in French without difficulty, how about you? 中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个人幸 福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chinese national ideology, the pursuit of family happiness has been elevated over personal happiness, while for the Americans the order seems to be the reverse.
The policemen are carefully searching the room. The girl is now a student at this college. The door was painted yesterday. It rained steadily all day. I had taken the medicine twice by 6 P.M. They make him the chairman every year.
必须紧扣原意,只要不违背全句的总体 意义,选择可灵活变通,不拘一格。 必须密切顾及英语的习惯表达法。 必须同时顾及便于英语句子的成形,也 就是说必须顺应英语SV提挈机制的决定 性作用。 必须充分注意到不同的主语选择可能带 来的意义差别,特别是强调意义的差别。
Construction of Chinese and English Sentences



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英语论文选题英语语言学1. A Study of Adverbs in Legal English2.Linguistic Features of Legal English3.On Cultural Context in Legal English Articles4.Sources of Chinese and English Legal Terms5.Characteristics of Legal Terms6.Functions of Languages in Legislation7.Killing and its Hyponyms in Legal English8.Punctuation in Legal English: for instance, comma, period, colon, etc.9.Abbreviations in Legal English10.Transitional Words in Legal English11.The Application of the Fuzzy Words in Legal English法律语言模糊性词语的运用12.The Differences of the Legal Discourse in Chinese and English英汉法律语篇的结构差异13.On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象14.On the Multi-discipline of the Economic English V ocabulary论经济英语语汇的多学科性15.On the Features of Business English Letters浅谈外经贸英语信函的写作特点16.Adjusting the Tone in International Business English经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究17.The Stylistic Features of the Contract English协议、合同英语的文体特点18.On Modifiers of Nouns in English for Foreign Economy & Trade略谈外经贸英语中的名词修饰语19.The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language in Business Writing论模糊语言在经贸英语写作中的作用20.The Application of PP (Polite Principle) in Business English Communication21.CP(Cooperative Principle)and Business English Interpretation22.Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages23.Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts24.Remarks on Modern American Slang25.Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News26.News Headlines: Their Features and Style27.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions28.Death Metaphors in English29.The Pragmatic Functions of Intonation for Language Acquisition30.The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types31.A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究32.Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs 外事用语中的委婉表达33.Features of Network English 网络英语的特点34.Influence of Science and Technology on English V ocabulary 科学技术对英语词汇的影响35. Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincol n’s Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征36.Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征37.Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象55. On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能64. On the Similarities and Differences of the Speeches by Elder and Younger Bush 论老布什、小布什语言风格的异同38.Parallelism in English英语中的排比现象39.Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误40.Relationship of Age to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 论年龄与第二语言习得的关系41.Semantic Analysis of Nominalization in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析42.Analysis of the Speech Acts of Characters I Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中人物言语行为的分析43.Lexical Relation and Their Cognitive Motivation词汇关系及其认知理据44.An Interpretation of Speech Acts in Death of a Salesman,《推销员之死》言语行为分析45.Effects of Nonverbal Communication on Daily Life 非言语交际对日常生活的影响46.浅析英汉人体隐喻的异同47.论“心”的隐喻认知系统48.从《老友记》的对话看礼貌策略使用的性别差异49.英语中法语借词的历史演变50.英语中“笑”类动词的语义成分分析51.从礼貌的视角比较英汉称赞语52.浅谈英汉中的借词差异及英语借词对汉语的影响53.死亡委婉语的应用及其文化内涵54.探索《傲慢与偏见》中的委婉语55.政治委婉语在伊拉克战争中的使用56.“死亡”委婉语变异的语境分析tin’s Influence on the English V ocabulary in the History P erspective58.The Recognition of Componential Analysis and Its Application59.模糊语的交际/语用功能分析60.The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 英语中强调语气的表达方式61.A study of the Code-Switching in Internet Communication 网络交际中的语码转换研究62.On Metaphors in Advertising English英语广告中的暗喻e of English abbreviations in Chinese news reports汉语新闻报道中的英语缩略语运用e of English abbreviations in Chinese advertisements汉语广告中的英语缩略语运用65.Chinese-English Code-switching in daily communication日常交际中的英汉语码转换66.Chinese-English Code-switching in net communication网络交际中的英汉语码转换67.Gender Differences in English Communication英语交际中的性别差异68.Sexism in English Proverbs英语习语中的性别歧视69.Economy Principle and Noun-Verb Shift 论语言经济原则与名词动词化70.English Abstract Nouns and Their Translation into Chinese 论英语抽象名词及其汉译71.Rules-Breaking in the Language of Advertising 论广告中的反语法规则现象72.A Comparative Study of Ambiguous Sentences in English and Chinese 英汉歧义句对比研究73.A Comparative Study of Spouse-seeking Notice in English and Chinese英汉征婚启事对比研究74.A Comparative Study of Humor in English and Chinese英汉幽默语用研究75.The Formation and Metabolism of English Euphemisms英语委婉语的构造法及其变化规律76.A Brief Research into the Deviation of Punctuation Marks& Aesthetic Value 浅议标点符号的变异使用及其审美功能77.Presupposition and its Application in Advertising 论预设及其在广告语中的运用78.Polite Principles in Business English and Their Use商务英语中的礼貌原则及运用79.An Analysis of the Characteristics of Abbreviations and Their Original Words in OnlineChatroom网络聊天室缩略语及其原词语的特点分析80.A Survey on the Non-Chinese Expressions on BBS of Chinese Universities高校网络媒体BBS 上非汉语词汇用语的调查研究81.Politeness and Business English Letters礼貌与商务英语信函82.A Historical Analysis on Constitution Particularity of American English 从历史角度简析美国英语形成的历史特殊性83.A Contrast Between Chinese and English Compliments中英称赞语对比84.Interpretation of Advertising Language from the Relevance Theory 广告语的关联理论分析85.Pragmatic Strategies in Business Negotiations商务谈判中的语用策略86.An Analysis on Ideational Function of English News 英语新闻的概念功能分析教学法87.Relationship of Age to Legal English Learning88.Legal English V ocabulary Teaching89.The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Comprehension90.Collaborative Learning: Group Work91.Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching92.English Songs—An Effective and Supplementary Medium of English Teaching25. Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 外语学习中学习动机的影响27. Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究43. Logical Fallacies in English Writing 英文写作中的逻辑谬误46. Needs Analysis of Language Learners 语言学习者的需求分析47. On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 论第二语言学习的态度及动机93. Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning 个性因素在外语学习中的作用94.The Cognitive and Affective Factors in Task-based English Teaching英语任务型教学中的认知和情感因素95.On the Differences between Children and Adults in the Effects of Mother Tongue on SecondLanguage Acquisition儿童和成年人在母语对二语习得影响方面的差异96.Analysis and Exploration of Oral English Teaching and Learning Method in UniversityClassroom大学课堂中对英语口语教学学习方法的分析和研究97.图式理论在英语听力教学中的应用98.图式理论及其对高中英语阅读教学的启示99.对高中英语课堂阅读现状的调查和分析100.多媒体技术在中学英语教学中运用现状的分析101.浅谈私立高中英语课堂中的师爱教学102.背诵在英语学习中的作用103.言语行为语用能力培养在英语课本中的实现——以《新概念英语》为个案104.关于英语课堂中教师反馈情况的调查分析研究105.用英语电影辅助高中英语教学106.同伴纠错在英语写作课堂中的应用107.大学英语教师课堂话语策略个案研究108.关于高中生英语学习中焦虑问题的调查研究109.论任务式英语口语教学中的合作学习110.合作学习在高中英语写作教学中的应用111.中国大学生英语写作中汉语词法的负迁移112.英语专业学生听力学习中元认知策略使用状况的调查113.语篇衔接以及写作中的衔接错误114.英汉亲属称谓语的差异及其互译115.A Study on the Elements in Improving English Listening Ability under Computer-and-Internet-Assisted Circumstance计算机网络下的英语听力能力提高的元素116.Obstacles in Understanding American English Idiomatic Statements for Chinese Students中国学生对含成语的美国英语表述理解的障碍117.On the Training of English Listening-Awareness英语听力意识的训练118.Effects of Discourse Structure on Listening Comprehension of Aural English 语篇结构对英语听力理解的影响119.Effects of Stereotypes on Intercultural Communication文化成见在跨文化交际中的影响120.The Influence of Web Technology on University English Teaching Modes / English Listening / Oral English / English Lexical Teaching 网络环境对英语教学模式/听力/口语/词汇教学的影响121.Backwash of Tests on English Teaching and Learning测试对英语教学的反拨作用122.The Differences in English Study between Boy Students and Girl Students in Senior Schools 高中男女生英语学习差异的研究文化123.Relationship between Culture and Law124.Cultural Distinctiveness in Legal English Translationparison of Chinese and English Forms of Addresses126.Hierarchies in American and Chinese Address Forms127.The Role Played by the American Blacks in the History of America128.The Cults in Modern American Society129.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language130.Deep-structure Transfer in Cross-cultural Communication131.Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication132.Religious Cultural Factors Affecting the Differences of Meanings of Words133.A Comparison of Intercultural Usages between Chinese and Western Courtesy Languages 134.19. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English135.中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区136.The Comparison Between Taoism and Transcendentalism道家文化与超验主义的比较研究137.The comparative studies between Buddhism and Christianity on cultural level 佛教与基督教在文化层面上的对比研究138.The Sino-US Cultural Differences Reflected in Movies 看中美电影中的文化差异139.英汉数字习语文化比较140.Linguistic and Cultural Comparison between Chinese“狗”and English “dog”中西“狗”的语言文化比较研究141.中国牡丹和英国玫瑰折射出的文化差异文学142.Hamlet: His Characters as a Humanist143.Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language144.On the Structure of Dickens’s Hard Times145.Jane Austen’s Art of Irony and Its Rhetoric Effects146.The High Class as Seen in Thackeray’s Vanity Fair147.From Pastoral Stories to Great Tragic Novels: An Analysis of Hardy’s Novels148.Remarks on wrence’s Psychological Analyses149.Social Reality as Reflected in the Poetry of William Blake150.Edgar Allan Poe and the World Literature151.The Tragic Color of Earnest Hemingway’s Novels152.A Critical Study of William F aulkner’s A Rose for Emily:Its Narrative Techniques and Structure153.Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style154.Emily Dickinson and Her Unique Poetry155.Symbolism in O’Neill’s Major Plays156.The Modern American Society and The Death of the Salesman157.A Comparative Study of Empathy in English and Chinese Poetry158.A Comparative Analysis of Sentence Structures in English and Chinese Poetry159.The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn160.Heroism in Hemingway’s Works161.The Light of the Dark:The Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha162.On Wordsworth’s View of Nature163.On the Symbolism of D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow164.Analysis of Characters of Don Quxiote165.On the Author and the Major Characters of The Pearl166.Social Reality Reflected in Ode To the West Wind167.Hamlet and His Delay168.The Cuban Culture Contest of The Old Man and the Sea169.Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights170.The Comparison of the Character of Carrie Meeber and Jennie Gerhardt171.The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea172.Mark Twain---The Pessimist Who Brought Laughter to The World173.Humor and Realism of Mark Twain’s The Celebrated Jumping Frog of California County 174.Robinson Crusoe and the Colonial Empire175.A Probe into the Ambiguity and Symbolization of Eliot’s Poetry176.The Realism of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn177.A Farewell to Arms—A Clear Mirror178.Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women179.Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes180.The Sound of Heart-Reverie and Melancholy in Emily Dickinson’s Poemsment on the Biblical Images in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes parison of Gone with the Wind and The Collector—An Analysis of Women’s Problem 183.Satire in Catch—22184.Love, Equality and Tolerance—On the Nature of Love of Jane and Tess185.On the Endings and Features of O ·Henry's Short Stories186.Paradise Lost—The War in the Heaven187.The Attractions of The Waste Land188.On the Religious Color of Characterization in Uncle Tom's Cabin189.Thoreau's Walden: A Book of Inward Exploration190.Beautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice191.The Great Gatsby and the Collapse of the American Dream192.The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe's Life on his Writing193.The Biblical Allusions and Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath194.A Journey of Outward and Inward Exploration—A Brief Analysis of Walden195.The Duality in Robinson Crusoe's Character196.On the Characterization and Writing Techniques in Rebecca197.Wordsworth: Nature's Favorite Son198.Two Aspects Reflected from Robinson Crusoe: Society and Nature199.The Superman Complex in Love of Life200.3. A Comm ent on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论201.4. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 202.《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较203.49. On T.S. Eliot’s Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识204.On the Tragedy of Loman’s Family in Death of A Salesman 《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧205.Points of View and the Mode of Discourse in Vanity Fair 论《名利场》的观点及言语方式206.Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms 《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法207.Scarlet and Black in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中的红与黑208.Robinson Crusoe--Representative of the New Capitalist鲁滨逊—新兴资产阶级的代表209.The Women World in The Thorn Birds---Same World,Different Destiny《荆棘鸟》中的女性世界---同一世界, 不同命运210.The Transformation of Buck in The Call of the Wild小说《野性的呼唤》中巴克的转变211.Rebecca Sharp---The Real Heroine in Vanity Fair丽蓓卡·夏泼---《名利场》的真正主人公212.The Conflict between Greed and Human nature ---- on An American Tragedy从《美国悲剧》看贪婪与人性的冲突213.What is Small and What is Big in Great Expectations《远大前程》中的“大”与“小214.A Contrastive Study between "White" and "Black" in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中“白”与“黑”的对比研究215.Black Humor in Catch-22《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默216.A Contrastive Study of the Influence of Religion upon Tess and Prynne宗教对苔丝和白兰命运的影响的对比分析217.On Symbolism in Lord of the Flies 象征手法在《蝇王》中的运用218.Analysis of Christianity Theme on The Name of the Rose《玫瑰之名》的宗教主题分析219.Christianity in Uncle Tom's Cabin小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督教220.On the Intercultural Conflicts in The Portrait of a Lady《贵妇画像》中跨文化冲突的分析221.On the Theme of Struggle for Survival in Sister Carrie Base on the Character Analysis从人物分析研究《嘉莉妹妹》中人们为生存挣扎的主题222.An Analysis of Scarlett's Intelligence and Capability in Gone with the Wind论小说《飘》中斯佳丽的智慧和能力223.An Analysis of the Image of "Hunter" in Moby-Dick and The Old Man and the Sea《白鲸》和《老人与海》中的“猎者”形象分析224.Naturalism in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser德莱塞《嘉莉妹妹》的自然主义解析225.On the Meaning of Symbols in Beloved析《宠儿》中的象征意义226.Individuality, the Limitation of Ideology and Symbolism in Invisible Man浅析《看不见的人》中的自我个性,意识形态局限性和象征主义227.Female Image Comparison between Scarlett and Meggie斯佳丽与梅吉的女性形象比较228.A Study of Invisible Man from An Existential Perspective从存在主义视角看《隐形人》229.A Feminist Study of the Effect of American Civil War upon the Female World in American Society Seen from Gone with the Wind 从女权主义视角看<<飘>>所反映的美国内战对美国女性世界的影响230.A Social Cultural Contrastive Stuy of Scarlett O'Hara and Wang Xifeng郝思佳和王熙凤的社会文化对比研究231.The Marriage of Mr. Collins and Charlotte Lucas in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中柯林斯与夏洛蒂•卢卡斯的婚姻232.Miserable World in the Humor---A Comparison of the Works of Mark Twain and O. Henry幽默中的悲惨世界---马克吐温和欧亨利作品的比较233.A Comparison of Conflicts in Desire Under the Elms and Thunderstorm《榆树下的欲望》和《雷雨》戏剧冲突的比较234.The Art of Satire in Gulliver's Travels论《格列佛游记》中的讽刺艺术235.Acomparative Study of Abbie and Fanyi in Desire Under the Elm and Thunderstorm<榆树下的欲望>和<雷雨>中爱碧和繁漪的对比研究236.Exotic Flowers in East and West —Comparison between Romeo and Juliet and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai(中西方的艺术奇葩——比较《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《梁山伯与祝英台》)237.An Elegy of Humanism—An Analysis of the Causes of The Tragedy of Othello(人文主义的悲歌——《奥赛罗》悲剧成因之探析)238.A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较239.A Comparative Study of Tao Yuan-Min and William Wordsworth240.The Images of the West Wind in Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind 雪莱《西风颂》中西风的意象241.Ode to a Nightingale: An Integration of Aesthetics and politics<夜莺颂》诗歌美学与政治意识的结合242.A Contrastive Study of Images in English and Classical Chinese Poems英诗和中国古典诗歌中的意象比较243.Five Natural Elements in Wordsworth’s Poems华兹华斯诗中的五种自然元素翻译理论与实践244.Translation of Complex Sentence in the Legal Language245.The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of the idioms in Commercial English 试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响mercial English: its characteristics and translation经贸英语的特点与翻译247.The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English &amp; its Translation英语经贸契约的用词特点与翻译248.On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译249.Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts 英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译250.Lexical Features of Business Contract English and Its Translation经贸合同英语词法特征及其翻译251.Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记252.The Characteristics and the Present Situation of Foreign trade English Translation对外经贸翻译的特点与现状253.On the Translation of Commercial Advertisement谈商业广告的翻译254.On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用255.On the Criteria of Translating English in to Foreign- oriented Economy and Trade Affairs试论经贸英语翻译的标准256.Translation Characteristics of Economy and Trade English经贸英语的翻译特点257.Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts 英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译258.On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in Business English论经贸英语误译的对策259.Multi-angle Views On Business English Translation经贸翻译的多视角260.A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译261.The Classification and Translation of the Business English Terms with the Reference of "Money"经贸英语中含有"钱款"意义词汇的分类及翻译262.Word Diction in Economy and Trade Translation经贸翻译的词义选择263.On Translation of English Advertisement广告英语的翻译264.Advertisement English Translation in Cross-cultural Background跨文化背景中的广告英语翻译265.On Translation of the Dates, Amount and Numbers (Figures) in the Economic & Trade Contracts经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的翻译266.Translating Strategy of Modern Business English现代商务英语翻译策略267.Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则268.The Language Characteristics and Translation Stragegy of English Advertisements广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略269.How to Correctly Understand & Translate the Compound Words Formed from Here-, There- and Where- in Economic & Trade Contracts 如何正确理解和翻译经贸契约中Here,There-和Where构成的复合词270.On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertising English浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法271.On Metaphors in Business English and Translation商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译272.On "Faithfulness" and "Innovation" in Foreign Trade English Translation外贸英语翻译的"忠实"与"变通"273.The Stralegies of Domestication and Dissimilation on Advertising English Translation广告英语翻译的"归化"和""异化"策略274.Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in English Advertisement Translation英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素275.Nominalization application in business English letter writing and its translation名词化结构在商务英语信函中的应用和翻译276.On the Art of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法277.Principles of Translating Economic Literature of Enterprises from Chinese to English企业外宣资料汉英翻译原则278.English-Chinese Translation of Trademarks: Its Principles and Strategies英语商标的汉译原则及策略279.The Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and the Translation of Them英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译280.The Pragmatic Analysis and Translation Strategies of Long Sentences in English Business Contracts英语商务合同长句的语用分析及翻译策略281.Influence of Cultural differences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business Writing文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响282.On Equivalence of Cultural Message in the International Business English Translation国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值研究283.On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation284.Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability285.The Chinese V ersion of Jude the Obscure: An Outstanding Example of Artistic Recreation 286.Translating the Style of Literary Works—A Preliminary Study of Wu Ningkun’s Version of The Great Gatsby287.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Merchant of Venice288.A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales289.On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems290.Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry291.How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating292.The Translation of Trade Marks and Culture293.Onomatopoeia and its Translation294.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation295.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English into Chinese296.A Comparative Study of Two English Version of the Chang Ganxing297.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles298. A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译299. About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换300.On Translation of Computer Terms 论计算机的术语翻译301.On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译302. On Translation of Trade Names and Names of Export Commodities 论商标、出口商品名称的翻译303.The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译304.On the Translation of Long Sentences and Attributive Clauses in A Tale of Two Cities浅析《双城记》中长句与定语从句的翻译技巧305.The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译306.Differences Between Chinese Headline and English Headline as well as Their Translation 论中英文新闻标题的差异与翻译307.On Brand Name Translation Strategies from the View of Consumer Psychology从消费心理学角度浅谈商标翻译策略308."Fu Donghua’s Gone With the Wind and Functional Translation Theory 傅东华的《飘》和功能翻译理论309.The Subjectivity of the Translator in Literary Translation 文学翻译中的译者主体性310.Cultural Differences and Transplantation in Translation文化差异和翻译中的文化移植311.Idioms’Practice and Translation in Advertising 习语在广告中的应用与翻译312.On the Impact of Translation on Chinese Culture--- To Cherish Chinese Culture 翻译对中国文化的影响--- 保护中国文化313.A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of One of Tao Yuanming’s Set Poems Drinking Wine 对陶渊明《饮酒》组诗之一的两个英译本的比较研究314.论儿童文学的翻译315.例析俚语的英译汉。



Wooden cages mirror cake is a kind of comes from Xi'an area features a traditional snack; practice simple, choose high quality glutinous rice flour into a small wooden steamer, sprinkle with some red or green bean as an excipient, then the stove over steam blown; white color, shape, small, round, rather like a small mirror, hence get "mirror cake"; the customer after payment,
秦镇米皮 岐山擀面皮
Shaanxi Liangpi of raw materials can be divided into: skinned, bran, black rice, konjac skin, vinegar, vermicelli and other. Divided into different methods for making steamed dough, Ganmian skin, baked dough and so on. Liangpi eat a variety, can be cold, hot transfer, but also like fried food such as fried noodles, but mainly to eat salad. The beginning of daylight saving time is Liangpi food, but now has become a



乌鸦和鸽子的对比英语作文The Contrast between Ravens and PigeonsIn the vast world of birds, ravens and pigeons occupy distinct niches, exhibiting remarkable differences in appearance, behavior, and ecological roles. While both species are fascinating in their own way, a comparison of their characteristics reveals intriguing contrasts.Firstly, let's delve into their appearance. Ravens, members of the Corvidae family, are large and impressive birds. With glossy black feathers, a wedge-shaped tail, and a powerful beak, they exude a sense of majesty and mystery. Pigeons, on the other hand, are smaller and more modest in appearance. Their plumage ranges from grayish-blue to brown, with a characteristic round body and short tail. This difference in size and coloring reflects their varying adaptations to different habitats and ecological niches.Moving on to behavior, ravens are renowned for their intelligence and adaptability. They are known to use tools, solve problems, and even engage in complex social interactions. Ravens are also highly territorial, defending their nests and territories with fierce determination. Pigeons, on the contrary, are more social and gregarious. They often gather in large flocks, communicating with each other through a variety of calls and postures. Pigeons are also known for their homing abilities, which have been harnessed by humans for centuries in the form of messenger pigeons. Ecologically speaking, ravens and pigeons occupy different trophic levels. Ravens are scavengers and predators, feeding on carrion, small mammals, and even other birds' eggs and nestlings. Their omnivorous diet allows them to thrive in a wide range of habitats. Pigeons, on the other hand, are primarily seed-eaters, relying on grains, seeds, and fruits for sustenance. They are often found in urban and agricultural areas, where their ability to thrive in human-altered landscapes is remarkable.In conclusion, the contrast between ravens and pigeons is striking. From their appearance to their behavior and ecological roles, these two species exhibit remarkable differences that reflect their unique adaptations to their respective environments. Ravens, with their intelligence and adaptability, are masters of the wild, while pigeons, with their social nature and homing abilities, have forged a unique bond with humans. Both species are fascinating in their own way, and a comparison of their characteristics offers a glimpse into the diverse and complex world of birds.。

The Comparison and Contrast of Confucianism and Taoism

The Comparison and Contrast of Confucianism and Taoism

V. Choose one of the following topics and have a detailed discussion on it in a well organized short research paper on the basis of the detailed instructions in the lectures, the ideas from the classroom discussions and the inspirations from your independent study. (40%)The subjects:The Cultural Value of Chinese mythology( such as the Creation Myth)The Significance of Bronze Vessels( such as the historical, economical, cultural,…value)A Comparison and Contrast of the Confucianism and TaoismThe requirements:You are expected to write a short research paper of at least 300 words.You should present your ideas in a well organized way and support your ideas with relevant details and adequate analysis.Hand in your master copy (printed copy) in Times New Roman (小四) on December 12th.The Comparison and Contrast of Confucianism and Taoism Confucianism and Taoism, the two big trends, have a profoundly influence on traditional ideology and culture. There are also great differences between them.Confucianism, Taoism claims "m oderation, harmonious", enthusiasm to life, heavy soil homesickness, focusing on people lightening ghosts, people-oriented thoughts, against tyranny (harsh laws severe punishment, etc.). the thoughts of Lao Zi is based on natural socialist and give priority to it, and the thoughts of Confucius is based on rule and give priority to it. Lao zi and Confucius both are the representative figures of intelligentsia, but in treating rites, Lao zi is a radical opponent and Confucius is a moderate conservative. In case, Confucius is positive to argue that "justify". Lao zi from opposite argues that "the way of the move". Lao zi claims no –action, which does not mean inactivity but taking no action that is against the original nature and wishes of the people; while Confucius support virtual rules and Confucius holds that a ruler should first of all have a good moral character himself and then try to educate the people and make them virtuous. The Dao of Lao zi refers to the metaphysical natural heavenly while Confucius’s way refers to ethics model. Lao zi advocates nature, Confucius advocates morality; Lao zi upholds "kindness", Confucius upholds "benevolence".As far as I am concerned, the most obvious differences between Confucianism and Taoism are their h olds towards education and virtues. Confucius is China’s first educator, and no doubt one of the world’s first educators. He had a clear aim: he expected them to be virtuous (humanity, rightness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, loyalty, reciprocity, filial piety, brotherly love), to understand man and society, to have a good knowledge of the past and a clear vision of the future, and to devote them to the spreading and carrying out of the Way. On the contrary, Lao Zi is against them. In his view, knowledge and wisdom( which produce evil ideas and make people think ofand do bad things), humaneness and rightness, should all be thrown away, so as to keep people’s thinking simple and primitive. He advises people to be peaceful, quiet, submissive, tolerant, modest, contented, and humble, live a simple life, not to strive for wealth, fame or power, which will only give one worries and trouble.All in all, Confucius’ lobbying, lecture, the disciple in politics, the study of the Confucianism and so on, make Confucianism become the main state thought and the main stream of Chinese thought for about 2,000 years. (In my opinion)Taoism is more implicit learning than Confucianism. Lao Zi’s achievement and retirement, Zhuang Zi ’s refusing into government, the apprentices’ great success and the study of Taoism doctrine deeply contribute to and make a great difference in the later law,arts, traditional Chinese medical science, agriculture, etc.100121078 英师二班陈海曼。



ReviewAn evidence-based review of current anti-platelet options for STEMI patientsGuillaume Cayla a ,b ,Johanne Silvain a ,Stephen A.O'Connor a ,Jean-Philippe Collet a ,Gilles Montalescot a ,⁎a INSERM 937,Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital,Institut de cardiologie,UniversitéParis 6,France bCentre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Nîmes,service de cardiologie,UniversitéMontpellier 1,Francea b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 30May 2011Received in revised form 29March 2012Accepted 14April 2012Available online 17June 2012Keywords:Acute coronary syndromesST elevated myocardial infarction Myocardial revascularization Antiplatelet drugs Clopidogrel Ticagrelor PrasugrelDrug-eluting stents are the default treatment for acute coronary syndromes,unless concerns or contraindica-tions preclude dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT).Platelet microemboli and mediators from activated platelets can undermine the restoration of perfusion.Therefore,ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI)patients should receive antiplatelet treatments regardless of reperfusion strategy.This review offers an evidence-based comparison of the P2Y 12antagonists that have been evaluated in STEMI.While several studies support clopidogrel in STEMI,the bene fits emerge several hours after administration and vary considerably re flecting genetic,cellular and clinical inter-individual differences.Although higher clopidogrel loading doses may improve outcomes,ticagrelor and prasugrel are more potent,produce less inter-individual variability,and show a faster onset of action.Ticagrelor and prasugrel improve outcomes com-pared to clopidogrel,with manageable bleeding risks,although further studies with a longer follow up are needed.Studies directly comparing ticagrelor and prasugrel are now needed.In the meantime,most current guide-lines focus on clopidogrel and,therefore,need revision.While several polymorphisms in fluence platelet ac-tivity,CYP2C19variants are the most consistently linked to clopidogrel responsiveness.Consensus groups should consider the studies needed to allow routine pharmacogenomic testing.The evidence-based use of P2Y 12antagonists in DAPT should further reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with STEMI.©2012Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDeclines in the prevalence of several modi fiable risk factors (in-cluding untreated hypertension and dyslipidaemias,and smoking),greater uptake of primary and secondary prevention,and growing implementation of reperfusion strategies contributed to the decrease in cardiovascular (CV)mortality across the developed world in recent years.In the United Kingdom,CV deaths among people under 75years of age declined by 44%in the last decade [1].In the USA,in-hospital mortality following myocardial infarction (MI)declined between 1997and 2006in all groups,except among men b 55years of age [2].Overall,average in-patient mortality among patients with ST segment elevation MI (STEMI)declined from 25%to 30%in the 1960s (before the advent of coronary care units)to around 16%in the mid-1980s (before the introduction of reperfusion strategies).One-month in-patient mortality is now around 4–6%.Nevertheless,community studies suggest that overall 1-month mortality is about 50%among people with presumed MI or acute coronary syndromes (ACS).About half of these deaths occur within 2hours of the onsetof MI or ACS.This early mortality has shown little improvement in re-cent years [3].Against this background,reperfusion aims to restore flow through infarcted arteries as quickly and completely as possible and then maintain vessel patency and improve perfusion to the infarcted myo-cardium [4].Stents reduced the risk of dissection-related acute vessel closure and late restenosis among STEMI patients undergoing angio-plasty [5].A meta-analysis of 13randomised trials encompassing 7352patients found that compared with bare metal stents (BMS),drug-eluting stents (DES)reduced the risk of target vessel revascularisation (TVR)(relative risk [RR]:0.44;95%con fidence in-terval [CI]:0.35to 0.55).DES did not increase mortality (RR:0.89;0.70to 1.14),MI (RR:0.82;0.64to 1.05)or stent thrombosis (RR:0.97;0.73to 1.28)compared with BMS.The differences between DES and BMS persisted over the 2years after implantation.An analy-sis of data collected from 26,521patients enrolled in 18registries showed that DES signi ficantly reduced TVR (RR:0.54;0.40to 0.74)without increasing MI risk (RR:0.87;0.62to 1.23).DES implantation reduced mortality risk during the year following implantation (RR 0.68;0.54–0.86)but not after 2years (RR 0.89;0.64–1.22).Registries probably include a broader,more complex,and heterogeneous popu-lation of STEMI patients than randomised studies,which may account for these differences [6].Indeed,guidelines published by the Europe-an Society of Cardiology (ESC)suggest that DES are the default treat-ment in almost all ACS cases and lesion subsets,unless concerns orInternational Journal of Cardiology 166(2013)294–303⁎Corresponding author at:Institut de Cardiologie,Bureau 236,Pitié-Salpêtrière Uni-versity Hospital,AP-HP,47‐83Blvd de l'Hôpital,75013Paris,France.Tel.:+33142163006;fax:+33142162931.E-mail (G.Montalescot).0167-5273/$–see front matter ©2012Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.04.160Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectInternational Journal of Cardiologyj o ur n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j c a r dcontraindications preclude prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT)[7],the focus of this review.Bare metal stents and DES delay endoluminal healing at the angio-plasty site,which predisposes to stent thrombosis—a complication as-sociated with a considerable risk of mortality(approximately20%to 40%),MI(around50%to70%)and repeat revascularization[5].There-fore,BMS and DES implantation necessitates reliable and effective DAPT(aspirin plus one of the following:clopidogrel,ticagrelor or pra-sugrel)[3,4,7,8].Indeed,antiplatelet therapy is so important to suc-cessful outcomes with stents that patients likely to comply poorly with DAPT,including those with multiple co-morbidities or using polypharmacy,represent a relative contraindication to DES[7].Fur-thermore,microvascular damage caused by microemboli and media-tors released from activated platelets that promote occlusion or spasm undermine the restoration of perfusion.Therefore,STEMI pa-tients should receive antiplatelet and antithrombotic treatments re-gardless of reperfusion strategy[4].Several other agents—such as low molecular weight heparin and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors(GPI)—also improve outcomes in the STEMI setting.However,these tend to be used alongside DAPT to maximise reperfusion.For example,during the On-TIME2study, pre-hospital initiation of high-dose bolus tirofiban and high-dose clopidogrel improved residual ST deviation compared with placebo before(10.9±9.2and12.1±9.4mm respectively,p=0.028)and 1hour after(3.6±4.6and4.8±6.3mm;p=0.003)percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)[9].Tirofiban reduced major adverse car-diac events(MACE)at30days compared with placebo(5.8%and8.6% respectively;p=0.043).A strong trend suggested that tirofiban de-creased mortality after30days(2.2%and 4.1%respectively; p=0.051)and1year(3.7%and5.8%respectively;p=0.08)[10].In STEMI patients receivingfibrinolysis,enoxaparin's net benefit is sim-ilar in patients who are and are not treated with clopidogrel(risk re-duction2.4%[95%CI−0.5to5.3%];and1.7%[95%CI0.5%to3.0%]respectively).Overall,combining afibrinolytic,aspirin,clopidogrel and enoxaparin is an effective reperfusion strategy in STEMI[11].In the CICERO trial,the benefit of systemic versus intracoronary admin-istration of abciximab in addition to pretreatment with aspirin,hepa-rin and clopidogrel was investigated[12].The incidence of complete ST-segment resolution was similar in both groups(64%vs62%for intracoronary and systemic respectively).However,the incidence of myocardial blush grade2/3was significantly higher(76%vs67%; p=0.022)and the size of enzymatic infarct significantly lower(5.5 vs6.1%;p=0.008)in the intracoronary group than the systemic group,indicating an improvement in myocardial reperfusion with the intracoronary administration of abciximab.The incidence of MACE was not different between the two groups[12].However,re-cent data from the AIDA STEMI trial showed no benefit of intracoronary application of abciximab over intravenous administra-tion for ST-segment resolution,or for the composite end point of death,reinfarction or new heart failure at90days[13].DAPT's efficacy reflects the complementary mechanisms of the component drugs.Aspirin permanently acetylates cyclooxygenase1 (COX-1),inhibiting conversion of arachidonic acid to thromboxane A2(TxA2).Clopidogrel,ticagrelor and prasugrel antagonise platelet P2Y12receptors,a COX-1-independent pathway,thereby inhibiting aggregation induced by several mediators including ADP,collagen, thrombin,serotonin,epinephrine and TxA2.Pathways associated with P2Y12also amplify certain downstream effects triggered by platelet activation,including granule release,TxA2formation,inflam-mation and coagulation[14].This review offers an evidence-based comparison of the antiplatelet agents that antagonise P2Y12 receptors—clopidogrel,ticagrelor and prasugrel(Table1)—that have been evaluated in STEMI patients[1,15].A summary of the main randomised studies of antiplatelet agents in the setting of ACS and STEMI,which will be described in further de-tail below,can be found in Table2.Table1Comparison of the characteristics of clopidogrel,prasugrel and ticagrelor(Eshaghian).Type Clopidogrel Thienopyridine Prasugrel Thienopyridine Ticagrelor CyclopetyltriazolopyrimidineProdrug Yes Yes NoOral administration Yes Yes YesLoading dose(mg)30060180Maintenance dose(mg)751090Frequency of administration Once daily Once daily Twice dailyOnset of action Delayed Rapid RapidOffset of action Delayed Delayed RapidIndividual variability Large Small SmallCYP-450activation Yes(twice)Yes NoIrreversible P2Y12inhibition Yes Yes NoRelative potency Low High HighMean platelet inhibition~50%~70%~95%Time to peak inhibition(h)~12*22Half-life Life of platelet Life of platelet7–12hDays to hold before CABG surgery>5>7>3*With300mg loading dose.Table2Summary of the main randomised studies of antiplatelet agents in the setting of ACS and STEMI.Study(year)Patients(n)Duration offollow-upIntervention Primary endpoint ResultsCLARITY-TIMI28STEMI andfibrinolysis(n=3491)30days Clopidogrel300mg LD+75mg MD TIMIflow0–1,death or recurrentMI before angiography21.7%vs15%(p b0.001)TRITON TIMI38ACS(n=13608)15months Clopidogrel300mg/75mg vs Prasugrel60/10mg CV death,MI or stroke12.1%vs9.9%(p b0.001) TRITON TIMI38STEMI STEMI(n=3534)15months Clopidogrel300mg/75mg vs Prasugrel60/10mg CV death,MI or stroke12.4%vs10%(p=0.0221) PLATO ACS(n=18624)12months Clopidogrel300/600mg/75mg vs Ticagrelor180mg LD/90mg bidCV death,MI or stroke11.7%vs9.8%(p b0.001)PLATO STEMI STEMI(n=7544)12months Clopidogrel300/600mg/75mg vs Ticagrelor180mg LD/90mg bid CV death,MI or stroke10.8%vs9.4%(p=0.07)295G.Cayla et al./International Journal of Cardiology166(2013)294–303ClopidogrelClopidogrel is a prodrug,the active metabolite of which perma-nently inactivates P2Y 12receptors [16].The majority of a clopidogrel dose undergoes de-esteri fication into inactive metabolites.Approxi-mately 15%is converted into an active metabolite by predominately CYP1A2,CYP3A4/5,CYP2C9and CYP2C19[13].It is the most com-monly used P2Y 12inhibitor during PCI [17].Clopidogrel improves outcomes in STEMI patients,although re-sponses show marked inter-individual variation,leading to the concept of “resistance ”.However,clopidogrel responsiveness is con-tinuous,rather than dichotomous,and follows a normal distribution.“Resistance ”applies only to the failure of an antiplatelet agent to block P2Y 12receptors in laboratory assays.In the clinic,multiple sig-nalling pathways —including genetic polymorphisms as well as cellu-lar and clinical factors (Fig.1)—modulate thrombosis and clopidogrel responses.Therefore,unless laboratory assays con firm resistance,“treatment failure ”should be the preferred term when thrombotic events occur despite antiplatelet therapy [18].Until the advent of increasingly potent agents that produce more consistent outcomes (see below),clopidogrel will probably continue to be the antiplatelet of choice in STEMI,based on clinical evidence from numerous large-scale studies.For example,CLARITY-TIMI 28en-rolled 3491patients aged between 18and 75years treated with aspirin and a fibrinolytic and either clopidogrel (300mg loading dose followed by 75mg once daily)or placebo within 12hours of STEMI.Patients were scheduled for PCI between 48and 196hours after the start of treatment.The primary ef ficacy end-point (occluded infarct-related ar-tery TIMI flow grade 0or 1on angiography,or death or recurrent MI be-fore angiography)occurred in 21.7%and 15.0%of the placebo and clopidogrel groups respectively,equivalent to a 36%risk reduction (95%CI:24–47%;p b 0.001).By 30days,clopidogrel reduced the risk of a further composite end-point (CV death,recurrent MI,or recurrent ischemia requiring urgent revascularization by 20%(14.1%and 11.6%respectively;p =0.03).Rates of the primary safety end-point (TIMI-de-fined major bleeding until the day after angiography)were similar with clopidogrel and placebo (1.3%and 1.1%respectively;p =0.64)[19].PCI-CLARITY was a prospectively planned analysis of the 1863pa-tients undergoing PCI in CLARITY-TIMI 28.Clopidogrel signi ficantly reduced the incidence of the composite endpoint (CV death,MI,or stroke)following PCI compared with placebo (3.6%and 6.2%respec-tively;OR 0.54[95%CI:0.35–0.85;p =0.008)and the incidence of MI or stroke before PCI (4.0%and 6.2%respectively;OR 0.62[0.40–0.95];p =0.03).Furthermore,clopidogrel reduced the risk of the composite endpoint over the first 30days compared with placebo (7.5%and 12.0%;OR 0.59[0.43–0.81];p =0.001),with a number needed to treat of 23,without increasing the risk of TIMI major or minor bleeding (2.0%and 1.9%respectively;p >0.99)[20].A meta-analysis assessed the ef ficacy of pretreatment with clopidogrel before primary PCI.The meta-analysis included 38treat-ment groups from 26studies;of the 8429patients included,4114re-ceived a loading dose of clopidogrel.Controls (n =4315)received clopidogrel after PCI if they underwent stent placement.Clopidogrel pretreatment increased the probability of initial patency (34.3%[95%CI:32.9–35.8];and 25.8%[24.5–27.1]respectively)and reduced the risk of the combined endpoint of death and re-infarction (3.3%[2.8to 3.9];and 6.3%[5.6–7.2]respectively)compared with controls.In multivariate logistic regression analyses,clopidogrel pre-treatment independently predicted early reperfusion (OR 1.51[1.31–1.74];p b 0.0001),mortality (OR 0.57[0.38–0.85];p b 0.0055)and death or re-infarction (OR 0.54[0.38–0.75];p b 0.0003)[21].In a study of 5955patients enrolled in the Austrian Acute PCI Reg-istry who underwent PCI for STEMI reperfusion,patients were divid-ed in clopidogrel pre-treatment (given clopidogrel at referring hospital or before transfer to PCI centre;n =1635)or pre-interventional (given clopidogrel in PCI centre emergency room or in-tensive care unit following PCI;n =4320)groups.The pre-treatment group had a 3.4%in-hospital mortality rate compared with 6.1%for the pre-interventional group.Ischemic stroke and re-infarction rates were also lower in patients given clopidogrel pre-treatment [22].A similar large-scale study (N =13,847)of patients with STEMI who had undergone PCI,71%of whom were given “upstream ”clopidogrel before entering the catheter lab,found that fewer patients in the up-stream group reached the primary endpoint of 1-year total mortality and MI than those not given early clopidogrel (14.3%vs 17.9%).Up-stream clopidogrel therapy was associated with a signi ficant risk re-duction of the primary endpoint and 1-year mortality at both 30days and 1year [23].Higher loading doses of clopidogrel may further improve out-comes.HORIZONS-AMI enrolled 3602STEMI patients undergoing pri-mary PCI who were randomised to bivalirudin or unfractionated heparin plus a GPI [24].The 30-day unadjusted rates of mortality (1.9%and 3.1%respectively,p =0.03),re-infarction (1.3%and 2.3%re-spectively;p =0.02),and de finite or probable stent thrombosis (1.7%and 2.8%respectively;p =0.04)were lower with 600mg clopidogrel loading dose than in the 300mg arm.The higher clopidogrel dosedidFig.1.Proposed mechanisms leading to variability in individual responsiveness to clopidogrel [28].296G.Cayla et al./International Journal of Cardiology 166(2013)294–303not appear to increase bleeding risk.Indeed,rates of non-CABG-related major bleeding were9.4%and6.1%with300and600mg load-ing doses respectively(p=0.0005)and10.2%and6.4%respectively for any TIMI bleeding(p b0.0001).Compared with unfractionated hep-arin plus a GPI,bivalirudin monotherapy produced similar reductions in net adverse cardiac event rates when administered with300mg(15.2% and12.3%respectively)and600mg(10.4%and7.3%respectively) clopidogrel loading doses(p interaction=0.41).On multivariable analysis, 600mg clopidogrel loading dose independently predicted lower30-day MACE(HR0.72[95%CI:0.53–0.98];p=0.04)[24].Regardless of the evidence presented above,it is important to also consider that clopidogrel therapy may lead to inadequate platelet inhi-bition in STEMI patients.A study of60STEMI patients given clopidogrel after PCI with stenting noted that nearly25%of the patients were resis-tant to clopidogrel,putting them at increased risk for developing cardio-vascular events after6months[25].Heestermans and colleagues studied the pharmacokinetics and platelet response of clopidogrel in 11STEMI patients and10healthy controls.They found that plasma con-centrations of clopidogrel and its active and inactive metabolites were significantly lower in the STEMI group[26].Genetic determinants of clopidogrel responsivenessAs mentioned above,clopidogrel responsiveness shows marked inter-patient variation,probably arising from the interaction between genetic polymorphisms,cellular factors and clinical causes(Fig.1) [27,28].The identification of genetic polymorphisms that influence re-sponsiveness raises the prospect of genetic testing and individualised treatment.Several polymorphisms have been implicated as influencing platelet activity and,therefore,clopidogrel responsiveness,including variations in the P2Y12,GP IIb/IIIa and GP Ia receptors.However,results from studies of these polymorphisms are inconsistent[28].In contrast, studies consistently suggest that cytochrome p450(CYP)2C19is the most important genetic factor influencing an individual patient's re-sponse to clopidogrel,which reflects the drug's metabolic pathways.For example,Hulot et al.enrolled20healthy subjects who were wild-type homozygotes for CYP2C19(*1/*1)and eight subjects who were heterozygous for the loss-of-function polymorphism CYP2C19*2 (*1/*2).CYP2C19genotype did not influence baseline platelet activity. However,platelet aggregation induced by10μM ADP decreased gradually during seven days treatment with clopidogrel75mg once daily in*1/*1subjects,reaching48.9%±14.9%(p b0.001).In contrast, platelet aggregation did not change significantly in*1/*2subjects (71.8%±14.6%;p b0.22versus baseline and p b0.003versus*1/*1)[29].Furthermore,Collet and colleagues enrolled259patients aged b45years who survived theirfirst MI and were treated with clopidogrel for at least a month(median1.07years).The primary composite endpoint(death,MI and urgent coronary revascularisation during clopidogrel exposure)was more common in patients express-ing CYP2C19*2than non-carriers(15and11events respectively;HR 3.69[95%CI:1.69–8.05];p=0.0005).Stent thrombosis(8and4 events respectively;HR 6.02[1.81–20.04];p=0.0009)was also more common among CYP2C19*2carriers.The detrimental effect as-sociated with CYP2C19*2persisted from6months after the start of clopidogrel treatment until the end of follow-up(HR3.00[1.27–7.10];p=0.009).On multivariable analysis,CYP2C19*2was the only genetic variant that independently predicted CV events(HR4.04 [1.81–9.02];p=0.0006)[30].Other studies confirm the importance of CYP2C19in determining outcomes with clopidogrel.Simon et al.analyzed genetic determi-nants in the225of2208acute MI patients who died and94who suf-fered a further nonfatal MI or stroke during a year's treatment with clopidogrel.No single-nucleotide polymorphisms evaluated in CYP3A5,P2RY12or ITGB3,which encodes GPIIIa,were associated with adverse outcomes.However,patients expressing two variant al-leles of ABCB1(TT at nucleotide3435)had a higher rate of CV events than those with the CC wild type(15.5%and10.7%respectively;ad-justed HR1.72[95%CI:1.20–2.47]).CV event rates were higher in pa-tients carrying any two CYP2C19loss-of-function alleles(*2,*3,*4or *5)than in those with none(21.5%and13.3%respectively;HR1.98 [1.10–3.58]).The event rate among1535patients who underwent PCI was3.58fold higher(95%CI:1.71–7.51)in people with two CYP2C19loss-of-function alleles[31].Brandt et al.reported that the CYP2C19*2loss-of-function variant re-duced the area under the concentration-time curve(AUC0-24; p=0.004)and maximal plasma concentration(C max;p=0.020)of clo-pidogrel's active metabolite.Patients with CYP2C19*2showed lower inhi-bition of platelet aggregation(IPA)after4hours(p=0.003),while more subjects with this polymorphism met the poor responder criteria (p=0.030).CYP2C9loss of function variants(*2/*2or*3)also predicted lower AUC0-24(p=0.043)and C max(p=0.006),impaired IPA (p=0.046)and poor response(p=0.024).For example,72.7%of poor re-sponders carried either CYP2C19*2or CYP2C9*2/*2or*3.Only27.3%of re-sponders expressed these genotypes(p b0.001)[32].Collet et al.demonstrated that carriers of CYP2C19*2display a lower responsiveness to low-(300mg)and high-loading(900mg) doses of clopidogrel,which is associated with a gene dose effect [33].Both the relative reduction in residual platelet aggregation (RR-RPA)and the area under the plasma concentration time curve of the active metabolite(from baseline to6hrs post loading;AUC) exhibited decreases that were greater in wild-type(−65.7%for RR-RPA,19.6AUC)versus heterozygous(−48.0%,14.6)versus homozy-gous carriers(−14.6%,8.71)following administration of a300mg loading dose of clopidogrel.Increasing the loading dose to900mg overcame the resistance observed in heterozygous carriers,but not that observed in homozygous carriers[33].Emerging evidence also suggests that polymorphisms in ABCB1 (also known as MDR1),which encodes P-glycoprotein,may influence clopidogrel responsiveness independently of CYP2C19,according to an analysis of the TRITON–TIMI38study(see below)that genotyped 2932ACS patients undergoing PCI.During the15‐month study,ABCB1 3435C→T was associated with an increased risk(p=0.0064)of the primary endpoint(CV death,MI or stroke)in patients receiving clopidogrel.Furthermore,clopidogrel users who were TT homozy-gous showed a72%increased risk of the primary endpoint compared with CT/CC individuals(12.9%and7.8%respectively;HR1.72[95%CI: 1.22–2.44];p=0.002).Patients with CYP2C19reduced-function al-lele,ABCB13435TT homozygotes,or both were at increased risk of the primary endpoint(HR 1.97[1.38–2.82];p=0.0002).Healthy 3435TT homozygotes showed an reduction in maximum platelet ag-gregation(MPA)with clopidogrel that was7.3percentage points lower than for CT/CC individuals(p=0.0127)[34].Suchfindings raise the prospect of individualising clopidogrel regimens based on genotype,although further studies are needed.A recent paper has suggested that paraoxonase-1(PON1),an es-terase synthesised in the liver and associated with antioxidative properties and high-density lipoprotein,is a major determinant of clopidogrel efficacy[35].However,additional studies have found no link with clopidogrel metabolism and PON1,and have questioned its usefulness in identifying patients at risk of clopidogrel resistance [36,37].In addition,clinical(clopidogrel loading dose and use of pro-ton pump inhibitors)and genetic factors involved in clopidogrel me-tabolism and platelet function receptor(CYP2C19*2,CYP2C19*17, ABCB1,ITGB3)may be combined and used in a genetic score to better identify patients at risk of stent thrombosis[38].PrasugrelClopidogrel represented an important advance that improved thrombotic outcomes among STEMI patients.However,clopidogrel's benefits do not emerge until several hours after administration and, as mentioned above,inter-individual variation can result in coronary297G.Cayla et al./International Journal of Cardiology166(2013)294–303ischemia and stent thrombosis despite DAPT[39].Such limitations prompted the search for alternative agents.Currently,two novel anti-platelet drugs have been assessed in the STEMI setting:prasugrel and ticagrelor.Like clopidogrel,prasugrel is transformed into an active metabo-lite that irreversibly inactivates P2Y12through the covalent linkage of a sulfhydryl group.Clopidogrel and prasugrel are equipotent at inhibiting P2Y12receptors.However,prasugrel offers improved phar-macodynamics and less marked inter-individual variability(Fig.2; Table1)than clopidogrel.Levels of prasugrel's active metabolite reach C max around30minutes after ingestion,while the elimination half-life for the unbound fraction is approximately7hours[39].Prasugrel's advantages over clopidogrel arise from differences in the pathways responsible for converting the parent molecule into the active metabolite.These differences result in levels of prasugrel's active me-tabolite than are approximately10-fold higher than the equivalent con-centrations following clopidogrel administration[33].Esterases in the gut wall,liver and plasma rapidly hydrolyse prasugrel into a thiolactibe (R-95913)that undergoes oxidation by cytochrome p450isoenzymes yielding an active thiol metabolite(R-138727).Prasugrel's metabolites undergo renal excretion[8].CYP3A4and,to a lesser extent,CYP2B6 convert the thiolactibe into the active metabolite(Fig.1),with CYP2C9and CYP2C19providing minor contributions[14].Preclinical and clinical studies confirm that prasugrel is more potent than clopidogrel,produces less variable platelet response,with a faster onset of action[40].In an open-label,crossover study of68healthy sub-jects,IPA after loading doses of prasugrel60mg were higher(p b0.01) than with clopidogrel300mg from15minutes(5μmol/L ADP)and 30minutes(20μmol/L ADP)to24hours.Median time to≥20%IPA with20μmol/L ADP was30minutes for prasugrel compared with 1.5hours for clopidogrel(p b0.001).Prasugrel also produced a more consistent response than clopidogrel(p b0.001)[41].In110patients with stable coronary artery disease(CAD),mean MPA induced by 20μM ADP was significantly(p b0.001)lower30minutes after the 60mg prasugrel loading dose and at all other time-points compared with clopidogrel600mg.During28days of maintenance therapy, mean MPA was42%with prasugrel10mg and54%with clopidogrel 75mg(p b0.001),results confirmed by other outcomes[42].PRINCIPLE-TIMI44enrolled201patients undergoing cardiac cathe-terization for planned PCI.IPA with20μmol/l ADP was greater6hours after loading doses of prasugrel(60mg)than600mg clopidogrel (74.8±13.0%and31.8±21.1%respectively;least square[LS]mean dif-ference43.2%[95%CI38.0–48.4];p b0.0001).Prasugrel effect was more consistent(F-test comparing IPA standard deviations p b0.0001)and more marked than that produced by clopidogrel across multiple IPA measures and time points[43].Moreover,fewer prasugrel-treated sub-jects met predefined hypo-responsiveness criteria at various time-points than with clopidogrel.For example,6and18–24hours after the loading dose,no patient in the prasugrel group met IPA hypo-responsiveness criteria(b20%).This compared with27.3%(p b0.0001) and30.4%(p=0.0002)after6and18–24hours respectively in the clopidogrel arm.PCI patients entered a crossover comparison.After 14days,mean IPA was61.3±17.8%with prasugrel(10mg daily)and 46.1±21.3%with150mg clopidogrel daily(LS mean difference14.9% [10.6to19.3];p b0.0001).Analyses at other times,using different mea-sures and various hypo-responsiveness criteria confirmed prasugrel's superiority.For instance,during maintenance treatment, 2.4%and 12.8%of the prasugrel and clopidogrel groups respectively met IPA hypo-responsiveness criteria(p=0.02)[43].TRITON-TIMI38TRITON-TIMI38,which enrolled13608patients with moderate-to-high risk ACS who were scheduled for PCI,is the largest study to date which has compared prasugrel and clopidogrel.Patients ran-domly received prasugrel(60mg loading dose,10mgmaintenanceFig.2.Absorption,metabolism and mechanism of action of prasugrel[8].298G.Cayla et al./International Journal of Cardiology166(2013)294–303。

资产为本的社区发展模式简介What_ is_Asset_Ba

资产为本的社区发展模式简介What_ is_Asset_Ba

What is Asset Based Community Development (ABCDAsset Based Community Development (ABCD is a strategy for sustainable community-driven development. Beyond the mobilization of a particular community, ABCD is concerned with how to link micro-assets to the macro-environment. The appeal of ABCD lies in its premise that communities can drive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local economic opportunity.ABCD builds on the assets that are already found in the community and mobilizes individuals, associations, and institutions to come together to build on their assets-- not concentrate on their needs. An extensive period of time is spent in identifying the assets of individuals, associations, and then institutions before they are mobilized to work together to build on the identified assets of all involved. Then the identified assets from an individual are matched with people or groups who have an interest or need in that asset. The key is to begin to use what is already in the community.In the past when a person had a need they went to their neighborhood for assistance. But this has shifted today to the belief that the neighbor does not have the skills to help them, therefore we must go to a professional for assistance.The Welfare system today works in such a way that professionals have made clients and recipients of the poor, robbing them of the support from their neighbors who now think that they are not skilled enough to help. This leads to isolation of the individuals. The poor begin to see themselves as people with special needs that can only be met by outsiders, but this can be changed through the ABCD process.A second power of ABCD is found in the local associations who should drive the community development process and leverage additional support and entitlements. These associations are the vehicles through which all a community's assets can be identified and then connected to another in ways that multiply their power and effectiveness. Users ofthe ABCD approach are deliberate in their intentions to lead by stepping back. Existing associations and networks (whether formal or informal are assumed to be the source of constructive energy in the community. Community-driven development is done rather than development driven by external agencies.ABCD draws out strengths and successes in a community's shared history as its starting point for change. Among all the assets that exist in the community, ABCD pays particular attention to the assets inherent in social relationships, as evident in formal and informal associations and networks.ABCD's community-driven approach is in keeping with the principles and practice of participatory approaches development, where active participation and empowerment (and the prevention of disempowerment are the basis of practice. It is a strategy directed towards sustainable, economic development that is community-driven.Guiding Principles for ABCDMost communities address social and economic problems with only a small amount of their total capacity. Much of the community capacity is not used and is needed! This is the challenge and opportunity of community engagement. Everyone in a community has something to offer. There is no o ne we don’t need.•Everyone Has Gifts with rare exception; people can contribute and want to contribute. Gifts must be discovered.•Relationships Build a Community see them, make them, and utilize them. An intentional effort to build and nourish relationships is the core of ABCD and of allcommunity building.•Citizens at the Center, it is essential to engage the wider community as actors (citizens not just as recipients of services (clients.•Leaders Involve Others as Active Members of the Community. Leade rs from the wider community of voluntary associations, congregations, neighborhoods, and local business, can engage others from their sector. This “following” is based on trust,influence, and relationship.•People Care About Something agencies and neighbo rhood groups often complain about apathy. Apathy is a sign of bad listening. People in communities are motivated to act. The challenge is to discover what their motivation is.•Motivation to Act must be identified. People act on certain themes they feel strongly about, such as; concerns to address, dreams to realize, and personal talents tocontribute. Every community is filled with invisible “motivation for action”. Listen for it.•Listening Conversation – one-on-one dialogue or small group conversations are ways of discovering motivation and invite participation. Forms, surveys and assetmaps can be useful to guide intentional listening and relationship building.•Ask, Ask, Ask – asking and inviting are key community-building actions. “Join us. We need you.” This is the song of community.•Asking Questions Rather Than Giving Answers Invites Stronger Participation. People in communities are usually asked to follow outside expert’s answers for theircommunity problems. A more powerful way to engage people is to invitecommunities to address ‘questions’ and finding their own answer-- with agenciesfollowing up to help.• A Citizen-Centered “Inside-Out” Organization is the Key to Community EngagementA “citizen-centered” organization is one where local people co ntrol the organizationand set the organization’s agenda.•Institutions Have Reached Their Limits in Problem-Solving all institutions such as government, non-profits, and businesses are stretched thin in their ability to solvecommunity problems. They can not be successful without engaging the rest of thecommunity in solutions.•Institutions as Servants p eople are better than programs in engaging the wider community. Leaders in institutions have an essential role in community-building asthey lead by “stepping back,” creating opportunities for citizenship, care, and realdemocracy.Five Key Assets in ABCDCommunities can no longer be thought of as complex masses of needs and problems, but rather diverse and potent webs of gifts and assets. Each community has a unique setof skills and capacities to channel for community development. ABCD categorizes asset inventories into five groups:•Individuals: At the center of ABCD are residents of the community that have gifts and skills. Everyone has assets and gifts. Individual gifts and assets need to berecognized and identified. In community development you cannot do anything withpeople’s needs, only their assets. Deficits or needs are only useful to institutions.•Associations: Small informal groups of people, s uch as clubs, working with a common interest as volunteers are called associations in ABCD and are critical tocommunity mobilization. They don’t control anything; they are just coming togetheraround a common interest by their individual choice.•Institut ions: Paid groups of people who generally are professionals who arestructurally organized are called institutions. They include government agencies andprivate business, as well as schools, etc. They can all be valuable resources. Theassets of these institutions help the community capture valuable resources andestablish a sense of civic responsibility.•Physical Assets: Physical assets such as land, buildings, space, and funds are other assets that can be used.•Connections: There must be an exchange bet ween people sharing their assts by bartering, etc. These connections are made by people who are connectors. It takestime to find out about individuals; this is normally done through building relationshipswith individual by individual.Comparison of Associations and InstitutionsWhile institutions are both important to ABCD, they are different. Consider the followingcomparison of the characteristics of institutions and associations:Institutions AssociationsHow Governed Power by consent Controlled environmentHow Decisions Made Choice of members Involuntary; powered by $Who Designed Designed for and byDesigned for productioneach otherWho Decides What To Do Members Needs a client or customerWho Runs Citizen volunteers Service/not a servantWho Are Beneficiaries Citizen members Consumer/clientservices Function Freedom ProducesWhat drives Capacity of members Drive to meet needsTight hierarchical control Amount of Control Very little, I would notwant to fly an airplanebuilt by thisThe gifts of institutions are important, but they must be steered in support of what the citizenswant and need, not what the institution wants and needs. Typically poor communities areinundated with social service organizations that exist to do a particular job or provide aparticular service, but they need a client.What is Social Capital?Social Capital refers to features of social organizations such as networks, norms, and trustwhich increase a society’s productive potential. It is built on a web of relationships that existwithin any given community that allows people to succeed or advance through associatingtogether. Social capital is present in the networks, norms, and social trust inherent inassociations whose members work together in concerted collaborative action. In a literalsense, social capital is the store of good-will and obligations generated by social relations.At the core of ABCD is its focus on social relationships. Formal and informal associations,networks, and extended families are treated as assets and also as the means to mobilizeother assets of the community. By treating relationships as assets, ABCD is a practicalapplication of the concept of social capital.。








模板1As two main solutions for_______________________________, ________ and ________ draw more attention ofthe public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while othersattach heavier weight to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the twoforces,I would not hesitate to choose the latter rather than the former。

There is no need to deny that_______________________ but it seems ___________________. Just consider thesituation in which _____________________. Moreover, ___________________. Bycontrast, _______________________ enables us to feel _______________, in fact,as _________________________ nothing brings more benefitthan_____________________. And what is more, _____________________________。



A Comparison of the Characteristics of Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement before and after July 7 Incident of 1937作者: 黄华文
作者机构: 华中师范大学中国近代史研究所,湖北武汉430079
出版物刊名: 中南民族大学学报:人文社会科学版
页码: 132-136页
主题词: 七七事变前后;抗日救亡运动;特点

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The leachants used were
Leaching Procedure (TCLP)’ liquid.
(a) Flow-through
(b) Batchwise dynamic leaching and common dynamic leaching test modes
of the two types of leaching test methods are
very different due to the different regimes of the leachant contacting the solidified waste matrices*. The primary transport path of the contaminants diffusion-dispersion in the flow-through leaching test is in one direction, as a overall result of
Leaching tests for monolithic solidified waste The flow-through stabilized/solidified the monolithic a continuous leaching test is a test method eng behaviour of cement based
(S/S) hazardous wastes under the condition of which the leachate is forced to flow-through leaching can be regarded as a dynamic leaching test with it from a batch type dynamic leaching test method [for
01998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Stabilization/solidification, leaching, flow-through, model, cement. 663 heavy metals, dynamic leaching.
Figure 1. Flow-through
1 shows
the schematic
of the flow-through
and the common
leaching) tests. It can be noticed that the leaching mechanisms
The leachant flowing via concentration
the porosity system of the solid waste matrix carries the mobile fraction and causes a contaminant gradient which accelerates flow-through waste. A dynamic environment. leaching test method represents a typical flow-around leaching process leaching the leaching process. Because of its ability to accelerate can be used study the long-term leaching
Hung Horn, Hong Kong
(Received in Switzerland 9 April 1998; accepted 9 June 1998)
This paper introduces a research work on studying the possibility of the cement-based of using a flow-through leaching test method wastes. Both the
leaching test is used to study the leaching
it from the column test233.4 which uses granular
samples of sizes usually less then 10mm. A few studie?, ’ related to the flow-through method to simulate the long-term studies, several either de-ionised leaching test showed the advantages of using such a test wastes. In these
leachant flows through the waste, it carries away the mobile fraction of the contaminants time the immobile fraction is continuously solubilized to re-establish the equilibrium.
to simulate the leaching behaviour flow-through
(S/S) hazardous
leaching and the more common flow-around
(dynamic leaching) test methods were carried out in
leaching test is always being degraded, The range of the diffusivities was
lOE-8 to IOE-3 cm2/s, which (dynamic leaching) test, the and the
to the case of liquid phase diffusion. But in the case of the flow-around
The results show that, since the matrix the diffusivities continuously
of the solid waste in a flow-through increased corresponds during the leaching period.
leaching behaviour of contaminants
in monolithic
heavy metals were used in the flow-through water or the Toxicity Characteristic
leaching environment.
actions. This mode of leaching is different from that of a dynamic leaching test method in is
which leaching is governed mainly by diffusion and takes place in all directions and the effect of dispersion not significant. The flow-through waste form disposed
Chi S. Peon* and Zu Q. Chen
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
leaching test method can be used to simulate the leaching process of the S/S hazardous under a particular landfill condition when the S/S waste is more permeable than its
665 surrounding materials or when the S/S waste form has degraded under various environmental stresses to a state
that ground water can flow-through
the waste via the porosity system of the waste matrix. In this case, when the with it. At the same
and the binders were type I Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and flow-around
The results of two series of flow-through this paper. Mathematical conditions models for simulating