

flex 的用法

flex 的用法

flex 的用法“flex”的用法“flex”是一种用于实现响应式布局的CSS工具。

它是“Flexible Box Layout”的缩写,也称为flexbox。


在本文中,我们将一步一步回答以下关于“flex”的用法的问题:1. 什么是“flex”?2. 如何使用"flex"创建一个简单的布局?3. 如何在flex容器和flex项目中设置属性?4. 如何进行flex项目的对齐和分布?5. 如何在媒体查询中使用“flex”?6. 一些常见的“flex”应用示例。

7. “flex”的浏览器兼容性。

1. 什么是“flex”?“flex”是一种CSS布局技术,用于创建响应式布局。



2. 如何使用"flex"创建一个简单的布局?要创建一个简单的flex布局,首先需要创建一个flex容器。

我们使用`display: flex;`来将一个元素设置为flex容器。


css.container {display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;}在上面的示例中,我们将一个元素的类名设置为“container”,然后使用`display: flex;`将其设置为flex容器。

接下来,我们使用`flex-direction: row;`设置容器内项目的排列方向为水平方向,使用`justify-content: space-between;`设置项目之间的间距,使用`align-items: center;`设置项目在容器中的垂直方向上的对齐方式。


align-self属性允许单个项目有与其他项目不一样的对齐方式,可覆盖align-items属性。默认值为auto,表 示继承父元素的align-items属性,如果没有父元素,则等同于stretch。
.item { align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end |
flex-basis属性定义了在分配多余空间之前,项目占据的主轴空间(main size)。浏览器根据这个属性, 计算主轴是否有多余空间。它的默认值为auto,即项目的本来大小。 它可以设为跟width或height属性一样的值(比如350px),则项目将占据固定空间。
2.2 容器的属性
• flex-direction • flex-wrap • flex-flow • justify-content • align-items • align-content
flex-direction属性决定主轴的方向(即项目的排列方向)。 row(默认值):主轴为水平方向,起点在左端。 row-reverse:主轴为水平方向,起点在右端。 column:主轴为垂直方向,起点在上沿。 column-reverse:主轴为垂直方向,起点在下沿。
• flex-direction • flex-wrap • flex-flow • justify-content • align-items • align-content




以下是其实现原理的详细解释:1. 存储器阵列配置:FlexNVM使用一个二维的存储器阵列来模拟EEPROM的存储结构。



2. 写入数据:当需要将数据写入EEPROM时,FlexNVM通过编程指令将数据写入存储器阵列的相应位置。



3. 读取数据:当需要从EEPROM中读取数据时,FlexNVM根据读取指令从相应的存储单元中读取数据。



4. 擦除数据:在EEPROM中,数据的擦除是通过擦除指令完成的。


在擦除数据时,FlexNVM 会选择相应的存储单元,并将其中的数据擦除为特定的初始值(通常是0xFF)。


5. 数据保持和可靠性:由于Flash内存具有保持数据的特性,即使在电源关闭的情况下,FlexNVM也能保持其存储的数据。










1. 自定义词素定义默认情况下,flex会根据源文件中的正则表达式定义来生成词素。




例如,假设我们有一个源文件“input.l”,其中定义了一个简单的词素定义:```# /^[a-z]+$/ { word }; # 匹配所有小写字母组成的词素```其中,“#”开头的注释表示这个词素是一个自定义词素。



2. 使用多个flex工具处理输入流flex工具可以将输入流分解成词素序列,但是有时候我们需要对分解后的词素序列进行进一步的处理。


例如,假设我们有两个flex源文件“input1.l”和“input2.l”,我们可以使用flex命令将这两个源文件合并成一个输出文件:```cssflex -l input1.l input2.l > output.txt```这样,输入流就会被分解成两个独立的词素序列,分别经过两个flex工具的处理后生成输出文件“output.txt”。




1. 设置flex容器:将父级元素的display属性设置为“flex”或“inline-flex”,以启用Flex布局模型。

2. 设置flex子元素:将子元素的“flex”属性设置为一个数字,以确定它们在容器中的宽度比例。

3. 使用flex-wrap:当子元素不能在一行中容纳时,可以使用flex-wrap属性启用换行。

4. 使用justify-content:此属性调整flex子元素在容器中的水平位置。

5. 使用align-items:此属性调整flex子元素在容器中的垂直位置。

6. 使用align-content:此属性调整行与行之间的间距和对齐方式。

7. 避免过多的嵌套:Flex布局模型可以减少CSS嵌套,但过多嵌套会影响性能。

8. 兼容性:Flex布局模型在不同浏览器上的支持情况可能存在差异,因此建议在使用时进行测试。


- 1 -。

flex 源码 编译

flex 源码 编译



在Flex 库构建路径中添加SWC文件夹,选择zh_CN文件夹。





在Flex编译器中设置附加的编译器参数:-locale zh_CN -source-path=locale/{locale}



OpenFOAM 安装记录

OpenFOAM 安装记录

OpenFOAM 安装记录最开始找到https:///download/4-1-source/按照官网的安装步骤进行,发现linux系统不对查看linux系统# more /etc/issue显示Fedora release 22 (Twenty Two)安装步骤为https:///download/4-1-linux/Unpacking the Sources1.新建文件夹/usr/local/OpenFOAM2.cd /usr/local/OpenFOAM3.su root4.下载代码wget -O - /source/4-1 | tar xvzwget -O - /third-party/4-1 | tar xvz5.解压mv ThirdParty-4.x-version-4.1 ThirdParty-4.1mv OpenFOAM-4.x-version-4.1 OpenFOAM-4.1Software for Compilation1.GCC2.FLEX website https:///westes/flexi.新建文件夹/usr/local/FLEXii.cd /usr/local/FLEXiii.git clone https:///westes/flex.gitiv../autogen.shA.报错:Can't exec "autopoint": No such file or directory at /usr/local/share/autoconf/Autom4te/FileUtils.pm line 344.autoreconf: failed to run autopoint: No such file or directoryautoreconf: autopoint is needed because this package uses Gettexta.安装help2man // Doneb.安装gettext// DoneProblem solvedB.报错:stdin:1: error: Autoconf version 2.69 or higher is requireda.安装autoconf-2.69 // DoneProblem solvedv../configureA.报错:configure.ac:31: option `dist-lzip' not recognizedautoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1a.安装lzip-1.18-2.fc26.x86_64.rpm // Done but uselessb.figuring out what is " dist-lzip"暂时决定把这一行注释掉,啥后果之后再说c.configure.ac 中:AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wno-portability foreign check-news std-options dist-lzip parallel-testssubdir-objects 1.14.1])直接删除“dist-lzip”报错:configure.ac:31: require Automake 1.14.1, but have 1.11重新安装Automake 1.15B.报错:Can't locate Thread/Queue.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Thread::Queue module) (@INCcontains: /usr/local/share/automake-1.15 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at/usr/local/bin/automake line 55.BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/automake line 58.a.sudo yum install perl-Thread-QueueC.报错:.in'ig.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefilea.如果出现这种报错config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in,就在configure 之前执行如下命令aclocallibtoolize -forceautomake -add-missingautoconfautoheadermake clean//uselessb.不知道为什么把flex删了,重新下载之后./configure 时的报错都没有了,猜测应该是automake的版本太低,没有“dist-lzip”这个选项,所以重装automake1.5之后,问题消失vi.makeA.新的报错:You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file.You may want to install the GNU Bison package:/software/bison/安装BisonB.报错:Makefile:1420: recipe for target 'scan.c' failedmake[2]: *** [scan.c] Error 127locate scan.c发现包含于boost_1_63_0中,才发现虽然之前下载了,但还没有安装把相关的.c 和.h 文件拷到/usr/include 中。



flex高级用法【实用版】目录1.Flex 布局简介2.Flex 项目的属性3.Flex 项目的布局4.Flex 布局的优点5.Flex 布局的兼容性正文1.Flex 布局简介Flex 布局是一种用于现代 Web 开发的强大布局方式。


Flex 布局是 CSS3 模块中的一部分,已经成为现代前端开发的标准。

2.Flex 项目的属性在 Flex 布局中,一个元素可以成为 Flex 项目(Flex Item)。

Flex 项目有许多属性,可以控制其布局和样式。

以下是一些常用的 Flex 项目属性:- order:定义 Flex 项目在主轴(水平轴)上的顺序。


- flex-grow:定义 Flex 项目在有剩余空间时如何放大。

默认值为 0,即如果存在剩余空间,也不放大。

- flex-shrink:定义 Flex 项目在空间不足时如何缩小。

默认值为 1,即如果空间不足,会缩小。

- flex-basis:定义 Flex 项目在主轴方向上的基准空间。


- flex:是 flex-grow、flex-shrink 和 flex-basis 的简写,默认值为 0 1 auto。

3.Flex 项目的布局Flex 项目的布局主要由容器(Flex Container)控制。

容器可以设置以下属性:- display:将元素的 display 属性设置为 flex,使其成为一个Flex 容器。

- flex-direction:定义主轴的方向。


- flex-wrap:定义 Flex 项目是否换行。

默认值为 nowrap,即不换行。

- justify-content:定义 Flex 项目在主轴方向上的对齐方式。

- align-items:定义 Flex 项目在交叉轴方向上的对齐方式。

4.Flex 布局的优点Flex 布局具有以下优点:- 易于控制:Flex 布局提供了丰富的属性,可以精确控制元素的布局。





Flex是CSS3中的一个新属性,它的全称是Flexible Box Layout Module,意为弹性盒子布局模块。






flex-grow 定义了项目在剩余空间中所占的比例,flex-shrink定义了项目在空间不足时的收缩比例。

接下来我们看一个例子来演示Flex的使用方法:```html<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.container {display: flex; /* 将元素设置为Flex容器 */}.item {flex: 1; /* 让所有项目平均分配剩余空间 */}</style></head><body><div class="container"><div class="item">项目1</div><div class="item">项目2</div><div class="item">项目3</div><div class="item">项目4</div></div></body></html>```在上述代码中,我们将一个div元素设置为Flex容器,然后在容器内创建了4个Flex项目。



系统Flex编码规范参考对系统平台涉及到Flex部分的建议Qinmao2010-2-9目录1.架构目录 (5)1.1.主要文件结构 (5)1.2.SRC文件结构 (5)1.3.UTILS文件结构 (5)2.ACTIONSCRIPT (6)2.1.文件结构 (6)2.2.样式 (6)2.2.1.行与换行 (6)2.2.2.变量声明 (6)2.2.3.括号 (7)2.2.4.换行与空格 (7)2.3.注释 (8)2.3.1.文档注释 (8)2.3.2.执行注释 (8)3.MXML (9)3.1.文件结构 (9)3.2.样式 (9)3.2.1.行与换行 (9)3.2.2.属性 (9)3.2.3.脚本 (9)3.3.注释 (10)3.3.1.文档注释 (10)3.3.2.执行注释 (10)4.JAVA (11)4.1.文件结构 (11)5.命名 (11)5.1.一般规则 (11)5.2.语言 (11)5.3.包 (11)5.4.类 (12)5.5.接口 (12)5.6.方法 (12)5.7.变量 (12)5.8.常量 (12)5.9.命名空间 (12)6.配置文件 (12)6.1.F LEX配置文件 (12)7.插件安装 (15)7.1.安装文件 (15)【内部资料注意保密】版本:v1.0武汉市精建工程科技有限公司信息部二〇一〇年二月1.架构目录1.1. 主要文件结构bin-debug:调试生成文件html-template:libs:存放swc插件包src:开发文件目录1.2. src文件结构assets:图片,css,资源文件business:业务逻辑文件controller:前端控制文件events:事件文件model:模型文件utils:工具文件views:自定义组件Main.mxml:项目的主运行文件1.3. utils文件结构line:关于线工具文件2.A ctionScript2.1. 文件结构ActionScript文件包含以下组成部分:定义包Import 描述(flash包,mx包,com.adobe包,公司组件,第三方包,属于该文件的工程包)对类的注释属性的声明属性的注释方法方法注释2.2. 样式2.2.1.行与换行如果一段描述不能放在一行中,依据下列规则将其拆分成多行:从逗号后换行;在运算符之前换行;最好在较高级别代码处换行;换行后与上一行对齐;如果上一条规则不适用,加入两个缩进2.2.2.变量声明每行只有一个声明。



flex使用以及注意事项Flex 是一个强大的 CSS 布局工具,可以帮助我们实现复杂的布局,使网页中的元素自适应,并且能快速响应不同设备的屏幕大小变化。

本文将介绍 Flex 的使用方法和注意事项。

一、Flex 的基本概念Flex 布局是一种弹性布局,可以让元素沿着主轴和交叉轴上进行排列,主轴和交叉轴可以根据需要进行反转。

- 主轴:是指 Flex 布局中的沿着元素排列的方向,可以是横向或纵向。

- 交叉轴:是指与主轴垂直的方向,在交叉轴上进行元素排序。

Flex 布局可以通过设置容器的 flex 属性来实现。

有两个值需要分别设置,主轴方向的 flex 属性和交叉轴方向的 flex 属性。

- flex-direction:设置主轴方向,可取的值为 row 和 column。

row 表示横向,column 表示纵向。

-justify-content:设置主轴上的对齐方式,可取的值为flex-start,center,flex-end,space-between 和space-around。

- align-items:设置交叉轴上的对齐方式,可取的值为 flex-start,center,flex-end 和stretch。

- align-content:设置多行排列时的对齐方式,可取的值为 flex-start,center,flex-end,space-between,space-around 和 stretch。

二、Flex 的基本使用方法1、设置容器的 display 属性为 flex。

```css .container { display: flex; } ```2、设置容器的 flex-direction 属性来指定主轴的方向。

```css .container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; /* 主轴方向为横向 */ } ```3、设置 flex-grow 属性来指定元素在主轴方向上的扩展比例。




1. 将元素排列成一行或一列:设置元素容器(如div)的display属性为flex即可。


2. 设置元素的相对大小与位置:设置元素容器的justify-content和align-items属性,分别控制子元素沿着容器轴线(水平或垂直)的位置和大小。

3. 调整元素之间的间距:设置元素容器的gap属性,控制子元素之间的间距,类似于margin但更灵活。

4. 设置弹性盒子的弹性:设置元素容器或子元素的flex属性,表示元素占据父容器或同级子元素的比例。


5. 实现响应式布局:通过设置元素容器或子元素的flex-wrap 属性控制是否换行,同时利用媒体查询@media设置不同的布局方式,以适应不同设备大小的屏幕。





flex布局模型:弹性盒⼦( Flexible Box 或 flexbox),是⼀种当页⾯需要适应不同的屏幕⼤⼩以及设备类型时确保元素拥有恰当的⾏为的布局⽅式。


⾸先要弄清楚⼏个重要概念:flex-container:弹性盒⼦容器flex-items:flex-container⾥⾯的直接⼦元素叫做flex-items主轴:main axis:main start & main end & main size交叉轴:cross axis:cross start & cross end & cross size⽤在flex container上的CSS属性:flex-flow、flex-direction、flex--wrap、justify-content、align-items、align-content应⽤在flex items上的CSS属性:flex、flex-grow、flex-basis、flex-sshrink、order、align-self开启flex布局:.box { display:flex or inline-flex; } // 块级元素或⾏内元素1. flex-direction :决定了main axis主轴⽅向,默认沿着main axis主轴从main start开始从main start开始往main end⽅向排布。

row---默认从左⾄右, row-reverse----从右⾄左, column----从上⾄下, column-reverse----从下⾄上2. justify-content:决定了flex items在主轴上的对齐⽅式flex-start-----默认与main start对齐, flex-end------与main end对齐, center-------居中对齐space-between-----两边对齐中间等分间距对齐, space-evenly-----等分间距对齐, space-around-----边距时中间距离⼀半3. align-items:决定了flex items在cross axis上的对齐⽅式normal------效果相当于stretch-----当flex items在cross axis⽅向的size为auto时,会⾃动拉伸⾄填充flex containerflex-start----默认与cross start对齐, flex-end------与cross-end对齐, center------居中对齐, baseline------基线对齐,第⼀⾏⽂本底部为基线4. flex-wrap:默认nowrap,不换⾏;wrap,换⾏。

flex结尾的单词 -回复

flex结尾的单词 -回复




下面是一些常用的flex布局属性:1. display: flex;这是使用flex布局的基本步骤,将该属性添加到要应用flex布局的容器上。


2. flex-direction:这个属性指定了flex项目的在主轴上的排列方向。


3. justify-content:此属性用于设定flex项目在主轴上的对齐方式。


4. align-items:这个属性用于定义flex项目在交叉轴上的对齐方式。


5. flex-wrap:如果flex容器中的项目过多,超出了容器宽度的限制,该属性可以指定是否换行显示。


6. flex-grow:这个属性允许flex项目在容器中放大的比例。



7. flex-shrink:与flex-grow相对应,此属性指定了当容器空间不足时,flex项目应该缩小的比例。


8. flex-basis:通过设置这个属性,我们可以为flex项目指定一个基础的大小属性。


flex结尾的单词 -回复

flex结尾的单词 -回复

flex结尾的单词-回复什么是Flex?Flex,全名为Flexible Box,是CSS3中的一种布局模块。

通过使用Flexbox 模型,可以轻松灵活地设计和组织网页布局。

Flexbox模型强调容器(Flex container) 与其子元素(Flex item) 之间的关系,以实现弹性和自适应效果。




1. Flex容器(Flex container):指定了使用Flexbox模型的元素。


2. Flex子元素(Flex item):Flex容器中的元素被视为子元素。


3. Flex方向(Flex direction):决定了Flex子元素在容器中的排列方向。


4. Flex行(Flex line):在Flex容器中,元素可以排列成多行或多列。


5. Flex主轴(Flex main axis)和交叉轴(Flex cross axis):Flex主轴是Flex子元素的主要排列方向。



6. Flex容器对齐(Flex container alignment):指定了Flex子元素在容器中的对齐方式,包括在主轴上和交叉轴上的对齐。


下面是一些使用Flexbox模型的基本步骤:1. 创建Flex容器:首先,将需要应用Flexbox模型的元素设置为容器。

flex结尾的单词 -回复

flex结尾的单词 -回复




1. 简单易学:Flex布局相对于传统的盒子模型更加简单易学,因为它只需要对容器和子元素应用少量的灵活性属性即可达到目标布局效果。

2. 自适应能力强:Flex布局适用于不同尺寸的设备和屏幕,它可以根据容器的大小自适应调整子元素的布局。

3. 灵活的空间分配:Flex布局提供了灵活的空间分配方式,使得容器内的子元素在不同的情况下都能自动调整尺寸和位置。

4. 对齐和排序:Flex布局可以方便地对容器内的子元素进行对齐和排序,使得页面布局更加规整美观。


1. 容器(Container):容器是指应用了Flex布局的父元素。


2. 项目(Item):项目是指容器内的直接子元素。

所有的项目将受到Flex 容器的影响,可以通过设置项目的Flex属性来控制其自身的排列和尺寸。

3. 主轴(Main Axis) 和交叉轴(Cross Axis):在Flex布局中,容器有一个主轴和一个交叉轴。


4. Flex属性:Flex属性是用于控制项目在主轴上的尺寸和位置的属性。





FLEX 中文手册这是flex手册的部分中文翻译,仅供参考•一些简单的例子•输入文件的格式•模式•如何匹配输入•动作•生成的扫描器•开始条件•文件结尾规则•与yacc一起使用一些简单的例子首先给出一些简单的例子,来了解一下如何使用flex。

下面的flex输入所定义的扫描器,用来将所有的“username”字符串替换为用户的登陆名字:%% username printf("%s", getlogin());默认情况下,flex扫描器无法匹配的所有文本将被复制到输出,所以该扫描器的实际效果是将输入文件复制到输出,并对每一个“username”进行展开。




这里是另一个简单的例子:int num_lines = 0, num_chars = 0;%% \n ++num_lines; ++num_chars; . ++num_chars;%% int main(void){yylex();printf("# of lines = %d, # of chars = %d\n", num_lines, num_chars);}该扫描器计算输入的字符个数和行数(除了最后的计数报告,并未产生其它输出)。



一个稍微复杂点的例子:/* scanner for a toy Pascal-like language */%{/* need this for the call to atof() below */#include <math.h>%}DIGIT [0-9] ID [a-z][a-z0-9]*%%{DIGIT}+ {printf( "An integer: %s (%d)\n", yytext,atoi( yytext ) );}{DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}* {printf( "A float: %s (%g)\n", yytext,atof( yytext ) );}if|then|begin|end|procedure|function {printf( "A keyword: %s\n", yytext );}{ID} printf( "An identifier: %s\n", yytext );"+"|"-"|"*"|"/" printf( "An operator: %s\n", yytext );"{"[^}\n]*"}" /* eat up one-line comments */[ \t\n]+ /* eat up whitespace */. printf( "Unrecognized character: %s\n", yytext );%%int main(int argc, char **argv){++argv, --argc; /* skip over program name */if ( argc > 0 )yyin = fopen( argv[0], "r" );elseyyin = stdin;yylex();}这是一个类似Pascal语言的简单扫描器的初始部分,用来识别不同类型的标志(tokens)并给出报告。



了解FlexSDK系列教程(1.Ant和FlexTask)声明:本⽂为RIAMeeting原创⽂章,您可以⾃由转载,但请务必说明⽂章来源并保留原⽂链接,谢谢!最近Flex/AS开发者的⼤事,莫过于Adobe发布了Flash Builder 4.5 (包含Flex SDK 4.5,) 和 Adobe CS5.5(下载地址请登录Adobe官⽹,)。


让我们从Flex SDK着⼿,了解⼀些Flex的内在机制和对企业级开发的⽀持,这也有助于我们更好的理解Flex这门技术。

获取Flex SDK⾸先,从哪⾥可以获取Flex SDK?最简单最直接的⽅式,就是安装Flash Builder(以下简称FB),当您安装完毕,可以打开FB的安装位置,⽬录sdks下⾯,就是⽬前⽐较常⽤的Flex SDK版本。

具体位置因您的安装选择⽽异,⽐如笔者的路径是:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\sdks。

因为笔者安装的是FB 4.5,所以⽬录中实际上包含了两个版本的SDK:3.6和4.5,如图所⽰:如果您安装的是FB4.0,则看到的最新SDK版本应该是4.0或4.1。



打开SDK 4.5这个⽬录,让我们看看SDK中都包含了哪些内容:1. ant 包含Flex对Ant的⽀持库,JAR和Java源码都有,⽅便我们基于Ant完成对项⽬的构建2. asdoc 基于ASDOC我们可以很⽅便的⽣成代码说明⽂档,这个⽬录则包含了对ASDOC的模板⽀持(调⽤asdoc的时候,所依赖的HTML模板⽂件就存放在这个⽬录),以及⼀个⽤于Ant构建的⽰意XML配置⽂件,仔细浏览这个⽬录下的⽂件,就可以对ASDOC有更好的了解。

flex结尾的单词 -回复

flex结尾的单词 -回复








目前,Flex已经在多个版本中发布,其中包括Adobe Flex 2、Adobe Flex 3和Apache Flex。








三、Flex的主要特点和优势1. 丰富的组件库:Flex提供了各种预定义的UI组件,如按钮、列表、文本框等,可以帮助开发者快速搭建用户界面。

2. 强大的数据绑定:Flex支持数据绑定机制,使得开发者可以轻松地将用户界面上的组件与数据源进行关联,在数据变化时动态更新界面。

OpenFOAM 安装记录

OpenFOAM 安装记录

OpenFOAM 安装记录最开始找到https:///download/4-1-source/按照官网的安装步骤进行,发现linux系统不对查看linux系统# more /etc/issue显示Fedora release 22 (Twenty Two)安装步骤为https:///download/4-1-linux/Unpacking the Sources1.新建文件夹/usr/local/OpenFOAM2.cd /usr/local/OpenFOAM3.su root4.下载代码wget -O - /source/4-1 | tar xvzwget -O - /third-party/4-1 | tar xvz5.解压mv ThirdParty-4.x-version-4.1 ThirdParty-4.1mv OpenFOAM-4.x-version-4.1 OpenFOAM-4.1Software for Compilation1.GCC2.FLEX website https:///westes/flexi.新建文件夹/usr/local/FLEXii.cd /usr/local/FLEXiii.git clone https:///westes/flex.gitiv../autogen.shA.报错:Can't exec "autopoint": No such file or directory at /usr/local/share/autoconf/Autom4te/FileUtils.pm line 344.autoreconf: failed to run autopoint: No such file or directoryautoreconf: autopoint is needed because this package uses Gettexta.安装help2man // Doneb.安装gettext// DoneProblem solvedB.报错:stdin:1: error: Autoconf version 2.69 or higher is requireda.安装autoconf-2.69 // DoneProblem solvedv../configureA.报错:configure.ac:31: option `dist-lzip' not recognizedautoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1a.安装lzip-1.18-2.fc26.x86_64.rpm // Done but uselessb.figuring out what is " dist-lzip"暂时决定把这一行注释掉,啥后果之后再说c.configure.ac 中:AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wno-portability foreign check-news std-options dist-lzip parallel-testssubdir-objects 1.14.1])直接删除“dist-lzip”报错:configure.ac:31: require Automake 1.14.1, but have 1.11重新安装Automake 1.15B.报错:Can't locate Thread/Queue.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Thread::Queue module) (@INCcontains: /usr/local/share/automake-1.15 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at/usr/local/bin/automake line 55.BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/automake line 58.a.sudo yum install perl-Thread-QueueC.报错:.in'ig.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefilea.如果出现这种报错config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in,就在configure 之前执行如下命令aclocallibtoolize -forceautomake -add-missingautoconfautoheadermake clean//uselessb.不知道为什么把flex删了,重新下载之后./configure 时的报错都没有了,猜测应该是automake的版本太低,没有“dist-lzip”这个选项,所以重装automake1.5之后,问题消失vi.makeA.新的报错:You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file.You may want to install the GNU Bison package:/software/bison/安装BisonB.报错:Makefile:1420: recipe for target 'scan.c' failedmake[2]: *** [scan.c] Error 127locate scan.c发现包含于boost_1_63_0中,才发现虽然之前下载了,但还没有安装把相关的.c 和.h 文件拷到/usr/include 中。

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Double-Take Flex Readme[3.0 SP1]© 2009 Double-Take Software, Inc. All rights reserved.This readme file contains last minute release notes about the Double-Take Flex ® release that are not included in the user documentation. The user documentation is available on the product DVD and in the installation directory after you have installed Double-Take Flex. See Documentation Notes for details on how to access the user documentation.Be sure to check the readme file posted on the product updates download page of the Double-Take Software support web site for the latest release notes. The readme file contained in the self-extracting zip file or on the DVD may not contain all of the most recent information.Contents1.Overview2.Maintenance3.Known Issues4.Documentation Notes5.Contact Information1.OverviewThis Double-Take release is an updated release that includes, but may not be limited to, the modifications listed in this section.1.1.Support was added for the Double-Take Flex Management Server Linux daemon. For more information, see chapters 31, 32, and 33 in the Double-Take Flex User’s Guide .1.2.Double-Take Software products netBoot/i and sanFly have been merged, rebranded, and enhanced to form the Double-Take Flex solution. Product component names have changed as follows:1.3.Capability was added to the Double-Take Flex Management Console to perform most tasks related to managing Flex Targets. When the Double-Take Flex Management Server and Double-Take Flex Storage Server are installed on the same machine, the only tasks for which you must use the Double-Take Flex Storage Server are: 1) activating the Double-Take Flex Storage Server, and 2) specifying global options for the Double-Take Flex Storage Server.1.4.A New Client Wizard stand-alone tool was added so that you can configure a Double-Take Flex Client directly on the client machine. The process is expedient and includes the capability to create a target configuration and associate the target with the client.1.5.A Double-Take Flex Client grouping feature was added to simplify management of a subset of clients. Double-Take Flex Client groups offer the same settings as client configurations (with the exception of an administrator mode option that you can specify for individual Double-Take Flex Clients only).Former NameNew Name netBoot/i serverDouble-Take Flex Management Server netBoot/i consoleDouble-Take Flex Management Console sanFly serverDouble-Take Flex Storage Server sanfly consoleDouble-Take Flex Storage Console netBoot/i clientsDouble-Take Flex Clients sanFly targets Flex Targets (all targets created on the Double-Take Flex Storage Server)1.6.A target grouping feature was added to simplify management of a subset of targets. Now,users define portals under which all targets must be organized.1.7.Shared image parameters are now associated with the target instead of the Double-TakeFlex Client.1.8.Double-Take Flex Client status information was added to the client Properties dialog.1.9.An Activities object was added to the left pane of the Double-Take Flex ManagementConsole to help users monitor recent Double-Take Flex Client activities.1.10.The menu command to view PXE service and TFTP service message logs was added to therespective context menus.1.11.Licensing controls were improved so that users can specify the activation code duringinstallation. Licensing improvement also includes the ability to handle multiple license keys supporting incremental license purchases. Further, license controls can now differentiatebetween server and desktop licenses.1.12.A feature was added to promote an initiator cache to the master image. By promoting aninitiator cache, the original master is preserved. If necessary users can roll back to theoriginal master.1.13.The option to store the master image separate from initiator caches was added. Now, userscan place the master on a separate disk, such as a fast solid-state drive (SSD), and yetkeep caches on rotating media, thereby speeding up access time to the master.1.14.The ability to clone targets was added.1.15.The ability to reboot or shut down clients from the Double-Take Flex Management Consolewas added.1.16.Unknown clients can now be automatically discovered and added to the Double-Take FlexManagement Console.1.17.Drag-and-drop support was added so that users can quickly assign a target to aDouble-Take Flex Client without using menu commands.1.18.The ability to run batch updates on iSCSI volumes from the Double-Take Flex ManagementConsole was added to support patch management.1.19.The process of joining shared-image Double-Take Flex Clients to Active Directory wassimplified by adding the ability to create an Active Directory computer account for the client in the Double-Take Flex Management Console.1.20.The Double-Take Flex Client Deployment Tool was redesigned in a wizard-based format toimprove usability.1.21.Support for additional operating systems was added to run the Double-Take Flex ClientDeployment Tool from the product media.1.22.WMI support was added to the Double-Take Flex Storage Console so that users can runscripts to set up Flex Targets.1.23.Broadcom C-NICs configured for iSCSI offload (iSOE) are now fully supported as bootclients.2.Maintenance2.1.Double-Take Flex3.0 SP1 is an updated version that supersedes all previous releases andaddresses several minor issues. If you are using a different release or if you have questions about the upgrade, please contact Technical Support.2.2.MPIO failover now works correctly on the Double-Take Flex Storage Server.2.3.In the Double-Take Flex User’s Guide, some omissions were corrected and other procedureswere clarified.3.Known Issues3.1.Volume Copy versus Disk Copy. It has been noted that iSCSI Boot after using SystemCopy's Volume Copy will fail on some servers (e.g. Dell xx50 servers) where the firstpartition on the disk is a system-tools partition (in Dell's case, of approximately 35 MB),and the Windows boot volume is on the second partition. On some servers, mounting the iSCSI boot volume and modifying its BOOT.INI to point to the first partition will do the trick.This may not always work. Work-around: Use System Copy's Disk Copy facility to copy the entire disk to the iSCSI target.3.2.Booting from replicated LUN fails. When booting from an iSCSI LUN that has beenreplicated from an already-existing boot LUN using a vendor's own tools, booting from the replicated LUN may fail. Some things to check:1. If not a sysprepped image, check that you are then using the original hardware to bootfrom the replicated LUN.2. Check the attribute flags of the replicated LUN's volume - check that they were notmarked read-only and/or hidden. You can use Microsoft's DISKPART tool to examine or change these flags.3.3.DHCP not working when Double-Take Flex installed on DHCP server. Double-Take Flex isoften installed on the same physical system that is running DHCP. In this case, the DHCP server may stop responding to DHCP requests, because the Double-Take PXE Service(which uses the same port) may have started first. To resolve this, set up your system to ensure that the DHCP server is started before the Double-Take PXE Service:3.3.1.Method one: Create a batch file as below:net stop DHCP servernet stop Double-Take PXE Servicenet start DHCP servernet start Double-Take PXE ServiceThese are the friendly names of the services, hence, the batch file may have to looklike this:net stop "DHCP server"net stop "Double-Take PXE Service"net start "DHCP server"net start "Double-Take PXE Service"Put the batch file in the WINDOWSROOT\system32 directory (or somewhere in thePATH environment) and set it to start at login. Basically it stops the two services (ifstarted) and restarts them.3.3.2.Method two: The recommended approach is to NOT use a batch file and instead usea service dependency, so that PXE does not start until DHCP is started. Make sureDHCP starts first - do this by modifying the dependency for Double-Take Flexservices (PXE). See the following link for an example of how to do this./default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;193888 3.4.Hardware-specific issues3.4.1.Make sure to download and install the latest NIC drivers and firmware to the localdisk before performing any System Copy to the iSCSI target.3.4.2.Broadcom's Virtual Bus Drivers (VBD) on NetXtreme II chipsets have been known tocause various issues with regards to iSCSI boot. Please use the latest drivers toalleviate any issues.3.4.3.When using NetApp filers, the LUN will need to be located at the root - cloning andthen remote boot of cloned LUNs located in subdirectories will not work. The Web UIwill not allow this, but the NetApp CLI does allow cloning to subdirectories.3.4.4.The following error message may be encountered during boot:Can't establish TCP connection with targetThis error may be encountered when using switches/routers that have "port fast"(for example, Cisco) or "edge port" or "fast link" (for example, Dell) capabilitiesdisabled. This is disabled by default on some switches in order to minimize thepossibility of spanning tree loops. When disabled, there is no ARP reply, and theDouble-Take Flex bootstrap can not resolve the target's IP address, resulting in theTCP Connection error message.3.5.Software-specific issues3.5.1.Sysprep. Microsoft's Sysprep utility can be successfully used on prepared masterinstallation systems that have booted from iSCSI. Attempts to use sysprep on alocally booted (from hard disk) system and then using the Double-Take System Copyutility to copy the resealed image to an iSCSI target may result in failure, as theresealed image may not be fully functional at this point.When using the LegacyNic=1 setting with Sysprep and you have a second NIC in thesystem, don't disable it via Windows Network Connections. If you do, there will bean eight minute delay during the Sysprep reboot at Windows Setup: NetworkSettings. If the second NIC is removed via BIOS there is no delay, and if the secondNIC is enabled with a static IP or set to DHCP there is no delay.3.5.2.Virtual Machines. If using VMware's ESX server, you cannot remove the assigneddrive that hosted the original boot volume, because ESX uses SCSI virtual drives(not IDE). You may BSOD if you remove it, because ESX injects something into thevirtual machine's OS that it expects. You can, however, do the next best thing withESX - shrink the SCSI drive. Once the VM is booted from iSCSI SAN successfully,shut the VM down, remove the assigned SCSI drive, and add a new SCSI drive withas little capability as needed - 1MB will do. This drive can also be shared with otherboot-from-iSCSI VMs.3.5.3.WinPE. Problems loading the WinPE ISO RAM disk image. When you try to PXE bootthe WinPE image you may receive the following error message:Windows could not start due to an error while booting from a RAMDISK. Windowsfailed to open the RAMDISK image.File netBoot-i\x86\nbicdt.iso or netBoot-i\x64\nbicdt.iso could not be loaded. Theerror code is 21. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.Error 21 is a general failure when downloading the WinPE PXE image, and usuallymeans a network time-out. It means that there was an error loading the WinPE bootimage, which is quite large in size. This error may happen if the network isexcessively busy.3.5.4."Operating System Not Found" message. You may see the message: "Booting fromC: (iSCSI disk)…..Operating System not found." To fix this, mark the iSCSI disk'spartition as active, and perform an incremental copy again from the local systemdisk to the ISCSI target.4.Documentation Notes4.1.The following manual is installed in the directory where you installed Double-Take Flex andalso in the \Double-Take Flex\docs directory on the product DV D. To view the manual, you must have Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®. If you do not have Acrobat, you can download it free from Adobe at .4.1.1.flex_user.pdf—The Double-Take Flex User’s Guide contains information andinstructions for installing, configuring, and using Double-Take Flex.4.2.For a list of current Application Notes containing configuration procedures, visit the Supportweb site at .5.Contact Information5.1.Product Updates—Check your service agreement to determine which updates and newreleases you may be eligible for. These updates can be obtained from the support website at .5.2.Sales—If you need maintenance renewal, an upgrade activation code, or other salesassistance, contact your reseller/distributor or a Double-Take Software sales representative.Double-Take Software contact information is available on the Double-Take Software web site at /company/contact-us/.5.3.Technical Support—Contact the technical support center identified on your serviceagreement. This is generally the reseller or distributor who you purchased your productfrom. If you do not have access to this agreement, contact Double-Take Software Technical Support and we can direct you to the correct service provider. To contact Double-TakeSoftware Technical Support, you will need your serial number and activation code. For acomplete list of technical support contact information, including phone numbers and e-mailaddresses, visit the support page of the Double-Take Software web site at/support/.5.4.Documentation—Please forward any comments or suggestions about Double-TakeSoftware documentation to documentation@.Double-Take, Balance, Double-Take Cargo, Double-Take Flex, Double-Take for Hyper-V, Double-Take for Linux, Double-Take Move, Double-Take ShadowCaster, Double-Take for Virtual Systems, GeoCluster, Livewire, netBoot/i, NSI, sanFly, TimeData, TimeSpring, winBoot/i, and associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Double-Take Software, Inc. and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Hyper-V, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.© 1996-2009 Double-Take Software, Inc. All rights reserved.Version 3.0 FL-301-RN-042809。
